Desert Dreaming - Chapter 13 - LadyLaFleur (2024)

Chapter Text

“Oh, this should be good,” Pablo smirked, nudging Heidi. The Blue Moon was surprisingly busy for a Thursday evening. The tables were filled up with people dining and it was standing room only on the upper level. There did appear to be a seat open at the bar, however. Right next to Ari.

She was looking particularly lovely this evening. Clad in a cornflower blue sundress that showed off a healthy amount of cleavage, it was gathered under her breasts, falling to mid thigh. It clung to her blooming curves while hiding the soft swell of her belly. Pablo had helped her pick it out himself. Her platinum hair was gathered into its usual ponytail, showing off the curve of her neck and shoulders.

The man who approached her now, slipping on to the stool next to her, was a tourist. He was handsome enough, by Pablo's estimation, with chestnut hair and tanned skin, of reasonable height and fit. He clearly felt confident enough to look at the beautiful creature that was their builder and think ‘why not?’

Perhaps if Ari wasn't Ari, and she wasn't married to the gorgeous specimen of a man that was Logan, he'd have a chance.

Ari turned with a smile, which faltered only an instant when she saw it was not Logan who had sat beside her. She slanted a quick look towards the door as the stranger leaned against the counter.

“I didn’t see you on the train. You’re not a local, are you?” he asked, smiling broadly, showing off his white teeth.

“Uh, yes, actually,” she said, meeting his eyes politely.

“I have to admit, I wasn’t sure what to expect when my friend suggested making the trip from Atara,” he told her, gesturing across the room towards a couple of young men standing near the stairs. “I pictured more ‘barren desert’ than this.” Ari’s smile warmed.

“Yes, it’s come a long way. The people of Sandrock worked hard to get it like this,” she told him proudly.

“What would you recommend we check out first?” Ari let out a breath thoughtfully, placing an elbow on the bar, blissfully unaware of the picture she presented. He managed to keep his look at her bosom to a mere glance.

“Oh, that’s a good question. I guess it depends on what you’re looking for,” she replied, turning her violet gaze on him.

“A good time, of course,” he told her, and she laughed lightly.

“Aren’t we all? Well, this is probably as good a place to start as any! Grace makes the best co*cktails - they’ll change your life.” She straightened, and rotated in her seat a bit to take in the crowded saloon. “Although, if you’re planning on hitting up the Golden Goose tonight, you should probably hold off on drinking too much. Otherwise you might lose your shirt.”

“There are worse things. I’m Ben, by the way.”

“Oh, nice to meet you Ben. Ari.”

“That’s an usual name,” he told her, and she shrugged.

“I’m used to it.” He chuckled, giving her a once over that was obvious to anyone paying attention. Ari, naturally, was perfectly oblivious. “You have to visit Catori World tomorrow. I mean, that’s a given. My favorite attraction is the rollercoaster, but the buggy races are a lot of fun too.”

“You like a thrill huh? Woman after my own heart.” He shifted in the stool so his knee was now pressing against hers. She glanced down, his intentions suddenly dawning on her. She twisted back in her seat so she was facing the bar again, her legs tucked under the counter.

“Um, I wouldn’t say that,” she replied, feeling a bit uncomfortable. It had been a long time since she’d been in this position. Before coming to Sandrock, an attractive man flirting with her at a bar would have most likely been a welcome distraction. Now, however, it was rather annoying. Of course he couldn’t have known she was happily married; he just saw a woman sitting alone at the bar. “Sandrock has been anything but boring. I’ve had more than my fair share of excitement. I am definitely more of a home-body these days.”

“Maybe you just need someone to show you a good time,” Ben replied, winking suggestively. Ari couldn’t help it; she cringed.

“No, I’m good.”

“Come on, you don’t need to be like that,” he said, his jovial expression changing to something more… predatory. “Let me buy you a drink or two, and we can talk about it.”

“No thank you,” she responded firmly, her smile tight, her eyes hard as she reached for her sandberry juice. Lifting the glass to her lips, she drained the remaining liquid and placed it back on the counter. “Anyway, enjoy your visit.”

She swung around in her stool, deliberately turning away from him, and rose. She’d originally planned on eating in when Logan arrived, but she’d lost her desire for company. She made her way to the door, weaving through the crowd purposefully.

The quiet of the evening was a welcome relief. She stepped down into the street, her gaze landing on the house across the tracks. The lights were ablaze; Logan had wanted to clean up after an afternoon in the desert and was obviously still home. Ari picked up her pace, her lips curving into a smile. If she was lucky, she might catch him still in the shower…

The hand on her bicep caught her completely off guard, and she stumbled as she found herself being turned around roughly. The tourist, Ben, was looking down at her, his expression decidedly less friendly than it had been inside the Blue Moon.

“Let me go,” she hissed, jerking her arm in an attempt to free herself from his grip, her temper flaring.

“You didn’t need to be rude,” he growled at her, his fingers digging into her flesh.

“Rude?” she replied incredulously. “Telling you I’m not interested is not being rude.” He was suddenly very much in her space, towering over her, and for about the millionth time in her life, she wished she wasn’t so damn short.

“You didn’t even give me a chance.” She glared at him, reaching up to pry his fingers off of her.

“I don’t owe you a chance,” she bit out. “Even if I wasn’t married.” He snorted, his expression becoming nasty as he pulled her closer to him.

“Oh, so now you’re married? Didn’t think to mention that sooner?” Ari blinked at him, absolutely flabbergasted.

“Excuse me? I talked to you for barely more than a minute,” she replied with a laugh laced with disbelief. “Now, take your hand off me. I won’t ask you again.”

“You’re a tough one huh? I like a woman with a bit of fight in her,” he sneered, and suddenly he was driving her backwards. Her back hit a wall - the commission guild building she noted vaguely - and he was pressed against her.

Anger and fear coiled in her belly, and she raised her left hand, slapping him across the face. It was an awkward blow; she didn’t have the leverage she needed for a proper strike. He cursed at her, grabbing her wrist and twisting it behind her back painfully, his knee pressing between hers. He released her bicep, his hand dropping down to pull at her skirt. Ari swallowed down a jolt of panic, putting her palm on his chest and shoving hard.

How was this happening?! She’d never felt as vulnerable as she did at that moment. She had faced down literal monsters, trained soldiers, and a psychotic knight, but she now found herself at the mercy of an entitled tourist?

Her stomach twisted when he pressed his mouth to hers, forcing his tongue between her lips. She almost gagged, struggling against him, trying to wiggle her body free.

“There we go,” he jeered against her lips. “Show a little enthusiasm.”

Tears stung her eyes, and she opened her mouth to call out for help but his covered hers, swallowing any sound she made. She pounded on his chest with her free hand, overwhelmed with disgust as he thrust his hips against her. Bile rose in her throat.

He pulled away from her so suddenly that she stumbled, landing hard on one knee.

Logan was standing over the man, his chest heaving, fists clenched.

“Get your f*cking hands off my wife,” he snarled, murder in his eyes. Ben looked up and pushed himself to his feet, a smirk on his lips.

“Your wife huh? Here I thought she was just a tease.”

He telegraphed the punch so obviously that even a child would have been able to avoid it. His fist swung wide, Logan easily moving out of the way. Logan’s punch took him right in the jaw, and he staggered, looking genuinely shocked that he’d been struck. Perhaps he was used to being a big man in Atara, but here, now, against an enraged husband who took on monsters professionally? Well, he didn’t stand a chance.

Logan suddenly had a handful of his shirt in his hand, hauling the man close to him. He punched him again and again, until Ari, scrambling to her feet, rushed forward to grab his arm.

“No, Logan, please,” she begged, pulling on him. “Stop, he’s not worth it.”

Ben collapsed on the ground, groaning, as soon as Logan released his hold on him. His lip was split, his eye already swelling shut.

When Logan looked at her, his blue eyes were wild.

“Are you alright? Did he hurt you? Or the baby?” His hands gripped her shoulders tightly, and she reached up, her hands cupping his jaw.

“No, I’m fine. I’m fine,” she assured him, her eyes locked with his. “He didn’t hurt me. It's ok.”

He put his left arm around her, holding her close for a moment while shaking out his right hand. His knuckles scraped and bloody. He glared at the man who lay moaning on the ground.

“Go get Justice. I’ll watch ‘im.” Ari pulled away from him, her eyes going to his face worriedly. “I won’t hurt ‘im. Well, I won't hurt ‘im more.”

She nodded and raced for the Blue Moon. Justice had been deep in conversation with Hugo when she’d spotted him earlier. Fortunately, he was right where she’d last seen him.

“Justice, I need your help,” she told him urgently. “I need you to come with me right now.” The sheriff took one look at her, saw the panic in her eyes, and nodded. She grabbed his hand, leading him outside. He broke out into a run when he saw Logan standing over the prone form of the man who had attacked her.

“Wanna tell me what’s goin’ on?” he asked as Ari drew to a halt beside the three men. In a low voice, Ari recounted what happened.

“If Logan hadn’t showed up when he did-” Her voice caught, and she shook her head, embarrassed tears stinging her eyes. “I - I couldn’t stop him.”

“Hey now, you didn’t do nothin’ wrong,” Logan told her, pulling her against him, and she buried her face in his chest.

“Well, I’ve heard enough,” Justice said, glaring down at the tourist. He bent, grabbing Ben roughly by the arm, and hauling him to his feet. “I’ve got a nice cell with your name on it buddy.” He muttered something about Ari being a bitch, and Justice grabbed him by the collar and gave him a shake.

“You’re just lucky I’m a man of the law,” Justice growled, his eyes flashing. The man sagged and Justice nearly dropped him.

“I hate to ask, but can you give me a hand gettin’ this asshole to the corps office?” he asked, and Logan nodded. He dropped a kiss on Ari’s head before releasing her. They each took an arm and half dragged Ben up the street, Ari trailing behind them. They drew a few curious looks, but she waved them off.

Logan and Justice dropped him on the cot in one of the cells, and made their way back downstairs to where Ari waited. She had her arms wrapped around herself as she gazed up at the bounty board absently.

“I jus’ need to write down your statements,” Justice told them, taking a seat at his desk. “Sorry, I gotta do this right.”

“No, I understand,” Ari replied, turning to look at him, smiling weakly. He pulled out his notebook and she repeated what happened in as much detail as she could. As she spoke, she couldn't help but notice Logan was clenching his jaw, his hands curled into fists. She reached out and took his hand.

“Then I showed up, pulled ‘im off her, and beat the sh*t out of him,” Logan finished succinctly, squeezing her fingers gently. Justice snorted at that, jotting down the words quickly.

“Glad that you did,” Justice said, putting down the pen. “You both can go home. I'll deal with handsy up there.”

As soon as they were outside, Ari leaned against him, seeking the comfort of his body. He put his arm around her, holding her close as they walked. They had only reached the tree below the water tower when Ari came to a sudden halt.

“Hey darlin’ what's-”

“Kiss me Logan, please,” she said in a rough whisper. He frowned, but held her close, lowering his lips to hers.

She kissed him desperately, her body pressed against him. Her mouth was demanding, and he responded in kind. His tongue clashed against hers, and she moaned softly.

She reached up, her hands slipping under shirt, running along the planes of his muscle. He ran his palms along her back, sliding his hands under her skirt to grip her ass as she ground her hips against him.

He broke the kiss, breathing hard, his eyes meeting hers.

“Ari, I-”

“I need you to touch me,” she panted, her fingers reaching for his belt. “Right now.”

“Look darlin’ I know you're upset, but…” She pulled open his pants next.” “Ari, this might not… be a…” His voice trailed off as she reached into his jeans, her hand wrapping around his co*ck. “..a good idea,” he finished with a throaty groan.

She stroked him with a firm touch, running her thumb over the tip and around the head. As he hardened in her hand, Ari looked him in the eyes as she hiked up her dress with her free hand. Logan's eyes lit with desire when he realized she was pulling her underwear off.

“This is a very good idea,” she said, freeing him from his pants as she stepped out of her panties. She grabbed his hand, guiding it between her legs. “Touch me.”

He slid a finger along her slit, and she arched into his hand. He slipped one inside her gently and with only a few strokes, she was soaking wet for him, moaning softly.

Logan gave in, kissing her deeply. He removed his hand so her could lift her and she wrapped her legs around him, his co*ck pressing against her opening.

“Please,” she whimpered, and with a mere shift of his hips, he entered her. She let out a sigh of pleasure against his lips, his hair in her hands. He staggered forward a couple of steps, bracing her against the tree trunk.

He began moving inside her with deliberate thrusts. She bit her lip as she tried to hold in her cries. All was quiet except for the wet sound of his co*ck driving in and out of her, flesh slapping together, and their restrained pants and moans.

She was clutching at him, tension coiling within her. She was teetering on the edge of release, riding out her pleasure. Anyone could walk this way, and she didn't care. All that mattered was Logan and the feel of him inside her.

She shattered, her org*sm rocking her. She bit down on his shoulder in an attempt to muffle her shout of ecstasy. Logan's pace increased, the sensation of her puss* clenching around him ripping away his control.

He slammed into her, forcing little open mouth cries from her. He came hard as he groaned her name, his knees going weak. He lurched, putting a hand on the tree trunk to stabilize himself, his forehead against hers as he fought for composure.

He carefully lifted her off him, and she made a little huff as fluids dripped out of her. Their eyes met, and Ari laughed at the sheepish expression on his face before kissing him quickly. He placed her on her feet, and she bent, snatching up her underwear as he tucked himself away.

“Thank you,” she said breathlessly, wrapping her arms around him, and he chuckled.

“I’m more than happy to oblige darlin’, you know that. You caught me a little unprepared though, not gonna lie.”

“I know. I just needed to feel you on me, in me,” she said quietly, resting her head on his chest. “I felt so… helpless Logan. Nobody's ever made me feel like that before. All the things I've been through, that we've been through, and I couldn't protect myself.”

“Listen darlin’, you are the strongest, most capable woman I know. I've no doubt that if it had been a fair fight, you woulda kicked his ass. But it weren't a fair fight. You started at a disadvantage; there ain't no shame in that.” He rubbed her back, and she relaxed into him. “I don't know a lot about a lot of things, but I do know this: sometimes the monsters are bigger than you an’ you need someone who has your back.” Logan pulled back, cupping her face gently, his eyes meeting hers.

“An’ that's me. I got you. Long as I live, I got you.” He placed his palm on her belly, resting against the slight swelling.

“You, Andy, and this little one here… you're all the matters to me. I coulda killed that fella for puttin’ his hands on you, an’ I… I ain't gonna let it happen again.”

Ari nodded, tears spilling from her eyes as everything just became too much. He held her close as she sobbed. She was aware of him murmuring words of comfort as he scooped her up into his arms. She surrendered herself to the protection of his arms and his body, confident in him, if nothing else at that moment.

“Tell ya what,” he said, starting to move towards their house. “Let's get you home an’ cleaned up, an’ then I'll make you some dinner.”

“Ok, that sounds nice,” she replied in a shaky voice, nestling into him.

“On second thought, I'll grab somethin’ at the Blue Moon. You've been through enough for one night.”

Ari's laugh rang out through the night, and in that moment, she knew everything would be just fine.

Desert Dreaming - Chapter 13 - LadyLaFleur (2024)


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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Views: 6564

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (44 voted)

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.