30 weeks, scared to get tdap vaccine - August 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (2024)

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So, my doctor didn’t bring up the tdap vaccine, I did. I asked him about it and he said yeah but we don’t give it here you have to go to health department or primary care office. I called my primary and they said I don’t need one since my last was 2021? I scheduled my tdap vaccine at CVS for tomorrow morning but I’m scared. I’m not scared of needles, honestly I’m scared of having a stillborn from this. And it feels like I’m forcing it, ie., my doctor didn’t necessarily encourage me and my other one told me I downright didn’t need it. Like, why do I have to get the TDAP? Why don’t they just come up with pertussis only vaccine for pregnant women? And why does the insert still say category C if it’s recommended? I literally have only taken Tylenol this pregnancy, and that was when I had the flu/cold in January.

On the flip side, I’ve tried for 3 years and had two rounds of IVF for this baby, and I put God knows what into my body for that, so I’m totally not ani science. I’m just scared. I feel like maybe I forced it? Is it a sign I shouldn’t get it?

I’m a nurse and I remember holding a baby with whooping cough in my clinicals :( I want to protect my baby, I’m just nervous about the side effects.

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For verified information about vaccines, visit our vaccine resources page.


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I’m so sorry you’re feeling this way. I completely understand. With my son I didn’t even think about it, maybe I was just young and naive. But I think about everything that goes in my body now. I will say what finally made my decision was that I realized I was more afraid of my girl getting whooping cough especially if I couldn’t prevented it. Also, not sure if this helps, but I had my shot at 28weeks (now 34) and my only symptom was a sore arm ��

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PCP follow the primary care rules which is one every 10 years to protect you. The tdap with every pregnancy is to protect baby so you can form antibodies and it can transfer in the placenta third trimester. I understand your concern when your two doctors aren’t supporting it and you had a long journey to get pregnant. I would talk to another provider you trust if you have one.

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I am a geriatrics PCP and I was surprised to learn that pregnant women needed a Tdap with every pregnancy and not just the “every 10 years” guideline we go by in primary care. I have gotten my Tdap at 28 weeks with 2 pregnancies now with no complications.

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Trust your gut, don’t get it.

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because her gut went to medical school? ��

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she’s a nurse so technically yes ����‍♀️

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The tdap vaccine doesn’t cause stillbirth, so I’m a little confused if you’re scared getting it will cause it or not getting it would cause it.

And you don’t have to get anything you don’t want to, so I’m also confused about that because it’s not like your doctor is forcing this on you. You’re doing that to yourself.

The only side effect is a sore arm.

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I’m reading the package insert and I see no mention of stillbirth or other significant correlations with bad outcomes in pregnancy. Are you talking about VAERS? Also, she’s not a medical researcher but you are?

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Mine are two years apart and I got tdap both times, there were absolutely no side effects I didn’t even get a sore arm

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Then don't get it

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I don’t think there is a right or wrong decision. I got it with my son and again with this pregnancy and so far no complications. It’s so hard to weigh the pros and cons with these things but it’s more of just trusting your gut.

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Your OB and primary said you don’t need it. So I’m confused as to what the issue is? ����‍♀️ you’re not anti-science but 2 doctors said you don’t need it… so now you’re resorting to a bunch of prego women on the internet?

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This link between stillbirth and the vaccine, is that from well designed scientific studies, published in legit journals? I would be wary of online sources that could be antivaxer propaganda. The vaccine is to protect baby which is why it is given each pregnancy. It’s not to protect you and def not to hurt baby. I think it’s admirable that you are looking into it and to question your docs who may not be practicing the standard of care

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