Chattanooga Daily Times from Chattanooga, Tennessee (2024)

MISS DUKE SPEAKS TO JUNIOR LEAGUE Meeting Is Held at Reading Center- -Donation of Books for Children Asked Miss Dorothy B. Duke was the speaker at the meeting yesterday of the Junior League of Chattanooga at the Junior League Reading Center, Douglas and Vine streets. Miss Duke, director of the reading clinic, was introduced by Mrs. William Montague, and told of the equipment the center is to have and how the local reading clinic differs from other such clin1cs. Miss Duke also spoke of the enjoyment she derives from her work as a reading specialist.

Miss Duke made a plea for children's books of any type, regardless of age, telling or articles may be cut from stories. and incorporated in others for use in the center. Two transfers to the league were announced, Mrs. Roger Hanger of Cleveland, from the MinneLeague and Mrs. Edgar Horne from the Columbus, league.

Details is of the reception to be held at the Reading Center were announced. affair, will take 6 from p.m. All who are interested in the project are invited to attend and acquaint themselves with Miss Duke, the the equipment. Mrs. Walter Hoyle is serving as general chairman for the reception, and by Miss Mary Montalete, Mrs.

Richard Brock and Mrs. Will It was announced J. Harriers. McChesney Hogshead Jr. is the new arts chairman, taking the place of Mrs.

Allison. Mrs. Raymond Witt have report on the Reading Clinic. Mrs. Martha Delaney of Washington, D.

editor of the Volunteer, official magazine of American Red Cross volunteer workers, was a guest. Social Notes TRS. SAMUEL K. DOAK of Johnson City arrived yesterday for a 10-day, visit with her parents, Mr. F.

R. Dent, in the Robert E. Lee Apartments. Mrs. Doak is the former Miss Sara Lois Dent.

Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Bower ape In hom*osassa, for 8 stay of several weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Scott have chosen. the name Carl Edmond for their son, born Oct. 31 at Parkview Hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Brown have returned after a three-week stay in Hot Springs, Ark. and Mrs.

Derris Smith anthe of a daughter, Patricia Elizabeth, Oct. 31 at Parkview Mrs. Ronald H. White of Brownsville, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.

A. L. Ellis and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Campbell in Rossvi'le.

During her stay she has been honored by 8 number of courtesies In Daisy, Soddy and Cleveland, as well as Chattanooga. Mr. and Mrs. H. B.

Sullivan of Signal Mountain announce the birth of a daughter on Nov. 7 at Red Bank Clinic. Mr. and Mrs. Allen D.

Tyre were guests of his sister, Mrs. L. B. Merriman, Mr. Merriman on Newberry Street for a week while on their wedding trip.

The bride is the former Miss Velda Fitzwater of St. Louis, Mo. They will stop In Burlington, N. and Lake City, before arriving in Miami, where they will reside. Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Kell of Bignal Mountain announce the birth of twin sons on Nov. 7 at Red Bank Clinic. Nick P. Dodds is a patient at Thayer Genera) Hospital, Nashville.

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd L. Hilton of Lewisburg, formerly of this city, have chosen the name Richard Linwood for their son, born Oct. 14 in Lewisburg.

Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Hardin have returned home after a week's stay in Detroit, Mich.

Thelma Ann is the name Mr. and Mrs. James Carson have chosen for their daughter, born Nov. 2 at Parkview Hospital. Mr.

and Mrs. A. A. Mester, former Chattanoogans, have gone to Montrose, for the winter after visiting Mr. and Mrs.

A. W. Niles on South Brooks Street. A son, William Gary, was born Nov. 5 to Mr.

and Mrs. William G. Phillips at Woman's Clinic, Mrs. Phillips is the former Miss Mildred Cobb. Charles Proffitt of Detroit and his son, Robert Houston, were week-end guests of Mr.

Proffitt's cousin, Mrs. Harry Leon Brown, Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Rentzell have named their infant daughter Ruth Faye.

The child was born Nov. 5 at Parkview Hospital. John L. Wade has been meved from Erlanger Hospital to his home, 801 Rockway Drive. Mrs.

Ted Davis and infant son. Robert Albert Davis, moved Monday from Erlanger Hospital to their home on Cinderella Road, Lookout Mountain. Henry Pickens of New York City, N. formerly of Chattanooga is the guest of his mother, Mrs. Carrie Pickens at her home in the Flat Iron Building.

Lawrence Lassiter returned to Vanderbilt University after week-end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Gregg spent the week-end in Charlottesville, and attended the VirginiaPennsylvania football game there on Saturday, Rody' Davenport has he is gone a to Lexington, where SOCIAL NEWS M'CALLIE Gymnasium. entertained school.

Music was furnished by Fowler, Miss Marian TRS. JOHN C. ROGERS JR. Miss June Smith before her marriage Saturday. She is the daughter of Mrs.

June G. Smith of Red Bank. The bridegroom, son of J. C. Rogers of Hixson and the late Mrs.

Rogers, is employed by the Lloyd E. Jones Construction Company. JUNE SMITH WED TO JOHN C. ROGERS Mrs. Fred Herbert Attendant in Rossville Ceremony Miss June Smith, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. June G. Smith of Red Bank, became the bride of John C. Rogers Jr. 80m of J.

C. Rogers of Hixson and the late Mrs. Rogers, in a ceremony performed Saturday in Rossville, Ga. Herman O. Bowman officiated.

Hebert served as the bride's only attendant. The bride is the sister of Mrs. w. E. Stewart of San Raphael, Ronald R.

Smith of Seaford, Mrs. Don R. Tomlinson, Mrs. Jack Raper, Roy G. Smith, George Smith and Barbara Lee Smith of this city.

The bridegroom is the brother of Mesdames Harry Vandergriff, Earl Rogers, Luther Sanders and Cleo Penny and Huel Rogers of this city. The couple will reside in Hixson. Mr. Rogers is employed by the Lloyd E. Jones Construction Com- pany.

Birthday Party Is Given Honoring Portia Myrick Mrs. Bessie Myrick entertained Friday evening with a party honoring her daughter, Portia, on her sixth birthday. The affair took place at the home of the hostess on Union Avenue. Guests were Helen Hill, Patricia McNish, Patsy Russell, Agnes Donaldson, Cecelia Dean Roberson, Dawn Marie Porter, Jewell and Joyce Willingham and Kathleen Huggins. Mrs.

Carl McNish assisted the hostess. dent at Washington and Lee University after being at his home on Lookout Mountain for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. William Becker are in New Orleans, on a wedding trip.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Buttram were the guests of Mrs. Buttram's parents, Dr. and Mrs.

William Buttram Sr. for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Robinson and Mr.

and Mrs. Garrett Johnston went to Knoxville on Saturday to attend the Georgia Tech-UT football game. Miss Lillian Winship came here for a week-end visit with her sister, Mrs. Erwin Latimer, and Latimer at their home on Lookout Mountain. Miss Winship returned to her home in Atlanta.

Miss Mary Rawlings has returned home after a week-end visit with friends in Charlotte, N. C. THE son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Caldwell, born Nov.

7 at Woman's Clinic, has been named Hollis Marion II for his paternal grandfather. Mrs. J. M. Slack of Sweetwater accompanied Mr.

and Mrs. Carter Parks of Asheville, N. came to Chattanooga for a visit. here last week with Mrs. Slack's daughter, Mrs.

Ralph Brownsey, and Mr. Brownsey. While here Mr. and Mrs. Parks also visited other relatives.

CHATTANOOGA TIMES: CHATTANOOGA, -Times Staff Photo by Bob Friday afternoon with a tea dance in the Davenport was part of the home-coming festivities last week-end at Morris Bales and his orchestra. Pictured, left to right, are First Seaborn, Capt. Carroll Armstrong and Miss Mimi Kenan. PTA Notes "The Avondale Varieties of '49," a circus-minstrel show, will be sponsored by the Avondale PTA Friday at the Avondale Grammar School, beginning at 7:30 p.m. Special features of the show will be a "Tiny Tot Parade," given by the primary grades, "The Red, White Minstrel," given by the intermediate grades.

Other special "StrongMan Act," featuring Bob Hise and his son; special dancing by Miss June Whitlock, blackface comedians, clowns and pantomime acts. The cast of Part I includes: Tiny Tot. Parade, Ronald ringmaster; Patricia Cotton, fairy queen; Dickie Garrett, king of goblins; Betty Brewer, Red Riding Hood; Glenda Arwood, Cinderella; Jerry Masterson, Santa Claus, and the following participants in other features: Parker, Norma Case, Page, Wanda Nancys Strawn, Sherry Timmons, Nancy McMillan; Tommy Lou Denny, Linda Hennessee, Joan Jones, Alice Lunceford, Brenda Wolfe, Linda McElhaney, Linda Lovell, Margaret Ramay, Anita Yaden, Guy Padgett, Junior Roden, Sandra Newell, Janie Ruth Sneed, Carolyn Gordy, Diane Duckett, Renate Rann, Dieane Daugherty, Dorothy Brown, Priscilla Deamon, Carolyn Radford, Joy Anderson, Terry Scarbrough, Terry Wilson, Hale, Jerry Henson, Brendt Miller, Glen Espy, Phillip Lawson, Marvin Cox, Jerry Gaddis, Johnny Ray Brown, Charles McLaughlin, Horace McGill, De Wayne Woods, Tommy Kelley, Ernest Giles, Johnny Deal, Jerry Boyd, Bobby Basham, Wendall Mansell, Jerry Cook and Billy Maner. In Part II, the PTA are Near and Strawn, clowns de luxe; Espy and Timmons, renowned blackface comedians; Ronnie Hall, pantomime; Bob Hise and son in a strong-man act, and June lock's studio in specialty dancing. Part III, Red, White and Blue Minstrel are Bob Burns, Donald Scoggins and Cain Bridgeman, end men; Buddy Epps, Minnie McColor; Billy Millard, Uncle Sam, and Sylvia Cooper, Bobby Manning, Jean Goodner, Arnold Hickman, Cynthia Stansbury, Mimpee Wolfe, Doris Yaden, Helen Wrinkle, Pearl Hixson, Mary Goodner, Charlotte Burns, Donna Ruth Gamble, Naomia Ferguson, Sue Woods, Diane Timmons, Carolyn Jackson, Hazel Vancer, Joan Sharp, Sandra Walker, Patricia Gravitt, Ruth Petit, 'Gene Schler, Anna Lena Broyles, Bobby Jo Trotter, Jo Ann Carter, Johnny Germ, Lebron Griffin, Riley Mansel, Don Manning, Lamar Ballew, Eddie Rice, Tommy Jarrett, Ronald O'Neal, Charles Payne, Bobby Newman, Joan Roy, Jackie Bettis, Raymond Simcox, Doris Evans, David Kistler, Billy Jo Watkins, Norma McClure.

Felix Blevins, Peggy Jo Cox, Larry DeSha, Shirley Trusley, Gene Langford, Charlotte Hundley, Glen Goodner, Aileen Moore, Joe McGhee, Betty Kendall, Gene Jeffrey, Glenda Rice, Tommy Langford, Bobby Stanfiel, Joel Lusk, George Waldon, Billy Smith, Gene Boyd, Luther Timmons, Hollis Wooten, McMillan, Neal Gunter, Randy Rasham, Virgil Clonts, Billy Daugherty, Melvin Cox, Tommy Phillips, Sammy Smith, Delores Skipper, Delores Wilkey, Patsy Woods, Barbara Runyan, Naomi Grant, Jeanette Elsea, Dedmon, Donna Cook, Jo Ann Ruth O'Neal, Gay Shires, Fay Stevenson, Mary Frances Harris, Patsy Ashley, Gayle Carver, Patsy Cox, Julia Ann Cartwright, Cox and Joe Morgan. G. Russell Brown G. Russell Brown School will have a harvest festival Friday, starting at 5:30 p.m., under the auspices of the PTA. A chili supper will be served, homemade candy will be for sale and there will be special features such as a puppet show, cake walk, grabbag, fortune telling, dart board and fish pond.

Moving pictures will be shown, and high-lighting the evening will coronation of the king and queen. The school orchestra will play for the event. Everyone in the vicinity is invited. "Personality Vitamins" was the topic of the talk given by Rev. V.

Floyd Starke at the Fathers' Night of the school's PTA Thursday. The meeting was also in recognition of American Education Week. The orchestra, under the direction of Miss Elizabeth Thrasher, presented a program of music. Those participating were Helen Minnis, Ann Lane, Peggy Edmonds, Sue and Georgean Hudson of G. Russell Brown and Jo Ann Proctor of Central High School.

Miss Thelma Wells, president of the Chattanooga Education Association, had charge of the program and recognized Miss Julia Nichols, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1949. SOCIAL NEWS Mrs. Inez White Marrs Wed to Cread Norwood Special to The Chattanooga Times. FAYETTEVILLE, Nov. 8 -Mrs.

Walter White of Fayetteville announces the marriage of her daughter, Mrs. Inez White and Cread Norwood of Knoxville, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R.

Norwood, also of Knoxville. The wedding took place Oct. 29 at the Fayetteville Methodist Church with the pastor, the Rev. W. D.

Comperry, officiating. The bride was attired in a crepe dress of cocoa, brown with dark brown accessories. Her flowers were bronze chrysanthemums. Miss Osalene Stevenson, who served as the bride's only attendant, wore a cocoa-brown suit with dark brown accessories and a corsage of yellow chrysanthemums. S.

I. Pinkston was best- man. The couple left for a brief wedding trip to points in Tennessee and Georgia. They will make their Annual Family Dinner Set by GPS Thursday The annual Family Night turkey dinner will be held at GPS Thursday from 5:30 to 7:30 o'clock. The handiwork of the GPS students, including arts and crafts, sewing, cooking, trophies, hobbies and photography, on exhibit.

Parents and friends of the students are invited. principal. Glenn Ellis of the YMCA and Miss Anna Lee ShipLey, junior supervisor for the elementary schools, spoke briefly. The PTA theme for the month is "Our Youth--Tomorrow's Hope," in connection with healthy mental growth. Mrs.

Fred Clark and Miss Thrasher's rooms won the room count. Miss Shipley, former principal at the school, was presented a gift on behalf of the PTA. Ridgedale Ridgedale PTA will observe American Education Week with a Fathers' Night program Thursday at the school. A chicken-spaghetti dinner with homemade pies will be served from 5:30 to 7 p.m. The teachers will hold "open house" in their rooms, from 6:30 to 7:20 p.m.

The PTA meeting will be held in the auditorium at 7:30 p.m. Wilkes T. Thrasher will be guest speaker, talking on the topic, "Parent and Family Life Education." Other features will be the fish pond, dart board, fortune tellling and homemade candy sale. Members of the PTA who have served on committees are: Mesdames L. P.

Ewton, Robert Brazier, W. H. Workman, A. N. Currence, Paul Woy, John Donelson, L.

Nelson and H. F. Slatton, food; Mesdames Glen Poff, Eli Churchwell and J. E. Adams, pies and candy; Mesdames H.

J. Slatton, Golston, Alfred Lindsay, R. M. West, Howard Horton and Oscar Usmiller, "fish Mesdames Hattie Keown, Vernon Osborne and Frank Barker, fortunes; Mrs. Sue Norris and Mrs.

Dewey Orton, dart board; Mrs. F. E. Gower and Mrs. Garland King, tickets; Mrs.

Kelley Bridges, decorations; Mrs. Luther Boling, treasurer, and Mrs. C. M. S.

McIllwaine, program. Special prizes will be given to the rooms with the most fathers and the largest number of parents present. Central Elementary George McInturff was guest speaker at the Fathers' Night meeting of the Central Elementary PTA, held recently at the school. He led a discussion on playgrounds. A committee composed of G.

A. McPhearson, A. C. Grist and A. F.

Satterfield was appointed to take part in the discussion. Frank Lane directed the group singing, after which George Hixson led the flag salute. Mr. McPhearson extended the welcome, and H. D.

Morgan gave the devotional message. Reports were given by Mrs. Frank Shields, Mrs. Harry Hoynes and T. H.

Willard. Mrs. Robert Noble and Miss Anne Nolen's rooms won the attendance count. Calendar TODAY ITTLE MISS MAG DAY NURSERY BOARD, 10:30 a.m, at the nursery. Duncan Hills Garden Club, 7:45 p.m.

in the clubroom at Northside branch, Hamilton National Bank. North Chattanooga WCTU, 1 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Collin D. Martin, 12 Lyndon Drive.

Nancy Ward Chapter DAR, 2:30 p.m. at Meadow Lake Golf and Country Club; Mrs. Elmer Rule and Mrs. Allen Hinkle, hostesses; Mrs. Will Ed Gupton of Memphis, state regent, and members of state board will be guests at tea; board meeting, 2 p.m.

PTA Mothers' Chorus, rehearsal, 10:30 a.m. at Frye Institute. Welcome Wagon Newcomers' Club, luncheon meeting, 12:30 p.m. at Read House. THURSDAY TAYCETTES, 8 p.m.

with Mrs, Harold Williams on Haney Drive: George Harding, guest speaker, CHATTANOOGA for WCTU tomorrow meethas been postponed because of illness of Mrs. Lyda Stamper, superintendent at the Frances Willard. Ladies Auxiliary to Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, 2 p.m. at Frye Institute. Red Bank Baptist WMU, 11 a.m.

at the church; Mrs. 0. E. Robins, presiding. All WMU members invited.

FRIDAY BRAINERD D. WCTU, Jones, 2 314 p.m. Tunnel with Boulevard. Clara Carpenter PTA. chill supper.

5. to 7.p.m. at the school; movring picture will be shown. AT LAWRENCE'S a home in Chatsworth, where the bridegroom is employed with the Wrights Construction Com- pany. Lynch- Nuptials Special to The Chattanooga Times.

HUNTSVILLE, Nov. 8 Mrs. Willie Mae Lynch and A. N. Miller, both of Huntsville, were married Oct.

26 in Iuka, Miss. The bride and groom went to Memphis for their honeymoon and will make their home in Huntsville. SHE TALKS Schilling's talking doll speaks real words! Only Lawrence has her 12.98 She's the famous new doll that talks like a real youngster, in a real voice! She was a sellout last time we advertised her! Thousands of little girls have come to Lawrence's to see her, hear her, love her. We've watched them take our talking doll to their hearts. Seen them wide-eyed when she says, "Mummy, I want Mummy!" Heard them coo softly to her when she my "Pick me up!" For here at last is not just a doll says, that cries or closes her eyes! Here is a 24" makebelieve baby who talks, sobs, gurgles and laughs to your tot.

Her vinyl skin feels real to the touch. Pretty blue eyes light up her face. And she's dressed in her Sunday-go-to-meeting dress and bonnet with matching booties and socks. Make your little girl the proudest Mummy in town with her own talking doll. Write or phone 6-2126, Lawrence Furniture Co.

and Broad LAWRENCE'S, Tenn. 7th Chattanooga, Please send me. Name (print) Address City Apt. Zone Amt. D.

add sales A. Please DOLLS 12.98 ea. C.O.D. within Tennessee. tax LAWRENCE FURNITURE COMPANY The Store of Dependable Quality Merchandise Lovemans Why Clean House the Hard Way? Betty Bright had Grandma Self-Wringing Mop Bissell It wrings from the top of the handle! but not like these new easy to-use "Bissells" with "Biscomatic" Brush Action.

Easy $9.69 one-hand under operation beds, eto. sweeps Other features: Built-In "Hands that Brush Cleaner, "Flip-0" mop need Empty, Ball Bearings. never show it!" Grand Rapids $6.95 Conventions Style Case in Rich Brow Vanity $8.45 You could actually mop one-handed with the BetBright, for.u, as you stand erect, propel the mop with pressure on metal handle grip. To Streamlined wring mop, merely Beauty in twist the wrist and Choice of Black it's done! or Dark Green LOVEMANS-HOUSEWARES--DOWNSTAIRS Your Furniture and Rugs will love it Fina Foam Rug and Upholstery Cleaner FOAM Quart AND $1.29 Gallon Fina Foam' Sponges An odorless bubble bath for upholstery and rugs. The colors will gleam bright as new.

Exclusively 'at LOVEMANS. LOVEMANS- -NOTIONS MAIN FLOOR Protect your walls and draperies with Sinclair Register Shields Wall Model Floor Model $1.39 These handsome radiator shields filter the dirt and smudge from your hot-air registers and keep walls and drapes clean. Adjustable, fits all register sizes. Filters are washable by rinsing under faucet. For Cleanliness, install them in all the rooms in your home NOWI LOVEMANS DOWNSTAIRS Now you have a bathroom ensemble in matching colors! Detecto Sets Aluminum Hamper $9.95 The world's most beautiful hamper of durable aluminum, a rustproof, thoroughly ventilated.

Handpainted decorations on white or pastel backgrounds. DETECTO Bathroom Scale $6.95 The handsome, sturdy, Detecto Bathroom scale checks your weight accurately. Magnifying lens for easy reading. Guaranteed. Colors to match the Detecto Aluminum Hamper.


Chattanooga Daily Times from Chattanooga, Tennessee (2024)


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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.