骑砍2 常用控制台代码 1.72 - 骑马与砍杀中文站论坛 (2024)

标题: 骑砍2 常用控制台代码 1.72 [打印本页]
作者: tank2241607 时间: 2022-7-11 22:41
标题: 骑砍2 常用控制台代码 1.72
本帖最后由 tank2241607 于 2022-7-15 14:29 编辑

前置条件:文档 > “ Mount and Blade II Bannerlord”>“ engine_config.txt”用记事本打开

查找到这一行:cheat_mode = 0

把0改成1 然后保存文件

骑砍2 常用控制台代码 1.72 - 骑马与砍杀中文站论坛 (1)


ctrl+鼠标左键 大地图传送


ctrl+h 玩家满血

ctrl+shift+h 玩家的坐骑满血

ctrl+F4 击晕战场上随机一名敌人

ctrl+alt+F4 击晕战场上所有敌人(直接胜利 F4将军由此得名)

(俺也不知道为啥搜的都是ctrl shift f4...)

ctrl+F3 击晕玩家自己

ctrl+alt+F3 击晕所有队友

ctrl+k开启上帝视角 俯视战场指挥 变身全战骑砍~

骑砍2 常用控制台代码 1.72 - 骑马与砍杀中文站论坛 (2)

常用控制台:alt+~ 呼出控制台回车确认

在设置里调成英文就可以看到同伴的英文名 同伴名要带着空格的全名)(贵族不用输入称号只要名字

在设置里调成英文就可以看到物品和兵种的英文名 里面的空格要用_代替

campaign.add_gold_to_hero 数字

campaign.add_attribute_points_to_hero 英文全名 数字

campaign.add_focus_points_to_hero 英文全名 数字

加特定技能经验,不打名字就是给主角加(没有给指定人加指定技能等级的命令,可以通过加技能经验做到 或者直接开除其他同伴)
campaign.add_skill_xp_to_hero 技能名字 经验数值 英文全名

主角等级和技能归零(经验不归零 只能改主角)

campaign.set_skill_main_hero 等级数值 技能英文名

campaign.set_all_skills_main_hero 等级数值

campaign.set_skill_companion 等级数值 技能英文名

campaign.set_all_companion_skills 等级数值

campaign.set_skills_of_hero 等级数值 英文全名

单手OneHanded 双手TwoHanded 长杆武器Polearm

弓Bow 十字弩Crossbow 投掷Throwing

骑术Riding 跑动Athletics 锻造smithing

侦查Scouting 战术Tactics 流氓习气Roguery

魅力Charm 统御Leadership 交易Trade

管理学Steward 医术Medicine 工程学Engineering

campaign.give_troops 部队英文名 数量


campaign.give_troops looter 40

帝国军团步兵 5级
campaign.give_troops imperial_legionary 40

帝国精锐双刃枪兵 5级
campaign.give_troops imperial_elite_menavliaton 40

斯特吉亚资深战士 5级
campaign.give_troops sturgian_veteran_warrior 40

巴旦尼亚野人 5级
campaign.give_troops battanian_wildling 40


campaign.give_troops battanian_fian_champion 40

campaign.give_troops aserai_master_archer 40


campaign.give_troops imperial_elite_cataphract 40

库赛特可汗亲卫 6级
campaign.give_troops khuzait_khans_guard 40

阿塞莱先锋骑兵 6级
campaign.give_troops aserai_vanguard_faris 40

库塞特重装骑射手 5级
campaign.give_troops khuzait_heavy_horse_archer 40

得到指定物品(英文名里有空格用_代替)(普通马camel 战马war_horse)
campaign.give_item_to_main_party 物品英文名 数量


开全图(开了很卡 数字是1开全图0关全图)
campaign.set_parties_visible 1/0

改年龄(只能改主角年龄 同伴改不了)
campaign.change_main_hero_age 大于15的整数

campaign.add_influence 数字

campaign.add_renown_to_clan 数字

campaign.add_morale_to_party 数字

给定居点加一级建筑等级( | 是回车上面那个符号 两边要记得打空格 )
campaign.add_building_level 定居点英文名 | 建筑英文名

campaign.set_loyalty_of_settlement 城池名字 数量

campaign.change_hero_relation 数字 对方名字(打all就是所有人)

campaign.add_power_to_notable 英文名 数字

campaign.add_prisoner 数量 兵种英文名

campaign.marry_player_with_hero 英文名


得到随机一个同伴(可突破数量限制 这个伙伴是百科以外的随机伙伴 且是0级0属性的)

杀死某个npc (如果想娶妹妹,但是他家有个姐姐嫁不出去,直接用这个杀掉姐姐,就可以娶妹妹了 )
campaign.kill_hero 名字


campaign.set_hero_crafting_stamina 100 铁匠名字

骑砍2 常用控制台代码 1.72 - 骑马与砍杀中文站论坛 (3)



· 有时候汉语状态输入技能或者城池的名字,可能会识别不出来,得调到英语才能识别。

· 有时候复制过去的代码里带的空格他不识别,必须把带过去的空格删掉,然后重新打空格才可以。

· 有时候怎么样都不能识别(特别是城池里的建筑那个命令),但是重启游戏就可以识别了...俺也不知道为啥...


· 在控制台命令里,技能上限是300。如果你现在打造技能已经300级了,你还想加经验来升打造,控制台会告诉你打造技能已经max不让你加了。

· 这时候要先把打造的等级先调低,改到5级,然后加一个巨量的技能经验,这个时候就能一口气突破300级。(其他技能同理)

骑砍2 常用控制台代码 1.72 - 骑马与砍杀中文站论坛 (4)

emmmm ....其他的嘛。。。


控制台里打help是可以出来所有控制台代码的,这是俺看help里感觉有用的,分享给小伙伴们~毕竟控制台才是快乐源泉哈骑砍2 常用控制台代码 1.72 - 骑马与砍杀中文站论坛 (5)

骑砍2 常用控制台代码 1.72 - 骑马与砍杀中文站论坛 (6)

campaign.give_troops sword_sister 40
campaign.give_troops huskarl_swordsman 40

作者: tank2241607 时间: 2022-7-11 22:56

agent change action set
agent delete agent
agent equip clear
agent fade in
agent fade out
agent goto
agent main agent play action at channel
agent main mount play action at channel
ai driven property
ai formation speed adjustment enabled
ai set health
ai show chars
ai show items
ai spawn
atmosphere current
atmosphere list
atmosphere reset
atmosphere set by index
atmosphere set by name
atmosphere set interpolation tod
benchmark cpu benchmark
benchmark cpu benchmark mission
campaign activate all policies for player kingdom
campaign add attribute points to hero
campaign add building level
campaign add caravan to hero
campaign add companion
campaign add crafting materials
campaign add focus points to hero
campaign add gold to all heroes
campaign add gold to hero
campaign add horse
campaign add influence
campaign add modified item
campaign add morale to party
campaign add power to notable
campaign add prisoner
campaign add prisoner to party
campaign add progress to current building
campaign add random hero to party
campaign add random prisoner hero
campaign add renown to clan
campaign add skill xp to hero
campaign add supporters for main hero
campaign ai attack party
campaign ai defend settlement
campaign ai goto settlement
campaign ai raid village
campaign ai siege settlement
campaign boost cohesion of all armies
campaign boost cohesion of army
campaign calculate distance from main party
campaign cancel quest
campaign change clan leader
campaign change current building
campaign change hero relation
campaign change main hero age
campaign change player name
campaign clear settlement defense
campaign conceive child
campaign control party ai by cheats
campaign create player kingdom
campaign create random clan
campaign declare peace
campaign declare war
campaign enable party count
campaign establish ransom offer conditions
campaign establish ransom offer conditions for clan member
campaign export issue statistics
campaign fill party
campaign find alley owners with more than one alley
campaign find hero
campaign find mobile party
campaign find settlement
campaign get criminal ratings
campaign get heroes at age
campaign get infested hideout
campaign get lords inside settlement
campaign get main party position
campaign get stance between factions
campaign give all crafting materials to main party
campaign give item to main party
campaign give prisoners xp
campaign give settlement to kingdom
campaign give settlement to player
campaign give troops
campaign give troops xp
campaign give workshop to player
campaign heal main party
campaign hide hideouts
campaign is hero suitable for marriage with player
campaign join kingdom
campaign join kingdom as mercenary
campaign kill capturer party
campaign kill hero
campaign lead your faction
campaign leave faction
campaign list hero traits
campaign list heroes suitable for marriage
campaign list heroes without party
campaign list player traits
campaign list tournaments
campaign list trade rumors
campaign make hero fugitive
campaign make hero wounded
campaign make main hero ill
campaign make peace with every faction
campaign marry player with hero
campaign move time forward
campaign multiply
campaign speed
campaign print all issues
campaign print all party food
campaign print all settlement garrison and militia
campaign print hero captain ratings
campaign print hero restrictions
campaign print issue statistics
campaign print issues
campaign print party count statistics
campaign print party prisoners
campaign print projects in settlement
campaign print specific issues
campaign print workshop info
campaign print workshops in settlement
campaign rebellion enabled
campaign refresh battle scene index map
campaign remove all circle notifications
campaign reset player skills level and perks
campaign set all companion skills
campaign set all heroes skills
campaign set all skills main hero
campaign set crafting is enabled
campaign set criminal rating
campaign set face gen is enabled
campaign set hero crafting stamina
campaign set hero trait
campaign set loyalty of settlement
campaign set main party attackable
campaign set parties visible
campaign set player reputation trait
campaign set settlement variable
campaign set skill companion
campaign set skill main hero
campaign set skills of hero
campaign show character feats
campaign show current location heroes
campaign show hideouts
campaign show party morale detail
campaign show party size limit detail
campaign show prisoners
campaign start player vs world truce
campaign start player vs world war
campaign start world peace
campaign start world war
campaign trigger ransom offer
campaign win board game
chatlog can focus while in mission
chatlog clear
cloth reset meshes
config ai quality
config animation sampling quality
config antialiasing technique
config brightness
config brightness calibrated
config brightness max
config brightness min
config character detail
config cheat mode
config control mouse movement accumulation decay speed
config control mouse movement max accumulation
config control mouse movement y scale
config decal quality
config disable sound
config display height
config display mode
config display refresh rate
config display width
config dlss technique
config dynamic resolution fps target
config enable cloth simulation
config enable controller vibration
config enable dynamic resolution scale
config enable flora sway
config environment detail
config exposure compensation
config first time
config foliage quality
config force vsync
config gamma
config graphics adapter
config invert mouse
config keep sounds when focused out
config lighting quality
config master volume
config max framerate
config max simultaneous sound event count
config mouse sensitivity coefficient
config music volume
config number of ragdolls
config particle detail
config particle quality
config postfx bloom
config postfx chromatic aberration
config postfx dof
config postfx grain
config postfx hexagon vignette
config postfx lens flares
config postfx motion blur
config postfx ssr
config postfx sssss
config postfx streaks
config postfx sunshafts
config postfx vignette
config resolution scale
config safely exited
config save window positions
config selected monitor
config shader quality
config shadowmap filtering
config shadowmap resolution
config shadowmap type
config sharpen amount
config show framerate
config sound device
config sound occlusion
config sound output
config sound volume
config terrain quality
config tesselation
config texture budget
config texture filtering
config texture quality
config water quality
config weapon trail amount
console clean
crafting reload pieces
customserver gettoken
debug clear permanent debug render meshes
debug disable core game
debug donot create dumps for warnings
debug mission spawnpoint count and mesh checker ui
debug print materials with name
debug print meshes with name
debug print meta meshes without lods
debug print textures with name
debug reset ignored asserts
facegen show debug
game animation loading statistics
game reload animations
game reload item usage sets
game reload managed core params
game reload native params
game reset animation loading statistics
gfx set quality
items print all items without lod
items print faulty materials
items take ss from top
localization change language
localization check for errors
memory stats
mission AddDebugTeleporter
mission AddobjectDestroyer
mission fix camera toggle
mission flee enemies
mission killAgent
mission set battering ram speed
mission set camera position
mission set deployment visualization selector
mission set facial anim to agent
mission set shift camera speed
mission set siege tower speed
mission toggleDisableDying
mission cpp fast forward mission
mission cpp kill agent
mission cpp kill all agents excluding this
mission cpp list combat animations that are not in blended combat anim system
mission cpp remove all corpses
mp host help
mp host kick player
mp perks raise event
mp perks tick perks
platformservices trigger invitation
profiler generate performance report
profiler start task profilinf
ps4 intercept disable
ps4 intercept enable
replay invisible agents
replay read current replay
replay seek frame
replay tick replay
replay write current replay
replay mission enable custom record
resource add default levels to prefab file
resource add new water prefab
resource save prefab files
resource set visibility distance to meshes without lods
resource shader clear shader cache
resource shader compile shader combinations
resource shader create compressed shader cache
resource shader generate shaders
resource shader recompile single shader
resource shader save shader combinations
resource shader save shader identifiers
rgl module ini options always check modifications
rgl module ini options check colormap flags
rgl module ini options detailed sound log
rgl module ini options disable async physics
rgl module ini options disable async predraw
rgl module ini options disable async render jobs
rgl module ini options disable camera precision offset
rgl module ini options disable data parallelization
rgl module ini options disable dynamic instancing
rgl module ini options disable gui messages
rgl module ini options disable oros
rgl module ini options disable shadow occlusion pass
rgl module ini options disable tableau cache
rgl module ini options do sound one shot events
rgl module ini options,enable deterministic mode
rgl module ini options enable occluder depth prepass
rgl module ini options high quality screenshot frame count
rgl module ini options high quality screenshot height
rgl module ini options high quality screenshot width
rgl module ini options limited framerate
rgl module ini options log level
rgl module ini options prt edit data folder
rgl module ini options screenshot format
rgl module ini options screenshot mod
rgl module ini options show scene terrain layer errors
rgl module ini options supports postfx chromatic aberration
rgl module ini options supports postfx hexagon vignette
rgl module ini options supports postfx lens flares
rgl module ini options supports postfx streaks
rgl module ini options supports postfx vignette
rgl module ini options terrain compression type
rgl module ini options use depth flipping
rgl module ini options use physics engine
rgl module ini options use texture tags
scenenotification create antiempire conspiracy begins notification
scenenotification create antiempire conspiracy supports notification
scenenotification create become empire king notification
scenenotification create become nonempire king notification
scenenotification create empire destroyed notification
scenenotification create empire united notification
scenenotification create first banner piece notification
scenenotification create pledge empire notification
scenenotification create pledge nonempire notification
scenenotification create proempire conspiracy begins notification
scenenotification create proempire conspiracy supports notification
scenenotification create second banner piece notification
scenenotification create supported faction defeated notification
scenenotification create third banner piece notification
show memory
state string benchmark end
state string benchmark start
storymode activate conspiracy quest
storymode add family members
storymode reinforce kingdom
storymode start conspiracy quest destroy raiders
storymode start next second phase quest
storymode,weaken kingdom
ui set debug mode
ui toggle ui
ui use generated prefabs

作者: 行走边缘 时间: 2022-7-12 05:25
骑砍1里可以给城市和城堡重新布局霸主里可以吗?我怎么找不到作者: 老屠夫 时间: 2022-7-12 08:55
好顶赞支持一下作者: 993478744 时间: 2022-7-13 21:21
6666666666作者: tank2241607 时间: 2022-7-15 13:18
行走边缘 发表于 2022-7-12 05:25

额、、好像不可以作者: 今夜思月 时间: 2022-7-15 15:07
有没有俘虏npc的代码,campaign.take_hero_prisoner好像从1.72就不能用了作者: tank2241607 时间: 2022-7-15 19:22
今夜思月 发表于 2022-7-15 15:07

campaign.add_prisoner_to_party 被俘虏的人名字 | 给俘虏的人名作者: 白拾玖 时间: 2022-7-16 06:49
女剑士,禁卫军剑士强悍吗作者: tank2241607 时间: 2022-7-16 07:35
白拾玖 发表于 2022-7-16 06:49

哈哈 并不 只是原版游戏里做了没上的两个兵种作者: ACGZHAIHUN 时间: 2022-7-17 01:58
劲!好的分享,爱来自瓷器作者: 今夜思月 时间: 2022-7-23 12:19
tank2241607 发表于 2022-7-15 19:22
campaign.add_prisoner_to_party 被俘虏的人名字 | 给俘虏的人名

大佬没用,还是没变化就跳一句“can't find one of the heros?”作者: tank2241607 时间: 2022-7-23 12:49
今夜思月 发表于 2022-7-23 12:19
大佬没用,还是没变化就跳一句“can't find one of the heros?”

名字打错了,换到英文模式试试作者: 今夜思月 时间: 2022-7-23 21:09
tank2241607 发表于 2022-7-23 12:49

谢谢大佬,解决了。我之前名字那多加了【】所以才不行。不过这代码得先交战才起效,没有之前那个好用,聊胜于无吧!作者: kajikaji 时间: 2022-7-27 11:01
1.8更新后的加技能经验好像不能用了! 作者: tifayyds 时间: 2022-8-12 16:50
请问这个需要先装cheat mod吗?大佬有1.7.2版本的cheat mod吗作者: 李矗策 时间: 2022-9-3 00:17
我用那个“添加指定物品”的时候,用的并不是将语言改到英文后的名字,而是用的物品ID,例如:送终者early_retirement 就不行,需要用early_retirement_2hsword_t3才可以,但我找不到打铁用的那些材料的物品ID所在的文件,就精炼钢优质钢那些,请问有什么方法吗,这些物品的ID在哪个文件有大神知道吗?
作者: C罗纳尔多7 时间: 2022-9-4 09:29
求问,什么代码可以换家族领袖么,想娶拉盖娅作者: 方骑骑士 时间: 2022-9-4 11:26
C罗纳尔多7 发表于 2022-9-4 09:29

1.8.0改家族领袖的代码没了骑砍2 常用控制台代码 1.72 - 骑马与砍杀中文站论坛 (7)作者: ldsdt 时间: 2022-9-5 14:58
感谢分享。作者: henshuaideguo 时间: 2022-12-1 07:21
得到随机一个同伴(可突破数量限制 这个伙伴是百科以外的随机伙伴 且是0级0属性的)
campaign.add_companion作者: 15663823817 时间: 2022-12-6 17:07
骑砍2 常用控制台代码 1.72 - 骑马与砍杀中文站论坛 (8)骑砍2 常用控制台代码 1.72 - 骑马与砍杀中文站论坛 (9)这个号作者: yuqian9300 时间: 2023-1-15 18:02
大佬,有没有(指定人的特定技能等级)的代码啊,我菜鸡一个,找半天找不到,所有技能等级的那个代码一用NPC的特性就全没了,(所有同伴特定技能等级)的代码又不能用在媳妇和兄弟的身上,最后谢谢大佬的整理,太有用了作者: 绿弓弩 时间: 2023-1-15 19:22
辛苦卤煮大大作者: @Cat 时间: 2023-1-28 02:35
.................作者: zhushuyi 时间: 2023-4-3 00:17
解锁锻造配件无效555555555555作者: noooohhh 时间: 2023-4-4 15:21
LZNB,我已经迫不及待成为基因原体了,补充一点,正式版1.12的锻造是Crafting作者: 骑砍小老表 时间: 2023-4-29 12:37
大佬,求MOD作者: 浪客剑心max 时间: 2023-5-28 14:10
campaign.set_player_reputation_trait [特性(人物性格属性)英文名字] [数值(-2~2)]
作者: 157501 时间: 2023-5-29 14:21
作者: 帕拉图 时间: 2023-6-18 00:17
单手技能和双手技能的,英文名称是什么呢,好像不是One handed和Two handed作者: 2494384788 时间: 2023-6-30 02:22
config.cheat_mode 1作者: NOVA龍少爺 时间: 2023-8-1 10:21
大佬指定物品的指令无效作者: 酷酷的冰 时间: 2023-8-23 21:49
..................作者: lilaomao 时间: 2023-11-12 10:25
本帖最后由 lilaomao 于 2023-11-12 10:27 编辑


aa891262a91a9cc3e8a469315ac90cd.jpg(1.56 MB, 下载次数: 16)

骑砍2 常用控制台代码 1.72 - 骑马与砍杀中文站论坛 (10)

作者: 老屠夫 时间: 2023-11-12 12:37
感觉很多代码已经失效了,是不是烤肉社悄悄更新了?作者: deathwings 时间: 2023-11-16 09:04
打晕所有人就是ctrl+shift+F4.亲测。因为alt+F4是关闭窗口,我第一次就是被这个代码给坑了。后来试了ctrl+shift+F4是管用的作者: 司宇九英豪 时间: 2023-11-16 09:46
骑砍2 常用控制台代码 1.72 - 骑马与砍杀中文站论坛 (11)666666作者: 轻微呜呜 时间: 2023-12-13 00:38
想问一下,控制台关闭后,成就会不会就不会禁用了作者: 余路候你 时间: 2023-12-25 23:44
campaign.add_attribute_points_to_hero 英文全名 数字

campaign.add_focus_points_to_hero 英文全名 数字

加特定技能经验,不打名字就是给主角加(没有给指定人加指定技能等级的命令,可以通过加技能经验做到 或者直接开除其他同伴)
campaign.add_skill_xp_to_hero 技能名字 经验数值 英文全名


作者: hahaju1 时间: 2023-12-26 16:19
现在修改伙伴技能等级不能用了,能给表新的吗作者: Suker1ni 时间: 2024-1-2 04:27
55555555555555555555555555555555555555作者: 禅达的旅行者 时间: 2024-1-5 21:20
作者: 4kvr 时间: 2024-2-18 20:00
请问让两个国家开战的代码1.28版本有吗,英文环境下,其他地方找到的campaign.declare_war 王国甲id 王国乙id总显示“派系必须是王国派系”。作者: Alzuy 时间: 2024-3-27 08:59
救救,控制台CTRL+ALT+F4直接退出游戏了,ctrl+f4也只有f4的开关射击指令,不能打晕敌人,咋回事啊是修了吗作者: Kall 时间: 2024-4-20 17:51
lilaomao 发表于 2023-11-12 10:25

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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Author information

Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.