Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Prologue Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 2: Aftermath Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 3: Crossing over Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 4: Meetings Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 5: More crossings Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 6: Haunted Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 7: Exposed Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 8: More worlds collide Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 9: The Waller Job Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 10: Some confrontations Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 11: Plans foiled Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 12: On a new world Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 13: Brothers Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 14: The Cray Cray Job Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 15: Once More, With Feeling Part 1 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 16: Once More, With Feeling Part 2 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 17: The Immortal Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 18: Fathers and sons Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 19: Another meeting Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 20: Wolf Save The King Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 21: Ki-ki-ki-ma-ma-ma Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 22: War on all fronts Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 23: To the Future Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 24: Destiny's Crossroads Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 25: One-Winged Angel Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 26: A Knightmare in Gotham City Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 27: Flight to the Ford Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 28: The young ones meet Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 29: Age of Ultron Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 30: Groovy Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 31: A meeting of Pantheons Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 32: Thunder vs. Strength Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: References

Chapter 1: Prologue


The Singularity affects more than just two worlds.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Earth-1, Central City, S.T.A.R. Labs

A small rip in the space opened up. But it didn't remain small for long. As each second passed, it grew larger in size, while everything shook, the rip seeming to pull things towards it.

Barry Allen was sitting up, still weakened from having been beaten up by Dr. Wel…..Thawne! Eobard Thawne!

He, his best friend Cisco Ramon and father figure Joe West all watched the widening rip in terror.

"Guys, that's not good!" Cisco explained.

Caitlin Snow was trying to awaken her unconscious fiancé Ronnie Raymond. "Professor, I shut down the wormhole. What's happening?"

"I don't know", Martin Stein confessed, the computer beeping while it showed the wormhole's status as 'unstable'. "You did close it, but it seems to be reopening."

Ronnie awoke and was helped up by Caitlin. "We got to go."

"You okay?"

Barry sped near his friend Iris West, who was leaning sadly near her fiancé Eddie Thawne's corpse, the man having killed himself to stop Eobard, as he was the Reverse Flash's ancestor, and his own death would mean Eobard Thawne never existing.

"Iris, we have to go", Barry told her.

"I'm not leaving him", Iris shook her head tearfully.

"We have to go now, honey", Joe implored, seeing the rip growing in size and sucking debris into it. "I'm sorry."

Joe pulled Iris away from Eddie's corpse, taking her away as Barry sped out, while the power of the rip sucked Eddie's body into it.

Barry, Cisco, Caitlin, Joe, Stein, Ronnie and Iris ran out of the S.T.A.R. Labs building, looking up at the huge wormhole that had now been formed in the sky and was pulling up a lot of debris. Not to mention it would soon start pulling in much more.

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"So that's what we didn't want to happen", Cisco commented glumly.

"What's it doing?" Caitlin asked.

"Feeding", Stein explained. "A singularity won't stop, not even after the Earth is gone."

Barry looked around with wide eyes. Tires screeched as cars came to a stop, people screaming and running all around.

Soon, the singularity was pulling in cars as well, while the buildings shook, parts of them breaking. It was clear that if this wasn't stopped, the buildings would begin to collapse.

Leonard Snart aka Captain Cold watched the ever-widening singularity, taking off his goggles.

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Elsewhere in the city, Kendra Saunders looked up at the singularity in terror.

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Captain David Singh got out of his car, looking up at the wormhole.

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Henry Allen was reading a book in his prison cell when he heard the sound made by the singularity, and looked out of the window.

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Earth-2, Central City

Hunter Zolomon was running around, dressed up as the Flash, when there was a blinding flash of light, and the sky split open.

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Hunter stopped at the top of a building, looking at the singularity with wide eyes, a smirk coming on his face.

His helmet with the wings on its side was pulled off of his head by the singularity's power, flying into the wormhole.


Strider was on his way to the village of Bree to meet his friend, who was none other than the Wizard called Gandalf the Grey.

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That was when his Ranger senses picked up the ground beneath him shaking. First, it was a mild shaking. Then, it got faster, and harder.

Soon enough, everything shook violently, and, to the Ranger's shock, the sky opened up, a giant blue hole in the sky appearing. He saw bits of the ground slowly flying into the hole, disappearing inside of it.

And within moments, more of the ground began to rise too, as well as some trees.

"What is this devilry?"


From the top of his tower of Barad-Dur, The Eye of Sauron the former Dark Lord of Middle-earth watched the growing hole in the sky with interest.

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The Great Eye pierced through the veil and witnessed a sigh both alien and alluring to the fallen Maia of Morgoth. So many worlds, so many powers, so much more for the Dark Lord to conquer. The campaign to regain his physical form would be challenging, but in the end, all shall kneel before Sauron.

Earth-199999, New York, Avengers Tower

Tony Stark was in his lab, designing a new suit for Steve Rogers. He had a projection of the old suit from the Battle of New York. "Oh, buddy, this thing did nothing for your ass."

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Looking at it, he said. "We can keep the red, white, and blue, darken the blue, add Kevlar and more protection." He looked at a projection of the SHIELD suit. "This is good, but I can do better. Add a little something extra: electromagnetic panels in the arms to call back the shield." He chuckled. "Sometimes I amaze even myself."

Then Tony heard the door open and felt a familiar set of arms wrap around him as a redhead rested her chin on his shoulder.

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"Having fun?"

"Now I am." Tony turned in his chair, wrapping his arms around Pepper as they shared a kiss. "How's my therapist?"

"Sleeping, again."

"I swear, if I wasn't such a fan, I'd fire him."

"Bruce isn't that kind of doctor."

"He has ears."

In that moment, everything suddenly shook, and as they looked out of the window, they saw the sky split open, a wormhole appearing.

"What in the…..?" Tony trailed off.

"Oh my God!" Pepper whispered herself.

"Jarvis, what am I looking at?"

"It appears to be a singularity, sir. With the amount of energy it has, it will consume the Earth, and more",Tony's loyal A.I. Jarvis said in reply.

Tony watched in utter horror, too shocked to even call one of his newly made suits to himself. This looked so much like the wormhole he had gone through to stop the Chitauri Army, and so, he just couldn't stop staring.

Hell's Kitchen

In his apartment, Matt Murdock heard the sky rip itself open, things slowly being pulled into it. His face grim, he wondered what was going on.

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A galaxy far, far away, Coruscant

The Jedi Master known as Yoda was meditating in the meditation room when he sensed the wormhole opening.

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His eyes immediately opened as well, while Mace Windu walked inside, looking concerned, having felt the same thing.

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"There has been a massive disturbance in the Force."

"Disturbance, it is not", Yoda disagreed, as he felt the Force, and beyond. "A revelation, it is."


Count Dooku knelt in front of a hologram of his master, the Sith Lord Darth Sidious.

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"There has been an awakening", Sidious said ominously.


Los Angeles

Angel was about to leave the city to find something to do, something that would help him process the death of Buffy Summers, his ex-girlfriend.

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While he had started moving on from their relationship, part of him still loved her, and always would. Her death had hit him hard. He needed time off to grieve for her before he could come back.

Just as he reached the outskirts of the city, he saw the sky split open, the blue wormhole appearing, slowly sucking things into it.

"What the hell?" The Vampire with a soul muttered in utter horror at what he was witnessing. The Los Angeles sign was pulled from the ground next to him, and was sucked up into the hole in the sky.

Earth-21, Metropolis, LuthorCorp Tower

Tess Mercer walked in to see her now resurrected brother Lex Luthor sitting in the chair, facing the other way.

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"Something told me that I'd find you here", Tess told him. "I combed the lab, and I saw what happened."

"Long time, sis", Lex turned around on the chair.

"Did youalwaysknow?" Tess asked the big question.

"Why do you think I recruited you, treated you as my own flesh and blood?" Lex asked back.

"Youusedme", Tess snarled.

"Semantics", Lex shrugged. "I'd say dear old dad did most of the abusing." He got up, walking towards Tess. "Wouldn't you? I guess the bullet in his chest answers that question, huh?"

"He wanted nothing more than to have you back again", Tess replied, walking closer to Lex.

"And what didyouwant, Tess?" Lex inquired out of curiosity.

"Something I'll never have", Tess said.


Tess looked down, then back up at Lex.


Lex raised his hand, as if to stroke her face, when suddenly the glass shattered, Lex turning around, both of them horrified to see that not only was the sky red, but a blue wormhole had appeared out of nowhere, and was starting to suck things in.

"Huh?" Lex muttered, when Tess saw he'd been about to pull a small sword. Clearly to stab her.

Taking the opportunity, Tess grabbed his arm, and as he turned around, she punched his face twice, making him stagger back while he grabbed her by the throat, not letting go.

Grunting, Tess kneed Lex in the gut, winding him as he doubled over, and Tess rushed off quickly, saving her life.


The brothers Dean Winchester and Sam Winchester were driving on the road in the former's Impala that he affectionately called 'Baby'.

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It was silent, and both were tense, for it was less than a week before Dean's deadline would be up, and he'd have to pay his end of the deal that he had made to bring Sam back to life.

So far, they had found no way to save him.

As they continued driving, they saw the sky opening up, a wormhole appearing, sucking things in slowly.

"What's that?" Sam asked in horror.

Dean muttered. "Well, this could be a problem."

Earth-1, Central City

"I'm afraid the accretion disc has already assembled", Stein said as he looked up at the wormhole.

"What?" Joe asked, not getting it.

"The diffuse material that's in orbital motion around the singularity", Stein explained.

"What does that mean?" Caitlin asked.

"We have to disrupt the motion!" Barry said, finally getting it. "Basically it's just like the tornado, only upside down. And bigger. And scarier."

"Barry." Barry turned to look at Stein. "That event has an energy level of at least 6.7 Tera Electron Volts. It cannot be stopped."

Barry looked at him and the rest, shaking his head in determination. "I have to try."

Stein looked back at him, while Barry looked at his entire team, nodding with a slight smile before pulling down his cowl to cover the upper half of his face.

He looked up at the singularity with determination, lightning cracking in his eyes, before he started running.

Barry ran through the streets of the city until he was directly under the singularity, and using his momentum, leapt upwards, now using the debris being sucked in to help himself further up, until he was running up a breaking building.

From the window of his cell, Henry could make out the lightning streak that was his son running up the building towards the Singularity.

"Oh, God. Barry."

Barry dodged some parts of the breaking building, and leapt upwards, finally reaching the Singularity as he circled around its outer area, then running upon the pieces of debris, ran further inside to try and stop it from there.

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And that ends the prologue. The Singularity will be stopped by Stein and Ronnie like it was in canon.

I named the 'Smallville' Earth as Earth-21 this time after what Michael Weyer, Cer1992 and Stand with Ward and Queen did, due to the show beginning in 2001.

Now regarding timelines, this was only the prologue, but this is how the timelines of each fandom would be once the main storyline begins-

Tolkien- A few months before Frodo sets out.

MCU- Before Age of Ultron.

Star Wars- Anytime before C-3P0 and R2-D2 had their solo adventure in Season 4 of 'The Clone Wars'.

Buffyverse- During Angel Season 3/Buffy Season 6.

Smallville- The start of the Season 11 comics.

Supernatural- During Season 4, after Castiel is introduced.

Arrowverse- During Flash Season 2/Arrow Season 4 (unfortunately in the latter's case).

For Earth-21, let's just say the Singularity got closed by the time Clark took up his first flight with the suit, so he just had to push Apokolips away.

And the presence of Apokolips boosted the Singularity's power in that world, hence why it immediately shattered so much glass in the LuthorCorp Tower.

Now Tess survives and Lex never loses his memories. Sure Tess came back as Red Tornado later but now she survives in human form too.

And I know 'Jay's' helmet fell onto Earth-1 before the Singularity opened, but since it's a rip through Space/Time, let's just say the Singularity sent the helmet a few minutes back through time so it fell onto Earth-1 before Barry broke Thawne's time machine.

Like I said, more fandoms shall join this series eventually, but for now its just these seven.

Anyways, thanks a lot to all my friends for their suggestions once more. Hope all enjoyed and see you all next time with another chapter.

Chapter 2: Aftermath


People from various worlds consider what the Singularity could mean.


Disclaimer: I do not own anything else you may recognize

Thank you to everyone for the kudos, hits, comments and bookmarks.

RIP Arleen Sorkin, the voice of Harley Quinn.

Thanks a lot to Brainstorm Sorcerer and Stand with Ward and Queen for their help with this chapter.

So here comes Chapter 2. Thanks a lot to Brainstorm Sorcerer for his help here. This chapter shall be immediately after the closing of the Singularity, while the next chapter shall take place a few months later, around the time Flash Season 2/Arrow Season 4, Supernatural Season 4 and Angel Season 3/Buffy Season 6 begin.


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Earth-1, Gotham City, Wayne Tower

Alfred Pennyworth carried a tray with food out onto a table, hoping to see Bruce Wayne. Only, he didn't see him anywhere.

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He sighed, knowing exactly where Bruce was.

While he was happy internally that Bruce was trying a different way, the young man was still obsessive about his night-time activities. He just hoped someone could pull him out of that mindset before it was too late.

The flood had finally been cleared from the city a few weeks ago, after months of the city's people coming together. Batman was a symbol of hope now. And Bruce Wayne was quite well-liked too, seeing as to how he had helped the recovery efforts by using his money.

But right now, Alfred did not see any hope of getting Bruce to take a step back from being Batman and relax a little.

A while later, Alfred stepped out onto the terminal, seeing Bruce in his suit sans mask, glued to all of the computers, looking at reports of the Singularity that had just closed, with some footage of it being shown.

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"It has been a while since I've seen you like this, Bruce", Alfred noted, a sense of unease in him. He was always concerned whenever Bruce got too obsessed with the mission, like he was being right now.

"This wormhole above Central City, it has me worried", Bruce confessed, turning to his butler. "I feel like…it is a prelude."

"Prelude to what?"

"Something much worse than anything we've seen, including the flood", Bruce confessed. "For now, the computers shall try to detect energy similar to that wormhole."

"And then?"

"Then we will just have to see what happens next, and be ready for it."

John Constantine sat in front of his scrying map, looking grim. He had sensed the Singularity with his powers, and it had him concerned over what the future held.

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"What happens next, well, I better not get a front row seat to it."

Earth-199999, Korean Peninsula

A guide was leading a masked man and a heavily garbed man behind him towards something, the three stopping near a wall. "What you seek is close."

He wiped the dust off the wall, revealing some kind of ancient marking.

"Very well, lead on then", the masked follower urged calmly, the guide nodding as he continued forth, the trio passing between two lengthy walls, until they came out in front of two big doors.

The guide pushed both the doors open, and the three walked inside, finding themselves surrounded by many statues.

But it was the thing at the center of the temple that had their attention.

A glowing red jewel, radiating power from where it was placed. The trio could tell it was something powerful just by looking at it.

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"What exactly is that?" The guide asked.

At that moment, the masked follower unveiled his face, revealing himself to be an old man with a clean shaven face. "The answer, my less evolved friend."

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The heavily garbed man suddenly grabbed the guide's neck from behind, and snapped it, killing him as his body dropped to the ground.

Then he unveiled himself too, revealing himself to be a bald, muscular man. The two walked towards the Gem, looking at it and each other.

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"You really think this will get your powers back, Erik?" The muscular man inquired out of curiosity.

"No, Mr. Marko, I believe it will do so much more."

Erik Lensherr reached out to grab it when the Gem lit up, illuminating the whole temple, before a wave spread out from the Gem, sending both men hurtling to the floor, the red energy leaking through their bodies and lighting up their skin.

Juggernaut convulsed, his whole body shaking as he felt the muscles and bones tear apart, and he begins to grow in size, soon reaching over 8 feet, red armor attaching onto his body, made from the remains of the table, before a domed helmet took form around his head, his eyes lighting up red while he unleashed a roar that shook the temple.

Magneto was unmoving during this time, unconscious as the red light faded from his body. By the time Juggernaut's transformation was complete, Erik's finger twitched, and red electricity sparked from his hand, and then his eyes opened, glowing red.

New York Sanctum

The Ancient One was using the Eye while she looked at the Orb of Agamotto, her expression very grim. She knew exactly what the Singularity was, and what its consequences were going to be.

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Fate had changed, and now a new course had been set for her, as well as for Strange.

Wong walked up next to her, silent, while she said. "The ink that has dried is now gone. The destiny of what once was, has now changed."

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Space, The Sanctuary

Thanos sat on his chair, the detectors in the ship having sensed the Singularity above Earth. The Other stood close to him.

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The eyes of the Mad Titan looked determined. "I believed myself ready to gather the Stones and balance the universe. Now, I ponder whether that is true."

"But sire, you are the most powerful being in the Universe."

"I would like to believe that, yet I cannot help doubt such a thing. I have little to fear from the defenders of Earth, what gives me pause is something...more. Hmm, perhaps it is time for a...change?"

"My lord?"

"To ensure the balance and prosperity of the future of the Universe, I will need to be ready. No matter the cost."

A Galaxy far, far away, Coruscant

"I believe you felt the change as well, didn't you, Anakin?" Obi-Wan Kenobi asked Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker.

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"I did, Master", Anakin confessed. "I believe all of us did."

Obi-Wan nodded, as Anakin sighed. "I have to say though, what I felt, it was almost like when I forced down the Son and the Daughter back at Mortis. It was like the Force called for me, and I felt...everything."

"Is that true?" Obi-Wan asked in shock, Anakin nodding. "That can only mean there is a lot more to this than what we know right now."

"Not just that, I think I heard Master Qui-Gon's voice", Anakin admitted. "I'm not sure what he was saying though. But it was him."

"Only time will provide answers to our questions, Anakin", Obi-Wan said, the two grimly looking out of the window.

Middle-Earth, Bree

Strider sat at a table, the Wizard Gandalf sitting in front of him.

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"The Rangers have doubled their watch as you instructed", Strider informed Gandalf before asking. "Is it still safe?"

"Yes, for the time being", Gandalf assured Strider, before inhaling from his pipe, then exhaling, letting some smoke out. "The enemy does not yet know that the Ring has been found."

"That is well", Strider noted.

"The matter is more complicated", Gandalf warned. "I have made a grave error, I overlooked something important, something dangerous." Seeing he had Strider's full attention, Gandalf revealed what he spoke of. "It concerns the former owner of the Ring."

Strider knew who that was. "Gollum."

Gandalf continued. "How he came by it, I do not know but he's murderously protective of it; and now, he has left his cave, his mind bent on recovering it."

Strider asked the important question. "Gollum knows, doesn't he Gandalf?" There was a pause, Gandalf staring at Strider. "He knows the location of the Ring?"

"Yes", the Wizard nodded sadly, letting out some more smoke. "Unfortunately our secret is no longer safe, the foolish Hobbit revealed his name."

Strider insisted. "It should have been destroyed."

"But it was not", Gandalf pointed out.

The flame of decision formed in Strider's eyes. "I will go. I will find him."

Gandalf smiled. While the Man did not want to have to do anything with his heritage, he showed the same courage and resilience that his ancestors always had. "Thank you, Aragorn." Strider looked at Gandalf in full attention, especially since his real name had been used.

The Wizard warned. "The road will not be easy, but you have the foresight of your people. If you can't find him... no one can."

Strider nodded, before asking the other question in his mind. "Before I arrived at Bree, I saw something…strange."

Gandalf raised an eyebrow.

"The sky was torn open, and the power pulled in trees, and pieces of the ground. It did not last long. What do you think of that?"

Gandalf looked grim. "I did sense that myself. However, even I cannot tell what it was."

Now Strider's expression matched Gandalf's. If even the Grey Wizard did not have answers about this, who would?

"However", Gandalf began. "I'd suggest we choose to do what we can with the time given to us. And right now, hunting Gollum should be what we must do."

Strider knew Gandalf was right. As much as they all wanted to know more about the tear in the sky, the rise of Sauron was the more immediate threat. And so, hunting Gollum was the priority.

"I shall find him", Strider said firmly, before taking leave of Gandalf.

Isengard, Tower of Orthanc

Saruman the White looked down from the Tower, having sensed the tear in the sky himself. Like Gandalf, he too did not know what it truly was.

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And not having answers always irked him. The power from it had been great, familiar even, but he did not know why.

However, he would find out. It was time to look into Palantír once more.

Universe-92, Senior Partners' Dimension

The Wolf, the Ram and the Hart had seen the Singularity above the Earth, and knowing what it entailed, it had them concerned.

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"It was a portal from another world. But I sense it is not the last of its kind."

"I sense it too. There are many out there still, waiting to be discovered."

"Shall we send out people to investigate?"

"No, we do not know what might lie on the other side."

"So, shall we do nothing?"

"No, we shall wait, and see what this truly means, before thinking of our move."

Earth-205, Lawrence, Kansas

Dean and Sam walked out of the house of Missouri Moseley, the psychic walking behind them, the boys looking disappointed.

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"Sorry boys, I wish I could help you with this, but I can't", Missouri shook her head regretfully.

"Its fine", Dean shrugged. "You tried."

"What now?" Sam wondered sadly, before remembering. "Also, while we were coming here, we saw some kind of tear in the sky. You know anything about that?"

"No, not really", Missouri said, Sam looking disappointed. "But I did feel something in the mystical side. There has been a change…in everything."

"What kind?" Dean asked.

"Well, all I can say is- Lilith might not be your biggest problem."

And that scared the brothers.

Earth-21, Metropolis, Watchtower

Apokolips had been pushed away, and Darkseid had been defeated for now, but the League was not feeling victorious.

Except Lois, all of them were gathered there, Clark and Tess having revealed about the survival of Lex to everyone.

"But….how?" Oliver Queen wondered. "I had killed him back then!"

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"Lionel, the other one", Clark said. "Darkseid was possessing him. I think they made a deal, and that brought Lex back."

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"He'd have killed me", Tess confessed, looking at her laptop. "And looks like he has already fired me from his company."

"How was he able to do that if he just came back to life today?" Emil wondered.

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"Its Lex. He would have placed some contingencies around in case he had to fake his death", Tess pointed out. "To make sure anyone he didn't want in the company would be thrown out once he came back, and he could take over easily. Since he came back to life now, he is doing it just like that."

She shrugged. "Well, I was gonna resign anyway with him back."

"How did you escape?" Oliver asked Tess.

"Yeah…." Tess remembered. "There was some kind of…..wormhole. It shattered the windows and distracted him. That's how I escaped."

"That?" Oliver wondered. "Yeah, I saw it too." He turned to Clark. "It was there when you were pushing Apokolips away. Then it just disappeared."

"A wormhole?" Clark asked in surprise. "So, we take care of one problem, another takes its place."

"I did not see that when I wore the Helmet of Fate", Chloe confessed. "So, this is going to be new territory. We don't even know what it is."

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"All that on top of Lex coming back", Oliver groaned. "And I'm sure after today, people all over the world will know aliens are a thing."

"Whatever that wormhole means, we'll have to be ready for it", Clark said firmly, looking every bit the hero that everyone knew he was. "Lex, the wormhole, people knowing about aliens, we will face them when they come."

And when he spoke, they all felt hope, that whatever came their way, they would survive it, and save everyone.


With that, the second chapter ends.

Earth-1 Batman and Alfred are from the 2022 Batman film. In 'Heroes' I had heavily tweaked versions of Nolanverse Batman and Catwoman on Earth-1, but now, we've Robert Pattinson's Batman here.

This film can exist on Earth-1 right now without contradicting anything. The movie says Batman has operated in Gotham City for around two years.

I'm thinking Bruce started in Gotham City around the time of the Undertaking, and the movie happened a few months before the Singularity.

By the time of the Singularity, I'm thinking the flood issue would have finally been solved, and Gotham would be recovering.

Bruce is trying to be better, and be a symbol of hope as Batman, but he can still get obsessive over what he does as a vigilante, which is not a surprise for Batman.

Arrow Season 2 has confirmed Harley Quinn exists on Earth-1, plus the Joker made a cameo at the end of the 2022 film next to Riddler's cell, so that means this Batman has faced Joker before.

I think the timeline lines up pretty well, and this same Joker had a Harley Quinn as well, who then got sent into an ARGUS prison instead since Waller saw her potential as an asset, while Joker remains in Arkham.

So in MCU, we already have the Ancient One and Thanos sensing the Singularity, while Magneto and Juggernaut are back, the former having regained his powers while the latter has become more like he is in the comics.

The X-Men are the live-action versions from the original timeline. The movies canon on the MCU Earth would be X-Men: First Class, X-Men Origins: Wolverine (unfortunately), X-Men, X2: X-Men United, X-Men: The Last Stand (again, unfortunately) and The Wolverine (except its post-credits scene, which won't happen here).

Magneto regained his powers slightly at the end of The Last Stand, but not fully, which is how I'm showing it here. So the Gem of Cyttorak was needed.

Fury would know about Charles' school after X2, and has kept it hidden from other prying eyes since.

Basically, the backstory here is the same as in 'Heroes'.

The Aragorn/Gandalf scene was taken from the fan-made film 'The Hunt for Gollum', and its really good. I'm combining book and movie stuff for the Tolkien parts obviously.

For Smallville, the Season 11 comics shall begin soon, and there's obviously more to come everywhere. Since Lex has his memories here, some workarounds- he fired Tess but also let go of Daily Planet as he felt it does not contribute to his plans anymore, but Tess had enough assets to keep running it by herself. As for knowing who Clark is, that shall factor in soon.

Next chapter shall take place after a time-skip.

Thanks a lot to Brainstorm Sorcerer and Stand with Ward and Queen once more, and see you all next time with another chapter.

Chapter 3: Crossing over


People start crossing over into each others' worlds.


Disclaimer: I do not own anything you may recognize

Thank you to everyone for the kudos, hits, comments and bookmarks/

Thanks a lot to Brainstorm Sorcerer, Stand with Ward and Queen and Marcus S. Lazarus for their suggestions on this chapter.

And now, we pick up a few months after the Singularity, when the new Seasons of any TV show fandoms shall finally have begun. So it will be Smallville Season 11 comics, Angel Season 3/Buffy Season 6, Supernatural Season 4, Arrow Season 4/Flash Season 2 and Agents of SHIELD Season 2. For Star Wars, this will be sometime before the solo adventure of C-3PO and R2-D2 in Season 4, and for Tolkien, it is when Aragorn has caught Gollum.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Earth-1, Gotham City

It was night-time, and Batman stood on a rooftop, patrolling the city like he did every night. He had stopped a few muggings, and one robbery attempt.

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To his surprise, some of the victims of the attempted muggings had thanked him. A far cry from when the man he had saved had begged him to not hurt him.

Perhaps he was succeeding in the new approach that he was trying.

That moment, he sensed something behind him. Some kind of movement. On-guard immediately, Batman turned around, and he was shocked by what he saw.

The air seemed to ripple and distort, and some kind of blue energy appeared, before a man appeared, seeming to step out of it. No, not a man. He had contortions across his face, yellow eyes, and two elongated canines, while he was growling like an animal.

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And he looked very angry, almost crazy, as he stared at Batman.

"Who are you?" Batman said, preparing himself to fight this thing. Because it was clearly not a human of any kind.

In response, the creature just growled louder. "Shouldn't have come in my way."

And then, he charged at a speed that was beyond normal, Batman trying to block, but he was hit on the chest and sent flying back, rolling on the ground.

The creature lunged at him again, trying to crush him with his foot, but Batman rolled away to avoid, getting up with a flip as he kicked the creature, making him stagger back.

Spinning, Batman kicked his face again, making him fall down. But there, he kicked Batman's feet from underneath him, dropping him as well.

He was about to get up and leap onto Batman, but the Caped Crusader took out his grapple gun, aiming at a taller building nearby, and fired, striking it, this making the creature turn in that direction.

Batman quickly leapt up and jumped, swinging away, only for the creature to leap after him and grab him by the feet.

The sudden jerk in movement caused the grapple gun to loosen, as both plummeted towards the ground, crashing into a wooden beam on the way, breaking it on impact, as both fell down, the creature below Batman.

It grabbed him by the throat, growling, but Batman elbowed his neck, making him let go, and rolled away, just as a large splinter of wood fell down, its pointed end going into the creature's chest as it growled and got back up to fight some more.

But then, in front of Batman's shocked eyes, the fanged creature turned to dust, leaving nothing behind, while the splinter of wood fell down to the ground with a 'clatter'.

Usually, he had a very calm façade but right now, Batman was nothing short of stunned.

Earth-199999, New York City

Wong and another Mystic known as Miro faced a giant monstrous dark green creature that wore armor and had a large sword in its hand. It was fifteen feet tall, and had orange eyes.

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With a roar, it kicked an empty car towards Miro. Miro put his arms in front of his head, mystic symbols appearing around his body as he glowed with Eldritch energy.

The car struck him and exploded, but he was unharmed due to having used the Eldritch energy to form the mystical armor around him, and increase his physical stats.

Rushing forwards, Miro punched the ground, forming an Eldritch symbol briefly as the area around him glowed, and then a giant crack in the ground appeared, spreading towards where the creature stood, until it was underneath it directly.

And then a blast of energy struck the creature from below, making it howl in pain as it was sent flying off and falling to the ground, scorched badly all over.

It was too weak to fight now. Taking the opportunity, Wong aimed his hands at the wounded creature, Eldritch symbols surrounding it all over as it fell into one of the blue breaches that opened up, and then sealed itself.

"These barriers are becoming more frequent", Miro noted grimly.

"That they are, my friend", Wong sighed. "This situation is not as simple as I had believed earlier."


"Yeah, well, let's keep it that way", Dean was telling Sam in the Impala after being assured that Sam wasn't using his Demonic powers anymore.

Sam's expression was broody, so he quickly took out a notepad, opening a page that had a crude drawing of the wormhole on it.

Dean's glance fell on it briefly as he looked at it, then turned back to the road. "Now what's that, Sammy?"

"Remember the wormhole we saw that day?" Sam reminded. "I'm trying to find out what it is, alongside everything else. Though from what I've figured out, it was more of a scientific thing than a mystic thing."

"Don't think we should be focusing on that anyways", Dean shrugged.

"Well, Missouri did say that Lilith won't be our worst problem anymore", Sam pointed out. "You think all this is connected with the wormhole?"

Dean looked ahead at the road. "I guess we're about to find out."

Earth-21, Smallville

Oliver Queen and his wife Chloe Sullivan-Queen were walking through the fields in search of the missing ship.

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As they ended up in a small area between the fields, Chloe said. "We need to split up."


"Because we're being followed."

"You noticed, huh? Didn't want to worry you."

They split up, going into different directions through the dense fields.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

Oliver didn't have to go far. Within moments, he found their stalker, looking the other way, wearing a suit and a helmet.

He shone his light on the person while aiming a crossbow. "From the looks of those boots, you're the huntee and not the hunter. You know you're being followed, right?"

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The figure turned to look at Oliver, his reflection shown in the helmet as he asked. "Why is my name on your ship?"

The figure lunged with a kick. "Because your wife built it for me!"

Oliver grasped the figure's leg, blocking the kick, and tried to punch back, only for his wrist to be grasped. "Nice moves."

The figure freed their leg, Oliver freeing his wrist before he punched the figure with his other fist, staggering the person back. "Have we danced this dance before?"

"Not on this Earth!"

"Did you just say-"

At that moment, the figure did a flip and kicked Oliver's abdomen, sending him flying back and falling down. Before he could get up, the figure Oliver down with a boot.

"Where's Clark Kent?"

"Everyone from Space always comes here looking for that lug. It never ends well."

"Wrong answer", the figure snarled.


The figure gasped, a bullet having passed through their shoulder as they grasped it in pain, staggering away and kneeling down.

Chloe had come, and she was rushing towards the figure who yelled. "NO!"

Chloe made to take off the person's helmet.


And then, there was an explosion from the helmet which sent Chloe flying back, and the figure flew back too.

"Chloe!" Oliver yelled, getting up as he rushed after her. Reaching near her, he helped her up. "Come on."

At that moment, they heard something and turned around to see some kind of red energy in the area where the mysterious figure had fallen.

They rushed to the area, Oliver yelling. "What the-"

The two found the figure, lying on the ground, smoke emanating from their chest, while a giant silhouette was seen in the distance, walking away.

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"Our visitor's over here", Oliver said, looking down as he knelt to the person. "Don't move, you're hurt. Let's get that helmet off."

And then he took it off.

"You're…" Chloe trailed off, she and her husband staring at the person's face in shock. "You're me!"

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The person looked just like Chloe, except her hair were black, and her mouth was bleeding.

"Earth…the other Earth!" The other Chloe coughed out.

Oliver knew what she was talking about. "Yeah, what about it?"

"Its gone!" She said. And then next moment, she was gone too.

"Oh no!" Chloe said, her eyes wide, as she and Oliver stared at each other.

At that moment, they heard something, and turned around to see some kind of blue energy, out of which a Chinese woman with blonde hair stepped out, wearing a prison uniform for some reason, a knife in her hand.

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"What in the…?" Oliver said as he got up, while the woman looked at them like they were a threat as well.

"Who are you two?" She snarled, holding out her knife, before she looked at Oliver. "And you are dressed in an Arrow cosplay costume, hmmm."

"Its not cosplay, lady, I'm the real deal", Oliver told her as Chloe aimed her guns.

"How did I get here?" The woman wondered, looking around.

"Stand down", Chloe warned, only for the woman to give a smirk as she hurled the knife.

Oliver and Chloe both jumped away to avoid, as Chloe started firing, but the woman was fast, and she rolled on the ground, avoiding the shots herself before she flipped, and doing a cartwheel, came close to Chloe, kicking the guns out of her hand.

Flipping again, the woman straightened herself. Chloe threw a punch but the woman blocked, then spun and elbowed her face, staggering her back, before sweeping her feet from underneath her.

Sensing something behind her, the woman turned around, but was a second too late as Oliver whacked her face with his bow, turning her head the other way, then kneed her gut, winding her, before leaping as he wrapped her head between his feet and flipped her down.

He got up first, but the woman did a reverse flip and kicked his face, making him fall down while she got back up, and then she sent two punches to his chest, before spinning and kicking him on the side, making him fall down and drop his bow as well.

Chloe was back up and she grabbed the woman in a chokehold, both of them struggling, before the woman elbowed Chloe's side twice, making her loosen her grip, and then grasping Chloe's arm, she flipped her to the ground.

Looking at the downed Oliver, she said. "You are clearly not the real deal."

"Really?" Oliver smirked, when she suddenly saw his crossbow was held out, and he fired at that moment.

The shot was too fast, and the arrow struck her on the shoulder, but it had some thing like pincers on it, so it didn't pierce her, but grabbed onto her shoulder.

And then, an electric shock was sent through her body, making her spasm violently before she was knocked out, falling to the ground.

Getting up, Oliver quipped. "As you can see, I am the real deal."

He helped Chloe up as both looked at the knocked-out woman, the latter wondering. "Now where did she come from?"

Earth-1, Gotham City

Bruce was sitting, still in his suit, except the mask, Alfred looking at him in shock.

"He just….turned to dust?"

"Yes, he did."

"From a wooden splinter?"


"And he had fangs?"


"He sounds like a Vampire to me, Bruce", Alfred confessed.

"There is no such thing", Bruce shook his head, denying it.

"There were many things we thought impossible before, Bruce", Alfred pointed out. "Like meta-humans."

Bruce sighed, knowing Alfred had a point, though, Vampires, that was still new.

"When he appeared, there some kind of energy around him", Bruce remembered. "It looked like a type of portal."

He looked at Alfred. "It looked a lot like the wormhole above Central City all those months ago."

Alfred looked thoughtful. "You believe there is a connection?"

"I think there has to be", Bruce said, standing up as he walked away. "I did manage to record what the wormhole's energy was like. The tracker is still being made, but it would be able to detect similar energy once its ready, then we'll figure it out."

Earth-92, Los Angeles, Caritas

"We were in the train, I was fighting him, and then he disappears in this blue energy", Angel was explaining to Lorne. "And I've no idea how that even happened."

"This is definitely new, Angel-cakes", Lorne had to agree as well.

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"It looked a lot like the wormhole I'd seen when leaving this city a few months ago", Angel revealed. "I'm sure there's a connection."

"I am sure there is too, but its best to find out more before jumping into this."

"Maybe I could sing, and you can read me and figure it out", Angel offered.

But Lorne immediately shook his head. "Not happening, puppy eyes. I heard more Barry Manilow than I ever would have wanted in my life, I couldn't get any picture the first time, nor the next twenty-two times. Make it twenty-three, and the fortune teller will go out of business. Now, Seabreeze?" Lorne offered Angel the drink, who took it with a dumbstruck expression.

Earth-199999, The Bus

"Its been weeks, and there's nothing!" Alec Hardison snapped as he looked up from his computer at Phil Coulson, who looked at him calmly.

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"I understand your frustrations, Mr. Hardison", Coulson assured him. "But we have many things we need to do. We have tried to look for your friend to the best of our ability. None of our leads have turned up anything."

Hardison sighed, calming down a bit, as Melinda walked up next to him. "I know what you're feeling. He is my friend too, has been for a long time. I want to find him as much as you do."

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"This is just getting weirder", Mack had to say. "This guy disappears completely, and then that thing comes in the middle of the Bus out of nowhere from that blue energy and attacks."

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The group groaned, remembering what had happened earlier in the day. A bluish energy had appeared in the middle of the Bus and a gnarly, disgusting creature, with weird ears and poorly forged armor with a sword had stepped out of it, speaking in a scary, guttural tone.

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It had tried to attack them on sight but Melinda had subdued it, and now it was in a cell.

"You know", Skye said at that moment. "That blue energy, it looked a lot like that wormhole above New York from a few months ago."

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"Huh?" Hardison's eyes widened. "You've a point, they look very much alike, at least the energy of those."

"Are you saying…." Coulson trailed off.

"If this creature came out of one, maybe Eliot disappeared in one", Melinda finished, the group sharing a look.

"That makes sense", Tripp noted.

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"Looks like joining you all in trying to find him was not a waste of time after all", Hardison said cheerfully.

"Like I said, he is my friend too, I'd do anything to find him", May assured Hardison, while sharing a look with Coulson.

A while ago, May had told Coulson that Eliot was the only person who knew her as well as Coulson did. That told Coulson everything he needed to know.

"I have a record of that thing's energy on my system", Hardison explained. "I could try to track it nearby, see if there's more of it other than that thing in the middle of the Bus, which for some reason, can't be traced anymore."

He typed for a while, and then the computer beeped. "Oh boy!"

"What is it?" Skye inquired.

"There is one, right in the sky", Hardison revealed. "Just below us."

They looked at the coordinates, seeing he was right.

"Well then, I think we should send someone through for a bit to investigate", Coulson immediately said.

"I'll go", Hardison volunteered.

"I do not doubt your capabilities", Coulson assured the man. "But you are too close to the situation. I need a clear head here."

"I'll go then", May said.

"No", Coulson shook his head. "You are close to this situation as well."

May looked like she was going to argue, but then decided against it. Because Coulson was right. She was too close to the situation, which usually didn't happen.

"I can do it", Mack offered.

"Oh no, you're good, but I have someone else in mind", Coulson confessed.

"Me?" Tripp asked but Coulson shook his head.

"Is it Parker?" Hardison inquired.

"No Mr. Hardison, she is great at what she does, but she is as close to the situation as you are", Coulson pointed out. "Its someone I know. But where is Parker anyways?"

"Dealing in her own way", Hardison said. "But she'll come."

New York City

In a museum, stood Parker, looking at a diamond and some other artefacts here and there, imagining how she could steal them.

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She wasn't actually going to steal anything. Nowadays, she only committed theft when it was part of a con. But imagining various scenarios to steal things from a museum was her way of coping with the disappearance of her friend, Eliot.

Hardison was trying to track him with some people from SHIELD, as Eliot had a friend there who was willing to get her team to help.

She just hoped something happened soon. But anyways, she figured she had coped enough, it was time to go back to Hardison, so them and the SHIELD Team could look for Eliot together.

Getting up, she walked out of the museum, taking an alley, as she saw a teenage girl, about 15, walking towards her. The girl had blonde hair, just like hers.

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As they passed, the girl bumped into her. "Sorry."

Parker smirked, turning around as she grasped the girl's shoulder. "I think you took something from me."

"What?" The girl turned around, feigning ignorance.

Parker smirked as she put a hand in the girl's pocket, taking out her phone from it, the girl's jaw dropping.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I-"

"You have potential, but clearly, you're an amateur", Parker commented as she put the phone back inside. "See, you're not being careful while taking something directly from a pocket. You need to grasp it lightly, but not too light, make sure there is a very slight movement that's not even felt, and then take it. All of this very quick."

And then Parker held up a pouch in her hand, making the girl's jaw drop, as the thing had been in her pocket.

"Like this", Parker said, opening the pouch to see an apple. "Huh?" She took a bite out, and then tossed it back to the girl, who caught it.

"Wow, you're really good at this."

"No", Parker shook her head. "I'm the best."

"Would you teach me?" The girl inquired.

"Maybe one day", Parker shrugged. "You can tell me your name, then I'll know where to find you."

"I'm Felicia", the girl introduced herself. "Felicia Hardy."

Parker held out her hand. "Parker."

Felicia and Parker shook hands, before dropping them as Felicia flashed a smile, and turning around walked away, Parker walking off too.


Felicia stopped in her tracks. "Yes?"

"I know you took my phone again."

Felicia turned around sheepishly, holding the phone out, as Parker took it back, then walked off.

She knew what she was gonna do once Eliot had been found.

Earth-21, Metropolis, LexCorp

Clark in his Superman suit had come to talk to Lex after the entire mess with Commander Hank Henshaw, when he saw a monitor nearby saying 'Calibration Complete'.

Turning towards it curiously, Clark saw it was a virtual projection of the building and asked. "Keeping an eye on your own building?"

He could see a red dot at one point, when Lex revealed. "It would seem that the isotope that LexCorp was using to power the Guardian platform left quite the residual trail of radiation when the power cell ruptured."

Clark's eyes widened in horror as the implications sunk in, while Lex continued. "Only now have we discovered that it has quite a half-life."

"That's….that's me!" Clark said in shock about the red dot, which was the spot where he stood in the Lexcorp building.

"Don't fret, Clark", Lex assured him. "The radiation doesn't pose a physical threat to anyone around you, hence my intimate proximity. And unfortunately, anyone with the right kind of satellite will be able to follow your every movement for at least the next 500 years or so."

Clark clenched his fists angrily. "The launch…the accident, it was all about me?"

"For future reference, you might want to be careful about who you piss off, Clark", Lex shrugged. "Or should I call you Superman?"

"You have no right to track me", Clark sneered.

"Don't I?" Lex asked as he turned around, walking away. "The scary thing about the Gods, the Old and the New, is that they came and went as they pleased."

"I'm not a God", Clark denied.

"Showing up seemingly at random to save or exact judgment sounds awfully God-like to me", Lex shrugged, before looking at Clark. "So no, you don't have the right." He smirked. "Feel free to go about your own business."

As Clark stared, Lex added. "And if it interferes with my business, I will tell everyone who you are, this tracker shall prove it, and I'd already have covered my tracks, so no one would ever believe that the accident was because of me." He smirked.

Clark looked angry. Now Lex could expose his identity at any time he wanted. He didn't trust that Lex would keep his word, and could even reveal his secret while he was with those he loved, which would bring them under unwanted crossfire.

"This isn't over Lex", Clark snarled, then flew off.

"Good", Lex shrugged, before walking to his computer and typing some things in. A virtual projection of the Singularity from all those months ago appeared, while he started typing in more, going through some stuff.

"Let's see where you shall lead me."


Oliver and Chloe were still shaken up by the death of the latter's doppelganger, but right now, they stared at the Chinese woman who was temporarily contained in a cell, Tess and Emil next to them.

"She says she doesn't know anything", Tess told Oliver and Chloe. "She was in her cell at Iron Heights, having taken a knife from another inmate, and was fighting a guard, then she was suddenly in the field."

"What do Iron Heights have to say about it?" Chloe inquired.

"We looked, there is no record of her in there", Emil revealed, only shocking them more.

"That's weird", Oliver muttered as they looked at the woman. "Who are you?"

"The one who'll kill you after getting out of here", the woman sneered.

"Wait!" Oliver remembered something. "She appeared in the field from some blue portal."

"And?" Tess inquired.

"The wormhole, it looked a lot like the portal thing", Oliver said as he looked at the rest of them.

"Maybe, the wormhole did something", Chloe realized. "And like the other me, she came from another Earth."

"You think she'd know more about this Crisis then?" Emil asked.

"Nah, I think this is a different situation from the Crisis", Oliver said with folded arms. "And its just as bad."

He sighed. "Anyways, let's hand her over to the authorities, then figure out what to do."


Aragorn was walking through a forest in the night.

After setting out to find the creature, Aragorn had met a Ranger named Arithir who'd told him rumors about a creature that had been stealing fishes from open windows in local villages.

After parting ways with Arithir, Aragorn had killed a pair of Orc Scouts, then found Gollum near a fish pond eventually, managing to capture him in a snare trap. Securing him inside a sack, Aragorn had made towards Mirkwood, briefly avoiding a Nazgûl. At night, he had been attacked by an Orc Squad, and had defeated them.

During that time, he had noticed something strange- one of the Orcs had disappeared into some form of blue sorcery, never to be seen again. It resembled the tear in the sky he had seen before.

At the end of the fight, he had been hit by a poison dart before dispatching the last attacker. He'd fallen besides a batch of Athelas flowers, and had a vision of his love Arwen, in which both were in Rivendell.

On waking up, he'd discovered that Gollum had escaped, and had tracked him well into the night. Finding him cowering on the top of a tree, Aragorn had been attacked by a Nazgûl. They'd a short but intense duel, when the Elves of Mirkwood had come, their bright light making it flee, while they'd recaptured Gollum.

Gandalf had interrogated him, and found out that Gollum knew of Bilbo Baggins and The Shire, so now he needed to go and warn Frodo Baggins.

The two had agreed to send Frodo in Bree as quickly as he could come, Aragorn also telling Gandalf about the Orc disappearing the blue sorcery that resembled the tear in the sky, concerning the Wizard, who'd assured Aragorn he'd look into. After that, they had parted ways.

While walking through the forests, Aragorn suddenly smelt something different in the air. Concerned, he followed the cause, until the smell got stronger, and at that moment, the accursed blue sorcery appeared, Aragorn falling straight into it, his shock preventing him from screaming.

As he fell through it, he saw many things- someone wearing some kind of red and blue fabric around him, using a strange rope coming out of his wrist to swing, a white symbol looking like a spider on his chest.

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Then he saw a young boy, barely an adult, whose eyes turned red while his teeth turned wolf-like, and he seemed to howl.

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After that, he saw a man whose eyes seemed hollowed-out, his skin pale, and his face matted with scars. His hair were long and pale as well, while he carried two swords.

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Next, he saw a man dressed in all-black armor, including a cape and a mask, leaping from a rooftop, while the cape fluttered, making him look like a bat, with a symbol like a bat on his chest as well.

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His next sight was of a tall man with brown eyes and dark brown hair, whose eyes seemed to glow with lightning.

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And then, he saw a woman who battled a creature with fangs, striking the creature's chest with a wooden stake, and the creature howled as it died.

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After that, he saw a young man with pale skin and long hair more unkempt than his own, wearing only a white shirt and faded blue trousers, or at least that was what they looked like. He sat in a very strange manner as well.

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Next, he saw a man who had the top of his hair tied in a bun, his entire body very muscular, his throat bluish.

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And lastly, Aragorn saw a tall man wearing some kind of strange yellow helmet on his face, a long machete in his hand.

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That was when Aragorn hit the ground, gasping as he felt the hard road. Picking himself up, Aragorn looked around, finding a strange sight.

There were tall buildings all around, taller than anything he had seen, and huge windows all of them. Walking out of the alley, he saw strange chariots running by, none of them requiring any horses to pull them, while people walked here and there, paying each other no mind. The entire area was full of many people.

There was a strange tall object, which produced light, at the side of the road where the strange chariots ran.

"Where am I?" Aragorn asked in horror.


Dean was sitting on a table in a warehouse with Bobby Singer.

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Both were swinging their legs, looking bored.

"You sure you did the ritual right?"

Bobby gave Dean a look. "Sorry. Touchy, touchy, huh?"

As if on cue, a loud rattling shook the roof. Dean and Bobby armed themselves with shotguns and took positions at the far end of the warehouse.

"Wishful thinking, but maybe it's just the wind", Dean shrugged.

The door burst open and a handsome man in a business suit and trenchcoat stalked in. Bobby and Dean both knew that this had to be Castiel.

The light bulbs above his head shattered in a shower of sparks as he passed them. As he approached, Dean and Bobby both opened fire, but the shots did not even slow him down.

Dean took the magic knife as Castiel got close. "Who are you?"

Castiel spoke to him. "I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition."

"Yeah. Thanks for that." Dean reared back and plunged the magic knife into Castiel's chest. It hit his heart without any effects.

Castiel looked down, unconcerned, and pulled it out, dropping it to the floor. Behind him, Bobby attacked; without looking, Castiel grabbed Bobby's weapon and used it to swing him around.

Castiel touched Bobby on the forehead with his fingertips and Bobby crumpled to the ground.

He turned to Dean. "We need to talk, Dean. Alone."

Dean crouched over Bobby, checking his pulse. He glared at Castiel.

"Your friend's alive."

"Who are you?"


"Yeah, I figured that much, I mean what are you?" Dean asked the real question.

"I'm an Angel of the Lord."

After a moment of silence, Dean said in disbelief. "Get the hell out of here. There's no such thing."

"This is your problem, Dean. You have no faith", Castiel told him.

Lightning flashed, and on Castiel's back in his silhouette, great shadowy wings appeared, stretching off into the distance. Dean was nothing short of shocked.

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The light went out and the image disappeared.

"Some Angel you are", Dean snarled as he thought of Pamela. "You burned out that poor woman's eyes."

Castiel pointed out. "I warned her not to spy on my true form. It can be... overwhelming to humans, and so can my real voice. But you already knew that."

"You mean the gas station and the motel. That was you talking?" Dean inquired, as Castiel nodded. "Buddy, next time, lower the volume."

"That was my mistake", Castiel admitted. "Certain people, special people, can perceive my true visage. I thought you would be one of them. I was wrong."

"And what visage are you in now, huh?" Dean inquired. "What, holy tax accountant?"

"This?" Castiel looked down at his human body. "This is... a vessel."

Dean was outraged. "You're possessing some poor bastard?"

Castiel revealed. "He's a devout man, he actually prayed for this."

"Well, I'm not buying what you're selling, so who are you really?" Dean asked.

Castiel frowned. "I told you."

"Right", Dean sneered. "And why would an Angel rescue me from Hell?"

"Good things do happen, Dean."

"Not in my experience."

Castiel asked. "What's the matter? You don't think you deserve to be saved?"

"Why'd you do it?" Dean inquired.

"Because God commanded it. Because we have work for you", Castiel said, Dean watching him, before Castiel's face contorted and he grasped his head.

"What's the matter?"

"The wormhole…." Castiel trailed off. "It…"

"Yeah?" Dean inquired.

"It needs to be…..looked into…" Castiel said, holding his head, appearing to be in pain now.

And then, he disappeared in a flash, Dean's shock and confusion only increasing.

Earth-199999, The Bus

Coulson smiled as he watched a man wearing a coat walk in.

Holding out his hand, he said. "Thank you for coming, Mr. Hunt."

"Like I said", Ethan Hunt shook Coulson's hand. "Anything for a friend."

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"Good to see you again, Ethan", Melinda said as she held out her hand, Ethan shaking that too.

"So, where is this breach thing?" Ethan asked as he looked around.

"Its directly below us, in the sky", Hardison confirmed, Ethan chuckling.

"What?" Skye asked out of curiosity.

"Nothing, it's a normal day for him", Coulson shrugged.

"I can see that", Mack commented on seeing the look in Ethan's eyes.

A while later, Hunt was in tactical gear, a cable wrapped around him as he stood at the edge of the Bus.

"So, it's directly there, right?" Ethan pointed at the empty space underneath them.

"Yeah, I can still detect it there", Hardison confirmed.

"All right then."

With that, Ethan jumped off, Hardison's jaw dropping. He had done a lot of risky things as part of the Leverage crew, but he really didn't think he could do this.

As Ethan continued to go down, the blue energy appeared around him, and he disappeared into that, the cable holding him also going through it, only the part around him that is.

"Oh boy!" Hardison muttered.

As Hunt continued to jump, he gritted his teeth, seeing various things pass by him.

He saw people who looked like Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk and Hawkeye (in a purple suit?) standing with a man in a red suit and helmet with antennae, and another figure in some sort of black stealth suit, while a tiny woman in a yellow suit and wings hovered near them.

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And then he saw some other group- a guy in a blue suit and a cape on his back with a 'S' symbol on his chest, another guy dressed in black and looking like a bat with a bat symbol on his chest, a beautiful woman with a sword and shield wearing a scanty but royal looking suit, a man in some kind of red suit with a lightning symbol, a green alien looking man with a cape, a dark-skinned man in a green and black suit wearing some kind of Ring, and a woman with wings like a bird holding a mace.

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After that, he saw a handsome man with white hair, wearing a red trenchcoat while he fired two guns around.

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Next, he saw a giant-robot like being, whose body was a mix of red, blue, silver and grey, with the head being blue at the top and silver below, three antennae on each side of his head.

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Then, there was some kind of police box that was twirling and moving.

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And next, Hunt saw a tall, muscular man with short, spiked, black hair in a crew cut, holding a giant sword, having one eye and one half-prosthetic arm.

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Then, he saw a tall, bald man, with an ash-white complexion, a scar across his right eye, with a red tattoo that threaded from his left eye, circled his left torso, and ended at his left shoulder. He had two blades that seemed to be bound to his flesh.

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And after that, he saw a terrifying creature that seemed to look like a dinosaur, but even scarier, its face square and neck broad, while it had what looked like gills as well. Its eyes were golden yellow, and its size was beyond anything living he had seen.

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Lastly, he saw what looked like a man with long hair, with a scar across his right eye.

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At that moment, Ethan suddenly came out into what was a yellowish sky, hanging at the other end of this portal. He looked around, and his jaw dropped when he saw the buildings. They looked so advanced, and futuristic, like he'd never seen before. Hovering vehicles were being driven by people, flying all around.

Down below, he saw a tiny green alien man with a cane looking up at him neutrally, as well as a dark-skinned man next to him. Both wore robes, and Ethan noted that the dark-skinned looked a lot like Nick Fury, whom he had met once.

Actually, no, they looked exactly the same, the difference being this man had both eyes, and wore robes.

"Uhh…..hi?" Ethan waved awkwardly, before tugging on the cable.

Within seconds, he was pulled back up.

"What do you say about this, Master Yoda?" Mace Windu asked Yoda.

"Been discovered, an entrance to our world has", Yoda noted, knowing more portals were bound to pop up soon, connecting many worlds to theirs and each other.

Ethan sat on a chair, as Hardison asked him. "So, a green alien man was on the other end? And a lot of futuristic buildings and hover-crafts?"

"And someone who looked like Director Fury?" Melinda inquired.

Ethan nodded to all the questions, Coulson asking. "You sure it wasn't Director Fury?"

"Last I heard, Director Fury is said to be dead. And I'm pretty sure he didn't wear robes, and he didn't have both eyes", Hunt pointed out, and they had to concede to that.

"Thank you for your help here", Hardison thanked Ethan genuinely. "You've at least helped us see what's beyond one of these."

"Now, what exactly can this be?" Coulson wondered.

"What if…." All eyes turned to Skye.

"Yes?" Coulson urged her to carry on.

"What if these are other worlds?"

"Other worlds?" Hardison asked. "So, you're saying Eliot fell into another world? But which one?"

Earth-1, Star City

Oliver Queen of this Earth, now known as Green Arrow, swung down into a Chinese Triad base via a zipline.

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After him came three more people.

One was John Diggle aka Spartan, another was his sister Thea Queen aka Speedy, and the last was Laurel Lance aka Black Canary.

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The Triad members started picking their guns as Oliver fired, disarming one of them, and then he spun, striking two thugs, making them fall back, while Thea spun and struck another.

Laurel whacked one with her batons, as Diggle slammed one into the wall, then dodged a shot by another one and shot his shoulder, taking him down.

Oliver punched another man out, when one appeared with nunchakus, trying to strike him. Oliver backed, blocking his blows with the bow.

"Where's White?" Oliver asked, dodging another blow.

"We don't know!" The guy said, before striking Oliver's feet, making him fall down. Diggle tried to fire at him but was struck from the side by another man right on the throat, sending him down.

Thea fired at the nunchaku wielder, who used his weapon to deflect the arrows, while Laurel was grabbed by the throat by a big man, and thrown down. Thea turned to him and got kicked down too.

As Team Arrow groaned, someone suddenly kicked the big man from behind, sending him falling forwards. Before anyone could react, a man in a mask appeared, grabbing one man's gun and spinning, elbowing his face and knocking him out, disarming the man.

Ejecting the cartridge, the man threw the gun away, before spinning and kicking another one's feet, sending him down too, and turning, punched the big man on the throat, making him gasp as the guy then punched his gut twice, winding him and sending him to his knees.

The man then kicked the big man's face, knocking him out, before rolling to avoid another one's shots, and taking one of Laurel's batons, hurled it at his face, knocking him out too.

Then he rolled back to avoid the nunchakus of the thug, and getting up, backed twice, avoiding those nunchakus again.

As the thug struck again, the man held out his hand, letting the nunchaku wrap around his wrist. Then, using his strength, he pulled the thug towards him, and headbutted him hard, dazing him as he let go.

Then, twirling the nunchakus, the masked man struck the thug's side, winding him as he fell down, knocked out.

Throwing the nunchakus away, the man turned to see Team Arrow getting back up with groans. Immediately, he charged Oliver and punched him back.

As the others tried to intervene, he spun and kicked Thea's feet from underneath her, making her fall down, then spun and elbowed Diggle's throat, knocking him down too, and punched Laurel hard on the face, dazing her as she fell down as well.

Oliver fired an arrow but the man caught it, before Oliver charged him, trying to strike with his bow. The man dodged a blow, then did a spin, elbowing Oliver's back, staggering him forwards. As Oliver turned, the man kicked his chest, sending him back again, before lunging forth and punching his face, sending him down, then kicked him as he gasped.

Kneeling near him, the man said. "Your fighting skills look…really pathetic. You don't fight like you used to."

"What?" Oliver asked with a groan.

"I know you are The Hood and the Arrow as well. How this city couldn't figure it out, I'll never know", the man shook his head. "I saw footage of some of your older fights. If you still fought like that, you'd have given me a much harder fight, and pushed me as well, which not many can do."

Dropping the arrow near Oliver, the man got up. "Clearly, something has happened to you. If you want to protect your city and those you love, you need to fight like you used to."

With that, the man walked off, Oliver and his team slowly picking themselves up.

In an alley, the man took off his mask, revealing he had a handsome face with the beginnings of a very light beard, and very long hair.

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Eliot Spencer smirked as he walked forth, knowing his friends were trying to find him. Until they did, he had work to do in this city in this world.

Central City

Joe was about to go to S.T.A.R. Labs when he saw a young cop walking to him. "Detective West, with Henry Allen out, the case has been officially closed. I saw to it myself."

"Thank you for winding that up, Officer Lloyd", Joe said with a smile as he shook hands with the cop.

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"No worries, Detective", Officer Steven Lloyd assured Joe while they parted ways.


And that ends this chapter as well.

For Smallville, the Season 11 comics are ongoing. Oliver and Chloe have seen 'Earth-2' Chloe die. The woman they fought was China White from 'Arrow'. She didn't have a very important role at this point, except in 5x14, where I can replace her with anyone if the time even came, so she worked.

While Smallville is one of the most OP Universes around, in H2H, Arrowverse is definitely superior.

And yes, the 'Leverage' TV Series and the 'Mission: Impossible' movies (as well as the TV series) exist on the MCU Earth. For 'Leverage', this is between the original show and the revival, which is why its just Eliot, Parker and Hardison. For M:I, this is between 'Ghost Protocol' and 'Rogue Nation'.

For AOS, this is shortly before the first episode of Season 2.

Earth-1 Batman fought a Vampire, and that Vampire was James from Angel 3x1, who here disappeared into a breach while fighting Angel in the train.

Parker has also met Felicia Hardy and plans to train her later. Imagine Sydney Sweeney as Felicia.

Aragorn has fallen to another Earth. Which one shall be revealed in the next chapter. There's still a good while before Frodo sets out, based on the books, so it won't be an issue.

And Eliot is in Star City on Earth-1. For how Team Arrow were troubled by some Triad thugs, well, in Season 4, Oliver's fighting skills were pathetic due to how nerfed he was. Diggle at the start of Season 4 was angry at Oliver and not seeing reason, and didn't really train Laurel or Thea that well. Thea has training from Merlyn, but she is still arrogant about her skills, and Laurel too has too big an ego, and too little skill to back it up.

I've an explanation for why Oliver can't fight so well right now, and Eliot's calling out of him is the start of a wakeup call to bring the real Oliver Queen from the earlier Seasons back.

This was between 4x1 and 4x2 for 'Arrow', and they went to the Triad base due to White being missing, and Team Arrow suspecting her organization.

Star Wars had a little appearance at the end, but they'll get to do more later. Same for Buffyverse, where Angel asked Lorne about James disappearing here.

SPN had two scenes related to the Singularity. And it seems someone doesn't want Castiel babbling about the Singularity. Now, who could that be? Speaking of, Castiel's entrance into the show still remains epic.

Plus we'd two sets of fandom cameos. When Aragorn was falling, the cameos were, in order- Spider-Man from the 2018 PS4 video game, Scott McCall from 'Teen Wolf', Geralt of Rivia from 'The Witcher' books and games, Batman from the 'Arkhamverse' games, Galen Marek from the 'Star Wars: The Force Unleashed' video game, Buffy Summers from the 1992 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' movie that came before the show, L from 'Death Note', Lord Shiva from the 'Shiva Trilogy' books by author Amish Tripathi (his books portray an alternate take on Hindu Gods, showing them as humans who did great deeds, and are thus remembered as Gods), and Jason Voorhees from the 'Friday the 13th' movies.

And while Ethan went through the breach, the cameos were, in order- the Avengers from 'The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes' show, the Justice League from the DC Animated Universe, Dante from the original 'Devil May Cry' games, Optimus Prime from 'Transformers: Aligned Continuity', the TARDIS from 'Doctor Who', Guts from 'Berserk', Kratos from the 'God of War' series and Godzilla from the 'MonsterVerse'. And then he saw Anakin Skywalker right before hanging above Coruscant.

Now, will these fandoms enter the series in the future? Yes, a lot of them will actually. But its going to take some time. Not too much time though.

Lex put the radioactive isotope on Clark to track him. In the Season 11 comics, its just because he doesn't trust Superman. Here, its due to his rivalry with Clark, and now he can threaten to expose him, which is why Clark has to stay away from his loved ones for a while, until he finds a way around this.

When the two Olivers meet, Arrowverse Oliver will be 'Oliver' and Smallville Oliver will be 'Ollie', an idea I got from Cer1992's stories, so thank you to them.

And who is this Officer Steven Lloyd? Anyways, imagine Tye Sheridan in that role. That scene would take place before the last scene of Flash 2x1. Those two episodes took place back-to-back, unlike the first two episodes of Arrow Season 4 (to my memory), so the timeline works.

Hope all enjoyed and see you all next time with another chapter.

Chapter 4: Meetings


More meetings happen across the Universes.


Disclaimer: I do not own anything you may recognize

Thank you to everyone for the kudos, hits, comments and bookmarks.

Thank you to Stand with Ward and Queen for his help with this chapter.


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Earth-1, Haddonfield, Myers House, October 31

Halloween theme song plays

In a lower level of the house, a man in a white mask lay on a couch. This was Michael Myers. His body had been injected with a corrosive fluid by Tommy Doyle, and he'd been knocked unconscious after multiple heavy blows to the head.

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That was in 1995. It had been around 20 years since then, and Michael had continued to sleep.

Suddenly, Michael found himself in the middle of a crowded street, cars driving here and there, a sign above him saying- 'Central City'.

Then, he saw a baby lying on the ground in front of him. Michael immediately recognized the baby. It was the son of Jamie Lloyd, whom he'd killed, but he had failed to kill the baby due to the interference of Dr. Samuel Loomis, Tommy Doyle, Kara Strode and her son Danny Strode.

As he stared, the baby suddenly seemed to contort, growing into a man now, wearing a police uniform, the nametag saying- 'Steven Lloyd'.

"Michael", Steven Lloyd said with a smirk. "You couldn't even kill me when I was a baby. You can't kill me now."

Michael lumbered forwards, and raised his knife. He brought it down but Lloyd disappeared.

Then, everything seemed to shake, and Michael heard a terrifying voice near him, even if he wasn't scared of it.

"Go to Central City, Michael. Find Lloyd, and kill others in your path. You shall be granted some more power in your attempts too, Michael."

At that point, Michael's body jerked and shone with a bright, yellow light, and he woke up, his undying urge to kill returning in full force.

Picking up his knife, he walked up to the higher levels of the house, and then walked outside, looking around at the night sky.

Hearing the sound of water, he turned to see a neighbor cleaning his car, a black Toyota Camry, with water from a pipe. Michael walked towards him.

The man saw a vague outline of Michael in the reflection, and turned around.

"Whoa!" He said in shock. "Boy, you scared me. Dressed up for Halloween?"

He looked down at Michael's knife. "Now that looks very real. I guess I-"

Michael stabbed the man in the gut, making him gasp, as Michael raised him in the air with the knife, using just one hand, while his body shook like it was having a seizure. Michael then grasped his shoulder with the other hand, and moved the knife up, slowly slicing more of his insides.

Soon enough, Michael reached the chest, the man's blood pouring out of his mouth as well as the abdomen and chest that were cut open.

Finally, Michael reached his neck, and in that moment, the man lost his life.

As his head tilted to a side, Michael dropped his corpse, his blood and insides continuing to flow out of his body.

Michael knelt near him, and took out his car keys from his pocket. Pressing the buttons, Michael unlocked the car, and sat inside, before closing the door.

It had been a while since he had driven, and this car was different, due to being newer. But he still had the hang of it.

Starting it up by turning the keys, Michael put his foot on the accelerator, and drove away, Central City in his mind.

Earth-199999, The Bus

"So, you think there are other worlds?" Coulson asked Skye with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, I mean, we do have Asgard and the other Realms, right?" Skye asked back while also making her point. "And Gods. So, other worlds are not out of the question."

"What she is trying to say is that the Multiverse theory is real and Eliot is somewhere else in the Multiverse", Hardison noted, sharing a look with Skye. "The Multiverse being real would be so cool under different circ*mstances."

"Oh I know", Skye had to agree there.

"There's two of them now", Mack whispered to Coulson, who simply rolled his eyes.

"So, I missed hanging from one world to another", Parker groaned, getting looks from the rest. "What? It sounded like a lot of fun."

"It was fun, and also new", Ethan told her. "It felt like the entire pathway is resisting me, and there are so many things I saw, and then I hang somewhere which looks completely different from here."

"Definitely wish I'd done it", Parker sighed.

"Well, we still have to go through one of these to find our friend", Hardison pointed out.

"So, are all of us going?" Melinda wondered.

"No, we're not", Coulson shook his head, looking at Parker and Hardison apologetically. "We would love to help, but as you know, we have our own things to deal with too, like Hydra."

"That is true", Tripp said with a sigh.

"Its all cool man", Hardison assured Coulson with a wave of his hand. "You helped us this much, now all we got to do is track where Eliot was last, and we'll find the breach."

"I could come with you", Ethan said at that point, making them turn to him.

"You will?" Parker asked, not believing it.

"Yes, Eliot has helped me a few times in the past too", Hunt shrugged. And while he had the mission to get to the Syndicate, there hadn't been much progress on it for a while, so he could take a break to help a friend out.

"Thanks man, much appreciated", Hardison said as he got up. "Guess we should prepare then."

"Yeah, I'd advice caution and preparation", Coulson agreed. "A new world will be new territory, and there's no telling what you might find."

"So, let's get ready then", Parker said.

Earth-1, Star City

"He just beat you all like that?" Felicity asked, not believing it, as Oliver, Thea, Laurel and Diggle were sitting around, grunting, slight marks on them. "Who was he even?"

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"I don't know", Oliver grunted. "But he said he knows I was the Hood and Arrow before."

"Is he the new bad guy we've to fight?" Felicity groaned. "First Darhk and now him."

"No, he said he wanted me to fight like I used to", Oliver remembered. "Because my current way is inefficient."

"Its not, Oliver", Felicity tried to tell him. "You ae trying something new, and its great. This new way will give everyone hope as well."

Thea, Laurel and Diggle didn't really put their two cents in the argument, and for the moment, Oliver was convinced. Or at least he thought he was.

"Yeah, I guess so."

Earth-205, Bobby's house

Bobby was sitting at his desk with a pile of books in front of him. Sam sitting in a chair in the opposite corner talking to Dean, who was standing.

Sam was saying. "Well, then tell me what else it could be."

Dean was in denial. "Look, all I know is I was not groped by an Angel."

Sam pointed out. "Okay, look, Dean. Why do you think this Castiel would lie to you about it?"

Dean had another point. "Maybe he's some kind of demon. Demons lie."

Bobby looked up from his books at the boys while Sam asked Dean. "A Demon who's immune to salt rounds and devil's traps... and Ruby's knife? Dean, Lilith is scared of that thing!"

Dean still wasn't believing it. "Don't you think that if Angels were real, that some hunter somewhere would have seen one... at some point... ever?"

Sam knew one hunter who had. "Yeah. You just did, Dean."

"I'm trying to come up with a theory here. Okay? Work with me."

Sam tried to reason. "Dean, we have a theory."

Dean told him. "Yeah, one with a little less fairy dust on it, please."

"Okay, look. I'm not saying we know for sure. I'm just saying that I think we –"

"Okay, okay. That's the point. We don't know for sure, so I'm not gonna believe that this thing is a freaking Angel of the Lord because it says so!" Dean snapped.

Bobby got their attention. "You two chuckleheads want to keep arguing religion, or do you want to come take a look at this?"

Sam and Dean walked over to Bobby's desk who was saying. "I got stacks of lore - Biblical, pre-Biblical. Some of it's in damn cuneiform. It all says an Angel can snatch a soul from the pit."

Dean asked. "What else?"

"What else, what?"

"What else could do it?"

"Airlift your ass out of the hot box?" Bobby gave the answer. "As far as I can tell, nothing."

Sam said. "Dean, this is good news."


"Because for once, this isn't just another round of demon crap. I mean, maybe you were saved by one of the good guys, you know?"

Dean decided to humor them to make his point. "Okay. Say it's true. Say there are Angels. Then what? There's a God?"

Bobby replied to him. "At this point, Vegas money's on yeah."

"I don't know, guys", Dean sighed.

"Okay, look. I know you're not all choirboy about this stuff, but this is becoming less and less about faith and more and more about proof", Sam pointed out.



"Proof that there's a God out there that actually gives a crap about me personally? I'm sorry, but I'm not buying it", Dean said.

"Why not?"

"Because why me?" Dean asked. "If there is a God out there, why would he give a crap about me?"

"Dean –"

"I mean, I've saved some people, okay? I figured that made up for the stealing and the ditching chicks. But why do I deserve to get saved? I'm just a regular guy."

Sam assured Dean. "Apparently, you're a regular guy that's important to the man upstairs."

Dean commented. "Well, that creeps me out. I mean, I don't like getting singled out at birthday parties, much less by... God."

"Okay, well, too bad, Dean, because I think He wants you to strap on your party hat", Sam told his brother.

"Fine." Dean seemed to give in. "What do we know about Angels?"

Bobby picked up a pile of fat and weighty looking books and put them in front of Dean. "Start reading."

Dean looked at the pile of books, and turned towards Sam. "You're gonna get me some pie." He grabbed a book from the top of the pile.

As he opened it, he told them. "Also, one more thing, he was trying to tell me something about the wormhole."

"Really?" Sam asked. "I thought it was unimportant."

"Apparently not, I guess", Dean sighed. "But he got a headache when he tried to tell me."

"Angels getting a headache. Now that's new", Bobby quipped.

"I think someone upstairs doesn't want him blabbering about the wormhole", Dean told Sam and Bobby. "So, there's more to this whole thing than meets the eye. If he's an Angel, well, who is stopping him?"


The Impala pulled up to a stop near a café. Sam was driving while on the phone. "Yes, Dean, I'll get the chips…. Dude. When have I ever forgotten the pie? Exactly."

Sam got out of the car and saw his Demonic ally Ruby waiting for him. "I got to go. Yeah, all right. Bye." He cut the call and walked over to Ruby. "Ruby."

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"So, is it true?" Ruby asked.

"Is what true?" Sam inquired.

"Did an Angel rescue Dean?" Ruby got to the point.

"You heard", Sam noted.

"Who hasn't?" Ruby shrugged.

"We're not 100% sure, but I think so", Sam confessed his thoughts on the matter to Ruby.

"Okay. Bye, Sam." Ruby started walking away.

Sam grabbed her arm and turned her back to face him, not letting her go. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait. What's going on?"

Ruby pointed out to him. "Sam, they're Angels. I'm a Demon. They're not gonna care if I'm being helpful. They smite first, and then they ask questions later."

Sam asked her. "What do you know about them?"

Ruby sighed. "Not much. I've never met one, and I don't really want to. All I know is that they scare the holy hell out of me. Watch yourself, Sam."

Sam shook his head. "I'm not scared of Angels. Also, anything you can tell me about the wormhole from months ago?"

"Not really, I don't know a thing", Ruby confessed as she walked away, leaving Sam alone.

Earth-1, Central City

Eddie Slick was running from Joe West, when he saw Steven Lloyd appear in his way. Lloyd was about to take out his gun, only for Slick to grab his hand, the two now struggling.

At that moment, a kick connected with Slick's face, making him hit the parked car nearby as he groaned, and then Patty Spivot was there, aiming a gun at Slick while pinning him down.

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Joe appeared at that moment as Lloyd sighed. "He tried to go for my gun." And then he looked at Patty. "She saved me."

Patty looked at Joe. "So, can I be on your Task Force?"

"What are you doing here, Lloyd?" Joe asked, ignoring Patty for now.

"Got a report of some strange dude around the area, dressed like Robin Hood, roaming around the place", Lloyd shrugged. "But by the time I arrived, he was gone from here."

"Huh? Weird people all around", Joe had to say.

"Come on", Patty shoved Slick to the front as she cuffed him. "You have the right to remain silent, you have the right to an attorney…"

They started leading Slick away.

Halloween theme song plays

A short distance away, a black Toyota Camry stood. Inside it, Michael Myers watched the three officers walk away with their captive.

Star City

Eliot Spencer stood in front of a public TV as he saw a woman whose face was very familiar to him, begging and crying publicly.

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"This is weird", Eliot muttered to himself, seeing how she looked exactly like Tara Cole, who'd taken Sophie Devereaux's place in their team temporarily at Sophie's request.

The woman here was called Jessica Danforth, and with tears in her eyes she begged. "To the man who took my daughter, please, I am begging you, please, let my baby go. She's all I have. She's my whole world."

She began crying and walked off while reporters clamored around her. Eliot knew what he had to do.

Central City

Eddie Slick had just been let go by Joe West, Patty Spivot and Steven Lloyd as none of them had probable cause to hold him right now, though Joe had warned him to not be seen around again.

Slick was walking down the stairs, when he thought he saw something strange to his side. He turned around a saw the man who'd just passed him seemed to resemble him from behind, and he was striding up the way that Slick had come down from.

At that moment, Slick sensed something, and turned back around, only for Michael Myers to swing a scythe, chopping Eddie's body into two from the waist.

Blood splattered on Michael's white mask while the top half of Slick's body crashed to the ground, the bottom half collapsing within seconds as well, blood seeping out of both the severed halves.

Joe turned around to see Slick walking back up and reminded him. "Didn't I just tell you I didn't want to see your ugly mug around here again?"

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (92)

"Well, you're gonna have to, Detective West", Slick raised a fist which turned into sand. "So I can get to the Flash."

The fist of sand shot forwards, striking Joe on the face as he was knocked out.

"Hey!" Patty snarled, taking out her gun as she fired at Slick, and Lloyd did as well, but Slick was unaffected due to his body's physiology.

Smirking, he walked towards Patty. "I like you. You'll do the trick..." he grasped her hands, preventing her from making another move, "just fine."

"Let her go!" Lloyd snarled as he fired again, managing to get Slick on the head, but he was still unaffected.

"You on the other hand….." Slick turned to Lloyd and tried to punch him with a fist of sand, only for Lloyd to jump to the ground and roll away, barely avoiding it.

He stood up, aiming his gun again, only to see Slick and Patty were gone, leaving only him and the knocked-out Joe in the area.

Lloyd made to walk towards Joe to wake him up when he thought he sensed something. Looking up again, he saw a figure in the shadows.

The Shape Hunts Allyson plays

"Show yourself right now!" Lloyd demanded, aiming his gun at the figure. It walked out of the shadows, seeming to appear from the darkness.

It was a tall man in a white mask wearing a black jumpsuit, a scythe in his hand.

Seeing who it was, Lloyd's eyes widened in horror as his hands started shaking. He had never met this man in person, but he knew enough about his family history.

"M-Michael?" Lloyd asked in a shaking voice as Michael Myers slowly marched towards him, holding the scythe up.

"Michael, don't move!" Lloyd cried out, but Michael continued walking. Snarling, Lloyd fired at Michael, but while the shots hit, Michael did not seem affected by them.

So terrified was Lloyd that even after his gun was emptied, he continued to fire at the marching Michael, paying no heed to the repeated clicks of his now empty gun.

Soon enough, Michael stood in front of Lloyd, towering above his grand-nephew, his last living relative whom he needed to kill once and for all.

Michael snatched the gun from Lloyd, crushing it within his palm, as Lloyd stared in shock, while Michael tilted his head, and raised the scythe to kill Steven.

And then he swung-

Only for a clang to ring out.

Lloyd looked up in shock as he saw a tall man with long, rugged hair and a beard having appeared. He had blocked Michael's scythe with his sword. He also had a bow and arrows, with his clothes looking medieval, a cloak flowing behind him.

"Huh?" Lloyd let out, Michael now looking up to see the man, who towered over him.

Michael grunted, trying to overpower the man, but to his shock, he couldn't. The man pushed Michael back, and then kicked his chest, sending him falling to the ground as he rolled away.

The man marched towards Michael and raising his sword, tried to bring it down on Michael, but he rolled away to avoid and stood back up, swinging his scythe which the man blocked with his sword.

At that moment, Joe awoke with a groan, Lloyd finally snapping out of his daze as he rushed towards Joe, helping him up.

"What happened?" Joe asked, only for Lloyd to gesture to the front, and Joe's eyes widened in horror on what he saw.

"Is that…" he pointed at the man in the mask.

"Yes he is, Joe", Lloyd confirmed with a nod, as the man in the medieval clothes dodged a swing from Michael's scythe, then spinning, sliced Michael's abdomen, sending him down to the ground, groaning.

Joe had messaged Barry during that time.

As Michael got back up to fight the man, a red blur sped in and punched Michael right in the abdomen, sending him flying back and falling down, while Barry Allen now stood over him.

"Its over", Barry said as he knelt near Michael, who was seemingly knocked out.

Suddenly, Michael swung his scythe, slicing Barry's side, making him gasp, while Michael punched his face, knocking him away.

"Flash!" Joe cried out, running towards Barry, who was groaning on the ground, Lloyd running alongside him as both helped Barry up, but when they looked ahead, they saw both Michael and the man were gone.

"Who was that?" Barry asked with a groan, as not many could withstand a speed punch from him on the face.

"That was Michael Myers", Lloyd said grimly. "There's nothing left inside him. No reason, no conscience, no understanding in even the most rudimentary sense of life or death, of good or evil, right or wrong. What lives behind his eyes is purely and simply…evil."

The way Lloyd had spoken, it sent chills down the spines of both Barry and Joe.

"So, Michael Myers, Slick's meta-human lookalike, and Robin Hood", Joe groaned. "We have a lot on our plate."

Later, S.T.A.R. Labs

Barry and the rest of Team Flash stood, as Joe sat down in front of them, Iris speaking for all. "Michael Myers is here?"

"Wasn't he supposed to be dead?" Caitlin wondered.

"I saw him with my own eyes", Joe said with a gulp. "Officer Lloyd is giving his statement to the other cops right now. I'll have to talk to him more once this is done."

"So, Michael is back", Cisco whispered in dread. "Let's hope anymore do not return."

"More? Like who?" Iris wondered.

"You are a journalist, I figured you'd know this stuff", Cisco shrugged. "I mean, ever heard about the incident in the Bates Motel in the 60s?"

Blank looks from all, except Barry and Joe, the former saying. "Yeah, I have."

"The cannibal family up there in Texas?" Cisco reminded.

"Oh yeah, no one has heard from 'em in years though", Joe had to say.

"And I hope it stays that way", Cisco sighed.

"What of this man dressed in medieval clothes who fought Michael Myers?" Stein inquired at that point.

"No idea, did hear reports of him though", Joe commented. "Really no idea what to make of him."

"And Patty was taken by Sand Demon", Barry sighed, noting how many problems were piling up for them. In that moment, he made a decision, and walked off towards the Pipeline.

"Where are you going?" Joe asked.

"To do something I hope I don't regret", Barry replied.

Star City

Eliot was in an alley now, as he looked around, and saw a man with a broken arm in a cast standing near a fire.

He immediately walked up to the man. "Hey!"

The man looked up at him. "The man who took Jessica Danforth's daughter, who is he? And where is he?"

When the man didn't reply, Eliot raised a fist, and he broke immediately. "He is an enforcer! He has worked with many gangs recently! Lonnie Machin! That's his name!"

"And where can I find him right now?" Eliot inquired.

"Its somewhere near Heavy Heavy Club, 4th and Pierce!"

Lowering his fist, Eliot turned around and walked off. "Thank you."

The man was panting heavily in fear.

At the club, Madison Danforth was restrained, as Lonnie Machin returned. "Sorry to leave you hanging. I had a meeting. It didn't go well. Turns out, I can't sit at the cool kids' table."

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (93)

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (94)

As Madison cried, Machin walked towards the cupboard. "When trillions and trillions of molecules exploded from a pin head, were there rules dictating how to establish a universe? No!" He opened the cupboard, revealing many torture tools, horrifying Madison who gasped as he took out one. "They found their way through the chaos."

"Please!" Madison begged. "You can still let me go!"

Machin walked towards her, seeming to be reached through by Madison. "Only if you promise not to tell anybody about me."

Madison nodded in fear, tears in her eyes. "Please!"

With that, Machin undid one restraint of Madison, and lifted up his pinky. "Pinky swear?"

Still scared, Madison lifted hers too, doing the pinky swear with him.

And then, Machin smirked cruelly. "I changed my mind." He pressed Madison's pinky hard, breaking it as she screamed in pain.

"Oh, God! Oh, the things I'm about to do to you..." He said as she continued screaming.

At that moment, the glass above shattered as Oliver, Thea, Laurel and Diggle jumped down, all suited up, with Oliver and Thea aiming their arrows at Machin.

"Something wrong with the front door?" Machin asked.

"Get away from the girl!" Oliver demanded.

"Could you come back in an hour? We were just getting started", Machin joked before pushing Madison away from him as he ran off.

Oliver and Dig fired but he managed to avoid before picking up a flamethrower, activating it as the four had to stand back to avoid the flames.

With that, he ran off, leaving only the four and the restrained Madison there.

Dig walked towards her alongside Laurel. "Let's get her down."

"Felicity", Oliver called out.

"So now a mad man dujour knows you're working with a Felicity. This is why I need a code name."

"We have Madison, but he split", Oliver told her.

"There's no movement outside the club. He must still be in there with you."

"She needs medical attention", Dig said, carrying Madison in his arms.

"Get her to safety", Oliver told Dig and Laurel before assuring. "We've got this."

They nodded, walking out with Madison as Oliver turned to Thea. "Hey." She looked at him. "Can you handle this?"

She shrugged. "I'm good."

Bows drawn, the two archers entered the next room, looking around carefully, trying to find Machin's hiding spot.

Suddenly, Machin popped up from behind Thea and hit her back with an electric baton, sending an electric shock through her as she gasped, falling down.

"Speedy!" Oliver cried out in horror.

Oliver fired an arrow at Machin that he deflected with the baton, then charged Oliver, clashing with him as Oliver backed and blocked the baton with his bow.

Oliver was actually struggling to hold him back, to his own shock, as the words of the masked man came back to him.

Machin switched to his kamas, Oliver trying to block those as he hurled a fletchette that Machin deflected, and then Machin struck him with the kamas a few times, sending him down, before hitting him with the electric baton, making him grunt.

As Machin raised the baton to strike again, he was kicked away by someone, and he rolled on the ground.

Oliver looked up to see the masked man from before holding out a hand to him.

Grunting, Oliver took his hand, letting the man help him up, who asked him. "See what I mean?"

"I think I might be", Oliver had to agree now.

Machin charged with a roar, trying to strike with his electric baton, but the masked man dodged by side-stepping, then grabbing Machin's hand, brought it down on his knee, making him let go of the baton, before flipping him to the ground.

Machin backed off as the man marched towards him, before getting up, trying to spin kick the man, only for him to grab Machin's foot and elbow his knee, and he gasped in pain.

"You're just a kid", the man shrugged, pushing Machin back. "You know what they do to kids who misbehave?"

Then, as Machin charged to attack again, the masked man slapped his face, turning it the other way. "That!"

And then, he punched Machin in the gut, winding him as he went down on his knees, before the man punched him out.

That moment, he sensed something behind him and turned to see Thea, who kicked his chest, sending him back, while giving out a feral growl.

Roaring, she charged him again, leaping and trying to spin kick, but the man grabbed her and hurled her the other way, sending her rolling to the floor.

Getting up, she charged again, only for Oliver to grab her. "Speedy, don't!"

With another roar, she let herself free, and punched Oliver, before grabbing him by the throat. As Oliver tried to free himself, the man grabbed her from behind, managing to pull her off.

In that moment, she seemed to come to her senses, the feral look in her eyes being replaced by one of confusion, as if she didn't realize what was going on.

Then that was replaced by a look of horror, as what she had just tried to do registered within her mind.

The man let her go while she fell down on her knees. "Oh no!"

"Speedy…" Oliver tried to comfort her, when the masked man felt another presence nearby.

"Get down!" He cried out, and they did, as an arrow flew in, embedding into a table nearby, and down jumped a man in a hood, carrying a bow and a quiver of arrows. Keeping the bow aside, he brandished a sword with a flourish, pointing it at Oliver.

"Oliver Queen, you shall pay for what you did to my family", he snarled, and Oliver could tell from the accent he was Japanese.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (95)

The Japanese man charged, swinging his sword as Oliver blocked with his bow, then spun and tried to strike with it, the man blocking his bow now before kicking his side, sending him staggering away.

As Thea tried to nock an arrow, the man leapt in the air and spun, kicking her on the face and knocking her down.

Oliver fired an arrow at the man, only for him to cut it into two with his sword, as Oliver got back up while the man charged him and brought the sword down on him, but Oliver blocked with the bow and managed to push the man back.

And then, the masked man grabbed the Japanese man's wrist before punching him on the face, sending him back. After that, the masked man rushed at him and grabbing him by the waist, lifted hm up before rushing forth faster, and slammed him onto a table, shattering it while the man groaned.

Before the masked man could slam his foot down on the guy, he twirled his feet and kicked him back, before flipping and standing up, as Oliver smacked his face with his bow, staggering him back, before spinning and striking at his feet, making him fall down.

The masked man got back up as Oliver nocked an arrow at the Japanese man. "Who are you?"

"My name is Takeo Yamashiro!" The man revealed his name, Oliver's eyes widening in horror as he realized why this man hated him so much.

"Because of you, my family has been ruined. Akio and Maseo are dead!"

And with that, Takeo kicked Oliver hard, sending him flying back before flipping back up. He swung at the masked man, who dodged his swing, then spinning, elbowed his face, dazing him as he staggered back, while the masked man turned and decked his face again, before grasping his shoulders and kneeing his gut, as he was winded.

The masked man then leapt and kicked Takeo on the face, sending him flying off by a few feet.

As he marched towards Takeo, he got up with a groan, and threw a flashbang grenade to the ground, blinding him temporarily.

When the flash was gone, Takeo had disappeared.

"Damn it!" He muttered, as he turned around to see Oliver getting up alongside Thea.

"Thank you", Oliver said to him gratefully.

"Its fine", the man shrugged as he made to walk off.

"Who are you?" Oliver inquired.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"Trust me, I've seen a lot of weird", Oliver told him.

"Not this weird."

"Right", Oliver sighed.

"You could have ripped that kid apart even if you were holding back", the man said, gesturing to the unconscious Machin.

"You're right", Oliver had to agree. "Guess you had a point after all."

"I did", he nodded, before walking off and jumping out a window, while Oliver and Thea shared a look.

Central City

Sand Demon was circling around Patty, whom he'd tied up on a chair with a concussive bomb underneath.

"Let the maiden go!"

He turned around to see the man in the medieval clothes aiming an arrow at him, and chuckled. "Couldn't do that even if I wanted to."

"Did you just call me a maiden?" Patty asked at the same time.

The man let the arrow lose, and, to his shock, while it embedded into Eddie's shoulder, it didn't affect him much.

As he watched, Sand Demon pulled the arrow out of his shoulder, the man watching the sand fall from the spot where the arrow had been.

That was how he had managed to track Sand Demon in this strange world, where he did not understand much, if anything at all. While making away with Patty, Sand Demon had dropped little traces of sand on the way, after every few miles.

The man had seen all of that, before trying to save Lloyd from the immediate threat of Michael Myers. But since Michael Myers had escaped, he had gone after the Sand Demon now.

"Bullets don't do jack squat to me, you thought an arrow would?" Sand Demon mocked as he threw the arrow down, then forming a sandy fist, hurled it out to the punch the man.

The man threw himself down, managing to avoid the punch, and taking out his sword, sliced at the sandy fist, though nothing happened, as Sand Demon retracted the fist.

He walked forwards, the man getting up. Sand Demon tried to strike him, but the man punched him first. And, to Sand Demon's shock, the punch was strong enough to send him flying. He fell on the ground, feeling actual pain as he held his face.

The man's weapons were no danger to him, but the man himself was. Before he could get up, the man grasped him from behind by his collar, picking him up, and turning him around, punched him thrice, dazing him while he fell back, groaning in pain.

That was when a 'whoosh' sound was heard, and the man turned around to see another man standing there, in a red 'armor' (that's what it looked like to him), with a lightning symbol in the middle, and a helmet on his head.

"Flash?" Sand Demon said in shock.

"Surprised?" The helmeted man asked with a smirk.

Then, the 'whoosh' was heard again, and Barry appeared in front of Patty, causing her hair to flutter due to his speed.

Running behind her, Barry quickly undid her restraints and got her off the chair, causing the concussive bomb to go off.

But Barry had already gotten Patty a little away from the chair, so the explosion simply knocked them both away by a few feet, and did the same to the medieval man and the helmeted man, while Sand Demon simply stood with his arms raised to either side, sand coming off of him.

Barry got up first and checked the unconscious Patty's pulse, before speaking into the comms. "Patty's alive."

"What is all this?" Sand Demon growled as he looked around. "First King Arthur appears to stop me, now there are two Flashes, huh?"

The helmeted man gave Barry a nod, who knew what he had to do. He started running in circles around Sand Demon, the man in the medieval clothes watching in shock.

Here there were Men who could turn into sand, or run so fast they looked like lightning. He had never seen a Man do that.

After running a few rounds, Barry seemed to slow down, and with a roar, hurled a bolt of lightning at Sand Demon.

As it struck him, Sand Demon turned into glass, and was sent flying back before crashing on the ground, the impact smashing him into pieces, killing him.

The helmeted man looked impressed. "Nice shot, kid."

"Thanks", Barry nodded.

"You defeated this Man made of sand", the medieval man noted, impressed, as he looked at Barry. "You seem to be a noble warrior."

"Huh? So you talk like Arthur and Robin Hood too", Barry commented. "Who are you?"

"I am one of the Dúnedain", the Man simply shrugged.

"Is that the best answer I'm gonna get?" Barry asked, but they were interrupted by someone.


They turned to see Patty had woken up.

"Coming", Barry and the helmeted man said together, running towards her at normal speed, passing a brick pillar in their middle.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (96)

Reaching Patty, they knelt near her, inquiring about her well-being and trying to see if there were any injuries on her.

The Man who'd said he was 'One of the Dúnedain' walked behind them, kneeling near Patty too, as he examined her face and hands. "There are no injuries on you, my lady. But I suggest you should be resting for sometime."

"Who are you?" Patty inquired in confusion.

"Not gonna get a straight answer there", Barry told her with a sigh, before looking at the Man. "But, I guess you're a doctor as well?"

"I know not what that means", the Man confessed, only making Barry and the helmeted man share another look.

The helmeted man gestured to the side, so he and Barry walked there, with Barry asking with folded arms. "So, Jay, what do you think his deal is?"

"I think the Singularity opened a portal between more than just your world and mine", Jay Garrick said what he was thinking.

"Meaning…" Barry trailed off.

"There might be a world that is still in the medieval stage", Jay explained, before gesturing to 'One of the Dúnedain'. "And someone from there has fallen onto here."

"Oh boy!" Barry groaned in realization, before turning to the Man. "I'm sorry, you're here because of me."

"I do not understand", the Man said.

"I'll explain everything in a bit", Barry assured him. "But you'll have to come with us."

Seeing he had nothing to really lose, considering how strange this place was, the Man nodded. "I will come with you, Man of Lightning."

"And, should I call you something or is it gonna be 'one of the Dúnedain'?"

"You can call me Strider", the Man finally gave a name.

A while later, Strider was now in a building called S.T.A.R. Labs. Barry had grasped him, and ran here. Strider had never experienced anything like this before. The rush, the wind against his face, not even riding on a horse came close to this.

And then there was how this building was from the inside, and even outside. It was so different from anything he had seen in Middle-earth. He saw some tubes with strange liquids inside. "What are those?"

"Those are chemicals."

"And what are 'chemicals'?"

"Do you know the term 'potions'?" Barry inquired.

"That I do know", Strider confirmed, as he took a seat.

"Well, they are kind of like that. The way a blacksmith mixes different metals to forge a sword, these chemicals can be mixed to create many kinds of things", Barry explained.

Strider nodded, processing the explanation. "I believe I understand now."

He looked at Cisco's computers on the table. "And what are these?"

"They're called computers."

"What do these computers do?" Strider asked now.

"Think of it like a scribe I guess", Barry shrugged, pointing to the buttons. "You see those? If you press them, you can write on this thing's screen. You don't need any quill or ink here. And that's one of the many things it does. My friend uses it to even find out where danger is taking place in the city, including from people like the man of sand you helped us fight."

Strider absorbed this explanation as well, Barry telling him. "So, I know its gonna be hard to explain this, but well, you're in a different world from your own. You have a sword, and bow and arrows, and based on how you talk and dress, I think its safe to say this world is beyond yours, in terms of how advanced ours is."

"You have these chemicals, computers, and chariots that run faster than those pulled by horses", Strider sighed. "So I would believe that."

"Those 'chariots' are called cars."

"Thank you", Strider said.

"I think it might be my fault you're here", Barry said with a wince. "I made a mess, and it brought you here."

"Are you saying you had something to do with the tear in the sky I saw months ago, and how a blue spell that looked like it pulled me inside, and brought me here?" Strider asked, Barry realizing he was speaking of the Singularity, and had fallen here through a breach.

Well, based on what he said, Jay's story checked out too.

"I made a mistake, a huge one, which caused that to happen", Barry said apologetically. "I'm sorry I brought you here from your world, as you may not understand things."

To Barry's surprise, Strider put a hand on his shoulder. "You made an error, but you should not let it define you. Because the way you defeated the man of sand to save that woman, only a true and noble warrior can do that."

Seeing Strider being forgiving of him did alleviate Barry's guilt a little as he said. "Thanks. We'll try our best to get you back to your world."

"I thank you for that offer. I need to get back there soon", Strider confessed.

"Well, I guess I can trust you", Barry said, before removing his cowl to reveal his face. Strider noted how young he was. He seemed to be as young as he was when Lord Elrond had told him who he really was. Perhaps a little older.

And like him, this Man carried a burden, having these powers, and using them to protect people from evil men like the one made of sand.

"My name is Barry Allen, and I'm also called the Flash", Barry finally gave his name, holding out his hand to Strider.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Barry Allen", Strider told him.

"And I have people who work with me", Barry said, gesturing to the hallway as Cisco, Caitlin, Stein, Jay, Joe and Iris walked in.

"Hi man, I'm Cisco", Cisco held out his hand excitedly, Strider shaking it. "You're tall."

Strider chuckled, Cisco letting go while Caitlin shook his hand. "I'm Dr. Caitlin Snow. From what Barry tells me, you're kind of a doctor yourself."

"What is a 'doctor'?" Strider inquired again.

"I guess the term you'd be familiar with is 'healer'", Caitlin corrected herself.

"I have been taught some ways to heal", Strider confirmed, before Stein shook his hand.

"Martin Stein."

And then Joe shook his hand. "I'm Joe West, Barry's adoptive dad."

Strider smiled. "You have raised a truly noble son."

Joe let go, looking flattered, as Iris shook his hand next. "Iris West, I'm his daughter."

Strider simply nodded, before Jay shook his hand. "I'm Jay Garrick. And like you, I'm from a world that's different from this one as well."

"So, are you lost here as well, Jay Garrick?" Strider inquired.

"You can say that", Jay confirmed.

"Who was the man in the mask who attacked an ally of yours?" Strider then asked, turning to Joe, as the atmosphere plummeted.

"He is a murderer, a very dangerous one", Joe said. "If you hadn't come there, he would have been dead."

He suddenly realized something. "I've to go, talk to him about this." With that, Joe walked off.

"So, Strider", Caitlin turned to him. "I think you might be tired, considering you've been in this world for a while and haven't rested, plus all the confusion."

Strider noted that Caitlin was right. While it took a lot to tire him, falling into this new world, and navigating it, alongside seeing how advanced it was, it had been tiring for him.

"I do need to rest", Strider said.

"Well, we have a bed here, come on", Caitlin said, leading him away.


Sam was asleep on the couch. Dean was asleep on the floor nearby and woke up to find Castiel standing in the kitchen. Dean checked on Sam, saw he was asleep, and walked over to join Castiel, who said. "Excellent job with the witnesses."

"You were hip to all this?" Dean asked.

"I was, uh, made aware."

"Well, thanks a lot for the Angelic assistance", Dean said sarcastically. "You know, I almost got my heart ripped out of my chest."

"But you didn't", Castiel pointed out.

"I thought Angels were supposed to be guardians", Dean said. "Fluffy wings, halos - you know, Michael Landon. Not dicks."

Castiel was dry. "Read the Bible. Angels are warriors of God. I'm a soldier."

"Yeah? Then, why didn't you fight?"

Castiel replied. "I'm not here to perch on your shoulder. We had larger concerns."

"Concerns? There were people getting torn to shreds down here! And, by the way, while all this is going on, where the hell is your boss, huh, if there is a God?"

"There's a God", Castiel insisted, before suddenly grasping his head, as if in pain, which Dean noted, before Castiel came back to normal.

"I'm not convinced. 'Cause if there's a God, what the hell is He waiting for, huh? Genocide? Monsters roaming the earth? The freaking Apocalypse? At what point does He lift a damn finger and help the poor bastards that are stuck down here?"

Castiel started. "The Lord works..."

"If you say "mysterious ways," so help me, I will kick your ass", Dean snarled. "So, Bobby was right... about the witnesses. This is some kind of a... sign of the Apocalypse."

"That's why we're here. Big things afoot."

"Do I want to know what kind of things?"

"I sincerely doubt it, but you need to know", Castiel said. "The rising of the witnesses is one of the 66 seals."

Dean noted. "Okay. I'm guessing that's not a show at Seaworld."

Castiel explained. "Those seals are being broken by Lilith."

Dean realized. "She did the spell. She rose the witnesses."

"Mm-hmm. And not just here. 20 other hunters are dead."

"Of course. She picked victims that the hunters couldn't save so that they would barrel right after us."

"Lilith has a certain sense of humor."

"Well, we put those spirits back to rest."

Castiel revealed. "It doesn't matter. The seal was broken."

"Why break the seal anyway?"

Castiel gave a metaphor. "You think of the seals as locks on a door."

"Okay. Last one opens and..,"

"Lucifer walks free."

"Lucifer?" Dean was shocked. "But I thought Lucifer was just a story they told at demon Sunday school. There's no such thing."

Castiel pointed out. "Three days ago, you thought there was no such thing as me. Why do you think we're here walking among you now for the first time in 2,000 years?"

"To stop Lucifer", Dean realized.

"That's why we've arrived."

"Well... bang-up job so far. Stellar work with the witnesses. That's nice."

Castiel told him. "We tried. And there are other battles, other seals. Some we'll win, some we'll lose. This one we lost. Our numbers are not unlimited. Six of my brothers died in the field this week. You think the armies of Heaven should just follow you around? There's a bigger picture here. You should show me some respect. I dragged you out of Hell. I can throw you back in."

At that point, Dean asked. "Now, care to tell me about the wormhole?"

"The wormhole….." Castiel suddenly trailed off. "It's a…."

Before he could speak, he was vanished, screaming as if he was being dragged away, Dean watching in shock.

Earth-1, Star City

"That man, he beat Machin for us", Oliver was telling the rest. "But Takeo Yamashiro is here, and he blames me for his family getting ruined."

"Is there anyone you've not managed to piss off?" Felicity had to ask in her usual 'dry quippy' style.

Oliver, losing some patience, turned to her. "I feel horrible for what happened to Tatsu, Maseo and Akio. You think you making a comment about that is gonna make a difference?"

Felicity jumped, this being the first time since they'd gotten together that Oliver had yelled at her.

"Oliver, calm down", Dig tried to reassure him, but Oliver ignored him.

"Well, I can definitely see what the other guy was talking about", Oliver commented. "I should have beaten Machin even while holding back. Yet he could hold his own against me."

"What are you saying, Ollie?" Thea inquired.

"I think I've gotten soft, too soft", Oliver told his team. "I need to get that edge back."

"You mean killing people?" Laurel asked.

"No!" Oliver snapped, scaring everyone a little again. "Just…the drive, I need it again."

"You're helping the city, trying something new, isn't that a sign of your drive?" Felicity asked.

"Its different, and you know it", Oliver told Felicity, and that seemed to end this conversation.

"Anyways", Laurel spoke up. "I thought Thea could use some time out of town…"

Eliot Spencer sat in the empty warehouse where he was hiding out ever since coming to this world. At least this time, Oliver had listened to him. All it took was him pointing out he could have ripped apart the kid who was giving him so much trouble.

He could only hope Oliver took the advice to heart, especially since this new enemy was going to be a personal one for him.

Central City

"So, Michael Myers", Joe said, sitting down in front of Steven Lloyd. "Guess we just narrowly survived him, didn't we, officer?"

"I had a feeling he'd come back one day", Lloyd noted, seeming to look far ahead. "But its still a surprise, seeing him in the flesh."

"The way you're talking about him", Joe realized. "You have history with him or what?"

"Well detective, I assume you know about his murder sprees back at Haddonfield in the 70s and 80s, right?" Lloyd inquired.

"Yeah, I know some stuff", Joe confirmed. "Killed his older sister on Halloween night in 1963, then 15 years later broke out of Smith's Grove Sanitarium to return to Haddonfield, and killed some more people. A hospital explosion put him into a coma but he woke up 10 years later, killed more people, then disappeared for a year and came back to kill some more again."

"You have a decent idea", Lloyd noted. "Well, let me tell you the remaining details- when he broke out in 1978, the woman he was really fixated on killing, Laurie Strode, she was his younger sister, after Michael was sent to Smith's Grove, his parents died in an accident, so Laurie was adopted by the Strode family."

"Damn!" Joe's eyes were wide with this new piece of info. "That I didn't know."

"Its something only the locals of Haddonfield are aware of", Lloyd shrugged. "After Michael went into a coma, Laurie married and had a daughter, but she and her husband died in a car crash too. When Michael woke up again, he tried to come after their daughter, Jamie Lloyd. One year later, he was arrested, but someone broke him out, and took Jamie as well."

As Joe listened, Lloyd continued. "It was a Cult, who apparently were controlling the evil within Michael. One of them….well, they impregnated Jamie when she was a teenager."

Joe looked like he wanted to track down the one from the cult who'd impregnated Jamie to shoot him in the head. Lloyd wanted to do the same, and much worse.

"Jamie tried to escape with her kid, and he was saved, but Michael killed her."

As Joe watched, Lloyd stopped for a bit, taking some deep breaths, seeming to be in distress, even grief.

After a few minutes, he seemed good to speak again.

"Meanwhile, the brother of Laurie's adoptive dad had moved into the Myers house with his family, but they became the next target, and the Cult tried to pass Michael's evil onto the kid in the family", Lloyd continued. "But his mom, who survived, alongside Dr. Samuel Loomis, Michael's psychiatrist who was obsessed with stopping him, and this Tommy Doyle who'd been babysat by Laurie when Michael first attacked her and was obsessed with him since then, they all saved the day. Michael wasn't seen then, up until now."

Seeing Joe's look, Lloyd commented. "You must be wondering how I know all this. Well, after all was said and done, Tommy and Kara, the mom in the Strode family, they got together, and raised their kid, as well as Jamie's son, together. And I am Jamie's son."

Joe's jaw dropped, as he pointed a shaking finger at Lloyd. "You…..you…"

Lloyd nodded. "Yeah."

"You survived him as a baby", Joe noted, impressed. "Now he is after you again."

"And I'm hoping we end it this time", Lloyd snarled.

"Look, you're gonna stay at home for a bit, and I'm gonna put a protection squad there", Joe said.

Lloyd started. "Detective, its appreciated but-"

"No buts", Joe shook his head as he stood up, walking off. "I'm gonna talk with Captain Singh about this too. Whether you're related to him or not, Michael is dangerous. We need to stop him."

"He'll slaughter them all to get to me!" Lloyd snapped.

"No, we're gonna stop him", Joe shook his head, and Lloyd sighed, realizing he couldn't argue here. All he could do was stop Michael when they came face to face again.

Michael Myers sat in his Toyota Camry, not moving even a little bit. His attempt on Lloyd had been thwarted, but he was the Boogeyman for a reason. He was going to find Steven, and kill him.

And Lloyd won't be the only one he'd kill.

Universe-92, the Realm of the Powers That Be

In a cloud-like Dimension sat the Powers That Be, who watched over this world. All of them were dressed in white.

Their leader was named Balial, but he was blind, for one of the Powers had gone rogue a long time ago, and in the attempts to banish her, Balial had lost his eyesight forever.

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There were others, like Behmen, Nigue, Jossetta Whedonasta, Talzin and Vasoros, and all were gathered together.

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"The human puppets of the Wolf, the Ram and the Hart tried to torture our Prophet by intercepting my way of communication with her", Vasoros said. He was the one who gave Cordelia the visions, and before her, it was Doyle. "Fortunately, our Champion thwarted their attempt again."

"This war between them is escalating, but even the Wolf, the Ram and the Hart know how important the Champion will be in the Apocalypse", Balial pointed out. "So we have no reason to interfere."

"And the breaches through worlds?" Jossetta asked.

"Now that is a concern", Balial said.

"We can't even close them", Behmen noted. "Our plans can be ruined."

"Yes, we have to do something!" Nigue agreed.

"Let us wait for what happens first", Balial said. "If something requires our attention, we shall interfere."


And another one ends. The Star Wars and Smallville worlds didn't appear in this one, but they will be in the next one.

So Flash 2x2 and Arrow 4x2 have happened, and Oliver realized Eliot has a point. Plus while Thea doesn't burn Machin, her attacking Eliot when he helped them, and then trying to attack Oliver when he tried to stop her showed her that she does have a problem.

Takeo Yamashiro is here for revenge against Oliver, as he blames him for his family being ruined. He will be around for a little while.

Now the biggie- Michael Myers! So for Halloween, its obvious that for this series, on this Earth, the 4-6/Thorn timeline is the canonical one. Its not my favorite timeline, but all the timelines became messes eventually.

I found Halloween 4 decent, but 5 and 6 (either Cut IMO) sucked. H20 was good, but let's not speak of what came next.

Halloween 2018 is great IMO, the 2nd best in the franchise only behind the original 1978 classic, but its two follow-ups sucked as well.

This takes place years after 'The Curse of Michael Myers', as you can see, and Steven Lloyd is the grown up son of Jamie Lloyd.

The scene of Michael having that dream, and waking up, and how Lloyd was raised, are inspired from a fic titled 'Freddy vs. Jason vs. Michael: Slashdown' by Raptorcloak, thank you to them for permitting me to use all this. I highly recommend that fic too if you're a slasher fan.

Slasher fans would also know what the 'Bates Motel incident' and 'the cannibal family in Texas' are.

For how Michael caught Barry by surprise, Season 1-2 Barry could be pretty incompetent around one-episode foes, so there's that.

Plus Michael also appearing gives Barry additional motivation to let 'Jay' out. And Michael's appearance is not random. It is a small part of building up to something big in this series.

For horror characters being on Earth-1, the idea was inspired by PotCFan101's 'Dark Legends' series, so thanks a lot to him for the inspiration and permission, and thanks a lot to gussygus28 as well who helped me with this idea.

Aragorn is on Earth-1 now, and as you can see, he is taking it the best he can. For why 'Jay' didn't do anything about it, well, even with Aragorn's superhuman attributes that he saw, he won't rate a medieval Man a threat to his plans, so he is leaving this for now.

For how Aragorn could hurt Sand Demon, well, he is superhuman, and is descended from a great race, so he'd have the ability to do so, but his weapons won't.

Meanwhile, it seems Parker, Hardison and Hunt are gonna come to Earth-1 as well to look for Eliot.

Takeo Yamashiro is played by Rick Rune, thank you to Bl4ckHunter for the casting help.

The individual Powers That Be are all original characters created by me in the 'Heroes' series, and expect them to be hypocritical, jealous, manipulative and scummy people here too, but also lolcows when they finally start getting theirs.

So, Angel 3x2 has happened on Earth-92, as the dialogues of the PTB prove.

On Earth-205, someone is still trying to stop Castiel from babbling about the Singularity.

While this chapter did get a bit Earth-1 heavy, next chapter shall try to focus on some of the other worlds a bit too.

Its Earth-1 heavy to some extent as quite a few characters fell there, and I'm trying to fix Arrow Season 4 too.

Anyways, hope all enjoyed and see you all next time with another chapter.

Chapter 5: More crossings


Aragorn adjusts to Central City while some more crossings through worlds happen.


Disclaimer: I do not own anything you may recognize

Thank you to everyone for the kudos, hits, comments and bookmarks.

Thank you very much to Brainstorm Sorcerer, Stand with Ward and Queen and gussygus28 for their help with the chapter as well.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


A group of people were running through the woods at very high speed. What stood out about this group though, was that all of them had two elongated canines.

They were Vampires!

After a while of running, they stopped, hiding behind trees. If Vampires could sweat and pant, they would.

"Do you think we lost him?" One of them asked lowly.

The other one moved his head out from behind the cover, and looked out into the dark as far as his enhanced eyesight could see, and there was nothing.

"I think we did."

They started to laugh, relieved, until the guy moved back behind the tree, leaning against it, when he felt unbelievable pain in his chest. He and his friends looked down, and saw a silver stake, and a figure in the distance, but it didn't matter as the Vamp turned to dust.

The others, who numbered three in total, split up, as the figure took out something from behind his leather trench coat, and threw it.

One of the friends, who was a female Vampire, looked back before facing forward again, only for a spinning shuriken to come in from the side and slice her head off, the shuriken continuing to spin before a black blur caught it.

One of the remaining Vamps stopped short of nearly running off a cliff, then turned around to see the dreaded just a few feet away from him.

He was a tall, dark-skinned man wearing shades and black trenchcoat with armor underneath it. He had a small moustache.

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"Blade!" The Vamp yelled as he tried to punch, but Blade blocked and whacked him on the face, before flipping him to the ground while he got on the Vamp's other side, taking out his gun as well.

At that moment, the remaining Vamp appeared, holding up a Desert Eagle. Blade shot the one he'd thrown to the ground, turning him into dust, then aimed at the last Vamp, firing a shot while the Vamp fired one at the same time, the projectiles passing against each other.

Blade's bullet hit the heart of the Vamp, turning him into dust. The bullet from the Vamp's gun hit the armor, but, to Blade's shock, rather than uselessly impacting against it, the bullet drilled into him, forcing him back as he gritted his teeth.

He grunted just as the strange bullet exploded, sending him flying off as he started falling down the length of the cliff.

Only, a blue portal appeared in the way, and Blade fell into that instead, grunting as he saw various images during his fall.

First, he saw what looked like a kid with spiky black hair wearing a blue gi, carrying a stick, and having a…..tail?

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Then next up, he saw a boy with messy hair, wearing glasses, and carrying some kind of wand, a lightning-bolt shaped scar on his forehead.

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After that, he saw three pretty women, who had some similar facial features, reading from a book, and they seemed to be chanting.

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Next, he saw a man wearing a hat of some kind, his body glowing with lightning.

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And then, Blade saw a figure wearing a mask that looked like a screaming ghost, with black robes around, holding up a hunting knife with blood on it.

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After that, he saw a tall man in black with spiky, blonde hair, carrying a big sword on his back while crouching over a train.

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Then, he saw a young boy in orange with blonde hair wearing a headband with a symbol on it, and having whiskers on his face.

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Next, he saw two men battling with swords, and the swords were glowing with lightning.

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Then, he saw a majestic looking lion with a mane, letting out a roar.

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And finally, Blade saw what looked like a tiny green man with pointy ears.

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It was at that moment that Blade finally fell on the ground, face first, his face going into sand, making him grunt as he spit it out, before groaning, feeling weakened due to the strange bullet that had hit him.

He felt a metallic hand touching his shoulder. "Are you all right? Who are you?"

Whoever it was, the person turned Blade around, and with his drowsy eyesight, Blade saw a figure wearing a bluish armor, with a helmet to top it off, and there was a symbol on the helmet as well.

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As Blade's eyes started drooping shut, another figure walked up next to the one kneeling over Blade, and when the figure spoke, it was clear that it was a woman.

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"He just fell from the hole in the sky, didn't he?" She asked.

She too wore a similar kind of armor with a helmet, and it was all blue, grey and white.

And at that moment, Blade lost consciousness.

"Let us take him to our base", the male one said to his female companion, and she nodded as he picked Blade up.

Earth-21, Metropolis

Clark was flying in the sky while speaking to Chloe and Tess on the comms, telling them. "Like I said, I just don't feel comfortable coming around with Lex's tracker on me."

"And like we said, Lex knows we all work together, so you being or not being here isn't really gonna change anything", Chloe pointed out to him in reminder. "Though me and Tess did find some interesting stuff while trying to hack into his computer."

"Like?" Clark inquired.

"Remember the wormhole?"Tess asked.

"Yeah", Clark nodded.

"According to Lex, its some kind of portal into a different world. Since we have experience with other worlds, I think he is onto something here."

"Trying to do something in other worlds?" Clark wondered as he stopped flying, now hovering a few feet above the tallest building in the city.

"There is a warehouse where he is conducting some kind of experiment regarding the wormhole", Chloe told him. "At least that's what the files we have here say."

"You might wanna be careful though, Clark", Tess pointed out to him. "Lex has his tracker on you."

"Knowing Lex, whatever he is doing, it is nothing good", Clark told her and Chloe. "Tracker or not, I think I'll have to check."

"Well, I'm not gonna let you go in there alone", Chloe said in a tone that left no room for arguments.

"So, Oliver is coming?"

"No, I called someone else."

Later, warehouse

Clark flew into the warehouse after blowing open a window, and as he landed, a blur sped in there before stopping, revealing himself to be a very human figure with blonde hair, wearing a red sweatshirt with a white lightning bolt over the chest and torso over a black long-sleeved shirt along with black running pants, red, black and white high-tech running sneakers and a red cuff around each wrist as well as a pair of red sports goggles with yellow lenses which also had an elastic band.

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"Hey amigo", Bart Allen greeted Clark, who smiled as they hugged.

"Nice to see you too", Clark told him. "Really like the new look."

"When you upgraded, figured I could too", Bart shrugged as they looked around the warehouse. "Don't really see much here. Not sure what the fuss was about. And if you're worried, I took care of the cameras before you even came in."


Hearing the strange voice, Bart looked around, very much freaked out, but saw nothing except tables with files on them.

"What's the matter?" Clark asked his friend.

"Nothing", Bart shook his head, though it was clear Clark was not convinced. "Let's check those files, eh?"

"Agreed, we might find something", Clark nodded, as the two sped towards the files, speed-reading through all of them, and not finding anything that was actually useful.

"Okay, I think these files don't have anymore than what Chloe and Tess told me", Clark said with a sigh, before his hearing picked up a low hum. "There is something here."

"What?" Bart inquired, as Clark sped to the direction of the sound, Bart running after him. As they stopped, they saw a metallic machine made in the shape of a sphere, and Clark could tell that the hum was coming from this thing.

"Now that's new", Bart commented.

"This must be something Lex made to control the power of the wormhole", Clark noted, as he moved his hand forth, touching the empty space in the middle of the sphere.

Suddenly, blue energy appeared, and there was a shockwave, before a huge blue portal opened, seeming to suck everything in bit by bit, including the ground and the warehouse.

Clark tried to fly off, but the portal was still pulling him in, as well as Bart.

"Run Bart, run!" Clark said to him, Bart trying to run off, but as he tried to increase his speed, the voice was heard once more.


Hearing that, Bart stopped running on purpose, as Clark was sucked into the portal, and Bart was sucked in after him, still glowing with the Speed Force lightning which seemed to mix with the portal's energy.

And next moment, there was another shockwave which was a mix of the portal's energy and Speed Force energy, that caused the entire warehouse to crumble.


Blue energy as well as Speed Force energy appeared in the sky all of a sudden, and then there was a shockwave as Clark and Bart fell out of the portal which closed.

The shockwave struck a plane flying over the Atlantic, and it went off course, slowly starting to spiral downwards.

Avengers Tower

Tony was tinkering with a new suit when he heard a beeping sound, and JARVIS said. "Flight crashing over the Atlantic Ocean, sir."

"Time to suit up", Tony quipped as the Mark XLIII suit flew onto him, attaching itself to his body, and then, he flew off into the sky at Mach speeds.

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Clark steadied himself, and looked down to see Bart falling. Flying downwards, Clark grabbed Bart, then looked up at the crashing plane.

"Can you hold on to me, Bart?" Clark inquired.

"Yeah, I can do my best, amigo", Bart commented, as Clark shifted the speedster behind, and Bart then held onto Clark's neck, while Clark flew up towards the plane now.

"And now I get to see you save a plane, eh?" Bart quipped, Clark chuckling as he got close to the plane, and using both his hands, grasped it, slowly steadying it, stopping the shaking first.

"Not the first time I've done this", Clark told his friend. "Just need to find a place to land this thing now."

Tony had just arrived, and he saw Clark flying with the plane, Bart holding onto him.

"Now who is that guy?" Tony commented.

"No facial recognition for either of them, sir."

"Huh?" Tony wondered, while he saw JARVIS scanning the bodies of Clark and Bart.

"There are strange energies within both of them, sir. The man in the cape seems to have a high concentration of solar radiation within him, and his physiology is not human. The other one, I cannot tell what form of energy it is."

"Anything else, J?" Tony asked.

"I pick up something strange in their bodies, sir."

Tony flew after Clark who was holding the plane, and soon enough, they reached Coney Island, where Clark gently set the plane down.

He then walked away, Bart finally letting go of him, while the people ran out of the plane, seeing who their savior was.

There was relief on their faces, as well as surprise, considering no one had ever seen these two before.

"He saved you, peeps", Bart gestured to Clark. "You can thank him."

"Well, I certainly hope this little incident hasn't put you off flying", Clark started saying. "Statistically speaking, of course, its still the safest way to travel."

One of the people started clapping, soon joined by another, then another, and finally, everyone saved from the plane crash were clapping happily for their savior.

Clark simply nodded at them, then looked up to see Tony hovering in the air.

Grasping Bart, Clark flew up, facing Tony now as both hovered in the air.

"Who the hell are you?" Tony asked the two of them.

Clark and Bart shared a look, realizing this guy really did not recognize them, then looked back at him as the former asked. "I take it you never heard of Superman?"

"A bit arrogant, catchy name though", Tony shrugged.

"There is cellular decay in their bodies, sir."

Tony noticed that too, and started. "Umm, you might want to hold on to-"

Only, before he could finish, Bart suddenly seemed to look like he was glitching as he wigged out, groaning, while the same happened to Clark, but he gritted his teeth, managing to resist it, while holding Bart tightly so that he would not fall down.

When the two were done with the wigging, Bart panted, trying to process what had just happened to it. "I was vibrating, man. And not in the good way like I do with my speed."

"It felt pretty…deadly", Clark commented.

Tony put a hand on Clark's shoulder. "I know you're an alien, but if I try to help, promise you won't try to conquer the world?"

"How do you know that?" Clark inquired.

Tony's helmeted head gestures to the cape. "Humans don't wear capes, unless it's Shakespeare in the park."

That caused both Clark and Bart to chuckle, the latter saying. "I don't think there's any harm frankly."

Clark looked at Tony. "I think I'm in another world."

"Yeah, I think I got that", Tony shrugged. "Anyways, come on, follow me."

He flew off, as Clark asked Bart. "You sure we can trust this guy?"

"Well, even if we can't, with your powers, he'd be toast, especially since he doesn't know what you are or what your weakness is, amigo", Bart pointed out.

"Point there", Clark agreed, before flying after Tony. "Why were we wigging out like that, though?"

"Not sure, metal man seems to know though", Bart shrugged. "Maybe when we get to wherever he is taking us, we can ask him properly."

"Yeah", Clark nodded, hoping that if the guy was a threat, the wigging out did not stop them from managing to take him out.

Earth-1, Star City

Oliver as the Green Arrow jumped down, seeing two corpses before he turned around, pulled out his bow and aimed at a man who'd tattooed cards on his arms. "Get on the ground."

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"Thanks for coming, by the way", the man smirked. "Ms. Fayad wasn't sure it would work, but I knew you couldn't turn down a good old-fashioned robbery."

The man peeled off a card from his skin, another growing back in its place, while he threw it at Oliver. Oliver fired an arrow, but the card split it, and embedded behind him. Oliver turned to see it was a real playing card, and then realized the man was running, so he ran after him.

The man threw some cards that shattered the glasses of some cars, but Oliver kept dodging before taking cover.

"You ready to call this yet?" The man taunted.

At that moment, the masked man grabbed him from behind and flipped him over, throwing him down, then kicked him as he rolled away.

Getting up, he tried to hurl a card, but the masked man ducked before rolling, kicking the card man away with both feet. As he tried to get up, Oliver was upon him, whacking his face with his bow, then spinning and striking his throat, before kicking his gut as he fell down.

"Now you can call it."

The man smirked. "The game's not over yet." He reached behind his back, only for the masked man to grab the hands, and twist as they broke, making him scream in pain.

"I'd say it is", he shrugged.

At that moment, the window shattered, an arrow flying right towards the man, but he caught it before it could hit him.

Oliver looked up to see Takeo aiming, and he fired again. Oliver fired back, his arrow deflecting that of Takeo.

"Takeo, you don't need to do this", Oliver said as Takeo fired again, Oliver taking cover.

"I do", Takeo snarled, about to take out another arrow, when Oliver fired, and it struck the strap of Takeo's quiver, making it fall down, spilling the arrows everywhere.

"Nice shot", the masked man complimented. "This is what I was talking about."

"Guess so", Oliver said, when Takeo jumped down from where he was, taking out his katana that he whirled before striking Oliver, who used his bow to block, then kicked Takeo back.

Takeo swept Oliver's feet from under him, and made to strike again, only for the masked man to kick him away. Takeo rolled and got up, before trying to strike the masked man with his katana. The masked man dodged some blows, then grabbed Takeo's hand, before punching him on the face, and in a whirling motion, disarmed him of the katana.

Takeo used the opportunity to kick the man away, then turned around, barely avoiding a blow by Oliver, only for Oliver to spin and elbow his face, before striking at his feet, making him fall down.

He aimed an arrow at Takeo. "Stand down."

Suddenly, all the windows burst open, and ARGUS Agents jumped in. To Oliver's shock, they aimed at the masked man. "You need to come with us."

"What?" The masked man looked at them. "Why?"

"We will tell you when you get there", one agent said in reply.

"Why do you want him?" Oliver asked.

"This doesn't concern you", the agent sneered at him.

"I'd say it does", Oliver replied.

"Stand down", the agent warned Oliver.

Taking the opportunity, the masked man grabbed the agent's gun and whacked his face, before getting behind him, now pointing the gun directly at his head, having snatched it from him.

This distracted the other agents, and taking the opportunity, Oliver fired an arrow that stuck to the wall, and started giving out a gas that made all the agents cough and stagger around.

Oliver and the man were being affected too, but Oliver was prepared, so rushing towards the man, he said. "Grab on."

The man did, and Oliver fired a grapple arrow, using it to swing away with the man, as they reached another rooftop, and from there, they ran, jumping across some more rooftops until they were away from the agents.

"Who were those?" The man asked.

"ARGUS Agents", Oliver growled. "They wanted you for some reason."

"Any idea why?" The man inquired.

"No, but I'll find out", Oliver told him. "Thanks for your help there."

"Its fine", he shrugged.

"Takeo got away again though", Oliver sighed, before offering the man. "You can come with me if you'd like."

"Offer's appreciated, but not right now", the man sighed. "Still, good to see you fight like you used to before."

Oliver smirked, as the man told him. "Anyways, while I'm not coming with you, since I know who you are, I'll tell you who I am."

And with that, he took off his mask, revealing to Oliver he was a handsome man, with a rough, battle-hardened face, and very long hair.

"Name's Eliot Spencer", Eliot introduced himself, holding out his hand to Oliver. "Former Black Ops."

"Oliver Queen", Oliver shook his hand. "But you knew that already."

"Yeah", Eliot chuckled as they dropped hands.

"Well, you don't need to come with me, but I can take you somewhere you can hide out for a bit", Oliver offered.

"Sure thing", Eliot shrugged.


Oliver and Eliot entered the safehouse, Eliot looking around at it. "Looks pretty stocked to me."

"Someone I know hid out here for a while", Oliver told Eliot as he walked to the window. "You can use it for now."

"Thanks", Eliot said. "Guess we'll be seeing each other soon."

"Oh we will, I need to know why ARGUS is after you", Oliver said.


Oliver was calling someone on the phone, and the person picked up.

"Hello Oliver. I heard you fought my agents tonight", Amanda Waller said in her usual snarky tone.

"They were trying to take away someone in my city", Oliver growled. "Why?"

"This doesn't concern you."

"I think it does", Oliver growled. "Stay away from him."

"You stay away from the interloper, Oliver, and nothing will happen to you."

"Interloper?" Oliver questioned.

"A few months ago, there was a Singularity above Central City. It opened portals between our world, and other worlds. Those who find their way to this world are called interlopers by us. Your new friend here is one too. He is nothing to you, so I advise you stand down and let us do our job."

"You're welcome to try and take him", Oliver growled as he cut the call, then turned to see Felicity and Dig come in.

"The meta has been arrested, but he's not talking", Felicity said.

"Where were you tonight, Diggle?" Oliver asked him.

"I had my reasons", Diggle said.

"Huh? So I guess only I'm not allowed to keep secrets", Oliver said, taking Diggle aback.

"Oliver, I-"

"No, this has gotten beyond old now", Oliver told both of them. "I have tried to be better, I've tried to give you space, Diggle, but you go around and do all the things that you accuse me of doing. Now, either you're gonna have the same rules for the both of us, or I'm going to do it alone."

"You don't really mean that, Oliver", Felicity tried to interject.

"Actually, I do", Oliver told her. "I know you're trying to be reasonable to both sides, Felicity, but I'm not taking this anymore."

Diggle sighed. "Guess I should tell you then. There's this person, Mina Fayad-"

"Fayad?" Oliver asked.


"The meta-human mentioned her", Oliver said. "Go on."

And Diggle did.

Earth-199999, New York City, Avengers Tower

"Wow, this place is something else", Bart said, looking at the tower, very impressed, and seeing Tony's suits in the corner. "Those yours?"

"Yeah, they're all mine", Tony shrugged. "I made 'em."

"He is like Oliver, but with suits instead of bow and arrows", Bart whispered to Clark, who had to agree to the comparison.

"So, this is my place", Tony said, the suit coming off of him, revealing his face to the two of them. "I am Tony Stark. Genius, billionaire, philanthropist."

"Right", Clark nodded. "So, do you know how we wigged out?"

"Well, I got this info a while ago", Tony started. "But, we're apparently having visitors from other worlds around, is that right?"

"Wow, you got that fast", Bart quipped, making Tony chuckle.

"Yeah, so you two are from one of these other worlds", Tony noted. "And I guess the way that sent you here wasn't exactly natural."

"Lex's machine", Clark realized. "It was trying to control the energy of the portals."

"Yeah, so, anyways, because of that, the longer you stay here, the higher the chance of you both disintegrating on a cellular level."

Both of them looked alarmed, as Tony told Clark. "But you're holding up really well from the scans, I must say."

"Can you stop it?" Clark asked.

"Yeah, about that", Tony said, as the doors opened, four more people walking in. One was a tall blonde and handsome man, wearing a suit with the colors of the US Flag painted on it. Another was a red-haired woman in a black suit, along with a medium-sized man in a black suit as well, and a man in glasses with a lab coat.

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"What's this about, Tony?" The man wearing the US Flag suit asked.

"These are our visitors from another world, Captain", Tony introduced them. "Guys, these are my teammates. We're the Avengers, we save the world, or avenge it if we can't."

"We have a team like that too where we're from", Clark said. "We call ourselves the Justice League."

"Hmm, nice name", the red-haired woman quipped.

"I am Steve Rogers, they call me Captain America", Cap held out his hand, Clark shaking it.

"I can see why", Clark said as both chuckled, while he shook hands with Bart too.

"I am Clint Barton, Hawkeye", the other man gave his introduction.

"Natasha Romanoff. Black Widow", the woman introduced herself as well.

"I am Doctor Bruce Banner. And I have…another guy inside me. He is called the Hulk", the man in the lab coat gave his introduction.

"Yeah, and I'm Iron Man", Tony finished introductions.

"My name is Clark Kent, where I am from, they call me Superman", Clark said.

"I can see why", Steve echoed Clark's words, making them both chuckle again.

"There's two of them now", Natasha whispered to Clint, who had to agree.

"Bart Allen. Impulse", Bart introduced himself as well.

"So, we're gonna find out if there's a way to stop your disintegration, and try to send you back", Banner finally said.

"We'd very much appreciate that", Clark nodded.

Central City, S.T.A.R. Labs

"This is some strange clothing", Strider said, looking at the grey shirt of Barry he had been given to wear here, alongside some black trousers. Not to mention, they were slightly small for him due to how tall and well-built he was, but they still managed to fit.

"Sorry, it's the best I could do for you right now", Barry told him, the two alongside the rest of the team walked to the basem*nt of the place, looking at a breach there.

"Pretty amazing, isn't it?" Barry commented.

"Still can't believe what I'm looking at", Jay had to say.

"So many breaches in Central City, and the biggest one just happens to be in our basem*nt", Barry commented.

Cisco quipped. "We need a name for it."

"It's not a pet, Cisco", Caitlin gently chided him.

"No, it's a wormhole."

They turned to see Professor Stein walk in, some machinery to measure blood pressure strapped to him.

"Professor Stein, what are you doing?" Caitlin asked in shock. "Your blood pressure is 147 over 82! You could pass out again."

Stein was nonchalant. "Oh, it's merely a few points above the 140 average for someone my age. Besides, I have some ideas I would like to contribute to this discussion, Dr. Snow."

"And I want to hear them", Jay spoke up. "This isn't just a wormhole. It could be my way home. Back to Earth Two."

Barry inquired. "Jay, you really think that we can use this as some kind of bridge from your world to ours?"

"Zoom uses the breaches. Why can't we?" Jay shrugged.

"We don't know how. Everything I put through just bounces back", Cisco pointed out.

"So, these 'breaches' as you are calling them", Strider spoke up. "One can fall through from one world to another, but it is harder to use one to travel back, is that right?"

"Yeah, looks like it", Barry shrugged.

"And why are we to believe this one leads to your world then?" Strider turned to Jay. "It could lead to another one too."

"I figured my Earth has a S.T.A.R. Labs just like this one, so that's why this breach leads is a bridge between our worlds", Jay shrugged what he believed, and Strider nodded.

But he just did not find this explanation satisfactory.

"If Zoom's using these breaches to transport people from Earth Two, maybe it takes a speedster", Barry said, then sped out of the room.

"He's not gonna- -"

"Yeah, he is."

Barry sped in, running towards the breach, but was thrown off and fell down, Strider helping him up.

"Maybe I'm not fast enough."

"I don't believe your speed is the entirety of the issue, Barry", Stein pointed out. "It might be the breach's stability or lack thereof."

"He's right", Jay agreed. "We need to think of the breach as a door, and on Earth Two, there's another door. In between, we have a hallway, but the hallway's constantly shifting, twisting, collapsing upon itself."

"And the doors keep moving with it", Barry noted.

"That would mean that even if this breach does lead to Jay's world, it could lead somewhere else if we try to use it without thinking", Strider had another point. "And like Jay has said, travelling through it now would be like trying to climb the Misty Mountains when the Stone Giants are battling."

"I did not say that", Jay raised a hand.

"Okay, I do not know what Stone Giants are, and I don't want to know, but I think you and I are gonna get along very well", Cisco told Strider, amazed by how quickly he was getting the science in spite of being a medieval man.

Strider simply nodded at the praise, while Cisco told the rest. "So we stabilize the door, we stabilize the hallway."

"And then I can jump through it", Barry smirked.

"Exactly, it would serve as a kind of cannon", Jay noted. "A speed cannon."

"Mm", Cisco pointed between himself and Jay. "We should hang out more."

"All right. No more tests today", Stein started moving off. "All of you are leaving now, as am I. Cherish the gift of youth as I will go cherish my much-needed nap. Clarissa's already on her way to pick me up."

"I do believe you should be resting", Strider said to Stein. "You are no use to the others if you are not well."

"And that's why I'm going to my wife so I can rest with her, Strider, but thank you for the concern", Stein said, walking away.

Later, CC Jitters

"Where I am from, we have inns, but there is nothing of this sort", Strider told Cisco as he looked around at the coffee shop. "A shop just to sell coffee."

"So, they have coffee where you are from?" Cisco inquired.

"It is quite good", Strider confirmed. "But we did not have any kind of crevice that could make coffee. What manner of wizardry did this?"

"No wizardry, just science", Cisco told him.

"I still have a lot to learn I must say", Strider noted.

"I can't believe it, a medieval man standing in front of me", Iris said, looking Strider up and down, finding him the perfect specimen.

"Iris!" Caitlin chided her, as she was being rude by calling Strider a 'medieval man' and looking at him like that.

"Sorry", Iris winced, while Strider turned to see Barry speaking with the woman they had rescued earlier.

"Is that not the lady we rescued?" Strider remembered.

"Yeah, that's Patty, she is a detective now", Cisco confirmed.

"And what is a detective?" Strider asked now.

"Well, they are part of the police, who find clues when a crime is committed, and try to find the culprit", Cisco explained.

"Thank you", Strider nodded. "In a sense, they are like 'Inquisitors' then. The police make me think of the Shirriffs in the Shire."

"I'd love to visit your world sometime, when we find a way to it", Cisco said excitedly, Strider smiling.

Barry then came to the table, putting five cups down. "All right, five Flashes."

"Be careful-apparently, they are super-caffeinated", Barry said. "First I have a day named after me. Now I have a drink."

"The people are showing they are grateful for what you've done for them", Strider told him. "They mat not know who this Flash is, but they know there is a Flash, protecting them from those who use their gifts for evil."

It was silent for a few seconds, Barry grateful for Strider's praise, when Caitlin asked. "Hey, you guys think Professor Stein is okay, right? I mean, Clarissa would call if there was anything wrong."


"All right. I'm just gonna call and check in. I'll be back." She walked off.

"Uh- I don't see that call going well", Cisco commented.

"She is just concerned", Strider pointed out, drinking the coffee. "This tastes quite well." Then someone bumped into Cisco.

"Oh, I'm so sorry."

"Don't apologize", the woman turned to face him. "You can bump into me any day, Cisco."

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Cisco exhaled. "Lisa Snart."

"So, the two of you are familiar with each other?" Strider asked, but Cisco and Lisa kept looking at each other.

"You here to double-cross us again, or are you and your big bro holding up coffee shops now?" Cisco asked.

"I need your help."

"In your dreams, Sister Cold. You know I could call The Flash. He'd be here in like two seconds-probably one", Cisco shrugged as he took out his phone. "And there are others who can help me too."

"Call them", Lisa shrugged.

"Oh, okay. I'm gonna call him. Mm-hmm", Cisco scrolled through the phone. "You really want me to call The Flash?"

"I need his help too", Lisa said, then revealed why. "My brother's been kidnapped."

Later, STAR Labs

"All right, so you really want us to just believe that Captain Cold was kidnapped?" Barry, dressed as the Flash, asked Lisa.

"I saw it happen", Lisa insisted. "Last night, Lenny, me, and Mick were knocking over the cashier's cage at Central City Racetrack."

"Does it physically pain your family not to rob people?" Caitlin asked with a wince.

"I never finished the job", Lisa shrugged.

"You can try to live without hurting other people", Strider told her, and she sighed, before continuing her story.

"After Mick torched through the side entrance, I looked back for Lenny and saw him getting thrown into the back of a van", Lisa revealed.

"And why didn't you and Mick follow?"

"I would have", Lisa said. "Someone hit me from behind and knocked me out. When I came to, Lenny was gone, and Mick already made off with the cash."

"How do we know this isn't some kind of a trap?" Caitlin inquired.

"If Lenny wanted Flash dead, he would have let Mardon, Simmons, and Bivolo take that honor, remember?" Lisa reminded them.

"Yeah, I remember", Barry nodded.

"Good", Lisa shrugged. "Then you'll also recall that you owe Lenny a favor for saving your life. Time to make good on that debt, Flash."

"I do not like her", Caitlin snarled.

"Yeah, but she makes a point", Cisco said.

Barry and Caitlin looked at him incredulously.

"What? We should at least hear her out. Right?"

"Who are these Mardon, Simmons and Bivolo, and when did your brother save Flash from them?" Strider asked the important question.

"So, we have a prison down here", Barry started. "But, our enemy at the time, he had a plan with the prison which would have hurt the prisoners, so we decided to move them to a different prison, with help from Lisa and her brother Leonard. But, Leonard betrayed us, and let them lose on the way. They could have killed us, but Leonard didn't let that happen, and said I owe him."

"He keeps his word. I don't know who Flash is behind the mask, and I'm his sister!" Lisa reminded.

"He is a thief, and it was wrong of him to let those prisoners out", Strider noted, before turning to Barry. "However, he did not let you die. I have seen worse than him, my friend. Perhaps you should look into this."

Barry sighed, turning back to Lisa, before Strider asked. "And you all have your own prison?"

"Yeah", Caitlin nodded.

"Were you permitted by someone to imprison them here?" Strider asked next.

"Uhhh….no?" Caitlin shook her head lamely.

"Then is it not wrong to imprison people here for too long?" Strider asked, and Barry, Cisco and Caitlin looked visibly uncomfortable on hearing that.

"Yeah, I thought you guys were the heroes but that prison sounds inhumane", Lisa had to say, getting looks from them.

"I guess we'll have to think more on that once this is done", Barry noted. "How do we find him?"

"Oh, I've a way", Cisco said as he started typing.

Later, STAR Labs

"So your brother was not kidnapped", Barry told Lisa. "He was pulling a job with your father."

"What?" Lisa looked genuinely shocked. "No, Lenny would never do that."

"Oh, just like he would never try and kill The Flash with his cold gun", Caitlin said sarcastically.

"Are you sure it was my dad?" Lisa inquired.

Cisco typed on the computer, and the man's image came up.

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"That's him", Barry said.

"Lewis Snart", Caitlin read out. "Convicted of larceny, armed robbery, aggravated assault, assault with a deadly weapon."

Strider simply looked at Lisa's face. The way she was looking at the picture of her father, she was angry and scared at once.

"You have to believe me", Lisa told the rest. "Lenny would never work with him. He's a bad guy."

"You and your entire family are criminals", Caitlin pointed out. "Why should we trust anything you say?"

As they all stood together, Lisa moved her jacket out of the way, and lowered her shirt's sleeve, revealing a scar.

"I didn't get this scar being a criminal. I got it being a daughter."

Team Flash now looked guilty, as Lisa walked off.

Barry made to walk after her but Cisco stopped him. "Let me go. I got this."

Cisco found Lisa in his workshop. "I see you found my hiding spot." As Lisa looked at him, he told her. "This is usually where I come to, you know, get away."

Turning away, Lisa said. "First time my father came after me, I was seven. Second time, I was eight. That's when I learned that a bottle hurts worse than a fist." Cisco listened with sympathy as she told him. "He used to say he was trying to teach us lessons. I must have been a slow learner, because the lessons never stopped."

Cisco walked up next to her. "I'm sorry, Lisa."

"Lenny practically raised me", Lisa said. "If it weren't for him, I would have turned out a lot worse."

He tilted his head, and she asked. "I know, how could I be any worse?"

Cisco chuckled. "I didn't say that."

"You didn't have to", Lisa sighed. "But believe me, there is worse. And, look, he may be a jerk brother, but he's the only jerk brother I've got. He protected me. Now it's my turn. If he's with my dad, he is in serious trouble. Please. You've gotta find out what's going on."

At that moment, Strider walked in, as he said. "I apologize for having overheard some of this."

Lisa just shook her head, as Strider told her. "You have my respect for what you went through."

She just nodded before Strider noted. "From what you say, your brother loves you and would do anything to protect you."

He looked to Cisco. "Perhaps their father threatened her life to make her brother work for him."

"But, how did he threaten her exactly?" Cisco inquired.

"That is what we should think about", Strider shrugged.

"So, we explained phones to you, right?" Cisco asked Strider.

"Yes, you did. Something like that is genuinely needed in Middle-earth amongst many of us."

"Wait, why did you have to explain phones to him?" Lisa asked in confusion, but was ignored.

"You think he has a man watching Lisa who'd kill her if Leonard does not help him?" Cisco suggested.

"I do not think so", Strider said. "I would know if there was someone watching us."

"Then how?" Cisco wondered as he walked off, Strider and Lisa following him until they reached the cortex once more.

"Lisa", Caitlin started. "I'm sorry for what I-"

"Its fine", Lisa shrugged her off.

"Strider says that daddy Snart might be threatening Lisa's life here somehow to make Captain Cold work for him", Cisco told Barry and Caitlin. "How do you think that is?"

Barry ran out and returned in a second. "Well, no one is watching us here."

"Strider already confirmed that", Cisco said.


"Maybe he has some manner of powers too", Strider suggested.

"No, we know he does not", Lisa confirmed.

"Then what could it be?" Caitlin wondered. "Maybe he hired someone who does."

Barry's line of thought led him through a lot of things. There could be a meta-human, or, as a scientist, he was inclined to think there could be something else involved as well.

Leonard was smart enough to tinker with the Cold Gun that Cisco Ramon had made, which meant there was every possibility that Lewis was just as smart.

But, what could he have done to make Leonard work for him?

Then, he suddenly had a stray thought. Oliver had told him once how Waller made the Suicide Squad follow her lead.

And then his eyes widened in horror.

"Cisco." Cisco turned to Barry.


"Could you scan Lisa's head for any thermite?"


"Just do it."

A while later, Cisco was using a machine to scan Lisa's head, and the screen said 'Thermite Detected', as he muttered. "Oh, boy."

"What is it?" Lisa asked, confused.

Caitlin tried to break it to her gently. "Lisa, there are traces of thermite on your skin."

"Thermite?" Lisa looked alarmed. "Like an explosive?"

Caitlin wasn't sure how to break it to her. "Not like an explosive."

"It's a bomb", Cisco said, Caitlin having wide eyes while Lisa turned to look at him in horror, while he realized when this was put in her head. "When you were knocked out, your dad must have injected you with it."

"What is a bomb?" Aragorn inquired.

"Well, a bomb contains within it many chemicals and other stuff", Barry explained. "And when all of it reacts with each other, they release a huge amount of energy like heat, light, sound and pressure. It is very destructive."

"It sounds like one of Gandalf's fireworks, but it can kill", Strider realized what it was. He looked up, looking quite disturbed, which prevented Cisco from asking about fireworks.

A man who was beating his own daughter, and was even willing to kill her in this way, it really put Strider out.

"We will have to stop him", Strider finally said.

"Its not going to be easy", Barry pointed out.

"My friend, this man does not know that I am with you", Strider reminded Barry. "I can help you in stopping him."

"And if he kills me?" Lisa asked.

"I will not let that happen", Strider assured her.

"Hey, so you've bow and arrows, right?" Barry asked Strider.

"I do."

"I think we can do something then", Barry smirked.

Leonard, Lewis and their tech guy Rutenberg were planning their heist as Rutenberg told Lewis. "That Draycon Systems keypad's gonna be a problem."

"Fine", Lewis chuckled, then turned to Leonard. "How about you? You gonna disappoint me too, or is that freeze gun of yours gonna look after the power source for the laser grid?"

"It's a cold gun, and yes, but I have a better way to get past the lasers", Leonard told his father.

Rutenberg started. "That gun is the only reason you're here, so shut up before I make you—"

Lewis took out a device, about to press the button, only for a blur to speed in, snatching it from him.

They turned to see Barry standing there in his Flash suit, holding up the device. "Its over Lewis."

"So you're back now, eh?" Lewis sneered.

"Flash", Leonard raised his gun.

Barry just nodded at Snart, then turned to Lewis, asking in disgust. "What kind of man puts a bomb in his own daughter's head?"

Realizing Barry knew what was going on, Snart slowly started lowering his Cold Gun, while Lewis took out another device, this one clearly meant to blow up the bomb in Lisa's head.

"Very rich man", he said casually, before looking at Leonard. "Kill him, or you'll never see your sister alive."

At that moment, an arrow whistled through the air, and struck Lewis in the wrist, in a very important nerve, making him gasp in pain.

And then, Strider jumped down, dressed like a Ranger once more, his cloak flowing behind him, while he nocked another arrow. "You will not be able to slay her now."

"Who…who are you?" Lewis asked in pain, when Strider fired another arrow, which struck Lewis in the other wrist's nerve, causing him to scream in pain once more.

"Never in my life have I seen a man who would hurt his own children just because he is angry or he drinks", Strider said sadly, lowering his bow, remembering how Lord Elrond had raised him as his own even though he was not his child by blood. So a father who was hitting his children by blood, it shook Strider to his core, as he realized just how bad some Men could be. "If we were in my world, I would have slain you."

Leonard turned his Cold Gun on his father at that point, only for Barry to say. "Don't do it!"

"He deserves it", Leonard snarled

"Indeed", Strider agreed. "But in spite of all that he has done, he is still your father. Do you really believe you can slay him and live afterwards? It will haunt you, Leonard. Do not do this, do not let your rage and hatred cloud you."

For a while, Leonard has his gun trained on his father, his hand shaking. But Strider's words got through, and he lowered his hand.

Lewis started. "You're just a disap-"

He was cut off when Snart whacked his face, knocking him out, and Barry did the same to Rutenberg.

And then Barry turned to Snart, who simply nodded. "I guess I should thank you, Barry."

"No, I should thank you, because I know your secret now", Barry shrugged.

"Which is?"

"You'd do anything to protect your sister, Snart", Barry told him.

"Well, I know your secret too, Barry. Better hope I don't drink and slip up", Snart sneered.

"You won't." Barry sounded very confident. "Today just proved what I've always known. There's good in you, Snart. And you don't have to admit it to me, but there's a part of you that knows you don't have to let your past define you. A part of you that really wants to be more than just a criminal."

"So I should be a hero like you, Barry?" Snart asked with a smirk. "What exactly does that pay again?"

"You let Barry live once even when you could have let him die", Strider reminded Leonard. "There is much more you can do rather than just trying to rob people."

"I wish I could, but I like it that way", Snart shrugged.

"If you say so", Strider sighed, though from what he was seeing, there was good inside Snart. He just wasn't ready to admit it yet.

"We'll be taking the bomb out of your sister, then you two can do whatever you want, as long as no one dies", Barry warned Snart, who simply smirked.

"I'll do my best, Barry." He turned to Strider. "And who are you? Not that I don't appreciate you shooting my old man like that."

"I am Strider", Strider simply said, before walking off with Barry.

"Guess that's one problem down", Barry sighed. "We still have Michael Myers to deal with though."

"The murderer, right?" Strider asked, Barry nodding. "Where would he be right now?"

"He is not a meta, so can't really track him", Barry commented. "Joe will let us know if there is something."

Lloyd walked outside his home, looking at the protective detail, as he spoke to their lead. "Ya know, I don't think this is needed, officer."

"Michael Myers is after you, officer, and from what we know, he is as dangerous as any other meta", the lead cop shrugged. "So I'd say this is totally needed."

"If you need any refreshments, let me know", Lloyd said before going back inside, realizing it was pointless to argue.

"Ya think he'll show?" Another cop asked the lead cop.

"Right now, I think anything can be-"

At that moment, someone jumped from the top of the house, and stabbed the cop right in the head with a knife, the weapon going deep into the brain.

The other cops nearby gasped, the blood splattering on the two closest ones, while the cop's body was convulsing violently.

Michael Myers pulled the knife out, dropping the body, before turning to the other cops. One of them fired at him, only for Michael to stab him in the face, while the rest covered the door.

They fired at Michael, who grunted, staggering back, but moved towards them. Michael stabbed one of them and lifted him into the air, then hurled him away.

As one of them was about to pull the trigger, Michael kicked him so hard he hit the door and broke it, and the impact of the fall made his hand turn at the last moment as he shot himself.

"Michael, stop!" Lloyd said as he held out a gun too, the other cops slowly walking inside and spreading out. As Michael walked forth, Lloyd shot him in the head, and this time, he went down.

Lloyd still held out his gun, while one cop walked towards Michael to check.

"No, stay away from him!" Lloyd warned the cop.

The cop just knelt near Michael, then turned to Lloyd. "He looks dead to me."

At that moment, Michael got up and grabbing the cop, sliced his throat, before dropping him as the other cops continued to fire at him.

Lloyd rushed at Michael and kicked him on the face, staggering him back, then pistol-whipped him, slightly turning his head the other way.

"f*ck you, Michael", Lloyd snarled as he tried to fire again, but Michael swung his knife, and managed to cut Lloyd on the wrist, making him drop the gun, before punching him away.

Then, he grabbed one cop and slammed his head onto the wall, before stabbing him in the back of the neck, killing him.

The two remaining cops continued to fire at Michael, but he grabbed one, and stabbed him repeatedly until he was dead.

Then, he took that one's gun, and throwing his knife down, grabbed the last cop by the throat, slamming him to the wall.

After that, Michael stabbed the cop with the gun, now hanging him on the wall like he was a morbid decoration, while blood poured out of the cop's mouth before he lost his life.

Michael then knelt down, picking up his knife, but as he got up, Lloyd struck at him with an ax, getting his shoulder. In retaliation, Michael swung his knife, cutting Lloyd's sleeve and shoulder, throwing him down.

Lloyd got up, backing off into another room, the ax still stuck to Michael's shoulder, who pulled it out and threw it away.

And then, Michael walked into the room where Lloyd had gone off to, looking around, finding a table there, and an open window.

Michael walked towards the window first, looking down, but saw no sign of Lloyd.

In the meantime, Lloyd was hidden underneath the table, not making a sound. He could hear Michael's footsteps, and knew he had not bought the open window ruse.

Lloyd slowly started crawling out from underneath the table, only to see Michael looking down on him from above it. Michael swung, causing Lloyd to roll to the other side, and Michael was there as well, swinging again, forcing Lloyd to roll and dodge.

Michael leapt off the table and hurled it away, while Lloyd rolled and got up, grabbing a wooden chair that he slammed to the ground, breaking it off. Picking up a big piece with a pointy end, Lloyd charged at Michael, stabbing his shoulder, making Michael fall down.

Before he could get up, Lloyd hurled another large piece at him, and then ran off, reaching his kitchen. He shut the door and rushed to a cabinet, opening it to see many knives.

The door was broken down, causing Lloyd to break off the cabinet and drop all the knives down. As Michael walked towards him, Lloyd threw one knife towards him, though Michael dodged. Lloyd continued to throw knife after knife towards his uncle, but Michael dodged each one.

As he reached closer, Lloyd lifted up the cabinet, and put it in the way when Michael stabbed downwards, causing the cabinet to block the knife, even though it went through it. Lloyd then kneed Michael, who hurled him away using the stuck knife like a lever.

Michael tried to pull his knife out, and in that time, Lloyd picked up another knife and ran out. Michael got his knife out, then walked out of the room, reaching a long hallway with some openings.

As he walked ahead, Lloyd jumped out of one opening and stabbed Michael on the shoulder. As Michael tried to fight back, Lloyd pulled the knife out and stabbed again, and then he continued to stab, pushing Michael back bit by bit, before they reached a window, and shattering it, Michael fell outside of the house.

Lloyd looked out, seeing Michael lying prone, completely unmoving.

Sighing, he sank to his knees, taking out his phone and messaging Joe about what had happened. He hadn't gotten the time to do it before due to Michael's sudden entrance, and Lloyd trying to help the detail in fighting him.

After the message was sent, Lloyd got back up, and looked out of the window.

Halloween main theme plays

To Lloyd's shock, Michael was gone, though there was an imprint where he'd been lying.

Quickly running to another cabinet, Lloyd opened it, taking out a shotgun, and then he ran around the house, trying to seal every entrance.

Reaching a glass window, Lloyd looked down just to check. At that moment, hands burst through the window, grabbing Lloyd and shattering the glass, before pulling him out and hurling him away.

Lloyd tried to aim his shotgun, only for Michael to grab the barrel. Lloyd pulled the trigger, and two of Michael's fingers were blown off, making him stagger back.

Before Michael could do anything else, a blur sped in, knocking him away, and then Barry stood there as Flash. "This time you're not getting away, Michael."

Michael got up, trying to lunge at Barry with his knife, but an arrow struck the knife, knocking it away, and he turned to see Strider lowering his bow.

"You are not killing anyone again", Strider told him, drawing his sword. As Michael charged Strider, Strider weaved away, dodging his attempted strike, and sliced his abdomen, then kicked his chest, sending him down.

Michael tried to get up, but Barry ran around him in circles.

"What's he doing?" Lloyd asked.

"He is going to stop him", Strider told Lloyd, as Barry slowed down, and with a roar, hurled a lightning bolt at Michael.

It struck the murderer, making him roll away, his body burnt and singed, as he was finally knocked out.

Barry stopped, Strider walking up next to him. "Now I believe we have stopped him at last."

"Yeah", Barry nodded, as they heard cop cars pull up. "Time to go."

Grabbing Strider, Barry sped away, while Joe ran towards Lloyd. "Officer Lloyd, are you all right?"

"Yes", Lloyd nodded. "But the rest are dead."

Patty walked up next to Joe, as Lloyd said. "I told you Michael was going to kill them all!"

"I'm sorry…" Joe sighed, as Lloyd walked off.

Patty looked down at Michael, as Joe said. "He is going to be kept in the meta-human wing."

Later, STAR Labs

"So, Cisco got the bomb out", Lisa said, starting to walk out. "I guess its time to go."

"Your father is in prison now", Strider told Lisa. "I do not believe he is going to escape this time."

"Let's hope so", Lisa shrugged. "Don't wanna deal with him again."

"You may be a thief, but there are things even you are disgusted by", Strider noted, causing Lisa to turn to him. "Perhaps you can change."

"What makes you so sure?" Lisa asked.

"There is always hope", Strider told her. "And I say this after meeting people like your father and Michael, who murdered his sister when he was a child, and was trying to kill others of his blood."

"Ya know, you're insightful", Lisa said with a smirk and wink, before walking off

Later, STAR Labs basem*nt

Caitlin and Jay had finally finished their device, which could allow one to navigate through a breach better. "Tada! The speed cannon."

"Wow!" Cisco said. "Look at that. Dudes, you actually built the thing."

Stein had to say. "Mr. Garrick, I am quiet impressed by what you've accomplished during my recent wellness hiatus."

"Have you tested it out yet?" Cisco inquired.

"Not yet", Jay looked at Cisco. "You wanna do the honors?"

Cisco clapped, picking up a can, only for Stein to say. "No, no, no, no. Now that I, uh- now that I am back to optimum health, please allow me."

Picking up another can, Stein hurled it through the breach, and it disappeared inside. "Excelsior!"

"How did you stabilize it?" Barry inquired.

"CFL Quark Matter", Jay revealed.

"Ah, negative energy density with positive surface pressure", Cisco realized. "That's genius."

"You created CFL Quark Matter?" Barry asked Jay in shock.

"It's something we perfected on my Earth", Jay shrugged. "I'll show you sometime."

"You mean, sometime in the next few minutes?" Stein inquired.

That was when Jay seemed to realize it. "Oh, yeah I guess this is it, huh? Time for me to go back home."

"Right now?" Caitlin asked. "I mean we still need your help with the Breachers."

"My first priority is Zoom", Jay pointed out. "I need to find out what he's up to. How he stole my speed."

Caitlin told him. "But you can do that here and, you know, if you go back, then we can't get in touch with you when we need your help or... with Zoom or whatever else."

Barry smirked, knowing what this was about, and said. "It would be nice to be able to pick your brain every once in a while, get some more speedster tips."

Jay chuckled. "Okay... once we take care of Zoom, I'm going home."

"That's fair."

"Good, 'cause I could use a shower, a shave, and some sunlight." All chuckled. "I'll, uh, see you later." He walked off.

Strider watched after Jay as he went off. He seemed so desperate to get home, why did a few words stop him now? And Strider still did not understand how Jay had figured out that the other side of this breach led to his own home world.

There was more to this.

"So, Professor Stein, how are you feeling?" Caitlin asked him.

"Well, uh, it appears that a little rest heals all maladies. I-I-I couldn't feel—" Stein suddenly snorted and inhaled, seeming to seize.

Caitlin and Cisco rushed towards him. "Professor?"

Barry held them back. "No, no, no, no get back. Come here."

Stein suddenly gasped as flames appeared on his hands and head, and then they turned blue.

"What sorcery is this?" Strider wondered, before the flames disappeared and Stein passed out, the four kneeling over him.

"Professor Stein! Professor Stein! Can you hear me, Professor Stein?" Caitlin inquired.

"What happened to him? He went up like Firestorm, but the flame, why was it blue?" Barry wondered.

Caitlin said. "I don't know. This isn't good. We need to stabilize him fast."

At his home, Lloyd had dialed a number. After a while, the person on the other end picked up.

"Steven?"Tommy Doyle spoke from the other end. "How are you doing in Central City, son?"

"Michael is back, dad", Steven said, and he could tell exactly how his adoptive father was looking right now.

"Oh my God, are you okay, son?"

"I got him, dad", Lloyd said. "I got him. He has been put somewhere he can't get out now."

"Damn!"Tommy said. "Well done, son. What happened?"


Iron Heights

Michael Myers, now without his mask, wearing the prison uniform, sat in his cell, staring at the wall, no indication that he was paying attention to anything else in his eyes.

"You think this is gonna hold him?" Patty asked Joe as the two looked at the murderer.

"It has held worse than him, I think it'll do", Joe sighed, walking off, Patty walking after him.

Star City

Detective Conhanan came out of the police station. He talked to his wife on the phone for a while and then looked up to see an archer watching him.

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Conhanan thought it was Green Arrow. "How you doin?", he asked, "Help you with anything?"

In response, the archer fired an arrow that hit his shoulder, making him drop the phone. Conhanan fired at him with his gun but the archer dodged the bullets and threw a shuriken at his gun, making him drop it.

Conhanan tried to run but the archer threw a knife which embedded itself behind his knee, making him fall.

He tried to crawl away but couldn't.

"Green Arrow?" he asked him as he looked up.

But it wasn't him. It was another archer who wore a similar suit except it was black and his mask covered his entire face.

"No!" he said brandishing a katana, "I'm not Green Arrow."

Conhanan tried to crawl away but the archer brought his katana down on him.

Universe-208, Tatooine

The Death Watch had taken Blade to their base, having taken off his trench coat and armor to see his wound better. They saw some ruined flesh, as if some of it exploded, with some shrapnel visible inside.

"Looks bad", Bo-Katan said.

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"His weapons are quite interesting", one of them said, looking at the silver stakes he had. "What do these even do?"

"Or these", Bo-Katan noted, looking at the wire and spray, before picking up his sword. "This looks deadly though."

She felt something moving on the hilt, and dropped it. At that moment, spikes burst out of the hilt.

"Good trap."

One of the group picked up Blade's gun, and aimed at the wall while looking at it.

"A slugthrower, not many carry it around in the galaxy", Bo-Katan said. "And that armor, it won't protect him from a blaster bolt."

"That wound doesn't look like it even came from one", Pre-Vizsla noted. "But where did it come from?"

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"I cannot tell", Bo-Katan sighed.

"Could we give him some bacta?" One of them asked.

"No", Vizsla denied that. "We need to use it for ourselves, when we get wounded, not some stranger we find."

"Look", Bo-Katan suddenly said, pointing at something.

In front of them, the shrapnel in Blade's wound was pushed out of his body, and the wound started healing by itself, the skin regrowing and knitting itself back together.

"Keep an eye on him", Vizsla said, before walking out. This was getting interesting.


And that ends another chapter.

So now Blade is in the Star Wars Universe, having been found by the Death Watch, while Aragorn is better assimilating in with Team Flash, and Eliot finally reveals himself to Oliver, who has started regaining his spine and fighting skills.

The rest of Arrow 4x3 won't really matter now, since Damien would kill Fayad either way, and Oliver would know of Diggle's connection to HIVE. Only difference is Curtis does not find out that Felicity works with the Green Arrow.

So now its time for some conflict between Oliver and Waller.

The safehouse Eliot is in would be one of the places Malcolm used to hide out while in Star/Starling City.

Michael Myers is taken down as well, for the time being. And he killed 10 people before being imprisoned, not bad I'll say, since he has been asleep for 20 years.

Like I said, this is building up to something in the future, and you'll see what later.

Clark and Bart end up in the MCU and meet the Avengers. The reactions of the rest of the JL to their disappearance will be shown in the next chapter. The wigging out is the same thing that was happening to the Spider-people who ended up in Miles' world in 'Into the Spider-Verse'.

Now, the wormhole was caused by a disruption in the Speed Force pretty much, and the breaches were caused by the wormhole. The Speed Force is a natural thing, so even breaches born out of its disruption aren't exactly unnatural, just at the wrong place at the wrong time.

So those who ended up somewhere else directly via a breach are fine. But Lex's machine tried to manipulate the wormhole's energy, and that's what Clark and Bart went through while the Speed Force energy reacted with the portal's energy too, hence they're having the wigging out problem.

I got this idea due to the theory that Tobey, Andrew and the villains were not wigging out on entering the MCU in NWH because they came there via magic which is natural, while the Spider-people came to Miles' world via scientific disruptions.

Hope it makes sense.

So now the 'Haunted' arc from the Smallville Season 11 comics is happening earlier than in canon, even before 'Detective', but after 'Guardian'.

For who all Blade saw before falling into the Star Wars Universe, they were- Kid Goku from 'Dragon Ball', Harry Potter, the Charmed Ones from the 1998 'Charmed' show (Piper, Paige and Phoebe in this case), Raiden from 'Mortal Kombat', Ghostface from 'Scream', Cloud Strife from 'Compilation of Final Fantasy VII', Naruto Uzumaki from 'Naruto', Connor MacLeod and Kurgan from 'Highlander' battling each other, Aslan from 'The Chronicles of Narnia', and finally Yoda.

Yes, Prometheus is here, one year early. So Prometheus, Damien, Takeo and Waller at the same time. Poor Oliver. Why Prometheus is here so early will be revealed very soon.

Buffyverse and Supernatural are gonna be absent for a few chapters, their episodes happening the way they did in canon, but I'm planning some stuff focused around them, and it shall come very soon, I just need to get done with the 5th episodes of the 'Flash' and 'Arrow' before getting some time to focus on them finally.

Hope all enjoyed and see you all next time with another chapter.

Chapter 6: Haunted


Bart reveals what's after him to the rest, while Blade and Vizsla have a talk. More developments happen in Star City and Central City.


Disclaimer: I do not own anything you may recognize

Thank you to everyone who has favorited, followed or reviewed this fic so far.

Thanks a lot to Brainstorm Sorcerer and Stand with Ward and Queen for their help with this chapter.

So, I've changed the series title to 'When Legends meet', as 'When Heroes meet' felt too similar to 'Heroes'. Some individual stories could have the 'Heroes' word in them, but I decided it was best to change the series name to make it 'Legends' instead, and it follows Stan Lee's quote at the end of the trailer for this series better too.


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Earth-21, Metropolis, Watchtower

"What?" Lois Lane asked, the horror in her voice clear. "They're gone! Where?"

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"We don't know, Lois", Chloe said sadly.

"You shouldn't have asked him to look into that", Lois told her.

"We didn't think it would get this bad", Tess confessed.

"Calm down, Lois", Chloe said gently. "We can't lose our heads if we are to bring Clark and Bart back."

Lois took deep breaths, trying to get herself in control. "Yeah, you're right, we need to think this through."

"Maybe I should pay Lex a visit", Oliver snarled.

"While that is very tempting, its not gonna go over well", Tess pointed out. "Lex can just call it harassment."

"We need to find out where they went first, then try to get them back", Emil said the obvious. "Problem is, while we have experience with the Multiverse, we don't have this much experience with it."

"Well, whatever it is, its up to us to figure it out", Chloe sighed. "Clark and Bart are depending on us."

"I just hope they're fine, wherever they are", Lois hoped.

Earth-1, S.T.A.R. Labs, Central City

Jefferson Jackson aka Jax had arrived after what he had been told.

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"I'm really glad you decided to come", Barry said.

"I thought S.T.A.R. Labs had to shut down", Jax said while looking around at the place.

"It's under new management", Barry shrugged.

"Whoa", Jax saw the treadmill that Barry used to run. "What kind of treadmill is that?"

"Cosmic", Cisco boasted.

Jax laughed softly. "Cool." He walked to the rest of them. "So, let's get started. You got some kind of "Billion Dollar Man" technology that gonna fix my knee?"

"Actually, Jax, this isn't about fixing your knee", Barry confessed.

"What are you talking about?" Jax was confused.

Stein spoke up from where he was sitting. "When the Particle Accelerator exploded, the energy wave that collided with you is known as "dark matter.""

Caitlin joined the conversation. "And it didn't just hurt your knee. It-it changed the molecular structure of your body."

"Whoa, hold on, Grey. So you're saying I'm like one of those meta-humans I keep hearing about on the news?" Jax asked in shook.

"Yes, I am", Stein shrugged. "Please, call me Professor."

Barry said. "We think you have potential capabilities."

"What kind of capabilities?" Jax asked.

Caitlin revealed. "The same as Professor Stein: the ability for your body to process fission and fusion."

"And you can harness excess energy and turn it into these massive nuclear blasts", Cisco added excitedly. "And you can fly. There's also that."

Jax turned to Stein. "So you're saying you can do all this?"

"Only during times of convergence with a willing partner", Stein said.

"Convergence?" Jax asked. "You and me?"


After a few moments, Jax laughed as he walked off. "No, this is crazy."

"No, Jax, this is your chance to right the wrong that was done to you", Barry said and he stopped.

"Yeah, sorry, you got the wrong guy", Jax told them. "I don't want nothing to do with this."

"Wait a second, we are giving you the chance to be a superhero, and you're gonna say no that quickly?" Caitlin inquired.

"Yeah, not my kind of thing", Jax said immediately.

Stein started. "If the man isn't willing to participate—"

"Look, I saw your test scores, Jax. Your grades were good enough to get into college, but you didn't go. Why?" Caitlin asked, her tone accusatory. "Is this the type of guy you are? One setback and you fold? Well, then maybe you're not the guy for us anyway."

Jax responded angrily. "Well, maybe I'm not."

He walked off.


"Maybe this just wasn't meant to be", Stein sighed before walking away.

Barry turned to Caitlin. "Cait, come on, I mean, Jax could be our last chance at saving Professor Stein."

"He said no to being a superhero", Caitlin told Barry. "Who does that? I mean, you didn't say no when you had the chance." She turned to Cisco. "Cisco, would you?"

"Chance to have superpowers? Sign me up", Cisco shrugged.

Strider had been silent so far, but now he spoke. "You are thrusting a huge burden upon him without giving him much time to think, everything he has known will change. He needs time to think about this."

Caitlin started. "But he also-"

"And for why he did not go to this place called 'college' in spite of having the means to do so, perhaps something happened with him that took away his chance", Strider pointed out. "Did you think about that before accusing him of cowardice?"

Caitlin tried to speak, but no words came to her mouth.

"You know, he does have a point", Barry agreed. "We don't know everything about his life, there could be other things he is struggling with."

"Oh my God…" Caitlin whispered, ashamed of herself now as she realized she had made a judgment call.

"This isn't you, Cait, what's the matter?" Barry inquired.

"I guess…I thought everyone could be like Ronnie", Caitlin realized. "I wanted Professor Stein's new partner to be just like him, because he was a hero. I guess Jax refusing made me react like that. I shouldn't have done that."

"Hewitt, he does not seem to me like the kind of man who can be trusted with such power", Strider said.

"What do you mean?" Cisco asked.

"Just look at how disappointed he seemed on realizing he cannot be this Firestorm", Strider pointed out. "A wise man humbly accepts his shortcomings. An arrogant man is the one who is filled with rage when such a thing happens."

"He is right, Hewitt's personality, not really something I liked", Barry agreed.

"Thank you, Strider, I think I needed to hear that", Caitlin sighed, knowing she was taking out her issues with Ronnie's death on Jax. She started walking out.

"Where are you going?" Cisco asked.

"To apologize to Jax", Caitlin said, and then she was out.

"Man, I like having you around", Cisco said happily as he pointed at Strider, who chuckled alongside Barry.

"Where is Jay?" Strider then asked.

"He said he'll be thinking on ways to get his speed back", Caitlin told Strider. "We only call him for help when it's a meta-human from his Earth."

"All right", Strider said with a nod, turning around and walking through the hallway. Jay helped only when the meta-human was from his own Earth.

He found that, not quite right. Jay was supposed to be like Barry, wasn't he? So why did he not try to provide any kind of aid when Barry was facing his own Earth's enemies?

Not to mention, that would make Barry stronger too. But against Snart and Michael, he had been no help. Strider was sure even without his powers, he could have some insight.

He himself was completely out of his depth in this world, due to the advanced technology that he was still trying to grasp, yet he did his best to help in any way could.

Why was Jay not doing the same?

Universe-208, Tatooine

Blade's eyes opened as he gasped, looking around at the unfamiliar surroundings. He was alert and alarmed, knowing this was not any good.

At that moment, Pre Vizsla walked in, not wearing his helmet.

They locked eyes for a moment, both hardened and cold, neither speaking. But Blade did move, and he stood up, not backing down from the obvious challenge, refusing to appear weak.

Vizsla finally broke the silence. "Who, and what are you?"

Blade ignored the question, his yellow eyes peering through Vizsla. "Where am I?"

Vizla was almost amused. "You're not in the position to ask questions."

"I just did. And I'm waiting on an answer."

"And I'm under no inclination to answer. What truly intrigues me though is what causes a man to fall through a hole in the sky, with no comms, no map, and only a sword and several weapons I've never seen before on his person. Tell me, if you were me, how would you react?" Vizsla asked, a dangerous edge to his voice.

"I'm not you, and I don't rightly give a f*ck what you think", Blade spat back, his voice having the same dangerous edge.

"Strong talk for a man who had a hole in his chest", Vizsla mocked.

Blade grabbed Pre Vizsla by the neck and raised him off the ground, making him gasp at the sudden movement, and the man's strength. "I think I can back them up."

Then he dropped Vizsla. Blade turned and walked back to his cot, to hide the pain in his chest, as he felt the shrapnel move in his body, slowly being pushed out.

Vizsla was angered but intrigued as he continued. "That same hole, where I saw regenerate, by itself, with no bacta."

"What is this, twenty questions?"

"Can't afford to be too careful on this planet."

Blade mouthed to himself, "Planet?" Then he turned back to Vizla. "Where's my gear?"

"As long as you're in my camp, you may not carry a weapon, but that does bring me to another question." Vizsla pulls out from a pouch on his belt, a bullet. Blade recognized it, he made it after all. Vizsla tossed it to the Daywalker, who easily caught it. "I've never seen anyone choose a slug over a blaster."

Blade kept his eyes on Vizsla, but the words he was using, planet, blaster. He didn't understand. The only theories he had, well, they were outrageous even for him.

And he was there during the Battle of New York.

"Every moment I look at you, I only gain more questions."

"Then you should stop looking, or you'll never find answers."

Vizsla peered at him hard, tilting his head, looking him up and down. Hard muscles, the way he moved, spoke, he was a warrior, Mandalorians could recognize one a mile away. With this in mind, and what else he'd seen of this stranger, it led to a question that would determine this man's fate in Vizsla's camp. "Are you a Jedi hunter?"

No word passed his lips, and no expressions was made on his stoic face, but Blade definitely knew, something was wrong. Jedi? Maybe his theories weren't so wild.

"I'm a hunter."

It was an answer yet a non-answer, all the same, the leader of the Mandalorians nodded. Now he at least understood this enigma better. "My name is Pre Vizsla." His tone was now less harsh and accusing than it was before.

Blade noticed the change, and for once, he decided he needed to play nice. "Blade."

The name made Vizsla smirk. "Until your wounds heal, you may stay in my camp. However, I would warn you about wandering too far, Tatooine isn't friendly to the vulnerable, the Tusken Raiders would see to that."

Without another word, the armored Mandalorian left the tent, allowing the Daywalker to see what looked like a jetpack on his back. After several moments, to make sure Vizsla was really gone, Blade groaned, falling back on his cot and clutching the bandages on his chest, blood staining the white fabric as his inherited healing pushed more shrapnel out his body and cut through the bandages.

It was not the pain that made Blade's eyes widen. It was what he saw through the flaps of the tent when Vizsla left.

Two suns in the sky.

Planet. Blaster. Jedi. Tatooine. Tusken Raider. He understood none of it. But now? Did those Vampires send him to another planet?


Earth-1, Star City

Team Arrow were now in their new base, that being Sebastian Blood's former lair. Oliver had also told his team he planned to run for Mayor, to their shock.

"Now, our new masked friend", Oliver started. "Waller is after him."

"You mean the guy who beat all our asses?" Laurel inquired, still salty about that.

"He was trying to make a point", Oliver shrugged. "And he was right."

"Oliver, we don't know much about him", Diggle started.

"He knows who I am and he hasn't done anything about it yet", Oliver pointed out. "Not to mention, he figured it out on his own. Any help I give him won't make him anymore dangerous than he already is by knowing this."

Laurel started. "But Ollie-"

"You are mad because he took you down", Oliver simply told her. "You're not Sara, Laurel. You can't be her just by wearing that mask."

Laurel now looked angry. "That was uncalled for, Ollie."

"It wasn't, if lack of training is going to get you killed out there", Oliver pointed out, and Laurel had no response to that. "Anyways, he is from another world. The Singularity in Central City opened up pathways between our worlds and others. He fell through one of them."

"Wait what?" Thea asked in shock. "Other worlds?"

"And this started in Central City", Diggle groaned. "My life was somewhat normal before I met Flash."

"We need to protect him from Waller, and make sure he finds a way back, which Team Flash could help with", Oliver said.

"So we got Darhk, Takeo and now this", Felicity sighed. "You really love attracting danger."

"I'm sorry, what?" Oliver looked at her incredulously. "Are you blaming me for all this?"

Felicity realized what she'd just said. "Oh no, Oliver I am-"

"Bad things happen, Felicity. I am here to stop them from happening to more people", Oliver told her, when the computer beeped, and she started reading what was there.


Parker and Hardison sat across from Nate and Sophie, the latter two both looking utterly shocked.

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"Another world? Really?" Nate asked, just to be sure.

"Yeah, that's where Eliot fell, into a different world", Hardison confirmed. "I tracked his phone down to where it was last before he disappeared."

"You intend to rescue him", Sophie noted. "We'll bring him back."

"We?" Parker asked, confused.

"You really think we won't go when one of ours is missing?" Nate asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't think you should come", Hardison replied. "You two are retired, and-"

"He'd do the same for us", Sophie pointed out.

"Because he is capable of doing it", Parker countered with her own point. "It's a new world, who knows what we'll find?"

"And like I said, you two stay here, Eliot would get angry that you two put yourselves in danger for him", Hardison told them.

Nate and Sophie realized the two had a point. Eliot was the hitter, he was the protector. The two of them retired, if they came back in the game just to rescue him, he wasn't going to like that.

"I asked him to keep you all safe", Sophie remembered what she'd said to Eliot the day she and Nate had finally left the team. "But now, bring him back safely, please."

"And we're all going to get together the moment he comes back", Nate added in a tone that left no room for argument.

"That we'll do", Parker quipped.

"And you be safe too", Sophie added.

"That agent is a goddamn daredevil. With him around, I don't think anything is gonna happen to us", Hardison assured both. "Don't tell Eliot I said that."

All of them chuckled, before Nate hugged both Parker and Hardison tightly, and they hugged him back. "Good luck, and bring him back to us."

They nodded before parting, before sharing a hug with Sophie. "Good luck. I look forward to the get together."

As they parted, Hardison said. "We'll all be back together."

With that, Parker and Hardison walked out, waving to Nate and Sophie, who waved back, holding each other's hands as they shared a look, hoping Eliot would be brought back.

Later, Earth-1, Star City

Oliver walked into the warehouse, and looked around, not finding Eliot. At that moment, Eliot leapt behind him from above, and grabbed him in a chokehold.

Oliver tried to free himself but Eliot let him go. "Don't drop your guard."

"That is right", Oliver agreed, turning around.

"First time seeing you in normal clothes", Eliot quipped as both chuckled. "Any reason you came to see me?"

"I know you're from another world", Oliver revealed.

"Right", Eliot muttered.

"And well, the one who sent those ARGUS Agents after you, she wants to recruit you to be part of a Squad of dangerous people with useful skills she has", Oliver continued to tell him. "Your consent won't be something she'd require. She is a dangerous woman, and one of the many who made me what I became. And she threatened an innocent family to get me to work for her."

"Damn! Sounds like a piece of work all right", Eliot had to say. "And I've seen plenty bad."

"I continue to see you were right. I'm working on your advice, but I couldn't defeat some corrupt cops today", Oliver commented, shocking Eliot.

"Did you die on that vacation or do you enjoy being a joke?" Eliot had to ask now. "How are you going to protect this city if you can barely protect yourself from some punk kid and a cop?"

"There was another man there with us, I guess I held back because I wanted him to see I'm trying to be better", Oliver said, sitting down. "But now I've realized, I need something between my old approach and my new one. And what you'd told me, it is convincing me that's the only way. So thank you."

"No problem", Eliot shrugged. "So, you gonna help me when this woman's thugs come after me again?"

"I've as much beef with her as you do", Oliver pointed out. "If she makes a move, well, this is my city, she won't get away with it."

Eliot chuckled. "I have two friends. If she goes after me, and they come here looking for me, well…I almost pity her."

"I wouldn't want to be her when that happens", Oliver noted, when his cell phone rang, and he picked it up. "Hello…..slow down…okay, I'm coming."

He cut the call, turning to Eliot. "Those cops, they took someone. Are you coming?"

"Do you even have to ask?" Eliot shrugged as he put his mask on.


"Really Ethan? You're gonna go to another world and not take us with you?" Luther asked his friend, not looking pleased about it.

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"The Syndicate is not going to stop its operations while I'm not around", Hunt pointed out to him. "You two need to stay here and continue go after them."

"How exactly?" Benji wondered. "They have not been very forthcoming, in case you haven't noticed."

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"I know, but we will get them", Hunt assured the two, before holding out his hand. "Anyways, I need to go."

Luther shook his hand firmly. "You come back from there in one piece, or I'm gonna beat your ass."

Hunt chuckled. "I don't doubt that." Next, he shook hands with Benji too. "See ya, Benji."

"I really want to know what its like there", Benji said, sounding very excitable, to Hunt's amusem*nt.

"I'll make sure to let you know", Hunt assured him.

Earth-1, Star City

Liza Warner's team were loading up their van, when one of them turned to see Laurel as Black Canary standing there.

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The guy aimed his weapon, but now Laurel's sonic device had been upgraded, and nothing happened. She let out a cry, sending the corrupt SWAT flying back into the van.

"New frequency, same cry."

Thea leapt down behind another one, striking his face with her bow. The other one aimed his gun and fired, but Thea flipped away, the net trapping the SWAT guy instead.

"Let's get out of here!" Warner said, making to leave, when an arrow struck a SWAT guy, taking him down. Liza looked up to see Oliver nocking another arrow. "Sergeant Warner, you have failed this city."

And then Eliot kicked her from behind, sending her falling on her face. "What he said."

She got up and turning around, tried to strike him with her wrist blades, but Eliot side-stepped to dodge, then grabbed her wrist before spinning and elbowing her face, dazing her, and then he flipped her to the ground, before kicking her face hard, knocking her out at last.

Oliver fired at Quentin Lance's restraints, freeing him, when an arrow was fired at him, but he deflected it with his bow, looking up to see Takeo Yamashiro there once more.

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"You…" Oliver sighed as Takeo leapt down with his katana that Oliver blocked with his bow, then backed to avoid another strike before spinning as he got on Takeo's other side and elbowed his back, throwing him forwards.

"I'm going to kill you for what you did", Takeo snarled as he got back up.

"So you hate him, huh?" Quentin said, making Takeo turn to him now. "And what about you, you never done anything wrong?"

"Shut up!" Takeo roared, trying to fire at him now, but Oliver deflected the arrow with his own instead.

"All of us have done terrible things, but I believe we are not beyond redemption", Quentin continued. "And I got to believe we can still be saved, as can this city."

"Nice speech", Takeo snarled, as he made to charge at Oliver, only to be kicked on the face by Eliot, and it sent him back. Before he could get up, Laurel let out a Canary Cry, and he covered his ears in pain, being sent back again.

He saw Oliver, Eliot, Thea, Diggle and Laurel all standing against him, and knew he couldn't win this. And so, he threw a flashbang grenade to the ground, blinding everyone.

When it cleared, he was gone.

"This is becoming predicable now", Oliver sighed, while Eliot walked off.

"Thanks for the help", Oliver said.

"No problem", Eliot told him, when Oliver tossed him a phone that he caught.

"To stay in touch?"


"Got it."


"Well unfortunately, we don't have a way to stop your disintegration. The only way to do that is to send you two back", Banner sighed. "Which is going to be tough."

"I mean, we can try, because you two vibrate at a different frequency from the people of this Earth", Tony revealed.

"Wait, so I guess you're gonna try to make something that tracks our world by frequency?" Bart inquired. "Because that'd be cool."

"Only play we have", Tony pointed out, when Clark and Bart 'wigged' again, Bart groaning in pain while Clark resisted.

"I think we need to do it fast", Clark said urgently. "Bart, I think we should help them make this thing."

"Yeah, sure", Bart replied, Clark noting the unease in his voice.

"What's the matter?" He inquired.

"What?" Bart asked. "I'm totally fine."

"You've been acting quite off ever since we met today", Clark wasn't buying it. "Is there something going on?"

"Why do you have a radioactive isotope on you?" Banner asked Clark all of a sudden. "It has quite a long life too."

"Yeah, that's the courtesy of Lex, my former friend and now my biggest enemy", Clark said with a sigh.

"I know how that feels", Steve said sadly, thinking about how Bucky was brainwashed into being Hydra's assassin for years.

"I guess you noticed because you are an expert on the matter", Clark said to Banner about the isotope.

"Yeah, biggest expert on the planet here regarding radiation", Tony said with a smirk, Banner simply shaking his head.

"Its there to track me 24/7, so I can't even go home with that on me", Clark groaned.

"Wow, this Lex is like a crazy, obsessed ex", Natasha had to say. "A little less bad though."

"Is there a way to remove it?" Clark inquired.

"Let me think", Banner said, sitting down to do just that.

"Trust me, no one knows radiation like him", Tony assured Clark.

"So, what's your story?" Tony asked the two, making them look up. "Not the sordid details or anything."

"Well, I was born on a planet called Krypton, but it was destroyed. My parents sent me to Earth, where I was raised by my adoptive parents", Clark told them. "Because of what they taught me, and my experiences in my hometown of Smallville, as well as training from an AI based on my birth father, I finally became Superman."

"Must be really good parents and people in the town", Steve commented.

"There was some good, some bad, for years, but all of it made me who I am today", Clark smiled.

They turned to Bart, who pointed at himself. "Me? Just got this speed somehow, but don't remember anything from before that."

"Really? That's weird", Clint commented. "So, a bit of an amnesiac there?"

"You can say that, amigo", Bart sighed. "And what about you lot?"

"I used to be frail and sickly, and wanted to enlist during World War II", Steve revealed, Bart's jaw dropping while Clark look at him in shock. "But then I got selected for a Super Soldier Program by Dr. Abraham Erskine, who made me promise to remain a good man with my strength. The experiment made me this, and after a few years battling Hydra, which was the scientific branch of the Nazis, I was frozen in ice for decades, and came out just a few years ago."

"So, a Super Soldier from World War II", Clark said in awe. "Even with all that I've seen, this is something."

"Thank you", Steve smiled.

"I'm surprised you didn't go first, you love the sound of your voice", Bart said to Tony, whose eyes were wide.

"Well, who wouldn't if they'd my voice?" Tony quipped. "Besides, better than you, you chatter fast."

Some chuckles went around before Tony said. "My company traded my weapons in my name under the table while I was too busy partying to care, until a terrorist organization abducted me to make a missile for them. But with the help of their other captive Yinsen, I made a suit of armor instead. Yinsen sacrificed himself and told me to not waste my life. I escaped that cave, returned home, shut down the weapons division, and then became the fabulous and invincible Iron Man standing before you."

He raised his hands to either side with a smirk as he finished his story.

"I think you're pushing it", Natasha told him, making him turn to her. "I've seen your ass being beaten a few times."

"I'm just a former Agent of SHIELD turned Avenger, and I'm good with a bow and arrows", Clint shrugged.

"I know someone who is really good with those too", Clark said.

"I'd love to meet him", Clint smirked.

"And what is SHIELD?" Bart asked.

"It was a worldwide espionage organization", Clint revealed. "But turns out Hydra is still around and was infiltrating us for decades, growing under our very noses."

"We had to make things public, and at the end, SHIELD had to go down as well for Hydra's plan to fail", Natasha told them. "Now we go after their bases one by one to stop them."

"Damn! Sounds like a mess alright", Bart muttered.

"How did you deal with it?" Clark asked Steve out of curiosity.

"All I could do was face it, and try to do better", Steve said simply.

"As for me, well, a lot of things happened, then I became an Agent of SHIELD, and then an Avenger", Natasha told Clark and Bart, the two noting she did not want to talk about her past much.

Steve looked at her and gave her a nod, which she simply returned.

Clark noted their dynamic was of two people who knew each other well, having worked together and fought side by side for a long time.

Yet, there was something more to it, which both seemed to avoid. Clark knew it, because that's exactly how it had been with himself and Lois.

Though he wasn't going to comment on it.

"Me, I was a physicist with 7 Ph.D.'s. My girlfriend's dad was a general who wanted my help in an experiment that could make humans immune to radiation", Banner explained. "Turns out he was just trying to recreate the Super Soldier Serum that made Cap. It failed and the exposure to it gave me a...green problem, you can say. I was on the run for a few years, got into a huge mess, then I was needed by SHIELD to track something, then the world was threatened and I joined the Avengers, both of us."

"Like amigo said before, you lot are like the Justice League of this world", Bart commented.

"And, 'tourists' have been popping up quite a bit", Tony said.

"Containing them has been hard without SHIELD, but we're doing our best", Clint told them. "Especially since people like Hydra would love to get their hands on some of them."

"Yeah, I know some people like that", Clark said, thinking of Lex, and Checkmate.

"Also, where is Thor?" Natasha asked suddenly.

Steve revealed. "He said he had to go to Norway."

Bart suddenly raised his hand. "Excuse me, sorry for interrupting, but did you just say "Thor"?"

Earth-1, Star City

Oliver sat across from Felicity, as she looked down. "You really think that?"

"Yeah", Oliver told her. "Don't take this the wrong way, but this really is not working out."

Felicity sighed, a few tears in her eyes. "I wish it did."

"I wish that too", Oliver told her. "But it just can't. You're trying to make me something I'm not, and something I can never be."

Felicity wanted to deny it, but knew he was right. "Guess the image of you as a Knight in shining armor, I never got it out of my head."

"I had an image of you too, Felicity", Oliver said. "Seems like we're both disappointed."

"Yeah, we are", Felicity agreed. "But, I hope we can remain friends and teammates."

"Always", Oliver assured her, giving her a hug that she returned.

He'd thought it'd be harder. But he felt relieved now, because this relationship was becoming toxic again, and both were free of its burden.

Earth-199999, New York, Avengers Tower

Tony was working on the 'breach' device for both worlds, with some help from Banner, when the latter suddenly spoke up. "I think I've figured out a way to get rid of the isotope."

"Really? What?" Clark inquired.

"Well", Banner turned to Bart. "The energy you harness when you run, if you can strike Clark with some of its power, it will destroy the isotope."

"So, your powers", Clark realized. "They can do it then."

"Right", Bart muttered. "So, I've to run then?"

"Don't think there was some other way to it", Tony pointed out.

"Is it necessary?" Bart asked now.

"Okay, that's it", Clark finally said. "You're going to tell me why you've been acting weird all day. What's the matter, Bart?"

Bart looked up at Clark with haunted eyes, his entire demeanor nothing like the fun-loving individual Clark knew. "It is after me."

"What?" Steve asked.

"Something, a….a Demon, of…of the Speed Force", Bart confessed while stuttering. "Its always waiting for me….every time I use my superspeed."

"Then why haven't you mentioned it before?" Clark inquired.

"Because it hasn't always been there before", Bart explained. "I always thought my speed had a ceiling…..but when I didn't have any choice but to run fast than I ever had before….when my life was on the line…"

"When Lex tortured you for stealing LuthorCorp secrets", Clark realized, remembering the time he had teamed up with the League against Lex.

"That's when I saw it", Bart spoke. "Right there. Waiting. Watching. This thing…this….I don't know. Speed Demon? Black Racer? Just on the other side of the glass."

He looked at Clark gratefully. "But I couldn't stop moving."

"So when I saved you from the cage…." Clark realized he'd saved Bart from this thing as well.

"Wait, so let me get this straight, this Speed Force has a Demon that's coming after you?" Tony inquired, when suddenly Clark and Bart wigged again, Bart falling to his knees while groaning, as Clark helped him up, resisting the pain.

"And there is this to deal with too", Clark sighed.

"I think we're gonna need Thor", Steve said firmly. "He might know something about this thing, or at least a way to deal with it."

Suddenly, a beeping sound was heard, and JARVIS spoke. "The area around Shawarma Palace is under attack, sir."

"Give me the view", Tony said, a holographic screen appearing, and their eyes widened at what they saw. "Please tell me I'm not the only one seeing this."

"No, you're not", Natasha assured him.

It was a giant creature that looked like a watermelon, lumbering around with its weight, having what looked like a blindfold around the spot where a human would have eyes, and in its hand it had a stick that it used to bash a car until it was nothing but scrap, the people running around in fear.

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"What in the…?" Clint trailed off.

"Let's go take on it", Steve said, turning to the team. "Clark, evacuate the civilians nearby. Tony, you hit it from above. Me, Nat and Clint will distract it, then Clark and Hulk can take it out."

"What about me?" Bart asked.

"You just said you're being chased by a Demon every time you run, so I'm not involving you in this", Steve shook his head.

"But I wanna help!" Bart said.

"I'll carry you there, but unless its really urgent, no running", Clark told him in a tone that left no room for argument, and Bart shrugged in a 'fair enough' way.

"Let's go", Steve said, all of them moving out.

Earth-1, Star City

Quentin had just agreed to spy on Damien for Oliver, when he remembered something. "Also, there is a new player in town, he killed a cop a while ago."

"Anything specific you can tell me about him?" Oliver inquired.

"He used a throwing star, ya know, like the ones you see in ninja flicks?" Quentin asked, Oliver nodding. "Know anyone who uses 'em?"

Oliver thought about it. Takeo was the new guy in town, and even dressed like a ninja, but he hadn't seen the guy use a throwing star so far. Plus, he was really only going after Oliver when he was out on missions, what would he get from killing a cop?

"Not really", Oliver confessed. "But I'll look into it for sure."

Same time

Liza Warner was being transported to Iron Heights by an entire police unit. She was cuffed and in the back of a police van.

"You used to be good", the cop next to her noted. "Can't believe you fell this much."

"The city is dying, and you know that", Warner simply sneered.

Outside, the roof of one of the police vans was blown up by something. The van skidded to a stop and the cops inside it walked out.

Warner was confused now. The cop next to her tensed. They suddenly heard screaming and gunshots. Warner looked here and there, seeming distressed.

She then heard a sword slicing people and a woman whimpering.

Outside, a lone figure walked to Warner's van while all the cops lay dead around him.

The cop opened the door and was impaled on a sword the next moment. It was the Throwing Star killer! He dropped the cop's dead body on the ground and looked at Warner, whose eyes were wide in horror and recognition.

"I did what you wanted", she said in fear. "I gave you the arrows used by the Arrow from the lockup! Why are you after me now?"

"You tried to kill Green Arrow by coming into conflict against him", the Throwing Star killer told her.

Next moment, he threw a shuriken which hit Warner in the neck, killing her instantly.

"Only I can kill him."

With that, he turned around and walked off, leaving the bodies of the cops and Warner behind.

Earth-199999, New York City

The watermelon creature bashed another car, before kicking one more away, the people all running around in terror, when Clark appeared, using his speed to get them out of harm's way.

The giant watermelon seemed angry, when a flying blur struck in on the head, before flying into the raised hand of Captain America, revealed to be his shield.

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He stared at the creature resolutely, before charging it, and with a leap, bashed it with his shield, but it didn't even budge.

The watermelon raised its big stick, and brought it down upon Cap, only for him to put the shield in the way, a loud 'clang' ringing out from the impact.

An arrow then struck the watermelon and exploded, making it turn towards the source, which was Clint with a raised bow, watching in utter shock. Natasha fired her guns at it, and it still remained unaffected.

"Hey, melon!"

The creature looked up, and Tony fired two powerful repulsor blasts at its face, making it stagger back by a bit now, and then he flew towards it at full speed, punching it with all of his power, but to his horror, it only staggered back a little at best.

Before Tony could recover, the creature bashed him with the stick, and he was sent flying off before crashing to the ground, groaning.

"Multiple contusions detected, boss", JARVIS informed him.

"I detected those too, J", Tony muttered with a pained groan.

"What is this thing?" Clint muttered, having an arrow nocked, but not firing it for obvious reasons.

A roar was heard and then Hulk leapt, punching the creature right in the face, sending it stumbling back by a few steps. The creature tried to bash Hulk with its big stick, but Hulk grabbed its arm, the two of them struggling with each other now, Hulk's teeth gritted.

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At that moment, the watermelon suddenly held out its other hand, and a green ball of magic flew out, exploding on Hulk's chest and throwing him away.

Tony staggered up, aiming his palm to fire a repulsor, when the creature threw down two more balls like that. They exploded near Steve, Natasha and Clint, and Tony respectively. Steve raised his shield to protect himself alongside Natasha and Clint but the explosion was still powerful enough to throw them away by a few feet, while Tony was thrown off too.

"We're being trashed by a watermelon? Is this a parody world we ended up in or what?" Tony wondered, when a flying blur struck the watermelon creature hard, making it fly off by a few feet, then roll on the ground.

Clark straightened in the air before landing, staring at it resolutely, before unleashing his Heat Vision, which struck the watermelon creature, beginning to burn it a little while it screeched in pain, kneeling on the ground.

Then, it raised its hand, and Clark was surrounded by a green barrier. He tried to punch it, only to gasp as he felt pain in his hand.

"Magic", he snarled with gritted teeth, before he got the wigging feeling again, and that made him gasp once more.

Hulk rushed at the creature and gave it a punch that made it stagger back once more, before it struck his face with its stick, turning his head the other way, and then it struck his chest with the green magic ball again, hurling him away.

At that moment, a portal opened, and the watermelon rushed into it.

Bart couldn't contain himself any longer and rushed after it at high speed, recovering from the pain of wigging out. "STOP!"

He would have made it, when he heard the dreaded sound.


He saw its terrifying visage in front of his eyes, and stopped, falling to the ground, covering his chest with his arms, shivering in terror, while the watermelon creature disappeared into the portal.

"It…..it almost got me…" Bart was whispering to himself, as the green barrier around Clark disappeared, and he stood back up, sighing, before rushing to Bart, grasping his shoulder.

"Bart", he nudged his friend.

"Please don't let it get me, Clark!" Bart pretty much begged.

Clark turned to see the others had finally gotten back up, Tony muttering. "Can't believe we got our asses beaten by a giant watermelon!"

"It was clearly more powerful than expected", Natasha noted.

"Clark, take Bart back to the Tower, he can't help in this state", Steve said gently. "Then come back to us. We'll have to find the creature again and stop it, before helping Bart."

Earth-1, Star City

Thea had shown Oliver his speech, and he was going through it when she gestured to someone. "Oliver, I'd like to introduce you to your political strategist- Adrian Chase."

Oliver looked up from his speech to see a tall man, about the same height and age as him, dressed in a suit, walking towards him, hand held out.

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He shook his hand as Adrian Chase said. "Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Queen."

"You too, Mr. Chase", Oliver replied pleasantly before they dropped hands.

"It's time for your speech", Adrian then said, folding his arms.

"Right", Oliver nodded. "Thanks for the reminder." He walked towards the podium, thinking to himself that there was something off about Adrian.

Or maybe he was being paranoid.

Eliot watched Oliver's speech from the warehouse where he was at.

"I certainly don't have a traditional background for leadership, but I can tell you this- after five years in hell, I returned home with only one goal. I wanted to save my city. And with your help, I can. With your help, we will restore our home to the shining beacon we know it can be. But how we're going to get there isn't a mystery. We will overcome our challenges with help from our friends, our family, our loved ones.Those we trust, and those we will need to trust again in order to prevail. Because the only way that we are going to return our home to greatness is to do so together. United."

The crowd cheered and applauded, and Eliot realized he was doing the same.

Oliver Queen, he was a good man. And with the right help, he would be the one to save this city.

Central City

Strider sat in the cortex, alone, as the others had retired for the day. Or just not shown up for the day, in the case of Jay Garrick.

Hewitt had gone insane after getting his powers, but Jax had agreed to merge with Stein, and they had taken Hewitt down alongside Barry.

Strider was still wondering why Jay had not provided any aid. The way the man presented himself, and the way he handled things, they just did not seem right to the Ranger.

Not to mention, he had not seen Jay in the lab today, so where was he?

These questions continued to plague his mind.

Barry Allen watched the man take off his hood, and his jaw dropped.

In front of him stood Harrison Wells.

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Suddenly, a figure jumped behind Wells, and boxed him on the head, knocking him out.

And now Barry was even more shocked to see Batman standing before him.

"Barry Allen", Batman spoke, shocking Barry more at the fact that Batman knew who he was. "We need to talk."


And this one is done at last.

I did not think Aragorn could contribute much to the Firestorm plot, so I just had him help Caitlin with her Ronnie issues, and continue to suspect Jay.

While I love Caitlin, 2x4 is one of those times where she annoyed me too with her attitude towards Jax, and even her apology to him wasn't written well frankly.

Oliver and Eliot bond further, and while Oliver has taken Eliot's advice, it will take some time before he can consistently fight the way he used to before.

I dislike Olicity a lot, so I had them break up finally and remain friends, since while I dislike the pairing, I don't have the burning hatred towards it that I have towards WestAllen. Oliver has woken up enough to realize this relationship's toxicity, and end it.

And now he knows there's a new player in the game too, while Adrian Chase appears. Him being Oliver's political strategist is inspired from Stand with Ward and Queen's now deleted story 'Sara's aberration' so thank you to him.

Hate that I couldn't change Oliver losing to the cops but couldn't think of an alternate way of doing the Quentin stuff, so I threw in another psychological reason for that loss. But now Oliver is free of all these constant criticisms that the team (hypocritically) keep making about him, and won't let them effect him psychologically again.

Batman is in Central City at last, so 2x5 is gonna be something.

Now, for the watermelon creature the Avengers, Clark and Bart fought, it's an enemy in Final Fantasy series called a Tonberry, and currently its being fought as part of an event in the game 'Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis'. It is very powerful.

I struggled to beat it with a party of Cloud Strife, Tifa Lockhart and Zack Fair, and all three of them are more powerful than the MCU Avengers (especially pre-IW) even individually, so if they struggle to beat this thing, the MCU Avengers will have a big fight on their hands too. And even in story, its pretty clear the characters have struggled against it, and then it gets up and escapes still, showing its resilience.

Most Tonberries are standard foes, but some more powerful ones are boss battles, and this is one of them.

So with this Tonberry, 'Compilation of Final Fantasy VII' seems to have joined this series already.

Also, how sad is it that I can make the Avengers, Clark and Bart fighting a giant watermelon mutant look serious, while 'Love and Thunder' made a joke out of the 'Gorr the God-Butcher' plotline of all things?

Blade and Pre-Vizsla carry on like usual still.

Next to next chapter Buffyverse and Supernatural shall come back into the game too.

Hope all enjoyed and see you all next time with another chapter.

Chapter 7: Exposed


Major events go down in Star City and Central City, while Hunt, Parker and Hardison make their way to Earth-1. Blade continues to deal with the Death Watch.


Disclaimer: I do not own anything you may recognize

Thank you to everyone for the kudos, hits, comments and bookmarks.

I'd like to thank gussygus28, Marcus S. Lazarus, Brainstorm Sorcerer and Stand with Ward and Queen for their help with this chapter.

Also, I forgot to say this before, but for Blade, only his first two movies are canon on the MCU Earth here.


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


A doll lay on a chair, a Good Guy Doll, but it was not a normal Good Guy Doll. This was Chucky the Killer Doll, into whom a serial killer known as Charles Lee Ray had transferred his soul using a voodoo ritual long ago.

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Right now, he had split his soul, and this was one of the dolls in which he resided, while his girlfriend Tiffany, in the body of actress Jennifer Tilly in whose house he was, helped him out. The TV was on in front of Chucky, playing the news.

Suddenly, Chucky heard a voice in his head.


"Who…who the f*ck said that?" Chucky snarled, looking around.

"You can't see me, Chucky", the voice said, Chucky still shocked. "But I can assure you I am there. Its been a while since you've killed, hasn't it?"

"What is it to you, no-faced dick?" Chucky asked the voice.

"I want you to kill again for me, and I promise you, I can grant you more power than what you have right now, beyond soul splitting, and there will be a lot more to kill if you do this."

"And what if I say no, huh moron?" Chucky asked, when suddenly he felt his doll body slowly melting into nothingness, and screamed in agony. "AAARRGHH! GAAAAH! WHAT THE f*ck IS THIS?"

"I can destroy you and erase every single piece of your soul if I want to. But I won't."

Chucky came back to normal and started gasping. "Because I trust we can talk like reasonable people."

The news suddenly showed some scenes from Star City of the body of a dead Ghost from HIVE, the reporter saying. "It is still unclear what kind of militants these are, but-"

"You know what? You got it!" Chucky said cheerfully, knowing he had to go to Star City now to catch up with his old pal. "I'll kill for ya!"

"That is just what I needed to hear."

"Tiff, we're going to Star City to kill some f*cks and meet an old pal of mine!"

Earth-21, Metropolis, LexCorp

Lex looked up to see Oliver walking towards him. "To what do I owe this pleasure, Mr. Queen?"

"Your machine", Oliver snarled as he sat down near Lex. "We know what you're trying to do."

"I don't know what you're talking about", Lex tried to play dumb.

"You better hope so", Oliver snarled, leaning in closer to him. "Because if we don't get our friends back, I will come for you, consequences be damned!"

"You're welcome to try", Lex boasted, only for Oliver to grab him by the throat and pull his face closer, making him gasp.

"I can kill you right now. Sure, I'll go to prison, but none of that power can save your life in this moment, can it?" Oliver asked, and was pleased to see fear enter Lex's eyes. With that, he pushed Lex back into his chair, the man panting and gasping for air.

Getting up, Oliver walked off. "See ya, Lex."

Earth-1, Central City, STAR Labs

Doctor Harrison Wells of Earth-2 held the autobiography of his Earth-1 doppelganger in his hand, or rather the one Thawne had written while posing as Earth-1 Wells.

"Very strange to be holding your autobiography, especially when you didn't write it and it's not about you", Harry said, closing the book.

"Dr. Caitlin Snow, Cisco Ramon, Strider, meet Dr. Harrison Wells from Earth-2", Barry made the introductions. Caitlin and Cisco looked weirded out, while Strider just looked at Harry neutrally.



"So let me get this straight", Cisco started. "You're the doppelganger of the man who murdered his mom", he gestured to Barry, "and is responsible for both Ronnie and Eddie's deaths?"

Caitlin pointed out. "Yeah, but he's not even the doppelganger of the Dr. Wells that we knew because that Dr. Wells' body had been taken over by the Reverse Flash, who was really Eobard Thawne and Eddie's distant relative from the future."

"Since there are no scribes here, can we write this in that 'computer'?" Strider asked everyone in the room. "For I did not understand everything about this 'Wells' and 'Thawne'."

"I'm my own man", Harry simply said while looking at Barry. "I had nothing to do with the murder of your mother", he looked to Cisco and Caitlin, "or your friend Ricky."

"His name was Ronnie", Caitlin said.

"Him either."

"Perhaps we will be more willing to listen to what you are saying if you let go of pride", Strider told Harry, who narrowed his eyes at him.

"Are you seriously talking like that?" Harry inquired, before telling the rest. "Now, proof of my identity." He picked up the can Stein had thrown earlier. "This almost hit me when I went through the portal. Your stabilized breach downstairs connects directly to the S.T.A.R. Labs on my Earth."

"Right", Caitlin held the can. "I still want to run some tests on you."

"I'll be genetically indistinguishable from my Earth-1 counterpart. Your tests will reveal nothing", Harry shrugged.

"Great! Still gonna run 'em", Caitlin said.

"Be my guest."

"Why are we even listening to him? How do we know he's not evil like the other guy?" Cisco inquired.

"He saved my life last night", Barry said before turning to him. "The question is why. I'm guessing you didn't travel between dimensions just to meet The Flash."

"That's exactly what I did", Harry told him. "I came here to help you, Barry, to stop your greatest enemy."

"He already did that."

"I'm not talking about Reverse Flash", Harry revealed. "I'm talking about Zoom."

Noticing everyone's expressions, Harry realized. "I see you've already heard of him."

"Yeah, Zoom has been sending meta-humans from your world through the breaches to fight me", Barry told him.

Harry said. "Well, they're the symptoms. Zoom's the plague, one that's infected my world, and now he's coming for yours."

"What do you know about Zoom?" Barry inquired.

"Everything", Harry said. "I created Zoom. I'm responsible for all the Earth-2 meta-humans, a fact I've ignored for far too long, but now I'm doing something about it."

"It is foolish to play with powers you do not understand", Strider noted, making Harry turn to him. "And why do you want to stop him now?"

That moment, Joe stepped in, and seeing Harry, took out his gun.

Only, before he could fire, a projectile in the shape of a bat hit his gun, disarming him of it, while Cisco's and Caitlin's eyes widened.

"Yeah…" Barry trailed off. "There was something else I needed to tell you guys."

"I knew he was here sometime ago", Strider revealed. "I did not say anything so as to not make him aware."

"Not many can sense me, good work", Batman said, walking out of the shadows where he had hidden himself, Harry's eyes widening on seeing him. Strider remembered he'd seen another Man also dressed in a similar armor with the Bat symbol while falling into this world.

"So I guess it was you who knocked me out last night", Harry muttered in realization. "This Earth's Batman."

"Wh….what are you doing here?" Joe asked him in horror.

"Batman is here! Damn!" Cisco said, torn between fear and fanboyism. "We have Batman here!"

"I know all of you", Batman said. "I did my homework before coming here. Caitlin Snow. Cisco Ramon. Joe West. Strider, from a medieval world. Dr. Harrison Wells, also from another world. And with you is a man named Jay Garrick, who is from this Wells' world from what I know."

All of them were shocked at how much Batman knew while he turned to Barry. "And you are Barry Allen. The Flash."

Snarling, he suddenly grabbed Barry by the collar and pinned him to the wall. "This is all your fault!"

"Let him go!" Joe snarled.

"What's my fault, man?" Barry asked, scared of Batman.

"The wormhole! The breaches! Everyone from another Earth! It all began here!" Batman snarled, not letting Barry go.

At that moment, Strider grasped his arm, making him let go. "He made a mistake, but he is trying to make amends."

"The mistake was too big", Batman said, glaring at Strider, who let his arm go, while he turned to Barry. "However, I'm still willing to work with you in stopping these threats from other worlds, including Zoom."

"What is going on here?" Joe wondered while grasping his head. "Dr. Wells! Batman!"

"Joe, let's take a walk", Barry said, grasping Joe by the shoulder as he led his foster father away.

"You're not gonna tell us who you are, right?" Cisco asked Batman.


"Got it."

Star City

Oliver sat down in front of Adrian Chase, who said. "So, let's talk strategy, shall we? Both for winning and governing. There are some things we need to discuss."

"My lack of experience for one, I'm sure", Oliver said.

"Actually, we can spin that, Oliver", Adrian shrugged. "You mind if I call you Oliver?"

"No, I don't", Oliver assured him.

"Right, then you can call me Adrian", Adrian told him. "So, I'm sure you know how people love to talk about age old scandals to try and kick you out."

"Which I have many of", Oliver noted.

"Yeah, like the Queen's Gambit and Sara Lance", Adrian reminded, Oliver wincing a little. "However, this city, its clearly not in the best condition. It seems to be dying, and you seem like the guy hell-bent on saving it, if that speech of yours is any indication."

"Yes, I do want to save this city in any way I can", Oliver agreed. "And to make sure it has a better tomorrow."

"Someone else in my place would have told you to distance yourself from Laurel", Adrian started. "But I won't. Now, the electorate loves scandals. But your speech has already shown your quality. Now, you and I both know the problems this city is facing, so, when the electorate, and the media, they bring that up, you can talk about the problems, and how much worse its getting, pointing out how you can save it, while showing you want to do it too. This way, those people, all those crows, they'll end up getting shamed by the public, because while they like scandals too, the problems of the city affect them the most, so anyone who can take care of those will be welcome. Not to mention, who doesn't love a good redemption story, huh?"

"…..Wow!" Oliver had to say, very impressed by Adrian. "That is….great. And, considering the state of the electorate and most media, I'm really not averse to this plan."

"You not letting your old scandals affect you now, and your friendship with Laurel, they'll show your strength to the people", Adrian pointed out. "About how united, you have power, and can face anything."

Oliver nodded, while Adrian said. "So, let's get working on some more speeches, and the points to cover-"

Central City, STAR Labs

Strider and Batman were watching Harry work by himself, as he said. "They ask you to watch over me or what?"

"None of them have any trust in you", Strider pointed out. "I am sure you can understand."

"I'm just here to ask you something", Batman said.

"And what's that?" Harry turned to him.

"In what manner does Zoom prefer to kill?" Batman inquired, making both Strider and Harry turn to him.

"Either a neck snap, or phasing a fist through the heart", Harry told him. "Why do you ask?"

"What does 'phasing' mean?" Strider inquired.

"Well, you've seen how fast Barry's body seems to shake when he is running?" Batman asked, Strider nodding. "So, people with powers like him, if they shake part of their body, or their entire body too hard, they can go through people and objects. So, Zoom can shake his fist fast enough to plunge into someone's chest, and then stop shaking it within the chest, and crush the person's heart."

Strider's eyes were wide in horror as the implications sank in. "That is a very powerful and merciless way to slay anyone."

"I know", Batman nodded grimly, before turning to Harry. "Nanobots can attack foreign cells that try to phase into your body."

Harry's eyes lit up. "That is a genius idea."

"Indeed. Start working on it right now", Batman told him.

"Why's that?" Harry asked.

"Because if I'm right about something, we're gonna need them really fast", Batman revealed, looking at Strider. "I shall discuss this more with you as well, since you seem to be trustworthy, and you clearly are intelligent since you can grasp modern technology so quickly in spite of being from a medieval world."

"I did not understand many of the words you used, but what do you wish to speak with me and him about?" Strider inquired.

"You'll know soon enough", Batman said with a smirk as he walked out. "Any materials you need, doctor, let me know, I'll get them here quickly."

Universe-208, Tatooine

Blade felt that he'd recovered enough now, the skin having healed and the shrapnel expelled from his body as well.

So he decided he could move now, though to make things worse, his thirst was beginning. It was light for now, but he knew it was gonna get a lot worse very soon.

He stood up, walking towards where his armor and weapons were, but did not take them. He simply walked out, looking at the people.

Some of them started staring at him, some without helmets, and others wearing them so he couldn't see their expressions, not that it mattered, because he knew what they were thinking.

He was an outsider.

Story of his life.

He continued to walk around, seeing some of the Mandalorians were training, with a few of them firing at some sand in the distance.

Two of them sparred, and he saw as one of them flipped the other over his shoulder. Then he saw two more fight, and one of them grasped the other by the throat, slamming them down.

Blade continued to walk, seeing another spar, where one Mandalorian spun and whacked the other, sending that one rolling away, but that one straightened and aimed something from the top of their wrist, and then flames spewed, but the other one countered with their own flamethrower as well.

Like that, the entire group was training.

"Now again- one, two, three-"

"Straighten this a bit-"

Suddenly, a Mandalorian stepped right in front of Blade, this one not having a helmet, and Blade could see he had blonde hair.

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The Mandalorian stared at Blade, who stared back, neither one backing down to each other.

"See something you like?" Blade quipped.

That was when Bo-Katan stepped in. "Back off, Saxon."

"He shouldn't be here", Saxon snarled at her.

""He" is right here", Blade shrugged.

"It was Pre Vizla's decision, if you want to argue, take it up with him", Bo-Katan pointed out.

Saxon glared at her, then Blade, before walking away. Blade turns to Bo-Katan, nodding at the redhead, before continuing to walk, but she caught up to him.

"Gar Saxon is rarely the welcoming sort."

"That stick up his ass doesn't help."

Bo-Katan snorted. "I'll have to use that."

Blade ignored her, even as she walked by his side, instead making to the border of the camp, which was surrounded by a rock formation. He walked the distance to the edge of an outcrop, giving him a high position to gaze across an ocean of sand.

Even with the enhanced eyesight granted to Vampires, and Blade, he could see that miles further, was just more sand.

"Ugly old dust ball, isn't it?"

Blade grunted, but said nothing else. Only staring across the vast, empty world. Was it all just sand? How the hell would he know, he'd never left the damn planet? There was another issue, how the hell was he on another planet?!

"You were the one who found me."

Bo-Katan turned to him. "I did."

"How did I get here?"

"One of our patrols saw a hole tear open in the sky, something fell out, we investigated, and found you."

"That's it?"

"Not satisfied?"

Instead of responding, Blade turned on his heel and walked back to his "quarters". Bo-Katan watched him go, no closer to understanding their guest than they were to answering about the hole in the sky.

Earth-1, Star City

Curtis Holt was driving home from work. While Miss Smoak was nice to him, work was still taxing, especially with the other higher-ups being so horrible to him and Felicity, and today hadn't been the best day for him.

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The car being driven next to him suddenly skidded in his direction accidentally, and Curtis yelped, before the driver controlled it.

This was the breaking point for Curtis, and he opened his window, looking at the woman driving the other car. She was middle-aged and pretty, and he felt like he'd seen her somewhere, but he didn't care. There was also a Good Guy Doll lying on the Passengers' seat, he noticed.

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"Hey lady! This road is not your own personal one, others drive on it too! Be careful next time!"

With that, he shut his window and drove off.

"What a rude asshole", Chucky snarled, turning to Tiffany. "I think I know who to kill first."

"I was waiting for you to say that", Tiffany smirked at him, as she started following Curtis' car discreetly.

Curtis returned home, sighing as Paul was working late with a patient of his tonight, and switched on the TV, while taking off his shoes and then pouring himself a little glass of beer.

Walking to the fridge, he opened it, taking out some meat as well, before turning back to his glass, only to find it empty now.

"What in the…?" He said in horror while holding it up.

Suddenly, the lights went out and he sighed. "Oh no!"

He walked towards the basem*nt, finding the main power grid, and tried to turn the switches on, looking at a hanging bulb nearby. As he continued to fiddle with the switches, the bulb finally turned on, making him look up at it.

Then he looked towards the grid on which he still had his hand, before looking down to see the Good Guy Doll from that car standing near his feet.

His eyes widened in horror, but before he could do anything else, Chucky opened his mouth, and literally vomited the beer he'd drunk at Curtis' bare feet.

Due to his hand touching the main grid, and the liquid vomit on his bare feet, the grid started shocking his hand, and he shook violently, his entire body spasming from the electric shocks, while Chucky was still vomiting at his feet.

The lights in the house turned off and on due to Curtis' shocking, as Chucky stopped vomiting and looked down at Curtis' feet, before looking up at him, enjoying the man's agonizing death, while Curtis' mouth was stuck in an 'o' position.

One eye of Curtis burst suddenly, and then he became still, stuck to the main grid, dead.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Chucky laughed maniacally.

Takeo Yamashiro stood on a rooftop, looking down at the city, when he sensed something, and turning around, caught a shuriken seconds before it could strike his face.

He looked up to see an archer dressed in a suit eerily similar to Oliver Queen's 'Arrow' suit, carrying a katana, having a full face mask that was creepy, and shurikens on his person.

"Oliver Queen is mine", the suited man declared.

"Not if I kill him first", Takeo snarled before firing an arrow, but the man ran off, hiding in the shadows.

Prometheus theme plays

Takeo moved towards where the archer was hidden, only for a shuriken to hit him from behind as he howled in pain.

He then looked around, wondering where this person was.

Suddenly, he turned, seeing the person rushing at him and throwing a punch that made him stagger back.

As Takeo tried to strike, the masked man blocked, while Takeo tried to hit with his katana but the man grabbed his hand and punched his chest, sending him back.

At that moment, Takeo spun around and grabbing the man's arm, flipped him over his head to the ground, making him groan.

Takeo then raised his katana, and brought it down on the archer, but he rolled away to avoid before throwing another shuriken that Takeo deflected, while the archer flipped up and took out his own katana, trying to slice Takeo, but Takeo side-stepped to avoid and sliced the archer's shoulder, making him grunt while Takeo spun and kicked his face, making him fall down.

Putting his katana back, Takeo grabbed the archer by the collar, pissed at him, and punched his masked face thrice, dazing him, before tossing him away again.

The archer staggered up, only for Takeo to fire an arrow. The archer narrowly avoided being struck, before turning around, only for Takeo to grab him by the throat.

"Only I can kill Oliver", he said, before dragging the archer to the edge of the rooftop, and hurling him away while he screamed.

Takeo looked at himself, noticing there weren't any grievous wounds, then looked back down, only to see the archer was gone now, to his shock.

"Another one enters the game", he noted.

A little girl ran out of her house in the porch to play, only to find a Good Guy Doll lying there, which excited her.

Picking it up, she ran back inside. "Mommy, look what I found outside!"

Chuckly chuckled internally. Alice Pierce was no longer under his control. So now this girl and her parents were gonna die just so he could sate himself.

A man was returning home from work, walking through an alley, when he looked up to see Tiffany standing there, smirking at him.

He immediately recognized her. "Hey, aren't you that actress-"

"Yes, its always good to be recognized", Tiffany told him. Being in this actress' body always made it easier. "I'm so flattered, I'm gonna reward you-"

"What?" The man was sure he'd misheard.

"Come on", Tiffany held out her hand, and the man, while hesitating at first, grasped it.

Then, Tiffany suddenly held out a long knife, and swiftly brought it down on the man's hand, chopping it off while he screamed in agony. "AAAAAAARGHH! AAAAAAAARGGHHH!"

Smirking, Tiffany swung the knife, and the man's throat was sliced, as he choked on his blood before falling down, dead.

"That was a good warm-up", Tiffany commented as she walked off, whistling.

The Throwing Star killer staggered into a rundown apartment, before taking a seat, panting, and took off his hood and mask to reveal the face of Adrian Chase.

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"You should not have gone out there", a female voice said behind him, Adrian turning around to see an exotic woman with long, black hair. "You are not skilled enough yet. Or experienced enough."

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"I just didn't want him to kill Oliver before I did", Adrian said.

"I know, and I get it, but we need to be careful", Talia al Ghul pointed out, taking out a flask and pouring some of the liquid onto her hand, before rubbing it on Adrian's face.

The wounds Adrian had healed at that moment. This liquid was a diluted version of the Lazarus Pit's waters, which could heal wounds as long as they were not fatal. Not to mention, it couldn't revive anyone from the dead too.

"Now Oliver Queen is dealing with Damien Darhk and Takeo Yamashiro at the same time", Adrian noted as he stood up, looking out of the window. "While I'm getting closer to him. So far he doesn't suspect me, but those two need to be thrown out of the way if we want to succeed."

"I agree, but with your current skillset, its not possible", Talia pointed out. "However, I know something that can help us."

"What's that?" Adrian asked as he turned around.

"ARGUS is working on something", Talia revealed with a smirk. "I just need the right moment to get my hands on it."

Earth-21, Metropolis, Watchtower

Oliver walked back into the base, seeing Emil, Chloe and Tess hard at work on something, while Lois was in the corner with folded arms.

"Paid Lex a visit, but ya know he loves to pretend he is cleaner now than he was as a kid", Oliver told them. "So nothing happened there. But I did drive the fear of me into him."

"Well, at least there's that", Chloe shrugged.

"Emil has an idea they're all working on", Lois said to Oliver. "I'm hoping it works."

"What's the idea?" Oliver inquired.

"The mirror box", Emil revealed, the three moving away as Oliver noticed it now. "I repaired it to bring our Clark back once."

"And now, he is modifying it even more", Lois added.

"The idea is it will locate where Clark is, and take us there, and then all of us can come back together", Tess explained what this was supposed to do.

"Well, if anyone can pull this off, its you lot", Oliver said while gesturing to Emil, Chloe and Tess. "I trust you guys."

"There won't be any unintended side-effects, right?" Lois inquired. "I mean, not to question you people."

"This mirror box has been around for a long while, and my previous modification did not have any unintended side-effects, so we'll be fine", Emil assured Lois.

Earth-1, Central City, STAR Labs

Harry had just told Barry, Cisco, Strider and Batman that he was thinking of capturing Doctor Light.

"You are insane!"

They turned to see Jay walking in. "Okay, we are not luring Zoom anywhere!"

At that moment, Jay noticed Batman, and for a fraction of a second, fear appeared on his face, before he schooled his expression.

Batman knew something was up here.

Caitlin interjected. "Apparently, they know each other, and Jay is not a fan."

"Huh. Well, well, well", Harry snarled as he stared at Jay. "Like everyone else, I assumed Earth-2 Flash was dead, until Batman here said otherwise. Why am I not surprised to find Jay Garrick here, still alive and in hiding a full universe away from Zoom?"

"I'm not in hiding", Jay defended himself. "Zoom nearly killed me and stole my speed before the Singularity pulled me here."

"Is that right?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, that's right", Jay told him.

"Well, whatever the case, in your absence, Zoom has only gotten more powerful, faster", Harry turned to Barry. "Barry, you have to defeat Zoom now while you still can."

"No, this isn't the time to be reckless", Jay vetoed the idea. "We don't even know why Zoom sent Doctor Light here. She's a thief, not a killer."

"Zoom can make people do things out of character. Thief or not, she'll kill you", Harry pointed out.

Barry interjected. "All right, look, hey, we can decide what to do with Light later. First, we have to find her, okay?"

"Whatever we do, it is necessary to make sure this woman who conjures deadly light from within her is captured", Strider looked at Team Flash pointedly, "and put in the authorities' prison."

Barry, Cisco and Caitlin winced, remembering his calling out of them over the pipeline prison, while Harry slurped his drink, walking off.

Batman looked at Jay for a bit, who was looking away, and then he walked after Harry, grasping his shoulder. "How far are we with the nanobots?"

"Just a few hours more", Harry assured him.

"Good, meanwhile, I'm going to get some more things from my place, it'll take a few hours too", Batman said as he walked off. "Make sure to do your part, Wells."

Then, Batman saw Strider standing in a corner and grasped his shoulder, making Strider turn to him. "Make sure Light is taken down, put into a proper prison, and not used as bait. Its not going to work in regards to Zoom."

"While I am in agreement with you, you sound quite sure, why is that?" Strider asked.

"Call it a hunch", Batman said with a nod. "I'll be back in a few hours, then the two of us and Harry will talk."

In his cabin, Andy Barclay was watching the news when something related to Star City popped up. "Recent murders have shaken the city. An entire police detail escorting the arrested Liza Warner was massacred, alongside her. Meanwhile, Palmer Technologies employee Curtis Holt was found dead in his home that he shared with his husband, having been killed by an electric shock. And, this is not the only death that shook the city recently-"

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As Andy watched, the reporter added. "A family consisting of a mother, a father and their young daughter were found dead in their homes. The deaths appear to be accidental, but police are saying there can be more to this, as all of them died-"

Andy's eyes widened, before he turned around to see Alice Pierce had been watching from a distance too.

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After Alice had been possessed, Andy was the one she'd ended up attacking, but he'd taken her down non-lethally, and then used an exorcism taught to him by a magician trickster friend he'd made named John Constantine to exorcise Chucky from her, saving her life.

But since they still couldn't prove that Nica Pierce was innocent, Andy was keeping Alice with him now.

"Is it him, uncle Andy?" Alice asked him in fear. Because these kinds of deaths of an entire family, they just reminded both of them of Chucky's style.

"If it is", Andy got up, walking to Alice and kneeling down near her, grasping her shoulders gently. "I'll find out, and I will not let him come for you again."

A while later, Andy opened a cabinet to reveal the head of Chucky that he'd been torturing for a while now. Chucky's head was open too, a chain on it, and other parts of his head had clearly been brutalized as well, while there was a gag around his mouth.

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Andy got the head out, and placed it on the table, before taking out a cigarette that he lit up and smoked. After that, he removed the gag from Chucky's mouth, and held out the cigarette to him. Chucky inhaled the smoke, then exhaled.

Suddenly, he lunged forwards, trying to bite Andy's hand, but Andy, having expected that, pulled his hand back, smirking. "You wanna play?" He got up. "Let's play."

Andy walked to a cabinet, and opened it to reveal various instruments for torture.

"I'm all that you've got, Andy", Chucky said to him.

"Sometimes, its just fun to hang out with your best friend to the end, isn't it?" Andy snarled bitterly as he took out a flamethrower. "A family of three died in Star City, 'accidentally'. But funnily enough, I was reminded of you. So tell me, what new game are you playing?"

"f*ck you!" Chucky roared at Andy, who simply shrugged and pointing the flamethrower at the Chucky head, activated it.


Few hours later

Andy loaded up his gun before keeping it inside, then grabbed his bag, preparing to go, before turning to look at Alice. "I'll be back soon, I promise. In the meantime…"

"I'll keep an eye on the head", Alice assured him.

They heard the sound of a car coming to a stop, and turned to see Kyle walking out of it, wearing her leather hat too.

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Andy opened the door, allowing her to come in, before embracing her. "Kyle."

"Hey Andy", she kissed his forehead. "So that good-for-nothing doll is still up to its old tricks?"

"Yeah, the head told me he used a ritual to split his soul. Part of his soul is in another doll body, and is killing people in Star City alongside his girlfriend", Andy confirmed. "I'm gonna get him, and I'll be having some help. But-"

"You want me to take care of Alice, and watch the head alongside her while you're away", Kyle realized, Andy nodding. "Sure thing."

"Thanks Kyle", Andy said, before turning to Alice and embracing her, with her embracing him back. "I'll be back."

"Good luck, uncle Andy", she said, before they parted and he walked out, closing the door.

Star City, HIVE Base

Damien Darhk put some plans he had for the city into his cabinet, before sensing something, and turned around, only to see a Good Guy Doll sitting on the chair in front of him.

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"What the…?" He muttered.

"Damien, its me, Charles Lee Ray, remember?" Chucky spoke up. "Call me Chucky. I'm in a doll body!"

"Oh its you!" Damien said, and then laughed. "Looks like you're a master of voodoo now, huh?"

"I know. Been a long ass while, isn't that right buddy?" Chucky asked while laughing, Damien nodding.

"Yes, decades I must say", Damien said, sitting down in front of Chucky. "So, how are things going?"

"Just chilling and killing in this city", Chucky shrugged. "Saw the body of a Ghost on the news, and I just knew that you were gonna be here."

"You guessed right my friend", Damien said. "Now for me-"

Tiffany was waiting for Chucky outside, when a car pulled up, and Tiffany saw a middle-aged woman walk out of it.

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The face looked very familiar to her, and the woman seemed to recognize her too. "Aren't you that actr-"

"Yes, I am", Tiffany nodded. "Your face looks very familiar too. Have we met before?"

"I don't think so", the woman confirmed, holding out her hand. "Ruvé Adams."

"You know who I am", Tiffany shrugged as they dropped hands. "So, we've not met before, huh?"

"Well", Ruvé sighed. "I'd a twin sister once- Diane. She and I had a falling out as I didn't approve of her life choices. Maybe she is the one you met. She died though."

"I'm sorry to hear that", Tiffany said in fake sympathy, because she realized she was the one who'd killed Ruvé's twin sister all those years ago. And now she imagined smashing a wine bottle and having the shards kill Ruvé the same way too right now, but decided against it, since Chucky had a friend in this organization.

Inside, Damien and Chucky continued to talk when Chucky asked. "So, this Green Arrow guy giving you trouble or what?"

"Yeah, he is trying to", Damien snarled. "A royal pain in my behind."

"Maybe I could kill him for ya!" Chucky suggested all of a sudden. "The green f*ck dies, your ass is all good again, eh?"

"That'd be much appreciated, old friend", Damien agreed. "If you do succeed, I'll owe you one as well."

"You got it, Damien!"

Star City hospital

"Is Thea okay?" Laurel asked while stepping out of the room as Oliver closed the door.

Stepping in front of her a few steps, Oliver turned around.

"Not only is Thea hospitalized, but she has Merlyn influencing her to kill people", Oliver snarled.

"What are you talking about?" Laurel asked.

"Oh, just another thing that happened on your secret trip to Nanda Parbat", Oliver said upset.

"Hey! I didn't tell you that I took my sister to Nanda Parbat because I knew that you wouldn't approve. Why didn't you tell me you took Thea?" Laurel asked.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Oliver asked, confused.

"It's the hypocrisy that I can't stand! What? It's okay for you to do whatever you have to for your sister, but it's not ok for me to do the same to mine?" Laurel inquired angrily.

"Sara was dead. Thea wasn't", Oliver pointed out.

"Then why didn't you tell me about Thea seven months ago?" Laurel asked then scoffed at Oliver's lack of response "Because you don't see me as an equal."

As Laurel walked past Oliver, he spoke. "Laurel, of course I see you as an equal."

"No, you don't! You never have. You never told me that you were the Arrow", Laurel began angrily whirling around.

"Keep your voice down", Oliver said.

"...becoming the Black Canary, and you never would have told me that there's a way to save my sister. My sister, she's out of her mind right now. Because of something that I did. A decision that I made. Did you ever just stop and think for one second about what I might be going through? I'm sorry about what happened to Thea. I really am. I love your family, I always have. I just wish that sometimes you would give a damn about mine", Laurel replied angrily.

"You weren't the only one I never told about being The Arrow, and that was to keep the people I care about safe. Yes, I didn't want you to become the Black Canary, but that's because Sara already died. I didn't want Quentin to lose another daughter from this life", Oliver told her angrily.

"I don't have to put up with this", Laurel said, with a scoff.

Glaring, Oliver snarled at her. "I'm not done yet. This is something I've put up with long enough- it's always somebody else's fault never yours. Last year you kept Sara's death from Quentin then cruelly fooled him into thinking you were Sara. Or you being an addict was somebody else's fault, never your own."

"Enough!" Laurel replied with a sneer.

"I've made mistakes, Laurel, only I accept responsibility for my mistakes. You brought Sara back from the dead, because of your own selfishness. Now people are being hurt or killed because of it. Don't try to use my sister as an excuse for your actions! What I don't get is apparently it's fine for the team or you to keep secrets, but if I do it's the end of the world", Oliver said angrily.

Laurel just stood there in shock and guilt, realizing he was right, while he said. "I've tried to be a team player, but all of you do the same things you judge me for doing. At this point, we need a serious talk, all of us."

Central City

Dr. Light had busted into a vault to steal the money, when there was a blur, and Barry stood there in his suit next to the cash. "Looking for this?"

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As she watched, he said. "I know Zoom sent you here to kill me. Good news, you don't have to do that."

"Not if I can get out of town with that cash", Light shrugged.

"And then what?" Barry asked. "Zoom's not gonna like that you ditched him, right? My friends and I can help you."

"Nobody can protect me from Zoom!" She said, starting to glow, as Barry had to cover his eyes.

"All right, why don't we take it down a lumen, have a normal conversation, all right?" She lowered the light's intensity, until it was gone. "Thank you."

Then Light took off her helmet, and Barry's eyes widened in shock as he saw her face, a very familiar one.

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"Linda? Linda Park?"

"How do you know my name?" Linda Park of Earth-2 aka Dr. Light asked in shock.

"I don't understand."

"This was a mistake", she said, beginning to glow again, when Strider suddenly leapt into the room and struck her face, knocking her out, the glow disappearing.

"You hesitated", Strider noted, turning to Barry. "Did you know her?"

"She is…..Linda", Barry said in shock.

"Who is Linda?" Strider inquired.

"A woman I used to….court", Barry said, realizing Strider would be more familiar with that word, and he nodded, as understanding washed over him.

"So this is-"

"This is her Earth-2 doppelganger", Barry realized. "Zoom knows about Linda and I. Maybe he also knows about Patty-"

"My friend", Strider put a hand on his shoulder. "Just because an enemy of yours is watching you does not mean you should stop trying to do things that make you happy. Thawne was stopped, was he not?"

"Yeah, he was", Barry nodded.

"So we must hope that Zoom can be stopped too, as well as others", Strider said, his voice turning a little grim as he thought of Sauron. "You seem to care about Patty quite a lot already. If you want to court her, my suggestion is you should."

"You really think that?" Barry asked.

"I do", Strider told him. "As for Zoom, I am not in agreement with Harry's strategy of using this woman as bait. My suggestion is to send her to prison, the one run by the authorities."

"I think you're right", Barry agreed. "Of course, a lot of people are gonna be confused over Linda's lookalike."

John Constantine stood in front of a pizza place, having heard of what was going on in this little town, and it turned out the rumors were true, due to what he was seeing.

A clown behaving like a mime walked out of the pizzeria, Constantine's eyes narrowing. This was Art the Clown, and tonight was his last night in this bloody world!

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"Hey, clown!" Constantine called out, causing Art to turn to him. "That mime gimmick you've going for you, that's the scariest you could do? Really disappointing I must say, you are quite pathetic."

Art's expression contorted into one of anger, only for Constantine to turn around and walk towards an alley, whistling.

Art walked quickly after him, deciding he needed to be taught a lesson, a fatal one. He reached the alley, and saw that Constantine was continuing to walk away, his hands in his pockets now while he whistled.

Art the Clown walked after him, only to suddenly find he could not move at all. He tried his hardest, but he couldn't even budge now.

That was when Constantine turned around with a smirk, and to Art's shock, his eyes glowed while he raised his hands and chanted in Latin. "Hoc solum celatum tolle, et huic scurrae captionem ostende!"

The ground under Art glowed, and then a mark was revealed.

"This was to trap you, mate. And I concealed it with another spell, then made you follow me until here", Constantine smirked. "Anyways, your time here is at an end. Any last words?"

Art actually looked horrified, and started shaking his head violently.

"I'll take that as a 'no", Constantine shrugged, and then his eyes glowed as he chanted once more."Aperi humum sub scurra, eumque in Tartara mitte, ubi flammis obruet!"

As he chanted, the ground under Art opened up, flames spouting from it, and then hands came out, grabbing Art's legs, burning his clothes bit by bit, while dragging him down.

The horrified Art tried to crawl back up, looking at Constantine with wide eyes that begged for mercy of all things, but Constantine wasn't moved, considering what Art had done, and what he would do.

Soon enough, the hands dragged him into Hell completely, and the portal closed, leaving nothing but small bits of Art's clown costume behind.

"And that'd be a day's work", Constantine muttered before lighting up a cigarette, inhaling, and then exhaling. After that, he threw the cigarette on what was left of Art's clothes, burning them with it, and crushed all of it underneath his shoe.

Then his cell phone rang and seeing the caller, he picked up. "Oliver."

"John", Oliver said from the other end.

"It's been a dog's age, mate", Constantine quipped.

"More than", Oliver said, "Do you remember that favor you owe me?"

"I hardly expect you to let me forget about that", Constantine joked

"How quickly can you get to Star City?" Oliver finally asked, "I need your help."

Central City, STAR Labs

Batman walked to where Harry was working alongside Strider, having a little container on him, as Harry asked him. "What is that?"

"This thing shall spread nanobots in the air", Batman revealed. "How far are you anyways?"

"Half an hour more", Harry confessed, Batman nodding while Harry asked. "How did you get this container here so fast though?"

"I had a ride back to my place. Now, I shall tell the two of you what I've been thinking this whole time, and figured it out too", Batman revealed. "Its about Zoom."

And then he told them what he was thinking.

Universe-208, Tatooine

Blade had decided to get out of the camp to have another walk, and he saw the Death Watch training still, while some of them were speaking to each other as well.

Like before, some wore helmets, and some did not.

He felt better now, and the thirst hadn't gotten stronger, for the time being that is.

As he looked around, he suddenly saw something that irritated him though. One of the Mandalorians, who happened to have a mohawk, was wearing his shades.

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Growling, he walked up to that one, and took the shades off. "What the f*ck do you think you're doing?"

"How dare you speak to me that way?" The Mandalorian snarled angrily, shoving Blade back.

"You took these, so I can speak to you any way I want", Blade snarled, and then shoved the Mandalorian back as well.

The Mandalorian snarled. "I'm going to-"


He stopped, as Pre Vizsla arrived, standing between the two of them. "What is going on here?"

"He took something of mine", Blade gestured to the Mandalorian before lifting up his shades.

"You know", Vizsla started, gently taking the shades from Blade. "If you want these back, you have to agree to our rules."

"And what kind of f*cking rules would those be?" Blade inquired.

"A duel."

Blade narrowed his eyes, then looked at the Mandalorian, who gave him a smirk. "Against him?"


Blade tilted his neck, then cracked his knuckles. "All right, I'll f*ck him up and take them back."

Earth-1, Star City

Oliver watched as Quentin hugged both Laurel and Sara, who'd now been restored properly by Constantine at last.

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"Thank you for your help, John", Oliver told him gratefully, watching as Thea walked to Sara, breaking down, but Sara embraced her reassuringly.

"It was easier than I thought, mate", Constantine had to say.

"That was easy?" Oliver asked in shock.

"Mate, I could have made Deathstroke and his army twerk their way to jail. You and I live in different worlds, but it's better it stays that way, for all our sakes."

"I can't really argue with that, your world from what I've seen is...terrifying."

"Want to say it gets easier, but, you only just get used to it", Constantine shrugged before taking a cigarette between his lips while looking over at the newly brought back Sara talking to the younger Queen. "Got to say, a soulless little romp around the city wasn't as bad as I expected for someone brought back by the League's voodoo."

Oliver looked back at them, before his eyes landed on Thea. "What if...there are other side effects?"

The distinct click of a lighter was heard, but the cigarette remained unlit. Constantine staring intently at the archer. "What you saying, mate?"

"Thea...was also brought back by the Lazarus Pit." Constantine groaned, putting the lighter away as Oliver continued. "And she's been having these episodes of bloodlust, she can't control herself-"

"And you were waiting until the bloody Judgement Day before you tell me?" Shoving the cigarette on his ear, Constantine shifted his relaxed stance to stand straight with a look that took Oliver aback.

"It didn't happen at first, now it's becoming more frequent."

"Of course it is! Resurrection is risky enough, but if you don't do it right, you risk bringing them back as something worse. Aye, your sister's alive, but that "bloodlust" means that she's changing into something you won't recognize until it consumes her. I've seen it before, too many times for my liking."

Even the best intentions led to the worst things imaginable, as Pastor Zachery had learnt when he used a Fallen Angel's feather to perform healing miracles, before Constantine had to save his life and everyone else's from what spawned from the "healing".

"I realize that now."

"Dark things are rising, Oliver, faster now than ever before, your sister will be a part of that. Now though, Sara is at risk too, whatever is happening to Thea will get worse. You should have told me."

"I'm telling you now."

"Good. Now, let me go to work."

A while later, both Sara and Thea had been put to sleep by Constantine, lavender candles surrounding them while they lay on the ground, Constantine between them, and a circle of Enochian runes surrounding them.

"What's he trying to do now?" Quentin wondered.

"Take away their bloodlust problem", Oliver said, watching as Constantine lay his hands on the foreheads of both Sara and Thea.

Suddenly, his head reared back, his eyes rolling into the back of his head while he chanted in a language none of them could understand.

The veins on Constantine's hands turned black, and everything seemed to shake, before it all stopped, Constantine panting as he returned to normal, while Sara and Thea woke up with gasps.

"Did you do it?" Sara asked, turning to Constantine.

"No more bloodlust within either of you", Constantine confirmed, everyone sighing in relief as Constantine staggered towards Oliver, slipping him a piece of paper. "What's this?"

"My bill." The look on Oliver's face was almost comical. "The first one was for free." With a wink and a smirk, Constantine walked off, leaving Oliver to slowly unveil the "bill".

Suddenly, Constantine's phone rang, and seeing the caller's name, he accepted the call. "Been a while, Barclay, why do you call?"

"How quickly can you get to Star City, John?"Andy Barclay asked him from the other end.

"Yeah, about that", Constantine said. "I'm already there."

"Well, I found out Chucky split his soul, and he is in Star City right now, killing alongside his girlfriend", Andy revealed. "Wanna help me out?"

"Against that murderous little git, definitely mate", Constantine said. "And we'll have some help too. I'll call you back in a bit."

He cut the call, then took the bill from Oliver, burning it in his hands. "Ya know what? Never mind, there's something else you can do for me."

"What's that?" Oliver inquired.

"Ever heard of Chucky the Killer Doll?" Constantine asked, all of Team Arrow looking at him in shock.

"You mean that Good Guy Doll whose owner, that kid, claimed it was possessed by the spirit of the serial killer Charles Lee Ray?" Quentin asked, just to confirm.

"Yes, that one", Constantine nodded.

"What about it?" Laurel asked.

"For one, the kid was right, Charles Lee Ray did possess the doll", Constantine revealed, shocking all of them. "Second, I know that kid. He just called me, says Chucky and his girlfriend are in Star City, killing people."

"The murders on the news…." Oliver realized. "These have to be Chucky then."

"Got that right, mate", Constantine told him. "Anyways, you can help us out in dealing with him and his girlfriend then, eh mate?"

"I will, yes", Oliver said, before turning to his team. "I want all of you to stay here, and keep me updated if you find out anything."

"Will do, Oliver", Diggle assured him.

"Now", Oliver said, walking off. "There's one more person who is gonna join us."

In the safehouse, Eliot was doing push-ups, when the phone Oliver had given him rang, and getting up, he accepted the call. "What's the matter, Oliver?"

"A serial killer in the body of a doll, and his girlfriend, are on a murder spree in this city."

"…..Are you serious?" Even with the knowledge that Gods and aliens were real, a serial killer possessing a doll just sounded really…weird.

"I am serious, Eliot."

"Right", Eliot sighed. "All right, I'll help you in dealing with it."


The watermelon creature was on a beach now, destroying stuff and making the people run around in fear.

Captain America's shield hit its head once more, getting its attention as it turned to look at him.

"Come on everyone", Natasha was gesturing to the exits. "Get out of here."

"And evacuate orderly, we have it handle, don't panic", Clint assured them, as the people did what they were told.

Considering this watermelon creature had them totally outclassed, the two figured it was best to evacuate the civilians while the others tried to beat it.

Steve rushed at the creature and leaping into the air, bashed its face with his shield, though it didn't even budge while Steve landed, looking up at it.

The creature once more brought its stick down on him, Steve using his shield to defend himself, a 'clang' ringing out.

Tony fired at the creature from behind, making it turn to him. "Yeah, that's right. Come on now, melon. Do what you should do and be eaten."

It swung its stick at him, Tony barely avoiding by flying higher, but it hurled the green projectile that struck Tony and sent him flying off. "I didn't mean that!"

He fell down with a groan as the creature turned to Steve, only for Hulk to leap down and punch it on the face, making it stagger back.

The creature tried to strike him, but Hulk grabbed its stick once more, this time not letting go, getting stronger due to his anger.

The two were in a stalemate for now, when suddenly the creature was lifted up from below, to its shock.

Clark had come, and he had lifted it up now. Twirling it in his hands, Clark threw it down, causing a huge shockwave, while the creature groaned in pain.

Clark tried to fly towards it, when suddenly he glitched, and this time, the pain was too much as he grunted and fell down, causing another shockwave from his crash as well.

Taking the opportunity, the creature aimed at him, and he was covered in that green barrier once more, which started weakening him.

"Why is this happening again?" Tony groaned while getting up, as the creature made to strike at him, only for the skies to darken, as lightning hit it from above, making it screech in pain and spasm, before falling down.

A tall man landed on the ground. He had long blonde hair, and a beard of the same shade, his entire body covered by armor, a red cape flowing behind him.

In his hand, he had a hammer, which looked like a mallet due to the size.

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"About time, Point Break", Tony sighed in relief as the man got up with a smirk, then turned around to see the creature getting back up.

"Good to have you back with us, Thor", Steve said happily, before pointing to the trapped Clark. "Can you free him?"

"I think I can", Thor nodded, as he made his way to Clark, while the watermelon creature opened a portal once more and started rushing to it.

"Someone stop that thing!" Tony cried out.

Thor raised Mjolnir as it glowed with lightning, and hit the barrier, causing it to break a little. Raising Mjolnir, Thor brought it down once more, breaking the barrier some more.

Right before the creature could get close to the portal, Hulk leapt in his way. "HULK IS STRONGEST THERE IS!"

And then he did a thunderclap, which struck the creature and sent it rolling away.

Thor roared and hit the barrier one last time, finally shattering it, before giving Clark a hand that he took and stood up, groaning. "Thanks for the help."

"It is nothing to thank me for, fellow hero", Thor assured him, as they saw the creature get back up. "We have to take him down."

"I've an idea", Clark revealed, making Thor turn to him.

"I'm listening."

The creature was snarling at Hulk, about to fight him again, while Steve stood next to him, and Tony hovered above them.

Then Clark and Thor flew high into the air, and Clark grasped Thor by the feet, twirling him around. At the end, he threw Thor at the creature, the God of Thunder having Mjolnir held out, lightning coming off of it.


Before the creature could do anything, Thor hit it with Mjolnir at full force, with both his and Clark's strength combined.

The creature was sent flying back as it screeched, and then fell to the ground, knocked out at last.

In front of their eyes, it shrank to normal size, shocking them even more.

"That I did not see coming", Tony quipped.

"Never thought a watermelon would give us trouble", Steve noted as Clark flew down, before glitching again, causing him to groan in pain.

"Easy", Steve tried to support him, as Thor turned to them.

"What is happening to him?" He inquired.

"We'll explain in a bit", Tony told him.

"I'm gonna call Hill. She and Fury will know where to keep this thing to keep it from hurting others, or itself", Natasha said as she walked off to do just that.

"You came at the right time though", Steve told Thor. "We needed your help."

"With what?" Thor asked, while Clark stared at him. He'd never thought he'd meet a proper God in the flesh one day.

But here stood Thor, the Norse God of Thunder, living up to the legend.

"Boss, there is a strange manner of storm brewing in the city."

"What kind, J?" Tony inquired.

"It seems to be from the same energy source that is giving Mr. Allen his speed."

"Is that what you need help with?" Thor inquired.

"Yeah….." Tony muttered. "That'd be it."

Earth-1, Central City, STAR Labs

Jay Garrick walked into the cortex, only to find it empty.

"Going somewhere?"

He turned around to see Batman standing there, and muttered. "Oh! You! You almost scared me!"

"Is that right?" Batman asked, taking a step closer to him.

"What's the matter?" Jay inquired.

"Nothing, I just find it strange you got scared by looking at me earlier", Batman shrugged.

"Oh! There's a you on my Earth too. I was shocked is all", Jay told him.

"That wasn't shock. That was fear. If you were who you claimed to be, you wouldn't have been scared of me", Batman told Jay.

"What are you on about?" Jay seemed confused now.

"This!" Batman suddenly decked Jay on the face, sending him falling to the ground while he gasped in pain, holding his cheek.

"What the hell, man?" He said, only for Batman to grab him by the back of the collar and lift him back up.

"Stop acting!" Batman snarled, and then punched his gut thrice, winding him, then pushed him away.

That was when Barry, Cisco and Caitlin arrived, horrified at what they were witnessing.

"STOP!" Caitlin cried out, all three about to run, only for Strider to appear, holding them back.

"Wait!" He counselled all three.

"What is he doing?" Barry asked.

"You will see", Strider assured them.

"Show them all!" Batman roared, kicking Jay on the face and sending him flying over the table and computers, falling onto the other side as he groaned in pain.

"Show us what?" Cisco asked, confused.

"This", Harry said as he appeared, pressing a button, and a holographic recording of STAR Labs appeared. They saw Jay in the cortex, walking to the edge of the camera, and then he seemed to just disappear.

"This is…" Cisco trailed off. "This is in here!"

"Your security is not the best, so I hacked through and saw a lot of things", Batman revealed to their shock, while picking Jay up again. "The footage was changed, but I got the original one back."

"You were spying on us?" Barry asked in shock.

"For that, all of you have my apologies, but I had to do all my homework before I barged in", Batman revealed, then punched Jay again, making him spit out blood. "Show us how you could disappear from the camera!"

"Please stop", Caitlin begged him again. "I am sure there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for this-"

"There is, and you're going to see", Batman snarled.

"Do not go into the room", Strider said to Barry, Cisco and Caitlin.

Batman threw Jay down, and then lifted his foot, about to smash Jay's kneecap while whispering so that only he could hear. "Time for the rest to know who you are- Hunter!"

That was it for 'Jay'! His eyes glowed with blue lightning, as did his body, and then he sped out of the way before ramming into Batman, sending him flying off and crashing into a corner.

"No!" Caitlin let out in utter horror, as Barry and Cisco had the same reaction.

"You are-" Barry started.

"Zoom", 'Jay Garrick' snarled in a guttural tone, his modulated voice sending shivers down their spines, while he spun like a tornado in one place, and then when he stopped, his suit having appeared. It was black and grey in color scheme, with a reverse Flash lightning symbol on the chest. He had a full-face mask, the face resembling a Demon-like figure, while he had what looked like Demonic claws as well on his fingers. Blue lightning came off of his body too.

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"We meet at last, Flash", Zoom roared, then made to rush out at them, not noticing two pucks at the entrance. As soon as he reached there, a laser was activated, striking him as he snarled in pain, before making a barrier around his body that trapped him, while he gasped, falling to the floor.

Zoom tried to vibrate, but find out he couldn't. "How?"

"The air in the room is filled with anaesthetic gas which you are inhaling", Harry revealed. "While me, Batman and Strider are injected with the cure." Harry then aimed a large gun at Zoom. "Where is Jesse?"

"Who is Jesse?" Cisco asked, while Zoom snarled.

"All right", Harry shrugged, and activated the gun, a beam hitting Zoom as he roared in pain. "Tell me!"

"Ascension Cliffs! Abandoned railway station!" Zoom revealed, and Harry stopped firing.

Then, with a roar of madness, Zoom suddenly started getting up, resisting the laser against him while snarling. "You can't lock up the darkness!"

Strider walked towards him cautiously, taking out his sword, about to chop off Zoom's leg, when Zoom vibrated his arm really fast, and held it out, a huge bolt of lightning flying forth.

Strider threw himself down to avoid being struck while Barry moved Cisco, Caitlin and Harry out of the way, the lightning destroying the two pucks as they shattered, while the laser barrier disappeared, Zoom falling forwards.

Slowly, he picked himself back up, shakily getting back to his feet, and then he ran, striking Barry, Cisco and Caitlin, sending them down, before grabbing Harry by the collar and pinning him to the wall. "You will never save your daughter."

He vibrated his hand and plunged it into Harry's chest, only for his hand to be pushed back. "How?"

"Nanobots, which attack any foreign particle trying to speed its way into my system", Harry smirked, as Zoom realized there was not much he could, and so he shoved Harry into Barry, who dodged, while Harry fell into Cisco and Caitlin, while Zoom limped away, before taking off at superspeed, though slower than he ran usually.

Barry ran, getting into his suit, before following after Zoom, the two getting out of STAR Labs. "Zoom!"

Zoom theme plays

Zoom suddenly stopped, and taking out a small syringe gun, injected it into himself, roaring as lightning cracked all around him, before turning to face Barry, both in front of the STAR Labs sign, blue lightning glowing around Zoom.

Barry then started running around STAR Labs in circles.

"Why is he running away?" Harry asked in confusion.

"He is not", Cisco noted regarding Zoom. "He is not scared."

Strider helped Batman up, who panted, while Strider noted. "Barry should not try to hit him with lightning."

"Why's that?" Caitlin asked.

"Zoom taught him how to do that", Strider pointed out, the implications sinking in.

At that moment, Barry had generated his lightning bolt, and slowing down, hurled it at Zoom.

Zoom ran forth, and leaping, caught the lightning bolt with his claws, then he flipped, and hurled it back at Barry.

The lightning bolt struck Barry and sent him flying off, crashing into the STAR Labs sign.

Groaning, Barry got up, noting the lightning bolt symbol on his suit was singed, while he asked. "Why the act? Why run around dressed like the Flash?"

"To give people hope, so that I can take it away from them", Zoom revealed. "And you fell for my act, just like you fell for Dr. Wells' act!"

Barry felt like an idiot, realizing if not for Strider, Batman and now Harry, this would have been a lot worse.

"You will die", Zoom told Barry.

"Only if you can catch me", Barry challenged, and then ran up the STAR Labs building, Zoom running after him, while Batman burst out of the building.

The two eventually ran up the building and reached the air, Barry trying to cancel out Zoom's speed, as he punched him twice, but Zoom grabbed Barry by the throat and as they fell, he brought Barry below him, punching his chest while Barry crashed to the ground, Zoom above him.

At superspeed, Zoom picked Barry up, and starting pounding him brutally, Barry unable to defend himself. Then, Zoom struck Barry on the back hard, as a sickening crack was heard, Batman's eyes widening.

Cisco and Caitlin watched in utter horror, realizing what Zoom had done, as Strider looked down sadly, Harry rubbing his forehead.

Barry fell down, his back broken, while Batman hurled a Batarang at Zoom, only for the speedster to catch it.

"Never forget, that I am the fastest man alive!" Zoom sneered at Batman, then raising the Batarang, stabbed it into Barry's chest, making him gasp in pain.

Ripping the Batarang out, Zoom threw it at Batman's feet. "You're next!"

Then grabbing Barry, he sped away, running through the entire city, until he reached CCPN, bursting through its doors, making all reporters turn to the sight in shock and horror, Iris covering her mouth with a gasp.

One man started recording with his camera while Zoom taunted them. "Look at your hero!" He lifted Barry up with one hand. "This man is no God! He is nothing!"

And then he ran out of the building, reaching the CCPD now, causing all the cops including Joe, Patty, Lloyd and Singh to aim their guns at him.

"The days of the Flash protecting this city are over", Zoom gloated, displaying the broken Barry to them.

"No, hold your fire!" Joe told the rest, as Barry could be hit.

"Put him down!" Patty snarled.

"Let him go!" Lloyd demanded as well.

"Now what will you do without your precious hero?" Zoom taunted, lowering Barry, giving the rest a clear line of sight.

"Shoot that thing, now!" Singh ordered, as all of them stared firing at Zoom. But he moved his hand really fast, catching every single bullet that was fired at him. When they stopped, Zoom revealed all the bullets in his hand, dropping them to the ground, while all of them were stricken with horror.

"Nice try", Zoom said before running off, still holding the brutalized Barry, until they were back at STAR Labs, Zoom holding Barry up in front of his friends.

"Barry!" Caitlin cried out in horror.

"You may know who I am, but you still can't beat me", Zoom boasted, removing Barry's mask to reveal his bloodied face.

"We will stop you", Batman told him.

"Wrong", Zoom sneered, as he lifted Barry up, and stabbed one claw into his abdomen, Caitlin looking like she was going to cry now.

"Goodbye Flash", Zoom told him. "Even with me weakened, you clearly weren't fast enough."

At that moment, an arrow was heard whistling in the air. Zoom tried to dodge it, but this fight, alongside the anaesthetic gas, laser and nanobots had weakened him too, while his drug was wearing off, and it hit the side of his neck, Strider lowering his bow.

"AAAAAARGHHH!" Zoom yelled in agony, ripping the arrow out and throwing it away, only increasing his pain as he also felt his speed drug wear off even more. "YAAAAAARRGGHH!"

And then, hurling Barry away, Zoom sped off through the breach in STAR Labs, back to his Earth.

"No!" Harry muttered in realization as he looked out into the hallway. "NOOOOOOOOO!"

Cisco, Caitlin and Strider rushed to Barry, Caitlin putting her hands on his chest. "Stay with me, Barry, please stay with me."

Strider turned to Harry. "Who is Jesse?"

"She is my daughter!" Harry revealed. "And Zoom has her! Now he'll kill her! Or move her!"

"He won't", Batman assured Harry.

"How can you say that?" Harry inquired.

"If he hasn't killed her yet, he needs her for some reason", Batman pointed out. "Not to mention, everything that happened, it took a lot out of him too, as well as that drug he used when it wore off of him. If we make our move fast, we can save her."

He looked down at Barry. "But Barry…."

"He needs medical attention, fast", Caitlin said, as Batman knelt near him, holding him up alongside Strider, the two carrying him away to a bed.

Star City

A man was returning home from work when he saw a Good Guy Doll lying on the pavement.

"Huh?" He muttered in confusion. "A doll in the middle of a road?"

He lifted the doll up, and it said. "Hi, I'm Chucky. I'm your friend, till the end!"

"Damn, this is good!" The man commented. "Anything else."

"I like to be hugged", the doll said.

"Sure thing buddy", the man joked, actually hugging the doll, as he was liking it.

And then, Chucky lifted up a knife, before stabbing the man in the back, making him gasp as he fell down, dying, letting Chucky go.

A business woman walked out of her car, about to walk to her home, when someone called out to her. "Hey."

She turned to see Tiffany standing there, her eyes widening. "Oh! You're that actr-"

"I am", Tiffany confirmed. "And you are that business woman."

"I am", the business woman nodded.

"Must say, huge fan of your brand", Tiffany told her. "I would love to do an advertisem*nt on it, if its fine by you."

"Really?" The business woman asked and Tiffany nodded. "Because I wouldn't mind that myself."

"No you won't", Tiffany shrugged. "Because you won't have one."

Before the business woman could comprehend Tiffany's words, Tiffany raised her knife, and brought it down on her head, ending her life.


Andy was driving his car, Constantine next to him, as Constantine was chanting something, before his eyes opened.

"What's the matter?" Andy asked him.

"There are bodies nearby", Constantine revealed, causing Andy to stop the car.

"Where?" Andy inquired, as Constantine got out of the car.

"Follow me, mate", he said, walking forth, as Andy got out and walked after him, the two reaching an alley, where they saw the corpses of a man and a woman, both having been dumped here clearly, and not that long ago, since the blood was still fresh.

Constantine dialled a number, and Oliver picked up. "Yes?"

"Found two bodies in the alley two blocks to the left of you both", Constantine revealed. "Come quickly."

He cut the call as Andy said. "This had to be Chucky."

"Most likely is, mate", Constantine sighed.

"But this is so random", Andy had to say. "I only recognized its Chucky due to his style. He usually kills people to get close to me or Nica, or anyone he needs. This randomness…I haven't seen it in him."

"Perhaps there is more to this than meets the eye", Constantine pointed out, when an arrow struck the wall near them, and they looked up to see Oliver and Eliot, suited and masked respectively, slide down from it before jumping down.

"Green Arrow", Andy noted, looking quite impressed. "Never thought I'd meet you in person."

"Likewise", Oliver told him, since he'd researched Andy after what Constantine had told him. What this man had survived as a little child showed his resilience.

"You think your doll friend did this?" Eliot asked, kneeling down near the bodies, turning that of the man.

"I think it would be him, since he is in the city, and that's when the murder rate here skyrockets", Andy pointed out.

"True. Plus Michael Myers made a comeback a while ago and went to Central City. No reason the killer doll can't make a comeback in this city", Oliver shrugged. "Though the police detail wasn't Chucky, that was someone else."

"Who?" Eliot asked.

"A new player in town", Oliver revealed, before he sensed something, as did Eliot.

"What is it, mate?" Constantine asked, but they did not reply.

Suddenly, they whirled around, Chucky leaping at Oliver with a knife in his hand, only for Oliver to whack the doll with his bow, sending him flying the other way.

Chucky hit a dumpster, causing it to fall down too, but got back up immediately.

Child's Play 1 theme plays

"You", Andy snarled at Chucky, taking aim with his gun as Oliver aimed his arrow. "You never stop, do you?"

"Been a long while since we played the cat and mouse game, isn't that right, Andy my best friend?" Chucky asked, then laughed. "I'm gonna f*ck you all up!"

"You can try", Andy snarled, and then fired at Chucky, but he rolled away to avoid. Oliver shot an arrow, but Chucky leapt behind the fallen bin, protecting himself.

Eliot rushed towards the bin, and kicked it away, only to see Chucky was gone.

Oliver and Andy moved forth, weapons trained, while Constantine started chanting, only to feel something. "Bloody hell!"

"What's the matter?" Andy inquired.

"Someone used voodoo to cancel out my spells for a few minutes", Constantine revealed. "They thought this through."

At that moment, Chucky leapt at them from a side again with a roar, Oliver striking him with his bow as he fell down. Andy tried to fire at him but Chucky ran to avoid once more, and then Oliver tried to fire, as Chucky avoided them, before he tried to leap at Andy, only for Eliot to punch him hard from the side, making him gasp in pain as he hit the wall. "AAAARGHH!"

Eliot rushed at him with a kick but Chucky recovered and ran out of the way, his small frame giving him the advantage here.

"Hey mister."

Constantine turned to see Tiffany standing there, while she made a sexy pose. "You look so pretty."

"I can say the same about you, luv", Constantine smirked, looking entranced by her beauty, walking towards her, as she caressed his face gently.

"Very pretty face", she said to him.

"I know", he nodded. "Too bad you can't have it."

Tiffany didn't have time to respond as Constantine decked her hard on the face, knocking her out.

Chucky roared and charged Andy, while Andy tried to fire, getting his shoulder and sending him flying back. "AAAAARGHH! f*ck YOU!"

He rolled away to the side, as the four of them looked around for him, very alert.

Andy walked a little away from the rest of them, crouching near the spot where Chucky last was, only for Chucky to leap behind him, right at his neck, and then wrap a rope around him, slowly choking him, while Andy tried to get him off.

"You and I had a good run, pal", Chucky said while laughing, Andy continuing to choke. "But as they say- Don't f*ck with the Chuck!"

Constantine felt his magic return, and started chanting while his eyes glowed, and Oliver aimed an arrow carefully.

As Andy struggled, Oliver fired. The arrow struck Chucky on the head, and sent him flying backwards while still stuck to him, before exploding, right as Constantine finished his chants, causing everything to shake, and Chucky was heard roaring in agony.


And then his screaming stopped, Constantine sighing. "Got his soul, mate."

Andy threw the rope off of him, panting, while Eliot helped him up.

Constantine turned around, only to see Tiffany was gone now. "Oh bloody Hell! Now she is gone!"

"She is not as dangerous as he is", Andy pointed out. "We'll get her someday."

"So, is it over?" Oliver inquired.

"For now", Andy sighed. "Thank you all for your help, couldn't have done it without you."

"Don't mention it", Eliot assured him.

Chucky gasped, feeling himself come alive in a new doll body, and realized he was in Tiffany's car, while she was next to him.

"Those f*cks", Chucky said angrily.

"I know, I just used this at the last moment", Tiffany said while holding the Heart of Damballa. "Otherwise, you'd have been gone forever."

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"You have done well, Chucky. As has your partner, Tiffany."

Chucky looked around, realizing who it was. "You're back, huh?"

"Who is back?" Tiffany asked, confused.

"So, what do you want, no-faced dude?" Chucky inquired.

"The kills you two committed have empowered me. And Chucky, now all of your soul is within this doll body."

"What the f*ck?" Chucky asked, not believing it.

"I suggest both of you lie low. Because when the time comes, I shall bring you two into the fold, as well as a few others."


Hunt turned on the lights to reveal all the equipment kept in the IMF warehouse, and he could see how excited Parker and Hardison looked on finding all of this.

"Take what you need", Ethan told them.

"Yeah, take what you-oh I like this", Hardison said as he and Parker started taking stuff, even if they did not know what the 'stuff' was.

Hunt simply rolled his eyes good-naturedly.

Earth-1, Star City

Eliot returned to the warehouse, waving his hair a little as he panted, walking towards his bed. A serial killer possessing a doll, now he'd seen everything.

Before he could sit down on the bed, the hair on Eliot's arm stood up due to him sensing a presence.

"Ah hell."

And then he threw himself down, avoiding three tranq darts that had been fired at him, before rolling and leaping up to see three ARGUS Agents aiming their guns at him, standing at the doorway.

"You need to come with us", one of them said, Eliot noting they were standing on some water, which he had spilled there on purpose.

"Sure", Eliot shrugged, acting as if he was going to raise his hands, when he suddenly grabbed a long wire behind him and hurled it at the agents. It hit the water underneath them, and all three were shocked badly before they fell down, while Eliot ran and leapt past their unconscious bodies, rolling away to avoid two more darts fired at him from either side.

He stood back up and saw as one of them tried to fire again, but Eliot rushed him and leapt, grabbing the dart and stabbing his neck with it, knocking him out, while using him as a shield to defend himself from the other agent's darts as well.

Then he dropped the man and picked up his gun, firing at the other agent and getting him as well, before he dropped the gun and leapt off the stairwell to the ground, kneeing another agent on the face, knocking him out as well.

He grabbed his gun and saw another agent approach, throwing it at his face, making him fall down, and then he saw one more about to fire, but Eliot didn't move at all.

The agent was confused as he took one step forward, only for two pucks in the corners to fire ropes all of a sudden and trip him.

Eliot rushed forth and leapt out of a window, shattering its glass, but before he could land, two agents fired tranq darts at him, and due to already being in motion, he couldn't dodge those.

They struck him, and he was dazed as he fell down, drowsy.

Those two and three more agents came near him, as Eliot tried to get up, only for them to strike him with tasers at the same time as he gritted his teeth, doing his best to resist all of them, but it was too much, as Eliot fell to his knees.

"We got him", one of them said to another agent who arrived.

"Good, let's take him away then", he ordered, and they started doing so.

Universe-208, Tatooine

Blade walked forth, looking ahead at the Mandalorian, who was prepared to battle him, now wearing his helmet.

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"Since you do not have weaponry like ours, he shall not use his weapons against you", Vizsla told Blade, then turned to the Mandalorian, who simply nodded.

The two moved towards each other, seeming to stare each other down, even if Blade could not see his opponent's face now.

Suddenly, Blade threw a punch, and the Mandalorian was pushed back quite a bit, even if the helmet absorbed some of the blow, which Blade felt.

"What-the-f*ck?" Blade mouthed to himself, when the Mandalorian grabbed his arm, twirled him around, and flipped him to the ground before kicking his side, making him roll away.

Blade stopped, then flipped up, trying to hit the Mandalorian with a spin kick, that struck and sent him stumbling away by a bit.

"You should just give up right now", the Mandalorian gloated as he recovered.

"Why? You scared, sissy?" Blade taunted, making the Mandalorian angry as he charged, when Blade remembered his shoving had affected this guy earlier.

Punching and kicking would do the trick, but he needed something more.

As the Mandalorian made to strike again, Blade spun and got behind him, before lifting him up by both feet, doing a double leg takedown as the Mandalorian fell, shocked at Blade's strength.

He pulled himself back up, and with a spin, tried to kick Blade on the neck, but Blade ducked to avoid and grabbing his foot, hurled him to the other direction, making him roll away.

Pre Vizsla and Bo-Katan shared a look, then turned back to the fight.

Blade marched towards the Mandalorian, who spun his feet and tried to strike Blade's, but he leapt to avoid, and as he landed, the Mandalorian stood up and threw a punch that Blade ducked to avoid, then grabbed his arm before flipping him over his shoulder.

He crawled away fast and stood back up, turning around, only for Blade to grab him by the throat, and push his helmet off, as he pushed him back.

Then, with a roar, Blade spun and kicked the Mandalorian right on the face, sending him flying before crashing to the ground, groaning in pain while his face bled badly.

Before he could get up, Blade was upon him, and knocked him out with a single punch to the face.

Sighing, he stood back up, walking to where Pre Vizsla and Bo-Katan stood, the two of them and the rest having seen the entire fight, concerned and impressed both.

Without a word, Blade took his shades from Bo-Katan's hand, and put them back on, before walking into the camp, Pre-Vizsla and Bo-Katan sharing another look, thinking about the enigma that was Blade.

Earth-1, Central City

"He tricked us!" Caitlin said, looking very shaken for obvious reasons. "We trusted him and-"

"Me, Barry, Joe, Iris and Professor Stein fell for it too", Cisco pointed out to her. "You don't need to blame yourself for it."

"How did you know?" Cisco then asked as he turned to Strider.

"I suspected him when he seemed to be sure that the breach in this place led to his world", Strider revealed to them. "And then, after a few words by Caitlin he decided to stay here, even though he seemed desperate to get back home. Not to mention, he only came to aid us when the enemy was from his world. Tell me, if Barry was in Jay's place, would he not do more to help?"

The two shared a look, realizing he was right, while Strider continued. "But I did not want to accuse him based on only suspicion. Which was when Batman approached me and Harry here."

"I hacked into your cameras and saw some changed footage, courtesy of Zoom", Batman revealed. "I know I went too far, but I wanted to have every variable checked before I came in here. I'm sorry."

"Well, you did show us his true colors earlier", Caitlin sighed, wiping her eyes. "So we'll let it slide this time."

"He also has a doppelganger in this world, whose name is Hunter Zolomon", Batman revealed. "Zoom's real name is most likely the same too."

"Hunter…." Harry trailed off. "I remember the name. Hunter Zolomon was a serial killer in my world. He was caught and put in an asylum."

"But looks like your Particle Accelerator gave him power", Cisco noted.

"And now my daughter is paying the price for it", Harry said sadly.

"We'll save her Wells", Batman told him.

"How?" He asked. "How are we sure he didn't move her?"

Batman gestured to Cisco, then to the side, and Cisco followed him. "What's up?"

"I know about your powers", Batman revealed, Cisco gasping. "But I will not tell the others, because that's your right, but maybe you can see where his daughter is."

Cisco rubbed his forehead. "I think I should tell them."

"He's waking up!" Caitlin suddenly said, and they all rushed to Barry, whose eyes opened.

"Hey…." He said weakly.

Cisco sighed weakly. "You scared the crap out of us. You were gone for quite a while."

"How bad is it?" Barry inquired.

"Bad", Caitlin confirmed. "If you didn't heal so quickly, I'd be very worried."

"Zoom?" Barry then asked.

"Let's... Let's worry about Zoom when you're up and about, okay?" Cisco said.

"I told you we shouldn't trust what he says so easily", Barry reminded, Cisco and Caitlin having the decency to look sheepish.

Barry had tried to question 'Jay' at first, and didn't take him at his word, but they all had convinced him he should learn to trust again.

Barry had only let 'Jay' out because of the stress from both Sand Demon taking Patty as well as Michael Myers making a return, and also because they all had pushed and convinced him.

Now they realized they should have listened to him earlier.

Barry then started sitting up.

"Oh, no, you're staying put", Caitlin told him.

"She speaks the truth my friend. You look terrible, you should rest", Strider agreed.

"No, guys, I can't feel my legs", Barry shook his head in horror, before looking at their shocked faces. "I can't feel my legs."

Andy pulled up near his cabin, and saw Kyle and Alice open the door for him, while he got out of the car, walking to them happily.

"Chucky has been taken care of", he assured them, sharing a hug with both. "How were things here?"

"They were good, but something strange happened", Kyle revealed, to Andy's surprise.

"Really? What's that?" Andy asked.

"The Chucky head is not speaking anymore, uncle Andy", Alice said. "We do not know why."

"And I tried everything, this is not a trick, he really is gone", Kyle explained, Andy wondering what that was about.

"Maybe Constantine dealt with his soul for good", Andy shrugged, before smiling. "Anyways, with him gone, let's celebrate."

Earth-199999, Hell's Kitchen

"So this breach in this alley is the one that Eliot fell through?" Hunt asked Parker and Hardison, all three packed up fully now.

"This is where his phone was tracked last", Hardison pointed out. "Wherever Eliot went, it was through here."

"Yep, and we're gonna go through here to bring him back too", Parker said with determination in her voice.

"Indeed, let's go people", Hunt nodded, as he, Parker and Hardison walked through the breach, wondering where it would take them.


And with that, this really long chapter is over.

So, Chucky and Tiffany are here, after 'Curse of Chucky'. So yes, Alice Pierce when possessed attacked Andy Barclay here, but he took her out non-lethally, and was already friends with Constantine, so he saved her with an exorcism, hence Alice lives in this version.

Curtis is dead. I found him good in Season 4, but in Season 5, he really began to annoy me. However, in Season 6 I just straight-up despised him, so he got killed by Chucky in an embarrassing way.

Ruvé Darhk's actress Janet Kidder played a victim of Tiffany in 'Bride of Chucky', which is why she looked familiar to Tiffany.

Chucky and Tiffany will lay low for now, but they will make a comeback later.

Thank you to gussygus28 for his help with the Child's Play parts of the chapter, and to PotCFan101 for the inspiration with the 'Dark Legends' series.

And hope the cameo of Art the Clown from 'Terrifier' and Constantine dealing with him was enjoyed. Now Art won't be able to terrorize anyone in the first or second 'Terrifier' movies.

Thea's and Sara's bloodlust problem has been solved as well.

For Constantine being depowered temporarily, he did not expect that voodoo assault on himself specifically so he didn't prepare for it, but either way, he recovered quite quickly.

And thank you to Phillipe363 for letting me use the scene of Oliver calling Laurel out from his one-shot 'Fixing the Haunted Episode'. Only reason I put that scene in is to let an Oliver who has regained his spine thanks to Eliot call Laurel out over her hypocrisy, which she deserved as much as Felicity and Diggle do frankly.

Eliot has been captured, but Parker, Hardison and Hunt are coming.

Adrian has been trained by Talia, but since he arrived a year early, he is not as good as he was in canon. The reason Adrian came early is because of Takeo, who was on a personal vendetta of his own, which Adrian did not like as he wants to kill Oliver himself, so he entered the picture a year earlier, but as you can see, he is good, but not good enough yet.

Meanwhile, Blade shows he is not to be messed with to the Death Watch.

While Thor has finally come, and the watermelon creature that is the Tonberry is beaten, but the Black Racer problem still remains.

Zoom has been exposed now, courtesy of Aragorn and Batman, with some help from Harry, but he still brutalized Barry.

However, due to being affected by all those traps earlier as well as using his speed drug to boost himself temporarily and then it wearing off, him beating up Barry was bad for him too. If he'd simply run off, he'd have recovered quicker but since he stopped to wail upon Barry, his recovery will take longer now.

I'm not showing the Barry/Patty scenes because they happened the same as in canon until now, and the show did a phenomenal job at building up their relationship and dynamic anyways, as well as Patty's character.

What it did wrong was stupidly breaking up these two in 2x11 and writing Patty out forever to make way for the disgusting WestAllen *vomits*

Rest assured that bullsh*t won't happen here, and the actual good pairing that is Barry/Patty will stay together.

Buffyverse and Supernatural shall return to the picture in the next chapter.

Anyways, hope all enjoyed and see you all next time with another chapter.

Chapter 8: More worlds collide


A solution is found to the Black Racer problem. Parker, Hardison and Hunt arrive on Earth-1. Angel and Buffy end up being dragged into this Multiversal mess as well.


Disclaimer: I do not own anything you may recognize

Thank you to everyone for the kudos, hits, comments and bookmarks.

Thank you very much to Brainstorm Sorcerer for his help with this chapter here.

And now Buffyverse and Supernatural return.

Enjoy the chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Earth-199999, New York City

The people were running around from what seemed like a 'Speed Storm', with lightning cracking all over at high speeds.

One of the lightning bolts hit a signal tower, which started falling upon a man, who looked up in horror while some of the lightning was about to strike his hand too. "Somebody save me!"

At that moment, Clark flew in at high speed, managing to fly the man out of the way, while a speed tornado was formed.

"Stay calm sir, I've got you", Clark assured him, flying him away before dropping him at a distance, where many other people had been gathered too.

"What is that?" One of the women asked.

"Nothing good", Tony said as he landed near them. "Anyways, all of you should get out of dodge right now, because this ain't stopping anytime soon."

"What about you all?" One of the men asked.

"We will try to stop it", Clark shrugged, as the people all ran off, while the speed storm continued to grow.

Then, lightning cracked in the sky, while clouds appeared, everything darkening, as Thor hovered in the air, twirling Mjolnir.

"Storm of speed, I command thee halt!" Thor declared, twirling Mjolnir faster, and the speed storm seemed to disperse, with all of the tornadoes twirling into the air before going into his hammer, dissipating completely.

"Good work, Thor", Steve said from where he stood on top of a building.

"I'm getting alerts", Tony revealed. "More of these keep coming all over the world. And we can't stop all of them!"

"What are we supposed to do now?" Natasha wondered, when Bart sped in, standing next to Clark and Tony.

"I can't let others suffer just so that I don't die", Bart told everyone.

"That doesn't mean you should throw your life away, Bart!" Clark pointed out to him.

"And what about the lives of all these people?!" Bart inquired. "I only used to think about myself, how I can help myself, live out my life while not giving a damn about anything. But you…you showed me I could be better, and that I could be part of something bigger than just myself. I can't let these people die to save myself, amigo."

"Bart…" Clark trailed off, proud as well as stricken with grief over what his friend planned to do at the same time.

"I have a plan, my friend", Thor said as he flew down to the ground, landing next to the other three.

"You're…Thor, right?" Bart asked, not believing it, Thor simply nodding. "Damn! Can't believe I'm face to face with a God. Like, are you omnipot-"

"Nay, I'm a God, but I'm not the most powerful being out there", Thor told Bart. "However, if my plan works, we can stop all this, and save you."

"Really? How?" Bart asked.

"Only you can see this Speed Demon of Death, am I correct?" Thor asked.

"Yeah, that's correct, amigo", Bart said, then slapped his head. "Sorry, shouldn't talk to you like that."

Thor paid that no mind, and simply said. "In that case, here is what we shall be doing-"

Earth-1, Star City

Oliver Queen in his Green Arrow suit was back in the safehouse where Eliot stayed. It might be strange but, Oliver had started preferring spending time with him over anyone in his team.

Eliot seemed to be the only one who wanted Oliver to stay true to who he truly was, rather than trying to (or guilting him to, more accurately) make him someone he is not.

Because of him, Oliver had realized that his fighting skills had deteriorated, because he'd let his team's constant criticism against him and his methods get to him on a very deep level, and in trying to win over their approval, he had started holding back a bit too much.

But now he knew they'd never be pleased no matter how hard he tried. They were still his friends, and he still cared about all of them, but it was time they respected him and his leadership as well.

Though as Oliver looked around here, he was shocked to see the entire place a mess, and looking down, he saw a few tranq darts.

"No…" he whispered as he knelt down, picking one up to examine it closely.

"Green Arrow!"Felicity's voice came on the comms.

"Talk to me", Oliver told her.

"Breach activity on 5thBoulevard", Felicity said. "Some people are coming through."

"I'm gonna go check", Oliver said, before firing a grapple arrow and using it to swing away.


Oliver swung right in front of the area where the breach was appearing, with three figures walking out of it.

As he watched, he realized it was two men and one woman.

Oliver quickly nocked an arrow, making one of the men, whose skin was light, aim a gun at him.

"Why are you here?!" Oliver asked with a snarl.

"Looking for a badass. About yay tall," Hardison gestured to Eliot's height, "has a soul patch, great voice, kind of awesome in a country way-"

"Refers to things as very distinctive, doesn't like guns, beautiful hair-" Parker continued.

"Makes you rethink every decision you made in your life but turns out he's just making you a better person in the end." Hardison and Parker went wide eyed and looked at Ethan, who noticed the looks. "What?"

Meanwhile, Oliver was thinking,'Yeah, these people definitely know Eliot.'

So he simply said. "All right, here's what we'll do. I think I know your friend, so we will count to three, and say his full name together, just to confirm."

"That works", Hunt nodded.

So, the four of them counted to three mentally, then said it-

"Eliot Spencer!"

"Oh yeah!" Hardison said immediately. "That's him. You know the guy?"

"So, you know his name. How do we know we can trust you?" Ethan then asked Oliver.

"Oh come on, with that suit, and the bow and arrows, he is clearly a vigilante superhero", Hardison pointed out. "Nowadays, they are the most trustworthy lot."

"What you said about Eliot, he did the same for me", Oliver told Hunt. "He said two people would come for him. I think he was one short."

"Most likely didn't count on me", Hunt told Oliver, while gesturing to Parker and Hardison. "Because these two are with him almost all the time."

"Some people have taken Eliot", Oliver revealed, lowering his bow while the other three looked shocked, Hunt lowering his gun as well. "And we need to get him back now."


Angel and Buffy Summers looked at each other, having agreed in this meetup after her resurrection that they should keep their distance for now, as it'd be for the best.

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"Well then", Buffy said, Angel nodding, as she turned to walk off, when suddenly Buffy fell into a blue portal that opened up.

"No!" Angel cried out as he leapt after her, and the two ended up falling, seeing various things in the way.

First they saw some person in a green and brown type of armor with a helmet, wielding a flaming sword.

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Then they saw a guy with spiky white hair, having markings on his face and muscular body, wearing gauntlets having no pupils, with his eyes glowing as he growled.

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Next, they saw a beautiful woman with a tall figure, having black hair wrapped into a beehive-like hairdo and grey eyes, a mole at the bottom of her left cheek close to her lips, with a skintight suit.

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After that, they witnessed a tiny dragon with wings, having green skin, and purple horns and claws.

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Next, they saw a handsome but scrawny young man with black hair and violet eyes, wearing some kind of uniform.

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Then they came upon a short, blonde man wearing his hair like a braid, with one strand of the hair standing up like an antenna.

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Next up, they saw three very alluring people, two men, one dirty blonde and the other a brunette, and a blonde woman, walking forth. They had similar facial features, clearly siblings.

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And then they witnessed a medium-sized black-haired and hazel-eyed woman.

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After that, they saw a young boy wearing blue shorts with cuffs, sandals, and a sleeveless red vest, while having a straw hat.

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Then, the last thing they saw was a man in a trench coat wandering around, right before both of them fell onto the ground, groaning.

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"What just happened?" Buffy muttered, as Angel got up first.

"We fell through something that looks like the wormhole thing from all those months ago", Angel noted as he gave her a hand that she took, letting him help her up.

"And where are we?" Buffy now wondered, Angel looking ahead at the sign of Canonsburg, PA.

"Pennsylvania?" Angel asked in wonder, the two walking ahead. "How did that happen?"

"By falling into the blue portal thingy", Buffy muttered, when Angel looked at the sky.

"The sun is coming up", he realized, the two entering the town. "Guess I'll need to lay low somewhere."

"An Oktoberfest?" Buffy said in confusion on noticing a sign of that, but the year written had her even more shocked. "…In 2008?"

"Did we time-travel?" Angel wondered as well now.

"I think I should scout the place, get an idea about it", Buffy finally decided. "Maybe we can find a way back if we do that."

"Not your area of expertise, Buffy", Angel pointed out.

"Hey!" Buffy turned to him. "I'm not that bad!"

"You're great at many things, Buffy", Angel assured her. "But you should know what are the things you're not good at either."

He still cared about her, and always would, and part of him would always love her. But all this time apart, he did not look back at his time in Sunnydale, and his relationship with her, with rose-tinted glasses anymore.

He wasn't proud of how he'd stalked her, or how he'd been attracted to her on seeing her sucking on a lollipop when she was so young. Clearly, not the best moments of his unlife, which was an understatement.

And then there was sleeping with her when she was 17 and he was an adult even in human years. It had also turned him into Angelus, because he'd now realized he was living only for her at the time, hence being with her then had made him perfectly happy.

He was positive if he got into a relationship now, sex or even being with the person wouldn't make him perfectly happy, because now he lived like a normal person (as normal as things could get for a Vampire with a soul), and had many more things to live for than just one person.

Not to mention looking back, Buffy wasn't the best leader of the Scoobies, and had flaws in her thinking and strategies, which she still hadn't grown over.

He hoped she would, and he knew she could but right now, she hadn't.

"I'm not saying this to hurt you, I'm saying this because I know you can get better at it if you try", Angel assured her. "But right now, its best to not do it on your own."

Buffy sighed, realizing his point now, and nodded, the two reaching a dark alley under a shade. "So, what do you think I should do?"

"Well, I mean, this time would have Internet, right?" Angel asked her.

"Angel, we have Internet in our time too", Buffy pointed out, and he nodded while cringing a bit.

"Right, so perhaps you can look there, while I hide out in the dark", Angel told her and she nodded, walking off.

"Got it."

Earth-199999, Los Angeles

A speed storm had broken out in this place too, as people ran around in terror, trying to avoid the tornadoes that popped up, when Clark flew in, flying a few people out of the way quickly.

"Bart, you're up!" Steve told him via comms.

"Yeah, and doing it fast will be appreciated", Tony added, as he grabbed two more people and flew them away, while Hulk leapt in the way of a speed storm to defend a group from it, growling.

"Only way I know how", Bart said as he rushed in, holding out his hand towards one of the tornadoes, and absorbing its power into himself. "This thing will not come after me again!"

He cracked with multi-colored lightning, before rushing forth as he saw the black figure standing up ahead in front of another today.

"Bart!" Clark cried out.

"Be right back", Bart told Clark, before rushing towards the Black Racer. "Ya want speed, don't ya? Well, here it is."

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The Black Racer rushed at Bart, who ran as fast as he could, and avoided its attempt to grab him, though he knew that this was it. It was now or never.

Before the Black Racer could attempt once more, Bart gave it an uppercut with all the strength and momentum he had built up from his run and the Speed Force absorption from the speed storm tornado.

The power of the uppercut sent the Black Racer flying into the air as it screeched in anger, before falling to the ground, not noticing that something was coming onto the surface of the ground.

Before it could get up, the Bifrost surrounded it, scorching the ground that it was upon.

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"What is…."The Black Racer snarled as it started standing up. "This is…not…."

Bart then rushed at Clark, while Thor aimed Mjolnir at the speedster. The speed storm that he had absorbed, he unleashed it upon Bart, who screamed while touching Clark, the combination of Mjolnir and the speed storm transferring the speed into Clark temporarily, the Kryptonian now glowing with Speed Force lightning, now able to see the Black Racer himself.

The Black Racer was about to run out of the Bifrost's area, when the Speed Force empowered Clark rushed towards it, getting into the Bifrost and grabbing the Black Racer by the throat.

"Here!" Clark snarled. "Take all of this speed!"

"Now!" Thor roared, and as Clark held the Black Racer in his grip, the Speed Demon slowly absorbing all the speed in an attempt to get free, the Bifrost faded, taking Clark and the Black Racer with it.

"Is it done?" Clint inquired, everyone looking up in anticipation.


The Bifrost struck the ground of the now abandoned Dark Elf Realm, where Clark continued to give the speed up to the Black Racer.

"What is…"The Black Racer trailed off in horror when there was a giant explosion, that made powerful winds flutter over the entire area, while also levelling a cliff, with Clark gritting his teeth when he felt himself glitch again, and groaned in pain as he fell to his knees while the explosion made him fly back by a few feet.

He lay on the ground, panting, not really tired, but affected by the combination of his glitching and the explosion he'd endured, not to mention, taking the Speed Force within him temporarily.

As he opened his eyes, he noted how deserted the entire world looked, and very dark, with little light there, and then he felt himself weaken, realizing there was no sun here, and because of that, he had started running out of power already.

"Get me out….." Clark trailed off, as the Bifrost struck the ground around him once more, and then faded, taking Clark with it.


The Bifrost struck the ground again, and then Clark appeared while it faded, as Clark panted, falling to his knees, before raising his hand up into the sky, taking in the energy of the sun.

"You all right, amigo?" Bart asked carefully as he walked next to Clark, grasping his friend gently by the shoulder.

"We…..did it…." Clark said with a smile, as Bart broke out into a smile too. "And I just travelled through the Bifrost!"

"Hell yeah!" Bart cheered happily. "I owe you everything, amigo!"

"Even if I couldn't catch you, I guess I caught your fear", Clark noted, as he and Bart flashed back to a simpler time.

7 years ago, Earth-21, Smallville

"Are you sure there's nothing I can do to change your mind?" Clark asked Bart as they stood in the barn, Bart looking the other way.

"Tell you what…" Bart trailed off, before smirking as he turned around. "If….you can catch me, I'll think about it."

With that, he ran off at superspeed, while a smirking Clark ran behind him.

The two ran through the fields, before Bart turned around and started running backwards at superspeed, still ahead of Clark, the two exchanging a smile.

Then Bart did a mock salute, and turned around, running off so fast that he looked to be in superspeed to Clark, who was himself running at superspeed.

Clark stopped, a little disappointed that Bart wasn't sticking around, but still managing to smile, hoping the speedster did find others like them.

Present Day, Earth-199999, Los Angeles

"You did, amigo", Bart nodded, helping Clark stand up. "Not catching me though."

Both chuckled at that, when Tony walked up next to them. "So Clark, I just did a scan of you, the Speed Force within you is gone."

"That's good."


"What?" Clark inquired.

"There is no radiation on you either", Tony revealed, Clark's eyes widening.

"That means…"

"Oh yeah", Tony nodded in agreement, as the other Avengers gathered nearby.

"Good work everyone", Steve complimented the rest, looking at Bart, Clark and Thor. "The three of you have done it."

Suddenly, Clark and Bart glitched again, both falling down, as Tony said. "Think we should start working on a way to make a path back to their world as well."

Earth-1, Star City

The team had all gotten a call, and had assembled in the lair, when they saw Oliver walk in, alongside three strangers, to their shock.

Diggle was the first to talk. "Umm, Oliver, what the hell?"

"Guys, this is Ethan, Parker, and Hardison." The three nodded, waved, and lazily saluted, respectively.

"Hi." Ethan gave a half smile that Thea, Laurel, Sara, and Felicity couldn't help find extremely charming.

"They're from Eliot's world."

"Eliot, as in new masked buddy Eliot?" Laurel inquired to Oliver.

This of course meant to the three that Eliot had been busy, even in a new world.

"Does that man ever take a vacation?" Hardison asked incredulously to the only other people who knew the hitter.

Parker shrugged. "Probably when he's dead."

"So, basically never", Ethan further explained, and they agreed on that statement.

"Look, he's been taken, and we need all hands-on deck to find him, our normal way of doing things are on hold until we get him back. So, to speed things along: Thea, Diggle, Laurel, Sara, and Felicity." Oliver gestured to each one when saying their name. Felicity awkwardly waved.

Then she said. "So, I've been trying to look at the footage around the safehouse for several blocks, but they've been wiped clean, so there's no footage, and even I can't find out where this came from."

At that moment, Hardison pulled Felicity's chairs from the computers, sitting there and pretty much taking over.

Felicity started. "Hey, that's my stat-"

"Let him do his work", Oliver told her, and she stopped. "If Eliot's skills are anything to go by, then I have a feeling the people he works with are just as good."

"So you've seen what Eliot does?" Hardison asked over his shoulder, his fingers tapping over the keyboard at inhuman speeds, with Oliver nodding in response. "Well then, let the master magician show you what he can do."

Felicity looked over Hardison's shoulder, still ticked at someone touching her babies. "I already did tha-" then the screen showed camera footage of vans outside Eliot's safehouse, and carrying him away, constantly shocking him with tasers.

Hardison, Parker, and Ethan didn't speak for a moment as they watched the screen. Even as the group made it to the van, Eliot pulled his arm free and used one of his captor's tasers on his friend while kicking the one behind him, pulling the same guy in his grip in front of him to shield himself before bashing his head against the van and throwing him forward, only to get shot by another geared up kidnapper.

Eliot hit the ground, and the one who shot him approached to cuff him, but Eliot kicked his leg out from under him and grabbed his masked face, but the man rolled away as the other men returned and prodded him with all their tasers while the now unmasked man kicked his head, dazing Eliot, and let the men cuff and restrain him before throwing him into the van.

Hunt looked at Parker and Hardison, both clearly looking enraged at what they were seeing, not that he could blame them. He was pretty angry himself, and the two were much closer to Eliot than he was.

Oliver clutched his fists, the rest of Team Arrow sharing a look.

Ethan had to shake Hardison out of his rage induced stupor, and composing himself, Hardison typed a bit, getting further ahead, typing in code after code that seemed to bring him closer to his destination as he said. "I knew that the closed-circuit cameras had to be wiped locally, so I found the source and backtracked it to the big boss, and I'm almost…here it is. I don't know the name- ARGUS?"

"Waller." Oliver growled, knowing 99% until now it was her, but now he knew it 100%, and with the culprit confirmed to him, he could now make a better plan to rescue his friend.

"Not a fan I take it?" Ethan asked rhetorically.

Oliver briefly summarized. "ARGUS is a research group and special ops division of the US government, tasked with taking down terrorist threats in secrecy and without public knowledge. But their leader, Amanda Waller, she is as bad as the people she takes down, and shows no regards for human lives. She has gone as far as extortion, mostly threatening families of people whose skills she found useful to make them work for her. She threatened an innocent family once to keep me under her thumb, and one time she was willing to take out an entire plane just to kill one target inside. She has this task force called Task Force X, made up of some very dangerous criminals, who get bombs put in their heads to listen to every word of hers."

All three newcomers clearly looked disgusted, as well as concerned for Eliot, before Ethan summed up. "So we're dealing with a less friendly SHIELD that seems more like HYDRA."

"We've been here for five minutes, but I got to say, your world sucks", Parker told Team Arrow.

"We do have serious sickos on our world...and I can't believe I just said "our world" in that context", Thea had to say.

"All right, tell me who this son of a bitch is", Hardison said as he started hacking into every database he could to identify the unmasked man from the footage. In a few minutes, he got a picture of the man in a US army uniform. "Richard Roger Flag. West Point graduate. Colonel. US Army. Special Forces. Real black ops stuff." Hardison squinted his eyes as he read more, the whole dossier reminding him of something. "Iraq, Afghanistan, Qurac, wherever the hell that is. Bronze Star, Silver Star, medal, medal, medal, etcetera." Hardison typed on the keys for more, only to be met with files nearly blacked out entirely. "And more black ink than a pen factory."

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"Is it just me, or does he remind you of-"

"Nah, no, no way." Hardison waved off Parker, before he froze after seeing more blacked out files. "Okay maybe a little."


"He's almost like another version of Eliot", Ethan answered for the confused Oliver, along with the rest of his team. "Eliot was one of the Army's best operators before he was discharged."

"That's where they differ. This Flag guy stayed, but transferred to a branch of DHS," Hardison did his magic and found the name. "Which is ARGUS."

Oliver felt his blood boil at the name again, Ethan noticing the anger in him and his team, the archer snarling. "Waller will pay for this."


Buffy had just looked things up in an Internet café, and what she had found out had scared her, so she had come to a small abandoned warehouse where Angel had decided to hide out.

"I tried to look up Sunnydale to see how far it'd be from here, but I didn't find it on the Internet", Buffy revealed, surprising Angel. "I think something really wrong has happened in this future, we need to get to where Sunnydale is fast!"

"Buffy", Angel started.

"Come on, this could be bad!"

"Keep your head on straight", Angel put a hand on her shoulder. "We don't know what the hell is going on. The last thing we need is for you to run off half-co*cked, and expect things to turn out okay when in reality, neither of us have any clue what to do."

That calmed Buffy down as she realized. "Yeah, guess you're right. Not been in the best state for a while."

"I get that, but if we want to get out of this, we need to think clearly", Angel pointed out, before asking her. "So, did you look up Wolfram and Hart?"

"Umm, no, why?" Buffy inquired as Angel groaned.

"You looked up one thing regarding yourself, but nothing about anything else", Angel pointed out. "I've been sitting here and thinking. Maybe we're not in the future."

"Then where are we?" Buffy asked.

"Remember Willow's Vampire self?" Angel asked, Buffy nodding. "Well, she was from an alternate reality, and I've been to a different Dimension a few months ago myself, plus I've heard stories of mirror worlds."

"So, what are you saying?" Buffy inquired.

"Maybe this is not our world", Angel told her. "And whatever the wormhole was, it opened a way between our world and others, this being one of them."

"Angel, that's crazy", Buffy told him.

"You were dead for months, and you say you're in Heaven, now you're alive again", Angel pointed out, the reference to Heaven making her face drop a bit. "And you thought we'd time-travelled. But this is crazy?"

"Okay, fair point, considering the example with Vampire Willow's reality you gave", Buffy sighed. "What should we do?"

"I'm thinking at night, we can split up and try to find out a bit more about this place, who knows? Something will pop up", Angel pointed out.

Earth-199999, New York City, Avengers Tower

"How long now?" Bart asked.

"Just two more minutes", Banner assured him.

"Even that's too long for me", Bart groaned.

"We understand son, just be a little patient", Steve assured him. "You survived the thing chasing you. Both of you can deal with this for a little longer."

Tony tinkered with the device a little bit longer, as sparks flew, and then he went. "Tada!"

"Is it done?" Clark inquired.

"This is a device that can focus on your frequencies to open a stable portal to your world, and it can open ways between both our worlds", Tony revealed.

"Meaning we can go through these to meet anytime we need", Bart realized.

"And with no cellular decay this time", Clark noted as Tony nodded.

"Yes, meet the Inter Dimensional Initial Opening Tool." Natasha rolled her eyes.

"I.D.I.O.T.?" Clint asked.

"Patent pending", Tony shrugged shamelessly.

"We begged him to change the name", Banner moaned.

"Too late, it's stuck."

Suddenly, there was a bright light in the room, and then Oliver, Lois, Chloe, Tess and Emil appeared, all holding the Mirror Box.

"Lois?" Clark said in disbelief, as she rushed to him and kissed him on the lips, Clark returning it without any complaints.

After a whole minute, the two broke apart as Lois asked. "Oh my God! Are you all right, Clark?" She turned to Bart. "You too, is everything okay?"

"It will be now", Clark assured her, before looking at Oliver, Chloe, Tess and Emil. "Thank you for coming."

"How did you lot find us though?" Bart inquired.

"Modified the Mirror Box to track you", Emil told Clark.

"I knew you guys could do it", Clark said.

"So, a little lost here, these your friends?" Tony asked Clark and Bart.

"We'd be just that", Oliver said. "Mr…"

"Tony Stark. Genius, billionaire, philanthropist", Tony shrugged as he raised his arms to either side. "And Iron Man."

"Oliver Queen. Billionaire, philanthropist", Oliver said in reply with a smirk. "I'm the Green Arrow."

"I'd love to see how well you shoot sometime", Clint told him as he held up his own bow. "I'm Hawkeye, by the way."

"Guess its on", Oliver quipped, the rest chuckling at the antics of the two archers.

"Guys, meet our friends from our Earth. You know Oliver. These are Lois, Chloe, Tess and Emil", Clark gestured to each of them, as the former two waved while the latter two nodded on being introduced, while Clark turned to his friends. "These are the Avengers, the heroes of this Earth. You know Tony, the rest are Steve, Dr. Banner, Natasha, Clint and Thor."

The Avengers simply nodded on being introduced, before Lois asked. "Thor? Like the God?"

"Exactly like the God", Bart shrugged, making their jaws drop.

"Whoa! Didn't expect that", Oliver had to say.

"Meeting a God from the myths in the flesh? Yeah, I have to agree", Tess noted.

"You are a good hero, Clark. You as well, Bart", Thor said to Clark and Bart. "It was an honor to fight alongside the two of you."

"It was our honor as well", Clark said, shaking hands with him, before shaking hands with Tony and Banner. "Thank you, for all your help."

"Its no problem, Supes", Tony shrugged.

"It was a pleasure to meet all of you, but I'm sure you all need to get back to your worlds", Steve noted.

"Yeah, in a bit of a hurry right now", Chloe said.

"As are we", Bart revealed.

"So", Emil held up the Mirror Box.

"I think we should try this IDIOT", Clark took the IDIOT from Tony.

"IDIOT?" Lois questioned, the rest sharing a confused look.

"Long story", Bart muttered.

"I gave it a name that shortens to that", Tony smirked.

"Okay, not that long", Bart sighed.

"That...that's new", Oliver commented, as Clark then pressed a button, and a portal was opened.

"They made that?" Emil asked in surprise as he gestured to Tony and Banner.

"The geniuses of this Earth made an IDIOT, yes", Bart shrugged, before speeding into the portal.

"Come on", Clark said, as he and Lois held hands, and group shared one more nod with the Avengers, before all of them walked through it, back to their world, the portal closing soon afterwards.

"And that's one more adventure for the Avengers done", Tony quipped.

Earth-21, Metropolis

A portal opened as Bart sped out, then Clark, Lois, Oliver, Chloe, Tess and Emil walked out, with this portal closing too, Clark commenting. "So it works then."

They were in the warehouse from before, but nothing was there anymore.

"Ah, dear old Lex, cleaned up the mess", Oliver muttered.

"Not really surprised there", Bart shrugged, as he and Clark sped everyone out of there, back to the Watchtower.

"We were all so worried", Chloe had to say. "Especially Lois here."

"Good to have you both back", Oliver agreed, patting Clark's shoulder.

"Lois, I want to tell you something", Clark then said as he turned to her.

"What is it, Smallville?" Lois inquired.

"Over there, I had to absorb some of the Speed Force briefly, and it took out the radiation Lex had dosed me with", Clark revealed, Lois' face one of disbelief and joy at the same time, while he smiled. "I can come back home."

Lois didn't say a word, simply kissed him happily on the lips, while Clark returned the kiss with no complaints.

Earth-1, Star City

Hardison was hard at work, searching through every street camera, backtracking the ownership of every unoccupied warehouse and building, working triple time, before the image of an old QC owned office popped up. "I think this is the place."

"You sure?" Oliver asked. "That building belongs to the company I used to own."

"Its been empty for years, but I found out a lot of electricity started being used here, in this week itself", Hardison revealed, Oliver's eyes narrowing.

"ARGUS could be using it as an off the books safehouse", Oliver realized, before walking over to his bow and picking it up. "Time to go now."

Ethan started gearing up at that point. "This is your city, and your world, I respect that, but Eliot is my friend, he has saved my life more times than I could count. Get in my way, you're my enemy too."

"I have no problem with you coming", Oliver assured Hunt.

Diggle started. "But Oliver-"

"No arguments, Diggle", Oliver told him.

"I think we'll stay here and hold the fort", Sara said, Oliver nodding, appreciating that even though she'd just been resurrected, she had his back and knew what was best. "You go and get your friend back."

"Thank you Sara", Oliver said, while Parker stepped forth.

"I'm coming too, I'll help free him", Parker assured.

"Be careful", Hardison told her, as they shared a kiss.

"Anyways, get ready, and then we'll go", Oliver said, Hunt and Parker nodding.

A while later, abandoned QC building

Oliver was perched outside the place, very close, as he said into the earpiece. "Hardison, do your thing."

Felicity was trying to type in something, only for Hardison to slap her hand away. "No touch, in the zone."

Felicity looked offended, and folded her arms, then stepped back, before Hardison pressed a few buttons. "Commencing in 3…2…1…"

In the building, all lights went out, Hardison having caused a blackout.

"Go!" Oliver said before using a grapple arrow to swing in himself. He watched as some ARGUS Agents walked out with guns out, and quickly nocking an arrow, he fired, getting the gun of one of them.

All of them tried to fire at him but he rushed away and leaping, fired another arrow, that multiplied into many, and disarmed all of them.

With that, Oliver fired at one agent, getting his shoulder as he went down, and then leaping, he wrapped one's neck between his feet and flipped him down, knocking him out, before spinning and striking two of them in their guts, making them fall down as well.

One more tried to strike him but Oliver spun and kicked his ankle, breaking it as he gasped in pain while Oliver punched him out.

Another one tried to strike him with a knife from behind but Oliver side-stepped, grabbed his hand, then flipped him over his shoulder, disarming him, before kicking him out.

Smirking, Oliver whispered. "Thanks Eliot." And then he leapt into the air and flipped, firing at another agent that had just entered the room, getting his shoulder and putting him down.

Flag was on his way as well, but seeing Green Arrow beating up his agents, he realized it was a trap, and started making his way back.

Hunt swung down from a hole he'd made in the rooftop into the room where Hardison had said the most electricity was being used.

Some agents left in the room were about to turn towards him, but Hunt, quick on the draw, used his gun, firing at all of them, getting them in non-lethal spots as they went down.

Hunt turned to where Eliot was, seeing he was tied up in a bolted down chair, with restraints on both wrists, neck and legs, blood pouring out of him at some points.

He was saddened on seeing him in this condition, and he made to move towards him, when Flag stepped in, and snarled at him. "Real smart, the blackout, the diversion, but not smart enough"

Hunt fired at Flag, who leapt away and took cover, then fired at Ethan, who also took cover, though Flag avoided firing at Eliot.

Parker, who'd climbed the building, snuck in at that point, and Flag fired at her but she rolled away to avoid, taking cover.

Hunt got up and fired again, Flag ducking to avoid, before firing back as Hunt took cover once more near a big drawer, and the firing continued for a while, before Hunt fired, only to hear the click of a gun, realizing he'd run out.

Flag got up and started approaching Hunt.

Hunt then pushed the drawer, making it drop on Flag, who barely avoided, just as Hunt popped out and grabbed Flag's hand, kneed him, turned around, then twisted his wrist, disarming him of his gun. Flag punched him in the back of the head, but Hunt elbowed his face.

Then turning around, Hunt tried to strike a few times as Flag blocked, then kicked Hunt's chest, sending him back. Hunt tried to strike but Flag ducked and grabbed Hunt by the waist, trying to push him towards some tables to slam him, Hunt resisted, causing Flag to punch his back, while Hunt kneed his chest and elbowed his back twice, until Flag threw both of them down on the ground as they groaned.

Hunt got up and tried to punch, then elbow, but Flag blocked the blows and as Hunt tried to strike again, Flag blocked and struck the side of his neck, before throwing Hunt off as he rolled away.

Ethan got up, while Rick grabbed a laptop from a desk, smashing it on Hunt's back. In return, Hunt ripped out a keyboard from the desk and struck Flag's hand, making him drop the laptop, then struck him twice with it, before he blocked the 3rd time, Hunt dropping the keyboard as Flag punched his gut, then punched him back, but Hunt spun and kicked his face, sending him back too.

Hunt tried to strike again but Flag grabbed his arm and kicked his chest, then pinned him to a pillar and kneed his back, only for Hunt to elbow his face, freeing himself. Hunt tried to elbow again as Flag blocked, and then Flag blocked a kick of his too, before trying to punch as Hunt blocked, and both were in a deadlock for a bit, until Hunt punched Flag's side and kicked his leg, but Flag decked Hunt and tried to kick, only for Hunt to grab his foot, and slam him into a table, shattering it, before continuing to pound upon him.

Flag tried to roll them over, and got behind Hunt, striking him in the back a few times before Hunt grabbed his wrist and flipped him over his shoulder, making him fall the other way, and as he tried to get up, Hunt leapt and kicked his chest, sending him falling away.

Rick got up with a groan, as Hunt tried to strike again a few times that Flag blocked, before punching his face and elbowing his chest, and then tried to strike again but Hunt grabbed his arm, elbowed his face, and then threw him to the ground.

He marched towards Flag who got up and tried to strike again but Hunt dodged and grabbing him, slammed him to a drawer twice, then kneed him twice.

Flag kept his foot on the drawer and using it to give himself momentum, leapt and flipped, throwing Hunt off. Hunt got up but Flag kicked him to a door, then charged but Hunt grabbed him as both fell through it.

They got up, Hunt trying to punch as Flag blocked and decked his face twice, before trying to punch again as Hunt blocked and decked him twice too, then grabbed his head before trying to knee him, but Flag freed himself, decked Hunt's face, then spun and grabbed his arm, getting him in a chokehold.

Ethan grunted, and elbowed Flag in the crotch, making him grunt in pain as he let go, while Ethan turned and push kicked Flag, sending him flying out the glass window that was shattered.

Panting, Hunt rushed to where Eliot was, where Parker was already freeing Eliot, having reached him during the fight between Hunt and Flag.

Eliot had one dislocated wrist, because he'd tried to free himself during the fight, but the rest of him had still been restrained until Parker had freed him.

"Oh no!" Parker whispered in horror, then spoke into her earpiece as Oliver arrived. "We have Eliot, but he's not in a good shape."

"Come on, we got you buddy", Hunt said, gently supporting Eliot away alongside Parker, with Oliver walking with them.

Cables had been connected to his chair to electrocute him, drills had been used on his legs, and he was wet from waterboarding too.

Who knew what they'd have done to him had Oliver, Parker, Hardison and Hunt not pulled out all the stops.


Buffy and Angel had split up to look around the area, while Buffy was walking around, looking here and there.

This new place, presumably in the future and a different world, it was making her feel different from the monotony she was experiencing back home when she'd been brought back.

She'd been in Heaven, and she was at peace. But now, the normal world felt like Hell, with nothing to live for, nothing to strive towards.

The only two people she'd told were Spike and Angel.

She wondered how she'd cope when she went back.

At that moment, she heard a woman's scream, and ran in the direction, only to see what looked like a werewolf straight out of the 1941 'Wolf Man' movie tearing apart a man while his girlfriend screamed in the car.

"What the…?" Buffy muttered, looking at the werewolf with the furry face, black nose, claws and the torn-up pants and shirt. She called out to it. "Hey!"

It turned to her as she rushed it and flipping, kicked it hard on the face, making it fly back and fall down, grunting in pain. "You're 60 years too late, pal."

The werewolf growled at her, and started rushing away. Buffy rolled and getting close to it, grabbed it by the back of the neck, only to hear a ripping sound as part of its skin ended up in her hand, while it growled in pain and leapt away.

"Ewww, eww, eww!" She muttered, looking at the skin in her hand that she dropped in disgust.

Angel was walking through an alley, when he accidentally bumped into two men in suits, one the same size as him, the other a few inches taller.

"Sorry", Angel apologized before walking off, hands in his pockets, as Sam and Dean watched after him, getting an 'off' feeling from the guy.

"My hunter sense is tingling", Dean whispered to Sam about Angel, who heard.

So these were hunters? Better be careful then.

"Yeah, but I think our priority should be the Vampire, who knows how many more people that one will put in the morgue?" Sam told him, Dean nodding as they walked off, while Angel's ears perked up.

The town had a Vampire killer, and someone was already in the morgue too. Well, the two hunters seemed to have an 'off' feeling from him, and he was a Vampire. So he decided he should look into this.

Having snuck into the morgue, Angel pulled out the cabinet that had the body of the Vampire victim. Looking at the puncture wounds, the bite looked exactly like what a Vampire would make.

But it was too clean, he had to say, as if this was in a movie.

As good as Vampires were at feeding in real life, drinking blood sent them into a frenzy, and a mess was always made. So, there was more to this.

A while later, Angel and Buffy were both back in the warehouse, as he asked her. "Anything?"

Squeamishly, Buffy pulled out the wrapped up skin of the werewolf. "Accidentally ripped it off the Wolf Man's neck."

"So, there's a werewolf here too?" Angel muttered.

"'Too'?" Buffy asked in dread.

"I heard two hunters discussing a Vampire attack here, checked the body in the morgue, but I have to say, it was too clean, like in a movie", Angel explained to Buffy. "Not like how its in real life."

"Well, the werewolf I saw looked exactly like the Wolf Man from the 1941 film, rather than what Oz turned into", Buffy revealed, to Angel's surprise.

"So, there is more to this then", Angel noted. "Just like I'd thought."

"So, we have delicate Vamps and skin shedding Werewolves...what is this, Monsterville?" Buffy joked.

A while later, Angel and Buffy had heard people talking out some 'mummy' having murdered a guard, and were on their way to the museum, and were about to reach the place through an alley, when they heard the clicking of guns behind them, and turned around to see Dean and Sam pointing guns at them.

"I knew something was off about you", Dean snarled at Angel, then turned to Buffy. "And the werewolf victim's girlfriend mentioned a blonde girl going after it. Well, here you two are. So, what are you two up to?"

Buffy raised her hands and tried to calm the situation down. "Let's talk about this. We're not enemies here. I'm the Slayer."

"...you're a what now?" Dean asked in confusion.

"The Slayer. You know, the girl chosen to fight the forces of darkness, save the world."

Dean and Sam looked at each other, both thinking the same thing before Dean said it. "You touched in the head or something? Otherwise, you've been doing a crap job of it."


"Okay, let's just calm down." Angel pushed Buffy behind him and addressed the guys. "Clearly there's a few things going on we don't understand-"

"No kidding", Sam quipped.

"-but we aren't the bad guys. Look, if we're being honest, I'm a Vampire, but I have a soul."

The brothers again shared a look, this one, confused, before Dean asked. "The hell is that supposed to mean?"

"You know, a soul, I'm a Vampire with a soul. I'm good!"

"That's not a thing", Sam shook his head.

"It's definitely a thing."

"Oh yeah? How do you kill a Vampire?" Dean inquired.

"Well, there's a number of ways, wood through the heart-"

"EEERRRR! Wrong answer." Dean aimed his gun more firmly now.

"I think I know how to kill me!"

"How about I take your head to be sure?" Dean inquired.

"Dean!" Sam stopped the "Vampire with a soul" and his brother's arguing. Looking between the two strangers, Sam sighed before holstering his gun, to the disbelief of his brother. "Obviously, there's more going here than we know, clearly you guys aren't the murderers."

"He admitted he's a Vampire."

"Oh now you believe me."

"OKAY! Let's just, agree to hold off from trying to kill each other and solve the case, agreed?" Sam looked at his brother, and Dean, despite his instincts, complied, putting his gun away with a huff. Turning to the "Vampire" and "Slayer", he awaited an answer, and thankfully, they nodded. "I'm Sam, this is my brother, Dean." He ignored his brother's grunt.

"Angel." Dean snorted at the name, but the Champion ignored it to gesture to his ex. "This is Buffy."

The brothers were quiet, only staring at Buffy at first, causing the young woman to look at them strangely. They were tense, biting the inside of their cheeks, before they finally gave in and let out snickers, while it turned to full-blown laughter in Dean's case.

Buffy's face was a stone, but Angel turned away and bit his tongue to hide his own amusem*nt.

After a few moments, the Winchesters calmed down as Dean walked forth. "Anyways, we're gonna investigate the mummy murder there."

"I can help with that", Angel offered.

"Offer's appreciated but we're disguised as agents, you two are not", Sam pointed out as they walked off. "Wait here, we'll come back to talk with you."

Earth-1, Camp Crystal Lake

Friday the 13th theme plays

A teenager was sleeping in a sleeping bag, unaware that all of her friends had been slaughtered already, and now it was just her, all alone.


A giant, hulking man, wearing a hockey mask appeared. He wore a rotten and tattered brown jacket made of burlap, a grey sweatshirt and a navy blue undershirt. Along with black platform boots with laces, black leather gloves, dark brown pants all having visible tatters and rips. He'd dark grey skin and strands of grey hair on the side of his head.

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He grabbed the bag, and then started dragging it away, making the girl inside awaken as she started squirming, but it was of no use.

Jason Voorhees lifted up the bag with the teenager inside, and slammed it on a tree five whole times, breaking all her bones before throwing the bag down, the girl's bleeding and broken body falling out of it.



Jason looked around in confusion, wondering where the voice was coming from.

"You can't see me Jason, but I'm there. I'm here to help you."

Jason tilted his head, as if in consideration.

"Many years ago, a teenage boy escaped your grasp. Someone by the name of Rene Ramirez. Let me show you."

Years ago

A teenage Rene Ramirez was running from the giant and hulking man in the hockey mask, who carried a long machete with him.

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He'd just come here to have some fun alongside two friends of his as they were graduating high school. This wasn't supposed to happen!

Now his friends were dead, brutally murdered, and he was running for his life.

At that moment, Jason Voorhees suddenly appeared in front of Rene, raising his machete to kill him, as Rene fell down in horror.

Jason was about to bring the machete down on him, when a voice was heard. "Freeze!"

The masked killer turned to see a cop aiming his gun at him. "Put the machete down, and come with me."

Jason tilted his head, then hurled the machete at the cop as it spun. The cop fired at Jason in horror but he was unaffected, while the spinning machete chopped off his head, making it fall to the ground, as the rest of his body soon followed.

Walking to his bloodstained machete, Jason picked it up, then turned around, only to see Rene was gone!


"By escaping, he disrespected your mother, for whom you're doing all this."

Hearing that, Jason got very angry, because the voice was right! How dare this Rene Ramirez disrespect his mother by escaping his wrath and vengeance that he was carrying out in her name?

"I know where Rene is."

Jason tilted his head, seeming to consider.

"He is in Keystone City, Jason. Go there, kill all in your path, and kill him too. You shall be granted more power with your attempts too, Jason. You took a boat to Manhattan once. Take a boat to Keystone City now."

Jason was convinced, and so, he walked forth, to find a boat he could use to get to Keystone City and kill Rene.

Earth-21, Metropolis

Lex smirked as he walked back into his warehouse from before. It seemed like his machine had worked, though Clark and Bart had found a way back. Now, it was time to fix it, and see what lay beyond.

"Time to see some new sights."


And we're done with one more now.

So, Buffyverse and Supernatural are back in the game, and are having their own crossover during 4x5 of SPN.

Meanwhile, the 'Haunted' plot with Smallville and MCU is done, and the Smallville characters are back in their world, with a connection established between the Smallville and MCU worlds.

Parker, Hardison, Hunt and Oliver have saved Eliot as well now.

While Jason Voorhees has been contacted by the voice to go and kill Rene Ramirez in Keystone City. And this is a Friday the 13th, so the perfect day for a Jason Voorhees tease, though it'll be a while before he reaches Keystone City tbh.

Thanks a lot to gussygus28 for his help with that scene.

Arrowverse Rick Flag will be played by James Badge Dale, thank you to Brainstorm Sorcerer for that casting.

And we got more cameos, this time they were- Doom Slayer from the DOOM video game series, Asura from 'Asura's Wrath', Bayonetta from the 'Bayonetta' series, Ryu in his Whelp Dragon form from 'Breath of Fire III', Lelouch vi Britannia from 'Code Geass', Edward Elric from 'Fullmetal Alchemist', then three of the Originals (Klaus Mikaelson, Rebekah Mikaelson and Elijah Mikaelson) from 'The Vampire Diaries/The Originals' franchise, Snow White/Mary Margaret Blanchard from 'Once Upon a Time', Monkey D. Luffy from 'One Piece' and then finally Castiel himself before Angel and Buffy fell into the 'Supernatural' Universe.

While Buffy didn't tell anyone other than Spike about having been in Heaven until Sweet made her sing it in Buffy 6x7, I do personally think she'd have told Angel, so I put that headcanon in here.

Things are fixed on the MCU/Smallville side for now, and they've a way to contact each other, but since everything is a mess for the other characters, figured one side needed a little fix at least.

Hope all enjoyed and see you all next time with another chapter.

Chapter 9: The Waller Job


Oliver, Hunt, Parker and Hardison go after Amanda Waller. Blade once more impresses Pre Vizsla and Bo-Katan. Angel and Buffy help Dean and Sam out with their case of the week.


Disclaimer: I do not own anything you may recognize

Thank you to everyone for the kudos, hits, comments and bookmarks.

Thanks a lot to Brainstorm Sorcerer and Stand with Ward and Queen for their help and suggestions on this chapter, very much appreciated.

Also, Jason's rampage won't start yet. It will take him a while to get from Camp Crystal Lake to Keystone City via a boat. He will come around after the Vandal Savage crossover. For his movies, all the movies except Jason X and the 2009 reboot are canon, meaning everything up to 'Freddy vs. Jason'. The reboot can't be canon as its a reboot, and Jason X can't be canon as its supposed to take place in the future.

While for 'Child's Play', everything until 'Curse of Chucky' would have been canon, nothing after that, which was a given since Alice Pierce is still alive in this fic.

And, while Rick Flag was originally played by Alan Ritchson, I changed the actor to James Badge Dale, thanks to Brainstorm Sorcerer for the casting. The fight between Hunt and Flag last chapter wouldn't make any sense with how much Ritchson towers over Cruise (as well as Hunt).

Also, might have forgotten to say this before, but for 'Blade', only the first 2 Wesley Snipes Blade movies are canon on the MCU Earth, not the 3rd one.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


Angel and Buffy waited in the alley, and after a while, they saw Sam come back to them alone.

"Where's Dean?" Buffy inquired.

"He'd a date", Sam revealed. "Regarding the mummy, it wasn't a legit sarcophagus, it was from a prop house in Philly, with a small bucket of dry ice inside."

"So, did the mummy make his own special effects?" Angel asked.

"That's what I'd said", Sam said. "So, you're a detective of some kind?"

"Yep, private detective of the supernatural", Angel told him. "Angel Investigations is the name of the business."

"Cool", Sam had to say.

"Ummm, guys?" Buffy called out.

"What?" The two said at the same time, turning to her, a bit annoyed.

"Nothing", she said on seeing their faces.

"So, we got a Vampire, a werewolf and a mummy, all of them like the movies", Angel noted. "What could it be?"

"Is this town some kind of Hellmouth where people's fantasies could come true or what?" Buffy wondered now.

"What's a Hellmouth?" Sam inquired.

"Not important", Angel told him. "Anyways, you guys got a place or something? We could talk more about this there."

"Sure thing", Sam said as they began to walk off, when Sam got a call.

"Yeah, Dean?" He said into the phone, before sighing. "We're coming."

He cut the call as Buffy asked. "What happened?"

"Dean's date was attacked by our creature", Sam told them. "He fought it off though. Let's go there."

Sam walked off, the two walking after him.

A while later, the three came into the bar as Sam asked Dean and Jamie. "Hey. You guys all right?"

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"Yeah, I think so", Dean told them. "And I think I know what's going on." Dean put a folded towel on the table.


"Part of it, at least."

Sam opened the towel. Dracula's ear was inside.

"Uh, the ear part?" Sam asked him.

"Ripped it off of Dracula's head", Dean revealed. "Touch it."

"Eww", Buffy muttered. "This reminds me, I got some of the werewolf's hair."

"Show us", Dean said, as Buffy took the hair out with a wince, putting them next to the ear.

Sam touched both. "Ugh."

"Feel familiar to you?" Dean inquired.

"Oh, man", Sam groaned.

"Skin of a shapeshifter", Dean revealed. "Just like St. Louis and just like Milwaukee. Of course this one's all holding buckets of crazy. Oh, and, uh..." Dean took out a medallion from his pocket and gave it to Sam. "This, I uh, pulled it off during the fight. Look at the label on the ribbon."

Sam looked at the label. It read, "THE FX SHOP PROPHOUSE PHILADELPHIA, PA." "It's a costume rental."

"All three monsters - the Dracula, Wolf Man, and the mummy - all the same critter, which means we need to catch this freak before he Creature From the Black Lagoons somebody", Dean said to Sam.

"Wait, what exactly are shapeshifters?" Angel inquired.

"They are monsters that can take any human's form at will, including fictional ones I guess", Sam told them.

"We've seen some shapeshifting, but not to this level", Buffy had to say.

Jamie asked. "So, you guys are like Mulder and Scully or something, and The X-Files are real?"

Dean shook his head. "No, The X-Files is a TV show. This is real."

"As much as we wish it wasn't", Angel added.


Sam noted. "Okay, so, the stagecraft, the costuming… it's like he's trying to re-enact his favorite monster movie moments, right down to the bloody murders."

Jamie suddenly asked. "Wait a second. Who the hell is Mina?"

"Mina?" Angel and Sam went together, then shared a look.

"Yeah", Dean revealed. "That's what he called Jamie. And he called me Mr. Harker."

"Jonathan Harker?" Sam noted. "They're characters from the movies and the novels - Mina, Dracula's intended bride, Harker the fiancé that stands in the way. Seems like he's fixating on you, like he sees you as his bride."

"Wow. Lucky me", Jamie realized.

"Oh no, not this Dracula crap again", Buffy groaned, making Dean and Sam look at her.

"I met the real one last year, we almost ended up re-enacting his book's plot, but I beat him", Buffy explained to the brothers. "Not the most pleasant experience, even if meeting Dracula was…something else."

Angel groaned and ranted. "I'm much more interesting than some brooding, goth punk princess." On getting looks from the rest, he said. "The guy's a shill and sellout. He shouldn't be the Vampire everyone looks up to!"

"Jamie", Sam brought the attention back to the important stuff. "If the shifter is fixated on you, my guess is that he has to have seen you before or been around you."

Dean inquired. "Jamie, has anybody strange come to town", he gestured to Angel and Buffy, "not them", they had a weird look of 'seriously, dude?' as he continued, "somebody that has taken a specific notice of you?"

"I don't know, Dean. It's Oktoberfest. I'm a bartender. There's lots of people. I... wait a second. There is Ed", Jamie realized.

""Ed Brewer" Ed?" Sam asked.

"Yeah", Jamie nodded. "He moved here about a month ago. Lucy swears he has a crush on me. He comes in almost every night. But, you know, I don't think he's the type of guy-"

"Where does Ed live?" Dean simply asked.

"I don't know", Jamie confessed. "But he works at the old movie theater. I think he's the projectionist there."

"Take care of Mina?" Sam asked Dean.


"I'll stay too if he comes", Buffy added. "I mean, I know the plot well due to….reasons."

"Sure, I'll go with Sam", Angel said awkwardly, as he and Sam left, leaving Buffy and Dean behind with Jamie.

Earth-1, Star City

Eliot was bandaged, and hooked on an IV, lying down, with Oliver having applied Lian Yu herbs on the man's body to help him recover faster.

"They really did a number on him", Sara noted from a distance, disgust in her voice. "And I've seen plenty bad."

"I know", Oliver said, as Parker and Hardison were on either side of Eliot.

Eliot then managed to speak. "They wanted...to know about us. Our world...governments...enhanced...I didn't tell them jack sh*t."

"We know you didn't, brother. Just take it easy leave the rest to us", Hardison said, making Eliot's eyes widen a bit.

"...That knowledge doesn't exactly comfort me."

Hardison deadpanned the bedridden hitter. "Oh, so now you can speak in complete sentences."

Eliot smirked, but Hardison laughed with him, before Eliot closed his eyes to rest.

"I want to hurt 'em." Hardison says to everyone after walking to them.

"The feeling is mutual", Parker agreed.

"You might want to slow down. You just took down a squad of ARGUS goons, they'll expect retaliation", Diggle pointed out.

"No, not this time", Ethan said as he stood with Eliot's teammates. "If this is allowed to continue, taking these "interlopers" and doing to them what they did to Eliot, or worse, it needs to stop."

"But mostly revenge", Sara noted.

"Yeah, that too."

"Well, I'd do the same if it was someone I loved", Sara shrugged while glancing at Oliver for a brief second.

"I think you all should think this through though", Thea pointed out. "This will be dangerous."

"What would you do if it was Oliver on that bed?" No one could answer, but Ethan knew what that meant. "I figured as much. We're doing this, with or without your help."

"Look, man, I know ARGUS, and I know the horror stories around Waller, because my wife used to work for her, and I've been made to work for her a few times too. Trying to get back at her will be impossible", Diggle warned.

"Well," Ethan looked at the extremely motivated and concerned Parker and Hardison, "impossible is what we do best."

He looked at Team Arrow then. "You can help us, or get out of our way."

"Do you know who you are going up against? Amanda Waller is the most dangerous woman in the government. She has no empathy, only a twisted sense of patriotism where she sees people as things that she can use for her own benefit, exploiting any weakness she can find, even someone's family. Without blinking, she would kill her closest friend to prove a point that she can't be broken. And you want to take her down?" The undeterred faces told him everything, then Oliver almost smiled. "Then there's no way you're doing this without me. Waller and I, we have history, anything I can do to help, you have it."


Buffy listened from a corner as Dean told Jamie about his near-death experience. Hearing that, she related a bit. "I had one of those too a while ago. It was…bad."

"Sorry to hear that", Dean said, then told Jamie. "But when I came to…things were different. My life's been different. I realize that I help people. Not just help them, though. I save them. I guess it's - it's awesome. It's kind of like a gift... like a mission. Kind of like a... a mission from God."

"You really think that?" Buffy asked him in shock, not believing this was how someone would react to something like that.

"I do", Dean said. "Its made me re-evaluate everything, and now I know what matters."

"Right", Buffy said, turning away.

Jamie asked Dean. "So, does the mission from God make you like a monk or something? You know, celibate?"

"I hope not", Dean said, as he and Jamie began to kiss, Buffy deciding it was better to go off and follow Angel and Sam instead of acting like a third wheel here.

So getting up, she walked out, heading towards the theatre. She'd soon wish she'd stayed.

Earth-1, Star City

Lyla Michaels looked at Eliot's condition, then at Diggle and Oliver, the former saying. "I know you've worked for her, but with what she has done, and will do to innocents, you know its gonna get really bad, Lyla."

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She couldn't deny his point, Oliver adding. "You're a good person. I know you can't be comfortable with any of this. So, if there's anything important you can tell us about Waller, now is the time."

After a few moments, where Lyla looked to be in turmoil, she finally said. "I can tell you all about where the important stuff is. How you get it, that'll be up to you."

"For us, that works perfectly", Parker said with a smirk.


After Lyla had told them everything- Oliver, Hunt, Parker and Hardison sat together, brainstorming their strategy.

"So, what do you say?" Hardison asked as he looked at Parker.

"While Nate made me the Mastermind when he left", Parker started. "This is Oliver's world, and he knows Waller best. So for this Job, I know what roles we'll have."

She gestured to herself. "Thief." She looked at Hardison.

"Hacker", he realized.

Then she turned to Hunt.

"Spy", Hunt spoke his role.

And finally, she looked at Oliver, giving him a firm nod, that he returned.


And then she said. "Let's go steal a lot of files."


Angel and Sam were on their way to the movie theatre, as Angel asked. "So, you two are hunters, huh?"

"Yeah", Sam told him.

"If its too personal, don't answer", Angel assured. "But, been like that your whole life?"

Sam thought about it, then spoke. "Our mom, she was killed by a Demon when I was a baby. Dad, he couldn't cope with it, he had to find answers, and he did, and he became a hunter, made Dean and I hunters too."

"That's not right", Angel noted, having an issue with children being brought into this world.

"For a long time, I was angry at him for everything", Sam said. "Part of me still is, but then, he gave up his life to save Dean. So, we had our issues but…he was my father."

Sam wiped his eye, Angel noting. "Fathers. Always so complicated."

"You had issues with your old man too?" Sam inquired.

Angel shrugged. "He was a merchant, dealt with fabrics, silks and linens mostly. I was his disappointment ever since I was eight years old. Nothing I ever did was good enough. At one point, I figured, if I was never good enough, then I should stop trying. You think you kids act out these days? Back then, I'd spend my days and nights drinking, whoring, and brawling. In fact, it was because of how I acted, that I caught the eye of a Vampire...and she turned me." Angel's eyes were lost in the memory of that day, centuries ago, when his life ended, and Angelus was born. "It got worse from there."

"How bad?"

"Rather not talk about it, but it was really bad. I was really bad. Until I pissed off a gypsy clan by killing their favorite daughter, and they returned my soul to punish me."

"Damn!" Sam whispered, realizing how bad it would be. Apparently this guy did not have a soul when he was a Vampire and did bad things remorselessly, but on getting it back…it would have been too much.

"Guess we should change topics now", Angel said.

"Yeah, most likely", Sam shrugged. "So, I guess you're from another world then?"

"Really?" Angel inquired. "We fell here through some blue portal thing that looked like a wormhole I'd seen months ago. So, this is another world?"

"Most likely", Sam told him. "Since you're a different kind of Vampire, being soulless beings, and you being given yours makes you different. Plus your Vamps have the standard weaknesses, which are just myths here. We have faced creatures recently whom we haven't seen or read about anywhere. Or at least they aren't how they're described. Like, a berserk undead warrior. It was a pain to put down."

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"I can imagine", Angel said.

"And some gnarly looking disgusting creatures with crude weapons", Sam told Angel.

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"Must be hard", Angel noted.

"Yeah, not to mention, we're not getting any answers about this either", Sam said. "But anyways, we have sensors to detect ghosts. With the help of a psychic I know, I modified it to detect anything from the wormhole. So after this is done, I'll scan you with it, then we could try to find which breach to send you back through."

"That'd be much appreciated", Angel said with a smile. "You're really smart, I must say."

"Thanks", Sam nodded gratefully. "I like tech."

"Ever made a grapple gun?" Angel asked now.

"I thought about it", Sam said. "In case we needed it to get out of certain situations. But we were never able to find the right type of wire to hold our weight, and the pully system usually failed."

"I used monofilament wire, for the pully, well, what if you kept something on you conceal the gun, like a gauntlet or something, and have a motorized reel system for a quicker ascent?"

"That...that could actually work. You're a genius." Angel waved off the praise, but it was nice to hear, especially considering Cordelia's constant teasing of his lack of skill with all things technology. Could she make wrist-activated stake bracers? Angel didn't think so.

By now, they were in front of the movie theatre, where 'Phantom of the Opera' was showing, the organ music playing as Angel groaned. "I hate this music."

"Too Dracula?" Sam asked.


Sam checked the clip in his gun then walked towards a shadow of a man playing an organ, Angel behind him.

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Ed Brewer switched the music to something happy. Brewer turned around in surprise. "Whoa!"

Sam pushes him against the organ and held him at gun point.

"You, FBI man - What did I –"

"Shut up, okay, you know what you did", Sam snarled.


"Play that Dracula music!" Angel growled.

"I know what you are", Sam added.

"I'm not anything. I just like to play the Casio."

"Had time to grow the ear back, huh?" Sam said.


Sam pulled on Brewer's ear. Brewer screamed in pain.

"It's supposed to come off", he said in confusion.

"No, it's not!"

Sam looked at Angel, bewildered, who said. "We need to get back!"

"Yeah", Sam agreed, as the two rushed away, leaving a confused Ed behind.

As Angel and Sam ran back towards the bar, they saw Buffy coming their way, and Angel asked. "What happened? Why are you here?"

"Things got flirty in there", Buffy sighed. "I didn't want to be the third wheel."

"You shouldn't have left them!" Sam snapped.

"Why?" Buffy asked. "Didn't you two get the shapeshifter?"

"It wasn't him", Angel revealed, to Buffy's horror. "We need to go back."

"Oh no!" Buffy muttered.

The three arrived back at the bar, only to see a shattered bottle, glasses on the table, and no Dean or Jamie.

"Dammit Buffy!" Angel and Sam said at the same time.

"Come on guys", Buffy sighed.

Angel walked to the glasses and sniffed them. "Ketamine."

"Goddamn it!" Sam snapped, then saw a napkin next to the broken bottle with Lucy's lipstick on it. "Lucy."

"Westerna?" Buffy asked.

"No, a waitress who works here", Sam said as he got up. "She is the shapeshifter."

Earth-1, Star City

Amanda Waller was walking in the ARGUS base, an agent passing by her, as she opened a door to a room, only to see various agents lying on the ground, all knocked out.

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"Mr. Queen", she said with a smirk, turning around to see Oliver Queen in the Green Arrow suit standing there. "How nice of you to pay a visit. Thought my agents didn't have enough of you tonight?"

"We need to talk", Oliver snarled. "About your new hobby- taking in people from other worlds."

"You seem to have picked that up", Waller sneered. "I know you had help from some more interlopers when you went after my agents. Hand them over to me, or I'll make sure you can't operate the way you have so far!"

"Perhaps", Oliver shrugged, then suddenly aimed an arrow at her. "Or I can shoot you right now, and end you. Sure, it will cause problems for me, but you won't be alive, which I'm sure doesn't sit well with you, because you know where you're headed after that. And I know it scares you."

"What guarantee do you have that I won't be replaced by someone even more….willing to do what it takes?" Waller simply asked in a levelled tone, Oliver lowering his bow.

"That'd be near impossible", Oliver told her. "Considering how you used Maseo's family to make me and him work for you."

"Still bitter about that?" Waller asked. "I am one of those who made you who you are today."

"You did, but that doesn't mean all the people who made me this man are to be appreciated", Oliver snarled at her. Yao Fei, Slade, Shado, Waller, Talia and Anatoly were all responsible for making him who he was now.

But Waller was the one who did not deserve any appreciation at all (there was Slade after the Mirakuru too, but before that, he'd been his brother).

"I have been influencing you even before we met, when you foiled Fyers' plan", Waller told Oliver. "How do you think you'll get along if I'm gone?"

"Your plans have a tendency to blow up in your face", Oliver shrugged. "I'm sure we can all manage better. And this plan is going to blow up too, because you're gonna piss off a lot of people, including from other worlds. You want to start a war?"

"It's a war I'll make sure we win."

"No, you will make sure you'll win. That's not a comforting thought."

"Is that trepidation I hear, Mr. Queen?"

"That's revulsion, I thought you would be better at reading people?"

"Insulting my abilities? Are you really so childish?"

"What does that make you? You see something new and you want it, it's like something a spoilt rich girl would do."

"Someone has to protect this country."

"This someone being you?"

"You have a better alternative?"

"Literally, and I really mean LITERALLY, anyone else."

"Naivety doesn't suit you, Mr. Queen."

"Actually, Waller, that was honesty."

The agent who'd walked past Waller stood in a hallway close to her office, before taking off her 'face', which turned out to be just a mask. It was Parker!

She took out Waller's phone from her pocket, having picked it from the ARGUS Director's pocket while passing by her, and taking out a spray, sprayed it on the phone, revealing Waller's handprint.

Putting the phone back inside, Parker took out a special kind of glove the IMF used, having gotten it from Hunt, and then took out the phone with her other hand again, touching it with the glove, copying Waller's handprint onto it.

Then, walking to Waller's office, Parker held the gloved hand out for the hand scanner.


Within seconds, it said. "Scan successful. Retinal scanner required."

She tapped her earpiece. "Oliver, look into her eyes carefully."

Oliver heard, as Waller was saying. "I will get this man, as well as the others who took on my agents, and you won't be able to do a thing to stop me, Mr. Queen."

"Oh yeah? Watch me", Oliver snarled, looking at her.

"You know someone with my resources could easily find that protégé of yours, that Mr. Harper."

Oliver clutched his bow tightly in anger, as Waller continued. "No one will think of finding a dead man. He'd make a fine addition to Task Force X."

In a flash of movement, Oliver had Waller by the throat, making her gasp for a second as she looked into his eyes, the archer glaring at her in utter rage and contempt.

"You stay away from him, otherwise nothing will stop me from coming for you", Oliver sneered, having gotten a good look at her eyes, with the IMF eyepiece that he had in his own eyes, which Waller did not notice due to her throat being in his grip, and his anger at her.

He let go, as Waller breathed, holding her throat, Oliver adding. "What you are doing, I am going to stop you."

"Still being naïve?"

"No. Just honest."

Hardison, wearing a mask himself, was on his laptop, having gotten the scan of Waller's eyes as he typed in further. "And now you can do the scan."

Parker, having put her mask back on, put a device in front of the retinal scanner, the device connected to Hardison's laptop, and it produced an accurate copy of Waller's eyeball, which was scanned.

"Scan successful. Welcome Director."

The door to the office opened at last, Parker smirking.

"Don't step inside", Hardison said, walking forth, being joined by another agent, who was Ethan Hunt in a mask. "There are motion sensors inside."

"Can you hack them?" Parker inquired.

"No", Hardison shook his head sadly. "The entire room is on a separate network. I deactivated the cameras, but the sensors and anything else is just untouchable. I saw something underneath her desk with the cameras, but I can't make it out."

"Might be where her files are", Hunt pointed out.

"This office and the R&D section are the two most secure areas in the building", Hardison noted.

During that time, Waller's secretary was passing them.

Hunt nodded at Hardison, then grabbed the secretary in a chokehold from behind, dragging him into a corner as he struggled, but was knocked out, while Hardison typed some codes into the laptop, and they were all erased from the camera's footage, as if they were never there.

"IMF tech rocks", Hardison had to say.

"I agree", Parker raised her hand.

"Well, you use it very well too", Hunt praised Hardison, the two walking further until they reached where Parker was, in front of Waller's office.

"The agents who have to guard this office are knocked out, so we have a time limit, because their absence when they don't check in will be noted", Hunt warned, taking off his mask to reveal his face. "I'm going in now."

"How?" Parker asked, as Hunt took off his suit to reveal tactical gear inside. "You always wear that under your suit?"

"Only on missions", Hunt said with a shrug, before taking the bag Hardison had. "I'm glad I let you two take whatever you wanted."

From the bag, he took out two gloves, of the same variety he had used to climb the Burj Khalifa a few years ago. These were the improved versions.

"I'm going in, you just deal with any agents who pass this way", Hunt told the two, keeping his suit into the bag, before wearing the gloves.

As Parker and Hardison watched, Hunt leapt into Waller's office, using the gloves to stick to the wall, not letting his feet get on the ground.

"Damn! He is really doing it", Hardison said, looking into the room, while Parker folded her arms, as Hardison shut the door, but not fully, to make it look like to passers-by that everything was fine.

"I wanted to do that!" Parker said with a whine.

Hardison looked at his laptop he was holding, typing through it to see through the cameras, including Ethan's climbing on the wall, while also making sure his presence was erased in any other security monitors in the building.

Hunt continued to climb, remembering Benji's 'blue is glue' and 'red is dead', so he made sure he stuck his hand when it was blue, and quickly pulled it back when it got red while putting the other hand to stick.

While he wouldn't die this time, the motion sensors were a thing.

At one point, he almost slipped, but managed to barely keep hanging.

"Damn!" Hardison said in fear, while Parker gasped too, as an agent passed by and looked at them weirdly.

"Nothing, just watching the match", Hardison said, changing the window to show that, and the agent shrugged before walking off.

"How far are you?" Parker then asked Hunt.

"More than halfway through", Hunt said, now hanging on the blackened window that prevented anyone from seeing inside, before he climbed a bit further, not taking his eyes off the desk.

Parker and Hardison watched in the latter's laptop.

And then, Hunt leapt.

Parker's and Hardison's hearts nearly leapt out of their mouths.

Hunt's hands ended up grabbing the table, as his feet almost touched the ground, but he lifted them up, using his hands and feet both to hold onto the table, panting now.

Parker and Hardison sighed in relief, the latter saying. "Man, you scared us."

Hunt climbed onto the table, then peaked down with his head, noticing a safe. "She is smart. She doesn't have digital copies of her 'off-the-books' projects. She made hard copies, and kept them inside."

"I think I could crack that, I should have gone inside", Parker said again.

"There's a device here", Hunt noted with narrowed eyes. "It recognizes a voice."

"And how much do you wanna bet its Waller's voice that opens it?" Hardison groaned, then tapped his earpiece. "Oliver, the voice recorder, we're gonna need it."

Oliver had the device in his hand already, having a feeling it would be needed.

"You really think you can control everything?" Oliver asked Waller with a smirk. "There are forces, both in this world and others, beyond your control. You are nothing but an ant in comparison, Waller."

And then he pressed the device, switching it on.

"An ant survives not because its strong, but because of its cleverness and resourcefulness", Waller pointed out. "You'd do well to remember that."

Hardison had gotten the voice of Waller, and typed into his laptop, before telling Hunt. "Use that speaker device."

"Sure thing", Hunt said, then activated the voice scanner.

"Voice scan required."

Hunt then activated the speaker. "An ant survives not because its strong, but because of its cleverness and resourcefulness. You'd do well to remember that."

After a few seconds, the device beeped green. "Welcome, Director."

And then, the safe opened, Hunt smirking as he saw various files inside, and put his hand in.

"You know Waller, I like to think of myself as an ant too", Oliver said, making the Director tilt her head as she looked at him. "There are things in this world beyond me, like meta-humans and magic. I'm nothing in comparison in terms of power. You know what I have? My wits and my resources."

Hunt took the files out of the safe, and at that moment, an alarm went off, because the safe was rigged with a weight sensor.

"Damn it!" Hunt cried out as he looked at the window. "Parker, Hardison, get here quickly!"

"What?" Waller muttered, the alarm ringing out, then glared at Oliver. "You…"

"And as you can see, I've more of both than you", Oliver told her with a smirk, as she took out her gun, only for Oliver to fire an arrow, disarming her of it. "You're done, Waller."

"My agents will catch your friends", she sneered.

Many ARGUS Agents kicked the door to Waller's office open, and saw Hunt, Parker and Hardison standing in front of the window, the files in Hunt's hands.

"Put your hands behind your back, get down on your knees", one agent said, all of them aiming their guns at the three.

They did as told, getting down on their knees slowly.

"Hand over the files", the lead agent then demanded.

To their confusion, the three smirked, when one agent noticed something stuck on the window. "Is that…a chewing gum?"

"Red light", Hunt said, confusing the agents. "Green light!"

And then there was an explosion, causing glass to fly all over, sending the agents flying back, while Hunt, Parker and Hardison had ducked to avoid it.

"Come on!" Hunt then said, running out, as the other two ran with him, Parker throwing Waller's phone back inside, and the three leapt off the windows, before Hunt and Parker threw a grapple hook each, getting another building, while Hardison grabbed Parker, and the three swung away.

The agents got up, and rushed to the shattered window, looking everywhere, only to find no one. The three had disappeared without a trace.

"Damn it!" The agent said.

Leverage The Team Soundtrack plays

"Everything off the books you've done, its with me now", Oliver said, Waller fuming in rage. "Now, you're gonna stay back, and let me deal with any interlopers in my way. Are we clear?"

"Crystal", Waller said with a sneer.

Walking up to her, Oliver taunted. "Not so fun being on the other side, is it?"

And then, Oliver punched Waller out.

Universe-208, Tatooine

Blade was meditating on top of the rock formation. The other Mandalorians were giving him space after his duel with Rix Awaud.

It earned him respect among the warrior culture, but it did not endear him to any. He was meditating, trying to dull his senses and not focus on the beating hearts of the blood flowing within the bodies surrounding him. It'd been days since he fell through that damn hole and days since that damn bullet f*cked up his insides.

Blade wasn't religious, he never believed in God, hence the crosses never worked for him on hunts, but it'd been a miracle he hadn't given in to the thirst. For all his skills, the Daywalker recognized his weaknesses, the one that he would never escape was the unending desire for blood, and right now, he was reaching his limit.

His internal struggles were halted by the sound of humming. Golden-tinted eyes opened to gaze upon two dark streaks in the distance, racing toward the camp. Blade grunted, he recognized the armor of one of them even from this far, yet it was the body draped across the hover-bike, or "speeder" as he heard them call it, that had his attention.

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Given it was moving, it was unlikely any bounty. Most of the Mandalorians that went out for bounty work come back with no bodies, or the remains of them.

Daywalker or not, Blade did not wish to discover what the Kryze woman meant when warning against any more "disintegrations".

The speeders blurred by his position and entered the camp as the armor clad warriors went about their business or watched as the tall Mando removed his helmet and threw the body into the sand.

Knowing his meditation would only be continued to be interrupted, Blade stood from the lotus position, and tuned his attention to the newcomer to the camp.

It did not look good.


Buffy broke the lock of the house, entering with Sam, who'd drawn his gun, Angel taking a tentative step over the threshold, and on seeing he wasn't pushed back, he entered fully.

"What was that about?" Sam asked Angel.

"Vampires need to be invited into someone's home where I'm from", Angel said. "Guess this guy being a shapeshifter negated that."

"Can you find Dean and Jamie?" Buffy asked Angel.

"Yeah, I have their scent", Angel said, getting to the front. "Follow me."

They walked around a bit, eventually going down into what was a dungeon, and they entered, seeing Dean trapped in a metal contraption while wearing lederhosen.

"Oh, thank God. Just in the nick of time. That guy was about to Frankenstein me", Dean said, as Angel broke the contraption, freeing Dean, who sighed.

"Lederhosen, seriously?" Buffy chuckled.

"Shut up!" Dean said, before gesturing to the door. Buffy kicked it so hard it shattered into pieces, and she'd to avoid falling due to not having expected that.

"Let's go", Angel said, the four walking forth, Dean looking at the dungeon one last time.

"You can reminiscence later", Angel said, making him groan before they continued, with Sam opening a door to the bedroom as he saw Jamie lying on the bed in a white gown. Dracula intercepted him from behind and threw him through the wall, his gun dropping.

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"You will never be Van Helsing!"

He turned around, only to be decked by Angel, which sent him flying off and falling to the ground, groaning in pain.

"I always hated Dracula." He kicked the shapeshifter, making him roll away in pain again. "Everything is so dramatic with that guy. Not even Bram Stoker bought into any of his crap. The guy was hypnotized! And what does he get? A whole fricking franchise. I should be the one with the movies!"

"Wow!" Buffy said, making Angel turn to her. "You and Spike agree on something."

"Spike hates Dracula?"

At her nod, Angel growled and stomped his foot in frustration. "That bleached haired bastard! He always has to copy me!"

Sam and Buffy looked at each, the former mouthing "wow" while the latter just nodded tiredly.

As Dracula got up, Angel snarled. "Wanna meet a real Vampire?" He vamped out, and the shapeshifter stumbled back in terror.

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"This is not supposed to be in the mov-"

Buffy did a cartwheel and struck him on the face, sending him flying off again. "If you talk about the black and white monster movies again, I'll beat you until you become the Creature from the Black Lagoon. That one didn't talk."

The shapeshifter staggered up, only for shots to ring out, while there were holes in his chest.

"Silver?" Dracula turned to see Jamie holding Sam's gun. "It was beauty that killed the beast. No, Mina, do not weep." Jamie just looked at him in confusion as Dracula fell into a chair. "Perhaps this is how the movie should end." Dracula died in the chair.

"Yeah, now stay quiet you attention seeker!" Angel ranted, getting weird looks again.

A while later, the four were outside, as Dean asked Angel and Buffy. "So you two are from another world and fell here through one of the blue portals, eh?"

"That's the consensus", Angel said. "Any idea how to send us back?"

"We'll think on it, but", Dean turned to Buffy. "I wanna speak to you for a bit."

"Sure", Buffy said, as Dean led her to a corner. "What's up?"

"When I was talking about my near-death experience before", Dean started. "The way you responded- you actually died, right?"

"….Yeah", Buffy confessed, seeing no point in hiding it. "How'd you figure it out?"

"I died for real too", Dean told her with a shrug. "That's why I re-evaluated everything."

"I wish I could do the same", Buffy said, looking away. "I was dead….and….wherever I was….I was happy. At peace."

Dean stared at her in some sympathy as she continued. "I knew that everyone I cared about was all right. I knew it. Time ... didn't mean anything ... nothing had form ... but I was still me, you know? She glanced at Dean, then glanced away. "And I was warm ... and I was loved ... and I was finished. Complete. I don't understand about theology or dimensions, or ... any of it, really ... but I think I was in Heaven."

Dean stared at her in dismay now. "And now I'm not." She was almost tearful. "I was torn out of there. Pulled out ... by my friends." Dean continued to listen. "Everything here is ... hard, and bright, and violent. Everything I feel, everything I touch ... this is Hell. Just getting through the next moment, and the one after that ..." she muttered softly, "knowing what I've lost..."

As she looked up at Dean, she noticed the sympathy in his eyes was gone, replaced by some hardness.

"Buck up!"

"What?" Buffy asked, not having expected that response.

"That's what I said", Dean shrugged. "So you went to some fancy Heaven and got to put your feet up, whoop-de-do! You know what happened when I died? Hell! Actual Hell! You think this world is Hell? You ain't seen anything yet! Here, it was just 4 months, but in there…it was a lot longer, and I was there all this time."

Buffy stared at him in horror and shock as he continued. "What, you just gonna cry like some little bitch baby for the rest of your life? I'm sure that would make everything your friends went through worth it. You wanna hate something, hate the monsters you kill, but don't even dare think that they're the ones at fault!"

His piece said, Dean walked off, Buffy staring at him in stunned shock. She…she just couldn't believe this was what he had to say.

But then, if he was in Hell, actual Hell, her saying the world was her Hell…yeah, not gonna go over well with him.

Thinking about what he'd said, Buffy rejoined Angel and the brothers, and asked. "So, any suggestions?"

"Well, let me use this first", Sam said, taking out the sensor, only for it to go haywire. "What's going on?"

At that moment, a breach opened up very close to them, and they realized the sensor was reacting to that.

"Now, where does that lead?" Angel inquired.

"I think it leads to your world", Dean said.

"You sure?" Angel asked.

"Maybe we can take a leap of faith I guess", Buffy said, Angel nodding, as he looked at the brothers.

"Nice to meet you guys", he said, sharing a nod with Sam, and a curt one with Dean.

"Likewise, Angel", Sam smiled.

"Would be fun to see ya guys again", Dean added.

"Maybe you two could come over sometime", Buffy joked, as they chuckled, and then Angel and Buffy walked through the breach, which closed.

"You feel like something else is going on?" Sam asked.

"Nope, holes opening up randomly and sucking people in is a normal thing now", Dean shrugged.


A breach opened, as Angel and Buffy walked out of it, back at the spot where they'd talked before.

"So we are back, huh?" Buffy noted.

"Yeah, looks like it", Angel smirked. "So, those sensor things they had, I think we need those too."

"How'd we make it?" Buffy inquired.

"Let's have our teams get together", Angel suggested. "Fred can handle the science part, Willow and Tara can handle the magic parts, and Giles and Wesley would know stuff too."

"Makes sense", Buffy said, as she walked off. "We'll see each other soon then."

"Yep", Angel nodded, walking off towards Los Angeles as well.

Universe-208, Tatooine

Gar Saxon threw down a farmer from his speeder, then getting down, removed his helmet, before ripping off the sack over the farmer's head, revealing an older man with greying hair and fear reflecting in his blue eyes.

"Tell me, farmer, what do you see?" The farmer shook in fear as Saxon loomed over him. "Go on, look!" He ordered the man.

Doing as the Mandalorian bid, the farmer looked, and saw only more of his kind, armed, deadly, watching from behind their "T" shaped visors, or smirking at his predicament.

"What do you see?"

"Ju-just the fearsome warriors of Mandalore, sir." The farmer tried to placate, but it only earned him a kick to the chest, pinning him to the ground.

"Water, old man. There's no water!"

"We had no choice! The harvest was failing, Tuskens and who knows what else were about, I had to fill the orders or else I could lose my farm. I have a family depending on me."

Gar Saxon did not care, instead grabbing the farmer by the front of his clothes, pulling him up until he was kneeling before the Death Watch commando.

"You'll be losing more than just a farm now!"

The grey-haired farmer closed his eyes and awaited the fist rearing back.

Saxon made to throw the punch forward, but something grabbed his hand by the wrist, and he couldn't budge. Turning his head, he glared at the unnerving gold eyes of the outsider staring back at him.

Then a in moment too quick to follow, Blade wrapped his left arm around Saxon's elbow, then bent the wrist in his grip and grabbed it with his other hand, before kicking Saxon's knee, making the would-be abuser kneel.

"Now, that ain't nice", he hissed as the Mandalorian struggled against the iron grip.

But in that moment, so close to the neck, Blade felt the lust nearly take over. He could hear the carotid artery throb against Saxon's skin, the blood rushing through the veins. The thirst had only grown stronger. And he was surrounded by prey.

Blade blinked out of his daze, pulling back to twist and extend Saxon's arm before launching a kick to his chest. He felt the slight pain from striking the Mandalorian armor, but it wasn't enough to stop Saxon's body from being launched over the speeder and some distance, rolling in the sand until he ended up at the feet of Pre Vizla and Bo-Katan Kryze.

Placing himself in front of the farmer, Blade expected Saxon to rise up and charge at him, but even he was surprised when he did rise up, but Vizla grabbed his arm and threw him back. "Enough, Saxon."

"You would side with a farmer and an outsider?!"

"What did you intend to do, beat the water out of him?"

"A reminder would do well to show what happens when you break your word with Death Watch."

"That is MY decision to make, and mine alone. I won't have you sullying our reputation."

"But they-" Saxon could not finish before his leader narrowed his eyes and pushed himself in the taller Mando's face.

"That is all, Saxon." The blonde haired Mandalorian looked between Vizla, then Bo-Katan beside him, and more of Death Watch standing by their leader's decision. Saxon grounded his teeth, then shifted his eyes to the kriffing outsider, watching impassively. With a silent growl, Saxon turned and walked away.

Vizla watched him go, but addressed all gathered. "Gaining a reputation for beating the weak would make us no better than simple pirates. Anyone who dares tarnish the Mandalorians will be dealt with."

His warning heeded by all, he turned his attention to shaking farmer hiding behind their "guest".

"Reeves, take the farmer away. Make sure he's blinded when you leave." Vizla ordered the closest Mandalorian he could see, and watched her approach the man. But the enigmatic savior was gone.

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"Blade continues to impress", Bo-Katan praised as she sought out the dark-skinned warrior. First he defeated Rix, now he sent Saxon away with one simple kick as if thrown away by a Jedi's power.

"Yet we are no closer to answers on just what he is", the bald Mandalorian recounted the fight and the current event.

In all honesty, Blade had impressed him, his demeanor, his strength, and restraint. He could use more warriors like him.

"He would make a valuable addition to our cause."

"Blade is not Mandalorian."

"We are not limited by blood."

"And who would perform the gai bal manda? You?" Vizla questioned sarcastically. Age did not limit the adoption ritual, but Blade looked near as old as Pre himself, older than Bo-Katan for sure.

"Hey, you're the one who let him stay", the sister of the duch*ess shrugged her shoulders, before following the wielder of the Darksaber to the command tent.

They had plans to make.

Earth-1, Star City

Oliver looked through the files, his blood boiling at what Waller was up to, as Parker cheered. "Now that was fun."

"Agreed on that", Oliver said with a smirk, turning around to face them. "Most fun I had since…well, ever really."

"Well, there was our relationship", Sara reminded Oliver.

"Yeah, and it feels like a long time ago now", Oliver said, looking like he was lost in that time, Sara too briefly.

"It does", she said with a nod.

"So, what are you gonna do with all this?" Felicity asked Oliver.

"Keep Waller away from interlopers, and also stop her from crossing anymore lines", Oliver told Felicity. "Though she'd try to get back at us in some way, I know it."

"Wouldn't put it past her", Diggle agreed.

"What do we do then?" Laurel asked no one in particular.

"For now, nothing", Oliver said, folding up the files as he kept them inside. "I'll keep these with me. Waller can't get her hands on these ever again."

"Let's make sure it stays that way", Thea added.

Leverage Main Title Soundtrack plays

"Still, lots of fun there", Hardison quipped, while looking at Hunt. "Very tense too."

"Done a lot worse before", Hunt said with a shrug.

"Oh! And nice job, team", Parker said, then looked at Oliver. "You too, Mastermind."

"Likewise, Thief", Oliver smiled at her, then looked at Hardison and Hunt. "Hacker. Spy."

While they knew bad things would happen again, for now, they enjoyed this victory.

In the R&D department of her ARGUS base, Waller fumed as she looked at a compartment with a cranial chip implant inside it.

This chip had the fighting styles of some of the world's best fighters stored inside of it, and if implanted into anyone, the person would gain all those fighting styles, and it could download any other fighting style the person witnessed as well.

Oliver, his team, and the interlopers were going to pay for what they had done. She always won.

Suddenly, Waller felt something. A gut feeling.

Turning around, Waller drew two guns, only for two arrows to disarm her, before another one struck her knee, making her gasp in pain as she went down, a hooded woman walking out of the shadows, carrying a bow and a quiver with arrows.

Waller started. "You have no idea what-"

"I do actually", the woman said in a middle-eastern accent. "Your contingencies have already been disabled."

She noted Waller's hand trying to reach for another gun, and fired another arrow, nailing it to the leg of the desk nearby, Waller grunting in pain.

Then, she fired an arrow at the other hand, nailing it to the wall, as the Wall herself looked at her in defiance, only to get another in the gut, blood pouring out of her mouth now, but she didn't back down still.

"Such fire inside of you. Pity we are not on the same side", the woman said, and then fired again.

The arrow struck Waller's throat, as her face scrunched into one of pain, blood pouring out of her throat, as well as her mouth, the life leaving her eyes at last.

Amanda Waller was dead!

Talia al Ghul smirked underneath her hood, lowering her bow, before walking to where the cranial chip implant was, picking it up.

"This is just what we need."


And that's another one done.

Angel and Buffy are done with their adventure on the SPN Earth during 4x5, with Angel and Sam bonding.

Dean was harsh to Buffy, yes, but since he has been tortured in the real Hell until he broke, Buffy calling the world as Hell is bound to piss him off. Plus in the show, while I was very sympathetic to Buffy at first, eventually, she just made the whole thing a pity party, and didn't even try to let anyone but Spike in (and he was soulless at that point, so he wasn't the best company. If only Spike was Ensouled right now), and eventually just treated others, especially Dawn, like trash. Dawn gets a bad rep in the fandom but frankly, with how bad Buffy's behavior got, Dawn behaving the way she did is not unjustified I'll say.

But in 6x17, when Buffy chose a hallucination over her friends, she frankly lost my sympathy, not to mention, she wasn't called out for trying to kill her friends and sister, and never apologized for it.

Up until then, while I had issues with her, I still liked her a lot. But after that episode, I genuinely stopped liking her character, up until Season 7 Spuffy (infinitely healthier than Season 6 Spuffy, because Spike was soulless then, but had his soul back now) started. And even in Season 7, my opinion on her varied depending upon how things went, because her leadership skills genuinely suck.

But anyways, with Dean's calling out, she has started getting her wakeup call. It will be finished later, but since Dean was harsh with her here, the later part will be gentler, but still reasonable and effective.

Meanwhile, the Waller Job was a success, and now she was made to back off by our Leverage team consisting of the Thief (Parker), Hacker (Hardison), Spy (Hunt) and Mastermind (Oliver).

The window in Waller's office would have had a safeguard too if someone tried sneaking in and out of there, but Hunt, Parker and Hardison didn't sneak their way out of it, they blew their way out when the agents had already almost caught them.

Now Waller is dead. While she should have been killed in the show at some point too, her death in Season 4 was just pathetic, and nothing like how the character should have gone out. I don't even remember the name of the guy who killed her, that's how pathetic the death was.

While I was originally thinking of some plotline which ended with Oliver having to put Waller down, I eventually got this idea of 'Leverage' being provided against Waller, and it would end with Talia murdering her for the cranial chip implant at the end of the chapter.

I'm sure you can guess what the chip is gonna do.

Blade's and Death Watch's dynamic continues to takes its own twists and turns, as you can see.

While it might look like I'm doing Oliver/Sara again, while I really love the pairing and consider it a favorite of mine (in Arrowverse its pretty much my favorite pairing alongside Barry/Patty), I feel like I've written too much for it now, so I'm not doing it here, and both will be paired with crossover characters, and don't worry, those pairings will make sense too.

Unlike the Arrowverse after Sara joined the 'Morons of Tomorrow' though, I won't be downplaying or outright ignoring the bond and connection that Oliver and Sara have, because their connection and care for each other runs very, very deep, which is what I showed here.

Out of everyone in his life, Sara knows Oliver best outside of Slade Wilson (no matter what Lauriver and Olicity fanatics say in the former's case and Diggle fanatics say in the latter's case), with Thea in the later Seasons on third, while Oliver knows Sara best out of everyone in her life as well (no matter what Nyssara and AvaLance fanatics say).

The creatures Sam mentioned to Angel were the Draugr from God of War 2018 and Orcs from The Lord of the Rings.

Thanks a lot to Brainstorm Sorcerer and Stand with Ward and Queen for their help once more, couldn't have done this without them.

Hope all enjoyed and see you all next time with another chapter.

Chapter 10: Some confrontations


Some interesting confrontations and meetings happen across the Multiverse.


Disclaimer: I do not own anything you may recognize

Thank you to everyone for the kudos, hits, comments and bookmarks.

This chapter does not advance the story's plot, but it does provide some ideas of what to expect later.

Thank you to gussygus28 for some suggestions here.


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


Son Goku stood in horror while holding the 'Sleeping Princess' jewel in his hand, Good Launch lying behind him in confusion.

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Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (196)

Count Lucifer was standing in front of them, his army of Demons behind him.

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But what was really concerning was the fact that he had Krillin held up by one arm, the young monk struggling against the Devil.

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The two had been sent by Master Roshi, whom they wanted to train under, to find the legendary and beautiful 'Sleeping Princess', and bring her to him, after which he'd train whoever brought her to him.

But, eventually, after entering this castle, they'd found out the 'Sleeping Princess' was not a woman, but a jewel instead, that this Count Lucifer planned to use for nefarious purposes.

"Give me the Sleeping Princess back or I'll rip his head off", Count Lucifer said with a smirk. Goku looked between it and him in hesitation, before he asked. "Well?" He pressed Krillin's throat tighter, the boy smacking his arm to no effect.

Good Launch gasped in horror.

"I really hate it when people use my name."

Everyone turned to see a tall, handsome man in a suit, wearing a very charming smile on his face. If Bulma Briefs was in the room, she'd be head over heels for this man already.

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Count Lucifer looked and sounded charming yes, but this man seemed to have perfected the art of charm.

"Who are you?" Count Lucifer snarled.

"I am Lucifer bloody Morningstar, and I could hear you using my name all the way to the other side of the breach, it really brassed me off", Morningstar said, confusing Count Lucifer and the rest, when suddenly a pair of white wings sprouted from Morningstar's back, to the awe of everyone.

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"Are those…?" Goku pointed at the wings.

Then, Morningstar was suddenly right in front of Count Lucifer, and he whacked the Count's hand, making him drop Krillin, who started coughing, while Count Lucifer glared in anger.

"I'm going to kill you", Count Lucifer snarled as he flew back by a bit, then aiming his right hand, started firing red rapid fire ki blasts.

Morningstar suddenly disappeared from his sight again, then appeared above him, kicking him right on the face a he was thrown back, bleeding from the nose.

"You…." Count Lucifer roared, then fired ki blasts with both hands, which Lucifer Morningstar managed to avoid by disappearing once more, and now he was behind Count Lucifer, kicking him hard in the back and sending him flying forth, falling on his face.

The other Demons started marching towards him, only for him to karate chop one out, before kicking another away by many feet.

As they watched, his wings disappeared, and he smirked at them while his eyes went red and his face turned deformed, looking scarier than any of them did.

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Seeing that, they all fell to their knees in terror, while the satisfied Morningstar turned to see Count Lucifer trying to pick himself up.

His face becoming normal, he sprouted his wings once more, while Count Lucifer turned around with an angry grunt.

"Now you shall die, and then I'll fulfill my plan", Count Lucifer declared, preparing a giant red energy ball attack to hurl at Morningstar.

As soon as he was prepared to throw it, Morningstar used his speed to appear right in front of him while turning his hand the other way, and the blast hit his own Demons instead, destroying them now.

"NOOO!" Count Lucifer cried out, only for Lucifer to grab him by the throat and throw him down, before pinning him down with his foot, while he continued to whine. "You can't do this to me! I have been trying to fulfil this plan for years! NOOO!"

"Umm, who are you mister?" Goku asked Morningstar.

"Lucifer Morningstar at your service", Morningstar said with a bow. "And like I said, I am the real one. Now, what is it you desire?"

As if in a trance, Goku replied to Morningstar. "I want to wish for the world's biggest meal ever."

"Seriously? That's it?" Krillin asked in shock.

"I like food, Krillin", Goku told him, as they saw Lucifer take out some weird cube that he started turning.

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"Now, now, I won't deal with you personally, but you'll wish I had", Morningstar told the whining Count Lucifer, as the place seemed to shake, and a tall being in some sort of black leather fetish suit and pins all over his head appeared.

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"WHAT?" Count Lucifer cried out in horror as Morningstar stepped off of him.

"Lucifer", the being greeted him.

"Pinhead", Morningstar greeted him back.

"Why have I been summoned by you?" Pinhead inquired, getting straight to business.

"This sod is ruining my name, like many others, his whining could be heard across breaches, deal with him please!" Morningstar simply said.

Pinhead looked at the terrified Count Lucifer and said. "We have such sights to show you."

He looked at Goku, Krillin and Good Launch. "This isn't for your eyes."

Then, a hooked chain pierced Count Lucifer's right hand as he yelled in pain, before another pierced his back, then another pierced his left hand, followed by his legs being pierced, and then the entirety of his body was pierced by hooked chains as he hung, screaming in agony.


And then, the chains ripped him apart, his blood splattering, Goku and Krillin watching in horror while Good Launch started crying.

Goku was more disgusted by the pins than the brutal death though, and asked Pinhead. "Sir, why do you have pins stuck to your head?"

Pinhead looked at him neutrally, then shared a nod with Lucifer before disappearing, as Lucifer said. "Now my work is done as well."

With that, he was gone too, as Krillin then asked. "What just happened?"


Lucifer Morningstar was back in Hell and was about to sit on his throne, when he heard another breach being crossed before someone cried out behind him. "ARE YOU LUCIFER?"

He turned around to see someone in Crusader armor and helmet, a tapestry in the shape of a cross sewn to his body with various events depicted inside it, while he carried a scythe.

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"That'd be me", Lucifer shrugged.

"FOR BEATRICE!" The Crusader cried out, trying to charge Lucifer, when his wings appeared and he was then behind the Crusader instead.

"Ah, another Dante Alighieri! You're the third in this week", Lucifer groaned, making Dante Alighieri turn to him. "For the last time, I am not the Lucifer who took your Beatrice."

"What?" Dante Alighieri asked in confusion, when Morningstar grabbed him by the back of the neck and aimed him at a breach.

"Please kill the one who took Beatrice as brutally as you can for me", Morningstar said, then hurled the screaming Dante Alighieri back through the breach he'd stepped from, sending him back to whichever Hell Dimension he had been in before, to continue his quest.

"Bloody this place!" Lucifer said before sitting down on his throne, before hearing a flutter.

He looked up to see his brother Amenadiel standing before him.

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"Hello brother", Lucifer greeted, Amenadiel nodding.

"These breaches are getting worse, are they not, brother?" Amenadiel asked.

"Like you have no idea", Lucifer said with another groan. "I had Pinhead deal with another loser using my name. And the third Dante Alighieri just popped up a few seconds before you came."

"All of these crossings…they are quite concerning", Amenadiel noted grimly.

"I know", Lucifer agreed. "Detective and the rest are not facing anything like this though, are they?"

"Not so far", Amenadiel assured as Lucifer sighed in relief.

"Good, that's good."

Earth-199999, Bowie, Arizona

John Rambo hid up in the tree, his arrow aimed downwards, the former Green Beret not moving even once.

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There was a creature in this place that had not been seen before. It was hunting people, killing them, and even harvesting their organs or something.

So Rambo had decided it was time to take on it.

After a whole lot of hunting, Rambo had found the creature, which seemed to be some kind of Monster wearing a tattered, 19th-century duster, a wide-brimmed Stetson hat, and tattered trousers to pass for human, as well as a red sweater, while having bird-like talons. Its skin was dark green and scaly, and it also had razor sharp teeth and claws.

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Overcoming his shock, Rambo had fired at it with his gun, but it had been unaffected, or deflected with its ax, and attacked him, while also using a throwing star to disarm him of his gun, making it fall down. With his gun gone, Rambo had managed to fight back using his knife against the creature's ax, though it had sliced him up at a few points, and even given him a limp, as well as a bad black eye, but Rambo had distracted it by a flare to the face, and retreated.

Now, he had torn a piece of his bloodied clothing, and thrown it down, while he lay in wait.

Eventually, the creature finally appeared, having tracked him via scent. And at that moment, Rambo released the arrow.

The creature looked up as the arrow struck it in the throat, and it growled, while about to throw the ax at Rambo, only to feel something as its eyes widened.

Rambo smirked. The creature had finally encountered someone who didn't just not fear it, but was also better at hunting than itself.

The creature tried to pull the arrow out, only for it to explode, blowing the creature into bits as well.

"Mission accomplished", Rambo simply muttered.


Rambo was back at his horse ranch, limping, when he saw Phil Coulson and Melinda May waiting for him.

"To what do I owe this visit?" Rambo simply inquired, not knowing who they were, or caring for the matter.

"We have heard about sightings of a strange predatory creature in the area", Coulson told Rambo.

"Too late, its gone now", Rambo shrugged as he limped past the two, as they shared a look.

"Considering who he is, that was expected", Melinda whispered to Coulson, who nodded in affirmation.

They knew who John Rambo was, and what he was capable of. But unless absolutely necessary, they wouldn't be asking the man to come out of retirement, because he had earned it.

"Well, I think we might need to collect its bits", Coulson finally said. "It might be useful for us, as we don't know much about this creature."


Gandalf had not heard from Strider in days, and knew something had happened to him. He just hoped it was not something terrible, otherwise all hope in Middle-earth would be lost.

He knew of the strange blue things around, which seemed to have opened up everywhere.

Suddenly, he heard something, and turned around to see another opening up in front of him.

While he would be wary of stepping into something like that, Gandalf felt something like warmth from the other end of the portal, a feeling of peace and contentment, almost as if he was once more in the Land of the Valar.

So, he walked through the portal, and found himself in a land full of greenery that seemed to never end, while in front of him was a great and majestic Lion.

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But what he felt from it, Gandalf knew this was no tame lion.

"Well met, Gandalf Greyhame", the Lion greeted the Grey Wizard. "I am Aslan."

"Well met, Aslan", Gandalf responded with a respectful bow, having an idea of who this was before him. "I believe you have summoned me here."

"I have, Grey Wizard", Aslan told him neutrally. "You look for the one who is to unite the forces and be King."

"Indeed, Great Lion", Gandalf nodded. "If he is lost, all hope for Middle-earth is lost with him."

"I can assure you, that where he is, he is safe", Aslan revealed, and hearing it from this being's mouth, Gandalf felt relieved at last. "However, Middle-earth is not the only world that needed his help."

"What do you mean?" Gandalf inquired. For once, he did not have the answers.

"Pathways have been opened, to many worlds", Aslan said. "And he is in one of these worlds, for some people need him. But soon, he shall return. Because many worlds are going to require many Champions."

"This is worse than what I had believed before, is it not?" Gandalf asked grimly.

"It is, very much so", Aslan noted. "However, hope remains as long as those who are good hold true to each other. This other world where he went shall need you too in time. And like I said, many worlds are going to need their Champions soon."

"I shall prepare for this, Great Lion", Gandalf told him sincerely.

"We shall meet again, Grey Wizard", Aslan said, and then, Gandalf was back in Middle-earth.

But he knew what he had seen. And while many dreaded things were about to happen soon, in this moment, he was comforted.


And another chapter is done.

For 'Lucifer', the first four Seasons of the show have happened, and nothing after that is canon. Since 'Lucifer' is on Earth-1 here again, imagine the Seasons happened from 2011 to 2015, and since Earth-1 was mostly normal (at least publicly) until the meta-human stuff, it'd make sense that people like Chloe Decker have a hard time believing in what Lucifer says.

Anyways, 'Dragon Ball' is here too, and this was from the film 'Dragon Ball: Sleeping Princess in Devil's Castle', which is not canon, but its supposed to be an alternate take on how Goku's and Krillin's training under Muten Roshi began, and how they met Launch, so we can pretend this is how that part went down in my story, while the rest will happen the same as in the actual anime.

Plus Lucifer dealing with Count Lucifer was a fun idea. Also hope the Pinhead cameo was enjoyed, and I couldn't resist having AI create an anime Pinhead in the Toriyama style (which you'll see only if you're reading this on AO3).

For 'Hellraiser', only the first three movies are canon for here. Lucifer has his own version of the Lament Configuration to summon Pinhead whenever he wants the guy to do something.

Thanks a lot to gussygus28 for his help with that part.

Dante Alighieri was from the game 'Dante's Inferno' which is a very lose adaptation of 'The Divine Comedy' by Dante Alighieri the Italian poet, and I think this scene's implications are clear.

While 'Rambo' exists on the MCU Earth too, and only the first four movies are canon, because I hate the 5th one, and hope his confrontation with The Creeper from 'Jeepers Creepers' was enjoyed (thank you to gussygus28 for the suggestion once more). You can imagine The Creeper is from whatever Earth, unless I get anymore ideas in the future.

So, you can say while Earth-1 has horror franchises canon to it as well, the MCU Earth has various action franchises canon to it.

I haven't actually seen the 'Jeepers Creepers' movies, though I plan to rectify that (for the first two films that is), so I saw clips of how The Creeper does its thing, and that's why the fight was told in past tense. From what I know, if someone stops being afraid of it, it does make The Creeper less effective, so that's one reason why Rambo could beat it, as he is Rambo.

And I haven't seen anyone trying to blow it up into little bits, so that ought to stop it for a lot longer than usual, and the SHIELD Team will take the pieces for research, but they will make sure the pieces don't recombine either.

Meanwhile, Gandalf the Grey meets Aslan the Great Lion, and their talk gives implications about the future.

Anyways, I'm thinking every 10th chapter will basically be random but intriguing stuff like this, which builds up to more. What do you all think?

Hope all enjoyed and see you all next time with another chapter.

Chapter 11: Plans foiled


Takeo tries to go after Oliver once more. Lex tests his machine. Steve faces a creature. Team Angel and the Scoobies make their own sensor.


Disclaimer: I do not own anything you may recognize

Thank you to everyone for the kudos, hits, comments and bookmarks.

Thanks a lot to Brainstorm Sorcerer for his help on this chapter.

RIP Matthew Perry. May he Rest In Peace. We will never forget him.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Earth-1, Star City

Takeo Yamashiro stood in a base of his, as some men delivered him a box, before standing away from him.

Takeo opened the box to find a katana, and upon pulling it out of its sheath, a faint green aura was briefly seen before fading away, and he could see the face within the steel of the blade.

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The Soultaker, the weapon Takeo intended to use on both Oliver's loved ones, and the man himself, and make him suffer.

Then a Japanese man approached his lord from behind and informed. "The men are ready, sir."

"Good, I've been waiting for too long", Takeo said before taking the sword in both hands, and h roared as he brought it down in the table, slicing it and the box container in half with one swing.

Then he turned to the Yakuza enforcer.

"My family's deaths will be avenged."

Team Arrow Base

Oliver stood with his arms crossed, with Thea, Laurel, Felicity and Diggle standing in front of him, looking like a misbehaving quartet that had been sent to the Principal's office.

Sara was sitting next to where Oliver stood while Hunt, Parker and Hardison were a short distance away from the group, tending to Eliot who'd finally woken up, and was healing better.

"I am sick and tired of letting all of you run roughshod over me", Oliver told all four of them in a very exhausted tone of voice that made him sound many years older than he was.

"Without him, none of you would even be here", Sara added, the four having the decency to look ashamed.

"It was my crusade, and you warped it towards your own agendas", Oliver snarled, first looking at Laurel, "your ego", he turned to Diggle, "your self-righteous beliefs", and then he looked at Felicity, "and your 'do good but only how I see it' mentality", he looked between her and Diggle, "which you two seem to share."

"And you", he looked at Thea, "last year you showed more loyalty to Malcolm than you showed to me. Even when you did not know he made you kill Sara, you do remember right, that was he was a terrorist who was responsible for the deaths of 502 people, including his own son? I only worked with him because there was no other choice." He looked at Felicity and Diggle then. "You two did not seem to have a problem with doing that when you had to get me out of Nanda Parbat."

They opened and closed their mouths a few times, but no sound came, as Thea started. "Ollie-"

"And did he ever tell you he was the one who sabotaged the Queen's Gambit?" Oliver asked, Thea's eyes widening in horror as the implications sank in. "Our father, he may not have been your father by blood, but he did not let it change anything. He raised you, Thea."

Thea looked down, clearly ashamed of herself, as Oliver turned his attention back to the rest of the team. "Your perversion of my crusade to save the city affected me as well. I stopped unleashing my full potential because I was afraid it would make all of you look down on me."

"So that's the reason, eh", Eliot spoke up in between grunts, making some eyes turn to him. "Don't think I'd call this a team if the rest of the members are affecting their leader's thought process and skills in this manner."

Felicity started. "Look, you-"

"He is right, Felicity", Sara shrugged, the four looking at her. "If I'd known things would get this bad after I left for the League, I'd have tried to find another way instead", she whispered to herself, "and fight harder for us."

Hardison whispered to the other three. "I wish I had popcorn." Then he heard crunching, the hacker turning his head with Ethan and Eliot to find Parker chewing on a handful of popcorn from the bag in her hand. "Where did you get that?"

"IMF stuff", Parker said with her mouth full of food.

Eliot raised his brow at Ethan. "So, do they glow in the dark? Leave radioactive traces so you can track the eater?"

Parker dropped the bag and stopped eating. "What?"

Ethan was only confused, looking at his old friend. "It's food, Eliot, we don't make gadgets out of everything. We're not Q branch."

"I've had enough of this hypocrisy, and enough of you all berating me for doing something, while you all do the exact same things but only for your own selfish desires", Oliver sounded spent as he said the next words, but his tone was firm. "You can either get on board, or walk away. I am done putting up with all your sh*t. I am done apologizing for who I am."

In the entirety of the last year, and this one, the only one from the team who had talked back to him without bullying him was Roy, who'd a point in that he could not baby Thea anymore.

But he had left, and Oliver was left with these people. He still cared for them, but he wasn't going to stand being treated like crap anymore.

He'd known Eliot, Hunt, Parker and Hardison for a very little time, yet he felt like he could trust them a lot more than he could trust his actual team.

Eliot had been harsh with him, but he'd genuinely wanted him to be as good as how he used to be, and considering the results, Oliver couldn't blame the man. And he was also a reasonable ear to rely on when Oliver wanted to talk.

The other three, well, they had at least ceded the floor to him due to his experience with Waller, and respected his authority on the matter. They'd worked better with him as a team on the Waller Job than his own team had worked with him since he'd returned from fighting Ra's the previous year.

"Ollie." Oliver turned to Laurel. "You were right. I was going too far, and I thought I was honoring Sara, but I just wanted something to focus myself on, without thinking it through."

"I was supposed to have your back", Diggle sighed. "But now I realize, even before you took Lyla, I hadn't had your back for a while then. And I guess someone else in your place would have done worse."

"I'm….sorry", Felicity simply said, while Thea just looked at Oliver.

"I did not want to do this, but I was left with no choice", Oliver said sadly. "From now on, all of you will listen to what I have to say. If you have a problem, bring it up to me privately, and we will talk it out. Is that fine with all of you?"

After a few seconds, they all nodded one by one, before Diggle got a call.

He picked it up. "Yes Lyla…..what? How is this…are you sure about this? Damn!"

Diggle cut the call as Oliver asked. "What happened?"

"Waller is dead", Diggle revealed, making all of them share looks of shock.

"No big loss I'd say", Parker shrugged.

"Who did it?" Oliver inquired. He did not care about Waller, and would have liked to kill her himself, but still, anyone killing her would not have had good intentions themselves.

"We do not know, but she was killed by arrows." Diggle raised a hand before anyone could speak. "And no Oliver, I'm not saying you did it, the arrows are completely different from what you use. Not to mention, after you got those files from her, you'd have no reason to kill her."

Oliver nodded. "Guess this is another matter to look into, even if Waller got what was coming to her."

"I guess that's one bad guy down for you, huh?" Eliot chuckled, Oliver nodding.

"Lyla said they want to make her the next Director", Diggle revealed then.

"If there is someone I'd trust in that position, its her", Oliver said, Diggle nodding with a smile of his own. "Now, we've all had a long day. So, all of you go rest. Eliot, Parker, Hardison and Hunt can stay here. I hope this is a new start for all of us."

One by one, Team Arrow exited the place, Sara giving Oliver a smile and meaningful look that he returned, before she was out as well.

He turned to the four people from other worlds. "I know all of you will be going back to your own world soon, but I have to say thank you to you all."

"Likewise", Hunt told Oliver. "We all helped each other."

"Let's make sure we can stay in contact though", Hardison added. "That'd be needed."

"I agree", Oliver nodded.

Adrian was hooked up to a machine, as he watched some students of Talia engage in battle, while Talia stood next to him.

The chip was being inserted into his brain, and any fighting styles not there already, those were being downloaded at the moment.

Watching the students fight, Adrian got an insane smirk on his face. Soon enough, he would be the threat that Oliver Queen would have to face.


Lex Luthor looked at his machine, that had now been fixed. It had managed to transport Clark and Bart to another world clearly, and Lex was intent on discovering what lay on the other side himself.

"Here we go", he smirked as he touched the empty space in the middle of the sphere, only for the machine to suddenly crackle, as a blue portal opened, and it started sucking him in, and other things as well, Lex realizing it was still malfunctioning.

Before he could do anything though, he was sucked in by the machine.

Earth-199999, Sokovia

The portal opened, unleashing a shockwave, as Lex was thrown out of it, knocked out.

Two soldiers with guns then stood over him, looking amongst themselves, making a decision.

Earth-1, Star City

Felicity was returning home, deciding it was time to tell Oliver about Ray now. She realized now how badly she had been treating him, due to the image of him she had in her mind, and her actions were due to the fact that she could not accept who he really was.

They were wrong either way. Now, she'd apologize, tell him about Ray, and continue to work for him, even if she did not think she could stomach everything he did.

Suddenly, she heard the click of a gun behind her. Gulping, she froze.

"I have…things, you can take-"

"You are coming with me", the man said in a Japanese accent before reaching her front, and from the kind of mask he wore, he looked to be Yakuza. "My master wants to see you."

"So, I have a friend in Central City", Oliver was telling the four. "I'm thinking he could make something to help us stay in contact."

Before any of them could reply, Oliver suddenly got a call, and took out his phone to see it was a video call from Felicity. He accepted it, and then his blood ran cold as he saw Felicity crying, Takeo holding his sword to her throat.

"This is the woman you love, is it not, Oliver Queen?" Takeo asked, as the other four walked up behind him. "Meet me at the former Bratva base of this city if you care about her. Otherwise, I will send her pieces to you as a gift."

The call was cut, Oliver shaking in rage. He did not love Felicity, but he could understand why Takeo came to that conclusion. However, he still cared about her, and she was not going to suffer over this madman's vendetta.

"Him again?" Eliot asked.

"Who is he?" Parker inquired.

"A man who blames me for the deaths of his family", Oliver said sadly. "And so he will do anything to get back at me."

"We will help you in saving her, Oliver", Hunt assured him.

In their shared apartment, Laurel saw Thea sitting on her knees, tears in her eyes, and wrapped an arm around the younger woman. "What's the matter?"

"Did you know about the Gambit?" Thea inquired.

"No, but doesn't surprise me Malcolm would do that", Laurel said bitterly, remembering her feelings over having lost Sara back then.

"That degenerate has a hand in ruining most of our lives", Sara noted grimly as she sat on Thea's other end.

"You know, Ollie is right", Thea muttered to herself. "Robert may not have been my biological father, but he raised me, he loved me. And I threw it all away when I decided to go with Malcolm, all because Ollie and Roy kept a few secrets for me."

"We all make mistakes at your age, Thea", Sara assured her while patting her shoulder. "I know that better than anyone."

"No more…" Thea whispered, wiping her eyes. "No more."

That moment, Laurel got a call, and seeing it was Oliver, picked up. "Hello….Oliver…what? Okay, we're coming!"

She cut the call as Sara inquired. "What's the matter?"

"Takeo took Felicity", Laurel said, causing Thea to stand up as well. "Let's go."

Earth-199999, Sokovia

Lex Luthor's wrists were chained, his feet hovering above the ground, a bag over his head, while a man sat at a table nearby, hidden by the shadows.

A man took off the bag, Lex now seeing the figure in the shadows, as well as his wallet and phone on the table.

Lex started. "I am-"

The man who'd taken off the bag decked him, turning his head the other way.

The man in the shadows said something in Sokovian, and the soldier backed off, while the man looked at Lex. "You were saying."

"I am Lex Luthor, CEO of LexCorp."

"There is no such thing."

"Not in this world." One of the other soldiers pulled out a knife that Lex did not want to be on the receiving end of.

Lex tried to lean away but his position made it impossible.

The man said something in Sokovian again, the soldier stopped, and that was when a light turned on at the table, finally revealing the man's face as he stared at Lex.

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"And what about YOUR world?"

Lex immediately explained. "A Singularity! It tore apart the borders between realities, weakening them so at certain points, someone could walk through. I wanted to try to harness that power, and that was how I ended up in his current here."

Lex started wigging out, making him gasp in pain. The man peered at him after that as the other soldiers muttered, before outright asking, "Tell me, Mr. Luthor, why should I release you?"

"The machine that created the portal must not have been as stable as I believed. It must have affected my body, I could die."

"Your death is not as motivating as you think it is."

He turned to a soldier, and nodded, the soldier gathering some pictures that he gave to the man, and he approached.

"You say that you created one of these portals. Tell me, which of these "guests" are a result of your work." Then the man revealed one of the photos, a humanoid being with icy blue skin, glowing eyes, and a sword made from ice.

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Lex narrowed his eyes in confusion, and shook his head. His captor showed the next picture, and Lex did not know how to react.

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"Is that a giant watermelon?"

"Yes, yes it is. As you can see, we live in interesting times."

"I always thought my personal chef was up to something", Lex joked and to his surprise, the man chuckled with him.

"Always take care with those who handle your food." Then any sign of humor left him as he moved on with another picture.

Lex was shown a creature that was definitely not human, with grey skin and horns, then one of a large four-armed, big-eared, red skinned thing, he didn't know what else to call it.

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After that, a picture of a canine-like beast with no eyes and a worm-like tongue.

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Then, Lex finally saw something he recognized.

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"Him, he's from my world." He would recognize that shield and cape anywhere.

The man looked at the picture himself, examining the details of the dark haired man before looking back at the captive. "This man saved a 747 the moment he first arrived."
That made Lex snort. "Of course he did."

"From what we have gathered, he is on par with some of the strongest "heroes" on this planet, maybe even stronger."

"Yep, that'd be Superman."

"And you would send this disease to us?"

Lex was stunned, but collected himself. "Not intentionally." By the tone of his voice and how he emphasized "heroes", Lex picked up a certain amount of hate, the source of the hate he could not say for certain, but the Luthor believed he found an in with the man. "You hate his kind, don't you?" He hoped his captor thought the same "kind" as Lex believed.

Handing the pictures away, the man folded his hands behind his back and leaned to his prisoner. "Power invites challenges, which incites conflict. The greater the power, the more devastating the destruction. Yet, humanity's great flaw is that it always wanted more. How much do you think someone would spend to match this "Superman's" power?"

"Too much." So that was it. Lex' captor hated the superpowered.

"Too much. The man agreed. He nodded to his men, and Lex felt himself being lowered until his feet touched the ground, more men came and unlocked his cuffs, and immediately he sighed in relief.

"We will ensure someone with the proper resources will send you back to your original world." The man walked away, but Lex had another idea.

"You hate them." The man paused in his steps. "Superheroes, anyone with inhuman powers."

"From how you referred to your caped "friend", I can only assume you feel the same way." The Sokovian Colonel faced Lex again, but remained a distance away. "What is your point?"

"What if we were to get rid of them. All of them. On my world, and yours." The man's brow rose but showed no other reaction, which disappointed Lex, he thought he would be more enthused by the idea.

"You do realize the challenge of eliminating beings of such caliber?"

Lex almost chuckled. "Trust me, I've been dealing people like this for more than ten years."

"Yet you had not cleansed your problem." Lex had no answer. "If your endeavor has been so unsuccessful, why would I, or my men, help you?"

Lex thought, and thought hard, on how to convince the Sokovian. The man needed assurances, he needed to know this would succeed. No promise of certainty, then no chance. But thinking on the fact that Lex found someone who shared his beliefs on superheroes, he could have ended up anywhere, it's as if fate brought them together.

"Because we're not alone." The man's face held intrigue, and Lex knew, he had him now. "There are others like us, there has to be. With my machine, we could find more people, more resources, to end the threat of anyone wearing spandex and capes. Our worlds would be safe, our futures would be bright, and our children will live knowing they will be protected, not by freaks in masks, but by humanity."

It took a long time, Lex did not count, but the man walked back to where he stood before, with his men walking away, so it was only Lex and the Colonel, standing face to face, one bleeding, and the other smirking.

"You have my attention."

"You know my name, I'd like us to be on equal standing."

The Sokovian Colonel finally gave his name. "My name is Helmut Zemo."

New York City, Avengers Tower

Steve was in the Tower, gearing up, attaching the shield to his back as he asked JARVIS. "What am I looking at?"

"Unknown, sir. A creature of unknown origins fell through another of the portals above Times Square. Law enforcement has tried to engage the creature, but their bullets have proven ineffective."

Steve attached his helmet, then holstered a handgun to his waist. With these new creatures from other worlds, the more prepared, the better. He began making his way to the platform.

"It is approximately twenty feet in height, aggressive, and strong. Stronger than you, Captain", JARVIS warned as Steve finally made it to the flight deck, which was free of the Quinjet, already taken by Natasha and Clint for another mission.

"I appreciate your concern, JARVIS, but I'll manage", Steve assured the A.I. as he approached his new "Sky-Cycle", as Tony had dubbed it.

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Taking designs from one of Howard's old projects, Tony had modified a Harley-Davidson for Steve's use during missions, and he had to say, it was a hell of an upgrade.

"Colonel Rhodes has been notified, but will be delayed in Latveria. I'll keep Dr. Banner on standby, just in case, sir."

"I appreciate it, JARVIS."

With Tony, Thor, Natasha, and Clint all gone, Steve was the only Avenger left, and Code: Green was only a last resort. Mounting the bike, Steve flipped a switch on the handlebar.

The next second, the front and back tyres retracted, replaced by a repulsor powered propulsion system. Steve hovered in place for a second before revving the bike and shooting across the sky above New York.


Oliver was in a building in front of the former Bratva base, now run by the Yakuza instead, as he spoke to Hardison on comms. "Can you see anything?"

"5 men on the ground", Hardison said, typing through the computers, happy that technology wasn't Takeo's strongest suite. "3 on the stairwell, 7 right above there, 5 more above there outside a room, and there are 3 with him in the room."

"I think we can handle that", Oliver noted, then called out on comms. "Guys, let's go."

And then, the door of the building burst open as Diggle started firing upon the Yakuza on the ground floor, while Laurel let out her Canary Cry, making them cover their ears, and then she struck one on the face with her baton thrice, dazing him, before punching his gut. She tried to punch again but he blocked and threw her to the other side, only for her to let out her Canary Cry again, and as he covered his ears, she flipped up and kicked his face and throat hard, finally knocking him out.

Meanwhile, Diggle flipped one of the remaining ones on the ground, and kicked him out, before shooting the other one's shoulder, getting him as well.

Then, the two of them rushed upwards, towards the stairwell, Diggle shooting two of the men down while Laurel let out her Canary Cry, and the last one covered his ears before she struck his gut with the baton, and struck him hard there, winding him, before spin kicking his face as he was out.

At the same time, an explosion rocked the wall above the stairwell, making the seven back off right as Sara leapt out of the smoke, using her staff to strike one of the men hard in the face as he was out.

She spun her staff and tripped two more as Oliver and Thea appeared while she said. "Go! I got this!"

They ran further while Sara engaged the remaining, Oliver and Thea running further as the 5 outside the room came.

Oliver shot one down and spin kicked another on the face, knocking him out, while Thea struck one with her bow, before leaping and kicking him back with both feet. Oliver spun again and struck another's feet with his bow, taking him down before kicking his face, and then flipping, trapped the last one's head between his feet and knocked him out with another flip as Thea took out the one she was fighting.

Cautiously, the two moved ahead.

"My brother, dead. My nephew, dead. Your own parents, dead." Takeo's voice was ringing out of an intercom. "How many people died because of you, Oliver Queen? And how many more will suffer the same fate?"

"Hardison", Oliver whispered.

"He is there, Oliver, he is not moving."

"Do your team know what kind of monster you are?"

Oliver reached the room and kicked the door open to see Takeo had the Soultaker to Felicity's throat, the other 3 men moving towards him and Thea.

"You are Death's dog, Oliver Queen, and the master follows his pet wherever he goes", he smirked.

Oliver and Thea looked like they wanted to attack.

"Drop your weapons", Takeo snarled, his men close to Oliver and Thea, while he looked at Oliver. "Now I have the woman you love."

"I don't have a clear shot at him right now, Oliver."

"Oliver", Felicity said in between tears and whimpers. "I'm sorry."

Oliver was reminded of when Slade had Felicity in a similar position, but this time there was no plan.

"No", he shook his head. "I am."

Takeo looked between the two, before looking at Oliver's eyes with his own, and then his eyes seemed to widen, as if he was registering something.

"No….." he whispered, as the realization sank in, and his grip on Felicity loosened, making her stagger forward. "This can't be! THIS CAN'T BE!"

"Takeo…" Oliver tried to talk him down.


"Felicity, get away from him!" Oliver cried out, as Takeo made to stab her, while the window burst open, and Parker swung in.

Felicity tried to move, as Takeo managed to get her side, making her gasp in pain, as the swinging Parker struck his face, making him fall, while she grabbed Felicity and swung out, shattering another window, while at the same time, gunshots rang out, the other 3 Yakuza dropping.

From his vantage point, Ethan Hunt tried to get a lock on Takeo.

Thea charged Takeo and tried to strike, but he rolled away to avoid, then swept her feet from underneath her. With a roar, he got up and grabbed her, as Oliver cried out in horror. "NO!"

Sara, Diggle and Laurel burst in, as Takeo now had his Soultaker to Thea's throat instead, while Oliver aimed his arrow, and Diggle aimed his gun.

"This sword, it is called the Soultaker, I am sure you can guess why", Takeo said with a deranged smirk now. "Even in death, the one who dies shall be trapped in this prison- Forever! And now, I have the person you truly love above all else, and I shall have my revenge!"

"Let. Her. Go."

"Bring me back Maseo and Akio. Return my brother and nephew, I return your sister."

"I can't."

Takeo smiled without humor, applying more pressure on the sword against the young woman's neck, drawing a line of blood, causing Oliver to take an aggressive step forward, as the other three tried to cautiously step forth too, while Takeo stepped a little back and to the side, still holding Thea hostage.

"So the lives of my family means less than that of your former lover?"

Oliver and Sara showed no outward reaction that Takeo knew about their former relationship. Thea looked scared.

"Oliver, I have the shot now."

"Doesn't matter anymore. I have no one left. Feel my pain."

Takeo was about to cut Thea's throat.

"NOW!" Oliver shouted.

And then, a gunshot hit Takeo's hand, making him gasp as he lost the Soultaker, and then the roof caved in, Eliot bursting down from above, striking Takeo in the head, making him fall forwards as Thea stumbled away, Oliver catching her in his arms.

"Ollie!" Thea sobbed. "I am sorry!"

"Its all right, Speedy, I'm here now", Oliver assured her while patting her back, as Takeo got up, but Eliot decked his face, making him stagger back, then blocked an attempted punch before flipping Takeo over his shoulder, only for Takeo to fall near the Soultaker as he picked it back up.

Eliot groaned, unsteady on his feet, as while he was healing, the drill wounds were going to take much longer. But he wasn't going to stay back while the others were out.

Oliver let Thea go and tried to fire at Takeo, who used his sword to cut two of the arrows, before leaping out of the window. Oliver leapt after him, as Takeo swung to another rooftop, and Oliver swung there too, aiming an arrow at Takeo. "Takeo, stop!"

Final Showdown With Diaz plays

Takeo stopped, as Oliver walked closer, only for Takeo to whirl around as he chopped off the arrowhead with his sword, making Oliver leap back as Takeo swung again, but Oliver leapt to avoid the sword swing before kicking Takeo back.

Takeo steadied himself, then tried to strike Oliver, who side-stepped to avoid, then struck his chest with his bow, making Takeo double down, while Oliver grabbed him by the back of the neck and threw him away.

He was about to fire when Takeo got back up and fired an arrow of his own that Oliver countered. Takeo fired another arrow but Oliver caught it, spun around, and fired it. Takeo tried to dodge but it struck Takeo's quiver, shattering it as his arrows spilled.

And then, with another shot, Oliver disarmed Takeo of his sword, then rushing him, wrapped his feet around Takeo's neck and flipped him to the ground.

He tried to strike again but Takeo grabbed Oliver's neck with his own feet and slammed his head to the ground, before getting up and punching him back, and then he kicked Oliver's hand, making his bow fall away.

Takeo then spun to elbow Oliver, but Oliver blocked it and pushed as Takeo flipped and landed, then tried to flip and kick Oliver's face, only for Oliver to lean back while ducking before leaping up and kicking Takeo's chin, making him fly back while spitting out blood.

Takeo did a cartwheel to avoid falling, only for Oliver to deck his face, then grab it before kneeing it thrice. Takeo freed himself and grabbing Oliver, rushed forwards, pushing him back, before Oliver dug his feet on the rooftop, and elbowed Takeo's back a few times, weakening his grip, right as Oliver kneed his chest thrice, and Takeo let go as Oliver spun and kicked his throat, making him fall down, bleeding badly.

Takeo spat blood, glaring at Oliver, who moved towards him. "Its over!"

"NEVER!" He screamed, and threw down a smoke bomb, making Oliver avert his gaze. When the smoke cleared, Takeo was gone with the Soultaker.

Earth-92, Los Angeles, Hyperion Hotel

After having returned to their world, Angel and Buffy had told their teams of what had transpired during their meeting, and right now, the Scoobies and Team Angel were gathered in the Hyperion Hotel, mainly to work on the sensors that the Winchester brothers had, so they could detect people from other worlds too.

"I mean, we were joking about what could be happening when they met", Cordelia Chase whispered to Charles Gunn. "Didn't think an actual trip to another world was part of my jokes though."

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"Fell short there, huh Queen C?" Xander Harris asked jokingly.

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"Don't be happy, mine were still better than anything you could come up with", Cordelia scoffed, Xander putting a hand over his chest.

"I'm gonna get out with the little dignity I've left intact", Xander muttered.

"Thought it was pretty little already", Gunn joked, him and Cordelia sharing a chuckle as Xander sighed.

"I wish An was here", Xander muttered, as she was back in Sunnydale to run the Magic Box.

"So now you don't mind letting a woman fight your battles for you, eh?" Buffy joked, and Xander groaned once more.

"Okay, I had that one coming", he sighed.

"You have a lot coming", Cordelia told him.

At a distance from them, in the center of the room, at a table, Willow Rosenberg, Tara Maclay, Winifred 'Fred' Burkle, Wesley Wyndam-Pryce and Rupert Giles worked on the sensors together.

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"I admit, I have not seen magic and science match in such a way in my lifetime", Giles noted while he and Wesley read from the books.

"But you're not much into science anyways", Willow reminded Giles, and he gave her a look.

"How can you not be into science?" Fred asked Giles, and now he looked at her weirdly. "I mean, evolution, advancement, that's how we have always grown from the last age. You're weird."

"I'm inclined to agree", Wesley said, then did a fake exaggerated cough on seeing Giles' look.

"So, our world, it has various magicks", Tara noted, her hand glowing a little. "It is part of everything around us. Meaning, they can sense when something not of this world is nearby."

"And everything here does have a steady frequency on this spectrum as well", Fred commented, making a note of it. "Someone from another world would have a different frequency, just like the magicks of this world will not be connected to them."

"So, we will have to find a way to infuse the detecting magicks into such a frequency detector", Tara said, Fred making a little diagram of how that'd work.

"Voila!" Fred smiled.

"Wow! There's two of them now", Cordelia quipped. "I always wondered how they'd be together. Shy and shyer!"

Buffy, Xander and Gunn chuckled, as Buffy asked. "Fred is straight, right? Otherwise Willow would have competition."

"I mean, they could just do a three-way", Cordelia shrugged jokingly.

"Buffy." Buffy turned to see Angel, and he gestured to a corner, so she followed him there.

"What's up?" She asked him.

"Have you told them yet?" Angel inquired.

"Told them what?"

"You know what I'm talking about", Angel told her.

"Right, that", Buffy sighed. "No, not yet."

"Why not?"

"I don't think they're ready yet", Buffy shook her head, turning away.

"And why do you get to decide that?" Angel asked.

"Why did they get to decide where I was after death?" Buffy snarled bitterly.

"They made a mistake, a costly one", Angel agreed. "But that's because they did not have your input on the matter, they did not have the chance to get it. Its not like a Higher Being came down from above and told them you were fine, and they still decided to bring you back. They thought you were in a Hell Dimension."

"Your point being?" Buffy asked, sounding irritated.

"They didn't know better. You do", Angel pointed out. "If you don't tell them what really happened and continue to wallow by yourself, they can't help you and even try to make up for what they did. Think about that."

Sighing, Buffy walked away. "I'll think about telling them."

Angel shook his head. He couldn't force her to tell her friends, that was her own decision, but he really hoped she saw sense and told them before it was too late.

Earth-1, Star City

Panting, Takeo staggered back into his usual Yakuza base, putting his hand to the wall, only to feel a liquid, and he pulled it back to see it was blood. Looking up, he saw a dead Yakuza hanging from the fan.

Then he looked ahead and saw the rest had been slaughtered too, their blood all around.

"What the…" he muttered in horror.

"I told you, Oliver Queen is mine."

Prometheus theme plays

Takeo turned around to see the Throwing Star Killer walking towards him, and roared. "HOW DARE YOU?!"

He struck with his Soultaker, only for the Throwing Star Killer to dodge, before punching his face, then his throat, as Takeo staggered back while coughing.

"How dare you?" The Throwing Star Killer asked calmly, only for Takeo to flip and kick his face, sending him falling down.

He tried to bring the sword down on him but the Throwing Star Killer rolled away to avoid before flipping back up.

"You know how this ended last time", Takeo reminded with a sneer, and tried to slice his throat, but he leaned back to avoid, then grabbed Takeo's wrist, decking it thrice, before spinning and elbowing Takeo's back as he dropped the Soultaker due to the shock, as the Throwing Star Killer spun again and did a double leg takedown of Takeo.

Takeo staggered back up, and remembering last time, spun, trying to grab his opponent and flip him to the ground, but the Throwing Star Killer grabbed his hand instead, and bringing it down on his knee, twisted hard as Takeo screamed in pain.

He let go, as Takeo staggered back, only for him to kick his face hard, breaking his nose while he fell down.

Climbing upon him, the Throwing Star Killer started pounding upon Takeo's face, as Takeo spat blood with each punch, and then, he joined his fists, pounding Takeo's face even harder, breaking some teeth.

Then, he took out one of his shurikens, and pierced the side of Takeo's neck, before drawing a line of blood across his throat, Takeo coughing more blood from his mouth, while it also splattered on the Throwing Star Killer's mask.

Finally, he ran it across Takeo's throat completely, as the man stopped breathing, his face a bloodied mess.

"Only I can kill Oliver Queen."

The lair

"You were right, Ollie", Thea said to him, guilt in her voice. "I shouldn't have left with Malcolm. I turned my back on you."

"I did the same", Oliver said, making her look at him. "When I left with Felicity, I did the same to you and the rest. You'd lost the love of your life, almost been killed by Ra's and then brought back to life by a Lazarus Pit. You needed me, and I left."

"I guess both of us owe each other apologies, don't we?" Thea muttered, Oliver nodding.

"Let's start fresh", Oliver said, and the two siblings embraced, hoping this would be the fresh start they needed.

Parting, they walked to the rest, where Felicity had been bandaged up by Sara and Eliot, the former saying. "It will take a few weeks, but it'll heal."

"That guy is still in the wind though", Eliot said with a snarl.

"We'll get him", Oliver assured them all. "This time he won't escape."

"Oliver, there is something I need to tell you", Felicity said, as the team looked at her. "I was going to tell you before, but I got taken, then I was being bandag-"

"Felicity!" Everyone said at the same time.

"Right, right, sorry. So, Ray…he is alive. And he is in trouble."


Steve got off the sky-cycle, seeing it was a gorilla-like and burly monster that was destroying things all around. Some people and cops had been killed by it already.

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Well, no more were gonna die.

Holding his shield, Steve pulled back, and threw, the shield striking the monster's head and returning to his hand, as the monster turned to him and roared.

Well, it was unaffected, meaning Steve would be having a really hard time fighting it.

The monster charged Steve like a gorilla, trying to slam upon him, as Steve rolled away to avoid, throwing his shield and striking its head again, to no avail before catching the shield upon return.

It charged him again with a punch as Steve brought his shield in the way, managing to block that, before spinning and kicking the hand, not that it was affected much.

The monster tried to grab him but he jumped back to avoid in time, then leapt at its hand, before leaping towards it face with his shield, managing to slam the shield onto its face, but it was still barely affected as Steve dropped down and rolled between its legs, getting onto the other side before standing up as the monster turned to face him again.

It tried to swipe its wrist, but Steve did a leap and a roll to dodge that, then threw the shield on its other hand as it grunted, while he caught it, and was about to leap, when one hand came too close.

Quickly taking out his handgun, Steve shot that hand. While the monster was barely affected, it retracted its hand still.

Steve braced with his shield, but felt the temperature drop drastically, and saw the monster's limb being encased in ice, freezing its movement.

The beast stepped back and slammed the arm down, breaking the limb from the ice, but not before something leapt over Steve's head and tackled the big ugly creature, that something being a man with metal skin, pounding steel-covered fists on its head.

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That was when Steve turned to see a young man with some facial scruff, wearing black jacket and hoody, pointing his hands forward, with the Avenger noticing the cold mist leaking from his palms.

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"Captain America, sir-"

"Got a name, son?"

Surprised, he quickly tried to answer. "Bobby, sir."

Nodding, the Captain replied "Steve," and turned back to the fight, where the metal man was thrown into a cop car. "What did you do just do?"

"My powers let me freeze things."

"Can you freeze something that big?" Steve gestures to the creature that beat on the ground and roared in some kind of language.

Bobby steeled himself and stood straight. "I can."

"Check the area for any civilians, guide them out, and block off the area, we don't need anyone else getting close to this thing. Once you do, immobilize it, slow it down."

"Got it, sir."

"Pleasure to meet you", Steve smiled. Iceman wasn't the first Mutant he'd met though. He remembered back in the 40s, him and the Howling Commandos had briefly worked with a man called James Howlett. Steve remembered the guy was very uncanny, and he could survive and come out intact from things no normal man could survive.

Steve had also seen him get shot sometimes, but there was not even a scratch later. James claimed he'd not actually been shot, but Steve knew better. Only, he didn't say anything as he knew it could get James in trouble.

Ever since he'd found out about Mutants in the modern day, and the Alcatraz incident that involved this X-Men team (he'd researched it but didn't know the full details) Steve had a very good feeling that James had definitely been a Mutant.

The monster charged at them again, when the man made of metal leapt and punched it, making it stagger back again while the man landed, then leapt near Steve, as Bobby formed an ice-slide after running, escorting people away.

"I am Colossus", the new man introduced himself. "Honored to meet you."

"Same here", Steve nodded.

Steve rolled away to avoid and threw his shield at its head, getting its attention, only for Colossus to get behind it and punch it in the back of the head as it staggered forwards, Steve jumping out of the way.

At that moment, Bobby had surrounded the battlefield with a thick ice wall, and then, he slid around the creature, freezing it and slowing it down as the shield impacted against its head.

It roared and struck the ice slide, making Bobby fall, only for Steve to leap and catch him before landing, as Colossus stood near them.

"Take me with you", Colossus offered.

"Sure", Bobby said, making another slide as he and Colossus now slid together, Iceman blasting the creature's face with ice, blinding it, before Colossus leapt on its head, slamming his fist down on it, before grabbing onto it.

The creature roared, trying to shake Colossus off as it broke through the ice wall, before smacking him away, and started making a run for it, climbing a building and breaking parts of it due to its strength.

"I could go up there and hit it again, maybe freeze it to death", Iceman offered.

"What do you think?" Colossus asked Steve.

"You're quite strong", Steve noted. "How far can you throw?"

Colossus' steel face smirked. "One fastball special coming right up."

Grabbing Steve, Colossus spun him around and threw him towards the climbing monster, the Captain holding out his shield straight.

The monster turned to Steve at the last second, and the shield's edge made contact with its head, cracking it open and killing it as it started falling, and Steve started falling too.

Steve was about to take out his wire-launcher, when suddenly, the monster's body disappeared into a breach, and Steve fell into it as well before he could do anything else.

"Okay, what was that?" Colossus asked in horror.

"I…..have no idea", Iceman muttered.


And with that, our chapter is over.

Takeo was never going to be a long-term villain. But since he was only showing up to get his ass kicked by Oliver or Eliot or both up until now, decided to give him a last hurrah. Thanks a lot to Brainstorm Sorcerer for the idea and his very helpful input on it.

And he was always gonna be killed by Prometheus, to show how obsessed he is with killing Oliver that he will kill anyone else repeatedly attempting to do so.

The chip he has now works similarly to the Prometheus helmet from the comics, so now Adrian Chase has become like comics Prometheus pretty much.

While Oliver has laid down the law with his team, and patched things up too.

Lex uses the machine, and reaches Earth-199999, and meets Zemo. While the deaths of his family clearly made him decide to destroy the Avengers, let's be honest, his anti-superhero feelings would have been there before, they didn't just pop out of the blue.

And we got picture cameos of many creatures in that scene- the humanoid being with icy-blue skin was a Hel-Walker from 'God of War', then the Tonberry from 'Compilation of Final Fantasy VII' that the Avengers, Clark and Bart had fought, then a Fyarl Demon from Buffyverse, then a Gundark from 'Star Wars', and finally a Null Void Vulpimancer from the 'Ben 10' franchise.

So with Lex and Zemo, the beginnings of the Injustice League are here.

While Steve fought an Ogre from 'God of War'. Let's be honest, even a held back Kratos leaves Steve in the dust strength-wise, so he couldn't beat the Ogre, but as you can see, he is Captain America because he can do this all day, and he tried his best.

Iceman and Colossus from the X-Men movies made their cameo, and they killed the Ogre by teaming up, but Steve has disappeared now.

Thanks a lot to Brainstorm Sorcerer for his help once more.

Hope all enjoyed and see you all next time with another chapter.

Chapter 12: On a new world


Aragorn, Batman and Harry set out on a rescue mission. Team Arrow along with their allies try to rescue Ray Palmer. Steve finds himself in a new world.


Disclaimer: I do not own anything you may recognize

Thank you to everyone who has favorited, followed or reviewed this fic so far.

Thanks a lot to Brainstorm Sorcerer for all his help with this chapter, much appreciated.

So, fair warning, next few chapters are all going to be really long, over 10,000 words, and even over 20,000 words at some points. But, they will be rich in good content, so I hope you all enjoy it.

Also, next week, I won't be able to update, due to being on a vacation then, so apologies in advance for that. So the chapter after this one shall come next to next week, but on my usual update day and time.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Unknown Universe, Unknown world

Steve crashed onto the ground, while the monster's body hit some sort of tentacle.

As Steve got up, the tentacle lashed out, trying to grab the body of the creature, but struggled with the weight.

Upon hearing the screech, Steve rolled away and could only look at the mouth in the ground open with a long tongue reaching out. He watched in shock before commenting, "That's no weed."

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Then his eyes began to wander to his surroundings, and widened. Everything was clouded in the dark of night, the ground was dark and the air misty. The flora was unlike anything Steve had ever seen, glowing a bioluminescent red light with twisted shapes that made him think of some kind of Witch story.

But what really caught Steve's interest and concern were the explosions filling up the sky, along with the distant sounds of what the Captain of the Howling Commandos assumed were weapons.

Artillery, guns, he didn't know, but already his mind began to drift to times the Avenger would rather keep in the past.

Accessing his situation, Steve stood straight and gazed into the distance where more explosions and smoke seemed to emanate. The creature and he fell through a breach, and now, they were definitely not on Earth, or, they were, and the Earth of this Universe turned out VERY different than his own.

Could the breach have also led to somewhere else in his Universe? The Avengers or any of their allies had turned up no such record of the breaches transporting lifeforms across their resident Universe, but Steve could not rule it out.

Usually, breaches seemed to lead to other Earths, but they were still mysteries to even Tony and his other friends.

Cap had to keep his mind open to all possibilities.

For now, Steve had one priority: find signs of life and see if they could help him. The Star-Spangled Man had his plan, with a shield on his back and pistol by his waist. He walked towards the direction of the explosions and smoke.

"Long way from Brooklyn", Steve could not help from muttering.

Earth-1, Star City

Team Arrow, Team Leverage and Hunt were in the Arrow Cave together, trying to trace where Ray's video was coming from.

"How long have you known?" Oliver inquired.

"About a week", Felicity confessed. "But I couldn't do much, I was still dealing with Curtis' death. Then Eliot was captured, you'd the whole thing with Waller, and then Takeo coming after me. Didn't get a chance until now."

"Oh we'll find him", Hardison assured her. "We've done much more impossible things before." He looked at Hunt. "No offense."

Hunt just shrugged.

There was a beep as Felicity realized. "The back trace program worked."

"Check it", Eliot said simply.

They typed a bit, and then Ray Palmer's face came on the screen.

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"Felicity, Felicity, is that you?" Ray asked her.

"Oh, my God, Ray!" Felicity sighed in relief.

"Ray, where are you?" Oliver inquired.

"I don't know", Ray said sadly. "And if that wasn't enough, I think I'm being held against my will."


"Yeah, they want my suit, or at least the tech", Ray told them. "The good news is, the tech is useless to them in my current condition."

Oliver started. "Ray, if you have your suit, then why don't you just—"

"Bust my way out? Yeah, that's not really happening."

Oliver inquired. "What, the suit doesn't work?"

Ray revealed. "Actually, it worked a little too well."

Dig asked him. "How well?"

Where Ray was, he looked up at the glass case inside which he was kept alongside his suit, both shrunk to a miniature size.

Few minutes later

Diggle was rubbing his forehead in shock. "I need to go out, get a few drinks, because this-"

"Yeah, like how did he shrink to the size of a tater tot?" Thea inquired.

"You've people from another world before you and this is where you draw the line?" Eliot inquired with a raised eyebrow.

"Normal people from another world!" Dig said.

"Fair point", Thea spoke at the same time.

"Ray is the size of a tater tot", Felicity noted.

Ethan told the rest. "You know, there's some bedtime stories of an operative the size of an ant. If the stuff that happened in the past few years on my Earth is anything to go by, tiny humans isn't that much a stretch."

Felicity then spoke. "The bottom line is that Ray jury-rigged a short-range message burst that was intercepted by whoever's holding him captive."

Oliver noted. "Ray thinks they want the suit for its technology, but they can't use it while its small."

Laurel added. "And while he's small, it's like looking for a needle in a city of haystacks."

"There was something to help him there, right?" Parker asked, as Felicity played part of the new message again.

"Back at Palmer Tech, I've got schematics for a machine that should be able to resize me."

"I'm gonna go get it", Felicity said as she walked off.

"I could come with you", Hardison stood up.

She started. "I think I can-"

"Felicity, take Hardison with you", Oliver said, and she relented, walking off with Hardison.

"Now I wish I'd brought Luther and Benji with me", Hunt commented.

Central City, STAR Labs

Strider, Batman and Harry stood in front of where the breach to Earth-2 STAR Labs was, with the rest of Team Flash behind them. They had packed up supplies to help themselves.

They turned around, seeing Cisco, Caitlin, Joe, Iris and Barry, who sat on a wheelchair, as he had still not recovered from Zoom's beatdown.

"I wish I could come with you guys", Barry said sadly.

"You are terrible right now", Strider told Barry. "You should try to get better again."

Barry simply nodded as Caitlin told the three. "Good luck, guys." She looked at Harry. "I hope you get your daughter back."

"I will", Harry told them.

"You sure you don't want me to come and help?" Cisco asked again.

"We already know where she is, and you haven't learnt to control your powers fully", Batman pointed out.

"Fair point."

"Just, come back safe guys", Joe said to them. "With Jesse."

"Yeah", Iris agreed.

The three looked at Team Flash one more time, then turned around to the breach, walking into it as they started seeing many things.

First, they saw a dark-skinned man in a Green Arrow suit firing an arrow.

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Then they saw what looked like another man in a Flash costume, a stubble underneath his face.

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After that, they saw a blonde woman in a suit and skirt with a 'S' symbol on her chest flying, her cape flowing behind her.

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Then, they saw a man in a hat, the right side of his face heavily burnt.

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Next up, they saw a man wearing glasses running around, having a Walkman with him.

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Then, they saw another Batman who seemed to look just like the Batman with them.

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And finally, they stepped out on the other side of the breach, in the STAR Labs of Earth-2, Aragorn looking around. "So that is how it is like to travel through one of these."

"Yeah", Harry told him as they walked further.

"This does not look too different", Strider said, the three walking out in the night, as they saw Central City of Earth-2.

People were moving around, and there was a train running on a rail above.

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"What is that?" Strider looked at the train.

"Just something many people can move around in, from one place to another, if they pay", Harry explained. "Its called a train. Its like a big car, for many people."

Strider nodded, as Batman looked at the train disappear. "That is….a weird train."

Harry did a double take, shocked to hear Batman joke, then said. "Welcome to Earth-2."

After that, he said. "We don't have much time, we need to get to Ascension Cliffs quickly."

"You two go ahead, I'll join you quickly", Batman said, as he walked back inside.

"What does he want now?" Harry wondered.

"I am not sure of that myself", Strider shook his head, then saw the old style cars nearby. "These….cars look very different from the ones in that world."

"Yeah, like I said, our world is different", Harry shrugged.

"I can feel it in the air as well", Strider noted, then looked at the sky. "Even the sky looks different."

Inside, Batman plugged his drive to a computer, and typed through, deciding to see what this world was like, including his doppelganger.

He found some articles of his Earth-2 self, throwing huge parties all over Gotham City, and absconding with supermodels, though there were reports of Batman too.

That could only mean one thing- his doppelganger had learnt to differentiate between Bruce Wayne and Batman. He was still trying to learn that.

And he fought some strange villains- a crocodile man? And a man in a pig mask?

Batman decided to keep this info with him, in case any of these showed up in his world.

He also looked through info about Team Flash and Team Arrow members on this Earth.

He found out Robert Queen was The Hood here, and had been exposed recently, though the circ*mstances around that were unclear, while someone else had taken up the mantle, but without any information, Batman couldn't tell who the new vigilante was.

Since Robert was dead on this Earth, that meant Oliver Queen was The Hood or the Arrow, as well as the Green Arrow. He'd figured it out a while ago, but this had confirmed it to him.

Then he saw something else, and narrowed his eyes.

Strider and Harry were waiting, as Batman came out, glaring at the latter, and suddenly punched him, making him stagger away as he held his face, to Strider's shock.

"Why did you do that?" Harry inquired.

"Is he a speedster in secret as well?" Strider inquired, but Batman shook his head.

As Harry recovered, Batman grabbed him by the collar and slammed him to the door. "The Particle Accelerator- you never took responsibility and made meta-human trackers to profit off of this?"

Harry tried to argue. "It was for the peo-"

"Bullcrap, it was to profit off of the rise of meta-humans while hiding your role in this", Batman snarled. "They're throwing them into black sites like they're not even humans. Did you ever think about that?"

Harry looked down, unable to face Batman, as Strider asked. "What do you mean?"

"An accident caused by him is responsible for the meta-humans in this world. Now, they are being treated as less than human because they're different, and he has not taken responsibility for it", Batman sneered.

Strider looked at Harry in disappointment. "Why would you not accept the consequences of your mistakes?"

Harry sighed sadly, Batman asking. "How'd you face your daughter like this?"

He could imagine how Jesse would feel, finding out her father was not who she thought he was. He could feel it too, as he'd felt similarly not too long ago on finding out Thomas had asked Falcone to threaten that journalist, even if Falcone had gone ahead and murdered the guy.

At least his father was going to turn himself in before Falcone had him and his mother murdered to silence them.

Harry had covered up his part in this mess.

"I…she found out", Harry told them, remembering their last ever conversation before she'd been taken. "She was not pleased."

"She was right", Strider said.

"You know what? Yes, I messed up, and I hid it. But, if you let me go and help me save my daughter, I'll come back here, and I'll make it right, I promise", Harry finally said.

"Make it right", Batman snarled, letting him go. "Or I'll come for you."

Suddenly, there was a beeping sound all around, as Harry looked at his meta-human detector, which also passed alerts of meta-human attacks on this world.

"What is it?" Strider inquired.

"A meta-human attack is happening", Harry said, before tapping as he saw some footage, and his eyes widened. "They work for Zoom."

Strider was shocked by what he saw. Two of them looked like Cisco and Caitlin, the former having done his hair differently, with a strange contraption around his eyes, while the latter had hair that were a mix of white and golden, but he could see the bloodlust in her eyes. The third one had flames upon him, looking not too different from how Jax and Stein looked when they fused, though he was not Jax.

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Batman was not shocked, as he'd found out about these three during his research. "Cisco's, Caitlin's and Ronnie's doppelgangers."

"They are evil in this world", Strider noted in absolute horror.

"I'll deal with them, maybe we could get something on Zoom", Batman said as he walked off.

"I am coming with you", Strider offered.

"No, I'll do it alone", Batman shook his head, then ran and glided away.

Universe-208, Tatooine

Vizsla could only stare at his lieutenant. "You can't be serious."

"Why not?" Bo-Katan reasoned to the leader of Clan Vizsla. "You've seen him fight. He can handle himself."

"It's not his ability I question, it's whether he would even consider it."

"We gave him a place to rest and heal."

"Reluctantly", Vizsla pointed out. "He knows this, not to mention, he hasn't been the most gracious of guests either."

duch*ess Satine's sister gave him a dull look. "Would you call Saxon and Awaud gracious?" Vizsla scoffed. "Asking won't do any harm."

Vizsla stayed quiet, staring at his helmet before shifting his gaze to where the warrior in question moved in a practiced kata, fast punches and kicks to the air that were a blur to his sight. "Asking will yield no result...unless we offer an incentive."

Landing on his hands and knees after a 540 degree jump, Blade moved his back leg forward, moving into the next position of the Unsu kata only for his hearing to pick up footsteps in the sand, coming closer.

Annoyed at his practice being interrupted, Blade waited for none other than Pre Vizsla himself to approach, but his eyes locked on the sheathed sword in his hands.

Blade's sword.

"I have a proposition for you." Blade said nothing, except shoot his arm out and catch his weapon after Vizsla's throw. "Have a job coming up, and we're undermanned."

"There a part where I'm supposed to care?"

"Care? No, but this may interest you." Blade's brow rose, but he did not react otherwise. "Those wounds of yours have been healed for days. Truthfully, I didn't care, but now I need a man of your talents."

"You have plenty of people."

"Most of them are searching for bounties or scouting for our new base, my forces are divided." Blade remained stoic, to the annoyance of Vizsla. It felt like he was talking to a wall. Time for the wall to crack. "Help me, and I'll take you to whatever planet you want."

The reaction was brief and confided to the eyes, but Vizsla noticed, and it confirmed that Blade was human. He had him.

"Do we have a deal?

Earth-1, Star City

Parker, Eliot and Hunt were stealing the device from Kord Industries that was needed for Ray's device, as Hardison and Felicity were directing them from the base.

"Hello?" Felicity gasped as she and Hardison saw Ray's face again. "Is anyone there?"

"Ray..." Felicity noted.

"Any luck with the schematics?"

"I realize the quantum manifold could present a challenge. Nothing a little late-night shopping at Kord industries couldn't solve", Felicity assured.

"Yeah, and our friends are doing it right now", Hardison added.

"Oh, that's great. Thank you, Felicity. Now we just have to figure out how to—" Ray paused for some reason.

"Ray, you still there?" Felicity inquired, only for her eyes to widen in horror on seeing Damien Darhk's face hovering behind him. "Oh, no."

"Who is that?" Hardison asked her.

"That's Damien Darhk."

Same time

Oliver was discussing strategy with Adrian as the latter told him. "This city, its been having a hard time recently."

"I know, with those militants and all that-"

"Not just them, the murders that happened just a while ago", Adrian reminded Oliver. "This city's murder rate managed to skyrocket. And its pretty obvious there were a bunch of murderers."

"Yeah, this city is shaken up from that", Oliver said sadly.

"Which is why I have a suggestion", Adrian revealed. "A speech."


"Yeah, a speech", Adrian told him. "This city needs to see that the man who leads them knows about the problems they're facing. They need to see that their leader not only knows of their problems, but empathizes with them. A leader who shows them that they have a bright light at the end of this dark tunnel, the light being-"

"Me", Oliver realized, remembering Barry's words as well of how he could inspire as Oliver Queen. "I guess you're right about that."

"Yes, I am, because I believe you are the man who can save this city, Oliver", Adrian said while pointing at him. "You just need to make the rest of this city believe the same thing."

"Thank you, Adrian", Oliver said with a smile. "That means a lot."

Then he got a call and saw it was Felicity. "Sorry, I've to take this."

"Its fine", Adrian assured with a shrug as Oliver walked off.

Earth-2, Central City

Reverb, Killer Frost and Deathstorm were causing havoc in the bank, as people were running around, when a Batarang struck Deathstorm from behind in the shoulder, making him gasp as they turned to see Batman there.

"Look who decided to make a trip from Gotham City", Killer Frost quipped as she fired at Batman, and he rolled away to avoid it.

Leaping, he threw his Batarangs, but the three used their powers to deflect those, as Batman made to go up onto the ceiling, but Reverb saw it coming due to his glasses and blasted there, hitting Batman as he fell away.

"I know you're from another Earth!" Reverb taunted Batman. "Your journey here is a waste. I can shatter your entire nervous system without breaking a sweat."

Batman staggered up, barely avoiding a shard thrown by Killer Frost, then trying to avoid a fireball by Deathstorm, though it did sing his shoulder as he grunted a little, but ran off and took cover behind a counter.

Reverb fired just as Batman raised his hand to throw a Batarang, making him retract it at the last second.

"You can't touch this!" Reverb smirked.

"Come out and play, cowl!" Deathstorm added, when Batman threw a Batarang, but not at them.

It flew around, shattering all the lights in the area, before flying back to him, the entire place now cloaked in darkness.

"That was…very stupid", Deathstorm said as his hands lit up with flames, only for a smoke grenade to fall near them, emitting smoke as all three were blinded, and coughed a little as well.

Reverb angrily blasted around the place, only to accidentally hit Deathstorm and Killer Frost both. The former was knocked away as the latter hit the door of the lounge, breaking it as she fell down, groaning.

Batman's silhouette appeared behind Reverb, who tried to turn, but Batman caught his arm, then ripped out the symbol on his own chest, revealing it was actually a Batarang-knife. Using that, he sliced Reverb's tendons on the right arm, disabling it as he screamed in pain, before slashing across his face, getting the glasses that shattered, taking away Reverb's powers to see through Universes. Then, he decked Reverb one more time, sending him kissing dirt.

At that moment, a fireball hit Batman's chest, sending him hurtling to the ground, his armor now scorched and melting.

Attaching the Batarang-knife back to his chest, Batman made a run for it, disappearing in the shadows. Deathstorm started hovering above the ground, his flames lit up as he looked around.

Hearing a motorcycle, he flew out to see the Caped Crusader riding away on that.

Snarling, he followed.

Batman tapped his earpiece. "Reverb is taken care of, Killer Frost escaped. I have nothing to stop Deathstorm."

Noticing a fireball in the rearview mirror, Batman swerved to avoid that.

"There is one way."

Batman's eyes suddenly lit up. "Ronnie and Stein were fused on Earth-1 before as well. That's how they used their powers. Maybe these two need to be split now."

"Yes, now there should be a Quantum splicer on his chest. Go for it."

Batman saw another fireball incoming, and didn't dodge this time. It hit the bike, crashing it as he rolled away painfully, groaning before coming to a stop, unconscious.

Deathstorm landed and smirked at the Caped Crusader. "Not so tough now, are ya?" Chuckling, he reached for the mask. "Now let's see who you really are."

That moment, Batman's eyes snapped open as he threw his palm forwards, attaching something to the splicer. Deathstorm was too shocked by the sudden movement to react, as Batman then kicked his chest, sending him back.

The meta-human noticed a blinking light on his splicer, and tried to burn it off before it exploded, only causing an even larger explosion of fire.

Batman averted his gaze as Earth-2 Ronnie and Earth-2 Stein were split into two.

Groaning, he pushed himself back to his feet, then rushing to Earth-2 Ronnie, lifted him by the collar. "Where is Zoom? Do you know anything?"

"Haven't….seen him in a while", Earth-2 Ronnie groaned before losing consciousness as Batman dropped him.

This meant there was a huge chance Zoom still hadn't recovered, so they'd some time.

He reached for his earpiece. "Call the CCPD, and an ambulance. Then, we'll go ahead."

Earth-1, Central City, STAR Labs

Barry heard the ring tone, then sighed in relief as the call was picked up.

"Hello, Barry?"Patty asked from the other end.

"Hey Patty", Barry greeted her. "I wasn't in today, so just wanted to talk to you."

"Yeah, I noticed. What happened?"Patty inquired

Barry did not want to lie to her, but he wasn't ready to fully tell her everything yet either, so he went with the middle ground.

"I had a bad accident", he finally said. "And I can't move around for a bit, so I'm not in."

"Maybe I could come", Patty offered, Barry smiling at how caring she was. "Bring you something. We could-"

"I appreciate it, Patty, I really do", Barry assured her. "But I don't want to be a burden. Focus on the job."

"…..Right", Patty noted from the other end, then said warmly. "If you change your mind, offer is open."

"I'll keep that in mind, thank you", Barry told her. "When I get better, we'll be making up for this."

"I'll hold you to that",Patty said. "Bye."



Sam and Dean were investigating deaths in a small town shortly before Halloween. Sam entered their motel room and immediately drew his gun, moving forward in an offensive stance, ready to attack. "Who are you?!"

Dean rushed in, and tried to stop Sam. "Sam! Sam, wait! It's Castiel."

Dean puts his hand on Sam's gun and pushed it down, and Sam stood there stunned. "The Angel." Dean spotted another figure in the room, standing by the window.

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"Him, I don't know."

Sam looked at Castiel in wonder and a smile crossed his face.

"Hello, Sam", the Angel greeted him.

"Oh my God – er – uh –" Sam stammered over his words. "I didn't mean to – sorry. It's an honor, really, I – I've heard a lot about you." Sam stepped forward and held out his hand to shake Castiel's.

Dean went and closed the door to their room, and Castiel looked at Sam's hand like he wasn't sure what to do with it. Sam shook it a little, and Castiel finally understood and put his right hand in Sam's.

"And I, you. Sam Winchester – The boy with the demon blood." Castiel then added. "Glad to see you've ceased your extracurricular activities."

The other one was still facing the window, but spoke. "Let's keep it that way."

"Yeah, okay, chuckles." Dean looked back at Castiel. "Who's your friend?"

Castiel simply asked. "This the raising of Samhain, have you stopped it?"


"Dean, have you located the Witch?"

"Yes, we've located the Witch", Dean replied.

Castiel asked. "And is the witch dead?"

Sam started. "No, but –"

"We know who it is."

Castiel walked over to the table by the bed. "Apparently the Witch knows who you are too." He picked up a hex bag and showed it to them. "This was inside the wall of your room. If we hadn't found it, surely one or both of you would be dead. Do you know where the Witch is now?"

Dean and Sam exchange a look as the former said. "We're working on it."

"That's unfortunate", Castiel noted.

"You know about the breaches, right?" Sam then asked Castiel, making him and the other Angel turn to him. "Can you tell us more about those?"

"Not important", the other Angel shrugged.

"What?" Dean asked. "We literally met two people a while ago from a different world, who helped us with a case. There's a lot more than just this world out there."

"And we're facing monsters from other worlds too", Sam added. "We can get lots of allies, and lots of enemies as well."

"That is not important right now", Castiel said. "The raising of Samhain is one of the 66 seals."

Dean realized. "So this is about your buddy Lucifer."

"Lucifer is no friend of ours", the other Angel snarled.

"It's just an expression", Dean pointed out.

Castiel said. "Lucifer cannot rise. The breaking of the seal must be prevented at all costs."

Dean shrugged. "Okay, great, well now that you're here, why don't you tell us where the Witch is, we'll gank her and everybody goes home, unless we get more of these visitors! Or we end up being visitors somewhere else!"

Castiel revealed. "We are not omniscient. This Witch is very powerful, she's cloaked even our methods."

Sam started. "Okay, well we already know who she is, so if we work together –"

"Enough of this", the other Angel said.

Dean inquired. "Okay, who are you and why should I care?"

The other Angel turned from the window and looked at Dean.

Castiel revealed. "This is Uriel, he's what you might call a… specialist." Uriel walked toward them.

Dean asked. "What kind of specialist? What are you gonna do?"

Castiel revealed. "You – uh, both of you – you need to leave this town immediately."

"Why?" Dean asked.

"Because we're about to destroy it." Sam and Dean exchanged a worried glance.

Dean was shocked. "So this is your plan, you're gonna smite the whole friggin' town?"

Castiel told them. "We're out of time. This Witch has to die, the seal must be saved."

Sam pointed out. "There are a thousand people here."

"One thousand two hundred fourteen", Uriel said.

Sam inquired. "And you're willing to kill them all?"

Uriel revealed. "This isn't the first time I've… purified a city."

Castiel said. "Look, I understand this is regrettable."

"Regrettable?" Dean asked.

Castiel told them. "We have to hold the line. Too many seals have broken already."

Dean inquired. "So you screw the pooch on some seals and this town has to pay the price?"

Castiel pointed out. "It's the lives of one thousand against the lives of six billion. There's a bigger picture here."

Dean shrugged. "Right, cause you're bigger picture kind of guys."

Castiel said. "Lucifer cannot rise. He does and Hell rises with him. Is that something that you're willing to risk?"

Sam told them. "We'll stop this Witch before she summons anyone. Your seal won't be broken and no one has to die."

Uriel said. "We're wasting time with these mud monkeys." Castiel turned away from Dean to Uriel.

"I'm sorry, but we have our orders."

Sam couldn't believe it. "No, you can't do this, you're Angels, I mean aren't you supposed to – You're supposed to show mercy."

"Says who?" Uriel asked.

Castiel said. "We have no choice."

Dean asked. "Of course you have a choice. I mean, come on, what? You've never questioned a crap order, huh? What are you both, just a couple of hammers?"

Castiel tried to placate them. "Look, even if you can't understand it, have faith. The plan is just."

"How can you even say that?" Sam asked.

"Because it comes from Heaven, that makes it just."

"Oh, it must be nice, to be so sure of yourselves", Dean sneered.

"Tell me something, Dean, when your father gave you an order, didn't you obey?" Castiel asked.

Dean looked at Castiel and took a second. "Well sorry boys, looks like the plans have changed."

Uriel asked. "You think you can stop us?"

Dean started over and stood in Uriel's face. "No, but if you're gonna smite this whole town, then you're gonna have to smite us with it, because we are not leaving. See, you went to the trouble of busting me out of Hell. I figure I'm worth something to the Man upstairs. So you wanna waste me, go ahead, see how he digs that."

Uriel snarled. "I will drag you out of here myself."

Dean shrugged. "Yeah, but you'll have to kill me, then we're back to the same problem. I mean, come on, you're gonna wipe out a whole town for one little Witch. Sounds to me like you're compensating for something." Dean turned back and looked at Castiel. "We can do this. We will find that Witch and we will stop the summoning."

"Castiel!" Uriel said. "I will not let these peop–" Castiel held up his hand at Uriel. "Enough!" He stared at Dean for a second. "I suggest you move quickly."

Earth-1, Star City

Ray's location had been found, and now it was time to put the plan into action. Oliver was outside the building, about to swing his way in, when suddenly two Ghosts struck him with the butts of their guns, knocking him out.

Oliver came to, seeing the two Ghosts chaining him up as Damien appeared, holding his bow and quiver. "Oh, these are nice."

He snapped an arrow into two. "Oops!" He looked at the Ghosts. "Leave us."

They walked off outside after sharing a look, and then one of them stood outside the room while the other one walked to a pad, disabling the security systems. "Guys, package is delivered. Are you all ready?"

"Ready", Laurel and Sara said at the same time, standing side by side.

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"Ready", Dig and Thea said as well.

"This is gonna be fun", Parker said, having parachute equipment with her, Hardison in her front, the two together.

"With you and the rest, I've done this stuff quite a bit, but its still scary", Hardison admitted.

"Worry not", Parker assured him, wrapping an arm around his chest to comfort him. "You're with me. Nothing will happen to you."

Hearing her comfort him, Hardison was reassured, and smiled. "I know. You won't let anything happen to me."

Inside the base, Hunt typed more on the pad. "Security system is disabled."

And then, Parker and Hardison leapt off, Parker cheering happily as the parachute appeared, Hardison simply controlling his fear, while they crashed inside through a window, lying down, a Ghost above them.

"You guys all right?" Hunt asked.

"Yeah, this was just warm-up", Parker said as they got up.

"And I'm not dead because of her", Hardison added, the couple chuckling.

"Let's go then", Hunt said as the three made their way.

Sara, Thea, Laurel and Diggle had entered too, and engaged in a firefight with the Ghosts, taking cover as Dig fired back with his gun, getting two of them, while Thea got one with her arrow, and then Sara flipped, kicking one down, and then spinning and elbowing one's face, as Laurel engaged another.

Damien walked to Oliver. "You mind if I take a little peeksie? I mean, I've my suspicions, but I wanna see if I'm right."

Oliver suddenly leapt and kicked Damien back, while ripping out of the chains, then grabbing his bow and quiver, fired an arrow that Damien barely stopped.

"Haven't you learnt anythi-"

The arrow beeped and exploded, sending Damien flying back. "Right, you have."

As he staggered up, the other Ghost kicked him from behind, sending him flying forwards. He took off his mask to reveal Eliot Spencer.

Before Damien could turn back around, Eliot kicked him forwards again into Oliver who spun and kicked his face, sending him staggering back. He tried to turn around but Eliot decked his face, then spun and elbowed it, before kicking his gut, while Oliver grabbed him from behind in a chokehold.

Hunt shot down 2 Ghosts in the way, Parker and Hardison behind him, as they reached where Ray was held, inside what looked like a glass case, Parker noting. "Now we'll have to get past this."

"That's gonna take a while", Ray noted. "Five years and an NSA-grade computer."

"Hey, we're here to save you, gratitude goes a long way", Parker said, shutting him up.

"I have an idea", Hardison said. "We can enlarge him now and break the cube with his size."

Ray realized what could work. "They put mini-cams here with me and those need to draw power from somewhere."

Damien flicked his hand and Eliot was sent flying off, as was Oliver to the other side. He looked at Oliver first. "Now I'm pissed off."

He started choking Oliver with his power, when Eliot kicked him forwards from behind, then Oliver threw something in his face. It was a fletchette, that caused a small explosion of light, blinding him.

When Damien regained sight, Oliver and Eliot were gone.

Hardison used the machine to resize Ray, as he finally broke out of the cube in his suit. They turned to see some Ghosts appear as Hunt shot one down, then another was tranqed from behind, revealing Oliver, while one more was knocked out from behind, revealing Eliot.

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They walked forth as Oliver said. "Good to see you, Ray."

"Nice suit", Ray complimented.

"Thanks, though I'm looking for an upgrade", Oliver said.

"Let's get out of here", Eliot told them.

"Yep, best idea", Hunt agreed as they made their way out.

Earth-199999, Sokovia

Zemo put forth schematics of a machine. "This machine brought an alien army to our world a few years ago."

"Where did you get the schematics?" Lex inquired.

"I have connections", Zemo simply said, thinking about the Hydra cell near Novi Grad. They'd posed as SHIELD to get people to volunteer for experiments, but after the Fall of SHIELD, Zemo, via his resources, had found out they were all Hydra.

He hated that they were so near his city, in his own country, but they did not have the manpower to drive Hydra away.

So all he could do was benefit himself from the situation the best he could.

"It is like my machine, only its opening a portal to Space instead of through worlds", Lex noted. "And with a different power source."

Lex suddenly wigged out, and then gasped, holding his chest in pain. "We need to complete it quickly I think."

"That would be for the best", Zemo agreed. "I will gather the materials."

"Some things might need to be worked out, as from what I've looked up, a few of the material used for my machine don't exist in this world", Lex noted, still rubbing his chest.

"I know some people who could build this machine with the required modifications, and could know of what materials to use", Zemo said, deciding he had to recruit the Hydra scientists now. "And I know just how to convince them."


Strider, Batman and Harry were making their way through the forested area of Ascension Cliffs now, about to reach the abandoned station.

Suddenly, they felt really cold, Strider narrowing his eyes. "This does not seem like the weather."

"Frost", Harry realized, as she stepped out from between some trees, smirking.

"Are you here for more fun?" She asked, preparing ice blasts in her hands. "Because I'm really mad!"

She fired at them, as they leapt away to avoid, taking cover. Batman hurled a Batarang but she destroyed it with an ice blast, while Harry fired his rifle but a beam of ice from her countered it, as he took cover again.

"I shall draw her away", Strider told them, then rolled away, getting behind a tree as he fired an arrow at her. She barely dodged, then fired some icicles.

Strider dodged most of them, but one spiking pierced his shoulder, making him grit his teeth before he pulled it out, getting an idea.

He saw Frost moving towards him as she snarled. "I'm gonna get you!"

Strider took off into the woods, disappearing in some foliage, as Frost made her way after him, only to find no trace of him except a few tiny drops of his blood.

Hearing the whistle of an arrow, she looked up and her eyes widened as she barely dodged it, then looked up and saw Strider was gone again.

Then she heard a twig snapping, and turned to that direction, following it, but found no one there, before an arrow fired from behind her struck a tree nearby, making her jump before she turned around, not finding Strider anymore.

She went to the direction she figured the arrow had come from, and found tiny little drops of blood there, and followed those, only to see something on the ground- a ring that had the likeness of two serpents intertwined with eyes made of green jewels, meeting beneath of crown of golden flowers that one upheld and one devoured.

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Frost stepped forward, only for her foot to step onto her own ice spike she'd fired at Strider before, as she howled in pain.

Strider had dug a small hole, planted the ice spike inside, hid it with leaves, grass and dirt, then put the Ring of Barahir there to get Frost's attention.

Then, Strider appeared out of nowhere and knocked Frost out with a punch, before lifting up the Ring of Barahir, looking at it reverently as he put it back on his finger.

She might have been a powerful meta-human, but a forest was Strider's element. As a Ranger, he had lived and wandered through forests for years. Killer Frost did not have the slightest chance at victory.

Walking back to where Batman and Harry were, Strider said. "She has been defeated. Let us go to Zoom's lair."

They nodded, walking forth.

Earth-1, Star City

"So, the Multiverse is real, and I missed it?" Ray asked no one in particular. "That sucks, I mean, I'd have loved that-"

"We're still here, man", Hardison raised a hand.

"And that guy is like an American James Bond in real life, even pulls out similar tech", Felicity told Ray about Hunt. "They're still here, you can talk to them."

"Oh yeah, that's gonna be so much fun", Ray looked at Eliot, Parker, Hardison and Ethan.

"Yay", Eliot muttered sarcastically, turning to Hardison. "There are two of you now."

"And I love it!" Hardison smirked.

"Not more than me I hope", Parker pouted.

"Never", Hardison assured her as they shared a kiss.

"So, I made a little decision", Felicity then said, holding out a paper that she put down. "Running a business, not my thing."

"You serious?" Ray asked her.

"Yes, in fact, I'm wondering what you were thinking giving it to me", Felicity said. "I mean, I signed without knowing what it was."

"I guess…" Ray sighed. "I let my optimism and our relationship from a while ago cloud my judgment there."

"Congratulations Ray", Oliver smiled at him. "Its yours again."

"Actually Oliver", Felicity spoke up. "Its both of yours."

"Come again?" Oliver narrowed his eyes.

"The company did belong to your family", Felicity said. "I decided both of you could share its ownership, be partners. Besides Oliver, you're about to be Mayor, owning your company again would help your rep."

"That's…" Oliver trailed off. "Thank you, Felicity, I really appreciate it."

She just nodded, as Ray smiled at her too, then turned to Oliver. "How are you gonna handle that, being Green Arrow, and this Mayor thing at the same time though?"

"About that Ray", Oliver looked at the man. "I was hoping you're more trustworthy than the last business partner I had."

"Oh I assure you, your trust in me won't fail", Ray did a mock salute. "I can run it, and keep you updated."

"I'll keep myself updated and attend it every now and then", Oliver shrugged, as Felicity handed him a pen, then he and Ray signed it one by one, becoming the owners of the business now.

"Be good though", Parker smirked at them both. "Otherwise we'll have to come for you."

"And that ain't pretty", Hardison added.

"Wouldn't want to piss you guys off now, would we?" Oliver chuckled.

"I think you two can do a lot of good this way", Eliot said. "If only more people like the two of you were rich."

"Yeah, all worlds would be better", Hunt muttered. "Anyways, I guess we'll need to go off soon enough."

"I know", Oliver sighed. "Still, you could stay a while, I hope."

"A little longer, yeah", Parker shrugged.


Samhain had been freed, breaking the seal, but the brothers had stopped it.

Dean was now sitting on a park bench watching kids play. Castiel was on the park bench next to him. Dean was looking the other way, but sensed the Angel's arrival. "Let me guess, you're here for the "I told you so".


"Well, good, cause I'm really not that interested."

"I am not here to judge you, Dean", Castiel said.

"Then why are you here?"

"Our orders –"

Dean cut him off. "Yeah, you know, I've had about enough of these orders of yours –"

"Our orders were not to stop the summoning of Samhain, they were to do whatever you told us to do."

Dean was surprised. "Your orders were to follow my orders?"

Castiel revealed. "It was a test, to see how you would perform under... battlefield conditions, you might say."

"It was a Witch, not the Tet Offensive", Dean said. "So I, uh, failed your test, huh? I get it. But you know what? If you would have waved that magic time-traveling wand of yours and we had to do it all over again, I'd make the same call. 'Cause see, I don't know what's gonna happen when these seals are broken, hell I don't even know what's gonna happen tomorrow. But what I do know is, that this, here? These kids, the swings, the trees, all of it is still here because of my brother and me."

Castiel told him. "You misunderstand me, Dean, I'm not like you think. I was praying that you would choose to save the town."

"You were?" Dean inquired.

"These people, they're all my Father's creations. They're works of art, and yet, even though you stopped Samhain, the seal was broken and we are one step closer to hell on earth, for all creation. Now that's not an expression, Dean, it's literal. You of all people should appreciate what that means."

Dean looked at him a little pained, and sad.

"Can I tell you something if you promise not to tell another soul?"

"Okay", Dean agreed.

Castiel then said. "I'm not a… hammer as you say. I have questions, I have doubts. I don't know what is right and what is wrong anymore, whether you passed or failed here. But in the coming months you will have more decisions to make. I don't envy the weight that's on your shoulders, Dean. I truly don't."

They shared a look, then Dean asked. "Well, I think the portal problem is still a thing. Would it make the rising worse?"

"Focus on the seals", Castiel said, seemingly not registering how bad the portal problem was.

"Okay, what is this? Every time I bring that up, you seem to become someone else entirely", Dean noted.

Castiel then grasped his head, as if in pain, and disappeared, leaving the confused Dean behind.


Strider, Batman and Harry were right outside Zoom's lair now, the former two having climbed up the cliff while helping Harry do the same.

"Zoom is gonna be angry", Batman warned them. "We'll have to keep him that way. He is vindictive, he'll want revenge from us, and he'll want to hurt us."

"So, what do we do?" Harry asked while grunting.

"Endure it", Batman said simply. "The nanobots will protect us from his phasing, but he can kill us in other ways. Wait for my signal."

"What is this signal?" Strider inquired.

"You'll know it when you see it", Batman assured him, as they climbed into the place finally, looking around and seeing how rotted it looked.

Walking further inside, they found a young girl behind some bars, her hands chained up, Strider and Batman knowing this had to be Jesse, while a man in an iron mask was behind a glass cell, tapping it continuously.

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"Jesse!" Harry let out as he rushed to her, and held her by the face.

"Daddy?" She cried out with tears of joy. "You're here? Is it really you?"

"Yes, I'm here", Harry assured her as he stepped back, and lifted up the bars, then embraced her tightly as she cried into his chest. "I'm here for you."

Zoom theme plays

Suddenly, a blue blur sped in, grabbing Harry and throwing him off as Jesse screamed in horror, the man in the iron mask looking very distressed as well.

Zoom stood there, glaring at the three of them. "You made a mistake coming here."

He ran at Batman, trying to phase his fist through him, only to be pushed back, as Batman smirked at him.

Roaring, Zoom grabbed Batman by the collar and hurled him away, as Strider took out his sword, but Zoom rammed into him, sending him flying off and his sword falling too.

He then grabbed Harry, lifting him up by the collar, and punched his gut thrice, before throwing him into the wall again, while Strider aimed an arrow, but Zoom sped and snatched his bow while cutting the strap of his quiver, making it fall and spilling the arrows everywhere.

Then he struck Strider's face with his own bow and he fell down once more.

Turning around, he grabbed another Batarang that Batman had thrown, and rushing to him, pinned him to the wall by the throat, then stabbed his side with it as he grunted. "I told you, that you're next."

He punched Batman in the gut many times as he spat out blood while gasping, and then he threw him down.

Strider was getting up but Zoom sped into him again and sent him crashing to the ground.

"The three of you will pay for what you've done", Zoom sneered, punching Batman again as he spat blood onto the ground. "Now, you die!"

Batman suddenly threw something at Zoom, who dodged easily, but the thing attached to the wall, revealing a circular device.

Zoom loomed over the downed hero. "Is that all you got?"

"It's all I need."

The device suddenly blinked red and fired a hook into Zoom's shoulder from behind, making him roar in pain as it pulled him into the wall.

"Strider!" Batman threw the blade from his chest to the Ranger, who was back up and close.

Strider caught it and quickly stabbed Zoom's knee, then pulled out, only to thrust the jagged blade into the murderer's abdomen, dragging it across, allowing blood to flow out, as Zoom continued to roar and howl in agony.

Continuing to scream, the speedster charged electricity in his fist and struck down Strider, then vibrated free of the hook, only for a recovered Harry to fire the pulse rifle, and it directly hit Zoom as he screamed loudly, falling near the edge as Harry continued to fire at him, bringing more of the pain.

Growling, Zoom vibrated himself, resisting the pain, and vibrated his hand really fast, trying to hurl a lightning bolt at Harry.

There was a flash of steel, and then Zoom howled in utter agony as blood sprayed everywhere, his arm having been chopped off.

He'd still not fully recovered, and in his rage, he'd been so focused on Harry he hadn't paid attention to Strider, who'd recovered his sword, and sneaking close, had used it to chop off Zoom's arm before he could hurl the lightning bolt.

Zoom looked at his stump in horror as he continued to scream, blood spraying out while Strider looked at him. The speedster tried to stand up, but his wounded knee did not support him, and he lost footing, plummeting down from the cave below as his screams continued to be heard, until they drowned out.

"Did you get him?" Jesse asked in a whimper, as Strider turned around, Batman staggering up too.

"With people like him, its never a guarantee", Batman said as he walked to Jesse, and grasping the chains, held them up for Strider, who brought his bloodied sword down, breaking the chains, freeing Jesse.

"Daddy!" She cried out, running to him and hugging him. "I…I….."

"Its okay Jesse, I'm here now", Harry assured her, not letting her go.

Strider looked at the man in the iron mask, and inquired. "Who is he?"

Parting from her father, Jesse said. "I don't know, but he has been here from way before I was here. I think he has been trying to talk to me. Zoom beat him up a few times too."

"I believe we should free him", Strider turned to Batman.

Batman walked to the glass, and sprayed some kind of gel on it, then stepped back, before telling the man. "Step away from the glass."

The man complied, and then the gel caused the glass to explode, shattering it into pieces.

"You're free now", Harry told the man, who stepped out of the glass, looking at all of them, appreciation in his eyes.

"What manner of helmet is this?" Strider asked.

"I think its something to prevent him from talking and…other things", Harry realized. "Come with us, we'll help you."

And with that, the group of rescuers and rescued people started making their way back.

Earth-199999, New York City, Avengers Tower

Tony flew back into the Tower, his suit coming off as he walked forth, when he heard JARVIS' voice. "We have two visitors outside sir."

"Give me the view", Tony said, and then he saw two men outside, one tall, one medium-sized, knocking at the door.

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"Uh, hi. We're here because of Captain America", the taller one said.

"He fell into one of those portal things. I'm sure you're aware", the medium-sized one added.

"Send them in", Tony said immediately.

Few minutes later

Tony looked at Bobby and Piotr in front of him, as the former was saying. "So, we came to help Captain America against the giant….creature."

"It climbed a building, so Cap asked me to throw him at it. I did, the creature died, then both fell into a portal", Piotr finished. "And, we're mutants. He is Bobby Drake, I am Piotr Rasputin, from Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters."

"The X-Men", Tony noted.

"You know?" Bobby asked.

"Alcatraz", Tony shrugged. "That incident is well-known. But anyways, thank you for coming. Now tell me where this portal is."

Earth-1, Central City, STAR Labs

The breach started acting up, as Barry sped into the room, with Cisco, Caitlin, Joe, Iris and Henry Allen soon following.

And then, Strider and Batman leapt out of the breach, followed by Harry holding Jesse, and then the man in the iron mask came out as well.

"I see you are walking once more", Strider noted to Barry.

"Running actually", Barry smiled, turning to Henry. "Had some help there."

"I do not think we have met", Strider said.

"Meet my father", Barry revealed, as Henry held out his hand.

"I'm Henry Allen", he said, and Strider shook his hand.

"I am Strider", he simply replied, as Caitlin walked to Jesse.

"I'm sure you need to be checked up", she noted, going into doctor mode. "Come with me."

"She does need to be treated, yes", Strider nodded, as Caitlin and Harry led Jesse away gently.

"Who is he?" Cisco asked, gesturing to the man in the iron mask, who was staring at Henry weirdly, tilting his head.

"Someone else Zoom had prisoner, Harry says the iron mask is stopping him from talking and other things", Batman told Cisco.

"I'm sure we can fix that", Cisco shrugged.

"How was it here while we were gone?" Strider inquired.

"Nothing much, just dealt with a telepathic gorilla", Joe shrugged.

"What is telepathic?" Strider inquired.

"It has a power to get into your mind", Barry explained, Strider nodding in understanding. "But its in ARGUS custody now. Authorized prison, like you said."

Strider simply gave a slight smile at that, when Cisco looked at his bloodstained sword. "Whoa! Whose blood is that?"

"Zoom", Strider revealed. "He was trying to strike Wells with lightning, so I chopped off his arm after having wounded his knee and stomach. He fell from a cliff."

"Whoa!" Cisco commented. "Guess he is dead, or will bleed out to death. Well, that's our problem solved."

"Yeah, we don't have to worry about him now", Barry nodded as well.

"Don't make assumptions until you see a body", Batman warned them. "Though his meta-human lackies are dealt with."

Before making their way to Ascension Cliffs, Harry had called a tip to get the unconscious Killer Frost arrested as well. Now, they were all down.

"Many enemies would lie in wait for a moment of weakness before striking. Do not fall for that trap", Strider warned Barry and Cisco as well.

"So, what now?" Cisco wondered.

"Treating Jesse, taking off this guy's mask", Barry gestured to the man in the iron mask. "Then finding a way back to his world." He turned to Strider. "And yours."

Strider smiled at Barry, and nodded. "I am very grateful for that, my friend."

"No", Barry shook his head. "We're the ones grateful to you." He turned to Batman. "As well as you."

Star City

Oliver, in his suit (not the Green Arrow suit), stood in front of the various people and reporters at the podium, lights flashing on him, as he smiled, sharing a smile with Thea, and a look with Adrian.

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"Our city hasn't been having a good time recently", Oliver said, his face grim. "There have been many murders, and I understand that its causing fear amongst all of us."

Then, he carried on. "But, I'm here to tell you all- we will not be scared anymore!"

As all watched him, he said. "People like these, whether they've been corrupt one-percenters, or deranged psychopaths, they have tried to hold this city down for too long. An we can't let them do that. Not anymore. We have to show these people, that we are not scared of them now! All of us, we have to come together, and break this city from the hold of such people, and then we can achieve greatness!"

The chord was struck with the people, as they started clapping and cheering for Oliver, who smiled.

Suddenly, one person's phone beeped, and then another's, and eventually, the phones of all reporters and civilians were beeping. They took out their phones, and were all horrified at what they saw.

Oliver's phone beeped too, and he took it out, looking at it.

It was an image, of a brutalized body hanging from some wires, and the body belonged to Takeo Yamashiro! His face was the only thing left unscathed, and that was clearly to give Oliver a message.

Whoever had done this, he was coming for him now.

Unseen to everyone, Adrian, while acting like he was covering his face in horror, smirked.

Oliver was supposed to give this speech to unite the people, get rid of their fear. Now, the people of this city were more scared than ever, right after Oliver himself had started giving them hope, all because of his own past.

"What the…?" Hardison trailed off in horror, sharing looks with Eliot, Parker, Hunt, Sara, Dig, Ray, Laurel and Felicity.

Whoever had done this, he was clearly not planning to mess around.

Earth-199999, New York City

Tony, in his suit, hovered some distance above where the portal was supposed to be, according to Bobby and Piotr.

"So, this is it, J?" Tony inquired.

"I detect the wormhole's energy signature here, sir", JARVIS confirmed.

"Well then, time to bring Cap back", Tony said as he flew towards the breach, and it appeared, only for him to be pushed back suddenly by an invisible force. "What the…?"

"Some unknown form of energy seems to be pushing us back, sir", JARVIS revealed.

"Ah, this always has to happen!" Tony groaned. "Guess its time to modify the IDIOT, make it bigger, and force this thing open."

Unknown Universe, Unknown world

Steve continued to walk. It had been hours now, maybe even a day, he'd lost count by this point. All he could do was walk in the dark, in an area populated by trees, but he could make out signs of a battleground here.

There were scorch marks in the surroundings and indents in the ground where bodies once were. Steve stared down at a particular spot, blinking once, and opened his eyes again to see a young man wearing an olive green uniform lying on the wet sand, clutching at the blood leaking from the wound in his gut as he screamed for help.

He blinked again, the young soldier was gone, and Steve was back on the shadowy alien planet. Steve had to shake his head to get rid of such thoughts, there was no time to rethink the past, no matter how much he was getting reminded of it.

Fortunately, a high-pitched shriek stole the Captain's attention. Unfortunately, as Steve tilted his head up, his eyes found a pair of glowing green birds in the distance, and they were coming closer, allowing his enhanced sight to see they were definitely not birds. They were large and winged, but almost crustacean-like in appearance, with two very large claws that did not look friendly.

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And they were coming right for him.

Steve grabbed his shield and hurled it at the closest creature, striking it as the Super Soldier leapt to a tree and pushed off towards the second flying predator, but not before activating the magnet in his arm to recall his shield just into time to bash it against the bird-creature's face.

The collision forced the enhanced human and creature to the ground, the latter snapping its teeth and trying to reach its would-be prey with his claws, only to be held back by Vibranium. With cold efficiency, Steve punched the creature under the jaw to stun it before raising his shield up and bringing it down with enough force to slice through the skin, spraying green blood on the ground and partly on Steve's suit.

Hearing the other one coming back for more, Steve was about to charge forwards to the creature, only for blue lasers bolts to come from the side like bullets and hit the thing, sending it crashing to the ground with a whimper before it lay unmoving.

Looking from the dead alien animal to the source of the lasers, Steve found a blue/white armored humanoid, a white helmet with a blue emblem across the material, with a kind of gun Steve had never seen before, pointing right at him.

"Hold it!"

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The voice was male, and Steve slowly raised his hands to not be threatening, moving away from the green blood and corpse he'd made. Whoever the blue/white armored person was, he seemed like a soldier, by his stance, how he handled the gun, and if the emblem was anything to go by, possibly the symbol of his faction.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm afraid I'm a little lost."

The person looked at Steve, unsure of him, especially due to how he was dressed and what he was carrying.

He tilted his head. "You do realize there's a war going on?"

"The explosions kind of give it away."

The blue/white armored soldier looked the human up and down, his helmet hiding the confusion of what kind of suit he was wearing, before speaking again. "What's your business here in the first place?"

"Originally, none. I don't know how I got here. I was fighting some creature in one city, then next thing I know, I'm stuck here with those things," Steve pointed to the now dead alien animals, "trying to make me a snack."

"How do I know you're not just an Umbaran spy?"

Steve withheld his questions on what an "Umbaran" was to speak sincerely. "You don't. I can only give you my word that I am not your enemy, nor do I intend to become one."

Whatever was running through the soldier's mind, Steve thought the man believed him. The man with the laser gun sighed and lowered his weapon. "I need to call this in."

"I understand." Steve nodded, keeping a respectable distance with his hands in the air, watching as the soldier tapped something on his wrist, a green light appearing as he spoke to what he assumed was a wrist communicator.

"Captain Rex."

At the ridge where the 501st made trenches for their troops to rest after the taxing landing upon the shadowy service of Umbara, Jedi General Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen One, stared out across the dark world of the Umbarans.

The initial battle was costly, the native militia possessed weapons that so far neither Anakin nor his troops had encountered before. He feared what other tricks the Umbarans had up their sleeves and how they could impact the campaign, but more importantly, what harm they could do to his men.

But Umbara was a vital supply route, one that the Republic needed to possess the strategic advantage, and so, Anakin and his Clones were called to action, ready to do their duty. Plus, he really wanted to get his hand one of those starfighters.

However, as he gazed across the alien world, images flashed in Anakin's mind.

A shield.

A symbol of a star.

A man clad in blue, white, and red, but he couldn't make out the face.

The sudden influx of images caused the Jedi to clutch his temple and groan, earning the attention of his first in command. "General?"

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"I'm okay Rex, just a lot on my mind."

"That's never a good thing", his captain joked, which Anakin appreciated. Rex' expression turned serious. "You seem to be distracted lately, sir, even before the landing."

"Well, you're not wrong", Anakin told his comrade who had seen many of the same battles. "I've been feeling a lot of, I don't know what to call it, disturbances I suppose, visions clouding my mind. Can't make any sense of it."

"Could it be a Sith trick?" Rex guessed. His knowledge of the Force and those who wielded it was limited to what he'd seen and heard from the Jedi.

Anakin shook his head. "No, this is something else. Something more."

Then a call came to them on the commlink.


"What is it, trooper?" Rex inquired of Jesse.

"I have a civilian here. Or well, not a civilian exactly."


"No, human. He's not exactly dressed...normally." Rex and Anakin shared a confused look.

"Is he armed?"

"A….slugthrower I think, and a metal shield." Anakin's eyes widened.

"A shield?" Rex questioned, unaware of his General's look.

"Bring him to the camp", Anakin ordered, to his first-in-command's surprise.

"Are you sure, sir?"

"Something tells me we should meet this stranger." While Rex spent much time with the General, he was still a Jedi, and they always confused him.

"Alright. You heard him, Jesse, bring him to the ridge."

"Yes, sir."

Steve patiently waited, but kept his eyes on the skies, not just for more of the flying creatures, but from the explosions that filled the air above and in the distance.

"The General wants to see you. Follow me."

"Very well." Steve got closer, but the white/blue armored trooper held a hand up.

"I'm gonna need the weapon."

Steve never needed a gun, nor did he particularly like using them, even in the war, but he did not wish to be seen as hostile. Using his left hand, having equipped his shield to his back, he pulled the gun out slowly and offered it to the soldier, who examined it through his visor, tilting it in his hand in a way that Steve thought he was confused.

"A slugthrower?"

Raising a brow at the term, Steve hesitantly replied. "It's a pistol."

"Don't usually see these around the galaxy", Jesse commented but lowered his blaster and the gun, gesturing toward the camp where the 501st rested, the strangely dressed man complying.

It didn't take long before they already started to see the walkers when the stranger talked. "My name is Steve, Steve Rogers."

Hmm, seems friendly, Jesse thought. His tone or body language didn't portray any hostility, he gave up his pistol without issue, he could at least share his name. "Jesse."

"Pleasure to meet you."

A small, surprised snort escaped him, but he responded. "Likewise."


Yes, Steve is in Umbara now.

Remember what happened in Umbara? Yeah, its gonna happen here. And no, Steve and Blade won't cross paths in the SW Universe right now, as one is on Umbara, the other on Tatooine, and the Death Watch will be going to Carlac where Lux Bonteri met them anyways after leaving Tatooine.

While Vizsla has recruited Blade for a mission.

And now, within the first 6 episodes of Arrow Season 4, I've managed to fix the show totally. Giving up the whole Queen Consolidated plotline was a stupid move on the writers' part.

Now, I don't mind changes in status quo, but not when the original status quo hasn't even been fully explored.

In 'Angel', they changed the status quo a few times, but each time, every status quo felt fully explored to the ends.

Even if the writers couldn't tell business stories, I mean, you could just do it like Bruce Wayne and Lucius Fox, with Bruce doing his thing as Fox runs the business.

99% of the accusations of 'Arrow' ripping off Batman are bullsh*t, as are the accusations of Arrowverse Oliver Queen being a Bruce Wayne rip-off, but this was one time where the 'Arrow' writers should have actually taken from Batman, because it made sense.

But then again, Arrowverse writers are not exactly known for logical writing. Plus we could get fun plots of Oliver going after corrupt board members of his company.

But anyways, Oliver and Ray both have the company now, and Ray will be like Lucius Fox. Felicity getting to run a business was more stupidity by the writers.

And really, without the Olicity melodrama and Felicity emotionally abusing Oliver, 4x6 was shortened to less than 20 minutes.

While I dislike Olicity a lot, I don't have a burning hatred for it like I have for WestAllen. But in this episode and 4x15, I hated Olicity as much as I hate WestAllen. The scenes where Felicity emotionally abuses Oliver in this episode when he is basically being the perfect boyfriend were really hard to get through.

Meanwhile, the expedition of Aragorn, Batman and Harry to Earth-2 was successful. Three of Zoom's meta-humans are down, while Zoom lost an arm.

The Grodd episode happened off-screen now, and since Grodd was sent to Earth-2 on Harry's suggestion, let's just say Team Flash teamed up with ARGUS here and sent Grodd into an ARGUS prison.

Besides, in Season 3, Grodd did try to do that Gorilla City thing anyways, and in Season 5, King Shark was the hero who stopped him, so Grodd is too far gone to help.

With this, most of Flash Season 2 has been finished.

So after the Vandal Savage crossover, any one-off Flash Season 2 episodes will happen off-screen unless I need to show something important.

Lex and Zemo continue to work together as well.

Due to Cap falling through a breach, some of the Avengers and some of the X-Men have met too.

Nothing much in the SPN world right now, except we continue to see Castiel having some problem whenever the Singularity problem is brought up.

I'm planning another big storyline on the Buffyverse side, and it will be a huge crossover, and it shall start after next chapter.

Meanwhile, Adrian screwed with Oliver again, by having him give that speech to give the city hope, then everyone saw Takeo's body, scaring the city again.

The cameos during the breach hopping were- Connor Hawke as Green Arrow from the Star City 2046 episode (since there is no LOT here, it's a different Earth from the start), John Wesley Shipp's Barry Allen/Flash from the 1990 TV show, Melissa Benoist's Supergirl from the 'Supergirl' TV show (which, at this point, wasn't part of the Arrowverse and didn't air on CW but CBS), Jonah Hex, Peter Maximoff/Quicksilver from the new timeline of the X-Men movies, and finally Earth-2 Batman before they came onto Earth-2. Earth-2 Batman would also be played by Robert Pattinson, so he'd look not too different from Earth-1 Batman.

Anyways, hope everyone enjoyed, and see you all next time with another chapter.

Chapter 13: Brothers


Diggle makes a horrifying discovery. Steve meets Anakin and Rex. Team Flash discover the identity of the Man in the Iron Mask. Oliver makes a decision. Tony decides to consult someone.


Disclaimer: I do not own anything you may recognize

Thank you to everyone who has favorited, followed or reviewed this fic so far.

Thanks a lot to Brainstorm Sorcerer for his help with the chapter, as well as Stand with Ward and Queen, and to gussygus28 for a suggestion.


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Earth-1, Star City

Oliver and Eliot leapt from rooftop to rooftop until they were close to the place Hardison had tracked Warner's phone to, this phone being what had sent Takeo's corpse's image.

"Status on Warner's cell phone?" Oliver asked.

"It's still holding at Aparo and Puckett", Hardison informed. "This is one well-travelled cell phone considering its owner was killed on the other side of town a while ago."

"The guy is playing a sick game", Eliot noted.

The two were now inside the construction site.

The two walked around a little until they heard a cell phone ringing, and walked to the direction, finding flames lit up nearby as well.

They looked at the phone on the ground. 'Unknown Caller' flashed on the screen. Oliver picked it up and answered the call.

"Who is this?" He asked.

In reply, they heard some heavy breaths from the other side.

Eliot and Oliver shared a look.

The caller hung up and the flames went out. Suddenly, some flames erupted near them and formed the words-So it Begins.

Later, the lair

"So, HIVE wants to make this a dead city", Hunt noted after telling Oliver and Eliot about the money burning. "And now there's this guy, who went through luring you to that place just to say its gonna begin."

"He is obsessed with wanting me dead", Oliver sighed. "So much that he killed Takeo for trying to do it."

"Well, you have enemies all around", Eliot told him. "At least some are down. Now its this guy, and Damien Darhk."

"This man, whoever he is, he has sent the city into a panic as well", Oliver commented. "And he did that right during my speech."

"The people had a hope spot", Hardison muttered.

"And now its gone", Parker realized.

"He is playing with us", Sara said. "Like a predator plays with their prey, but what is he getting at?"

"Got a minute?" Diggle suddenly asked Oliver, who nodded. Diggle put a file on the table, that Oliver read through, while seeing photos of Andy Diggle, that surprised him.

"Where did you get this?" Oliver asked Diggle.

"From Lance, who got it from Damien Darhk", Diggle confirmed.

"And it looks like pretty definitive evidence-"

"That HIVE had him killed because his criminal operations conflicted with theirs", Dig finished.

"It doesn't track with what you've told me of him", Oliver noted.

"It doesn't track with what I knew of him", Diggle agreed. "Guess I never knew him at all."

"Looks like this is something else to look into", Oliver realized.

"Sometimes, people just change, because they do not think the right way is getting them anywhere", Hunt said sadly, thinking of the man he'd known as Jim Phelps.

He'd found out that man had never been the real Jim Phelps in the first place. He was another agent, who'd similar planning methods to Phelps, and had a passing resemblance to him.

So the IMF had made him Jim Phelps to throw anyone off the real one's scent, who'd seemingly died after a stroke, and the IMF did not want anyone else knowing that for good reason. Unfortunately for them, the new 'Phelps' had lacked the real Jim Phelps' moral compass, and turned against the IMF.

He'd died, without anyone even knowing what his real name was. Hunt had only found out about the real Jim Phelps after the fake one's funeral, but the real one was seemingly dead as well due to a stroke.

Hunt wished he could have met him. That one was a true hero.

But that was all in the past, because now, they needed to focus on Damien and this Throwing Star killer.

"Also, can you look into this cyanide tooth?" Diggle held it up for Hardison.

"Oh yeah, that can be done", Hardison shrugged as he took it.

Quentin then walked in, asking Oliver. "Got any leads on whoever sent the recording of the body?"

"It's the Throwing Star killer, but he used Warner's phone", Oliver revealed, while Eliot, Parker and Hardison stared at Quentin, then looked amongst themselves, very weirded out.

Quentin noticed their looks. "What?" He turned to Oliver. "Your new friends have a problem with me or what?"

"I don't think so", Oliver said as he turned to the Leverage crew. "Right?"

"He is a bad guy on our Earth!" Parker gestured to Quentin, which surprised him.

"Really?" He wondered. "Okay, I think I need to go rest my eyes now."

"Setting a bad example for your daughters, huh daddy?" Sara joked, making him chuckle a bit as Laurel just smiled.

"He is a doppelganger, guys. I saw Tara Cole's doppelganger on a TV before", Eliot revealed, to their surprise.

"Also, Captain, he sent us a message saying 'So it begins' in flames after we found the phone", Oliver revealed.

"Well, he is about to start something", Hunt muttered.

"So, what begins?" Oliver wondered, thinking of the message.

Later, Campaign office

"Okay, so the last one was a bust", Adrian said with a sigh as he walked with Oliver. "Through no fault of ours I might add."

"I know Adrian, I know", Oliver agreed.

"But now, because of that, what the city is experiencing is the opposite of what they were supposed to experience", Adrian explained. "So we better find a way to say the police need our help without throwing them under the bus."

"I might have a way for that", Oliver shrugged.

"And there's the program for cleaning the bay", Adrian realized. "Planning to be there yourself?"

"Planning to do some cleaning myself", Oliver revealed.

"That's actually good", Adrian agreed. "The people will see you actually stand level with them on such issues, instead of just saying you do. I'll be there too I assure you."

"Thank you, Adrian", Oliver said with a smile.

"Now, there is still the crime to deal with", Adrian said. "The people in this city are now more scared than ever."

"The last time I gave a speech, well, you know what happened", Oliver pointed out.

"I know, which is why let's put it on a backburner for now and see what else needs to be done before going out for another", Adrian said, Oliver not disagreeing. "Though there is the police one still."

"Right", Oliver said with a nod, before getting a message, that made him narrow his eyes. "Sorry, something important has come up."

"No issues", Adrian waved him off as Oliver walked away.

Later, the lair

Oliver now allowed his team to go out on missions without him, as long as Sara, Eliot or Hunt were calling the shots.

They'd gone out to get a sample of the chemical on the tooth, but, there, Diggle had found out his brother Andy was alive, and he was a Ghost.

"Nothing makes sense to me anymore", Diggle said while shaking his head.

"Seems like HIVE faked his death", Oliver noted. "Which must have been part of his recruitment."

"Oliver, you saw what kind of man my brother was in the file", Diggle pointed out.

"He never said your brother was a saint", Eliot shrugged. "Besides, we don't really know anything for certain."

"We'll have to hear it directly from Andy", Oliver agreed.

"How are you gonna do that?" Felicity inquired.

"We're gonna get him out of HIVE", Hunt realized.

"But why?" Diggle asked. "You can see what-"

"Its not just because he is your brother and I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt", Oliver explained. "We'll get him, then see what kind of man he really is, and also get info on what HIVE and Darhk are planning."

"Good plan", Eliot agreed with a nod.

"Yep, just need to get to the part of making it and executing it", Parker added.

"Well then, let's get to working", Sara smirked.

Central City

Barry was walking through the Labs, just glad to be on his feet again. Harry and Cisco were working on the mask of Zoom's other prisoner right now.


Barry jumped, then turned to see Batman walking out of the shadows. "Oh, you've got to stop doing that, man."

Batman didn't respond to that, and simply said. "On Earth-2, I researched some things, like my doppelganger, and yours."

"Really?" Barry asked. "Find anything interesting?"

"Your doppelganger is a normal CSI", Batman said with a shrug. "And he is married to the Iris West of his Earth, who happens to be a Detective."

"Whoa!" Barry was surprised. "I'm married to Iris in that world, huh?" Hearing he was married to Iris not just in the future, but also on Earth-2, it made Barry wonder for a brief second if they were supposed to be together or something.

"If you have any ideas of being in a relationship with her because of this, let it go", Batman said coldly, bringing Barry back to reality. "What we do requires sacrifice. Dedication. She isn't built for this life."

"You don't even know her!" Barry snapped.

"I know you've been in love with her for years and she never showed interest until you were struck by lightning." That froze Barry. "Can you tell me, without a shred of doubt, that she'd put the lives and needs of both you and others, above her own desires and needs?"

Barry was silent, and Batman got his answer, walking off. While Batman had not been that kind to him, Barry noted that he'd at least never held anything back from him (besides his identity), no matter how painful the truth could be.

Hearing this, he began to reflect on Iris' personality, as well as Patty's. While he was only getting to know her, what Batman had said, about someone putting others' lives over her own, he felt Patty understood that far better, as she was a cop.

Earth-199999, Sokovia

Zemo and Lex watched as a portal to Lex's Earth finally opened up, the Hydra scientists looking awed at what was happening too.

"It can only work for one travel", Zemo explained. "So you better get back fast, and make a plan on your end, while I shall do the same here. And fix the machine."

"Thank you", Lex turned to Zemo, then held out his hand. "I will be back very soon, and then we can expand our team."

"I look forward to working with you, Mr. Luthor", Zemo nodded, as he shook Lex's hand. "We shall show everyone we are their saviors, not these clowns in masks and capes."

"Exactly my sentiments", Lex agreed.

They shared one last look, and then Lex walked into the portal, disappearing into it as it closed, the machine dying down.

"We did it!" One scientist cheered happily.

"Indeed, you all did it", Zemo agreed, then taking out his gun, shot him in the head, killing him, as the others gasped in horror.

But that was all they could do, as Zemo shot them all down in quick succession too.

No loose ends!

New York City, Avengers Tower

"You couldn't fly through it?" Bobby asked, confused.

"Yeah, it just seemed to push me back", Tony said in reply. "I'm not sure why, I guess there's some sort of barrier there, which I haven't figured out yet."

"Well, what now?" Piotr wondered.

"Now…" Tony started, then stopped as Thor, Banner, Natasha and Clint arrived. "Oh, hey guys!"

"We came as soon as we heard", Natasha immediately got down to it. "Where is the breach?"

"I tried going through, it pushed me back", Tony said quickly.

"How did that come to be, Stark?" Thor inquired.

"There's some sort of barrier, I do not know why though", Tony said with a sigh.

"Can you do something about it?" Clint asked.

"I mean, these are still forces beyond what any of us have understood", Banner pointed out. "So, its gonna take a while."

"The barrier, it could be anything", Thor said as he looked out at the sky. "There are powerful forces, in this Universe and beyond, that are beyond all of us. I've seen some of them in the past. So, if we have to get through that barrier, it can be quite hard."

"Whatever we need to do, we've to do it quickly", Natasha said, sounding worried rather than monotone like she usually did, as she looked at Bobby and Piotr. "Thank you for bringing this to us quickly."

"It's the least we could have done", Piotr simply said. "We are-"

"I know who you are", Natasha said, sharing a look with Clint. "We looked through the footage and files."

"Good work by all of you", Clint complimented them.

"My idea is", Tony then said. "We'll have to modify the IDIOT, and make it bigger, to try and open another way to wherever Cap is."

"Chance of success would still be below 50%", Banner pointed out to Tony.

"We won't know until we try my friend", Tony said as he walked towards his lab. "Come on guys."

Earth-1, Star City

"Hey, wait, if the Ghosts are wearing their usual Halloween costume, then how are we supposed to tell which one's Andy?" Thea asked, standing on the rooftop with Oliver, Eliot, Parker, Hunt, Sara and Laurel.

"That's what your fancy new cameras are for", Hardison said from the comms. "A little gift from me. Infrared lenses should virtually unmask our ghosty friends."

"Sick", Laurel smirked.

"So, are you all gonna begin?" Felicity asked.

"Yeah", Oliver nodded as he and Thea fired their arrows and swung away, Eliot holding onto Oliver as Hunt and Parker glided into the area, while Sara and Laurel jumped down as well.

As they got into positions, Oliver and Eliot saw some Ghosts loading crates, Oliver telling the rest. "This isn't just a base of operations. It looks like a staging area."

"For what?" Hardison asked.

"Equipment. Military crates marked G6:5", Eliot said. "Does that mean anything?"

"Maybe they're playing bingo."

"Let's assume that's not it."

"Deadly bingo."

"We need to get an ID on Andy", Oliver said. "When we do, you wait for my signal before engaging."

"Yeah, I might not have that option", Thea said, seeing Ghosts come closer to her position.


"She's been spotted, third floor, southwest building", Hardison noted.

"We've been spotted too", Laurel said as she whacked two Ghosts, while Sara kicked one down and elbowed one into the wall, then smacked one more down with her staff as Laurel struck another's feet.

Thea kicked one Ghost, then engaged him and another. "Waiting on confirmation."

In the lair, Hardison and Felicity noted Thea was fighting Andy as the latter said. "That's him, you got him, the one on your right."

"Actually, he's got me!" Thea grunted while being held in a chokehold, pushing herself back as he was rammed into a wall. Freeing herself, she twisted his hand and kicked him, before he pushed her back and kicked her, then tried to strike as she weaved away into a lift.

He came inside, striking with a knife as she blocked twice, then kicked him while the lift went down, and opened, Andy kicking her out, but as he walked out, Parker kicked him right on the face from a side, knocking him out.

"We'll stay here with him", Hunt said, aiming a gun at the unconscious Andy.

"I'll check for anyone, then be back", Thea said, then walked off.

Outside, Oliver kicked one Ghost down, then smacked another away before shooting a third, while Eliot elbowed another out, then punched one's gut, winding him.

And then, Ray Palmer in the ATOM suit flew in, taking down many Ghosts and then landing on the ground as some Ghosts tried to fight him, but couldn't affect him, while he simply punched them away with his suit's power, and his armor deflected the bullets.

"Seen something like that before", Eliot noted, reminding of Tony Stark's Iron Man armor, which this one resembled, though it didn't look as good.

Thea was scouting, when she saw Damien Darhk himself in her way. "It's Merida. Aren't you out a little bit past your bedtime?"

Thea turned around, only to see Damien there now. "I've seen something of your fighting style. You were trained by Ra's al Ghul. Tell me-how is Malcolm doing these days?" He put his hand to her chest, slowly draining her.

Suddenly, an arrow hit him from behind as he gasped, and pulled it out, but it exploded, sending him flying away and knocking him out.

Thea gasped, then saw a man dressed a lot like her brother in his Green Arrow suit lowering his bow, his mask covering his entire face.

Seeing the throwing stars on him, Thea realized who he was.

Taking out her katana, she struck, but he blocked with his blade, then kicked her back. Thea tried to kick him, but he dodged, and elbowed her face, staggering her back, before she spun and tried to strike him with her bow.

He blocked, then did the movement himself, whacking her as she was sent back, and then he kicked her in the way she'd tried to kick him, throwing her down.

He held his blade over her, only for a gunshot to ring out, disarming him, and he turned to see Hunt aiming his gun at him.

Hunt tried to fire again as he dodged by rolling and threw his shuriken, disarming Hunt, then he rolled and kicked Hunt, sending him flying back.

Raising his blade, he leapt at Hunt to strike him, but Hunt rolled away, and kicked his face, sending him back. Then he got up and ran at the Throwing Star killer, lifting him and throwing him through a column.

Then he tried to reach for his gun, only for the Throwing Star killer to run at him in the same way, then lift him, and throw him off, as Hunt groaned.

Looking between Thea and Hunt, he threw a flashbang grenade to the ground as they shut their eyes, and then he was gone.

Outside, Oliver shot down another Ghost, and whacked another, while Eliot kicked one more down, as Ray flew in to help Parker carry away Andy.

One Ghost aimed at Oliver suddenly, only for a gunshot to ring out as he went down, and Oliver and Eliot saw Diggle lowering his gun.

"My brother needed me", Diggle said, then added. "The green one."

Earth-199999, New York City

Tony, now in his suit again, was on a building close to the breach into which Steve had fallen, with Thor, Natasha, Clint, Banner, Bobby and Piotr behind him.

In front of them was a machine Tony had made with help from Banner, a larger version of IDIOT, this one having different features.

"Now, its recalibrated", Tony said. "So that it reads the frequency coming from that portal, and makes a new one that opens a portal to that same world."

"Will this work?" Natasha asked, sounding worried.

"We won't know unless we try", Tony said with a shrug, and then activated the machine.

A beam shot out of it, and struck the empty space, slowly forming what looked like a breach here.

"Its working", Clint said, Thor twirling Mjolnir as he prepared to fly into the breach by himself.

"Just a little more", Banner muttered, when suddenly, the machine seemed to fizzle out, and the portal that had formed closed by itself, fading away.

"What just happened?" Bobby inquired.

"This….this wasn't supposed to happen", Tony said in disbelief. "This can't happen!" And then he fired the machine again, as it struck the empty space, and a portal started forming, but it fizzled out even faster now, the portal fading away. "Damn it!"

"Why isn't it working?" Piotr wondered.

"The machine was recalibrated to focus on the frequency of this breach", Banner explained. "But we don't have anything tangible from there, so it's a lot harder."

"Come on!" Tony said, firing it one more time, but this time the portal faded away as soon as it started forming.

Thor sensed something from the breach that was already there, the one through which Steve had fallen, and twirling Mjolnir, flew towards it, just hovering near it, as he held out his hand, the breach briefly appearing as he touched it, and felt it, sensing what was there.

"It is an ancient energy", Thor said, with eyes closed. "Very ancient. As old as all the Universes. Whatever this world is, it seems to exist there in abundance."

"I will get there", Tony said, firing once more, but this time the portal faded before it could even start opening. And then he tried once more, but nothing happened, only fizzling sounds coming from the machine.

"What do we do now?" Natasha wondered, sounding distressed. "Our proposed way into this world did not work."

"No use kicking a dead horse, Stark", Clint said to him sadly. "I'm sure that big brain of yours can think of something else."

"I am out of ideas, what have you got now?" Banner asked Tony, who was deep in thought.

"Maybe we can get in contact with the Mansion", Bobby offered.

"Yeah, Hank could try and help perhaps", Piotr agreed there. "I mean, this isn't exactly his area of expertise, but-"

"Expertise", Tony's eyes suddenly lit up. "I know someone who can help us in this case."

Universe-208, Umbara

It wasn't long before Steve and Jesse made it to the ridge. The super soldier eyed the metal contraption on the edge of the trenches that looked like they were meant to be ridden, along with the numerous other soldiers clad in similar armor to Jesse, the only difference was some had different blue marks, some had different helmets, those ones Steve noted hovered near those machines, and some wore no helmets.

That was what really took Steve's attention.

Every man that Steve passed by in the trench had the exact same face. The only difference was hair style, either they had black hair in crew cuts, bald, or even a manbun, a few had tattoos, each one had the exact same facial features.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (253)

The identical soldiers watched Steve warily, due to him being a stranger and his staring, Steve supposed. Either they seemed to be resting or were at attention with their weapons at the ready at the edge of the trenches, the same kind of weapon Jesse had or larger, rifle-like ones.

Jesse noticed his expression. "What, never seen a Clone before?"

Clones, so that's what they were. "No, can't say I have."

Jesse turned to him, asking in surprise, "What kind of rock have you been living under?"

Steve could not help but snort, "A rock called Earth."

Before Jesse could respond, another Clone passed their way and stopped in front of them. His helmet was off, so Steve could see this one looked different from most of the others who usually sported the crew cuts.

This Clone's hair was shirt and slicked back with a widow's peak, a V-shaped tattoo going over the left half of his face. His armor had blue stripes down the arms like most of the others, but a blue downward pointing triangle taking up a good deal of the chest piece.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (254)

"Who is this?"

"Easy, Dogma." Jesse lifted up his helmet, revealing to Steve the same face he'd seen on the ridge, but bald, and with the same emblem on his helmet tattooed on his face. "I found the civvie a klick away from the camp. The General asked to see him."

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (255)

The one called Dogma eyed Steve before stepping aside. "Best not keep him waiting." Jesse eyed Dogma, but gestured for Steve to follow. The Clone tucked his helmet under his arm as he spoke, gaining distance from the suspicious Clone. "Dogma's a bit wound tight, never disobeys an order."

"Good man to have, depending on the order." Jesse eyed him out of the corner of his eye but nodded in agreement.


A moment later, Jesse finally came to a halt as two Clones, with more distinctive armors than the others, one sporting a trimmed goatee, and another with short, blonde hair, approached, along with another man. This one was the only man in the camp who did not have the same face as the rest. He sported dark robes and a metal cylinder at his waist, standing the same height as Steve himself but not nearly as bulky, with a scar running down his right eye. He seemed like a warrior but did not dress the same as the Clones.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (256)

"Sir, the civilian, as requested."

The only one clad in robes looked the newcomer up and down, specifically at the star on Steve's chest, and then to the shield on his back.

Jesse shifted his blaster to his other hand and offered the blonde Clone Steve's gun. "His weapon, sir."

The other Clone took it, looking down at the handle before ejecting the magazine, and raising a brow at the ammunition. "A slugthrower?"

"Don't see many of those in this side of the galaxy." The dark-haired Clone spoke, but Steve remained focused on the man in the middle.

He seemed as confused as Steve did, more so maybe, before finally speaking. "My name is Anakin Skywalker. These are my men, Captain Rex," he gestured to the blonde Clone before moving his hand to the other, "and ARC Trooper Fives."

This was a military outfit, Steve figured, it would be best to follow protocol and introduced himself.

"Steve Rogers, Captain, US Army."

"U.S. Army? Never heard of them." Rex questioned.

"It's a branch of my country's armed forces."

"And your country?"

"America, on Earth."

"Your planet is called…Earth?" Fives asked, sharing a look with the Clone Captain.

"I can't say I'm familiar with it." The man in the middle, Anakin looked lost in thought before turning to the Clone beside the Avenger. "You're dismissed, Jesse. Get some rest."

"Thank you, General." Jesse saluted before walking back.

So Skywalker was a General? He was much younger than any of the Generals Steve had met.

"So, Captain Rogers, how did you end up on Umbara during the planetary invasion?"

An entire planet being invaded. It was like something out of 'War of the Worlds' and would have happened with the Chitauri had the Avengers not stopped Loki. Steve feared that the real thing would be worse than anything H.G. Wells could have imagined.

"I was engaging a creature on my world when I fell through a portal, next thing I know, I'm here, being found by one of your men."

"As simple as that?" Rex scrutinized him for a hint of deception, but the young General didn't seem worried.

"I'm afraid it is. Months ago, there was a Singularity on our planet. Ever since, we've been getting guests from other worlds." Skywalker's eyes widened, stroking his chin in thought.

"I don't know about any Singularity, but months ago, the Jedi, myself, and every Force-wielder sensed a wide scale disturbance. We've been experiencing visions and sensing things that are…off, in the galaxy since then."

"I'm sorry, sir, but, the Force?"

Anakin whipped his head toward the stranger from his vision. "You don't know what the Force is? Or the Jedi?"

Rex and Fives shared a look. Everyone had heard of the Jedi in some way. Usually, they think they're just some kind of Wizards wielding magic, unless you've seen and known enough about them.

Steve shook his head, making Anakin frown. "Something is definitely wrong here."

"I agree, General Skywalker, but none of that matters to me. I just want to try and get home." Steve was afraid of what could happen in his absence. He had confidence in his team, they came a long way since the six strangers fighting each other, didn't mean he wants to be away long enough where something could happen and he wasn't there to help.

Anakin's face nodded in understanding. "Don't worry, I will contact Coruscant for the wisdom of the other masters, they should be able to find a way to return you to your world." Steve smiled gratefully, but Anakin's tone dropped. "However, with the battle waged across the planet, the signal will take time before the cruiser could relay it back to the Jedi Temple. You could be here for some time."

"I was afraid of that", Steve sighed but nodded. "I appreciate the effort nonetheless, sir."

"Happy to help. Umbara might not be the safest planet at the moment, but we'll be sure to keep you protected."

"Thank you, General, but that won't be needed." Anakin raised a brow at the Captain's response. "I want to ask you something, if you'll humor me."

"I'll answer as best as I can."

"Why are you fighting this war?" The question took Anakin by surprise, and Rex and Fives as well. Captain Rogers remained undeterred. "I want to know why this war is happening."

"You really don't know?" Fives was taken aback. The galactic conflict had been going on for years now. Rogers really must not be from this galaxy if he didn't know.

"Very well. It all started when a collection of Senators of different worlds left the Republic and accused the Senate of corruption. A Jedi who left the Order called Dooku," Steve could hear the venom in Anakin's voice at speaking the name while he unconsciously clenched his gloved right hand, "gathered these radical planets and organized them into the Confederacy of Independent Systems." That name did not put Steve at ease. "The war officially began when my master and I sought to discover an assassination attempt on another Senator. It led to our capture and execution, until the Jedi Order rescued us, but we all would have perished if not for the Clones." He valued his men, Steve could see that, and by the looks of their faces, Rex and Fives appreciate the praise, even if the former hid it better.

"Thus, the Clone Wars began, and has been raging across the galaxy for the past two years. The Separatists employ droids as their army, allowing them march over any lifeform they deem an enemy without mercy, with an endless horde of machines to do their bidding. The planets they conquer, they enslave the native people, experiment on them, steal from them, starve them, or just execute them all." Steve shut his eyes for a moment as more memories of the past hit him, it sounded too familiar. "Then there is their leadership: Dooku leads the Separatists, but his armies are led by a cyborg called Grievous, who goes out his way to slaughter every Jedi he can find, mutilating their bodies to take trophies, and taking pleasure out of every kill he makes."

Anakin noticed Steve's expression midway through his recounting but did not let up. He wanted to know why they were fighting the war, he should know. The Separatists were vile, they were liars, they murder without remorse, Anakin held no sympathy for them, no matter how many times Ahsoka and Padme tried to convince him there was more to this war. The Jedi General saw firsthand what the other side were capable of, saw the suffering, and saw the apathy Dooku held, the brutality of Grievous, and all their Separatist ilk like Gunray.

Steve collected himself, banishing the dark thoughts before returning to what he needed to know. "These accusations of corruption, do they have merit?"

"No", Anakin said quickly and confidently. "I don't trust the politics, but I trust the Chancellor."

A familiarity and affection were in Anakin's voice, Steve realized. He knew the man personally, which could make him blind to the truth. Then again, this Chancellor could be a good man like Anakin says, although even Fury was blindsided by those he deemed close, like the revelation that Secretary Pierce was HYDRA.

This was alien to Steve, literally, he would have to forgo making any conclusions, that being said, what he learned of these Separatists, it made the captain's blood boil.

"And what are Jedi and Sith?"

"There is a powerful spiritual energy around us, it resides within everything, and binds everything in the galaxy together", Anakin explained. "It is called the Force, and we Jedi can harness it to powerful effect. We are the peacekeepers of the galaxy, even if this war has made soldiers of us all."

"And the Sith?"

"The Sith can do what we do, but they are devoted to the Dark Side, they indulge in greed, hate and deception. Dooku is a Sith himself now."

With that, Steve understood everything he needed to know.

"Thank you for indulging me, General Skywalker." Anakin nodded, calming down from having to recall about his enemies. "I hope you would indulge me further."

"How so?"

"If I am stuck here, I refuse to be an inconvenience. If you allow me, I would like to offer my help."

Anakin's eyes widened, sharing a look with his Captain. "That's a generous offer, but we can't-"

"This isn't my first war, sir. I'm a soldier, anything I can do to help, I will", Steve said passionately, and he meant it.

From the moment he laid eyes on the Captain from Earth, Anakin was amazed by how strong he shined in the Force. Every living being was connected by the Force, some more so than others, hence the Force-sensitives, but regular beings held minor connections.

Captain Rogers was not Force-sensitive like a Jedi or Sith, yet his being radiated a light that reflected his character, it gave him the impression of some of his fellow Jedi, even a master or two that Anakin knew.

The Force also, from what Anakin sensed, rippled around Steve's body, showing that he was different, out of place.

One thing for sure that was obvious, Steve Rogers was different.

Anakin looked to his first in command. "What do you say, Rex?"

The Clone Captain observed the American Captain, who waited patiently for the verdict. He did not have any swagger that the General had, no arrogance, or demands he joined the fight, and his reaction to some of the atrocities of the Separatists was strong, even if he tried to hide it.

Rex did not like to lose more brothers, or even civilians, he knew though they could use every man they could get. "He may be oddly dressed for a civilian, but if he can handle himself in a fire fight, we could do with another man."

Steve smiled gratefully, nodding his head to his fellow Captain, the corner of his stoic face tugging up slightly. Anakin smirked at the two. "Well, there you have it. Good to have you aboard, Steve."

"Thank you for having me, General."

The ARC Trooper crossed his arms and chuckled. "What do you think, Rex, would you say we got ourselves a shiny?"

"Close enough." Rex let a smile cross his lips at his brother, before looking at Steve. "Welcome to the 501st, Captain Rogers."

Earth-1, Central City, STAR Labs

Henry was passing by Strider, when Strider looked at him. "We have not had a chance to talk yet, have we?"

"My apologies for that", Henry said. "Anyways, I've heard a lot about you, and I have to say- thank you for all that you've done for my son and his team."

"You need not thank me", Strider assured him.

"Anyways, after this is done, I'll be off again, Barry doesn't need me anymore", Henry said as he began to walk off.

"I believe he does", Strider said, making Henry turn to face him. "You are his father, are you not?"

"Look, Barry put his life on hold because of me for years", Henry tried to explain. "Even though I was in prison. Now he is the Flash, he has his friends, his whole team, Joe and Iris. Joe raised him! This is a good life for him, and me being here will make it more difficult, as his enemies can threaten me to get to him."

"And they can threaten Joe, Iris, Cisco, Caitlin, Patty, and many more", Strider pointed out. "None of them leave because there is danger, and Barry does not make them leave either."

He thought about how he'd lost his own father, never getting to know him. Lord Elrond had taken him in, and been like his father ever since he was a boy, but there was a part of him that wished to know what his father had been like. His mother was not alive anymore either, even if he had not lost her to tragedy like Barry had.

But Barry had one parent by blood alive, who loved him so much. Strider was going to make sure Barry kept that parent, alongside Joe, who was his Lord Elrond in a way.

"Joe will always hold a place in Barry's heart, just like the Lord Elrond in my heart, as he took me in when I was but a boy. Joe helped craft Barry into the young man we see today, but that would not be without the help of your love. Barry is who he is because of the people in his life, most of all, you. You have been his source of strength for the longest time, it was you that inspired him, Henry Allen. Barry is not holding his life back any longer, and you can be part of the life that he lives now."

Having said that, he walked off, leaving the contemplating Henry behind.

Star City, the lair

"Are you sure it was him?" Oliver inquired to Hunt and Thea.

"He had those throwing stars", Thea pointed out. "And he was dressed a lot like you."

"There's one more thing", Hunt said.

"What's that?" Sara inquired.

"A move I used on him, a few seconds later, he used it on me, with perfect precision", Hunt revealed, as they shared looks.

"That reminds me, he repeated my own moves against me as well", Thea added.

"Its like he just saw us use those moves, and learnt them right there", Hunt agreed.

"I've not seen anyone who can do that", Sara admitted. "Not even Ra's could do it."

"Well, he is a problem", Oliver said. "As is Damien, but right now, we have Andy."

"And I thank you all for that", Diggle said as he looked at everyone. "So, what do we do?"

"I could do some things", Eliot shrugged, sharing a look with Hunt. "You coming?"

"Do you even have to ask?" Hunt smirked at him.

"I can help too", Sara offered. "I was in the League, trust me. I can do a lot."

"Sure thing", Eliot accepted the offer.

"Huh? So, you have no Avengers, no Mutants, none of those X-Men group, no SHIELD either", Hardison said while looking through the Internet. "None of the individual Avengers heroes are here…..but you have Michael Myers?"

"You've Michael Myers too?" Felicity asked, surprised.

"Yeah", Hardison shrugged, while reading through the article. "But this one also rampaged a hospital the night of 1978, then had two more rampages in 1988 and 1989, then he disappeared and….he came back and had another rampage a few weeks ago! In Central City."

"A lot more persistent than the Michael Myers on our Earth", Eliot had to say.

"Our friend in Central City took him down when he attacked there", Oliver informed the two of them. "What happened on your Earth?"

"The night he attacked in 1978, he was caught later that same night, and has been incarcerated since", Hunt revealed.

"Yeah, and in about 3 years, it will be 40 years since Michael was in prison", Parker added.

"Wish ours was like that", Sara muttered, before looking at Eliot and Hunt. "Guess we should go."

They nodded in agreement.

"Now Ray, you ready?" Oliver asked the man.

"As ready as I can be", Ray said nervously.

Later, Queen Consolidated

Oliver and Ray, in their business suits, walked towards the boardroom, as the former commented. "Your shareholders are not gonna be happy."

Ray chuckled in a self-depreciating manner. "Just wait until they hear my excuse, they'll go from livid to plotting my demise in no time...maybe I should stay dead."

"Come on", Oliver shrugged, as the two walked in, looking at the board members.

"Welcome back, Mr. Palmer", Dennis greeted him in a stoic manner, then looked at Oliver. "You too, Mr. Queen."

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"Its good to be back", Oliver simply said.

"I have my doubts you can take part in running this company while also running your campaign", Dennis expressed his doubts.

"I know you doubt me, but that's why we're here", Oliver said, turning to Ray.

"Not to tote my own horn, but when I was CEO, Palmer Technologies was flourishing", Ray pointed out to them. "But now, I've Mr. Queen with me. We may have gotten off on the wrong foot, but he has the vision that this company needs, while I have the resources."

"I may not be running this company directly, but that's what Mr. Palmer is here for", Oliver continued. "He knows my plan, and he agrees with it. So, he shall implement everything, and together, we will put this company leaps and bounds ahead of where it is right now."

The board members shared a look, then nodded, before Ray said. "Now, let's discuss business."

Same time, Central City, STAR Labs

Strider found Barry sitting, deep in thought, and sat next to him. "Is there anything I can help you with, my friend?"

"Just thinking", Barry sighed. "Should I tell Patty?'

"That you are the Flash?" Strider inquired, Barry nodding.

"I'm….just thinking", Barry sighed. "What I feel for her, I don't think I've felt that for anyone in my life."

Strider thought of Arwen. The situation wasn't like what Barry and Patty had. But they could be separated, as he was a mortal, and she was an Elf. If Barry felt similarly for Patty, Strider did not want them to be separated.

"If you truly love her", Strider said. "Then you would open yourself to her, and embrace her love."

Leaving Barry to think, Strider then walked off once more.

Same time, Star City, the lair

Andy Diggle woke up with a groan, feeling a bit dehydrated, then turned to see Eliot, Hunt and Sara on the other side of his cage.

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"Flushed the drugs out of your body", Eliot told him body. "They're bad for you, ya know?"

Andy just stared at them, before Hunt held up the files. "Tell us- is what's written on here true?"

"Every word", Andy snarled.

"Right", Sara said. "Well, can you tell us what Damien Darhk is planning? Why is he in this city?"

"I won't tell a thing!" Andy said with a sneer.

"Guess you didn't need those drugs to be this kind of guy then, huh?" Eliot said, shaking his head in disgust.

"You didn't require a push to be a criminal, I guess it wasn't that surprising", Hunt sighed, the three walking off.

Diggle was there outside, and asked. "What's the verdict?"

"I'm sorry, John", Sara told him sadly. "He is not who you used to think he was."

Looking like his heart had been hit with a hammer, Diggle wiped his face, then walked inside, storming over to the cage. "I mourned you, Andy! I thought you'd been killed for no reason!"

"Ah, so you're here to give me the lecture again, John?" Andy asked coldly.

"No, the time for that is gone", Diggle snarled. "You had your second chance…and you used it to become Damien Darhk's willing pawn. My brother died a long time ago. Whoever you are…I don't know you."

Turning around, Diggle stormed off, passing Eliot, Hunt and Sara. "I'll call Lyla, ask her to keep him in ARGUS."

"Poor guy", Sara muttered, feeling bad for him.

"Sometimes, the people you think you know, they shock you", Hunt said sadly, again thinking of Jim Phelps, as well as John Musgrave.

Universe-208, Tatooine

Pre-Vizsla and Bo-Katan were in the former's quarters, with Blade standing near them, as Vizsla used a holo-projector to display an image of the hovertrain they were going to hit. "This train is controlled by the Pyke syndicate. They decided to venture out and try to deal on Jabba's territory. Naturally he didn't like this, and wants us to destroy it."

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"But, before we do, we're going to take every ounce of supplies the Pykes have, and Jabba would be none the wiser", Bo-Katan added while crossing her arms. Blade briefly glanced at her before looking at the hologram.


Straight to business, Vizsla appreciated that. "Eight to ten foot soldiers in each carriage. There's ten carriages."

"Eighty to hundred assholes then. Sounds like a party."

Bo-Katan smirked at his quip. "Each armed with long distance rifles that can pick off the Tuskens from miles away. Unlucky for them, we're not Tuskens."

"We'll have people stationed along the train's route, pick off the Pykes from a distance while a small squad move through the carriages and along the roof the train. Problem is we don't have the manpower to clear the whole train without a prolonged fight that would damage the cargo, and that's not including the possibility of the Pyke's calling for reinforcements."

"This needs to be fast", Blade noted.

"Exactly. Our speeders can carry us to the third carriage before we have to jump on. While the speeders retreat to a distance, it'll be up to the boarding team to clear the train, or at the very least stop it."

"Either way, we'll be under heavy fire."

"Not if our Mandalorians can traverse the roof in tandem with the team fighting the Pykes in the carriages", Vizsla countered Bo-Katan.

Stroking his chin in thought, the Daywalker's thoughts were evaluating everything the Mandalorians told him. The plan was risky but sound, they didn't seem to have the resources for a plan he'd have in mind, but they could have more thought out they had yet to tell him.

A train heist was new for him.

A heist with a hovertrain and hover bikes with a squad of laser shooting, jetpack-wearing, armored commandos on another planet? Never did he think a life of hunting Vampires would lead to this.

Still, he had one thing on his mind. "What part do I play in this?"

"We don't have enough men to watch our backs while we progress to the front. The carriages behind us need to be dealt with."

"So you want me to clear twenty-four to thirty motherf*ckers by myself?"

"Fun party, huh?" Bo-Katan continued to smirk in jest. Blade grunted but said nothing.

Vizsla walked around the projector until he was eye-to-eye with the warrior, those golden eyes of his never wavered, remaining sharp throughout his entire stay. Hardened, efficient, everything Vizsla would seek in an ally. "You do this, and we will fulfil our end of the bargain. A Mandalorian does not break a promise."

Their eyes never broke contact. Bo-Katan moved her eyes between the two, watching as the master of the Darksaber offered his arm. "Do we have a deal, Blade?"

He only continued to stare through his cold eyes, gauging Vizsla's words and whether they were the truth. With his hearing, bolstered by his thirst, Blade could hear his heartbeat, and knew he was telling the truth. It would be risky, but the half-Vampire had no other choice.

Clasping Vizsla's arm with his own, Blade nodded. "Deal."

Earth-1, Central City, STAR Labs

Strider walked into the lab, where Harry and Cisco had finally managed to take the mask off of Zoom's prisoner, and noticed everyone was staring at him in shock.

Looking at the man himself, Strider realized why.

"What?" The man asked, the bearded face of Henry Allen staring at the room.

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"You look just like me", Henry said as he stared at him.

"Yeah, that's why I gave you that look when I first arrived", the man who was his doppelganger revealed with a little smile. "I'm Jay Garrick, the real Jay Garrick."

"Garrick? That was my mother's maiden name", Henry noted, astonished.

"My father did not have any part in raising me." Jay revealed why he was a Garrick instead of an Allen.

"Right", Henry nodded.

"He wanted my speed, but he couldn't take it", Jay said. "But now, I thank you all for freeing me from that place, and removing the mask from my face."

"It had a dampener that prevented you from talking or using your speed", Cisco told him.

"Right", Jay said, then took the mask from Cisco. "I don't ever wanna see this thing again." Vibrating his hand, he phased it through the mask, chopping it into two before dropping it.

"Which Earth are you from?" Barry asked, stunned at seeing the real Jay Garrick himself, though he kept his shock bottled up.

"I think you'd all call that Earth-3", Jay smiled.

"Ramon, the goggles", Harry held them up. "I hooked them up for you, just need to do a few modifications, then you can find out which breach leads to his Earth, as well as Strider's."

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"Thanks Harry", Cisco said.

"So, that means I would be able to return soon", Strider realized.

"Yeah", Barry said. "We'll say goodbye when the time comes though."

Star City, the lair

After having given his speech for the bay, Oliver returned to the lair, seeing Eliot, Parker, Hardison and Hunt there, with Eliot doing the salmon ladder, while Parker was sparring with Hunt, learning from him, and Hardison was on the computers.

"How is John?" Eliot inquired as he got down from the salmon ladder.

"Not well", Oliver noted. "I'll be talking to him soon. But before that, I needed to talk to you all."

"Sure, what's it about?" Hunt asked.

"Actually, not you, Ethan, no offense", Oliver said, then looked at Eliot, Parker and Hardison. "But the three of you."

"Right", Parker said, as Oliver gestured to a corner, and they followed him there, while Oliver took out a book, then handed it to Eliot.

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Eliot read through it. "It's a list of names."

"And some of them are crossed out", Hardison noted. "Why is that?"

"Its not a kill-list, even if it looks like one", Oliver said, sitting down, and gesturing to some seats, on which they sat down as well. "It's a list of people who are poisoning this city. Rich people, politicians, lawyers, bankers, it's a whole lot of them. My first year back, I took them down. First, I went after them and gave them a warning. If they didn't listen, I went after them again, and ruined them, or got them arrested. In very extreme cases….I killed them as well."

"Sounds like….." Parker shared looks with Eliot and Hardison, "…..what we do."

"Except the killing part", Hardison raised a hand. "No judgment though, just saying is all."

"I haven't looked at it in 3 years now", Oliver then revealed. "Not even once."

"I did research your alter-egos when I came", Eliot said. "Second year onwards, there were no reports of you going after such people, just street criminals, and other gangs."

"Tell me- was it a mistake?" Oliver inquired. "They were being made to contribute to the Undertaking back then. I thought by stopping it, I'd have saved this city. But….I only stopped half of it."

Oliver looked very pained, as he remembered the death of Tommy.

"Even if you did stop it fully, these people are not going to stop what they're doing", Eliot pointed out as he handed the List back to Oliver. "They will carry on, and continue to ruin this city."

"Our former leader, Nate, he got into this because the IYS, the insurance company he worked for as an investigator, they refused to pay for his son's treatment", Hardison revealed, Oliver feeling nothing but sympathy for Nate on hearing that. "At the end of our first year, we got back at them as well. Ruined the one responsible."

"But eventually, we came back together, to take on more people of this sort", Eliot added. "Because they were not gonna stop…unless we did something. Nate and Sophie, another member of ours, they're retired now, but we are still carrying out the good fight. And we will continue to do so."

"People like that….corporations like that, they have all the money and all the power, and they use it to make the little innocent guys go away", Parker said, as they all looked at her. "Because of such people, the innocents are suffering under an enormous weight. We provide…Leverage."

Oliver nodded on hearing that, realizing what he needed to do now.

"And if people think you're a bad guy or anything", Parker added. "Sometimes, bad guys make the best good guys."

Now Oliver smiled, looking at all three of them. "I think after hearing all this, I see everything a lot more clearly. Thank you, all three of you."

He looked at Eliot. "You coming here might have been an accident, but I guess its what I needed."

"What are you, Eliot? Some gift from God or what?" Hardison inquired jokingly.

"Dammit Hardison!" Eliot said, Hardison chuckling.

"Yeah, just wanted to hear that", Hardison said, then held out his hand as Eliot grasped it and they did their bro hug, before Eliot lightly shoved Hardison back and walked off.

Hardison walked off after him, and the smirking Parker went with them. "Now now, let me get some popcorn."

Oliver chuckled at their antics, wishing he could have this kind of dynamic with his own team. Well, if things were to get better from now on, he just might.

Central City, STAR Labs

Jay, after having eaten, was back in his own suit, as Barry noted. "So he stole your color scheme too."

"He took a lot of things that were mine", Jay looked at Hunter's helmet. "Except that. That was all him."

"I remember he said it was his father's from the war", Caitlin remembered.

"Its kind of ironic", Jesse had to say.

"Yeah", Harry nodded. "On our Earth, that helmet…it stood for hope."

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Jay Garrick theme plays

"Well, maybe I can continue the sentiment", Jay said, holding out his hand, and taking the helmet, before putting it on his head. "Take something from him for a change, and make it my own."

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"It suits you", Caitlin had to say.

"Thank you all for saving me from Zoom", he looked at Strider and Harry. "Especially the two of you, and Batman. I hope he doesn't trouble anyone for a long time."

"I hope we meet again soon, Flash", Barry then held out his hand, that Jay shook.

"Sure thing, Flash", Jay nodded, as Cisco arrived with his glasses.

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"Just, I'm gonna vibe now", Cisco said, then grasped Jay, trying to focus, and gasped a little, before walking back and taking the glasses off. "Okay, the breach is on 52nd street."

"We have one on my Earth, I can get there by myself", Jay said, looking at them one last time. "Thank you once more, and see ya in a Flash."

With that, he ran off at super speed, as Cisco panted, looking at Strider. "All right, sorry man, but I'm feeling really tired right now. Don't think I can vibe for a bit, can we wait?"

"It is fine, Cisco. I know you will send me back soon", Strider assured him, as Cisco nodded and walked off.

"I'll be leaving too."

All but Strider jumped as Batman appeared from the shadows. "My work here is done. Zoom is stopped for now. For the breaches, I'm sure something will be figured out."

With that, he started walking off as Barry told him. "I never said thank you."

"And you'll never have to", Batman assured him, before throwing him something. Barry caught it, seeing it was a phone. "If you need any help, you can call me on that."

With that, he was gone.

"Guess that concludes everything", Joe had to say, the group beginning to part.

"You remember what I said about not being here so you can be the Flash without worrying about me?" Henry asked Barry.


"Well, forget it. You're stuck with me, son", Henry said, as Barry smiled and happily hugged his father.

Batman sat in his Batwing, and activating it, flew off. This was what he'd used to get items from Gotham City to Central City so quickly.

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He called up Alfred, who picked up. "Hello Bruce."

"I'll be back soon, Alfred", Batman said.

Star City

Diggle was near Floyd Lawton's grave, when he felt a presence behind him, and turned to see Oliver standing there.

"Thought I'd find you here", Oliver said, as Diggle stood up.

"What my brother is, I really don't know what to think now", Diggle said with a sigh. "Except, I'm sorry Oliver."

"For what?" Oliver inquired.

"I realize now, what you did when undercover, it was hard for you, but it needed to be done", Diggle sighed. "I just didn't see it then, because I pushed my issues with Andy onto you. Even though you've stood by me a lot, I'm sorry."

"I just hope things will be better from now on", Oliver said, Diggle nodding, as he turned to look at Lawton's grave.

"I hated you for so long, because I thought you'd killed my brother", Diggle said. "But now….you are a far better and more honorable man than he could ever be. Thank you, for what you did for me, Lyla and our daughter. We can never repay you."

"You can", Oliver said, Diggle turning to face him. "By not wasting your lives, helping this city, and raising your daughter into a wonderful person."

Hearing that, Diggle had a slight smile, as the two of them walked off together, Oliver noting. "And I think something can be done about his reputation too."

Earth-21, Metropolis, LexCorp

Lex was in his tower, reading through the schematics of his machine, wondering where he had gone wrong. He was glad to not be wigging out again though, that was a huge bonus.

Once he figured out what the mistake was, he could finally remake the machine, and start his plan properly this time.

Suddenly, he heard a 'whooshing' sound, causing him to stand up as papers flew around, and then he saw a man in a blue suit with a Demonic mask, having Demon-like claws in one arm standing before him, blue lightning coming off of him. One of his arms had been chopped off, a stump in its place.

"Who are you?" Lex asked, as the man staggered around, and then fell to the ground, passing out while groaning, Lex just watching him in stunned shock.


And another one is done.

Arrow 4x7 is over, and Andy Diggle is already out of the picture. At this point, Diggle wasn't a fan of his brother either so here his reactions make sense.

While Diggle is one of my least favorite characters (I used to like him once, but he got worse as the Seasons passed, and 6x17 was the point of no return frankly, and looking back, he shows signs of who he'll become even as far back as Season 1), I'm trying to make him better here, and Felicity as well, same for Laurel, though I'm thinking I'll gracefully write Diggle and Felicity out eventually.

Oliver is also gonna go back to the List, inspired by the Leverage team's words.

And, some of them have met Prometheus and seen what he can do. He was basically testing his skills, and his opponents.

For the Jim Phelps stuff, before it became a huge movie franchise starring Tom Cruise, Mission: Impossible was a TV series in the 60s, and had a short revival in the 80s, and this TV series had Jim Phelps as the main protagonist, played by the late Peter Graves.

In the first movie, for whatever reason, he was turned into a villain, and Graves and the rest of the show cast hated that for good reason, so Jon Voight had to play Phelps instead.

Now, I love all the films, even the 2nd one, though its a bit weak, and consider it one of the few film franchises still going strong, and I've never seen the show, but I totally understand why that would piss people off. It is very disrespectful.

This theory that the real Phelps had to take a backseat after a stroke or whatever, while faking his death with the IMF's help for the rest of the world, causing a new fake Phelps to take up the identity to keep a charade going, has been floating around a lot, and I'd say it makes perfect sense.

This was inspired by a fic I read titled 'The Oldest Trick In The Book' by Julia456, and its a great one-shot.

So, this way the movies and shows remain canon in the same Universe without disgracing the real Jim Phelps.

Plus there is a reason I teamed Hunt up with the 'Leverage' crew- The 'Mission: Impossible' TV Series is a lot more like 'Leverage' than the M:I movies, it just involves the team going after big people in different countries, who're trying to start wars between their country and the US or whatever else, rather than the team going after rich and corrupt assholes.

The 'Mission: Impossible' TV Series is even confirmed to be one of the things 'Leverage' took inspiration from.

So that makes Hunt teaming up with the Leverage crew fitting.

Meanwhile, Flash Season 2 is pretty much over at this point, with only some one-shot episodes left, and there I'll cover only the important scenes. And due to what Batman said, its obvious, no chance of disgusting CW WestAllen here.

Seriously, 5x19 of 'Flash' even proves me right about Iris. She is a sociopath who cares only about herself, and she has shown that time and time again.

Steve is in Umbara, and part of the big plot there already, as you can see, and this is going to take a huge toll on him, but its great to add our favorite Captain to this arc too.

Lex and Zemo are allies, and Lex is back in his world, where the injured Zoom has fallen upon his feet.

Blade agrees to help Vizsla with his little raid on the train.

And, Tony's method of trying to get Steve back fails. Now, any guesses as to who he'll reach out to? Next chapter shall confirm it.

So, the MCU Earth has a Michael Myers too. From the descriptions, I think its obvious this Michael is from the 2018 timeline, meaning for him, only the 1978 movie is canon so far. And he hasn't broken out yet. And this means that H20 Michael and Rob Zombie Michael can exist in different worlds too.

Regarding Rob Zombie Michael, whatever Earth he exists on, that Earth shall also have the remake versions of other horror franchises. Not really a fan of most of the remakes though. Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2003 is decent, as is its 2006 prequel, and I really like Friday the 13th 2009. But I hate A Nightmare on Elm Street 2010 (Even if Jackie Earle Haley was a great Freddy Krueger, though not on Robert Englund's level), as well as Rob Zombie's Halloween flicks. Haven't watched the Child's Play remake but heard it was decent, and with the AI craze, I can get what that one was going for.

Buffyverse and Supernatural will be back again in the next chapter, with an even bigger plotline than the last time.

But that's enough for now.

Thanks a lot to Brainstorm Sorcerer as well as Stand with Ward and Queen for their help here, and gussygus28 for a suggestion. Hope all enjoyed and see you all next time with another chapter.

Chapter 14: The Cray Cray Job


Steve fights alongside the Clones in Umbara, and meets a Jedi he does not like. The Leverage crew get a mark to go after. Team Angel have a confrontation against an infamous serial killer.


Disclaimer: I do not own anything you may recognize

Thank you to everyone for the kudos, hits, comments and bookmarks.

Thanks a lot to Brainstorm Sorcerer, Stand with Ward and Queen and gussygus28 for their help with this chapter, couldn't have done it without them.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Universe-208, Umbara

Steve walked to where Anakin and Rex were using what looked like binoculars to look ahead at something, while Dogma walked away from them and past him.

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Steve went near them, Anakin handing the super soldier his macrobinoculars. "You can use these to look at the attack by my friend's batallion."

Steve used those, looking at just that, while Anakin explained to him. "Our mission is to capture the capital."

That was when they all heard blaster fire coming from behind them, and turned to see the Clones trying to fire at something.

Then, some others started firing their blasters at the Clones too, while one of them cried out. "Ambush! They're behind us!"

The Clone climbed onto his AT-RT but was struck as he went down.

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"The enemy has circled behind us", Fives said, putting his helmet on as he rushed forwards.

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Anakin, Steve and Rex rushed forwards as well behind him.

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"Everybody, we must defend our backs!"

Steve rushed forwards at full speed, surprising the Clones and even the General at how fast he was running, as he outran them all, while he drew his gun too, then held his shield up.

The green plasma bolts met his Vibranium shield, and just like the blasts of the Hydra weapons and Loki's Scepter, the metal remained intact.

Aiming his gun, Steve returned fire, his enhanced eyesight allowing him to see through the dark of the planet to aim and pull the trigger.

Every time he fired off a shot, his target hit the ground half a second later, their domed helmets broken, and blood leaking through their foreheads.

From what he could see, the Umbarans seemed to be like humans, only encased in bodysuits with domed helmets filled with a kind of gas.

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Whether that gas was needed for survival, Steve did not know, only that they seemed to shout in a language he did not understand.

As he turned, he saw Anakin holding the cylinder from before, a vibrant blue light now extending from it, looking like a concentrated beam of a star, in the shape of a sword.

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Anakin tried to bring it down on what looked like a mechanical insect creature, which was spewing electrical shocks at the soldiers, but it barely avoided him.

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However, it wasn't fast enough to escape both a Jedi and a Super Soldier. As soon as it skittered away from Anakin, Steve's foot planted down upon it, crushing it into bits that scattered on the ground nearby.

Steve looked at Anakin's lightsaber. "What kind of sword is that?"

"I can ask you the same thing about that shield", Anakin replied, looking at the Vibranium shield.

Steve then noticed three of the Umbarans moving closer. Rearing his arm back, Steve hurled his shield, sending it traveling with speed toward a tree, before it ricocheted off and struck and bounced off each of the three helmets, each hit sending them to the hard ground with cracks in their visors before the shield returned to its owner's hand.

Anakin let out a short laugh while Rex and Fives briefly paused in their shooting. "Good trick."

"It's all in the wrist."

As they took cover from more fire, Steve defending himself with his shield, Rex said to Anakin. "Call in an air strike on the enemy positions."

Anakin nodded. "Let's hope they're not too busy helping Obi-Wan."

Rex gestured. "There's an opening to our south. I recommend we move all platoons off the ridge in case the air strike over-shoots."

"Good thinking, Rex", Anakin complimented him before saying. "Everyone, move out, now!"

And with that, Anakin and the Clones started moving away, Anakin using his lightsaber to deflect any bolts coming at him and his men.

Steve waited until the last Clone had run past him, and then started running, covering all of them from behind with his shield. An AT-RT was running by him, when a strike caused it to explode while its driver was thrown out, falling down.

Steve lay down, suppressing some fire, and moved to the Clone, throwing him over his shoulder.

With that, he continued to run behind the Clones, until they were off the ridge, and taking cover behind the planet's vegetation.

Steve set the unconscious AT-RT driver against a tree before calling out. "I need a medic!"

"I'm here!" Steve turned his head as a trooper with unique blue markings on his white armor, like Jesse, Fives, and Rex, but with red symbols too, run over with a pack on his back. Steve could only watch as he set down the pack, pulling out what looked like a syringe as the Clone medic ripped of the unconscious one's helmet and injected his neck, making his body seize before relaxing. "That should stabilize any injuries for now."

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Steve sighed in relief before watching the Umbarans continue to fire in vain at the Clones who seemed to be out of range of their weapons. Their green energy shots seemed to dissipate before it could too far. So, Steve realized, those laser guns couldn't go on indefinitely.

Then he became aware of how silent the entire platoon became, waiting for the air strike Rex promised to appear, with only the sound of the enemy militia filling the air. That's when he heard it.

From the west, Steve looked up to see two jets of Y-shaped design fly over, with bombs descending on the Umbaran ambush.

"Good old Oddball, always on target", Steve heard Jesse say as he focussed on the explosion that engulfed the ridge he and the hundreds of Clones around him formerly occupied.

The sound and the sight of the explosion captured Steve in a daze, as the foreign forest of Umbara was replaced by the fields of Germany, enemy tanks being reduced to molten metal and ash as the allies paid back what the Nazis did to London, and only the screams of burning Germans could be heard.

It was only after he felt something hard gripping his shoulder did the super soldier knock out of his daze and turned to the Jedi general, watching in concern. "You okay, Captain?"

Was he? Steve could not answer himself, but he did for the general, standing straight as his training took over. "Yes, sir."

Skywalker sensed his new "shiny" was engulfed by troubled thoughts, but the man still held a strong aura. Already, he turned to help Kix with the injured Clone, which left the Jedi to turn back focus on to the rest of his battalion. A General's job is never done.

Earth-92, Los Angeles, Hyperion Hotel

Angel was working on a little crossword that had gotten his attention, when Wesley walked out of his office. "Hey Wes, what's an eight-letter word for decapitated?"

Before Wesley could speak, Fred appeared at the top of the stairs, her hair a mess, dressed only in an oversized bathrobe, about to say something, only to sneeze loudly.

"Gesundheit, Fred", Wesley responded in kind as Fred reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Thanks", she said with a shake of the head, then glanced at Angel. "Headless."

Angel frowned. "Huh?"

"Headless", Wesley repeated. "That is your answer. You were perhaps trying to think of something in the past tense, like 'the Headless Horseman decapitated Ichabod Crane', but with the conditions given, 'headless' would be the synonym."

Angel grinned broadly. "Thanks guys." He returned to his crossword on the sofa.

"How are you, Fred?" Wesley inquired.

"Fine", she said, trying to smile and failing. "I feel much better now, guys, I promise."

"You don't look like it", Cordelia said, giving her a look. "If you want to be out of bed, fine, but Doctor Cordy will have to prescribe you a bowl of chicken soup and an industrial-sized box of tissues." Looking like she was thinking, Cordelia suddenly said. "Actually, on second thought, don't be out of bed either, come on, let's get you back up."

The women started walking up the steps, when suddenly Cordelia gasped, holding her head in pain, making Angel rush to her as he caught her in his arms.

In her visions, Cordelia saw the Grace Andersen Sanitorium's sign, and then Michael Myers was there, killing two security guards.

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Then he and Laurie Strode seemed to be in battle, and Michael was dangling from a rope.

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Laurie suddenly reached out to his mask, and then he grabbed her arm, the rope breaking and dropping him while he grabbed her and stabbed her in the back, and soon after, Laurie fell to her death.

As Cordelia continued to moan, Angel gently carried her over to a chair, propping her up, allowing it to pass, while the rest were in front of her soon enough.

"Cordy, are you all right?" Angel asked her first what everyone else was feeling.

She ignored the question to tell them what she'd seen. "Michael Myers….he is here, in the Grace Andersen Sanitorium. He is going to kill Laurie Strode!"

"Michael Myers? Why is he here?" Fred asked, not having caught up on what the masked serial killer had been up to ever since returning from Pylea.

"Laurie Strode faked her death and moved to Summer Glen, California to escape Michael Myers. She was the headmistress of the Hillcrest Academy, and lived with her son, John. Michael managed to track them down, and killed some people", Wesley explained. "Laurie fought him, and eventually, she managed to decapitate him. But it was not Michael, he had switched himself with a paramedic, and rendered the man mute by crushing his larynx. Since then, Laurie has been institutionalized in the Grace Andersen Sanitorium in this city."

"Michael Myers", Angel whispered as he walked to his weapons cabin. "He is the only one I'd say is as evil as Angelus. He is a monster."

The time Michael had tried to kill Laurie recently had brought him and the situation to media attention again, so except Fred, all of them knew the basics about Michael's actions starting from 1963 itself.

"What if there is more? Like demonic possession?" Wesley wondered.

"Or maybe he was something worse", Angel said as he got a faraway look in his eyes. "Complete disregard for life, no morals. Michael Myers had no soul."

Wesley realized it could be true, as he, Angel and Cordelia shared a look.

Even the Ethros Demon possessing Ryan Anderson feared him, a boy. Said boy also tried to kill his own family, like Michael.

Wesley then had a horrifying thought.

"How many others are there?"

"I don't know, Wes."

"Thanks for the nightmares, guys", Cordelia muttered lowly.

Wesley had a realization. "Angel...do you think God really created everything?"

"What do you mean?"

"Vampires, Demons, the soulless, evil itself...do you think God created it all?"

Angel was silent for a long time. The answer to that question, he did not consider it lightly.

"If God is the Creator of all good, then how could He allow for things so foul to exist?"

"Maybe He did." Wes looked at him sharply. Angel's eyes were distant as he lost himself in thought.

"With everything we've seen, if God truly is responsible for all of creation...then even He must have a dark side. Or a dark counterpart, I guess." He looked forwards. "Don't really wanna think about it though. Even I have beliefs."

"What beliefs?" Gunn asked as he suddenly appeared.

"Leave beliefs, Michael Myers is here", Cordelia said, groaning as she was still recovering from the pain, Gunn's eyes widening.

"Damn!" He said, while Angel picked out his sword.

"Yeah, I had the same reaction, didn't even know he was back, but then again, I'm just back myself", Fred rambled a bit.

"Let's go guys, we need to stop him", Angel said while walking past them.

Earth-1, Star City

"To what do I owe this, visit, Miss Michaels?" Agent Smith inquired as he looked at her.

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"Floyd Lawton", Lyla told him immediately. "I want to clear the record regarding him- he was not the perpetrator behind what happened in the Republic of Kasnia. Senator Cray was responsible. He hired those mercenaries to pose as terrorists so he could diffuse the situation and look like a hero."

"Witness accounts say differently", Smith shrugged coldly.

"They were paid to stay silent", Lyla pointed out. "We need to-"

"Keep it that way", Smith cut her off, ending the conversation. "Amanda Waller survived for as long as she did because she learnt to follow my lead. I suggest you do the same."

Lyla could only look at him in disbelief, realizing not much could be done here, and walked off.

Arrow Lair

Hardison was at the computers, improving the security, when Oliver entered the bunker, seeing him hard at work. Eliot and Hunt were sparring, while Parker was watching with popcorn.

Felicity than ran towards Oliver, making him groan internally.

"I am NOT okay with this!"

"..."this" being what exactly?"

"He is touching my babies!"

"Are you sure you're not just being overly sensitive?"

"I have been behind those monitors, watching them as they grew up for four years, I know their hardware and software. It's like someone-"

"Felicity", Oliver said louder and sterner than before, getting her attention and ranting. "You don't seem to realize that whenever computers or hacking are involved, you tend to put yourself in charge-"

"I wasn't hired for my looks." The disapproving frown made her shut her mouth.

"When you were in Central City, what Hardison did to you, you did the same to Cisco. What he's doing now, you also did for the guys at STAR Labs. Are we sure that the reason you're overreacting is because your ego took a blow?"

Felicity crossed her arms and refused to meet his eyes. "Maybe."

"Felicity, you were outhacked before." The look of betrayal in her eyes did not stop his resolve. "Improved security is better than no security, don't you think?"

"...yeah." The blonde hacker admitted bitterly.

"Hardison is a friend, he thinks differently than us which can be an advantage when he run up against another powerful player."

"Yeah", Felicity said, her tone downcast.

"Good. Your attitude was becoming a liability, take this experience as a lesson in humility."

That was when Lyla walked in. "Oliver."

Oliver turned to her, as did the rest. "Hey Lyla, what's the matter?"

"Joseph Cray", Lyla said, putting a little file regarding him down on the table, Oliver narrowing his eyes as Eliot, Parker, Hardison and Hunt walked towards the table as well, looking through the file themselves.

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"This guy is a piece of work", Parker noted.

"He is engineered a hostage situation in the Republic of Kasnia months ago", Lyla explained. "Our man Floyd Lawton died trying to stop his mercenaries and help us escape. But Cray made him the scapegoat, blaming the entire situation on him, and paid the hostages for their silence. Lawton was a very flawed man, he made many mistakes, but he does not deserve that."

"Considering what this guy has done, he is automatically worse than whatever Lawton was", Eliot had to say.

"I did tell Diggle he and you could try to clear Lawton's reputation now", Oliver told her.

"I tried that, but there's this man, Agent Smith, he shot me down", Lyla said with a groan. "I want to clear Lawton's name, but if I carry on with this, they'll remove me as Director of ARGUS, and can replace me with someone worse than Waller."

"So your hands are tied", Hunt noted grimly. "And you cannot do much in this situation."

"No", Lyla said. "And that is why I came to you all."

"Because we took down Waller", Hardison said in realization. "And you want us to do the same to Cray now."

"Indeed, it'd be much appreciated", Lyla told them.

Parker looked at Oliver, who gave her a nod, so she turned back to Lyla. "We're gonna start working on it."

"Thank you", Lyla smiled, before walking off.

"So, what's the plan regarding him?" Eliot inquired.

"Cray is on the List, so he'll be the first person I take down now that I'm back on it", Oliver commented, then looked at Eliot, Parker and Hardison. "And since you three inspired me to get back to it, only fitting you're there when I take down the first guy after getting back onto this."

"So, we're gonna work on another con then?" Hunt asked.

"Yes, and we need to make it up together", Parker realized.

"Well, as someone who runs a big company, I'm sure there are quite a few cons we could do on the guy", Oliver said, the rest smirking in agreement.

Universe-208, Umbara

"Take it easy, soldier." Steve eased another Clone back to his feet with Kix on the other side after dispensing more shots into the injured Clone.

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"I know how to walk, shiny." The Clone named Ringo joked with the newcomer as he walked back to his position. Steve was not so sure how he felt about his new nickname. One thing was for certain: it was better than any nickname the bullies in Brooklyn and the Army gave him pre-serum.

"Clones are made of stern stuff, mostly in our heads." The Clone medic, Kix, informed his unofficial nurse.

Steve had easily learned that Kix' only care was the wellbeing of his fellow soldiers, taking great care to mend wounds, both minor and major, and making sure no soldier was overlooked. Steve liked him immediately.

Sounds from above had Steve discover three incoming aerial vehicles, two resembled jets, with wings stretching out to their side, but one was bigger, two spotlights on either side of the front, with turrets ad what Steve assumed were rockets attached.

"Hey, shiny." A voice had Steve lower his gaze to find ARC Trooper Fives passing him by and beckoning him forward. "We got a larty incoming. The General wants you with him."

"Thanks for the help", Kix said to the taller soldier as they joined the other trooper. Steve nodded back to the medic before moving with the more heavily geared soldier. While Steve was made of questions since his arrival on the planet of Umabara, he only had one in mind at the moment.


"Short for Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry, "larty" for short", Fives educated the human from Earth before looking at him from behind his helmeted gaze. "Handled yourself well back there. Guess you were telling the truth."

There was a difference between being in a war, and actually fighting it. In Fives' eyes, Rogers proved he was part of the latter category. That earned his respect, as did risking his neck to help another Clone in trouble.

"I try", Steve replied honestly as the General and Captain Rex came into view.

Fives removed his helmet. "I saw what you did when we were retreating. Thanks."

"No man left behind", Steve replied. He kept his tone level, but inside he felt pained. There were many cases when he and other soldiers weren't so lucky to pull troops away to safety, even despite his best efforts.

Not knowing the other captain's inner turmoil, Fives still smirked at the man. "I'm starting to like you, shiny", the ARC trooper said genially.

Steve and Fives stood at attention as they finally made it to Anakin and Rex as the ship landed in front of them. When the doors opened, the First Avenger was not sure how to react to what he saw inside.

Two Clones, and a much larger being. The most prominent thing about the alien was it's height, estimated in Steve's eyes as seven feet and seven inches tall, green skin, a crest atop it's head, and more shockingly, four arms.

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The alien walked out of the ship, letting Steve see he wore similar robes to Anakin, and what looked like similar devices as Anakin's laser sword on his waist, but two of them of a much more different design.

When he leapt out that transport, walking to the General with two of its arms behind its back, Steve felt unease from his place to Anakin's left.

"Master Krell, my thanks for the air support", Anakin said to him.

"Indeed, General Skywalker", the alien, whose name seemed to be Krell, spoke in reply. "The locals have proven to be more resourceful than we anticipated."

And then, Anakin gestured to Steve. "This is Captain Steve Rogers. I felt something in the Force, and not long after, Steve walked into our camp."

"Yes, I thought I felt it too. Quite similar to the disturbance felt not that long ago", Krell responded as he scrutinized the human.

Steve may be new to this world, or galaxy, it seemed, but he did not like the way the tall, four-armed alien was looking at him. Anakin's words broke him from his thoughts. "He hails from a planet called Earth, but I'm afraid I'm not familiar with it."

"Nor am I, or anyone else in the Order from what I know."

"I agreed to speak on his behalf to the Council to see if we can help in his case, and in the meantime, he has agreed to aid the 501st."

"A civilian helping on a campaign?" Krell narrowed his eyes, but Steve held his gaze.

"This isn't my first war." The Avenger said coolly.

Anakin smirked, clapping Steve's shoulder. "Trust me, he's no normal civilian."

Krell just nodded, then revealed. "I am not here about this though. The Council has ordered you to Coruscant, effective immediately."

"What? Why?" Anakin asked in surprise, not having expected that.

"I'm afraid a request was made by the Supreme Chancellor, and the Council obliged", Krell informed Anakin. "That is all they would tell me."

"Well, I can't just leave my men", Anakin protested with conviction.

"I'll be taking over in the interim", Krell assured.

"Don't worry about a thing, sir", Rex assured Anakin. "We'll have this city under Republic control by the time you're back."

Anakin made the introductions. "Master Krell, this is Rex, my first in command. You won't find a finer and more loyal trooper anywhere."

Steve admired the praise and confidence Anakin had for Rex. Clearly, they had been through a lot, their confidence in each other was clear.

"Good to hear that. I wish you well, Skywalker", Krell said, putting a hand to his shoulder.

Anakin turned to Steve. "You could come with me, to make your case to the Council."

Steve was never one to run from a fight. And dealing with politicians while a war was being fought? The choice was clear to the super soldier.

"I appreciate the offer, General", Steve said humbly. "But my place is here, with the other soldiers. I shall help them in any way I can."

Anakin accepted Steve's choice with a nod and promised. "When I'm back on Coruscant, I'll explain the situation to the Jedi Council. Hopefully the other masters will know something."

With that, Anakin got into the LAAT, and it flew off, Steve and Anakin sharing one last look.

"Your reputation precedes you, General", Rex complimented Krell as he walked next to the Jedi. "It is an honor to be serving you."

"I find it very interesting, Captain, that you are able to recognize the value of honor, for a clone", Krell said in a condescending tone, taking Steve aback, while Rex was surprised too. "Stand at attention when I address you."

Rex did just that, as Krell started moving off. "Your flattery is duly noted, but it will not be rewarded."

Steve noted how in the presence of Anakin, Krell seemed amiable, formal but friendly. But after Anakin had gone off in the LAAT, Krell's demeanour had changed completely, and Steve did not like it.

The hostility in Krell's tone to Rex was plain, and deliberate.

Unfortunately, while Steve volunteered to help the 501st, he was just that, a volunteer, he had no official ranking or voice in the chain of command, meaning he could say nothing against Krell.

It did not mean he would tolerate the abuse to his fellow soldiers.

"There's a reason my command is so effective, and it's because I do things by the book, and that includes protocol. Have all platoons ready to move out immediately. That is all."

Rex and Fives shared a look, the former sighing in resignation, knowing that this was not a Jedi like Anakin Skywalker.

As they started moving, Steve followed the Jedi with a narrowed gaze.

Earth-92, Los Angeles, Grace Andersen Sanitorium

The security officer Willie Haines had just discovered his fellow guard's bloody head wrapped in sheets and revolving in an institutional laundry machine, while Michael Myers lowered himself from the ceiling.

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Screaming in horror, Willie stepped back, only to slip in the pool of blood of the decapitated guard's body, and then Michael grabbed him, before slicing his throat with his butcher knife.

Halloween theme plays

The dead Willie fell to the floor, while Michael moved forth through the Sanitorium, looking for his target.

He passed a room, then walked through a hall, not taking any wrong turns, and looked at the door marked 6-L in front of him, which was where Laurie was kept.

Michael was about to burst through the door when he heard someone call out to him. "Hey!"

He turned to see Angel having appeared out of nowhere, holding his sword. Before Michael could do anything, Angel decked him on the face, making him stagger away in pain and shock, the shock being because the blow had affected him this badly.

At that moment, Wesley struck at Michael with his own sword, but Michael avoided in time, then tried to slice Wesley with his knife, though Wesley avoided, then punched Michael, though this punch did not have too much effect.

As Wesley struck again, Michael side-stepped to avoid, and tried to slice at Wesley. Wesley leapt away to avoid but was sliced on the shoulder, making him gasp in pain.

Gunn then appeared, trying to hit Michael with his ax as he roared, but Michael stepped back to avoid, though the ax did slice his clothing, and gave him a cut, while Gunn followed up by kicking Michael, which barely staggered him.

Wesley gritted his teeth, and struck Michael again. Michael tried to dodge but his shoulder was sliced as well, just like Wesley's.

Gunn brought up his ax and tried to bring it down on Michael, only for Michael to grab both of Gunn's hands with just one of his own, managing to hold him back as Gunn struggled, while Wesley tried to slice at him, but Michael swung his own knife, forcing Wesley to back off.

That was when Angel leapt and kicked Michael on the face, making him fly back and fall down, while the Vampire walked forth, his sword held up.

Michael got back up and swung his knife at Angel, who dodged, and then as Michael tried to strike with the knife again, Angel grabbed his hand with his own, holding it back, shocking Michael at his strength once more.

Then, Angel head-butted Michael, sending him staggering back, before spinning and kicking his face as Michael flew and then fell down.

As he tried to get up again, Angel said. "Bye-bye, Michael."

And then, he swung his sword, decapitating Michael at last, the masked head rolling onto the floor while the headless body toppled as well.

Laurie Strode walked out of her room, where she had lain a trap for Michael, having seen what had just happened.

Running past the three Team Angel members, Laurie knelt near the head, taking off the mask, just to be sure this time.

And she saw the same face she'd seen briefly when she'd unmasked Michael back in 1978.

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Seeing that face, Laurie suddenly let out a scream, and taking out a knife of her, started stabbing Michael's headless body. "Die! Die! Die!"

Angel quickly grabbed her, pulling her away as he held Laurie in his arms, the woman crying into his chest as he assured her. "Its okay, its okay. Its over."

It took quite a few minutes, and Angel didn't let Laurie go, knowing she needed some comfort and closure.

After a few more minutes, she sighed in relief, then Angel let her go, as she looked at Team Angel while wiping her eyes. "You three did it."

"He is dead, he won't go after you or anyone else again", Angel assured Laurie, who nodded.

"Thank you", she said to them all hoarsely. "I killed the wrong person. You've fixed that mistake for me."

"Do not think of it", Wesley assured her, as the three began walking off.

"Goodbye", Angel said, and she nodded.


"Well, we took down Michael Myers now", Gunn said as they came out of the Sanitorium. "That was something."

"Yes, and because of how infamous he is, news of this is going to spread soon", Wesley noted. "Which will be both a good thing and a bad thing."

"Yeah, people are gonna want to meet the ones who took down Michael Myers, people from both sides", Angel agreed.

Later, Hyperion Hotel

Angel, Wesley and Gunn stepped in, Cordelia noticing the wound on Wesley's shoulder, and quickly ran to get the first aid kit.

As they sat down, Fred asked. "Did you do it?"

"Yeah, Michael is gone", Gunn assured her, while Cordelia came out with the first aid, applying the medicine on Wesley's wound before starting to bandage it up.

"With how brutal he is from what I've heard, well, be glad this was the worst you got", Cordelia had to say to Wesley.

"We had him with us, so it was no trouble", Wesley said as he gestured to Angel.

"Good job, pretty boy", Cordelia quipped, making Angel chuckle.

"Just helping the helpless, Cordy", Angel assured her. "Though its all because you got a vision."

"A head-splittingly bad one, but yeah, credit where its due", Cordelia smirked and joked, Angel again noting how she was downplaying the pain of the visions and joking about those.

He just hoped they could help her with these visions as soon as possible.

Earth-1, Star City

In Senator Cray's office, Cray sat across from Agent Smith, who was telling him. "The new Director of ARGUS is really trying to get the truth about Lawton and you."

"We can't let that happen", Cray said, looking a bit scared, as all his dreams would be shattered in that case. "Will you deal with her?"

"I've shut her down for now, Senator", Smith assured him. "If she tries anything else, let's just say ARGUS shall have new leadership soon enough. Do not worry Senator, as long as I'm around, your reputation is safe. This country needs you."

"Thank you, Agent Smith. And I will not disappoint once I become President", Cray nodded, while Smith got up and walked off, seeing Oliver Queen walking in, alongside Eliot and Parker, not that he knew who the other two were.

He just gave them a look, then walked off, while the three saw Cray's assistant coming to him. "Sir, there was one more appointment for you. He is here now."

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (285)

Cray looked up to see Oliver, Eliot and Parker standing there, and said. "Mr. Queen, I wasn't expecting you."

"Its fine Senator, this was on short notice", Oliver said, holding out his hand that Cray shook, before Oliver took his seat in front of him. "I hear you're going to run for President."

"I hear you're running for Mayor", Cray noted himself. "And that you got your company back too."

"That is correct, Senator", Oliver noted. "This is my bodyguard, Jacob Stone", Eliot simply gave a nod at that, while Oliver continued. "And this is my assistant, Beth Leach", Parker gave a little smile and wave, and then Oliver said. "Now, I want to talk to you about something, which I'm sure you'll find intriguing."

"I'm listening", Cray smirked.

"I will back your campaign financially, Senator", Oliver revealed, to the Senator's delight. "I just need your help with one thing."

"Whatever you want, Mr. Queen", Cray smiled.

"You can help me with cheap labor in China being transferred here to America, and we can pay them below minimum wage to elevate our profits", Oliver said, and noted that Cray was clearly liking it.

Eliot and Parker shared a little look, reminded of when they had to infiltrate the fashion world to take on Gloria Pan and Russell Pan, who were doing something similar.

Oliver was a good man, but he knew how to play his part quite well.

"I like this offer, Mr. Queen", Cray had to say.

"Indeed, you scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours", Oliver said. "So, what do you say, Senator?"

"Glad to have you onboard, Mr. Queen", Cray said, holding out his hand that Oliver shook, before the two got up.

"I'll stay in touch", Oliver assured, then walked out with 'Jacob' and 'Beth'.

Star City, the base

Hardison was on the computers, seeing the entire meeting for himself. Parker had a recorder she'd used to record the entire meeting on video, and Hardison had gotten it all.

Now it was time for him to start doing his thing. "Age of the geek, baby."

Universe-208, Umbara

The 501st Legion's sole Earth human could only watch as the one-manned bipedal…thing, moved in tandem with the rest of Clone army on the march. Steve tried to rack his brain if there was anything comparable to it on Earth, in modern times or as part of Tony's machines, but no, he honestly could say he'd never seen something quite like it.

He felt someone move beside him in his march and found Fives following his gaze. "All Terrain Recon Transport, but everyone calls them walkers."

Steve hummed. "Fitting name."

"Nothing like that on your planet?"

"No, we have tanks, jets, but no walkers." It made Steve wonder just how advanced this Republic and the Separatists were. He had a hard enough time adapting to 21st century technology, now he was stuck in Space with things you would see in a sci-fi flick.

"Don't mean to offend, but your planet sounds pretty primitive", Fives commented.

"How's that?"

Fives gestured to the P14-45 at his waist. "That slugthrower, an actual shield, you don't see them around the galaxy."

"I'm not sure what you mean by slugthrower."

"They're guns that use a chemical reaction to shoot physical rounds rather than the laser in our blasters." Fives tapped the weapon attached to his left.

Curiosity and wanting to know more about what he was dealing with caused Steve to raise a hand toward the blaster. "May I?"

The Arc Trooper saw no problem with it, Steve proved he could be trusted so far. Drawing the blaster, he spun it on his finger before offering the handle to the 501st's new member, before Krell. "It's a DC-17, the best friend you can have in a firefight."

Steve shifted the blaster in his right hand to his left, before aiming down the sight. It felt no different than a regular pistol. "You feed a gas cartridge into it and with a power pack, converts the gas to energy, and then you have a blaster bolt."

"I know a few people who had something like this." Schmidt's own pistol, which could reduce a man to nothing with one pull of the trigger. He couldn't tell if being reduced to nothing was painful, but air was better or worse than being shot by a laser.

Disregarding the dark thoughts, Steve spun the blaster on his finger a few times like Fives, with an extra flourish, before offering it back to its owner. "Thank you."

"My pleasure. Always nice to help a shiny." Fives chuckled, and he heard the other Clones laugh with him. It made the captain deadpan.

"That's not going away any time soon, is it?"

"You catch on quick."

"Can you tell me what that shiny sword by Anakin is like?" Steve then inquired honestly. "It looked like the beam of a star concentrated to look like a sword."

"It is one of the most dangerous weapons in the Universe. All Jedi and Sith have one", Fives explained. "It can cut through flesh and steel. They work on magic crystals or something, I don't know. Been fighting with the Jedi for a while now, and I still don't understand them half the time."

"Right", Steve said with a nod and sigh.


Cray was on the phone with Smith. "I think this is a good deal, Smith."

"I am not so sure",Smith said from the other end. "The deal itself is sound, but I do not like who its coming from."

"Oliver Queen, what's the problem with him?" Cray inquired.

"From what I know of him, he just does not seem like the type of person who'd do this",Smith told him.

"Come on, Smith, he was stranded on an island in the North China Sea. Most likely he hates Chinese people just for that", Cray shrugged.

While he was talking, he did not notice that behind him, Parker had snuck in through the window, and was discreetly opening his drawers, taking some files out, while he wasn't looking.

Suddenly, while talking, he was about to turn back, and Parker jumped behind the drawer cabinet, when his assistant walked in.

"Sir, you need to see this."

Cray turned around, looking at his assistant holding a tablet, and both looked down at it.

Using the opportunity, Parker crawled out from her hiding place, then leapt out of the window with the files, still attached to the cord that she removed after reaching the ground.

Cray's eyes widened in horror as he saw that the payments he'd made to the mercenaries, and later the hostages, were all leaked out to the media. "What the….? NO!"

"What happened, Cray?"Smith asked from the other end.

"Someone leaked my payments to those mercenaries and the hostages to the media!" Cray cried out in horror. "There's more. The prostitutes I frequent, my pictures with them are out too."

"The prostitutes who got beaten up or died?"Smith inquired, and Cray gulped.


"Damn it Cray!"Smith snapped. "All right, you don't do anything right now, if you see any news person, just deny everything. I'll do what I can."

The call was cut, while Cray started sweating as he walked out of his office, passing various people, who gave him weird looks too, when suddenly a mic was pointed at his face.

"Senator, what do you have to say about those payments, and the photos?" The news reporter asked him.

"Its all fake! This is a conspiracy to defame me!" Cray cried out, before seeing two of his security people. "How could she get in? Get her out of here!"

The two of them grabbed her and started dragging her away, as the reporter asked. "Can you tell us who'd want to defame you?"

But she was dragged out of his sight before she could question him anymore.

Cray continued to sweat, and even shiver a bit.

Universe-208, Umbara

"Quicken that pace, battalion! This isn't some training course on Kamino."

Steve was close enough to General Krell to hear him "encourage" the troops. He'd met cranky old drill sergeants with brighter personalities. From what the super soldier had seen, Krell was standoffish at best, and downright hostile at worst. One thing was for sure, he had no respect for the Clones, for that alone, Steve did not regard this new Jedi General very highly.

They were marching at a decent pace, demanding anything more would only leave them vulnerable to more Umbaran attacks.

"Are your generals usually like this?" Steve asked Jesse. While commanding officers would be part of columns, they usually were riding jeeps or other vehicles. A General actually on foot with the troops was radically different to what Steve's known.

Jesse shook his helmeted head. "No, I mean, they can be crazy at times, especially General Skywalker, but he takes care of us, and is always in the fight with us. Other battalions though I hear aren't as lucky."

"Has no one ever made a complaint? Written up about their conduct?"

Jesse wanted to laugh but could not find the strength to do so. "A Clone can't complain about a Jedi, they're the Republic's greatest assets. We'd lose the war if it weren't for them."

"It does not give them the right to mistreat you."

Before the tattooed Clone could respond, they both heard a very familiar screech, and coming towards the column, the Avenger and Clones found a pair of banshees.

"Ah great", Steve groaned as the men readied their blasters and opened fire. The banshees however were more nimble than Steve gave them credit for, dodging the blaster bolts as one tried to snatch a Clone from the ground.

That was when Steve acted, leaving Jesse's side to throw his body up high before one banshee could take a AT-RT driver, the tackle had him roll on the ground with the alien animal, the Clones giving them a wide birth from the landing.

Coming to a halt, Steve grabbed the banshee by it's hard, thick shell-like back and forced it to the ground with one hand, his other fist reared back and smashed against the back of the animal's skull, caving the thick shell.

He turned to move for the other, only to find it dropping a Clone, with Krell catching it, forcing it to crash to the ground, keeping it down with his foot before whipping out the same weapon as Anakin, only the two devices at his waist unfolded, forming long handles with two blue and green glowing blades to come to life, and stab down into the animal's skull.

Krell looked around, briefly finding Steve standing over his dead banshee, before the Besalisk kicked the corpse. "Anyone else want to stop and play with the animals?" That harsh, ruthless tone did not sit well with Steve, and he knew it did not with Rex either, even with the helmet. "Didn't think so. Now keep moving!"

As Steve joined the march again, his eyes remained focused on the back of their leader. The more time Steve spent near him, the more unease he felt around him.

Earth-1, Star City, the lair

Hardison was doing his thing while looking at the footage of Oliver's meeting with Cray as he also listened to some music.

"Hey (hey) I Want Your Cray Cray I Want Your I Want Your…"

Eliot and Parker both gave him looks on hearing that song by Trish Walker, the music video having been released four days before Trish went into rehab, causing many venues to sue her as she'd cancelled her first tour.

"What? I like it, okay!"

They just shrugged as Oliver walked in. "Its working. Cray's reputation is already taking huge blows, and we didn't even have to lie so far, just tell the truth."

"All we need is one lie", Parker said with a smirk. "And that will be the final blow."

"Yes, the knockout punch pretty much", Eliot agreed.

"And its about to come in time", Hardison added, when Oliver's phone rang.

Seeing it was 'unknown caller', Oliver accepted it and put the phone to his ear. "Hello?"

"Hello, Mr. Queen",Agent Smith said from the other end. "I'm someone who works with Senator Cray."

"What can I do for you?" Oliver asked simply.

"I want to talk about your deal with the Senator, in the warehouse owned by Senator Cray in District 7", Smith explained. "You must come quickly, or the deal will fall through."

The call was cut as Oliver looked at the other three. "He said he is someone who works with Senator Cray. From the voice, I'm pretty sure it was Agent Smith."

"What did he say?" Eliot asked.

"He wants to meet me in a warehouse regarding the deal with Cray", Oliver revealed. "I think he is suspecting I'm involved in what's going on with Cray."

"So, it's a trap then?" Parker inquired.

"Always is", Eliot sighed.

"I'll be going, but you two will come with me, in your roles for this con", Oliver explained, the two nodding. "In the meantime, Hardison, wrap this up."

"It will take half an hour more from my end", Hardison assured them.

Same time

Cray was in his office, now biting his nails while thinking what to do, when his assistant walked in. "Sir, the press conference at which you were going to announce you're running for President to everyone, shall you still be doing it?"

"NO!" Cray snapped. "Are you stupid? The media vultures are crucifying me already. And there will be cases upon me soon. Until this is resolved, nothing can be done."

"But sir", the assistant sat down, pouring Cray a glass of beer, before sliding it over to him. "If you don't go out in the conference, it will just make you look worse."

Cray drank the beer, calming his nerves a bit, while the assistant continued. "Why don't you go out there, and speak out against these lies, show that you're not cowering due to them, but that you're brave, and you will fight for the truth? That will at least start bringing people over to your side, and even help you get into office after you're completely cleared."

"That…" Cray trailed off as he lowered the glass, having been calmed. "That actually makes sense. I'll do it. You've made a great suggestion, my friend. When I get to the White House, you'll be my Chief of Staff."

With that, he walked out. "Time to prepare myself for this." He turned back to his assistant. "And, find out who leaked this information outside. We'll deal with that person too."

"Of course sir", the assistant agreed with a nod.

Universe-208, Umbara

"So wait, you were made?"

"Yep, the Kaminoans were hired to produce an army. They hired Jango Fett to use his DNA template to create the Clones, they were the leading experts on the subject. Fett was a Mandalorian, a physically perfectly trained warrior, they figured someone with his genes would make fine soldiers", Kix explained to the confused human.

It should not have surprised Steve, they were literally called Clones, as if they were a separate race, but creating people from the DNA of another to be made as soldiers, it denied them their right to choose.

"Clones are then force grown to adolescence, where we begin our learning of tactics, history, before we reach adulthood soon after, and begin training."

"Force grown…" Steve murmured to himself in horror. "But you never had any childhoods, no normal lives."

"These are our lives", Kix said simply. "We were born, given numbers, trained, and set off to fight."

"Without a choice!" Steve spoke passionately. He chose to fight in the war, but he never wanted to impose that decision on someone else.

"Clones, we don't have many options besides the war. We're soldiers."

"Without freedom", Steve argued. "Freedom is the right of all living things."

Kix sighed. He agreed with everything Steve said, but the reality was much more disappointing. Still, it was nice to hear someone else say it besides other Clones. They weren't treated like normal people in the Republic by most, only as soldiers.

"I wish it was that easy." A new, similar but different voice joined the conversation, Jesse walking by Steve's right. "If we don't fight this war, the Republic wouldn't stand a chance."

"You are laying your lives on the line for them, stripped of any choice. They owe you that chance."

"Most might not see it that way", Kix pointed out.

"We're not droids, but we were literally made for this war", Jesse added.

It did not change Steve's resolve. "What about after this war?"

Jesse and Kix stared at Steve, his stance unwavering, before staring at each other, and back forward.

"I don't know, Steve. I don't know."

Earth-1, Star City

Oliver walked into the warehouse, flanked by Eliot and Parker, and the three saw Smith standing there along with seven more men.

Eliot looked around, and saw one sniper hiding behind a crate, though he did not make it obvious he'd seen the guy, and turned back to his front.

"CIA", Eliot whispered to the other two about the men with Smith.

"How can you tell?" Oliver asked in a whisper.

"Those are very distinctive haircuts", Eliot replied.

"Mr. Queen", Agent Smith greeted.

"Who are you?" Oliver feigned ignorance about his true identity.

"Just someone who cares about Senator Cray, and this country", Smith said with a shrug. "Now, some nasty things about the Senator have been leaked to the media."

"I noticed that", Oliver said in an even tone.

"You don't seem like the kind of person who would make such a deal", Smith had to say. "Not to mention, right after you visit the Senator, these things come out."

Pacing around, Smith said. "A normal person would think this is a coincidence. But I'd say you went there, got access to this info, and leaked it everywhere."

"How'd I know about any of the Senator's private dealings beforehand, though?" Oliver asked, making a point.

"You make a good point, but a man like me cannot ignore such things", Smith had to say, and then a man of his aimed a gun right at Oliver's face. "Goodbye, Mr. Queen."

In a split second, Eliot grabbed the man's wrist, then quickly kicked his feet before pulling him towards himself and spun him around, putting him to his and Oliver's front just as the sniper fired, and it hit the agent in the shoulder, making him cry out in pain.

Eliot grabbed his gun, disarming him, and let the agent fall before throwing the gun itself at the sniper before he could fire a second time, hitting his face and knocking him out.

The other six agents tried to take out their weapons as Eliot rushed and punched one on the face, staggering him away, then spun another's feet from underneath him, before slamming his foot on the agent's face, knocking him out.

He followed up by kicking one more agent on the face, then spun and elbowed another, taking both out.

Parker then did a flip while taking out her taser, and shocked one of the agents with it, while Eliot blocked another's blow, spinning him around and kicking his foot from behind, making him kneel before Eliot grabbed his head and slammed him to the ground, knocking him out.

The one who'd been punched tried to attack, only for Parker to tase him too.

Smith now looked at the three in horror as he started backing off, while Eliot slowly marched towards him with a growl.

Then, Parker tased him as well, making him convulse violently before he fell to the ground, knocked out.

Eliot gave her an annoyed look as she shrugged with a smirk, then tased the unconscious Smith a few more times.

"Let's go", Oliver said, walking off as the two walked with him.

"I think Hardison would be done by now", Parker noted.

"And it'd be right on time, as the Senator's conference is going to happen", Eliot realized.

Senator Cray stood in front of the media, a huge screen behind him, which also showed him while he was being recorded right now.

"I know a lot of you have a very low opinion about me right now", Cray began saying. "Due to what has come out. But I'm here to tell you- it's all lies!"

Immediately, questions started being fired at him by all the reporters, but he held up a hand to stop them, then continued. "All those payments, and the photos, they've been doctored, none of it was me. An investigation is being carried out to find the perpetrator behind this doctored evidence against me, and they will be punished. I will not bow to these lies like a coward. I will face this head-on!"

Then, he started. "And I'm here to tell you all that I'll be-"

At that moment, the screen behind him changed, it wasn't showing the current conference anymore, and the reporters looked at footage of Cray and Smith meeting back in his office.

"The new Director of ARGUS is really trying to get the truth about Lawton and you."

Cray turned around, his eyes widening in horror as he saw the footage play.

"We can't let that happen. Will you deal with her?"

"I've shut her down for now, Senator. If she tries anything else, let's just say ARGUS shall have new leadership soon enough. Do not worry Senator, as long as I'm around, your reputation is safe. This country needs you."

Oliver, Eliot and Parker saw Smith sitting across from Cray, and smirking, Parker reached towards her pocket, activating the recorder already.

Cray turned back to the reporters, who were firing off even more questions now.

Leverage The Team soundtrack plays

Cray started. "This video has clearly been-"

"Miss Na Wei, I was not expecting you."

Cray turned around in horror, and saw his meeting with Oliver Queen, but instead of Oliver, Chien Na Wei, aka China White, was the one meeting with him.

"HUH?" He cried out in horror. "This is…."

"I will back your campaign financially, Senator. I just need your help with one thing."

"Whatever you want, Miss Na Wei."

"You can help me with cheap labor in China being transferred here to America, and we can pay them below minimum wage to elevate our profits."

"I like this offer, Miss Na Wei."

"Senator, are you in league with the Triad?" One reporter asked randomly, as Cray was sweating even more now.

"NO! THESE ARE ALL LIES!" Cray screamed angrily. "ALL OF THIS IS TO DEFAME ME!"

Hardison was on the computers, digitally altering the footage of Oliver's meeting with Cray, while he looked at a photo of China White while she was being interrogated by the police after an arrest, and replacing Oliver with her, and also editing the sound a bit.

Technology on this Earth was a bit less advanced than on his own Earth, so it would be too hard for even the most advanced technology on here to detect what was real and what was doctored in the video, though it'd take Hardison a while to get fully done.

"Age of the geek, baby."

As Cray was breaking down, suddenly, a song started playing.

"Hey (hey) I Want Your Cray Cray I Want Your I Want Your"

Cray turned around to see a music video playing on the screen, a pretty blonde being the singer as she did some strange and erotic dance moves, the backup dancers copying her.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (286)

"Hey Hey (hey) I Want Your Cray Cray I Want Your I Want Your Cray Cray Cray I Want Your Cray Cray Cray Cray I Want Your Cray Cray Cray Cray Cray Cray Cray I Want Your Cray Cray Cray Cray Cray Cray Cray Cray I Want Your Cray Cray I Want Your I Want Your"

Some of the reporters were actually chuckling, while another reporter suddenly asked. "Senator, did you pay this woman to make this music video dedicated to you, then killed her like those other prostitutes?"


Star City, the lair

Hardison was laughing as he saw the entire thing on the news. "This is even better than what I was thinking."

At the conference, two men in suits walked up to the podium, as Cray turned to them. "WHO ARE YOU? ARE YOU HERE TO PROVE THIS WRONG?"

"Senator Joseph Cray, you're under arrest for bribery, cover-up and embezzlement", the agent said, as the other then cuffed him.


Parker jumped out after stealing the files from Cray.

Later, Parker handed the files to Oliver, who looked through them.

"These files have information about Cray's deal with Waller to cover up the truth", Oliver said with a smile. "These work well, thanks Parker."

A while later, Oliver handed the files to Lyla. "Hope these can help."

"I'll go over Agent Smith's head, and get these to the right people", Lyla nodded. "Thank you, Oliver."

With that, the screaming Cray was escorted away by the two agents.

"Cray Cray Cray I Want Your Cray Cray Cray Cray I Want Your Cray"

Cray's assistant was seemingly asleep on his chair, when he got injected with something, and woke up with a gasp, seeing someone looking exactly like him staring at him.

"Huh?" He muttered, when his lookalike punched him out.

The lookalike then walked off with a smirk, tearing off his face, revealing it was a mask, and he was actually Ethan Hunt.

Hardison found a picture of Cray's assistant, looking at some info as Hunt noted. "His height and weight, they're close to my own."

"So, what are you thinking?" Oliver asked.

Hunt smirked. "Hardison, can we see what his schedule is like for a bit?"

"Oh yeah, that can be arranged easily", Hardison said with a chuckle.

As Cray's assistant got out of his car to go back home, Hunt injected him with something from behind, knocking him out.

The agent was kept sedated in his own house, while a mask that looked like his face was made.

Hunt wore the mask, and walked into Cray's office.

Disguised as the assistant, Hunt found the evidence of Cray's payment to the mercenaries and hostages, as well as his photos with prostitutes on the computers.

And then, he leaked all of the information out.

Hunt walked out of the building, smirking, as some agents walked in past him to arrest more people responsible for covering up Cray's crimes.

Star City

Smith woke up, and found he was surrounded by some agents too. "Huh?"

One of them cuffed him, and started leading him away. "Agent Smith, you're under arrest for coverup and obstruction of justice."

"This is outrageous!" Smith cried out as his men started being cuffed too.

Oliver, Eliot and Parker walked out of the warehouse, as Oliver was on the phone with Hardison. "Hardison, call in an anonymous tip about the gunshot at our location."

"Doing just that", Hardison nodded.

The lair

Oliver, Eliot, Parker and Hardison watched Cray's arrest on the news, one reporter saying. "This conference has taken a very unexpected turn. Senator Cray seems to have been in a conspiracy with the Triad, and this woman in the video is another victim of him."

Oliver opened the List, looking at Joseph Cray's name, and crossed it out.

Universe-208, Umbara

It had been over 6 hours since the marching had started. Long marches were not new to Steve, though he could say he was out of practice, if his mind and body did not register the action as if he done it day in and day out during the 40s, as opposed to his days of leisure after waking up from the ice.

The only way to occupy himself was to speak to the Clones. His talk with Jesse and Kix stuck with him. For people like the Jedi, who Fives told him were peacekeeping magical warriors, more or less, to lead and use these men in such a manner, creating them for the sole purpose of fighting, it seemed contradictory to their role, other than Krell.

The word that came to mind when thinking about the alien was most definitely not "peacekeeper". Every time he learned more about this galaxy, or more accurately, the Republic, Steve's opinion lowered.

General Skywalker may have believed in it, but Steve met too many politicians who used even war for their own gain for him to trust them. Then there was the reveal of Secretary Pierce's true colors. Politicians, it was one of the first things he and Tony truly agreed on.

"Captain Rex", Steve greeted as he finally made it to the front of the column of Clones and Walkers.

The Clone Captain turned his helmet to meet his fellow captain as he marched beside him.

"Captain Rogers. Getting acquainted with the men?"

"As best I can, sir." There were many Clones, many with similar armor markings, however, they all had some distinction that marked them different. Personalities, tone of voice, Steve held on to each, and tied each distinction with their name, or number in some cases, which rubbed Steve the wrong way. All people should have names.

"Good man, you can't trust a person you don't know in a battle."

"Agreed, sir."

Rex waved him off. "You can drop the formality, Rogers. You may unofficially be a part of the legion, but you're the same rank, and in my view, experience outranks everything."

"How do you know I was experienced?"

Rex turned to him. "You say you were in a war, but how you reacted to some of the Separatists' war crimes upset you. When the ambush occurred, you were already rushing in ahead of even the general, I've never seen that happen before, unless it was with another Jedi. During that firefight, you knew exactly what you were doing. One's actions in battle tells you all you need to know about a person, and it tells me you're a soldier."

Steve lowered his head, humbled by the praise. "Thank you, Rex."

"Don't mention it." Rex looked ahead, watching the new general march on with purpose, not looking back once, unless an order was to be said. It was a big change from General Skywalker, the Clone just hoped the different leadership would not affect the morale.

Their Jedi General was charismatic enough to instill faith in all of them, even if some of his methods seemed…unorthodox. Krell had none of that charm.

"I was wondering something."

Steve beckoned the Clone Captain to go ahead. "Ask away."

"Your war…what was it like?"

He thought Steve hesitated in his steps before resuming, only a brief slip that Rex caught, and the stoic mask Steve adopted made him reconsider his question. Before he could take it back, the man from Earth spoke. "It started with persecution. On Earth, there's different religions based on different regions. A man named Hitler led his country to believe that they were the "master race", and that those of the Jewish faith were lesser than them. They imprisoned the Jewish people in their own country, and spread out across the continent of Europe like a disease, capturing cities, killing any resistance, imposing their laws, their views, on other countries. The Jewish were put into camps, and they were…" Steve shut his eyes and breathed deeply, trying to separate the images of barbed wire, dead bodies, dark chambers, and barrels of gold teeth. "They were killed at best, usually by gas chambers. Others were experimented on."

No wonder Steve held such a reaction about hearing about the Separatists, Rex thought. It was eerily similar to what happened on his planet.

"The war raged for two years before my own country got involved. One of the countries allied with Hitler attacked our shores, and America wanted payback."

"Did you get it?"

"They say we did." Steve locked eyes with Rex' visor. "But after all this time, everything we fought for, doesn't seem to matter anymore."

"What do you mean?"

"There was another group working in the war called HYDRA. They were aligned with Hitler but held their own goals. They found a power source that shifted the war in their favor, made weapons we never would have thought possible, in fact, they're almost similar to your blasters, but upon contact with their energy blasts, men would be reduced to nothing. No bodies, not even clothes."


Steve nodded. "My unit targeted HYDRA, seeing them as a greater threat than Hitler's supremacist ideals. Once Hitler fell, HYDRA was all that's left, and would have launched an attack that brought the world to its knees if we didn't stop them."

"Sounds like you did."

"…we did." Steve said softly, Rex almost didn't hear him. "Until seventy years later when I found out HYDRA survived in our own government and all our effort was for nothing."

Rex had to stop at what he heard. Seventy years?! Steve, however, only marched on. The Clone could hear the emotion in his voice, he knew that was enough. While still reeling at the revelation their new recruit was over seventy, Rex continued to march.

Earth-1, Star City

Hunt was now back in the lair as Oliver said. "Good job with your role, Ethan."

"We all did it", Hunt simply said, as they shared looks.

"Now Lawton is finally cleared, people will know what he did", Diggle noted, a smile forming on his face.

That was when Rick Flag of all people walked into the bunker, now dressed in an Army Service Uniform, allowing them to see his many decorations on his chest, representing every medal, ribbon, and award he'd received in his career, an eagle on shoulder boards showing his rank to those who were in the military, and on his left sleeve, a "Special Forces" tab, a "Ranger" tab, an "Airbourne" tab, and a red tab shaped like an arrowhead with a black knife at the center, a tab Eliot was very familiar with, the insignia of Delta Force operators.

"You…" Hunt snarled as he aimed his gun, and Parker took out her taser as well.

"I'd love to taze you more times that I've tased everyone else combined", Parker sneered, Hardison clutching his fists as well.

"And I won't ask her to stop", he added.

"Why are you here?" Oliver asked in a growl as well.

"Guys, calm down", Diggle raised a hand, having worked with Flag on the squad before.

"Not until he tells us why he is here", Hunt said, looking at Flag's decorated uniform. "That uniform is not impressing us, considering what you did to our friend."

"I am here….to thank all of you", Flag spoke, taking all of them aback now.

Now, they were all surprised, as Hunt and Parker lowered their gun and taser respectively.

Then, Hunt snarled. "For what? Kicking you out of that window. I can do it again if you want."

"You tortured my friend", Parker sneered. "I don't want a 'thank you' from you!"

"Get out", Hardison added.

"I was following orders, and I learned that if you don't do what Amanda Waller tells you, well, you hear ghost stories on what happens. I get the job done, that's why she recruited me. Doesn't mean I like it", Flag defended himself.

"You're still human, aren't you? You can still think for yourself!" Hardison snapped.

"Things I did, can barely qualify me as human anymore", Flag said in self-loathing.

"I forgive you."

Everyone turned to Eliot in shock, because he was the one who'd said this.

"What?" Parker asked. "But he…remember what he did to you?"

"I do, and I did similar things to people, and worse", Eliot reminded her, Hardison and Hunt. "Back when I worked for Damien Moreau."

That made them pause, while Eliot turned to Flag. "Guess Waller was your Moreau."

Flag didn't say a word, not having expected Eliot to forgive him, while Eliot put a hand to his shoulder. "Now you work under Lyla Michaels, she is a good person. Work for her, do the right thing, make things right. And continue to make things right, because you got more to do, just like I got more to do."

"….." Flag could not find any words to say. Then, he simply said. "Thank you."

Oliver just gave him a slight, curt nod, not wanting to go beyond that.

"I'll start working on it soon", Flag told Eliot, and they noticed him wiping an eye, before he turned around and walked off.

"Guess you saw yourself in him", Hardison realized. "He did remind us of you when we saw his file."

"He has a chance now, just like I got one with you two, Sophie and Nate", Eliot smiled at Parker and Hardison, as they thought of Nate and Sophie too.

"I'm not usually one to have fun, but shall we all have drinks?" Oliver then asked the rest of them.

"Ooooh, I'd love those", Parker said cheerfully. "Let's go guys."

Susie Lawton and Zoe Lawton were in a café, watching the news of Cray's and Smith's arrests, and the truth of Lawton being revealed, when they heard a cough.

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They looked up to see Rick Flag standing next to them.

"Yes?" Susie said, not sure why he was here.

"I worked with Floyd Lawton for sometime", Flag told them both. "He was not perfect, but…." He looked to Zoe. "Your father was a hero when it counted. For you."

With that, he walked off, Susie bursting into tears as she remembered the man Lawton was before the army, and realized he'd found that man again at the end.

"Daddy was a hero, wasn't he?" Zoe asked her mom with tears of her own, while Susie hugged her tight.

"Yes, baby", she said while kissing Zoe. "He was."

Eliot, Parker, Hardison, Hunt, Oliver, Sara, Diggle, Felicity, Thea and Laurel were all having drinks as Sara told Diggle. "I guess now you're feeling better, aren't you?"

"He wanted me and Lyla to get back home to our daughter", Diggle remembered. "I hated him for so long, for killing my brother. But he was a better man than my brother turned out to be. At least the debt to him is repaid now."

"Everyone will know what he did, and who the real perpetrator of the situation was", Thea agreed.

Eliot got up and walked to get a little more, when he felt someone trying to put their hand in his pocket.

He immediately grasped the hand, turning to face a woman. "Trying to take my wallet, huh?"

"Not much else I know", the woman sighed. "I can only steal and rob."

"There was a time I thought the same about myself", Eliot shrugged. "What's your name?"

"Lisa Snart", the woman shrugged. "Gonna turn me in?"

"Nah", Eliot let her go, seeing something in her eyes, which he recognized. "You ever think of being a good guy?"

Lisa snorted. "Do I look like a good guy to you?"

"Fair, but what about being a bad guy for the good guys?" Lisa squinted her eyes trying to understand him. "Do what you do, but be a bit more selective in your marks. People who deserve to lose their money, gold, art, whatever. There's no better feeling than seeing those big wigs scream and cry at losing, nor seeing a family with nothing get a better chance because of you. Trust me, it's worth it."

"Trust you? I only just met you."

Eliot shrugged. "I have one of those faces. Besides, see what happened with Senator Cray?"

Lisa's eyes lit up. "Did you have something to do with it?"

"You could say that." Eliot ended with a smirk before walking away, Lisa following him with her eyes, before contemplating what he just said.

A bad guy for the good guys. Sounded like fun, especially if Cray's reaction was taken into account.

She decided she'd talk to Leonard and Mick about this now.

Universe-208, Umbara

The terrain started to get more uneven, and the vegetation grew thicker. The Clones were forced to march in a thinner column, hindering the speed of their progress, but that had to be from marching nearly eleven hours straight after an ambush. It was a reckless strategy in Steve's mind. The men were getting tired, and men reaching their peak were no good until they could recuperate.

"Woah woah woah woah, wait a second, could you repeat that?" The heavy weapon specialist Steve learned was called Hardcase waved his hands about to stop him. He was quick to deduce that Hardcase was eager for action, preferring to fight than march or strategize, but was a kind soul with a wit to him. Steve had to smile at the guy, he reminded him of Dum Dum Dugan, with a shorter fuse.

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"I told you, I was rejected by the Army."

Jesse piped up behind them. "Forgive us if we find that hard to believe."

"Yeah, I mean, look at you, you're the physically ideal soldier", Kix added.

"You checking out the shiny, Kix?" Hardcase teased his brother, a laughter going through their small group among the hundreds.

Steve shook his head amused. If there was one thing he missed about the Army, it was the banter and comradery with his brothers in arms, men he would die for as they would for him. He found a second chance of that with the Avengers, it was different but similar. With the Clones, it felt like he was back with the Howling Commandos.

Fives ordered them to calm down before turning back to Steve. "Alright, tell us, why did they reject you?"

"I was short, frail, and sickly."

There was a silence among the group composed of himself, Fives, Jesse, Hardcase, Kix, Tup, and he thought Dogma was close to the front of them.

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Jesse marched closer to Steve. "I'm with Hardcase, can you repeat that."

"Do those words have a different meaning on your planet?" Tup was right with him.

Steve ducked his head. Huh, even among an army of force grown clones created by the DNA of one man to fight a galactic-wide conflict, Steve still felt self-conscious. "When the war broke out on my planet, only the able-bodied men were accepted. I kept on getting rejected when I tried to enlist due to my condition. I wasn't always like…this." Steve gestured to himself. "I had to keep lying just to get a chance to retry."

"That had to be illegal", Dogma piped up from ahead of them, and he thought he heard disapproval in his voice.

"Shut up, Dogma." Hardcase spat at him.

"It was, but there were men laying down their lives in the war, I didn't want to do any less than them."

Jesse muttered to himself but loud enough, "If only people in the Republic felt the same way."

"I kept trying, until one day, a scientist asked me if I wanted to kill the enemy. I told him I didn't want to kill; I just didn't like bullies." The thought of Erskine brought a sadness over Steve. He never knew his father, and when his mom died, Erskine, as briefly as he knew him, was the closest thing he had to a father figure. "Dr. Erskine recruited me into a program as a candidate for a performance enhancing super soldier serum."

"Super soldier?" Kix repeated. "Sounds like a Jedi."

"Explains how you beat the general to the fight during that ambush", Fives realized. The conversation, Steve's description of himself, it brought back thoughts of another brother.

"And how you could fight those banshees when we first met", Jesse thought aloud.

"I was one of hundreds of candidates, but Dr. Erskine picked me. The serum worked, but Erskine was killed by an undercover spy. The serum died with him." Or so we thought, Steve said to himself. He'd heard of the attempts to recreate the serum, even Bruce had tried to do so, only to turn out as the Hulk.

Fives suddenly chuckled, drawing their attention to the ARC Trooper. "The shiny remind you of anyone, boys?"

Steve was confused, before Jesse spoke, "I think you're right."

"If he really was skinny and frail", Kix added in thought.


Fives slowed down to march with Steve. "The Kaminoans cloning process isn't perfect. There are some defects, rejected Clones who come up…" undesirable"." Steve didn't like how Fives said that word, and the Clone wasn't happy either, clearly. "One of them was called 99. He wasn't able to fight the war, he was relegated to work in the barracks, weapons, ammo, but he still saw us as his brothers. He could have been bitter, but he never was."

"He only wanted to help", Jesse said, and Steve could hear the fondness in their voices, and the grief.

"What happened to him?"

Fives inhaled deeply, and slowly released the breath. Remembering his brothers' deaths were always hard, but he, Echo, Hevy, they all owed 99. "There was attack on our birth planet, Kamino. We responded. 99 would run across the city, delivering weapons and ammo. Rex, 99, a few other Clones, cadets and I were cut off from the rest of our forces, droids were closing in. We created an ambush, drew the droids in, blasted them apart, 99 kept us well equipped, but we needed more, and so he ran to help." Fives could still remember every bolt hitting 99's sickly body, and yet, he fought as hard as any of them to his duty. "He was a soldier, through and through, and the droids shot him down." It took three shots to put him down, not many Clones could survive one, and 99 still fought on, until the end.

An air of silence engulfed the group. Steve could feel the loss, especially from Fives, and a deep sadness filled him.

"He sounded like a good man."

"He was. He was one of us."

Earth-199999, New York City, Baxter Building

Tony Stark walked onto the 42nd floor after getting off the elevator, finding a bearded man writing some notes.

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"I'm here", Tony said, making the man look up at him. "Yes, in the flesh! I know, it's a huge surprise to see my fabulous self in front of your eyes."

"Tony Stark, still the same", the man said with a chuckle as he stood up, walking past his desk towards Tony. "Yet, it is you who need my help. I guess that's you acknowledging I'm smarter."

"Uhh, no!" Tony shook his head. "You just know slightly more about this topic than I do, Reed. For now, that is."

"And until you figure out anymore, I'm still smarter than you", Reed Richards said with a shrug, the two chuckling before they shook hands. "So, Captain America has disappeared, huh?"

"Yeah, into one of those breaches", Tony said with a nod, before taking out the IDIOT. "The breach got sealed, so I tried to modify this to open a way into that world, but its just not working, I really can't tell why, since I modified it the best I could, to try and get a frequency similar to our world, as well as what was coming from the now sealed breach."

"You made this to connect your world to just one other, right?" Reed inquired as he took the IDIOT in his hands, Tony nodding. "That, my friend, was your mistake."

"How exactly would that be?" Tony asked, wanting Reed to explain why he was wrong about this.

"This little device of yours is calibrated so it only reacts to high frequencies from your world, and that other one", Reed explained, giving it back to Tony. "You might have tried to recalibrate it to find Captain Rogers, and open a breach to that other world, but without actually going to that world or meeting anyone from it, its impossible to get a lock on that world's signature fully, and Captain Rogers would be too deep in this other world for this thing to track him solely. So, because of these reasons, you were at a disadvantage from the start, because this device connected you to a world whose inhabitants you'd already met, making it easier to track their world's frequency compared to this one."

"Huh? So that's the reason", Tony realized. "Well then, what do you suggest?"

"I've made progress with my own project of this manner, the one we discussed about a few months ago", Reed revealed to Tony, before gesturing to the IDIOT. "We can add the finishing touches to my machine, calibrate this with it and-"

"It can open a portal to wherever Cap is", Tony realized, Reed nodding. "All right. Dr. Banner is on his way here as well. So, we can begin soon, the moment he gets here to help us out as well."

"Works for me", Reed nodded, when they heard a voice behind them.

"Ah, the big man found time to come here, huh?"

Tony rolled his eyes and chuckled, turning around to face a young blonde and handsome man, who was chuckling at him. "Must be feeling like Gulliver amongst us small people."

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"Says the professional motorcyclist with a penchant for ridiculous stunts and the cheesiest one-liners that would make actual cheese blush", Tony quipped. "Good to see you too, Johnny."

"Your 'actual cheese blush' line managed to be cheesier than anything I've ever said", Johnny replied back in kind. "Plus at least I'm hot as a flame, can't say the same thing about you."

"I was more of a stunner at your age than you're right now", Tony simply shrugged.

"The three of you in the same room, I'm surprised its still standing", a beautiful blonde woman with similar physical features to Johnny said as she appeared. "How is the superhero life treating you, Tony?"

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"Same way your acting life is treating you, Susan", Tony told her with a shrug as they shared a chuckle.

"Well, whatever is happening, I'm gonna be part of it", a tall and muscular man said as he walked into the room too, while looking at Reed. "Like I said, I'll be with you when it happens."

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"And I appreciate that, Ben", Reed told him with a fond smile. "I think we're about to complete it today, and make history."

"Umm, this is about bringing Captain America back, right?" Susan asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It is, and its also about making history. We will be the explorers who found a way to OPEN pathways into different worlds!" Reed said, looking very excited about that prospect.

"Don't forget, you'll accomplish because I found a way to at least connect two worlds first", Tony reminded him.

"You're gonna hold that over me, aren't you?" Reed inquired.

"Till your dying day", Tony said with a quip. "And that includes the scenario where I die before you."

"Ghosts aren't a thing, Stark", Reed rolled his eyes.

"Oh I'll prove you wrong about that, like usual", Tony argued back.

"So you prove me wrong? I recall that I told you your ways of researching these breaches are not as effective as mine!"

"That's one time! You thought the Super Soldier Serum could be recreated, but all attempts are failures!"

"I count only one time too! What are the other times, huh? Please do tell. Oh wait, you can't, because there are none!"

"How about the fact that we accessed the Multiverse 10 years before your estimate of it?"

"That doesn't count, because I'm researching the entire thing better than you!"

"Doesn't mean you were a believer from the start."

"There they go again", Susan Storm said with an eyeroll.

"I'd join, but I have no clue what they're talking about", Johnny Storm added with a groan.

"That makes two of us", Ben Grimm muttered.

"Actually, make it three, I only understand this stuff when Reed is explaining it to me directly", Susan said while giving a tired sigh.

This was going to be a very long day for all of them.

Universe-208, Umbara

The march had now reached twelve hours since Krell took command, exhaustion was beginning to take hold. Hardcase was getting louder, but he wasn't the only one, more Clones were starting to voice discontent over the orders, quietly of course.

Steve had no such issues, physically that is, he would have to run for a whole day to get winded, the serum allowed his body to produce less fatigue toxins than a normal human. The men around him weren't so lucky. Several times he had to help a soldier from stumbling, encourage them to keep going.

It did not surprise Steve to see Kix speak up for the Clones to Rex, the medic knew they were tired, so was he, but he had to stay strong for them. He overheard snippets, but Kix was right, the men needed rest. Rex clearly agreed, and heard his suggestion of where to rest, but Krell refused, no, he admonished the idea. Then the general spoke loudly enough that enhanced senses weren't needed as their march came to a halt.

"Captain, do I need to remind you of this battalion's strategic mission in conquering this planet?" he spoke as if Rex had no idea what he was doing. The Jedi pointed back at the rest of the Clones, Steve among them. "Look back. See those platoons? Their mission is to take this city and take it swiftly. Time and rest are luxuries the Republic cannot afford. We are the key to this invasion. The other battalions are counting on our support. If we fail, everyone fails!" He spoke down to Rex as if he knew the Clones better than the captain did his own brothers, it made Steve clench his fists. "Do you understand this? Do all of you understand this?!"

"I understand if you push them anymore, then we won't be helping anyone."

Krell was midway from turning back when he heard a non-Clone speak. Baring his teeth at the disobedience, the Besalisk Jedi watched as Clones parted way for the blue-clad human with a round shield on his back make his way in front of Krell and CT-7567.

"The civilian."

"The volunteer", Steve corrected the alien. If possible, his glare got deeper, it only strengthened Steve's resolve. "General Krell, whether they are trained or not, tired soldiers are ineffective in a fight."

"Let me educate you in the workings of the Clone Army, Captain Rogers. The Clones were programmed and designed to fight, and I intend to put them to good use, else this campaign is lost." The taller alien finished with a sneer.

He saw them like they weren't even human. "Wars may be fought with weapons, but they are won with men. They can't win if they are overtaxed before the battle even begins."

"Captain Rogers, I do not know what kind of war you have fought, but this is a planetary invasion. The entire campaign rests on us supporting the other battalions and capturing the capital. You have no footing in this war, no rank, and most certainly no voice in the chain of command, I suggest you remember that."

"I'll remember that if the soldiers fail their mission because of poor leadership."

The planet seemed to go quiet. Rex could only watch with wide eyes at what Steve dared to say to an aggressive and proud Jedi General. Krell pushed Rex out of his way and glared down at the human.

If Steve was being honest, Schmidt looked better than this guy, and the leader of HYDRA had no face.

"Take great care in how you speak, Rogers." Steve saw how all four arms were tensed, and seemed to either be ready to slug him, or pull out a lightsaber. It was no good. Nothing would change the Avenger's mind.

"You try to take the capital with them in their current condition, they'll lose, not because of their incompetence, but because of your inability to recognize the condition of your own men", Steve spoke with reason, with a hint of an insult. This time, Krell's hand actually grabbed the lightsaber hilt.

'Maybe this would work.' Steve thought to himself. "I am sure the other battalions also allocated time for their own men to rest and recuperate before the push to the capital. An hour would be enough to regain their strength and make up for any lost time."

Steve wanted to say so many things to Krell, but he said enough as it is, he had to think of the men.

A battle of wills engaged between the human and Besalisk. Rex's heart hammered against his chest, only getting harder every moment the general's hand laid on his lightsaber. He did not know how Steve was doing it. He was told about the Jedi during the march, he knew their powers.

It did not stop him, it seemed.

What felt like several planetary rotations were merely moments in real time as the general finally released his hold on the Jedi's weapon and turned on his heel, barking over his shoulder. "Half!"

When he was far enough away, Steve released a breath he was holding. Honestly, it seemed like he had to fight the guy. Probably not the best first impression to make after only joining the 501st.

"You have nerves of Beskar." The stunned voice of Fives broke him out his stupor. Steve felt him come up to his shoulder and he was about to respond when Dogma whirled him around.

"What are you doing?! The general gave us orders! If we don't make it to the capital, then the mission failed because of us!"

"Stand down, Dogma", Rex ordered as he got between the volunteer and the taken aback trooper.

"But sir-"

"That's an order", Rex told him before addressing the rest of the 501st who had seen the stare off between Steve and Krell. That won't help morale. "Alright, you heard the General, thirty standard minutes, use them well."

The Clones immediately seemed to relax or nearly collapse at the reprieve. Rex did not like it, but keeping the men and Krell on the same side will be harder than he initially believed. Now he has Steve to deal with.

Kix laid a hand on Steve's shoulder. "Thanks, Steve."

The kid from Brooklyn just smiled. "Don't mention it." Kix left him to make good use of his breather before he faced Captain Rex. He knew this was coming.

"I appreciate what you did, but you were out of line."

"I understand, sir, and I'm ready to face any consequences as a result of my actions."

That was the last thing Rex wanted. The veteran of the 501st held his helmet as he shook his head. "I'm not going to punish you, but you need to understand that the only way things will get done is if the men and the Jedi cooperate. They may not be happy, but they need to power through it."

"Permission to speak freely, sir?"

Rex sighed at the formality but nodded. "Granted."

"While I do understand the need for harmony between grunts and officers, and I appreciate the position you are put in, I refuse to allow anyone suffer any form of mistreatment on my watch. I don't care if I have to fight a General, King, or even a God, I will not stand for the men's needs to be dismissed for one person's ego."

He was making it harder to be mad at him. In fact, how Steve talked made Rex think he was a Jedi, how they're supposed to be from what the Clone has learned after all his time around them.

However, Steve was a soldier, he fought a war, probably more than one if he truly was over seventy years old. Jedi weren't military figures, not until they were made as such when the war broke out. The Republic needed their greatest warriors leading the charge, but just because they were warriors did not make them leaders.

Like how Clones were made as soldiers, the Jedi were made as Generals, unless they were Padawans. Rex knew many Jedi turned into good leaders, the 104th even held the highest morale in the whole Clone Army, but some, like Krell, developed a leadership style that was far different from Generals Skywalker, Kenobi, and Plo Koon.

The union between Jedi and Clones gave the Republic their strength over the Separatists and their droids. Krell did not seem to want any union, but Rex needed to keep one, for all their sake.

That being said, it felt good to watch someone put the Besalisk in his place.

"You're dismissed, Captain Rogers."

"Thank you, Captain Rex."


The hunger. It made and broke Vampires. Blade had studied the species nearly as long as he'd been alive, he knew the effects of the hunger on Hominis Nocturnae. What's worse, he was starting to feel them now.

Since puberty, Blade had never gone hungry like this. The craving, the only thing keeping him alive. The more he drank, the stronger the thirst would be for next time. That, along with Blade's own self-loathing over what he was caused Whistler to create the serum in the first place, as well as the fact that neither of them wanted to steal from blood banks or injure a human.

Blood. Blade did not know how long he could hold off.

It was the only reason he'd accepted Vizsla's offer. He needed to get back to Earth, find Whistler, and inject himself with the serum.

Time was up. Blade opened his eyes, the golden color inherited from his vampiric half. Rising from the lotus position, Blade thew on his armored vest, not that it would protect him from much with hole in the center.

All he had left were his shades, and his sword. Another problem he needed to deal with: guns. He needed his back.

It was why he pushed aside the flaps of his tent and marched to where the speeders were. On getting the signal from the sniper teams, they would ride out and intercept the train.

Bo-Katan was who he found first, talking amongst her fellow Mandalorians. Upon seeing the Daywalker, she dismissed them and removed her helmet.


"Where are my guns?"

Always straight to the point, Bo-Katan discovered that unless he had something to say, Blade kept quiet. "Figured you would ask." Instead of leading him to Vizsla's tent, where the rest of his weapons lay, Bo-Katan instead pulled out a spare blaster from behind her, holstered and ready. "You'll find this an adequate replacement."

"I prefer my own gear", Blade growled.

"It's a WESTAR-35. You won't find a better blaster on this planet."

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From behind his shades, the hunter scrutinized her and the blaster. He had to admit, his time with the Death Watch revealed they had weapons and tech more advanced than what Earth had, besides what he'd seen from Stark.

Exhaling through his nose, Blade took the holster, drawing the blaster, checking the sight, feeling the weight and how it fit in his hand.

"Well?" Bo-Katan was curious to hear his reaction to the Mandalorians' favored weapon.

"I've made do with worse."

duch*ess Satine's sister wondered if he was teasing her. It did not matter though, a beeping from her commlink had her snap her head down to check, before throwing her helmet on and call out. "Squad! To the Speeders!"

A group of Mandalorians rushed to Blade's position, mounting them while others got in the seats behind them, Bo-Katan among them.

Realizing he had to join them, Blade attached the holster to his leg like he would his HK USPs, and found the last available seat and reluctantly got on.

"Move out!"

Next thing he knew, Blade's back hit the chair as they went at speeds faster than the Daywalker had ever been.

This was his first time leaving the camp, and aside from imagining the ridiculous look on his face from the sudden speed, he tried to take in the planet to see if there were more than his eyes could see.

There was.

Sand. Lots, and lots of sand.

Bo-Katan was right, this was nothing but one ugly dust ball.

Even with the speed they were travelling at, it took some time to reach the train's route. It made Blade question just how big this place was if you could travel so far and still only find more oceans of sands.

"Remember the plan?" Blade turned his head to see the Kryze woman yell at him.

"Too late now if I did", he yelled back.

That was when he saw it. From a rock formation to their right, the hover train emerged, speeding as fast or faster than the speeders.

'Motherf*cker.' Seeing a hologram was one thing, real life was another.

Then came the laser bolts. Red, burning blasts of energy that Blade has only seen yellow versions of among the camp.

The speeders swerved or retreated to avoid them, making it all the shakier for the driver's Daywalker passenger.

That was when the Death Watch snipers came in, yellow bolts fired from a distance that even Blade's eyes could barely make out, striking the train and the Pyke soldiers on board.

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Bo-Katan made a hand signal, and the five speeders and their passengers drove up to the train.

The snipers laid good cover fire, but it did not stop the bolts entirely. He saw a few of the Mandalorians get hit, but the armor, to Blade's own surprise, held up against the blasters with only a grunt to be heard from the wearer. Maybe they have a spare set for him to use.

Blade was not so lucky, every time he saw a projectile coming for him, he had to duck his head. Then he saw another one heading for him. The reflexes granted to him from his heritage allowed Blade to act fast, his right leg switched to the left side as Blade leaned over, his arm holding onto the seat to avoid the red bolts flying over his head while his body was parallel from the ground.

When they finally reached their goal of the third carriage, the Mando passengers activated their jetpacks and flew on board the roof.

Blade needed no gadgets to help him. He pulled himself back in the seat, legs on the cushion before launching himself up beside a taken aback Bo-Katan, taking cover behind an energy shield as he himself kept low to avoid the enemy fire.

Okay, he was really gonna have to talk with these assholes about sharing some of their fancy alien gear.

"Good luck!" Bo-Katan shouted at him as she drew her WESTAR and started to move forward up the train.

"Don't need it." Blade looked back at the last three carriages, Pykes popping out of the to shoot at the invaders. Drawing his new weapon, Blade pulled the trigger as yellow energy bolts shot down any alien he pointed at while moving forward until he reached the hatch, where another Pyke tried to climb out, only for Blade's boot to kick it closed, trapping the alien between it and the train, until Blade pulled the trigger on its head.

Releasing his foothold, Blade kicked the hatch open while the body dropped back inside, firing at the remaining Pykes still on the roofs before hoping down the hole. What he was met with was the corpses of aliens, crates of the supplies Vizsla wanted, and six more Pyke soldiers.

Feeling his blood pumping for a whole other reason, Blade let a fanged grin cross his lips.

A Pyke came up behind him, arm around his neck and gun pointed at his temple.

Blade was ready.

He elbowed the Pyke, making the shot go off in a random direction, then grabbed the Pyke's wrist, making it shoot another Pyke in the front dead, and then he twirled it around as it kept trying to fire, but the blaster bolts all hit other Pykes that tried to come near them, and Blade ended that by making it headshot another Pyke.

As one tried to strike, Blade used the hand of the Pyke he'd grabbed to defend, then decked that one while elbowing his 'hostage's' abdomen, then pinned both down, headbutted his 'hostage', and then made him blast the other one's face.

He let the Pyke go but as that one tried to fire, Blade grasped his wrist, making the blast go haywire again, then snatching the blaster, struck the Pyke's neck, and then chest, taking him down too, before blasting him while he threw the blaster away.

Bo-Katan and the Mandalorians on the train were cutting their way through the Pykes on the roof, while more of their snipers shot in the carriages, trying to take out the armored warriors.

Clearly outmatched, the Pykes were no better than targets to be riddled with blaster bolts.

At the second carriage, another Pyke popped out of a hatch to shoot at Bo-Katan, but before her or her fellow Mandalorians could finish it off, it was pulled back down, followed by the sound of blaster fire.

What came out next shocked her.


Lo and behold, the dark-skinned warrior was there, grinning at her, no worse for wear.

"Catch you at a bad time?" He asked before descending. Bo-Katan was trying to comprehend the fact that they were two carriages from the front of the train, Blade was dealing with the Pykes left in the back.

Did he cut through all those Pykes by himself?

Bo-Katan, and the rest all realized Blade had held back a lot in his fight against Rix Awaud, perhaps to test how skilled they were. If he'd wanted, he could have ended that fight a lot sooner.

Inside, Blade kicked a Pyke down, and as the others tried firing at him, Blade swiftly whipped out his blaster, and fired back, getting another one in the head. As the one he'd kicked down tried to get up, Blade quickly turned and head-shotted him too.

Then he fired at two more who'd tried to fire at him, killing them both, and spun to dodge a shot at him from one more, while shooting that one dead as well.

After that, he did a roll and took cover behind a small crate, and as one moved towards him, Blade shot him down too, before taking cover again, while another Pyke hid on the other side.

Aiming the blaster, the Pyke slowly started moving towards the other side, but Blade popped out from the other end, behind him, and shot him down as well.

Then moving forth, he quickly shot one in the chest, then turned and shot another one in the head. One suddenly grabbed his blaster, trying to disarm him, but Blade pushed him back, slamming him against the interior of the train, and punched his face, before elbowing him, and then spun, flipping him to the ground, and shot him dead too.

As he moved forth, one more rushed him but Blade spun while drawing his sword and thrust, stabbing him through the head and killing him. Pulling his sword out, Blade sheathed it and took the Pyke's blaster as well.

He saw one more running at him from the side and shot him down, then walked forwards, using both blasters to shoot down even more of them, killing every Pyke he could.

Then, Blade finally made it to the front, kicking down the door, WESTAR held up.

"Stop the-WHAT THE f*ck?!" Blade shouted as he finally saw the driver. It was a f*cking robot! They had robots on this planet?! Later, he told himself, deal with that later, instead, he glared at the machine with his teeth bared and ordered, "Stop the train!"

However, the controls started to spark, and there was something glowing that Blade did not know was meant to glow. He was almost too transfixed on the controls he did not notice the droid make for the window.


Before it could shatter the glass, a blaster bolt hit its head and sent the metal body crumpling. Blade stepped over the junk to make sense of what he was seeing, because at the moment, it felt like the train was picking up speed. There was an explosion overhead that had to be whatever rocket thing that had to keep this thing moving.

Vizsla really should have given him something to stop this thing.

Blade tried to make sense of all the monitors, the switches, but it was useless. Only then did he find a lever before the glowing engine, at least he thought it was the engine. Did not matter, it was all he had.

Blade grabbed the lever with both hands, his muscles flexing, and using more strength than he would have thought, pulled it back the whole way.

Already he felt the train shake and slowdown, before tilting to one side, and before he knew, the train was crashing into the sand, sending the Daywalker hurtling forward.

Groaning, he picked himself up, and heard some cheering from outside.

Looks like they'd won, and the mission was successful.


They finally made it to the road leading straight towards the capital. Despite the all too brief respite that Steve battled the General for, the Clones made it to their destination with time to spare, all they needed to do now was take the Umbaran capital city.

The Clones made their gratitude plain to see for Steve, though many of them still called him "shiny". The captain had to admit though, the nickname was growing on him, if nothing else than the hazing the title was meant to be, Steve saw it as the Clones welcoming him to their ranks. Even Tup joined in on the teasing, and he was practically a shiny himself.

It reminded Steve so much of his days in the Army, well, the days after he officially joined the 107th and formed the Commandos. Even though his time with the 501st had been brief, he had grown fond of every one of the Clones.

Steve stayed with Fives while Rex debriefed the plan with Krell. The ARC Trooper told the Avenger the plan, and Steve had to give Anakin praise, it was a good strategy. Multiple focused attacks by small groups, the Umbarans wouldn't know what hit them, which was a key advantage considering the weaponry of the Umbaran militia shocked even the experienced troops of the 501st.

There was still so much they hadn't seen yet by the residents of Umbara, and if Steve was being honest with himself, it unnerved him more than anything HYDRA could have possibly had in the war.

"Hope you can keep up, shiny", Fives teased the captain beside him. Even if they had little time to rest during the whole campaign, the gesture made by their new member did not go unnoticed.

Already the ranks were starting to talk about Steve's and Krell's near skirmish. Fives did not care, Steve stood up for them, treated them like General Skywalker would, he may be calling the man shiny, but he was grateful to have him on the campaign.

"Can you?" Steve quipped back, making the ARC Trooper laugh briefly.

"Don't worry, Fives, I'm sure the super soldier can carry you over your shoulder if you can't keep up." Hardcase slugged the last member of Domino Squad's shoulder, a few of the Clones hiding their own amusem*nt as best they could before they left the two.

Fives did not react besides returning the slug on the Z-6 blaster carrying Clone as he passed by.

"Super soldier." Fives shook his head at the notion. Would have been nice if the Clones were similarly enhanced.

"Better than shiny", Steve added as he looked towards the main road.

"Don't push your luck, rookie."

The main road was lit up in a similar manner as bioluminescence on the rest of the plant and animal life on the planet, lines of green lights subtly lighting up the path, not that it did much in the shadowy world of Umbara.

Steve looked further down that road and could not help but feel unsteady. It was like an invitation for them to follow the trail. It did not sit well with the Avenger.

"Eyes up, shiny, Rex is back." Fives jerked his head to the incoming officer.

Rex suggested Steve stay away from Krell so as to avoid any more "incidents" for the time being. Knowing what Rex was trying to do, Steve agreed without a fuss. Rex was responsible for both the general and the rest of the men, it was not an easy task when Krell was such a violent and careless brute, in Steve's opinion.

Still, Steve was glad that Anakin's last command would be followed.

Or so he thought, because what Rex said dashed all those hopes.

"We're gonna do what?" Steve had to ask again.

"General Krell decided that a full-frontal assault would be faster than any set of surprise attacks." Rex' reluctance was obvious. He disagreed with this plan, no, he detested Krell's strategy. There was no choice though, no matter the alternative, Krell refused to listen.

Even if a full-on attack allowed them to take the capital, the Umbarans were so far proving to be masterful when it came to guerilla tactics. An obvious target like the road, Rex couldn't even think about it.

"Rex, that's crazy."

"It's suicide." Steve backed up Fives.

"Generals Kenobi and Tiin need us to aid their assault. We can argue about this, or we can move and get the job done." Rex stressed with finality.

"We'll be wide open from all sides. If the Umbarans know we're coming, and they will, we'd be sitting ducks."

Arguing with Steve was the last thing he wanted, especially considering he agreed with him. "Those are our orders." Rex managed to keep the regret out of his voice.

However, Steve's face became stoic, standing tall as he told the Clone Captain. "Orders are only as good as the man who gives them."

Rex adopted a similar mask. "All the same, we have our mission."

Steve had seen reckless plans, Steve had seen stupid plans, but never had Steve been part of suicidal plans. What was worse, Rex and the Clones had no choice but to obey.

With many reservations, Steve stood straight and saluted. "Sir yes sir." He left the ARC Trooper and Captain to find the other Clones he had grown close to so far in the campaign.

Watching him go, Rex already knew what Fives was about to say. "Steve is right, an attack like this will only make us lose men. There will be none of us to help the other battalions."

"I may not agree with it, but General Krell is right. We can't delay, the capital is key to end this campaign."

"And where is Krell during this assault?"

This is where he'll lose him, Rex thought. "The General has elected to take control of the reserves and remaining walkers."

"He's not even fighting?!"


"We both know what a Jedi can do in a battle!"

"We have our orders, Fives. It's our duty to see them through." Rex spoke with every authority he had. It was enough to quiet Fives' temper. For now.

The shiny he met on the Rishi Outpost only nodded his head and donned his helmet, leaving the Captain alone to sigh. Things were starting to unfold, all thanks to Krell's appearance.

Good soldiers follow orders, Rex had to remind himself. Good soldiers follow orders.

Earth-21, Metropolis, LexCorp

Lex read the newspaper, in which Superman and Batman were hailed as heroes by the Daily Planet, being called the World's Finest.

Sighing, he tossed the newspaper away, while looking at the speedster, who now lay in a secret experiment room Lex had in his own tower.

Lex had taken off the mask, seeing that behind the Demonic veil, was just a man. He had lost an arm as well in whatever altercation he'd been in.

From the Demonic mask and those claws, Lex could tell this was not a heroic speedster. As a machine of his treated the man's stump, Lex noted he'd be quite useful.

He looked at the readings, and saw the speedster's vitals were quite low.

"A speed drug, hmmm", Lex muttered, seeing that its wearing off was the cause of the low vitals, and there was cellular deterioration within this speedster too. "I know how that can be fixed."

He looked at the stump. "But first, we should something about the rest of you."

Lex hated Supers. As did Zemo. But using people with powers for his own goals, that was not new to Lex, and he was sure his new ally would approve too.

Universe-208, Umbara

Umbara's capital city seemed to be the only source of light on the entire planet that did not originate from the bioluminescence of the planet's flora and fauna. From what the Avenger could make out, though even without enhanced eyesight, he could see a bright beam of light shoot upwards from tall structures in the distance, that same light radiating across the whole city and beyond, giving the capital a glowing aura. Steve had to admit, his curiosity was piqued at the thought of what the city looked like up close.

If they get to the city, Steve had to remind himself as he marched with half of the 501st on the road leading them to the city, the only sound coming from the walkers' mechanical footsteps. Surrounded on both sides by thick vegetation, where an enemy could lay in hiding anywhere, waiting.

Captain America was not the only one concerned.

"So, why aren't we sticking to the original plan and probing the city defences first?" Tup asked. Steve had to remember that he was the real latest recruit, the shiny before Steve. He had yet to realize the truth of the situation.

Of course, it was Hardcase answering him. "We can do this. Let's take 'em!"

"Yeah, leave it to Hardcase to dive in head-first", Jesse sarcastically suggested.

"The general's new plan is reckless." The legion's ARC Trooper spoke up his opinion, and it was shared by many.

"You ever think that maybe the general knows what he is doing?" Dogma snapped back. Steve pitied the Clone. He was too blindly loyal to see the truth, but it may be the only kind of life he knew, the Clones were created to fight the war.

Fives walked faster next to Rex. "I know you think this is a bad idea." Despite their words earlier, Fives knew Rex as a tactical expert. He remembers when they, and Echo, would devise strategies, and even their worst ideas were better than whatever Krell ordered.

Rex glanced at Captain Rogers, who had yet to say a word since their last conversation. The truth was that Steve did not speak to Rex, not out of anger, but due to the need to focus, keep his senses alert. There was an attack coming, he knew it.

The Clone Captain turned back to his brother before looking ahead. "I raised my objection to General Krell's plan but he didn't agree. So, this is it."

"Well, what if he's wrong? Then-"

Fives was interrupted when an arm across Rex' chest made both Clones stop. They found Steve, whose eyes were flickering over the road.

"Call a halt, now!"

"Platoon, HALT!" Rex cried out without questioning the super soldier. He understood why he followed the orders, but no, the look in Steve's eyes was something else. "What is it?"

"This is too easy. When we were pushing the Germans back, they would dig landmines to cover their escape and slow us down." There was a panic in his voice that Rex never heard before.

Flashbacks flooded Steve's mind. Men missing legs or their entire lower halves gone. So much blood, so much screaming as he held dying soldiers in his arms, screaming for their mothers, for the pain to stop, for God.

Never again.

Rex turned to the ARC Trooper. "Sweep 'em."

Steve did not focus on the device Fives took out, nor did he pay attention when his gut feeling was proven right. He listened and listened hard.


In a blur of movement, the shield was thrown fast at one of the trees looming over the Clones, and they watched as it struck something that was thrown out of the tree and crashed to the ground.

A dead Umbaran with its helmet cracked and neck snapped.


Chaos erupted on the road as Umbarans emerged from the darkness of their planet and opened fire. Blue and green blaster bolts filled the air as an electromagnetic plasma fired upon the legion, destroying a walker, the explosion sending parts and the driver hurtling.

Steve, Rex, and Fives quickly drew their weapons and returned fire. The First Avenger was happy the Umbarans did not wear armor that could protect against his bullets. All the same, while recalling his shield with the magnet in his arm, the Vibranium heeding his call much like Thor's hammer, to protect his body and the man next to him, Steve ensured he did not miss, aiming for their heads.

"We're completely exposed!"

"Hold your ground!" Rex ordered as he went back-to-back with Steve. A frustrated grunt behind followed by a click, then metal sliding on metal before the slugthrower could fire again. The things held so little ammo compared to even blaster pistols.

Steve turned his aim upward, taking out every Umbaran he could see still in the trees. When one was dropping beside him, Steve's leg lashed out in a roundhouse kick that struck the Umbaran midair, launching the alien hard into a comrade.

"You want a piece of this?!" Hardcase' blaster cut through the Umbaran ranks, but there were so many that it barely slowed them down. Steve heard another incoming whoosh, and threw his shield at another plasma round, the contact with the Vibranium created an explosion that sent him and other Clones crashing, but not dead.

Getting to his feet, Captain Rogers rushed to the first trooper he could reach. "Come on, soldier!" Steve helped the Clone to stand.

But could only watch as his head snapped back and lifelessly dropped, had Steve not caught him.

For a moment, the blue/white armor disappeared, and a man in an olive-green uniform marred by blood and dirt was in his arms instead.

Feeling an undeniable rage, Steve panted hard before laying the Clone down gently and taking his DC-15S, unleashing the energy rounds into every Umbaran he could see. Moving as he fired, he let an Umbaran get close in an attempt to fire point blank shot, only for Steve's new blaster to push down his own alien one, allowing a clear shot for blue bolts to strike his head, then chest.

Steve then grabbed the body by the arm and over his shoulder, taking blaster bolts intended for the human as he retreated back, only to turn and hurl the corpse at high speed at a trio of incoming Umbarans intending to attack the Clones from behind. He was a blur as he was over them, pulling the trigger on each before they could scream in their language.

Another Umbaran dropped down, intending to land on him, but Steve stepped aside, letting the alien land, while the magnet activated returning the Vibranium shield to his arm, and the edge struck the enemy's face with unnatural force, caving it in and bursting from the cracked skull, mixed with gas from the destroyed helmet. Steve did not focus on that only sliding to his left to use his shield to deflect green bolts from hitting another Oz.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (297)

More plasma rounds came, and Steve hurled his shield hard to intercept, the explosion occurring harmlessly above them, but the firefight was heated as ever until the ammo in his DC-15S ran out, making him drop the gun. His shield recalled, another Umbaran rushed him, but the captain grabbed his rifle and struck with his Vibranium in one movement, taking the enemy's weapon and swinging it at its head, the helmet destroyed, and the jaw and rifle broke off.

"We're blown!" Kix yelled desperately to the commanding officer.

"The Umbarans are advancing!" Fives fired at the enemy before quickly turning before an Umbaran sneak attack, shooting point blank at the chest.

"Make 'em eat heat!" Despite everything, Hardcase lived off the fight and continued riddling the militia with his Z-6.

Steve pulled an Umbaran close, using it as a human shield from blaster fire before taking the rifle and giving them a taste of their own weapons. He turned to find his fellow captain, when the scene truly hit him.

Both sides, green blaster bolts bombarded their men. What meagre cover found in the destroyed walkers was useless, some Clones did not even have cover, needing to dodge, or else be killed. That was what was happening. So many Clones falling. Dead. Completely exposed and ripe for the picking by the Umbaran militia. They did not need to die.

A burning pain snapped Steve out of his stupor, making his body recoil to his right, dropping the rifle in his hand to clutch the wound on his shoulder. His blood felt like it was boiling, his armor and skin melting from the energy that struck him. Gritting his teeth, Steve found the culprit closing in, aiming for his head, but the soldier rolled forward, avoiding the shot before sweeping the legs from under the Umbaran, that was when Steve raised the shield in his good arm and struck down on its neck, hard.

The alien's expression was shocked, and it would remain that way, as the gas from the helmet leaked out from the new gap between the wearer's neck, and the rest of the body.

"We need to fall back!" Steve shouted over the blaster fire, pushing through the pain to start running at a close Umbaran with his shield taking the bolts before smacking the rifle to the side and push kicking the alien hard enough that the impact against a tree broke bone, at the least, before the WWII veteran spun and grabbed the heel of a dead Umbaran and threw it into more of its kind. Steve snapped to his fellow Captain's direction. "Rex!"

"Get them to follow us! If we can draw them out, we can see them!" Rex ordered as he dodged bolts while dual wielding his DC-17s.

"If we can see them, we can hit them!"

"All squads, pull back now!" Rex gave the order to retreat. Retreat they did. The Clones quickly abandoned their positions, making a run back to the reserves waiting at the other end of the road. Steve took up another blaster and waited until the last man passed him before joining him, firing as best he could with an injured arm, making sure each pull of the trigger was a kill.

Another explosion, another walker lost, Steve was quick to abandon the blaster and attached the shield to his back, moving in to pick up two of the Clones scattered by the blast. With one over his unharmed shoulder and another under his injured arm. Steve's enhanced speed would allow him to catch up with the Clones in the lead, but he refrained from pushing himself. He could help more. But the heartbreaking reality of war hit him as another Clone beside Steve was struck by a blaster bolt.

He couldn't save everyone.

Gritting his teeth, Steve pushed himself to remain with the main body of the retreat, not slowing down even as more explosives bombarded their position. Steve saw the rest of the reserves come out of their cover, and he found the energy to rush ahead to get the two men in his arms to safety, leaping over debris and rocks until he was far enough behind friendly lines to set them down. Propping the Clones against a tree, Steve quickly tore off their helmets, their identical faces and haircuts meaning little to him now as Steve checked the neck of the first for a pulse. None. Desperately he reached for the neck of the other and exhaled in relief. Faint, but there.

"KIX! MEDIC! I NEED A MEDIC!" Steve yelled for help. Another Clone rushed to Steve's side, not Kix, but he had a medkit in hand.

It was only when Steve stepped away, did he notice the blaster fire was over. The men were safe. For now. What was left of them.

Never has Steve been part of a more reckless, suicidal plan. All those men, dead. For what reason? Steve clenched his fists hard enough he heard his knuckles pop. The wound in his shoulder was forgotten as he moved forward. To where Krell was barking at Rex.

"You've pulled your forces back from taking the capital city." Krell reprimanded the Clone. "The enemy now has control of this route. This entire operation has been compromised because of your failure!" The Besalisk finished by harshly jabbing his large finger against Rex's shoulder.

Fives had enough. "General Krell, in case you haven't noticed, Captain Rex just saved this platoon. Surely you won't fail to recognize that." The ARC Trooper did not hide his contempt as he spoke up in defence of his brother.

Krell coldly turned to the Clone, one of his hands pulling out his folded lightsaber, and igniting a green blade, to the shock of Fives, and the other Clones.

Steve snapped.

Suddenly bursting with speed, he shoulder-charged Krell away from Fives, the General hitting the ground, but got back to his feet with a snarl.

"This mission was a failure the moment you changed the orders!" Steve snarled back. The Besalisk's face was murderous as the deactivated lightsaber, turned off in the fall, came back to life while he marched to Steve. "If you were so sure about your own orders, then maybe you should've led the charge, see how far your inferior tactics would go in the face of a superior enemy."

"What YOU face is a court martial, civilian!" Krell growled as he held up the lightsaber to Steve's face, but was taken aback by the hiss of the green blade meeting the face of Steve's shield. In the glow of the lightsaber, Steve and Krell's faces met with unrivalled contempt for the other.

"Volunteer, and I'll take my chances."

Those feelings of hate, so dangerous for a Jedi, were bubbling to the surface in both.

Until Rex moved between them both, Steve being pushed back, and the Clone being unphased by the lightsaber. "Sir, if I may address your accusation." Steve backed off as Rex desired, but Captain Rogers and General Krell never broke eye contact. "I followed your orders, even in the face of a plan that was, in my opinion, severely flawed, a plan that cost us men," Rex spoke with a fiery tone that only got hotter the more he spoke, unleashing his voice finally against the general, until ripping off his helmet. "Not Clones! Men!" Krell finally turned away from Steve to look at the Clone Captain. "As sure as it is my duty to remain loyal to your command, I also have another duty, to protect those men." Rex gestured to the Clones, and Steve, watching the confrontation.

Steve and Fives watched proudly. Rex was loyal to a fault, but even he could not hold his tongue anymore. He named his place, a commander, and leader, of the men around him.

Krell's bared teeth were visibly gritted in annoyance, before he closed his eyes and seemingly calmed himself, the lightsaber deactivated and sheathed at his waist again, and addressed the Clone in a tone that was…complementary? "You have a spark of tenacity, Captain. I'll give you that. I know that I don't command like the Jedi you are used to serving, certainly not like General Skywalker, but I have my way. It may be difficult, but these are difficult times. And it's proven effective. I suppose your loyalty to you men is to be commended. They seem to admire this. That's important to an effective commander."

'What would you know.' Steve thought with derision. Throw enough soldiers at a problem and expect it to be solved. It was a child's tactic more than anything. Krell was no leader. He was a butcher.

"All right, Captain Rex, your opinion has been noted. Dismissed." For the first time, Krell actually used his name, before folding his arms and walking away.

Fives approached with a surprising light-hearted quip. "I think he almost complimented you."

"INCOMING!" Steve shouted before throwing his shield for the third time another electromagnetic plasma blast. The shield saved a walker, but it didn't stop the second from destroying another. It was a precursor to more waves of Umbaran unveiling themselves, green blaster bolts filling the air as the Clones returned it with equal measure.

Drawing his pistol and calling his shield, Steve joined Rex and Fives as they moved forward to meet the enemy. "The Umbarans must've regrouped for a counterattack."

"Everyone, we must hold this position!" Rex ordered as the Clones and Avenger opened fire with energy and bullets.

"You think General Krell still intends on taking the capital using this strategy?" Fives had to ask, but Steve knew the answer, as did Rex, he knew.

"I don't know. I'll get back to you on that if we survive this battle." Rex' grim tone told Steve all he needed to know.

"We'll hold you to that." Steve said from beside him, before noting the damage done to his shield.

The Vibranium held up against the glowing green blade, but the color didn't. The red, white, and blue of the shield was burned away in a line that spread to the tip of one of the star's points. Putting that out of the way for now, Steve returned to the Umbarans.

The trio didn't speak again unless it was to bark orders. Their goal was simple, survive the attack.

With that, the trio of brothers-in-arms buried themselves into the firefight.

However, within the mind of the super soldier, the image of Krell towering over Fives and igniting his weapon that was said to cut through anything refused to leave. It made Steve's blood boil more than the bolt that hit him.

Krell was a bully who used his power to dominate. That will be a problem, because Steve refused to cow to his ways, and knew, Rex and Fives would refuse to as well.

Steve heard from the men of the powers the Jedi had over what they call the Force. Sensing thoughts and feelings were among them. There was no hiding his feelings, Steve thought, let Krell hear them. Let him know what this old soldier thought.

It was why he made a promise to himself. He would do everything in his power to save as many men as he could from suffering under Krell's command.

Even if it cost Steve his life.


And with that, this monster of a chapter is over. And I'm informing you, its not gonna get any shorter anytime soon.

So Steve is in Umbara, and has joined the campaign, and as expected, he and Krell are already close to coming to blows, because Krell is just that bad.

The Thorn Trilogy timeline of Halloween is canon on Earth-1, and the 2018 timeline is canon on Earth-199999.

While the H20 timeline ended up being canon on Earth-92 aka the Buffyverse. If we're taking only Halloween 1978, Halloween II 1981 and Halloween H20: 20 Years Later into account, the H20 timeline is the best one easily.

But then there is that horrifyingly bad movie titled 'Halloween: Resurrection' which ruins the H20 timeline completely, and I still find it the worst Halloween movie (even worse than Rob Zombie's atrocious remakes, 'Revenge' and 'Ends').

So now, due to Cordelia's vision, Angel, Wesley and Gunn fought and stopped Michael in the opening of 'Resurrection', saved Laurie, and gave the H20 timeline a better ending.

H20 Michael is the weakest one as well physically from what I've seen, with the Thorn Trilogy Michael being the strongest, followed by 2018 Michael (outside of 'Ends') and then Rob Zombie Michael.

Then, we got the Leverage crew, Oliver and Hunt conning Senator Cray. While I've written some 'Leverage' fics here and there before, including doing cons, this chapter is the first time I've done a 'Leverage' con properly, following the formula of a 'Leverage' episode.

The client (in this case, Lyla directly, and the dead Lawton and his family indirectly) have something unjust happen to them due to the Mark (in this case, Senator Cray and Agent Smith) and so they approach the crew, who go after the Mark.

The con is introduced (here, Oliver offering Cray a deal) but a complication happens (Smith being suspicious of them) and something almost derails them (Smith trying to get Oliver, Eliot and Parker killed) but they manage to get through it, and their Mark (Cray) is exposed, and even has a classic Villainous Breakdown like all the Marks in 'Leverage', and then flashbacks are shown to explain everything, and how the con succeeded, and at the end, the client (the Lawton family indirectly) get the good news, while their reputation is cleared (Lawton's in this case, and his family might even get monetary compensation now, another good thing for them) and it gives them peace.

Only thing missing is the crew taunting their Mark after the Mark is exposed, but that got done with The Waller Job.

Basically, we got a 'Leverage' episode in this chapter.

Plus since the Senator's name was Cray, and I remembered the 'Cray Cray' song by Trish Walker in Jessica Jones Season 2, decided it'd be the perfect way to just embarrass Cray.

Cray's assistant would be played by Nicholas Brendon, thank you to gussygus28 for the casting.

And then there is the implication that Leonard, Lisa and Mick will become the Leverage crew of Earth-1.

Eliot's alias 'Jacob Stone' is a reference to Christian Kane's character in 'The Librarians', while Parker's alias 'Beth Leach' is a combination of the names Beth Riesgraf (Parker's actress) and Archie Leach (Parker's mentor and father figure in the show).

Blade also has helped the Death Watch against the Pykes, but just wait and watch on that front.

'Supernatural' will come back next chapter. I know I'd said this chapter, alongside Buffyverse, but I delayed the plotline I had in mind for them to next chapter due to some reasons that will make sense next chapter.

And next 2 chapters are gonna be huge in both content and length.

Anyways, thanks a lot to Brainstorm Sorcerer, Stand with Ward and Queen and gussygus28 for the help once more, couldn't have done this without them.

Hope all enjoyed and see you all next time with another chapter.

Chapter 15: Once More, With Feeling Part 1


Various people get pulled into Sunnydale on Earth-92 just as a musical begins. Steve continues to fight alongside the Clones. Blade makes a startling discovery. Reed, Susan, Johnny, Ben, Tony and Banner attempt to find where Steve is stranded. Rambo is called on another mission.


Disclaimer: I do not own anything you may recognize

Thank you to everyone for the kudos, hits, comments and bookmarks.

Thanks a lot to Brainstorm Sorcerer and gussygus28 for their help with this chapter, couldn't have done it without them.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


Dean and Sam were in the Impala, the former driving it forth as Sam was saying. "So, you pretended to get beat up by a kid, huh?"

"And you died…again!" Dean said with a groan. "Let's hope it doesn't continue to be a thing."

"Yeah", Sam said with a sigh, when suddenly a breach appeared inches from the front of their vehicle. "Dean!"

"Damn it!" Dean tried to steer away, but it was too late, as the Impala went through the breach, the two Winchester brothers inside it.

Then, they saw many figures.

First, they saw a large, muscular, red-skinned ape-like man with a tail, cloven hooves and an oversized right hand made of stone, while he'd circular stumps on his forehead resembling goggles, and he carried an oversized 22 mm four-round revolver.

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Next, they saw a being wearing some kind of a suit, including a mask, that had yellow slits where the eyes were supposed to be, and there was a long cape flowing behind him.

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Then, they saw a creature in a swamp, seeming to be made out of the green of the Earth, its eyes red.

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Next up, they saw a person in olive green armor with a helmet that had a visor to look through, and in his hands, he had a M6D Pistol. He stood 7 feet tall.

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After that, the two of them saw a yellow, blue and grey giant robot-like being.

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Then, there was a man in blue overalls, red cap and a moustache. Along with him stood another man with similar facial features, but his cap was green.

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After that, there was a hedgehog of all things with blue fur covering his body, and peach skin covering his arms, muzzle and torso.

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And then, there was a man with facial and physical deformities, hair surrounding his head but not on the top, his jawline warped and elongated with improper cheekbones on one side. He seemed to have a wound on his face. There was something wrong with his left eye, and he carried a hatchet in his hand.

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Then, they saw a pale man with bleach blonde hair, wearing a black leather duster, who seemed to be walking around.

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That was the last thing they saw before the Impala landed on solid ground, and the two brothers gasped before panting, sharing a look of shock.

"What the…?" Dean trailed off.

"Yeah…" Sam nodded, as they looked around, seeing their Impala was near a graveyard.

"Of all the places in another world we could land in", Dean muttered with a groan.

They got out of the Impala, as Sam muttered. "So now we world-jumped as well, huh?" Then, they heard what sounded like singing. "Do you hear that?"

"Yeah, I hear that", Dean said, before they looked towards the graveyard, and saw Buffy there!

"Ah, its Buffy, phew!" Sam sighed in relief. "At least we fell into a friendly world."

"Umm, she is the one singing", Dean noted as they walked into the graveyard, closer to her.

She was fighting Vamps and other Demons, and singing at the same time.

As they watched, even the Vampires and Demons were doing some kind of dance, and when they walked closer, they could hear the singing more clearly.

"She is pretty well with fiends from hell. But lately even we could tell-"

Buffy flipped up, taking the sword out of the ground.

"That she's just going through the motions."

She grabbed the Vamp who'd punched her down and struck him with the sword.

"Faking it somehow."

She threw the first Vamp from whom she'd gotten the sword away, then stabbed the horned Demon through the stomach, before retracting it and walking off.

"She isn't even half the girl she…oooowwwww…"

He fell down dead.

Buffy walked to the tied up guy. "Will I stay this way forever?" She chopped off the ropes holding him. "Sleepwalk through my life's endeavor."

The handsome tied up guy turned to her- "How can I repay-"

She cut him off. "Whatever."

Buffy then walked off, throwing the sword to a side. "I don't want to beeeee-"

She walked onto a higher platform ringed by statues. "Going through the motions. Losing all my drive. I can't even see, if this is really me."

The Vamp she'd knocked down returned.

"And I just want to be", she staked him and raised her arms to either side. "Aliiiiiiiiiiveeee."

"What's that about?" Sam wondered. "Do people here sing and dance all the time? Is this a musical world?"

But now Dean, who'd caught the important bits of the song, seemed to be in a trance of his own, as he remembered Buffy's depression due to being resurrected, and how it had conflicted with his view where he was happy to be back, especially since he'd been in actual Hell.

He was going to make sure she could see the bright side in this too.

Suddenly, rock music started playing out of nowhere, making Sam look around in surprise, while Buffy turned around, her eyes widening on seeing Dean and Sam here.

As a Vamp walked towards them, Dean took out his gun and shot it while singing himself. "I'm at war with the world and they…try to pull me into the dark."

The Vamp staggered back as Dean looked up, while Buffy staked it.

"I struggle to find my faith. As I'm slippin' from your arms."

Buffy looked at Dean and twirled her stake, looking at him almost pleadingly. "It's getting harder to stay awake. And my strength is fading fast."

Then she looked up too. "Will you breathe into me at last?"

Sam was just looking between them in shock while Dean and Buffy then held hands and spun in a circle, Dean firing at arriving Demons while Buffy staked arriving Vamps, and Dean sang. "I'm awake, I'm alive! Now I know what I believe inside…Now it's my time. I'll do what I want, 'cause this is my life!Here!"

"Right here!"

"Right now!"

"Right now!" Buffy let Dean go and questioned him again."Can I stand my ground and never back down?"

Dean touched his heart while looking at Sam. "I know what I believe inside. I'm awake and I'm alive."

Then Dean walked forth and continued to sing. "I'm at war with the world 'cause I…Ain't never gonna sell my soul."

Sam looked down now, remembering how he was drinking Demon blood, realizing these lyrics struck a chord with him.

Dean continued. "I've already made up my mind. No matter what, I can't be bought or sold."

Sam wondered if he could say the same about himself, while Buffy sang as she looked between Dean and the sky. "When my faith is getting weak, and I feel like giving in, can you breathe into me again?"

Dean shot another Demon down, as Sam struck one more and kicked him back, Dean shooting that one too while singing. "I'm awake, I'm alive. Now I know what I believe inside…Now it's my time. I'll do what I want, 'cause this is my life! Here!"

"Right here!" Buffy staked a Vamp.

"Right now!"

"Right now!" Buffy spun and kicked another Demon down, then stabbed it with the stake, simply killing it, and now Sam joined her as both sang."Can I stand my ground and never back down?"

Dean whacked a Demon with the butt of his gun, staggering it back, before shooting it. "I know what I believe inside. I'm awake and I'm alive."

And then, the three walked forth together as Sam sang. "Waking up, waking up. Waking up, waking up. Waking up, waking up. Waking up, waking up."

Dean now looked up, then at Sam, looking between both. "In the dark, I can feel you in my sleep. In your arms, I feel you breathe into me", in a rare moment of affection, Dean gave Sam's head a loving pat."Forever hold this heart that I will give to you." Then he looked back up."Forever, I will live for you!"

After that, Dean seemed to play air guitar with his gun of all things, the sounds of the guitar riffing being heard all over, while Buffy staked another Vamp, and then Dean twirled his gun before holding it up."I'm awake, I'm alive. Now I know what I believe inside…Now it's my time. I'll do what I want, 'cause this is my life!"


"Right here!" Both Sam and Buffy sang together now.

"Right now!"

"Right now!" Sam and Buffy both questioned. "Can I stand my ground and never back down?"

Dean looked at them firmly. "I know what I believe inside. I'm awake and I'm alive."

The three walked forth as one once more.

"Waking up, waking up. Waking up, waking up. Waking up, waking up. Waking up, waking up."

And then, the sound of music finally stopped, as the three looked between each other, coming to their senses.

"Dean? Sam?" Buffy questioned. "You guys are here?"

"….Yeah", Dean told her while looking around. "So, is your world a musical, Buffy?"

"No, I'm just as shocked as you guys are", Buffy had to say.

"So, the moment we come here, something is causing people to dance and sing, huh?" Sam realized.

"Now ain't that great?" Dean groaned.

"How did you two get here?" Buffy inquired.

"We were driving, then a portal opened in front of Baby, I couldn't steer away in time, and here we are", Dean explained to her.

"Baby?" Buffy questioned.

Before Dean could respond, Sam gestured to the Impala, as Buffy realized. "Oh!"

"So, something must be causing this, right?" Sam asked Buffy.

"That would be true", Buffy nodded. "You two can come with me, we'll find out together."

"Or, we can split up and find out", Dean said with a shrug.

"No offense, but you're new to this world", Buffy pointed out.

"We go to new towns to investigate supernatural occurrences all the time", Dean explained to her. "And this time is no different, except it's a new town in a different world."

"Right", Buffy realized they had a point. "Well, if you get anything, meet me and my friends at the Magic Box, it's a magic shop in the town, run by my Watcher."

"What's a Watcher?" Sam questioned.

"My mentor", Buffy clarified, then shared a look with Dean. "About what just happened during our song…."

"I know what I said last time, and I mean it, but I know it will take time", Dean assured Buffy, who gave him a nod. "Just keep that in mind."

Buffy looked at them again, then walked off. "Well then, see ya around guys."

Dean turned to Sam. "And what were you singing about?"

"Uhh…" Sam trailed off, not wanting to talk about the fact that he'd drunk Demon Blood. "Its just…how Uriel was on Halloween, I'm questioning things is all."

"I get it, Sammy, but we'll get through this", Dean assured him as they walked to the Impala, sitting back inside. "Let's go out for a night in town in another world!"

"Yeah", Sam muttered, as Dean started the car, and they drove away.

Earth-199999, Bowie, Arizona

Rambo rode his horse back to his ranch, when he saw a familiar face standing there, waiting for him. Seeing him, Rambo quickly kept his horse back in place gently, then got off, walking to the Navajo man and greeting him with a little bow, that the man returned.

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"Chief Chayton",Rambo called him by name, not believing he was here, at his home, after all this time. He'd aged by a lot since they'd last met, but Rambo would recognize him anywhere.

"John", Chayton called him by name as well, grasping his shoulder and chuckling. "You've grown a lot, little one."

Rambo chuckled at that himself, and gestured to his door. "Come in, let's eat something."

"No", Chayton shook his head, to Rambo's surprise. "I would love to, but that is not what I'm here for."

Hearing his tone, Rambo knew something was wrong, and inquired. "What happened?"

"The people, they are disappearing!"Chayton said desperately, Rambo narrowing his eyes at that. "We found bodies…of them, and animals! The skin was gone, and the skulls and spines were ripped out."

Rambo looked down, clearly shocked by this information, as Chayton begged him. "Your mother was one of us. You were one of us. Please, we need your help, John."

Rambo looked back up, a slightly conflicted expression on his face, as he looked at Chief Chayton.

Universe-208, Umbara

The battle was in full swing. Clone troopers of the Republic fought with everything they had to secure their position against the Umbaran militia. The natural bioluminesnce of the planet was no longer the only source of light, now the area was engulfed in fire and smoke, bolts of blue and green energy racing back and forth between the combatants.

Blaster fire filled the air, explosions ringing in the ears of the Clones from the repeated bombardment by the electromagnetic plasma cannons. Casualties were rising on both sides, yet neither were giving an inch, despite the wavering resolve of the Clones.

An Umbaran fighter flew to the battleground, firing off two cannons that destroyed a walker and killed more troopers. Another Clone would have been crushed by the incoming walker, had a blur not tackled him out of the way.

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That blur quickly hailed the man to his feet. "Stay strong, soldier! We're not out of this yet!" Captain Rogers encouraged the Clone before setting his eyes on the fighter. The pilot sat in a chair, protected by an energy shield none of their blasters could penetrate, while the wings were a triangular-loop shape. He'd never seen anything like it, but he'd never been on an alien planet before either.

It flew over their heads when another fighter swooped down and hovered over the ground. Steve witnessed the gun on the aircraft cut through the men with no one being able to stop it, not even a walker. Advanced alien ship or not, Rogers burst from his position, watching as the fighter swept away the soldiers and walker, when he jumped through one of its looped wings, with one hand grabbing a hold, and the other swinging his shield.

The Vibranium embedded into the exhaust vents, Captain America bashing the edge of his shield into the engine three more times before feeling the craft shutter, and leapt off, rolling back to his feet and watching smoke escape the fighter as it flew up, before exploding.

"Rogers! With us!" Any triumph was halted when he heard the call of Captain Rex. Steve held out his shield and blocked any blaster bolts heading his way, drawing his P14 to fire back as he joined Rex, Fives, Jesse, Hardcase, and Dogma providing covering fire as they made it to Kix' position, getting an injured trooper to cover. Holstering his pistol, Steve joined the medic and carried the Clone behind a tree, where others rested.

"You're going to be okay, buddy. This will ease the pain." Instead of watching Kix work, Steve could only focus on the rising piles of bodies surrounding them. Briefly as he did, Steve knew these men, and they were being slaughtered. It hurt more than a blaster bolt, or any Chitauri gun.

"Our position's compromised. We need to fall back", Steve told Rex as he joined the firing line, grabbing a discarded DC-15S in one hand, the shield covering the men next to him.

"We have to wait for the general's orders", Dogma said over the blaster fire.

"We wait any longer, then the rest of those fighters will be back, and we'll be overrun!" Steve shouted at him. There was more to being a soldier than orders, you needed to improvise, adapt, overcome. Dogma had failed to grasp that concept.

"He's right, Dogma!" Fives grunted in support of the super soldier.

Only a few feet away, hiding behind cover, Krell kicked away a dead Clone in his way as he held up a holoprojector, the image of General Kenobi coming to life. "The capital city is too fortified. We need your battalion to help us take it."

"Resistance from the Umbarans has been greater than anticipated. We're holding our ground at the moment", Krell informed the Negotiator.

He was heard by the leader of the Avengers, who held on to the fact that he himself had yet to participate in the actual battle. Not to mention, they were barely holding their position as it is.

"We've gathered intel on an airbase to the west. It is resupplying the capital's defences."

"TAKE COVER!" Was heard by the Jedi and Clones before electromagnetic plasma was met by Vibranium and exploded midair.

Krell barely seemed phased, even as Steve's shield was called back to his arm, and there was something off-putting by that casualness. It was put to the back of his mind as he continued firing with the Clones of Jango Fett, aside from Rex.

The captain joined the Jedi's side, Obi-Wan continuing. "If you could capture that airbase, it will sever the capital's supply lines, allowing the rest of our forces to move in."

"I'll see to it that the airbase is placed under our control", Krell promised.

"Remember, General Krell, the entire invasion depends on your battalion."

The transmission ended, and the Clone received his orders. "Captain Rex, have those coordinates mapped and all troops ready to move out immediately.

It was the one order Rex was happy to fulfil, they can finally get out of their current killzone. "Yes, General."

Earth-1, Star City, the lair

Eliot and Oliver were circling each other, sparring with swords.

As Oliver swung, Eliot backed and swung, Oliver dodging too as their blades clashed, ringing out, while they circled each other once more.

They clashed their swords a few more times, and Oliver swung at Eliot twice, though he dodged both times while Oliver got onto the other side.

Walking forth, Oliver struck again, but Eliot blocked, and as Oliver tried to slide forwards, Eliot pushed him back, and Oliver leapt up to avoid another swing, then struck again, but Eliot blocked once more.

They swung and clashed, before Oliver kicked Eliot back, making him roll away, but he got up quickly, then struck forth as Oliver blocked a few times, then struck forth, but Eliot grabbed the blade and quickly put his own to the side of Oliver's neck, both smirking now.

They lowered their swords as Oliver asked. "How much training did you have?"

"Training was good, but I've a lot of experience in….well, everything really", Eliot explained how he was so good to the point he could match Oliver even after his training by Ra's.

"You're a very good natural fighter", Oliver complimented as he kept the sword back, then picked up his bow and quivers, the two moving towards the computers.

All of a sudden, a breach opened right on their faces, and they slipped into it, seeing some images on the way.

First, they saw what looked like Batman, though the Bat symbol on his chest had a yellow background, and his utility belt was yellow too.

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Then, they saw what looked like a young boy in a red and blue suit with the spider symbol on him.

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Next up, there was a tall man with long hair and a beard, wearing a sleek, well-tailored suit, and carrying a Glock 34.

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Then, they saw a man in all black, including a trench coat.

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And after that, they were on a street somewhere, in the middle of the day.

They were both frozen, unmoving as they tried and failed to maintain the happy expressions that were originally on their faces. Eliot, his smile becoming strained, asked. "Oliver."


"Did we go through what I think we went through?"

"I have a bad feeling he just did."

"...please don't tell me we're on another Earth."





"You told me not to tell you!"

"Damn it!" Eliot muttered as they looked around and walked forth. "From one world to another now!"

"This is my first trip, any pointers?" Oliver inquired, when they saw something that really shocked them.

People were singing and dancing near a shop, one man singing about the mustard being taken off his shirt.

"….Are you seeing this?" Oliver asked Eliot.

"Yeah, still trying to believe though", Eliot muttered. "Is this a musical world?"

They walked past the singing and dancing people, looking at the name of the shop- 'Magic Box'.

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Some singing could be heard from in there too, and curious, they opened the door, walking in to see a group consisting of an aged man, and some barely adult people- a blonde woman, a red-haired woman, a brown-haired woman, a woman with short curly hair, and a brunette man.

The one with the curly hair was singing some kind of rock song while playing air guitar and shaking her hips, and then she ended it lamely on seeing the new people and the rest staring at her.

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"Or maybe midgets…"

Eliot's eyes widened as he remembered he'd met this woman's doppelganger too- Meredith. She was running the little 'Black Widow' scam on rich bachelors.

As they watched, the red-haired woman quickly sat down beside the aged man and opened a book. "I've got a theory we should work this fast."

They sang together. "Because it clearly could get serious before it's passed."

The aged man started walking up the stairs when the blonde woman sang behind him. "I've got a theory", he turned around as she sang, "it doesn't matteeeeeer."

She looked at them all and sang. "What can't we face if we're together? What's in this place that we can't weather. Apocalypse? We've all been there. The same old trips, why should we care?"

As the entire group sang together, Eliot and Oliver found themselves joining too. "What can't we do if we get in it?"

The blonde woman turned to the aged man who joined in too. "We'll work it through within a minute. We have to try, we'll pay the price. It's do or die."

She then sang. "Hey I've died twice."

Eliot and Oliver shared a look, the latter thinking of Sara, as the group stood up. "What can't we face if we're together?"

The aged man smiled, still looking reluctant. "What can't we face?"

The rest sang together. "What's in this place that we can't weather?"

The aged man added. "If we're together."

And then all of them sang together. "There's nothing we can't face."

The curly-haired woman then sat down, singing the last line.

"Except for bunnies."

And then, they looked at the two newcomers, as the blonde asked. "Now who are you two?"

"Uhh…." Eliot muttered. "I think we're lost, and now everyone is singing and dancing."

"Lost how?" The red-haired one inquired.

"Would you believe us if we told you?" Oliver asked her.

"I mean, you did see us doing a musical, right?" The brown-haired woman pointed out.

"She has a point", Eliot told Oliver.

"You know what? Let's check", the red-haired woman said as she took out a device, then held it out at the two of them while activating it, and it beeped loudly. "So you two are from other worlds."

"This device can tell that?" Oliver asked in surprise.

"Yeah, me and a friend of mine had a world hopping experience a while ago, the two guys we met there had something like this, so we made it too", the blonde woman explained. "I'm guessing you two know about the other worlds stuff too."

"More than I'd like", Eliot said with a groan. "And what's this about everyone singing and dancing?"

"Something's up with the town, people are singing and dancing randomly", the brunette man told them.

"Must be bunnies", the curly-hair woman muttered.

"Whatever it is", the aged man walked to them. "Let us make introductions. I'm Rupert Giles."

"Eliot Spencer", Eliot gave his introduction, then looked to Oliver, who looked a bit reluctant. "This is a different world and you're not in your suit anyways."

Oliver nodded, realizing Eliot had a point. "My name is Oliver Queen."

"Willow Rosenberg", the red-haired one introduced herself.

"And I'm Tara Maclay", the brown-haired one added, sharing a look with Willow. "We're Witches."

"So you can do magic", Oliver realized, thinking of Constantine in that moment.

"Name's Xander Harris", Xander gave his own introduction.

"You look like someone we know", Eliot noted to Xander, sharing a look with Oliver, as they remember Cray's assistant.

"Really? Cool."

"Anya Jenkins", Anya gave her introduction. "And I run this shop."

Then the blonde finally introduced herself. "I am Buffy Summers, the Vampire Slayer."

Oliver and Eliot shared a weird look at the name, then shrugged, as Eliot asked. "You kill Vampires then?"

"Vampires, and other Demons, because I'm chosen to do it", Buffy said with a sigh.

"Right", Eliot muttered, Oliver thinking about just how many supernatural things were real in different parts of the Multiverse, like Vampires here.

'I wonder what else isreal', he though to himself.

Oliver then asked. "So, do you know of any way we could get back to our world?"

"Not really, last time, a breach randomly opened to bring us back", Buffy explained. "Sorry."

"Its fine", Eliot assured her.

"Now, the friends we'd met in that other world ended up here too, they're going around this town, trying to find who is behind this singing and dancing", Buffy explained

"I guess while we're here, we'll have to do that as well", Oliver told Eliot, who gave a nod.

"In case you're wondering, it's the whole town", Eliot added to the Scoobies. "Some guy was singing about the mustard on his shirt being washed off."

"Oh my God! People are singing about that and not money?" Anya wondered randomly.

Then the door opened, and a young teenage girl walked in, smiling. "Oh my god. You will never believe what happened at school today."

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Buffy asked. "Everybody started singing and dancing?"

The girl looked disappointed. "I gave birth to a pterodactyl."

Anya asked. "Oh my god, did it sing?"

The girl suddenly saw Oliver and Eliot, and gasped. "Whoa! Sorry, you two scared me."

"There's no need to be scared", Eliot assured the girl, his 'friend to all kids' side suddenly coming into play.

"Guys, this is my younger sister, Dawn", Buffy introduced her. "Dawn, these two are visitors from other worlds- Eliot Spencer, and Oliver Queen."

"Oh my God!" Dawn looked excited now. "You two are from other worlds? Because that's really cool."

"Doesn't feel cool", Oliver muttered.

"So, you guys were singing too, huh?" Dawn then asked the Scoobies.

"What did you sing about?" Xander inquired.

"Math", Dawn said with a sigh as she sat down, putting down her backpack. She then looked at the counter, seeing a necklace lying there, which Eliot noticed too.

Willow whispered in Tara's ear and she loudly said. "Tha-That's right! The, the volume. The text."

Giles asked. "What text?"

Willow said. "The volume-y text. You know? The, the", she mumbled, "report."

Xander was confused. "The what now?"

Tara clarified. "Oh, there's just a few volumes back at the house that deal with mystical chants, bacchanals."

Eliot and Oliver shared a look, figuring out what they were really up to.

Tara said. "It might be relevant."

Willow added. "Yeah, we could, um-"

Giles said. "Well, I'm a hair's breadth from investigating bunnies at the moment, so I'm open to anything."

"I think you two should go and research whatever you want", Eliot told the two of them.

Willow said. "Great, we'll, uh, go check it out and uh, we'll give you a call."

"Yeah, this could blow the whole thing wide open", Tara said as they both got up and left together.

"You know", Oliver started. "We can try to find out the cause behind this too while we're here."

"Yeah, we're gonna go out and look, if we see anything, we'll let you all know", Eliot agreed, before looking at Buffy. "And before we go, what's the name of the two guys from the other world looking into this?"

"Oh! They're called Dean and Sam Winchester, they're brothers", Buffy said, and the two nodded before walking out.


Willow and Tara walked through a park. It was sunny and beautiful with green grass, blue sky, etc. as Tara asked. "Do we have any books at all at home?"

Willow replied to her. "Well, who wants to be cooped up on a day like this? The sun is shining, there's songs going on..."

A couple of young men walked by and looked at Willow and Tara as they passed as Willow finished. "...those guys are checking you out."

"What?" Tara turned to look. "Wh-What are they looking at?"

Willow said the obvious. "The hotness of you, doofus."

"Those boys really thought I was hot?" Tara looked back at them again.


"Oh my god. I'm cured! I want the boys!" Tara joked and made like she was going to run after the guys as Willow grabbed her and pulled her back. Tara giggled happily.

Willow joked. "Do I have to fight to keep you? 'Cause I'm not large with the butch."

They stood underneath a tree, leaning on a wooden railing as Tara honestly said. "I'm just ... not used to that. They-they were really looking at me?"

Willow fondly assured her. "And you can't imagine what they see in you."

"I know exactly what they see in me", Tara said as she looked into Willow's eyes. "You."

She then burst into song.

"I lived my life in shadow. Never the sun on my face. It didn't seem so sad, though. I figured that was my place."

Willow watched with a sad smile, thinking about the abuse Tara had suffered at the hands of her father and brother before coming to Sunnydale. To her.

Tara then walked out from the shade, lifting her face into the sun. "Now I'm bathed in light." She looked at Willow with a confident and happy smile. "Something just isn't right."

She then spun and leaned on the railing as Willow's smile now turned happy.

"I'm under your spell. How else could it be, anyone would notice me?"

"It's magic, I can tell", Willow and Tara were then on the bridge over a little stream. "How you set me free. Brought me out so easily."

Tara then took Willow's hand and they walked off the bridge onto a path, holding hands as Tara continued. "I saw a world enchanted. Spirits and charms in the air." She made a gesture with her arm and sparkles appeared, following her hand with a tinkling noise.

"I always took for granted. I was the only one there."

Willow made some even more impressive sparkles with her hand, ending in a small shower of sparks surrounding them both. They smiled at each other.

"But your power shone. Brighter than any I've known."

Tara spun away to a small pond at the edge of the grass as Willow smiled. Tara then began to dance, doing gestures with her arms and spinning.

"I'm under your spell. Nothing I can do. You just took my soul with you."

Two women who were sunbathing then got up and started dancing behind Tara, copying her moves as they spun their arms.

"You worked your charm so well. Finally, I knew. Everything I dreamed was true."

She held out her arms with a smile as Willow came to her.

"You make me belieeeeeeeve!"

They spun, holding each other by the arms while the sunbathers sang in the background. "Aaaaah, aaaaaaah!"

Willow and Tara were then in their bedroom, looking at each other lovingly as the'aaah, aaaah'in the background continued.

"The moon to the tide. I can feel you inside."

Tara lay down on the bed. "I'm under your spell. Surging like the sea." Willow leaned over her with a smile.

"Pulled to you so helplessly. I break with every swell."

Willow moved downwards, removing Tara's panties as she started pleasing her with her mouth, and Tara felt the pleasure course through her body.

"Lost in ecstasy. Spread beneath my willow tree. You make me belieeeeeve!"

Tara's body then slowly rose and hovered over the bed as Willow continued what she was doing, making her sing in pure bliss.

"You make me com-plete. You make me com-plete. You make me com-plete. You make me-"

Universe-208, Umbara

When the 501st legion finally laid eyes on the airbase, it was much closer than they ever were to the capital city, allowing them to see the lone tower's similar structure and radiating the same kind of light aura. Clones and volunteer made the trek down the steep slope into the gorge as Captain Rex waited for the men to gather, the ARC Trooper and his fellow captain on either side of him. When the troopers and walkers were assembled, Rex informed them of the orders. Much like before, he was heavily against them, but he had little choice in the matter. No matter how hard he tried, there was no changing the Besalisk General's mind or his strategies. He was thankful that Steve was not present, otherwise what happened after the ambush would happen again.

Morale was low, they only fought on because it was their duty. Krell knew or didn't care. If Steve interfered again, it'd only be harder for Rex to protect him against a temperamental leader like Krell. Without a Jedi fighting with them, they needed Captain Steve Rogers.

Now, it was time for the brothers, aside from Fives, to learn of their orders.

"All right, listen up. We'll assemble the squads into two divisions. We'll move straight up this gorge towards the airbase at the far side." Now, he had to deal with the fallback.

"The casualties are going to be high", Kix spoke out first, which did not surprise Rex in the slightest.

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"Is Krell trying to get us killed?" Tup surprised Rex, but that's how deep the mistrust was blooming. The Captain couldn't say the shiny was wrong, but Krell had a point, they were running out of time.

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Jesse, one of the most experienced in the 501st picked it up. "You know, I wasn't sure that Krell was crazy before, but now, I'm positive."

Movement to Rex' right had him look and found Fives speaking next. This was not good. "We had to retreat from the capital because the general pushed a flawed strategy. Now this?" Rex met his brother's eyes, and he saw the anger. He understood it too well.

"I don't know. Could be fun." Hardcase, of course, lived for the fight, not that it eased any worries.

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"Well, I for one agree with the general's plan." Dogma, the only Clone to agree with Krell. For all the wrong reasons. "We're running out of time, and this is the best option."

"No recon? No air support? We don't know what we're up against. They have weapons we've never seen before."

There was no dispute with Jesse's words, but they'd dealt with tough situations before, Rex knew, he was usually in the thick of it. "A few of General Skywalker's plans seemed reckless too, but they worked."

"Yeah, but General Skywalker is usually leading his men up in the front, not bringing up the rear like General Krell." Rex frowned at Fives. He was only making it worse. "A full-forward assault would leave us too exposed."

"What do you say, Steve?" Kix asked, and Rex's eyes, along with that of half the 501st, turned to the one man who tried to remain silent.

With his arms crossed and head down, Steve did his best to stay out of the conversation. He had so many things he wanted to say to Krell, but doing so would only put Rex in the firing line, and if not him, it could backfire for the rest of the men. So, Steve held his tongue for the sake of morale and helping his fellow captain. However, his head snapped up and found the eyes and visors of the legion focused on him. The super soldier found Rex pleading with him silently, while the rest were eager to hear his input.

Sighing, Steve unfolded his arms and walked forward, standing tall as he could. "On my world, in my country's army, we had a motto: "This we'll defend." It would refer to protecting our home against those who would seek it harm. For more than two hundred years, that motto remained, and the message stayed true. However," Steve looked into the eyes and visors of every Clone would meet his gaze, "I always had a different interpretation. I would defend each and every man I fight with, as they would for me. The odds are against us, there is no denying that. The strategy is flawed, no denying that either. What I will not deny is that the lives of others, your brothers, depend on us." That sent a wave of muttering through the ranks. Rex and Fives were watching him closely, Steve noted as he continued. "Elsewhere, the other battalions are fighting the same fight, they need us. Time is not on our side, but we don't need it. As long as each of us stand together, there's little we can't do. We lost a lot of men, but today we have a chance to bring this fight to an end. Defend your brothers, look out for each other, and remember," Steve looked out across the crowd of men and vowed, "I'll have your back, and you have mine."

Turning his head, he found Rex smiling at him gratefully, Fives was sterner, but he nodded approvingly. The captain beckoned Steve and Fives over, and the trio walked a distance away from the rest of the legion.

Jesse turned to Dogma while rest of the men talked amongst each other. "Now THAT is leadership."

"Good speech. For a moment, I forgot who was in command", Fives acknowledged when they came to a halt, clapping the volunteer's shoulder.

"I appreciate what you did, Steve. We needed it." Rex thanked him, relaxing ever slightly.

However, Steve shook his head. "The men need hope, and all Krell is giving them is an early grave. I just wanted to ease their worries, however I can."

"That's why I called you both here. It would help if you eased their minds", Rex said, particularly to Fives.

"Oh, you mean coax them into following another one of Krell's suicide missions? We lost a lot of men last time." Fives withheld the loss he felt from the battle. He's lost enough brothers where the pain was numb and he could fight on.

It doesn't mean he doesn't still feel the grief.

Rex pointed at the ARC Trooper. "Krell may do things differently, but he is effective in getting them done. He's a recognized war hero."

"At the cost of how many lives?" Steve did not want to go against Rex, but it needed to be said.

"More troopers have been killed under his command than anyone else", Fives told them both, and it confirmed what Steve feared. Krell IS a butcher. If this campaign was any indication, the general did not even have the courage to lead those men himself. It made Steve clench his fists at the thought.

A sigh of resignation escaped the veteran of the 501st. "That's the price of war, Fives. We're soldiers. We have a duty to follow orders and if we must, lay down our lives for victory."

It pained Steve to see Rex admit this. The grooming he and the rest of the Clones went through, it truly took away their freedom to choose any life but this.

Rex tried to leave, but Fives grabbed his arm. "Do you believe that? Or is that what you were engineered to think?"

"I honor my code. That's what I believe."

"You're not a machine, Rex. You have a choice." Steve tried to reach the captain, but he only glanced over his shoulder.

"I made it." He was gone, and Steve could only close his eyes and exhale. Rex and how many more accepted their fates? No matter how hard Steve tried, he could not escape that feeling of despair at hearing it.

Steve and Fives remained that way for a few moments, before the Clone's hand grasped the Avenger's shoulder, bringing his attention to the armored soldier. "Thank you, for trying."

"There's more to being a soldier than following orders."

Fives grunted in agreement. "On Kamino, we're told "good soldiers follow orders". It stuck with some of us more than others."

Steve felt the need to defend Rex. "He's torn between loyalty to the chain of command and the men. It's not easy for him when he's the one having to enforce the orders."

A sigh escaped the trooper. The other soldier was right. "Suppose you're right." Fives wanted to shift away from the topic and found a way when his eyes found the piece on Steve's waist. "How many rounds you got left in that thing?"

"A mag, at most." The last thing Steve prepared for was to fight a giant ape-monster with an ice man and metal man before being transported to another planet during an intergalactic war. If he did, he would have packed more ammo.

"Here." Reaching down to his holster on his left, disconnecting from his armor, Fives offered it to the captain. "You'll need this."

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Steve tried to wave him off. "No, I can't-"

"It's a DC-17, the best friend you can have in a firefight. Besides, I have a spare." Fives kept holding out the blaster.

One part of Steve did not wish to take one of Fives' weapons when he may need it, but the practical part of Steve's brain told him that he needed a sidearm that won't run out of ammo in the next battle. The blaster had a better firing capacity, range, and had ammo available among the legion. No one used "slugthrowers" on the planet, he learned.

With hesitation, Steve took the holstered weapon and nodded at the ARC Trooper. "Thank you, Fives."

"Don't mention it." The Clone shrugged before taking out a pouch like the one he and Rex wore across their chest plates. "Gas cannisters, you'll need them." Steve smiled and took the ammunition for the blaster pistols too. Fives returned the smile as they walked back to the rest of the men. "Think of it as us having your back, like you have ours."

Earth-92, Sunnydale, Night time

The Impala sped through the streets of Sunnydale, Sam and Dean in the front seats. The night was filled with tension as they searched for the reason behind the musical mayhem, as well as any monsters that were causing trouble.

Suddenly, a guitar song started playing out of nowhere as Sam started singing."On the road, beneath the moon's pale light, we hunt the creatures of the night. From the very start, our journey was grim, Saving people, hunting things – that's our Winchester hymn."

Dean gripped the steering wheel as they spotted a group of Demons lurking on a street corner. He revved the engine, and Sam prepared his weapon.

The two sang together. "We're the hunters, the brothers, Fighting evil like no others. From Azazel's flames to Lucifer's cage, Our lives are filled with rage."

Sam fires his gun at the approaching demons, taking out a couple, while Dean mowed down others with the Impala, making sure they ended up beneath it, and did not touch the hood of the car or anything else.

As the Demons were taken out, Dean sang. "Dad taught us well, raised us right, to face the darkness, to stand and fight. Yellow eyes and demons in disguise, we've seen it all, heard the victims' cries."

They continued to drive, scanning the streets for any sign of trouble.

The two sang together once more. "We're the hunters, the brothers, fighting evil like no others. From haunted houses to haunted hearts, We'll tear those demons apart."

The Impala screeched to a halt as a small group of vampires blocked the road. Sam and Dean jumped out of the car, weapons ready.

Sam sang. "From the Woman in White to the Croatoan virus, we've faced it all, can't deny us. Through Heaven and Hell, we've been through it all, with our backs against the wall."

During the song, Sam staked one Vampire, then got punched by another, only for Dean to stake it, before the two punched a Vamp back together, then saw another charge, as they staked one each.

And during that time, they sang together. "We're the hunters, the brothers, Fighting evil like no others. From Crossroad deals to Angel's grace, we'll never slow the pace."

With the vampires defeated, Sam and Dean returned to the Impala and continued driving.

Dean was singing again. "Inevery town and every fight, we'll keep on hunting through the night. Though the weight of the world's on our shoulders, we'll keep fighting, as hunters and brothers."

They drove off into the night, the roar of the Impala's engine fading as they continued their hunt.

Both sang together once more."We're the hunters, the brothers, Fighting evil like no others. From demon deals to breaking the seal, This is the life that's real."

As they drove into the distance, the song faded away, the two sharing a look, when suddenly they saw a small group of people dancing so fast they were burning right in front of them.

"What the…?" Dean stopped the vehicle as they got out, running to the people, while in another direction, Oliver and Eliot saw the sight too, and ran towards them, only for the people to burst into flames and combust until they were gone.

"Whoa!" Sam said in surprise, before they looked at each other, and Dean and Sam seemed to recognize them.

"Lee?" Dean asked Eliot in shock. "Been a while man."

"Who is Lee?" Eliot asked in confusion, making Dean confused too.

"Your name's not Lee?" Dean inquired.

"No, I'm Eliot Spencer", Eliot said with a shrug. "Guess I've a doppelganger as well."

"What are you doing here, Oliver?" Sam asked Oliver.

"You know me?" Oliver was surprised. "Because I don't know either of you."

"That's weird", Dean had to say.

"Maybe there's a you on their world", Eliot shrugged to Oliver, before looking at Sam and Dean. "Are you Sam and Dean?"

"How did you know?" Sam inquired.

"Buffy told us about you", Oliver revealed. "Like you, we're from other worlds, and got stranded here ourselves."

"Right", Dean muttered, then looked at Eliot. "There's a guy who looks like you on my Earth. He is called Lee, one of the best hunters I've seen." He looked at the bow and arrow in Oliver's hands. "Your doppelganger is a hunter too, and has a specialty for bow and arrows. Teamed up with him once. He was good."

Oliver nodded, then looked at the burnt-up people. "It looks like the dancing caused this."

"Meaning this is not gonna be the happy kind of musical", Sam sighed. "We'll have to find the one behind this quickly. And stop any more people from burning to death too."

"That's correct, let's see if there are any others nearby and stop them", Eliot added, the others agreeing.

Earth-199999, Navajo Nation

Rambo moved through the forests, his bow and arrow in hand, and his other weapons on his person as well. He'd agreed to return and hunt whatever creature was doing this pretty quickly.

As Chayton had said, his mother used to be one of them. And even he was part of them because of that. Not to mention, they'd raised him as much as his parents had.

They were the ones who'd taught him how to use the bow and arrow, a weapon that he continued to use even until today.

He owed this to them, including those who'd gone missing and died.

While tracking the creature, Rambo had found some big tracks as well, though he could tell that some of them belonged to a grizzly bear pretty much.

Rambo did not think a grizzly bear of all things would do stuff like this, but he needed to cover all his bases anyways.

Soon enough, he stepped out of the woods, looking down from a low cliff at the stream below. The tracks were visible in the wet dirt by the bank.

Rambo looked up ahead, seeing a grizzly bear moving towards a Beaver Dam. He looked at the grass at the stream's side, and so far, the wind was bending it back towards him.

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He kept his eyes on the target, seeing the bear near the Beaver Dam, sniffing it.

Rambo simply watched the bear for now. He did not believe it could be what he was hunting, but he decided to watch it, in case he was wrong.

Then, to his shock, the wind shifted, and the bear sniffed, before seeing him. Roaring, it began to charge him, heading up the steep incline towards him.

Rambo quickly backed off, nocking an arrow as he aimed at the bear while continuing to fall back. He then slid down the slope at the other end, getting down, as the bear came after him again, and he fired.

His aim was true, but the arrow didn't do anything to the bear, so Rambo sprinted down the stream, reaching the Beaver Dam and diving under and in.

Pulling himself farther in, Rambo turned around on his back, seeing the tangled nest of heavy branches that formed the dam. The grizzly snorted and sniffed, then its paw tore at the dam.

Knowing what he had to do, Rambo took out another arrow, before taking out a small vial, dipping the arrow in something, as the bear continued to create a huge gap with its paw, its jaw snapping open.

Then, it stepped back, as the surprised Rambo peered out, the bear now snarling and circling, facing off against someone, but who? The beast went up on its hind legs and roared.

As Rambo struggled to gain vantage, the huge bear crashed backwards into the water, then leapt back up to its feet - swiping at the air. Glowing GREEN BLOOD MARKS appeared - floating where the bear's claws scratched the invisible creature's skin.

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The creature, still cloaked, crashes down into the stream. The bear moved around it - blocking Rambo's view. Then suddenly the huge bear backed up. It moves closer and closer to Rambo, who retreats back from the hole in the dam while holding up his tranquilizer arrow. The bear crashed backwards down onto the dam, smashing the structure apart.

The huge animal was still.


Rambo stared into its lifeless jaws. Then suddenly, the bear's body rose. The enormous animal floated, suspended in the air above the shattered dam. Rambo watches as the bear's blood ran down, revealing what was holding up its carcass- an invisible creature, seemingly cloaked by something, its outline made visible by the bear's blood.

Rambo stared for a bit, realizing he was outmatched right now, so he turned and scrambled through the wrecked dam, fleeing. He submerged into the stream - popping up outside of the dam, and paddled downstream.

Swimming hard, Rambo moved away from the dam. He ended up into a river, where the water was moving very quickly, and knowing these waters, he let himself be swept along, until reaching a spot where the water was more mellow.

His head popped up above the waterline. He inhaled deeply, swimming towards the bank.

Eventually, he stepped out, back into the woods, and walked head stealthily. The light that filtered through the tree tops was dappled and diffused.

Whatever this creature was, it was responsible for the massacres, and it was stronger than a grizzly bear. Plus, it had something that cloaked it and made it invisible.

Meaning Rambo needed a lot of planning before he could take this creature on. Like the previous creature, he needed tricks and traps.

He just hoped this creature proved a little less difficult than the other one. If it was not, well, he'd have to take on it either way.

As he looked around, he saw some flowers with orange petals, and a rare smile crossed his face, remembering a time his mother had shown him these 'tutsia' flowers.

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Universe-208, Umbara

"Just let me take a look at it."

"No, it's fine. Save it for the men who actually need it." Steve again waved off Kix from checking his shoulder. Blaster bolts hurt like hell, he learned, but so did bullets, and blasts from Chitauri guns. The pain faded away sometime ago, and Steve believed it was beginning to heal.

Regardless of his assurances, Kix was determined. "And what if you need it?"

Steve was grateful for the concern but couldn't help but smirk. "Super soldier, remember? I heal fast."

"Try not to sound so smug about it", Jesse said on his other side as they continued to march. To say they were happy to get away from the road to the capital was an understatement. Still, the air was heavy with the failure they had endured because of the flawed strategy of Krell's.

They lost a lot of men, so many that it took him back to the beach at Normandy.

That reminded him.

Steve's face lost its humor and he turned to the medic. "Ringo, Greer, did they pull through?" The two Clones he carried out of the ambush on the road.

Kix was silent. Steve assumed the worst until he finally spoke. "Greer survived, thanks to you, but Ringo was already gone." He tried to hope, but it just shattered. A new pain swelled in Steve, making him closes his eyes in grief. "A lot more would have been killed if not for you." Kix tried to comfort the man, and it was true. Without Steve and his shield, his fighting ability and stunning efficiency with a blaster, they would have been taken by surprise by the Umbarans' mines and been overwhelmed, more brothers would join Ringo.

"You saved our necks. Don't beat yourself up about it", Jesse encouraged him.

"I just wish I could've done more", Steve grieved. It was not the first time he felt this way, and while he accepted that he could not save everyone, Bucky's fall flashing in his mind before being replaced by the Winter Soldier, it did not make it any less painful.

"You did more than we could have asked, Steve." Fives' voice was heard before they turned their heads to see him coming.

"Steve? What happened to shiny?"

"What I saw back there, you are definitely no shiny." The praise was flattering, and Steve was humbled. Fives turned his visor forward, where the Besalisk walked with Rex near him. "But if there was anyone that could have done more, it would be our "great General"."

"Agreed", Jesse almost growled out, Kix didn't speak, but he was of the same mind. Steve, looking at the back of the four-armed alien while memories of Anakin's blue blade deflecting blaster bolts alongside his men came to mind, sided with the Clones.

"You know, when you pushed me out of the way, I thought you were actually going to fight Krell", Fives recalled, it made the two other Clones and those eavesdropping look at the non-Clone, and were surprised by the stoicism on his face.

"I nearly did."


Superman was flying in the air, having saved two people from drowning a few seconds ago. The recent meeting with Batman aka Bruce Wayne was still in his mind.

The man was dark, grim and violent, but his heart was in the right place, and he'd saved his life as well, in spite of their rough start. And there was also his sidekick Nightwing.

He was glad to have more allies to depend upon now.

That moment, a breach suddenly opened on his face and he ended up flying through it, seeing a few images.

First thing he saw was a being on a flying creature that looked like a Dragon. The being had a crown, but it did not rest on any head, and that was really creepy.

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Next up, he saw a person in a blue skintight bodysuit.

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After that, there was a young boy in brown robes, having a blue arrow symbol on his bald forehead.

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Then, there was a handsome man in a blue suit with yellow pads and belt and a cape that resembled his own suit, though there was no 'S' symbol, and the smile this man was giving, Clark just felt something off from it, as if it was fake, for show.

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After that, there was another man in a white and red suit with white boots and a red cape that also made the suit resemble his own, and he had a moustache as well. But like the previous guy, Clark felt something off from this one as well.

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Then, there was another man in a white and grey suit resembling his own, with a black belt, and a 'M' symbol on the middle, and a cape, which also made the suit resemble his. Unlike the previous two, Clark did not feel anything off from this one.

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After that, there was a Demonic being with long hair, having strange markings on his face, as well as a long scar from the top right of his forehead to his left cheek.

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That was the last thing Clark saw before he found himself hovering in the sky during the night, and looked at people walking on the streets.

"Not again", Clark groaned, though he did not feel anything funny with his body, and realized he wasn't having any cellular deterioration this time, which was a relief.

Then, as he looked down, he saw people singing and dancing in a frenzy, and he could see they were burning up, but not stopping, which was strange, but Clark figured they were under the influence of something.

He knew he had to save them, and flew towards them, while feeling whatever it was affect him too, as the crowd sang.

"I'm just a step away, I'm just a breath away,

Losing my faith today.

Falling off the edge today."

People in the crowd danced wildly, their movements growing more desperate as they sang.

"I'm just a man. Not superhuman, I'm not superhuman. Somebody save me from this fate."

As Clark came nearby, they continued. "Its just another war, just another body torn. Just a step from the edge, just another day in this town we live."

Then Clark sang. "Here's a hero to save you now, you've a hero to save you now."

Clark quickly used his super speed to snatch people from the brink of exhaustion, gently setting them down to safety while stopping them.

The crowd was singing. "I need a hero to save my life, a hero has saved us just in time."

Clark continued to rescue the dancing crowd, his super strength and super speed ensuring their safety.

Clark was singing as well."Here's a hero to save you now, you've a hero to save you now. Here's a hero to save your life, a hero will save you just in time!"

As the crowd's song intensified alongside the background guitar music, Clark's determination to save them grew.

"Who's gonna fight for what's right?

Who's gonna help us survive?

We're in the dance of our lives.

And we're not ready to die."

Clark gently grabbed some of the people, his strength stopping them from carrying on.

And then he sang as well."Here's a hero to save you now, you've a hero to save you now."

The crowd gradually stopped dancing and started to regain their composure, coming to their senses due to Clark.

Looking at Clark gratefully, they held out their hands while he hovered a little above them in the sky, the music turning more hopeful.

"Somebody save me, let your warm hands break right through,

Somebody save me, I don't care how you do it, just stay, stay. C'mon, I've been waiting for you."

And as they continued, Clark used his super strength and super speed, saving the remaining people as well just as Oliver, Eliot, Dean and Sam arrived, and looked at Superman in awe, due to what he'd done, and just how power and hope seemed to emanate from him.

"Whoa! Superman is real!" Dean said, making Clark turn to the four of them, while the people walked off, still in awe of Superman, and then he looked at Sam. "You know what this means, Sammy?"

"What?" Sam asked.

"There's a world where I'm Batman!" Dean cheered happily, Oliver realizing Batman and this Superman both existed as fictional characters in Dean's and Sam's worlds.

"Who are you people?" Superman asked as he landed, before noticing Dean as his eyes widened in shock. "Jason, is that you?"

"Who is Jason?" Dean asked, confused.

"Weird", Superman muttered, realizing he was looking at someone who happened to look exactly like Jason Teague.

And he was not a fan of Jason due to what that guy had done.

"Buffy never mentioned Superman exists in this world", Sam remembered, then asked Superman. "Did you accidentally come here from another world?"

"Yeah, how did you know?" Superman inquired.

"Same thing happened to us", Eliot revealed. "And I'm guessing we should call you Superman then."

"Actually, his name would be Clark Kent", Dean added, surprising Superman.

"How do you know so much?" Clark inquired, still weirded out by this 'not-Jason'.

"On our world, you're a fictional character in comics books", Sam revealed, surprising Superman. "Yeah, that's a thing."

"You've comics books about the Avengers as well then?" Eliot asked out of curiosity.

"We do, why?" Dean inquired.

"Wait, you know the Avengers?" Clark asked Eliot.

"Well, they're from my world", Eliot shrugged.

"I was stranded in their world a while ago", Clark revealed, to his surprise. "But they managed to send me back and make a connection between our worlds."

"Right, I guess I'll be needing something like that, between his world", Eliot gestured to Oliver. "And my own."

"Who are you all?" Clark then inquired.

"I'm Sam, this is my brother, Dean", Sam gave the introductions of himself and his brother, Clark now feeling a little less weird on knowing not-Jason's real name.

"I'm Eliot Spencer", Eliot introduced himself.

"Oliver Queen", Oliver finished introductions, Clark's eyes widening as he looked at the bow and arrow. "What?"

"There's a you on my Earth as well", Clark told Oliver. "He looks different from you, but he is good with a bow and arrow, and I'm guessing you are too."

"So, there are doppelgangers with different names, then there are doppelgangers with different faces", Dean commented. "How does that work?"

"I'd love to meet this other one sometime", Oliver had to say.

Suddenly remembering something, Clark asked Oliver. "Do you have an enemy who is a Chinese woman, and she has disappeared?"

"Yeah, why?" Oliver asked, though he was getting onto it.

"She ended up on our world, my Oliver and my friend Chloe beat her, and now she is in prison", Clark revealed to Oliver. "She said to my Oliver he was in an Arrow wannabe costume. Now knowing things from you, I can tell the whole thing."

"Right", Oliver nodded. While he was a bit wary of Superman due to his power, he did not sense any ill intentions or deceit from him. He seemed fine actually.

"So, what's this about people singing and dancing?" Superman asked them all.

"Not sure", Dean told him. "But we've friends on this Earth who're also looking into it. Its about to be morning, maybe we can ask them, or at least tell them what we know."

"That'd be good", Clark agreed with a nod.

A while later, The Magic Box

Clark, Oliver, Eliot, Dean and Sam entered the Magic Box to see Buffy, Willow and Tara in conversation, still wondering what was causing all this.

Then they turned, and saw the five of them. Dean and Sam were shocked to see Tara, as the former called out. "Lenore?"

"Who is Lenore?" Tara asked, confused.

"Another doppelganger", Sam said with a sigh.

"Okay, is God just lazy or something? What's with all the same faces, huh?"


"I mean, come on, Creator of everything, you'd think He'd be a bit more creative than repeating the same work."

A sudden realization made him freeze. "Oh sh*t, that means there might be a guy with my face doing who knows what."

"Let it go, man."

"I can't! Not while there's another handsome bastard out there possibly ruining my face!"

Buffy looked at Sam stunned, mouthing "wow" much like he did to her when Angel ranted about Spike. Sam nodded in shame.

Clark, Oliver and Eliot shared weird looks too.

Then Clark spoke up. "Well, that Jason guy I mentioned was pretty bad."

"Damn it! I knew it!" Dean snapped.

"But he died", Clark added.

"Phew, at least there's that", Dean sighed in relief.

"Willow, Tara, meet Dean and Sam", Buffy made the introductions. "Dean, Sam, meet Willow and Tara." She looked at Oliver and Eliot. "And you all have already met." Then she saw Clark. "Who're you?"

"Another newcomer from another world", Eliot shrugged.

"I'm Clark, but you can call me Superman", Superman told them.

"What makes you so Super?" Willow asked out of curiosity.

In response, Superman flew up in the air, then fired his Heat Vision on the ground, using it to make the 'S' symbol on his chest, then quickly used a controlled version of his super breath to blow it out too.

"I'm convinced", Buffy said with a dropped jaw.

"Did you all find anything?" Oliver inquired.

"No, nothing yet", Willow revealed.

"There are people who combust when they dance too much and too fast", Eliot then said, shocking all of them.

"Here I thought the music was a good thing", Willow sighed.

"Stuff like this, there is always a catch", Oliver had to say.

"Yes, there is", Buffy agreed, giving a little glance to Willow and Tara that the newcomers noticed, but not the Witches, and they could tell something was going on there.

"But Superman here saved a group of people from burning", Dean complimented Clark, sounding very impressed.

"It was nothing", Clark assured them.

"You saved people from dying, Clark. It means everything", Tara told him.

"Either way, what now?" Sam wondered.

"We'll have to continue to look for whatever it is", Buffy shrugged. "Its weird, going from a God to this."

"You fought a God?" Oliver asked, folding his arms.

"Yes, she was a Hell God from a Hell Dimension", Buffy told them. "Most of the time, my blows bounced off of her." She looked at Willow. "Will was the first one to put the hurt on her."

Willow shared a look with Tara, then told them. "She hurt my girl, so I wanted to make her pay."

"I get it, I'd do the same for the ones I care about", Dean told her unapologetically.

"She had big plans, which could have destroyed the world as a consequence", Buffy said, to their shock. "But we found out her weaknesses, and we beat her." She looked at those who'd heard her talk about her death. "That's when I'd died too….until I was brought back."

"Not the first time I've seen something like that", Clark admitted, thinking of Lex.

"We've faced Gods too sometimes", Sam noted. "A Winter Solstice Pagan God couple posing as an old couple, who got sacrifices on Christmas. We killed them by stabbing them with Christmas tree branches."

"There's also a Trickster God who is a pain in our asses", Dean groaned. "I'll kill him when I see him next!"

"And the Vanir who came after you and Emily as the town tried to sacrifice you two to it", Sam reminded Dean, who nodded with a sigh. "Though none were as bad as almost destroying a world I'll admit. Though the first time we fought a God was when we were teenagers."

"Oh, how'd that happen?" Eliot asked.

"Our dad once left us with a hunter family, their dad had been killed by a Sheepsquatch sometime ago", Dean began narrating.

"They're real?" Oliver asked in shock.

"From what I've seen over the years, pretty much every story can be real", Eliot had to say.

"Yeah, I never thought Vampires were a thing until I became the Slayer", Buffy admitted.

"Then we have a cool alien here", Dean said, gesturing to Superman, and the jaws of Buffy, Willow and Tara dropped.

"You're an alien?" Buffy asked in shock.

"….Yeah", Clark replied lamely.

"Huh?" Oliver simply muttered. Eliot had told him of aliens on his world, but seeing one in person was different.

"I think this is the strangest day ever", Willow had to say.

"Anyways, on with the narration", Dean brought them back to his story. "They'd found a being called The Lord of the Hunt a while ago. He could grant enhanced abilities in exchange for sacrifices, but by present day, since no one worshipped him, he was starving, weakened and emaciated. The family was feeding him animals to strengthen him, and he provided them enhanced abilities in return. We joined them in hunting the Sheepsquatch."

"They could walk off things that'd kill any normal person, one of them literally broke his back and walked it off", Sam revealed, as the rest were glued in now. "But we got the Sheepsquatch. Only, in return for giving them these abilities, the Lord of the Hunt required us as a sacrifice."

"And it was the two of you", Tara realized.

"They drugged us, and he almost got us", Dean admitted. "But he was too weak at this point."

"Still, our weapons couldn't hurt him, but then his antler broke off, and Dean used that to kill him", Sam finished the story. "And that's how we killed our first God."

"Sounds like you two have been going around, killing powerful things a lot", Oliver said, impressed, even if he didn't like the implication that they'd been drafted into this life at a young age.

"We just do our best", Sam admitted. "And we need to do just that now, to stop whatever is causing the musical mayhem."

Earth-199999, Navajo Nation

Rambo found a bloodied area, and walked towards it, seeing various corpses there, with people's skulls or spines ripped out.

Those whose skulls were still intact though, as Rambo looked at them, he realized these were members of the Mexican Cartel.

He'd heard that some of the Cartels had come here, trying to abduct the natives to use for their prostitution rings, but nothing concrete.

Until now, with their dead bodies lying around.

Seeing their guns were still lying here and there, Rambo took some of them, the ones he could carry around, and put them on him.

As he walked further, Rambo heard the click of a gun behind him, but quickly turned around and sliced with his knife, getting the wrist of one surviving Cartel, who dropped his gun and fell down, groaning in pain, and Rambo noted he'd lost one leg, but was still alive, though really weakened and pale.

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"Help…..me….." the man begged.

Rambo just looked at him coldly.

"I'll…..tell you about the creature…" the man then said.

At that point, Rambo knelt down and gave him some water from a canteen he had, letting the man drink, before pulling it back, and the man saw Rambo's pouch. "You've medicine?"

As Rambo looked at him hardly, he said. "Please….."

Rambo removed his pouch and also some of the orange petals, then mixed them with some mushrooms in his pouch, before holding it out to the man.

Before he could take it, Rambo pulled his hand back. "What do you know?"

"Bullets…they can affect the creature", the man revealed. "Now please…"

"If you live, I'll hand you over to the natives, to do whatever they want with you", Rambo revealed, horrifying the man, but then held out his hand anyways.

He decided being killed by them would be better than being killed by this creature, and took it, swallowing it greedily.

First, he was still, then he spasmed violently, before lying still. Then his eyes popped open as he stared at Rambo, his teeth chattering.

Then Rambo heard a noise in the trees. Something big was moving. He got up to move away.

The man begged. "Please don't leave me!"

Rambo continued to walk. "Please!"

"If this thing doesn't kill you, I will", Rambo sneered, to the man's horror, and then moved ahead before taking cover behind a huge tree trunk.

As he watched, the creature finally came into view, and now Rambo saw it clearly for the first time. It was a huge creature, over 7 feet tall, its skin reptilian, and fleshy dreadlocks around the side of its head, while it wore some kind of helmet. Its skin was also light and clear, but also moist.

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It followed the blood trail, looking for any survivors, as behind it, the survivor dragged himself towards a tree, terrified.

The creature heard a noise and turned to the survivor, who held still, cowering and shivering, while the creature walked closer and closer…and passed right by him!

Rambo was confused. Why wasn't this alien creature killing the survivor? Then seeing him shivering, Rambo figured it out- the medicine he'd used had somehow made the survivor invisible to this thing.

He opened his pouch, seeing the orange petals he'd collected, then back at the survivor and alien, who couldn't see the survivor while standing next to him.

As he held still, the creature examined the blood near him, before taking another step as its foot came down on the man's remaining knee, making him scream in pain.

The creature tilted its head, confused, before snapping out its wrist blades, that went into the survivor's skull.

Rambo quickly moved away, now getting an idea of what to do.

New York City, Baxter Building

Tony was on the computers, alongside Banner, the two of them typing in some codes as the latter rubbed his head, Tony asking. "What's the matter?"

"If I hear you and Reed argue one more time, the Other Guy is gonna burst out", Banner confessed, making Tony gulp.

"So, we should keep it down then?"

"Yeah, that'd be for the best."

"Got it."

Tony then walked forth, looking at the wires connected near the computers, then at Reed, Susan, Johnny and Ben, who were wearing protective suits, while the wires were attached to cords in their suits. The wires were supposed to keep them connected to this place, so that if any complications arose, they all could be pulled back with one press of a button.

"The suit is because of the potential hostile environment, correct?" Banner inquired, just to be clear about everything and make a 100% confirmation.

"That is correct", Reed confirmed. "We do not know where Captain Rogers ended up, but even the air might not be breathable. He is a Super Soldier, we are not, meaning he has a better chance at survival than we do."

"All right, the machine is calibrated with my device", Tony told them, as the four stepped away, towards the portal portion of the machine that had been created to travel through different Universes.

"Opening up in 3…2….1", Banner counted down, and then pressed a button.

Tony and Banner immediately backed off, as a red portal opened up, not sucking any of them in, due to this being a stable one, created after quite a bit of research, experimentation and consideration.

"Well, at least it ain't the Singularity", Tony quipped, before saying. "Good luck, guys."

"Oh we got this, this is gonna be some smoking hot fun", Johnny quipped as he went in first, followed closely by Reed, then Susan and Ben, the cords still attached to the wires that were attached near the computers.

"Vitals are stable", Banner noted from the readings coming from the suits that the four were wearing.

Reed, Susan, Johnny and Ben were on the other side now, as they looked at the otherworldly, alien landscape that surrounded them.

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The shapes, colors, formations, they all seemed so…different and strange compared to what was in their world.

There was no sound, the silence being oppressive, broken only by strange, distant echoes. And those echoes did not sound like the kind one would hear in a forest on Earth. They just sounded, well, kind of angry. At least to one of the four who were here now.

"What is that?" Johnny asked, trying to keep his fear down. "What is that?!"

"Be quiet", Reed whispered, looking around, his face showing his fascination at simply being here. "The air….it tastes so unusual."

"I don't think there's any scent here", Ben told the rest. "Let's go further and find the Captain now, shall we?"

"I….I don't feel so good", Susan had to tell them, breathing in and out heavily. "Even with the cords…its like….I'm cut off from our world, completely alone. These cords might as well be invisible or non-existent."

Earth-199999, New York City, Baxter Building

Tony looked at the machine again, noting the IDIOT calibrated with it, before asking. "How many inter-dimensional energies would we have to pierce through, to get to whatever world Cap's in?"

"I'm not the biggest expert on the matter, and we still don't know enough about it", Banner pointed out. "However, there is the vibrational energy between Universes, and then the Quantum Energy needed for such a transition, and those are only two. We do not know how many Dimensions there could even be between our world and another world, and how many Dimensions there are in general. Many people even confuse different Dimensions to be different Universes in their concept of what a Multiverse is supposed to be."

"I've a bad feeling about this", Tony said, when the machine started beeping, making him run back to the screen. "What the….?"

"This machine was trying to break all the inter-dimensional energy, but it did not account for each and everyone of it", Banner noted grimly, the beeping increasing. "So now, the inter-Universal energy from your device is interacting with inter-Dimensional energy in the wrong. They aren't in another Universe!"

"They're in another Dimension", Tony whispered in horror, when the beeping got louder.

"The reaction is creating some kind of Cosmic storm!" Banner gasped, when another beeping started. "Their vitals are falling! Pull them back now!"

Tony quickly pressed the button.

Unknown Dimension

Reed, Susan, Johnny and Ben looked up as an intense wave of energy came at them, and Reed cried out. "Pull back!"

They started running, when their cords suddenly snapped to life, pulling them back.

But the wave was too fast, and struck all four of them the moment they touched the periphery of the portal, between their own Dimension and this one.

Earth-199999, New York City, Baxter Building

As Reed, Susan, Johnny and Ben appeared, the wave caused by the reaction between the energies fluctuated the machine, causing a shockwave explosion that sent Tony and Banner flying back, the machinery all fried and broken.

Tony got up with a groan, rubbing his head, as Banner rolled over, while Tony staggered forwards, seeing the four of them lying on the ground.

"Reed!" Tony knelt near his friend, ripping off the helmet of the suit. "Reed, talk to me!"

He did the same to Susan, Johnny and Ben in quick succession, the four completely unmoving, as Banner stood up and staggering forwards, put his fingers in front of Ben's nose.

"He is breathing", Banner noted, as Tony did the same for the other three.

"They all are", Tony sighed in relief.

"We need to call an ambulance!" Banner said as he got up.

"The doctors might not be able to help them", Tony said, walking forth before dialling a number, and putting the phone to his ear.

When the person on the other end picked up, Tony asked the important question as quickly as he could. "How far are you from New York City?"

Universe-208, Umbara

Crawling over a slope to gain a view of the base, Fives, Hardcase, and Steve waited for Rex as he checked out their path with the macrobinoculars. "Is everyone clear on the plan? Hardcase?"

"Yes, sir."


Steve did not like this, but he had Rex' back. "Affirmative."

"Fives? Are you clear?"

The ARC Trooper hesitated to answer. Krell's plan was still suicide in his eyes, the more time spent around the general only strengthening that belief. However, Steve spoke with a surety that it even made him confident in the plan. Not liking it, but having little choice, Fives just hoped Steve was right, that having each other's backs would be enough. "Yeah."

"All right, get in your groups. Let's move out."

Rex and Steve went one way while Fives and Hardcase went the other. Both duos joining their division of troopers in their journey into the gorge. It was as Steve began to march that he wondered what General Skywalker would think of this "plan", but he couldn't think like that, not now. Whatever reservations they had didn't matter. This is the mission now, they had to be focussed.

Shield at the ready, and his new blaster at his side while he moved his P14 to his wither waist, Steve walked in line with Captain Rex, their only light being the ominous glow of Umbara's flora. Every moment was tense, itchy trigger fingers ready to pull, not that anyone could blame them. Between the natives and the wildlife of the planet, anything could spring out and attack them.

It was with that caution that Steve halted with his fist raised, Rex and the rest of their division stopping with him.

"What is it?" Rex asked, having come to rely on the senses of the super soldier after the ambush on the road.

Instead of answering, Steve lowered himself to the ground, ear against the earth and listened. He heard it, rumbling under the ground, and it was getting louder. "There's something underneath. Something big. Moving…" His eyes widened, "to the other group!"

Rex couldn't respond in time before the volunteer was already racing at speed. "Kriff, that man is fast."

Making a straight path to his comrade's location, Steve heard before he saw the attack. When he finally closed the distance, he briefly paused at what he saw.

The Umbaran vehicle was shaped like a caterpillar, with two guns facing opposite sides at the top of each section, an awful shriek coming from the machine as if it was alive. Clones and walkers were being blasted apart already while their guns did nothing against that armor, and that urged Steve to move faster. Aiming for the head of the caterpillar-like machine, where the pilot hid behind a ray shield, Steve sprinted at fast as he could, his shield held in front of him and charged.

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Fives took cover with Hardcase and other soldiers when one of the men caught something moving in fast. "Sir, look!" He called to the ARC Trooper who watched in astonishment.

The Umbaran did not know what hit it when the head of the caterpillar was thrown onto its side, the rest of the body rolling with it. Steve made to capitalize on the weakness, when he felt the ground shake again, and another crawler emerged. Instead of fleeing, Steve ran up to a tree, leaping up before pushing off the bark, to land on top of the head of the new crawler.

"He won't be able to do much against that armor!" Hardcase commented as he saw the super soldier slam the edge of his shield into the section connecting the head of the crawler tank with the rest of the body.

"Rogers knows what he's doing, but we need rocket launchers!" Fives commanded when more of the Umbaran tanks began to pop up from the ground.

The armor was tough, Steve realized when he slammed his shield into the metal below him for the dozenth time. He managed to crack it open to expose wiring and what he assumed related to the controls of the tank. Driving all his strength into the next blow, the Vibranium edge deepened the gap he made, but not before the pilot realized his intent and reared the upper portion of the tank's body. Steve quickly moved and grabbed onto two of the front blasters of the tank, and pulled, not holding back his strength until he felt the metal give way, and the cannons were torn off, causing Steve to fall with the weapons in his hand, flipping once to land on his feet, throwing the discarded cannons away to regroup with the Clones when he saw the situation.

It wasn't good, more of the crawler tanks appeared, and they were surrounding the men, blocking them in some kind of corral.

"I think you made it mad!" Hardcase told him as Steve passed him, the Clone's Z-6 blaster uselessly impacting against the tank's armor. Not even the walker's guns hurt the thing.

Despite the situation, Steve shrugged. "I didn't like his attitude anyway." It made Hardcase laugh hard over the sound of his blaster. That was when Steve found the crawler tank he damaged, down two cannons, but still with plenty more along the body. Without stopping Steve ran for it and launched himself at the rotating crawler, where the same gap he made started to spark. His fingers were starting to singe, but Steve used the magnet in his left arm to attach to the crawler, his other jammed into the gap two more times before attaching the shield to the back of his suit, then draw his new blaster for the first time. He aimed inside the gap to aim for the circuitry and blindly fired, not counting his rate of fire until teal-colored flames emerged. That was when Steve released the magnetic hold and was dropped to the ground while the flames engulfed the rest of the head, and the pilot inside, before it exploded. Steve would have breathed in relief if the first explosion did not set off a chain reaction that had the rest of the body blow up one by one, causing Captain America to run out of the way before being caught in the blast.

Steve panted hard, but the battle was still raging, and he only destroyed one tank. Gathering his breath, Steve returned to the fray, spotting Rex, as another explosion engulfed a second tank, a dying shriek coming from the machine. "Rex!"

The Captain turned to him. "What is it, trooper?"

"These things are susceptible to explosives. Blow up one part, the rest go with it."

Rex paused as he saw Fives and Hardcase re-emerge, before spotting a cluster of trees. "I got an idea." He said before ordering the rest of the men as they retreated away from the remaining three tanks. "Everyone regroup, now! Take cover! Move it! Move it!" Rex, Steve, and the Clones ran for the trees, tightly bunched together with small enough space for men to move through, but not the tanks, rearing up to try to move over the boundary, with little success, until they had to move away.

The trio of captain, super soldier, and ARC stood together, the latter stating. "We're safe for the moment. They'll be coming around any second."

Rex only focused on where the tanks would come from. "Bring up the launchers. Spread detonators along that corridor. Trap them into the bottleneck. We're going to blow those things sky high."

"And the chain reaction will do the work for us." Steve realized; Rex was even smarter than he gave him credit for.

The Avenger could only watch Rex, Fives, Kix, and other Clones roll the explosives he was unfamiliar with along the ground where the tanks would come from. The beeping and blinking red light were on his mind as he drew his DC-17 again and aimed with the rest of the troopers climbing into one of the thick tree branches as they waited for the tanks to go around the cluster that blocked them off before.

There they were, Steve frowned as the single "eye" of the tank gave off a glow like a torch, shining in front of it. The three remaining tanks found them, now though, they needed to spring the trap.

"Hey! Come on!"

"Over here!"

"Right over here!"

The Clones taunted the Umbarans with easy targets, and whether the taunting worked or not, the enemy drew closer, their cannons never seeming to stop firing those green bolts. Rex' thumb hovered over the detonator, waiting for them to cross the line of explosives.

They did, and Rex pressed the button.

Umbara's shadowy surface lit up as orange flames erupted under the lead crawler tank, the others joined it by piling up after the sudden eruption. With the tanks own volatile fuel, the Clones and Steve made a hasty getaway. Making sure each man got out first, Steve waited until Rex was the last man and ran with him as the chain reaction created a bigger explosion than they thought, Rex and Steve leaping to make the distance before the shockwave pushed them further in the air.

Steve righted himself in the air, but Rex stumbled to the ground, until a hand helped the Clone stand tall. "Great plan, captain."

"Thanks. Good job, all of you." Rex praised the men around him before reaffirming their goal. "Now, let's move out."

With no time to rest, they continued their pace to the airbase.

Hardcase approached Steve with a look of awe underneath his helmet, his curiosity winning over him. "How strong are you?"

Remembering what he did to the tank, Steve could only shrug. "Strong enough."

Earth-92, night, Spike's crypt

Buffy entered. The Vampire with a chip, Spike, emerged from his underground lair.

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"The sun sets and she appears", he climbed up the rest of the way. "Come to serenade me?"

Buffy noted. "So you know what's going on."

Spike shrugged. "Well, I've seen some damn funny things in the last two days. A 600 pound Chirago demon making like Yma Sumac, that one will stay with you. I remain immune, happy to say." He held up a bottle of whiskey. "Drink?"

"A world of no." Buffy sat. "So any idea what's causing this?"

Spike looked disappointed. "Oh. So that's all. You've just come to pump me for information."

"What else would I wanna pump you for?" Buffy cringed. "I really just said that, didn't I?"

"Yeah, well ... don't wanna bore you with the small talk." Spike walked to the door, opened it and turned toward Buffy. "Don't know a thing."

Buffy frowned. "What's up? You're all bad moody."

"Nothing. Glad you could stop by." Spike made a gesture toward the door. Buffy stayed seated, looking at him. Spike sounded defensive now. "It's nothing."


And then, Spike suddenly began to sing. "I died. So many years ago." Spike looked surprised to hear himself singing. Buffy rolled her eyes. "But you can make me feel Like it isn't so." He shook his head, closing the door. "And why you come to be with me, I think I finally know. Mmm, mmm."

He continued his song. "You're scared. Ashamed of what you feel." Buffy was not looking at him. "And you can't tell the ones you love You know they couldn't deal." Now she looked at him, frowning. "Whisper in a dead man's ear, It doesn't make it real." He pointed to his head.

Buffy looked at him, then looked away. Spike rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"That's great. But I don't wanna play."Spike walked over to a coffin. "'Cause being with you touches me, more than I can say. But since I'm only dead to you", he jumped up to sit on the coffin. "I'm saying stay awaaaay."

He lay down on the coffin, crossing arms over his chest. "And let me rest in peace!" Spike jumped up and the song took on an angry rock beat for the refrain.

"Let me rest in peace. Let me get some sleep", he grabbed a whiskey bottle and threw it against the wall. Buffy jumped up. "Let me take my love and bury it In a hole six foot deep. I can lay my body down", he advanced on Buffy, "but I can't find my sweet release."

Spike turned away from her with an angry gesture. "So let me rest in peace!"

Buffy looked annoyed, turning toward the door, but Spike intercepted her. "You know, you've got a willing slave." He went down to his knees. "And you just love to play the thought, that you might misbehave."

Buffy rolled her eyes.

"But till you do I'm telling you", he stood up, "stop visiting my graaaaave." He said angrily. "And let me rest in peace."

Spike yanked the door open again.

In the graveyard, a group of men carried a coffin along. A few dozen yards away Spike and Buffy were walking along side-by-side.

What they did not notice was that a breach opened nearby, and a young boy of about 15 ran out of it, his hair spiky, his clothes a nice blend of black and red, with a yellow waistband, and he'd a crown necklace, his shoes also being a mix of black and yellow.

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"Huh?" He muttered, looking around in shock at the graveyard, because he'd been at the beach of the island just a few seconds ago!

Then he heard Spike singing.

"I know I should go. But I follow you like a man possessed. There's a traitor here beneath my breast", he exchanged a look with Buffy. "And it hurts me more than you've ever guessed." He was looking at Buffy. "If my heart could beat, it would break my chest." They stopped walking. "But I can see you're unimpressed." He got angry. "So leave me be."

Spike jumped up onto the coffin being carried by the men.

"And let me rest in peace. Let me get some sleep."

The pall-bearers tipped the coffin and Spike tumbled off the end of it, bounced to his feet and shifted into game face.

"Let me take my love and bury it in a hole six foot deep."He rampaged through the mourners, tossing their folding-chairs aside. The people scattered. "I can lay my body down but I can't find my sweet release..."

He grabbed the priest, staring at him. Buffy came up behind Spike, grabbed him and turned him around. Spike and Buffy tumbled backward into the open grave. Spike landed on his back with Buffy on top of him. He was back in human face.

"Let me rest in peace. Why won't you Let me rest in peace?"

They still lay in the grave with Buffy on top. She stared at Spike for a moment, then got off him, leapt out of the grave and ran off. Spike poked his head up out of the grave to watch her go.

"So ... you're not staying then?"

The young boy watched Buffy run, while feeling something strange. This did not feel like his world, or any world he'd been to for the matter.

He walked ahead, feeling something come over him, when various Vampires surrounded him.

"Look, food", one of them said while smacking his lips, all of them having game faces on.

The boy, Sora, raised his hand, as a bright light glowed, and then a blade that looked like a giant key appeared in his hand- the Keyblade!

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"What the…?" One Vampire said, before Sora struck him hard with the Keyblade, sending him flying off, then he struck another, sending him down too, before striking one in the chest, the Keyblade getting his heart, and due to what kind of weapon it was, the Vamp dusted.

"Huh?" One Vamp said, while the power of whatever was causing people to sing and dance came over on Sora too, as he thought of Spike's song, the words 'Rest in peace'somehow ringing a chord within him, though he did not know why.

Kingdom Hearts Ventus' theme plays

Then Sora, who seemed to almost be taken over by someone else, sang in a sad tone. "I sleep soundly safe in your heart." Pointing his Keyblade at a Vamp, he let out a Fire spell, burning it as it screeched."I no longer have to face the evil in the dark. I can just rest my mind, and leave my pain behind."

One more Vamp charged him, but Sora fired a Blizzard spell, freezing that one as he chattered his teeth and shivered uncontrollably.

"I remember fondly, of a time when the world was so bright", Sora continued to sing, though he did not know why he was singing. "We've fought so bravely, my dear. And so I can rest, for now there's nothing left to fear."

Sora aimed at another Vampire, doing a Thunder spell, the lightning striking it and turning it to ash.

"Fighting onward, we dreamed unreachable things. But now my dreams carry me to a place where these things come true", Sora sang, while doing a Gravity spell on another Vamp as it was stuck in the air now, frozen in shock, and Sora struck its heart with his Keyblade, dusting it. "She'll hold my hand while I sleep. So I won't be afraid, she won't let shadows touch my dreams."

The two Vamps from before charged him but he spun and dusted one, then leapt and dusted the other with his Keyblade as well.

After that, he continued to walk, looking very melancholic.

"Maybe in time, we'll leave this all behind." He looked up at the sky, a tear rolling down his cheek for reasons he could not tell. "We'll look up skyward, and the stars, they will shine in our eyes. I promise, I'll wake up in time."

He sat down on his knees. "When I awaken she will be there by my side. You're a person, who'll fix the broken mistakes. She'll find you and journey on, she will save me, whatever it takes. No matter the fate she may face."

And with that, the song was done, as Sora wiped his tears, still not sure why he'd cried, but feeling very melancholic all the same.

He stood back up, his Keyblade disappearing. "So, I'm in another world, through that blue portal." He quickly rushed forth. "I'll have to find a way back to my friends now."

And he knew he could do it, once he found a way to unlock the path back to the Destiny Islands via his Keyblade.

Summers House

Dawn was dumping stuff out of her schoolbag. Tara watched from the doorway. "Lotta homework?"

"Ah, math", Dawn told her. "It seemed cool when we were singing about it."

Tara smiled. "Willow said they have a lead on the whole musical extravaganza evil. This demon that can be summoned, some sort of Lord of the Dance." She grinned. "Oh, but not the scary one. Just a demon."

Dawn asked. "Um ... do they know who summoned it?"

"They don't even know its name yet", Tara revealed. "But Willow will find out. She's the brainy type. And our friends from the other worlds, they're really good. And we've a Superman."

"So cool that we know superheroes now", Dawn had to say, then smiled at Tara. "I'm glad you and Willow made up."

"What?" Tara was confused.

Dawn explained. "That fight you guys had about magic and stuff? It gives me belly rumblings when you guys fight."

Tara was still confused. "Dawn, Willow and I never fought about-"

"It's okay", Dawn assured her. "It's just ... you guys are so great together. I just hate it when you-"

Tara put her hand to the herb on her blouse, removing it.

Dawn added. "But that was the only fight I've seen you guys have anyway. But I'm still glad it's over."

Tara was staring at the herb. "Dawn, I, um ... there's something I need at the shop. Will you be okay for a little while?"

Dawn sighed, looking a bit disappointed. "Yes. The fifteen-year-old can spend a half an hour alone in her locked house."

Tara assured her. "I-I won't be gone long." She left.

Dawn went over to a side table, opening a small wooden box. It was filled with stuff she had taken from the magic shop. She took out the necklace from before and put it on, looks at herself in the mirror.

"Does anybody even notice? Does anybody even care?"

She turned around to find a Demon standing behind her and screamed. Its whole head was like a big mask. There were actually three of the minions.

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They threw a bag over Dawn's head. She continued screaming, muffled.

Earth-199999, Navajo Nation

Rambo stood on a tree branch, having swallowed a concoction made by the orange petals and mushrooms, and he was shivering now, but still resisting it, for he had a plan to take this thing out now.

He let out a loud roar while holding up a flaming torch, before throwing it away.

Then, after a few minutes, hearing a croaking noise behind him, Rambo turned, feeling something, and realized the creature was right behind him, in its invisible mode, but it could not see him either.

Grabbing the vine in front of him, Rambo swung to another tree, then turned and listened, the croaking sound still audible, while picking up his bow and arrows he'd left on this one.

Drawing an explosive arrow, he fired it at the wood, and the explosion caused the creature's outline to appear, before it appeared fully, its cloaking device malfunctioning due to the explosion.

Snarling, it aimed its canon and started firing around wildly, one shot hitting the tree Rambo was on as he fell down. Picking himself up, he quickly ran, avoiding any more shots aimed at him.

He also threw the bow and arrows down nearby, then continued to run, before the creature jumped down right in front of him, but was still unable to see him.

Hiding underneath some foliage nearby, Rambo picked up a rock and threw it at a distance, as it hit a tree and started rolling down.

The creature heard the rock impacting the tree, and triangulating the position with its device, fired at the rock.

Rolling away, Rambo picked up his bow and arrows once more, and fired in its direction, causing an explosion that sent it falling down.

Rambo ran in the direction, seeing some green blood around as he realized it could be killed after all.

He dropped his bow and arrows again, as he heard croaking, and turned around to see the creature standing not too far from him.

As it moved towards him, Rambo snuck behind it, then took out a gun, aiming it at the helmet-


Shoved forwards by the shot, the creature's helmet flew off, and Rambo grabbed it before putting it in his bag, before he rushed off.

The creature peeled the back of its head, seeing the bullet having grazed its thick skull as more green blood fell, and it roared.

While Rambo ran, he noticed what the creature really looked like without the helmet. It had arthropod-like mandibles and no visible nose.

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But now he knew he needed to play it just right, because he figured the creature could see him without its helmet's vision.

He threw it off, then swam into the water, making his way through the stream, but as he got out, he felt two blades at either side of his neck, which were then retracted.

Rambo turned around, seeing the creature facing him directly, and winced internally. The creature took out one blade and struck twice, Rambo dodging, before his side was sliced, only for the creature to retract the blade again as then it seemed to start circling him, as if wanting a hand-to-hand fight.

Seeing that, Rambo realized this creature did not have any malice. It just liked a good hunt, and now, considering him a worthy foe, it was giving him the honor of fighting it.

Picking up a small trunk, Rambo struck the creature but it blocked as the trunk broke upon its skin.

Rambo watched in shock as the creature then punched him thrice, sending him flying back with the third blow. As Rambo got up, he got another blow to the stomach that winded him, before he turned around, jumping into the stream and swimming away, making sure it followed him.

He got out of the stream and made his way ahead, reaching a small clearing, before turning around to look at the marching creature, while briefly glancing at a booby trap he had.

Rambo looked at the creature, which seemed to stop right before the trap, as he cried out. "Do it! Come ON! You're a hunter, aren't you? You live to kill!"

But the creature, figuring out the trap, bypassed it completely, to Rambo's supposed shock, coming at him from another direction.

As it came close, Rambo smirked. The creature was confused, as Rambo kicked the trap, causing its counterweight to drop upon the creature, crushing it underneath.

Rambo then sat down, sighing in relief, before hearing something as he saw the creature slowly pushing the counterweight off of itself, weakly.

Grabbing his knife, Rambo walked up to it, seeing the creature lying on the ground, green blood pouring out of its body as it groaned in pain.

Raising his knife, Rambo snarled. "Mission…accomplished.

Looking at him, the creature snarled in its own guttural tone. "Mission….accomplished."

As Rambo watched, the creature opened the pad on its arm, and started pressing something there. A few seconds later, Rambo heard a beeping sound.

Even if this was an advanced alien with technology Rambo didn't understand, he knew what the beeping was.

And so, he ran ahead, the beeping still audible, while he heard the creature actually like a maniacal madman.

Then, an explosion happened, the shockwave hitting Rambo and knocking him out.

Up above, Melinda May was flying towards the area in a Quinjet, Coulson and Bobbi Morse next to her, and they saw the explosion.

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"What was that?" Bobbi inquired.

"We need to check", Coulson said immediately as Melinda lowered the Quinjet, opening it up, while Coulson and Bobbi took out their guns and walked out, finding a wounded and unconscious Rambo.

"May! Its Rambo!" Coulson cried out, causing Melinda to run out as well, and see the unconscious Vietnam War veteran.

"This is Rambo?" Bobbi asked in awe. "The John Rambo?"

"Yes, it is him", Coulson confirmed. "His mother was part of these natives. Which must be why he came in to kill whatever is hunting these people."

"You think he did it?" Bobbi inquired.

"I believe he did", Melinda nodded, while looking ahead. "Still, we will need to check once more."

"He could be infected with radiation from the blast though", Coulson pointed out. "We need to take him to our base, and treat him, and also check his blood for anything unnatural."

Melinda nodded, as the three began carrying Rambo to the Quinjet.

Earth-21, Metropolis, LexCorp

Lex had finally fixed the machine, and brought Zemo over, the latter looking over the unconscious Zoom, as he noted. "I too believe he will be of good use to us."

Like Lex, he hated Supers, but he wasn't above using them for his gain.

"We do need a new arm though", Lex pointed out.

"I have something for that", Zemo said, since Lex had told him of Zoom before bringing him over, giving Zemo time to get some supplies.

"Please do tell", Lex urged him.

"I took this from our friend in HYDRA." Zemo unveiled the old schematics of Hydra to reveal a gauntlet, with a support pad on the shoulder and straps across the chest. "It's called the Satan Claw. A HYDRA officer commissioned it back in World War II to combat Captain America."

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"Captain America?"

"You still have much to learn of my world, my friend." Zemo smirked at him before gesturing back to the schematics. "The Satan Claw gauntlet was designed to inflict powerful electric shocks, but I believe we can repurpose the device as a prosthetic limb to channel this speedster's lightning into more offensive purposes with double the power."

"I think we can take it a step further", Lex proposed as he took the schematics in hand, before looking to his partner. "What if we design the Claw to not just channel Speed Force lightning, but absorb it? We can steal the power of any speedster this guy encounters, crippling them, no matter how fast they are, or were, I should say."

Zemo nodded his head, it was smart, but dangerous. "It would also risk his ego and ambition rising. You don't fire a nuke unless you have the means to abort the attack."

"What do you propose?"

"In order to maintain full mobility, the brain and nerves would have to be connected to the arm, as would any cybernetic replacement. Take the opportunity to put a failsafe in place, for a day when he decides he is too big for his boots."

"Quite distrusting of you, Helmut."

"What is the expression, "keep your friends close and enemies closer"?"

"Should I be concerned?"

"On the contrary, Lex, you are a friend."

Universe-208, Umbara

Having fought across Europe with the Howling Commandos, Captain America was no stranger to death. He had seen men killed, disintegrated, and had even killed people himself.

Yet what he would call one of the most painful experiences of his life was walking through a battleground where bodies were arranged in grizzly displays to show the bloody price of war. Fields would be stained red, corpses planted into the ground, not all of them whole. Then there were the days he fought against HYDRA, where their weapons would leave no traces of the men he fought alongside of, no body, no blood, not even clothing. Nothing. It was a horrifying thought that had HYDRA unleashed their might, a whole army would be reduced to an empty space in moments. He was unsure what was worse: a mangled, bloodied body, or no body at all.

Steve had to control his body at seeing the carnage of the crawler tanks. So many dead, and all it took was five of those things, piloted by one Umbaran each. Two days he'd been part of the 501st, and it was nearly as harsh as some of the worst weeks fighting against the Nazis and HYDRA.

Walking through the wreckage of the tanks with Rex and the others, his composure remained true while the tanks bled the teal-colored liquid and sparked slightly, an ominous glow made by the fires of the Clones' trap. Above, a pair of the planet's natural predators flew above, searching for whatever meal they could scavenge from the battlefield.

They won't go hungry, Steve thought grimly.

They group paused when the lights of crawler tank flickered on, the rest of the machine's head remained in surprisingly good condition. "That one's still got some juice in it. Waste it!" Rex ordered.

"Sure." Hardcase was eager to obey, kneeling down and aiming, before launching the rocket. The explosion was much smaller, confined to only the glass without the ray shield, green smoke escaped before the Umbaran pilot stumbled out from the pod until falling to the ground.

"No juice left in him, either." Steve watched with his jaw dropping as Rex, coldly, casually fired into the body of the wounded Umbaran, no one else blinking an eye at the execution. War brought out the worst in people, but he did not expect such an act from Rex.

However, he could not judge him. So many of his own brothers were being slaughtered not just because of Krell's "strategies", but the Umbarans they were fighting. If Steve had confronted anyone who had killed his team, the Commandos or the Avengers, he could not say he would not do the same. Practically, they had no time for prisoners, the Umbaran was already wounded and likely dying, and trying to have the Clones guard a being who was responsible for so many of their own men's death? It was a fantasy, as was the fantasy of a bloodless war.

"Steve?" A hand to his shoulder knocked him out of his thoughts, bringing his attention to Jesse. "You alright?"

Steve nodded, but his eyes were watery. "Only wish this fight was over."

Jesse joined him as they caught up with the others. "You and me both, Steve. You and me both."

They stumbled across a scene that broke Steve's heart and made him sick. A trio of banshees fighting over the body of a dead Clone.


Kix burst forward, firing in a rage at the animals near his brother until energy burned through their flash. "You still hungry?! Chew on that!" A banshee flew past the medic for the Clone Captain, but it was dead before it could reach the man, Rex drawing his gun and firing into it with ease.

"Everyone, keep moving", Rex ordered, he and the men walking by the corpses that Kix reluctantly left. "Hey, Kix, leave it."

But there was one who couldn't leave it. Steve stopped in place, his eyes refused to leave the corpses of the Clones, even as they passed him by on the march. Jesse was the only one who stopped. "Not even you can carry them all, buddy." He gently told the volunteer.

"I know." He accepted that a long time ago, he wanted to help in so many ways, but he was only a super soldier, he had limits. That did not stop the captain from leaving the platoon of Clones to approach the bodies of men he had fought alongside. Jesse was joined by Tup as they watched him go.

"What's he doing?" The younger Clone asked the elder as they watched the man kneel by the bodies of one of their brothers and lay his hand on his chest.

"He's mourning."

Fighting a war was one of the harshest experiences one could go through, but what was just as harsh was surviving that war, and to think of the people who didn't.

Steve, kneeling beside one of the Clones, with his hand on the chest plate, his other hand from his head, his chest, his left shoulder, then his right, before lowering his head. "God, I don't know if you're watching, I'm far from home, but I need your support. These men, they have been stripped of their power to choose, their free will." A sob threatened to escape him, but Steve had to push through. "Despite that, they still fight, believing in their duty, protecting so many people who don't even know their names. Look after them, Lord, take them into your care. These are brave soldiers, let Saint Michael know of their souls, and watch over them now and forever…and give me the strength to protect them. Amen."

Steve blessed himself once more and stood tall, finding the gazes of several other Clones watching him as they walked by. Only Jesse and Tup stayed in place to watch. His face stoic as before, Steve rejoined the men on the march. The two Clones shared a look before following after the legion's volunteer.

The lack of light on the planet ensured no one could see the redness of Steve's eyes.


After the encounter with the crawlers, dozens of the men now carried rocket launchers, the only thing that had proven effective against some of the Umbaran armor. Steve made it back to the front of the platoon with Rex and Fives when his hearing perked up, throwing his fist up again, making the Clones freeze. Listening hard, Steve closed his eyes to concentrate. "Something big and metal is coming." He then shook his head as he listened harder. "No…somethings." Steve opened his eyes and looked forward.

"Rocket launchers, up front!" Fives ordered as a line of men ran forward, readying the rockets. Rex took out his macrobinoculars and looked ahead, what he found made his heart stop.

A gigantic, juggernaut of a tank, with six legs supporting it's thick round body like a spider and a large cannon mounted on top, with a pilot protected behind a ray shield.

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"We got a problem!" Rex nearly panicked when he saw another join the other tank.

The rockets were fired as soon as the Clones set their sights on the juggernaut, the projectiles whistling through the air while the tank fired its own cannon. Steve did not hesitate to throw his shield to intercept, but the explosion was stronger than before, sending his shield deep into a tree. The captain's blue eyes turned back to see the missiles hit the tank and made it pause.

Only to keep on walking with no damage.

"Oh sh*t."

"Fall back! Fall back now!" Rex cried out as the platoon ran. Steve felt helpless as more electromagnetic plasma rounds were launched at them, and he had no choice but to call back his shield, and run.

Bombardments rained down on them, killing Clones and walkers. No matter what, Steve could not stop them all, he couldn't stop the killing, he could only run with them as they tried to scatter and take cover. That was when he saw it.

A group of Clones, their backs to the enemy in a desperate bid to get away from the Umbarans, were in the middle of when the cannon fire hit. But it didn't just explode.

The Clones could only cry out before the energy spread out and disintegrated them all. No trace of the men of the 501st remained.

Just like with HYDRA.

How many men did he see get hit by those damn guns, and never be seen again? Not by their friends, their families, not even by the people who owed them their lives. How many empty coffins were buried because there was nothing to bury?

Steve felt his blood turn to fire.

Sprinting from the tree, Steve saw red in the world of darkness, his eyes only focused on the tank in front of him as the Clones fled from it, but he ran straight to the enemy. Two cannons under the co*ckpit fired at the super soldier but weren't fast enough as Steve ran to the side or ducked behind his shield, charging with everything he had until he was close enough and jumped onto one of the legs, then using it to leap to the shielded pilot. Captain America roared, stabbing his shield above the co*ckpit, allowing him to see the shocked alien as he hung from his embedded Vibranium. The Umbaran could only shout some words before Steve's fist punched through the shield and through the helmet of the militia and grabbed the alien by the face.

A shocking, electrifying pain coursed and burned through his arm, his suit and skin smoking, all the way to his shoulder, yet it was the farthest thing from Steve's mind as he only looked into the eyes of the alien in his hand and squeezed. The bone gave way with ease, and the head was crushed like a grape, spraying dark green blood all over Steve's own blackening arm, before he ripped it out of the shield with a cry, his legs pushing off the tank. Without the pilot, all six limbs splayed out and the cannon hung uselessly.

Captain Rogers could only turn his body to cushion the blow with his shield while the lights died down in the tank. Whatever thoughts the Avenger had were halted when he saw another tank was focusing on him, the two lower cannons turned to him before a trio of rockets hit it from the side, and two sets of hands pulled Steve up and ran for cover. They made it a distance before Steve found his saviors.

Fives and Jesse.

"You're a crazy son of a gun!" Jesse exclaimed as they set the man against a tree, who finally felt the pain take over and nearly lost his footing, had the Clones not caught him in time. "I've never seen anyone punch through a ray shield like that."

"I'm just glad you're on our side", Fives commented as he examined Steve's arm. It was nasty, from his fingers to his shoulder, the suit was black or burned away, the skin underneath that was exposed he could see had severe burns. If he wasn't a super soldier, he would have thought Rogers would need a new cybernetic limb. "We're gonna need Kix."

"No." Steve shook his head and tried to push off the tree. "I can fight."

"Easy, buddy, you already took one of those things down. You did your part." Fives held him back with Jesse. Another explosion reminded them of the ongoing battle, and they needed to move. "Come on, soldier, we need to regroup." Fives helped Steve stand and start running until the super soldier regained his bearings and ran on his own. He found cover behind a tree, as another explosion sounded beside him and the Clones near him, where he saw Rex speaking into his commlink.

What he heard sent him over the edge.

"Sir, we can't possibly-"

"You must stand your ground. Do you read me?!"

Rex could not believe his ears. Krell saw what they were fighting, he saw their weapons were doing nothing, and he wanted them to stay? The question was how were they supposed to survive, let alone take one of those things down. He was in such a state of shock, his helmet hiding his expression, he did not even hear someone approach or General Krell's shouting.

"Captain?! Are you listening?!"

A black and burnt hand grabbed Rex's own, and he did not have the strength to stop Steve from yelling into his comms. "Listen to this, you son of a bitch! We're dying out here! Our weapons are as effective as you are! If you weren't sitting on your ass, you would see that for yourself! You want us to stand our ground? Well, why don't you come down here and tell us in person instead of cowering in the rear! This mission, and this whole campaign failing will be because of YOU! You and your inaction, and I'll be damn sure the whole army knows it before I'm done here. We die down here, and it's all on you, Krell! Now actually do something worth a damn in this war, or go to Hell!" Steve pressed a button and the light on the comms died, causing him to release both Rex's arm, and a tired sigh.

"That's just going to come back and bite you."

"I'll cross that bridge when the time comes." Steve snapped back, but not at Rex, at the thought of Krell. That cowardly bastard was letting them die, and all he was doing was watch. He could not hold his tongue, not anymore. The sound of screaming and bodies disintegrating brought him back to reality, his heart breaking as more men were being slaughtered. "This can't go on anymore."

"The armor is too thick on those things." Rex reminded him. He too felt the pain of his brothers' deaths, but he needed to keep a clear mind, something which might be difficult if they survive the battle after what Steve just told Krell.

Steve peaked around the tree to scan the tanks with his eyes. "What if we don't aim for the body, but the head and limbs?"

"Disable the weapons and its movements. Worth a shot, but it's moving too much."

"You have any other ideas?"

Rex regretfully shook his head. "Come on, soldier."


With two soldiers on his shoulders, Steve ran to cover where Rex had Kix gather the wounded. The numbers were piling up, but at least the losses were reduced, slightly. They managed to disable two of the electromagnetic plasma cannons, but there were more tanks, and they were not without the two cannons beneath the co*ckpit.

With a grimace, Steve ran under the red glow of the tree, protected by wreckage of another vehicle, and set the men against the bark. "We got you, boys. Rest easy for now."

"Keep the wounded as quiet as possible." Rex warned Kix, the medic nodded before moving to their volunteer, who moved his arm out of reach.

"I'm fine, Kix."

"A blaster bolt is one thing, but your whole arm is scorched." Kix only wanted to help. Steve was their best chance at survival, they needed him, just as he needed his arm checked.

"They need you more than I do." Steve pointed to the wounded around them. "When this is over, then you can check my arm." Steve did not wait for an answer, he did not mean to be rude, but he refused to leave the fight. He joined Rex, Fives, Jesse, Hardcase, and Dogma. From what he heard, Rex relayed their orders.

It went as he expected.

"I used to think General Krell was reckless, but now I'm beginning to think he just hates Clones." Fives spoke angrily, and understandably so. It was outrageous for racial prejudice to affect a commanding officer's orders. He'd seen it before and heard of it.

"The captain is right. Now, let's move out."

"How do you suggest we do that, Dogma? The best the rocket launchers could do is take out their cannons, other than that, we're still heavily outgunned", Steve told the loyal Clone. Too loyal. He had to see what was wrong.

"I don't need lip from a volunteer", Dogma sneered, before Jesse pushed him back.

"Hey! He's saving our necks out there, more than I can say about Krell!"

"He's the general! He doesn't have to be here for us to follow orders!"

"That's enough!" Rex shouted at the two tattooed men but with vastly different personalities, getting between the men and keeping them at arm's length from each other.

"Disabling their cannons won't stop them. We need to find another way." Steve agreed with Fives. The cannons were a weak point in the armor, but the body and limbs it turned out were too heavily armored, even for the rockets.

"You got any ideas?" Rex asked tensely, and unfortunately, Fives had no answer. Steve, however, thought of something."

"Fight fire with fire." The Clones turned to him with unreadable expressions behind their helmets. "We don't have the fire power to scratch those things, so maybe we should commandeer one of the Umbarans own rides and give them a taste of their own medicine."

"How? If you haven't already noticed, their co*ckpits are ray shielded." Dogma pointed out harshly. That was when Rex' head turned toward their goal.

"I bet the airbase has something for us." Rex said aloud before turning to the men. "They'll think the tanks will have us pinned and won't bother tightening security around those fighters."

An explosion near them had the soldiers leave the medic to find the tanks getting closer. Clones were scattering in an attempt to get away from the antipersonnel cannons, the green bolts following them until a rocket exploded against the ray shield. The pilot angrily turned the blasters to the Clone hidden in the tree and fired, striking the soldier midair as he lifelessly hit the ground, then the alien turned to the wounded.

"KIX!" Steve ran to the medic and the injured, seeing the spider-like limb getting closer to their cover and the cannon strike down another man. With little time, Steve had to hurl the men out away from the debris, before turning his head up as the limb stomped down. Barely diving out of the way, Steve threw two of the men under his arm, and another on his burnt shoulder, bearing the pain as Kix dragged another man to safety. Steve ran as fast as he could, setting down the three next to Tup before rushing out and pulling his blaster on a banshee, the bolt hitting it in the eye and through the skull, sending it crashing to the ground while Steve pulled another Clone over his shoulder in a fireman carry.

Back in the safety of cover with the other Clones, Steve started to feel the exhaustion creep in. It felt like he'd been fighting the whole time he stepped through that breach, and his body certainly started to feel that way.

"Steve, you good?" Rex questioned as he and Fives crouched near the kneeling super soldier.

"Ready to move, sir." Steve told his fellow captain. If it meant ending this fight, he'd run around and fight all day if that was what it took.

"Good, because I have a mission for you."


That went better than expected.

Bo-Katan watched her fellow Mandalorians herd the Pyke scum out of the train, or whatever was left of them. Whatever Blade did in the last few carriages was thorough, there were no survivors. After that, his main goal seemed to be cutting through to the rest of the Pykes to stop the train. Something he did flawlessly.

They had less prisoners than they expected, but none of them felt any remorse over the fact. The Pyke Syndicate thought they could try their luck and trespass on Jabba's land, it was just unfortunate for them that the Hutt had a deal with the Death Watch. Or maybe they were fortunate, some of Jabba's other muscle were far more brutal from what she knew.

Casting those thoughts aside, the redheaded Mandalorian turned to their guest, walking toward her while watching the rest of their clan gather the remaining Pykes in a line, on their knees with their hands behind their heads. Bo-Katan had no interest in their fate, instead turning to the dark-skinned warrior that made their job so much easier.

"You outperformed what we had expected of you." Bo-Katan praised. Behind his dark shades, she saw his left brow raise.

"I'll try and take that as a compliment."

The Mandalorian heiress shook her head. "I meant no offense. We honestly did not realize the extent of your skills."

"Had some issues to work through. Lucky for you that these assholes took the brunt of it." Blade's manner of speech continued to confuse and amuse her. However, if he did have anger, based on what she saw, perhaps the Mandalorians were lucky. They were far better than any criminal's attempt at soldiers, yet the speed Blade cut through them all was humbling. She did not believe a squad of Mandalorians could have worked both as efficiently and quickly as he did.

"For some reason, I believe you."

Blade quirked his lips by an inch, somehow refraining from smiling despite that. His head turned to the line of alien prisoners. Made up of whoever thought the snipers shooting at them from outside were more important than the ones above them, or inside, while the train was still moving at least. Blade shot or slashed any who got in his way or attempted to move to the roof of the carriages, anyone else he did not need to bother with, either preoccupied with other matters or were recovering from the wounds they received.

It took a laser bolt to one of the Pyke prisoners' heads to catch his attention. The Mandalorian who shot the alien then moved to the next one in the line.

Kryze was watching him keenly, and he turned to her with a neutral expression.

"The Pykes are one of the most dangerous criminal syndicates in the galaxy. Trust me, we're better off with them all dead."

"Does it look like I care?" Blade spoke bluntly. He didn't. He would not lose any sleep over some motherf*ckers getting their dues.

She shook her head. "Suppose you don't." The device on her wrist beeped, and Bo-Katan looked at him apologetically. "I have to report to Pre Vizsla."

"You do that." Blade walked by her with indifference but paused long enough to return to her the WESTAR. "Thanks for the loan." He said, before his back was to her. The redheaded woman watched him go before tapping her commlink.


"The train is ours."

"And Blade?"

Bo-Katan smirked. "Exceeded our expectations."

The sound of the executions continued to go off, but Blade paid them little mind. If criminals were dying, human or otherwise, Blade won't lose any sleep over it. Vampires were created from humans, they were monsters he sought to eliminate; however, monsters weren't born out of nowhere, whatever darkness they were created from originated in humans. The thirst can do many things, but it cannot create evil. The Daywalker discovered that evil has no preference. As few there can be, there exists Vampires not dedicated to the sad*stic desires of the rest of their race, yet there are humans who can be as bad or worse than many of the bloodsuckers he has terminated. Then comes question of his own half-breed existence: is he wrong to execute one side of his heritage with such prejudice, or does he choose to hide the miserable truth that the human race is not worth defending by expressing his hate on what he believes caused him to have such a cursed life? Blade would rather not answer that.

Instead, he simply walked on as the blasters continued, alien bodies dropping into the sand, while the Daywalker walked along the downed train, watching Mandalorians carry crates off from the carriages and attach to the speeders.

Blade's senses, however, went off. Sniffing the air, Blade turned his head to the carriage. There was something inside, something both alluring, and off-putting. Whatever it was, the hunter in him told him to pursue. In his line of work, no, his life, you fear anything then you get another job. Blade stepped into the wreckage, finding the mostly intact cargo, still strapped down by whatever the Pykes used to do so. His nose sniffed the air again, and he found a source, one of many. The Mandalorians told him they were looking for weapons and other supplies to help their cause.

What kind of supplies? It was only now he began to wonder.

Blade pulled down a case of cargo. Eyeing the thing, he saw a pad with buttons on it, and with little else to do, he pressed it. The lid opened with little issue; Blade cautiously raised it to find a fine red powder within. The smell was overwhelming. Jabbing a finger into the powder, Blade pulled it back, eyeing the substance on his digit, before sucking it off.

Blade immediately spat it out and growled. A hunger rose in him.

Not for blood.

For payback.


Steve kept his senses sharp as he and Fives travelled down the slope, getting increasingly closer to the airbase. Sneaking past those juggernauts was the easy part, the Umbarans were more concerned with the larger platoon then they were about a single Clone and volunteer, the latter carrying a pack of explosives on his back.

It did not mean he was happy about it. "I should have stayed in the fight."

"Steve, I understand how you feel, but we get this done, then we can come back with guns blazing and save the rest of the men." Fives reasoned, and he was not wrong.

"I know, Fives, I know, it's just…" Steve sighed. "I wish I could have done more."

They did not stop, their DC-17 and DC-15A at the ready for any movement that could be hostile, but their fingers held away from the triggers, stealth was their friend and the last thing they needed was to alert the base.

Even so, Fives looked at the captain seriously. "Listen to me, buddy, in the few days since we met, you have done more for every Clone here than most of other generals have ever done for their platoons, bar a few Jedi. We all appreciate what you've done." Fives had to snort though at a recent memory. "Krell on the other hand won't be so grateful."

Wincing, Rogers tried to remain focused. "You heard that, huh?"

"It was the highlight of the whole campaign. Glad someone had the courage to speak up against Krell and his sithspit." Oh how Fives enjoyed the moment Steve grabbed Rex's arm and let the general have it.

Any more words that were to be shared halted when they approached the fence surrounding the airbase. Well, a fence that was made up of a barrier of electricity surrounding the place. God, the technology is something else, but it made Steve terrified of the prospect of what more existed out there beyond Umbara.

Steve and Fives got low while quickly taking cover by a tree next to the electric wall. Beyond the wall, what Steve assumed were turrets lined up on the other side, and if the engagements thus far were anything to go by, he did not want to see what they could do. Steve's own eyes found Umbaran soldiers closer to the centre of the base, patrolling in squads while individual patrols stayed near the fighters.

"Some kind of sensor wall." Fives voiced to his partner.

"Sensor?" the deadliest looking sensor he's ever seen.

"How's your arm?" Fives moved behind Steve and started taking out bombs.

Steve understood the question, and holstered bot his shield and blaster. "More than able." It still stung, but the pain has subsided to manageable levels.

"Able enough to throw a Clone over that thing?" With what Fives has seen, he believed he was strong enough.

"Just give the word."

"First, place the detonators around the tree, it pays to have an explosive distraction." Fives quickly showed the mechanics of the thermal detonators to the super soldier, who picked it up in seconds before they spread a line of explosives around the base of the tree, before facing the fence again.

"Fire away." Fives stood up and waited as Steve grabbed him by the belt and collar. With a running start, the captain hurled the ARC Trooper over the electric wall, the Clone braced himself and rolling to a crouch, his rifle at the ready as he heard the volunteer land beside him. "Remind me never to make you mad."

"Roger that." Steve acknowledged before the two soldiers quietly rushed into the base.

After receiving specialized training from the SSR after destroying the first HYDRA facility, further enhanced by the time in the Army, and then SHIELD bolstering his skill set with modern techniques more varied and vaster than what he knew back in the 40s, Steve was well versed in stealth operations.

Hell, his first unofficial mission was him sneaking in to rescue the 107th and Bucky. Fives himself was an Advanced Recon Commando, ARC, one of the best soldiers in the Republic, with experience in special ops across dozens of planets, and the captain had little to doubt the extent of the Clone's training.

Between the two of them, sneaking across the Umbaran base was not too difficult.

The pair ran between tanks on standby, including the monstrosities that were slaughtering the 501st.

Steve took point, his senses giving him a good warning as to what was ahead, while Fives watched their six.

Reaching the corner of what he believed was a barracks, Steve halted their progress to check ahead. With their path clear, he moved to their next cover, beneath one of those juggernaut tanks, as Umbarans patrolled only feet from their position.

Locking eyes with visor, the captain and ARC shared a nod, the later pressing a button on his gauntlet.

No sooner than he did, the detonators placed on the tree lit the tree up in an explosive fire that no doubt attracted the attention of every Umbaran on the base.

They watched the squads converging to the edge of the perimeter, leaving the fighters wide open for them. Steve and Fives ran for the fighters, until the former heard something around a corner. He beckoned with his left hand for Fives to slow down as Steve himself ran forward, waiting as the Umbaran walked in front of him.

One hand grabbed the rifle while the other threw a right hook into the helmet, shattering it so the gas can escape, but no sound could be made before his neck was grasped by Steve's grip, before one twist, and a crack was all that was heard. Fives moved beside him, sharing another nod before running to the chairs of two unoccupied fighters.

"How do these things work?" Steve inquired as he took off the pack and sat down in his own chair, Fives in another.

"Well, how should I know? Start pushing buttons." Fives shrugged.

Steve sighed. "Yes, because that always works." The Captain of the Howling Commandos pushed a button on the arm rest, and the ray shield surrounded him before he found himself rising up. "sh*t!"

Screen projections came to life in front of him, as well as dizziness from the spinning he was unintentionally given. Steve saw the orbs around his hands, much like the other Umbaran pilots in the various vehicles he's seen.

Before he could test a theory, green blaster bolts hit the shields of his and Fives' fighters. "Okay, now I'm thankful these things have shields."

That problem resolved, Steve focused on steadying his hands, unsteadily sliding into a slot for the sphere containing himself. "I think I have it figured out. Keep your hands level, it controls your movements."

"You don't say." Fives mumbled as he steadied his hands, attaching his chair to rest of the fighter as well.

Both starfighters sprung to life and hovered over their Umbaran enemies. Steve raised his right hand but not the left, and found himself spinning to the militia, the wings swiping away the pale skinned humanoids in a fitting show of karma.

"That was for the 501st." Steve yelled at the Umbarans before levelling out again, and seeing in state no better than his own, his gun skidding across the ground. "Fives, raise your hands and level them out."

"How did you pick this up so fast? You're not even from this galaxy?" Fives followed the captain's advice, the spinning stopping while floating higher above the base.

It was Steve's turn to shrug. "I'm a quick study." Steve looked at his hands before gesturing with his fingers, and the laser cannon sprung to life. Rapid paced green energy bolts launched into more unused fighters and exploded on contact. With this knowledge, Steve turned to the rest of the Umbaran militia's vehicles, raining down fire on them so they could never be used again.

Fives' own whooping and laughing brought a giddiness out of Steve, as he laughed and cheered with him and at the outrageousness of the situation.

He was flying an alien spacecraft.

The guys would never believe him back home.

Releasing bolt after bolt into the base, destroying everything they set their eyes on with some very unusual flying techniques, Steve would admit, he and Fives turned the place orange and green from the explosions and resulting fire before hovering away to the edge of the base. "I think they got the message!"

"Now let's make this trip worth it." Fives' laughter died down, and both fighters flew to the scene of the battle.

It was mere moments before the two T-20 starfighters made it above the three Umbaran tanks, looking up with dark gleefulness at the sight of their air support.

They were sadly mistaken.

"Clear out, Captain."

"The Cavalry is here." Steve said as he and Fives gestured with their fingers.

Both fighters let loose endless streams of green bolts into the tanks, each hit causing a bigger explosion than the last. The Clones cleared out from the ensuing carnage while their air support flew erratically to avoid the cannon fire, even flipping upside down as they rained hell down on the Umbarans.

Fives and Steve turned their aim on one tank in particular, the bolts cutting through the armor and bring forth an explosion that lit up the shadowy world. "That's the stuff!"

"I got to get me one of these things!" Steve laughed as they destroyed another tank before the last one soon joined it's fellow Umbaran's fate.

The smile on his face didn't die as he and the ARC Trooper floated as if thrown in zero gravity, enjoying the moment as down below, the Clones of the 501st cheered with them, even firing into the air in celebration.

"Way to go, boys!"


"Atta boy, Steve!"

"All right, let's bring 'em home." Fives calmed down, Steve agreeing as they managed to steady themselves and launch back to the airbase.


Two words could be used to describe Bo-Katan's mood: relieved and concerned.

She was relieved because despite the size and firepower of the Pykes, no Mandalorians fell that day. Their armor was stronger than anything the Pykes had, but that did not mean they were invulnerable, something the Jedi were harshly reminded of when the Clone Wars started. For all the Mandalorians' skill, they were still vulnerable. However, their new ally quickened the pace of their victory. Despite what she believed in Blade's skill, she did not imagine he could clear out almost thirty Pykes by himself in record time, he could defeat them for sure, but not with such speed. Blade cleared through the three carriages and burst through the rest of them with little issue until he caught up and overlapped Bo-Katan and the rest of the boarding part, before stopping the train, all by himself.

All he had was a blaster and a sword.

Whatever expectations Bo-Katan had, Blade blew them away, and they had a trail of cargo attached to show for their efforts.

Then came the concerned part. After their last conversation, Blade joined them by the speedsters and refused to say a word, but his face, even behind the glareshades, told them he was not happy to say the least. Whenever she tried to speak up about it, Blade simply ignored her, which was hard for her to accept. The mission was a success, Blade earned the respect of all who witnessed his skill. What has set him in such a mood?

The rock formation protecting their camp came into view. Vizlsa's second in command hoped their guest's mood improved soon.

Speeding to a halt as they passed their sentries and settled in the center of the camp, they were met with the cheers of the Mandalorians who had not participated with the heist, away on some other mission for the cause to restore Mandalore to its true glory.

Bo-Katan would have soaked in the praise the squad were receiving, if she did not find Blade's back moving away, toward Pre Vizsla's tent.

Blade made no stops. As soon as he got off the speeder, he made his way to Vizsla's tent, pushing aside the flaps to find the man at the holotable.

Vizsla turned to him with a smile, ignorant to his true mood before turning back to the table. "Blade, it's good to see you've returned in one piece. I take it-" Whatever words Vizsla meant to speak were not to be, for his head was smashed against the holotable, creating cracks in the device before his head was pulled up again, a hand chopped his throat. Vizsla choked from the strike before finding himself being thrown from his tent, out into the sand.

His fury only grew as he whipped back around to his attacker, who parted the flaps with both hands. His coat and slugthrowers, as well as the rest of his peculiar gear returned to his person, but the glare on his face, even behind those shades, was what truly stood out.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Vizsla demanded as the Mandalorians gathered, aiming weapons at the once amiable guest.

Blade pointed his finger at the Death Watch leader. "You turned me into a f*cking drug runner!"

Vizsla did not react. "We need the funds to support the cause."

"And that's supposed to make it better?!" Blade's fury knew no bounds. Despite everything he's done, Whistler taught him to have morals, and working as a drug mule is far from what the old man taught him.

"This isn't your world, your cause, what right do you have to judge us?!"

"You used me. I would have thought as warriors you would have some semblance of honor to be f*cking straight with me!"

"You never asked what supplies we were taking." Vizsla defended, and in his own mind, it seemed to be enough, from what Blade saw. "Aside from that, we had a deal."

"Blade!" The Daywalker and Death Watch leader turned to see Bo-Katan run up between the two. She pleaded with the Vampire hunter. "I know you may feel deceived, but we need the credits the spice can provide."

"What sort of cause is worth ruining lives because of that poison?" Blade rebuked, and the Kryze woman had no reply. He may shun human contact most of the time, but he had allies, some he would consider friends. He had only a handful of those, some were not safe from the either Vampires, or gangs.

"Mandalore is worth everything." Vizsla said with no hesitation. "If you can't see that than perhaps, we were wrong to consider having you join us."

"Then maybe I just did myself a big f*cking favor." Blade shot back heatedly.

"We had a deal."

"Drugs are a deal breaker."

Blade and Vizsla locked eyes, the Mandalorians surrounding the Daywalker with blasters aimed were tense. The wielder of the Darksaber sighed, disappointment in his eyes.

"…very well. For what it's worth, I'm sorry it came to this."

Quicker than the Mandalorians could expect, Vizsla drew his right WESTAR-35 and fired. Unfortunately, the Daywalker was faster, leaning to the side while drawing a shuriken, and launched it to the armored man. Raising his gauntlet, Vizsla's Beskar held up and deflected the thrown weapon, but his eyes widened as Blade suddenly was leaping toward him with a kick that planted against his chest, launching him back into the sand and rolling.

Blade made to march forward, but stopped to tilt his head to avoid a punch before grabbing the arm and sweeping the leg of the man who attacked him, sending him to his back when another raised their gun. His foot kicking the blaster away, Blade raised his other leg and kicked the second warrior into a pair of his buddies. More swarmed around him, the Daywalker growled at them all.

"NO!" They turned to find Pre Vizsla regaining his feet, his eyes locked on their guest. "He's mine."

Blade cracked his neck and stared at his challenger.

"Some motherf*ckers are always trying to ice-skate uphill." He repeated the same thing he told Frost, telling Vizsla the futility of his efforts.

He didn't listen.

Vizsla's jetpack thrusted him into the air, with his blasters raining down on Blade. The hunter rolled to the side and quickly ran forward, avoiding yellow laser bolts as he did, before jumping toward the Mandalorian. Vizsla's jetpack brought him higher up, but he was low enough for Blade to grab his his foot, and the strength was enough to slam him down back into the sand. Not letting up, Vizsla tried to sweep Blade's leg, only for him to raise it up but backflip away from the flamethrower launched at him. Blade grabbed a silver stake and threw it forward, into the gauntlet. Before it could explode, Vizsla discarded the flame projector from his vambrace before he turned back and saw a flying punch meet his face, sending him reeling back before feeling rapid punches to his torso through his Beskar armor until a swing to his right cheek sent him flipping onto the ground. Not to be outdone, Vizsla raised his other gauntlet and launched his whipcord, wrapping around Blade until his jetpack launched him forward to meet the dark-skinned warrior's face with his knee, returning the favour and sending him to the sand.

Quickly getting back up with a kip-up, Blade then leaned back to avoid small sawblade projectiles aiming for his face. Standing tall again, the Daywalker and the Mandalorian glared hard at each other, the latter sporting a bruise on his right cheek. It was then the armored warrior reached his hand back and activated his sacred weapon.

Blade's eyes widened when in Vizsla's hand sprung an energy sword of some kind from the handle in his hand. It was a flat, black blade, with a light aura around it, with a slight curve at one point. Honestly, Blade had never seen anything like it. So this was the famous Darksaber.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (342)

"FOR MANDALORE!" Vizsla roared before charging.

Not wanting to touch the sword, Blade ducked, dodged, weaved and jumped out of its path. The high-pitched hum coming from it was warning enough, before the hunter capitalized on one of the Mandalorian's swings, grabbing his wrist in one hand and raising his own arm in the other, hyperextending the limb to force the weapon out of Vizsla's hand, letting the handle drop with the Darksaber deactivating before it hit the ground. Spinning around, Blade's elbow drove into Vizsla's face, sending the man stumbling back before the man who fell through the tear in the sky's jumping spin kick returned him to the sands of Tatooine.

Whatever move Blade intended to make after was stopped.

Explosions filled the air, and Blade was sent crashing back.


With their last line of defense down and the base already damaged, taking over the Umbaran facility was a cake walk. Clones flooded the base as soon as the rest of the 501st were given the order, joining Rex' division. Now the men were forcing groups of Umbarans into their own cells as their base became a new staging point for the Grand Army of the Republic.

It was the first piece of good news they received since the campaign started.

"Despite Fives' flying, you two saved us all." Rex addressed Steve and Fives, the latter elbowing the super soldier.

"I was only doing what he told me."

Steve elbowed the ARC back. "Not my fault you're a bad student."

Jesse removed his helmet to smirk at the volunteer. "Guess that makes you a "super pilot" then."

Shaking his head at the bad joke, the Avenger said fondly. "I think I'll stick with being a soldier."

"Good answer." Hardcase clapped his back hard. On the injured shoulder. Steve grimaced and clutched his bad arm.

"Hardcase, that was the bad shoulder."

"Whoops! Ugh, my bad."

For this brief moment, Rex relaxed. They won a tough battle, lost many soldiers, but they pulled through. They would laugh for now, mourn later, and fight on afterwards.

"Captain, report."

If General Krell didn't make things worse.

"What is our situation?"

Rex approached and stood at attention. "General, we have taken the base and cut off enemy supply lines to the capital."

"Luck has smiled on you today, Captain." Krell said in a way that almost seemed like a compliment, it was impossible to tell with the Jedi. "Consider yourself fortunate."

Rex stepped closer. "It wasn't all luck, sir. A lot of men died to take this base."

"The price for such a victory. Perhaps someday you'll realize this." Krell said without sympathy as he crossed his arms.

Clenching his fist was all Rex could do.

"Or maybe you should realize that our near failure was a result of your command, Krell."

Rex closed his eyes. He should have ordered Steve to hide.

"You." Krell sneered as the human who walked forward until they were eye to eye, the Besalisk more than a foot taller than the captain. "I have not forgotten your insubordination. You would insult a Jedi General?"

"You're no general, you're a butcher, and more men would see that had you not sent them to their deaths in a plan only a child could think of." Steve glared back at the alien, whose eyes widened before narrowing in sheer rage.

"I have had enough of you, civilian." Krell jammed his large finger against Steve's chest and continued to do so with every sentence. "Consider this the end of the line, Rogers. You are court martialed! Insubordination. Talking back to a superior officer! Until confirmation of a trial is set, you shall-" Steve finally grabbed Krell's finger and squeezed, making the Jedi gasp.

"Volunteer." Steve growled, before he felt his throat tighten. He couldn't breathe as what felt like a vice grabbed his windpipe and squeezed, only a wheeze escaping him.


He felt his feet leave the ground and begin to raise up in the air when his blue eyes looked down and saw Krell. The alien was glaring at him with murderous intent, and one of the three arms Steve did not grab was gesturing as if the Jedi was gripping his throat.

But what Steve set off was the arrogance in Krell's eyes, the superiority, the abuse of power. Even as he felt his throat being crushed, Steve felt a burst of energy, his burned hand lashed out and grabbed Krell by his own throat, the Besalisk's eyes' widening in shock as he too felt his neck being crushed.

Steve's other hand grabbed Krell's neck, and he used his grip to pull him close and pushed his own helmeted head forward, his forehead smashing between Krell's eyes, making the Jedi cry out and fall to his back from the force.

Steve himself felt his throat release and whatever invisible power raising him left, causing him to hit the ground, coughing, but he still glared at the downed Jedi.

"Now you have a reason to arrest me."

He heard the Clones begin to surround, with a blaster aimed at his head, he tilted his head up, to his disappointment, he found Dogma.

Krell got back to his feet, his yellow eyes blazed in a fury. "ARREST HIM! TAKE HIM TO A CELL!"

"Hardcase, Kix!" Rex ordered the two Clones, who looked at him in shock, before he gestured to the downed Steve.

The two understood and helped him to his feet, grabbing an arm each. "Take him to the cells, have him put far from the Umbarans."

The two Clones nodded, and helped Steve move to the central building, but not before the super soldier had them stop, and turn to Rex.

"I don't regret what I did. Remember, you have a choice. Stop him before it goes too far."

Those blue eyes still shined with honesty and care, even when the pain engulfed him all over, he thought of us. Rex was speechless as he saw the man carried away, for his own safety rather than Krell's orders.

Speaking of the general, he turned Rex around and jabbed his uninjured finger into his chest. "I want around the clock guard shifts watching that man! No one is permitted to speak to him without MY authorization! Call the admiral, I want this traitor executed before this campaign is finished!"

With a huff, the Besalisk turned on his heel and stomped away, with wounded pride, and a bloodied nose.

"Steve is the reason a lot of us are alive! We wouldn't have this base if it wasn't for him!" Fives defended their volunteer.

"He assaulted the general, he was lucky not to be executed on the spot." Dogma rebuked the ARC, which turned the older Clone's anger on him.

"You're gonna defend him after what he did? What he said?! Steve was saving our necks out there!" Fives made to rush Dogma, had his captain not put himself between them.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Rex ordered the last surviving member of Domino Squad. The fire in Fives' eyes did not die down, but his body relaxed in a way he knew he wouldn't charge Dogma, even if many other troopers watching them now felt the same. Rex laid a hand on his brother's shoulder. "Steve fought for us, the last thing he would want is to fight each other."

"But he-"

"It now means that we have to fight for him." Rex squeezed Fives' shoulder. "Trust me, Fives, we don't abandon our own."


Once more, thanks a lot to Brainstorm Sorcerer and gussygus28 for their help with this chapter, the former also doing the SW scenes and the Satan Claw scene for me, while the latter gave a basic outline for the musical, and to Stand with Ward and Queen for some suggestions, couldn't have done this without them.

So, the Buffyverse musical episode has started, and Dean, Sam, Eliot, Oliver and Clark are part of it, as well as Sora from Kingdom Hearts!

For Kingdom Hearts, this is between Kingdom Hearts II and Dream Drop Distance, and so Sora has the KH II outfit, plus Ventus', Roxas' and Xion's hearts still reside within him, and they're affected by Sweet's powers as much as Sora himself is.

The songs for the Buffyverse characters remain the same, and any ones not seen on-screen happened just like in canon.

Dean, Sam and Buffy sang an altered version of 'Awake and Alive' by Skillet, while Clark and the crowd he saved sang a combination of 'Hero' by Skillet and 'Somebody Save Me' by Remy Zero, which is the Smallville intro song so it HAD to be here!

For Ventus' song through Sora, there is a YouTube channel run by this lady called 'Lizz Robinett' who has made her lyrics to various KH character theme songs, and the lyrics all fit perfectly, and that's where the lyrics for Ventus' song came from, and the others will be from there too, so thank you to her.

I highly recommend her KH music videos, they're all amazing and perfect.

Ventus' theme song, though, was from Aqua's POV in that she sings this as a lullaby to him after putting him in Castle Oblivion, so I'd to change the lyrics, but the rest are all from the characters' POV, so those will have the same lyrics.

Plus, Kingdom Hearts is a crossover between Disney and Final Fantasy pretty much, and characters sing in Disney movies all the time, so that makes Sora being here all the more fitting.

Any other original songs are AI generated because I'm not a musician, as much as I wish I was.

Dean's and Sam's story of how they fought their first God was taken from the SPN novel titled 'Mythmaker'.

Rambo, on the other hand, fought a Predator, and thank you to Brainstorm Sorcerer and gussygus28 for suggestions there as well. The fight was a combination of the ones in Predator 1987 and the 2022 Prey, as they're the only ones I've seen. 'Predator' 1987 is a masterpiece, and I thought 'Prey' was fine.

And, whatever Earth the Predator was from, on that Earth, the first movie is currently happening at the same time as Rambo and Predator fought.

The Mexican Cartels are the same one we saw in 'Rambo: Last Blood', and they've been slaughtered here, including Victor and Hugo, who was seen dying in this chapter. Because of this, the plot of 'Last Blood' will never happen now.

The hunter Oliver Queen from 'Supernatural' is my own original idea. Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki and Stephen Amell have said they've wanted a SPN/Arrow crossover quite a bit, so I thought it'd be fun to have a hunter Oliver Queen in the SPN world, with his specialty being bow and arrows, and he is the doppelganger to Amell's version. Would have been fun if SPN had Amell play such a character sometime, with a different name of course.

Lee was Christian Kane's character in SPN Season 15.

Imagine Wes Studi as Chief Chayton, thank you to Brainstorm Sorcerer for the suggestion.

For the cameos, for Dean and Sam, they saw- Hellboy from Del Toro 'Hellboy' film series, Spawn from Image Comics, Swamp Thing from the 'Swamp Thing' TV Series, Master Chief from the 'Halo' video game series, Bumblebee from the 'Transformers' franchise, Mario and Luigi from the 'Super Mario' franchise, Sonic from the 'Sonic the Hedgehog' franchise, Victor Crowley from the 'Hatchet' film series, and finally Spike from Buffyverse before falling into Buffyverse.

For Eliot and Oliver, the cameos were- Batman from 'The Batman' 2004 cartoon, Spider-Man from 'The Spectacular Spider-Man' cartoon, John Wick from the 'John Wick' series, and finally Angel from Buffyverse before ending up in Buffyverse.

And Clark saw- The Witch-King of Angmar from 'The Return of the King' 1980 animated film (made long before Peter Jackson's masterpiece LOTR Trilogy), Mega Man from the 'Mega Man' video game franchise, Avatar Aang from 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' cartoon, Homelander from 'The Boys', Omni-Man from 'Invincible', Metro Man from 'Megamind', and finally Sahjhan from the Buffyverse (he'd be around right now as Angel Season 3 is ongoing) before ending up in Buffyverse. Since its Superman, decided he must see his 2 evil parodies, as well as the good parody.

Hope all enjoyed and see you all next time with another chapter.

Chapter 16: Once More, With Feeling Part 2


The Musical continues, taking a darker turn. The SHIELD Team find something while running tests on Rambo's blood. Steve is visited by the Clones. Reed, Susan, Johnny and Ben go through changes. Blade is confronted by someone.


Thank you to everyone who has favorited, followed or reviewed this fic so far.

Once more, thanks a lot to Brainstorm Sorcerer and gussygus28 for their help with this chapter, couldn't have done this without them.


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Universe-208, Tatooine

Ears ringing, the Daywalker let out a groan as he pushed his body to sit up. Whatever hit him and interrupted the fight with Vizsla knocked the wind out of him and, upon feeling his face with shut eyes, he found his shades were gone, again. Annoyance would have engulfed Blade; had he not opened his eyes and discovered the state of the camp.

Explosions were going off throughout the enclosed space, tents on fire, and blaster bolts of red and yellow were in the air. Something dark flew over the Vampire hunter's head, he couldn't make it out from the blazing sun, but it was large, round, and was shooting down any Mandalorian it could see before flying away from the ground, and leaving, to Blade's discomfort, a dozen robust, grey robots on the ground and shooting anyone wearing armor with their left armcannons.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (343)

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Heaving himself to his feet, Blade found himself pulled from behind. He turned, his arm enveloping the limb grabbing his own, drawing his pistol to point at their head, only to find Bo-Katan's helmet staring back at him. "Kryze?"

"We need cover, come on!" Blade didn't fight this time, following her as they passed scenes of chaos. Running past tents, Blade could see Mandalorians in firefights with those bulky robots. Then one of the machines raised their other arm, and a rocket flew out and exploded against the Death Watch soldiers' protection. There was no telling if they were alive, but Blade couldn't stay long enough to find out before he saw more of those flying things, glowing red eyes at its front, gunning for the Daywalker and the red headed Mandalorian, only for a rocket to hit it from the side, sending it off course and crashing into the sand, taking out several robots along the way.

Mandaorians flew overhead, raining down laser fire on the enemy, whoever they were, Blade did not know before he and Bo-Katan rounded a corner and found Vizsla swing his Darksaber down the middle of one of those robots, before riddling another with bolts from his gauntlet, the yellow shots riddling the large body before crumpling to the sand. It was then that Vizsla took notice of them and approached, a glare sent Blade's way before addressing his lieutenant. "Did you get the signal out?"

"Our squads are already on their way back, but I don't know how long we can hold them off." Bo-Katan told the head of Clan Vizsla.

Grimacing, Pre Vizsla looked around at the battle with a frown. "What do the Separatists gain from attacking us?"

"How about we focus on getting the f*ck out of here!" Blade told the Mandalorian. He could fight all day, but robots was a long step away from Vampires, and he'd only dealt with that skinny sh*t from the train.

Vizsla glared at him. "You can run, hide, do whatever you want. I care not for your fate."

"But sir-"

"No, Bo-Katan, Saxon was right. The outsider does not belong here." Vizsla spat at Blade in disgust, and he would have shot back at him, had another flying jet ship thing, whatever they were called, hovered not far from them. This one was much different from the previous ship, instead of droids and guns, it had a long fin sprouting from the back before it turned, allowing doors to open and a ramp to lower.

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"Dooku." Vizsla growled the word with hate. Blade observed the man that walked out of the ship, a tall, no, a towering older man, with a white hair and beard partly covering his sharp features, dark brown eyes that barely glanced at the destruction and death. His clothes were regal and expressed elegance, a brown cloak clasped by chains that went down until just below his knees, a curved metal cylinder at his side that Blade, if the Darksaber was anything to go by, could tell was a similar weapon to Vizsla's own. His expression was stoic, apathetic even as he approached the Daywalker and Mandalorians without a hint of worry, even as the battle raged around him.

"What do you want with us, Dooku?"

"Rest assured, Pre Vizsla, it is neither you nor your mercenaries that I am after. However, eliminating you seemed the most practical decision after your presence was discovered." His voice was cold and factual, dignified and educated. He moved his eyes from the Death Watch leader to the dark-skinned warrior, and narrowed his gaze. The Force seemed to ripple around him, but he was no Jedi, or Sith, there was an unnatural air to the man, however.

"Mandalorians don't die easy." Vizsla charged with his Darksaber dragging through the sand until he closed the distance swinging for an upward strike that, to Blade's own shock, was blocked by a long, straight, and red glowing blade. Blade did not even see Dooku draw the hilt.

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"No, just stubbornly." Dooku calmly spoke over the hissing of the plasma weapons meeting. Dooku stepped back, allowing Vizsla to press his attack with heavy swings, each effortlessly deflected by the Sith before meeting the Darksaber again in a deadlock. "You must know how this shall end." A sinister look crossed the once stoic face. "Allow me to show you." Dooku stepped to the side, allowing Vizsla to lose his footing for a second, which was enough for Dooku's red blade to swing across for the Mandalorian's head.

Seeing what's coming for him, Vizsla managed to lean back and activate his jetpack to jettison away, but he was not fast enough to avoid the tip of the lightsaber completely, grazing across his cheek below his eye. The small contact was enough to make Vizsla cry out and stop his jetpack, rolling in the sand to clutch his face, until he felt every cell of his body burn.

Lightning coursing through his body, fired from the fingertips of the Sith Lord. It would go on for seconds but feel like hours before Dooku ended his assault, letting Vizsla collapse into the sand.

Dooku stared down at the warrior, not even glancing when he used his lightsaber to deflect more blaster bolts above him. He looked at the woman flying around him, his hand angling his lightsaber to block the shots, before twirling his weapon and letting another barrage of Force lightning free from his hand, striking the Death Watch soldier mid-air and sending her crumpling into wreckage.

Dooku finally turned to the target his master sent him after on this miserable planet to capture. He seemed to have no fear, even as Darth Tyrannus came ever closer, despite the display of the Dark Side. "As you can see, fighting me is not advisable. Your Mandalorian friends, however, are too proud to accept the truth."

"They aren't my friends." Blade rebuked.

An amused hum escaped the fallen Jedi. "Then you shall not care when the droids finish them off?" No reaction. Dooku's curiosity was piqued. "Come with me, and they may live."

"That's not happening."

Faster than Dooku expected, the stranger in the Force drew two handguns from his sides, however, they were not blasters, as he discovered when he raised his hand to block the shots. Physical projectiles. The stranger was fast, Dooku observed as the man rushed to the side of the Sith before leaping with his foot forward in a kick. Dooku stepped away from the attack and turned to swing upward at the warrior, only for him to roll over the sand, kicking back into Dooku's stomach. The strength of the blow took the dark sider by surprise, winding him long enough for Blade to pull a cannister from his belt, and spray.

A pained gasp left Dooku as a burning took over his sight, blinding him. He tried to push away the stranger, but felt him come closer, and bite his neck.

Blade could not control it anymore. The thirst was driving him to the edge, if he didn't drink, he could lose his strength, or worse. Vizsla was on the top of this list during the duel, but now this bastard tried to catch him and do who knows what, that isn't happening, and now, Blade's got his game back.

Or so he thought.

An anger bloomed in Dooku from this indignity, and using the Dark Side, the former student of Grandmaster Yoda pushed the stranger with the Force, hard, sending him flying through the air, but righted himself before landing in a roll. A smirk was on his lips, with blood dripping from sharpened canines. Feeling his neck, an incensed Dooku glared at the warrior who again charged, drawing the sword from his back.

But he was taken by surprise.

Blade stepped to the left of Dooku and stabbed forth, but the man moved faster than he thought, and his burning red blade slashed down at his sword and sliced the weapon in half.

Whatever high Blade was feeling from the blood was gone. His sword, the very weapon he had for most of his life, gone. There was no reaction at first, just the numb feeling of watching the top half of his sword begin to fall to the ground, his mind flashing back to the day Whistler gave it to him.

"Take care of her, kid, and she'll take care of you."

Another blur, and Blade felt himself groan, his body on fire as he looked down at the red blade in his abdomen.

"My master wants you alive. He did not say whole!" Dooku hissed before retracting his lightsaber and let the lightning fly from his fingertips. A dark gleeful smile formed on his lips as the Force lightning made the man yell out in agony, his skeleton briefly seen before Dooku's power raised him up over the ground, only to crash him back down. He repeated the process again, before flicking his hand to the side, throwing the stranger's body through flaming debris and tents, before flicking to the other side, sending the target rolling in the sand until he crashed next to an unconscious Pre Vizsla.

Most of Dooku's anger began to fade away, yet he held some disappointment as he walked toward the man who seemed out of place in the Force. Part of him desired to see if this stranger truly knew how to wield a blade, the duelist in him desired a challenge, he so rarely received such a chance to test himself beyond training Grievous and his former apprentices, and the rare duels he has with other Jedi. However, it seemed his thirst for an opponent of such skill was not to be today.

Or was it?

Count Dooku turned as a figure landed in the small clearing among the tents and debris from the still ongoing battle between the remaining Mandalorians and droids. Dooku quirked a brow at the man he knew. "It seems I was not the only one who sensed this "disturbance"."

"Hey, considering your age, you should be proud you've senses that work, Count." The man snipped back with a smirk. His long dark hair was done in dreadlocks, yellow facial paint drew a line across his cheeks and nose, standing only slightly shorter than the Count himself. However, while Dooku was lean and dignified, the newcomer was muscular and rugged, his appearance a unique take on the Jedi robes, with no sleeves, and armor around his chest, with one pauldron on his right shoulder.

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"Quinlan Vos."

"That's Master Quinlan Vos to you." The Jedi pointed out.

A sad sigh escaped the elder Force-sensitive. "Truly the Jedi Order has fallen on dark times."

Quinlan's face turned into a deadpan. "Now you're just being mean." He said before his lightsaber flew from his waist to his hand and he attacked.

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Spinning, Quinlan tried to strike Dooku who blocked a few times, then dodged a strike and thrust his hand forth, sending Quinlan flying back.

Quinlan landed on his feet, barely blocking some strikes from Dooku before they ended up in a deadlock, Dooku pushing Vos back before backing off himself. Quinlan spun and struck again, Dooku blocking, then dodging and trying to strike as Vos rolled away, and blocked another strike before getting up as they continued to battle.

Quinlan tried to flip and strike but Dooku struck his lightsaber so hard he fell down. Quickly picking himself back up, Quinlan twirled his lightsaber as Dooku marched to him, both clashing once more. As they clashed a second time, the strength with which Dooku struck disarmed Vos.

Then he swung at Quinlan but he ducked and used the Force to call his lightsaber back, barely blocking another strike as it activated. Then he avoided another strike by flipping, before trying to strike as Dooku just backed to avoid and knelt, blocking another strike.

Then he struck again but Quinlan flipped, avoiding another strike, only for Dooku to spin and thrust out his hand, the power of the Force sending Vos falling down, his lightsaber falling away too.

Dooku slowly marched towards him, as Quinlan groaned and picked it back up, before standing up and reactivating the lightsaber. Then he tried to Force push Dooku back, but Dooku resisted as he pushed Quinlan back slightly instead, and then they clashed once more, blocking each other's strikes, until Quinlan slightly pushed Dooku back with the Force.

Then he struck again, Quinlan barely blocking and trying to strike a few times, Dooku blocking every time, before their lightsabers met in a deadlock. They backed off, as Quinlan struck but Dooku spun and blocked, then dodged another swing, and ducked to avoid another, before striking as Quinlan spun and blocked.

They clashed once more before Quinlan leapt into the air and spun to Dooku's other side, trying to strike. "Am I moving too fast for you, old man?"

But Dooku blocked that strike too as Quinlan landed. "Evidently not." Their clashing continued, before Quinlan struck forth as Dooku stepped to the side, making Vos stagger forwards.

Then he struck forth, clashing with Quinlan again as both tried to Force Push each other, then pulled their hands back, before Quinlan struck forth, while Dooku spun and held out his hand, using the Force to stop Quinlan's lightsaber.

Quinlan managed to barely pull back, then ducked to avoid a swing by Dooku, before trying to strike him as Dooku blocked all times, then brought his lightsaber down on Vos, though he blocked, but then Dooku gave an upwards swing to Quinlan's lightsaber, the strength of the blow sending him flying off and falling to the ground, his lightsaber dropping.

Holding out his hand, Dooku started slamming Quinlan with Sith Lightning, making him convulse violently.

Unseen to anyone else, someone picked up the fallen Darksaber, activating it, as the humming was heard.

Quinlan was convulsing and smoking when Dooku sensed danger and whipped out his lightsaber to slash a projectile spinning for his head, only for the two halves of the shuriken to hit the ground.

Darth Tyrannus turned from them to the man responsible, and there stood Blade, with the Darksaber having come to life in his hand.

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"Do you truly seek to venture down this path?"

"Rather this than you boring me to death, motherf*cker." Blade snapped back, and humor returned to the Count.

Swinging his lightsaber, Dooku's face was illuminated in red as he performed the Makashi salute, before shifting his weapon to a one-handed low guard.

Human blood after a long period of thirst was like a drug, you always needed more. Not Blade, as much as he craved the blood, he wanted payback even more. Now, with Dooku's blood reinvigorating him, the Daywalker's wounds healed, and he wanted to return the favor.

Blade then struck forth with the Darksaber, Dooku blocking as the weapons clashed once more, the Darksaber now having a different wielder. Dooku tried to strike as Blade backed and blocked, then spun and struck as Dooku blocked and backed.

Both glared at each other, then Dooku struck forth again, as Blade blocked his strikes while backing. No matter how fast Dooku swung his lightsaber, Blade always brought the Darksaber in the way to block.

Dooku had never fought someone who was not a Jedi, who could move this fast. Blade then struck as Dooku blocked, and then he spun and struck, Dooku blocking again while they circled each other, now Dooku blocking Blade's strikes before trying to swing at his chest. However, Blade leapt into the air to avoid and swung the Darksaber at Dooku's chest as well.

Dooku barely backed off but the Darksaber managed to cut into his clothing, causing smoke to emit from there, as he looked down in shock, then glared at Blade, who was ready to fight once more.

Dooku grunted, as Blade struck and he blocked, and their clashing continued, then they circled each other and clashed again. As Dooku tried to strike, Blade spun and blocked while putting the Darksaber to his back, then prepared to fight again.

Blade then tried to strike at Dooku's head, but Dooku used the Force to stop the Darksaber, only for Quinlan to leap in with his own lightsaber, as Dooku's concentration was broken, and he was forced to deflect Quinlan's strikes while backing, before the Jedi stood next to Blade. The two eyed each other before moving back to Dooku.

"Got anything else to say, old man?"

Dooku began to smirk, but it stopped when he heard the sound of incoming ships. Turning his gaze upward, he found several more Mandalorian starships, and Death Watch soldiers beginning to surround the Sith Lord. Pre Vizsla limped forward from among his Mandalorians, sporting a new scar across his cheek while Bo-Katan required aid to stand next to her comrades.

Quinlan looked around, and despite him being a Jedi surrounded by Mandalorian terrorists, he felt pretty good, grinning at their odds. "Alright."

Turning his eyes to stranger in the Force wielding the Darksaber, Dooku narrowed his eyes while pressing his communicator. "Another time." He said before thrusting his hands forward.

The Mandalorians, Jedi, and Daywalker all felt themselves thrown back as a sand rose up like a storm and blocked their vision. Quinlan jumped back to his feet and waved his hand to the side, the sand pushed away, only to see Dooku's ship flying away.

"Well…all things considered, that went pretty well." Dueled Count Dooku, one of the greatest swordsmen to ever join the Jedi and live to talk about it while also completing his mission, it was a good day, he couldn't wait to brag about it to Kenobi when he got back from Umbara.

Shifting his gaze from the retreating ship to the man he was looking for, Quinlan opened his mouth, only to have a dozen angry Mandalorians point their blasters at him, and the guy currently holding the black lightsaber. With a blink and a smile, Quinlan turned to look at the Death Watch leader. "I don't suppose we can talk this out?"

Earth-92, Sunnydale

As Sora was making his way through the streets, he saw the masked minions carrying Dawn away really fast, the bag still on her head.

Quickly hiding, Sora peeked ahead, then decided to follow.

Earth-199999, The Bus

Rambo sat on a chair, Jemma Simmons next to him, running tests on his blood.

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"Can I go now?" Rambo asked simply with an annoyed grunt.

"I'm sorry, Captain…sir", Jemma said apologetically, looking at the vial as she poured it onto a slab, while continuing to run her tests.

Rambo looked out at Coulson and Melinda, both watching him, and they shared a bit of a look, before Rambo turned back to look at Simmons, as well as Leopold 'Leo' Fitz, who was there, trying to help her.

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"Uhh…uhh", Fitz stuttered a bit, as Jemma handled him the vial. "I guess I will….run..yeah, run it….run the…run it through the…."

"You have a problem in speaking, son?" Rambo asked the young scientist kindly.

"Its just…." Fitz pointed to his head. "Lack of oxygen…..for a while only." He seemed close to breaking down now, Simmons looking distressed just on seeing his condition. "All because he….threw us into the ocean!"

Fitz was looking like he was losing it. Simmons moved to do something, while Coulson and Melinda were about to walk in as well, but to their shock, the Vietnam War Veteran beat them to it.

Embracing Fitz like he was his son, Rambo gently did a 'shushing' sound, remembering when Colonel Trautman had embraced him the same way all those years ago, after the mess with Teasle.

"I know, son, its hard", Rambo whispered to Fitz. "You feel like there is no one there for you, no one who can understand. And in my case, it was true."

As Fitz panted, Rambo continued. "But in your case, its not." Glancing at Jemma, then at Coulson and Melinda outside, Rambo assured the young man. "You have people with you, who do understand. Who're family. Let them in, let them help you."

Fitz took some deep breaths, calming down bit by bit, as Rambo let him go, Simmons putting a hand on his shoulder for support.

Rambo just sat back down in place, sighing, while outside, Coulson and Melinda shared a look.

New York City, Avengers Tower

"This is…most remarkable." Dr. Helen Cho paced the main lab of Avengers Tower, looking over the screens of data flowing before her. Tony, Banner, Thor, Natasha, Clint, Piotr and Bobby were with her, as four screens showcased Reed, Susan, Johnny and Ben in a separate room. A special system let them communicate with each other while still securing them for their safety as well as others.

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Johnny was smiling as he snapped his fingers, watching them burst with flame. He whirled his hand around as it covered him more, letting out a laugh before it extinguished. Sue had managed to regain her normal appearance but still seemed to be fading in and out now and then. Reed was looking over the door carefully. As for Ben, he was sitting quietly on his reinforced bed. His body was now covered with what looked like orange rocks that had solidified, his hands with only four fingers. He seemed silent as he just brooded in his room.

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"Their DNA has been altered in a fundamental way," Cho went on.

"No screaming sh*t," Tony remarked. "Is it permanent?"

Cho tapped her chin. "It's difficult to say. They are still adjusting so further mutations could be possible. As it stands, their chemistry is just aiding the transformation."

Banner was studying the readouts with great interest. "It's like my own blood after the gamma ray blast. But on a totally different level." He tapped Johnny's readout. "Storm here, it's like he's heating up from his inner core. Almost like someone dropped a blast furnace in him. He could reach temperatures at least 5000 degrees. Maybe bigger yet somehow he's not burning himself up."

"And Sue…vanishes," Tony noted, seeing her do it once more on screen.

"I believe she manipulates the light around her," Thor stated. "Yet also it doesn't seem to affect her own vision. It is also possible she can render other objects or even people out of sight as well."

Tony and Banner looked at Thor in surprise. "What is it, my friends?"

"You speak English?" Tony asked in shock.

"I am not sure what you're trying to say", Thor shook his head.

"Never judge a book by its cover", Natasha shrugged.

Banner looked to Ben's screen. "Grimm has undergone a huge metamorphosis. That hide of his is incredibly thick, bullet-resistant and probably stands up to explosives too. Plus, additional strength." He looked at the figure and sighed. "But, looks like he can't shift back."

"And Reed?"

"Extreme elasticity and malleable skin." The group turned to see Reed calmly entering the room. "Which I just demonstrated by stretching my hand under the crack of that doorway and open it from the outside." He reached out, his arm stretching outward, moving across the entire room to click one of the screens. Reed's eyes swept over the data and nodded as he took it in. "It's already established a lock onto the basic DNA blocks. Removing it would be a time-consuming process and quite possibly fatal."

Tony was clearly fighting over not making any one of a dozen quips on the outstretched arm. Cho was observing it with great interest while Reed looked over the screens. "We need to learn more. Much more about each of us and our capabilities."

"I'm sure Stark's resources here can help with that", Clint noted.

Reed nodded to him. "Thank you." He looked back at the screens as his arm returned to him. "The potential in us…It's astounding."

"And terrifying," Tony threw in.

"That's what makes the risk so rewarding."

"You worry me, Reed."

"If he is worried, its bad", Natasha had to say.

"We have people who can help with this too", Piotr told Reed.

"If you all agree to it of course", Bobby added.

Universe-208, Umbara

A day had passed since the Umbaran airbase was taken, and Steve was arrested for "attacking" Krell. After everything that alien bastard put the Clones through, there was no shred of regret in Steve over his actions. Those soldiers sacrificed themselves for a cause not of their own choosing, yet Krell wrote off their deaths as the "price for victory".

Steve did not know why it took this long to finally act out, can be he believed the Clones would need him in battle so he ensured he could stay in the fight with the men and provided as much help as he could. he believed he was a patient and understanding man, however, he could no longer hide his disgust for the general. The very reason for his current predicament.

Umbaran prison cells were different from Earth's own, but Steve was not surprised, he was rather getting use to everything the Clones and Umbarans had to offer in terms of technology, in terms of how alien they are. The sight of those tank monstrosities slaughtering the men will always haunt him as much as the war.

The prison cells were guarded by ray shields, instead of bars, a small room with no cot, no toilet, nothing, it gave dark thoughts on treatment of possible prisoners by the Shadow People. The prison itself was beneath the command tower, where the irony of the Umbarans locked in their own cells was not lost on him, and more seemed to be thrown in the past couple of hours.

"The speed of regeneration, it's unlike anything I've ever seen in a lifeform." Kix spoke in amazement as he examined his arm. The burns from punching through the shield on the tank were more severe than Steve thought when Kix finally ripped off the remains of his sleeve, the magnet destroyed in the process. It would take more than a day for this wound to heal, but Kix, despite Steve's resistance, used bandages wrapped in salve around his arm, and the bacta nearly tripled his healing speed. The blaster bolt he got in the shoulder healed with only a fading mark to show it was once there.

"Glad I could impress." Steve said lightly. Despite his "insubordination", Rex managed to arrange the medic to check in on the soldier's injuries and grant him freedom from cuffs like the other prisoners.

"Don't get co*cky. Try to wave me off like you did last, I'll order you to sit and shut up." Kix joked as he wrapped up new bandages around his arm again, making Steve chuckle.

"I'm a captain, technically I outrank you."

"And when it comes to medical situations, I outrank everyone." Kix countered, finished with the bacta soaked bandages on the shoulder. "Those burns should be gone by tomorrow, by the looks of things."

Rotating his shoulder, Steve stretched out his arm to observe Kix' handiwork. "Thanks, Kix. Just wish I was doing something useful." It killed him that he was rotting in the cell while enemy insurgents were still attacking the base in an attempt to get it back.

Kix laid a hand on the uninjured shoulder. "Hey, none of us agreed with what happened. We got this base because of you and Fives. Rex even talked about trying to get in touch with General Kenobi about releasing you."

"He did?" That surprised Steve, he thought after what happened, Rex would make sure the volatile general was kept happy, so he didn't lash out at other troopers.

Kix nodded as he took a seat on the floor of the cell, Steve on the opposite side. "He did, well, he's trying anyway. Comlinks aren't strong enough to get in touch with General Kenobi, we'd need the communications equipment in the tower."

"And no way he can get to them without Krell knowing." Steve summarized.

"It's a long shot anyway, Kenobi could be in battle for all we know." Kix slumped against the wall, eyeing up through the ray shield to look at the imprisoned Umbarans occupying the upper cells. Steve was kept far away from the others, having a whole level to himself. "Some have talked about starting a petition for your release."

"Something tells me Krell wouldn't like that."

The medic snorted. "To put it mildly." Kix lowered his head and sighed. "Moments like this makes me wonder whether Slick was right."

"Slick?" Steve questioned. He may not know all the Clones in the legion, there were many after all, but he would have thought he would hear of someone named Slick.

Kix raised his eyes and his eyes grew saddened. "He was a sergeant that was part of the 501st since the First Battle of Geonosis, when the Clone Wars officially began." The medic explained. "He was always looking for his brothers, a good squad leader, resourceful…but he threw it all away."

"What happened?"

"We landed on a planet called Christophsis, the Sepies wanted to take their resources for their own. We got through the blockage and planned an ambush for their next wave of droids trying to take the capital. Only, the droids knew our plan, and attacked us. We found out that Slick was the traitor that gave them our location."

Steve was stunned. "How could he do that to his own men?"

Rubbing a hand over his head, Kix answered best he could. "Slick loved his brothers, but he hated the Jedi. He believed we were being enslaved, robbed of our choice. He wanted the Jedi to die so the Clones could be free, except, because of him, more of our brothers died." Kix looked back at Steve. "He was like you, in a way, only his hatred blinded him to the truth of what he was doing, and by the end, he was becoming more like Krell, causing casualties but for the sake of "freeing" us."

Exhaling through his nose, there was a lot on Steve's mind. Slick, it seemed he had the right intentions, but his methods were wrong. Was there no other way, or was he lost in his delusions? Steve never met the man, he could not know. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be, Slick was being paid for betraying us." That took Steve aback. "I guess he got lost in what he was truly fighting for while trying to achieve it."

Betrayed by your own brother for money, Steve could hardly imagine the hurt the Clones must have felt. He could never see any of the Howling Commandos do that, or any of the other men and women he served with, even with the Avengers' rocky beginnings, he trusted them all.

"This isn't right, you being here." Kix muttered, but loud enough to be heard even without enhanced hearing.

"I know what I was doing, I didn't expect anything less." Steve told the medic who looked back at him. "I regret nothing, other than the fact I can't help you guys."

"Still, to use the Force on you like that!" Kix brows creased in anger. "I've never seen Jedi do that."

"Guess Krell sucks at being a Jedi too."

Kix laughed. "Definitely." The medic sighed before sitting up and kneeling over his pack. "I have something for you, from the boys." Steve watched curiously when the Clone reached inside the pack and pulled out a piece of Phase II Clone armor, and kept pulling out pieces, white with a blue stripe, like all 501st Clones, until a pauldron with a blue star painted on was in his hands. "Managed to gather some spare pieces. Since you lost part of your armor, we figured we could help you out."

"Kix, I-"

"Shut up and put it on, doctor's orders."

Steve said nothing, but smiled at his brother-in-arms as the two strapped and slid the pieces over his limb, ending with a black glove with a plastoid plating on the back of the hand. Kix stepped back and admired the volunteer's new look. It clashed with the color of the rest of Rogers' suit, all the same, Steve seemed to enjoy wearing a part of their armor.

"Now it's official. You're one of us."

Turning back to his friend, Steve extended his hand, which he gladly took and shook. "Thank you, for honoring me."

"It's the least we could do, Steve." Kix nodded back, before taking his pack as the platform lowered with guards waiting for him. "Now if you excuse me, I have patients to order around."

"Sounds dreadful, for the men." Steve joked as the ray shield disappeared before coming back once Kix was through.

The Clone medic turned back to him with a smirk. "You don't know the half of it."

Steve laughed slightly before Kix and the other Clone rose upwards. Looking down at the armor, Steve's hand ran over the gauntlet. Whatever higher power brought him to Umbara, he was happy to have met the Clones, but, as he felt the base shake again, his smile dropped. What he would give to be out there with the men, and stop Krell.

He really hoped Rex's message could get through to this General Kenobi, whoever he is.

Earth-92, Sunnydale, The Bronze

Dawn was asleep on the pool table. She suddenly jerked awake, sat up, and began to do a ballet dance. She leapt off the pool table and was confronted by one of the masked minions.

She backed from him as he grasped her hand and spun her, grasping her by the waist and having her lean on his hand, but then she freed herself and ran off, only to be confronted by the next one.

She backed off but he grasped her hand, spinning her to him as he lifted her by the waist and spun with her before putting her down as she tried to run but the 3rd was already there. He marched to her as she backed off, and then both lunged at her but she escaped by ducking and running past them.

She tried to run past but one of them leapt on the pool table and behind her, grasping her by the waist and lifting her as she lifted her legs ballet style, and he put her on the ground. He then grasped her hands and threw her up and she wrapped her feet as he caught her by those, and then she leaned back as the other one grasped her by the arms and put her down as she put her foot upwards ballet style.

Dawn was then on the ground as the three surrounded her and did spin motions. Dawn got up and tried to run but one grabbed her from behind and spinning her, flung her and she went sliding across the floor, stopping beside the stage.

She then saw feet in red pants and black-and-white dance shoes. They begin to do a tap-dance number, danced down the stairs and toward Dawn as she looked at his face, which was red in color with a pointed chin.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (357)

"Why'd you run away? Don't you like my ... style?" He snapped his fingers and his red suit turned to a blue one as he slid his feet.

He then gestured to her. "Why don't you come and play? I guarantee a..." He reached up to his face, pulling off his mouth and held the disembodied mouth in Dawn's face. She stared in shock as the mouth continued singing. "...great big smile." The mouth disappeared from his hand and reappeared in its normal place.

He then danced, tapping his feet. "I come from the imagination. And I'm here strictly by your invocation", he held up a scroll covered with writing. "So what do you say? Why don't we dance awhile?"

He danced over to Dawn, gesturing at her, then danced away again, tapping his feet and waving his hands. "I'm the hot swing I'm the twist and shout", he tapdanced. "When you gotta sing, When you gotta ... let it oooouuut."

His 3 minions danced to the tune too, and Dawn soon saw even more appearing out of nowhere.

"You call me and I come a-running", he danced back toward Dawn. "I turn the music on I bring the fun in", he made a string-pulling gesture at Dawn, who got up. "Now we're partyin' that's what it's all about."

He chuckled, then danced toward Dawn and she danced backward, shaking her hips. "'Cause I know ... what you feel, girl."

He put his arms around her and they danced together. Dawn looked scared. "I know just what you feel, girl." He spun Dawn away and she danced a few steps away from him.

Dawn asked nervously. "So...you're like a good demon? Bringing the fun in?"

He laughed, shaking his head "no."

"All these melodies ..."Dawn sat. "They go on too long", he spun and sat on a chair. "Then that energy", his minions did a dance-fight, "starts to come on way too strong. All those hearts laid open, that must sting", a door appeared beside Sweet, he reached for the knob. "Plus, some customers just start combusting."

Sweet opened the door and a charred smoking corpse fell through it. Dawn stared in horror.

"That's the penalty", he danced back over to her. "When life is but a song." He danced up very close to Dawn, she looked very nervous.

He danced very around the now standing Dawn as she looked scared. "You brought me down into this town. So, when we blow this scene back we will go to my kingdom below, and you will be my queen."

Sweet made a gesture and Dawn's clothing turned to a satiny ball gown.

"'Cause I know what you feel, girl", he danced up onto the stage in a spin motion.

Dawn sang. "No, you see. You and me wouldn't be very regal."

"I'll make it real, girl", he danced around the stage.

Dawn sang. "What I mean, I'm fifteen, so this queen thing's illegal."

He jumped back onto the floor, dancing. "I can bring whole cities to ruin and still have time to get a soft-shoe in."

Dawn argued in song. "Well, that's great, but I'm late, and I'd hate to delay her."

Sweet was dancing around her in a spin motion. "Something's cooking, I'm at the griddle I bought Nero his very first fiddle."

Dawn revealed. "She'll get pissed if I'm missed. See, my sister's the Slayer."

Sweet stopped in mid-kick, looking surprised, then stopped dancing, turning to Dawn.

"The Slayer?" He asked.

Dawn nodded nervously. "Yuh-huh."

He chuckled, turning to his minions. "Find her. Tell her ... tell her everything."

Dawn looked nervous.

"Just get her here. I want to see the Slayer burn."

Dawn looked alarmed as he sang while doing gestures with his hands. "Now we're partying. That's what it's all about."

Some of the minions walked out to do what Sweet had commanded.

Magic Box

Eliot and Oliver had just finished another spar, this one with no conclusive winner, as they were smirking at each other, Oliver saying. "This feels good."

"I know", Eliot agreed with a nod as they walked back, keeping the sword away. "I know I'm gonna go, and we'll stay in touch, but I'm gonna miss this."

"So am I", Oliver agreed, the two simply enjoying this moment in the comradery they'd formed. "Except the part where you beat me up."

That made both chuckle, before Eliot said. "Let's be honest, that was needed."

"As much as I hate to say it, it was", Oliver nodded, then in a rare moment of vulnerability, told Eliot. "I wish you didn't have to go, but I promise I'll not stray from the right path you've put me back on."

Eliot nodded, before feeling something come over him, as country music started playing in the background.

And then, Eliot began to sing to the music. "I've walked the darkest roads, made choices I regret. But redemption found me with the crew, I'll never forget. From the days of Damien Moreau's grip so tight, to the team, who showed me the liiiight."

Eliot and Oliver looked at each other, not showing any emotion on their faces, though Oliver liked Eliot's voice he'd to admit.

As he sang, Eliot thought of all the moments shared with Parker, Hardison, Nate and Sophie, especially that time they'd stopped while trying to part after having taken down Ian Blackpoole.

Walking around Oliver, Eliot sang to him. "And now you've got it good here, that no one else need to mess with. I was a guy going nowhere, from a place in Texas. Now I come to you and nod my head, because you've been listening. Its all gonna work out, and I think it'd be time now to…"

As Oliver listened, Eliot sang. "Let me gooooo, my past is far behind.I belooong, where my crew are.They're my family noooow, my heart's where they reside. Let me gooooo, I'll be there by their side."

The two sat down, drinking some water as the music played, then looked at each other again while Eliot sang. "My friend, we've fought the battles, fought the war, You've found your way, and you'll shine like never before. I'll be forever grateful for the times we shared, But you've got this now, and I know you're prepared.:

As Eliot sang, he put a hand on Oliver's shoulder, who put his own on Eliot's shoulder too, the two acknowledging their friendship, and the growth and strength Oliver had found due to Eliot.

Then Eliot sang again. "Let me gooooo, my past is far behind.I belooong, where my crew are.They're my family noooow, my heart's where they reside. Let me gooooo, I'll be there by their side."

And then, the song ended, as Eliot stood up, Oliver standing up too. "Guess its time at last."

"Yeah", Eliot nodded. "It is."

Giles held a large piece of wood and Buffy kicked it in two. "Good. Good."

Buffy commented. "I feel like I should ... bow, or ... have honor or something."

Giles told her. "It may seem hokey, but we need to work on precision and concentration as much as power." He went to put the wood down. "We're still not sure what we're facing."

Buffy put one leg up on the horse, stretching. "Oh, you'll figure it out. I'm just worried this whole session's gonna turn into some training montage from an 80's movie."

Giles assured her. "Ah. Well, if we hear any inspirational power chords, we'll just lie down until they go away." He picked up a towel. "Anyway, I don't think we need to work that much on your strength."

"Yeah, I'm pretty spry for a corpse." Buffy did a handstand on the horse.

Giles asked her. "Have you spoken to Dawn about that incident at Halloween?"

Buffy leapt down from the horse, frowning. "Oh. I thought you took care of that." She stretched her arms.

Giles softly muttered. "Right."

Buffy was oblivious. "What would I do without you?" Giles looked pensive, turned and began to walk toward a set of weapons in a display case on the wall.

"Okay. I'm ready."

Giles put the towel down and began to sing. "You're not ready for the world outside. You keep pretending but you just can't hide."

He picked up a knife. "I know I said I'd be standing by your side", he walked to Buffy. "But I-"

He threw the knife as Buffy leaned back to avoid.

"Your path's unbeaten, and it's all uphill", he threw another knife which she deflected with her hand. "And you can meet it, but you never will. And I'm the reason that you're standing still. But I-"

He threw another knife as Buffy kicked it away in slow-motion."I wish I could say the right words, to lead you through this land."

Buffy kicked the air in slow-motion.

"Wish I could play the father, and take you by the hand", he reached out his hand sadly. "Wish I could stay here, but now I understand." Giles walked closer as Buffy did a handspring then split in slow-motion. "I'm just standing in the way."

Tara walked into the magic shop, while Willow's back was turned. Willow didn't see her. Clark did though, and he noted she was crying for some reason.

"The cries around you, you don't hear at all", Giles sang as Buffy flipped across the room's center in slow motion.

Tara walked quickly toward the back, crying, looking at the herb in her hand, then began to climb the steps to the loft.

"Cause you know I'm here to take that call. So you just lie there when you should be standing tall. But I-"

Buffy now punched the punching bag in slow-motion as Giles walked around her."I wish I could lay your arms down, and let you rest at last. Wish I could slay your Demons, but now that time has passed."

He walked forwards sadly. "Wish I could stayyyyyy. Your stalwart standing fast. But I'm just standing in the way. I'm just standing….in the way."

Buffy walked in front of him, waving her hair in slow-motion before returning to regular speed, oblivious to what he'd just sang. "Did you just say something?"

Dean and Sam had been nearby, and unlike Buffy, they'd managed to hear the song. It reminded them of when John had left, so they could hunt things down, and pick up where he'd left off, so they could grow without him.

It seemed like Buffy needed to have Giles do the same for her, so she could also grow up.

Tara looked through a book. She held the piece of dried herb up to a picture of the same herb. The herb was labeled "Lethe's Bramble. Used for augmenting spells of forgetting and mind control."

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Now heartbroken, Tara started singing."I'm under your spell God, how can this be? Playing with my memory."

Clark's ears picked up on that, as his eyes widened.

Tara turned, going to the edge of the loft and looked down. "You know I've been through hell Willow, don't you see?" Below, Buffy went over to Willow and greeted her. "There'll be nothing left of me. You made me believe."

As Clark heard that, he realized Willow had used some magic to erase Tara's memory of something.

That wasn't right. She'd betrayed the trust of her lover, violated her mind, and misused her own power too.

As Tara sang, Giles emerged from the back, overlapping with Tara's last word. "Believe me, I don't wanna go."

They sang together. "And it'll grieve me 'cause I love you so."

Willow and Buffy were talking, oblivious to the singing, unlike Clark, and the other visitors from other worlds.

Giles and Tara continued to sing. "But we both knoooow.."

Tara came down the stairs and Giles sat at the table as they sang.

"Wish I could say the right words To lead you through this land Wish I could play the father And take you by the hand"

"Wish I could trust that it was just this once But I must do what I must I can't adjust to this disgust We're done and I just…"

"Wish I could stay." Tara reached the ground level, Giles stood up. "Wish I could staaaaay. Wish I could staaaaaay!"

They both walked toward the front of the store while Buffy and Willow talked.

"Wish I could…..staaaaay..."

As their song ended, Clark appeared, asking Tara. "Willow used magic on you?"

"How did you know?" Tara asked in surprise.

"Super hearing, I heard the song", Clark revealed, looking down at Willow. "Why did she do that?"

"Apparently we'd a fight over her misusing magic, and she erased my memory of it", Tara said, looking absolutely devastated. "How could she do that to me?"

While Clark tried his best not to get angry, things like this, they did not go over well with him.

"I knew she was spiralling, but I did not think she'd do this", Giles had to say.

"Wait, you know?" Dean turned to Giles.

"Yeah, why?" Giles inquired.

"If you know, why haven't you done anything about it?" Sam asked him. "You're the adult, right? So why are you leaving?"

"Buffy is too reliant on me, that's why", Giles told them.

"Buffy is too reliant on you, she needs to grow up, but what about the rest?" Dean asked then. "Don't they need you? It looks like you haven't done that well with them."

Before Giles could respond, Clark looked at Tara. "I don't want to get into personal matters, but this needs to be dealt with."

And then, he walked forth, the rest behind him, as he called out. "Willow!"

"Yes?" Willow turned to Clark.

"Did you use magic to erase Tara's memory?" Clark asked, and immediately, Willow's eyes were wide in shock as she realized the secret was out, Tara realizing from the expression it was totally true.

"How could you do that to me?" Tara asked Willow.

"Tara, I'm sorry, I-"

"Don't! Just ... don't", Tara shook her head, the rest giving them some space, including Clark, as while he wanted to call Willow out over her misuse of power, Tara calling her out over violating her mind was her own right, and he could not interfere there. "There's nothing you can say."

Willow started. "Tara, I didn't mean to-"

"To what?" Tara inquired angrily. "Violate my mind like that? How could you, Willow? How could you after what Glory did to me?"

Willow was horrified on being told to her face that she'd violated Tara's mind. Until now, she hadn't even thought about it that way. "Violate you? I ... I-I didn't ... mean anything like that, I-I, I just wanted us not to fight any more. I love you."

Tara told her. "If you don't wanna fight, you don't fight. You don't use magic to make a fight disappear."

Willow stammered. "But I-I just wanted to make things better. Better for us."

"But you don't get to decide what is better for us, Will", Tara pointed out. "We're in a relationship, we are supposed to decide together."

"Okay. I'm ... I realize I, I did it wrong."

Tara told her. "You did it the way you're doing everything. When things get rough, you ... you don't even consider the options. You just ... you just do a spell. It's not good for you, Willow. And it's not what magic is for."

Willow was anxious. "But I ... I just wanna help people."

"Maybe that's how it started, but ... you're helping yourself now, fixing things to your liking. Including me", Tara responded.

"Tara, no!"

"Those with power should refrain themselves from using it", Clark then said, finally joining the conversation properly, from his own end. "You'd do well to remember that."

Willow started angrily. "This is between me and her. You-"

"What you did to her, that was between you and her, yes", Clark agreed. "But from what I'm hearing, you've misused magic quite a bit recently. That's not right."

"And how would you know?" Willow asked him.

"I've great power, just like you do, but I did not become this man overnight", Clark told her. "I learnt to harness my powers for years, and use them in the right way. I hold myself back every moment, because if I lose control for even a little bit, someone can die. So trust me when I tell you, that I know what misusing power can lead to!"

Willow tried to argue again. "I'm trying to do my best, but not everything works out. I…I didn't want to do that to Tara, I just…I didn't think of anything else."

"And that is why you're misusing the power that you have", Clark pointed out to her. "You liked the taste of it, and decided it can solve everything. You're not using it wisely."

Getting angry at what she was perceiving as an attack, Willow started growling, her eyes glowing. "If I was you, I'd back off."

"Willow, please don't", Tara tried to plead, knowing she was reacting emotionally at a perceived attack right now, and needed to be talked down.

Clark knew magic was a weakness of his, but he needed to play this right. He didn't want to fight, he just wanted Willow to understand. And he knew she didn't want to fight either, she was just reacting emotionally.

She wasn't a bad person, but she'd let the magic take over her personality, and was using it to fix everything without thinking the consequences through.

There was still time.

"Will, calm down", Buffy tried to say.

"You know, there is a lot I can do with the power I have, if I let it take over me, almost nothing can stop me", Clark said, not wanting to do it this way, but realizing there was no other way to make Willow understand, as he walked towards Eliot, gently taking his sword from him. "Not even you!"

Then all of a sudden, Clark threw the sword at Willow as all gasped, including Willow, who was panicking too much to think of how to deflect it with magic.

And then, the blade stopped just a few inches from Willow's forehead, Clark having caught it easily, as he tossed it back to Eliot, who caught it.

"You see how easily I could have dealt with you if I wanted? How easily I can deal with most threats?" Clark asked her. "But I don't….because its not the right way, and if I let this power control me, innocents will be hurt."

As Willow calmed down finally, the glow fading away, Clark told her. "And if you don't stop, you'll hurt more people too. Not just Tara…but the rest, and eventually, yourself. Think about it."

Willow looked down, feeling ashamed of herself, when Spike burst into the Magic Box, pulling one of Sweet's minions with him as the rest turned to look over. "Lookie lookie what I found."

"Is this the demon guy?" Tara asked as the rest watched, Clark's jaw dropping on seeing Spike.

"Works for him. Has a nice little story for the Slayer, don't you?" Spike asked him. "Come on, then." Spike shoved him forwards. "Sing."

The music swelled up dramatically as if to introduce a big musical number, but the minion simply spoke in normal voice. "My master has the Slayer's sister hostage at the Bronze because she summoned him and at midnight he's going to take her to the underworld to be his queen."

"What?" Eliot snarled, clutching his fists angrily at the thought of Dawn being forced into a child marriage.

Giles asked. "What does he want?"

The minion indicated Buffy. "Her."

Spike scoffed. "If that's all you've got to say, then-" Spike tried to grab the minion but he broke free and ran off, surprising him. "Strong. Someday he'll be a real boy."

Spike then noticed Clark staring at him and asked. "What?"

"Nothing", Clark shook his head, getting over it. "You…you just look like someone I know." Then Clark narrowed his eyes. "And you're not human, are you?"

"Neither are you", Spike said.

"He's an alien", Buffy told Spike, whose jaw dropped.

"Bloody Hell!" Spike said.

"Wait what? We've an alien in our midst?" Xander asked as he popped up with Anya. "From another world? This is the coolest day ever!"

"And what are you exactly?" Dean asked Spike.

"Guys, meet Spike, he's a Vampire", Buffy made the introductions.

"Do you have a soul too?" Sam inquired.

"No, I'm nothing like Angel!" Spike protested.

"Why is he with you then?" Dean asked Buffy.

"He has a chip inside him that prevents him from hurting humans, so he is with us to beat up Demons", Buffy explained.

"Ah, like a dog on a leash then", Dean quipped to Spike.

"I'll show you how much of a leash I have", Spike snarled as he moved towards Dean, only for Clark to step in the middle, stopping both of them.

"We have more important things to focus on", Clark reprimanded both of them.

"Why are we still here?" Eliot asked in a growl. "Dawn has been taken, we have to save her!"

Buffy commented. "So Dawn's in trouble. Must be Tuesday."

Tara felt guilty. "I-I just left her for a few minutes."

Eliot looked at Buffy. "Your sister is taken and you made a joke about the day of the week?"

Buffy started. "Look, its just-"

"Where's the Bronze?" Oliver asked.

"Just a few blocks from here", Willow told him. "The nametag is outside."

"Let's go", Oliver said to Eliot, and both of them ran out.

"I'll be going too", Clark said as he walked out. "Its not just Dawn, more people are burning up. I need to save them."

And with that, he flew into the sky, the rest watching him in awe.

"Wow", Buffy muttered, feeling a little hope for once just due to his sight.

Universe-208, Umbara

The next person to visit Steve hours later was, to his surprise, Dogma. The platform lowered to Steve's level, with his back to the wall, he watched as the Clone removed his helmet to look down at Steve through the ray shield.

"Dogma." Steve greeted.

"Shut it, traitor." The Clone spat back. Sighing, the super soldier could only curse the Kaminoans for what they did to create such a rigid trooper. "General Krell believed you should be made aware of the charges brought against you, and let me tell you, it is an extensive list."

"I bet they are." Steve casually remarked while scratching his head, his helmet discarded beside him.

Sneering down at the volunteer, Dogma reined in his anger to follow his orders. "Captain Steve Rogers, you are charged with insubordination, speaking in defiance of a superior officer, insulting and threatening a superior officer, influencing the morale of the soldiers, threatening the entirety of this campaign, conspiracy to reveal restricted information to the enemy, and finally, assaulting a superior officer." Dogma's superiority showed in his smirk. "Anything else you would like to say?"

"Is that all?" Steve muttered to himself, the list did not surprise him, it was just an excuse to further cement Krell's order to imprison him. The conspiracy charge though was new. The First Avenger glanced up at the stoic soldier. "I'm sorry, Dogma."

The Clone snorted. "You'll have to do better than apologizing to-"

"No, I'm sorry for you, Dogma." Standing to his full height, Steve walked to the shield until he was opposite the Clone, staring at him confusedly. "You were never given a choice outside this life, and you have no idea of the chances that were taken from you."

Scoffing, Dogma pointed at Steve's face. "I'm a member of the most elite army in the galaxy, I don't need your pity."

"No, but you have my sympathy." Steve stared at him, that same sympathy in his eyes, but it only made CT-6922 angrier.

"Good soldiers follow orders, something you don't seem to understand."

"Good soldiers do…but good men do what needs to be done, regardless of the consequences." Steve saw Dogma's eyes widen by a fraction, and he pushed further. "The men laying down their lives are your brothers, they are risking more for this war than Krell ever would."

"You don't know-"

"He lets you charge into battle, no plan, no backup, only a single-minded focus to throw as many bodies as possible against the enemy and expect them to do all the work. That's not strategy, that's reckless and does nothing but endanger the men."

"General Krell is a war hero!" Dogma snapped back hotly, getting his face as close as he can to the imprisoned volunteer without touching the ray shield. "He's earned more victories for the Republic than you could even imagine!"

"How much blood did those victories cost?"

"The price for victory is high."

"No, the price of freedom is high, but it's one you have to be willing to pay yourself. Krell is throwing your lives away without a care, don't you see that?"

"It's not my place to question the orders of a general."

Steve sighed disappointedly. "I can't make you see if you don't open your eyes."

Tsking, Dogma paced the outside of the cell. "My eyes are wide open, and they see an anarchist. Had you not incited more of the Clones to question General Krell, there wouldn't be so much dissent."

"There'd be a lot more corpses as well."

"Don't act like you know us!" Dogma stopped his pacing and angrily turned to the Captain. "You're not a Clone, you shouldn't even be here."

"When you fight alongside each other, it builds a bond between soldiers, something Krell has not done once this whole campaign." Steve stressed to Dogma the truth, the obvious truth, to get him to see reason. He only got narrowed eyes in return.

"The Generals bring order to the Grand Army of the Republic. We disregard the chain of command, our entire ranking structure would be compromised, and we'd be nothing but target practice." He sounded so sure of himself, had Steve not known better, he would think this was the truth of the matter. "As long as the general bears his title, the 501st will obey orders."

Dogma believed everything he said, and it told Steve everything. His whole world was the army, the structure of ranks, orders, he's seen it before on Earth. Soldiers, marines, sailors, everyone who ever served needs the routine, and someone to make sense of it all. Without it, their worlds would shatter, as would Dogma.

In trying to berate him, the tattooed Clone helped Steve better understand him.

Exhaling through his nose, Captain America walked to the back of the cell, but paused mid-way to look at the Clone one last time. "Men don't follow titles, they follow courage."

His final piece said, Steve sat against the wall, head tilted up with his eyes closed for rest.

Dogma's glare did not leave the volunteer's body for several seconds before whirling around and nodding at the Clone on the terminal to bring them back up. Had General Krell been there, he would have handled such treasonous talk.

The Jedi was leading them to victory, no one else could see it, they were short on time, the other battalions needed them, if sacrifices needed to be made, then they should be willing to pay them. With no other order to fulfil and his duties completed, Dogma made for the barracks.

Earth-199999, The Bus

Fitz had just finished running Rambo's blood through the system. There was nothing wrong with it, no radiation poisoning from the blast, or anything of the like.

But he'd noticed something, that had surprised him a lot, and he was simply staring at the screen.

Simmons, who'd just come in, noticed his expression, and asked him. "What's the matter, Fitz?"

"Just….look at what I found", Fitz muttered, causing Jemma to turn towards the screen.

Seeing what she saw, her jaw dropped. "Oh my God!" She ran off quickly, and within a few minutes, she returned, with Coulson and Melinda in tow.

"What is it?" Coulson asked, but Simmons and Fitz both simply gestured to the screen together, like they were one.

So, Coulson turned to look at it, and he too went. "Oh my God."

At that point, Melinda walked forth too, looking at the screen. Even she couldn't hide her shock. "Oh. My. God."

Coulson immediately looked at Fitz and Simmons. "For now, we keep this a secret. No one else can know." He looked at Melinda next. "What do you think?"

After a few seconds, Melinda gave a nod of agreement.

New York City, Avengers Tower

"These are slick!" Johnny grinned as he looked down at himself. The tight blue and black suit fit over him well with Susan and Reed wearing matching outfits.

"They're unstable molecules," Reed intoned. "Since we wore these during the accident, they got converted as well, and while wearing them, we can use our abilities alongside these. I'm working on trying to make sure our regular clothes can do the same."

"Good," Susan said. "Because I don't fancy being just a dress out there or stripping naked to avoid being seen." She seemed to vanish from sight completely, suit and all. She then returned and nodded in happiness.

A tap on the room caused Ben to look up. He saw Banner slowly enter. Since the accident, Ben hadn't spoken much aside from a few questions and one rather ugly altercation with Reed. He was glowering as Banner entered. "Whadya want?" His voice was deeper and gruffer than usual to match his changed form.

"I just…wanted to talk." Banner shrugged. "I know how it is…Trapped with a different form."

"Ya ain't trapped," Ben snapped. "You can still be you. And then there's Johnny who likes it! Damn showboat, he's loving being some flaming guy. Not in that way, either." Ben shook his head. "Sue's still gorgeous. Reed is…Reed. Me?" Ben held up a rocky fist. "Ya think any woman is gonna want me?"

"I couldn't….do that kind of stuff", Banner confessed, making Ben look at him in surprise as he realized what Banner was saying. "Not without getting excited to the point I'd turn into Hulk. So, I get how that feels too. But, eventually, I realized we could help people too. That's what you can do. I spent years trying to get rid of the Hulk but now I know…he's a part of me."

"What, you think I wanted to be rocky and ugly?" Ben snapped.

Banner looked at him carefully. "All four of you had the same dose of radiation. Yet each of you was altered in a vastly different way. Maybe it's psychological or off different chemistry…But if you're like this, Ben, it's because of something in you. Like I said, I know just how that is." He leaned down to face the rocky man. "You can learn to live with it or just hide from the world. Personally, I think the first option is better."

"Thanks fer the advice," Ben snapped. "I'll stick to hiding."

Banner looked at him and shook his head before walking out.

Sue Storm watched as Johnny ignited a fireball and tossed it across the room at one of the targets set up. It blasted it apart before he fired off a stream of flame that caught another on fire. He grinned wildly as he faced his sister. "This is…awesome!"

Sue just shook her head. "You shouldn't be enjoying this so much."

"Are you kidding, sis? You have any idea how this feels?" Johnny grinned before igniting his body to float upward. "Look at this! You know what this is going to do for my endorsem*nt deals? My Instagram following is going to triple easily!"

Sue rubbed her face. "Johnny, I don't see why you're so wild about this when Reed is trying to fix it…"

"What makes you think I want to be fixed?" Johnny doused his flame as he landed. "Why give this up?"

"You really want to be on fire the rest of your life?"

"That's a trick question, right?"

Sue just rolled her eyes as she walked out. "You lot try talking sense into him, I can't do it." She marched out and looked at Tony, Natasha, Clint, Thor, Piotr and Bobbi.

"I'm cut from the same cloth as him, so I won't be much help", Tony raised his hands. "You all do it."

"She's trying to help", Natasha pointed out to Johnny.

"And I get that," Johnny allowed. "But I meant what I said. I don't want to give this up."

Clint crossed his arms. "So you get that power…and you're going to use for some Internet fame?"

"That's how the world works," Johnny stated with a smirk. "It's about the fame and about the money. You must have seen my racing records."

"I did. Along with your eight crashes."

"Now, I don't have to worry about burning up with it!" Johnny grinned again. "Johnny Storm is the Human Torch. Oooh, I gotta look into trademarking that!"

"I can do that", Tony said, then got looks from the rest. "What?"

Bobby walked to Johnny, and told him. "My powers first manifested when I was younger. I was scared at first, and kept it hidden from everyone."

He sighed. "Then one day, I went on a date with this girl I liked, but the local bully, who was disliked by everyone around, he tried to snatch her away, against her will."

Johnny was struck by Bobby's serious look. "Making a decision, I struck at his arm from behind, and gave him frost bite. He was so hurt. As bad as he was, I realized I could have done worse, I could have killed him."

Bobby finished. "That same night, I contacted Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, and by next day, I went with them. These powers, they can be a gift, or they can be a curse, but you must use them responsibly. Otherwise, you'll hurt someone…or worse."

Johnny's smirk had vanished as he stared at Bobby, when Tony spoke up next, his usual quippy and humorous nature gone for now. "My weapons…I didn't look at where they went, I only spent my time partying and making stuff. Only when I myself was affected did I realize how much harm I'd done to others."

Tony turned to Johnny. "And then, someone else gave up their life, so that I could live. As I escaped, I realized if I'd used my position better, many people would still be alive. And that was when I shut down the weapons division, and tried to make the world a better place. I don't always get it right, but I always try, because goddamn it! I want to be better! I want to help!"

Even the rest were surprised by the emotion in Tony's voice, looking at him in sympathy, and some admiration, as Tony finished. "Some people, they just like to help others."

"I misused my powers and position too, and almost restarted a dormant war, which is why my father banished me here without my powers to teach me humility", Thor told Johnny as well. "If we do not use our powers without thinking about everyone else, we are no better than those who seek to do harm to innocents."

With that, Tony and Thor walked out of the room, followed by Bobbi, and then the rest, leaving a suddenly subdued Johnny Storm behind them.

Universe-208, Umbara

Descending to his lonely level in the Umbaran prison, Steve rose to his feet, not holding back a smile when he saw the ARC Trooper on the platform. "Fives."

"Steve." The veteran greeted back, smirking when he noticed the armor on his right arm, gesturing towards the plastoid. "It suits you."

"Thanks, starting to make me feel like I belong. In spite of the surroundings." Steve watched as the trooper disabled the shield and walked in, both men clasping arms. "Three visits in one day, I'm starting to feel popular."

"Who else was here?" He knew Kix gave the super soldier the armor, Fives contributed his old gauntlet.

"Dogma informed me of my "crimes"." Steve shook his head and sat down against the wall, offering the opposite side to his friend.

The idea of Steve committing any crime, in all the time he knew him, seemed like a joke to Fives, and not the funny kind. "That sleemo. You should have been given a medal for helping take the base. We both should."

"I'm not here for rewards."

"No, none of us are." Fives knelt in front of Steve, his face serious. "We may have taken the base, but the Umbarans are still being supplied by a supply ship in orbit."

It was always something, Steve shook his head. "These guys are more resourceful than we thought."

"I hear that. Our ships have been trying to destroy it, but the Separatist fleet is protecting those supplies. We got long range missiles protecting the capital and keeping all battalions at bay, they could pick us apart before any of us could get close." Fives knew Steve was not going to like this. "Our orders are to march on the capital."

A frown escaped Steve. "Krell." The very thought of the general was like poison. All he got was a nod to confirm. "Is there no other way to disable those missiles?"

"Well, if there was, we wouldn't know. Communications with General Kenobi have been jammed. We're going in blind, with no coordination from the 212th, or any other battalion, with missiles packing a hundred megaton yield."

Fives recoiled when the uninjured left fist of the volunteer crashed against the wall. Steve's eyes were down, but Fives could see the anger, even if the cracks in the wall weren't a dead giveaway. "Butcher." That one word came to mind every time Captain Rogers heard another of Krell's "strategies".

That anger was shared by Fives, who calmed down after the action. The only non-Clone of the 501st was a passionate man, Fives learned, he cared about the men deeply. It's what endeared many of the brothers to the stranger. He fought for them, bled for them, respected them, and still felt for them even in a cell. That's why he trusted Steve enough to tell him.

"I have a plan." The captain of the Howling Commandos looked up, retracting his left fist. Leaning closer, the Clone lowered his voice so others were less likely to hear. "We broke the Umbaran code. We now have access to all of their data, with it, we can use the starfighters to fly into the supply ship and eliminate the last piece of support for the capital."

"Use their own weapons against them." Steve muttered under his breath. The idea was unconventional, and brilliant. However, there has to be a drawback. "Why are you telling me?"

He knew. Sighing, there was no point in not telling him. "Krell disregarded the idea. He still wants us to march."

There was one officer who would not support that plan. "And Rex, what does he think?"

"Had we the time and training with the fighters, he would have supported us, but Rex still insists on listening to Krell." With a frustrated grunt, Fives found himself sitting against the wall beside Steve, glaring at the ground. "This is not what Jedi do! They don't send us to our deaths! Krell expects us to act like droids!"

"Then don't." Fives turned to Steve, who was looking at him with steely blue eyes. "You have the chance to save lives and bring this fight closer to an end."

"That's why I plan to go ahead with the plan." Nothing would stop him, not Rex, not Krell. "We get in the air, the Separatists would think we're Umbarans. It's our best plan."

"All you have to do is disobey orders."

Fives shrugged. "Better than marching to our deaths."

Steve was quite for a moment, then looked ahead into empty space, his mind going back to harsher, simpler times. "When I was injected with the serum, and turned into this," he gestured to himself, the super soldier body he was granted, Fives watching him curiously, "I wasn't put on the front lines. They decided to make me the face of the Army, a poster boy to sell war bonds, which in turn bought bullets for the men actually fighting the war."

"You cannot be serious." Steve, the guy who could throw men like sticks and snap them like twigs, was used for propaganda. The man was a super soldier! He felt himself gaping but didn't have the strength to close his mouth.

With a great deal of embarrassment did Steve nod. "I had a colorful suit, a song, and a bunch of dancing women." Fives was having trouble processing the information, but it did not stop Steve from continuing. "First, we toured the country, but then they decided to ship me out and speak to the men actually fighting the war. That was when I learned most of the company I was performing for were captured by HYDRA, the science branch of the Germans, and their most dangerous assets." Bucky's smiling face flashed in his mind, before being replaced to seeing him scared and strapped to that table. A faraway look entered his eyes. "My best friend among them."

"What did you do?"

"I wasn't a soldier, yet I was ordered not to leave the encampment." Steve looked Fives dead in the eye. "But I refused to do nothing. I found a few friends to get me behind enemy lines. Wasn't easy, but I managed to free the men and destroy the base."

"You disobeyed orders." Fives realized.

"I didn't care about that. All I cared about was saving my only friend, and the men."

He promised Dr. Erskine that he would be a good man, and he liked to think he did his best to fulfil that promise when he made that choice. It got him his best friend back and helped him make new ones.

The story stuck with Fives, and it told him everything he needed to know. "Thank you for telling me this, Steve." The ARC Trooper got to his feet, the captain joining him, the comrades standing side by side, the former laying a hand on Steve's shoulder. "I'll be back."

Knowing what he intended to do, Steve had a feeling what he really meant, and nodded. "I'll be waiting." Fives left the cell, activating the ray shield but paused when the Avenger gave one last piece of advice. "Remember," turning back, he found Steve with his fists held out, level with each other. "It's all in the hands."

Grinning, Fives remembered their own experience in the Umbaran fighters. Even as he left, the ARC Trooper still had that grin.

Now, he needed some more pilots.

Earth-92, Sunnydale, The Bronze

Sweet was sitting, Dawn next to him, while his minions were prancing around, when suddenly the door was kicked open, and Sora was there.

"Huh?" Sweet said in surprise.

"Let her go", Sora said, as the minions tried to attack him, but Sora struck three of them in quick succession with his Keyblade combo, striking one, then striking the other, then thrusting at the third, taking all three down.

As one more tried to attack him, Sora did a Stop spell, freezing the minion, then struck that minion with his Keyblade twice, though he didn't seem affected.

When the Stop spell wore off, the minion went down. As more ran at him, Sora did a Magnet spell, an orb appearing above as it pulled the minions towards itself, and they all screeched in pain before it dissipated, and they fell down, knocked out.

Sweet was shocked, while Sora felt the Keyblade reacting to something in the room, and it glowed, as Sora looked up at Dawn, realizing it was reacting to her.

"Uhh…nice sword", Dawn commented nervously. "Why does it look like a key?"

"It's the Keyblade", Sora told her as if it was obvious. "And it seems to be connected to you as well."

Dawn's eyes widened, realizing this 'Keyblade' thing was reacting with her Key energy. "I think I know why."

"Why?" Sora asked her.

"I was originally a ball of energy that could be used to open portals before I was given human form and all my loved ones were given memories of me, and I of them", Dawn explained. "And they call me the Key, maybe that's the reason."

"That must be why my Keyblade is reacting to you", Sora told Dawn, while thinking about the 'memories' part, feeling bad for Dawn due to that. "Your power might be my way home."

Dawn's eyes widened as she remembered Glory. "Do you want to sacrifice me or what?"

"What? No!" Sora immediately shook his head, blushing and looking embarrassed at the notion itself, making Dawn chuckle at his face. "My Keyblade will just use the energy within you, and I'll find my way back, you will be fine."

"Oh, okay, cool", Dawn said. "I'm Dawn."

"I'm Sora." Sora then turned to Sweet. "Now you, will let her go."

"I sense things within you", Sweet noted. "You….don't just house your own heart within you."

And at that moment, Sora felt it take over him once more, with what Dawn had said about having been created and her loved ones getting memories of her striking a chord within him, though again, he did not know why.

Kingdom Hearts Roxas' theme plays

Sora then began to sing to the sad tone, feeling melancholic again. "Caught in between the light and darkness. Why was I given half a life to live in? I never asked to be created. Yet, here I stand suddenly obligated."

Dawn related to that, as she too had never asked to be created in this form. And most of her memories before the previous year had been fake anyways. She too was given half a life to live in, and she was here suddenly obligated.

As three minions got up to attack Sora, he cast Aero, protecting himself and damaging them, while he continued to sing sadly."All I really long for is my own purpoooooooose."

Dawn looked down, longing for her own purpose too.

The three minions went down from the Aero, while Sora continued to walk forth, singing. "Counting the days, clinging to something."He looked up. "You told me hearts aren't meant for those worth nothing. So, if I'm gone, no one would miss me."He seemed to look at an absent figure now. "But still you stand there acting like you can care."

Dawn felt a tear roll down her cheek, having similar feelings about herself too

"Everything I thought that I knew fades from mind."

As another minion charged Sora, he was taken down by a Keyblade strike. "Forgotten days, a fading memory. A distant fragment of nobody important."

He looked at himself."Here, in the eeeeend, standing before you, it seems whatever life I had is over."

Sora looked up again, a tear rolling down his own cheek for reasons he could not tell. "Still, I pray the day comes where we'll meet once more."

He wiped his tear, not fully sure still. "Huh….that was…"

"I get it", Dawn assured him. "I feel the same way sometimes, no purpose of my own, I wonder if I'm real, or just someone created to fulfil someone else's machinations."

Once more, for reasons he could not tell, these words struck a chord with Sora, something deep within him relating to this.

Kingdom Hearts Xion's theme plays

As the sad music played, Sora looked up and raised a hand, as if wanting to reach the sky. "I'm lost, so lost… Will I be able to see the sky again?"

He put a hand where his heart was supposed to be. "Oh please, one more day."

A minion charged at him but Sora cast a Water spell, submerging that one while he continued to sing. "Wishing, praying… won't someone allow this shadow of a girl…to see one more day?"

His next words were a plea to someone absent right now. "Remember, remember, please remember who I used to be."

He looked at Sweet now. "Who am I, who am I, I'm a puppet in their game." As tears rolled down his cheeks again, he sang. "Dreeeeaming of a life I never had."

Dawn was crying from the song too, while Sora again pleaded."Remember, remember, please remember who I used to be. Who am I, who am I, my reality has slipped away."

Then, he spoke a name that he did not recognize. "Xion, Xion... Isn't this the name they gave to me?"

He fell to his knees. "Promise… My friends, I'm still here."He pleaded one last time. "Remember, remember, please remember who I used to be. Who am I, who am I, who was I supposed to be?"

Sweet actually clapped. "We got a show stopping number before the actual one."

"What is happening to me?" Sora wondered. "These feelings…they are not mine, yet they feel like they're mine."

"You've a lot of looking to do, both inside yourself and outside", Sweet said to him.

Oliver and Eliot were on their way, when many Demons surrounded them.

"Oh great", Eliot groaned.

"I know", Oliver agreed.

As one attacked, Oliver struck him and kicked him away, when he started singing. "I've walked through Hell, five years on that forsaken isle, Stranded, lost, but I emerged, reborn all the while. Sara, Laurel, you're the light that guided me through the night, But darkness crept into my soul, I had to fight."

Eliot didn't join in on the song, though he could hear it, as he elbowed one Demon away, while Oliver used his arrow to decapitate a Vampire, then stabbed another Demon with it.

"I've worn the hood, I've walked the path, a crusader in the night, With bow and arrow, I've sought to make things right", Oliver sang. "Roy, Thea, Laurel, Diggle, Felicity, they stand by my side, Eliot's wisdom, a friend who helped me reclaim my pride."

Oliver and Eliot shared a meaningful look at that before carrying on with the fight.

"Slade, my brother, once, we fought for a common cause, But fate took you down a darker path, and we clashed without a pause. Barry Allen, a friend with lightning in his stride, we've shared our trials and laughter, side by side."

As Oliver continued to fight Demons, he reflects on the challenges he'd faced with Malcolm, Slade, and Ra's.

"I've worn the hood, I've walked the path, a crusader in the night, With bow and arrow, I've sought to make things right. Sara, Roy, partners who never lost faith, They've shown me a better way, now I stand in a firmer state."

With his strikes precise, he took down two more Demons.

"The Throwing Star Killer, Damien Darhk, trials I've had to face, They've pushed me to my limits, but I've found my rightful place. A balanced approach, a city to cleanse and heal, With every arrow I release, I'll make the darkness yield."

Oliver delivered a final, powerful blow to a Demon as the song reached its climax.

"I've worn the hood, I've walked the path, a crusader in the night, With bow and arrow, I've sought to make things right. Eliot Spencer, my friend, you've shown me a better way, Now I'll rebuild this city, come what may."

The battle concluded, and Oliver stood victorious, having come to terms with his past and his newfound purpose.

Eliot put a hand on his shoulder. "I know you will."

Oliver nodded, before the two continued on their way to the Bronze.

The Bronze

Buffy kicked down the door of the Bronze. It smashed to pieces.

"Showtime!" Sweet chuckled.

Buffy walked into the Bronze, looking around, seeing Sweet and Dawn sitting in chairs on the stage, while Sora was standing there, over some of Sweet's fallen minions.

"Who're you?" Buffy asked him.

"A new friend", Sora assured her, and she noted he was the same age as Dawn, while also looking at his sword that looked like a key.

"That's a weird sword", she said.

"It's the Keyblade", he shrugged.

"I love a good entrance", Sweet quipped.

"How are you with death scenes?" Buffy asked him.

Sweet just chuckled. Buffy walked a little closer. "You got a name?"

"I've got a hundred."

"Well, I ought to know what to call you if you're gonna be my brother-in-law", Buffy quipped.

Dawn immediately said. "Buffy, I swear I didn't do it. And Sora is trying to save me."

"Don't worry. You're not going anywhere." Sweet looked at Buffy. "I am."

"What?" Sora and Dawn asked together in shock.

Sweet looked interested, sitting forward.

"Deal's this. I can't kill you? You take me to Hellsville in her place."

Sweet scoffed. "What if I kill you?"

Buffy had a deadpan. "Trust me. Won't help."

"Hm, that's gloomy!" Sweet said.

"Why do you think like that?" Sora asked Buffy, shocked by her lack of hope and happiness, which was what it seemed to him.

"That's life", Buffy said.

Sweet chuckled. "Come now, is that really what you feel? Isn't life a miraculous thing?"

"I think you already know."

Then, Buffy began to sing.

"Life's a show. And we all play our parts. And when the musicstarts", she unbuttoned her jacket, opening it. "We open up our hearts." She dropped the jacket to the floor.

"It's all right If some things come out wrong", she looked over, seeing some minions holding pool cues. "We'll sing a happy song. And you can sing along."

The beat changed to a harsh hard-rock tune with lots of electric guitar. The minions attacked.

"Where there's life", she grabbed a pool cue from the minion, hitting him. "There's hope. Every day's", she elbowed the second minion. "A gift. Wishes can", she kicked, "Come true. Whistle while", she punched."You work", she beat up one with the pool cue, "So hard", she struck again, "All day." She threw the pool cue, impaling the third minion.

The original melody returned. "To be like other girls."

Giles, Anya, Xander, Willow, Tara, Dean and Sam ran in.

"To fit in in this glittering world." Sweet watched, listening. "Don't give me songs."

Giles said to the rest. "She needs backup. Anya, Tara."

"Don't give me songs."

Anya and Tara took up positions behind Buffy to be her backup singers and dancers. The three of them moved in sync.

"Give me something to sing about."


"I need something to sing about."


More dancing.

The hard-rock beat returned. The girls danced to it for a minute, then returned to the first dance and the ballad.

"Life's a song, you don't get to rehearse. And every single verse, can make it that much worse." Anya and Tara stopped dancing, moving to the background.

Buffy put up a hand as if to shield herself from the sight of her friends.

"Still my friends, don't know why I ignore, the million things or more I should be dancing for."

Dean was losing sympathy again, while Oliver and Eliot had just arrived, having caught this bit of the song.

The hard-rock tune returned. Buffy continued dancing alone.

"All the joy. Life sends Family. And friends. All the twists. And bends. Knowing that it ends, Well that depends", the original melody returned. "On if they let you go." She looked around at the Scoobies."On if they know enough to know", she walked up the steps to the stage. "That when you've bowed You leave the crowd."

She walked up onto the stage, looking back at the others, then at Sweet still sitting. He made his string-pulling gesture. Buffy walked right up to him.

"There was no pain. No fear, no doubt. Till they pulled me out…..Of Heaven."

Dean and Sam looked down, as Oliver and Eliot shared a look, Sora sighing sadly as well.

Buffy looked back at the others. Giles and Xander looking surprised, while Dean had a blank look.

"So that's my refrain." Willow looked horrified, the consequences of her actions now hitting her due to all that had happened in this day. "I live in Hell. 'Cause I've been expelled from Heaven. I think I was in Heaven."

Willow was shattered now, as Buffy sang. "So give me something to sing about." She whirled around to look at Sweet. "Please give me something..."

Sweet shook his head. Buffy gave a desperate look, turned and flipped off the stage onto the floor. The hard-rock tune returned with the electric guitars playing a wild riff.

Buffy danced, faster and faster. Dawn watched in dismay. Sweet leaned forward expectantly. Buffy spun wildly round and round and round, smoke beginning to curl off her.

Sora, Dean, Sam, Oliver and Eliot all moved towards her, as Clark flew down, seeing what was happening as he prepared to rush to Buffy and stop her.

Suddenly Spike appeared, stopping her by grabbing her upper arms. Buffy gave him a desperate unhappy look.

Now Spike sang. "Life's not a song. Life isn't bliss. Life is just this. It's living",he brushed hair back from her face. "You'll get along." Dawn stood up. "The pain that you feel. You only can heal. By living."Buffy was about to cry. "You have to go on living. So one of us is living."

Buffy stared at Spike. Dawn walked forward to the edge of the stage.

"The hardest thing in this world ... is to live in it."

Buffy looked at Dawn, then back at Spike.

Sweet applauded.

"Now that was a show-stopping number." Buffy and Spike turned to look at him. "Not quite the fireworks that I was looking for."

Sora had a lot to say regarding what Buffy had sung, and that was what he did, or he sang it.

Kingdom Hearts Sora's theme plays

Music played again, though this tune, while serious, felt a bit more light-hearted compared to what had played for Sora's songs before. "Out in the distant horizon awaiting me. There's a new world I yearn to see."

Buffy looked at Sora, whose face and voice were now the epitome of hope and optimism all of a sudden. Dawn was surprised by this, considering the songs he'd sung before.

Walking regally yet funnily, Sora sang further. "Marching ahead, never dwelling on yesterday 'cuz tomorrow's a brand new day." He put a hand to his heart. "Somewhere, residing deep in my heart I feel a power awaken within."

He struck a minion hard with his Keyblade, sending it flying off and being knocked out. "With every journey, a brand new chapter unfolds In these stories yet to be told."

As two more minions walked towards him, he seemed to glow with a light that blinded them. His own light.

"Hand in hand, with my truest friends by my side. We'll adventure into the sky. Somehow, with every step that I take I feel a part of myself slowly wake."

Then he looked between Buffy and Dawn, and seemed to hold out his hand to Buffy. "Out in the dark, there are people in need of me. And their lives all depend on me. Though it is hard, I just can't leave them suffering. With their souls and hearts slumbering."

Even when Clark felt his own hope and optimism rise just from watching Sora.

Buffy looked conflicted, these words reminding her of the kind of person she used to be. But then she saw Sora, how happy he was, how content he was, and wished she could be like that again.

But then, wasn't it up to her, and not others, to take that step?

Sora's next words were like a promise. "Trust me, I'll fix the broken mistakes. I'll be there for them whatever it takes. Fighting the darkness and shadows that come our way. Rest assured, it will be okay. Anything's possible when you look to the light. We won't give up without a fight. We'll walk together towards dark unseen."

Then, he ended the song, gesturing to his heart again.

"And our hearts will be our guiding key."

As the tune of his song ended, Buffy held out her hand, and grasped Sora's, choosing the light over the darkness.

Tears rolled down her eyes, but she said to Sora. "Thank you….for saving me."

"You're welcome", Sora told her, as they turned to Sweet.

Willow then snarled at Sweet. "Get out of here."

"And give Dawn back", Tara added.

"No", Sweet shrugged. "I think I'll be on my way with the little missus."

Suddenly, music began to play as Eliot marched forwards, looking very angry.

"I'm an angel with a shotgun, shotgun, shotgun", he sang. "An angel with a shotgun, shotgun, shotgun."

As some of the minions surrounded him, Eliot sang. "Get out your guns, battle's begun."

He dodged a punch and blocked a kick, then punched the minion thrice on the chest, sending him down. "Are you a saint, or a sinner?"

As three more surrounded him, Eliot sang. "If love's a fight, then I shall die. With my heart on a trigger."

Eliot kicked one back, then grabbed another's hand, twisting it as it screeched, and he slammed it into the third one, knocking both down, before elbowing the first one on the throat, taking it down too.

"They say before you start a war, you better know what you're fighting for", Eliot sang as he marched towards Sweet himself. "Well baby, you are all that I adore."

He rushed towards the stage and leapt onto it, before, to everyone's shock, decking Sweet right on the face, sending him rolling away. "If love is what you need", and then he embraced Dawn, wrapping his arms around the teen protectively, "a soldier I will be."

As more minions rushed him, Eliot let Dawn go and threw a chair at one, sending it down."I'm an angel with a shotgun! Fighting til' the war's won, I don't care if heaven won't take me back."

One of them hurled the pool cue at him but Eliot caught it, then spun as he struck two of them, taking them down, while thinking of his friends, and others he cared about. "I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe. Don't you know you're everything I have?"

He twirled the pool cue, looking ahead. "And I, wanna live, not just survive, tonight."

As another charged him, Eliot stabbed its leg with the cue, taking it down."Sometimes to win, you've got to sin. Don't mean I'm not a believer."

Tossing it away, he walked forth and sang. "And major Tom, will sing along. Yeah, they still say I'm a dreamer."

Oliver whacked another minion out, as Sora took down one more, and Eliot pointed at Oliver with a nod, Oliver pointing back and nodding, as Sora pointed at both of them happily.

"They say before you start a war. You better know what you're fighting for. Well baby, you are all that I adore", Eliot turned to Sweet who was getting up. "If love is what you need, a soldier I will be."

Ripping the pool cue out, Eliot leapt at Sweet and whacked his face with it. "I'm an angel with a shotgun. Fighting til' the wars won, I don't care if heaven won't take me back."He then used it to strike Sweet's feet, making him fall and roll away. "I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe. Don't you know you're everything I have? And I, wanna live, not just survive, tonight."

Sweet tried to get up again, only for Sora to hit him with a Fire spell from behind, making him fly off and fall to the other side of Eliot.

With that, Eliot's song ended.

"Your voice is….really good", Buffy said, mesmerized by it.

"Yeah, you can do it professionally", Dean added.

"Care to give us more?" Xander inquired, but Eliot shook his head.

Dawn then told the rest. "He keeps saying I summoned him, but I didn't."

"You…have my necklace on", Sweet groaned as he tried to get up.

Dawn was nervous. "Oh, but, no, I, I, um, uh, this, at, at the Magic Box, on the floor, I was, I was cleaning, and I ... forgot ... but ... I didn't summon anything."

"Now that's a twist", Sweet said as he got up.

Giles said. "If it was in the shop, one of us could have-"

Slowly Xander raised his hand as Anya asked. "Xander?!"

Xander said. "Well, I didn't know what was gonna happen! I just thought there were gonna be dances and songs." He turned to Anya. "I just wanted to make sure we'd... we'd work out." He gave a nervous smile. "Get a happy ending."

Sweet chuckled. "I think everything worked out just fine."

Xander gulped. "Does this mean that I have to... be your queen?" Anya looked anxious.

"It's tempting." Xander looked apprehensive. "But I think we'll waive that clause just this once." Xander was intensely relieved.

Everyone else just continued watching Sweet. "Big smiles everyone! You beat the bad guy."

Sweet did a quick spin.

"What a lot of fun. You guys have been real swell",he chuckled and began dancing, while massaging his face and back, due to the beating Eliot and Sora had given him. "And there is more than one who can say this ended well."

They watched as he said. "All those feelings you've been concealing. Say you're happy now, Once more with feeling. Now I gotta run See you all..." He turned into a ball of light that swirled around their heads, leaving a sparkly trail. They watched it go. "...in Heeeeeeell!"

They all stood, kind of shell-shocked.

Then Eliot walked to Xander, and decked him, sending him back.

"Hey!" Xander groaned as he held his face. "Why did you-"

"Your stupidity caused people to die!" Eliot snapped, before gesturing to Dawn. "And she was going to end up in a child marriage. Don't you think before you do stuff like this?"

Xander looked ashamed as Eliot turned to Buffy. "And you were pulled out of Heaven, right? By your friends?"

"…Yeah", Buffy said with a nod, her friends looking ashamed.

"Was your sister part of it?" Eliot then asked.

"No, she was not", Tara confirmed from her end.

"Then stop punishing her for it, she is your sister, and because she feels like you don't care for her, she is acting out", Eliot snarled, Buffy nodding.

"You're…you're right", Buffy agreed, then looked at Sora. "You reminded me of what's truly important."

"Its what I do", Sora said cheerfully.

"You're one unique kid", Clark also said to him, impressed.

"What's this sword you have?" Oliver inquired.

"It's the Keyblade", Sora told them. "And I'm its chosen wielder."

"I know what being chosen is like", Buffy commented.

"All righty then, I think I'm gonna go home now", Sora then said.

"How?" Dean inquired.

"With my Keyblade's power", Sora gestured to it, then at Dawn, "and her."

"What about her?" Sam asked.

"Long story", Dawn told them.

"We all need to go home too", Clark said, gesturing to himself, Dean, Sam, Oliver and Eliot.

"I think we'll need to be where you all originally appeared", Sora theorized.

"The two of us appeared in the graveyard", Dean noted about himself and Sam.

"So did I", Sora confirmed. "I guess that makes it easier for us."

"I appeared in the sky", Clark told them.

"We were near the Magic Box", Oliver added about himself and Eliot.

"Come on guys", Sora said as he walked out of the Bronze, and the rest shared looks, before he popped his head in. "I'm Sora, by the way."

"Right", Eliot said, liking this kid already, as they followed him outside.

"So, what are you gonna do?" Dawn asked Sora.

"It won't hurt, I promise you", Sora said, then aimed his Keyblade at her, before a light struck out of it, and struck her chest, as she glowed, but remained human.

From her, energy seeped out and reached the sky, before a breach appeared there, and Clark briefly saw a flash of his Earth's Metropolis in it.

Sora lowered his Keyblade, while Clark looked at the rest. "It was an honor to meet all of you." He turned to Willow. "I hope what I said reached you."

Willow started. "I…." she trailed off. "I guess you were right." She looked to Tara. "I'm so sorry, babe."

Tara simply nodded, not ready to fully forgive Willow yet, for good reason.

"I'm Clark Kent, but you can call me Superman", Clark told Sora. "You have my thanks for your help."

Sora nodded, before Superman looked at Buffy. "I know being pulled from Heaven sucks. I died for a few minutes and still miss the calm and being with my dad, and that was just for a few minutes. But now that you're alive...learn to live and do what you're supposed to do again."

Buffy nodded, as Superman then flew up into the breach, and then it closed while Dawn stopped glowing.

"Blimey!" Spike simply said, all of them still awed by Superman.

"There are a few more, right?" Dawn then asked.

"Yes", Sora nodded.

Few minutes later, the Magic Box

As they stood in front of the Magic Box, Sora aimed his Keyblade at Dawn once more, and the beam from it struck her, energy seeping out of her and opening a portal, Oliver and Eliot briefly seeing a flash of the former's lair.

"Time to go then", Oliver held out his hand to Sora. "Thank you."

"No problem, Oliver", Sora said, shaking his hand.

Eliot put a hand to Sora's shoulder. "You're a…..very special kid. Never change."

"I won't", Sora assured him with a smile, as he gave a look to Buffy, who nodded.

Dawn then walked to Eliot and gave him a hug, that he returned, feeling softer now.

"Thank you", Dawn said to him. "For all of it."

"Its fine", Eliot assured her, before they parted, and he and Oliver shared a nod with Dean and Sam too.

They all waved, before Eliot and Oliver walked into the breach, as Eliot told Oliver. "Don't tell my friends about what I sang."

"I've no idea what you're talking about", Oliver shrugged. "I never sang either."

Eliot nodded, the two walking through, and the breach closed, while Dawn stopped glowing.

"Just the three of us left now", Sora said, gesturing to himself, Dean and Sam.

Few minutes later

They were all at the graveyard now, and Sora aimed at Dawn one last time, the beam striking her while energy seeped out of her, and this time, two breaches were formed. Sora saw a flash of Destiny Islands through one of them, and Dean and Sam saw a flash of their own world too.

"Time to go then", Dean said, looking at Sora. "Thanks kid."

"No problem", Sora told him, while Sam turned to Giles.

"Remember what we said", Sam reminded.

"I will", Giles said with a nod.

Buffy looked at Sora and told him again. "Thank you again, for what you did."

"Like I said, its what I do", Sora told her, before Dawn walked to him and gave him a hug too, and he returned it.

"Thank you, Sora", she said gratefully.

"You're welcome, Dawn", he replied in kind, as they parted.

"I don't like kids, 'cept the Nibblet", Spike quipped, then looked at Sora. "You're an exception too, mate."

"Uhhh….thanks?" Sora said, as Spike chuckled.

"It's a compliment", Tara assured him. "And the best one he can give you."

"Right, thank you", Sora said cheerfully, as Dean and Sam sat in the Impala, and then drove it to the breach, waving at them all as they waved back, and the two shared a meaningful look with Buffy, before going into the breach, which closed.

Sora looked at all of them once more, and then he walked to his breach as well, sharing waves and nods, before walking inside the breach that closed, and Dawn stopped glowing.

"Well…." Dawn trailed off.

"I'm sorry", Buffy wrapped an arm around Dawn. "I'll take better care of you now."

Dawn simply nodded with a smile. "Thank you."

"Willow, I should have tried to help you with your magic before", Giles said to her. "I realize I haven't done that well, but I'll do better from now on", he looked at her, then Tara, then Xander, then Anya, and then Dawn, "for all of you."

He'd done a lot for Buffy, now it was time for the rest of them.

"Well, I'll be off then", Spike said as he began to walk off, and after he was a distance away, Buffy followed him.

"Wait", she said.

"What?" Spike asked, turning back to her.

Walking closer to him, Buffy said. "Thank you."

Then, she kissed him on the lips, and he kissed her back, both of them closing their eyes, leaning deeper into the kiss.

They did not know what would happen next, but they enjoyed this moment with each other.

Earth-199999, Bowie, Arizona

Rambo was limping away, The Bus now on the ground.

"I have to say", Coulson said, walking up next to Rambo. "You recovered faster than we expected."

"It was nothing", Rambo simply said with a shrug, continuing to move away.

"You sure you don't need anymore help from us?" Coulson asked, but Rambo did not reply, just walking off.

Walking to Rambo's front, Coulson said to him, in a voice filled with sincerity. "Thank you for everything you've done, Captain Rambo."

Rambo only looked at him, an unreadable expression on his hardened features before turning around and limping away.

Melinda came up to Coulson's side.

"I do think we should have told him", Coulson admitted to her.

Melinda shook her head. "Not yet." When the time was right, she'd tell herself. She just hoped it came very soon.


Dean and Sam drove back into their world, as Dean cheered in relief. "Its good to be back, baby!"

"I know the feeling", Sam nodded, when they heard a flutter and saw Castiel in front of them.

Seeing him, they got out as Castiel told them. "So, you ended up journeying to another world as well."

"Yeah", Dean told him. "Didn't think you'd care though."

Castiel grasped his head, then said. "Try not to repeat this again."

And with that, he was gone, as Dean turned to Sam. "That was weird."

"So weird", Sam agreed.

Destiny Islands

Sora was rushing through the Destiny Islands once more, happy to be back, when he saw Riku and Kairi in front of him.

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"Sora!" Kairi cried out. "Where were you?"

"I ended up going to another world by accident", Sora told the both of them. "But now I just got back."

"How did that happen?" Riku asked his friend.

"Some kind of portal", Sora explained. "But I made some friends there too, and it looks like they needed me."

"Well, glad you could help", Riku smiled. "And glad you're back now."

"What now?" Kairi asked Sora.

Remembering his own song, and the songs he'd sung without realizing why, Sora told them. "Let us meet King Mickey and Master Yen Sid. What King Mickey said in the letter…..more people need my help now."

Earth-21, Metropolis

Clark smiled, flying through the city once more, as he heard someone crying out. "HELP!"

Hearing that, Clark flew down to save whoever it was. Like before, he was happy to be back, and he hoped there would be a way to meet those people from other worlds again.

And he couldn't wait to tell Oliver about his doppelganger.

Universe-208, Umbara

On Umbara, there was no concept of night or day, considering it's a planet shrouded in darkness. Steve wasn't sure how the hours were counted on Umbara, or how the galactic standard worked in the Republic. All the soldier could do was wait for the right moment. He began to shut his eyes in an effort to gain some rest.

But there was no rest to be had.



"You could have had the power of the Gods!"

"You must have danced?"

"The story of Captain America is one of honor, bravery, and sacrifice."

"What makes you so special?"



"I'm with you to end of the line."

"You're my mission."






"I want to go home…"

"Not a perfect soldier, but a good man."

Gasping himself awake, the captain immediately got to his feet and checked his surroundings. He was in his small cell, on Umbara, with the 501st. Steve panted hard, each breath shaking his body. This wasn't Europe, but it was still a war. As Steve braced himself against the wall, he tried to unravel what happened, but in his heart he knew.

There is such a thing as too much war.

Every blink brought back more images. Bucky's fall, and the Winter Soldier. Schmidt pulling his face off. Peggy in that red dress. The battle of Normandy, the Bulge. Men reduced to nothing, or bleeding piles of flesh. Zola's face on the monitor.

His promise to Dr. Erskine.

It felt like almost a week had passed, since he found himself in another war. Had he done enough? Could he have done more? There was no answer that could settle Steve's mind, nothing could hide the past.

So lost in his own thoughts, the super soldier nearly did not notice the ray shield being disabled, and Fives standing before him, helmet on. "You good, Steve?"

Instead of answering, Steve merely wiped away the sweat and collected his helmet from the floor, placing it on as he stood straighter. "Ready and waiting."

"Good, because it's time." Steve followed Fives on to the platform, rising past the imprisoned Umbarans before the former was finally above ground again. "I told the guards I'd cover for them until their relief arrived. We need to be quick." Fives told him as they hastily walked through the halls. "Tried to get your shield as well, but it's got our techs wound up. They've never seen a substance like it."

"She's one of a kind."

Fives shook his head. "Good to know, maybe that will-" Fives and Steve halted when a pair of Clones rounded the corner. All four froze at the sight of each other. "Ughhhhh, I'm taking the prisoner to, um, be interviewed before his trial." There was no stopping his wince. Honestly, Steve would have thought Fives was a better liar than that.

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The two Clones remained staring at the ARC and captain. It was a tense few seconds until, to the surprise of both men, the duo stood to the side at attention. "Of course, sir, sorry to delay you."

Fives shared a look with Steve, who smiled at the two. "Right, well, we must be off. Carry on, troopers." Fives told them as he marched ahead, Steve slowed as he passed the identical Clones, nodding to both. "Oz, Jester." There was a slight twitch, possibly of surprise, but Steve was already catching up with the ARC trooper.

"That was close." The Domino squad member sighed in relief.

"I'm surprised they didn't arrest us."

"After they saw you, there was no way they were turning us in." Fives revealed to a stunned Steve. "Oh don't give me that look. A lot of Clones owe their lives to you, you stood up for us when no one else would. The brothers remember that sort of thing."

It was silent all the way until they finally reached the outside, Steve pondering on the effect he had on the men, how deep did it go. It was a question for later. Steve stayed by Fives' side as they stealthily went around the building to a closest available starfighters. No one would give Fives a second glance, but they could not push their luck with Steve being seen.

"Our pilots should be joining us right…now." Fives told him as they made a run for the unoccupied fighters, just as two more Clones met them in the middle. Jesse and Hardcase.

"Steve." Jesse greeted happily.

"Good to see you, buddy." Hardcase slugged Steve's shoulder. The burnt one, which he just realized. "Ah scrap. My bad."

"You can make it up to me after." Steve told him as they split up and took their seats. Memories of the first and only time he flew came back to Steve, recalling the exact button he pushed before the ray shield encircled him and rose up, keeping his hands steady and level while the dome attached to the rest of the fighter.

The four of them looked to each before they rose higher above the ground before the engines thrusted the aircraft upwards, the base looking smaller and smaller by the second as they flew further into the air.

Steve was not usually a pilot, not unless the situation dictated otherwise, but considering this was only the second time he flew an alien spaceship, he believed he was doing okay so far. Which reminded him. "How was your test flights?"

"Oh it went great!"

"Hardcase blew up a hanger", Jesse clarified the overenthusiastic Clone.

Double taking at the revelation, Steve could not help a short laugh escape him.

"Well, at least you have the general idea down."

Earth-1, Star City, the Lair

Eliot had cooked for everyone, and was serving them, as they ate.

"This is really good", Laurel had to say.

"My apologies for schooling your asses when we first met", Eliot quipped, getting chuckles out of everyone.

"You just had to bring that up", Thea said bitterly, but without malice.

Eliot shrugged with a grin. "Well, forget the past, you're doomed to repeat it."

"You're blessed to eat this", Hardison of all people told them, as they ate what Eliot had cooked, loving it.

"So, what was this world like?" Parker asked.

"Vampires and Demons run around, and a chosen girl fights them, as do others", Oliver shrugged. "And apparently, I've doppelgangers on other worlds too. Didn't meet any but Dean and Sam said there's a Demon hunter me on their Earth."

"You as a hunter, huh?" Sara smirked at Oliver. "I can imagine that."

"Yeah, and Superman said there was an Oliver Queen on his Earth too, though he looks different apparently", Eliot commented. "And Dean and Sam had a doppelganger of me too, but his name's Lee."

"So, doppelgangers who look the same with same names, who look the same with different names, and who look different with same names", Hardison groaned. "This is gonna give me a headache."

"You're not the only one", Parker said to him.

"Barry gave us this while you were away", Diggle held up two small devices. "Cisco made these, they're called interdimensional extrapolators. They can allow us to open portals between their world and ours, and talk as well. One's for us, one's for them."

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"Well", Ethan shared a look with all of them. "I guess this is it."

Universe-208, Umbara

"These things are trickier than I imagined." Jesse communicated through the onboard comms as his fighter tilted side to side. "I hope this is a good idea."

"Well it's better than Krell's plan." Fives shot.

"Any plan is better than Krell's plan." Steve added, watching as Jesse started to get the hang of the controls.

Hardcase chortled. "Can't argue with that."

"You know, I'm only doing this because I don't like him."

"That's reason enough." Fives told his brother. He did not care what reasons they had, as long as they were here.

A laughter came from the overly enthusiastic Clone. "I'm just doing it for the fun."

"This isn't the fun part, that comes after we land and try to explain this to Krell." Steve pointed out.

There was no explaining this to Krell. Fives knew what was coming. "We knew what we were signing up for."

"Hopefully General Skywalker gets back before we have anything to worry about."

Steve wished he could share Jesse's hope, but it would be a stretch. They still disobeyed orders, and Steve himself was court martialed and awaiting trial before he was broken out. Knowing Krell, what came next won't be-

"Whoa! What the…"

Steve's thoughts were halted by Fives' exclamation, and he understood why.

"Oh my God."

Whatever Steve believed a dogfight in this galaxy would look like…this was nothing like what he could have imagined.

Dozens upon dozens of starships filled the air, some featuring skeletal designs while others were long, each and every one dwarfed the Helicarriers due to sheer size. Bolts of blue, red, and green filled the atmosphere while explosions impacted the ships.

"You still with us, big guy?"

"I am, its just…" Steve tried to answer Hardcase, even as what he believed to be the infamous droids, for there was no way an Umbaran could fit into the sleek pair of fighters that flew past them. That was only one moment in this massive theatre of a dogfight. "I've never seen anything like this."

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"We get this done fast, hopefully you won't have to again." Jesse tried to ease Steve's worries, but he couldn't. Nobody could. He knew they fought aerial battles during the war, the Battle of Britain, Battle of Midway, both involving British and American Air Forces, but the starships, the closest thing he could liken it to was battleships in a naval battle. Truly though, there was no comparison.

The war machines in this galaxy, it made Steve fear what could one day come for Earth.

"Try to fly steady. We're going in." Fives led them through the carnage in formation.

Breathing through the nose, Steve focused, there was no time for doubt. They had a mission, and Steve will see it complete. The 501st, the 212th, and the other battalions on the ground needed them.

However, even as they flew past the starships and other fighters of designs Steve would not have thought possible, he could immediately tell which belonged to the Clones, and it did not look good. They were hopelessly outgunned and outnumbered.

"I know what you're thinking, Steve, but we can't help them, not like this." Fives could tell what Steve was thinking without even looking to the super soldier. He knew, because he felt the same thing as Steve. "Only with that supply ship gone can we end this."

Steve tore his gaze away from a Clone fighter spinning out of control before crashing against an enemy ship. "You're right." Nothing hurt Steve more than walking away from a fight, but this wasn't theirs.

"I'm still not liking this."

"Easy, boys. We don't need itchy trigger fingers." Five warned them all.

A squadron of Umbaran fighters shot down a Y-shaped fighter before joining the quartet from behind. Jesse looked back uneasily until they flew off. "Looks like they think we're Umbaran, all right."

"Rather not find out how long it takes for them to take a look at who's flying these things." Steve expressed his worries and were not unfounded. All it took was one look for them to find the super soldier and three Clones in the co*ckpit.

"There's the supply ship." The best Steve could describe the ship supplying the capital with arms was a ball that was split in half, connected by a flat bridge, as well as the fact it was massive. Steve shuddered at the thought of how much ammunition that thing was holding.

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"Let's do this." Hardcase's excitement could be felt even in the other fighters.

No matter how little training each of them actually had in the Umbaran fighters, each soldier made sure their hands and heads were steady. Without any knowledge of what the ship's layout was like, Steve flew behind Jesse in the back, being the last one to enter the opening that he felt was a tight fit. They went in regardless, flying through a long, curving hanger, with crates and whatever else below them. It was then that Steve saw what he has been warned about: droids. Clankers, as the men called them. Lanky and skinny androids that marched over everything they were pointed at.

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It did not take long for them to notice the pilots.

"I thought you said these things were incompetent." Steve said over the blaster fire that shot up at them.

"They are, but even droids get lucky." Jesse defended himself, as the bolts hit the ray shield. He'd never been more thankful these things are ray shielded.

Blaster bolts notwithstanding, they flew on regardless of being caught, until the hanger doors started to close. "Why did they have to go and do that?" Jesse groaned before gesturing with his hand, and the same weapon that killed his brothers launched from his fighter, electromagnetic plasma disintegrating the obstacle, creating an explosion that sent debris flying across the hanger. Even striking one of the fighters.

"Hardcase, your wing!" Steve warned him.

The Clone waved it off. "Only a scratch."

Steve still watched Hardcase's fighter worriedly while keeping an eye for anymore barriers. Nothing was stopping them as they flew faster.

Fives' targeting system locked on their target just ahead of them. "Reactor core locked. Prepare missiles." Steve, Jesse, and Hardcase followed the ARC Trooper's example, gesturing with their hands as the plasma charged, "Fire missiles!" Then launched forward when the reactor came into view.

The glowing orbs of plasma spiraled through the air, getting closer to the target. Steve's heart was filled with hope and was ready to steer the fighter around.

Only for an energy shield to deploy, blocking both the plasma and them.

"Ray shields, hit the deck!" The three Clones and volunteer slowed their fighters as they turned and opened fire on the droids, shooting right back at them.

Steve's eyes flicked around when he saw a doorway to the side closest to Hardcase. "I think I see a way around."

"Good, because I don't think our shields could take much more of a beating." Jesse was right, even on Steve's screen warnings in languages he didn't understand were popping up.

"We can't turn back now!" Despite the impending danger and firefight between fighter and droids, Steve saw Hardcase jump out of the protection of the pilot's chair.

"Hardcase! Get back in your ship!"

"Hardcase, wait!" Steve didn't hesitate and lowered himself out as well, quickly sprinting and dodging as he grabbed the Clone around the chest.

"No-woah!" Hardcase felt himself lifted off his feet, hearing the whiz of bolts go by his head before he was thrown back into the pilot's chair of another fighter, the ray shield activating, and a screaming super soldier thrown against it. "STEVE!"

"No one else dies!" Steve yelled at him before running back to the missile pod Hardcase pulled off his fighter, even as a third bolt hit his arm.

"Steve, stop! We need to go!"

"Then go!" Steve yelled back at Fives ducking under another bolt before grabbing the pod and lifting it over his head with some strain.

"Not without you!" Jesse argued back.

"I'm a soldier, I chose this!" Steve told them before disappearing through the doorway.

"I ain't leaving him!" Hardcase said as he fired back in the growing mass of droids.

"Fives…" Jesse looked to the ARC Trooper for guidance. Their shields were failing, and more clankers were coming out of everywhere.

Steve would give his life for any one of the Clones. He would fight and die for the men beside him. Fives knew that, but he also knew even hurt, the man was a super soldier.

"Jesse, we clear the way! Hardcase stay behind in case Steve comes back!"

"Yes, sir!"

Those shots were starting to really hurt, were Steve's thoughts as he lowered the missile pod so it could hover above the ground. Gently, with great force, Steve allowed it to glide toward the reactor before bolting back at greater speeds than humans could achieve through the hall to the other side of the shields, where less droids were firing, but more fighters remained.

"I told you to get out of here!"

"And I'm telling you, no man left behind! Now get on!" Hardcase shouted as he moved the fighter forward.

Steve got a running start before leaping up onto the wing of the fighter he originally piloted, wrapping his arms around it as the Clone punched it out of there. He had to keep his head down, but it did nothing to muffle the sounds of the explosion behind them. Or the heat of the flames that were gaining on them. Not even being able to make out their journey back through the hanger, Steve could only clutch the wing tighter and pray.

"This is gonna be close." Hardcase muttered. Keeping his eyes forward rather than the fiery doom coming from behind, the tattooed Clone urged the fighter to go faster before finally seeing the opening they came through, and pushed his hands forward for a boost in speed before the explosion engulfed the entire hanger, and blew half the ship apart.

"WAAAAHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Hardcase's cheer could almost be heard by Steve over the winds of the upper atmosphere, he would have joined him too, had he not needed to conserve his strength.

But they did it. The capital was without their supplies, and they were one step closer to ending this fight.

Earth-199999, New York City

Tony was on the computers, Natasha standing behind him as he sighed. "Sorry we haven't been able to bring Cap back yet."

"Its fine, all of you tried", Natasha assured him, then remembered what he'd said to Johnny. "What you said in there-"

"I know, it was too-"

"No, it wasn't", Natasha said, making him look up at her. "I appreciate what you did there."

"Thanks Nat", Tony said, when the computer shut off. "What in the….?"

"What's happening?" Natasha inquired, as Thor, Clint and Banner came in too.

"Some stuff just got shut off", Clint said, as confused as Natasha. "Why'd that be?"

"Is it some manner of attack?" Thor asked as well.

"My company has underground wiring", Stark revealed to them. "Downtown that is. And some devices are connected to those, meaning-"

"There is something there", Banner agreed. "Could be an accident though."

"That'd be true, if it was just one or two things, but its a lot of stuff shutting down", Clint pointed out.

"J?" Tony asked his AI, in his own private handheld device.

"It seems the power is going down in various parts of the city."

"It is an attack", Natasha sighed.

Reed, who'd heard this from outside, walked in and asked. "So, are you gonna take on whatever it is?"

"You bet your stretchy ass we are", Tony said as he stood up and walked ahead, his suit flying onto him and covering him as well.

Few minutes later

Thor and Tony were flying around the city, before they came upon the downtown area, below which the wiring was located.

As they landed on the ground, Thor seemed to sense the Earth shaking, for reasons he could not tell, but he could sense it.

"There is…something under the ground. Something giant….and angry."

"What do we do then, Point Break?" Tony inquired, as the Quinjet hovered above them, Natasha and Clint piloting it.

"The area has been evacuated of civilians", Natasha told them via comms.

"In that case, we will have to bring this creature out into the open, and slay it", Thor said, looking at Tony, the two of them sharing a nod.

With a loud roar, Thor raised Mjolnir, and brought it down on the ground, shattering it upon impact, forming a huge crater due to the blow.

"Still not coming",Clint noted.

"I know what to do about that", Thor smirked as he aimed Mjolnir at the crater, and lightning shot down into the crater.

And then, a very angry screech was heard, followed by a roaring sound, as everything shook.

"Looks like Part 1 of the plan is working", Tony quipped. "What about Part 2?"

"We shall see", Thor said, both backing off, as a figure rose out of the tunnel. It was green in color, and its body looked like it was made of rock from a distance.

As it rose from the tunnel, it glared at Thor and Tony both while roaring, and rose to a height of 100 feet, to Tony's shock.

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"Okay, not seen anything bigger than this", Tony muttered as he prepared to fly.

"Me neither", Thor confessed, as Tony's eyes widened, and then both of them took to the sky.

The creature roared as it tried to strike at the Quinjet first, Natasha and Clint weaving it out of the way before firing a hail of rounds upon the creature, but it was completely unaffected by that.

Before it could strike at them again, Tony fired repulsors at it from behind, staggering it forwards by a bit as it turned to him now, glaring angrily.

"Uh-oh", he muttered, flying away, barely dodging a strike by the creature before Thor slammed Mjolnir onto its body, sending it flying off by a little distance before falling down, breaking the ground more, and also damaging some buildings nearby from the shockwave.

Part of the Quinjet opened up as Colossus leapt out, and punched the slowly recovering creature hard, sending it staggering back a little bit, and then he landed as it struck him, sending him back as well.

Iceman was out as well, and he circled around the creature on an ice slide, firing at it as it screeched, then shattered the slide, Bobby falling before making another ice slide to move away, making a perimeter now to try and keep civilians on the ground away.

Some news helicopters were already there, recording and reporting the entire thing.

As the creature roared, Tony fired a laser from his shoulder, hitting it as it screeched in pain, before trying to strike him again as he flew up to avoid.

Thor made to hit the creature once more, only for flames to hit him as he grunted, before staggering back, as another creature rose up from the tunnels.

This one was greyish in color, had three heads, and wings that it was using to fly in the air.

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The three heads roared and spewed flames at the Quinjet and the news helicopters. Natasha and Clint steered the Quinjet away, as Tony flew in the way of one helicopter, taking the flames while grunting in pain.

"Suit overheating, sir."

Thor flew in the way of the other one, and twirled Mjolnir, using it to absorb the flames, before firing them back at the creature as it was hit instead, being sent flying back.

But during that time, the 100 feet creature managed to strike the Quinjet, sending it spiraling as Natasha and Clint struggled to get it under control.

Thor flew underneath them, and held the Quinjet up with one hand, before flying towards the ground, where he lowered it gently, and broke apart a piece of it, allowing Natasha and Clint to stagger out.

"Thanks for the save", Natasha thanked Thor, who just gave a nod, watching Tony fire repulsors at two heads of the winged creature, before dodging a strike by the 100 feet monster, who then smacked two news helicopters down.

Thor quickly flew up to save them as the three-headed one spewed flames again, only for Iceman to slide in and fire his ice beams, the fire and ice beams clashing as Clint wondered. "Now what?"

Avengers Tower

Banner, Reed, Susan and Johnny were watching what was going on in the news, as Banner said. "I think I will have to go now. Its time for Code Green."

"Is it?" Johnny asked with a look on his face that Susan immediately recognized.

"Johnny, don't even think about it!" Susan cried out.

"Never do."

With that, Johnny leapt off the building and fell downward.

"Flame on!" he yelled before igniting himself. He was soon flying toward the source of the chaos.

Reed and Sue exchanged looks before racing off.

Reed entered the small room. "Ben. We need your help."

"Go away," he grunted. "Last time I listened to ya, look what happened."

Reed swallowed. "Ben. I am sorry. And I know you hate me now but…We need your help. Johnny needs your help."

"Kid brags he can do it on his own, let him."

"Benjamin Grimm," Sue snapped. "You are not the person who wallows in self-pity, you never were. You are also not the person to just sit here and let people get hurt when you can stop it. So get that rocky ass of yours out of this and help us out!"

Ben looked up at her and slowly smiled. "Damn, Reed. Ya really could pick 'em."

Thor and Colossus were thrown back by strikes from the 100 feet creature, as the three-headed one made to fire at another helicopter with one head, having thrown Iceman down, when Johnny flew in.

As it fired, Johnny fired back, and their beams of fire clashed against each other, Johnny grunting as he said. "Take that!"

And then, his flames managed to overpower those of the beast, sending its fire beam back as the creature staggered backwards too, while Reed, Susan and Ben arrived down below.

Tony fired repulsors at the 100 foot creature which screeched, then struck another helicopter, sending it flying off.

On instinct, Sue threw out her hands and the helicopter suddenly stopped in place like it had smashed into a solid wall, the reporters gasping in shock.

"What the….That you, Suzie?" Ben gasped. She blinked.

"I…I guess so." She frowned. "This is…It's like I can see a bubble there!"

"Force shields," Reed intoned with wonder as police cars arrived. "You can project solid constructs of invisible force, a telekinetic offshoot of your main abilities!"

Ben was moving when he saw an attractive red-haired woman stumbling about the street, and realized she was blind. The three-headed creature saw her, and spewed flames from its mouth.

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Moving faster than one might expect from his size, Ben put himself in between the woman and the flames. Ben hissed as he felt it strike its back. However, his rocky hide was unhurt.

Ben looked down at the woman. "You okay, lady?" He was struck by her for some reason. "Lady?"

"It's…Alicia…" she said. She reached out to rub his face. "Thank you. Thank you so much."

"Um…Yer welcome." Ben moved to hand her off to a waiting cop. "You just take it easy, ok? Alicia?"

Turning, Ben saw the creature start to fly at him and growled while punching his fist into his open palm. "Alright you big, ugly, three headed, bad breath, son of a bitch, I've been cooped up with a lot of rage to dish out and no one to take it out on. You know what that means?" The winged creature roared at him, with Ben grinning. "That's right...IT'S CLOBBERIN' TIME!"

As the creature made to spew more flames, Ben leapt and punched it in the chest, making it screech and fly back by many feet.

The 100 foot creature sent a police cruiser flying off, and it was about to crush a cop when Reed stretched out, and used his own body to become a trampoline, catching the police vehicle while grunting at the effort, though he succeeded in stopping it.

"The winged one looks like an evolved, monstrous dinosaur", Reed commented while grunting, as Johnny fired flames at the 100 foot creature.

"Yeah, how do you like my hotness? Eh?" Johnny taunted, before Thor slammed Mjolnir on it from behind, sending it flying off and falling, creating another crater.

"I have a plan", Reed then said as Tony flew down next to him.

"Would love to hear it, stretch", Tony quipped, Reed rolling his eyes.

"All right, so here's what we will do…."

The winged creature fired its flames at Ben, who grunted and hissed, resisting the flames, before leaping and punching one face, making it rear backwards as the creature flew back by a few feet.

Tony fired his repulsors at the 100 feet creature's face, before firing his Unibeam. "Take this!"

The Unibeam hit the creature and staggered it back by some distance as it screeched in pain.

"Ben!" Reed cried out. "Throw yours at the other one."

As the winged creature flew at him again, Ben leapt, getting behind it, and mid-jump, grabbed the creature from behind, and threw it at the 100 foot creature, the winged one crashing into it as both flew off by a few feet.

"Sue, Johnny, Thor!" Reed cried out, and so, Thor and Johnny flew near where the two creatures were falling, right before Susan held out her hands.

An invisible force field was created, trapping the creatures inside, Susan grunting due to their size and strength, as this was taking a lot of effort.

"Come on, fire and lightning? They'll be cooked up", Johnny said.

"Aye", Thor nodded, before firing his lightning as Johnny fired his flames, and the two mixed, before hitting both the creatures at full and amplified power, as they both roared and screeched in utter agony, writhing in pain.

Thor and Johnny did not let up one bit, and continued for a whole minute, before Susan sighed, letting go, and the creatures crashed to the ground, making everything shake and forming another crater, both badly singed and burnt.

"Oh yeah!" Johnny cheered, tapping Thor's shoulder, who just gave him a look, making him stop. "Sorry."

They flew down, as Reed supported Susan. "You all right?"

"I think so", she panted, while Ben walked near them, and the Avengers all stepped nearby too, along with Piotr and Bobby.

A crowd of onlookers was coming, having seen the ending stage of the fight. It was silent for a few seconds, before them, including Alicia, and the police all began cheering.

"Well, it is not as bad as I believed", Ben had to say, as he looked at Alicia cheering too.

Johnny grinned. "Looks like we're in the big leagues now!"

As the Avengers, the two X-Men and the new Heroes were cheered for, a yellow-skinned, goblin-like creature with small eyes and a loincloth covering below its waist, watched and listened to the defeat of the other two beasts from the giant crater that the 100 feet creature had made, and it retreated deeper into the ground.

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Eventually, the goblin-like creature ended up in the front of a throne made of rock.

On the throne sat a dwarfish, overweight man with a poor posture and an unusually large nose that made him look grotesque, with blue glasses around his eyes, a green suit, and a staff in hand.

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The goblin-like creature climbed onto the throne, and whispered into the overweight man's ear.

A moment later, the man angrily let out a yell of defeat.

Universe-208, Umbara

Whether they knew they were going to make it back to the base or not, the sight of the airbase never made the four of them so happy. Hardcase was still whooping even as he landed beside Fives and Jesse, jumping out the chair to help Steve off the wing, keeping a hand around the man who saved his life. "We did it, brother."

"That we did." Steve found the two other Clones, their helmets removed, and smiling.

"All in a day's work." Steve smiled back at them.

"I'd like to see Krell grumble about that!" Hardcase laughed, slugging Steve's other shoulder, before hearing his pained hiss.

"Hardcase." Jesse groaned while pinching the bridge of his nose.

"What? I punched his other shoulder!"

Fives got on the other side of Steve. "And he got shot in that arm."

Hardcase's eyes widened and saw that below the "A" symbol on his suit that there was another blackened and burned wound on the arm. "Oh come on!"

"It's the thought that counts." Steve joked as the three Clones helped the injured super soldier walk forward before being greeted by Captain Rex and Tup.

"You actually did it." The Clone with the manbun said in amazement.

Rex walked forward until he had the three Clones and volunteer in front of him. "Good work, all of you." He told them before checking Steve's condition. "Punch through another ray shield."

"No, actually, I got shot. Three times."

Rex hummed before smirking. "Walk it off, super soldier."

Steve could not stop himself from laughing, joined by Fives and Jesse before they were all eclipsed by Hardcase's roar of laughter. In that brief moment, they forgot about the consequences, instead choosing to relish the victory. It was close, but they pulled through. All of them.

It ended too soon.

The clanking of a door being opened interrupted them. The four Clones and two captains turned to a squad of Clones, led by Sergeant Appo, making their way toward them. Without even being told, they knew it was not to congratulate them on the mission.

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"General Krell would like to see them in the tower, and for the prisoner to return to his cell." Appo was not as overzealous as Dogma when it came to following orders, but he was as bad when it came to enacting them.

"Can't you see he's hurt? He needs to go to the infirmary!" Hardcase pleaded for Steve, but the Avenger knew what was coming.

"Those are the orders." Hardcase wanted to make a move, but Rex held him back, a pair of Clones walked forward, one with cuffs.

"Steve." The Clone carrying the binders nervously gestured to his hands, pleading in his voice. Jesse and Hardcase stood before him protectively, but a look to Fives and a hand on both their shoulders told them to stand down, and they did, reluctantly.

"Steve, come on, you can't accept this!"

"I knew what I was doing, and I accept the consequences." Steve informed Hardcase as he turned, his hands behind his back while Gus tightened the cuffs. The wounds in his back and arm flared with pain. "It was an honor." Steve told his fellow pilots before Gus and Sketch led him back to his cell.

A single shot of bacta was all Kix was allowed to give him for the pain and to accelerate his natural healing before the medic was escorted away. Unlike his previous imprisonment, Steve was forced to endure captivity with his hands behind his back and his wounds untreated. There was no point blaming the Clones, it was not their fault. Steve blamed Krell, this had his cruelty and misconduct written all over it.

He heard the platform lower until it reached his level. Wondering at who it could be, Steve turned his head, and couldn't believe his eyes when he saw Fives, Jesse, and Hardcase, without their helmets and chest armor, all cuffed and put in the cell. The ray shield activated behind them, leaving the four men in the now cramped cell.

No words were spoken initially, Steve still not believing how this could happen. They disobeyed orders, sure, but they saved the battalion and God knows who else by destroying that ship.

Fives held his head high. "We accepted the consequences when we started this mission."

Even from the tight confines of the cuffs, Steve's hands clenched into fists, the knuckles popping, and his hate for Pong Krell only rising.

Earth-1, Star City

Hardison held the extrapolator in his hand, as Eliot and Oliver shared a meaningful look, then, to everyone's surprise, they shared an embrace.

"Thank you", Oliver whispered to Eliot.

"No problem", Eliot assured him. "Stay in touch."

"I will", Oliver nodded as they parted, looking at each other once more. "We will."

Hardison and Felicity shared a handshake, as Felicity said. "Thanks for…teaching me stuff."

"Its no problem", Hardison quipped. "Age of the geek, baby."

"You all gonna be fine?" Parker then asked them.

"We'll do our best", Sara assured her, then shared a handshake with her, Hunt, Hardison, and finally Eliot. "Thank you for helping Ollie."

"Its what I do", Eliot assured her.

"We will see you all around soon", Hunt added from his end, as more handshakes went around.

Then, Hardison pressed the device, and a breach opened. "Oh boy, this is gonna be something!"

"Good luck", Oliver said to the group of four.

"Good luck to you all as well", Eliot said in reply, the two sharing one more nod, before Hardison, Parker and Ethan stepped into the breach, walking through it.

And then, Eliot walked into as well, before it finally closed.

"Well then", Oliver turned to the rest of his team. "Time to get to work again."

Earth-199999, New York City

A breach opened as Eliot, Parker, Hardison and Ethan came out, and they looked around while the breach closed, seeing the Avengers Tower.

"Well, we're back in our world", Hardison had to say.

"Its good to be back", Eliot told the rest of them with a smile. "Thank you for coming for me."

"Always", Parker assured him.

"So, what now?" Hunt asked.

"Nate and Sophie were worried about you, let's meet them, and celebrate", Hardison told the rest of them, before looking at Eliot. "And your old SHIELD buddies did help us in trying to find you."

"May", Eliot said with a fond smile.

"I could call Luther and Benji too", Hunt offered.

"Oh yeah, they're welcome too", Eliot said, smiling and taking a deep breath. "Once more- its good to be back."


And we're done with another monster of a chapter.

First of all, thanks a lot to Michael Weyer for letting me use scenes from his 'Taking Flight (And Fights)' for the Fantastic Four stuff.

And thanks a lot to Brainstorm Sorcerer and gussygus28 for their help too, the former again doing scenes on the SW side for me, while the latter gave a good basic outline for the musical, and thank you to Stand with Ward and Queen for some suggestions too.

Hardcase lives, while Blade has met Quinlan, and we see Vizsla getting his scar 'on-screen' here.

The Fantastic Four are already making a headline, LOL! Imagine Alyson Hannigan as Alicia Masters, thank you to gussygus28 for the casting.

Superman's calling out of Willow was inspired by when Clark threatened Lex at the end of the pilot of 'Lois and Clark: The New Adventure of Superman', though of course context was changed. This, combined with Tara calling her out early, and Buffy's revelation all brought Willow back to her senses a bit earlier than in canon, so no messes in 6x9 and 6x10, while Buffy is back to her senses too, though she still did kiss Spike.

Sora from 'Kingdom Hearts' is so optimistic he can give even Superman pointers on how to be more hopeful. While 'Kingdom Hearts' is made fun of for some funny dialogues, and the plot getting more convoluted overtime, I still love the franchise, and its characters, and its gameplay and its music with all my heart, and will continue to do so, and consider Sora's presence here a tribute to the video game series that made my childhood so enjoyable. As for the plot, I think even if it gets convoluted, it makes a lot of sense.

Thanks a lot to Lizz Robinett for her covers once more, as I used the lyrics of her covers for Roxas', Xion's and Sora's theme songs here.

Eliot sang a modified version of the song 'Let Me Go' by his actor Christian Kane, and also 'Angel With A Shotgun' by 'The Cab'. Oliver's song was original and AI-generated.

Sweet had more minions than in canon here due to how many characters there were in the Musical.

I cut 'Give Me Something To Sing About' last time as Buffy was not depressed, so it got put in this time. 'Walk Through The Fire' happened with the Scoobies, Dean and Sam off-screen, and since Sweet got a beating, 'Where Do We Go From Here?' did not happen.

Now, what have the SHIELD Team discovered in Rambo's blood? Its nothing unnatural, but the next chapter shall give an answer. Still, any guesses?

Also, for AOS, this is between 2x6 and 2x7, since the team would have some time between those two episodes.

Cisco could make the extrapolators easier because of his powers, as no one on the Marvel side has such powers to help making the device easier for them.

How ironic is it that Blade drank from Dooku, since Sir Christopher Lee (RIP) used to play Dracula before?

The Leverage team and Hunt are back on their Earth, and now, I will say- 'Leverage' is a must-watch show. Its basic premise you already know from what I've shown in this story, especially Chapter 14 (the team consist of a Hitter, a Hacker, a Thief, a Grifter and a Mastermind), but anyways, the best thing about it is that every character is fully utilized, and none of them feel wasted, all five of them get great arcs and great stuff to do, so its a perfect 'Five Man Band'.

Also, Eliot is the team Powerhouse, but he does not suffer from 'The Worf Effect', which is a trope named after the character Worf from 'Star Trek', who was the team Powerhouse but kept getting knocked out all the time to show how strong the threat of the week is, and it got too old, and whenever the strongest guy around in anything gets overpowered, its called 'The Worf Effect'.

But Eliot never suffers from it, because the problem is something that can't just go away by him punching it really hard. His job is to protect the team, and he always wins fights he is in. He has been pushed a few times, but he always comes out on top, and that makes him a very well-utilized Powerhouse, the best one easily.

And, he also doesn't like guns, so him picking up a gun is the equivalent to Superman giving his 'World of Cardboard' speech.

Anyways, this show is a must-watch because of everything I said above, and I thank the YouTube channel 'Overly Sarcastic Productions' for introducing me to it by talking about Eliot in their 'Powerhouse' video. Eliot is the best utilized Powerhouse in anything IMO, with Toph from ATLA on second, and Thor from EMH on third.

Anyways, hope all enjoyed and see you all next time with another chapter.

Chapter 17: The Immortal


Team Arrow, Team Flash and Strider face a new, powerful enemy. Steve and the Clones make a horrifying discovery. Eliot finds out something shocking. Zoom meets Lex and Zemo at last.


Disclaimer: I do not own anything you may recognize

Thank you to everyone for the kudos, hits, comments and bookmarks.

Thanks a lot to gussygus28 and Brainstorm Sorcerer for their help with this chapter too, really couldn't have done this without them. Thank you to Stand with Ward and Queen for a little suggestion too.

There has been a shooting in the Prague University on 21st December. My heart goes out to everyone affected by this. Rest In Peace to the people who lost their lives in this senseless crime.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Earth-1, Central City

A ship had just arrived at the docks, and the captain was walking down, where the cop greeted him. "Welcome home. Any trouble?"

"Nah", the captain shrugged, then added. "But believe it or not, we got ourselves a stowaway."

The four crew members appeared, leading a tall and cuffed man who'd long hair and a beard, while also dressed in dark clothes.

"He give you his name?" The cop asked.

"Didn't say", the captain said. "Sat in the brig silent for three weeks." Then he lifted up a purple trench coat, inside which were many sheathed knives, to the cop's shock. "He was all decked out in this when we found him."

"Jeez, how many are there?" The cop wondered.


They all turned, surprised to hear the stowaway speak for the first time since being captured.

"And I'll polish them all in blood before long." The man looked around at the city. "I've waited a long time for this hunt", he turned to the captain, "and you have brought me very close to my prey." He smiled and seemed to bow his head in thanks.

The captain walked towards him. "Mister, you're not going to do any hunting in those handcuffs."

"Oh, but, Captain, you're wearing the cuffs."

The man lifted up his hands to reveal they were free, and the shocked captain saw his hands were cuffed now.

The man elbowed the captain, sending him falling down, and marched towards the cop, who took out his gun. "Who taught you that... Houdini?"

"Actually, I taught him", the man claimed, and dodged one shot, causing it to hit a crew member, then grabbed the cop's hand and twisted, making him shoot himself twice as well.

After that, he picked up his trench coat, wearing it with a flourish, as he adjusted it, then took out a knife, looking at the crew members.

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He threw one, striking one of them, and then swiftly pulled it out before spinning and stabbing the other two in quick succession as well, killing them all.

Then, walking towards the captain, the man knelt near him with a smirk, and stabbed into his chest.

He'd sat silent for three weeks. He needed something to eat after all.

With that, he pulled out a good part of the captain's flesh from his chest, as well as his still beating heart.

The captain died slowly, as the man opened his mouth, and put the flesh and heart in his mouth, chewing and swallowing them whole and raw, before wiping some blood off his mouth.

Smirking again at his sated hunger, the man looked ahead at the city.

"Soon another sacrifice will be made", he declared. "And I shall be closer to my true destiny." He looked ahead. "I feel you out there, a stepping stone for my rise once more."

Next day, CCPD

"Man, this was a bloodbath", Joe said, looking at the pictures, very disturbed by the ripped-out heart.

"Done by one person", Barry said.

"One person did all this?" Patty asked.

"Yeah, a really sick person", Barry snarled. "You can see from the blood pattern." He gestured to all the pictures. "This guy was shot first, then the police chief, then these three were stabbed before finishing off the captain."

"Wow", Patty had to say. "Do you think a meta-human did it?"

"I don't know, but I found this in all of the stab victims' wounds", Barry said, lifting up an evidence bag. "It's some type of cryptocrystalline... Flint, most likely... Probably broke off the blade during the fight. I'll run it to make sure. For the heart, could be anything. Maybe the guy is trying to do some ritual or whatever."

"Let's see what stores sell those kind of flint knives", Joe said as he gestured to Patty.

"Will do", Patty nodded, then looked at Barry. "And, uh, I'll call you later."



Joe chuckled. "So cute." They looked at him. "You guys are trying not to be affectionate in front of me."

Patty shrugged while blushing. "Oh, no, we're just showing some professionalism."

"Yeah", Barry added, blushing as well, while Joe continued to chuckled.

Night time

Cisco and his girlfriend Kendra Saunders whom he'd started dating a few weeks ago entered CC Jitters where she worked as a barista, to have a date.

"Advantages of a trusting manager", Kendra shrugged, keeping the keys away.

"Oh, a lot's gone down in this place", Cisco said, looking around. "Nice." He then turned to Kendra. "So what's up? I thought we were gonna go to dinner."

Kendra walked towards the table, revealing covered dishes, to his surprise. "Whoa. What's going on here?"

"I couldn't decide which restaurant to go to, so I thought we would create our own." Kendra revealed the dishes. "Voilà. Short rib, Yukon gold puree, and asparagus." She covered them again. "Got to have a vegetable."

"This is nice", Cisco smiled.

"I like to cook", Kendra told him. "I didn't know if you like red or white, so... I got you both."

"Ooh, two bottles", Cisco noted. "That's kind of dangerous, don't you think?"

Kendra asked him. "You're not gonna run away all of a sudden, are you?"

Cisco assured her. "Trust me, I'm staying by your side as long as possible."

"Good", she said happily while moving across the table towards him. "You know, it's been really great hanging out these last few weeks. And it's helped make the move a lot easier, so... thanks."

"You're very welcome", Cisco assured her as they shared a kiss, only to be interrupted on hearing someone talk in a language they didn't recognize.

They turned to see the man in the purple trench coat as Kendra asked. "Sorry. How did you get in here?"

"Hey, man, this place is closed", Cisco added.

"You are just as beautiful in this life as any other, Priestess Chay-Ara", the man declared. "But you are as weak as you were before, perhaps even weaker. So now, it is time."

"Priestess?" Kendra simply asked in confusion.

"Uh, you're going to have to go, dude", Cisco told him.

"Oh, not without her..." the man revealed the knives in his trench coat, "dude."

"Oh, my God", Kendra whispered in horror, getting behind Cisco as the man unsheathed a knife. "Cisco." She looked at him. "I don't understand. What do you want?"

"I believe I was clear", the man shrugged.

Cisco quickly pressed a button on his phone and bravely said. "Kendra's not going anywhere with you."

"Oh, is that your name now?" The man asked Kendra mockingly. "Kendra... Quite boring. I believe it allowed you to blend in for a while. I've gone by many names too, to blend in." He turned to Cisco. "Now, give her to me, and I'll make your death fast, and I will not do anything else to your corpse."

"It ain't gonna happen", Cisco snarled, and then a blur sped in as Barry punched the man in the chest, sending him falling down.

"You are done here, pal", Barry said, marching up to him.

"So is he!" The man got up and hurled a knife at Cisco, as Barry ran towards him, quickly catching it, but when he turned around, the man was gone.

Cisco just sighed in relief, putting a hand on Barry's shoulder. "Oh! Thank God, Barry."

Barry looked at Kendra, then at Cisco as he shook his head in disapproval and annoyance. "Dude, come on."

Cisco gulped as he looked at Kendra's face and realized he'd spilled the secret.

Later, STAR Labs

"I can't believe you're The Flash", Kendra was saying to Barry before she turned to Cisco. "And that you work with The Flash."

Cisco chuckled. "Yeah, let's keep that on the DL."

Barry looked at the knife they'd gotten. "This is the same knife that was used to kill the men at the docks, and rip out one's heart. Residue is a perfect match."

"So it is the same guy", Joe noted.

"Definitely", Barry said, before looking down at the knife. "But the thing is, these blades are old, centuries old."

Iris asked Kendra. "Do you have any idea why this guy would be after you?"

Kendra shook her head. "No, I've never seen him before in my life."

"Well, he was certainly acting like he knew you", Cisco told her, remembering what the man had called Kendra. "He kept calling her Priestess Chay-Ara."

"That's Coptic", Harry said.

"You mean Egyptian?" Caitlin inquired.

"That's right", Jesse nodded.

"Is this 'Coptic' or 'Egyptian' a tongue you all use?" Strider inquired then.

"Well, yeah, the people from Egypt that is", Henry confirmed.

"So, this Man is of Egypt, or he stayed there long enough to learn their tongue", Strider noted.

"The blade is centuries old", Iris said, then thought since Strider was medieval, he could know something. "Maybe this man is from your world?"

"That cannot be true, there is no 'Egypt' in Middle-earth", Strider told Iris while looking at the knife. "And in all my years travelling across the land, I have never seen a blade like this one. I do not know of any creature who would take out only the heart of the one they slay. Not even Orcs."

"So, not from your world", Caitlin muttered.

Kendra said. "Well, I grew up in Wisconsin, and I've never even left the States, so..."

"This guy, he's clearly incredibly dangerous, so I need you to at least let us try to protect you", Barry requested Kendra.

Joe offered. "I can put a detail on her."

"You didn't see this guy, Joe", Cisco shook his head. "No offense, but I don't think a cop is going to be able to protect her."

"No, but we do have a few friends who could lend a hand", Barry told Kendra. "But we're going to need to leave Central City."

"And go where?" Kendra asked.

Few minutes later

Strider walked up to Barry as he saw Cisco walk off, and asked. "How far is this 'Star City' from here?"

"Not that far, and its just going to be us, Cisco and Kendra", Barry told Strider with a smile. "Actually, the hero of that city, the Green Arrow, he inspired me."

"He must be a noble and honorable warrior", Strider said, looking forward to meeting him.

"Oh yeah. I don't agree with him all the time, but I know he is a good man", Barry had to say. "He also trained me. That didn't go as well."

"What happened?"

"Oh, he shot me in the back", Barry shrugged. "Though I do heal fast."

"Sometimes you do get injured when you learn, it prevents you from being injured in a true battle", Strider pointed out, as Henry arrived.

"Barry, are you sure going to Star City is the right idea?" Henry inquired. "I mean, Green Arrow is still a new vigilante from what I know, so…"

"We'll be fine, dad", Barry assured him, while gesturing to Strider. "And he is with us, you know what he can do."

"Keep my son safe", Henry said to Strider.

"I will protect him. He has my sword", Strider promised Henry, who shared a hug with Barry.

"Be careful, son."

"I will, dad." Barry turned to Strider. "And once we're done with this man, you'll go home too, I promise."

Strider simply nodded.

Universe-208, Umbara

No matter what they did, or why they did it, Rex knew that what Fives, Hardcase, Jesse, and Steve did marked them as heroes. They saved not only their battalion, but General Kenobi's as well. If they did not destroy the supply ship, they would have lost who knows how many men trying to get to the capital and trying to destroy the ship as well. They did their duty and more, which, as much as he refrained himself from admitting aloud, was more than what could be said about General Pong Krell.

Rex would never say such a thing under normal circ*mstances…but this was not a normal Jedi.

Sure, General Skywalker was an unorthodox leader, but he got the job done and fought where the fighting was thickest, while trying to keep the casualties as low as possible. Not only that, but he also trusted the men under his command, it's what made the soldiers of the 501st loyal to the man. They believed their General could lead them to victory.

All General Krell could lead them to is an early death.

Since the day Steve was arrested, where Krell used the Force on him in a way Rex had only known Sith to do, he had begun to have doubts on the validity of the Besalisk Jedi. Rex knew Jedi would not choke people using the Force, because it was the Sith assassin Ventress who used it on the Clone Captain himself, that act of choosing to harm someone screamed the Dark Side.

Any attempt to contact the other Jedi Generals was met with failure, but Rex doubted it was an internal issue, they were fighting a war across the planet, then the Umbarans jammed their communications, reaching out for help now of all times was a slim chance at best.

So, Rex had to go down another route.

That was what led him to make his way to the tower to talk to the General.

"General Krell, I respectfully request you reconsider court-martialing Fives, Jesse, Hardcase, and Captain Steve Rogers."

Without even turning to face the Clone, Krell gave his answer. "The actions of ARC Trooper 5555, CT-5597, and CT-2666 were a clear act of treachery and disregard for my command. If punishment isn't swift, their defiance may inspire others to follow suit. As for the case of the…civilian," Rex frowned at how much venom the Jedi used when referring to Steve, no doubt still holding a grudge over what happened before and after the base was taken, "it is from his insubordination that these Clones were inspired to act against me. I bet it was his plan all along, introduce anarchy to the ranks. How General Skywalker couldn't see it, I will never know."

"Sir, the men are with you." This was it. Rex had a good feeling what was coming next. "But if you take action against these men, especially Captain Rogers, then I cannot guarantee their continued compliance."

A shock seemed to be sent through the Besalisk's system. He went rigid before whirling on Rex with a face that dared him to continue. "What are you implying,captain?" It was an order, clear as a day on Dantooine.

Rex stood straighter and held his helmet tighter. "You said before that Captain Rogers has no footing in this war. That did not stop him from fighting for us. He chose to risk his life by helping us. It was his choice, something the Clones were not given." There, Rex finally said it, and by how Krell's face sneered, he was taken aback as well. "I made my choice, sir, as have the men, we were born to fight this war, but they believe that you have needlessly put their lives in danger."

"All the more reason to send a clear message thatIam in charge, and insubordination will not be tolerated, nor will this civilian's anarchy." Krell cut off Rex from saying more. "I see it now, the cause for these Clones' disrespect for my command. I had believed it was merely defective Clones, I have seen it before, but now I know for sure, it originated because of this so-calledcaptain'spresence." Rex's brow furrowed at what he said about Clones, but the Jedi was already pacing away with one of his arms stroking his chin. "Because of him, or perhaps due to their own faults, they refuse to submit to authority."

Rex did not like where this is going. He had a fear for what the four-armed General would say next.

"You're right, Captain. I don't think I can court-martial them. It will only be a waste of time, and that's something we don't have." Krell turned back and walked in front of Rex. "They will need to be disposed of before they spread the disease caused by Rogers any further." He laid a hand on the captain's pauldron and gave an order that chilled the clone of Jango Fett to his bones. "Prepare a squad for execution."

Execution?! That was beyond what he feared!

"What?! But-but, sir-"

"You heard me, Captain!" Even the Clones working at the holoprojectors could not hold back their shock from the orders. "Have it done immediately, or I'll do it myself."

"No, sir."

The Jedi General once again became rigid, more out of shock, before that shock turned to anger, and he turned to face the Clone before marching two steps to tower over the captain. "What did you just say, Captain?" He jabbed his finger harshly against the Clone's shoulder, but he held strong and barely allowed himself to move.

"I said, "no, sir"."

"Do you I need to remind you of your duty, CT-7567? Or perhaps I need to list the crimes against the imprisoned to make you realize the foolishness of your refusal to follow my orders!" Krell screamed at him, yet Rex did not react. "This "Steve Rogers" can be just an act put on by an Umbaran spy, an agent of the Separatists to instill turmoil in our ranks! You would risk your career, your life, on the machinations and treachery of this one man?!"

"I would risk nothing if I can't help it, General. That being said, all Captain Steven Rogers has done since the moment I met him on the ridge before your air support was fight our battles. He saved lives and was the reason for more than one victory during this entire invasion. I have already made a report of his actions to Admiral Yularen."

The look on Krell's face made it seem it was Rex who committed treason. "You. Did. What?!" He shouted in a rage.

"General, executing these four men on baseless claims of treason or espionage will only further the divide between the men and command. You may see Steve's actions as insubordination, but it is only because he is not trained in our protocols. He thinks differently, acts differently-"

"What are you implying, and take great care in how you answer, CT-7567." Krell hissed the number, and Rex knew, there was no going back.

"Captain Rogers has fought with us since the day he first arrived in the camp, saving lives."

"Do you expect every Jedi to fight every battle in this war, captain? Need I remind you of the massacre that occurred on Geonosis!"

"I was there, sir, I know what happened, and I also know that the men recognize a soldier going beyond the line of duty, like Fives, Jesse, Hardcase, and Steve Rogers did." Rex emphasized each of their names. "Over a hundred reports have been sent to the Admiral to plead for their case, especially in regards to our volunteer." Krell's eye both widened and narrowed in a rage that Rex had no seen before.

A hand moved to the lightsabers, Rex noticed.

"You went behind my back? I should have you put in the firing myself!"

"I am only doing what I believe is best for this battalion, sir!" Rex argued back with as much respect as he could. Krell was not appeased. "Giving the command to execute who the soldiers see as heroes will only alienate you further from the men. It is in your best interest that these men live and see a fair military tribunal."

For the longest time, Krell only stared at Rex, unblinking as his face contorted in a sneer, a growl just waiting to emerge. At any moment, Rex knew his career could end, if not his life, but he could not stay silent any longer. Executing the four of them could result in the rest of the 501st no longer following orders, something that would have been unheard of before the day they met Steve Rogers. The man whose empathy, courage, and strength won the hearts of nearly the entire battalion. Rex had hoped by reaching out to the Admiral that Krell's hand would be stayed, and the message could be reached back to the other Jedi, even General Skywalker, and restore order.

But honestly, Rex simply refused to order the execution of his brothers.

Including Steve.

Finally, after what felt like a rotation, Krell blinked and backed off, turning back to the cubic holoprojector of the Umbarans. "Very well, Captain, I will not order you to arrange the execution."

Rex did his best to hide a sigh of relief. At last, some good news.

Krell tapped his comms. "Sergeant Appo."

Rex's heart stopped.

"Yes, sir."

"Assemble a firing squad for the traitors. I want it done immediately."

"Will do, sir."

"But General-"

"But what, Captain?" Krell turned his head over his shoulder, not even turning to the veteran. "If you refuse to give the order based on a misguided belief of endangering my authority, I will have another do it for me."

"You can't-"

"Oh yes, I can." Krell turned fully and loomed over the Clone once more. "If you haven't forgotten, a General has the ability to extend punishment even during combat." Krell's finger waved in Rex' face. "Do not think I will forget this act of defiance, CT-7567. I will deal with the consequences of your actions later, once I have taken the capital."

Krell turned back to the holoprojector, even as the Clones working the controls stared at him and the Captain.

Rex could only lower his head in defeat.

There was nothing more he could do.

Earth-199999, New York City, Avengers Tower

All of Reed's research had been moved to the Avengers Tower for the duration of the project. Tony was on a screen, running schematics for an upgrade for the IDIOT, when he turned his head and saw Reed, his hands stretched out as was his head, tapping screens and observing data. Tony paused in his work to stare, Banner joining him to watch, mouth slightly agape.

Tony, of course, took a second before going. "I don't know whether to say "show off"...or eww."

Banner pushed that aside though, instead raising up his tablet and flicking the screen forward, sending the projection to the center of the room where Reed joined them. It was a holographic representation of a breach, Banner highlighting. "We were all preoccupied with trying to figure out the difference frequencies of other Universe, that we left out another variable. Back when Clark and Bart were staying with us-"

"Clark and Bart?" Reed asked.

"Big guy, cape. Small guy, fast." Tony simplified before turning back to Banner.

"We ran scans over their bodies, and while they weren't exactly normal humans, or human at all in Clark's case, they still were subjected to different types of cosmic radiation and energies we would encounter every day. I ran that through our records, and if you exclude the abnormalities due to their powers, there are microscopic differences in what they are exposed to, but they still exist. It sets them apart."

"Even on another world, Captain Rogers would still have the same radiation and energy signature." Reed realized, following Banner's thought.

"And Cap's body was exposed to vita rays when given the serum." Tony spread his hands and opened a holographic screen, tapping the keys to bring up a visual of the radiation in the air, before adding the vita rays to the mixture. "We finish working on the IDIOT, we can find Steve's unique signature, unless there's another boy scout sporting a super soldier serum and a patriotic frisbee."

"...maybe leave the motivational speeches to Steve." Banner said as he went back to work, in spite of Tony's exaggerated gasp.

Johnny was reading an article on the newspaper about him, the Avengers and the two Mutants having saved the day, and noted the name for their team. "They're calling us 'New Avengers'. Does that make us part of the team?"

In unison, across the Tower, Tony, Clint, Natasha, Banner, Sue, and Reed flatly said. "No."

"Oh come on! You guys need a new blood hot shot!"


"Well what am I supposed to do with these powers?" Johnny lit his hand on fire to demonstrate.

"Go to school?" Clint offered.

Johnny's eyes lit up. "Super school?"

"You barely pass regular school." Sue quipped.

"Don't think we'd want you there anyways", Bobby added as Johnny sputtered, the rest chuckling.

Earth-1, Star City

Damien Darhk had killed three ARGUS agents and was about to steal the chemical bomb with his men from HIVE.

Then there was the whistle of an arrow, as they turned to see an arrow stuck to the ground, before looking up to see Oliver, Sara, Diggle and Thea, in their suits.

"Oh, you brought arrows to a gunfight", Damien mocked. "And you're a few people shorter, I think."

"What guns?" Oliver asked, pressing a button, as the arrow attracted all the guns of the HIVE soldiers, disarming the men.

"Oh, that was actually pretty clever", Damien said, impressed. "Kill them."

Oliver fired an arrow that exploded, sending a few of them down, while Thea fired two more, getting two in the shoulder, and Sara threw her shurikens, taking down three more, with Diggle firing and getting some more.

Oliver fired one more arrow, this one multiplying into many and hitting many HIVE men in non-lethal spots.

"Fall back!" Damien ordered, as Oliver fired another one that exploded, and sent him flying back too. The HIVE men and Damien were forced to retreat as the four Team Arrow members jumped off the truck, only for a red blur to sweep them away.

Barry sped the four of them into an alley, as Diggle removed his helmet and vomited due to motion sickness. "Damn it! Every time."

Barry shrugged as Thea noted. "It's The Flash. Did I know we knew The Flash? We know The Flash." She looked at him. "Okay. I didn't know we knew The Flash."

"I did", Sara commented.

"Really? But you've been alive only a few weeks", Thea was shocked.

"I keep up", Sara told her.

Oliver told Barry. "Its good to see you, but I don't think you ran all the way here to help us."

"No", Barry confessed. "I need to protect a friend."

Later, the lair

Oliver, Barry, Sara, Thea and Diggle returned, and were talking, as inside, Strider, Cisco and Kendra were already there with Felicity.

"So, you're from a medieval world?" Felicity asked Strider again, in total disbelief.

"I have been told that is what Middle-earth is, so I would say I am", Strider simply said, Felicity still shocked.

She then saw Barry and went to hug him.

"Good to see you, Felicity."

They parted as Felicity smacked his chest. "How come you didn't tell me Zoom broke your back? And you met a cool medieval warrior?"

Barry was dumbfounded as Felicity hugged him. "I'm so glad you're okay, but you're not forgiven for not telling me about Strider."

Oliver noticed Strider and walked to him. "So you must be Strider."

"I am", Strider confirmed. "You are Oliver Queen, are you not?"

"I am", Oliver confirmed.

"Barry told me you were the one who inspired him, and taught him as well", Strider noted. "You are why Barry is the noble warrior he is today."

"Well, from what I know, you've made him even better and stronger", Oliver complimented, before holding out his hand.

After a moment, Strider grasped it, the two sharing a nod. Oliver was quite amazed to meet a medieval man himself, but he could hide his shock well, as could Sara.

"Hi, I'm Thea, its nice to meet you", Thea held out her hand to Strider, that he grasped as well.

"It is an honor to meet you, Thea", Strider simply told her, as Diggle just stared in disbelief.

"This day is getting weirder", he muttered to himself.

"Be polite", Sara whacked his arm.

"I made some friends from other worlds too, but they left, or I'd have introduced them", Oliver told Barry, before gesturing to Sara and Diggle. "This is Sara Lance", he looked at Strider and Kendra regarding Dig, "and John Diggle."

They just waved and nodded respectively, as Kendra shook his hand. "And you're Oliver Queen."


"I'm Kendra, I am Cisco's…" she trailed off.

"She is…uhh, my new beautiful friend, who uhh..kisses me occasionally", Cisco said lamely, as the rest shared weird looks.

Kendra looked at Cisco. "So, first I meet the Flash, then a Man from another world", she turned to Oliver, "and now I meet the Green Arrow." She looked back at Cisco. "Do you've any other surprises for me?"

Cisco chuckled. "Please, no more surprises."

"Barry said that you need our help", Oliver got into business mode as he looked at Kendra. "Somebody very dangerous is after you."

"Yeah, and I have no idea why", Kendra said.

"What does this guy even look like?" Thea inquired.

"Hold on." Barry walked to a pad and pen, and opening the pad, drew a sketch of the man's face at superspeed, before showing it to everyone. "Okay, this is him."

Diggle quipped. "Yeah, see, that's something I would never think of."

Felicity took the pad. "Let's see if facial recognition can find a match." After some typing, they found a photo of the man.

"Is this the one who tried to slay you?" Strider inquired to Kendra.

"That's him", Kendra confirmed.

"Yeah, strange", Felicity had to say. "This picture's from 1975."

"Which would make him about 80 years old right now", Barry noted.

So it seemed races such as Elves, Dwarves and Hobbits were not in this world, as Elves were immortal, and Dwarves and Hobbits could live long too, Strider noted in his mind.

He was descended from the Men of Númenór, so he could live longer too. But not all Men could. And this world did not have any race of this manner.

So to them, this was unheard of.

"Okay, what else can you tell us?" Oliver asked Kendra.

Kendra revealed. "He said we've known each other for ages, but I've never met the man before."

"There has to be some kind of connection", Sara said.

"Not one I can think of", Kendra commented. "I just moved to Central City six months ago."

"Why'd you move there?" Oliver asked.

Kendra sighed. "I just felt drawn to the city, I guess."

"Maybe there's a connection, which you can't think of yet", Oliver noted.

"Okay, I think I know someone who can help", Barry said as he walked away. "I'm gonna call him and ask him about this."

Taking out a phone, Barry dialed, then put the phone to his ear as the person on the other end picked up.

"Hello? Yeah, I needed your help with something."


Nate, Sophie, Eliot, Parker, Hardison, Hunt, Luther and Benji were all sitting together, celebrating their successful return from Earth-1 at last, and discussing their adventures on that Earth.

"Its still hard to believe that pop song by Trish Walker managed to be of use", Nate had to say, as the rest chuckled.

"Come on, its not that bad!" Hardison defended it.

"That's a hot take if I've ever heard one", Luther quipped, Hardison sighing.

"Senator Cray must have had quite a breakdown", Sophie commented.

"I think it was worse than any we've seen over here", Parker told them, mentally laughing over the image still.

"That says a lot", Hunt commented, as he'd seen videos of some of the breakdowns by the people the Leverage crew took down.

"So, now that you're back, what are you going to do?" Benji inquired.

"Pretty much the same thing", Eliot shrugged. "These people don't really stop, unless we stop them."

Nate nodded in agreement, as Hunt said. "And our organization, as well as others, will be looking the other way, like usual."

"Much appreciated there", Hardison smirked.

"Either way, it is good to have you back, Eliot", Sophie said to him, clearly having been worried for him, alongside Nate.

"I'm not going anywhere now", Eliot assured the both of them. "Not unless I've a way to come back already."

That made the group chuckle, while Eliot asked incredulously. "And, the Avengers and some others fought a giant watermelon?"

"How would the watermelon be?" Parker wondered. "Would it taste like a regular one, or-"

"They did", Sophie said, interrupting Parker.

"Here I thought the serial killer in a doll's body was weird", Eliot groaned.

"All the worlds get stranger day by day it seems", Nate commented.

"And we have these mutants again, and a new team?" Hardison asked. "These 'New Avengers'?"

"Already made a headline alongside the Avengers and two mutants too", Nate commented, which was when there was a knock on the door.

Eliot and Hunt shared a look, the latter getting up, a gun in hand, as he walked to the door, and opened it quickly, aiming the gun, only to see it was Melinda May.

Relaxing, he lowered the gun. "Hey May."

"Hello", Melinda greeted him, as he stepped aside, letting her walk in, and she saw the rest of them, including Eliot. "It is good to have you back, Eliot."

"May." Eliot stood up and walked to her, not having seen her since their 'rendezvous' after she'd first joined Coulson's team. "How've you been?"

"With Hydra having been part of SHIELD for so many years, I'm sure you can tell", Melinda shrugged, as Eliot sighed.

"Yeah, that's correct", he nodded. "So, you wanna join?"

"Actually, no", Melinda said while shaking her head. "But like I said, it is good to have you back here."

"Thanks", Eliot said with a smile.

"Now", Melinda looked at the rest of them. "I needed to borrow Eliot."

"Why is that?" Parker asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Its important", Melinda said, looking back at Eliot. "Can you please come with me?"

"What is it?" Eliot inquired.

"I'll tell you when we reach there, but you need to know this", Melinda said in a voice that made it clear that whatever this was really concerned him.

"All right, okay", Eliot nodded. "I'll come."

"Thank you."

Eliot looked at the rest of them, and said. "I'll be back when this is done."

"Just be careful man", Hardison said to him.

"You lot be careful", Eliot quipped, making them chuckle, before Melinda walked out, and he walked out after her, the two leaving the place.

"I wonder what its about", Hunt had to say.

New York City, Avengers Tower

Thor had taken Piotr and Ben to the lower levels of the Tower, where a training room made by Tony could for the Avengers was located, but they were just testing Ben's strength here. A flat slab of metal was lowered over Ben, his arms raised up as the pressure and weight only got higher. "What's it at now?"

Thor and Piotr checked the level. "Two hundred tons." The Mutant said, impressed.

"I ain't even feeling it, boost it up some more. Make it a challenge."

Thor chuckled. "At least he's moved past his hate for his new form. For now that is."

"It's gonna haunt him for a long time." Piotr said, knowing from his own experience, and other Mutants who can't hide who they are. "Things will be hard, he will go to dark places, but with good people, he can move past the fear and pain, and accept who he is, what he is, and what he can do."

Humming, Thor patted the slightly taller mortal on the shoulder. "Wise words, my friend." He looked back at Grimm, and smiled in amusem*nt at the rocky man holding up the weight with one arm.

"How much now?"

Johnny was near a window of the Tower, about to fly out, hoping no one was watching him, when he bumped into an invisible wall and fell down with a groan. "What in the…?"

"I won't be your sister if I didn't know you were gonna try to fly out and do your usual nonsense", Susan shrugged, walking off as Johnny continued to groan on the ground. "Don't try this again."

Universe-208, Umbara

"How does the hammer work again?"

Steve sighed. This was the third time Hardcase asked that question. "I told you, I don't know, just something Thor said about being arrogant caused his father to strip him of his power and tie it to the hammer, and he could only get them back if he was worthy."

"No, I get that part, but how does the whole "worthy" thing work?"

Opening his mouth again, Steve was prepared to answer, but stopped before he could speak the first word. Honestly, he had no idea how it worked. He simply shrugged. "Don't really know, we've got along since he came back to Earth, but half the things he tells me I still find hard to understand."

"Like being over a thousand years old", Jesse muttered in disbelief.

"I heard Yoda was over nine hundred or something."

"And I thought you were old", Jesse said to Steve.

"Yeah, but Yoda actually looks his age." Fives pointed out. "And he was never worshiped as some kind of deity."

"How would you know?" Hardcase rebuked.

Steve had to smile at the small argument between the Clones. With their hands cuffed behind their backs, they couldn't sit comfortably, so they each took a corner and leaned as best they could. Despite the grimness of their situation, the Captain of the Howling Commandos took the chance to get to know the Clones better and share some of his experiences to bring some levity. So far, it was working like a charm.

"I wanna know more about this armor guy, Stark, right?"

"Tony." Steve answered Jesse.

"Yeah, how did he even make that thing? I mean, it's a pretty low-tech civilization on your world."

Steve shrugged again. "He's just that smart. Uses an energy source, an Arc Reactor, to power the suit to fly, fight, shoot lasers, fire missiles."

Hardcase looked delighted at the prospect. "Oh I need to get me one of those. Imagine the clankers getting a load of me in that baby!"

"No offense, Hardcase, but I think we've all had enough of your flying." Fives teased him. Jesse snorted.

"It's not just his flying, giving Hardcase a weapon with more punch to it than a tank, he's likely to blow us up in the process."

Fives and Steve could not resist their chuckles, while a sore Hardcase puffed his chest. "I would not!...maybe."

"I stand corrected." Jesse said with heavy sarcasm.

Whatever comeback Hardcase was about to throw at Jesse was stopped when the platform lowered to their level, the three Clones and one super soldier gathering near the ray shield to find Rex approaching. One look at his crestfallen face told Steve everything he needed to know.

"I'm sorry." The first words to come out of his mouth hit the men like a sucker punch. "General Krell has ordered your execution immediately."

"What?! But how?!" Jesse was the only one not taken aback by the shock. "He can't do this!"

"He has the authority to render punishment during combat." Rex's expression showed pain.

"Court-martial is one thing, the brig is another, but Captain, he's gonna kill us? For saving the battalion?" Hardcase's shock and anger were clear as day.

Rex lowered his head in defeat. "I tried everything I could. I started a petition, I contacted the Admiral, sent reports and pleas for your case, but they won't get back in time. When I tried to tell him the consequences, he brushed me aside."

The ARC Trooper stepped forward to face his brother. "Rex, you have to see it, he's abusing his command. Has been since the day he arrived."

Stepping back, Rex allowed the other Clones Appo sent to escort the four out. "I won't let him get away with this.."

"It's not your fault, Rex." Steve spoke for the first time since his arrival, and his blue eyes showed the truth of his words, he didn't blame the Clone Captain.

That made it hurt worse in Rex's mind.

Sighing, Fives nodded his head in resignation. "Ah, don't beat yourself up about it. We made our choice. We knew what the price was."

"Yeah, speak for yourself." Jesse shot back, to Fives' amusem*nt.

"Heh. Still got your sense of humor, I see."

"Yeah, who said I was joking?"

"Ah come on, dying might not be too bad." Hardcase tried to raise their spirits. "Who knows, after death, I could come back as a Jedi."

"Well…" Breathing in and out, Fives resigned himself to his fate. "I guess this is it."

"It's been an honor, gentlemen." Steve told them all.

Rex looked at all of them with pain. This was not right.

Steve, Fives, Jesse, and Hardcase, along with Rex and their escort, finally saw the line of Clones with rifles at the ready. A firing squad. This was not how Steve pictured himself going out, he thought grimly. It only got worse when he saw Tup and Kix in the squad, with Appo and Dogma seemingly in charge. The entire base seemed to be cleared of any other soldier, Steve wondered if that was done purposely.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (373)

Rex turned his head to look up at Krell watching from the tower and glared at the Besalisk.

"Well, I've officially lost my sense of humor." Jesse admitted.

"Now I can die a happy man." Hardcase threw one last joke before losing any cheer he had left in him.

They were arranged against the from left to right, it was Jesse, Steve, Fives, and Hardcase. Dogma walked from the firing squad with his hands behind his back, an air of superiority to him. "Would the prisoners request to be blindfolded?" None of them said a word, only stared forward. "I'll take that as a no." Dogma said with little care to the men he had fought and bled beside. His brothers. Steve could only stare at the man sadly, he won't even realize what he's done until it's too late.

"I hope you can live with yourself, Dogma." Fives spat at the blindly loyal Clone. Dogma took his place beside Sergeant Appo, Rex next to him.

"Ready weapons."

The sound of the guns clicking was all could be heard.

"Never thought we'd go out this way." Jesse lamented, before turning to Steve. "You could try to escape, you know? Save yourself."

"I refuse to leave any man behind, even if it means dying." He could try to escape, but there would be no point. That would put the men in danger. He still had faith in Rex, the men.


The Clones shouldered their rifles, their eyes aiming down the sights at the brothers who fought with them, saved them. Tup gritted his teeth in anger.

"Wait!" Fives shouted. "This is wrong, and we all know it. The general is making a mistake, and he needs to be called on it. No Clone should have to go out this way! We are loyal soldiers. We follow orders, but we are not a bunch of unthinking droids! We are men! We must be trusted to make the right decision, especially when the orders we are given are wrong! Look at this man," Fives jerked his head to Steve, to his own surprise, "he didn't have to fight with us, he could have left with General Skywalker and found a way home, but no, he chose to stay. Captain Rogers chose us over his own safety! How many of us are alive because of him? If not for Steve, who knows how many would have died because of General Krell. He stayed in the rear while this man with no ties to the Clones or the Republic was on the frontlines, putting his life on the line to pull out our brothers to safety. In the days since he joined the 501st, Steve Rogers has done more for all Clones than Krell has the entire campaign, and now, Krell tries to name him a spy, a traitor? If this is how we treat our own, then kill me now! I refuse to be in an army where a man I would call brother is executed for being a hero to us all!"

"As would I!"

"And me!"

Steve looked between the Clones, barely able to contain his shock. An overwhelming wave of emotions threatened to hit him. He'd known these men for nearly a week, but the things they'd gone through in those few days, it formed a bond only those in war could understand.

He just wished he could have done more for them.


Steve's eyes turned forward and saw the incoming blue flash. He closed his eyes and waited.

Nothing happened. No pain, no burning.

Steve opened his eyes, turning to see Jesse, then to Fives and Hardcase, all alive, then to the wall behind them. A dozen markings where blaster bolts hit.

"What…what happened?" Dogma stuttered in panic. That was when the firing squad all dropped their rifles, and more Clones began to emerge. From the barracks and other parts of the base, nearly the entirety of the 501st gathered around the would-be execution, standing in solidarity.

"We refuse to kill our brothers." Kix spoke up for all the Clones.

Walking past Appo with a look to keep him silent, Rex stood beside Dogma, the naïve Clone unable to understand. "They're doing the right thing, Dogma, because if this is how soldiers are rewarded for their heroic actions, then one day, every man in this battalion may face a similar fate." Rex turned to the escort. "Take off their binders."

Dogma, however, could not allow it. "No, we have orders. We have to go through with this." He told them all. They all glared at him.

"Good luck finding anyone to do it." Rex pitied the Clone.

Dogma turned to the only other man who understood the value of orders. "Sergeant?"

Appo looked between the Captain, the prisoners, the firing squad, and the 501st Legion gathered around them. Good soldiers follow orders, but smart soldiers stay alive. He shook his head at the tattooed Clone.

With their restraints off, the four prisoners rubbed their irritated wrists with relief. Steve smiled at the men around him and nodded gratefully to Fives, Jesse, and Hardcase. "Thank you," then he turned to address the 501st, "All of you."

"We meant every word."

Earth-199999, New York City, Avengers Tower

In the kitchen, Ben tried to get a coffee mug, but it shattered in his hand. He sighed before a big, reinforced mug made of metal with a large handle was placed in front of him, courtesy of Banner. "Tony had the idea of having mugs, utensils, and coaches made in case the Hulk ever felt like sticking around. Thought it was ridiculous, but," Banner gestured to the mug after Ben took it, "seems he was on to something."

"Thanks, Bruce." Ben raised it to his rocky lips, and savored the caffeine going down his throat. He exhaled happily, before glancing down at his hand, the same hand that shattered the cup. "This is gonna take some gettin' used to."

"Try making sure you never cut yourself off for fear of people getting sick from the radiation." Even with the rocky face, Banner could make out the scrunched-up brows in confusion. "It happened before."

"Remind me never to share a bathroom with you." Ben joked before lowering his head. "If I can even use a bathroom."

"We're still learning about the change every day, we can find a way to make life easier."

"Including a cure?" Ben prayed.

Banner nodded before shifting his feet. "I understand your want, your need, to be normal again. Being on the run, all my attempts to fix myself and get rid of the other guy failing, always having to look over my shoulder, it was exhausting, and I had enough. I tried to end it all..."

"Bruce...are you tellin' me...?" There was no good way to finish that sentence.

The scientist waved off the question. "I found out that the Hulk can have a purpose, do good. You saw it yourself when the monsters attacked. A lot of people would be hurt if you didn't step in, including that woman-"

"Alicia." Ben suddenly said. Banner blinked in surprise before Ben sheepishly rubbed his bald, stone-like head. "She said her name was Alicia."

"Well," Banner's lip quirked, "Alicia is alive because of you." Inhaling and exhaling, Banner told him, "I know you're eager to get back to normal, but sometimes, even curses can become gifts." Banner patted Ben's arm before leaving the kitchen. "Just a thought."

Now Johnny was on top of the Avengers Tower. "Let's see them try to stop me here." He prepared to run to the rooftop and fly from there, when water from a hose hit him from behind, making him gasp and fall down on his face, the fire around him extinguishing for now, as he rolled to see Natasha holding a hose.

"Your sister told us what you were trying to do", Natasha said with a shrug. "But your kind of fun isn't really to any of our liking until you get a handle on this."

"WHY?" Johnny groaned.

Natasha just gave him a scary grin, and walked off.

Earth-1, Star City, Thea's loft

Barry had just been told by Cisco of his vibes of Kendra with wings, flying like a bird. Oliver was standing with him as the he said. "Sorry, to lay this on you, but I hope you don't mind."

"I don't mind, Barry", Oliver assured him, while seeing Strider talk with Sara. "Your new friend….he looks so…I don't know, older than he is. Its in his eyes."

"Well, he might as well be", Barry shrugged, neither realizing how old he truly was. "Him and Batman exposed Zoom, with Harry's help. I can't thank them enough. And now, I won't make the same mistake a third time."

"Good, at least now you learnt", Oliver said, looking ahead. "We should not stop trusting everyone, but we need to be careful."

"I agree, I've learnt that now", Barry sighed. "So, what happened with your friends from other worlds?"

"They were good, they helped me find the balance I've needed for years", Oliver confessed. "I guess, even if we didn't know each other for too long, they helped me a lot. I hope to get a chance to meet them again soon."

"I'd love to meet them too", Barry said.

"How was Batman?" Oliver then asked.

"Worse than you last year", Barry groaned, making Oliver chuckle.

"So, you've travelled all over this Middle-earth?" Sara asked Strider, who was looking at his clothing, which was a brown jacket over a black shirt, and trousers of the same shade.

"I have, my lady", Strider told her.

"And fought in wars too?"

"Yes", Strider confirmed, before telling her. "Men do not let their Women take part in battles in Middle-earth, but the Elves do. I believe this world does not have Elves, but Men who think in that manner."

"There's Elves on your world?" Sara asked in shock. Women not fighting was no shock, he was from a medieval world.

"I believe there are no Elves, Dwarves and Hobbits here", Strider noted, looking around.

"Wait what? You never told us you know Elves and Dwarves!" Cisco gasped.

"You never inquired that of me", Strider pointed out.

"Okay, wow! Now this is even cooler!" Barry said. "Elves and Dwarves are real! Don't know about Hobbits though."

"Right", Oliver muttered. "Now I know how Dig feels."

"Me too!" Thea raised her hand.

"This day just keeps getting better and better", Felicity muttered.

"And weirder", Kendra had to say.

"So, your world is more mystical and fantastical then", Sara realized. "Of course, to you its normal."

Strider simply nodded, not totally understanding her due to her modern Earth slang, while he looked at his clothing. "This clothing is stranger than what I have seen until now."

"In a good or a bad way?" Sara asked.

"Good way", Strider confirmed.

"Well, it looks good on you."

"You have my thanks, my lady."

"Oh its fine", Sara shrugged.

"Cisco!" Oliver called out.

"Yeah?" Cisco walked to him.

"Since you're here, I need you to do something for me", Oliver said, then began telling Cisco.

"I think I could use a favor from you too", Sara added, walking up to them as she told Cisco what she wanted as well.

When they were done, the two of them, Strider and Thea all sensed something due to their warrior instinct, as Kendra pointed at the window. "Look!"

The glass shattered as the man who'd attacked her landed in the middle of the glass shards.

"You cannot hide from me, Chay-Ara", the man gloated to her. "I shall always find you…and kill you."

Barry quickly ran, and then returned with Oliver's and Strider's bows and quivers, as well as Strider's sword.

They took their weapons, aiming their arrows the man while Sara took a pair of knives.

"Don't move!" Oliver commanded.

"Then how will I kill you all?" The man asked cruelly. "Besides, I'm hungry once more."

All of them felt disgusted as they figured out what he meant, Barry's and Cisco's eyes widening in horror due to realizing why the captain's heart had been ripped out.

"You are viler than Orcs", Strider said, as Kendra hid behind Cisco, Thea backing a little too.

The man threw his knives at all of them as Oliver and Strider fired their arrows.

Barry rushed forth, using his speed as he caught all the knives, but while he was making towards Thea, the man threw another knife.

As Barry caught the knife thrown at Thea, the new knife hit his shoulder, making him fall as he cried out in pain.

The man had caught both arrows fired at him, as he dropped them before catching another arrow fired by Oliver.

He threw it down as Sara rushed him, trying to strike at him with her knives. He dodged two blows before getting a punch to the face, and then she tried to strike again but he grasped her wrist and kicked her side, before kicking her chest, sending her falling down.

Strider and Oliver continued to fire, but he pulled out a Japanese metal fan, deflecting them all, before throwing a knife at Barry which he caught while getting up.

"Yeah, I can do that too."

As the man briefly paused, Oliver used the chance to fire at his shoulder, staggering him back, and then Strider rushed him with his sword, swinging it and giving the man a precise cut across his chest, before kicking his abdomen.

The man stumbled back, falling out of the broken window.

Strider, Oliver, Barry and Sara rushed to the window's side but found no sign of the man.

"Where'd he go?" Barry asked, alarmed.

"Don't think he just walked off", Sara commented.

"Looks like he is not an ordinary human after all", Oliver noted grimly.

"We need to find out why he is hunting Kendra", Strider said matter-of-fact.

Earth-199999, New York City, Avengers Tower

Johnny was now on a random floor of the building, deciding to get out of this window, as he doubted anyone would catch him here.

Before he could open the window, a blast from a fire extinguisher hit him, making him scream and groan as the fire was put out, and he fell down again, seeing Clint standing over him with a fire extinguisher.

"I know kids like you, kid, figured you'd try to do it again", Clint said with a smirk. "But let this be a lesson to you."

He walked off as Johnny sighed.

Universe-208, Umbara

There was no turning back. Krell would not let this slide, not when the entire battalion showed up in defiance of his orders. That didn't matter though.

Rex was done placating Krell.

The ride up to the top of the tower was silent and tense, with Dogma's failed attempt to hide his glare of contempt being the only thing to pass the time. Doors slid open, and Rex marched out to meet the Besalisk general, his back still to Clones.

"You wanted us, sir?"

"I ordered those traitors destroyed." Krell finally turned, laying a strong hand on Rex' arm. "You are making a mistake crossing me, Clone." He warned lowly with a sneer at the word.

No more.

Rex stepped closer to the General and kept his gaze. "It's Captain, sir."

Krell growled at the defiance, but Rex did not cow, he met Krell's eyes and never wavered, just like Steve did before him.

"General, there's an incoming transmission."

A Clone at the monitors broke their stare off so they could look at him. "Put it through." Krell ordered, both him and the soldiers turning as the floating cubes created a holographic reconstruction of a Clone kneeling.

"General, the Umbarans have stepped up their offensive. We're holding them off, but their squadrons have ambushed one of our platoons, seizing weapons and uniforms. We believe they may be planning to launch a massive attack."

The hologram dissipated. Rex met the General once again, but the hostility lessened, for now. Other matters were more important. "Looks like you have your stay of execution for now." Krell made for the lift, with Rex and Dogma right behind him. "Lock the traitors in the brig, and prepare your platoons to move out immediately. We need to pre-empt the enemy by hitting them now with everything we got. We're finally going to take the capital." The doors closed when the general addressed the veteran of the 501st directly. "And Captain, make sure the troops are aware that the enemy may disguise themselves as Clones to try to trick us."

"I will, sir." Feelings aside, they were under attack, that took precedent. But even as he shared a look with Dogma, something felt wrong with Rex. Someone like Krell, overcome with pride and stubbornness, let go of all the Clones refusing to follow orders and show up in strength in defiance to the execution? He didn't know what was running through the Jedi's head, but he had no time, he trusted the Clones staying behind to look after Steve, Fives, Jesse, and Hardcase.

Rex had Umbarans to hunt down.

Earth-1, Star City, the lair

"Okay. Thanks daddy", Sara said before cutting the call. "All right, my dad is gonna call if he gets any information on... whoever that is."

"I know where we can get some info", Barry said, looking at Cisco, causing Strider to realize something was going on.

"What happened?" Strider inquired of Cisco.

"Kendra, I have powers", Cisco confessed to Kendra. "I can sense other worlds and open portals to them if I try hard, and, I also get these vibes from people. They're visions of meta-humans, and I had one of you."

Felicity quipped. "So, A, you're saying you're a meta-human, and, B, she's a meta-human?"

"I don't know", Cisco sighed, telling Kendra. "In these visions, you could fly. It was like you were a bird of some sort."

"A bird?"


"What else did you see?"

"That's it... just you with wings", Cisco told her.

"Oh, I did not see that one coming", Felicity muttered.

The lights turned off and then on as a voice said. "Oh, I think there's a lot you didn't see coming."

They all turned to see a middle-aged handsome man in a medieval looking suit with a bow and a quiver of arrows, with more people in a similar suit behind him, carrying similar bows and quivers, though their faces were masked, unlike his.

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Oliver, Diggle and Sara immediately aimed at him while the others behind the man aimed their arrows, as Cisco muttered. "Great. More surprises. Who the hell is this?"

"You bastard!" Thea roared at him, and made to walk towards him, but Oliver held her back, shaking his head in a manner that said 'not yet'.

"Are you here to kill me again?" Sara asked with a sneer. "You won't be succeeding this time."

"I am the one who agreed to bring you back", he shrugged.

"Doesn't change anything."

"I know", he turned to Strider. "I have heard about you from some associates. My name is Malcolm Merlyn. I am Ra's al Ghul, the head of the League of Assassins. It's an honor to meet you."

Seeing how much everyone else seemed to hate this Man, and Sara saying he'd seemingly tried to kill her, Strider knew not to trust him. And he was feeling something wrong with him anyways.

"I do not feel honored", Strider replied to him.

"Why are you here?" Oliver inquired as he, Sara and Diggle lowered their weapons, as did the League of Assassins.

"The man you're looking for is Vandal Savage." Malcolm finally told them their adversary's name.

"Vandal Savage?" Diggle asked. "Never heard of him."

"Well, who is he?" Barry inquired.

"Some say he was the most trusted adviser to Genghis Khan", Malcolm said as Barry shared a weird look with Cisco. "Others say he guided Julius Caesar through the Gallic Wars. But one thing the League knows for sure... He was there for all of it."

"So what are you saying?" Cisco was curious. "He's like a Vampire or something?"

"There were Vampires in the other world I went, he didn't look like one", Oliver confessed.

"Not a Vampire, an Immortal."

"Okay, we've officially stepped into crazy town." Kendra was getting nervous. "Immortality?"

"The Elves in Middle-earth are immortal", Strider pointed out to her and the rest. "Though this is the first I have heard of a Man being immortal."

"This makes sense", Sara added as Oliver and Barry nodded. "This explains why he looks the same as he did in 1975."

"This can't be possible", Kendra said in disbelief.

"There's nothing you can do to save her now", Malcolm told them all.

Barry looked at her. "Kendra, do not listen to him."

"I... I just need some air."

Kendra walked out, as Cisco walked after her, while Barry looked at Malcolm. "Hey, we're gonna do whatever we have to, to keep Kendra safe, whether you think we can or not."

"We shall face his evil and stop his hunt for Kendra", Strider added.

Thea then walked to Malcolm, her face stoic, and then, she landed a solid punch on his face, turning it the other way.

"Why?" Malcolm asked, holding his face.

"You….you brainwashed me into killing my friend", Thea said with tears in her eyes. "And you killed Robert."

"You knew that when you came with me", Malcolm sneered.

"And I never should have!" Thea declared. "You are nothing but a terrorist, a murderer, a monster!"

"Thea", Malcolm tried to placate her. "You'd never turn your back on your father."

"My father? No. You? Yes."

Malcolm's eyes widened as he realized his hold over her was gone, while Thea continued. "You know, sometimes, I lay awake at night, and I wonder what Robert would think about our relationship. He raised me, he loved me, and I threw that all away the moment I became your daughter."

"Yes." Malcolm tried to make it her fault. "Yes, you did, and it was your choice."

"And I wish I never did", Thea muttered.

"Don't you dare speak to me like that", Malcolm declared, trying to manipulate her into accepting him in the same way an abuser in an abusive relationship (of any kind) would to do their victim. "You would be dead 10 times over if not for me. I taught you how to fight, how to be strong. I turned you from a delicate, spoiled brat into a warrior, and all I've ever gotten from you in return is your venomous spite!"

"For a very good reason!" Thea was beyond his manipulative games now. "You…are not my father. Robert Queen was my father, and you killed him. Now….you stay the f*ck away from me."

Malcolm glared at her, then said. "As you wish, Thea. If you do not want to be my daughter, you will be my enemy."

"We'll be prepared", Oliver added, as Malcolm walked off along with his League followers.

Thea sighed, wiping some sweat off her forehead, as Oliver smiled at her with pride, and Sara told her. "That was a brave thing you did."

"He killed you", Thea told Sara guiltily. "I see things clearly now. I'll never trust him again." She looked at Oliver. "Especially over my true family."

They shared a smile as Barry got a call, and seeing it was Cisco, picked up. "Hello? Cisco..slow down, man….All right, we're coming!"

Barry cut the call and told the rest. "A man with wings took Kendra."

"Let us find her", Strider said, Oliver nodding.

"Yeah, come on."


Oliver was on his bike, Strider sitting behind him, the two looking for Kendra. Oliver was in his Green Arrow suit now, with Strider also dressed in his Ranger garb.

"This is the first time I have been on a chariot of this sort", Strider told Oliver. "This one with two wheels gives me the same sensation as being on a horse, but much faster."

"Yeah, that sounds about right", Oliver said. "Of course, with Barry around, you wouldn't have needed to be on any of these until now."

As they looked up, they saw the man with wings coming towards them, wearing a helmet and carrying a mace.

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"We have eyes on him", Oliver said over the comms as he began firing at the winged man, who deflected the arrows with his mace before throwing it at the bike.

Oliver and Strider both leapt off the bike in time as it fell down, while they landed on their feet.

The winged man landed, picking up his mace.

"Give us the girl", Oliver told him.

"Yeah, I can't do that", the winged man told them.

"Then we shall battle", Strider said as he charged him with his sword. The man blocked with his mace, before spinning and trying to strike as Strider ducked and swung, cutting his wrist, making him grunt in pain as Strider swung again but this time, he flew up in the air to avoid it.

Barry then sped up next to them, Barry asking. "So, what do we do?"

"We need to expose his wings", Oliver said, Barry nodding.

"On it."

As the man swung at them, Barry twirled his arms at superspeed, causing miniature cyclones that pushed the winged man back. Oliver then fired, getting the man's shoulder as he fell down.

Barry then ran around him in circles, and as the man pulled out the arrow while trying to get up, Barry hurled a lightning bolt at him, the bolt striking him and knocking him out cold.

Oliver and Strider walked up next to him, Oliver noting. "That's new."

"He did that the first time I met him", Strider revealed.

"Comes in handy", Barry smiled.

Earth-199999, New York City, Avengers Tower

Tony and Reed were looking at a screen. "You think this will work."

"I ran through the numbers. Everything we've experienced from the breach that you created for your friends, to the Singularity itself. Taking what we know of the composition of the breach, or at least how it's formed and opens up to other universes, this formula should open up a portal while Dr. Banner's radiation theory will locate Captain Rogers' unique signature to wherever he may be in the Multiverse, without the need to utilize the same breach he went through."

"So we create the door before the hall." Tony summed up, agreeing to the plan.

"Now we just need to figure out the way back, I'm not so sure on leaving the breach open for too long. The integrity of the machine or breach itself could fluctuate."

"Way ahead of you, Stretchy." Reed made a face at the name before Tony grabbed a hologram and pushed his hand through it, wearing a gauntlet-like device on his arm. "When we find Steve, this baby can reopen the door and bring him home."

"That's gonna take time to calibrate it to the same frequency of the IDIOT."

"Steve's been waiting for us long enough." Tony told him seriously, Reed almost taken aback. "We're getting him back." He said with absolute certainty.

Johnny was now on the ground floor of the building, hoping Sue, Natasha or Clint weren't gonna catch him here, and prepared to run and fly off, only for ice to appear underneath his feet as he slipped and rolled away, Bobby now standing over him.

"Going somewhere?"



"Some fun?"

"What kind?"


"No going out for you today."

With that, Bobby walked off as Johnny groaned again. This was not his day.

Earth-1, Star City, the lair

The group watched as the man, now chained, woke up, and rattled his chains, startling Felicity, before he asked them all. "Where is she?"

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"What's your name?" Oliver inquired.

"You're putting her in danger, and I'm the only one capable of saving her", the man snarled.

Thea commented. "You have a very interesting perspective on what the word "saving" means."

"She's the love of my lifetime, sweetheart. I was not gonna hurt her", the man revealed.

"Right, just kidnap her", Sara shrugged.

"I found out Savage attacked her, and I didn't think, just acted", the man told them. "You need to let me go."

Kendra then appeared on the scene, the man staring at her like she was a vision. "Chay-Ara."

Kendra was confused. "My name is Kendra Saunders."

"In this life", the man said. "And I am... was Carter Hall, an archaeologist in Egypt, but that is not who we are."

"What does that mean?" Kendra asked in confusion.

"You're Priestess Chay-Ara. I'm Prince Khufu", Carter Hall explained to her. "And we're lovers. Soul mates. We've been partners for 4,000 years. We're drawn to each other in each life, and after we die, we reincarnate to find each other again and again and again. And now that I've found you, we need to go." He rattled the chains again.

Cisco obviously did not like how Carter was talking. "Okay, Romeo, why don't you pump the brakes?"

"These people cannot protect you from Savage any longer", Carter said while gesturing to the rest of them.

"Tell us about this Vandal Savage", Strider demanded.

Carter told them. "In every lifetime, he hunts us down and kills us. He's done it 206 times, and I'm not planning to make it 207."

"Why does he kill you?" Diggle asked.

Carter revealed. "His life force is tethered to ours. Every time he kills us, he becomes more powerful. You do the math."

Cisco pointed out. "You're 0 for 206, and you still think you're her best bet, hmm?"

Barry noted. "Okay, so what we need to do is just find Savage and get rid of him."

Carter told him. "Well, you can't get rid of him, my friend."

"Oh, yeah?" Barry challenged him. "Watch us."

That was when Barry got a call and went to the side, picking it up. "Hello, you got anything?"

Barry listened to everything, then asked. "How'd you lose him?" He nodded again. "Got it, thank you. I'll tell the rest."

He cut the call and walked back to the rest of them. "So, my friend who was looking into Savage, he found out Savage left Star City a while ago. He is looking for something called the Staff of Horus in Central City. It was consecrated eight months ago at St. Mark's."

"We need to go", Oliver immediately said.

"The Staff of Horus is a relic from our past", Carter revealed to them. "If Savage gets his hands on it, its gonna be nearly impossible to stop him." He looked at Kendra. "We're running out of time, and you need to emerge now." Seeing her expression of disbelief, Carter asked. "Come on, what's it gonna take for you to believe me? You saw my wings, I know you know this is true. Please, just let me show you how."

"We have to stop Savage from taking the Staff", Strider pointed out. "However, if we are to stop him, Kendra does need to regain her powers from these previous lives of hers."

"You all go", Sara said to Strider, Oliver and Barry. "I'll keep an eye on him if he is up to no good."

"All right, let's go", Oliver agreed as he, Barry and Strider walked off.


Sara, Cisco, Carter and Kendra were on the rooftop as Kendra looked down from the ledge. "So, you just want me to jump?"

"Jump, fall, swan-dive, whatever works for you", Carter shrugged.

"Hey, this isn't the X-games!" Cisco snapped.

"So, this is how she emerges? She just…falls to her death?" Sara asked skeptically.

"That is how it has happened for the both of us", Carter told her.

"Come on, shouldn't you be asking questions?" Cisco asked Sara.

"Look, I would, but then…I was dead and came back to life a few weeks ago, so its obvious there are things we don't understand", Sara pointed out to Cisco. "We do need to see if it works."

Kendra suddenly climbed onto the ledge, to Cisco's shock. "Hey!"

"I need to do this", Kendra said.

"Carter", Sara said, causing Carter to turn to her. "If you really think this works, fine, but I need you to help out here. Just because she could do it easily in a previous life doesn't mean this one is the same, so, keep that in mind."

Carter nodded, then looked back at Kendra. "Look, sorry for kidnapping you like that before." He took a deep breath, then told her. "I was in Egypt, I was drawn there, like you were to Central City. I haven't been able to recall it exactly, but I believe that's where we first died. I was an archaeologist, and I was doing an archaeological dig there. It happened at night time, I was at a ledge, and I fell from there. And then my wings appeared, and it came back to me in a flash."

He continued. "I looked for you after that, for months. Then I felt you in Central City, and came upon Savage's massacre. It scared me that he'd reach you, and that was when I found you here. I didn't think it through when I took you. That was wrong. But I also thought I was going to die before, and then too, I didn't think. I just…I let it go, as what I believed I'd find there, I hadn't found it yet. And you, Kendra, you need to let it go for a moment, and your wings, they will come, I promise."

Kendra sighed. "There were moments in my life where I felt different, like something was wrong with me. Now I know why."

"Its gonna be all right, Kendra", Cisco assured her. "I know what its like to have your life suddenly change. I can help you through this."

"I don't know if you can, any of you", Kendra sighed. "There are hundreds of lives inside of me I need to know about. I have to do it by myself and…embrace my destiny. I have to believe."

Universe-208, Umbara

Hours after the failed execution, Steve and the others waited in their cells. The only relief came from no longer being bound by the cuffs. Still, one thought remained with Steve: how the men gathered in support of them and defy their General. It was humbling, and showed exactly what Steve already knew, that these were good men.

His musings were broken when the platform lowered, and there stood Rex with a squad of men.

Holding his shield.

Confusion rose in the Avenger when the ray shield dissipated, and the captain offered back the Vibranium shield. "I should have listened to you." Kix offered rifles to Jesse and Fives, while Tup carried the Z-6 to a now very excited Hardcase who happily took it.

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"Oh I missed you, baby."

"What's wrong?"

Rex told them.

The message. The ambush. The truth. The plan.

Steve had never been more eager to kill someone his entire life. He was ashamed to have such thoughts, but what Krell did, there were no words.

They reached the top of the tower, the imprisoned Clones and super soldier were returned all their equipment, and they would need it. Doors opening, the men of the 501st and the white/yellow coloured armor of the 212th's soldiers flooded the room and surrounded the Besalisk with his back to them, like always. It took a lot of willpower for Steve not to give way to his base desires and beat Krell bloody, but Rex was in command, and he'd follow his orders.

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"General Krell, you're being relieved of duty."

Krell turned to them, his arms behind his back, not phased in the slightest. Steve's fist clenched harder until he could feel the knuckles pop. "It's treason, then."

Rex drew his blasters, Steve joining him in the action as the rest of the Clones levelled their blasters at the fallen Jedi. "Surrender, General."

"You're committing mutiny, Captain." Krell walked forward until he was at the center of the room.

"Explain your actions." Rex ordered while more troops moved behind the traitor.

"My actions?" The Besalisk asked in fake confusion, it made the blood of every soldier in that room boil.

"For ordering your troops against one another."

"Oh, that." Krell said casually as he stroked his chin, an action that made Steve tense. Something was happening. "I'm surprised you were able to figure it out…for a Clone." He said the word mockingly, never twitching even as Fives signalled for them to move in.

"Dead or alive, you're coming with us." Steve said lowly, almost like a growl. It made Krell narrow his eyes, the most he's shown outside of casualness so far.

"Surrender, General. You're outnumbered." Rex warned for the last time. He wanted nothing more than to riddle Krell with plasma bolts for what he did, but they needed answers.

Krell's face finally turned to anger, and in a movement only Steve could follow, the Jedi thrusted his four hands outwards, the Force pushing all soldiers against the walls and dazing them. All except one.

As soon as his back hit the wall, Steve pushed off and rushed the now surprised general and launched himself at the Besalisk, tackling him around the chest and forcing both through the window.

During the free fall, Steve grabbed Krell by the throat and bashed his shield into his face, but the alien grabbed both his arms with the lower limbs and gave an uppercut to Steve with his upper right fist, only for Steve to force his helmeted head against Krell's face like he did before the arrest. The blow made Krell release his hold, allowing Steve to raise his knee under the Jedi's chin before the alien turned them around, making Steve closer to the ground before a hard fist to his cheek had him spitting blood and separating the two in the fall. Seeing the ground get closer, Steve raised his shield to soften the blow, but still felt the force of his descent coming to a halt.

Groaning, Steve pushed himself up, only to see Krell, lightsabers drawn, throwing the body of a dead Clone at a group before running for it. Pushing himself up, Steve stumbled in his first steps but quickly sprinted after the Besalisk, who telekinetically pushed the army of 501st and 212th Clones out of the way. There was no stopping the super soldier, his eyes fixed on Krell, but when someone moved in his way with a blaster, Steve took a second to see Dogma, his eyes were crazed and shouting something. His heart was pumping so loud, Steve did not hear him, or care to, only smacking his shield, sending the tattooed Clone out of his way while he ran after the fleeing Jedi ahead of him.

It did not take them long to leave the base behind them, but Steve did not realize how much the Force could enhance an individual, or if it was the natural physiology of a Besalisk. Either way, he sprinted after Krell deep into the forest of Umbara before he finally lost track of the Jedi, slowing to a halt. Breathing steadily, Steve stepped forth. There were no mistakes to be made this time. The Clones were too far away to rely on backup, the captain knew he was overpowered, but it did not stop his resolve.

"I will admit, Captain Rogers, I am impressed." The voice of the traitor echoed around the super soldier. Steve whipped his head around, drawing his blaster but with no idea where to aim. "You suspected me from the beginning, how astute of you."

"I knew you were a murderer; I just didn't know you were a traitor, too." Steve spat at Krell, where he was. Only the red glow of the planet's plant life gave any kind of light. "It's over, Krell."

"Is it?" Steve whirled around and aimed. There was nothing. "A whole army of creatures born in a laboratory haven't had a hope to match the might of a Jedi! What can another laboratory experiment do to stop me!" Tony called him those same words, but whatever anger Steve felt, he focused it on his senses.

"Come out and see for yourself." Steve challenged, before he heard the hum of a lightsaber and rolled away. Krell descended from above, the green blade of his weapon plunged into the ground, but without its target beneath him.

Drawing his other lightsaber, unfolding the weapon to allow the two blue blades to spring forth, Krell twirled the weapons with skill not seen on the battlefields of Umbara. "I have been waiting a long time for this." The Jedi Master grinned savagely.

"That makes two of us." Steve opened fire, but the blue bolts were easily deflected back, impacting harmlessly against Vibranium. There was no stopping the invisible push that sent Steve crashing against a tree, with only a second to widen his eyes as two lightsabers swung at his head, causing him to duck and try to shoot for Krell's chest.

A lower limb grabbed the blaster while Krell's foot push-kicked Steve to his back, making him lose the gun. Captain America rolled away and lashed his foot at Krell's leg, sending the alien to his knee, not stopping though to stab the lightsaber downward, meeting the shield, causing the blade to fall to the side. Taking the chance, Steve's right arm enveloped Krell's upper right while his shield struck his face, sending the Jedi reeling while the super soldier kicked with both feet against Krell's chest. It gave Steve space to leap up with his knee striking under Krell's chin, but he recovered enough to grab a stunned Captain and slam his back to the ground, making him gasp before he was raised up over the alien's head.

Throwing his shield, Steve heard the tell-tale sound of the ricochet as Krell made to slam him down on his knee, only to have Vibranium strike his face, followed by an elbow that loosened his grip, letting Steve go with his shield recalled to his hand, until he felt himself grabbed again, spun, and thrown. Steve could only brace himself as he met the harsh, unforgiven ground of Umbara, rolling for nearly ten feet before his back hit a root. Panting and bleeding, the volunteer used the root to pull himself up and watch as Krell walked purposely slow, the glow of the lightsabers giving a haunting image combined with the natural light of Umbara.

"Any last words?" Krell growled as he spun the lightsabers between his upper and lower limbs.

The response was the super soldier standing tall, breathing heavily as he tightened the strap of the shield, before raising his fists. "I can do this all day."

Krell grinned with pure malice, before rushing forward.

Waiting a moment until he was close enough, Steve counted the seconds before drawing his long forgotten P14 at his other waist and fired. Krell did not think anything of the second weapon and twirled the lightsabers to deflect. Only, they did not deflect, the slugs were vaporized on contact, melting the metal and sending the molten shrapnel into a shocked Krell's chest and shoulders. "ARRGGHH!"

Without wasting the chance, Steve ran forward while Krell stumbled from the pain, and launched a two-punch combo into his chest, ending with an uppercut by the shield before pushing the pistol against the Krell's center. A large hand from a lower limb made to grab the gun, but Steve already pulled the trigger. The hammer sent the bullet loose, the only protection for Krell were his fingers, and the bullet sailed forth and blew through the hand, sending three fingers and blood flying to the ground. Krell's screams turned to a roar, the bullet lodged into his chest but did not penetrate deep enough, knocking him off his feet but finding the strength to swing his green lightsaber. Raising his only protection, Steve let the plasma weapon swipe against the shield, but recoiled when the green blade cut through the gun in his hand. He couldn't move before he felt himself raised into the air, much like the moment before he was imprisoned, only, this time Steve was not choking, but Krell slammed his hand down, bringing Steve to the ground like he was hit by a hammer, then he was raised up and slammed down again, this time feeling bones break from the much stronger crash.

Once more, Steve was lifted by an invisible hand, crashing against a tree, before hitting the one next to it. Pain blinded him before his senses screamed at him to move, and he did just in time, twisting away and raising his shield as a barrage of heavy, uncoordinated strikes slammed against the Vibranium.

Rage was fueling Krell, making whatever power he used stronger, forcing Steve back with each attack. However, rage coursed through Steve as well, and he focused it to concentrate as he saw one lightsaber rear back as another was brought down. Timing it right, the shield's edge struck Krell's wrist hard, making the hand release the blue lightsaber, before Steve shifted his feet, waiting as the green lightsaber was brought down, Steve catching the arm and throwing the massive alien over his shoulder. Krell rolled around in time for a boot kick across his face, sending a tooth free from his mouth from the sheer strength of the kick. That was not all, the human grabbed Krell by the throat, raising him over the ground before slamming him down like he did to the captain. From that moment on, Steve poured all the hate, the rage, and grief into his fist and down into Krell's face while the shield kept the lightsaber wielding hand restrained.

The faces of the Clones flashed in his eyes at every strike, teeth were sent flying, just like the bodies of the men who died by the command of this murderer! Steve gave into the anger, blinding him to everything else before raising up his shield to end it!

But then, he stopped.

Panting with that rate, and exhaustion, and pain, Steve wanted nothing more than to kill him, for everything Krell did to the men! But he stayed his hand, staring at the bloodied face of a being he detested.

It was not him who decided this butcher's fate.

"Your fate belongs to the Clones." Steve growled at the Besalisk, whose eyes were shut after a dozen of Steve's strongest punches.

Then the yellow orbs snapped open.

Steve couldn't react in time before Krell's hand raised up and plunged into his abdomen.

Gasping with blinding pain, he felt the massive heat and unbearable burning as everything in the blade's way melted and burnt. That same agony remained when the lightsaber retracted while an invisible grip tightened around Steve's throat before being replaced by a large, rough hand, only getting tighter as he was raised to eye level with the seven feet seven-inch-tall alien.

"If you think I will ever let that happen," Steve gagged as Krell raised him higher while using the lower limb with all digits intact to throw away the shield, "you are more a fool than all of those insects put together. I could have killed you a hundred different ways, but I wanted to have the satisfaction of killing you slowly. There was never any hope, for you, for those Clones, not even for the Republic."

Dark spots were at the corner of Steve's vision, his right arm was held tight by Krell's other arm while his left futility grabbed at the hand on his throat. The world began to fade, and Steve was losing his strength, and the last thing he would see was Krell's eyes boring into him, the anger, the smugness radiating from those yellow eyes.

Something inside him snapped.

Steve's hand went for a surprised Krell's face, and his thumb buried itself into one of those damned eyes.

"AARRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Krell's screams of surprise and pain engulfed the area, the same hand that was robbing Steve of oxygen releasing its grip to clutch at the new wound, letting the body of the super soldier crumble to the ground, coughing harshly until blood escaped his lips. Those screams continued as Steve looked up, Krell pulling his hand away to show the eye was destroyed. Hand reaching for his waist, Steve grabbed the wire launcher, and fired, the line going around Krell's legs, tying them up before the super soldier pulled hard, the legs taken from under the Besalisk, but it didn't end there. The First Avenger swung the body at the end of the cord with all his remaining strength into a tree, giving him a taste of his own medicine, but there was no satisfaction, not when his enemy's hand raised again, and Steve felt his ribs break apart.

Steve's own screams of pain filled the air, sending him to the dirt, sheer agony making it impossible to keep his eyes open let alone stand. It took all he had to crawl forward to find anything to help him. His blaster, his shield, the wire launcher that was dropped when he felt his ribcage break under Krell's command of the Force. There was no reprieve, as Steve felt his head grabbed and then pushed against the bark of a tree, before being turned around forcefully, only to receive a fist to his cheek, and another, and another. The Besalisk's punches were an unrelenting flurry of fury, breaking apart part of helmet to free a section of his hair, ending with one strong punch that drove Steve's skull against the bark, and allowed his body to fall.

"Is that all?!" Krell shouted down at him before his foot kicked Steve's body away, sending him rolling across the ground. Looking to the ground, Krell's only remaining eye sought his lightsaber before he found it, using the Force to recall the weapon to his hand, and letting the green glow illuminate his ruined right eye. "Is that all you got, civilian?!" Marching forward with death in his remaining eye, Krell snarled while feeling the missing teeth that only made his fury grow stronger. The soldier pushed himself to his hands and knees, and it was like that when Krell finally reached him, "IS THAT ALL?!" He swung the green blade down…

Only to be met by the blue blade of Krell's other lightsaber.

"Volunteer." Rogers gritted his teeth and pushed forward, making the surprised Krell stumble back before watching the captain twirl the hilt, and let the other blade spring to life.

And cut off Krell's hand.

Shock gave way to pain; pain gave way to rage. Krell turned that rage into a roar, using the Dark Side to call the lightsaber to his other hand and swing down the middle, cutting the hilt in half while the tip of the green blade cut through the star on the uniform, sending smoke and pain through the super soldier's body as he was forced down to his knees. Krell made to swing again, which was when Steve launched his shoulder against the chest of the Besalisk, knocking the Jedi off balance while getting around the alien, the Avenger wrapping his arms around his waist, lifting him up, and slamming the body down in a Supplex. The lightsaber fell from Krell's grip, and that was when Steve moved to the arm, securing a grip around the elbow, a foot against the shoulder, and pushed up.


A hoarse cry escaped the fallen general, turning into snarls, whipping himself around, his feet sweeping Steve's legs and landing painfully on his side, the broken bones and other injuries taking their toll, as he could not stop the foot kicking him to his back and planted that same foot on his smoking chest.

Through his bleeding and swollen face, Steve could only quirk his lip, the once mighty General Krell, reduced to a ruined shell.

With his one remaining usable arm, the right lower limb summoned the lightsaber, its green glow appearing fuzzy in Steve's eye as he found it harder to keep them open. Krell said something, but it sounded too distant, and he reared his arm back to stab down. Steve tried to budge the foot on his chest, but there was no strength in him to match the Jedi's Force power.

Thoughts filled his mind, wishes, regrets. He regretted not being able to see his team one more time. He regretted not being able to bring back Bucky. He regretted not talking to that one dame, but that was the one thing even after the serum that hasn't changed. He regretted not being able to help the Clones more, his new brothers.

Steve could only wait for the end.

But it never came.

Krell stabbed his lightsaber down to finally end the wretched soldier, all his hate and anger fueled into this one strike to rid the galaxy of this vermin!

Only for the blade to stop.

A hand grabbed the plasma, hissing coming from the contact.

"Not. My. Friend."

Krell's one eye turned in shock to see another man, taller and bulkier than even the super soldier, metal armor and a red cape with a hammer in his other hand. The stranger, still holding the lightsaber by the plasma blade, flicked it to the side, breaking it from Krell's grip before the hammer thrust forward into his chest, and felt lightning course through his body in an unbelievable wave of pain that he could not even cry out as he was launched from his place atop the soldier to crashing through a tree and crumbling against the Umbaran ground.

Thor looked from the alien of a race he'd never seen before, to his injured friend. "Rogers?" He called to him in concern. The wounds were brutal, a line down his chest and through the star, as well as a stab wound no doubt made by that plasma sword, his face bore the brunt of an unyielding attack by that beast, and the way he was breathing, and the sound of the bones shifting beneath the skin had Thor worry.

He made to lay a hand on his shoulder when movement to his side made the God of Thunder turn his head as a small army of men in blue/white and yellow/white armor burst forth.

"GET AWAY FROM HIM!" One of them shouted as they raised their weapons and surrounded Thor. Some held different markings on the armor, but two stepped forth wielding guns most definitely not from Earth.

"Don't make another move." He warned the Asgardian, and under normal circ*mstances, Thor would laugh, but he was in no laughing mood.

"He needs a healer."


A small, weak voice had the Odinson kneel beside the super soldier, smiling up at him. "Feeling sleepy, captain?" He joked, remembering their banter during the Battle of New York. Steve smiled again before his head went limb.

One of the soldiers with a red marking on his armor knelt next to Steve's other side while others hovered near, having lowered their weapons away from Thor upon learning of his connection to the super soldier. "Not good, he's in bad shape Rex."

"Can you do anything for him?" One of the men with a helmet different from the others asked.

"He's been stabbed by a lightsaber and not dead, that alone warrants a dip in the bacta, but his skull is likely fractured, and I don't like how he's breathing." The healer confessed. "We need to get him to the base, now!"

"Sir, it's Krell!" Men yelled over from where Thor sent the alien crashing. The one in charge looked over at them before returning to Steve.

"Get him ready to move."

"I can get him there faster." Thor told them, standing to his full height. Some made to raise their blasters, but another soldier in a different styled armor stepped forward.

"Wait, you're Thor, aren't you?" He asked, and Thor nodded. He then turned to the one in charge. "Rex, he's from Steve's world."

The leader, Rex, looked between Fives, and Thor, before glancing at the injured man at their feet, before back to the Asgardian. "Alright, get him back to the base infirmary, it's southwest from here."

"Understood." Thor gently raised the First Avenger with one arm before holding him close before spinning his hammer and shooting upwards.

The Clones could only watch in shock at seeing the man fly, no fighter, no jetpack.

"What kind of world does Steve come from?" Rex wondered aloud.


Quinlan turned between each of the blasters, the guy he was sent after, then to the head man himself. "You know, considering I helped you guys out, would think the reception would be a little more, oh I don't know, friendly."

"You're surrounded, Jedi."

"And you got rundown by Dooku." Quinlan countered. The Mandalorians narrowed their gazes at him, well, those without helmets on that is. "Look, I only came because I sensed him." Quinlan pointed to the dark-skinned fighter.


"Not from around here, are you?" Blade's confusion was clear and told Quinlan everything. "Listen, man, wherever you think you are, it's a lot more-"

"I've had enough of Jedi and Sith for one day!" Vizsla shouted.

"Hey," Quinlan whirled on the Death Watch leader, "I don't like being surrounded by terrorists and murderers, but you don't hear me complaining." Blade whipped his head to look at him, and the Mandalorian leader, the head of Clan Vizsla did not react, and his heartbeat did not accelerate. It was the truth. Vizsla opened his mouth, but Quinlan held up his hand. "Save it, I don't need to hear the whole "restore Mandalore" thing, I got the idea."

"So maybe I should just kill you and be done with it."

Vizsla drew his blaster and aimed but stopped when Blade stepped in the way. "You owe me."

That caused the man to narrow his eyes and aim at Blade instead. "You attacked me!"

"After you lied about what was on the train." Blade countered. Bo-Katan managed to stand on her own two feet, nervously looking between the two men to have wielded the Darksaber. "We had a deal, not only did I stop the train and got your f*cking drugs, but I helped fight that old bastard. If you were actually being honest when referring to yourselves as warriors, you'd understand honor."

Vizsla scoffed at him but holstered his WESTAR. "What would an outsider know of honor?"

"More than terrorists and murderers." An angry murmur spread through the ranks of the Mandalorians. Not far, the ships containing their reinforcements finally landed.

Blade and Pre Vizsla's eyes met in a battle of wills, neither of the men waivered. The Mandalorians and Jedi looked between the two and expected them come to blows again, before a surprise speaker broke the deadlock.

"He's right, Pre Vizsla." Vizsla stared at the redheaded warrior with shock, but she did not turn away. "A promise was made, lies of omission are still lies, and he fought off Count Dooku with the Jedi. We owe him."

"You would side with him, after what he said of our cause?!" Vizsla shouted at her.

Bo-Katan looked unsure, turning back to the warrior who remained as impassive as ever, his stance never changing despite the odds. It reaffirmed her strength when she faced Vizsla again. "Regardless of what he said, his character speaks for itself." She addressed the crowd of Mandalorians that grew larger by the second. "Blade fought one of our own and won. He showed his honor when he stopped Gar Saxon from harming our reputation. And when we fought the Pykes, it was Blade who cut through them like a Beskar sword through flesh." The Death Watch army murmured again. Bo-Katan gestured to Vizsla himself. "He even defeated our own leader, Pre Vizsla." She knew the consequences of what she just said, but it needed to be done, even as she felt the rage in the head of clan Vizsla's eyes. "We may not agree with him on everything, but Blade has shown he is a warrior worthy of respect. Who would we be if we did not honor his request? No better than pirates." Using Vizsla's own words caused a ripple in the Mandalorians, and she saw their weapons lower.

Finding Blade, the golden eyes of the stranger were steady as always, but he nodded to her, one that she returned. Vizsla himself was fuming with an unbridled anger that threatened to break out, but he found the strength to restrain himself. Had he not, he would lose the respect of the warriors around him. "What is your request?" He asked through gritted teeth.

"Dreadlocks and I leave. You don't shoot us when we do." Simple and purposeful.

His eyes narrowed, but the Mandalorian leader nodded his consent.

Letting out a sigh of relief, Quinlan chuckled. "For a second there, I almost thought we should worry." His joke was met with silence, making the Jedi drop the humor. "I'll just be waiting over there." Quinlan pointed away from the crowd of Mandalorians, which he walked past, despite getting angry glares from everyone he passed, or angry helmets. Seriously, do they ever take those things off? He made it outside the mass of armor wearing mercenaries when something reflected off the sun, catching his attention. Quinlan walked forward, pushing away the sand that partially obscured it, or its. It was two pieces of a sword, cut in half by a lightsaber. Blade's sword.

Quinlan picked up both the pieces…and saw the sword's past.

Blade, uncaring of what the Jedi was doing, continued to lock eyes with the man who lied to him. Still, he was no thief. He readjusted the handle in his hand and tossed it to the Death Watch leader, who caught it easily. "It ain't mine."

The rage in Vizsla's eyes changed into a snarl on his face, glancing at his people surrounding him, before, with great reluctance, he threw it back at the Daywalker, who caught it with similar ease, but his brows raised in confusion. "You beat me in fair combat. You…earned the Darksaber."

"It's our way, Blade." Bo-Katan told him.

Eyes shifting from the hilt, to Vizsla, the Mandalorians, and finally the Kryze woman, there was an unsurety in the hunter. He was honestly confused on how to continue. He didn't want the sword, but he needed it if that old man came back. Reluctantly, he attached the hilt at his waist, before turning on his heel and walking away.


He stopped at the sound of her voice. Bo-Katan limbed over to the Daywalker, pain on her face but mixed with determination, before offering something in her hand that he hadn't noticed until now. His shades.

"I wish you luck in getting home." Her heart was steady, she meant it. Blade slowly took the shades back before putting them on.

"Thanks." He said without looking at her, and made to turn to leave, but stopped himself. She was the most decent of this crew, he owed her some decency, which as why he turned back to her, and said sincerely. "Take care of yourself."

An amused huff escaped the redhead. "That has to be the nicest thing you ever said to me."

The amusem*nt spread to Blade, before he turned on his heel and walked away. The crowd of Mandalorians parted for him, watching his every move, but he did not care. Once he got to where the guy with the dreadlocks was, he continued on walking, making the man rush after him.

He wanted off this ugly, sandy dustball.

Earth-1, Central City, St. Mark's

Strider, Oliver and Barry walked into the church as Barry exhaled, Oliver asking Barry. "What's going on?"

"Nothing. I just like to speed into rooms, usually", Barry told him.

"Uh-huh", Oliver noted. "Where do you think we find this thing? I haven't been in one of these places in a while."

"I believe it should have been there", Strider gestured to the top of a coffin that looked empty.

"We're too late", Barry realized in horror.

"Something you're not used to saying very often, I'd imagine", Vandal Savage said as he stepped forth, holding the Staff of Horus.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (380)

Oliver nocked an arrow and fired, only for Savage to catch it with one hand.

"Robin of Locksley." Savage waved the arrow in their faces. "I taught him how to use a bow. He taught me how to not feel pain. You cannot defeat me."

"Leave Kendra alone", Barry snarled.

"I can't do that", Savage shrugged. "While my destiny is to live forever, Chay-Ara's and Khufu's is to die, as is yours now."

"Why do you believe you are meant to live forever?" Strider inquired, nocking an arrow, as Oliver nocked another one.

"When this cycle was created, I was the one who was to live every time, and they were to die, while giving me their power", Savage told them why he believed he needed to live. "And so, I realized, that I am the one with the strength. I was chosen, to lead the people of this world one day, and every life of theirs was a sacrifice for my eventual rise."

The three realized that due to his immortality and the circ*mstances around it, Savage believed himself destined to rule humanity, and whatever plans he had, they would help him rise to the top one day, years from now, maybe even centuries (or Life Ages, in Strider's mind) from now.

But a world like that, would be cruel and merciless, where the strong shall always subdue the weak.

They had to stop him.

With that, Savage lifted the Staff of Horus, which glowed blue with energy, and he started firing energy beams at them. Barry ran around to dodge, while Strider and Oliver backed off, firing arrow after arrow at Savage that he destroyed with the beams.

Barry and Oliver took cover as Savage fired at a pew near Oliver, destroying it.

Taking the opportunity, Strider charged Savage, who tried to strike with his staff but he blocked a few times before backing to avoid another strike, and lifted his sword to block another.

"Who do you think taught Miyamoto Musahi how to wield a sword?" Savage taunted, not that Strider understood what he was talking about.

Savage swung his staff but Strider ducked and tried to hit Savage's feet but he backed at the last moment as both glared at each other.

Savage then charged again, spinning his staff, as Strider blocked with his sword and tried to strike Savage's foot but he lifted it up to avoid.

As Savage struck again, Strider blocked and grabbing his hand, pushed him to the other side.

Savage tried to strike again but Strider blocked a few times and leaping into the air, got behind him and sliced him on the back of the neck, making him fall down as he groaned.

Savage tried to get up, glaring at Strider, who swung and sliced his throat, making him gasp and choke as held it.

Using the opportunity, Barry rushed at Savage and grabbed the staff, but it caused a shockwave that made him fly back and hit a pew, and Strider and Oliver were thrown back too.

Star City

Kendra stood on the ledge still. "I guess something is holding me back. Maybe it's Central City or you", she looked at Cisco, "or what I thought my life was gonna be, but I'm never gonna become who I really am unless I let go. I have to do this."

Central City, St. Mark's

Even with his bleeding throat, Savage managed to speak in Egyptian Arabic, before he said. "In all my countless years, I've never encountered anybody with your capabilities. Astonishing! You might not be on my side, but you are still strong. So I shall not go beyond killing you."

Star City

Kendra jumped off as Cisco cried out. "No!"

Central City, St. Mark's

The staff glowed as Savage was about to slam it to the ground.

Star City

Kendra closed her eyes, not thinking. She was going to die. Her life, whatever she thought it'd be, it didn't matter anymore.

She let go.

And then, her wings emerged as she began to fly, Cisco cheering.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (381)

Central City, St. Mark's

"Chay-Ara", Savage muttered, the glow stopping, as he'd sensed her emerging.

Star City

"Oh, my God!" Cisco laughed. "Whoo-hoo!"

"Chay-Ara", Carter smiled.

"She is here", Sara shrugged.

Central City, St. Mark's

"I used to enjoy slow deaths. Now I just find them boring", Savage said as he raised his staff and it glowed again. He slammed it to the ground as Barry grabbed Oliver and Strider and sped out, the three avoiding the explosion and falling out.

Star City

Cisco continued to cheer as Kendra flew around with her wings, then reached the rooftop, her wings disappearing while she fell with a roll, Cisco reaching her first. "Hey. You okay?"

"I'm gonna have to learn how to use these things", Kendra had to say.

"I'm here for that", Carter assured her.

"You'll get the hang of it, Hawkgirl", Cisco added, as Kendra smiled and laughed at the name.

"Carter", Sara put a hand to his shoulder. "A word?"

"Sure", Carter said as she led him to a corner. "What is it?"

"I know you used to know her as Chay-Ara once upon a time", Sara told him. "And she still is Chay-Ara. But she is also Kendra Saunders."

As Carter listened, Sara continued. "She still has people and things in this life she loves. You love Chay-Ara, but, try to treat Kendra like Kendra, all right?"

After some thinking, Carter nodded. "I'll keep that in mind, thanks."

Central City

Strider, Oliver and Barry looked at the blown-up church as Barry asked. "Any chance he blew himself up in there?"

"Considering he is an immortal, and knows how to use that Staff, I don't think so."

The three turned to see Batman standing there, Strider and Oliver having sensed his presence, while Barry said. "You got to stop doing that, man!"

"He is the friend you called?" Oliver asked Barry, who nodded.

"I looked up Savage from the sketch and the picture", Batman told them all. "Then I tried to use a satellite of mine to track his movements, but he managed to evade it eventually, though from the tracks, I figured he was off here to Central City. After you told me a bit more about him, Barry, I researched some more, and found out about the Staff of Horus."

"And that's how you realized Savage was after it", Oliver noted, looking Batman up and down. "I know about you."

"I know about you too", Batman shrugged.

"We meet again, Batman", Strider said, grasping his shoulder with a smile, Batman looking at the hand, feeling this sensation to be…new.

And then, he grasped Strider's shoulder as well. "Yes, we do, Strider."

"What do we do now?" Barry wondered.

"I shall be around to lend a hand", Batman said as he walked off. "Keep me updated."

"You're not staying?" Barry asked in shock.

"I'm not big on crowds", Batman said. "Once was enough."

And with that, he used his grapple gun to swing away, Barry turning to Oliver. "Like I said, he is worse than you were last year."

"I can see that", Oliver muttered.

"Let us wait for the rest", Strider said.

Star City, the lair

"That was Oliver", Diggle said as he put the phone down. "Savage has the Staff of Horus. He wants us all in Central City as soon as possible."

"Okay, well, Laurel's already there visiting mom, so I'll call her and let her know we're coming by", Sara said, before realizing something. "Mom's a history professor, she might know something about Savage."

"You sure you want to meet her?" Thea asked gently.

"Whatever is needed", Sara said with a sigh.

"If Savage is in Central City, then why are we going back there?" Kendra asked.

"So we can end this", Cisco said, putting on his coat. "And if anybody's gonna take down Savage, it's going to be Barry, Strider and Oliver."

"Plus, you've emerged", Carter told Kendra. "It's going to be much harder for him now. And together, all of us, we can take him down once and for all."

"So, let's go", Sara said.

"Ray has lent us a jet", Felicity added. "So, let's go."


Melinda noticed how quiet Eliot was while she was flying him, and not just normal quiet.

"What happened to you in the other world?" She asked.

"Worlds." He corrected, he didn't go into detail even though she was surprised by the fact, as her face showed, but he did say, "I did my best to do what I always do. Try to do better."

"Eliot, you've been trying to make up for the past for years, even when you went by Paladin, you've done a lot of good."

Part of him knew she was right, but that didn't stop the loathing he still felt inside. "I got to do more, Melinda. I need to do more."

"...do you still see them?"

Eliot stared out across the sky, before looking to one of his few friends with the hurt in his eyes. "Every time I close my eyes."

Universe-208, Umbara

The sky was a bright blue, clear, cloudless, warm. Steve was reluctant to rise up, enjoying the feeling of the grass beneath him, the light breeze grazing over his face.

He felt so much peace. Tranquility. Harmony.

Steve did not think he could ever get up.

That was when he heard the thunder.

Finally raising himself, Steve sat up and saw in the distance, storm clouds, thunder rumbling over the wide open, grassy plain.

A drive to go forward made the WWII veteran stand up, taking slowly steps with his bare feet to the thunder.

"Hey, Cap."

Steve froze, turning his head over his shoulder before finding the face of a man long dead.

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The man with his ever-present bowler hat and distinctive red moustache stood there smiling like the gentle giant he was. "It's good to see you, Cap."

"Dugan…" What is this? Dugan was dead. Steve stepped closer to his fellow Commando, and then noticed the sky get brighter behind him, making the soldier pause. "I don't understand."

"You've fought for a long time, Cap." The corporal laid a hand on Steve's shoulder, gesturing to the bright light engulfing the plains far from the thunderclouds behind them. "Now, you have the chance to rest. We're all waiting for you."

Just then, he could see shapes in the distance, bathed in the glow from above, and Steve could not help but stare.

Monty. Gabe. Frenchie. Jim. More shapes took form behind them, but Steve could not see their faces, yet what he could see, all were smiling at him. Waiting.

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There was an urge deep inside him, telling the captain to walk to his friends. Steve took one step before he stopped.

"Is this…the end of the line?"

"It's what you deserve." Dugan told him, but Steve lowered his head to stare down at the grass. Does this mean that he…

Thunder broke him from thoughts and made him turn back to the dark clouds. Something was there, in the storm. He turned back to Dugan. "Do I have a choice?"

"I can't make you choose, everything rests on you."

Those words repeated in Steve's mind. He had a choice.

Be at peace? Or keep on fighting?

Part of him always knew the answer.

"I can't leave. Not yet."

Dum Dum Dugan only smiled at his old friend before making towards the light. "We'll be waiting for you, Cap. Be sure to make us wait a long time."

Steve watched him go, watching as the shapes, including the Howling Commandos, began to disappear, Dugan being the last. Inhaling through his nose, Steve exhaled and braced himself as he marched toward the storm, not stopping until the winds blew strong against his body, making him raise his arms to shield his face. The thunder got louder to the point it was deafening, yet Steve pushed on, until his eyes found the clouds beginning to part. Captain America looked up, and witnessed as a lightning bolt descended toward him.

Darkness consumed him.

Steve's eyes snapped open. He thrashed wildly as he felt himself submerged in some kind of liquid, his mouth and nose covered by a mask that let him breath. Reassessing everything, Steve stopped his thrashing and focused, through the liquid, he could make out more shapes, but more importantly, armor, a cape, and a hammer.

Feeling himself pulled upward, two sets of hands lifted Steve out of the liquid, whatever it was blinded him briefly before someone removed the mask, letting him breath by himself before a towel was put in his hands, which he quickly used to dry his face to see properly for the first time.

"Welcome back to the world of the living, brother." Kix smiled down at him, with Jesse on the other side.

"Had us worried there for a moment."

"What, me? The super soldier?" Steve chuckled at Jesse's exaggerated groan.

"There he goes again." The two Clones helped Steve to his feet, finding himself wearing only a set of briefs to cover himself, bringing him down the steps around the tank to the ground, where the familiar faces of Rex, Fives, Hardcase, Tup, and to his great surprise, Thor, waited.

"It's good to see you're alright, Steve." Rex walked up to him. The Avenger nodded at the two Clones to let him go, finding his strength again allowing him to stand tall. "We feared the worst when you went after Krell by yourself."

"The worst nearly happened." Steve admitted. The image of Dugan in the field flashed in his mind. He never felt himself so close to death before, so overpowered, it was a miracle he was still alive. If Krell was just one Jedi, he'd hate to be on the wrong side of the whole Order. He looked at the hammer-wielding Asgardian and smiled. "If not for Thor, I wouldn't be alive."

"I am thankful to the Norns that Stark and Banner brought me here in time. We feared the worst after your absence for so long." Thor said. The suspicions of the men with the same face was understandable, and he was thankful for it, it meant their intentions for Steve and his wellbeing were true.

Steve shrugged and looked at the men. "I was in good company." They smiled back at him. "For the most part, that is."

"Yes, by the condition I found you in, that battle was hard fought."

Hardcase started laughing. "Nothing good ol' Steve couldn't handle, right brother?" Hardcase elbowed his ribs, and Steve struggled not to wince.



"His entire ribcage was broken! He only just healed!"

Realization hit Hardcase like a gunship, grasping his head in disbelief. "Oh for the love of-! Why can't I stop hurting you?!"

The pain faded and let Steve laugh, and laugh hard, his ribs, hell, his whole body felt sensitive, but if the liquid he was submerged in was bacta, then it was doing its job. He never felt in so much pain than he was during the fight with-

Steve froze and turned to the Clone Captain whose face was smirking in amusem*nt, which dropped when he spoke. "Krell?"

And then, his face turning grim, Rex told Steve what had happened.

Krell was dead.

Nothing in Steve felt anything other than relief. The Besalisk was a traitor to what the Jedi were meant to represent, and more importantly, a traitor to the army. His callous and uncaring nature backed by his arrogance finally led to his end by the one person who followed Krell with absolute loyalty.


There was a poetic kind of justice that Dogma, the one man that listened to the Besalisk, and one of the Clones that he so despised, killed the monster. What was left of him that is. If he was there, despite everything he did, purposely sending men to their death in some ploy to weaken the Republic's army and join the Separatists, Steve still doesn't know if he could pull the trigger and execute anyone like that. He was thankful he didn't have to find out.

That line of thought was for another time. The capital city was taken, Umbara was under Republic control.

Now, it was time to go home.

Earth-1, Central City, CC Jitters

Strider, Oliver and Barry were in Jitters, as Oliver saw 'The Flash' coffee above in the list. "Since when is that a thing?"

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"About eight months", Barry said, then joked. "Maybe if you save Star City, you might get one too." He turned grim. "By the way, we still need to get Savage."

"The rest are on their way, and with them, we shall slay him", Strider assured Barry.

Suddenly, a kid, about 8 or 9, bumped into Oliver and Barry, passing between them, dropping something.

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"Watch yourself, buddy", Oliver said while picking up what was dropped, and shared a chuckle with Barry on seeing it was a Flash action figure. Even Strider had to chuckle at this toy, while Oliver handed the action figure back to the boy. "You don't want to lose this guy."

"Thanks, Mister."


The boy ran to his mother, Oliver frowning as he noticed her. It was….her. The boy was around 8 or 9, and they'd their thing around 10 years ago.

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Strider and Barry noticed Oliver watching the kid and his mother intently, as he kept thinking to himself.

It couldn't be, could it?

Earth-199999, Bowie, Arizona

Melinda set down in Arizona, the Quinjet opening up for them to walk out of it.

Melinda got out of the pilot's seat, and started walking out, Eliot walking out after her.

There was a house at the end of a long driveway.

Melinda explained as they walked to the ranch. "During your absence, breach activity has only increased. Some of our otherworldly guests are friendly, most aren't. There was an incident in the Navajo Nation. Something was killing animals, people, skinning them or worse. From the description, it seemed to be an extraterrestrial hunter. By the time we sent a team to follow up, someone else was called in and killed it, severely injuring himself in the process, but not before the extraterrestrial blew itself up, and left a hole in the area."

"Not sure how this concerns-" Eliot paused when he saw the letter box they were coming up to, more specifically, the name.


A horse neighing drew their attention to a man astride a bay stallion with a white face, but it was the rider that Eliot focused on. Denim jacket, flannel shirt, cowboy hat, but that didn't matter, it was the person who wore them.

When he got close enough, Eliot softly spoke in awe. "You're John Rambo."

The man glanced at the other man before looking at the woman he was familiar with. "What do you want?"

"Mr. Rambo, this is Eliot Spencer."

"It's an honor, sir." Eliot spoke honestly.

Rambo looked closer at the man, Eliot, he thought he recognized him, or at least, someone like him. His stance however, his eyes, he knew them. He had the same. "Army?"

"Yes, sir."


"Yes, then Ranger, then the Unit, sir. How-"

"Your face, your walk, it's quite distinctive."

Eliot nodded, muttering, "So that's what that feels like." Meanwhile, Melinda did everything she could not to smirk.

"Mr. Rambo was the one to handle the extraterrestrial." She turned from her friend to the man dismounting. "While receiving medical treatment, we were analyzing your blood for any foreign elements possibly left by the alien." This next part, Melinda braced herself. "That's when we discovered something...surprising."

Eliot and Rambo were silent as they urged her to answer with their looks alone. Melinda took a deep breath, which concerned Eliot, Melinda rarely got nervous, before finally speaking. "We ran your blood through every type of scanner we had to be sure there were no side effects from your battle. What popped up was a familial match in the D.O.D. DNA database."

"Familial?" Rambo repeated, his face scrunching up in confusion before it dawned on him, and he looked at the other man, who was looking back at him at the same time.

"Eliot, this is your father."

Universe-208, Umbara

Staring into the slimy liquid that saved his life, Steve dressed in his ruined suit, blood stains from Umbarans and Banshees and whatever else sprayed on him, scorch marks from when he was shot by bolts and the lightsabers that marked it, the star essentially cut in half and a hole in his abdomen, along with his arm, shoulder, and back, his DC-17 back by his side, and his trusty shield on his back. The paintjob was another story, nearly every stroke of red, white, and blue was gone, only patches remained, and one point of the star left. The helmet was broken beyond repair, causing Steve to discard it completely. He was thankful that the Clone armor on his right arm remained mostly intact, it meant a lot to him.

Six hours. Six hours Steve spent in that tank where he fought for his life. He could have ended it all, if what he saw was true. Steve Rogers could have stopped fighting and rested for the first time since he was that punk kid from Brooklyn. No more war, no more pain, and all those he lost waiting to greet him.

But he couldn't make that choice. Steve Rogers never stopped fighting when there's a fight to be had, especially when he would be leaving people behind. He could never abandon his friends like that. They were part of the reason why he fought the good fight, and he refused to let them down.

The sound of the doors had the captain turn to face his Asgardian teammate waiting for him. "It's that time, huh?"

"When you're ready, Captain." Thor said respectfully, offering no rush to the mortal he respected more than any other. He had clearly gone through much with these men, bonds between them ran deep, Thor had seen it in their care of Steve, and he for them. He had risked his life battling that four-armed, or three he should say, beast, and while Rogers would risk his life for anyone, this battle was personal by the looks of it, the captain held nothing back.

Steve was silent for a second, still staring at the bacta tank with pondering eyes. "You know, after a week or so of being stuck on this planet, now that I can leave, it feels difficult to say goodbye."

"It always is when leaving such cherished friends." Thor tried to ease his worries.

"It's not that." Steve turned around walked to his fellow Avenger. "When we leave, their war will only go on, and spread to another planet, to another part in Space. This isn't my fight, but I made it mine when I joined the 501st. They never got the choice."

That made Thor ponder. What Steve described; it was truly a dilemma for such a man. The warrior who dislikes war but is willing to fight it to do as much as he can to end it. "I cannot say I truly understand this Universe's ways, but I know that whether you stay or leave, this fight will go on with or without you. But trust in these men that they can see it through to the end and meet you again after attaining victory."

Steve knew Thor was right. "I just wish I could do more."

A deep chuckle escaped the Asgardian's throat as he walked beside the super soldier. "You are a good man, Steven Rogers." And he meant it, he was everything that Thor himself wished he could be. If he was more like Captain America, many of his faults could have been avoided.

Smiling humbly at the praise, he could only nod. "Thank you, Thor."

"Think nothing of it, my friend." Thor then sighed as he admitted to Steve, "I sense a power in the air, an ancient force binding everything in this universe together. Even us. It is something I have only began to feel in our own reality."

"The Force is entering our universe?"

"No, not truly, it has always been there, merely dormant, but since the borders between worlds have started to fade, this "Force" as you call it, has begun to awaken once more."

"So, should we be expecting Jedi and Sith anytime soon?"

"...I do not understand the reference."

"I'll tell you later." Steve laughed to himself, to Thor's confusion, before sighing. "Hard to believe I'm finally going back. It feels longer than a week."

"The other Avengers felt the same way. Stark and Banner worked tirelessly with their allies to craft the device to bring you home. The rest of us remained on our patrols regarding more portals, but we always held hope you would return. Romanov was most adamant that you would be well."

"…she did?" That surprised Steve but made him tug his lips upwards slightly.


Moving the topic to something else, he asked the question he'd been wondering since he fell through that breach. "How will this work, exactly?"

Thor raised his arm that didn't hold Mjolnir, revealing a black gauntlet over his usual armor. "Stark made it, to open the portal to bring us back to our Universe once you were found and ready. They are probably concerned at how long it was taking."

"Best not keep them waiting." Steve said before the doors leading to the outside of the base opened, and his eyes went wide. Thor smirked; he was waiting for this reaction.

On both sides of him, the entirety of the 501st Legion lined up, forming a tunnel made of Clones.

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"PRESENT ARMS!" A voice commanded, and each man held their rifles vertically, saluting their volunteer.

Overwhelming did not begin to describe the emotions welling up inside him. The only thing Steve could think to do was walk.

Every man had their helmet off, allowing Steve to see their faces, the tiny differences to the vast, the super soldier saw them all. Every one of them looked to Steve with a smile, a nod, an appreciative gesture by Oz, Greer, Jester, all of them, for everything he did for them, from carrying some out of a firefight, to standing up against Krell in their defense. In their eyes, as Captain Rogers made it closer to the end of the tunnel, he was one of them, their brother, a man who sacrificed just to fight for them.

He was their volunteer, and they would never forget it.

When Steve finally made it to the end, he found Rex there waiting, along with Fives. The end of the lines was composed of Tup and Hardcase on one side, and Jesse and Kix on the other.

"You didn't think you were leaving us without saying goodbye?" Rex joked.

Steve felt himself struggle to speak. "All of this, you shouldn't-"

"After everything you did for us, an honor guard is the least we can do." Fives told him with a smile. Steve returned it, seeing the offered hand and clasped it. He made to take off his blaster, but Fives stopped him. "Keep it, as a reminder that you're one of the 501st." With reluctance, Steve nodded, accepting the gift.

Next, he faced the commanding officer, and saluted.

"Captain Rex."

"Captain Rogers, I relieve you of duty. Go home, soldier. You deserve it." Rex ordered him with one final pat on the shoulder.

"Sir yes sir." Keeping himself together, Steve walked forward to see Thor, waiting there for him, a gentle expression on his face.

Hardcase sniffed, rubbing his nose with the back of his hand. "What is wrong with you?" Tup asked in annoyance.

"I always hate saying goodbye." The usually overly enthusiastic Clone held back a sob while his brothers rolled their eyes.

"You ready, Captain?" Thor asked, and looking back once more, Steve memorized the faces of the Clones.

"I think I am."

Thor nodded, raising up the gauntlet and opening the palm, letting the machine give out a high-pitched whine like Tony's repulsors before letting loose a stream of energy that struck the air, and seconds later, a breach was formed.

Steve turned back to the army, the men, the 501st, one last time, before walking through the breach with Thor.

Earth-199999, New York City, Avengers Tower

It had been hours since the upgraded IDIOT sent Thor to whichever world Cap landed in, and the anticipation was killing them, the Avengers, Mutants, and "new Avengers" all waiting in or around the lab.

"How long has it been?" Bobby asked, his knee bouncing up and down rapidly. He wanted to be here when they brought back Captain America, both him and Piotr. They were there when he disappeared, they felt partly responsible for what happened. Maybe if they did more, they could have saved him.

"Six hours and forty-seven minutes." The Black Widow answered. Not moving from the lab since Thor disappeared, remaining next to the eggheads who made the machine.

"Could the gauntlet have malfunctioned?"

Reed shook his head at Ben's question. "Not possible. We triple checked everything under every variable."

"Look, wherever Cap ended up, he could have gotten himself into sh*t, and Thor is helping bail him out." Clint theorized.

"Captain America, the original Mr. Rogers, got himself in sh*t?" Johnny asked with skepticism.

Tony shrugged. "He was probably helping someone, and the bad guys didn't take kindly to it."

"Sounds like Steve alright." Natasha smiled in amusem*nt, but it was hard to maintain.

"It's in his nature to help people." Banner thought fondly to the times Cap tried to support him due to his "condition". The man did not see a monster, but a man in crisis, and another entity whose actions were based on reactions. Hulk was part of the team, as was Banner, Steve said as much.

Sighing, Tony ran a hand through his hair, and he swore, if he was going grey because Cap and Thor were making him wait, he would kill them. "J, I think we're gonna need some more pick-me-ups."

"The usual, sir?"

"You know me so well."

Reed walked over to Tony, looking at him over the IDIOT. "What should we do?"

"Maybe we should try open the portal again."

"We have no way of bringing anyone back." Reed reasoned, before he saw the look in Tony's eyes, and shook his head. "No."

"Something could have happened to the gauntlet."

"Tony, we don't know what could come through the breach, it might not even be them."

Scoffing, the genius billionaire checked the diagnostics for the machine. "You don't know Cap and Thor if you think anything would get in their way." He wasn't gonna stop until they got home. If it took some safety precautions being thrown away, so be it.

Tony lifted his gaze from the pad to find Reed's head extended over to look him in the eye. "I can't let you do this."

"Then stretch that head of yours out of here and look away." Tony coolly told him. Reed looked taken aback before Sue stepped in.

"Yes, we're worried, and we've been up for hours, but you really think Captain Rogers or Thor would appreciate you guys brawling before they got back?" Tony and Reed stayed in their staring contest. Groaning, the only woman who recently gained powers reached her hands out and smacked them behind their heads.



"Oooooooh, it's nice to finally see it happen to someone less handsome than me." Johnny grinned, before noticing the tall presence next to him, and nervously he turned his head to find Ben, smirking. Already knowing what he was thinking, the newly christened Human Torch raised a flaming finger. "Don't even think about it."

"Johnny, shut it!" Her brother flinched and lowered his head.

"Yes, Sue."

"Now," Susan turned he head back to the two geniuses rubbing their heads, "I feel any heat coming off anyone but Johnny, I'm throwing the both of you out the balcony. Am I understood?" Tony and Reed quickly nodded their heads.

Natasha leaned over to Clint. "I like her."

"Really? Thought you were into someone else." Clint teased, earning the famous Romanov death glare, which hasn't worked on him in years, only making him grin wider.

Bobby looked to the taller Russian Mutant. "Remind you of anyone?"

"Like a blonde Storm." Piotr shuddered. When the weather manipulating Mutant was angry, everyone felt her wrath.

Whatever else they were going to say was halted by the breach that opened in the same space in front of the IDIOT at the center of the lab. Spies, Mutants, scientists, and pilots watched anxiously, hoping for a friendly face to come through, and they finally did. First was Thor, his signature armor and cape with the hammer in hand walked through confidently with a smile on his face, stepping into the Tower's lab before looking back, and what they saw took them aback.

It was Steve, healthy, and smiling. His suit, on the other hand, was a different story. The entire right sleeve was gone, replaced by some kind of blue/white armor pieces, and the torso was darkened by splotches of what could be blood, the star was cut in half, a dark scorch mark running down from the collar to the right side of his ribs. A burned black hole was in his abdomen, with smaller, similar holes on his shoulder and arm. On his leg was a new holster, with a new gun that definitely wasn't the pistol he left with.

"Steve…" Tony spoke but was too stunned by the man's appearance. What the hell happened to him?

"It's good to see you, Tony." Steve said sincerely as he clasped the man's shoulder. That seemed to knock the Iron Man from his daze and he gave a smile back at him.

"You know, next time you decide to step out, you could leave a note. A man of your age could get in a lot of trouble: broken hip, lost in a mall." Steve rolled his eyes, same old Tony.

"I'll be sure to do that." He walked by Stark to see the team's other genius, which allowed the others to see the condition of his shield, causing a series of stunned staring. "Bruce."

"Steve." The Hulk's calmer side walked up and hugged the soldier, clapping him on the back as they separated. "We were starting to get worried."

"What, about me?" Steve joked, making the doctor chuckle, before finding the marksman approaching.

"Good to have you back, Cap." They clasped hands and patted each other's shoulder in familiar affection.

"Good to be back, Clint." Then he saw the Avengers' sole woman, his partner from his days with SHIELD. Her lip quirked and head tilted.


"Romanov." Steve did not restrain his smile back at her, which threatened to shake her composure. It was all they needed, their own dynamic. That was when he saw the two Mutants from before, the ones who'd helped him fight the ape monster. "Bobby, Colossus."

"It's Piotr, actually, sir." The Mutant with organic metal skin corrected.

Steve nodded. "Piotr." He amended.

"Captain, sir," Bobby started, "we're sorry we couldn't stop you from-"

"It's okay, son." Steve stopped the cryokinetic Mutant, laying a hand on both their shoulders. "If it wasn't for you, that thing could have killed me, I was lucky you were there to save my ass."

"It was an honor, sir."

"The honor was mine." Steve told Colossus. It was then he turned to face the room again, and finally addressed the strangers, especially the tall man covered in rocks. "Did we expand our ranks while I was gone?"


"Yes!" The whole team and three of the strangers denied it at once while the youngest of the newcomers said otherwise.

"Sorry about him, he's…Johnny." A man with brown hair and around Steve's height told him before walking around the machine that resembled the IDIOT. "My name is Dr. Reed Richards, Captain, it's a pleasure." Steve's brow rose when the man's hand stretched out to shake his hand, as in literally stretched, by about two feet. The man, Reed, turned sheepish. "Sorry." The arm retracted and Reed offered a normal arm, which Steve took. "Still getting the hang of the powers."

"Steve. How did it happen?" He asked when the young man waved a flaming hand.

"Oh you know, just tried to get your prehistoric ass out of whatever hell hole you fell into. Didn't work out but got these badass powers." The young boy, barely twenty years in age bragged, before a smack to the back of his head by the beautiful blonde woman beside him shut him up.

"Ignore him, it's the only way he's halfway tolerable. I'm Susan, call me Sue, and this is my brother, Johnny." The woman introduced herself and her sibling, a hand waving at him, before said hand turned invisible. She noticed his odd look, causing Sue to check her hand, before quickly hiding it back behind her back.

However, he didn't focus on the powers, but on what they said. Then he turned to the man encased in rocks. "This happened because of me?"

"Hey, don't sweat it." The large man waved him off with a four-digit hand. "We were tryin' to rescue Captain America; no way we're passin' that chance by."

"If this happened because of me…I am so sorry." Steve meant it. these people's lives were changed trying to save him, the guilt already started to fill up in him again.

The rocky man looked down at his body and shrugged. "Not your fault, no need to beat yourself up about it." He then offered his large hand, and while hesitant over what he said, not about the hand, Steve took it. "Ben Grimm, sir."

"Grimm?" Steve's eyes lit up. "From the 422nd?"

Ben's brows scrunched up. "How did you-"

"Sam Wilson called you the best pilot he's ever seen." Steve told him, making Ben smile.

"Good man, that Sam." He said to himself before turning to Tony. "You hear that, Stark? Next time you see that asshole Rhodes-"

"I am sooooo not getting in the middle of this." Tony pinched the bridge of his nose.

Steve chuckled, as he looked at the pair of spies, doctor, and God while the billionaire argued back with the man Sam called "the Grimm Reaper". "Nothing really changed, has it?"



"Not Tony."

"He only seems to talk more."

Steve smiled to himself. It was nice to be back, though it will take some getting used to calm down from what he went through, but he can never forget the brothers he made on Umbara.

"What the hell happened over there, Cap?" He heard Clint and felt his smile fade away.

The sounds of explosions, the sight of Clones dying or getting disintegrated, blue and green blaster bolts filling the air, aerial combat the likes of which he's never seen before, and Krell, all of it flushed to his mind in those three seconds.


Earth-21, Metropolis, LexCorp Tower

Zoom opened his eyes, scanning what was around before sitting up at speed and running. Only, when he tried to phase through the glass wall, a current ran through him, shocking the unmasked speedster and throwing him to the back of his cell. Snarling, the crazed speedster paid closer attention to his cage. Four walls all of which made from the same glass-like material, the only light being shone down on him, everything else was as black as his suit.

Hunter raised his right hand to try to gather lightning, when he paused. His hand was gone, cut off by that raggedy bastard. Yet that doesn't explain the prosthetic limb and hook.

"Not what you were expecting?"

Blue lightning coursed around his body before he flashed against the cage to glare at…not who he was expecting.

"Who are you?" Hunter hissed.

Zemo did not flinch. As expected, the man was like a caged animal, lashing out at whatever he could, the Baron had little to fear, and from what Lex had told him, the box could contain beings of incredible speed. There was a dark pleasure at having the powered at his mercy.

"You may call me Zemo, but that does not matter." The Sokovian began to walk around the cage, not even glancing at the speedster that followed him with his eyes. "What matters is why is it you are here?"

"I…" Zoom despised the words he had to speak, but upon looking down at his missing hand, he had no choice. "I need Lex Luthor's help."

"Why is that exactly?" Zemo stopped his walking to lean against the glass. "We both know this is not your Earth. There are no records of your existence, facial recognition was met with nothing, and we both know you are in no way powerful enough to exist here."

The speedster crashed against the wall Zemo continued to lean against, only now, the eyes turned a pitch black. "Say that again when there's nothing to stop me from ripping your heart out."

A soft chuckle left Zemo. "All that electricity must have degraded your mind." He clapped his hands, next thing that happened was electricity surging from the floor, shocking Zoom with tens of thousands of volts, making him convulse before a wave of the hand made the current stop, and the smoking body crash to the floor. "Do I have your attention now?" Zoom tried to push himself up, only to topple over to his side. Hunter hated weakness, and right now, he glared at the weakness of his right limb. "Do you need a hand?"

"I'm not talking to a lackey!" Zoom rose to unsteady feet and growled down at the man with the infuriating smirk. "Bring me Lex Luthor!"

"You clearly have not been paying attention." Zemo said in boredom before Zoom was shocked again, returning to the floor. Walking around once more, Zemo was casual as he was when the speedster woke up. "Why do you need Lex?

"I need his help!"

"If you're just going to repeat yourself, this will be a long day."

"I want revenge!" Zoom screamed at him. Zemo's only reaction was a raised brow. "I want to make the people who beat me, took my arm, ruined my plans, to SUFFER!"

Zemo returned to the position he originally started in, in front of Zoom's box. He was infuriatingly calm, it angered Zoom to new heights, being at the mercy of someone inferior in every way. It was a painful reminder of how he ended up here in the first place.

"Frankly I see no point in this conversation." The Sokovian's face became cold. "I see no point in letting you live either."

"Now now, Zemo, I always have time for my fans." Zoom turned his gaze to another man who walked out of the shadows to stand with the strange, normal human. His bald head was a dead giveaway, as was the mocking smirk. "Morning, sunshine. Nice nap?"


"Now, while I am tempted to let my colleague," Lex gestured to his partner, "continue his work, I am curious to know who you are."

Swallowing his pride, Zoom bowed his head. "My name is Hunter Zolomon. They call me Zoom on my Earth."

"Yes, that's what I'm curious about, how is it you were able to travel to this world with no cellular decay?" Lex inquired, both him and Zemo paying attention for future plans.

"The Speed Force, the source of a speedster's power, it allows them to vibrate at the same frequency as other Universes to travel. I was trying to find ways to enhance my speed, and one of the Earths I discovered was yours."

"Couldn't make the weight, could you?" Lex teased, earning a laugh from the man beside him. Zoom's face twitched but said nothing on that matter.

"I found another Earth with another speedster whose speed I was going to take, but there was…interference."

"So, you failed, and now want me to hold your hand to badmouth the bullies that beat you?"

"I am starting to gain an idea as to why he failed." Zemo joked with Lex, the bald man biting his tongue from laughing with him.

A fist against the glass had them turn to the caged speedster, anger cackling off him, as was lightning. "With your help and my speed, I can get payback on the Flash and his allies, in return," Zoom growled to himself before continuing, "I will help you."

"Very full of himself."

"By the looks of things, he could barely help himself." Zemo and Lex bantered, while it was fun for them, it helped gauge the unhinged speedster in front of them and show who was in control. "So, what you are asking is for a helping "hand"?"

Lex lightly smacked his arm. "Zemo, you're better than that."

"Are you saying that you don't have a dozen hand jokes in your mind?"

"Of course not." Lex scoffed at the Baron, before adding, "I have fifteen."

"WILL YOU HELP ME OR NOT?!" Zoom screamed at them. The way they just ignored him, saw him as nothing to fear, it made his instincts to want to break out of the box and run them against the ground at superspeed stronger. However, he needed Luthor's help. The other man though, Hunter saw no reason for him to live.

A look passed between the Baron and the businessman, before the latter nodded. There was reluctance still within Zemo over the idea, but he could not deny the merits.

"Alright, Zolomon, we will provide you with assistance." Zoom began to smirk with joy and insanity. "Only, I'm afraid what you want will have to come later." Zoom's smirk dropped.


"You see," Lex walked to the wall separating the man and the monster, "The Baron and I have begun a little venture, one I think you would be well suited for you."

The anger in Zoom faded, marginally, leaving him wondering on what he was proposing. If it meant destroying Wells, Allen, Strider, and that cape clad bastard, Zoom would do anything. "What venture?"

Lex smirked. He had him. The Luthor nodded toward Zemo, who pressed a button in his pocket, causing a light to shine down on their latest creation. Hunter stared at what was unveiled.

It was a prosthetic arm, made of a sleek, black metal, the fingers were sharp to resemble claws. It looked no different from what a regular arm would look like besides it being made of metal and the claws.

"How does wiping out all superheroes sound to you?"


And another one ends finally. Thanks a lot to Brainstorm Sorcerer and gussygus28 for all of their help once more.

Vandal Savage is here, and he is already more terrifying than he was in the Arrowverse. In some of the comic runs its implied Savage started cannibalism, but since this Savage was an ancient Egyptian priest rather than a Neanderthal (due to being an amalgam between comics Savage and Hath-Set), I just had him be a cannibal instead of the one who started it.

And I'm trying to improve the personalities of the Hawks too, since the Arrowverse Hawks and Savage were all huge disappointments, but I'm gonna make them worthy adaptations of these characters.

While its not my favorite crossover, I do have nostalgic memories of watching it back in 2015.

Batman is back too finally, hell yes!

Some of the bits here are inspired by Stand with Ward and Queen's 'A new age for the League of Assassins' so thank you to him.

I found it pretty stupid the bomb Damien and HIVE were trying to steal was forgotten about once Barry saved Team Arrow, so I added that bit of Damien and HIVE being forced to retreat first.

The Fantastic Four won't be called the 'New Avengers', the newspapers just called them that since they debuted by fighting alongside the Avengers. When they do it by themselves, they'll be the Fantastic Four.

Meanwhile, Krell has finally gotten his just desserts, and this fight might be even more brutal than Cap's second fight with Winter Soldier in TWS (I believe their first fight in TWS is still the best fight in any MCU film, though the 2nd one is much more brutal). Now, how the Clones captured Krell, that was amazing, and a very genius tactic by them, and showed how resourceful they are, plus their great teamwork.

So I hated cutting that out, but I feel outside of the humiliation of being captured by 'lowly Clones', Krell got off easy, even his death was too quick. This way, he got the pain he deserved from Cap, and then Thor gave him a nice dose of lightning too.

The scene where Steve sees the Howling Commandos was meant to show who he is now, and honor his character arc, which the ending of 'Endgame' utterly failed to do. Now, Steve has bid farewell to the Clones, and is back home at long last.

Blade and Quinlan leave together, and Blade now has his shades back, and the Darksaber!

Meanwhile, Zoom now ends up joining Lex and Zemo at last, after being bullied by them.

Yes, Rambo is Eliot Spencer's biological father, and that's what the SHIELD Team found in Rambo's blood in the last chapter. Thanks a lot to Brainstorm Sorcerer for this idea, the entire idea of Rambo fighting Predator and being knocked out, followed by the SHIELD Team testing his blood and finding out he is Eliot's father, was born because we first had the idea of Rambo being Eliot's father.

And it also ends up being parallel to Oliver finding out about his own son.

Anyways, hope all enjoyed and see you all next time with another chapter.

This is the last update before Christmas, so have a Merry Christmas.

Chapter 18: Fathers and sons


Team Arrow, Team Flash, Strider and their other allies continue the battle against Savage. Oliver makes a shocking discovery. Rambo and Eliot talk. Steve is affected by everything that happened in Umbara. Blade properly meets Quinlan at last.


Disclaimer: I do not own anything you may recognize

Thank you to everyone for the kudos, hits, comments and bookmarks.

Thanks a lot to gussygus28 and Brainstorm Sorcerer for their help once more, couldn't have done it without them. And thank you to Marcus S. Lazarus for one suggestion too.


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Earth-1, Ancient Egypt, centuries ago

Prince Khufu walked into the throne room in front of his father, the Pharaoh, as three men placed some offerings nearby.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (392)

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (393)

"Prince Khufu, my son. What have you come to offer?"

"Father, we bring this tribute to the protector to all we see and know, Horus", Khufu said. "Praise be upon him."

"It is a fine offering, Khufu. At least worthy of a God."

"And yet, Priestess Chay-Ara does not seem to agree", Khufu said, turning to Chay-Ara.

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"Your offering is lovely, my prince. If not misguided."

"Misguided?" Khufu asked.

"To think that Horus would be appeased by... trifles", Chay-Ara revealed. "The portents of his dissatisfaction grow with each passing day. The celestial rocks used to fall once a generation; now they strike with each phase of the moon."

"Then you have not appeased him well", Khufu countered, before adding. "Priestess."

"Priestess Chay-Ara only speaks out of concern for all."

They all turned to see Priest Hath-Set enter, carrying the Staff of Horus with him. "Which is the reason for her bluntness." He added. "We have warned you time and again of the sky rocks and the threat that they pose to the court of Ramses the Wise. Dark times are coming, my Pharaoh. Prayers and trifles will not be enough to stop it."

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Then he revealed. "We need to sacrifice….men and women. Consume half of them, and let Lord Horus consume the other half."

"No!" The Pharaoh sternly rebuked the suggestion, everyone clearly disturbed. "I will not sacrifice my people! There has to be another way!"

With that, he said. "This Council is ended."


Chay-Ara was walking away as Khufu called out behind her. "Priestess."

She turned to look at him. "You have quite the tongue."

"Should I have spoken less?" Chay-Ara inquired.

"No, for that tongue is one of the many reasons behind my love for you", he said, and the two began to kiss, not noticing Hath-Set watching them jealously.

Earth-1, Present Day, Edge of Central City, farm

Kendra opened her eyes with a jerk of the car they were in as Carter asked her. "You okay?"

"I think...I remembered something", Kendra confessed. "Nothing too important though."

He nodded as the cars stopped near a farmhouse, all of them getting out as Thea commented. "And here we are in the farmhouse."

"We needed a secure location", Oliver explained.

"What's wrong with STAR Labs?" Caitlin inquired.

"Well, I mean, absolutely nothing if you forget about the revolving door you guys installed so the bad guys can come and go as they please", Oliver said sarcastically.

"Remind me again what happened to your old lair, or the one before that", Caitlin said.

"And how many times have your enemies found out STAR Labs is where you're based at?" Oliver asked, and Caitlin was silent. "Exactly."

"Savage stopped because he felt Kendra gaining her wings", Strider added, backing Oliver up while they walked into the farmhouse. "He can feel where she is, and Carter as well. So we must not stay in the city when it comes to battle."

"We need to find a way to neutralize Savage's advantage", Oliver said, the group turning to see Barry and Cisco walk in. "Barry, you're late."

"Sorry", Barry apologized. "It turns out, it's not easy finding the ass end of nowhere."

"Yeah, for real." Cisco looked at his phone. "The roaming charges alone are going to bankrupt me."

"We're discussing how to take away Savage's newfound power", Oliver supplied.

"His new magic stick", Sara quipped.

"Yeah, Staff of Horus", Carter corrected.

"Well, it's protected by some kind of energy field", Barry told them all. "I couldn't lay a finger on it."

Felicity quipped. "Maybe if you wear mittens next time."

Caitlin started. "What if we made some sort of insulated gauntlets..."

Cisco agreed. "Oh, yeah, yeah, the magnetic shielding could disrupt the—"

"The staff's magnetic polarity", Felicity finished.

"While they work to get the staff away from Savage, we need to know everything there is to know about him", Oliver said, walking around.

Thea shrugged. "Well, I googled reincarnated nut jobs and came up with nothing."

"Kendra and I would be the reincarnated nut jobs", Carter corrected her as he put down a box. "Savage is merely immortal."

"Merely?" Laurel asked, looking up from typing on her laptop.

"Welcome to the new normal", Thea shrugged, causing Laurel to look at Strider, still in awe of him.

"Hi, I'm Laurel, and…." She trailed off. "I'm Laurel."

"And I am Strider", Strider replied with a little smile, amused.

"Anyone who's been around for 4,000 years should leave a trail", Diggle then said. "I'll check with A.R.G.U.S., see if they have anything on him."

"I'll check the police reports", Thea added, walking off.

Oliver turned to Kendra. "We need to find a way to utilize your new ability."

"My ability?"

"If you master them, we will be able to surprise him", Strider pointed out.

"Yeah, whatever you do, don't let him train you", Barry said, then looked at Oliver. "I'm sorry, but when it rains, I can still feel where you shot me with those arrows."

"I'll handle her training, then", Carter shrugged.

"Sure thing", Sara nodded, as she noticed Oliver walk off, and walked after him.

"Ollie, is everything okay?" Sara inquired.

"There is something going on", Oliver admitted to her. "I'll tell you later, but I need to figure it out myself first."

Cisco walked with Kendra as he told her. "You must be going through a lot right now."

Kendra agreed. "Yeah." Then she said. "You know, we should talk."

"Never in the history of romance have those words ever meant anything good", Cisco said in dread.

Kendra rectified. "I just mean we should probably talk about everything that's happened- that's happening."

Cisco had a different idea. "You know what, I'm going to suggest something radical here and say let's not talk." She looked at him as he continued. "Look, you've got a lot on your plate right now. And I just don't want to be that piece of very nutritious broccoli that you scrape off the plate to give to the dog. My point being, I don't think you can afford to be distracted right now."

Kendra wasn't sure, but seemed to see his reasoning, as Carter arrived, carrying a box. "Let's go."

"Yes", Cisco started walking. "Let's."

"Look", Carter turned to Cisco, remembering what Sara had told him. "Regardless of me and Chay-Ara having been together in so many lives before, I do not want to get between your relationship with her. That is up to you and her to figure out. But…there are some things me and her have done before, including trying to survive Savage together. And this. So, it should be just us."

"Right", Cisco nodded after a beat, appreciating Carter's honesty and him being straightforward. "I'll just do some push-ups there."

Carter walked to a side, putting the box down and gesturing to it. "Open it."

"Why?" Kendra asked. "What's inside?"

"Something we have to track down in each of our incarnations", Carter explained. "Sometimes I find it, sometimes you do, sometimes we both do. 4,000 years, 206 lives. We've seen about every combination there is."

Kendra said. "I think I might know what this is."

She opened the box, revealing helmets with what looked like horns, alongside an armor of the same shade, one belonging to Carter, that he'd worn before, and one belonging to her.

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With the wings, they'd make her look like a bird.

"Just like what you wore", Kendra said. "Had a feeling it'd be this."

Carter agreed. "As you emerge, as your memories come back to you, other things do too. Skills, languages, pieces of your private life.Katalavaíneis?"


"There you go", Carter shrugged.

"This is still crazy", Kendra muttered.

"I'll help you through it", Carter assured her. "Things like anger, fear, adrenaline-those are the things that bring out the warrior within, like when you soared."

Kendra said. "Well, according to Savage, I'm a priestess."

"The clergy were warriors", Carter shrugged. "Warrior priests, and that is the side that you need to remember. But that is not all there is to it."

"What more?" Kendra inquired.

"There is kindness and compassion too", Carter added. "Not for Savage of course, but when you let all of it in, only then you can be who you are supposed to be."

"Well then, let's make sure that happens", Sara said, walking up to them with a smirk. "You can handle the training, Carter. But I'm still gonna be here to help out." That, plus while Carter was behaving better after his talk with her, she was still gonna keep an eye on him for the time being, just to be 100% sure.

"That's fine", Carter nodded. "Let's hope we don't die again."


Oliver watched from his car as the mother put her son in the car, then walked out as she turned around. "Oliver?"

"Hi Sandra", Oliver greeted her with a smile.

"Uh, hold on one second", Sandra Hawke said to her son before shutting the door and walking to Oliver. "What are you doing here?"

"So sorry to just drop by unannounced. I came to town the other day, and I saw you with your son."

"Connor", Sandra revealed the name.

"Connor?" Oliver noted. "That's a nice name."

"Oliver, what are you doing at my house?" Sandra inquired.

"I saw you and Connor together, and it's difficult not to wonder, because he is, what, nine?" Oliver asked. "And you know, we had a thing 10 years ago..."

"Ok, let me stop you right there."

"All right."

"Connor isn't yours", Sandra said immediately. "I told you I lost our baby, Oliver, and I met Connor's father two months after moving to Central City. So..."

"Mom, we're going to miss the game."

"Sorry, I have to go."

"No, go."


Sandra accidentally dropped Connor's cap, that Oliver picked up and dusted off, before handing it back to her. "Oh, here you are."

"I'm sorry", she said, taking it back. "Thank you."

"Wish Connor good luck for me, all right?" Oliver asked her.

"I will", Sandra said as she walked off, while Oliver's phone rang.

He picked it up with a growl. "What do you want, Malcolm?"

"I've arranged a meeting with Savage. You, me, the swordsman and the speedster", Malcolm said from the other end.

"Why did you do that?" Oliver asked.

"Negotiation is the only way out of this", he replied.

"And why do you want to help us?" Oliver asked, raising his eyebrow.

"You all hate me, and I hate you. But I don't want us to fight, we can still benefit each other", Malcolm told Oliver. "Let's all meet."

Oliver realized Malcolm was trying to play both sides. He called the negotiation, to show him that he could still be useful to his team, while Savage would also get to know more about them. Whoever won would 'owe him a favor' in a way.

Well, either way, Oliver was going to go. He needed to learn more about Savage too, and Malcolm would be dealt with later.

Earth-199999, Bowie, Arizona

Eliot and Rambo were sitting in the latter's kitchen, looking awkwardly at their hands, unsure on what to say, before the latter offered. "Coffee."

Eliot looked up. "Yeah, please." Rambo got up to make it when Eliot added. "Black, two sugars, please." It's also how Rambo took it, something he noted as he took it over.

It was quiet again before it was Rambo who asked. "How long did you serve?"

Eliot pondered how to answer the question. "I enlisted when I was eighteen, saw more things than I would have liked, but they saw what I could do. The ops got more classified, the ink got blacker, but eventually I saw what I was fighting for wasn't worth the brass they were wearing, so I left...only to move from one fight to another. The things I had to do..."

"I know." Rambo told him, causing his...son, to look at him. "Some people, they can do things no one else can, even if they hate themselves for it."

"I wanted to be a hero, like my dad, and I turned out more like the monster."

Rambo's attention perked. "You knew?"

His eyes widening a bit, Eliot shook his head. "No, I mean, father-the man who raised me," Eliot corrected, "he served in Vietnam too. Saved a lot of lives from a POW camp. Should've gotten a medal for it."

"Every man who survived deserves one." Rambo spoke as the demons of the past flashed in his eyes. Of Vietnam. Of Hell.

"My dad was my hero, but..." Eliot awkwardly ran his hand through his hair. He wasn't even this honest with his own team. It felt odd, John Rambo was a legend and apparently his father, but he was still a stranger.

Rambo noted the reluctance as he put the coffee down. "But what?"

"We haven't talked. Not in a long time. Not since I enlisted."

"It's not something someone wants to go through. To know your family is always at risk. Being a soldier...you know." Rambo has seen his eyes, they were haunted like his own.

Eliot nodded. "I know." He sniffed and felt his eyes get wet when he thought of another gap between his father and him. "I couldn't even make it to mom's funeral."

Rambo sat straighter. He wanted to know, but he could see the pain only thinking about her was causing his...son. "Your mother...?"

"I'm adopted. My mom was the nurse who found me in the hospital." Eliot took a deep swig of his coffee, but not even caffeine could fix this. "I never knew who my birth parents were." He stared down at his mug, at the dark liquid and could almost see the sugar floating. Something in him, something that was buried in him since his childhood suddenly sparked. A curiosity to where he came from. "Who was she?"

A deep sigh escaped the Vietnam war veteran. He tried to recall the memories of when he returned to the States. "After I was discharged, I came back to a country that hated what I was. There was a bar. All I wanted was a drink. Owner wanted me out. I almost felt myself snap when he called me..." Rambo didn't finish. Eliot noticed the mug in his hand almost seemed to crack. Closing his eyes and opening them, the Green Beret looked at his son's blue eyes. "That's when I met her." Eliot held his breath. "She was a force of nature, the owner tried to shut her up, he ended up losing two teeth and a bottle of his best bourbon. Asked if I still wanted a drink, and to follow her." Rambo chuckled as another, better memory flashed in front of him. "That woman was the first person to ever treat me with any decency after Nam. I don't even know why she talked to me, she just did."

"What happened? And please leave out the details." Eliot finally had answers on the people who gave him life, he wanted to know everything. Well, not everything.

A shrug was all Rambo could give. "We spent the night together, but I was going one way, she was going another. It was just one of those things."

He could understand that, and was far better than what he initially believed. Still, there was one thing that kept nagging Eliot. "Why did she give me up?"

Rambo looked at Eliot, trying to open his mouth to give an answer, but he had none. "I don't know. When we met, the way she talked, it seemed like she was running from something. Never said what." It was not an answer Eliot liked, but he nodded regardless, going back to staring at his coffee. It was more than he ever knew before. Taking a sip of his own, Rambo looked his fellow soldier up and down. "You look like her." Eliot raised his head. "You have her eyes."

"What was her name?" He did not know why he asked that, it slipped out. The answers that the little boy asked for so many years ago were here, he wanted to know.

"Naomi. Her name was Naomi."

Earth-1, Central City

Strider, Oliver and Malcolm stood together as Barry sped in, and noticing Malcolm, said. "Please tell me we're not going to negotiate with terrorists with the help of another terrorist. Or, you know, 4,000-year-old bad guys in the former's case."

"Just think of this more as a fact-finding mission", Oliver assured Barry. "Maybe Savage slips up and gives us something that we can use to our advantage."

Malcolm scoffed. "Thea said you were being a little more humorous lately."

"Your opinion is duly ignored", Oliver replied in a fake humorous tone just to rile Malcolm up.

"How is it you know so much about Vandal Savage?" Strider inquired.

"I don't know a thing about him", Malcolm said. "No one does. That is why I'm afraid of him."

"That's not the only reason to be afraid of me."

They all turned around to see Vandal Savage walking inside.

"I assure you."

"What do you want?" Oliver asked simply.

"What all living things want- not to die", Savage shrugged as he walked forwards.

"I thought that wasn't a problem for you", Barry reminded.

"Only if I take the lifeforce from Prince Khufu and Priestess Chay-Ara", Savage pointed out.

"Kendra and Carter", Barry groaned.

"The three of us are locked in a vicious circle played out over thousands of years", Savage told them. "None of your concern."

"We've made it our concern", Oliver snarled.

"Why do you want to live forever?" Strider asked, thinking of the love he shared with Arwen. Even if they were wed, he would pass, and she would remain, without him, carrying her love for him alongside great despair until the end of time.

Wouldn't Savage have lost people he loved as well?

"I want to live forever, because I've realized its my destiny to rule this world one day", Savage revealed just why he was doing this. "Like I said before, it was about having my revenge against them at the start, but now, there is no enmity. I do this because I must. Humanity needs someone to guide them, lead them to a better future."

"And you think you're it?" Barry asked incredulously. "You literally eat other humans."

"It is the destiny of the weak to serve the strong in any way possible", Savage smirked. "Besides, I've had a lot more impact on events you know of than what has been told to you. Who do you think taught Hannibal Lecter and the Sawyers the joys of tasting human flesh?"

"You were behind them?" Oliver asked in horror.

"I merely showed them the way, what they did after that, they did on their own", Savage shrugged. "But as you can see, I have influenced this world so much already with my long life. Only I can lead this world to a bright future, where the strong shall thrive, and make this world the strongest in any Universe."

On seeing the looks of the three Heroes, Savage told them. "You are not the only ones who know of other worlds."

And then he said. "However, even if you oppose me, you've shown strength that no one else I've faced has. So, I shall not be feasting upon you, but I shall slay you all. I'm the enemy you can't defeat. The only way for you and yours to live through this is to render onto me what is mine."

He walked over to them, looking at Barry. "Turn over Prince Khufu and Princess Chay-Ara within 24 hours, or I will lay waste to this city, killing everyone that you hold dear."

Then he looked to Oliver. "And after that, I will travel to your home, and do the same thing there."

And then, he turned to Strider. "And at last, I shall travel to your world, and do the same."

"You will not be able to", Strider told him. Even if he could defeat all of them, there were powers beyond his in Middle-earth.

And the Dark Lord would not take kindly to an arrogant intruder into Middle-earth.

"Why would you risk the lives of your friends and family for two strangers?" Savage asked all of them. "206 times I have killed them. What hubris possesses you that makes you think that you can prevent me from doing so again?"

"Not hubris. Hope", Barry replied.

"A day may come when we break all our bonds, but it is not this day", Strider declared to Savage. "We shall fight you, for all that we hold dear, in all our worlds."

Hearing that made Oliver's and Barry's hopes rise, simply due to how Strider spoke.

"I came to this meeting out of curiosity. It is now sated", Savage said as he walked off. "Bring Khufu and Chay-Ara to Jurgens Industrial in 24 hours or I will see you dead and buried under the bodies of your loved ones."

When he was gone, Oliver said. "We're not giving up Kendra and Carter."

"That's not your decision to make", Malcolm snarled. "This is a cycle that has played out for the last 4,000 years."

"Savage may be immortal, but he isn't a God", Barry shrugged.

"And besides, regardless of you arranging this meeting, it changes nothing", Oliver snarled at Malcolm. "Get out of here."

"One day Oliver, I will come for you, in a way that'd make you beg for the likes of Vandal Savage", Malcolm sneered before walking off.


"24 hours."

"Until what?" Kendra asked.

"Until we are supposed to hand you and Carter over to Savage, or- Savage lays waste to Central City", Oliver revealed.

"Yeah", Carter sighed. "We've been through this before. 1887, the Huang He floods, Savage killed nearly two million people to get to us. And he did."

"He shall not succeed this time", Strider assured him.

"We have 24 hours to come up with a workable plan", Oliver said.

"No, this is insane", Kendra shook her head, walking out. "My life isn't worth millions of people's lives."


"I'll talk to her", Carter said as he walked out.

"Cisco", Oliver called out, making Cisco turn to him. "Do the gauntlets work?"

"Yeah", Cisco nodded.

"Double and triple check them, we need to be absolutely sure", Oliver said in a tone that left no room for arguments.

"Sure thing."

"And talk to Kendra", Oliver added.

"Why me?" Cisco inquired.

"Carter is trying, but she needs you too", Sara said with a shrug. "You, you can reach her perhaps."

"Egyptian reincarnation isn't up my alley", Cisco sighed.

"What Kendra's going through is about accepting who she is. And who better to help her with that than the guy who clearly loves her?" Oliver both asked and pointed out.

"I'm not sure we're there yet", Cisco muttered, before seeing everyone's glares. "I'll talk to her."

As Kendra walked out, Carter ran behind her. "Chay-Ara-sorry, Kendra- you shouldn't run off. We don't know if Savage is—"

"Everyone in there is willing to die to protect us", Kendra said. "But what have I done to even deserve it?"

"I think it's noble", Carter told her, respect for the Heroes in his voice. "I think it's what makes them all Heroes."

"Yeah, well, Heroes or not, I'm not letting anyone die for me", Kendra declared.

"Then don't", Carter said. "Be the person, the woman, the warrior you were meant to be. The one you always have been, and can be again. You were a great and noble warrior, a hero, every time. If you become that again, you will be worth the effort."

Central City, CCPD, Barry's lab

"Ok, here you go", Barry handed Oliver a paper, who looked at it, his eyes widening. "I gene sequenced the hair strand with the blood sample you gave me. Still not sure what it has to do with Damien Darhk, but the Y chromosomes match."

He was a father! In a moment, his entire world had been flipped upside down.

Why had Sandra lied to him?

"Are you ok?" Barry inquired.

"Thanks for this, it's a big help", Oliver assured Barry.

"Yeah, well—"



"Don't tell anyone about this."

With that, Oliver walked off, trying to clear his head of this. He needed to focus on Savage first, then his son.

He was a father!

Earth-199999, New York City, Avengers Tower

In the infinite wisdom of Tony Stark, upon the return of their fearless leader, he decreed that a party be thrown. Reed, Ben, Sue, and Johnny, along with Bobby and Piotr were invited, however, they declined the invitation to let Steve be embraced by his friends, other than Johnny, who tried to insist on branding opportunities his recruitment could bring.

Ben had to carry him to the Quinjet bringing them back to their home. Perks of being made of stone.

Now, the First Avenger relayed a brief summary of his time on the alien planet during an intergalactic war. Of course, he did not go into details, those he kept to himself, and Thor, the only one who knew the truth.

"I knew it!" Clint cheered, to the amusem*nt of his teammates. "What did I say? Captain America being the hero."

"I actually never called myself that." Steve revealed, causing the excited archer to calm down, stepping off the table to sit back next to a curious Banner. "This was a military outfit. I gave my name and rank, and from then on, I was back in the Army, Captain America was simply Captain Steve Rogers." He did not mention just how similar it was to be a part of the 501st as it was when he was in the 107th.

"Regardless of what they called you, they valued you as we do, Captain." Thor took his beer stein and clinked it with Steve's bottle. "Battle has not been the same without the "Star Spangled Man with a Plan"." He ended with a deep laugh that was shared with Clint, Banner, an amused smirk from Nat, with only Steve being not amused. He deadpanned the God.

"Really, Thor?"

"Oh lighten up, Cap, hammer man made a joke, that deserves another drink." Clint defended the still laughing Asgardian. "Speaking of which, where's Stark?"

"Unruffle those feathers, Hawk, I'm back with proper refreshments." Tony appeared from the lab, carrying a bottle of what no doubt was some very expensive booze and six glasses. "Mark this celebration as it deserves to be marked."

"By getting expensive liquor despite the fact that half of the party can't get drunk."

"Do you want a glass or not?" Tony raised his brow, and with an aggravated sigh, Banner took one of the glasses. "That's my guy."

"You really didn't need to go through all this trouble, Tony."

"Forget about it, Cap. It was just gathering dust in one of my many basem*nts, might as well put it to good use." He told the man of the hour while handing the glasses to the spies, Asgardian, and the Captain.

"It is much like how we celebrated our triumphant returns from battle on Asgard. We would drink, we would fight, and we would make our ancestors proud!"

Tony gestured to the God. "Exactly. Be more like Thor, Cap."

"Of course, we had casks that have been aged hundreds or even thousands of years to drink."

"Just without being so smug." Tony advised the super solider, who shook his head amusedly.

"We gonna talk all night or drink?" Natasha complained loudly enough that Tony rolled his eyes and poured her drink first.

"Whiney." The childish insult made them all roll their eyes before the genius had the Avengers' glasses filled. "Now, this is eighty-year-old scotch, not as vintage as some of you might like," he looked at Thor, then to Steve and Bruce, "Or as enjoyable for others, but I found it the best drink to mark the occasion." Tony raised his glass, and looked at the man who led them. "To Cap, our world was certainly less annoying with him gone, until Johnny showed up," chuckles and grins escaped them all, "then there were the giant monsters-"


"We'll explain later." Clint whispered to him while Stark continued.

"And despite how the weirdness of our lives seems to have magnified lately, I will say that the people in this room have shown that they are more than able to handle it all." Tony said with utter sincerity, surprising the five Avengers, but smiling, nonetheless. "We were named Earth's Mightiest Heroes, and as much as I love adding "Mighty" to my résumé," rolled eyes came from all of the Avengers, "I will say we couldn't have done anything without Cap." Tony raised his glass a little higher while making eye contact with his friend. "Welcome back, Steve."

A chorus of similar sentiments came from them all as the glasses clinked together. "Thank you, Tony. Everyone." Steve said to them. The speech was heartfelt, and after the rough beginnings of the Avengers, Steve was happy of how far they've come, especially between him and Tony. While they disagreed on various topics still, he knew that the other man would have his back. With that thought, the six of them downed the scotch.

Clint moaned before taking the bottle out of Tony's hand. "Good choice, Stark."

"I do tend to surprise every now and again." Tony bragged.

"Not bad, for a mortal drink." Thor said, with a teasing in his voice that made the billionaire give him a dull look.

"Okay, let's move you away before you make him build an armor to kill you." Banner led Thor to the couch where Clint was helping himself to another glass.

Tony set his glass aside and clapped his hands, rubbing them in excitement. "Now, you were surrounded by aliens and their toys, I have so many questions."

"You mind if I rest first?" Steve chuckled at the man's child-like energy.

A very child-like moan escaped Tony before he sighed. "Fine, I suppose after such an exciting day, you need your nap."

"I appreciate your concern." Steve joked back with him.

"And don't worry about the suit, I can get started on a new one, maybe recycle-"

"Actually," Steve stopped him, "I wanted to keep the suit. To remind me of over there."

"Souvenir? Huh, didn't think you were the type, Cap." Tony teased him but nodded. "Say no more."

"I appreciate that." He set the glass down before looking at Tony once more. "Thank you, Tony, for bringing me back."

A nonchalant shrug came from the Iron Man. "It was nothing, Steve."

With a parting smile, Steve patted his shoulder and left the party to his fellow Avengers. He walked further away, leaving the rec room to head to his quarters, but he stopped halfway to turn back and watch his team.

They weren't soldiers like the Howling Commandos or the Clones, but the bond between them, Steve wouldn't trade it for anything. Even now, as Tony approached Banner, Thor, and Clint during one of the Asgardian's stories, Steve wouldn't trade it for anything.

He felt her before he turned to see the redhead beside him, not surprised she could seamlessly get out of a room unseen or noticed.

"Some of us were starting to get worried." Natasha crossed her arms with a knowing look aimed at him.

"Sorry, I know how you hate that."

Natasha smirked. "It was unbearable, but it was worse for Tony. I think he cried."

"I'll be sure not to leave so suddenly next time." Steve smiled back. The Widow let her eyes linger on the Captain for a moment longer, before walking away. Steve made to move to his room, but looked at the retreating form of Natasha, who looked back at him before they both stepped out of each other's view.

Earth-1, Central City

Dinah Lance looked up to see Sara and Laurel walking in, and greeted them pleasantly. "Oh hello, Laurel, Sara. Its so good to see you again, my dear."

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"Tell us what you know about Savage, mom", Sara simply said, Dinah's face falling at her younger daughter's tone.

"Right", Dinah looked through some papers, before getting one out. "I met a group of conspiracy theorists regarding this once. Pentagon had a file on him back in 1986, but it's been heavily redacted."

"And, what do you know?" Laurel then asked with folded arms.

"He is a myth, an urban legend, and has been compared to Machiavelli and Nostradamus", Dinah explained.

"Well, I met this myth, he packs a wallop", Sara shrugged.

"From what this guy says", Dinah narrowed her eyes. "Savage's life is the result of an unearthly calamity. Any object associated with it could undo its effects and kill him."

"What is the calamity?" Laurel asked.

"During the Middle Kingdom, Egypt experienced a high level of meteorite activity", Dinah explained. "This could have to do with that."

"We need to get Kendra or Carter to remember, then we can put the pieces together", Sara told Laurel, who nodded.

"Are you….angry with me?" Dinah finally asked.

"Do you even need to ask that, mom?" Sara asked, before laughing humorlessly.

"What did I do?" Dinah inquired.

"Every time the going gets tough, you run, mom", Laurel said, barely controlling her tears. "When Sara was lost after the Gambit, you ran. You never considered that me and dad needed you too. You didn't even stay when Sara came back!"

Dinah started. "I was try-"

"Even now, you couldn't be bothered beyond one phone call", Sara said sadly. "Thank you for your help here, mom. But parenting clearly isn't for you."

"Look", Dinah said. "I know I've messed up badly with both of you, but Sara, please, give me another chance. One more chance!"

"You'll have to earn it", Sara simply said.

"Oh thank you so much, baby", Dinah said as she moved to embrace Sara, who stepped back.

"Like I said, you'll have to earn it", Sara pointed out, before walking out.

"Laurel", Dinah turned to her. "I'm sorry."

"We will see about that, mom", Laurel sighed, before walking out.

Kendra had just sprouted wings, and pinned Carter down, when Cisco arrived. "Can I talk to Kendra for a bit?"

She got off of him, stepping back, as Carter stood up and shrugged. "Sure." He walked off.

"We should talk."

Kendra reminded. "I thought you were the one that said we should wait till this was all over."

"Oh, this isn't that talk", Cisco revealed. "This is the "trying to help you sprout wings" talk. Or at least keeping the wings up."

"How do you think I can do that?" Kendra inquired.

"Right now, you're focusing on the rage, but focus on the priestess, the nurturer inside of you", Cisco revealed to her.

"Carter wanted me to have a balance", Kendra remembered, then asked. "How do you know I was so good-hearted 4,000 years ago?"

"Because I know you, Kendra", Cisco said passionately. "Some things don't change. I think you're resisting because you feel you're not ready yet."

Kendra confessed. "Ever since I emerged, I've been remembering our first life, in Egypt. But….I don't want to accept that I'm some reincarnated Egyptian warrior priestess."

"Yeah, that's pretty heavy. But it's also pretty amazing", Cisco pointed out, and continued. "I've been through this, you know I have. And what you're going through right now, this is a gift. It's a miracle that most people don't even get to experience."

"Yeah, well, it feels like a nightmare", Kendra sighed.

"Yeah, but that- that is a choice", Cisco pointed out, letting her sit on a bench. "You can choose the other thing to remember who you are, or who you were. Close your eyes."

Seeing her face, he added while kneeling in front of her. "Just close your eyes." She did and exhaled. "Let yourself remember."

And remember Kendra did.

Ancient Egypt, centuries ago

Chay-Ara opened her eyes, lying next to Khufu. She removed the bedsheets, sitting up, causing Khufu to wake up as he held her. "Stay."

"I cannot, my prince", Chay-Ara told him as they shared a passionate kiss before parting. "Hath-Set and I need to make another offering to Horus. The augers have said more sky rocks will be falling soon."

"I hear he covets you", Khufu pointed out, concerned. "And what he says of feasting upon the flesh of men and women…I suspect ill intentions from him."

"He is only trying to find a way, no matter how evil it might look", Chay-Ara told Khufu. "I believe you can handle him."

"Prince Khufu."

The two stood up and turned around to see Hath-Set standing there, looking at them in utter hatred.

"What a surprise to find you here", he continued. "In Chay-Ara's bedchamber. You must know that the clergy is forbidden to lie with royalty."

"Leave us", Khufu snarled.

"The punishment for this transgression is death."

"I said, leave us!"

Hath-Set spun his staff to strike Khufu, who dodged and punched him, before being whacked to the ground. Chay-Ara made to run to him but he raised his hand, stopping her, while he told Khufu. "I'm not afraid of your father. Soon the sky rocks will destroy this kingdom and end his rule."

He turned to Chay-Ara and cupped her face in his hand, making her recoil in horror. "But first... I shall know Chay-Ara as you have known her."

Roaring, Khufu slammed into Hath-Set, throwing them both down as his staff fell away, but Hath-Set punned Khufu down and punched him many times.

Grabbing a knife, Chay-Ara stabbed his back, making him grunt as he staggered back, before ripping the knife out while he turned to Chay-Ara.

Khufu stood up behind him, and made to strike, but Hath-Set turned and stabbed him in the abdomen.

"Khufu!" Chay-Ara cried out in terror as Hath-Set pulled the knife out, Khufu falling to the ground, while she knelt near him. "Khufu! No!"

"Chay-Ara!" Khufu cried out as he gestured behind her, but it was too late, as Hath-Set stabbed her in the back as well.

He pulled the knife out as Chay-Ara fell next to Khufu.

Everything shook, the meteors falling everywhere, as Hath-Set walked around. "The sky rocks have come to destroy this kingdom!"

As he walked forth, he declared a curse. "And my hate will be everlasting. My enmity will never die. And I'll follow you from this life to the next, and to the next and to the next."

Chay-Ara and Khufu held hands as she prayed. "Horus... Your children need you now. We need your protection. Shroud us in your wings."

"I will wait... for eternity", Khufu said to her as they looked into each other's eyes. "Come back to me."

And then, he shut his eyes.

In her dying moments, Chay-Ara looked at Hath-set's staff, the two gemstones on it glowing, while the knife used to kill her and Khufu was next to it.

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With that, she shut her eyes as well.

Present Day

Kendra opened her eyes with a gasp.

"What? What happened?" Cisco asked.

Kendra revealed. "I think I know how to beat Vandal Savage."

"The gauntlets won't work, they're missing a critical element", Cisco said to Oliver as he walked in with Kendra, who stood next to Carter.

"How do you know?" Diggle inquired.

"Because I remembered", Kendra revealed, turning to Carter. "I remember how Savage killed us the first time, back in Egypt."

"I've never been able to remember our first death in this life", Carter noted.

"Well, these sky rocks-meteors- they fell and they completely destroyed the royal palace", Kendra told the rest.

Felicity added. "During the Middle Kingdom, Egypt experienced a high level of meteorite activity." On getting looks, she said. "I know stuff."

"Mom said the same thing", Laurel remembered.

"So, how does it help stop Savage?" Sara wondered.

"The meteors, they had a glow about them", Kendra remembered. "And Savage's staff had two gemstones with the exact same glow."

Barry realized. "Yeah, the gemstones might be made up of the same element as the meteorite."

"The Egyptians would use meteorite in their craftsmanship", Felicity noted.

"And the minerals glow in proximity to each other", Caitlin said.

"So to defeat him, we need the same thing that he has", Strider realized. "Only with the same sky rock can Savage be slain."

Cisco agreed. "Two pieces of the same meteorite, like an Nth metal... that is the key to counter-acting the staff."

Felicity was researching on her laptop. "There's a sample of the meteorite from the Middle Kingdom at the Keystone City Museum of Natural..." Barry sped off and returned with the rock. "History."

"Hopefully I got the right one", Barry said as he held it out to Cisco.

"I could synthesize the compatible isotope out of this and coat the gauntlets with it", Cisco said as he walked off.

"Do it", Oliver said, then turned to Kendra. "Savage doesn't know that Kendra has gained access to all of her abilities. It makes you our ace in the hole."

"We need to surprise him", Strider agreed. "He will believe we are the ones he has to battle, but he will never think about you. And that is how we shall defeat him."

"Where do you need us?" Diggle asked Oliver.

"Suit up."

"I've to make some calls", Barry said as he walked out.

"To whom?" Sara inquired.

"A few people, can never have too much backup", Barry said, then walked out and called up Batman. "Hello?"

"Hello Barry, what's the progress? Savage hasn't tried anything since his meeting with you."

"Our 24 hours are almost up, but we've a workable plan", Barry explained to him. "So, here's what we're doing-"

Earth-3, Central City

The Fiddler was playing his violin, as the cops who were pointing guns at him had thrown them down, and were swaying to the music instead.

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Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (400)

"There you go", the Fiddler smirked as he moved ahead. "Now I shall leave-"

At that moment, a speeding blur hit him, sending him falling down and rolling away, though he kept his grip on his violin.

He looked up to see the new Flash, the red-haired Kid Flash, standing before him, in a yellow suit, the lightning bolt symbol on the chest. "Give it up, Fiddler. Besides, I'm not a violin guy myself, I prefer guitar."

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"Well", Fiddler said as he stood up. "I can change your mind."

And then, he played the violin, as Kid Flash made to run towards him, only to stop, now under his control.

That was when Jay Garrick arrived, and was horrified to see what was happening.

"Kid Flash", he called out to him.

"Kill the Flash", the Fiddler commanded Kid Flash, who rushed at Jay.

Jay rushed at him too, and then both started running in circles around the area, Kid Flash punching Jay's face as he sent Jay back, while Kid Flash rushed him again, but Jay got up and grasped his arm, and then his back, pushing him off and throwing him down.

Kid Flash quickly got up and rushed Jay again, who dodged, then decked his gut, winding him, only to be head-butted back, before Kid Flash grabbed his collar and threw him to the other side, near a building.

As Kid Flash rushed him, Jay got up and ran up the building, Kid Flash running after him, but not being fast enough to really run up a building yet.

Very quickly, he started falling downwards, and taking the opportunity, Jay ran to the ground and twirled his arms at super speed, slowing Kid Flash's fall, and when he was near the ground, Jay stopped twirling his arms, letting Kid Flash fall to the ground gently, knocking him out.

Then, he turned to Fiddler, who just smirked. "I can do the same to you."

He played his violin, and Jay seemed to be in his control, while he said. "Now, kill these cops."

Jay rushed, and then snatched Fiddler's violin, before phasing his hand through it, destroying it.

"NOOOO!" Fiddler yelled in horror as he looked at Jay Garrick. "How did you-"

Jay turned his head to show he'd some specialized earbuds fitted into his ear, preventing him from being affected by the violin. Courtesy of himself and Joan Williams.

The cops, who were out of his control now, walked towards him, cuffing him and leading him away as he yelled. "This can't be! NO!"

"Thank you, Flash", one cop said, Jay nodding as the Fiddler was put in a police van.

Jay ran to where Kid Flash was now waking up, as he groaned. "What happened?"

"You didn't listen and got yourself controlled is what happened, young man", Jay told him sternly while pointing a finger at him. "You're fast, Wally, but you need to learn to stop and listen sometimes."

"I didn't think he'd be a problem, Gramps", Wally West groaned as Jay helped him up.

"Most of your enemies are not as fast as you, but they can always take on you in other ways", Jay pointed out. "You'd do well to remember that."

"Got it, see ya around, Gramps", Wally then said before speeding off, Jay shaking his head.

"Kids these days."

"Does that include me?"

Jay chuckled as he turned around to see Barry. "Hey Barry, good to see you around."

"Yeah, you too Jay", Barry told him, before gesturing to where Wally had sped off. "Who was that?"

"New speedster in town, turns out another particle accelerator exploded while I was Zoom's prisoner", Jay explained to Barry. "He is good, but he is co*cky."

"I was too when I first started out", Barry told Jay. "I'm sure you'll make him better."

"I hope so too", Jay said, then added. "I don't think this is a social visit."

"No, its not", Barry shook his head. "I need your help…."

Universe-208, Tatooine

Quinlan Vos made it to the edge of the rock formation surrounding the camp of Mandalorians. He Force jumped, using ledges in the rock face to get to the top before looking down and yelling. "Need a hand?"

Blade gave him an unimpressed look behind the shades and, still hyped up on Dooku's blood, performed the same feat as Vos by leaping up by using the footholds. Quinlan was surprised and impressed. "Not bad."

He lead Blade to his shuttle. When inside, he said. "Take a seat, takeoff shouldn't last more than a minute." Blade uncomfortably took a seat next to Quinlan, and gripped his seat as the ship levitated up, the landing gear retracting before shooting up.

Quinlan looked over and saw Blade's rather distressed look. "First time flyer?"

"Motherf*cker, keep your eyes on the sky!"

"Yeah, you're right.'" Quinlan drawled out, leaning back in his seat with only a pinky on the controls. "Would be really bad if I didn't focus on this clear sky, about to turn into a clear orbit." Blade glared hard at the tall Jedi before the blue skies turned into the pitch black dotted by the distant light of stars. Blade released his hold on his seat to stare across the void beyond the planet that he had been stuck on for weeks.

"Should take us-" The roguish Jedi stopped when he heard the click of a weapon, and he moved his eye to the corner of his vision to find one of his target's weapons pointed at his head.

"Now hold on, dreadlocks, I think it's time we had a talk."

"Okay." Quinlan dabbled across the controls to put the ship on autopilot before turning his seat to look at the new wielder of the Darksaber. "Let's talk. Although, fair warning, I do better without a gun pointed at my head."

Releasing his breath, Blade did lower his gun, but did not holster it. "Who are you?"

"Quinlan Vos, Jedi Master, and yes," the Kiffu Jedi held up his hand to a silent Daywalker, "I know you have no idea what that means."

"You're some kind of Space wizard."

"...that is an offensively simple way of describing a Jedi."

"Does it look like I give a damn?" He did not. Quinlan sighed.

"Look, man, the Jedi Council contacted me because I was in the system and told me to investigate a disturbance in the Force they've been feeling for a while."

"A disturbance?"

Quinlan shrugged. "Disturbance" was the only way to describe how the Force was rippling around the guy in front of him. "We feel things, and we feel that you don't belong in this galaxy."

"I don't." Blade holstered his pistol and turned his seat to face the man with the face marking. "Yet I've been stuck in that sandbox for weeks and none of you fools decided to do anything about it."

"Hey, you may not realize this, but we kind of have a war going on."

"And you're here because...?"

"Special assignment!" Guy was starting to annoy Vos, especially how blank his face stayed. "We can find a way to get you home, okay?" That actually perked Blade's interest, which Quinlan noticed. "Jedi can sense things, it goes beyond what we can describe, it's a feeling. The disturbances like you have been going back for months, but now we better understand them. Only the Council can get you home." That detail Blade held onto. It sounded eerily similar to details he'd heard back on Earth.

A long moment of silence developed in the shuttle. Blade's face was like a rock. It almost felt like he was staring at Windu's long-lost brother, Quinlan thought. On that note, the image of the purple lightsaber wielding Jedi and the new user of the Darksaber getting in a stare off actually brough a chuckle to the rogue's mind.

"You can take me back?" The question knocked Vos out of his daze.

"We can."

Quinlan let out a short laugh before activating the hyperdrive. Blade watched with unease as the man with dreadlocks turned to him with an unnerving smile. "This is the fun part." Next, he pushed a lever forward, and the hunter quickly held onto his seat before Blade went where no Daywalker has gone before.

Earth-1, Central City, Jurgens Industrials

Strider, Oliver and Barry walked into the place with Kendra and Carter, both cuffed, as Savage arrived, carrying his staff.

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"Well met once more", Savage greeted the Heroes. "I am glad to see the wise decision was made." He looked at Strider, Oliver and Barry. "If you are alive to witness my rule, I shall give you high positions."

"Not interested", Barry shrugged.

"Either way, I thank you for bringing them to me", Savage said, taking out the knife he'd used to kill Khufu and Chay-Ara all those years ago.

He raised the knife, ready to stab them both, only for Oliver to fire an arrow as Kendra and Carter raised their chains, the arrow shattering those, while Strider swung his sword, slicing Savage's wrist, making him drop the knife while Strider kicked him back.

Carter then charged Savage, only for Savage to recover and blast him with his staff, sending him back.

"Now Kendra!" Oliver cried out, and Kendra's wings appeared, and she flew at Savage, throwing him down with her momentum before flying off.

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Then, a van appeared, and Savage fired at Strider, Oliver and Barry, the three dodging, before he turned and fired at the van, causing it to steer around and stop, and out of the backdoor- Sara, Thea and Laurel came out, while Diggle came out of the driver seat, firing at Savage, who dodged, and Thea fired her arrows, Savage deflecting those too, while Sara's and Laurel's devices screeched.

Diggle rushed Savage, trying to punch, but was whacked by his staff, as Thea was kicked back, and Laurel was flipped down.

Then, two Batarangs hit Savage from behind and exploded, sending him flying forwards and falling down.

As Team Arrow looked up, Batman leapt down from a height, landing in a crouch while he glared at Savage.

"Oh boy!" Laurel said, awed on seeing Batman.

"We know Batman too?" Thea asked in shock and awe.

"Apparently we do", Diggle muttered in the same tone.

As Savage got up, Batman spun and kicked his face, sending him back, before Savage tried to strike with his staff, Batman blocking with his gauntlets and kneeing Savage back once more.

Then Sara joined the fray, clashing her bo-staff against his staff, before she twirled and whacked his face twice, kicking him back.

As the two made to strike again, Savage ducked and spun his staff, getting their feet as they fell down. He made to strike at Sara again, Oliver about to fire his arrow, when Sara suddenly screamed, and this time, the device didn't work.

However, a sonic wave popped out of her throat, hitting Savage point-blank and sending him flying back by a few feet, to everyone's shock.

"What the…" Diggle muttered in shock, as Sara stood up, looking at her throat.

"How…." She trailed off feebly, her throat sore from what she'd done.

"Sara, how did you do that?" Laurel asked her.

"I don't know", Sara confessed, looking shocked.

"We'll figure it out together", Oliver assured her as he walked to her, wrapping an arm around her.

As Savage staggered up, his ears still ringing, a speeding blur punched him, turning his face the other way, and then he was punched again from the other direction, throwing him off, before Jay Garrick stood in front of them, his arms folded.

When Savage got up, Kendra and Carter leapt, their wings sprouting, as Kendra kicked Savage's face, then Carter punched him, and Kendra kicked his chest.

Savage twirled and whacked Carter's face, sending him back, before Kendra tried to grab the staff, but he threw her to the other direction.

Carter got back up and punched his face twice, before being kicked back, when Kendra flew up and next to Carter, who stood back up.

Grasping Kendra's arm, Carter twirled her, and she punched Savage back.

As he charged to attack again, Strider blocked with his sword, then pushed him back, before unleashing swing after swing of his sword on Savage, who was pushed back as he struggled to block, while Strider got past his defenses and landed a gash across his chest, making him gasp, before kicking him back.

Oliver then fired two arrows and Batman hurled a Batarang at Savage, all explosives, as they beeped and exploded, sending Savage down while he groaned weakly.

Taking the opportunity, Barry ran and snatched the staff finally, and as Savage tried to stagger up, Barry used it to fire a beam at Savage, who was pushed back as he struggled against it.

"The gauntlets are working", Barry said as Oliver dropped his bow and ran next to him, Strider sheathing his sword and running next to them too, him and Oliver holding the staff as well, the three sharing the power with the gauntlets.

Savage struggled against the beam, trying to push forwards, but Strider, Oliver and Barry grunted and pushed forth with all their might, and Savage was blasted before he was burnt and reduced to ashes.

At that moment, the staff disappeared from Strider's, Oliver's and Barry's hands as well, while the rest walked up next to them.

"Did we do it? Is he gone?" Kendra inquired.

"Looks like it", Diggle muttered.

"I knew we could do it", Carter smiled at Kendra.

"Stuff like this is why I don't retire", Jay commented.

"So, we know the Batman?" Thea asked, turning to Batman. "Right, we know the Batman."

"He helped us track Savage to Central City actually, and he told us about the staff", Barry revealed to those who were not in the know.

"Whoa!" Laurel had to say, as she looked at him. "Thanks."

Batman just shrugged, while Strider said. "Savage has been slain now."

"Which means its over", Oliver sighed.

"How did I do that scream though?" Sara wondered. "And I can't be a meta-human…" Her eyes widened. "I was in Central City during the Particle Accelerator explosion though, keeping an eye on mom. The blast hit me, and knocked me out. But I was the same when I woke up, I'm not sure how I got these powers now."

She looked distressed, but Oliver and Laurel put their hands on her shoulders for comfort.

"I am sure that can be figured out", Batman said, all of them walking out of the place, leaving Savage's ashes behind.

Oliver and Batman stood on a rooftop during the night, both looking down, as Oliver said. "Thank you for your help here."

Batman simply nodded. "You're welcome, Oliver."

Oliver just smirked, then said. "You can ask for my help too if you need it, Bruce."

That made Batman turn to him in some shock. He usually did not get shocked.

"I can figure things out too", Oliver said with a shrug. "And I like what you're doing in your city, trying to save it."

"I was inspired by you, when you stopped the Undertaking", Bruce confessed, taking Oliver aback. "I tried to save my city then, but didn't go about it the best way….until now."

"I get the feeling myself", Oliver told him.

While the two did not share stuff with others, both of them found kindred spirits in each other, which was why they were talking like this.

"If you need my help, you can call on me here", Batman said as he tossed Oliver a phone like the one he'd given to Barry.

"It goes both ways", Oliver assured him before Batman nodded and ran off, leaping from the rooftop and gliding away.

"Thank you for your help, Jay", Barry thanked the veteran speedster who looked just like his father. "If you need help, you can call me as well."

"I know, kid", Jay said, putting a hand on Barry's shoulder. "But Wally alone is too much."

That made Barry chuckle before he and Jay shared a little hug, and as they parted, Jay tipped his hat. "See ya, kid." With that, he sped off.

Sara, Cisco, Kendra and Carter were walking together as Cisco asked. "So how do you feel now that Savage is pushing daisies? Does this mean you guys are the immortal ones now and he's the one who gets reincarnated? 'Cause that would suck."

"I just sprouted wings a while ago, and I'm just trying to wrap my head around that", Kendra confessed.

"Still, is Savage gone for good?" Sara inquired. "I mean, I was dead too, now I'm back. And he is an immortal."

"Well, I don't really know", Carter confessed. "We never defeated him before. But we're free."

He shared a smile and nod with Kendra, before Sara asked. "You finally have the rest of your lives in front of you. Have you thought about what you're going to do?"

"From what I remember, in our past lives, we used to help people", Kendra said, Carter nodding too. "After what you've done for me, I should give that a try myself, along with Carter here. Protect people from bad things."

"You make it sound like this try is happening somewhere else?" Sara inquired.

Carter told her. "In our prior incarnation, we used to live in St. Roch, and we really liked it there."

Looking at Cisco, Kendra asked. "Could Cisco and I have a moment?"

"Of course." Carter tapped Cisco's shoulder, giving him an apologetic look, and walked off with Sara.

Kendra told him. "Cisco... I'm really sorry."

"You know what, it's fine", Cisco assured her. "It's cool. It's actually kind of a classic story- boy meets girl, boy gets girl, girl sprouts wings and flies away with her reincarnated soul mate. Though its still a bit too much to take."

"It's kind of a complicated relationship."


"Like most 4,000 year old relationships are, I guess", Kendra sighed. "Until a while ago, I'd no idea what to do with my life."

"And now you do?" Cisco inquired.

"I think I do", Kendra confessed.

Cisco sighed. "Ok. I made you something." He took a device out from his bag, giving it to Kendra. "To remember me by, I guess. I made it out of the Nth metal Barry got from the meteorite. It's got a micro GPS chip embedded in it. So, if you're ever in trouble, I'll come find you."

Smiling, Kendra kissed Cisco on the lips, and he returned it happily, before they parted.

"What was that for?" Cisco asked.

"For being you", Kendra smiled. "Thank you, Cisco."

Oliver and Barry were walking together, as the former said. "Well, we did it Barry. Savage has been taken out now."

"Yeah", Barry nodded. "Thanks for the help here. Now its time to send Strider back."

"He is something", Oliver had to say. "Really helped you out, didn't he?"

"Oh yeah, more than I thought possible", Barry sighed. "I guess, my life is looking up now. My dad is staying in Central City with me too."

"Good for you", Oliver smiled, before asking. "You wish he'd been there for you always, don't you?"

"I love Joe, and he is my father too", Barry confessed. "But yeah, I wish dad was part of my life, even if it didn't turn out that way. I guess, I just wish every kid got both parents in their lives."

"I get it", Oliver agreed, making his decision. "Thank you, Barry."

"For what?"

"Just…something", Oliver shrugged.

Barry then raised his arms as Oliver chuckled. "I'm not really a hugger, Barry."

"Yeah, tell me something I don't know", Barry shrugged before adding. "But the thing is, I am fast enough to just hug you without you knowing, so you might as well let me."


Oliver and Barry shared a hug, before parting with smiles.

"Wasn't so bad, right?"

"I think I realize it now", Sara said with a sigh, looking ahead. "This sonic wave thing….must be a side-effect of the Lazarus Pit. My resurrection awoke the dormant power I got from the explosion."

"I'm sorry, Sara", Laurel apologized to her.

"Its fine, you just wanted me back", Sara assured her. "But….I'm not sure what to do about it."

"I'll be there for you", Laurel assured Sara, grasping her sister's hand as they looked at each other. "Every step of the way."

Sara smiled at her sister. "Thanks Laurel."

That was when Oliver and Cisco walked up to them, as Cisco said. "So Oliver, Sara, what you asked of me, its done. You'll find them back at your base very soon."

"What did you ask him?" Laurel inquired out of curiosity.

"You're going to see very soon", Oliver revealed with a smirk.

Connor was playing with his Flash action figures when Oliver walked onto the porch, Sandra noticing him as she told Connor. "Honey, why don't you finish that inside?"

"Mom, the Flash hasn't saved the city yet."

"Now, honey."

Connor went inside with a deep sigh as Oliver asked Sandra. "Can we talk?"

Sandra started. "Look, I don't know what you're trying to accomplish here, Oliver."

"I know, Sandra", Oliver said, cutting her off, and her face was enough to tell him he was right. "I know that Connor is my son."


"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Ok, just keep your voice down", Sandra requested, then revealed the truth to him. "Your mother told me not to."


Why would his mom do that?

"She offered me a million dollars to tell you that I miscarried."

Oliver still wasn't believing it. "My mother was a complicated person, but she would never do that."

Sandra sighed. "Wait here."

A little later, Sandra led Oliver into the house, showing him the cheque. "Here."

Now it hit Oliver at last. But why? Why had his own mother conspired to keep his son away from him?

"I never cashed it", Sandra told Oliver. "I didn't need her money to know I didn't want her anywhere near my child."

"Or me anywhere near him", Oliver noted as Sandra walked through the house, Oliver following her.

"So what, he can be just like his dad? Punching out paparazzi and getting young girls knocked up?"

"Sandra, I'm not that person anymore", Oliver told her.

Sandra turned to him. "I know, I know. You're-you're running for mayor, your mother was killed. Your friend Tommy, you're a different person now. Not to mention I've been with someone who was worse than you were then. But can you really tell me that your life is any less crazy? Can you honestly say that Connor isn't better off with your world kept away from his?"

Oliver acknowledged her point. "No, you're right, I'm being selfish. But I want an opportunity to get to know my son, and I think that a young boy deserves the opportunity to get to know his father."

Sandra argued. "He's happy. He's-he's well-adjusted. I don't want to run the risk of him getting sucked into your orbit. That can't happen." She finally made a decision. "Which means... That he can't know that you're his father. And nobody else can. I don't care if that sounds harsh. I'm his mother, and I will do whatever- whatever I feel I have to do to protect him."

Oliver started. "Sandra.."

"Oliver, you will do what I ask if you want a relationship with my son", Sandra said in no uncertain terms. "These are my conditions. You've already asked the world of me, I'm just asking for the same in return."

She walked to the table, doing her work.

Remembering Barry's words, Oliver made his decision.

"Okay", he said. "I won't tell anyone."

Sandra turned to him, and decided to give him a chance. "Connor is in his room. You're just a friend of mommy's, ok?"

A while later, Oliver stepped into Connor's room, seeing a lot of Flash as well as baseball merchandise here and there.

Well, he knew the two things his son was a huge fan of now.

"Hey, Connor", Oliver greeted, kneeling near him, seeing him play with a Flash and Captain Cold action figure.


"You like the Flash?" Oliver asked, before realizing a good way to continue the conversation. "Can I tell you a secret? I've actually met the Flash."

That got the kid's attention as he looked at Oliver like he was an Angel. "What's he like? Is he cool?"

"Yeah, he's cool", Oliver said, relaxing into his sitting position. "He's-he's one of the best guys that I know." He held out his hand. "I'm Oliver." Connor shook Oliver's hand with his little one. "I'm a friend of your mom's. We've known each other a long time."

"Want to play action figures?" Connor asked.

"Sure, sure", Oliver said, letting the kid hand him one action figure. "Connor, I'd love to come by every once in a while and say hello. Would that be all right with you?"

Connor seemed to be liking his company as he gestured to the action figure Oliver held. "It's Captain Cold. He's a bad guy."

"Yes, he is", Oliver agreed. "The Flash is going to have to be very fast to catch him."

"He will. He's the fastest man alive."

Connor quickly tapped the Captain Cold action figure with his Flash one.



Earth-199999, Bowie, Arizona

Rambo and Eliot were sitting outside together now, quietly, and it was getting awkward, which both knew.

Rambo then gestured to the fence, which was broken at a point. "That needs fixing. I could use a hand."

"I got two", Eliot said after a minute.

They shared a brief smile with each other, before Rambo walked to the stables, Eliot following him, and there was a buckskin-colored horse, which Rambo grasped gently by the reins, and calmed it down, as Eliot saw a black one, and did the same to it, both working in tandem, as if connected.

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They shared a look, before Rambo grabbed some gloves for the both of them, and Eliot grabbed some wire, both getting other equipment too.

Then they got onto their horses, and rode out to fix the fence together, father and son. Two men worn by war and the world they lived in, sharing some time together.

Earth-1, Central City, STAR Labs

"And this is it", Cisco said as he held up an inter-dimensional extrapolator to Strider. "It will help you go between your world and ours, and talk to us if you need anything. Sorry it took a while."

"There is nothing to forgive, Cisco", Strider assured him, taking the extrapolator in his hand. "It is time for me to go home now."

"We thank you once more, for all the help you've given us", Barry then said as he walked to Strider. "Thank you, for everything."

"All of you helped me understand this world as well, so I should thank you too", Strider told Barry, the two sharing an embrace.

As they parted, Caitlin walked up to Strider. "I guess this is it."

"For now, Caitlin", Strider assured her. "We will see each other again."

"Yeah", Caitlin agreed as she and Strider hugged.

"Well man, you're a medieval guy, who has learnt science quickly too, that makes you one of the coolest people I know", Cisco said, then gave Strider a hug that he returned with a chuckle.

"I would say you are 'cool' too", Strider said as they parted, making Cisco's eyes widen. "I have understood some words."

"Oh boy! This is awesome!" Cisco said.

"Thank you", Henry told Strider. "For what you said before."

Strider simply gave him a nod with a smile, as Harry held out his hand. "See you."

Strider shook his hand, then shared a nod with Joe, Jesse and Iris too, before opening a breach with the extrapolator.

Sharing one last look with Team Flash, Strider walked into it, and then it closed.

"I'm gonna miss him", Cisco muttered.

"That makes all of us", Barry told Cisco as they continued to stare where Strider was. "Let's hope we see him again, under better circ*mstances."


A breach opened in the forest, Strider stepping out of it before it closed. He looked around, remembering he had been here before falling into Central City.

Now he had returned at long last, and there was work to be done.

He walked forth, deciding to go to Bree.

Earth-199999, Bowie, Arizona

Eliot and Rambo worked on the fence as the former noticed his slight limp. "What happened to your leg?"

Rambo chuckled, thinking he was hiding it better. Eliot had a keen eye. "An old friend asked for my help. I helped, and fought an alien for my trouble."

"That had to be a new experience, even for you."

"It was, nearly dying wasn't." Rambo admitted while unrolling the wire, Eliot helping to attach it to the fence. "Seen a lot of things in my life, some of which I'd rather take back. These past couple of months, I've never seen anything like these ugly bastards." Rambo finished the wire before ducking under to make room for the horses with Eliot. "What about you? What are you doing outside the Army?"

Eliot explained. "I was a contractor", his face turned grim, "and that's when the worst things I'd ever done happened, especially under this man called Damien Moreau", he sighed sadly, "then I tried to make it right. Couldn't even bear to hear my own name. Took on an alias, called myself Paladin." Rambo snorted, and Eliot nodded at what he was thinking. "I know, everyone has a name these days, but a paladin was a knight representing chivalry, and heroism. After Moreau...well, I wanted to be something like that. A good guy."

"Did you succeed?"

Eliot shrugged. "Maybe. I kept trying to avoid killing people, didn't even pick up a gun. Works most of the time." Eliot took off a new roll of wire from the saddle. "After a few years, I decided to use my name again, took work taking stuff from the bad guys." A hint of a smile graced his lips. "That's when I met my team."

"How are they?" Rambo inquired.

"The best people I know", Eliot said fondly. "They can be a pain...but they're my family. They made me better. Now we work together, stealing from the bad guys...for the good guys."

Rambo liked the sound of that and smirked himself. "Tell me more."

New York City, Avengers Tower

It was hours after the rest of the Avengers hit their quarters, early in the morning, when sleep became a challenge. Constant tossing and turning brought no help. Neither did the memories.

"Welcome to the 501st, Captain Rogers."

The ridge became engulfed by the fires of the bombs, leaving nothing but death for the Umbarans.

"Always nice to help a shiny."

"The civilian."

"The volunteer."


Electromagnetic plasma rained down on the 501st.

So many Clones falling. Dead. Completely exposed and ripe for the picking by the Umbaran militia. They did not need to die.

The glow of the lightsaber engulfed both Steve and Krell's faces.

Blaster fire filled the air, explosions ringing in the ears of the Clones from the repeated bombardment by the electromagnetic plasma cannons. Casualties were rising on both sides, yet neither were giving an inch.

The Umbaran fighter swooped down and cut through the men with no hope of stopping its onslaught.

"That's the price of war, Fives. We're soldiers. We have a duty to follow orders and if we must, lay down our lives for victory."

An awful shriek came from the crawler tank as it moved over the Clones without a sign of stopping the death it unleashed.

The corpses of the brothers laid out across the Umbaran gorge, left there to rot and torn apart by the animals.

The juggernaut tank ploughed through the barrage of missiles to fire back, leaving no trace of the men of the 501st.

A burning pain engulfed his arm as he grabbed the Umbaran, looking him in the eye before crushing his head like a grape.

Bolts of blue, red, and green filled the atmosphere while explosions impacted the ships.

"What can another laboratory experiment do to stop me!"

Steve was brought down to the ground like he was hit by a hammer, then raised up again before thrown down with bones breaking from the force.

Krell's hand raised and plunged the lightsaber into his abdomen.

Steve cried out as he felt his entire rib cage break.

The Besalisk's punches were an unrelenting flurry of fury, ending with one strong punch that drove Steve's skull against the bark.

The green glow was fuzzy in Steve's eye as he found it harder to keep them open. Krell reared his arm back and stabbed down.

Steve awoke with a gasp; heavy breathing caused his chest to heave up and down while his eyes scanned his surroundings.

He was home. Back in his Universe. Not Umbara. Not with Krell.

His panting slowed but the horror remained, Steve setting his feet on the ground while his hands gripped his head.

He couldn't stop seeing them. The Clones. Dead. Dying. Subjected to cruelty and enslavement. The death. The war-

Steve clenched his eyes shut and pulled on his hair, anything to stop the thoughts, but they wouldn't stop. He released his grip and the breath he was holding onto.

There was no hope for sleep now.

Steve dressed, grabbed his keys, and drove through the city. Not knowing where the destination his body was taking him, Steve passed the empty streets and lights without a care. Only when his bike seemed to stop did Steve realize where he was.

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Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (408)Grand Central Terminal. Right in front of the memorial.

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In his mind, the Chitauri were back and razing the city, people were screaming in terror, monsters were coming to kill them all, or worse. The explosions filled the streets, and those unlucky enough were torn apart by the shots of the emotionless slaughter. Then, the aliens turned into Germans, both Nazis and HYDRA riddling whatever poor soul in front of them with lead, until the HYDRA guns wiped out a whole army, and leave nothing left. German was being shouted, until it turned to Umbaran, fighters raining down death as with every pass, less of the soldiers who one stood their remained, until there was no one left. No one.

Except Steve.

He couldn't do it anymore.

Knees crumbled to the ground and Steven Grant Rogers finally broke down the mask of strength he'd been wearing since the ice, and cried. Tears flowed down his face, for people lost in the war, the innocents lost in the Battle of New York, and the Clones who died because of that murderer. Sobs escaped him and he could not stop his body from shaking, it brought him to his hands and knees. His teeth gritted before his fist punched the concrete below him. It left an imprint and cracks but did nothing to stop the pain.

But Steve couldn't stop himself, his fists drove down into the pavement over and over and over, imagining the faces of the Nazis, HYDRA, Zola, Schmidt, Loki, Chitauri, Umbarans, Krell, and himself. He didn't stop beating his hand down, not even when his fists turned bloody.

Why didn't he do more?

He had no idea how long he wept. Minutes, or hours, it passed in a blur while he rewatched every death of the people lost right in front of him. His brothers in the Army, and his brothers among the Clones.

Why didn't he do more?

War, it was the very reason for him being here, but was it worth it? He doesn't know. There were no winners in war, only widows, orphans, people without homes, friends, families.

He tried so hard to stay strong. Everyone looked to him for strength, but Steve was not as strong as they all thought he was. He mourned, he grieved, and he felt pain.

Steve ended up on his knees, staring at the corner of the memorial. His gaze was empty. His mind was blank. His tears were dry, he wept every tear that had been built up since Umbara.

Why didn't he do more?

He did not know how long he stayed there, or how long he was being watched.

"What are you doing here?" Steve asked, his voice hollow, and hoarse.

The sound of boots came closer until a familiar red head stood beside him, green eyes staring down at his blue eyes turned red from tears. "I didn't want you to be alone."

He didn't want to be alone. Steve only turned his gaze forward, staring aimlessly, letting his head fall, until Natasha caught him and brought him close and held him.

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Bowie, Arizona

After hours of fixing the fence, Eliot and Rambo settled on the porch, the older soldier relaxing in his chair, while the hitter leaned against the railing, both with bottles in their hands, staring out as the sun lowered beneath the hills in the distance.

"You got a beautiful place here", Eliot said honestly. After the craziness of his life in recent years, especially the last few months, being on the back of a horse, with wind in his face, throwing in some good, honest manual labor, it was the best he'd felt in a long time.

Rambo agreed, there was only peace here. Hard earned peace, at least in the environment. The nightmares did not go away, but a home helped. "This was where I grew up. It belonged to my father." A pause. "Your grandfather."

A blink, and Eliot raised his bottle to his lips. "That's going to take some getting used to."

"That makes two of us." Both Army veterans took a sip of their beer before settling in a lapse of silence. "Where'd you grow up?"

"Oklahoma. It was good, I loved my life, loved my family...but I wanted to do more. See the world, change it...all went downhill from there." The sigh that left Eliot was full of regret. "I started off as a kid with hope of making the world better...what I did was-"

"Uncover the dirt and the blood, and get soaked along the way." Rambo finished. His son looked at him with misty eyes, making the older man stand up and approach the railing, Eliot standing up to stand beside the Vietnam war hero. His father. "We barely scrapped by when I was a kid. Mom died, dad took to the bottle, and took his hate out on me. Only good thing I had going for me were the horses, and the Navajo." Eliot turned his head with an arched brow, and feeling it rather than seeing, John only continued. "My mom was part of the tribe, they taught me how to survive off the land, how to fight, live. The elders, they were my family." A pained sight left him, much like the one Eliot released earlier, as memories of that night played in his head, Eliot growing both curious and horrified of what his father's life was like. "One night, my father was drinking more than usual, which was saying something." He stopped. He couldn't remember the last time he told this story, if he ever did. But now, with the son he never thought he had, he deserved, Rambo decided, to speak the truth. "He tried to kill me."

Hearing those words, Eliot nearly dropped his bottle.

"Came at me with a knife. I ran, but not before putting an arrow in him." John turned his back on the setting sun to look through the window into the house. "It was right there," he pointed into the kitchen, "I left him bleeding while I made it to town. Signed up for the Army to get away from here...don't know what would have happened if I stayed, but would have spared me a lot of pain."

"My God." Eliot whispered to himself. John Rambo always seemed to have lived a life of pain. It hurt to know such a man, a hero, a survivor, a victim, could have gone through it all.

"If I didn't enlist, never would have met the best men I ever knew. My friends. And Colonel Trautman." John looked his son in the eyes. "And I probably wouldn't have met your mother, or you." Laying a hand on his only child's shoulder, a rare smile appeared on John Rambo's face. "I thank whatever higher power that's out there that you were saved from living the same life as me."

"I'm not as good as you think." Eliot shook his head. "The things I've done...I wasn't the good guy, I was a killer. A monster."

"And you're trying to atone for what you did." Rambo gestured to the ranch. "Look at me, I'm hiding in the middle of nowhere, cutting myself off from the world. You still try to save lives."


"You're a good man, I know you are." John patted Eliot's arm before turning back to the sun, as it finally sank below the hills. "Better than me. For what's worth, I'm proud of you, and thankful to the people who were lucky enough to raise you."

No words escaped Eliot, a myriad of emotions dwelled within him, none of which he felt was the right thing to say. Never did the hitter believe he would be in this position. His birth father was right here, he had an idea of the kind of...thing, Eliot was, the man saw the worst the world had to offer.

And he was proud of him. Part of Eliot did not feel he deserved it.

"There's a spare room, on the left if you go up. Sheets are in the closet. It's yours if you want." Rambo turned his gaze upwards.

Eliot followed, his eyes going up, and watching as the stars dotted the night sky, clouding their world with darkness but with bright spots piercing through the black. An emotional smile left Eliot.

"I think I'd like that."

Earth-1, Star City

Oliver was in the lair, only Sara with him, and she could only stare at him in shock. "Why would your mom do that?"

While he'd promised not to tell anyone, he still couldn't keep this with just himself forever. And Sara was the one person he trusted with this kind of information, she would not let anyone else know.

"I've no idea", Oliver said with a sigh, his voice turning bitter. "Probably thought I wasn't ready to be a father. But this…this wasn't her decision to make."

"I agree", Sara nodded. "So, how do you feel?"

"She was still my mom, but I'm not sure I'll ever forgive her for this", Oliver confessed to Sara honestly. "For my son…I do want a relationship with him. If this is as far as I can get for now, so be it."

"Ollie, mine and Laurel's mom has a thing for running when the going gets tough", Sara told him. "The fact that you're trying to be there for your son under these circ*mstances…it makes you a decent father in my book."

"Thank you, I appreciate it", Oliver told her. "And, about your powers…"

"Like I said, being resurrected most likely awoke it", Sara shrugged. "But I'll get used to it."

"You can learn to use it", Oliver pointed out to her. "And I'll be there with you, to help you with it."

"I know you will, Ollie", Sara smiled, before they turned to where the suits were displayed. "Time to suit up now."

Oliver and Sara stood on a rooftop, both in their suits.

Their new suits, that Cisco had made for them.

Oliver did not hate the suit he was using right now, even if the lack of sleeves was a bit weird, but the suit was now reminding him of the fact that he'd tried to go more lax than required, and that he was going the wrong way. So he wanted to ditch it.

While for Sara, she liked her suit, but she did not want it to conflict with Laurel's.

Oliver's new suit had a similar color scheme and design as his previous suit, but sleeves had been added to it as well.

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Sara's suit was white, with a white long jacket and two coattails reaching down to mid-thigh and white gloves, and she also wore a white mask that resembled her black one from before.

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Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (413)

Green Arrow and White Canary leapt off the rooftop, ready to fight crime in Star City.

Central City

Malcolm Merlyn walked towards Savage's ashes, kneeling down and collecting them in a pot. "Your hate will be everlasting. Your enmity will never die. It will follow them from this life into the next, and the next... And the next."

After collecting all the ashes, Malcolm shut the lid. "You owe me one, buddy."

"I'd say he does."

Malcolm turned around to see Lex Luthor and Helmut Zemo walking towards him.

"Who are you two?" Malcolm asked, holding the pot in one hand now.

"We are just men, with a proposition", Zemo said as he looked at Malcolm.

"One that I am sure will interest you quite a bit", Lex added with a smirk.

Looking into their eyes, Malcolm could tell what kind of people they were. They'd the same fire in their eyes that he did when he was planning the Undertaking.

"I'm listening."


On a snow capped mountain, astride a large Eurasian brown bear, rode a green caped figure, hidden behind steel grey armor, but icy eyes peered behind the metal mask as he set his eyes on the capital of Latveria.

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"Doom has returned."


And we're done with another chapter here.

The Savage crossover is done, and Kendra and Carter are gonna do their thing. Makes a whole lot of difference when they're actually likeable, doesn't it?

Samantha and William were named for the first time in the Savage crossover, up until then, we did not know their names, and they were speculated to be Sandra Hawke and Connor Hawke, so that's what I'm making them here. The writers' excuse for not making them Sandra and Connor was so pathetic, saying they changed their names so they could use Connor some other time in some other way if needed.

While the future Connor was an interesting character, still a pathetic excuse.

So, Savage also got the Sawyer family from 'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre' and Hannibal Lecter started on their own cannibalism diets. For TCM, I'm thinking for Earth-1, the video game that came out in August, and the original 1974 masterpiece film are canon.

For Hannibal Lecter on Earth-1, all his films are canon, even though outside of 'Manhunter' and 'The Silence of the Lambs', they all suck, but they're all canon, since after 'The Silence of the Lambs' they were prequels anyways.

Thank you to gussygus28 for his help on these ideas.

And Sara has her Canary Cry. I was gonna give it to Laurel, but Earth-1 Laurel never worked as a main character frankly, she worked best as a supporting character and a lawyer, rather than a vigilante, and every time they gave her any arc focused on her, she just became a pain in the ass, so I'm not big on Arrowverse Earth-1 Laurel as a vigilante.

Sara always felt more like the true Black Canary from the comics than Laurel ever did, at least in Arrow Season 2 (they ruined her character in LOT), and she and Oliver also had the best relationship in the entire show. So, even as White Canary, Sara is getting the Canary Cry.

Now Oliver has his suit from Season 5, my personal favorite suit, and Sara has her White Canary suit from LOT Season 2, with a mask added, since she is not time-travelling here, and would need the mask. The image with the mask is an AI generation that I attempted. Not perfect but gives the basic idea.

While Arrowverse Earth-1 Wally will show up, and will get his powers (still thinking on the how), I've always had a soft spot for the red-haired Wally West, he is a favorite of mine, and he was even the main Flash in the comics for decades due to Barry's death in COIE, but after Barry's return, he keeps getting shafted, and even in adaptations, outside of DCAU and YJ, he doesn't get much attention, even DCAMU erased him from that cameo in the flashback of 'The Judas Contract' and said he was Barry instead, which was stupid.

Imagine Cameron Monaghan as Earth-3 Wally West, and Joel Tobeck as Earth-3 Fiddler, thank you to gussygus28 for the castings.

Rambo and Eliot connect, and Eliot gets some answers about his true parentage. Billy Spencer will be coming too, don't worry, even if Rambo is his biological father, Billy raised Eliot, and is his father too. Hope the conversation was enjoyed.

Meanwhile, Blade and Quinlan also start talking.

While Steve is comforted by Natasha after everything he went through.

Thanks a lot to Brainstorm Sorcerer for all his writing for these scenes.

Aragorn is finally back in Middle-earth after so many chapters, so now, the main plot of there can begin in earnest, after a while.

Malcolm has collected Savage's ashes, but unlike canon, where we don't know what came of it, here, something will, since Lex and Zemo have recruited him, so now, its Lex, Zemo, Malcolm and Zoom all together, and Savage when he is brought back.

And then there's the final scene too.

Hope all enjoyed and see you all next time with another chapter next year. Happy New Year everyone!

Chapter 19: Another meeting


Clint ends up in a conflict with some breachers. Eliot returns home. Blade and Quinlan tell each other more about themselves. Amy Madison returns. Strider meets Gandalf once more.


Disclaimer: I do not own anything you may recognize

Thank you to everyone for the kudos, hits, comments and bookmarks.

Thanks a lot to Brainstorm Sorcerer and gussygus28 for their help with this chapter, much appreciated.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Earth-1, Central City, warehouse

"So, what are you, some sort of "League of Supervillains"? Merlyn asked with no attempt to hold back his sarcasm.

"When you say it like that, it sounds so ostentatious." Lex replied smoothly.

"And stupid."

"That too." Lex agreed with his partner who seemed to finish his inspection of the warehouse Merlyn brought them to. It was dark with rather dramatic kind of lighting, he wasn't sure if that's how it always has been, or this League of Assassins were that showy.

"Quite." Malcolm eyed them both. The bald man, Luthor, he reminded Merlyn of himself, after he returned from Nanda Parbat, but even if he could hold his own, he was in no way a fighter. The other man, Zemo, he was clearly a soldier, and a spy, he eyed their surroundings, his assassins all around, armed with blades and bows. Yet, both men were calm. "While the proposal is intriguing, I don't see what benefits it can provide me."

"Besides the resources we provide-"

"-the intel from other worlds-"

"-our own contributions to any further plans-"

"-our sparkling personalities-"

"-I think we can very much become a valuable ally for you as a member of our endeavor." Lex and Zemo said together. Merlyn looked at them both, rather perturbed by the synchrony they spoke with. "You clearly got issues with Oliver Queen."

That made Malcolm pay attention. "I see you've done your homework."

"Imagine what we can do when someone just gives us the answers." Zemo offered to the man as he walked up to the assassins next to Merlyn. Their eyes never strayed from his, one movement, and they could kill him. Whatever training they received, they were weapons, not just soldiers. "Any future troubles or plans," Zemo stopped walking and turned back to Ra's al Ghul, "consider us benefactors."

"As long as you play by our rules." Lex finished.

A chuckle escaped the man once called the Dark Archer before clicking his fingers. The next thing Lex and Zemo knew, the assassins had arrows knocked, and two appeared from nowhere to hold swords at their necks. "If you think you can dictate rules to me, you clearly haven't been paying attention."

"We didn't need to." Lex said, his voice still calm, surprising Merlyn, but Luthor wasn't the first man he met with false bravado. The bald man then jerked his chin outside. "He was."

All Malcolm saw was a blur of black with blue lightning before every one of his assassins were thrown aside, dead or unconscious, he didn't know, that was when an iron grip wrapped itself around his throat. Gagging, Malcolm tried to break out, but it wasn't just the grip made of iron, the arm was actually made of metal. Looking forward, Merlyn found the pitch-black eyes and demonic mask of the one called Zoom.

"I think this little demonstration has proven just how lucrative our alliance can be, agreed?" The baron asked with a tilted head. With his windpipe almost being crushed, Merlyn could only nod. The hand was removed, and Malcolm bent over, hands on his knees, coughing, trying to get his breath back. "So, interested?"

Coughing again, this time it lead to a short laugh, before he looked up at Zemo, then at Zoom. He liked the way these boys operated. "Very."

"Good." Lex returned to his line of sight, holding the jar with Savage's ashes. "Now, what can you tell us about this gentleman?"


In a campsite, a bunch of teenagers were sitting together near a campfire, telling each other stories about superheroes as one said. "And then Iron Man flew in, and started blasting that alien group right on the faces!"

The other teens cheered at that, as another said. "Oh that's nothing! I saw Thor hitting some with lightning from above while flying!"

"Iron Man is cooler", the previous teen said.

"Cooler than the God of Thunder? No chance", the other one said in reply.

"All right kids, time to go to bed", the camp instructor said while clapping his hands, as the teens all started getting up.

"Iron Man!"


"Its Hulk! That green transformation is so cool", one more said.

"No, its Captain America, all of them follow his lead", another teen added.

"I'd say Black Widow and Hawkeye, they don't even have powers and still fought alongside these four", one more pointed out.

"All right kids, we can continue this discussion tomorrow", the instructor told them, as the teens all started heading towards the campsite.

That moment, they suddenly saw a blue portal opening up in front of them, and out of it walked some…robot like things, in a straight line.

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"Unknown area", the droid in the front, who looked a little different from the rest, said to the others behind it.

"Are you Tony Stark's inventions?" The camp instructor asked the droid, finding them amusing so far.

"We do not know Tony Stark, he is not in our databases", the droid told him. "We must return."

But the breach behind them was gone, as another one in the line said. "The pathway is no longer accessible."

"Then we get into contact with a Separatist outpost."

At that moment, the lead droid suddenly took out a strange, shining sword with a flourish, and sliced the camp instructor's body into two, making the teenagers gasp and scream as they started running.

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The other droids all started firing bolts from their blasters.

New York City, Avengers Tower

Clint was about to head off on his bike when he got a breach alert on his phone, the alert having been made for all of them after Steve had been brought back from the other Universe.

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Thor still did not have a phone, while Tony and Reed were trying to track where those creatures had come from. Steve had just come back from another world, and Natasha was trying to be there for him.

And this might not be a Code Green.

"Well then, looks like I should go then", Clint commented, deciding to change into his suit.

Earth-92, Sunnydale, Summers House

Willow sat on a chair, as Tara held up the magic book in her hands, Rat Amy in front of them, now out of her cage, as Tara asked. "This is it, right?"

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"Yeah", Willow nodded with a sigh. "I'd do it but….." she trailed off, still ashamed of what she'd done to Tara. Tara would have comforted her, but she still needed time before she could really process all of it and begin forgiving Willow.

So, she just read the spell out. "Murem hunc coram me converte in mulierem solebat."

There was a glow, and Rat Amy transformed into human Amy, completely naked, as Buffy came in and threw a towel around her, Amy hugging her knees to her chest and panting in fear, as she looked around at them all, recognizing Willow and Buffy, as her fear passed.

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"Hey, Willow. How have you been?"

"Lesbian, you?"


She looked at Buffy. "Hey, Buffy. How have you been?"

"Dead, you?"



She looked at Tara, who said. "I'm Tara."

"I'm Amy."

"I know."

"Right." She looked at Willow. "So, getting into magic, huh? I know a good place with magic, maybe you and I could go there and-"

"No", Willow shook her head, wanting to go, but deciding not to, her better instincts telling her it'd be wrong. "I don't want to, sorry Amy."

Amy looked dejected. "Its fine." But her tone, it just sounded…there was something off about it. And while she looked dejected, there was something else in her eyes, that they did not recognize yet.

"Thanks for bringing me back, y'all."


Clint, now dressed up in his suit, with his bow and quiver of arrows on him, as well as any other weapons, rode towards the area on his bike, listening to news on his phone too. One bit of news was quite interesting to him.

"Reports say the ruler of Latveria has been overthrown, and the hierarchy of the nation has been changed. The new ruler-"

Clint was close to the area, so he shut off the news, though what he'd heard of Latveria was in his mind.

Stopping the bike, Clint got off and walked towards forest, before looking down as he saw footprints on the ground. But they did not look like footprints any known human or animal or even alien would make.

"Who was here?" Clint wondered as he knelt to investigate, noticing the footprints were coming from a certain direction, and going towards another.

"I have a bad feeling about this", Clint said, before running into the direction where the footsteps had come from, and what he saw horrified him.

An adult man's body had been sliced in half, and whatever had done it, it could not be a normal sword for sure.

But the other bodies made his heart break. Young teenagers, about the same age as his two kids. Wounds resembling bullet wounds were on them, but they were cauterized, and there were no bullets.

Some even looked like they had their necks in a vice.

Kneeling near the dead children in grief, Clint shed some tears at this senseless slaughter, this loss of innocent life.

"I'm sorry", he whispered to them. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you."

But their lives would all be avenged!

Wiping his tears, Clint got up, anger shining in his eyes, even if his mind decided to focus, so that he could be clear-headed when he faced the monsters who did this.

Where would these things go after this?

He decided to follow the footsteps again, slowly getting farther, though the footsteps seemed to die down.

So, he took out his phone again, using the map to see any areas of note nearby. There was a NASA observatory nearby. It used to be a SHIELD Deep Space observatory, but after Hydra had been revealed, and SHIELD had been taken down, NASA had taken over this observatory.

Perhaps he could find something there.

So, getting out of the forest, Clint got back on his bike, while dialing a number. He did not want to disturb the rest, but those bodies!

The person on the other end picked up. "Hello, Clint?"

"I went to deal with our new breacher", Clint told her. "I'm on their trail."

"Do you need help?"

"I'll tell you if I do, but…" Clint struggled to maintain his composure. "There's a campsite near the NASA observatory formerly owned by SHIELD. They….they killed everyone there Nat!"

Natasha was silent, letting him speak. "They killed everyone! They killed children….the kids were no older than Lila and Cooper!"

"Oh my….I'm so sorry, Clint!"

"Get someone here to take the bodies away, for the families", Clint told her, getting a hold on himself. "I'm going to deal with the monsters who did this. If I need help, I will let you know."

"Sure thing. Be careful, Clint."

"Thanks Nat", he replied, before cutting the call as he rode the bike towards the observatory, reaching it in around ten minutes.

Stopping the bike, he got off of it, running closer, seeing the guards had been killed by the same types of 'guns' that had killed the kids.

Seeing the door was open, Clint walked in, and then saw some other personnel inside had been killed too, either by being sliced, or shot, or just having their necks snapped.

He walked further in, and heard some heavy footsteps, that caused him to roll and hide underneath a table.

Clint saw metal feet walking ahead, and peeked up to see it was a robot of some kind, carrying some sort of gun he'd never seen before.

As it walked past him, Clint rolled again, getting away from the table, and looked at the droid walking towards what would be the main control room of this place, and he could hear sounds from inside there, meaning all of these droids were inside.

Clint stood up, and sneakily walked behind the droid, as it entered the room, while Clint hid to the side of it, hearing the droids talking in a robotic monotone.

"This outpost is ours, but we still cannot get in touch with a Separatist outpost."

"Keep trying, we have to rendezvous with the others."

"Roger, roger."

Putting a hand to his quiver, Clint pulled out an arrow, and standing up, aimed, before firing. It hit one of the droids, but, to his horror, it did nothing, falling down.

It did do one thing though. Now all of them turned towards him.

Clint noted they were 25 in number.

"Intruder!"The lead droid said, as they started firing at Clint with blasters, and he rolled forwards, avoiding some shots, before striking one at the feet with his bow, but it was barely affected still.

It tried to fire at him again but Clint rolled once more, getting behind a fallen desk, which was destroyed by blaster fire too.

Clint quickly took out another arrow, and fired. This one hit a droid, and had a thermite tip.

"Aaaarrgh!"The droid cried out, being burnt to its core, before it fell down, having been taken out by Clint, as the other droids stopped for a brief moment.

"So it's the trick arrows", Clint realized, standing up as he nocked another arrow. "You all killed some kids! I'm here for payback!"

And then, he fired the arrow at another droid, and this one exploded, taking the droid out with it.

"Fire!"The droid said, as they all fired at Clint, and he slid to avoid while firing another arrow, this one hitting another droid, and it was an EMP, a small field emanating from it, as it took out that droid, and two more with it.

Clint rolled and stood up, only to see the commander very close to him. The commander swung its strange sword at Clint, and Clint reflexively put his bow in the way.

The next moment, two halves of what used to be Clint's bow fell to the ground, Clint looking down in shock, before jumping back to avoid another swing by the commander's sword.

He quickly took out his baton now, while stretching. "Haven't fought in close quarters for quite a while."

The droids fired once more, as Clint ran around to avoid, and then jumping near the commander, hit it with the baton, but it barely affected him still.

As the commander turned towards him, Clint hit it twice, but nothing happened still.

The commander tried to swing at him again but Clint leapt back to avoid, as the others continued to fire at him, and he ran around, avoiding the shots before sliding and getting near the commander again, this time deciding to press a button on the baton that could send an electric shock through people after striking them.

He was about to strike, but the commander snatched the baton from his hand using its superior strength, and snapped it in half, Clint looking down in horror.

"Oh no!" He muttered, rolling away once more before taking out an arrow that he stuck at another droid's forehead, and this one sent an electric shock through it, taking it down as well.

The commander and the remaining droids slowly started enclosing around Clint, ready to blast him.

That moment, a blue portal opened behind Clint, and he fell into it with a scream, seeing some images on his way.

First, he saw a pale, ghostly woman, with blood all over her, crawling down some stairs in a house.

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Next up, he saw four people dressed up similarly to Reed, Susan, Johnny and Ben, and one of them looked like….Cap? Well damn!

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After that, he saw someone dressed up like Superman flying in the sky, though this one had a darker shade of blue. And the 'S' on the chest was red in color with a black emblem around it. And he looked exactly like Reed!

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Then, he saw a man in a strange big helmet, that covered all of his face except the lower bit.

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After that, he saw a young boy wearing a black-striped, white shirt with short sleeves, military green cargo pants with side pockets with a black belt hidden under his shirt, and black and white sneakers with black stripes, and on his wrist was some kind of glowing watch.

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Then, he saw three little kindergarten-aged girls with round faces, with red, blonde and black hair respectively, and red, blue and green clothes respectively, all flying.

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Next up, he saw a medieval Indian archer on a chariot being ridden by someone with a peaco*ck feather on his crown, and that person…his face just looked so calm and divine. The archer fired an arrow at an opposing army.

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And then, Clint saw a red speeding blur, the last thing he saw, right before he hit solid ground, and groaned.

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"And now I've done it too", he groaned, before picking himself back up, looking around at the unfamiliar surroundings.

It was a modern city, that was all he could tell.

Suddenly, the breach acted up again, causing Clint to jump back and hide in an alleyway nearby, as he saw the commander and the remaining droids file out of it too in a line.

"Well damn!" He muttered to himself.

"Find him!"The commander droid said, as they fired at some empty cars nearby, and the civilians who'd started coming out of shops all ran around in horror.

Coast City

Oliver, Barry, Sara, Ray, Laurel and Mari McCabe aka Vixen had just taken down the enemy they'd teamed up to battle in this city, shortly after Mari had defeated Benatu Eshu, though she'd lost her sister Kuasa during the fight.

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But now, she had found her calling, and it was to be a hero to fight against crime and evil, like she'd done alongside these heroes here.

Oliver noted just how many Heroes there were fighting alongside him. He still couldn't believe it had begun with just him and Sara. But he was glad that not just Star City, but the world was getting more Heroes to rely on.

He wondered if there could be more. He had heard rumors of a medieval looking woman, back in World War I, having fought alongside the Allies, with a sword and shield, and apparently, she was immortal and had lived afterwards, being alive to this day.

Considering the things he'd seen recently; he could believe it was true. But he hadn't been able to verify her existence so far.

At that moment, Oliver's earpiece rang, breaking him out of his thoughts. "Green Arrow, there is breach activity in Star City's center. And there are some kind of droids causing havoc."

"On our way", Oliver told her, before turning to the rest. "A breach opened in Star City, and some droids came out. They're causing chaos."

"Let us stop them then", Mari suggested, Oliver nodding as the heroes began to make their way back to Star City.

Earth-92, Sunnydale, Summers House

There was a knock on the door, and Willow went out, opening it as she saw Amy on the other side. "Amy? Hi."

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"Hey Willow", Amy said with a smirk.

"Whatcha doing here?" Willow inquired.

"I knew you didn't want to come to the magic thing, but…" Amy's face contorted into a smirk. "I decided…why should you miss out on the fun?"

She suddenly glowed, and before Willow could do anything, she fired a blast of magic beam at Willow, making her gasp and scream, as she felt her body going into overdrive, feeling ecstatic suddenly.

"NO!" Willow cried out, Amy giving her a smirk and running off, as Willow fell to her knees, shivering from all the overdrive of feelings she was getting. "NO!" Tara ran down, seeing what was happening.

"WILLOW!" She cried out in horror as she rushed next to her, holding her. "What happened?"

"Amy…..she used magic to send me into overdrive!" Willow said, shaking before she passed out.

"Willow, no!"

Earth-199999, Oklahoma City

There it was. Home. Eliot watched from across the street in his seat in his Challenger, still fighting the urge to run away. After so long he's been dreading this day, having to face his father. After a day with his biological father, getting to know one another, the highs and lows, Eliot realized he had never been this honest with anyone, especially on a first meeting. He and John just understood each other, which made him think of his actual father, Billy. That man was everything Eliot wanted to be, he was his hero, he taught him how to use his hands, play football, Billy Spencer made him a man.

Which was probably another reason why he was so scared to knock on that door. Eliot saw himself as a disgrace to everything his parents taught him.

It was why he tried so hard to be the good guy, not just for the things he'd done, but to make them proud again.

Eliot gripped the leather steering wheel so tight the leather was cracking and his knuckles were turning white. John told him he should make things right before anything else happened, before telling Eliot that he never got to make amends with his own father. That warning made him call May to bring him home, only to pick up his car and drive to Oklahoma City, the long drive giving him time to think, but he couldn't think anymore. He needed to do this.

Suddenly Eliot opened his car and marched across the street, determined, unstoppable. He needed to do this.

It took him less time than he hoped, but here he was, the Spencer house. His first home.

Eliot raised his fist to the door and breathed in and out. Three times he hit the door.

He stepped back and waited.

And waited.


Footsteps were coming from the inside, faint as they were, but he knew Billy was there. The store didn't open on Sundays. Yet, the door stayed shut.

Swallowing a lump in his throat, Eliot held back the tears building up, but he didn't leave. Not this time.

Eliot stayed right where he was, waiting for his father.

Earth-1, Star City

Oliver, Barry, Sara, Ray, Mari and Laurel arrived at Star City's center, finding the droids were gone from here already.

"Looks like we're late", Barry sighed, before Oliver turned away, seeing the alleyway, where his eyes found Clint.

He quickly walked over to Clint, who pulled out a gun. "Stay right there!"

"Who are you?" Oliver asked, nocking an arrow.

"Don't come any closer."

"Fair enough", Oliver sighed. "Did you see the droids?"

Clint looked at Oliver, then at the other heroes behind him, all of them in suits. He'd never met not heard of any heroes who dressed up like this.

Clint groaned. "Please don't tell me I'm on where I think I am."

"Where do you think you are?" Oliver inquired.



"Not my Earth."

"Doesn't look like it."

"You wouldn't by any chance to be called Green Arrow, would you?"

"How do you know that?"

"I kind of met you, a version of you anyway."

Oliver and Clint put down their weapons, the former saying. "I heard of another version of mine."

"Might be the same one I know", Clint shrugged. "So, what now?"

"What is going on?" Laurel asked.

"We've another friend from another world", Oliver told her, then turned to Clint. "I'm guessing you know my name as well."

"Yes, Oliver Queen", Clint confirmed, Oliver nodding. "I'm Clint Barton, by the way."

"I think we should head back, and plan accordingly", Sara told Oliver, who nodded.

Later, Arrow Cave

"This place is impressive", Clint said as he looked at the lair. "Especially since it has the required resources to run a vigilante operation."

"Thank you", Felicity thanked him. "I'm Felicity Smoak."

"I'm Clint Barton, and I wasn't just talking about the computers", Clint said, and she sighed.

"Name's John Diggle", Dig said as he held out his hand, Clint shaking it.

"Thea Queen, Oliver's sister", Thea added, Clint nodding again, having gotten the other people's names on the way to here.

"Now, tell us what you know", Oliver said, as Ray took off his helmet, and Clint got a good look at his face.

"You look just like Reed", Clint said, having noted the similar voice before, and remembered the Superman he'd seen, who was also Reed's doppelganger.

"Who is Reed?" Ray inquired in confusion.

"The world's smartest man, and I'm glad Tony is not around to hear me say that", Clint shrugged.

"Whoa! So my doppelganger is your world's smartest man?" Ray asked in awe.

"Later", Clint told him, then looked at everyone. "I was tracking breach activity when I found a trail leading to a campsite. They were slaughtered with extreme prejudice."

"What are they?" Barry inquired.

"Robots", Clint explained. "They're tough, strong, fast, and they got plasma guns."

"Great. What's next, aliens? Thea muttered.

"Don't jinx it. Trust me", Clint warned her. "I managed to take a few down, but their lead bot and some lackies travelled over here. I got away, but I have no idea what they're planning to do."

"Any idea what they were after on your world?" Oliver asked him.

"I can't believe I reached a point in my life where that's a valid question."

"I hear you, buddy", Dig told him.

"When I found them, they were hijacking a NASA deep space observatory. Maybe they were trying to call their mother ship? I don't know, but these things don't care who they kill."

He clenched his hand into a fist, remembering the dead teenagers, Oliver noting his strong reaction there.

"I just got used to this superhero thing, now there are other worlds and robots?" Mari asked out loud. "This whole thing is bigger than I thought."

"That makes all of us", Clint told her.

Suddenly, there was an alert as Mari asked. "What is it?"

"Someone has broken into Queen-Palmer Technologies", Felicity revealed as Oliver and Ray turned their heads towards the monitor, Felicity pulling up footage of the same droids from before entering the building, shooting at people who ran off in fear.

"These are the droids", Clint confirmed.

"They want our tech!" Ray realized in horror. "We need to get there quickly!"

"Clint, do they have any weaknesses?" Oliver asked the man.

"Well, you'll only hurt your fists punching them, if you're a normal human like me, no matter how skilled you are", Clint said. "Standard arrows also didn't do much to them. But trick arrows, especially explosives, thermite tips, and EMPs should do the trick."

"That works well, thank you", Oliver thanked Clint. "Now, a good number of you do have powers, so I'm sure that will help too."

"Do you have a spare bow here?" Clint then asked Oliver. "Like you, I fire arrows too. I need one."

"Sure thing", Oliver said, opening a big drawer, as he took out an older Oneida Kestrel Compound Bow that he'd used back in his second year, and handed it to Clint, alongside three more explosive arrows. "Just in case."

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"Thanks", Clint smiled, taking all of those. "Now, let's go then."

Earth-92, Sunnydale, Summers House

Willow was lying on the bed now, recovering, as Tara sat next to her, Dawn on the other side, with Buffy, Giles, Xander and Anya standing nearby, as Buffy asked. "What exactly is it?"

Giles explained. "Sometimes, magic can be used as a drug. Various warlocks make a business out of it, one must be in Sunnydale too, hidden to us."

"Amy did it to me…" Willow groaned, still weak. "I didn't do anything…."

"We know Willow, we know", Tara assured her, stroking a head a little, surprised she'd done that, but not minding it. "You didn't touch magic."

"Good Witch gone bad I guess, Amy that is", Xander muttered.

"Well, sucks what happened to you Willow, get well soon", Anya said in her usual tone.

"I will hit Amy next time I see her", Dawn said angrily. "She'll never do it to you again."

"Yeah, I'm not letting her into the house again", Buffy added.

Tara smirked. "I think I know someone who can make Amy back off."

Universe-208, Hyperspace

Blade was simply staring at the hyperspace. He was shocked, but he was really good at hiding what he felt. This hyperspace….he had never seen anything like it before.

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"You guys definitely don't have this in your world", Quinlan said, breaking Blade out of his thoughts. "It's an alternate Dimension reached by travelling at or faster than the speed of light. We use these hyperdrives to travel through hyperspace lanes. Good to cover long distances."

Blade wasn't a scientist, but he felt he'd understood what was being explained. "…..Right."

Then, Quinlan held up Blade's broken sword, letting Blade take it back. He looked at it, some sadness in him, considering how long the sword had been with him.

"What are you?"

The question made Blade look at the Jedi once more. "What?"

"You're not human, and I don't recall any species drinking blood like a Corellian would beer."

"I'm not." Blade said simply.

Quinlan waited for him to continue. He didn't. "You really just gonna leave me in suspense?"


"Not cool, man. Not like I saved your life or anything." A few moments of silence passed, when Quinlan talked again. "I could always throw my theories out there, and if I'm close, you say nothing, if I'm wrong, grunt."

That was something Blade did not want to do, so he decided to talk.

"I'm half Vampire."

Hearing that made Quinlan lose his relaxed posture. "...what does that mean?"

"Vampires, monsters made by a disease born so long ago that they don't even know when. They spread the curse through the bite, kills the victim, and brings them back as a corpse that lives off blood."

"How are you a hybrid then?"

"...My mother. She was pregnant when she was bitten. She died, I lived, but the curse was already in my system. All their gifts, none of their weaknesses...bar one."



Quinlan exhaled before looking through the blue tunnel of hyperspace. "My parents, they were killed by Azanti." Quinlan revealed, making the Daywalker turn to the Jedi, who saw the look and explained. "They're like Vampires, except they have tentacles instead of teeth that go up the nose, feed off the brain, and drain a person's connection to the Force." Quinlan looked down when he admitted. "It was my own kriffing great-aunt who sold them out. Family, huh?"

Blade was quiet, taking in the revelation before looking out through the view. "My mother died, but came back a Vampire." Quinlan turned to Blade in shock. "Was working with a Vampire who tried to use my blood to turn him into a God. That same Vampire was the one that turned her."

"Dank farrik, what happened?"

"I killed them."

Quinlan's brows shot up. "This conversation took a depressing turn."

Blade looked at him. "You talk too much."

"Really? I mean, lot of people, especially other Jedi, say I'm "crazy", but they never complained on how much I talked. Nice change of pace really, thanks."

"It was not a compliment."

"Still taking it."

Earth-199999, Oklahoma City

Eliot stayed in that spot for an hour. The most he did in the meantime was lean against the wall, look out across the street to see how much the neighborhood has changed, and hope that his team didn't decide to follow him during this very personal moment in his life.

They were his team, but they needed boundaries. Especially Parker. And Hardison. Hell, even May sometimes.

During his musings, the door creaked open, and Eliot looked up to see his father.

Tall, greying dark hair, arched eyebrows, a well-maintained and short beard and moustache, flannel shirt, like him, a gold cross around his neck that belonged to Eliot's mom, and the look of a man who'd been through a war.

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Billy Spencer.

"What are you doing here, Eliot?" That deep voice asked with an edge. How Eliot missed that voice.

Breathing in, Eliot knew what he had to say.

"I'm sorry, dad."

There was a slight widening of the eyes, but that was it.

"I'm sorry, for leaving, for what I said, for not coming home when mom..." Eliot choked, it was still so hard to think about. He sniffed and felt tears build up in his eyes. "I'm sorry for betraying everything you and mom taught me, I'm sorry-" Eliot couldn't finish.

"Come here, boy." But he didn't need to before Billy walked forward and wrapped his arms around him, letting him release all the pent-up emotions like when Eliot was a kid. He cried into his father's shoulder, he didn't care about looking strong or maintaining any kind of image he was a cold-hearted killer. He just wanted to hold onto his dad, the man who always made him feel safe.

Neither knew how long had passed, they just stood there and held on tight. Twenty-three years since Eliot left this house and his family, he did not want to wait another day.

"I'm sorry I took so long." Eliot wept into his father's shirt, he had so much to apologize for, it was the only thing he could say.

"You're here now."

Earth-1, Star City, Queen-Palmer Technologies

The droids were still inside, trying take over the building, when Barry sped around them in a blur, before speeding away, as they turned to his direction, Barry having gotten their attention, and he stood with the other heroes, all ready to battle.

"Intruders!"The lead droid said once more.

Clint groaned. "I'm on another world, about to fight a gang of robots, with a bow and arrow, with people in dress up."

"...our lives are weird."

"Yep, just realizing that now."

"You probably don't want to know about the guy who can break the speed barrier while running", Oliver commented.

"Actually, that's me", Barry raised a hand.

"Right, sorry."

Clint gave Oliver a deadpan. "I'm on the same team as a God whose brother led an alien army to attack the planet."

"...you win.""

"Attack!"The droids said as they started firing on the heroes, Barry speeding them all out of the way, before Ray took flight.

"You tried to steal my company's tech! That ain't right", Ray said as he flew at them, and fired his beams at one droid, making it groan as it was thrown back and destroyed, and then he landed, punching another droid twice, and then gave it a hard uppercut that sent it flying off too, damaging it badly.

As he turned around, the commander droid struck him, sending him falling to the ground, and was about to kill him with its sword when Thea jumped in the way, blocking with her sword, only for the droid's sword to cut through it like butter, to her horror.

Then, Barry sped forth and quickly got Thea and Ray out of harm's way, before running towards the lead droid, punching it hard enough to send it flying off, but as he stopped, another droid kicked him from behind, making him fall down, while aiming at him.

Vixen theme plays

Mari tapped her Anansi Totem, accessing the spirit of the eagle, and took flight, grabbing the droid and flying up with it, before throwing it down to the ground as it shattered.

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She then landed on the ground, and tapped the Anansi Totem once more, now accessing a tiger's spirit, and did an agile leap, before leaping at another droid, slicing it apart with her strength.

As one more aimed at her, she tapped her Anansi Totem and accessed the cheetah's spirit, running towards it and kicking it hard before it could fire, shattering it too.

Laurel tried to hit one droid with her batons but it was unaffected, and was about to fire, before she let out her Canary Cry, and that briefly slowed it down.

Then, Clint fired an explosive arrow, that hit the droid and exploded, taking it down.

As Barry groaned, about to get up, the commander returned, about to swing at him, when Mari ran in the way and quickly tapped the Anansi Totem, accessing the elephant's spirit, just as the commander swung, getting her shoulder, which bled as she gasped.

Fortunately, due to her strength and durability, the hit didn't kill Mari. Unfortunately, it was still painful.

Barry got up and sped her a bit away to recover, while Oliver shot an EMP arrow at another droid, causing an EMP field to take it and two more down.

Sara let out her Canary Cry and it got two more droids, sending them flying off and shattering, before she tilted her head, while Ray flew up next to her and fired, getting one more.

"Your suit's cool", Sara had to say.

"Thanks. Your scream is cool too", he replied.

"Thanks", she shrugged, as Barry sped around and hurled a lightning bolt at another droid, taking it out, while Clint hit another with a thermite tipped arrow, taking it down too, and Thea struck another with an electric arrow, managing to get it as well.

As another droid tried to fire at Mari from behind, she pushed her foot back, kicking it and sending it flying off, and shattering. She was wounded, but she still had the elephant's strength.

Sara got another with her Canary cry, as Oliver fired his explosive arrow, getting the other one, leaving only the commander.

As he was about to swing at them, Mari tapped the Anansi Totem, accessing a tiger's spirit again, and ran at it, leaping before kicking it away, before Ray fired at it, throwing it back once more. It tried to get up, but Laurel let out her Canary Cry, barely slowing it down.

Then Sara let out her Canary Cry, and it sent the commander droid flying off once more. Before it could get up, Barry sped over and grabbed its sword, snatching it away, and handed it to Thea.

It got up, and Thea swung the vibrosword, chopping off both of the lead droid's arms.


As she backed off, Oliver and Clint aimed together, and fired at the droid's head.

The two arrows exploded, taking the commander droid with it.

It was over!

"I hate robots", Clint commented.

"That makes two of us", Oliver replied.

The rest chuckled.

Earth-92, Sunnydale

Amy had just come off another magic high, and was walking off, when suddenly, a dark-skinned woman in a blue coat appeared. "Hello."

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"Hi…" Amy slurred. "Who're you?"

The woman suddenly grabbed Amy's hand, and twisted, breaking it as Amy cried out in pain, and then the woman kicked her other hand to the wall hard, slamming it there and breaking that one too, making Amy cry out louder, while the woman grabbed her by the throat, preventing her from speaking or she'd cast a spell.

"I'm a Witch hunter, but I know a good one too", the woman said with a smirk, enjoying Amy's look of fear. "Now, you will stay away from Willow Rosenberg, or, I'll do more than break your hands next time, understood?"

Shivering in fear, Amy nodded, as the woman punched her face, knocking her out.

Earth-199999, Oklahoma City

Eliot told Billy about almost everything that happened since he left. His time in the Army, the rough times, his contractor days, Moreau but without the details, trying to do better as Paladin, then Leverage. He wanted his father to know, that he tried to be a good guy, but he never felt he could atone for what he did. Maybe he should have stayed in Oklahoma.

Billy was quiet for a long time. They both were sitting on the couch where their family would gather, and Eliot could see a picture of his mom, surrounded by other photos of her, with Billy, and to his silent delight, him.

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Emotions were running high in the room, and for once, someone else was doing a better job of controlling them.

Billy rubbed his wedding band before looking at his wife, his Marie. Her last thoughts were of love, for him, for Eliot. No matter how hard times got, she always liked to think of their little boy. Every hardship they faced when they adopted Eliot was worth it just to look at his smiling face and big blue eyes. There was no way of measuring just how full of pride he was every day he looked at his boy, from his first steps to his first touchdown. It hurt when Eliot decided to leave. The fear of him going away, it was a fantasy Billy had that Eliot would stay in their town and live out their days before finding a girl and settling down, passing on the store to his kid. There was an even bigger fear that shook Billy the day when Eliot told him his intentions to join the Army.

"The worst thing about you leaving...was that every day, we were afraid we would lose you. To know that one day, men in uniforms would show up on our doorstep and tell us..." Billy's composure cracked. He felt his own tears fall when he remembered those first few years. He held onto a lot of anger, but a parent never stopped worrying for their child. Eliot only hung his head in shame. "But I suppose...if you hadn't ignored me and joined up, you wouldn't be where you are today. Doing good for a lot of people." Eliot looked up and found his father nodding to himself before looking at his son. "I'm proud of you."

Eliot nearly broke. Despite his confession of some of the bad things he'd done, here he had another parent saying he's proud. A big part of Eliot still wasn't sure he deserved it.

All he could do was wipe his eyes dry, and confess. "We wasted a lot of good years."

"Yeah", Billy agreed, then looked at his son. "We still have a few years left ahead of us."

Eliot nodded, Billy declaring. "Let's make 'em count!" Eliot nodded again.

Sighing, he thought of the different ways in which Rambo was treated badly after Vietnam, and how Billy's own efforts had not been recognized, then told his father. "You know, in our line of work we usually don't get a lot of recognition for what we do." After that, he pointed out the bright side. "We have the satisfaction of knowing that we made a difference." A lump formed in his throat. "You may not have gotten a medal, for what you did." Billy looked at Eliot with a stoic look as his son continued. "But in the eyes, of all the men that you saved, you're a hero." His lip was quivering now. There was a lump in Billy's throat. "And for what it's worth, in MY eyes too!"

With that, he held out his hand, that Billy grasped, before pulling his son into a loving embrace, tapping his back as a tear rolled down Eliot's cheek, and he tapped his father's back as well.

Earth-1, Star City, the lair

"Thank you for your help, Clint", Oliver thanked Clint as they shook hands.

"I should thank you too", Clint said, returning Oliver's bow to him. "You're a bit different from the other Oliver I met, even if I only met him briefly."

"I'd be interested to meet this other one", Oliver had to say.

"Maybe we can find out who is the best archer", Clint commented, causing Oliver to smile, as the rest chuckled. "So, who told you about the other Oliver?"

"He called himself Superman", Oliver revealed.

"I met him too", Clint then revealed. "I'm guessing we know the same people."

"Looks like it", Oliver nodded.

"So, Barry's friend worked this up", Sara said as she walked forth, handing Clint an interdimensional extrapolator, that Ray had just handed to her. "In case you need to contact us, or come back here."

"He got it done pretty fast", Clint had to say as he looked at the extrapolator. "The biggest geniuses on my Earth took a while."

"Its because he has powers related to it", Ray explained. "He can open and close breaches with his powers, so its easy for him to do it."

"Right", Clint realized.

"I don't get one?" Oliver asked Ray out of curiosity.

"Turns out, you already have one to his world", Ray revealed, to Oliver's shock.

"What does that mean?" Clint inquired.

"Some others from your world ended up here a while ago, an agent, and a group of…people", Oliver said to him. "They're back there now. They helped us a lot here actually."

"Well, I'd be interested to meet them sometime", Clint said. "Thanks again. And I hope there's a world out there where the impossible actually IS impossible."

"Again, I hear you", Diggle told him, before Clint pressed a button, opening the breach.

"Well then, see you guys", Clint said, waving at them, as they waved back.

"See ya", Thea said, as the breach closed.

"Well, we've a new friend, that's a good thing, right?" Felicity asked.

"I'd say it is", Laurel replied, then turned to Oliver. "What about you?"

"I think so", Oliver agreed.


Clint was near the NASA observatory again, and saw some federal agents there, and Natasha was coming out, as she ran to him and gave him a hug. "Clint."

"Hey Nat!" He said as they parted.

"Where were you?" Natasha inquired.

"Fell through a breach", Clint revealed, to her shock. "Yeah, me too. But the ones who did this were taken care of, and made some new friends." He took out the extrapolator. "They gave me this, so now we've other allies."

"I guess some good came out of it", Natasha muttered, Clint nodding.

"I'm gonna go now", Clint told her as they walked off together. "Back home."

"I understand."

"Kids gonna see Auntie Nat as well?"

"Next time", Natasha assured him, as he smiled and nodded, walking towards where his bike was.

"Will let them know", he said, getting onto his bike, as he and Natasha shared a wave, and then he rode off.

Earth-92, Sunnydale, Summers House

The dark-skinned woman sat in front of the rest of the Scooby Gang, Willow still having a towel around her, though she was not shaking much anymore.

"It is good to meet you in the flesh, Daphne Frost", Giles said, holding out his hand, as the woman, Daphne Frost, shook it.

"You too, Mr. Giles. You've been a good help to my family", she said with a smile.

"Wait, you two know each other?" Buffy asked in shock.

"Not personally, but I do know her family", Giles clarified.

"Must be the Witch hunter thing", Xander realized.

"You won't hunt me…right?" Willow asked, Daphne chuckling as she shook her head.

"No, I used to think all Witches are bad, but then I met her", Daphne gestured to Tara. "And since you're with her, I can't hurt you."

"Thank you for beating up Amy", Dawn added happily.

"Oh it was nothing", Daphne said as she stood up, looking at Tara. "Good to see you."

"You too", Tara told her. "Its been a while, how is everything?"

"Just the usual", Daphne sighed. "How about you?"

"A Demon turned this entire town into a musical a while ago."

"….Right, not touching that."

"Thank you for coming."

"Its all good", Daphne assured her as they shared a hug. "And I'm happy for you."

"Thank you", Tara said to her, the two parting.

Daphne looked at Buffy. "Nice to see you too, Vampire Slayer. Heard a lot about you."

Buffy nodded in appreciation, as Daphne looked at them all. "All right, I gotta go, but if you need me, call."

With that, she waved to them and walked out, the rest waving back, before she was gone.

"So…." Willow trailed off as she looked at Tara. "Ex?"

Tara sighed. "Kind of." She told her. "But its in the past now, we're just friends now."

Willow simply smiled at that as Buffy asked. "So, a Witch and a Witch hunter, how'd that happen?"

"This was when I was in Hellborne, Vermont", Tara revealed, then looked a little sad. "Sometime after mom passed away." The others were about to comfort her, but she recovered herself. "We'd moved there, I was new, and there was a Witch killing students."

"Now I got to hear all of it", Xander said.

"Yeah, me too", Dawn added, interested.

Tara looked at all of them, as even Buffy said. "Come on, tell us!"

The Maclay Witch turned to look at Willow, who also gave a nod. "I'd like to hear it, yes."

"Well then", Tara began telling them the entire thing. "So, it was first day of class, and-"

Earth-199999, Oklahoma City

Hours were spent talking with his father, or embracing the fact that after twenty-three years, Eliot was finally home. The smell, the warmth, Eliot took it all in, for fear that he's in a dream and might wake up. A big part of Eliot expected his dad to be harder on him for leaving, and all the hitter's attempts to come back failing for one reason or another, mostly due to him chickening out when something went wrong. But Billy surprised him. He was always good at doing that.

Eliot walked through the halls of his childhood home while Billy made coffee. A chuckle escaped him when he saw one picture of him when he was six, dressed as Captain America for Halloween. Good thing no one he knew was here, and he made sure of that, otherwise they would never let him live it down. Then there's Coulson who might try and steal his collectibles.

They were his greatest secret.

Moving on, Eliot found another picture that hit home. A younger Billy and J, a pseudo-uncle to Eliot, in uniform back in their prime.

"Coffees ready!" The elder Spencer's voice shouted up at him, and he quickly followed with the picture in hand.

Eliot entered the kitchen. "Look what I found."

Turning, Billy had to restrain from chuckling as he set the mugs on the table. "I remember you use to cling to that thing for dear life, we were afraid you'd crack the glass."

"I couldn't help, my dad was the coolest, I wanted the reminder."

"Yeah, well, you certainly gave J an ego too." Billy told him with a "disapproving" frown.

"J always had an ego." Eliot defended.

"Too big for this planet." The Vietnam vet joked with his son, and held onto that laugh. God, he missed that laugh. He missed his son. He hoped Marie was smiling down at the scene, but what Billy wouldn't give to have her with them.

He quickly moved away from those thoughts before Eliot could see the rising emotion. However, the old soldier in him saw how Eliot held his cup and looked down into the black coffee. "Eliot?" Billy saw the conflict in his face before his boy looked up at him.

"I have to tell you something." Billy sat straighter and gave his undivided attention. Eliot exhaled while looking to the ceiling. "I found my biological father." His blue eyes moved to look at Billy, and understandably, the shock was there. "I wasn't exactly looking for him, but after the craziest few months of my life, which is saying something in my line of work, a friend of mine brought me to this man and told me he was my father."

A hand went to Billy's temple. He never thought the day would come. When Eliot was younger, he would ask the dreaded question of his biological parents, but Marie told the truth: he was born in the hospital, and they knew nothing else.

"You'd like him." Eliot smiled though, despite how hard the situation was feeling, looking at his father. "He's a hero, like you." Billy lowered his head humbly, like every time Eliot said something that. At first, he loved it, what father doesn't love being their child's hero? Then he dreaded it when he learned Billy's days in the Army inspired him to enlist. Part of him realized he should not have glorified his days as a soldier as much as he did, even Marie told him as much. Now that Eliot is back, he felt that same love for the praise.

Billy grasped Eliot's shoulder. "But I am happy you got to meet him, he had to be quite a man if he had a son like you."

"He may be related to me by blood, but you are the man who raised me. You are my father. I will never forget that."

"And you're always going to be my son." Billy said firmly. Then, he suddenly chuckled, wiping his eyes to dry the yet to have fallen tears. "Look at us, we're weeping like one of your mother's old soaps."

"Don't remind me." Eliot groaned at the memory. "I never ran out of the house faster than the moment she turned those on."

"Neither did I!" Billy laughed and Eliot joined him. The look on Marie's face when she challenged the boys to dare change her show during the brief moments she got her rest from her shifts in the hospital was utterly terrifying, but looking back at the extent they went to run away had father and son gasping for breath. A moment later they calmed down, and a curiosity got the better of Billy.

"What's his name?"

"John. His name is John."

Billy hummed to himself, fiddling with the handle of his mug before asking, "And your mother?"

"Her name was Marie Spencer." Eliot said without hesitation, and it made Billy smile. "John told me her name was Naomi, but he didn't know much else about her before they went separate ways, didn't even know she was pregnant. He said she was a good person."

"They missed out."

"Lucky you." Eliot and Billy shared smiles before raising their mugs to their lips.

This was it. After all those years since he'd left through that front door, Eliot was back in the driveway with his father, this time, the occasion was much, much happier.

"Make sure you don't wait another twenty-three years before coming back." Billy told his son.

Eliot shrugged with a roguish smile. "Well, I do have a busy life now."

They shared one more embrace like the one they'd done before, and as they parted, Billy told him emotionally. "God, just stay out of trouble."

Eliot nodded, then said. "No sir." He shared a smile with his father, then turned around.

"That's my boy."

Hearing that, Eliot remembered something, and taking out a picture, handed it to Billy.

Billy looked at it. It was of a young Eliot in a football uniform, Billy standing beside him proudly. Eliot had kept it with him all these years!

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Father and son shared another look, before Eliot walked to his car, sitting inside and driving away, before smiling out the window and waving to his father as he left Oklahoma.

This time, he wore a smile and it never left.

Middle-earth, Bree

Strider was sitting alone, smoking in a corner, being given a wide berth by everyone here, since people here were afraid of him, and Rangers in general.

Feeling a presence, he looked up to see Gandalf standing before him, and he sat down in front of the Ranger.

"Gandalf", Strider whispered with a smile, glad to see the Wizard once more.

"I am quite glad to see you are back in this world, my friend", Gandalf said with a chuckle and smile of his own. "We were all getting worried. How did you come back?"

"The world I fell into was different from ours. There were things created there that are beyond any here, including chariots on four wheels or two wheels that did not need horses, and were faster than any chariots. Cars they were called", Strider told Gandalf, still in awe of all he'd seen, and even Gandalf was surprised by it. "The friends I made there managed to find Middle-earth, and make something so I could travel between this world and theirs."

"May I see it?" Gandalf asked, and Strider held up the interdimensional extrapolator, the Grey Wizard holding it in his hand and looking it over with interest.

He'd never seen anything like this, and it did not feel like there was any magic inside of it. He felt something from it that reminded him of the portals.

He returned it to the Ranger, smiling again. "I was told that you will return, and now you have."

"Who told you I will return?" Strider inquired.

"A being of great power", Gandalf simply said, not going beyond that, and his face turned grim. "I have searched for answers now, for what Frodo carries."

"Did you find any?" Strider inquired.

"Yes, I have, and Frodo indeed carries the One Ring", Gandalf revealed, to Strider's horror.

"This is evil news indeed, for the Dark Lord will put all his thought and power into finding it, and conquering all of Middle-earth", Strider said in a whisper. "What shall we do now?"

"Frodo is preparing to journey to Rivendell soon", Gandalf revealed. "He will come here. I fear I may not be here then, if I am not, you must look after him, Strider. You must protect him."

"If by my life or death, I can protect him, I will", Strider promised Gandalf. "He has my sword."

Gandalf smiled and nodded. "You have returned to us in our greatest time of need indeed." He stood up. "I need to go now, if I have not returned here before Frodo arrives, guard him."

With that, he walked off, Strider standing up as well, prepared to be on the lookout for Frodo when he arrived.

Gandalf, meanwhile, took a letter out of his pocket, deciding to give it to the innkeeper Mr. Barliman Butterbur, hoping it would reach Frodo soon.


And this is done.

Thanks a lot to Brainstorm Sorcerer and gussygus2 for all their help here once more, couldn't have done it without him.

While Vixen Season 2's official place in the Arrowverse timeline is not confirmed, based on everything seen in it, I'd say its between the Savage crossover and the mid-Season finales of Flash Season 2 and Arrow Season 4.

The droids were BX Commando Droids from 'Star Wars', disappeared through a breach during a production line and activated during their journey.

Now Clint has met the Arrowverse heroes, so MCU and Arrowverse have officially met now.

Blade and Quinlan share backstories in the meantime.

And Amy Madison gets hers. Frankly, by this point, she is a pretty horrible person and shows that she doesn't care how her actions affect others, and she has been going to Rack since Season 3 too in that case, until she became a rat.

Daphne Frost is a character from a Buffyverse novel centered around Tara that acts as a prequel to her appearance in the show, and its titled 'The Bewitching Hour'. Not the greatest piece of literature of course, but its a really good book, and fun to read, and I enjoyed it a lot, especially since it got Tara's character right, and she is one of my favorites, so you should always get her right. The author's name is Ashley Poston, she has some great stuff, and a Spike prequel novel too that I might get. It did feel like she tried a bit too hard in the Tara book at times, but I do that too, so who am I to judge?

Imagine Meagan Tandy, who played Braeden in 'Teen Wolf', as Daphne.

Eliot has finally reunited with Billy, and they've made up years earlier than they did in canon. Now Rambo and Billy will be meeting soon.

Malcolm has joined the Injustice League too.

While from Strider's and Gandalf's conversation, its obvious LOTR's plot is about to properly begin.

The cameos when Clint through the breach, in order, are- Kayako Saeki from 'Ju-On/The Grudge' franchise, the Fantastic Four from the 2005-2007 movies, Brandon Routh's Kingdom Come Superman, Judge Dredd from the 2012 'Dredd' movie, Ben 10 from the original 'Ben 10' cartoon, the Powerpuff Girls from the original 'Powerpuff Girls' cartoon, then Lord Krishna and Arjuna from the 'Mahabharata' in Hinduism, specifically the 2013 TV series adaptation of it, meaning that version of it is happening in a world in the Multiverse (and other ancient events from various religions could be happening in various worlds at the moment too, meaning these worlds were created much later, and are going through their early days) and finally Arrowverse's Barry Allen/Flash before he fell onto Earth-1.

Hope all enjoyed and see you all next time with another chapter.

Chapter 20: Wolf Save The King


Meetings and confrontations happen across the Multiverse.


Disclaimer: I do not own anything you may recognize

Thank you to everyone for the kudos, hits, comments and bookmarks.

Thanks a lot to HRwriter897 and gussygus28 for their help with this chapter, and Stand with Ward and Queen for a suggestion, much appreciated.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Middle-earth, Rivendell

Lord Elrond Half-elven was in his study, reading an ancient text about the creation of Eä, trying to find out if there was something he had not considered before.

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But there was nothing.

His foster son, Aragorn, or as he had named him- Estel, had disappeared into what was essentially another world, through a pathway between worlds.

However, he had been told by the Lady Galadriel that Aragorn had returned now, and had met with Gandalf after his return too.

Gandalf had met Lord Elrond once after his meeting with Aslan to tell him of what had transpired, and also assured him that Aragorn will return.

Now he had. But Lord Elrond was still concerned about how pathways from their world into others, and from other worlds into theirs, would affect what was coming.

As he closed the book, he felt a presence nearby, and turned around, holding out his hand, a pathway appearing right in front of him.

What he felt from this pathway…it was familiar. And it felt like it was calling to him, to enter. Was this how Gandalf had felt when Aslan had beckoned to him?

Perhaps he was being beckoned too.

And so, he stepped into the breach, walking through it, and stepped out of the other end. What he saw shocked the Elf-Lord.

He had not been shocked for an Age now.

Lord Elrond was still in Rivendell! However, it was very different from his own Rivendell.

It did not look real. It looked like it was a living illustration, having come to life. He looked down at himself, and realized he too looked like a living illustration now.

"How is this happening?" Lord Elrond wondered, before hearing footsteps nearby, and turned to see an Elf walking towards him.

He had grey hair and…a long beard at his chin? But what really had Lord Elrond's attention was a wreath on the Elf's head, with what looked like glowing stars around it.

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Like everything else here, this Elf was a living illustration too.

"Who are you?" Lord Elrond asked the other Elf.

"I am Lord Elrond Half-elven of Rivendell", the other Elf said, to Lord Elrond's shock. "You are in my Realm."

"But this….cannot be", Lord Elrond said to Half-elven. "For I am Lord Elrond of Rivendell, and I stepped here through a pathway between worlds."

Half-elven's eyes lit up as he realized. "Then you are Lord Elrond from another Middle-earth, come to this one."

"There is more than one Middle-earth?" Elrond asked, surprised, Half-elven nodding. "Does that mean every Middle-earth has the Ilúvatar and the Valar watching over them?"

"There is only one Ilúvatar", Half-elven told his doppelganger. "He is above every world, Middle-earth or not. The Valar…perhaps there are different iterations of the Valar, to watch over that iteration of Arda."

"How do you know so much?" Elrond asked his doppelganger.

"For like you, I was once lost through a pathway between worlds as well, into a world unlike ours, filled with tall buildings, dirt in the air, chariots moving without horses, and people thinking only of themselves", Half-elven revealed. "But I met someone who showed me the way back. She was a benevolent Sorceress, of great power. She called herself the Ancient One. When I spoke to her, she told me of some of these matters."

Elrond nodded, now realizing just how big everything was, beyond just Arda. He then noted to Half-elven. "You have my name, but you are very different from me in how you look and speak."

"So are you", Half-elven pointed out to Elrond, the latter again noting the former's beard and wreath. "You know what is about to happen, do you not?"

"I do", Elrond agreed. "There is much to be done, in my Middle-earth, and yours. The fate of us all is about to be decided."

"Indeed, which is why, you should return", Half-elven said, taking out a piece of paper. "She gave me this spell, and if I end up in another world once more, chanting it will send me back home. Perhaps it can do the same for you."

"I thank you for your aid", Elrond thanked his doppelganger, taking the piece of paper, and reading the spell, which was in Elvish, to his surprise. "Does she know any of the Elvish tongues?"

"No, but anyone who reads this shall see the spell in their own tongue", Half-elven explained.

Lord Elrond then chanted the spell. "Baw ron what ambar im am in, edr- a bád na nin bar, a show nin i té na rinn-"

A circular pathway, gold in color, opened up as Lord Elrond finished chanting, having memorized the spell if he needed it once more.

He handed the paper back to Half-elven, who told him. "Not everyone can use this spell. It requires great power."

"I shall remember that", Elrond told him, before looking at his own Rivendell through the pathway.

"Yours seems like….solid ground", Half-elven had to say.

"Yours is a living illustration", Elrond said in reply, before giving a curt nod and bow, that Half-elven returned. "Now I return to my world. Farewell."

"Farewell", Half-elven said as well, before Elrond walked through the golden pathway, and turned around just as it closed.

He looked at himself, and saw he was a living illustration no more. And he was back in his world as well now.

The hour had come to resume his toil and delve once more into the tasks that awaited.

Universe-2010, Cybertron, Kaon

A big, robot-like being was in his laboratory, working on his experiments. He had one right hand, and one left arm cannon. He had one large optic sensor, and an ammunition belt attached from his back to his canon.

Due to the single eye that didn't seem to reveal his emotions or expressions, he looked very spooky.

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Shockwave was his name, and right now, he was peacefully experimenting, especially without Starscream's constant prattle to distract him.

Shockwave looked at the still growing Predacon, having been forced to use five different CNA samples to create it, but he was quite pleased by the progress of his work.

He glanced down at his left appendage, now an Astro Mag cannon after Grimlock had torn his arm off before causing the space bridge portal to collapse in on itself.

That moment, his scanners picked up a strange energy surge, and he looked at it curiously. "What could this be?"

He looked at what he was working on, then at the scanners again, and made his decision. Walking off, he started making a long trek towards the location from where the surge was coming.

"I miss my flier alt mode", Shockwave commented to himself, though his current form would not allow for the flyer change surgery.

As the signal got stronger, Shockwave found himself near Kolkular, Megatron's now ruined Fortress, which was once colossal enough to span an entire continent and was clearly visible even from outer Space.

Now, it wasn't like that, though there were still some things of interest inside of it.

As he looked around, Shockwave's sensors picked up a massive drop in temperature, causing him to activate his internal heaters in order to keep himself warm.

At that moment, a giant, ice-spiked mace slammed down on him, but Shockwave barely rolled out of the way, wondering what it was.

He stood up, looking ahead to see three giant creatures, looking like they were made of ice, carrying weapons that also looked like they were made of ice- a mace, a sword and a club, all marching towards him with roars.

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As they moved towards him, Shockwave noted. "I am curious about your biology, considering you are able to produce cold in such a way. How is it you are able to do that?"

"Silence!" One of them roared and tried to strike him with his mace, Shockwave avoiding by ducking, before straightening himself once more.

"I will have to examine your corpses to get my answers now", Shockwave said, before charging at one of them, punching his face hard as he was thrown away by a few feet.

The one with the mace then struck his face, making him fall back too, then tried to bring it down on him, but he rolled away, then getting up, rammed into him, sending him off once more.

At that moment, the one with the sword sliced at him, making him grunt before his chest was kicked, sending him back once more.

The creature tried to stab down upon him, but he punched it back, then got up as it roared. "Curse Thor! Curse Odin!"

"What do those words mean?" Shockwave inquired, before the one with the club hit the back of his head, making him fall down again, and then all three of the creatures were upon him, bringing their weapons down on him together- club, sword and mace.

He lamented, missing his old body, as he could fly using that, but the raw strength and durability of his current form was appreciated, given how tough all three of these were.

Grunting, he aimed his Astro Mag cannon, and fired at the one with the sword, hitting it on the face point blank, as it was sent flying off by many feet, looking gravely wounded as he grunted in pain.

"Curse Odin!" He cried out in pain again.

With that, Shockwave kicked the one with the club away, then grabbed the one with the mace, and threw him down as well while getting up himself.

"Asgard will suffer an icy death!" That one declared, only confusing Shockwave.

"I do not know what you are talking about", Shockwave said, then turned to the one with the mace, who was getting up again.

Seeing that, Shockwave transformed into his tank form, shocking the three creatures at the sight.

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And then, he drove towards the one that was getting up, ramming into him as he was sent flying off again, wounded badly from the impact, and as he fell down, groaning in pain, Shockwave ran his tank form over its body, crushing it from the power, finally managing to kill it.

Transforming back into his usual form, he turned to see the one with the mace trying to get up, and rushed at it, ramming into it before slamming it onto the ground. It struck his face with its mace, turning it the other way, then tried to strike again, but Shockwave held the mace back with one hand, and pummelled its face with the cannon, hitting it again and again, breaking some teeth of it, as its face was mauled badly, and Shockwave ended by punching its throat thrice, finally ending it as well.

Then standing up, Shockwave turned to see the one with the sword, on whose face he'd fired before. He was still on the ground, wounded, and Shockwave marched towards him. He tried to reach for his sword, but Shockwave put his foot on the sword, preventing the creature from lifting it up.

The creature started. "Curse…Thor…curse…"

Shockwave aimed the canon at his face, and fired once more, finally killing it once and for all.

He then looked down at himself, seeing he was quite wounded himself, and he would need some time to repair himself.

Shockwave dragged the corpses close to each other, then tied them to his person, dragging them with himself towards the laboratory.

He was rusty, not having fought for a long time, but he had managed to win this fight.

"What is going on?" Shockwave wondered to himself, as there had been similar readings popping off throughout planets that were not far off from Cybertron, though this was the first time this had reached Cybertron.

Eventually returning to the laboratory, he placed the corpses on some spots, thinking about how this could have happened.

"Does it go back to the Singularity I witnessed half a meta-cycle ago?" Shockwave asked to himself. "Perhaps it has weakened the barriers between the Dimensions." That was the only logical explanation given their records for alien lifeforms had nothing like the creatures he had just battled, even from the attempted expansion of Cybertron's grip on the universe during the time of Nova Prime.

He looked over one of the creatures' bodies, studying it with his equipment, and noticed the energy signatures were nothing like those of his home dimension and that their properties seemed to be... mystical in nature but he doubted that was the case. Mostly likely it was due to their highly advanced biology, especially for organics.

Shockwave then looked at himself, sitting down and starting some repairs, while saying. "I will find out what you are."

Perhaps it was time to check on Project Regenesis, something he hadn't done since he tested out the Space Bridge portal from the tower of the Sea of Rust.


The Groosalugg had his sword out, looking at his dead soldiers, while the radical oppressors stood in front of him, lead by Numfar of the Deathwok Clan.

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One of them told Groosalugg. "Your supporters are all dead, and you are no longer the ruler."

"How could you do this?" Groosalugg asked in anger.

"Did you really think any of us would take kindly to the changes made by that cow?" Another one asked Groosalugg pointedly. "These were never going to last."

"However, we will spare you, as long as you never return to this realm", one more added.

Groosalugg started. "I shall not stand down."

"You amuse us", the first oppressor said, then turned to Numfar. "Numfar, we should show him the Dance of Revolution."

Numfar was about to begin the Dance of Revolution, when suddenly a breach opened nearby, and a tall, bearded, Caucasian man with dark hair and green eyes in a dark jacket staggered out.

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"Where am I?" The man asked, looking around in confusion, as he spotted Groosalugg, and the oppressors.

"Kill the cow!" One of the oppressors cried out.

"No!" Groosalugg pointed his sword at him. "You shall not touch someone who did nothing to you."

"Silence!" Another one said, and tried to swing at the man.

The man grabbed his hand, then head-butted him hard, dazing him, before throwing him to the other side while disarming him.

He then turned to the rest. "I have done nothing to you, so stop!"

"Do not talk back, cow!" Another one said, and tried to swing at him, the man growling as his eyes turned blue, but to his shock, what he wanted did not happen.

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Teen Wolf intro plays

Rational thought left his body, while claws sprouted out in place of his fingernails, his ears turning into what looked like a wolf's ears, while fur covered his body, and his teeth enlarged.

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The oppressor was in shock, while the wolf-man sliced at his chest, killing him instantly, then did a leap and sank his claws into another one's throat, before ripping them out, killing that one too.

The one he'd thrown down tried to attack him again, but he turned around and swung his claws, chopping off his arm as he screamed in pain. Taking the opportunity, Groosalugg decapitated him from behind, while the wolf-man turned to the other oppressors, as one sliced at his chest, but it healed quickly, and he sliced his throat, then leapt right at Numfar.

Numfar backed off in horror, but the wolf-man grabbed him by the throat, and threw him down, his senses noting that his heart was in his left buttock. If he was rational right now, he'd be amused and weirded out at the same time, wondering how that was possible.

But right now, his aim was to kill, and so, he sank his claws into Numfar's left buttock, and ripped his heart out, making him scream in agony, before the scream lowered in volume, Numfar bleeding out and dying on the spot.

That caused the oppressors to step back in fear, for their charismatic leader had been slain. The wolf-man turned to look at them, and let out a roar, making them scamper away and off in fear, realizing they could not beat this creature, and that the Groosalugg had an unexpected ally.

"You shall not overthrow me!" Groosalugg cried out, while the wolf-man staggered back, and came back to normal, then looked down at the carnage, his eyes widening in horror.

"What have I done?" He said in despair, falling to his knees.

"It did not seem like you were controlling your actions, you were feral", Groosalugg assured the man, putting a hand to his shoulder, as the man looked up at him.

"I shouldn't be, I am an Evolved Werewolf, I can control myself!" The man snapped.

"A Van-Tal once came here to this Dimension, he was unlike others, as he had a soul, but even he could not control his feral nature here, for this Dimension is unlike your own", Groosalugg explained, remembering the Princess, Angel and the rest of their team, and having had the whole thing with Angel's transformation explained to himself by the Princess, and he had a feeling it was the same with this person, who called himself an Evolved Werewolf. "That must be why you could not control it. But you have my gratitude, for you have saved my life. I am the Groosalugg, the brave and the undefeated."

The man realized he was in some kind of medieval, backwards world. But, having saved this guy, he was glad to have made an ally at least.

Getting up, he introduced himself. "Derek Hale."

"It is an honor to meet you, Derek Hale", Groosalugg said as he held out his hand, that Derek shook.

"You too", Derek said. "Do you know of a way I can go back home?"

"I have been reading texts about ways into our Dimension and out myself, for I thought I might need them if I was deposed", Groosalugg revealed, leading Derek to the library. "Perhaps one of them could send you back to your world as well."

Groosalugg took out the book, opening a page and handing it to Derek, who read through the incantation. "You sure this can do the trick?"

"I believe it should be done near where you arrived", Groosalugg pointed out, Derek nodding, as they went back to the court chambers where Derek had appeared, standing next to where the portal was.

"Krv Drpglr pwlz chkwrt strplmt dwghzn prqlrzn lffrmtplzt!"

When that happened, a portal opened, right where it had before, Derek smiling as he handed the book back to Groosalugg. "Looks like it worked, thank you."

"No, thank you, for saving my life, and my rule", Groosalugg thanked Derek instead. "Otherwise, they would have banished me and made slaves of everyone else."

"Well, I guess its good that didn't happen", Derek said, sharing a nod with Groosalugg, before stepping into the portal, and walking through it, before finding himself back where he had been, in a forested area, in his world.

As the portal behind him closed, Derek felt his control return, and commented. "Looks like I'm back."

Then his eyes widened as he remembered something. "Did that guy really have his heart in his ass?"


And another Chapter is done, this one with the random stuff.

The live-action Lord Elrond meeting the animated Rankin/Bass version of Lord Elrond from the 1977 animated 'The Hobbit' movie and the 1980 animated 'The Return of the King' movie was gussygus28's idea, so thanks a lot to him on this, and the scene suggestion.

Those who read my works know that when I'm writing Tolkien's material, its taken from the live-action movies, but also adapts many elements from the books to flesh it all out, meaning it's a combination of book and films, for both The Hobbit (even if its irrelevant in this fic as the events of 'The Hobbit' happened 77 years ago by now for Middle-earth) and The Lord of the Rings.

So now, my combined book and live-action movie world, is encountering the animated variant, that being the Rankin/Bass Universe, meaning the Ralph Bakshi animated 1978 The Lord of the Rings film can show up at some point, and it could be fun to cover their versions of the Quest, as the Ralph Bakshi movie only covered one and a half books, while the Rankin/Bass one only covered the ending stages of 'The Return of the King'.

Now, different Middle-earths mean there are different versions of the Valar and Maiar everywhere too. My head-canon is that as the Ainur, they were one being each only, and Eru Ilúvatar created the Multiverse on saying 'Eä', and the Ainur divided into different versions of the Valar and Maiar for different versions of Arda when they went down, and did not remember the Multiverse afterwards as their function was to watch over only their version of Arda until the end of time, after which they could become the Ainur again and reunite. And it'd explain why their powers were restrained in Arda when they took on the roles of the Valar and Maiar, compared to when they were the Ainur.

But since the Multiverse has opened up now, its possible they can eventually meet their other selves and remember the Multiverse, and how they are the same being split into different counterparts.

While other Angels or former Angels of God such as Michael, Lucifer Morningstar and Amenadiel are still only one, and did not split across the Multiverse for different Earths like the Ainur (who'd also be Angels of God in the shared Multiverse) did for the different versions of Arda.

And that means the 'Shadow of Mordor/War' games can be canon somewhere too. But as for a certain Amazon TV Series from 2022…we do not acknowledge its existence here, its nothing but blasphemy to Tolkien, so screw that nonsense!

Anyways, with that done, next up was Shockwave from the 'Transformers' franchise fighting and defeating a group of Frost Giants from the cartoon 'The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes', which is a much better adaptation of Marvel Comics than the MCU was even at its best. The EMH Frost Giants gave Shockwave a hard time, but he prevailed.

This bit was suggested to me by HRwriter897, and he gave me a great outline as well, that was implemented here, so thanks a lot to him, and I hope this reached your expectations.

And at the end, we had Derek Hale from 'Teen Wolf' ending up in the Dimension of Pylea from 'Angel', and preventing Groo from being deposed, and thank you to Stand with Ward and Queen for suggesting how being in Pylea would affect Derek.

This is anytime between Derek leaving in Season 4 and returning in Season 6. And since Derek, after turning into that half-wolf, half-man creature, killed Groo's opposers, including Numfar, Groo ends up staying in Pylea, and will not go to Earth, to be an obstacle in the way of Angel's and Cordelia's relationship.

I liked him as a character, but that was annoying frankly, so Groo stays as Pylea's ruler. Thank you Derek, for helping Cangel happen early. And his actions are responsible for the title of this chapter.

Anyways, hope all enjoyed and see you all next time with another chapter.

Chapter 21: Ki-ki-ki-ma-ma-ma


Jason reaches Keystone City at last. Quinlan spars with Blade. Parker tells her teammates about the girl she met. An enemy strikes the Avengers Tower.


Disclaimer: I do not own anything you may recognize

Thank you to everyone for the kudos, hits, comments and bookmarks.

Thanks a lot to gussygus28 and Brainstorm Sorcerer for their help with this chapter, couldn't have done it without them. And thank you to Marcus S. Lazarus for a suggestion too.

Now, Jason Voorhees last appeared in Chapter 8 where he was introduced, and the Chapter was posted on a Friday the 13th.

And now, 12 chapters after that, Jason is finally back to do his thing, and, this is the 13th chapter since then!

Hell yes!


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Earth-1, Keystone City

A boat docked near the city, though no one came out, as the sound of a gasp was heard, followed by a slice.


Jason Voorhees walked out of the boat, holding his bloodstained machete in one hand, having slaughtered the entire crew once they had come near the city, the captain being killed last.

Finally, he was in Keystone City, and now it was time to kill Rene Ramirez, who had disrespected his mother by escaping him.

Looking around, Jason saw some woods nearby, as it was the outskirts of the city still. Perhaps he could find someone there, including Rene. Woods were his specialty after all, considering he had lived and murdered in Camp Crystal Lake for so long.

Dinah Drake was lying in a cabin that she frequented sometimes in this city, to relax in between her vengeance missions against Sean Sonus, whom she kept following through various cities, and right now, he was in Keystone City to do some dealings, and so she was here too. Dinah was going to find him one day, and kill him once and for all for what he had done to her beloved Vince.

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And he was going to feel the pain she had felt until his dying breath.

Wondering what to do to hurt his business this time, Dinah decided there was one thing she could do to get her brain running.

Walking out of the cabin, Dinah looked at the water nearby, and stripped herself of all her clothes, including her inners, until she was fully nude, her beautiful, nubile body at full display now.

Taking a runup, Dinah rushed towards the water, and leapt inside, doing some skinny dipping, as she felt the water touch her skin, while she relaxed herself, now letting some thoughts run through her brain.

Finding Sean's dealers and beating them up was something small, she needed to track down big shipments he was doing, and stop those, that would really hurt the guy.

After a few minutes, feeling like she had enough, Dinah came out of the water, deciding to let the sun warm her first, and dry her up, while she waved her hair, water dripping off of her naked body.

She turned to the water again, before thinking there was someone watching her. Thinking some perv in the woods was trying to stalk her, Dinah covered her womanhood with her hands, looking here and there for her potential stalker.

Then, she heard something behind her, and turned around…only to see a cat meowing.

"Awww!" Dinah said, finding the cat cute. "You're a cute little thing, how did you reach the woods?"

She started lowering herself to pet the cat, but the cat meowed again and ran off, confusing Dinah, who stood back up, shrugging. "Weird."


That moment, Jason Voorhees grabbed Dinah's neck from behind, his strong grip preventing her from moving even a little.

Dinah tried to open her mouth, to use her sonic scream somehow to push them both back, which could free her from her assailant's grip.

But Jason's grip was too strong so she couldn't let out a proper scream, and he was quicker, as he stuck his machete between her legs, making her gasp in pain as she felt blood dripping down her legs, while Jason moved the machete up, making Dinah gasp again, her abdomen and chest slowly being sliced, while blood poured out of her mouth.

Eventually, Jason reached her head, and her body was chopped off into two, the two halves falling on either side of him, a pool of blood between those.

Jason then walked off, disappearing into the woods, while another female jogger, who was jogging through the woods, reached the area.

Then she saw Dinah's chopped body on her way, and did a double take, before screaming in complete horror.

Unseen to her, or even Jason when he was leaving, someone had arrived in the area right when Jason had finally chopped Dinah Drake into two.

A young woman, with messy light brown hair.

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Carrie White had seen the final stage of Jason Voorhees' murder of Dinah Drake, and she had seen him walk off. She had never met Jason before in person, but she had heard stories about him, and what he looked like.

And what he had just done…she knew it was the same Jason Voorhees she had heard of.

She was too late to save Dinah, but she was going to find Jason, and stop him.

With that, she walked off, trying to follow Jason's trail.

Rene Ramirez and his wife Laura, along with their daughter Zoe, sat across from Rene's father, with whom Rene had come to try and reconnect, and perhaps make amends for what had happened in the past.

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"So you got dishonorably discharged, huh?" Jake Ramirez asked, a hint of condescension entering his voice.

"I was doing what you taught me to do in such a situation", Rene said with a shrug.

"Don't give me lip, boy!" Jake snarled.

"Stop!" Laura cried out, causing father and son to look at her, as she gestured to the frightened Zoe. "We did not come here for this."

"He is giving me lip", Jake said with a snarl.

"I have been trying for weeks here to get something going, but with you, it just never sticks, dad", Rene told him. "I guess this was a mistake."

"You were a mistake, boy", Jake told him while pointing at him.

That moment, the TV, that was on, started showing a reporter giving some news, causing the two turn towards it, as the reporter said. "The following image is graphic. Viewer discretion is advised."

"Take her out of here", Rene told his wife regarding Zoe.

"Yeah", Laura nodded, walking out of the room while holding Zoe, as Rene and Jake saw the image of a naked woman who had been split into two, some blurs to hide her privates of course.

"This woman was found dead earlier today by a female jogger in the woods. Her identity is unknown as of now, but from what the forensics have confirmed, she was split into two with something like a machete. Who did this is unknown for now, but…"

Rene suddenly started shivering, sweat dripping from his forehead, the split body of the woman replaced in his sight by the body of his friend.

He was no longer in his father's home, he was in Camp Crystal Lake, screaming in horror while near the body.

"Silence!" Jake cried out, snapping Rene back to reality, as he realized he was still in his father's room.

"Are you all right, Rene?" Laura asked, walking back in as she held his hand, while looking at Jake. "What did you do?"

"Nothing, he is just a coward who screams on seeing a body on the news", Jake mocked his son.

"Shut up, dad", Rene said to him, causing Jake to give him a glare.

"What did you say to me?" Jake inquired.

"I said shut up!" Rene stood up, glaring at him. "You might have taught me to take a beating…but you don't know what I've seen. This was clearly a mistake. Goodbye dad."

He'd heard stories of Jason, and how he kept coming back in spite of seemingly being put down for good. And the kind of murder he'd seen…only Jason had the strength to pull it off.

Jason was here now, so it was best to run back to the Glades in Star City, his home.

"Let's go, honey", Rene said, and she nodded, as the two made their way out, where Zoe was waiting.

"What happened, daddy?" Zoe asked out of curiosity.

"Nothing", Rene assured her, before looking at her, then looking ahead.

Jason Voorhees was here, most likely, and it was best to run. But…he had just decided to disown his father over how bad of a father he had been.

He wished he had a good parent he could look up to, but he did not. However, if he ran right now, leaving Jason to massacre more people, wouldn't that just make him the coward his dad said he was?

Rene was still scared of Jason. Even after the things he had seen in the United States Navy, Jason Voorhees was the one who terrified him.

But he had joined because he wanted to serve his country, and protect. Even if he was dishonorably discharged now, he still felt it was his duty to protect people.

And if he ran, he would be doing just the opposite of that.

He was going to be the kind of father his daughter could look up to.

"Listen", Rene looked at Laura. "Could you stay at any hotel for a bit? I need to do something."

"What?" Laura asked.

"Its nothing", Rene assured her. "I'll let you know when I'm back, but please."

Laura looked conflicted, but she knew if her husband wanted to do something, there was no talking him out of it.

"All right, but be careful please", Laura said, Rene nodding, as they shared a kiss, before he knelt to Zoe.

"Daddy is gonna be away for a bit, but I'll come back soon", he said to her, and she nodded.

"I'll wait for you, daddy", she said, both of them sharing a hug, before parting as Rene stood up, seeing Laura and Zoe walk out, while he walked to his dad's closet.

"Don't think you'll need these anymore, old man", he whispered, before opening the closet, looking inside to see if there were any weapons, as he would need more than the guns he had.

There were none, he realized, making him groan, except some hockey sticks, as his dad used to play, and there was a hockey mask too.

Rene shivered when he saw the hockey mask happened to look exactly like the one Jason wore.

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But…if he was afraid of a mask, how would he face the real deal?

It was time to face his fears now, and overcome them. Reaching his hand out, Rene grasped hockey mask, and put it on himself.

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Then, he picked up a hockey stick, and shutting the closet, walked out of his father's house, never looking back once.

In a cabin, Tommy Jarvis was having dinner with his wife Megan Garris-Jarvis, and their two sons Timmy and Tucker.

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Tommy was looking through his phone briefly, when a news article caught his eye, about a murder in Keystone City.

Eating his last bite, Tommy opened the article, going through the 'viewer discretion' bit to see the image, and was surprised by the body split into two, and he read through more details of the murder.

Sighing, he stood up, looking at Megan and gesturing outside, before he walked off, and she followed him.

"What is it?" Megan asked him.

"A woman was murdered in the woods near Keystone City earlier today", Tommy told her. "Split into two, sources say with a machete."

Megan's eyes widened. "You need to be really strong to do that."

"And who do we know who is strong enough to pull his off?" Tommy asked her.

"No…" Megan whispered. "You really think he is…"

"Most likely, yeah", Tommy groaned. "Again!"

"Are you going to go after him?" Megan inquired.

"I think I should", Tommy sighed.

"I know you've taken on him before, but it could be dangerous", Megan pointed out.

"You're right, so I won't be going alone", Tommy revealed to her. Tommy had started a conspiracy theory website regarding Camp Crystal Lake and the legend of Jason Voorhees, and through that, he had met more people who had survived Jason.

He was not going to call Ginny and Paul, because they were expecting a baby right now. But he knew someone who could give him an advantage against Jason.

So, walking ahead, he dialed a number, and put the phone to his ear, as after some ringing, the person on the other end picked up.

"Tommy, what's the matter?"

"I think Jason is back, Tina, and he in Keystone City", Tommy revealed to Tina.

"Really?"Tina Shepard asked from the other in shock.

"Yeah, really, the murder I saw on the news, it has Jason written all over it", Tommy told her. "I'm gonna go to Keystone City, wanna come with me?"

"If it means putting him down again, definitely", Tina agreed. "See you then."

"Thanks Tina, and see you", Tommy said, before cutting the call, as he looked at Megan. "Tina is coming with me. With her powers and my skills, we will get him."

"I know, just…be careful", Megan said, before kissing him on the lips, and he returned the kiss.

The two parted, Tommy telling Megan. "Stay with the kids."

"I will", Megan assured him, as Tommy walked upstairs to gather his supplies.


Dean and Sam were driving around in the Impala again, looking for a new case, when the former got a call on his phone, causing him to stop the car as he looked at the caller and smirked at Sam, confusing him, before picking it up.

"Didn't expect to hear from you after all this time", Dean had to say to him.

"I didn't either. I heard you were supposed to be dead, Dean."

"I was. Then I got better", Dean shrugged. "So, why do you call us?"

"There's a creature in this city, it is…unlike anything I've seen, and dare I say, unlike anything you've ever seen."

"That might be a bit of a stretch", Dean commented, considering by now they'd faced or met multiple creatures and beings- Wendigos, Rawheads, Shtrigas, Daevas, Vampires, Crossroad Demons, Djinns, Rakshasas, Werewolves, Zombies, Changelings, Shape-Shifters, Pagan Gods and then even a Prince of Hell and a White-Eyed Demon, plus they'd met Angels, and knew God existed too, and they'd met people from and in another world, been in a Musical, and met doppelgangers of people they knew! And Superman!

"Okay, knowing you two, it might be, but there's no record of this creature anywhere."

"What is it, even?" Dean inquired.

"I think I'll explain better when you get here, please, come here fast, I can't do this alone."

"When you admit you need help, it says a lot", Dean had to say. "We're on our way." He cut the call and turned to Sam.

"Who was it?" The younger Winchester inquired.

"You're about to see", Dean smirked, before driving off.

Earth-199999, New York City, Baxter Building

Susan was watching the news. "A once war-torn nation riddled with poverty, Latveria, now free from the tyrannical rule of the Fortunov family after more than eighty years, the country has begun to flourish under the new monarch. Yet, with the change in leadership, comes a new player in the arms race. Latveria, weeks after the coup, have begun to produce new, advanced weaponry that have made the economy grow to new heights. The country may have been freed and life grows better for the people of the nation, but at what cost when this same country has now begun to rise as a new global superpower with technology equal to Tony Stark himself? Images of Latveria's new king have been scarce, but we have been managed to procure this."

A blurry picture of someone garbed in a green cloak and hood was shown, with nothing else being made out, but Susan gasped, knowing who it was.

"Sue!" She heard Reed call her, causing her to change the channel.

The man walked in moments later, "Susan could you..." the genius stopped when the blonde turned to him, "are you okay?"

"Yeah, fine, why wouldn't I be?" Sue said quickly.

Reed's eyes squinted in confusion but he waved it off. "Never mind, we need your help installing a new security mechanism."

"Can't Ben do that?"

"From the outside."

"...oh." Sue then understood the need and got up, following Reed to his lab, only to see Johnny trying to peak under the large object hidden under the tarp. "Johnny!"

"SIS!" The younger Storm jumped back from the tarp, fires popping up over his arms and shoulders, burning off his t-shirt and jacket in seconds before he was left with ash covered jeans and the top half of his plain blue suit with black collars and vambraces, still the only thing that can withstand their powers. "Ah man, I just bought those."

"Johnny." The aforementioned Storm looked up and winced at the sight. Both Reed and Sue with their arms crossed looking like disapproving parents, and his sister having the beginning of her scary face on. "I told you it wasn't ready."

"But you said that weeks ago!" Johnny whined.

"Room. Now." With two words a finger pointed to the hall, Johnny bowed his head at his sister's command and sulked off.

"Actually, I was gonna ask he-" Reed held his tongue when he saw "the look" turn to him. "You know what, it's fine."

"Good, now what is it you needed?"

Earth-1, Keystone City

Jason Voorhees was sneaking around through the city, still looking for Rene, when he turned to a back alley, seeing two dealers handing meth to some customer of theirs, while taking his money.

Seeing that, Jason was filled with rage.

Drugs. Stupid teenagers either did that, or that thing called sex where they got naked and thrust into each other.

They needed to die, for his mother.


The man who had taken the meth was walking off, about to sniff some of it, when suddenly, there was a swing of the machete, and the man screamed in agony, his hands chopped off, the meth on the ground, blood pouring out of his stumps, as Jason stood in front of him.

As he continued to scream, Jason grabbed him by the throat, and slammed him to the ground, before smashing the man's face with his boot, turning it into a bloody splatter.

Tilting his head, Jason then looked at the nearby building, into which the dealers had already walked. This was where the drugs were made, so it was time to kill some more.

He slowly marched towards the building, standing in front of the door.


Let The Bodies Hit The Floor by Drowning Pool plays

Tilting his head once more, Jason kicked the door, busting it down, while he walked inside, as one of the dealers looked at him in horror.

"What the f*ck?" He cried out before taking out his gun, and shooting, only for his horror to increase as Jason was unaffected. "What is this? What the…?"

As he fired more times, Jason marched up to him, and slashed his face, killing him on the spot.

The gunshots were heard by the other thugs inside on the upper floor, who realized something was up.

"Find the disturbance", Sean Sonus ordered his men.

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That moment, a machete burst through the ground, stabbing one thug in the leg as he screamed in agony, and then the ground burst as Jason pulled his machete out, the thug falling down and hitting the ground, breaking his neck.

The thugs watched in horror, and started firing at Jason, staggering him back, before he powered through it, and climbed up to where they all were.

As they continued to fire at him, Jason reared his hand back, and slammed the machete onto one thug's head, killing him there, then pulled the machete out, before grabbing one thug by the throat as he ran out of bullets.

"f*ck you!" The thug said, pistol whipping Jason's hockey mask, but Jason pushed him back, and then swung his machete, slicing his throat, while he fell to his knees, then fell to the ground, dead.

Jason turned to one more thug, who had run out, and threw his gun off, before taking out a knife, but Jason pushed him, making him fall down. He staggered up, rearing his hand back to stab Jason in the heart, but Jason grabbed his hand, and twisted, making him scream in pain.

Then turning the hand around, he made him stab into his own neck, making him fall down as he started slowly dying of his wound.

As another tried to fire at him, Jason grabbed his arm, and ripped it clean off, the force throwing the man off as he fell through a window and died on hitting the pavement.

Jason looked at the arm, and turned to see one thug trying to one trying to run off. Jason threw the arm at him, and it stabbed into the man's back, making him scream in pain as he fell down.

Jason walked towards him, and turning him around, picked him up, then pushed him back onto the ground, causing the hand to protrude from his chest now.

The thugs were all horrified now, knowing nothing they could do would really put Jason down

As one tried to run past Jason, the hockey-masked killer picked him up with one hand, while stabbing another thug so hard he was sent flying off and hitting the wall, breaking all his bones.

He ripped off the head of the one he had picked up as well, letting the body fall to the ground while he crushed the head to a pulp.

As another tried to run, Jason grabbed him and slammed him into the wall, before stabbing through his face, the machete protruding from the wall's other end, before Jason pulled back out.

He saw another trying run off, but he stabbed him from behind, the machete protruding from his abdomen, as blood poured out of his mouth, and then Jason pulled out, letting his body drop too.

Two thugs were trying to sneak out of the broken window when Jason punched the lights overhead and yanked out the light bulb pole, before swinging it with quick speed.

It cracked the back of their heads, making them fall down, while Jason towered over them, seeing one was still breathing. He held the pole over his head, and slammed it down into his heart, the upper end still touching the loose wires of the ceiling

Touching the wires caused electricity to run through the pole as it charred the thug's body, and his bleeding heart beat faster, before exploding, coating the walls, Jason's mask, and the remaining thugs who were still trying to flee, with blood.

One thug got out a rifle, and fired at Jason, but he yanked the rifle out of the thug's hands, and slammed the butt of it into his skull, letting the limp body fall down.

Then Jason saw three more fleeing, and grabbed a nearby desk, flinging it across the room, crushing all three of them due to his power as their spines and necks broke.

One more tried to run past Jason, only for Jason to punch into his chest, lifting him up like that, while grabbing his heart and crushing it in his hand, killing that thug as well.

Sean Sonus was the only one left now, horrified by the carnage here, and as Jason looked at him, Sonus used his powers, inducing vertigo in Jason, as Jason staggered around, feeling woozy in the head.

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Taking the opportunity, Sonus tried to sneak away past him, but he did not count on Jason recovering quickly, since Jason was much more resilient than normal humans.

Grabbing Sonus by the throat, Jason dragged him near a vat of liquid nitrogen, and dunked his head into it, letting it stay inside for a minute, then pulled it out, seeing Sonus' face was completely frozen.

He smashed Sean Sonus' frozen face on a desk, shattering it into pieces, with blood on the table too.


Seeing his work was done, Jason decided it was time to go, but as he stepped forth, he saw a woman with messy, light brown hair block his path.

"Hello Jason", Carrie White greeted him, while tilting her head. "I am here to stop you."

Jason tilted his head too, looking like he was challenging her, then hurled the machete at her.

To his shock, the machete stopped in midair, then changed course, before flying right at him instead. Jason held forth his hands, grabbing the machete and trying to stop it from slamming into him.

Carrie looked at the broken wood around, and using her powers, hurled some of it at the machete's hilt, and then, slammed an entire table on the hilt, causing the machete to stab through Jason and protrude from his back.

But to Carrie's horror, Jason pulled the machete out, and marched towards her again.

She held out her hand, trying to stop him in place, and he was pushed back by a bit, but seemed to power through it.

Seeing the pole, Carrie used her powers to slam that onto Jason's chest, and looked at the wires above, which came down, and touched the pole, now shocking Jason as he convulsed violently in spot.

Carrie watched, hoping this did the trick, as Jason fell down, seemingly dead, smoke rising from his chest.

As Carrie stood there for a few minutes, she sighed in relief, thinking Jason was gone. Then, to her horror, his fingers twitched, and then he grabbed the pole, ripping it out of himself, and hurled it at Carrie.

Carrie barely stopped it, and shattered it into pieces, while Jason kicked the vat of liquid nitrogen at her instead.

Carrie stopped the vat, and turned it towards Jason, making the liquid splash in his direction, but Jason weaved out of the way in time, and the vat and all the liquid nitrogen fell outside instead.

Then, Jason marched towards Carrie again, remembering the last time he'd fought someone with similar abilities, many years ago.

Carrie held out her hand, and Jason slowed down, feeling his heart stop slowly, as he fell to his knees, then dropped to the ground, seemingly dead again.

But it did not last for long, as within a minute, Jason got back up, Carrie realizing she could not put him down by herself now.

As he marched towards her, Carrie looked at the roof, and it collapsed upon Jason, crushing him underneath, as Carrie backed off, and ran out of the building.

The rubble was not going to keep Jason down for long, so she was going to call an old friend for help.


Jason burst out of the rubble he had been crushed underneath, standing up while holding his machete, and walked ahead, getting out of the building, not finding Carrie anywhere nearby.

Now not only Rene, but this woman was going to die at his hands as well.

Earth-21, Metropolis, LexCorp

Malcolm had just finished telling the rest about Savage, and he gestured to the ashes. "Now, I'm planning to bring him back once more." He smirked and made his offer. "I think he'd make a good addition to this venture of ours, gentlemen."

Lex sat, his face showing how calm he was. "I met someone like him once." Lex thought of Dr. Curtis Knox. "Perhaps this Vandal Savage is his doppelganger."

"What was his name?" Malcolm inquired.

"He called himself Dr. Curtis Knox, he was immortal, from what I found out, he'd fought the Mayans, fought in the Crusades, he was Jack the Ripper, and he was also in the Nazi Party", Lex listed out everything Knox had done. "He was targeting meteor freaks with high concentration of Kryptonite in certain organs, to transplant those organs into his dying wife's body and keep her alive. I shot him 6 times, he survived. He was later stopped by Superman, who wasn't Superman at the time, and he accidentally damaged the equipment keeping his wife alive. Haven't seen him since."

"From what I've found out, Savage did use Dr. Curtis Knox as an alias once", Malcolm revealed, Lex smirking.

"So they are doppelgangers after all, meaning I knew our Savage", Lex realized. "From what you speak of him, I am sure he will be of good use to us."

"I am going to put these ashes into a Lazarus Pit to accelerate his regeneration process. The one I used has been destroyed, but I've found out three more", Malcolm confirmed. "Vandal Savage shall be joining our endeavor soon."

"We are going to be a legion", Zoom said in his usual tone.

"Lex, a word?" Zemo asked him in a whisper, as the two got up, walking to a corner. "I'm not sure we should work with another person with powers. Zoom is one thing, but Savage has enacted many horrors upon the human race in the past. We started this venture to stop the abominations plaguing our worlds."

"Sometimes the only way to stop a monster, is by becoming one."

"And how far must we go before we forget we were once humans?" Zemo inquired, pointing out Savage's more sickening traits. "He is an animal, Lex. That...thing, is a cannibal! He even created other monsters in his world, and you want us to work with him?"

"I don't want to work with him, I want to use him." Lex grabbed hold of Zemo's shoulders. "He has four thousand years of experience, he knows his world better than anyone else, even Malcolm, and he can't be killed. We have a chance to gain a valuable new member to complete our mission."

"That's just it, it's our mission, not his. After thousands of years of killing, conquering, and eating his way through history, you think he will be satisfied in following someone else? Mortals?" Zemo asked rhetorically.

"We can control Zoom."

"Because we made sure disobedience would be impossible."

Lex sighed, scratching his cheek before looking at the Baron. "Then when the day comes for Vandal Savage to live his last life, I leave that to you." He walked away without leaving Zemo a chance to reply.

There was no need though. Lex had given his support. Zemo was to plan for Savage's death.

He had some thinking to do.

Earth-1, Star City, the lair

Oliver was alone in the lair, with the exception of Barry, as the rest had gone home, and he was preparing to go too, until Barry had arrived, and both were sitting across from each other.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" Oliver asked Barry.

"Its Patty", Barry said, Oliver's eyes lighting up at the name. "I needed your opinion."

"On what?"

"Should I tell her?" Barry inquired, Oliver immediately realizing what he meant.

"Barry, I am not sure if I can give the best advice here, I haven't really been in a long-term relationship with anyone who didn't already know who I was beforehand", Oliver pointed out to Barry.

"I know, but still", Barry requested. "I'm conflicted. I think I'm…."

Barry trailed off, but Oliver knew what he meant. Still, it was Barry's decision when he wanted to say it out loud.

"Barry, if you do", Oliver started. "And you think she is trustworthy, and ready for this life, then you can tell her. I don't think you'll lose anything. Besides, Flash doesn't even have a bad reputation the way I had as the Arrow back in my earlier years, even if it was due to people exaggerating what I did, but either way, I think you can work it out."

Listening to him, Barry thought his doubts were at least starting to clear. "Thanks Ollie."

That was when Quentin walked in, and saw Barry. "Oh, hello. Didn't expect to see you here."

"Hey Captain", Barry said as he got up and shook Quentin's hand, Quentin shaking it back.

"So, the kid knows you're the Green Arrow?" Quentin asked Oliver in surprise, before his eyes lit up. "Last year, there was a report of Arrow and Flash being seen together." He turned to Barry. "And it was when you were in the city." He smirked. "You're the Flash, aren't ya kid?"

Barry stuttered, amusing Oliver, as Quentin shrugged while tapping his shoulder. "I'm a detective, I can figure things out."

He turned to Oliver. "But I came here to see you."

"Why?" Oliver inquired.

"There are some brutal murders being committed in Keystone City right now", Quentin explained to both of them. "And, some people are suspecting its Jason Voorhees."

"The Camp Crystal Lake killer?" Oliver asked in shock, getting a nod from Quentin. "What's he doing in Keystone City?"

"I don't know, but from what I read of the murders, sounds like it could be him, or someone like him", Quentin told him.

"And why are you telling me this?" Oliver asked then.

"There was this kid I caught tagging a building when I was a beat cop, but I didn't arrest him", Quentin told Oliver. "I told him he could be better. And since then, I've stayed in touch with him for a bit. I heard he is in Keystone City right now. And, get this…he had gone to Camp Crystal Lake as a teen years ago. His friends were killed, but he escaped."

"You think Jason has come to Keystone City to finish the job?" Oliver inquired.

"I don't know, but I'd appreciate it if you looked into this", Quentin said to Oliver.

"What's his name?"

"Rene Ramirez."

During that time, Barry was reading texts he was getting, and replying to them, before he turned to the other two. "So, a friend of mine from Keystone City said she needed my help with something. And it is Jason!"

"Well damn!" Quentin muttered.

"Who is this friend?" Oliver asked Barry, and Barry sighed, realizing there was no point in hiding it.

"Carrie White", Barry told them both, as they shared a look of surprise.

"The girl who was the center of attention in the infamous Black Prom incident from 2002?" Quentin asked, Barry nodding.

"I heard she was dead", Oliver said.

"Actually, no", Barry said while shaking his head. "She faked her death, and moved from Chamberlain Main to other places, before settling down in Keystone City."

"How do you know her?" Oliver asked the big question.

"Remember I'd told you I'd taken down Shrapnel last year in Keystone City?" Barry asked, Oliver raising his eyebrow and nodding.

After becoming Flash, up until his first encounter with Reverse-Flash, Barry still went around in other cities during his spare time to investigate any meta-human sightings by himself.

Shrapnel was the bomber Oliver had taken on in his second year, and later Waller had killed him when he was trying to run away during a Suicide Squad mission.

However, what no one had known was that before coming to Star City, Shrapnel had been in Central City the night of the Particle Accelerator Explosion.

He had been struck, but had shown no signs of having powers…until Waller had blown up his head.

That was when the dark matter energy had reacted, as well as side-effects of a particular kind of explosive that he had used, causing his mind to be dispersed amongst the fragments of metal left over from exposure to that particular radioactive signature, which he eventually used to pull himself back together into a more coherent form.

When Barry had heard of a meta-human who could project metal plates from his body into explosive bursts, he'd gone to Keystone City to investigate, sometime after the incident with Bette Sans Souci.

There, he had encountered Carrie White, having known of her due to reading up on the incident.

They had teamed up, Barry revealing his identity to her, since he knew who she was, and finding that she was actually good, while that massacre had happened because pig's blood falling on her and dunking her body and dress, and her prom date dying from the bucket falling on his head, had sent her into a trance, and then she had caused all those deaths without actually being in control.

Since then, she had moved around after faking her death, controlling her powers, and repenting for what she had done.

Carrie had used her powers to keep Shrapnel's pieces apart, and Barry had taken them far off, burying them in places where he could not pull himself back together even if he tried.

However, Barry had told Oliver that he himself had taken down Shrapnel, to respect Carrie's privacy.

"Well, I hadn't done it alone, I met Carrie then, found out about her, and she knows who I am, she helped me take him down", Barry finally confessed. "I didn't tell you because I was respecting her privacy."

"Its fine Barry, I understand, you kept my secret too", Oliver assured him, before looking at his bow. "I guess its time to go to Keystone City now."

Earth-92, Los Angeles, Hyperion Hotel

Angel and Cordelia were both looking at baby Connor after lulling him to sleep as Cordelia quipped. "We finally got someone in this building more adorable than Fred."'

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Fred blushed and chuckled at that, as the rest smiled at her quip too. While Connor would be in danger due to various factions wanting to use him, and Angel still thought about Darla's sacrifice for their son at least once every day, this moment, right here, right now, it was good.

Angel had his son, and his team, and Cordelia's head-splitting visions were gone due to whatever the Powers That Be had done to her when she'd fallen into a coma.

"It has been quiet around for a week too", Gunn added, when Cordelia grasped her head, feeling something.

"What happened, Cordy?" Fred inquired.

Cordelia saw a vision in front of her eyes, of a strange, disgusting looking creature climbing a building. The creature seemed to have an exposed and expanded brain, no skin, and a barbed tongue, as well as talons.

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She was glad she wasn't getting head-splitting visions anymore.

"You know, Charles, my man, I think you jinxed it", Lorne had to say to Gunn, as Cordelia looked at the rest.

"It was a creature, a very disgusting creature, it climbed a building, and I don't think it has good intentions", Cordelia told the group.

"Did you recognize the building?" Wesley asked her.

"Yeah, I know which one it is", Cordelia confirmed.

"Let's go then", Angel said, handing over baby Connor to Lorne.

"Meanwhile, I'll take care of our little nipper", Lorne said with a slight smile, rocking the sleeping Connor as the rest of the team prepared to go out and face this creature.

Earth-199999, New York City

Parker and Hardison slammed their hands down on the table in front of Eliot, sitting there, looking far from impressed.

"Tell us what happened!"


"That ain't good enough!" Hardison grilled the Hitter, who looked more confused than anything. "We want the truth!"

"We can handle the truth!" Parker growled with the Hacker as they both leaned close on either side of Eliot.

The man himself looked at both of them. "What the hell do you guys watch when I'm not around?" Eliot got out of his chair and walked around Parker, making for the door with a relaxed posture. With how long they've known each other, and how nosy they are, they should know that Eliot had passed SERE training and set records. They need to do better than this.

"Oh come on, man, at least-" A door slamming shut cut Hardison off. Huffing, the couple crossed their arms and stared at the door. "We need a new strategy."

Parker tilted her head and mulled. "I have an idea."

Parker's head

Eliot was tied up in a trunk, wriggling to get free, while above him, Parker and Hardison stood at the edge of the hole, watching with smirks.

Real world

Hardison knew that smirk, and he unconsciously shivered. "Whatever you're thinking of, don't."

Disappointment filled the Thief before shrugging it off. "You're right, it wouldn't work anyway, he'd just escape." Hardison could only imagine what plan she concocted to make Eliot fricking Spencer break...actually no, he can't imagine what Parker can. He tried once or twice, he was popping aspirin like tic tacs to fix that headache. "By the way, now that we're back, I need you to do something."

"Oh, so now you try to take advantage of your devilishly handsome boy toy?" Hardison wiggled his eyebrow and made to embrace his girlfriend, but a hand on his chest stopped him.

"Not that something." Parker jerked her head towards his laptop. "That something."

"...that makes slightly more sense." Hardison mumbled as he slid into his seat, flexing his fingers to warm them up. "What can I do for you, my lady?"

"I need you to find my student."

Parker waited for Hardison to do his thing, only for the monitor to stay the same. Not even the mouse moved. Confused, Parker looked at her boyfriend, taken aback by the eyes nearly popping out of his skull and mouth open in horror.


Tony was nursing a glass of orange juice that did little to hide his eye roll. "Would you let it go already?"

"How can I? Grimm is talking smack and you didn't even try to defend me!" Rhodey's voice, coming from the holographic avatar in the opposite seat on the jet, was almost as childish as Tony's when he's in his moods. Almost.

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"Rhodey, you do realize you fly a metal suit worth millions of dollars and armed to the teeth with weaponry to level armies?"

"Doesn't seem to stop that rockhead from thinking he can turn me into a tin can!" At this rate, Tony would need more than orange juice for the coming headache, but he promised Pep and the Avengers he'd moderate his drinking. "I want an upgrade."

"Oh, so now, you want me to touch your suit?" Tony questioned. "Which, let's not forget, was originally my suit that I let you have."

"Hey, if Grimm's packing as much as a punch as you said he is, then I'll need to tip the scales in my favor." Rhodey said, and Tony was at a loss at the rivalry.

"How did this whole thing even start?"

The deadpan could almost be felt through the hologram. "How did the past vs future thing with Steve start? Or the magic vs science with Thor?"

Tony made to open his mouth, but stopped, paused to think, and sighed. "Fair point."

"How's that new project of yours going anyway?"

Scratching his beard, Stark could only shrug. "Slow, but I expected that from the beginning. It was nice to see the old place though." The "project" was something Tony started after their encounter with Clark and Bart. He kept it hidden from the rest, and only considered telling them after they got Steve back. He based the idea out of his old home in Malibu. Guess he was more nostalgic than he admitted. Cap could never find out, or he'll never let Tony live it down. "What about you though? I hear things have gotten hairy in Europe."

Rhodes scoffed. ""Hairy" is an understatement. Change always brings trouble, problem is though that no one knows what kind of trouble we're dealing with."


"Any attempt to get ears on the ground or in the air was caught before we even knew what happened." Rhodey said seriously. "I can't go in, the brass fear it could cause an international incident, maybe even war."

"It's a small country."

"So was Vietnam." Tony had no comeback. "What I've heard about this new king though," Rhodey rubbed his face through the projection, and Tony could make out the nervousness, "let's just say I don't want to take any risks."

That concerned Tony. Rhodey was a cautious guy, especially compared to Tony, but he was never nervous like this. Sighing, Tony helped himself to another glass. "Well, if you need a hand, or hammer, or arrow, shield, stinger, or whatever, you know who to call."

"Thanks, Tony. I'll see you soon." Tony and Rhodey ended the call, and the hologram disappeared.

This Latveria problem was starting to grow, and Tony would rather be prepared for the day it came to a head. But he still had a few hours before reaching New York in the jet, and he wanted to take the time to relax. As long as another world hopper didn't show up that is, he just hoped Cap, Thor, and the spies could manage wherever they disappeared to. Barton needed time after the whole android attack, as did Steve when he recognized the remains of them from the observatory. He said they were different to what he saw on the alien planet, but they resembled the machines he saw, and the guns were identical, then the guy disappeared for some R&R, not that they could blame him. Whatever happened over there affected Cap, Tony could see it, as did the others.

Leaning back, Tony closed his eyes and prepared to settle in with a nap, he'd been working his brain hard lately. Before that, he did have to do one more thing. "JARVIS, do me a favor and start compiling everything we know about Latveria, past and present."

"Already on it, sir."

"You're the man, J."

"Technically false but the compliment is appreciated."

Tony snorted. "Don't get snarky on me, pal, that's my thing."


'Maybe I should have laid off after the heart-to-heart.' Quinlan thought to himself as looked at the doors back into the holding bay of the shuttle. After one too many jokes, questions, or maybe the half-Vampire just didn't like talking, but Blade retreated into the interior of the ship to escape the Jedi.

On further thought, maybe he does talk a lot, he hadn't been around people for a while, well, friendly people. Last time he recalled having a decent conversation was with Kenobi, he did hope the Negotiator's campaign on Umbara worked out well.

Other than Clones, he hasn't had much time to talk, he was always on missions for the Council. This outside the galaxy business was becoming an awful pain.

There was no stopping these portals. They kept popping up, and Quinlan was taken out of the war effort to contain them. His job was to find them, contain them, possibly even close them if he could, and bring back anyone that came through if they could go back. Unfortunately, not all of them were friendly, and he had to throw them back through the portal and try to use the Force to shut those portals.

It was not as easy as it sounded.

Blade was the only one he'd encountered not close to a portal, and felt very differently in the Force, enough so that even Dooku had an interest in him. He wondered if there was another reason for his selection.

Sure, there weren't many Jedi with Quinlan's skillset, he was not as powerful as Windu or Skywalker, but few in the Order could operate like he could. Well, there were some, but he didn't trust the infamous Dark Woman. Perhaps someone could question his manner with the Clones. Why should they? They were only Clones.

Getting back to his original train of thought, Vos remembered Blade suddenly standing up and retreating deeper into the ship to escape him. Part of the Kiffar Jedi was a little bit insulted, and a little bit hurt, before shrugging it off, until about the fifteenth hour into the flight.

He peaked in twice, hours apart, and both times, Blade was on his knees, mediating, the rectangular hilt of the Darksaber in front of him. If he hadn't felt the ripples around him, or the fact he had no Force-sensitivity, Quinlan would have believed he was a Jedi, once you ignore the other weapons that is. Even Quinlan couldn't meditate that long, unless the time called for it.

There were still hours before they would reach Coruscant. There had to be something to do to fill the time.

Inspiration hit the Jedi, before he knew it, he was out of the pilot's chair and marching into the cargo bay, his lightsaber flying into his hand, activating, the green blade coming to life with a hiss as he swung it down.

And it was stopped by a flat, black blade surrounded by a white aura that crackled.

"Good reflexes." Quinlan complimented before kicking Blade's chest. The Daywalker grunted from the hit, but used it to roll to his feet before drawing his pistol and pulling the trigger. Hand raised, and much like the Sith Lord, Quinlan used the Force and stopped the slugs mid-air.

"The f*ck are you doing?!" Blade growled at the Jedi, keeping his gun trained on him.

The dozens of slugs were released from the telekinetic hold and dropped to the floor. Quinlan circled around them, Blade moving in tandem, his gun never lowering. "Thought this would be a good way to pass the time."

"By trying to take my head off?"

"You're a good swordsman, Blade, good enough that you caught Count Dooku off guard."

"So I was beating an old man-"

"You were never going to beat him." Quinlan stopped circling, as did Blade, their original positions now switched. "The Force aside, Dooku was one of the greatest swordsmen the Jedi Order ever produced. Equal to our Grandmaster."

"You say these things like I'm supposed to know what they mean." Blade pointed out, making Quinlan sigh.

"Look, man, using the Darksaber let you fight him for a moment, but Dooku would have beaten you, even with my help. The man has fought better opponents than us." Quinlan meant it. Dooku fought both Obi-Wan and Skywalker together, they were some of the Order's best, before them, Dooku fought Yoda to a standstill, and when still a Jedi, Dooku sparred with Windu, and they never had a conclusive victor. "Take his skills into consideration, he can amplify himself with the Force, makes him stronger, faster, not to mention the lightning." Blade twitched at that. He never felt so much pain course through every part of his body, and he'd been impaled more than once and nearly drained of his blood. "Consider this a lesson. You can swing a sword no problem, but the lightsaber," Quinlan raised his own before flipping the hilt into a reverse Shien grip, "is a different beast."

"Works pretty good for me." Blade flourished the blade like he would his own sword.

"You can tell the difference though." Blade didn't respond. "The only weight is in the hilt. Only a Force-sensitive is able to fully utilize the strengths of the weapon. You're different, as is the Darksaber, use it to your advantage. However, Dooku's got his eye on you, so it's better you understand the basics." Quinlan spun the hilt in his hand, raising a two-handed grip above his head and the blade angled upward and behind him, his right leg held back.

"I know how to fight."

"New galaxy, new rules."

Blade stayed silent. He hated to admit it, but Vos was right. Any warrior knows the risks of using a new weapon. The Daywalker shifted his feet and raised the Darksaber into the kasumi no kamae stance.

"Lesson number one: don't get cut."

"What kind of f*cking lesson is that?! I already got stabbed by one of these motherf*ckers!"

"...this is gonna be a fun class."

Earth-1, Keystone City

Tommy and Tina had both arrived in the city finally by car, and were driving around, as Tommy asked. "You sense anything?"

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"No", Tina shook her head, before her eyes widened, as she realized something. "I think I do."

"What? Is it Jason?" Tommy inquired.

"No", Tina said. "Its…someone like me!" She pointed at an alley. "There!"

Tommy stopped the car, and the two got out, only for Carrie to aim her hand at them, before Tina raised her own hands.

"Were you the one I sensed?" Tina asked.

"I sensed you too", Carrie revealed. "You are…you are like me."

"I am", Tina said, lowering her hands. "Who are you?"

"You tell me first", Carrie shrugged. "What are you lot doing here? With that gun?"

Tommy looked at the gun on his belt, and shrugged, lifting it up. "Its for someone."

"I am Tina", Tina gave her introduction. "This is Tommy, we are looking for someone."

"And who would that be?" Carrie asked.

Tommy realized there was no way around it, and told her. "Jason Voorhees."

Carrie's eyes widened. "I'm following him myself."

"Where is he?" Tommy asked immediately.

"I tried to fight him, but he was too strong, so I buried him under some rubble and escaped, I'm trying to find him again since then", she revealed. "My name is Carrie."

"Carrie…as in Carrie White?" Tina asked, Carrie's eyes widening. "The one behind that…."

"….Yeah", Carrie confessed.

"I thought you were dead", Tommy said.

"I faked my death, now I live here", Carrie confessed to Tommy.

"Did you really kill all those people?" Tina inquired.

"I wasn't in control", Carrie confessed, holding out her hand. "You are like me. Touch my hand, and you can tell."

Tina held out her own hand, and grasped Carrie's, the latter's memories and emotions flooding through her.

Flashes of syringes and fluids, the prayer closet, Carrie's religiously fanatical mother abusing her, the meteors falling, the bullying in school, the period, the tampon prank, then Tommy Ross asking her out, the conversations with Sue Snell, Carrie growing as a person and standing up to her mom, and going to prom.

Then her bullies did a prank, dropping pig's blood from a bucket above on her, causing her to go into a trance, while the bucket fell on Tommy's head, killing him.

After that, she was unaware of everything, just using her powers in a trance, and she caused many deaths.

By the time she came back to her senses, she was back home, not having realized what had happened. Then her mom had tried to drown her, but Carrie had stopped her heart, then seemingly died, until Sue Snell had revived her.

Then at Sue's suggestion, Carrie had faked her death, and had been driven to Florida by her, and from there, she had moved from place to place, having some adventures.

Tina noticed the town of Derry, Maine and the remote Overlook Hotel in the Colorado Rocky Mountains within Carrie's memories too, and even in these memories, she felt strange feelings of evil from both the locations that made a shudder run down her spine.

Then she saw Carrie settling down in Keystone City, controlling her powers so that a tragedy did not happen again, and she had played vigilante, stopping some criminals, even teaming up with Flash once.

She seemed to know who Flash was, but that she held back from Tina, which Tina respected, since that was his secret to tell.

Then she saw the fight with Jason, and staggered back, holding her head while Tommy supported her. "You okay, Tina?"

"She is telling the truth, she is not malicious", Tina assured Tommy. "And she is trying to find Jason too."

Then, there was a speeding blur, and Barry stopped nearby, Oliver alongside him.

"….Flash!" Carrie cried out happily, embracing Barry, who hugged her back.

"Hey Carrie", he said warmly, as they parted, while she looked at Oliver next to him.

"Green Arrow too, nice to meet you", Carrie said, holding out her hand, that Oliver shook.

"What are you exactly?" Oliver asked Carrie.

"A meta-human", Carrie said.

"And how is that?" Oliver asked, turning to Barry.

"From what I looked up, there were some minor but extreme experiments long before the Particle Accelerator, that also made meta-humans", Barry said. "Nothing concrete, of course. Something like that might have happened with Carrie."

"I did see flashes of syringes and fluids in her memories", Tina confessed.

"Who are you two?" Barry asked, turning to them.

"I'm Tina", Tina gave her introduction. "And since you know about Carrie's powers, I'm like her too." She wondered if she'd been experimented upon too sometime, not that she could remember.

"My name is Tommy", Tommy said, while looking at both of them. "Never thought I'd meet Green Arrow and Flash in person."

"What are you two doing here?" Barry inquired.

"They are here to hunt Jason as well", Carrie revealed.

"We survived him before, we are here to end him", Tommy revealed.

"Well, now you have help", Oliver said, before spotting something out of the corner of his eye in the other alley, and the rest turned, seeing someone in a hockey mask standing there.

On seeing them, he ran, but Barry sped after him and stepped in his way, stopping him, and soon enough, the rest had surrounded him too.

"You aren't Jason", Tommy noted. This guy was too short to be Jason, and he carried a hockey stick rather than a machete. "Why are you wearing his mask?"

Sighing, Rene took off his mask, revealing his face.

"Rene Ramirez?" Oliver questioned in shock.

"How do you know who I am?" Rene asked.

"Lance sent me to check up on you", Oliver revealed. "Why are you wearing a mask like Jason's?"

"I heard he was in the city, so I decided to run, but then I decided to stay, get over my fear, and fight him, so I wore this mask to face my fears", Rene revealed.

"Do you know anything about where he is?" Tina asked Rene, but he shook his head.

"Well, we need to find him", Tommy noted. "I have dealt with him twice before, and I know him best out of us." He looked at the rest. "And from what I know about all of you, I can think of a plan."

"I'm listening", Oliver said, conceding to Tommy's leadership here due to his experience with Jason.

Earth-205, Star City

Dean stopped the car on seeing a familiar person, Sam smirking, though he'd realized who they'd be meeting when they had entered this city.

The two got out of the Impala, looking at a man with a goatee, dressed in all green, including a hood, with a bow and a quiver full of arrows.

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"Still wearing that ridiculous stuff?" Dean asked the Oliver Queen of Earth-205. At least his doppelganger was dressing up like that due to being a vigilante. This guy roamed around in the open like that with no mask!

"Its not ridiculous, its practical", Oliver retorted to them.

"Yeah, right", Dean shrugged.

"Why is no one onto you still?" Sam inquired.

"Just acting like I'm cosplaying Robin Hood, and I'm considered not normal around here anyways", Oliver pointed out with a shrug of his own. "Besides, as long as I'm not hurting a human being or anything, I'm on the right side of the law."

"So, what's this creature?" Dean asked, the three beginning to walk together.

"Don't know much about it", Oliver confessed. "But when it started attacking, I used my resources to find out how it started."

"What did you find?" Sam inquired.

"Apparently, a couple found a weird egg in their garden randomly", Oliver revealed. "Some creature launched out of it onto the husband's face. The wife freaked out for hours, then the creature just let go and wasn't seen again."

"And, what's the problem exactly?" Dean asked next.

"The husband and wife were having dinner and another creature burst out of the husband's chest", Oliver revealed, horrifying the two brothers. "Yeah, I'd the same reaction. Then it turned bigger, and is now killing people."

"Sounds like something all right, definitely not faced anything like this before", Dean agreed, when a radio Oliver had started beeping.

"Isn't that the thing that keeps you connected to the police frequency and messages?" Sam asked, just to be sure.

"It is", Oliver confirmed. "Maybe the police have already found it."


Quinlan launched his attack, one hand gripping the lightsaber, swinging at Blade's head and he blocked, his blade becoming a green blur as he moved to his undefended right side, the Darksaber blocking with an inverted underhand that moved to the left side when Quinlan fluidly moved his blade there, stepping forward with the attack while Blade stepped back. Blade then moved the locked plasma weapons over and attacked overhead like the Jedi originally did, which was blocked just like the Daywalker performed.

They made to continue the practice before Quinlan felt the ship exit hyperspace, which Blade clearly did not know based on how he looked around. "What was that?"

"We're here." Quinlan deactivated his lightsaber and placed it back on his waist, Blade doing the same with the Darksaber. It was still strange to see such a different kind of lightsaber. At least the saberstaffs and Shoto lightsabers resembled the usual lightsabers, the Darksaber was unique in nearly every way. It wasn't the only unique thing in this galaxy. "Got to say, you're pretty good for a beginner."

"Not my first time using a sword." Blade stated. The tattooed Jedi gave the tattooed Vampire Hunter a look, and the man had the decency to concede. "But you were right. It is different."

"We're making some real progress here, not just with lightsabers." Now it was Blade giving him the look, making him cough awkwardly before moving to the flight deck with Blade beside him. "At least now you got the basics of Makashi understood. Granted, I'm no master of the form."

"It's a lot like fencing where I'm from." Blade said to him. It did resemble swordsmanship styles back on Earth, so did a few of the other moves Quinlan used, even that Ataru style of his seemed similar to parts of Wushu swordplay. They spent hours teaching the hunter the finer art of the lightsaber, or Darksaber in his case. It proved fruitful, hopefully more so in case he had to fight the old man again.

His thoughts were halted when he saw the planet they were heading towards.

"What the f*ck is that?"

The Jedi looked at him oddly. "Coruscant. You know, the planet we've been flying towards for the past-"

"Shut up."

"Long flights make you grumpy?" Blade stared at him from behind the shades. "You're grumpy." Blade only grunted while Vos looked forward to the planet-wide city. "Wait until we get to the surface."

Blade said nothing as other spaceships soared across Space, something he was still having trouble with believing, even with all the time spent around the Mandalorian ships. A voice came from over the comms, Vos quickly dealt with it with his identification and was let through, but he noticed the tightness in his voice when he responded. Thinking nothing of it, Blade only continued to watch as they quickly descended from orbit to the surface.

Blade's mouth opened but he could not find the right words. The asshole next to him was chuckling at the reaction, he knew this would happen.

"Welcome to Coruscant, the Jewel of the Core Worlds."

Staring across the city, with flying cars and skyscrapers that dwarfed even the Empire State Building, only one word escaped the Daywalker as they flew across the vast and endless city.

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Earth-199999, New York City

"So this teenager, this little girl, stole your phone…"

"Tried to!"

"….and now, you wanna make her your sidekick?"

"Pfft, of course not." Parker scoffed at the idea. "I want to teach her."

"..." Hardison's brain was stuck loading like an overworked computer. Unfortunately, the computer was having a better chance than him.

"Is it so hard to believe?"

"That depends, can you believe the Hulk turning pink and wearing a tutu while singing to the best of Trish Walker?"

"She only had that one song."

"Answer the question!"

Parker threw her hands up. Was it seriously so hard to believe she could mould a young person's mind and thieving skills? "Me teaching someone the right way to steal is more believable!" She yelled at him passionately.

Hardison's hands raised in surrender. "Okay, girl, geez. Just give me her name." Parker opened her mouth, but then Hardison turned back around. "Wait, hold on, give me a description instead, I want to have some fun here."

Rolling her eyes with the hint of an amused grin, the details came to Parker easily. "Blonde, blue eyes," Hardison typed away on the keyboard after every word, "about 5'4, designer clothes probably stolen if the label was anything to go by, and big," Parker grabbed her chest and gestured outwards.

"..." Hardison blinked at her with an otherwise emotionless expression before burying his head down to his computer. "Just give me the damn name."

"What's wrong with describing breasts?"

"The name, Parker."

"Felicia Hardy." Hardison worked his magic and within seconds, he and his girlfriend leaning her chin on his shoulder saw the information fill the screen, both Leverage members' mouths slightly agape.

"You wanna teachthis?"

The sound of the door almost being broken off the hinges had the two spin to see Eliot having charged through the door, panting, and his eyes were wide and wild.


Avengers Tower

Avengers Tower was empty, minus the people working in the lower levels. Each member of the team was away for one reason or another, the only occupant was the A.I. monitoring the globe and gathering information on his master's current inquiry: Latveria. However, it's sensors and monitors began to fail, JARVIS tried to reach out to signal Mr. Stark or the other Avengers, but his communication attempts were blocked. JARVIS could only witness through static filled cameras as an orb of green energy formed within the lab, before dissipating to reveal what he was unsure could be called a man.

A tall form in dark grey metal armor, entirely covering the body, a dark green cape and hood being the only decoration. The only thing not covered in metal or cloth were the eyes.

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"I-I-I-I-I don't under-under-understan-who-who-who-" JARVIS's voice failed to project as he felt the entire tower being hacked, and the A.I. was losing control.

"Who?" The figure in the green cloak waved his hand, and like that, all power in the tower was switched off, before returning again the next second. Projections and data presented itself before the man clad in armor, with no A.I. to stop him. Cold, piercing blue eyes looked from behind the mask as the schematics of the Iron Man armor presented itself to him while beneath him, the armory revealed the wardrobe of metal suits created by Tony Stark himself. Yet, the man paid no mind to that as he focused solely on the designs.

"I am Doom."

Earth-1, Keystone City

A teenage couple were having sex in a car.


Suddenly, the door was ripped open, making them both scream, as Jason stabbed his machete into the guy, and it went through him, and through the girl, protruding from her back, as both bled profusely, and then Jason pulled out, letting their corpses fall inside the car, the blood seeping out of it.

With that, Jason walked off, looking around again, and reached an alley, when suddenly, a dash of red energy hit him, knocking him down momentarily.

The energy stopped, revealing himself to be Barry Allen, and as Jason got up, Oliver whacked his mask with his bow, slightly tilting Jason's head, as Oliver spun and kicked his chest, and as Jason tried to strike with his machete, Oliver dodged, then grabbed his wrist, and elbowed it twice, then leapt back and flip kicked Jason's throat, slightly staggering him again.

Jason swung his machete again, but Oliver leaned back to dodge it, then spun and leapt, kicking Jason's chest once more, and landed, as Jason tried to swing again, but Oliver took out an arrow and sliced Jason's wrist, making him drop the machete, before stabbing into his throat.

Jason grunted and pushed Oliver, sending him back and throwing him to the ground, before ripping out the arrow and crushing it, as he picked up his machete, only to be pushed back.

He looked up, seeing both Carrie and Tina trying to hold him down with their powers, and grunted on recognizing Tina.


Jason growled, recognizing the voice as Tommy's, as Tommy appeared and struck Jason's masked face with a rebar, making him grunt, while Tommy then hit his arms twice, then hit his head thrice again.

"Remember me, Jason?" Tommy taunted. "You can come back all you want, but I'll always be back to stop you."

Then he struck Jason more times on the chest, and then his feet, and then his head again, before Jason started powering through, and broke free, making Carrie and Tina fall down, while he grabbed Tommy by the throat, lifting him up, about to crush him.

"Over here!"

Jason turned to see Rene standing there, and recognizing him, loosened his grip on Tommy. Taking the opportunity, Barry ran, and snatched Tommy from Jason's grip, letting him down as Tommy panted, holding his throat.

"You want me, right? Come and get me!" Rene taunted Jason while taking out his two pistols and firing, though Jason was barely affected as he walked towards Rene, who started running off, looking behind to see if Jason was following or not, and he was.

He reached near the water, and turned to see Jason marching towards him, firing again a few times, as Jason was unaffected and came close.

Then, from up above a building, Oliver fired three arrows at Jason, and all of them stuck into him.

Putting his pistols inside, Rene picked up his hockey stick. "Take that!" He gave Jason a good knock on the head, then ran off, as Barry circled around Jason, and with a roar, hurled a lightning bolt at him.

That sent Jason flying off towards the water, and just as he touched the water, the three arrows all exploded, taking Jason with them.

As Rene looked at the water, Barry sped next to him, Tommy, Carrie and Tina arriving too, as Oliver swung down, the group not seeing any trace of Jason anywhere.

"Did we get him?" Rene inquired.

"I think we might have", Barry shrugged, looking at Carrie. "Pleasure to work with you again."

"Same here, Flash", she said with a smile, while turning to Tina. "You are quite powerful yourself."

"Thanks, so are you", Tina told Carrie. "Was good to work alongside someone like me."

"I know the feeling", Carrie nodded.

"Good plan", Oliver told Tommy, who smirked and nodded.

"Good moves", Tommy replied, Oliver smirking too.

"I can't believe I met you two", Rene said, looking at Green Arrow and Flash, before turning to Carrie and Tina. "And two women with telekinetic powers." He looked between Tina and Tommy. "And more Jason survivors." He took off his mask. "Guess I owe you all a thanks, hoss."

"Lance said you were a good guy", Oliver told him, preparing to move off. "What you did today, trying to face Jason to protect others…that's a hero, Rene."

Rene couldn't believe what he was hearing, being praised by the Green Arrow of all people.

"….Thank you."

"If you need my help back in the Glades, you can call on me", Oliver then said, as Barry and Carrie shared a hug.

"Good seeing you", he told her.

"You too, take care", she said, the two parting, before Barry grasped Oliver, and sped them both back to Star City.


There was a knock on the door and Laura opened it, to see Rene on the other hand. "Hey!"

Laura smacked his chest, then pulled him into a kiss, Rene returning it before they parted, and she said. "Don't do that again!"

"I did what had to be done", Rene assured her, then walked in as Zoe ran to him, and he hugged her. "I'm back now."

Tommy pulled up in front of his cabin again, seeing a familiar car nearby, and knocked on the door, Megan opening it, and smiling on seeing he was fine.

They shared a loving kiss, before he walked in, hearing his kids talking to someone.

He walked into the room, seeing his older sister Trish Jarvis there, the two having finally mended their relationship a year ago.

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"Daddy!" His kids cried out, rushing to him and hugging him, as Tommy hugged them back, then looked at Trish, the two sharing a smile.

"Aunt Trish is here!" Timmy told him.

"I know, hi Aunt Trish", Tommy greeted her, as she got up and they shared a hug.

"Hey Daddy", Trish greeted back, the two parting, as Megan walked in, and they sat down to talk and laugh.

Earth-205, Star City

Dean, Sam and Oliver hid in an alley, and were horrified by what they saw.

Most of the cops that had come here were already dead, and a very large and disgusting creature was standing there. It seemed to have a dark exoskeleton, a long tail, sharp talons, and an elongated domed head with toothed mouth, and inside it was another maw, and right now, that maw was out, as the creature was holding a cop by the throat, and feeding on its brain directly with the maw.

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"What the….?" Dean trailed off, absolutely disgusted, as were the other two. And, the creature just did not give off a vibe to them that it was of the supernatural variety.

Yet they knew it was clearly not normal. There was one more cop that tried to fire at it, but the creature impaled him on its tail, and hurled him away, right at the three hunters, who'd to duck to avoid being hit by the flying body.

Unfortunately, because of that, the creature noticed them, and roared, before Oliver fired an arrow, but it deflected off the creature's skin, to his horror.

"Oh boy!"

It charged them all as Dean and Sam fired at it, but it was unaffected by the bullets too, and continued to charge, before leaping right at them.

Using the opportunity, Dean and Sam ran off to opposite ends of where it'd land, as Oliver rolled forth and got onto the road, while the creature landed by Dean and Sam ran from it at that moment, making some distance between them.

It made to attack again as Dean hurled a pocket knife at it, but the creature deflected, while the two backed off, and Oliver fired another arrow, that did not affect the creature still, but that got its attention.

Oliver used a grapple arrow, and swung high, climbing onto a building, as the creature screeched at him and started climbing up the building.

"What do we do?" Dean asked, dumbfounded for once. "This thing is nothing like what we've seen before."

"I've one idea", Sam muttered, as he took out a flare, and lit it, then hurled it at the creature, that was still climbing. To their surprise, when that hit the creature, it let out a screech of pain, and roared down at them.

Dean quickly lit another flare as it jumped down, and he held it out at the creature, making it screech at them angrily, before it ran off, as Oliver used another grapple arrow to come down.

"Well…..that was something", Dean commented. "Good job, Sammy."

"So, fire is a weakness of it then", Oliver noted, narrowing his eyes. "We know how to stop it."

"Let's find it again first", Sam pointed out. "This time, we'll go in prepared."

Earth-1, Keystone City

Carrie drove her car around, looking for any other criminal activity, so she could stop them. Besides, someone like Jason, or worse, could show up too, and she'd be here to fight them.

Camp Crystal Lake

Friday the 13 th soundtrack plays


Jason Voorhees, having regenerated from the explosion and lightning due to his zombie abilities, floated back to Camp Crystal Lake through the water, before crawling out, and standing up on the ground, ready to kill for another day.

Jason had done well. He had killed so many, on that ship, and then in Keystone City. He definitely lived up to his reputation.

Now he just needed a few more, and then, he would finally do what he wanted to do!


And we're done with one more.

Thanks a lot to Brainstorm Sorcerer and gussygus28 for their help once more.

So, Jason Voorhees finally did a massacre, hope it lived up to the expectations, considering how many people he has slaughtered.

While Sean Sonus and Dinah were met in Hub City, it was said Sean moved around different cities quite a bit, and Dinah followed him, so right now they were in Keystone City.

I'll be honest, while I think Dinah had potential at the start, and found her fine in Season 5, Season 6 onwards she became nothing but an annoying harpy who should have been written out of the show alongside Curtis.

Because of which, Jason killed her here, and she died in her birthday suit because Dinah's only redeeming quality is that Juliana Harkavy is attractive AF. Juliana deserved a better role frankly.

Carrie White is a character from a novel written by Stephen King titled 'Carrie', and it has 3 movie adaptations, including one in 1976 which is considered a horror masterpiece, with Sissy Spacek as Carrie, and there is a 2013 remake with Chloë Grace Moretz in the lead role too.

But this version of Carrie was from a 2002 TV movie where she was played by Angela Bettis. Unlike other versions, this Carrie survived the ending of her movie, plus she was in a trance when all the deaths happened, making her innocent of the massacre in a way. This movie was supposed to be the pilot to a TV Series that never got made.

But I hope all liked how that Carrie was used here, as well as the backstory with Barry, and Shrapnel was the same one from 'Arrow', he just got a more comic-booky edge to him here, thank you to Marcus S. Lazarus for that suggestion.

If Jason is here, Tommy Jarvis has to come, because he is the closest to an archenemy Jason has, and Tina Shepard is from Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood. Fun fact- the movie makers wanted to have Jason battle Carrie White in the film, but were too lazy to make a deal with whatever studio owned Carrie to get the rights, so they made Tina, their own telekinetic character, to fight Jason, so they could have a Jason vs. Carrie thing.

That's the reason I was inspired to bring 2002 Carrie into this, so she and Jason could finally fight.

And there's also Derry, Maine, and the remote Overlook Hotel in the Colorado Rocky Mountains, also references to adaptations of Stephen King's work, in the former's case it's the 1990 miniseries and in the latter's case it's the 1980 film adaptation.

Yes, Paul is alive in this series. The 2nd Friday the 13th movie didn't outright show his fate, so I can keep him alive, plus him and Ginny deserved a happy ending.

Rene has entered the story too, and will be Wild Dog, and I'll keep him like he was in Seasons 5 and 7, since Season 6 made him annoying too. Hope his connection with Jason was enjoyed too.

So now Oliver, Barry, Carrie, Tommy, Tina and Rene have defeated Jason but he has survived, and will be back one day.

Meanwhile, Doctor Doom has entered the picture to do something nefarious, as we can see.

Parker, Eliot and Hardison also decide to find and teach Felicia Hardy.

Blade and Quinlan spar, and reach Coruscant.

Then there's of course Zemo not being sure of Vandal Savage being part of their group, but Lex asks him to make a contingency for that guy too.

On the other hand, SPN Oliver Queen finally makes his entrance, and him and the Winchesters are up against a Xenomorph from 'Alien', while Team Angel is gonna fight a Licker from 'Resident Evil'.

For SPN, this is still between 4x8 and 4x9, since I wanna do the 2-parter of 4x9 and 4x10 at a certain time. The show did take a break after 4x10, so its all good, we can pretend 4x9 and 4x10 happened then too.

Imagine Danny Trejo as Rene's father, Walker Scobell (when he was a pre-teen) as Timmy and Jace Norman (when he was a teen) as Tucker, thank you to gussygus28 for all castings.

Anyways, that's it for now.

Hope all enjoyed and see you all next time with another chapter.

Chapter 22: War on all fronts


Oliver's and Damien's war escalates, as Adrian joins in for his own reasons. Team Angel fight a Licker, while the Winchesters and Earth-205 Oliver fight a Xenomorph. The Fantastic Four, Iron Man and War Machine end up in a conflict with Doctor Doom. Blade meets some new people, and he feels something off from one of them. Parker and Felicia meet again.


Disclaimer: I do not own anything you may recognize

Thank you to everyone for the kudos, hits, comments and bookmarks.

Thanks a lot to Brainstorm Sorcerer and gussygus28 for their help on this chapter, and Stand with Ward and Queen for a suggestion too.

Also, forgot to say this, but Vince Sobel is dead in my version of events. Sean Sonus actually killed him, the Particle Accelerator explosion did not make him a meta-human. I'm gonna pretend it was a change caused by 'Flashpoint'. Because frankly, Vince being Vigilante was the stupidest decision 'Arrow' has ever made. Yes, I consider it worse than killing off Laurel. That was what finally made me give up on the franchise as a whole.

Doctor Doom shall be played by Cillian Murphy like in my last series. And since Susan Storm is played by Margot Robbie, we can pretend Oppenheimer and Barbie used to date but had a really bad breakup after the Barbenheimer phenomenon was finally finished.


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Earth-1, Nanda Parbat

Nyssa al Ghul was locked up, having just gotten her dinner, and noticed a hollowed-out pepper, finding a key there.

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She stood up, and walked towards the door, unlocking it from the inside, as her two guards turned towards her in surprise.

They made to attack but Nyssa decked one, sending him back, and as the other struck, she grabbed his wrist and spun him around, before grabbing him in a chokehold and snapping his neck.

The other made to attack again, only to be stabbed through the chest from behind, a dark-skinned woman pulling the sword out, as other League members stood nearby.

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The woman tossed Nyssa's own sword to her, along with its sheath, and Nyssa caught them, before sheathing her sword, as another brought Nyssa's bows and arrows to her, that she put around herself.

"What do we do now?" The woman, Talibah, asked Nyssa.

"We will go to Star City to look for my sister", Nyssa said, having heard of her sighting from Talibah earlier, which was why she had decided to break out right now.

Merlyn needed to be deposed, but her sister in Star City was bad news. She needed to be dealt with first, and in the meantime, she could ask Oliver and her former beloved to assist her once more.

Star City

Oliver looked around as people of the city cleaned the bay.


He turned around to see Thea, Adrian and a woman he didn't know approach. "Hey. How we doing?"

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"It's actually a pretty great turnout", Thea had to say.

"People actually did this over celebrating the holidays", Adrian noted. "And this jolted your approval rating up by 10 points."

"I have an approval rating", Oliver noted.

"Yes." Thea nodded. "Yes, you do."

"Its politics, Oliver", Adrian shrugged, as Oliver looked at the woman next to him.

"I don't believe we've met", he said to her, holding out his hand.

"I am Doris Chase", the woman said while shaking his hand. "Adrian's wife."

"Lovely to meet you", Oliver said.

"Mr. Queen." Oliver and the rest turned to see a news crew wanting a comment.

"Excuse me." Oliver walked to them.

"How do you feel about inspiring so many people to come out here today?" The anchor asked him.

"Oh, I didn't inspire anyone", Oliver told him, the cameras pointed at him. "This is the city that I know, it's the city I remember, and it's the city that we can be again."

"Nice. Thank you for your time." They walked off.

"Thank you."

"He sure knows how to handle the news crew", Sara commented.

"While I've done it before, that actually makes me nervous still", Ray confessed to her.

Diggle quipped to Oliver. "Well, you've got people picking up garbage when they should be picking up presents. I think you missed your calling."

Oliver just chuckled.

Felicity was gathered with some kids. "If we can reduce just 40% of the toxicity that's produced by the bacterial micro-organisms that have just sprung up here—"

"We can swim in just 12 more days if the restitution rates stay consistent", a little girl with blonde hair and glasses replied.


"She's like a mini you", Laurel commented as both chuckled. "So cute."

"That's awesome."

Suddenly, there were gunshots from the air, causing the water to splash as all started running.

"Everybody get down! Get down!"

"Come on, let's go."


As they all hid around, Diggle fired a gun at the drone, while Sara asked. "What are we gonna do?"

"I've an idea", Ray whispered. "Just distract it."

Sara nodded, and threw a knife at the drone, though it was unaffected, while Ray rolled away, behind the other hidden people, as they noticed the little girl was staring at the drone in fascination.

As it tried to fire at her, Oliver rushed towards her, pushing her out of the way and saving her life.

Ray put a hand in his pocket, a small piece of his gauntlet inside, that grew into normal size and came over his hand. Seeing that the cameras weren't focused on him, Ray aimed at the drone and fired, shattering it into pieces immediately.

Then he quickly put his hand down and pressed a button, the gauntlet ejecting and shrinking before anyone could see it on him.

The others started rising up, Oliver asking the girl. "You all right?"

Later, the lair

"A day of hope for a better tomorrow has turned into another day of despair for Star City. A terrorist attack has left dozens in critical condition after people showed up to help Oliver Queen and his campaign staff clean up the Star City Bay. In the meantime, SCPD and national authorities are searching for the individuals responsible, but so far, there are no suspects."

Oliver turned the TV off and asked. "Any news on the victims?"

"Some are being released, some are still in surgery", Felicity told him. "It's a miracle that no one died."

"Despite Darhk's best efforts", Oliver said tiredly.

"Are we sure that this was HIVE?" Thea asked as Oliver gave her a look. "Yeah, that's what I thought."

"Are you ok?" Sara asked Oliver as he walked around.

"There were kids there", Oliver told her lowly, and she nodded.

"Our company is funding for their treatment as we speak", Ray said to Oliver, who nodded gratefully.

Oliver's phone beeped as he noted it was from Adrian. "Its Adrian, saying all news networks in the country want a comment from me."

"What will you say?" Sara asked.

"No comment."

"Ollie, we have to give them something", Thea pointed out.

"What do you want me to say?" Oliver inquired. "I asked people to come and help, they almost died because of it. It's-when we have a plan to get Darhk, then I will talk to the press."

Laurel told the rest. "I know HIVE wants this city to die, but going after a volunteer event, it just seems a little overkill."

"Two weeks ago, Darhk told me to back off my plan to clean up the Bay", Oliver pointed out. "Today he went after civilians. This is important to him for some reason."

"I'll try to get it out of my brother", Diggle said, Oliver nodding.

"Do what you have to, as long as you're comfortable with it", Oliver assured him, Diggle nodding as he walked out.

Adrian was clutching his fists in anger, looking out at the city. The city had hope once more due to Oliver's campaign, only to be replaced by despair.

But he was the one who was supposed to give that despair, showing Oliver how worthless his actions were at day's end.

No one else was supposed to do that.

No one!

"Babe, are you all right?" Doris asked as she walked behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist.

"Just….angry at whoever did this", Adrian said, acting calmer now, while kissing her hand. "I hope we get this lot soon."

Later, campaign office

"This has gone far enough!" Adrian said in anger, looking at Oliver. "This terrorist gang is trying to bring the city down, and they won't stop till they do!"

"I know, Adrian."

"First, that body coming over on the message during your speech, now this", Adrian snarled. "Its like this lot wants to sabotage the campaign."

"They are trying to bring us all down", Oliver noted. "What do you suggest we do?"

"Show them we're not afraid, take the fight to them", Adrian said. "This lot, they thrive on fear. But we need to show them we do not fear them."

"I was thinking the same thing", Oliver smirked as he stood up. "Thanks Adrian."

Earth-92, Los Angeles

Angel, Cordelia, Wesley, Fred and Gunn all entered the building where Cordelia had seen the creature enter in her vision.

"Something is here", Angel warned the rest of them. "Be careful."

It was dark, and he was the one who could see best out of all of them. The rest were struggling to see, and while they use some form of light, it could attract this creature to them.

"Based on what you described, I don't think there is any such creature in any of my books", Wesley said to Cordelia.

"Well, I guess that means books aren't perfect", Cordelia quipped, making Wesley groan as they continued to move.

At that moment, a mutilated body dropped right in front of them, making all but Fred and even Cordelia jump a little as the former screamed, when a freaky dog-like thing appeared on the walls, and came right at them.

Angel swung at it but it leapt off the wall, and tried to strike Wesley and Gunn with its tongue, but they dodged, and the tongue hit the wall, actually cracking a bit of it, before Cordelia swung at it but it ducked to avoid once more, and would have hit her had Angel not kicked it away back onto the wall.

He charged it once more but it leapt right at him, only for Fred to fire her crossbow as it was struck and fell down with a screech, then got up, snarling at her as she shivered.

It charged right at her, but Wesley sliced it from behind, causing it to turn to him, only for Gunn to slice it next.

Then Cordelia sliced it, and it looked between all of them, screeching and snarling, about to charge anyone of them, when Angel grabbed it with his bare hands from behind and threw it towards the wall, before holding it in place.

It tried to attack with its tongue, piercing Angel's shoulder, but he resisted the pain, while it tried to strike with its talons too, but Angel ripped its head off, as the rest of the corpse fell down, still spasming, and he threw the head away.

He kicked the headless body, making the spasms stop, as he picked his sword back up. "Everyone okay?"

"That was freaky!" Fred had to say.

"Yeah, like, whose scary pooch is this?" Cordelia asked with a groan.

"Whatever it is, I've seen nothing like it before", Wesley had to say.

"Yeah, but at least its gone", Gunn added.

"Indeed", Angel sighed. "Let's go."

They all walked off. Another day, another monster beaten.

Earth-1, Star City

Oliver, holding a rolled-up parchment, saw Adrian talking to some cops nearby, as he turned to his team. "Thanks for coming. I've been trying to figure out how to deal with them. Sort of think our best bet is telling the truth."

"It's a good way", Laurel assured him.

"It's all we've left", Sara added.

"It's the only play we got, man", Diggle agreed too.

"The HIVE has us outnumbered. If we have any chance of stopping Darhk, we need to ask the city for help", Thea said to him too.

"If we do this, it's going to paint a target on all of our backs", Oliver pointed out to them.

"Well, he already got me once, I won't let him do it again", Ray assured Oliver. "We can take care of ourselves."

"Let's light them up", Felicity added, as Oliver turned to the news crews that had arrived, Sara and Felicity patting his shoulders before moving off to the side, as Adrian ran up next to him.

Oliver cleared his throat.

"Thank you for coming, everyone. Thank you. As today's tragedy has reminded us, we are at war. For 6 months, we have been besieged by a nameless and a faceless organization that seems hell bent on destroying our city. You know them as the Ghosts. And while they may be anonymous, their leader is not. He has a face, he has a name, and I think that it is high time the people of Star City know the truth about who he is."

He unrolled the parchment, revealing it was a picture of Damien Darhk, that he held up for everyone to see.

"His name is Damien Darhk. He controls the Ghosts on behalf of an organization known as HIVE. HIVE wants this city to die. Now, I will be distributing this, the only known photograph or Mr. Darhk, to every news outlet and social media feed in the country. For months, this man has made us afraid to walk the streets. I suggest that we return the favor. We will also be setting up a hotline. Now, individually, Mr. Darhk may be able to defeat us, but united, he doesn't stand a chance."

As Oliver moved to the side, Adrian now walked up to speak as well, looking directly into the cameras. "This sick man has been trying to give this city despair for a while now, and destroy it. But let him know, that he will not last long. He will get his soon, now that all of you know about him. He is not very far from getting destroyed."


Damien and other HIVE members were watching the entire thing on a screen, and to Damien, it seemed like Adrian was looking him right in the eye.

Angrily, he used his power to destroy the TV set.

"Congratulations, Damien. You're famous." A board member told him sarcastically.

Later, the Lair

"Well, that should get his attention at the very least", Oliver said, the team walking out of the elevator into the lair, as he turned to Laurel. "You good with the hotline?"

"I'm on it."

"All right."

"Happy hunting", Diggle added, as the group saw many Hanukah related material kept in the lair.

"That is a whole lot of Hanukah."

"Yeah, for your campaign holiday party", Felicity added. "Its Christmas, but I do celebrate Hanukah, no disrespect meant of course to anyone else, its still a lot more Christmas anyways."

Oliver pointed out. "But we just waved a red flag in front a bull."

"That doesn't mean the bull is gonna charge right away", Felicity shot back.

"And it doesn't mean we can put our entire lives on hold in the meantime", Ray agreed. "Besides, its holiday Season, and people like to forget their troubles during this time."

"But-help me out here", Oliver turned to Dig and Sara.

"Can't do", Dig said. "Can't throw a grenade and then go to ground."

"John is right", Sara added. "As much as your speech was about outing Darhk, it was also about sending the message that you're not afraid anymore. And canceling your Christmas party is sending the opposite message."

"Ok", Oliver agreed. "Talk to your father, see if he can get some extra security for this party."

The lights went off and on.

"Hello husband. Beloved."

Oliver, Sara and the rest turned to see Nyssa, Talibah and two more followers standing there, surprising them all.

"Nyssa?" Sara cried out in surprise, and also happiness on seeing she was fine.

"Beloved", Nyssa greeted her, even if 'former beloved' fit better, before turning to Oliver. "Husband."

"Hello Nyssa", Oliver greeted her, before Laurel walked up behind them, happy to see her friend.

"Nyssa", she smiled, and Nyssa smiled back, Sara looking between them.

"Did I miss something?" She inquired.

"Too much I'm afraid", Nyssa shrugged.

"How did you get out?" Thea inquired.

"With my loyal followers' help", Nyssa said, gesturing to Talibah and the other two.

"I've a feeling you didn't come here to wish us Merry Christmas", Oliver pointed out.

"No, but I have heard my sister is in town, I am going after her", Nyssa revealed, to their shock.

"You've a sister?" Dig inquired.

"I just came here to tell you, to not come in our way", Nyssa added. "This is our fight."

"As long as no one gets caught in the crossfire", Oliver said stiffly.

"Where's Malcolm?" Thea asked, wondering what he'd have to say about this.

"He has not been seen in Nanda Parbat for a week now, we do not know where he is, or what he is up to", Nyssa confessed, and the group noted this was another problem to deal with.

"It is good to see you healthy and happy again", Nyssa told Sara, who just nodded, sadness on her face.

"I hope you can be like that too, Nyssa", Sara said.

"As for Damien Darhk, be careful in dealing with him, he is not a man to be crossed", Nyssa warned, as the lights turned off and on once more, and they were gone.

"That is always creepy", Felicity had to say.

Universe-208, Coruscant

Blade was not sure how he felt about this world. It was one big, and he really meant BIG, city. So many people, with their flying cars, or whatever the hell they're called. There was no denying his shock, he even took off his shades to get a better look, he didn't care about Vos laughing at his expression. "How many people live here?"

Quinlan shrugged. "It varies, but combining all the species that inhabit the place, upper levels and underworld, though the numbers are sketchy there, the planet holds about a trillion. Give or take."

"Holy sh*t." Blade leaned back in his chair, there was no way to stop himself from gaping, his mind was a whirl at the information. One f*cking trillion?! Earth could barely handle seven billion!

He was really starting to miss his dark alleys and suckheads.

"Don't you people worry about overpopulation? Air pollution?"

Again, the Kiffar Jedi shrugged his shoulders. These issues were dealt with long before even his grandfather was conceived. "Not really, people have access to leave the planet, or they build upwards. As for pollution, Coruscant has dampeners to prevent atmospheric degeneration." Quinlan saw the look of disbelief across Blade's face and felt the need to clarify something of the planet. "Don't get the wrong idea, Coruscant may look pretty, but the heart of the Republic isn't safe from corruption."


Nodding, Vos kept his eyes forward, navigating through the city. "Most of the galaxy has a Senator representing their homes. You also have your sloppy law enforcement, but the real danger is what lies below."

"You said the "underworld"?"

"And it basically is." The Jedi found a light blinking on the console, and the master scrunched his brows in confusion. "The city goes down miles beneath the surface, you go down and you don't always come back out. I'm sorry, we're being hailed, give me a minute." Quinlan flicked on the comms and allowed whoever it was calling them to speak.

"Master Vos, I hope you are still in one piece."

An ear-to-ear grin spread across his face. "Aayla, that you?" A laugh that grated on the Daywalker's nerves escaped the man. "How's my Padawan doing?"

A groan came from the other side. "No longer a Padawan, master."

"You're always gonna be my Padawan." Blade could hear the fondness in his voice, the familiarity was clear as day, especially the exasperation with this "Aayla" towards Vos. He understood that very well. "What can I do for you? I'm already on my way to the Temple."

"I know, but Chancellor Palpatine has heard of your progress in finding the man from outside the galaxy, and wishes to speak to him."

A look passed between Blade and Quinlan, one emotionless, the other confused. "I'm not exactly sure what business the Chancellor has in this."

"He does not, but the Council agreed to his request. Myself and master Kota shall be waiting for you at these coordinates. See you soon, master."

"Until then, Aayla." The nav computer beeped with the coordinates towards a platform not far, based on what he remembered, it was midway to the Temple, and the Senate.

"The hell is going on?" Blade growled. Quinlan looked at him and sighed. This was the last thing either of them wanted.

"You're about to meet the leader of the Republic." Quinlan adjusted the course to follow the coordinates.

"And if I have the inclination to disagree to that request?"

A smirk returned to the Jedi Master's face. "Be yourself, man, and this will all be over quickly."

Earth-1, Star City

"You were not kidding about the extra security", Sara said to Diggle. "Where did you find all these guys?"

"A friend of mine is a SEAL", Diggle told her. "He knows someone who knew someone who knew someone."

"Where's Laurel?" He then asked.

"She just caught up with the hotline", Sara explained.

"Is it just me or did you hire the US army as your caterers?" Adrian asked as he walked up to them with Doris.

"Actually, they're marines", Diggle said, then held out his hand to Doris. "I am John Diggle. I work security for Mr. Queen."

"I am Doris, Adrian Chase's wife", Doris said while shaking his hand, before they all moved off to mingle with others.

"Where is Ray?" Felicity asked Oliver.

"He'd some urgent business with our company, but he sends us all his best-wishes", Oliver told her, when there were gunshots and people screaming as soon, Damien came in, his Ghosts behind him.

As the bodyguards aimed at him, Damien just waved his hand and they were sent flying off.

He picked up a drink and finished it. "Malbec. Nice. How did you know that was my favorite red? So full bodied, so full of life. Unlike your security outside. Oh, and in my defense, they fired first. I guess my invitation was lost in the mail." He chuckled as the Ghosts rounded up the people. "I'm only kidding. It's not my kind of scene anyway. Hmm. I'm only here to have a word with the man of the hour."

Oliver walked up to him. "What do you want?"

"Well, something I can't have, apparently. Your loyalty, your allegiance", Damien shrugged. "I told you there would be a price to pay if you refused."

"I made that decision, not these people", Oliver pointed out, gesturing to everyone in the room. "Let them go."

"Oh, I wish I could do that", Damien said mockingly. "I really do. But sometimes the best way to teach someone a lesson isn't to punish them, it's to punish the ones he cares about the most."

Adrian started. "We are going to-"

"Oh yeah, I've a lot of beef with you too", Damien shrugged, then waved his hand as Oliver and Adrian were sent crashing through some glass, causing people to scream.

Sara cursed, knowing she couldn't make a move, as Damien looked to Thea, Diggle, Felicity and Doris. "Take them."


"Oliver. Oliver, they took her", Donna Smoak cried out in panic as Oliver woke up, and Adrian too. "They took my baby girl. Please."

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"It's ok. It's all right. It's ok. I'll get her back", Oliver assured her as he hugged the sobbing woman, then he and Adrian saw Sara looking at them with a pale face.

"They took Thea, Diggle and Doris too", she revealed, Oliver's heart sinking, while Adrian looked angry.

"He is going to pay for this", Adrian snarled, then turned to Oliver. "What do we do?"

"I will get them all back", Oliver assured Adrian, putting a hand to his shoulder. "Your faith in me will not be in vain."

"Thank you, Oliver", Adrian nodded, putting a hand on his shoulder too. "I trust you."

They dropped arms as Oliver walked to see Quentin, who looked at him apologetically. "I couldn't make a move because then Darhk would know that I was playing for your side. And I'm not sure that was the right call."

"You made the right call", Oliver assured him as Sara arrived, not having heard what was said before. "We need to track Darhk. You need to dig up everything that you can find, ok?

"Yeah, I'm on it."

Adrian walked up to Oliver and said. "The police are coming too.

"Get the people home if they need it. Get them medical attention if they need it. And pay for it out of the campaign fund", Oliver said. "I will find everyone and get them back to us."

"Of course." Adrian managed to paint the picture of a distressed but temporarily comforted husband. "What about the police?"

"Stall the police."

Earth-199999, New York City, Baxter Building

Ben was lifting a piece of machinery as Reed guided him alongside the building. "A little to the left…no, more to the right. Up a bit."

Ben groaned. "Don't make me clobber you with this thing, Stretch."

"Less talking please, this isn't as easy as it looks", Susan said, hovering in the air on a platform conjured by her in a meditating position, and Ben was in the air too, Sue having conjured a platform for him to stand on, showing how much better with her abilities she was getting.

"Sorry Susie." Ben then asked. "What's this for again?"

"Provided you don't break it, this shall be part of our upgraded security system", Reed said, using some machines to start attaching it inside. "Considering the fact that all of us have powers now, and our research into other dimensions and worlds, there are plenty who would try to take advantage of us. A secure building should be a good deterrent."

"Come on, Reed, we're not the Avengers, their tower doesn't get attacked weekly." Ben countered.

"Ben, the news literally labelled us the "New Avengers", chances are we're already on someone's list, especially for people like HYDRA." Susan pointed out while a bead of sweat trailed down her forehead.

"Yeah, but I blame Johnny for all the extra attention. Speaking of Matchstick, ain't he supposed to be helping?"

Ever the bold and daring daredevil he is, Johnny defied his sister and left his room, sneakily entering lab, despite the fact it had no security restrictions against him. He looked at the large object under the tarp and clapped his hands with excitement, before stopping when he noticed the smoke.

"Here's Johnny." He chuckled as he quickly made his way to the center of the room, and pulled the tarp off.

What he saw was a thing of beauty that had him gasping.

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"Awesome." The Human Torch whispered breathlessly.

It was twenty-seven feet long, a sleek, oval shape with four compartments covered by transparent glass, repulsor propulsion and turbines equipped which amazed Johnny. A vertical take-off and landing, super tricked out, flying car of all things. It was beautiful in Johnny's mechanic mind. And Reed thought he could hide this from him, the nerve!

"Don't worry, baby, Johnny's here now." Johnny told the machine as he climbed up to the front compartment, lifting up the windshield before settling into the comfy seats. "Now where's the keys on this baby?" The youngest member of Reed's team wondered before suddenly, the screens lit up and the turbines powered up. Johnny gasped again and looked at the console in awe. "Did Reed make a mind reading jet car?"

"Mr. Storm."

"AHHHHHH!" Johnny screamed as he jumped in his seat.

"I am in need of your assistance."

Earth-1, Star City

Oliver, dressed as Green Arrow, kicked a Ghost down from a height, then leapt in front of another and decked his face before kicking his kneecap, breaking it.

"Tell me where to find Damien Darhk!"

"I have no idea!"

"Tell me where Damien Darhk is!" Sara, dressed as White Canary, roared, pinning down a Ghost's broken arm with her bo-staff.

"I don't know!"

Ray was flying up into the sky with a Ghost in his grip. "Tell me where Damien Darhk is right now."

"Or what?" The Ghost asked in a taunting voice.

"Well, we're high in the sky, and my grip is weakening."

"I don't know anything, I swear! I don't!"

The Throwing Star killer had a Ghost pinned to the wall with his shurikens, and growled. "Tell me where Damien Darhk's base is!"

"I don't where! Really, I don't!"

"Then you are of no use to me." He swung his sword, and the Ghost's head was chopped off.

Later, the Lair

"Oliver, Sara, Ray, we'll find them", Laurel tried to reassure the three as they walked into the lair past her.

"Not even the Ghosts know where they are", Oliver said glumly, putting his bow down.

"Did you learn anything from the hotline?" Sara asked.

"Only how many crazy/bored people there are in the city", Laurel said with a groan, then noticed Oliver's and Sara's faces. "Don't go there."

"Where?" Both asked together.

"Your go-to place", Laurel pointed out. "Where you two blame yourselves for everything wrong with the world."

"It is my fault. I'm the one who outed Darhk", Oliver told her.

"I know", Laurel said, then added. "I seem to remember us all being there when you did."

"I ran for mayor because I can protect myself and I thought that all of you could, too", Oliver said with a sigh.

"And you were right, we can", Laurel told him.

"All of you didn't sign up for this", Sara pointed out to her.

"We can take care of ourselves", Laurel said, then turned to Oliver. "You inspired a lot of people."

"Well, Thea and John and Felicity and Doris, inspiration is not what they need tonight", Oliver told her tiredly.

"We need to do something, quickly", Ray said, and Oliver walked off.

"Going to do just that."

Laurel's phone beeped, and she looked at a hotline message that made her narrow her eyes.

Universe-208, Coruscant

"Okay, just keep in mind, this is THE boss of Republic. Anything too insulting, and it could spell-"

"Shut the f*ck up already."

A sigh escaped the Jedi. "Well, if nothing else, this ought to be interesting."

Blade thought otherwise as the spaceship landed, with a view of a party waiting for them. Weeks, maybe more for all he knew, spent on that old dust ball, fighting assholes, aliens, and robots, now he's got to deal with some prissy politician wanting to look at him like he was some kind of circus freakshow. He wanted to get back, to Whistler, to his hunting, to what he does best, it was all he thought of as he followed Vos to the ramp, now beginning to lower. This space adventure had lost its charm long ago.

The ramp was down, Quinlan took the lead with Blade only a step behind as he put on his shades. Upon reaching the bottom, the Vampire Hunter felt his eyes widen.

There were two parties, though to call one a party was being generous. On one side were two people, a man and, based on the curves, a woman. The man was human, greying brown hair tied in a bun, scars on his face, and armor on his upper body that almost reminded Blade of the Mandalorians, but worn in battle like the man himself. Over his shoulder, there was a glimpse of the lightsaber hilt attached. All in all, he looked like a warrior, a leader who fought on the front. The woman next to him was more eye catching though, with blue skin, an athletic body that was mostly bare aside from the halter top-style apparel, exposing her midriff and right arm, the left covered by a sleeve. She was lacking hair, instead, Blade did not know what to call them, tails? And for ears, she didn't have any, unless the two cones out the side of her head were them.

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"What did you get me into?" Blade moved his stare to a waiting Vos, who paused when Blade did. The Jedi with dreadlocks rolled his eyes.

"It's not like I arranged this."

"You could have kept flying."

"No way am I getting into deep shik because you're shy."

"Call me shy again, I dare you." Blade threatened while he looked to the second party. Four men, guards he assumed, dressed in some kind of blue dress with rifles in their arms, and a Corinthian style helmet with a plume on top. At their center was another blue alien, tall, with four horns on its head, two on top, two from the tail things similar to the other one. Finally, a slender, white haired, average sized man, human, wearing some kind of dress thing with puffy shoulders.

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He was surrounded by aliens, and men wearing dresses.

Could this day get any f*cking better?

"Master Vos, it gladdens the heart to see you've returned safely."

Well, turns out it could. The moment the Chancellor guy opened his mouth, Blade felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up. It wasn't just because he was a kiss ass politician.

Down to his baser, predatory instincts, Blade felt there was something...off.

And it was coming from the man smiling at him.

"This must be the man of the hour. The one from outside the galaxy."

That's it. Blade was f*cking tired of this sci-fi bullsh*t.

"I have so many questions." Palpatine said eagerly. It was a rare thing to achieve the attention of the Chancellor, besides when it came to a certain fearless hero. Many monarchs and royalty would kill for the honor.

Blade only stared at him; his lips pressed in a thin line. Quinlan nervously glanced at him from the corner of his vision.

"I am Chancellor Palpatine, and whom do I have the honor of speaking to?"


"This is Blade." Quinlan spoke up when he saw the disapproving looks on the Senate guards and the Vice Chancellor. When he said be himself, Vos didn't mean it literally! "He doesn't talk much, he's more of a hands-on kind of guy."

"Ah! A warrior, I see." Palpatine nodded in understanding, but Blade only narrowed his eyes from behind his shades. Something wasn't right. The blue eyes of the former Naboo Senator glanced down and widened. "Is that what I think it is?"

Following his eyes, Quinlan nodded and clapped the Daywalker's shoulder. "Yep, my man here took on Pre Vizla himself and won the Darksaber. Even fought Count Dooku for a while before he ran with his tail between his legs."

Blade's lip nearly snarled but refrained himself while the Chancellor's face grew excited. "Marvelous! Not many could dare challenge a Jedi without the Force, but a Sith Lord, especially one as revered as Count Dooku. My, your skills must be exemplary."

"Blade was packing a few surprises himself." Quinlan grinned before feeling something drive into his ribs and nearly break them. He swallowed a pained gasp to glare at the nonchalant Blade whose elbow returned to his side.

"I must admit I am very curious to learn more, both of you and your own world. I don't suppose you have time to join me at the Senate for a more intimate discussion?"

"I'm afraid not, Chancellor." A new voice brusquely interrupted Palpatine. Blade turned his head slightly to see the older, grizzled warrior walking over, the blue lady close behind him. "This "Blade" has been part of a disturbance in the Force that's been going on for some time now. We need to convene with the Jedi Council to find a solution and send him back, and possibly gain a better understanding of the situation."

A look crossed over the features of the old politician, but was gone in an instant that none noticed. He nodded his agreement. "You are right, Master Jedi. I have taken too much of your time, and of yours, Blade." He bowed his head to the hunter in apology. "If your stay happens to be prolonged any further, I do hope you have time to indulge an old man's curiosity."

"...we'll see." Was all Blade said as the old man left with the guards in blue dresses, something he was dumbfounded about, while the blue alien with the horns stared at him with a hard look before following his boss. "Thought he would never leave."

"Really? You seemed to be eating it up before you tried to crack my ribcage." Quinlan sarcastically fumed at him as he rubbed his side to ease the pain before addressing the two Jedi in front of him. "Kota, you old war wolf! Good to see you." Quinlan and the older Jedi clasped arms.

"And nice to see you haven't managed to lose your head yet, Vos."

"Maybe one of these days." Quinlan joked before turning to his old Padawan. "Aayla."

"Master Vos, I'm glad to see you well." The Jedi Knight said sincerely.

"Had a little help from Blade here." Quinlan jerked his thumb to the silent Vampire hunter, the two Jedi following him, and much like Quinlan, felt and "saw" the ripples in the Force surrounding him. "If he didn't hold off Dooku long enough for me to recover, we'd be having a very different conversation."

"Blade." Kota crossed his arms, looking the Daywalker up and down. "So, you're the one the Council sensed."

"Didn't seem too eager to find me. I was stuck in that sandbox weeks before that old asshole showed up."

Kota rose a brow, while Secura's eyes widened. The Kiffar merely chuckled. "You get use to him."

"Always attracting trouble, master?" Secura joked with Vos, who shrugged.

"It's a gift."

"I think we've left the Council waiting long enough. They are eager to meet you, Blade."

"And I'm eager to get home." The Daywalker told the grizzled Jedi.

"Shall we?" Secura gestured to the repulsorlift waiting for them.

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"Hey, Kota, how's Falon doing these days?"

Kota frowned, with his scars making it look like a savage thing. "He's leading a battalion of Clones on assignment in the Outer Rim." He said quietly, with only Quinlan hearing him, making him join the older Jedi in frowning. Unbeknownst to either of them, Blade heard it all, but like many of things Vos brought up, he understood none of it, only that the two seemed dislike Clones. The way they spoke didn't sit right with him, but he was too distracted to comment. He only followed Quinlan into the repulsor-thing the blue one referred to.

"Blade?" Quinlan looked at him oddly as they took their seats. He sensed a lot of concern and more from within his newfound friend.

"That Chancellor...something was off about him. You didn't sense anything?"

"He's a politician. There's always something off with them." Kota spoke up from his seat as the droid pilot disembarked from the platform and joined the skylanes, the Jedi Temple their destination.

"Especially considering he's held office longer than any past Chancellor, then there was the mess with the Zillo Beast." Secura spoke up. The tragedy of seeing such a unique creature breath it's last because of them, and Palpatine's greed, it remained with the Jedi, especially those there that day they saw its towering figure crumble at the poison of the gas. A somber atmosphere surrounded the three Jedi, they failed their duty that day, and an innocent suffered for it, including those caught in the Zillo's rampage against Palpatine.

Even if Blade did not understand what they were talking about, which he was beginning to notice and realize how annoying it must be, Vos did not have the heart to speak of the incident. Not without the anger spreading through him at the thought of it. "There's a lot of problems with the politics in this war, and unfortunately, Palpatine is the only one we can rely on. At least we know him and his motivations."

'Do you?' The unease Blade felt around the man remained.

It felt darker than even Frost when he awakened La Magra.

Earth-1, Star City, SCPD

Quentin, after giving orders to some other cops, walked to see Sara and Laurel waiting for him. "Hey, what's-what's going on? Something happened?"

"Got a message from the office", Laurel said with folded arms. "A tip came through the hotline."

"Yeah? Something we can move on?" Quentin prepared to walk off.

"About you", Sara revealed, making him freeze in his tracks.

"Come here", he gestured to an empty room as they all walked in and he shut the door.

Throwing her bag on the table, Laurel asked. "Are you working for Damien Darhk?"

"It's not what you two think", Quentin started.

"You don't know what I think."

"Darhk threatened you, ok?" Quentin finally confessed. "I did what I had to do to keep you safe, honey."

"Oh, really? And what's that, Dad?" Laurel asked angrily as she moved closer to him. "How many people died? How many fathers' daughters?"

Seeing their father was in distress, Sara put a hand to Laurel's shoulder. "Let him speak."

"None, I hope", Quentin muttered. "None, I... I just-I just been eyes and ears, all right? First for Darhk, and then for the past month or so... Oliver."

"Oliver knew about this?" Laurel asked in shock.

"I've a feeling he found out", Sara realized.

"Didn't take it too well at first, but then I think he understood", Quentin revealed.

"Understood what?" Laurel asked.

"That there was nothing I wouldn't do to protect my baby girls."

"Look dad, I get it", Sara said, causing both of them to turn to her in surprise.

"Really, baby?" Quentin inquired.

"I've done things before I'm not proud of, made many mistakes, and I ran from this city, to protect all of you from the League", Sara pointed out to him. "So…I get it."

Quentin's cell phone vibrated, and he took it out to see it was a message from Oliver, asking to meet right now.


The lair

Oliver was in the lair, with Ray, as Sara, Laurel and Quentin walked in.

Laurel asked. "You got something?"

He sighed. "Just a lot of suicidal Ghosts."

"Yeah, and where does that leave us?" Quentin inquired.

"Nowhere", Ray said.

"I have something for you."

They all turned to see Nyssa walk in, this time in normal clothes, as Sara was surprised. "Nyssa?"

"You?" Quentin asked as well in shock.

"Why are you here now?" Oliver asked.

In response, Nyssa took a phone out of her jacket, and tossed it to Oliver. "What is this?"

Adrian was in his rundown apartment base, as the lights went off and turned back on, and he looked up to see Talia there.

"I haven't got anything yet, the Ghosts like to die more than they like to talk", Adrian said to her.

"I know, but I got this", Talia said, tossing him the same phone Nyssa had just given to Oliver.

"What is it?" Adrian inquired.

Same time, the lair

"HIVE used polyphasic-encrypted satellite phones to communicate."

Same time, Adrian's apartment base

"That is one of them."

Same time, the lair

"And where did you get it?" Quentin asked.

"I am the Daughter of the Demon", Nyssa said in reply.

"I can try to track it", Ray offered, taking the phone. "But its gonna take a while. HIVE are pretty good with their tech."

"It can take more time than what we have", Oliver said. "But as it is, our only play is trading me for them."

Sara, Ray, Laurel and even Nyssa looked shocked.

"Ok, listen, I'm not gonna pretend to understand what is going on here", Quentin started. "But the idea of you turning yourself over to Darhk, that's the worst idea I've heard in a while."

"Maybe, but it's our only play. I brought all this on, I have to end it."

"Look", Nyssa said, making Oliver turn to her. "You are in distress, which is why you are thinking like this. But…Damien Darhk is not as honorable as my father was. If you are going to do this, think of something else as well if it fails."


Oliver turned around as Damien walked to him. "I was surprised to get your call. And on one of our secure phones no less. You are more than you seem, Oliver."

"Oh, you really better hope that isn't true", Oliver said with a growl.

Damien laughed. "What's the word for a man who threatens the man who's holding his nearest and dearest captive? I don't know, idiot?"

"You didn't kill my friends", Oliver pointed out. "You took them to make a point. You've made it."

"No", Damien chuckled. "Not yet I haven't."

From a distance, Adrian Chase, dressed as the Throwing Star killer, watched the exchange, unseen to both, and as Damien led Oliver away, he followed discreetly.

Later, Star City, HIVE Base

"I'm here. Let my sister and my friends go", Oliver said to Damien as he was scanned.

"I'm sorry, did you think this was quid pro quo, Mr. Queen?" Damien asked mockingly.

As the scanning stopped, Oliver snarled. "We have a deal. Now let my friends go."


Damien walked forth into a room with a smirk, Oliver following him, and what he saw chilled him to his bones. He had read about this in history books, seen pictures on the Internet, but seeing it in person…it was horrifying.

A gas chamber, just like what the Nazis used?

"Do you know who perfected the gas chamber?" Damien asked Oliver. "The Nazis. For years I wondered why the world would allow those monsters to exist, let alone thrive. And then I realized, the world needed them to. As horrible as it sounds, every now and then, humanity needs a reset, a do-over. That time has come."

"What is this?" Oliver inquired in horror.

"A demonstration of the project that you're gonna help us with once we install you as Mayor. Think of it as your friend's and family's life insurance policy. Oh." Damien turned around and snapped his fingers as a man in grey clothes walked forth.

"Thank you for your service, your mind, and your belief in me. You will forever be part of our HIVE."

The man was then led into the gas chamber, and he walked there voluntarily, letting himself be locked in, while gas started leaking into the chamber.

"The bloom is active."

"Good", Damien turned around as Oliver watched the man choke on the gas. "Oh, and by the way, thank you for doing the legwork on skimming the bay. My people were using the harbor to create a certain type of algae. One that would allow us to do this undetected."

He turned around and saw the man was already dead. "Oh, bummer. Well, at least he lasted longer than the previous one. I guess that's something."

He walked off while giving orders, Oliver continuing to watch in shock.

"All right, let's continue to adjust the ratio of the bloom."


Twenty minutes into his nap, Tony felt his wristwatch vibrate, causing him to sit up, alert. The next second, the holographic projectors in his compartment activated, orange lights shown at the center before it took the shape of JARVIS' "brain".

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"JARVIS, what is it?" Tony asked in alert. The A.I. would never show up like this, not without reason.

"Apologies, sir, but we have a situation. The Tower has been taken over."

"What?!" Panic filled Tony. Avengers Tower was the most secure building in the world, he made sure of it. After Coulson walked in on him and Pepper, and the Battle of New York, and his Malibu home being destroyed, Tony took every precaution, thought of every possible angle, to secure the building housing Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Security tests were conducted sporadically, Barton and Romanoff would sneak or hack in to see where improvements could be made. It was a masterpiece that wasn't one of the Iron Man armors. No one, not even the best hackers or thieves could gain entry, and they tried.

Now how the hell did this happen?!

"I am lost as to how this could have occurred, sir. Before the intruder shut me down completely, I managed to slip into the Internet and found solace within the Baxter Building. I am informing them as we speak."

"Who was it?" Tony needed to know as he used his own phone to try and gain access through master control of the Tower. To his horror, all his attempts were halted.

"Unknown, all I could identify was that it was a single individual that had teleported into the premises moments before I began losing control of all functions of the building."

"I'm sick and tired of people trying to wreck my sh*t." Tony growled to himself as he tried every possible maneuver to gain control of his Tower back. He was rewarded with a red blinking light for his troubles. "Okay, now I'm mad." Tony snapped before turning to his A.I. while pressing a button in his chair. "Status on the Avengers?"

"Captain Rogers, Mr. Barton and Ms. Romanoff are off the grid, Dr. Banner is in the city but I fear the situation will escalate if a Code: Green is called. Thor is off world, but Dr. Richards' team has been alerted."

"Call Rhodey," the chair reclined, making Tony parallel to the floor before the chair lowered beneath, mechanical arms attaching pieces of the armor before rotating his body to face down, "Tell him to get his ass to New York."

"Already on it, sir."

"Fly the bird back, would you JARVIS? I have some ass to kick." The helmet equipped to Tony's head before the underside of the plane retracted, launching Tony downwards before the thrusters of the Mark XLIII activated, creating a sonic boom in his wake as the Iron Man rocketed to Manhattan.

New York City, Avengers Tower

Within the confines of Tony's lab in Stark's tower, the schematics of years of research blurred around Doctor Victor Von Doom, King of Latveria, his green cloak hiding the armor beneath, save for one metal hand moving the holographic screens. The cold eyes of the king never blinked as he scanned the information, before an alert blinked red on his scanners, causing him to divert his attention to a map of the city, and the country. Two orange lights lit up, with a red blip emerging from one, and four blue beside the other orange one.

"So, the A.I. persists." Doom hummed to himself before his other arm pushed his cloak back, and pressed a key on the hologram, while the mechanical arms beneath the floor came to live. Focus was, however, directed to the four blue blips on the map. He knew who they were. "Richards." The name escaped his lips like a curse.

It was then, the eyes and arc reactors of the armors glowed green.

Earth-1, Star City, the lair

"If you told me I'd ever get used to seeing you dressed up like that, I'd..." Quentin shook his head as Laurel smirked.

"So you two are almost suited up, let us go", Nyssa said, then noticed Sara's new suit. "Excellent choice, beloved."

"Thanks Nyssa", Sara smiled.

"If we're going after Oliver, wouldn't it make sense for you to bring along a few of your little ninja friends?" Quentin inquired.

"Dad, I don't think they'd be needed", Sara said with a gleam in her eye, confusing him.

Nyssa turned to Ray. "Do you have Oliver's location?"

"An abandoned industrial complex outside Pennytown", Ray revealed.

"You'd think Darhk would have checked to see if he was tagged with a tracker", Quentin pointed out.

"Well, I'm sure he did", Ray shrugged. "But Oliver had me tag him with my nanites."

"What about me?" Quentin asked.

"No, you'll blow your cover with Darhk", Laurel pointed out to him.

"It's pretty much already blown."

"Can you give us the room?" Sara asked Ray and Nyssa.

"Happily", Ray said as he walked off.

"I hope it goes more pleasantly than anything with my father", Nyssa said, and walked off. "Just be quick."

Quentin started. "Ok, if this is about you not trusting me anymore after working with Darhk, then—"

"No, it's just the opposite", Laurel said, sharing a look with Sara. "You've done things, things that you'll never forgive yourself for, because you were protecting me, but I'm the one who gets to decide whether I need anyone's protection."

"That's not how parenting works, sweetheart", Quentin said.

"Dad, we're not little girls anymore, we don't need you to protect us", Laurel pointed out, Sara nodding.

"All right", Quentin said with a sigh, hugging them both. "Just be careful out there, all right? 'Cause I don't know what I'd do if anything were to happen to you two. In fact, that's not true. I know exactly what I would do. And it'd be ugly."

Earth-205, Star City

Oliver Queen of this Earth entered the warehouse, the last place near which the creature had been sighted so far. It had killed a few more on its way here too, and he'd have to live with that.

But he wasn't going to let it kill anymore either.

While most other Hunters would not be able to sense the creature sneaking around, he'd spent a long while stranded on an island in the North China Sea, and honed his senses to perfection.

So, when the creature was about to wrap its claws around his throat, he quickly spun around and stabbed it with an arrow, making it screech while he leapt back, managing to get a safe amount of distance between himself and the creature.

Before the creature could try to attack again, Oliver fired an arrow that exploded on its face, making it screech louder, as he fired once more, this time flames spewing on it, causing it to roar while it ran around.

Oliver was going to fire another one, but this time the creature struck back, breaking the tip of the arrow as Oliver fell on the ground and rolled away by a few feet.

As it was about to leap at him, Oliver quickly lit up a flare and hurled it at the creature's face, making it crash to the ground with a louder screech as Oliver stood up, making to fire another explosive arrow, but the creature sliced forth in its trashing, and Oliver's bow was broken, while there was a gash on his arm, making him gasp in pain as he went to his knees.

The creature stood up, about to slice his throat, when the Impala burst in through the open door of the warehouse, and rammed into the creature, crushing it onto a wall, while Sam and Dean walked out.

It tried to wriggle its way out of the space it was now trapped in, and would have escaped, but the two brothers had come prepared.

Holding up flamethrowers, they fired those at the creature, inflaming it on the spot as it roared in utter agony, the two brothers not stopping their assault one bit as it went down, lit up on flames completely.

Oliver stood up, and took out another explosive arrow, before clicking something on it as Sam and Dean stopped firing, and he leapt on the creature, stabbing the arrow onto it, causing it to stagger back, while Oliver landed and rolled away.

The creature tried to attack him again, only for Sam and Dean to fire their flamethrowers once more, staggering it back, before they ran off, and then the arrow exploded, blowing up the creature to bits as well, blood and its body parts scattered here and there.

Oliver's eyes widened on seeing the blood was like acid, and it was melting wherever it had ended up on.

"Good thing none of it came onto us", Dean sighed in relief as he and Sam got back into the Impala, and he drove it out, before they got out of it to talk with Oliver.

"Well, at least its taken care of now", Oliver said to the two. "Thank you for help."

"All good, Oliver, what are friends for?" Dean commented, as they shared a little hug, and he shared one with Sam as well.

"What was this thing?" Sam wondered once more.

"I've no idea", Oliver said with a sigh, as the two brothers moved forth.

"Maybe its from another world", Dean told him. "We've faced people and creatures from other worlds before."

"That's not wrong", Sam agreed. "Most likely was."

And they knew there were still trials, both in this world and other worlds, for them to face.

Earth-199999, New York City

In the lobby of 30 Park Place, Felicia walked with the click of her heels echoing through the large room. Smiling with a proud and slightly arrogant look, she crossed the floor, nodding towards the doorman at his deck. "Evening, Guzmin."

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"Ms. Hardy, have a good time?" The pleasant but serious looking man asked with an accent.

With a shake of her shopping bag, the blonde lowered her designer sunglasses to wink at the man. "I always do." A chuckle left her before finally entering the elevator, pressing the button for the seventy-first floor.

To pass the time, Felicia counted each of the floor numbers that lit up, before checking her nails, and then the contents of her bag, before trying to hide her smirk from the security camera. Before she knew it, the doors opened at her stop, allowing Felicia to prance across the hall until the blonde was using her key to enter her apartment. "Mom! I'm back!" The natural beauty waited for a response, and upon hearing none, she let her smirk free at last. Anyone lucky enough to see it would have been dazzled by the sight, which she had used to her advantage more than once.

Kicking off her heels, Felicia picked up the right to pull out a ring hidden underneath, a golden band with a diamond surrounded by sapphires before placing it on her finger to examine it properly. It looked much better on her than the gold digger flaunting it in Bloomingdales. Yet, she could not help but pout. "Does no one appreciate emeralds anymore?" She quickly set aside the thought before dropping her Chanel coat on the floor by the door, carrying her bag to her room, passing the rooms of the luxurious apartment that cost millions to keep.

The young Hardy didn't even glance up as she pulled out a new, white leather bag a belonging to latest line of Boohoo that she did in fact pay for...by using the money from the wallet of a pervert of a shopping assistant from Hugo Boss. She at least returned the wallet before he noticed. That didn't matter though, what mattered to Felicia as she opened the new bag while entering her room was the twelve-carat ruby necklace held by a gold chain.

So lost in her gazing, the young thief failed to notice her bed was occupied.

"Who's Ryan?"

Felicia yelped, dropping the necklace but using her other hand to catch the gem before it hit the wooden floor. There, on her bed, wearing an all-black get up and harness that contrasted against the white walls and sheet, was a blonde woman that looked so familiar, flipping through an old story book.

"Good reflexes." The woman said while looking at the, well, she wasn't reading it, just trying to make it look that way after reading one of the stories. She always hated Goldilocks, what dummy stays in a house with no exit strategy when the owners are to come back? It gave blonde thieves a bad name.

"Who the hell are..." Felicia paused before looking closer at the woman. "I know you...Parker?"

"It's so nice you remember the little people." Parker closed the book and looked up, waving it at the younger blonde with a questioning brow.

Felicia, still confused, could only answer. "It was from this guy I know in school, the first thing I properly stole-how did you get past the doorman?"

A scoff left the older woman. "Who uses doors?" Parker asked like it was obvious. Felicia was left speechless when Parker got up after tossing away the book and had the ruby held up to her eye, making the younger girl look down in shock at finding the necklace gone. "Not bad. Store or person?"

"...Store." Felicia answered hesitantly while Parker gave her a weird look that confused her, she wasn't sure if she was glaring, or trying to read her mind. "What?"

"You lied."

Remembering the day they met months ago; Felicia narrowed her eyes at the older thief. "No, I didn't."

"You didn't tell me you were rich."

"You never asked!"

"Lies of omission are still lies!"

"It never even came up!" Felicia defended herself while Parker's arms crossed. "Why am I even defending myself, you broke in...and seriously, how did you bypass the security?"

"Don't change the subject." The Leverage team's thief pointed her finger at Felicia's face, close enough she had to lean back. "I thought you stole because you needed to, but imagine my surprise when I found you living in an eight-million-dollar apartment."

"How did-"

"Don't insult my resources, they get very sensitive." Parker looked down at Felicia who stared back with equal measure. Well, privileged or not, she clearly had some spine.

"So, my dad made a good living for us, big deal. Am I supposed to be ashamed of that?"

Stomping over to the window, the experienced thief pointed down to the city. "Try telling that to the ants who live down there, and don't try to pull that "daddy's money" on me, I know he was a thief." Felicia's face hardened. "Daddy's little girl, following in his footsteps, huh?"

"...you want to know what he told me the day before he got taken away?" Felicia asked after a moment of silence before walking up to Parker, never breaking away from their stare down. "He told me to "never settle for second best". If I do something, I make sure I'm the best."

"You have a long way to go."

"I know." Felicia snapped. "This all started as a bit of fun. I saw something I liked, so I took it, and you know what? I felt more of a rush in that moment than I could ever get driving my mom's Porsche. So, I stole again, and again, and again, because there was nothing that could beat that moment for me. You said you would teach me, but I can always find my way to the top on my own." Felicia stormed out the room, quickly rounding the corner and taking out her phone. Pressing the screen, nothing happened. She pressed it again, but it stayed dark. That's when she noticed...

"Swapped the phones." Parker announced as she appeared behind Felicia, making the younger thief grunt in annoyance as she faced her. "Word of advice, don't pull the long speeches unless you have something to gain from them."

"That's why I took this." Felicia smirked when she held up Parker's taser. That smirk died when she saw Parker's own, and tried to pull the trigger, only for nothing to happen.

"Another word of advice, or is it words now? Basically, if you're trying to thieve from a thief, make sure when they're thieving, they don't thieve what the thief needs." Confusion spread across both blondes as the elder spoke aloud. "Maybe I should be writing these down."

"Why bother?"

Parker groaned with an eye roll. "Look, keep stealing, go ahead, I won't stop you. But if you want to learn from the best, you do it my way." She said with an absolute seriousness that took Felicia aback.

"Does that mean...you'll teach me?" A hopeful look began to bloom.

With a pat on the shoulder, Parker walked past her. "I'll be in touch." Felicia watched her walk to the window in puzzlement, until the thief saw the woman take a pair of suction tools from behind her and used on the glass, before pulling out a piece of glass cut in a circle. That was followed by, to the Hardy girl's surprise, a rope thrown down from above, which Parker hooked on to her harness before picking up the glass again and fearlessly stepped through the hole while returning the cut circle, as if it was never cut, before the thief was pulled upward. Felicia raced to the balcony, looking up to find Parker waving down at her, before retreating back to the roof.

"This is gonna be fun." Felicia smiled to herself as so many new thoughts began to fill her.

Baxter Building

Reed, Sue, and Ben were almost finished with the upgrades to the building's security, before a sound coming from the roof caused them to look up. Only two of them knew what that meant, and Reed's eyes widened in horror. "Oh no."

A dark shape vertically rose up from the top, before shooting around the building, circling it before it stopped in front of the three new heroes.


"That's what you've been working on?" Susan questioned with astonishment.

"Don't tell me..." Ben didn't get to finish before the "car" hovered closer, and one of the windshields opened up to reveal, "The hell you doin', Hothead?!"

"Reed, I swear, I didn't touch anything!" Three disbelieving and angry looks focused in him, making the youngest and now nervous member of the team sheepish. "Alright, maybe I touched the tarp, then I climbed up, and climbed in, but that was it!"

"Johnny, I swear-"

"Ms. Storm, I hate to interrupt you but in the defense of Mr. Storm, it was I who commandeered Dr. Richards' vehicle." A disembodied voice stopped Susan from yelling, a voice they recognized.

"JARVIS?" Reed asked in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"That's what I'm trying to tell you!" It was Johnny's turn to yell. "Avengers Tower's been taken over! We need to get there right..." Johnny stopped when he noticed a shadow engulf his spot on the flying car, slowly, he turned up his head, and found one of Stark's armors with more gold than red peering down at him with glowing green lights for eyes, "...now?"

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The armor fired at them all as Ben covered his face. "Hey, that stings! Watch that face!" One blast sent Ben flying off and outside the building.

"Ben!" Susan cried out, flying after him.

One of the blasts singed the vehicle Johnny was sitting in as he let out a girlish scream. "Oh no! You did not just scratch my ride! It's on now, shellhead! Flame on!"

He was covered in flames and flew at the armor.

Ben was still falling. "Nothing like falling 30 stories to start your day."

Then a platform was conjured underneath him, catching him as Susan appeared, hovering on another platform.

"Took you long enough."

"Hey, I could have let you go 'SPLAT'!"

"Fair enough."

She flew back up with him.

Johnny was blasting the armor with his fire blasts. "Take this, and that, and that!" The armor wasn't even scratched as Johnny muttered. "Well, you took 'em. Nice job! Do we know what's happening?"

Reed was in the 'car' now, which had scanned the armor. "This is an Iron Man armor….but its empty!"

"Mr. Stark is already on his way to confront the intruder."

"Whoever this is, if they can hack the Tower and the armor, they might be more than Tony can handle." Reed believed.

"What?" Johnny asked in horror as he flew around, trying to avoid the armor, while Reed flew the car out by himself at last.

The armor blasted Johnny but he dodged it, just as Ben leapt at it, grabbing it from behind as both struggled.

The armor then blasted Ben's face, sending him flying off, but Reed flew the vehicle, letting Ben fall on it and hold onto it, as Johnny and Sue hovered nearby, the armor scanning them all.

Sue asked in a panic. "Any bright ideas?"

Then she heard the high-pitched whine and saw the arc reactor on the chest glow, before Sue hastily threw up a shield as the Unibeam sent her flying. Shaking off her daze, a now angry Susan whipped her arm forward, her shields flattened to discs as they soared to the armor, chopping off the head that fell into Johnny's hand, and he dropped it.

"I didn't know you could do that."

"Neither did I."

Susan relaxed on the platform as the headless armor hovered in the air, and then she realized it wasn't out yet, forming a more powerful force field for protection.

Reed was saying. "It appears-"

"Stretch, we got more company!" Ben said.

More armors had shown up. Mark XXXIII, Mark XVIII, Mark XXXIX, Mark XXXVII, a red and bigger version of Mark XXXVIII and Mark XXIV.

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The big one slammed into the 'car', sending it off along with the screaming Ben, and flew after them.

Mark XXXIII chased after Johnny, firing at him as he avoided, only for Mark XVIII to appear in his way, to his horror. The Mark XXXIII fired a Unibeam at him, but he dodged as it struck the Mark XVIII, taking it down.

The Mark XXIV flew at Reed's 'car', as Ben leapt off and grabbed onto it, while Reed flew back to the tower. "Guys, cover me, I'll be right back."

"Yeah, sure, take your time", Johnny groaned.

Reed stopped near the tower, putting the 'car' on autopilot, and used his powers to get inside, and then sneak in through a vent, only for the Mark XXXIX to fly after him.

Susan blocked an attack from the headless armor and called out on comms. "Reed, one of them is after you."

"Did you not hear the 'cover me' part?" Reed groaned as he reached up into his lab, the armor blasting its way up from below.

Reed started pressing some buttons as the armor appeared before him. "Just a few more seconds."

It was about to fire at him, only for Reed to press a button, as a glowing light appeared, and expanded outwards, rendering all the armors useless as they went down.

Ben was falling with the armor he was fighting but Susan conjured a platform underneath him again.

The armors suddenly came back to life, then flew off, as Johnny cheered. "That's how ya deal with empty armors!"

Reed was still in the lab as the rest walked behind him, Susan asking. "What did you do?"

"Electromagnetic pulse", Reed said. "It was tuned specifically to the energy signatures of the armors. It should have shut them down but Tony Stark's armors are very impressive."

"I think we need to go to Avengers Tower", Susan noted.

"Right you are, Sue", Reed agreed.

A while later, the Fantastic Four regrouped in the 'car', and flew off to Avengers Tower, JARVIS telling them. "Sir is in trouble."

Earth-1, Star City, HIVE Base

"These people, they're volunteers?" Oliver asked as Damien led him down the hallway, and Oliver saw many people dressed in the same grey clothes in different cells.

"True believers. Every last one."


Oliver whipped his head around to see Thea in a cell of sorts, and was horrified.

"Aw. Well, I'll give you guys some privacy to say your farewells."

The door was opened, Damien walking off, as Oliver walked in and hugged Thea, not letting go.

"Are John, Felicity and Doris all right?"

"I'm not sure, we were separated", Thea confessed, the two letting go and sitting down. "Please don't tell me that you traded your life for ours."

"I had to turn myself in. It was the only way to know where you were being held", Oliver told her.

"But what happens when the calvary shows up and the Green Arrow's not present?" Thea asked him. "Darhk is evil, not stupid."

"I have that handled, Thea", Oliver assured her. "We will all get out of here."

"It sounds risky", Thea commented.

"Yeah, but things are bigger than we thought", Oliver said ominously, confusing her.

"And time is up!"

The door was opened as Ghosts arrived, leading Oliver and Thea away, Damien in the front, and they soon reached the gas chamber.

To Oliver's and Thea's horror, Diggle, Felicity and Doris were all locked in the chamber, Felicity looking most distressed of all, and Oliver could tell why.

"Oh, my God!" Thea cried out.

"What's going on?" Oliver snarled angrily. "The deal is that I bring myself here and you let my friends and sister go."

Damien gave a signal as three Ghosts grabbed Oliver, and two more grabbed Thea, dragging her to the gas chamber. She tried to get free but they were highly trained.

"I'm so sorry about this", Damien said, not sounding sorry at all, while Thea was thrown into the chamber as well, and then it was shut.

"We had a deal!" Oliver screamed.

"I think if you replay our conversation in your mind, our bargain was only at best implied." Damien then gestured to himself almost cheerfully. "Even so, bad guy, remember?"

"You let them go", Oliver grunted.

"I will. Existentially speaking."

Oliver tried to get him to stop. "You do this, you lose any leverage that you have over me."

"Wrong", Damien smirked. "As long as they're alive, you have something to fight for. That is what I am taking away from you, and your political strategist. I'm sure he is going to turn on you once he loses his wife. But don't worry, it's painless." The gas started blowing in. "Well, mostly."

Oliver broke free and rushed to the chamber, slamming on the glass angrily. Nothing happened. He did the same thing again, to the same result.

"Look for seams", Diggle said to Thea as they did just that. "This place may not be 100% sealed."

As the chamber started filling with gas, a loud Canary Cry was heard, causing everyone to cover their ears as the glass shattered immediately.

Everyone looked up to see Black Canary and White Canary standing on either side of Green Arrow, with Nyssa next to White Canary, wearing a suit similar to the League's but still different.

Two Ghosts aimed their guns but Green Arrow fired two arrows in quick succession, getting them both, as Nyssa got another, before Laurel jumped down, slamming one Ghost on the face with her baton before spinning and kicking him down, as Sara leapt down and whacked two on their faces at the same time and tripped a third, with Green Arrow leaping down and sliding on his knees, whacking two Ghosts in the abdomen with his bow, taking them down as well, while Nyssa leapt down and whacked one out with her bow, then took out her sword and spun, slicing another's wrist before kicking him away.

Oliver rushed forwards, pulling Thea out, before offering a hand to the shaky Felicity and Doris, who were pulled out as well, and then he supported Diggle out.

"Come on, let's go."

Then Ray flew in as the Atom, firing at two Ghosts as they were blown back, and he landed, punching two more out, and blasted another one away.

Staring at the Green Arrow as he spun and kicked another Ghost away, before whacking another out, Thea started. "Is that…."

"Yes", Oliver said, as they all ran off.

Some more Ghosts walked forth to engage, when one was hit in the neck from behind and fell down, dead, revealing a shuriken in his neck.

Other Ghosts turned around as the Throwing Star killer spun and chopped off one's head, then rolled and kicked another away, before hurling a shuriken at another's neck, killing him.

Damien and the other board members were leaving, when an arrow was fired near Damien's feet, and he looked up to see Green Arrow in their way.

"And here I was ready to just call it even for the night." He looked to the other board members. "You may go."

They ran off as Damien faced the Green Arrow. "As the kids say, I got this."

Green Arrow fired at Damien but he stopped it with magic and remembering the last few times, hurled the arrow away as it exploded. "You really haven't learned anything, have you?"

"Oh, I might have learned a little", Green Arrow smirked, as he fired another arrow in quick succession.

Damien raised his hand to stop it, but it split into three, shocking Damien, as the other two exploded on his face, sending him falling down.

Green Arrow walked forth, trying to find Damien in the smoke, then sensed something behind him as Damien smirked. "Hi, there."

He waved his hand and Green Arrow was sent flying into the wall before he dropped, his bow falling too.

The rest were walking forth, led by Oliver, before Sara asked. "Where is Green Arrow?"

Oliver noted Doris was here so he couldn't say much, and just said. "I'll go check."

He ran off as Doris asked. "Where are you-"

"He can handle himself", Laurel assured her.

Damien used his magic to lift Green Arrow up into the air, choking him while Damien laughed. "I'm dying to see what's beneath that mask." Green Arrow choked harder. "Seems like you're dying a bit, too."

Oliver suddenly rammed into Damien, sending him off, as Green Arrow fell to the ground, sweet air filling his lungs.

Sara, Nyssa, Thea, Laurel, Diggle, Felicity, Ray and Doris made it to where the cells were, only to see the guards slaughtered, and as they walked forth, all prisoners were slaughtered too, dismembered brutally.

"What is this?" Doris said in horror. Only a monster could have slaughtered people like this.

That was when Quentin arrived, with cops behind him, but seeing the carnage, Quentin muttered. "What the hell?"

"Let's go", Nyssa said grimly, everyone disturbed by the massacre, as they all walked forth together.

Damien threw Oliver down and pounded on his face. "Good news. I'm gonna let you live long enough to watch me kill your little green buddy."

Green Arrow got up and fired two arrows that struck Damien, sending him off of Oliver and falling down.

"Get clear", Green Arrow said, and Oliver ran off, as Green Arrow rushed near Damien, and planted an arrow on the ground next to his head, before smirking and running off.

The arrow beeped as Damien chanted. "Kanjigar septum... Vohostrum."

And then the arrow exploded.

Earth-199999, New York City, Avengers Tower

Tony had arrived at the Tower, using the speaker in his armor to announce, "Attention trespasser! Come out with your hands up, and I will only shoot you once in the face...maybe twice." He added when he found his HUD being unable to access the building's cameras. "Please resist, please resist, please let me you shoot you."

Only then did his sensors alert him to a presence behind him, and he turned to find the intruder standing on air with no visible cause for his levitation.

"So, this is the famous Iron Man, amusing", Doom commented, then gave his introduction. "I am Doom."

"Can't say I'm pleased to meet you. You kind of look like a freaky medieval robot", Tony quipped.

"Wretched fool", Doom insulted Tony. "Although, some measure of acknowledgment to your achievements is warranted."

"Gee, now that just makes the heart swell, now if you would so kindly-" Doom blasted Tony, making him hit the tower and crack it, then crash to a car below before falling on the road.

Tony staggered up as he muttered. "Scanning the armor…now."

JARVIS told him. "Doom's armor composition unknown. Scanning render breakdown shall take time."

"How long?!"

"Too long, sir."

"What? Doom's making my armor look like a toaster with arms", Tony groaned as Doom landed before him.

Tony fired his repulsors to no avail, then he fired his sonic cannons to no avail, and missiles were fired, causing a blast, but when the smoke cleared, Doom walked through it all.

Tony tried to fly away, but Doom caught him by the throat, with Tony feeling the metal start to give way beneath the other metal man's grip.

"Your assault is futile. Surrender, there will be no other offer."

"Kiss. My. Iron-" Is all Tony got out before he was punched away, aimlessly spinning upwards before gravity took him down, until another attack by Doom had him crash through a building into the street. Tony was groaning and in pain, as JARVIS warned. "Armor integrity compromised."

The Armored Avenger admitted. "Yep, that hurt."

"This persistence would be admirable, if it was not so foolish. Let this small show of mercy end this spectacle." Doom raised his hands over the ground as a circle of green and black energy was created, before he raised it over head and faced Tony.

Thrusting his hand through it, Doom unleashed a spectral limb grabbing Iron Man. Tony was knocked out and stuck in his own mind, Doom was standing victorious.

"Your defeat was inevitable, Stark."


Doom looked up and found War Machine pointing every weapon he had at the king. "Or you will have to deal with me, and a thousand pounds of explosive artillery."

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"They call you War Machine, yes?" Doom taunted. "Do your worst."

Rhodes complied, firing all his weapons at Doom, but they only damaged the street.

Doom dusted off his armor. "Loud, crude and totally ineffective." He blasted Rhodey, sending him flying through the street and falling on a post box.

He managed to stand up. "Okay, you want to play rough?" He flew and fired all the mini-missiles he had, Doom casually watching them until they impacted, creating a large explosion that shook the block.

Rhodey waited for the smoke to pass, and when it did, stood Doom, with his arms crossed. "Not good."

"No, it is not." Green energy formed orbs in Doom's hands before he floated upwards and prepared to fire, before his sensors picked something incoming, and he turned his head to see a flying vehicle, fast approaching before stopping in front of the King of Latveria.

"It's him..." Reed said in disbelief. From the co*ckpit, he could feel those cold blues piercing his soul.

However, Doom did not linger on Richards, instead, his eyes moved to the only woman in craft, and lowered his hands.

"Victor." Susan whispered in horror.

Green and black energy encircled the metal clad figure, forming an orb that engulfed and shielded his body, before dissipating altogether, leaving no trace of Doom.

"Reed, he's back." Ben told his best friend, who was lost staring at the space that Doom once occupied, speechless.

"Back? Who's back?" Johnny asked, only to get no response. Groaning, he yelled, "Could someone please tell me what the hell is going on?!"

"Guys, Tony's in bad shape!"Rhodey told them through the open line created by JARVIS, his face plate retracting as he looked at the unmoving Iron Man. "He's not responding."

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"I have regained control of the Tower, preparing sick bay as we speak."JARVIS informed them while Rhodey gathered Tony in his arms, face plate snapped back in place and flew up to the balcony.

Ben followed the War Machine, while two of the team's members were occupied with only one thing. One man, to be exact.

Victor von Doom.

Earth-1, Star City, SCPD

Doris was brought to the department, as Adrian got up on seeing her, and she rushed to him, both embracing, as he smiled at her and they kissed, before parting. "I thought I'd lost you."

"I'm here", Doris whispered while holding his face. "I'm here."

If one were to stand atop Mont Blanc, they would see a streak of blue lightning racing across the peaks before suddenly disappearing.

The blue lightning descended deeper into a cave before coming to stop in a large open cavern deep within illuminated by several lanterns, revealing Zoom and his passengers, Lex and Zemo, both wearing appropriate gear for a walk in the snow. Malcolm Merlyn stood there waiting with an urn in hand. "I must say, I like your mode of transportation. Certainly saves us time."

"What can I say, he's got all the works done." Lex bragged as he patted Zoom's black metal arm. He rolled his eyes when he heard Zemo clearing his throat on the other side of the speedster. "Of course, I had some help."

"That is very kind of you Lex, thank you." Zemo said with humor as the baron and billionaire joined the League of Assassins' leader in approaching a part of the dark cavern that was lit up by an ominous green light, while the speedster stayed silent and still where he stood.

Lex and Zemo joined Merlyn and looked down at a pool of glowing green water, approximately six feet in diameter. "What is this "Pit" exactly?" Helmut asked as he stared into the waters. The glow was unnerving, not because of the unnaturalness of it, but what it represented.

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"The Lazarus Pit has been known by many names: the Fountain of Youth, the Elysian Well, and so the list goes on. Few were said to have found these pools, only a handful exist on the planet, but the founder of the League utilized the one in Nanda Parbat to spread his teachings through the centuries. What it is composed of, I can't tell you," Malcolm admitted as he opened the urn and poured the ashes into the water, "but what I can tell you is the chemical composition can heal any wound, even cure death."

"There is no cure for death." Zemo pointed out.

Malcolm nodded his head. "You're right, Helmut, that's why the Pit comes with a cost. Anyone who is resurrected with the Pit, like a dead blonde who had been buried for a couple months, comes back without a soul."

The trio of humans stepped back until they stood close to Zoom. "What, like a zombie?" Lex asked.

"Zombies would be easier to kill." Malcolm warned before looking way at the glow of the waters. "Savage is immortal, we won't have to worry about any of that, we're just giving him a little push. That being said," Merlyn drew his sword, causing the two others to look at him, "I'd brace myself just in case."

Lex and Zemo shared a look, before drawing their respective pistols to be on the safe side. They stared at the glow, waiting for the ashes to regenerate into flesh and bone, and for the immortal to be born again.

Only, they were waiting for some time now.

"How long is this supposed to take?"

"It's not exactly clearly defined." Malcolm snarked back at Lex. "The man is just ashes at the moment. I can only assume it'll be a while."

Both the founding members of this venture shared a look before sighing.

After a few moments had paced in their wait, Zemo swapped gun hands to reach into his pocket and offer to Lex and Malcolm. "Turkish delight?"

The billionaire and assassin stared at the sweets with questioning looks, before both shrugged. "Thanks."

"Thank you."

With little else to do but wait, the three men unwrapped the sweets and popped them in their mouths, savoring the taste.

All, except Zoom.

Star City, The lair

"Are you sure that Darhk didn't make it out of the explosion?" Laurel asked.

"Have you seen any horror movies? These guys don't stay dead", Felicity said, still shaky from the ordeal, this joke being her attempt to cheer herself up. "Especially if you can't find a body."

"Whoa. Glass half empty much?" Thea asked no one in particular.

"Good news is whatever Darhk had going on there, we lit it up pretty good", Diggle said to the rest.

"Guess that's the good thing that came out of it", Green Arrow said as he walked up to them, before removing the hood and mask, revealing it was Clint Barton behind it. "My first fight with a dark magician." He stretched. "All in all, could have been worse."

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"Thank you for your help, Clint", Oliver said gratefully as he held out his hand, and Clint shook it.

"No problem, Oliver."

"Your skill with a bow is greater than even the League's", Nyssa praised Clint, who smirked.

"Oh I know."

"We'll see who is better one day", Oliver said, glaring at Clint seriously, Clint staring back, before both laughed, the rest chuckling a bit too.

"Well, we helped out too", Sara raised a hand.

"Yeah, a little bit, but we did", Laurel shrugged.

"And I put nanites in you", Ray added.

"Yes, you all helped", Oliver said with a smile, and looked at Nyssa too. "Thank you, all of you. We've not beaten Darhk yet, but we've set him back, and we're all fine." His expression turned grim. "But those prisoners…we failed them."

"Yeah", Clint nodded.

"You think they were drugged or something?" Sara inquired.

"Most likely they were", Oliver told her.

"I guess I'll leave after getting out of this suit now", Clint said, before walking off to change. "Can't wait to tell Cap I fought a Nazi that looks like his old war buddy."

"I will be leaving too", Nyssa said, preparing to leave. "I wish you all luck in the war against Damien."

"Nyssa", Oliver called out, making her turn to him. "Thank you."

She smiled and nodded, then left.

"Aren't we supposed to go to that thing?" Thea asked suddenly, checking her watch.

"What thing?" Oliver asked.

"It's a surprise. You're not the only one that can keep a secret, Ollie", Sara smiled at him mysteriously.


"This was Adrian's idea", Thea told Oliver while Adrian led Team Arrow through the crowd, holding Doris' hand. "He wanted to show the people you're not backing down."

"Just flick the switch, and give the speech", Adrian said while turning around to face Oliver.

"We're all waiting when you're done", Sara added with a smile, as Oliver walked onto the stage, the crowd bursting into cheers.

Oliver smiled and waved politely before it died down.

"Thank you, everyone. This week, an event just like this was interrupted by terrorists. But all of us are here tonight to send those people a very simple message. We're not gonna let the darkness win. So all of us are here to light a candle together. United." He turned around and lit the Christmas tree, the crowd going wilder with cheers. "This right there's possible because of all of you, and I am grateful for each one of you. We have faced the darkness, and we will fight it together, and beat it together."

At that moment, two cars drove by, and the side doors opened, the Ghosts opening fire on all of them. Everyone ducked, trying to avoid the barrage of bullets. The cops acting as security returned fire as the Ghosts drove off.

For a moment, it looked like all were safe. Then, Felicity screamed in horror.

Oliver frantically made his way through the crowd, and froze as he saw why Felicity had screamed.

Thea was on the ground, blood pouring from three bullet holes.

The waters of the Lazarus Pit began to bubble and thrash before an arm reached up from within. That arm was followed by the fully regenerated Vandal Savage leaping out of the pool by over a dozen feet, landing on his hands and knees, bare as the day he was born. Panting and growling escaped his shaking form before the immortal looked up.

Only for six bullets to hit his chest and then one more in his head.

Zemo watched the body crumble from over the sight of his Glock, the bloody holes already leaking onto the stony floor. Lex and Malcolm stared at the man with matching deadpan expressions. "Really?"

"He's immortal, not like he can die." Zemo shrugged, and Lex, knowing truly why he shot Savage, accepted it, before taking out his own Beretta and shooting the unmoving Savage in the head, leading to exasperated look from their newest member.

"Now what was that for?"

"I have a bit of a complicated history with immortals, especially with names like his." Lex tilted his head to get a better look at Savage. "Not exactly what I was expecting." He mused to himself.

"In what way?"

"This man looks nothing like Knox." Guess doppelganger was the wrong word. Variant or counterpart might be more suitable, Lex thought.

"Great. While you two are venting and musing, we have to wait even longer. Gold star commitment, boys." Malcolm's sarcasm was clear as they yet again waited for Vandal Savage to come back to life.

A minute or two had passed when the bullets were finally pushed out of Vandal's body and head. A loud groan escaped him as he pushed to his knees, only for his neck to be twisted in a blur, and his body falling once more, the masked Hunter Zolomon standing over the corpse.

"How long are we going to keep killing him?" Malcolm asked with boredom as he chose to lean against a tall rock. He began to feel less threatened by being in the presence of the immortal monster. Granted, they had an untouchable opponent that even Savage couldn't kill, which is why he agreed to join Luthor and Zemo in the first place. He chose to back the winning side.

"Just long enough to get the message across." Lex informed him as he and Zemo moved to sit on a soft enough rock, the latter examining a switchblade he brought with him. "You know, in case he decides to "act out", I suppose you can say."

Malcolm paused before nodding his head. It certainly put them in a position of power. A power that was now to be tested as the sound of snapping brought their attention to Savage pushing himself to stand up after cracking his neck. No doubt getting his head twisted nearly all the way around would leave you with a kink in your neck.

"Morning." Lex greeted genially as Savage took a few steps closer before Zemo's gun was exposed, tapping against his knee. "Vandal Savage, I believe."

The immortal cannibal looked between both men, the figure in black standing like a statue between them, and Malcolm, looking more confident than he expected. "One of many names I have accumulated over thousands of years."

"That's a rather dramatic way of saying "yes"." Zemo quipped, causing Savage's glare to turn to him, but the Baron remained unphased.

"Mind your tongue, lest you will find it removed, along with your heart."

"Now, is this any way to begin a partnership?" Lex asked as he stood between the two of them.

"Ours did."

"Partnership?" Savage drawled the word out. "You expect me to align with men who have repeatedly killed me moments after I have only just regenerated from mere ashes?"

"Oh, trust me, Vandal, you'll like what they're selling." Malcolm spoke up with a confident smirk, one matched by Lex as the billionaire stepped closer to the man who could no doubt kill him in twenty different ways with just his hands.

"How does payback sound to you?"

Vandal tilted his head as he stared at the bald man with a penetrating gaze, that he did not back away from. A human, but a brave one. Or foolish. Yet, he stood with Merlyn, opinions of the man aside, he sought advantage over others, and he sided with these two, and whatever was the black clad speedster he now remembered as Zoom.

Stepping closer until they were eye to eye, Savage looked the Luthor up and down before meeting his eyes again.

"You have my attention."


And one more is done at last. Thanks a lot to Brainstorm Sorcerer and gussygus28 for their help once more, couldn't have done it without them. And thank you to Stand with Ward and Queen for a few suggestions too. And the ending where Thea got shot was taken from his 'Prophecy of the end' with his permission, so thank you to him for that.

Nyssa is out, but her motivations are going after Talia here, rather than taking over the League, which comes later. But she has nothing to bargain with Oliver over it here, since both Sara and Thea are cured of bloodlust.

This is now a three-way war between Oliver, Adrian and Damien.

Hope Clint dressing up as Green Arrow was enjoyed. I was thinking of Smallville Ollie do it first, but I've been unable to have the two Olivers meet so far, and I needed to have a MCU hero meet Arrowverse heroes at some point, so I did the droid arc with Clint, to set up his appearance here.

The images of Clint as Green Arrow are AI generated. Not perfect of course, just an attempt by me.

Also, now Evelyn Sharp is dead as well, since she and her parents were part of Damien's prisoners. It was dark, but I can see Adrian killing all the prisoners. And frankly, I hated Evelyn as well. So now Dinah, Curtis and Evelyn are all dead, while Rene shall still be Oliver's recruit one day.

Meanwhile, the Winchesters and SPN Oliver have taken out the Xenomorph, and Team Angel are done with the Licker too.

Doom has struck at last, and is using Tony's armors for his own benefit. This is a combination of an episode of 'Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Heroes' and an episode of 'Iron Man: Armored Adventures'.

The bigger version of Mark XXXVIII is a prototype version of the Hulkbuster armor, but since we've no images of the prototype version, I used one of the actual armor itself.

This is gonna be fun.

Meanwhile, Blade has now met Palpatine finally, as well as Rahm Kota (from 'The Force Unleashed' video game) and Aayla Secura.

At the same time, Parker finally reunites with Felicia, and this arc shall now begin soon.

And, Vandal Savage is back too, and he won't be playing, and neither will the rest of them.

Chapter 23: To the Future


Thea is injured as Oliver stops holding back against Damien, while Adrian makes his move. Barry makes a decision regarding his relationship with Patty. Tony and Rhodes are told more about Doom. Clark and Booster Gold find themselves in the future. Blade meets the Jedi Council. Parker has a lesson set up for Felicia. Spike ends up in a new land. Sora and Riku are called on a new mission.


Disclaimer: I do not own anything you may recognize

Thank you to everyone for the kudos, hits, comments and bookmarks.

Thanks a lot to Stand with Ward and Queen and gussygus28 for their suggestions on this chapter.


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


In all his thousands of years of living, Hath-Set, known as Vandal Savage for decades now, could not be more confused by the gathering of men around him. Throughout his existence, he'd spent time amongst the most powerful men in the world, and yet, he was standing before men from different worlds. He had seen a lot, done a lot more, but this was new. What a curious thing to experience something so new after living so long that nothing could surprise him anymore. Or so he believed.

"Who is it that leads this crusade?"

Lex let out a chuckle that lacked any humor while looking to his original partner. "We never did work that out, did we, Zemo?" The baron did not reply, nor did he put away his gun, not that Lex paid it no mind as he faced the immortal again. "Our little band is more a gathering of equals. Consider us like a Parliament."

"If the Parliament consisted of people who would oh so like to deal certain nuisances that have spawned in our lives." Malcolm added as he approached the only man that made the previous Ra's al Ghul wary. "It was I who recovered your ashes. At first, I merely sought a favor to gain, however," he gestured to the baron, billionaire, and speedster behind him, "they have opened my eyes to what a collection of like-minded individuals like us, could do."

Amusem*nt shined in Vandal's eyes as he looked Merlyn up and down. "You think I would sit and stand at attention for someone else's whims?"

"We could always put you back the way we found you." The immortal turned his head and glared at the soldier from another world, like before, he did not cower.

"Men have lost their tongues for speaking to me in such a way."

"Gentlemen, please." Lex aimed a look at the baron, who only glanced back. "Our intentions are not to belittle one another," Lex held up a finger without even looking to know Zemo was about to speak but stopped and sighed disappointedly instead. "Our agenda, is to unite our causes, our resources, and our wills, to create a world without the "obstacles" standing in our way."

"Individually, we have fallen short of success, but together, we may very well prove to be unstoppable." Malcolm backed up Lex as he offered Savage a robe. The man who taught Robin Hood to shoot eyed both it and the Demon's Head, before accepting it, putting it on and covering his nude form at last. "Together, our enemies won't stand a chance. Green Arrow, Flash, they'll be gone, and we would have the world run as we see fit."

"All our worlds."

This was a more ambitious than Savage expected. He knew it was his destiny to lead the planet, he was the only one with the will to do so. No one could see it, but then again, few had the knowledge or experience that Vandal himself had. What these men were proposing, it could open a door to fulfill the fate that awaited him and finish the path he started four thousand years ago. Yet, there was much that gave him pause. "How do I know that you are true to your word, and have no intent to enslave me for my knowledge, or my power?"

Deadpanning the immortal, Lex told him flatly. "I assure you; we didn't bring you back just so we can threaten to kill you over and over again. There is no hierarchy here."

Vandal jerked his chin toward the silent, black clad metahuman. "What about the speedster?"

"He has learned that his power does not make him a god, and he is still very killable." Tilting his head with a smirk, Zemo made his message clear.

"Ignoring my Sokovian friend's prejudices, let's just make things simple." A hand extended towards the immortal. "Hi, my name is Lex Luthor, would you care to change the worlds for the better with us?"

It was with a hard stare that Vandal Savage re-examined man in front of him. Luthor had charisma, and intelligence, money as well clearly. His reasons for this were his own. The man, Zemo, his despisal for Vandal was palpable, and it seemed to extend to the metahuman as well. Said speedster was motionless the entire time, as if kept at heel by his masters, so it seemed the "Sokovian", a nationality that he did not recognize, spoke a hint of truth. Then there was Malcolm, the opportunistic, conniving magician, who gained the League of Assassins and title of Ra's through trickery and alliances.

They were a league of violent conmen with a hint of genius.

He may have use for them after all.

Taking the hand offered, the once Egyptian priest offered a grin.

"When do we start?"

Star City

Oliver angrily beat up a Ghost as the sight of Thea fighting for her life on the hospital bed flashed in his mind. "Where is Darhk?"

The Ghost ran off and jumped onto some wires, electrocuting himself.

Later, the lair

"No luck?" Felicity asked as Oliver walked into the lair.

"Just more Ghosts willing to die rather than talk", Oliver snarled as he put his bow up. "Where are Sara and Ray?"

"Looking for other leads", Diggle explained, Oliver nodding.

"John", Oliver then said. "Could you and Lyla make Andy talk?"

"We'll do our best", Diggle said, walking out, while Sara and Ray walked in.

"I'm guessing you'd as much luck as I did", Oliver noted.

"More Ghosts willing to die rather than talk", Sara echoed his own earlier words.

"Classic League technique", Oliver noted, when Laurel walked in. "How is she?"

"Still in surgery", Laurel said, looking shaken up. "Nothing on the tipline so far either."

"What do we do?" Ray wondered, before looking at Oliver. "Look, I'd love to help more, but-"

"The company", Oliver sighed.

"Yeah, they like me running it, but if I'm not around much, both of us will get kicked off", Ray pointed out.

"Go, handle it", Oliver said to Ray, giving him a reassuring look as Ray nodded and walked out.

"How's she doing?" Quentin asked Oliver on seeing him walk up to him.

"She's in surgery again", Oliver said, sitting down in front of him.

"Then what are you doing here?" Quentin asked.

"Looking for Damien Darhk", Oliver said bluntly. "There's a card that we haven't turned over yet, and we haven't turned it over, because when we do, he will know that you are working with us."

"You want to know where I've been meeting with Darhk", Quentin realized.

"Yeah", Oliver added. "You won't be able to go home. Luckily, we have space in the bunker. There are living quarters."

"What about Laurel and Sara?" Quentin inquired.

"They can take care of themselves", Oliver pointed out.

"Yeah, they can do that", Quentin said with a rueful chuckle. "Ok-office building, 832 Sixth Street, 30th floor. But with Thea in the hospital, me, Sara and Laurel watching our backs, Ray running the company, and Eliot, Parker, Hardison and Hunt back in their world, your team gets mighty small."

"None of it matters once Darhk is off the board", Oliver told him.

"You'll kill him?" Quentin asked, out of curiosity more than judgment.

"You've seen what he is up to, there is no other way", Oliver pointed out before walking off.


Pitch black surrounded Tony. There was no ground, no ceiling, nothing but a void that went on forever. Breathing heavily, the Iron Man's hands intertwined behind his head. "Okay, Stark, keep it together. Keep it together." He repeated to himself but his heartbeat only increased, he could hear it, feel it beat against his chest. "This isn't real. Doom's messing with your head. Neural scrambler, a kind of hypnosis, roofies for all you know. You're smarter than this, stronger than this, COME ON!" He cried as his grabbed at his hair and began to hyperventilate. "Focus! Focus...focus on them." Tony told himself as he shut his eyes and thought. Pepper. Rhodey. Happy. Steve. Bruce. Natasha. Thor. Clint. Focus on the people closest.

A light flooded the darkness around Tony, making the genius open his eyes and find a doorway of blinding light. With few other options, Stark walked towards the light.

New York City, Avengers Tower

Gasping himself awake, Tony, stripped of his armor sat up straight, nearly knocking into Rhodey and Sue as they gently held him in place. A hand went to his heart while his eyes found his best friend.


"Take it easy, brother." War Machine advised as he helped Tony to his feet. They nearly gave way before Rhodey caught the man again.

Groaning with a hand on both the bed and Rhodey's shoulder, Tony blinked his eyes rapidly to regain his senses. "I just had the worst hangover of my life."

"If only it was just a hangover." Susan said as she checked the pad with scans of his brain. "Your neuroelectric signals went flat, you had no response to stimuli. Basically, your body was fine, but your mind was gone." She said with worry while a faraway look was in Tony's eye, looking at nowhere as he focused on one insignificant spot in the glass. The lack of a response had Rhodey and Sue share worried looks.


That snapped the man back to reality. "Yeah, brain dead, I get ya. Now," he walked past both of them through the doors with the lab in mind, "time to make that bastard all dead."

Earth-1, Star City

Oliver entered the building, having nocked an arrow, and moved around. The others had been stationed in different exits. He found bodies of Ghosts.

He walked further, opening a door, and saw a Ghost hanging on the wall, shurikens stuck in his wrists and feet.

His expression stoic, he looked at the body, knowing who was behind this.

He tapped his comms. "White Canary, Spartan, Black Canary, status?"

"Nothing on my end", Diggle's voice spoke.

"Nothing here either", Sara added.

Laurel didn't reply as Oliver said again. "Black Canary?"

Not getting a response from her, he cried out. "Black Canary is not responding!"

He rushed out, going where she was stationed, as Sara and Diggle reached the spot, and found Laurel on the ground, a syringe sticking out of her.

Kneeling near her, Oliver checked her pulse. "She is alive!"

"Let's get her to a hospital!" Sara said urgently, Oliver nodding as he lifted her up bridal style.


Oliver, Sara and Diggle stood in front of where Laurel was lying on the hospital bed, Quentin sitting next to her and holding her hand, as Felicity came in. "Oh my God, are you okay?"

"I think so", Laurel said hoarsely, then looked at the rest. "It was him, the Throwing Star killer."

"Why did he attack you like that?" Diggle wondered.

"Don't know", Laurel sighed, before remembering. "The doctor said there was a drug in my system from the syringe he used on me, though its taken out now."

"What?" Sara inquired.


Oliver looked down, deep in thought, Sara and Diggle noticing that, as the former asked. "You know about it?"

Before he could respond, the door opened, and Nyssa walked in, wearing casual clothes, to the surprise of the rest.

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"Are you all right, friend?" Nyssa asked, looking at Laurel, as Laurel smiled.

"Yes, I'm fine, thank you for coming, Nyssa", Laurel thanked her.

"I heard about Thea, you have my condolences", Nyssa said genuinely to Oliver, and he nodded.

"While I am still looking for my sister, I have some followers of mine trying to trace Darhk, if I find anything, I will let you know", Nyssa said, then started walking out.


"Yes?" Nyssa stopped.

"Thank you", Oliver said, and she nodded, before walking off.

Earth-199999, New York City, Avengers Tower

Reed was tapping away on the holoscreen, working alongside JARVIS to purge the tower of whatever virus that Doom possibly left behind. He was always thorough, that man, if he still was a man, Reed thought in concern as he heard the doors open. Turning to find Tony with Rhodes and Sue trailing behind him, the inventor of the Iron Man armors looked down at the empty armory below.

"Where's my stuff?"

"Gone." Ben said grimly.

"Flew around the place, even the city, saw no sign of the tinmen." Johnny added as he played with a piece of lab tech that Reed stretched his hand out to take. "Hey!"

"Are you sure you should be walking, Tony? You were knocked out for hours-"

"The only medicine I need is to tear that bastard apart for messing with my tech." Tony said as he brushed by his fellow scientist and began to type away. "Why haven't you been tracking the arc reactors in the suits?" He asked heatedly.

"I thought it was better to make sure he didn't leave any unwanted additions to the Tower."

"Did he?"

Reed frowned at the tone. "Not that I could find-"

"Good, now we can focus on finding that cape clad son of a bitch."

"Woah, take it easy, Tony." Rhodey held Stark by the shoulder to stop him from typing and facing him. "It's a little early to be looking for payback."

"Then when is, Rhodey?" The airman stepped back at the anger evident in Tony's eyes. "He stepped into my house, took my armor-"

"You're pissed because he beat your tech?"

"I'm pissed because he got away!" Tony yelled, shocking Reed's team and Rhodey, who looked closely and saw the emotions in turmoil in his friend. "Made sure this building was impenetrable, and he got through. Ensured no one could steal my armor, and he did. I threw everything at him, and he walked it off."

"And you want to pick another fight?"

"I've dealt with monsters and men, I'm not afraid to go for round two."

"You should." Reed interrupted the two friends, making the genius and airman turn to him. "That man is relentless, and dangerous. He is brilliant, and amoral. We were lucky he didn't do worse."

"You sound like you know him?" Rhodey voiced his suspicion.

With a heavy heart, Reed lowered his head. "We do." Ben answered. "We went to college with him."

"Who the hell is he?" Tony needed to know.


Tony, Rhodey, Reed, Ben, and Johnny turned to the unexpected source of the voice. Susan.

"His name is Victor von Doom, the new King of Latveria."

Earth-1, Star City, the lair

"So, why does Dycloseral ring a bell?" Diggle asked Oliver.

Felicity was typing on the computer and said. "Because 4 years ago, the Hood took down Justin Claybourne, the CEO of the pharmaceutical company that manufactures it."

As she said that, Claybourne's image and data appeared on the screen.

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"And what was he doing?" Sara asked Oliver.

Oliver confirmed. "The man unleashed weaponized tuberculosis in Lamb Valley and when his company produced the cure called Dycloseral, he increased its price from $10 a pill to $1000 overnight."

"Damn! He sounds worse than most of the others you took down", Sara noted.

Felicity added. "After Claybourne's death, his company went down. He had no other family members to leave it to."

"But Prometheus used Dycloseral 3 years after the incident", Diggle noted. "That can't be a coincidence."

"It does send a message", Sara noted.

"What message?" Felicity asked.

""I'm alive and I'm coming after you"", Oliver said.

"You think Prometheus is Justin Claybourne?" Diggle inquired.

"In this town, people who are dead turn out be alive every Wednesday. Besides, we have time-travel and alternate Earths", Sara pointed out.

Suddenly, Oliver got a call, and picked it up. "Hello….All right, I'm coming."

Cutting the call, he walked off.

"Hey", Thea said weakly as Oliver walked in.

"Hey", Oliver echoed, sitting by her bedside. "Sorry I haven't been here before. I was-"

"Tracking Darhk, I figured", Thea sighed, then laughed weakly but a spike of pain shot through her.

"Easy", Oliver said gently. "The doctor said you need to rest for a while."

"You okay?" Thea then asked Oliver.

"You're here because of me", Oliver said with guilt. "And now the Throwing Star Killer injured Laurel too, she is here too, all because of me."

"I'm here because of Darhk, Laurel is here because of the Throwing Star Killer", Thea corrected him, holding Oliver's hand. "Look Ollie, I know you blame yourself for everything, and, some of us blaming you for everything bad last year might have something to do with it, but please, don't do it anymore. You're not responsible for everything bad, a lot of good in this city has happened because of you too. Lawton's family, they are now living better off because you, Eliot, Parker, Hardison and Hunt went after Cray and Smith. Think more about things like that, and not the bad."

"Well", Oliver said, a tear rolling down his cheek as he grasped her hand tighter. "I'll do my best."

Thea was about to say something when suddenly the machine started beeping, and her eyes closed, as Oliver cried out. "Thea! THEA!" He looked around. "DOCTOR!"

A doctor rushed in soon.

Later, Oliver stood outside the operation theatre, as the doctor walked out. "How is she?"

"We have stabilized her for now", the doctor said, Oliver sighing in relief. "But there is a complication."

"What?" Oliver inquired.

"She was hit by three bullets, one of those hit a button of her coat and splintered, the piece is very tiny, its close to her heart, but it'd be near impossible to take it out, we could damage her more."

"And if it remains inside?"

"Every time she drinks a fluid, it will move closer to her heart."

Oliver felt numb, unable to hear the doctor calling his name, unaware of everything, except a sound in his head, of the machine beeping as he visualized Thea's eyes closing.

Suddenly, he walked off, and took out his phone, dialing it. "Hello….I need your help."


Oliver watched as Ray entered the hallway. "What's the matter, Oliver?"

"A bullet splintered of hitting the button of Thea's coat", Oliver told Ray. "The shrapnel is too close to her heart. Trying to take it out the usual way will damage her more, and if its not taken out, every time Thea drinks, it will move closer to her heart."

"I'm sorry, Oliver", Ray said in sympathy, putting a hand to his shoulder.

"You can save her", Oliver pointed out, as Ray's eyes widened. "With your tech."

Ray was about to say something, but Oliver said. "Please Ray, only you can do it. I'll do anything you want."

Seeing the pleading look in Oliver's eyes, Ray could not deny it for whatever reason. "I'll do it, Oliver."

"Thank you."

Central City

There was a knock on Patty's door, and she opened to see Barry on the other end, her face mad.

"I was right. I thought that you would look mad, and you do."

"What happened?" Patty asked simply.

"Um... I don't really have a good excuse", Barry confessed. He still wasn't sure to tell her he was the Flash, and he'd left her to try and stop Turtle.

"Nothing?" Patty asked angrily. "Nothing? I mean, come on, Barry. Anything is better than nothing. I mean, come on. Holy crap, I've been a really, really cool girlfriend. Most girls don't have the self-esteem to handle the... plans? Oh, no plans. That's cool. Or the... or the... waking up in the middle of the night screaming again. Fine, whatever. And then... and then the really, really fancy plans... which were awesome. And then you ditched me right before I almost died."

Barry started. "I mean, when you put it that way, it..."

"I'm actually really upset."

"Yeah, I know."

"Look, we've been having fun. And fun has been so great. But... I'm moving past fun to the close part. That's what I want, okay? That's where I'm going. You need to figure out what it is that you want. And do it fast."

Barry thought about it. Strider had said he should tell her if he trusted her, Oliver had said the same thing. It wasn't like not knowing won't put her in danger, as this day had proven.

Zoom wasn't an immediate threat anymore either.

Barry decided to think a little more, but he was leaning more towards telling her now.

Star City, the lair

"How are you holding up?" Sara asked Oliver, then seeing his look, sighed. "Sorry, stupid question."

"Ray will save her man", Diggle assured Oliver. Felicity wasn't here, since she'd gone to the hospital to help Ray in his endeavor as well.

That was when Nyssa entered the lair. "I have something for you."

Adrian was sharpening his sword when he sensed Talia enter behind him. "I have found where Darhk lives."

"His car was spotted leaving a place called Stonehaven", Nyssa informed Team Arrow.

"Here is the residential address", Talia held out an address to Adrian, who took it.

"Now I know where he lives", Adrian said with a sick smirk.

Earth-199999, New York City

In all her sixteen years of life, Felicia Hardy learned there was one thing she hated above all else. Boredom. She hated the mundane, dull, lackluster moments in life, which included waiting, which is what she was doing right now.

Dressed in simple clothes, jeans, jacket, and a white top that couldn't hide her chest even if it tried, Felicia followed the instructions sent to her phone by someone called "Miss Robbing". It had to be Parker. It took her a minute to realize when she got the number in her phone when she realized, she pulled the switch with their phones when she was in the young Hardy's room.

Parker told her to head to JFK airport and meet her at the baggage claim, and "dress appropriately". Now she stood there, waiting for the woman who was supposed to make her a better thief.

"You're late." Felicia whipped around to find the older, taller blonde woman staring at her with arms crossed.

An indignant noise escaped Felicia. "By twenty seconds at most!"

"You're either on time, too late, or too early." Parker pointed closely at her face, and like before Felicia had to lean away from the finger. "You were late by twenty seconds; you get to wait for twenty minutes."

"How's that fair?!"

"It's not, it's meant to tell you to show up on time." Parker met Felicia's glare with a "sweet" smile before she started walking, her new student quickly following.

"What am I doing here?" A thought came to Felicia, her eyes widening. "Are we stealing a plane?" She whispered in shock.

"Pfft! That is way too big for someone so young." Parker stopped and thought harder about it. "Although it would be a great way to-never mind." The idea died faster than it was conceived. Felicia was sooooo not ready for a plane.

"Then what are we doing?"

"Hold this." Parker took off the blazer she was wearing over a white shirt and handed it to her student, the teenager confusedly followed her direction before being taken by surprise when the woman swept her jacket off her. "I take that." Felicia could not question her in time before the thief smoothly swiped a pilot's uniform from their suitcase, before taking the hat from another one not paying attention. "Play the odds, do the unexpected. Take nothing for granted. Everything you do has a reason."

The words made sense, but the lesson did not to the Hardy girl. "What does any of that even mean?"

"It means," Parker started as she adjusted the uniform and placed on the hat, and looking at her now, there's no way to tell she wasn't a pilot in Felicia's eyes. It was barely a transformation and yet Felicia barely noticed it. Parker's good, really good, Felicia thought. "Avoid those cameras." Felicia looked and saw the closest camera, that would soon turn towards them. "Also, I might have put your face in their system for suspected terrorists."

"You did what?!" Felicia's eyes went from the camera to Parker. Except, the woman was gone, Felicia whipped around to find the woman dressed as pilot, but she already blended into the crowd. "Oh great, trial by fire." A groan escaped the girl, but there was no way she was getting caught. She never was before, not until she met Parker, she refused to be caught now. She was not her father.

The only thing in her hand was the blazer Parker traded for her jacket. Quickly putting it on and tying up her hair, Felicia's eyes darted around the airport, from the people, cameras, and security. Her mind was a whirl, the cameras would catch her, and if Parker was telling the truth, she'd be arrested for terrorism. How the woman managed that, the younger thief could only imagine.

Running out of ideas, panic almost began to get to Felicia before she looked down. The emergency stop button for the baggage claim. As Felicia discreetly checked around her to make sure it was unnoticed, she turned on her heel, and moved her leg back into the button. Alarms started to buzz, with cameras turning to the cause, but there was no blonde for them to catch.

While security came to investigate, Felicia had to stop herself from walking fast. Don't act guilty or they always suspect you, she learned that early on from taking jewelry and money from unsuspecting marks in the mall. A group of flight attendants were passing by a camera's line of sight, and the blonde thief quickly joined them, her outfit enough to blend in with them, while the face and body of the attendant beside her hid Felicia. From that group, Felicia moved on to a man wheeling a large bag labelled fragile on a baggage cart, and using its height as a shield. It's a good thing there were always plenty of people in airports, crowds are great for invisibility.

From behind his computers, Hardison watched everything happening in JFK.

"Damn." The hacker muttered in mild surprise. He was controlling the footage in case Parker's methods proved too...extreme. It was a decision both he and Eliot decided was best in case the girl couldn't crack it. However, Hardison was yet to find her on the footage.

Girl got some skill. But could she make it out unseen?

When Parker came back from meeting Hardy, she seemed confidant, excited even. Now, well, an intrigued Hardison paid closer attention to see what Parker saw in the girl.

A cart transporting two older passengers and their luggage was where Felicia found herself, hitching a ride with the luggage giving ample cover before she had to hop off before the camera on the other side could see her.

The walkway proved an issue for Felicia, moving steadily and slowly before the video could see her, but then, a group of men wearing suits walked beside the walkway, and all she had to do was remain in place before joining them. Indistinguishable from the rest, there was no sight of her besides blonde hair tied in a messy bun.

Heart pounding, Felicia finally made it to the exit, and driving up in a fancy red Audi, was Parker waiting for her. The woman's face was unreadable, but there was no way Felicia could hide her smile as she walked through the doors after the most exhilarating thing she'd ever done. It didn't even involve stealing, all she had to do was not get caught.

"How was that?" Felicia asked with confidence as she walked around the car before entering, only to notice Parker on her phone.

"You took too long."

Felicia's face turned stony. "Come on, you threw me into the deep end here!"

"That?" Parker laughed at her, making the student glare at the teacher. "That was the kiddy pool." Felicia went to argue before the sudden take off of the car had her hitting the back of the seat as Parker gunned it back to Manhattan. "And you failed."

"What?!" Felicia cried upset. "None of the cameras in the terminal saw me." Parker gave her a look out of the corner of her eye. Thinking back to her escape, and confidant she was not caught, remained by what she said.

Until, upon her reflection, she remembered passing the doors.

"There was a camera outside." Slouching back in the chair, defeat marred across her young features, yet Felicia was stubborn. "But that shouldn't-"

"You were caught. You failed. End of story." Parker said with no room for argument. A huff left the girl sitting beside her before a silence filled the car. The odd glance to the occupant of the seat next to her had Parker eventually sigh. "But I suppose, for your first lesson, you weren't...terrible."

While the confidence was carved down, Felicia at least perked up at hearing the praise. Her mind was working its ass off, thinking of the right routes to take, when to move, where the cameras covered, all while remaining inconspicuous. It was the most Felica had ever done for one of her "escapades", and yet she didn't even steal anything, despite that, it also felt just as fun.

"But still, you failed."

"...you're not great at this whole pep talk thing, you know that?"

Universe-208, Coruscant

The Jedi Temple looked more like a fortress in Blade's eyes, with four towers in each corner, and a fifth, central tower that rose above the others. It was rather isolated from the rest of the city planet, which was surprising, you'd think the city would use up all its space. Since the moment he laid eyes on the structure, he kept his yellow eyes on it, it felt...mystical in a way. The air around it was supernatural, reminding him of the more dangerous hunts he had been on, with more powerful Vampires, and mystics he encountered.

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"Home sweet home." Vos said as he reclined in the air taxi, arms stretched across the back. "Also knows as-"

"If I wanted a f*cking history tour, I'd ask." Blade's crass tone interrupted the Kiffar. The pair of Jedi looked taken aback by the language and rudeness.

The offended Jedi, however, only deadpanned the Daywalker. "Killjoy."

A grunt was all he got as an answer. Quinlan remained quiet until the air taxi landed before the steps of the Temple. Another grunt as Blade stepped out of the flying car to stare up at the steps, where statues seemed to emerge at the top. Didn't take them for the decorative type. Then again, he saw the jewel piercing on Secura's belly button...do they even call them belly buttons?

Nope, Blade shook his head, he was not going down that path. Aliens and their parts can remain a mystery for all he cared, unless he needed to beat or kill them.

"Been awhile since I've been back. What about you guys?" Quinlan inquired as they began their climb.

"I was leading the militia in the Outer Rim territories, scouting routes, campaigned across Kabal. My men deserved some leave, but Falon stayed. That's when the Council called me to intercept you and our "guest"." Kota answered throwing a look at the trench coat wearing hybrid.

"Had only just arrived after a mission to Cavamina Minor." Aayla answered, and whatever else she said was lost as Blade stared at the Jedi Temple as they finally reached the top of the steps. Huh, place seemed bigger than he thought.

Idle chat was shared among the three Jedi as they entered the building, and Blade...he was conflicted. Mostly because of the Werewolf walking by him casually as if he was just another guy in the street. He couldn't help but stare, which drew the attention of said Werewolf.

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Black eyes narrowed and growled at the half-Vampire. "What?"

For once, Blade was speechless. The Werewolf talked...now he's really f*cking sick of this place.

"Master Monn." An arm threw itself around Blade as the Kiffar Jedi smiled at the wolfman. "Been too long. How you doing, man?" Monn stopped growling but continued to glare at the gaping Daywalker, which Vos quickly noticed. "Sorry about my friend here, he's never seen a Shistavanen before." The lupine Jedi hummed before turning on his feet, paws, whatever and left. Quinlan smiled after him before raising a brow at his shorter, gloomier, friend. "It's rude to stare, you know." Vos said, before yelping when his arm was twisted behind his back. "Owowowow!"

"You don't say." Blade quipped before releasing the arm. The Jedi rubbed his pained limb before rejoining the two other masters, one watching in amusem*nt, the other confusion. After that, Blade did his best to control his reactions around more aliens, no matter how, well, alien they looked.

Even if he wasn't staring, the hunter did notice an air of tension among the Jedi. Something Quinlan also noticed. "Something happened."

It was Kota who answered. "A colony of Togruta on Kiros were threatened with invasion by the Separatists, Master Yoda tried to warn them but they decided to negotiate instead. Ten rotations later, communications stopped."

"Skywalker and Kenobi were sent with their men to investigate." Secura finished.

"Wait, I thought Obi-Wan was on Umbara." Both the alien and human Jedi stopped and shared a look, concerning Quinlan and Blade, the former more so than the latter. "What?"

"The Umbara campaign is over, they secured the planet."

"Don't leave us in suspense." Blade told them with only mild interest, earning him a mild glare from the blue woman.

"Master Krell took over Skywalker's battalion after he was called back by the Chancellor. During that time, Krell was revealed to be a traitor."

"Krell?" Quinlan thought back to his interactions with the Besalisk Jedi, and there were none. Contrary to what the people think, not all Jedi knew each other. What he had heard was that Krell was effective in his tactics, straight forward, but lacking finesse. "Did not expect that."

"Here I thought the three of you got along." Secura said, a hint of bite in her tone.

Vos, however ignored it, while Kota didn't respond to the comment. "What happened?"

"Apparently, another man from outside the galaxy, like Blade, was found by the 501st before Skywalker's departure and joined the battalion as a volunteer." The grizzled Jedi had a grin on his face. He would have liked a man like that with his militia. "A genetically enhanced super soldier called Steven Rogers. Apparently-"

"Captain America?" The three Jedi were surprised by the shock on the Daywalker's face. "Captain America was here?"

"On Umbara. You know this man?" Kota questioned.

"Yeah, from Earth. The man is the world's greatest soldier."

Kota grinned again, now he really wished he could have met the man. "What about Krell?" The Jedi with dreadlocks inquired, although he noted the astonishment on Blade's face when he heard the news. Guess this Rogers guy was a big deal.

"Once his treason was discovered, Rogers and the Clones tried to arrest General Krell. He escaped, but apparently Captain Rogers managed to singlehandedly fight Krell before a friend from his own world arrived and brought him home."

"A soldier who can fight a Jedi," Quinlan whistled lowly, "Could use a few more men like him."

"Agreed, too bad he didn't stick around." Kota lamented before glancing at Blade. "Might have been able to bring you home as well."

However, Blade shook his head. "Doubt it. Let's just say we run in different circles."

"From what the reports said, that wouldn't have stopped him. The Clones called Captain Rogers a hero." Secura said, which had Blade smirk slightly.

"He is." Boy scout or not, that didn't mean a man like him couldn't respect Captain America.

Earth-199999, New York City, Avengers Tower

"Wait a minute, you're saying that this Doom guy, took control of the Tower, the armors, and nearly killed us, is your ex?" Rhodey asked just to be sure.

Sue sheepishly scratched her arm and nodded. "It was years ago."

"I never even knew you were together. I didn't even know Victor had a girlfriend!" Reed voiced his shock. He shouldn't be though; Victor was always secretive.

"Ahem!" They turned to a flaming hand held up with an impatient pyrokinetic on the other end, pointing to himself with his other hand. "Young guy, didn't go to college with you oldies-"

"Didn't go to college at all."

"-so could someone please tell me who the hell is this Victor Doom guy?" Johnny elected to ignore what Ben said, but he was definitely getting him back later.

Reed sighed before taking a seat and explained how he knew the man that beat an Avenger, War Machine, took control of some of the most advanced pieces of technology in the world, and conquered a country. "When Ben and I were in college, we met this incredibly gifted student. He was solitary, preferred his own company, and very arrogant, but he could always back it up. When we met, a rivalry and I guess a friendship you could say developed."

Ben snorted. "Every time they were in a room together, it was like watching one of those foreign soaps, you had no idea what was going on and you had no hope of figuring it out."

"Sounds like Tony and Banner when they start yapping." Rhodey added.

"We collaborated on several projects. It was refreshing to meet someone so challenging." Reed got excited as he thought back to his younger days with Victor. The things they could have done together, which made him lose his smile and demeanor. "But that all changed when...an accident happened."

"That was with you?" Sue spoke up in surprise. Reed held down any questions he might have to finish the story.

"Victor, brilliant as he was, always pushed the boundaries between genius and madness. He originally brought to me the concept of travelling to alternate dimensions, but he tried to use findings based in old superstitions and traditions to go to what he called "Hell"." Reed shook his head as he looked back, when the brilliant mind seemed to descend to lunacy as he raved about "Devils" and "magic". "Victor wanted to create a portal, and he managed to create the machine. He didn't want any help; he didn't even tell me why he was doing it. One day, I came across his device in the lab, when I saw his numbers were wrong, so I corrected them." Pain flooded Reed's face as he remembered the aftermath. "After turning on the device, it exploded. He lived, but Victor's face was disfigured in the explosion." With shame, he looked back at Tony. "He blamed me for what happened. The last time I saw him was promising payback...while wearing a-"

"Metal mask." Reed looked over at Susan to find her staring at him with hard eyes. "The day he left; he was wearing the same mask he was today. He couldn't bear the thought of anyone seeing his "imperfection". Victor was a perfectionist."

"And you dated a creep like that?" Johnny questioned in shock, and here Sue usually ragged on him for his dates. He thought about using that hypocrisy for a later date, until his sister's hand flicked up, and he felt something really hard hit the back of his head. "OW!"

"He was a sweet man." Susan defended Victor. "He told me about his life back in Latveria, why he needed to succeed. There was no other choice for him."

"No offense, Susan, but you are talking about a man who not only stole from us, but nearly killed us as well." Tony pointed out. His anger subsided, but was still buried beneath the surface.

"He wasn't always like that."

"A long time has passed since then, Suzie. People change." Ben cautioned her as he gestured to the whole room. "Just take a look at us."

No words left Susan that time, only looking down in her hands to try and understand, what had happened to Victor for him to become like this. He was always so sure of himself, never one to seek out others, but he was gentle with Sue, he did not mind that their conversations did not involve science of any kind. Most of the time, Victor was, for lack of a better word, normal...in his own way.

"Sir, the scan is complete." JARVIS spoke up as a holographic, life size representation of Doom's armor appeared before them, designs and details spreading out around it for Tony and Reed to see.

"I've never seen an alloy like this." Reed as he thoroughly read the schematics.

"Neither have I. Stronger than titanium, and lighter. Man made." Tony noted as he flicked away other notes to find a detail he's really interested in, taking the holographic box and expanding it for all to see. What he saw surprised both geniuses. "Quantum-dot technology. I thought Pym was the only expert."

"Victor always prided himself in being the smartest man in the room, more often than not, he was." Not even their college professors could keep up with them. "Still, this is years ahead of its time."

"Should we pretend to know what you're talking about, or should we get our translators out?" Tony and Reed looked over and saw the confused and expectant four waiting for answers.

"Doom is manipulating quantum fields to manipulate matter and energy at a molecular level. He's essentially creating magic, so to speak." Tony explained.

"Arthur C. Clarke said that, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"." Reed actually chuckled at what Victor managed to do. "He actually did it, he created magic with science."

"If he's so smart, then why is it that he needs your armor specs?" Ben scratched his head in wonder while Stark and Richards looked over at the schematics, Tony circling around the hologram as he read.

Looking at the chest piece of the armor, Tony felt something click as he "pulled off" the chest piece and discovered the truth. "The distribution system, it's flawed. The electrical recovery rate on this thing can't handle a major attack. His shields fail for a brief window."

"But the Iron Man armor has the key to fix that flaw." Reed followed Tony's line of thought. Ever the perfectionist, Victor needed to make his suit better. He looked at the Armored Avenger and smiled in astonishment. "You built something even Victor hasn't figured out yet."

"Yeah, well, I'm smart." Tony bragged as a beeping from another monitor caught his attention, pointing his hand at the screen before flicking it to the center to display a map of the city, specifically where his suits are.

"The Latverian embassy?" Rhodey said worriedly.

"Tony, you're not-" Reed began, before noticing Tony was already walking away, and sighed in defeat, "You are."

"I'm getting my stuff back." Tony told them all as he made his way to the launch bay. "And this time, I'm ready for him."

Earth-1, Central City

Russell Glosson aka Turtle was about to inject Patty, whom he'd abducted, with something to kill her, as she shook her head in fear.

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Suddenly, Barry sped in as the Flash, but Russell stood and held out his hands, as a kinetic pulse came out of him, slowing down Barry and stopping him in place.

Russell punched him twice and gave him an uppercut as Barry was sent flying off and falling down. Getting up, Barry ran off.

"Guess he doesn't care about you as much as I thought", Russell said, turning to Patty.

Barry ran further, and then ran back to Turtle's base, entering it again, as Russell let out a kinetic pulse. Barry slowed down a bit, but pushed through it, as Russell sent out another one, Barry struggling but pushing through again, and this time, he punched Russell hard, knocking him out.

Picking up a knife, he cut Patty's restraints as she hugged him in relief. "Thank you. Thank you."

Barry hugged her back. "Its okay." It was time now. He had made his choice.

"I thought about it", Barry said, confusing Patty, causing her to look up at him.

Reaching up to his mask, Barry pulled it off, revealing his face to Patty. "I am the Flash, Patty. And I'm sorry I lied to you."

He went down on one knee. "I know you're mad…"

"Yes, I am mad", Patty said, as Barry sighed. "Because you didn't tell me sooner."

"I'm sorry, Patty", Barry apologized.

"I get it. I'm mad, but I get it", Patty revealed, surprising Barry as he looked up at her. "I guess…part of me kind of knew. Back on Christmas, when you saved me, and I told you about my father….I just felt something familiar about you. And all those weird excuses, they all make sense now."

"Well, if you're mad, I get it, you did deserve to know earlier, I should have told you weeks ago."

"But you have now, you trust me enough to tell me", Patty noted, wiping some sweat off her forehead.

"I thought I was protecting you, but I was being an idiot is all", Barry finally confessed, and remembered Iris' tantrum on finding out. "Its just that someone close to me threw a tantrum on finding out. I did not think you'd act like that, it just scared me to tell. But now I know you're different."

"So are you, Barry", Patty said, reaching up and kissing him, as he kissed her back.

They parted, and she said. "Take me home, please." Barry saving her and revealing his identity had relieved her, but she was still shaken up.

"Sure thing", he said, lifting her up bridal style and running off.

"Who owns the house?" Oliver asked as he, Sara, Nyssa and Diggle walked towards it.

"It's owned by a dummy corporation", Diggle informed.

"You two take the back, we'll go from the front", Oliver told Sara and Diggle, as they moved towards the back, while he and Nyssa walked to the front, entering the house, only to see it empty, finding a table and various chairs thrown around, and glass shattered.

There had been a struggle here.

Finding a fallen photo frame, Oliver picked it up, and his eyes widened at what he saw.

Damien Darhk was in the picture, with a woman, and a young girl, all three smiling happily.

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Oliver couldn't believe it. Damien Darhk had a family too. And they had been taken.

He tapped his comms. "Darhk's not here. And some people have been taken."

Oliver knew who'd done it, and he dialed Felicity, who picked up. "Hello, what's going on, Oliver?"

"Can you tell me if anything related to Claybourne started up again recently?" Oliver asked her.

"Sure, just wait a sec",Felicity said, and a while later, her voice said. "The old Claybourne manufacturing plant reports heavy usage of water and power over the last few months."

"Thank you", he said, before cutting the call, and then took out the phone to call Damien that Nyssa had given him.

"What are you doing?" Nyssa asked.

"Trying to take out two birds with one stone", Oliver said, then dialed the number, as the call was picked up.

"Hello, who is this?"

"Green Arrow", Oliver said in a growl.

"You cannot track this call, if that's what you're thinking", Damien's voice told him. "I've taken precautions."

"Your family has been taken", Oliver revealed, and he could sense pin-drop silence from the other end.

Then he heard Darhk growl angrily. "If you do anything to them, I-"

"Not by me, I will never fall to your level", Oliver said with a sneer. "The Throwing Star Killer took them. They were gone when we arrived. But I have a possible location, I will send you the address, meet me there."

Ray, in his ATOM suit, was near the shrapnel that was close to Thea's heart, and taking in a deep breath, he held out his hand, and grasped it. "Felicity, I got it."

Felicity was holding a tablet, seeing Ray's location and the shrapnel's location on the screen, to guide him. "Yeah, you have it. Now, follow the previous path, and I'll pull you out."

"Sure thing", Ray said, carefully treading the previous path, before Felicity took out the syringe gun, and pressed a button, that pulled Ray out of Thea's arm, with the shrapnel.

Ray flew off and landed near Felicity, holding the shrapnel up. "We got it."

Suddenly, the machine started beeping, making their eyes widen, only for the beeping to stop and Thea to go back to normal, as both sighed in relief.

The doctor came in as Felicity hid the syringe gun inside her coat, while she looked over Thea. "Everything seems to be fine…for now."

Felicity grinned behind the doctor, as the miniature Ray grinned too.

Universe-208, Coruscant

"Okay, be a little bit less yourself and you should be fine...just try not to stare, or glare. You know what, we'll need a few minutes."

Those were the words Vos said before Blade was pushed by the taller man to enter the Council chamber atop the center tower of the Temple.

Perhaps he should have taken the advice and prepared himself.

Surrounding him were a green skinned squid guy, a guy with brown skin and small horns on his head, a man with the biggest forehead Blade had ever seen, what he was assuming was a man with downward curving horns, a dark-skinned woman with, well, whatever the f*ck the things that were on her head, a small, little green dwarf thing with long elf years, and another dark skinned man that seemed to be human based on what his senses could tell. A lot of the chairs were unoccupied in the circle surrounding him. They were staring at him like he was some oddity kept in a circus, and after God knows how long he'd been off Earth, now they might have some answers for him.

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Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (508)

"Like what you see?" The Council were taken aback as Blade finally spoke, anger far from hidden. "Quit staring and start f*cking talking already."

From his spot in the doorway, Quinlan buried his face in his hands.

"Oooooooh shik."

Kit Fisto let out a surprised laugh that he tried to suppress but failed. "You will have to forgive us, my friend." The Daywalker turned to the Nautolan Jedi. "Only two of us have ever encountered someone that have originated from beyond one of these disturbances, and safe to say, the feeling is much different in this case."

"Yet, the man we saw was human." Windu spoke up, keeping his eyes on the man called Blade. There was something different about him, far from a mere man, else the Force would not ripple as such around him. There was more, something dark about him that he did not recognize. "You, are not."

"You're half right."

"Masters." Quinlan walked in, stopping any more words to be exchanged between Blade and Windu. Part of him wanted to see that spar, however. "Blade has explained to me his biology. He is half human, and half a species native to his planet that resembles the Anzati, but require blood, not the Force."

"A dark appetite." Master Mundi stroked his beard at the notion.

"A rarity, this is, one from outside the galaxy." Blade snapped his head to the source of the voice. Yoda's lip quirked at the staring; many did in his presence. "Curiosity, we have."

Blade leaned close to Vos. "Is the elf high on something?" It only earned him a smack from man he met on Tatooine.

"Count Dooku's interest in you is concerning. Rarely does he involve himself in matters, unless they have some importance." The co-creator of Vaapad brought up.

"I didn't invite him over for drinks, if that's what you're thinking."

"No, but you were found in the company of Death Watch. Terrorists and assassins." The lone female in the council chamber spoke for the first time.

"I wasn't exactly having people line up to look after me once my ass hit the sand." Blade snapped back, making the several Council members narrow their eyes. "They took me in and sheltered me. There was nothing for me to do other than stay. Wasn't until before the attack when I learned what they are and cut ties."

"Not without leaving with a prize." The Zabrak Jedi noted towards the unique lightsaber by the hunter's hip. "How was it you came to earn the Death Watch leader's weapon?"

"Blade beat Pre Vizsla in combat, then used it in a brief duel against Dooku, before the combined forces of myself and incoming Mandalorians forced him to retreat." Quinlan supplied to his fellow masters.

A great many surprised expressions filled the faces of the Council. "To face the Count in a duel and survive is a rare feat, especially for someone without the Force." Kit voiced his amazement

Pulling back his coat, Blade exposed the hole which Dooku's lightsaber left in his armor to the Jedi, the skin beneath fully recovered thanks to the fresh human blood he consumed moments before the injury. "I managed."

"Anger I sense, within you." Yoda spoke, gaining Blade's attention as the centuries old Jedi pointed his walking stick at the man. "Careful, you must be."

"Everyone has anger. It's how you channel that anger that matters." Blade countered, yet how the little green guy was peering at him, it felt odd.

A hum escaped the Grandmaster. "Truth in your words, there are. And yet, anger not at others, but yourself, I sense."

Quinlan's eyes shifted from Yoda to Blade, and saw the man tense. It was true then, even back when they first talked on the ship, Vos felt anger at what he is, almost as much as when he spoke of Vampires. "I didn't come for some anger management session. I came, because he," Blade jerked his thumb at the now sheepish Vos, "said you can get me home. Now, can you? Or do I have to make my own motherf*cking way back?"

Despondent, Quinlan looked skyward in hope that his new friend doesn't get him kicked out of the Order by being himself, the one thing he asked Blade to tone down. Why does the Force hate him?

A look was shared between the current Council members before Windu spoke directly to the Daywalker. "We will meditate on the matter in hope of a vision to guide us to answers for your predicament. Until then, we can offer you the safety of the Temple, as long as you do not violate our laws."

Blade removed his shades so he can stare at the Master of the Order. Both men locking eyes, wills engaging to better learn of the men on opposite sides. Windu felt out with the Force to better read the Daywalker, yet his mind, his emotions, were better guarded than some Jedi.

"I'm no prisoner. As long as that's clear, we're good."

"A guest, you shall be. Our promise broken, it will not." Yoda vowed to the Daywalker, whose yellow eyes looked back at the smaller being, and nodded.

"Master Vos will show you your temporary residence and watch over you while you inhabit the Temple."

Blade and Vos stared at Windu, then at each other, both sighing with only the former speaking with sarcasm. "Great." Without another word, he left the chamber, with Quinlan jumping to follow his pace, only speaking when they passed the door.

"If I lose my rank because of you-"

"Oh would you stop bitching already."

"I don't even know what that means, asshole!"

Earth-1, Star City

Oliver, Sara, Nyssa and Diggle explored the old Claybourne manufacturing plant, before they noticed a locked door.

"Might be worth checking out", Diggle said.

"Yes, could be something", Nyssa told him.

"You two go, we'll let you know if we get anything", Sara said, as Nyssa and Diggle went off, while the two walked towards the locked door.

Before they could try to force it open, it opened by itself, revealing Darhk's wife and daughter inside, bound and gagged.

The two ran in, towards Darhk's wife and daughter, when suddenly, the door shut itself, causing them to turn around.

They turned back to the bound and gagged mother-daughter duo, only to see the Throwing Star Killer.

"Who are you?" Sara inquired.

"Prometheus", he finally gave his name to them.

"Justin Claybourne", Oliver declared. "You have failed this city."

"Not as badly as you have", Prometheus retorted calmly.

Oliver fired at Prometheus, but he threw a shuriken and it cut the arrow into two at its midpoint very cleanly.

Arrow 5x9 Green Arrow vs. Prometheus soundtrack plays

Prometheus flipped and jumped at the Oliver, putting him on the ground. He then punched him twice on the chest before Oliver kicked him away.

During that time, Sara untied Darhk's wife and daughter.

As Oliver got up, Prometheus tried to kick his knee but he dodged. Prometheus swung his sword but Oliver ducked and got on his other side. Prometheus tried to hit him again but he kicked his hand.

As Prometheus tried to punch him again, Oliver grabbed his elbow and punched him there. He then grabbed him by the head and threw him across a felled book case. Prometheus fell on its other side.

"Get them out of here!" Oliver cried out to Sara, as she used her Canary Cry, shattering the door.

"Get out of here!" She said, as Darhk's wife and daughter ran off together.

As Prometheus got up, Oliver leapt over the book case and kicked him on the chest with both feet, sending him down again. As he tried to get up, Oliver kicked him on the knee and he fell again. He tried to get up again but Oliver did a spin motion and grabbed his head between his feet and flipped him to the ground.

This time, Prometheus got up first and kicked Oliver on the foot. He rolled away and got up too. Prometheus tried to hit him with the sword but he grabbed his hand and punched him on the chest. He then backed off a little.

He tried to punch Prometheus but he grabbed his hand and threw him across the book case. He fell on the other side. As he tried to get up, Prometheus leapt over it and did a flip. Green Arrow looked at the flip and it gave him a sense of déjà vu.

As he was distracted, Prometheus landed next to him, grabbed him by the back of the collar and threw him away.

Oliver grunted, slowly getting up, as Prometheus pointed his sword at him. "I've been waiting three years for this."

Sara was about to unleash her Canary Cry, but now Prometheus decided to stop holding back, and rolled forwards, kicking her away with both feet, before Oliver tried to grab his head between his feet again, but Prometheus grabbed his foot and elbowed it, making him grunt, before decking Oliver's gut as he was winded and went to the ground, Prometheus getting up.

As Oliver tried to get up, Prometheus now did a spin motion and grabbed his head with both feet, flipping him to the ground.

Before Oliver could get up, Prometheus was suddenly stopped by an unseen force, and thrown off, crashing into a wall.

Oliver got up and turned to see Damien standing there. The sight of his sister on the hospital bed flashing through his mind, Oliver charged Damien, while Prometheus got up as Sara rushed him.

Oliver spun twice and tried to strike Damien as Damien backed to avoid, then ducked before punching Oliver twice, but Oliver blocked the third time, decked Damien's gut, and tried to strike with a spin but Damien blocked, only for Oliver to kick his knee as he went down.

Spinning again, he struck Damien's face, sending him down once more.

Sara whirled her bo-staff and whacked Prometheus' face, before trying to strike again as he blocked with his sword, then kicked her chest, before flipping and grabbing her head with his feet and flipping her to the ground as her bo-staff dropped.

Sensing a presence, he whirled around and deflected two arrows fired at him by Nyssa, and as Diggle tried to fire, he rushed off, and hurled a shuriken that got Diggle's gun, disarming him.

Oliver kicked Damien's face, sending him back again, and realizing he was outmatched in terms of skills, Damien waved his hand as all four were sent crashing into the wall, and then he lifted them up with magic. "Where's my family?"

Oliver grunted. "We saved them!"

Damien's face scrunched in shock, before he let them down, but still kept them still with his magic. "I want to be clear about something- I have shown you all repeatedly that you cannot beat me."

His expression softened. "You all saved my family. So, I'll give you a few weeks to spend with yours. Enjoy your time, what's left of it."

He walked off, and then the four felt themselves able to move again.

The lair

Oliver walked into the lair and asked. "Are Darhk's wife and daughter in police custody?"

"They told police they weren't his wife and daughter", Diggle said while Quentin shook his head. "Had fake ID and everything."

Laurel was back, having recovered, as Oliver asked her. "You good?"

"Yeah, I'm good now", she nodded.

"He could copy moves", Sara said about Prometheus. "He copied both you and me."

Oliver groaned, when Felicity gave him the good news. "Ray and I got the shrapnel out."

"Thea will be fine", Ray assured Oliver, as he looked at the two of them like they'd erased his five years of Hell forever.

"I…I can't thank you two enough", he said, sitting down next to them. "Really….I…"

"Its all right, Oliver", Ray said while putting a hand to his shoulder.

"What are friends for?" Felicity smiled too.

Oliver smiled back at both of them, before getting up. "I'm going to see Thea."

Central City, STAR Labs

"You told her then?" Caitlin asked, as Barry sat across from the rest of the team, and Iris.

"Yeah, she wasn't mad at all. Well, a little mad, but she understood", Barry said with a smile. "Should have told her sooner."

"Well, either way, she knows now, and you two are good", Cisco noted. "My man!"

"Thanks", Barry simply said.

"I'm…happy for you", Iris said to Barry and he nodded, but she winced when he looked away.

Part of her had hoped maybe one day, she could be with him, even when she was with Eddie. But now she knew that wasn't possible at all. The way he used to look at her, he'd that look even when he just talked about Patty.

Why did this have to happen to her?

Star City

Thea's eyes opened as she saw Oliver sitting next to her. "How long have you been there?"

"A few hours", Oliver told her. "Darhk and Prometheus, that's what the Throwing Star Killer calls himself, they got away, but we'll get them."

"Two of them at once, as if we didn't have enough on our plate", Thea groaned.

"You don't worry about that", Oliver told her. "You worry about getting better. Once you're good to go, the doctor will release you into my custody. Until you get better, you're on bedrest."

"I'd fight you on it, but I don't think I can win", Thea joked weakly as both chuckled.

Damien was comforting his sleeping daughter Nora in the car, as his wife Ruvé drove, and he'd assured her the new beginning was coming.

Suddenly, an arrow landed in front of their car, making her skid it to a halt.

"Stay inside", Damien said, and ran out, kneeling near the arrow. It didn't look like the Green Arrow's arrows.

Suddenly, a special arrow hit his wrist, and went through, before sticking to the ground, and another arrow of the same kind went through his other wrist, sticking to the ground too, before two more hit his legs, also going into the ground.

"DAMIEN!" Ruvé cried out.


Damien's head was suddenly grabbed by Prometheus. "You have been trying to kill the Green Arrow and his loved ones for sometime now. If you had, I'd have cut off your head."

Damien angrily yelled. "Who are-"

He was cut off when Prometheus slammed his head to the ground. "The Green Arrow and his loved ones are mine. You kill any of them, you die."

"You took my family, I should kill you", Damien snarled.

"If you do not go after them again, we will not cross paths", Prometheus said.

"Who are you?"


And then, he was gone.

Earth-21, Metropolis, Daily Planet

Clark was greeting people in the building, when he saw someone step in front of him and groaned.

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"Clark Kent!" Cat Grant said, tapping her foot.

"Cat, what's up?" Clark asked.

"Did you get none of my calls?" Cat inquired.

"Must have forgotten to charge my phone", Clark simply replied.

He started walking into his office, hearing some people talk about his alter-ego stopping a fire a while ago, as he asked her. "What's up?"

"That's what's up", she said, gesturing inside, and Clark saw Booster Gold waiting for him, decked in his suit.

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"We've got to stop meeting like this", Booster said.

A while later, Clark led Booster to the rooftop and said. "I'm at work, Booster!"

"I know, back on the scene after your little hiatus, which was shorter than expected", Booster shrugged.

"You're from the future. Did you know about what was chasing Bart?" Clark asked with folded arms.

"Our knowledge from the future is ever-changing, Mr. Kent", Skeets said as it appeared. "Pleasure to finally meet you, Mr. Superman, sir."

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"Your 'agent'?" Clark inquired.

"Something like that", Booster nodded, before tossing his Legion Ring to him. "You have any idea what 'Legion Protocol Six' is?"

"Never heard of it", Clark confessed, catching it, when a voice was heard.

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"Authorized user present. Prepare for mandatory recall."

"Booster?" Clark questioned as the ring glowed blue.

"I thought you were the expert", Booster told him, as the purple light engulfed the area, and when it faded, Clark and Booster were gone, smoke emanating from where they used to stand, Skeets alone now.


"Protocol Six completed."

Clark groaned. "Booster, you okay?"

He sat up as Booster's face was on the ground. "Never better. Skeets?"

Clark helped him up as Booster commented on not getting a response from Skeets. "Typical Skeets, sleeping on the job."

"I don't think he was invited", Clark said while looking ahead.

"Invited where?" Booster asked, before looking ahead too.

Clark was speechless, while Booster trailed off. "Oh well…."

They were in Metropolis, which was torn apart, and a destroyed Superman statue was in front of them.

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"….At least we're still in Kansas."

As Clark examined the destroyed statue, Booster commented. "Have to admit, I'm jealous. If I'd known you'd a statue coming, I wouldn't have backed down on that whole 'Key to the City' thing'."

"Wait a minute", Clark turned to Booster. "When we first met, you said you were from the 25th century."


"The Legion are from here, the 31st century, so how were you able to get one of their Rings in the first place?" Clark inquired, wanting to know.

Booster started. "Hey, a true magician never reveals his-"

"Excuse me."

They turned to see Skeets flying towards them.

"Sirs! Sirs! Sirs!"

"Skeets, how did you get here?" Booster asked in shock.

"I've been buried in a time capsule, waiting on this very spot for your arrival",Skeets told Booster.

"For a thousand years?" Clark inquired.

"I didn't want to let Booster down, Mr. Kent."

"I get along plenty fine without you, shiny", Booster waved it off.

"Of course, sir."

Clark looked at the Legion Ring in his hand. "I really don't know how to process a lot of what's going on right now, but this Legion Ring said it was 'recalling' Legionnaires." He asked the big question. "So where is the Legion?"

Booster looked up and told him. "You are so worried about the wrong problem right now."

Clark looked up to see a burning spaceship heading right for the city, as Booster added. "Now this has Superman written all over it."

Clark ripped his shirt off to reveal his suit and symbol underneath. "Get the civilians clear of the crash zone!"


Clark took off his glasses. "Because I've never caught a spaceship before." With that, he flew towards the spaceship.

Inside the spaceship, Garth Ranzz aka Lightning Lad was on his knees and cuffed. "Grife!"

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"This vessel is going to crash", Brainiac 5 told him while looking at the controls.

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"What was your first clue?" Garth grunted. "Of course, it wouldn't have to crash if someone hadn't gotten slakking fresh with the navigation system!"

"'Prick us will we not bleed?'" Brainiac 5 quoted Shylock from Shakespeare's 'Merchant of Venice' in reply.

"We should never have rehabilitated you", Garr joked now.

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Brainiac 5 turned to Garth while pressing a button, unlocking his cuffs as lightning cracked in his hands. "Without Brainiac 5, who would rescue the gallant Lightning Lad?"

Brainiac 5 started moving ahead, Garth behind him as the former started. "Of course, if you had not got caught in the first place-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

A device fell in front of them.

"Look ou-"

It exploded in a blue light, but they backed in time, only being sent to the ground, while soldiers appeared in front of them.

"Restrain the prisoner!"

"We've got larger things to worry about than my love life", Brainiac 5 noted while helping Garth up, whose hands crackled with electricity once more.

"You take the five on the right, Brainy, I'll fry the rest."


"Fine, 'stun' only", Garth said before hurling weak blasts of lightning that got some men.

Brainiac 5 simply blocked a man's blow while Garth stunned another by touching him with his lightning empowered hand. "You and stupid Rokk and stupid Legion Charters and stupid-"

"Be nice." Brainiac 5 struck the man down, before they were fired at.

"Oh, but they get to shoot at us?" Garth asked with wide eyes.

"I did not say we could not hurt them", Brainiac 5 pointed out while twisting another man's arm.

"Abandon ship! Abandon ship! Abandon ship!"

"I mention how glad I am that we rehabilitated you?" Garr asked before knocking two more men out with lightning. "You need to go make 'nice' with the Nav computer."

"Agreed." Brainiac 5 punched one more out.

"We're gonna crash!" The pilot suddenly said, frantically pressing buttons, as the ship continued to go down.

"I take that back", Garth muttered.

"I do not believe flowers will 'do the trick' either", Brainiac 5 noted.

They saw a fast red blur moving towards the ship as Garth commented. "Earthgov can't be dense enough to shoot down their own ship! Is that a missile?"

Brainiac 5 smiled. "Not quite."

Superman flew towards the crashing ship, and placed himself underneath it while turning around, cushioning its fall with his back.

He looked down, seeing Booster trying to evacuate people. "Come on!"

"Evacuate! Run now!" Booster cried out to the people.

"I'm uploading a safe route to each of your data devices currently", Skeets added.

"Why should we listen to him?" One of the men wondered.

"Look at those clothes, is he even human?" Another one added.

"I don't see how that could possibly matter right now!" Booster snapped.

Then one of the men looked up, and saw Superman trying to stop the crashing spaceship.


The sight caused everyone to run, along with Booster who said. "You're clear, Superman!"

"Brace yourselves!" Superman said, supporting the spaceship on his back as it crashed to the ground, but the ground remained undamaged due to Superman taking the brunt of it.

As Garth and Brainiac 5 flew out, Clark muttered. "Remind me to tell Oliver….I caught a fricking spaceship."

He stood up and smiled on seeing the two Legion members, grasping Garth's shoulder, who grasped his back. "Clark!"

"What brings you to the future, Kal-El?" Brainiac 5 asked him, Clark reminded of his Vampire doppelganger Spike briefly, before shaking the image off.

"I was hoping you could explain that to me", Clark finally said, before turning to look at the spaceship he'd landed. "Glad I got here when I did, though. Why did you two crash a spaceship?"

"We weren't trying to crash it, we were trying to escape", Garth rectified.

"Down on the ground!"

They looked around as soldiers with guns surrounded them, and some other ships appeared around them too.

"Stand down and submit yourselves into custody!" One of the men said.

"I don't understand", Clark said in confusion.

The three put their hands behind their heads and went on their knees as Clark asked. "Is the Legion at war with Earth?"

"Nothing quite so simple, I'm afraid", Brainiac 5 told him before pointing upwards. "Behold the enemy of your precious Earth….New Krypton!"

"That's impossible!" Clark gasped in shock.

That moment, a strange 'Vwoorp, Vwoorp', sound was heard.

Doctor Who Theme Tune plays

All of a sudden, an old blue British police box from the 50s of all things appeared in front of them, as Garth muttered. "What the…?"

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The men and the Legion watched in shock, while the box opened and a short-haired man in a black breasted leather peacoat walked out.

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Clark heard two heartbeats from him, which made him realize this was an alien.

The man looked around, confused, when behind him, a younger man with a very handsome face walked out as well, and finally, a blonde woman in a pink shirt.

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"Whoa!" The short-haired man said. "We are in the future….in another world!"

"Because of that breach?" The younger man inquired.

"That is true", the man said. "I couldn't steer away in time."

"What do we do now?" The woman inquired. "The future in another world…..wow! Like…..wow! Blimey!"

"I will have to think on what to do", the man told her.

"Get down on the ground!" One of the men said while aiming at the three newcomers.

"Hey, I'm thinking, do not interrupt me!" The man said, before producing a short screwdriver-like device from his pocket, confusing them all.

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He twirled it as a sonic beeping was heard, slightly irritating Clark's ears, and then the guns of the men suddenly smoked, and they dropped the guns while gasping in pain.

"That's new!" Garth had to say.

"It appears to be a sonic device", Brainiac 5 noted.

"Hey handsome", the younger man greeted Brainiac 5, making him smirk.

"Just to let you know, he's an AI", Garth told the man about Brainiac 5.

"Works for me", the man shrugged, as Clark and Garth shared a weird look, as the man narrowed his eyes. "You look like someone I know."

"Trust me, I am not", Brainiac 5 said.

Suddenly, Skeets appeared between the men, having been thrown by Booster, and shocked them all, taking them out, while Booster walked next to them.

"Who are you?" Clark asked the three newcomers.

"Captain Jack Harkness", the young man held out his hand, that Clark shook. "That suit is looking really good on you."

Clark groaned, as the woman introduced herself. "I'm Rose Tyler." She looked at Clark's and Garth's suits. "Are you two superheroes?"

"Yes, really great ones I might add", Garth smirked.

"Blimey, so superheroes are real in this world", Rose muttered in awe.

"And you are?" Clark turned to the short-haired man.

"I'm The Doctor."

"Doctor who?"

"Just The Doctor, mate", he said with a shrug, while looking around them. "I believe we need to get out."

"What about the TARDIS?" Jack inquired, gesturing to the blue box.

"I can take it", Clark said, lifting it up easily, to Jack's and Rose's awe. "What do we do now, Brainy?"

Brainiac 5 asked them all. "Would all of you be amenable to disguises?"

"We disguise ourselves all the time, of course we're amenable", The Doctor told him.

Earth-92, Sunnydale

Spike and Buffy were walking together in the night, and arguing, as the latter was saying. "Like really, can you ever-"

"Vampire, remember?" Spike said with a smirk.

"Why did I ever kiss you?" Buffy groaned.

"You made the call", Spike shrugged, before they heard some chanting, and looked ahead to see a man with long hair waving his hands around near a breach.

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"Who is that and what's he doing?" Buffy asked Spike.

"I know him, he's a Warlock, name's Rack", Spike told her. "Looks like he is messing with a breach, but good ol' Spike is here to stop him."

He cried out. "Oi!"

Rack turned to Spike as he smirked. "Trying to go on a ride through the Multiverse now, are we?"

"This does not concern you", Rack snarled.

"I'd say it does", Buffy said as she fired her crossbow at his leg, but he deflected it with a spell, and smirked, before Spike took his Vamp face, and rushed at Rack.

Rack stopped him telekinetically, only for Buffy to cartwheel and kick his face, sending him staggering back as Spike was freed.

Buffy lifted him up by the collar, only for him to blast her face as she was sent flying back, but during that time, Spike punched his face, turning it the other way, and then he grasped his head as a reflex, only to realize there was no pain.

He smirked. "Looks like too much magic makes ya…not so human, eh?" Before Rack could recover, Spike punched his face again, making him spit out blood, then spun and kicked his face, making him fall down, before kicking his side a few times.

Before Spike could kick him again, Rack unleashed a magic blast that sent Spike flying through the breach, as Buffy screamed in horror. "SPIKE!"

"Oh no!" Rack whispered, then looked at Buffy, before gulping and chanting a spell. Buffy rushed him, but he teleported away before she could catch him.

Buffy looked around, her face showing her shock. Where had Spike been sent to now?

Middle-earth, The Old Forest

A breach opened, and Spike fell out of it with a gasp. "Blimey! Just what I needed….not!"

He stood up and dusted himself, then looked around to see he was in a dense forest, and it was nearly night-time, though the sunlight wasn't penetrating the thick forest.

"At least something's good", he muttered as he started moving forth.

Then, he heard someone crying out. "HELP!"

Hearing that, Spike rushed forwards and was shocked by what he saw.

Two little men, short enough to look like children from a distance, were running around, calling for help. They were dressed in what looked like medieval travel clothes. One of them had curly brown hair, the other a curly blonde.

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He'd have thought they were kids, but their faces clearly showed they were quite old, yet their bodies did not seem like they'd any deformity or something.

They noticed him and stopped, as the brown-haired one requested. "Can you help us?"

"With what?" Spike inquired.

"A tree has got two of our friends", the blonde one said, pointing at it, and Spike looked in the direction.

He'd have laughed had he not seen that the tree actually had someone captive, as he could see two legs sticking out from under the tree's crack, and it seemed to be constricting.

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Spike rushed towards the tree, and grabbed the jaws of the crack that held one of the trapped ones. He roared, using all his strength, but, to the relief of the two who'd called him, and the one trapped, he managed to force it open, as another little man started panting on being freed, before running out, his hair a golden yellow.

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Spike let go, only for the tree to whack him with a large branch, making him fall back. "Bloody Hell! Tree, I am going to-"

He stopped, as they all heard something. A deep glad voice was singing carelessly and happily.

"Hey dol! merry dol! ring a dong dillo!

Ring a dong! hop along! fal lal the willow!

Tom Bom, jolly Tom, Tom Bombadillo!"

They stood still as the voice burst out again.

"Hey! Come merry dol! derry dol! My darling!

Light goes the weather-wind and the feathered starling.

Down along under Hill, shining in the sunlight,

Waiting on the doorstep for the cold starlight,

There my pretty lady is. River-woman's daughter,

Slender as the willow-wand, clearer than the water.

Old Tom Bombadil water-lilies bringing

Comes hopping home again. Can you hear him singing?

Hey! Come merry dol! derry dol! and merry-o,

Goldberry, Goldberry, merry yellow berry-o!

Poor old Willow-man, you tuck your roots away!

Tom's in a hurry now. Evening will follow day.

Tom's going home again water-lilies bringing.

Hey! Come derry dol! Can you hear me singing?"

They stood as if enchanted. The wind puffed out. The leaves hung silently again on stiff branches. There was another burst of song, and then suddenly, hopping and dancing along the path, there appeared above the reeds an old battered hat with a tall crown and a long blue feather stuck in the band. With another hop and a bound there came into view a man, or so it seemed. He had a blue coat and a long brown beard; his eyes were blue and bright, and his face was red as a ripe apple, but creased into a hundred wrinkles of laughter. In his hands he carried on a large leaf as on a tray a small pile of white water-lilies.

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"Help!" The two little men said to him.

"Whoa! Whoa! Steady there!" The man held up a hand and they stopped. "Now, my little fellows, where be you a-going to, puffing like a bellows? What's the matter here then? Do you know who I am? I'm Tom Bombadil. Tell me what's your trouble! Tom's in a hurry now. Don't you crush my lilies!"

"Our friend is caught in the willow-tree", the brown-haired one said.

"What?" Tom Bombadil leapt up in the air. "Old Man Willow? Naught worse than that, eh? That can soon be mended. I know the tune for him. Old grey Willow-man! I'll freeze his marrow cold, if he don't behave himself. I'll sing his roots off. I'll sing a wind up and blow leaf and branch away. Old Man Willow!"

Setting down his lilies carefully on the grass, he ran to the tree. Tom put his mouth to a crack and began singing into it in a low voice. They could not catch the words, as Tom broke a hanging branch and smote Old Man Willow with it. "You let them out again, Old Man Willow! What be you a-thinking of? You should not be waking. Eat earth! Dig deep! Drink water! Go to sleep! Bombadil is talking!"

There was a tearing creak and the other crack split open, and out of it another little man, this one with golden red hair, sprang, as if he had been kicked. Then with a loud snap both cracks closed fast again. A shudder ran through the tree from root to tip, and complete silence fell.

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"Thank you!" The little men said, as Spike stood up, and they turned to him too. "Thank you!"

"No worries, I am the hero after all", Spike boasted. "Name's Spike."

Tom Bombadil burst out laughing. "Well, my fellows! You shall come home with me! The table is all laden with yellow cream, honeycomb, and white bread and butter. Goldberry is waiting. Time enough for questions around the supper table. You follow after me as quick as you are able!"

With that he picked up his lilies, and then with a beckoning wave of his hand went hopping and dancing along the path eastward, still singing loudly and nonsensically. Too surprised and too relieved to talk, the little men and Spike followed after him as fast as they could. But that was not fast enough. Tom soon disappeared in front of them, and the noise of his singing got fainter and further away. Suddenly his voice came floating back to them in a loud halloo!

"Hop along, my friends, up the Withywindle!

Tom's going on ahead candles for to kindle.

Down west sinks the Sun: soon you will be groping.

When the night-shadows fall, then the door will open,

Out of the window-panes light will twinkle yellow.

Fear no alder black! Heed no hoary willow!

Fear neither root nor bough! Tom goes on before you.

Hey now! merry dol! We'll be waiting for you!"

After that they heard no more. Almost at once the sun seemed to sink into the trees behind them. Great shadows fell across them; trunks and branches of trees hung dark and threatening over the path. White mists began to rise and curl on the surface of the river and stray about the roots of the trees upon its borders.

Out of the very ground at their feet a shadowy steam arose and mingled with the swiftly falling dusk. It became difficult to follow the path, and they were very tired. Their legs seemed leaden. Strange furtive noises ran among the bushes and reeds on either side of them; and if they looked up to the pale sky, they caught sight of queer gnarled and knobbly faces that gloomed dark against the twilight, and leered down at them from the high bank and the edges of the wood.

They began to feel that all this country was unreal, and that they were stumbling through an ominous dream that led to no awakening. Just as they felt their feet slowing down to a standstill, they noticed that the ground was gently rising. The water began to murmur. In the darkness they caught the white glimmer of foam, where the river flowed over a short fall.

Then suddenly the trees came to an end and the mists were left behind. They stepped out from the Forest, and found a wide sweep of grass welling up before them. The river, now small and swift, was leaping merrily down to meet them, glinting here and there in the light of the stars, which were already shining in the sky. The grass under their feet was smooth and short, as if it had been mown or shaven.

The eaves of the Forest behind were clipped, and trim as a hedge. The path was now plain before them, well-tended and bordered with stone. It wound up on to the top of a grassy knoll, now grey under the pale starry night; and there, still high above them on a further slope, they saw the twinkling lights of a house.

Down again the path went, and then up again, up a long smooth hillside of turf, towards the light. Suddenly a wide yellow beam flowed out brightly from a door that was opened. There was Tom Bombadil's house before them, up, down, under hill. Behind it a steep shoulder of the land lay grey and bare, and beyond that the dark shapes of the Barrow-downs stalked away into the eastern night. They all hurried forward, hobbits and ponies. Already half their weariness and all their fears had fallen from them. The song was heard again.

"Hey! Come derry dol!

Hop along, my hearties!

Hobbits! Ponies all!

We are fond of parties.

Now let the fun begin!

Let us sing together!"

Then another clear voice, as young and as ancient as Spring, like the song of a glad water flowing down into the night from a bright morning in the hills, came falling like silver to meet them:

"Now let the song begin! Let us sing together

Of sun, stars, moon and mist, rain and cloudy weather,

Light on the budding leaf, dew on the feather,

Wind on the open hill, bells on the heather,

Reeds by the shady pool, lilies on the water:

Old Tom Bombadil and the River-daughter!"

"Do they always do that?" Spike asked the little men.

"We do not know, just met them", the red-haired one said. "My name is Peregrin Took, but you can call me Pippin."

"Meriadoc Brandybuck, call me Merry", the golden-haired one said.

"I'm Samwise Gamgee, you can call me Sam", the curly blonde one revealed his name.

Spike looked to the curly brown-haired one. He noticed there was something about him, a heaviness in his eyes, he did not know why. He felt something from him, something calling to him, for reasons he knew not.

"Underhill, my name's Underhill", he finally said, though Spike had a feeling he wasn't telling the truth.

But why bother?

Noticing his look, 'Underhill' asked. "Have you never seen our kind before?"

"Uhmm….I'm gonna say- nope!" Spike shook his head.

"We're Hobbits of the Shire", Merry said.

"Never heard of that either", Spike shrugged.

The Mysterious Tower

Sora and Riku stood in front of Master Yen Sid, next to whom stood King Mickey, and Donald and Goofy.

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Sora and Riku had agreed to take the Mark of Mastery Examination to prepare for the battle against Xehanort, though the former was a bit reluctant to take it, but had agreed to it due to Riku agreeing to it as well.

"Very well then", Yen Sid finally said. "Sora and Riku, let your examination begin."

Suddenly, a blue breach appeared in the room, and out of it ran a young man with blonde, spiky hair, carrying a long sword on his back and wearing black clothes, two women, one in a pink dress with a ribbon in her hair, the other with long flowing hair and big breasts, wearing a white sleeveless top and a black miniskirt, and with them was a dark-skinned man with glasses, having his right hand missing, and type of gun in its place as a prosthetic, while a lion-like being with a flaming tail was with them too.

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Sora recognized three of them. "Cloud! Aerith! Tifa! Its good to see you three again!" He looked at Cloud. "Did you defeat Sephiroth?"

But the three simply looked confused, as Cloud Strife asked. "Have we met before?"

"Uh….yes?" Goofy said from where he stood. "Don't you all remember?"

"I think I'd remember meeting people looking like you three", Tifa Lockhart said as she looked at Donald, Goofy and King Mickey weirdly.

"But how can you all forget?" Sora asked, really confused.

"What is even going on? Where are we?" The dark-skinned man inquired.

"This is not our world", Aerith Gainsborough noted, closing her eyes and sensing it. "It is a different world, and we crossed through a breach."

"We need to get back!" The lion-like being said. "The Whispers are gathering."

"How do you not remember us?" Donald asked Cloud, Tifa and Aerith in his usual quacking way, making the three share confused looks.

"We have not met any of you", Cloud said.

"But that makes no sense!" Sora responded.

"Perhaps I can explain", Yen Sid finally said, making all of them look at him. "As you know, there are many worlds, all around us. You all have visited many of them, but they're not the only ones in existence. Sometimes, there are two different versions of a similar world, with similarities, and differences. Other times, two versions of the same person can exist in two different worlds, having the exact same life, or perhaps diverging at some point."

Riku's eyes widened. "Do you mean to say…."

"These are a different Cloud, Tifa and Aerith from the ones we know?" Sora finished, and Yen Sid nodded.

"So, you know our doppelgangers or something?" Tifa asked the group.

"I guess….." Goofy trailed off.

"I believe that is the case", Aerith finally said, sensing the energies around them all. "There are many worlds indeed…some feel familiar, some don't."

"How did you get here?" Riku asked.

"We were about to face the Whispers, they were gathering, then we were here", Cloud told them. "In your world, I guess. I've a feeling Sephiroth is behind this."

"By Sephiroth, you mean your Sephiroth?" Sora asked.

"I guess he'd be the one from our world, yes", Cloud revealed.

"What are these Whispers?" Mickey asked at that point.

"They exist to ensure the course of destiny is not altered", the lion-like being explained. "They correct any deviations from the course."

"Who are you?" Sora asked the creature, before turning to the dark-skinned man. "And you?"

"You can call me Red XIII", the creature finally gave its name.

"Barret", Barret Wallace introduced himself as well.

"What does Sephiroth have to do with this?" Sora then asked.

"He has returned, after years, I am not sure why, but he is causing something", Cloud told them all. "And we have to go back and stop him."

"I can help", Sora then offered, to the surprise of the rest.

Riku started. "Sora-"

"They may not be my friends, but they look the same, they sound the same, I'm sure they're exactly like them", Sora said passionately. "I will help them stop Sephiroth." He looked at Yen Sid. "You might not agree, but I will go."

Yen Sid shrugged. "Perhaps this can prepare you for what you have to face in the examination, so I believe you should go."

"Thank you, master", Sora said with a smile and nod.

"What can you do?" Cloud asked, only for Sora to summon the Keyblade, as they were shocked by how it looked.

"What's that?" Barret inquired.

"The Keyblade", Sora said.

"I'm coming too", Riku then said before summoning his own 'Way to the Dawn' Keyblade. "With all of us, we could take on Sephiroth."

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"The Sephiroth I fought was one of my strongest enemies", Sora warned Riku. "This one can be just as dangerous."

Riku smirked. "Let's see."

"Good luck Sora", Donald cried out. "Good luck Riku."

"Yes, good luck both of you!" Goofy added too.

"Win the battle, then return", Mickey said with a smile, and they nodded.

"I believe the portal is….here", Aerith pointed at it with her finger, as Sora and Riku fired beams at it together, and a keyhole symbol appeared, before the portal was visible again, a street visible on it.

"Let's go", Cloud said, as he walked through, followed by Sora and Riku, and then Tifa, Aerith, Barret and Red XIII went through as well.

A battle of fate was about to take place.


And this is another one done. Thanks a lot to Brainstorm Sorcerer for all his help with this chapter once more, couldn't have done this without him. And thanks to Stand with Ward and Queen for a few suggestions too.

Oliver, Sara, Nyssa and Diggle fight both Adrian and Damien, as Thea is saved by Ray and Felicity. Hope the combination of Arrow 4x10 and 5x9 was enjoyed.

Damien is taking the Tobias Church role here in a way pretty much.

Barry has revealed his identity to Patty, and Iris is going delusional in her mind, like usual.

Meanwhile, the Argo plot of Smallville Season 11 comics begins, so Clark is in the future with Booster Gold, and has met Garth and Brainiac 5 again, but….The Doctor is here too, Nine to be specific! And with him are Jack Harkness and Rose Tyler.

I'm not a fan of Rose, I do not like her at all, but she was a Companion during this time so I've to keep her. She'll be in the background most of the time. This is between 'The Doctor Dances' and 'Boom Town' for DW.

Parker finally begins to train Felicia, and the first time went about as expected.

Blade has finally met the Jedi Council, and is already showing them what manner of guy he is, LOL! Poor them, except Windu and Mundi, screw them both!

On the other hand, now Tony and Rhodes know who it was they faced- Doctor Victor Von Doom! Arguably the greatest villain in Marvel Comics, and one of the best in either of Marvel and DC. Hope the backstory was enjoyed as well.

Thanks a lot to Brainstorm Sorcerer for his help with all 3 bits.

Meanwhile, 'Dream Drop Distance' is about to start but the KH characters are interrupted by the Final Fantasy VII: Remake characters, and now the concept of doppelgangers has been explained to both these character sets as well.

Now its time for Sora and Riku to join Cloud, Tifa, Aerith, Barret and Red XIII in the battle against the Whispers and then Sephiroth.

And Spike has ended up in Middle-earth. I'm making this a combination of books and movies, so we got The Old Forest, Tom Bombadil and Goldberry. Spike has met the Hobbits as well, but let his trials now begin, especially since he is still soulless. Imagine Andy Hallett as Tom Bombadil.

Anyways, hope all enjoyed and see you all next time with another chapter.

Chapter 24: Destiny's Crossroads


Tony, Rhodes and the Fantastic Four confront Doctor Doom once more. Felicia has a talk with Parker. Blade meets more people on Coruscant. Clark, Kara and The Doctor come across some new people. Spike journeys with the Hobbits. Sora, Riku, Cloud, Tifa, Aerith, Barret and Red XIII battle the Whispers. Iris tries to cope with the fact that Barry won't be hers anymore.


Disclaimer: I do not own anything you may recognize

Thank you to everyone for the kudos, hits, comments and bookmarks.

Rest In Peace Carl Weathers and Hinton Battle (Sweet from 'Once More, With Feeling in 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'). You will both be missed.

I'm not covering Arrow 4x11, so make up your own minds on how that one went. Only two more Arrow Season 4 episodes will be covered now in this fic, but not in this chapter.

Thanks a lot to HRwriter897 for his help with a major part of this chapter, and Stand with Ward and Queen for a suggestion.


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Earth-21, 31st Century, Metropolis

In the Legion safehouse, which was nicknamed the 'Bad Wolf safehouse', Clark, Nine, Jack and Rose were all dressed differently now, to blend in with the crowd, as Clark was saying. "Whatever it is we've walked into, I'm sorry for getting here so late." He grasped his head. "The state Metropolis is in…."

"I guess I came right in time", Nine realized.

"Really?" Clark asked Nine.

"He always comes when there is a mess", Rose told Clark. "And then he fixes it."

"Try to fix it, Rose", Nine corrected her, then his tone turned firm. "Speaking of, I let you off last time with what you did, but do not try such a thing again, otherwise I will not take you with me anymore. Time is not something you can mess with, especially with these breaches open all over the Multiverse. Do you understand?"

Rose, for once, found herself afraid of The Doctor, but knew she had no argument to justify herself, and just nodded.

"Well, I hope you can fix this, Doctor", Clark said to Nine.

Booster then opened his mouth. "We came as soon as that protocol message came over the Legion Ring."

Skeets started. "Technically, sir-"

"We got here as soon as we could", Clark told Brainiac 5, who looked at him.

"I am afraid you have me at a disadvantage, gentlemen", Brainiac 5 said while holding up the Legion Ring. "We have enacted no such protocol."

"So, you've a ring that allows you to time travel", Harkness noted, taking the Ring from Brainiac 5 and examining it. "Interesting, it might be like my vortex manipulator."

"Things are rough between Earth and New Krypton, but we don't need to recall every Legionnaire from everywhere or when", Garth explained to Clark, then muttered. "Everywhen."

Brainiac 5 added. "Not as of yet."

Booster started. "But-"

"I believe something is going on, and we've to find out why", Nine noted.

Brainiac 5 looked at Booster. "Who are you exactly?"

"The greatest hero you've never heard of?" Booster tried to make a declaration, it came off more as a question.


"Perhaps we should have a statue constructed, sir."

Clark pulled Booster and Brainy apart, as Nine said. "We've more important things to think about."

"What is this deal with New Krypton, and why are they attacking this Earth?" Harkness asked.

Brainy activated a hologram and started navigating it. "A lost Kryptonian colony- self-designate- Argo- applied for membership to the United Planets."

"Lost colony?" Clark asked, confused.

"If their records prove correct, I believe you have a direct hand in their formation", Brainy noted.

"The Shadow Proclamation is not a thing here, is it?" Nine asked, and got looks from the rest. "Thought so."

Clark remembered what had happened. "The Kandorians! Zod tried to lead them against Earth two years…or a thousand and two years ago."

"Correct", Brainy noted. "Using an artifact referred to as the 'Book of Rao', you propelled Zod's soldiers across the Cosmos to Argo, where they survived and flourished as their own society. For a thousand years, all thanks to you."

"You saved your race", Nine noted to Clark wistfully. "You did a good thing." Clark noted the guilt in his voice, and wondered what that was about, but decided not to press.

"What happened with their membership to the United Planets?" Clark asked.

"They were declined, 'too young', they were told", Brainy explained.

"Sounds like a nonsensical reason, but doesn't justify war either", Harkness had to say.

Garth commented. "As an alien, I think its safe Earth earned what its getting right now."

Nine gave him a look, but before he could say anything, Clark asked. "Brainiac, what's Garth talking about?"

Brainy didn't respond, but Garth said. "Might as well let the dumaka out of the bag."

As Clark looked at Brainy, the AI asked him. "In your evolution as a hero, where exactly are you with regards to your temper?"

Then, Brainiac 5 told Clark everything, and he clutched his fists in anger, and even Nine's face showed rage as he was given more details about everything.

"Listen to me", Nine said to Clark, putting a hand to his shoulder. "I know you are angry, but charging in blind can be disastrous."

"What do you think I should do?" Clark asked.

"We're coming with you", Jack said with a smirk. "They're not prepared for us."

"What do you have that they won't see coming?" Garth inquired out of curiosity.

"Me", Nine declared, looking ahead. "Just me."

He looked at Rose. "You stay here, we'll be back."

Kirt Niedrigh, the Minister of EarthGov, was in a holding facility, talking to his superiors, requesting an off-planet transfer for his prisoner. "Its only a matter of time before he comes looking for the one we captured."

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Suddenly, there was a beeping. "Activating emergency power."

Part of the facility was torn apart, and he turned to see Superman hovering there, holding Nine and Jack, as he said. "I believe you have something that doesn't belong to you."

They came inside as Kirt made to press a button but Nine waved his sonic screwdriver, and the pad was done for, while Clark told him. "I'm here for neither side of this conflict."

As some men made to enter, Nine twirled his sonic screwdriver again, and the door was shut, making Kirt gulp. "Who are you?"

"I am The Doctor", Nine declared. "And I'm going to stop your war on aliens."

Clark then grabbed Kirt by the collar, and his eyes glowed. "Where is she?!"

"In….in the detention level…..in block AA-23!" Kirt cried out in fear, as Clark shoved him away. Jack took out his sonic blaster and fired, knocking Kirt out.

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Clark immediately flew towards the level, and towards the block, ripping it open to see her inside, in between the rays of red sunlight.

"Clark?!" She cried out weakly in surprise on seeing him.

"Kara!" Clark knelt near his cousin, who'd come to the future, and was now a prisoner, but no more. He was here for her.

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Universe-208, Coruscant, Jedi Temple

There was a sense of serenity within the confines of the Jedi Temple, despite the fact it was surrounded by a planet-wide city. Blade opened his eyes, and for the first time he felt actually rested in what, three weeks? A month? The days were starting to blend together the longer he was surrounded by aliens and technology that outdated anything on Earth that wasn't made by Tony Stark, then throw in the mystical magic mumbo jumbo of these Jedi loons. Getting up, Blade let the sheets wall to his waist, exposing his tattooed physique, unmarred by scars despite the severity of many past wounds, even recent ones. Perks of being part undead, he grimly mused.

Throwing his feet onto the floor, the Daywalker rose up and walked forward, only to fall forward, catching himself before his face hit the floor, then pushed his arms up and down. Following the routine, Blade threw one arm behind his back and continued pushing as he thought about the Jedi. These people seemed fairly spartan, something Blade could relate to, but how they dressed, how they acted, some just seemed emotionless, or trying to be. As he changed arms, the questioning thoughts would plague Blade had he not chose to ignore it. He doesn't know these people; he doesn't owe them anything. They find a way back, and at last he can go back to shooting suckheads and whatever else went bump in the night.

But he won't be able to forget. No, Blade stopped in the middle of a sit up to look at the lone desk and chair in the otherwise empty room, he won't forget. His coat, shades, and weapons bar one pistol were hanging on the chair or placed on the desk, which included the Darksaber. Ending his exercises early, Blade found himself rising until he took the hilt into his hands and pressed the activation stud.

The flat, black blade surrounded by a white aura illuminated Blade's face, even if it seemed like the Darksaber drew in the very light around it. Spinning it in his hand before giving it a practice swing, the weapon whistled as it moved through the air until the hunter slowed it down and slowly hovered his hand parallel to the black sword. It gave off no heat despite being composed of plasma, as Vos said, but the feel of it in the air, it felt like electricity on his skin. Blade doubted he would ever understand this galaxy, these people, or even the weapon in his hand, but he was starting to become sure of one thing. He liked the new sword.

Blade suddenly tensed and spun on his feet until his palm drove something invisible against the wall, and kept them there with the tip of the Darksaber pointed at their unseen throat.

"Did you forget to knock?" He asked sarcastically. A laugh came from the wall, before it shimmered, and the shape of a woman came into being. She was older, white haired, and wore the same kind of robes he'd seen other Jedi wear in the Temple.

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"Not bad." The woman continued to chuckle before her hand pushed forward, with Blade being thrown into the opposite wall. Recovering mid-air, he twisted his body to allow his legs to push off from the wall and return to the woman with an overhead slash. She barely managed to pull out the lightsaber at her waist and activate the purple blade before the Darksaber crashed down on her, the force sent her to a knee. Straining over the strength, the woman looked up with stunned but curious eyes. "How did you know?"

"The heart is louder than you think."

Bursting into the room was a familiar heartbeat with a green lightsaber in hand, pointing at the downed woman. Quinlan took a second before recognizing one of the few others in the Order with a purple lightsaber, and woman. Taking his weapon away, he gestured to Blade to do the same, and with reluctance, the half-Vampire stopped the pressure he exerted from the black-bladed lightsaber and deactivated it. "What the kriff are you doing here, Kuro?"

An'ya Kuro huffed as she turned off her lightsaber before getting back to her feet. "The Temple was abuzz with news of our guest. I was curious to meet him for myself."

"They don't have knocking where you come from?" Blade snapped back, pissed off from losing that moment of peace he had.

A snort escaped her as she bypassed a glaring Quinlan. "They do, but I found my ways produce fast answers." An'ya said as she left through the door.

"Who the f*ck was that?"

Quinlan turned to Blade and understood his anger. He didn't hold much love for older Jedi either. "Her name is An'ya Kuro, she's trained in the more secretive ways of the Jedi. Using the Force to bend light to become invisible, phase through walls, safe to say she's earned the name of the Dark Woman."

"She's an intrusive bitch." Blade snarled. With little more to do, he turned to put on his vest and weapons. Vos watched as he took a gun hidden under his pillow.

"Bit excessive, isn't it?" Blade only rose a brow at the man and jerked his head at the door. Quinlan looked at it before he nodded. "Fair point." With the Darksaber back on his hip, the remains of his sword in the sheath on his back, Blade threw his coat back on. "What do you say, wanna explore the Palace of the Jedi?"

"As long as you make sure none of you motherf*ckers try another stunt like that." Blade warned the Jedi. "Otherwise, next time, I might just start taking heads."

"…You are so not a morning person."

Earth-1, Central City

Iris was still sad, wondering if she and Barry would ever get together again. Why had she been such an idiot about the entire thing? Perhaps if she hadn't, she would have been with him.

Now though, unless she tried to break Barry and Patty up, like she'd tried with Barry and Linda, she'd never be with him. And she'd a feeling those two won't take it that easily.

Right now, she was also thinking about her mother, who was about to pass away, and her younger brother Wally West, who'd just started becoming part of hers and dad's lives.

She was about to go back home from work, and was going to get a cab, when suddenly, she fell into a breach, and saw some sights.

First, she saw a handsome man with blonde hair and pointed ears, carrying a bow with a quiver of arrows behind him.

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Then she saw a woman with blonde hair, wearing a red dress with a purple sash around her waist, red boots, red wristbands and purple shoulder-pads.

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Next up, she saw a pale man with long hair and blackened lips, wearing all black, a crow on his shoulder.

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And then, she saw a medieval looking man with reddish brown hair, carrying a sword in his right hand. He seemed to resemble Strider a little. His gray eyes suddenly started glowing blue.

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Lastly, she saw someone suited up like the Green Arrow, though this one had no beard.

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And then she was suddenly on solid ground, and in front of her, some children were firing at a woman, though she was unaffected by the shots.

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"Oh my God!" Iris yelled in horror. "Where am I? What's going on?"

The woman saw her and yelled. "Take cover!"

Iris saw a van nearby and hid behind it, finding another woman there, who was tall and beautiful, with long hair, a soldier next to her.

"You just appeared out of nowhere!" The soldier said.

"Another world?" The woman asked Iris.

"Yeah….how do you know?" Iris asked.

"We're experiencing it all around", the woman shrugged, while they turned to see the woman holding up a hand to the children.

"You don't have to be victims any longer", she said, before walking to one of them and gently taking away his gun. "But I also won't allow you to create any more victims in your wake."

The other children then lowered their guns as the woman led them away, while the woman with Iris muttered. "Damnit!" She put her hand in the soldier's pocket, taking his phone. "Gimme your phone, soldier!"


"I just found my front page!"

She clicked a picture of the woman with the children, as Iris asked her. "Are you a reporter?"

"Yeah, you're one too?" The woman inquired.

"Yes, my name is Iris West", Iris finally introduced herself.

"Lois Lane", Lois revealed her name with a shrug. "When we get out of here, we'll try to find a way to your home."

"Thanks", Iris said, then her eyes lit up. "Lois Lane? I've heard of you on my Earth!"

"Right, so I've a doppelganger on your Earth, cool", Lois shrugged.

They stood up as the soldier told Lois and Iris. "We should get you both to base."

"Is that an order?" Lois asked.

The soldier started. "You aren't soldiers so-"

"That's what I thought", Lois said before leaping over the van's hood, Iris following her.

The soldier cried out in shock. "You got your front page, what else do you need?"

"The rest of the story!" Lois said before running after the other woman.

"And I think its best if I stick with her!" Iris added before running after Lois.

Later, the three were in front of a sanctuary created by the other woman, whose name Iris had learnt was Lana Lang, and she was a vigilante here known as 'Angel of the Plateau'.

"So ummm…" Lois trailed off.

"Its beautiful, isn't it?" Lana asked her. "Its their sanctuary."

"Sure, we'll go with that", Lois shrugged.

"If I was in this world, I'd have run this story", Iris had to say.

"Other worlds, huh? Interesting", Lana muttered.

"Africa, huh?" Lois asked, as she, Lana and Iris turned the other way.

"After what happened in Metropolis", Lana said with a sigh. "I wanted to be somewhere I felt I could really make a difference. To use the abilities I acquired to do good where no one else will."

"Are you making a difference?" Lois asked her while stopping a football coming her way.

"When the sun goes down, and I see that the ones I've rescued are safe, yes", Lana told her with folded arms. "But there's always another battle. Always another fight every time the sun crawls back up in the sky." Lois kicked the football back at the kids who continued playing. "The bloodshed doesn't stop. The sex trade doesn't stop. These children need to know what its like to have a normal childhood. All children deserve that much."

"That is bleak", Lois noted.

"No, its motivating", Lana replied.

"And no side-effects from all the Kryptonite you absorbed into all those tiny robots that make you super?" Lois asked next.

"What is Kryptonite?" Iris asked but was ignored.

"…Only one", Lana finally said, and Lois knew what she meant.

Lois gestured to the playing kids near the fire. "Just you and the kiddies out here in the dark?"

"Are we catching up or writing a story?" Lana inquired.

"Everything's a story", Lois shrugged.

"Fair point."

"What you do, I don't think I'd be able to do it", Iris confessed. "People close to me do it, and I can't handle that either."

"We get used to it", Lois told her.

"I don't", Iris muttered, which caused Lois and Lana to give her a weird look that she didn't notice, before they looked at each other again.

Lana told Lois. "I have an ally in the city, a man named David who has connections to the warlord's operations. He isn't able to give me much information, I'm usually too late to stop the factions from 'recruiting' children, but I try to free them as quickly as I can."

"Is it true that they can't go back to their homes?" Lois inquired.

Lana hugged some children who came up to her. "Here, the only person the warlords can retaliate against…is me!"

"Will they come here then?" Iris asked with a gulp. "I'll be in trouble."

"That's something I accepted when I followed her", Lois told her. "You didn't?"

Iris looked at Lana. "I thought you could keep me safe-"

"Not all the time, if you can't take care of yourself, you're just in the way, so stay down!" Lana told Iris, and she flinched.

"There are kids here, think about them and not just yourself", Lois added.

Metropolis, LexCorp

Malcolm and Savage looked around at the place, impressed, as the former said. "Oliver's building wasn't this impressive, even with Ray running it."

"That's because they're more interested in playing hero than doing genuine business", Lex said, the irony of his words lost on him, before he gestured to his machine. "This is the machine that helped me travel between worlds."

"Now it has been fixed, and has locked onto another world", Zemo added.

"You attached your computer to it", Savage noted with narrowed eyes. "I believe that is of some use."

"The computer is trying to get in sync with this world's frequency, then I can use it to look up things about that world", Lex revealed to him and Malcolm. "Then, we can go in prepared, and single out someone who'd want to support our cause."

"That's quite genius", Malcolm agreed. "I'm looking forward to meeting this new member."

"Our legion shall grow", Zoom said in a growl.

31st Century

Above the Earth, Clark and Kara embraced in Space, as Clark apologized. "Kara, I'm sorry."

"You've nothing to apologize for, Clark", Kara assured him.

"I didn't even realize my Legion Ring had gone missing", Clark noted as they parted.

"Or that your cousin had?" Kara asked jokingly.

Clark started. "In all fairness-"

Kara punched his shoulder playfully. "I kind of always run off mid-sentence?"

"That, and the whole 'end of the world' thing that was in progress", Clark informed her, then added. "Which, all things considered, I could have used a bit of a hand with."

"I was told…." Kara trailed off. "Correction- Ordered….to leave Earth so that you could 'assume your destiny'." She pointed at Clark's suit, especially the symbol. "And, from the looks of it, you certainly did."

"Jor-El moved in mysterious ways, didn't he?" Clark said to himself.

"So, other worlds, huh?" Kara then asked.

"Yeah", Clark nodded. "I've been two of them by now. And we're getting time-travelling through different worlds as well now, with The Doctor and his Companions."

"They were something", Kara noted.

"So, how did you get wrapped up in all this?" Clark then asked Kara while looking at Earth.

"When I landed here in the future, six months ago", Kara started explaining. "Brainiac of all people welcomed me into the Legion." She looked at him again. "It wasn't until we discovered the lost Argo colony that I realized I might have finally found my place in the world." She closed her eyes. "In any world."

Clark held her hand and assured her. "You always have a place in mine."

"That's kind", she said before adding. "I just never really fit in with Smallville, you know?" She then returned to explaining. "The Legion launched a diplomatic mission…someone from EarthGov sabotaged it. And then- war!"

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Clark asked her. "Why would EarthGov sabotage a mission to meet our people?"

During that time, Kara's eyes glowed, and she fired, revealing some kind of spacecraft where there used to be empty Space. "Fear!"

And there many such spacecrafts there, as Clark asked. "Friends of yours?"

"Gravity buoys", Kara explained as all of them appeared now. "The only way for Kryptonians to fly through Space with any kind of purpose."

"And these have been hidden out here all along…waiting for you?" Clark questioned.

"For my extraction back to New Krypton, yes", Kara confirmed.

"'Extraction'?" Clark questioned. "But-"

"Clark, I wasn't a prisoner", Kara said before revealing. "I'm a spy!"

The World-Ship, New Krypton

Rokk Krinn aka Cosmic Boy and Imra Ardeen aka Saturn Girl were standing together, hooded and cloaked in red and black, as the former asked. "We're not exactly blending in, are we?"

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"Not to worry", Imra assured Rokk while putting her fingers to her head. "None here will see us as anything more than shadows in their peripheral vision."

"That's all well and good, Imra", Rokk said before adding. "But I'm more worried about what those two EarthGov spies are up to."

"Their minds are blocked", Imra noted. "Guarded, as though they've been trained to withstand my telepathy."

Rokk looked around, clutching his fists. "Kirt sure knows how to hold a grudge, doesn't he? I've got half a mind to tear the slakk out of him the next we-"

"Easy, Rokk", Imra calmed him down. "You and Lightning Lad have apparently been spending too much time together."

"Is that a hint of jealousy I detect?" Rokk quipped.

"I shall endeavor to keep my emotions a degree more veiled, Cosmic Boy", Imra said with a smile, before they noticed an EarthGov spy putting something down.

"We've got bigger problems anyways, that look like a bomb to you?" Rokk asked her.

"Indeed it does!" She said, as they threw their hoods and cloaks off and charged.

"Long live the Legion?" Rokk asked her.

"Assuming we survive this conflict, absolutely", Imra told him.

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The EarthGov spies saw them and cried out. "Legionnaires!" They took out their guns, only for Rokk to use his magnetism powers to snatch those, and make them hover in the air.

"Nice try, gentlemen."

Imra picked up the bomb and commented. "With all the effort Minister Niedrigh put into your mental training, one would expect hard light or textile weaponry."

"Lousy xenos make my skin crawl", one of the spies said, now both raising their hands due to being held at gunpoint by Rokk using their own weapons.

"Charming", he smirked.

"Bomb disarmed", Imra said, diffusing it.

Then they heard a voice calling out all over the city seemingly.

"Attention. Weapons detected on the plaza. All combatants are to await assessment."

"Was really looking forward to getting through this without running into these guys", Rokk groaned.

"Incoming!" Imra cried out, pushing Rokk away, as they avoided a stun blast aimed at them, and then, various New Kryptonians in red and black hoods and cloaks stood before them, with blue shoulder pads.

"You are hereby taken into custody and charged with terrorism against World-Ship New Krypton and the people of Argo", their leader declared.

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"Eradicator Beh-Osk, you mistake our actions", Imra pleaded. "The Legion is here to ensure peace."

"As you did when you brought Kara Zor-El to us?" Beh-Osk inquired.

"You know the Legion wasnotresponsible for that blast!" Rokk protested.

"We'll see what theJudgment Councilhas to say about your attempts at peace!" Beh-Osk declared, the New Kryptonians shoving the two Legionnaires.

Suddenly, a 'vwoorp, vwoorp'sound was heard, and they all looked around before the TARDIS appeared out of nowhere, and Nine walked out, Jack and Rose behind him.

"Hello!" Nine waved at them, before twirling his Sonic Screwdriver as their shoulder pads went out, making them gasp and fall to their knees, while the sonic sound irritated their ears. "Can't filter the yellow sunlight through your suits anymore?"

"What are you doing?" Beh-Osk cried out.

"We're not here to fight, otherwise you'd be out by now", Jack shrugged, before looking at the Legionnaires. "We're just here to help out."

"Doctor, I think they won't attack now."

Hearing that voice, Nine shrugged. "If you say so." He twirled his Sonic Screwdriver again and the power came back to the New Kryptonians' suits, while they all saw Clark and Kara hovering above them.

"Clark?" Rokk cried out.

"Kal-El?" Imra said at the same time.

"'Kal-El'", Beh-Osk muttered in shock.

"By Rao!" Another one next to him said.

"The Last Son of Ancient Krypton!" Beh-Osk said to the other New Kryptonians.

And then, as Nine, Jack, Rose, Rokk and Imra watched, Beh-Osk and the New Kryptonains knelt before Kal-El.

"Kneel before Argo's salvation!"

"What's going on?" Rose asked Nine.

"They're looking at their savior", Nine noted with a neutral expression.

"Wait! No…" Clark trailed off. "What?"

"Welcome home?" Kara half-asked, half-said.

Universe-208, Coruscant, Jedi Temple

"So, any destination in mind? Read up in the library, have a snooze in the meditation chambers, get a bite in the cafeteria…" Quinlan stopped when he sensed Blade next to him no longer. For a second, he was lost as to why, before the thought hit him and he slagged his shoulders as he lowered his head. "Poor choice of words?" He could feel Blade just glaring at him, yet got no answer, only that the man walked by him. The Kiffar Jedi lagged behind for a few steps before exhaling and following. "Great start to the day. Attacked in his own room, insulted by his only pal-"

"We're not pals."

"I'm afraid to see how the rest of your stay will turn out." Quinlan said in an overdramatic manner that Blade was glad he didn't see, just wished he didn't have to hear it.

His attention was then taken away by a little blur rushing out the doorway to his left, only for that blur to stop in front of him to reveal…is that a baby Werewolf?

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Blade looked down at the little, furry person, the size of a child really, unless it was just a small alien. The little guy tilted his head up at Blade, a small moan left him. Raising a brow for a lack of any response, Blade only looked down at the fuzzball, only to turn his attention to several other children to run out of the doorway.

"Wait for us Gun…gi…" A little girl with the same head things as the woman on the Council he met yesterday called out to the little guy in front of him, only to freeze and stare at Blade, along with the rest of the group. They all joined the hairy kid, although he was far from the strangest looking alien in this crowd, though he was certainly the tallest.

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"Who are you?" A human looking boy with green eyes asked impulsively. He shivered under the gaze of the dark-skinned warrior.

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That was when a large and unfortunately familiar figure appeared next to Blade and leaned down to the children. "Well lookie here! Young Jedi in the making!" Quinlan greeted them cheerily, turning the curiosity and fear from the Daywalker, to excitement at the Jedi Master.

"Master Vos!"

"Having fun kids?" Quinlan clapped a hand over his mouth, looking over his shoulders before leaning closer. "I mean, are you studying hard and doing all your meditation and not falling asleep?"

"Yes, Master Vos!" The younglings said cheerily while Gungi roared in Shyriiwook, and Byph replied in Ithorese. The Wookie, however, noticed the man from before disappear, only for Gungi to turn his head to find the man leaning against the wall.

The Jedi noticed the youngling's gaze and gestured to the Daywalker. "This here is my new friend, Blade."

"We're not friends."

"He's a bit cranky, but don't worry his bark is worse than his-" Quinlan stopped midsentence, and sheepishly looked at the unimpressed glare from Blade. "…I'll stop talking and let you back to your lessons."

"That is most kind of you, Master Vos." An old, brown-green skinned alien with white hair, a beak, and a tail appeared and walked past the Jedi Master. "Come, younglings, we have a long day ahead of us."

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"But can't Master Vos stay and teach us?" Katooni begged the wizened Jedi Master, but the Kiffar had to chuckle at their enthusiasm.

"Sorry, little ones, but I have my own duties to fulfil." Several disappointed faces nearly made Vos' heart break, so he conceded. "However, if I'm not too busy before I leave, I'll be sure to test this clan myself if they really are true Jedi." His heart lit up at seeing those smiling faces even as they passed him by. To be young and ignorant to the struggles of the galaxy, Quinlan feared the day their lives will change when reality hits them.

Fron the back of the group, the young Wookiee Gungi turned back to look at Blade, throwing a toothy smile and wave at the solitary man. Confused by the gesture, the hunter merely raised a hand and returned the gesture, before the youngling turned and rushed after his clan of initiates.

"Cute little guys, aren't they?" Quinlan asked as he stared after the group with Blade. "Seems like the Wookiee kid likes you. Probably has to do with the fact that you have the sharp teeth."

"You start them young." There was a tone in that comment that had Quinlan lose some of his humor. Blade's brow was raised, and Vos learnt that meant he was expecting an answer.

"The Order identifies Force-sensitive children as soon as they are born, though there are the rare exceptions when we accept older initiates, like Kota. He was eighteen when he was taken in."

"Why?" Quinlan found that even with those glareshades, Blade can aim a hard look that penetrates their material. "Why so young?"

A deep exhale left the tattooed Jedi as he started walking, followed by the tattooed Daywalker. "The Jedi Order take in Force-sensitive children so as to teach them how to harness and respect their gifts. Show them the right way to use the Force."

"And their families?"

He's not gonna like this, Quinlan thought. "They are taken so young that they don't know their families in order not to form attachments." He can already feel the look aimed at him. "This started a thousand years ago with the Ruusan Reformation. Jedi had their military ranks in the Republic taken away because of it, so we did not appear as a conquering army, and to ensure that no more Sith would reemerge, we take in children not long after their birth to teach them how to be Jedi."

When Blade stopped, so did Quinlan, and saw that his jaw was clenched, and the anger was stirring, especially when he took off the shades and showed those yellow orbs of his. "That is the dumbest f*cking thing I've ever heard."

"Let me have it, not like the Jedi haven't heard it all in the past millennia." Another sigh left Vos. He himself was older than the usual requirement when Master Tholme brought him into the Order, but he had no alternative, his parents held him back knowing that if he left for Coruscant, he wouldn't return. That all changed when his aunt betrayed his parents with the Anzati.

"Living beings are emotional. You can't just train that out of them! They need to learn to channel their emotions."

"Like you?"

"I wasn't a baby taken away." Blade snapped at Vos. "I was hitting puberty when I learned what I was. I learned how to deal with what I was, trained to control the monster inside. The choice to cut myself off was mine to make."

"What about the old man?" Blade's eyes turned icy, his knuckles popping, but Quinlan raised his eyes in surrender. "Blade, I'm psychometric. I learned a bit about you the moment I picked up what was left of your sword. You say you cut yourself off, but I know you sliced through every Vampire in your way to get him back. And he's not the only one, just who matters most."

"Like Secura is for you?" Quinlan's eyes hardened as well. Blade did not back down as Daywalker and Jedi refused to back away, the world was empty, and no passing Knight, Master, Padawan, and especially youngling, would dare interrupt them. "Your affection for her is obvious. You care for her, like family."

Instead of snapping back at him, Quinlan only nodded his head and started to walk again with his Vampire hunting companion. "Jedi are supposed to feel compassion and care for life, but not attach ourselves to it. Once we lose those we care so deeply for, we risk falling to the dark side. Some handle it better than others, Aayla certainly did."

"You're supposed to protect life, yet you distance yourself from it." Blade shook his head and snorted. "Sounds like a contradiction to me."

"…Kinda does." That agreement was followed by a lapse in silence between the two. It was something Blade enjoyed as he examined the architecture and looked out at the city beyond the walls. Then Vos decided to ruin it by talking again. "So, we still have a long day ahead of us, sure there's nowhere in mind you want to check out?"

It was several seconds before Blade made up his mind and actually answered. Turning to the Jedi Master, the Daywalker held up the Darksaber. "I could use some more practice."


The Hobbits were now in the house of Tom Bombadil, inside a long, low room filled with light of lamps swinging from beams of the roof, and on the table of dark polished wood stood many candles, tall and yellow, burning bright.

A woman sat on a chair, she'd long yellow hair reaching down her shoulders, and she wore a green gown, with a belt of gold shaped like a chain of flag-lilies set with the pale-blue eyes of forget-me-nots. About her feet in wide vessels of green and brown earthenware, white water-lilies were floating, so that she seemed to be enthroned in the midst of a pool.

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"Enter good guests!" She said, and on hearing that, Spike stepped over the threshold, now entering the house at last.

Seeing her beauty, even Spike was enchanted, and bowed low, like the Hobbits did, before straightening himself.

She ran up to them and grasped Frodo by the hand. "Come dear folk! Laugh and be merry! I am Goldberry, daughter of the River." Then lightly she passed them and closing the door she turned her back to it, with her white arms spread out across it. "Let us shut out the night!" She said. "For you are still afraid, perhaps, of mist and tree-shadows and deep water, and untame things. Fear nothing! For tonight you are under the roof of Tom Bombadil."

"Actually, I'm not afraid of the night", Spike raised a hand, not adding that he was a creature of the night too.

"Fair Lady Goldberry!" Frodo suddenly cried out. "'Now the joy that was hidden in the songs we heard is made plain to me."

"O slender as a willow-wand! O clearer than clear water!

O reed by the living pool! Fair River-daughter!

O spring-time and summer-time, and spring again after!

O wind on the waterfall, and the leaves' laughter!"

Suddenly he stopped and stammered, overcome with surprise to hear himself saying such things. But Goldberry laughed.

"Welcome!" She said. "I had not heard that folk of the Shire were so sweet-tongued. But I see you are an Elf-friend; the light in your eyes and the ring in your voice tells it. This is a merry meeting! Sit now, and wait for the Master of the house! He will not be long. He is tending your tired beasts."

"Does everyone here randomly burst into song from time to time?" Spike wondered now. It was not a musical world clearly, but people had a habit of singing for sure.

Oh well, all of them had the voices for it, he noted.

They sat down in chairs, Spike getting a bigger one, before Frodo asked. "Fair lady, it might seem foolish to ask, but who is Tom Bombadil?"

"He is", Goldberry said, staying her swift movements and smiling.

Frodo looked at her questioningly. "He is, as you have seen him", she said in answer to his look. "He is the Master of wood, water, and hill."

"Then all this strange land belongs to him?"

"No indeed!" She answered, and her smile faded. "That would indeed be a burden", she added in a low voice, as if to herself. "The trees and the grasses and all things growing or living in the land belong each to themselves. Tom Bombadil is the Master. No one has ever caught old Tom walking in the forest, wading in the water, leaping on the hill-tops under light and shadow. He has no fear. Tom Bombadil is master."

A door opened and in came Tom Bombadil. He had now no hat and his thick brown hair was crowned with autumn leaves. He laughed, and going to Goldberry, took her hand.

"Here's my pretty lady!" He said, bowing to Spike and the Hobbits. "Here's my Goldberry clothed all in silver-green with flowers in her girdle! Is the table laden? I see yellow cream and honeycomb, and white bread, and butter; milk, cheese, and green herbs and ripe berries gathered. Is that enough for us? Is the supper ready?"

"It is", Goldberry said; "but the guests perhaps are not?"

Spike wondered if he could ask for pig's blood here, but that'd tip them off to what he was.

"Blimey!" He muttered to himself.

Tom clapped his hands and cried: "Tom, Tom! your guests are tired, and you had near forgotten! Come now, my merry friends, and Tom will refresh you! You shall clean grimy hands, and wash your weary faces; cast off your muddy cloaks and comb out your tangles!"

He opened the door, and they followed him down a short passage and round a sharp turn. They came to a low room with a sloping roof (a penthouse, it seemed, built on to the north end of the house). Its walls were of clean stone, but they were mostly covered with green hanging mats and yellow curtains. The floor was flagged, and strewn with fresh green rushes. There were four deep mattresses, each piled with white blankets, laid on the floor along one side. Against the opposite wall was a long bench laden with wide earthenware basins, and beside it stood brown ewers filled with water, some cold, some steaming hot. There were soft green slippers set ready beside each bed.

Before long, washed and refreshed, Spike and the Hobbits were seated at the table, two Hobbits on each side, with Spike next to Frodo and Sam, while at either end sat Goldberry and the Master. It was a long and merry meal. Spike enjoyed the food, even if there was no blood in it, and he wished he could get more like this.

In fact, even without the blood, he felt refreshed as if he'd drunk some of it.

At last Tom and Goldberry rose and cleared the table swiftly. The guests were commanded to sit quiet, and were set in chairs, each with a footstool to his tired feet. There was a fire in the wide hearth before them, and it was burning with a sweet smell, as if it were built of apple-wood. When everything was set in order, all the lights in the room were put out, except one lamp and a pair of candles at each end of the chimney-shelf. Then Goldberry came and stood before them, holding a candle; and she wished them each a good night and deep sleep.

"Have peace now", she said, "until the morning! Heed no nightly noises! For nothing passes door and window here save moonlight and starlight and the wind off the hill-top. Good night!" She passed out of the room with a glimmer and a rustle. The sound of her footsteps was like a stream falling gently away downhill over cool stones in the quiet of night.

"I think I'm going to sleep now", Spike muttered as he walked off, lying down on a mattress with a pillow, and a blanket of white wool. Soon enough, he fell asleep, even though he was a Vampire who didn't need much sleep.

As he slept, he found himself in a dream, and saw Buffy looking at him in anger, as if disappointed in him.

"You're disgusting", she said, before, to his horror, Willow, Tara and Dawn joined her too.

"I should never have trusted you", Dawn snarled as well.

"Stay away from us!" Tara added.

"Get out!" Willow roared, and Spike felt himself being thrown away.

In that moment, he woke up with a gasp, wondering what kind of dream he had. Panting a little, he lay back down, wondering if sleep would take him again or not.

It did.

When Spike awoke, most of the day had passed, and a rain had just stopped. Picking himself up, he put his leather duster on, and looked around, finding Tom, Goldberry and the Hobbits eating again.

"Join us, lad!" Goldberry said to him, and Spike did not complain, joining them once more and eating the food laid out for him.

"This is really good stuff", Spike told them all.

After they'd eaten, Goldberry sang many songs for them, and when it was over, she wished them a good night before leaving.

Spike decided to walk off, while Tom talked with the Hobbits about things he'd no knowledge of, and some 'Farmer Maggot' was mentioned too.

"Show me this precious Ring!" He heard Tom say suddenly, and then stopped.

Spike turned around to see Frodo handing what looked a Ring to Tom, and it seemed to grow in his hand.

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"Huh?" He muttered in shock, while Tom put the Ring on his little finger, and the Hobbits seemed shocked for some reason.


He heard some kind of voice in his head, telling him he could take it, and be the ruler of all.

For a few seconds, he seemed tempted, imagining himself in a castle, a crown on his head, Buffy by his side, Willow and Tara being respected court magicians, while Dawn was a bubbly Princess, and Xander was the servant.

But then that thought brought him out of the fantasy. He disliked Xander, but no way the rest would make him a servant.

Besides, why was he thinking this anyways?

"Ruling ain't my thing", Spike muttered, when he heard Frodo crying out, and looked ahead, having missed whatever that was about. Frodo had gotten his Ring back, and after examining it, he slipped it on, and disappeared!

Spike's eyes widened. "What the bloody Hell?!"

"Hey there!" Tom glanced wherever Frodo was supposed to be. "Where are you going? Take off your golden Ring and come sit beside me!"

Frodo did so, and sat down next to him, before Tom saw Spike, and getting up, strode towards him. "You saw what has happened."

"What is this Ring?" Spike inquired.

"I know what you are, and you are not of this land", Tom noted, Spike's eyes widening. "I do not hear anything of the music from around you."

"Right…..can you send me back?" Spike inquired.

"Old Tom does not do that", Tom revealed, Spike groaning, before he produced a waterskin with pig's blood, to Spike's shock. "But if the creature of the night does not harm the little ones, he shall have this."

"I won't touch them, I can't actually", Spike said, and Tom handed him the waterskin, Spike sighing in relief.

Then he said to all of them. "If you fall into ill-luck, remember this rhyme." He sang once more.

"Ho! Tom Bombadil, Tom Bombadillo!

By water, wood and hill, by the reed and willow,

By fire, sun and moon, harken now and hear us!

Come, Tom Bombadil, for our need is near us!"

Even Spike had to memorize them, and then he clapped all their shoulders and led them to their bedrooms once more.

Earth-92, Sunnydale

"He fell through a breach?" Willow asked in shock.

"Yeah", Buffy said with a sigh. "And I've no idea where."

"I can try to track him with magic, but ours is not that strong, and we don't know much about this still", Tara told Buffy.

"I get it, I tried to track the warlock behind the breach, this Rack guy, but he has left the city already", Buffy said with a sigh.

"We will try to look into it, but don't expect much results as of now", Willow said sadly.

Earth-199999, New York City

"Come on, we're gonna miss it!" A pair of tourists barged their way through a crowd to get a view of the show in Times Square. They finally managed to get to the front when they witnessed two street performers dressed as robots. Fighting each other!

Unseen to the tourists or New Yorkers, a blonde danced her way through the crowd with an almost unnatural grace. Felicia stopped behind an overweight tourist with a camera on the performers, her hand grabbed the wallet in his pocket, and waited as he walked forward for a better angle, thus freeing the wallet without the thief even needing to pull. Sliding away, Parker's new student's hand swept up to whisk away a pair of sunglasses tucked into a man's shirt, before putting them on herself to enjoy the "fight".

All she had to do was find two guys willing to make an extra fifty bucks.

Felicia backed away, taking the phone from the back pocket of the woman next to her while she did, before looking at the watch she stole at the start of the show. Time was up, Parker would be waiting for her.

An aura of confidence and assurance radiated off the young Hardy. This time, this time she got it right. Three tests in a row have been failed, even though Felicia KNEW she pulled them off perfectly, they just didn't meet Parker's stupid expectations.

But now, there was no way the older woman could knock the smile off Felicia's face.


It was daytime now, and Spike wondered if he should go out, since it was sunlight.

"I sense a song of magic around you", Tom suddenly said to Spike.

"Pardon?" He asked, only for Tom to shove him outside.

"Ouch!" Spike tried to cover himself, only to realize he wasn't burning. "Huh?"

"You may be a creature of the night, but due to this magic upon you, the sun is of no danger to you", Tom revealed, surprising Spike.

"Whoa!" Spike said, then smirked up at the sun. "This is great." He held out his arms, now enjoying the sunlight happily. "Hell yes!"

The Hobbits looked at him weirdly as Pippin asked. "What's he doing?"

"Basking in the sun, Pippin", Merry simply said.

"This is going to be fun", Spike cheered.

Universe-208, Coruscant, Jedi Temple

Vos led them to a bowl-shaped chamber deep within the Temple, the vault was completely white, with white mats spread amongst the floor near the wall for spectators to sit, Blade assumed as he tossed his coat and extra weapons aside, leaving himself with only the newest addition to his arsenal.

Balance beams, walls, and blocks were scattered here and there, likely to provide distractions and opportunities for training. They took to the center and stood opposite one another. Quinlan summoned his lightsaber, taking the same stance as before as the green light illuminated half his body. "Ready?"

Drawing the Darksaber from his left hip, Blade activated while flourishing the black blade, marking a line in the ground in front of him, before taking a low stance. "Are you?"

Blade then walked forth, twirling the Darksaber, and struck, Vos blocking the blows as he backed, and then they spun and clashed before backing off.

They clashed a few times once more, spinning around as they did so, before Blade kicked Vos, sending him crashing into some blocks.

He brought the Darksaber down on him but Vos blocked, then sat up and spun, elbowing Blade's abdomen before flipping him to the ground. He brought his lightsaber down on Blade but he rolled away to avoid and sitting up, swung the Darksaber as Vos ducked to avoid, and they clashed again, then Blade grasped Quinlan's neck with his feet, throwing him down.

He flipped up as Vos got up too, and they clashed again as Vos grasped Blade's hand and tried to strike but he flipped to avoid, then grabbed Quinlan's hand as he tried to strike, then grabbed his other hand too before headbutting him, then pushed him into a block as they clashed again, and Vos ducked behind the block, causing Blade to stab through it, and then Vos kicked the block on him, sending Blade crashing down.

Blade got up in time and blocked Quinlan's strikes, then decked him before blocking another swing and lowered the lightsaber behind him, striking his back as he got behind Vos and putting the Darksaber to his back, blocked two more strikes, then swept Quinlan's feet from underneath him, sending him down.

Quinlan got up, trying to strike as Blade blocked, then elbowed his head, dazing him. Quinlan tried to strike again but Blade blocked and elbowed his wrist, loosening his grip on his lightsaber as Blade took it, and then crossed the Darksaber and lightsaber against Quinlan's neck.

Quinlan looked at his current predicament, then to his opponent with a glare. "You cheated!"

"Wuss." Blade teased with a fanged smirk, the first Quinlan has ever seen from the guy, before pulling back and deactivating both weapons.

Taking back the offered hilt, the Kiffar Jedi huffed. "Starting to regret teaching you those lessons."

"Maybe you should mix it up a bit more."

"I was going easy on you." Blade rose a brow, that teasing smirk remained in place. "Okay, round two! We're not leaving until we settle this!"

"Settle what, that you're a sore loser?" Quinlan deadpanned the guy. Great, first asshole was emotionless, now he's mocking him.

"I think I preferred when you were grumpy."

Earth-199999, New York City

"You're a buck short." Two-hundred and thirty-two dollars, and fifty cents. It was a pain to collect a random specific amount!

"Oh you can't be serious!" Felicia whined while stomping her foot. "I got everything on that list, and believe me, it wasn't easy!" Watch, sunglasses, wallet without money, a money clip, a pack of gum, phone case without the phone, earrings, and weirdly enough, tampons. She learned early on not to question some of the weirdness of Parker's methods.

"Sizing marks needs to be second nature. You have to deduce who they and what they are likely to have, like that detective guy with the funny hat." Felicia opened her mouth to fight her, but the master thief shut her up with one finger pointed to her face. "One dollar or not, details and specifics matter. Fail."

"You say that every time!" A huff escaped Felicia, plopping herself down on the stairs of the Supreme Court. She thought the idea was pretty ballsy, talking on the steps in front of lawyers, judges, and cops about how she stole from a bunch of clueless marks. Now, Felicia didn't care.

Parker frowned in confusion at her protege's words before seating herself next to her. "I don't say it every time. Sometimes I say deviations of the same phrase."

"Same deal."

Squinting at the younger girl, which sent her leaning back in confusion, Parker spoke bluntly. "You're upset."

"Nooooo, what gave it away?" Sarcasm and the eye roll made Parker deadpan.

"The whining like a brat and overdose of sarcasm." It was Felicia's turn to deadpan. Both blondes held the eye lock for several seconds before both groaned and leaned on their elbows.

"Haven't I done anything right?" Parker looked at Felicia with some surprise. That was the first time she'd ever heard insecurity in the young thief's voice. Felicia always had a confidence, or arrogance, about herself, whether it was her looks, money, or abilities. The world was at her fingertips. It was probably a teenager thing, a rich teenager thing.

Now though, was Parker too hard on her? She was only teaching Felicia the kinds of things she was taught...sort of. Well, some of the things she knew were self-taught before Archie found her. They haven't even gotten to cars yet, and Parker was driving before she was twelve. Felicia had a long way to go...

Maybe she was judging her too harshly. Felicia wasn't her, although she wanted to be her, so shouldn't she be tested the same way as her?

Parker's head

Parker watched proudly from the passenger seat of the car as Felicia honked the horn. "GET OUT OF THE WAY, YOU OLD BAT!"

Real world

Good God, she really needed to write this stuff down, things were getting wonky in her head.

"Why did you even take me on?" Parker snapped out of her daze to see Felicia looking at her and though it was well hidden, there was a vulnerability in her eyes.

For a moment, Parker didn't answer. Why did she take Felicia as a student? Well, she had a few answers, and a few reasons not to, then had more reasons to accept her.

A shrug came from the Leverage team member. "When I first saw you, I thought you had potential. You were good, better than a normal pickpocket. I thought you could do better. Then I remembered what it was like to have someone show you the ropes, it was something I wanted to try for myself. Mold someone my way...then I found out you were loaded."

A groan came from beside her. "Is me having money that much of a deal breaker?"

"I would steal from people like you, so yeah." Parker saw that Felicia was losing interest, so, maybe some more truth was needed. "But...then there was the time we talked in your room-"

"You broke in."

"-and I saw you were still gonna keep on doing what you're doing." Parker continued without a care for Felicia's interruption. "Definitely weren't gonna stop because I said so, or your mom. That's when I saw it." Felicia's blue eyes looked into Parker's brown. "You have balls."


"You've got a spine. Here I am, a thief on your bed, going through your stuff, and you looked me dead in the eye and didn't give a flying crap what I could have done. It was brave, stupid, really stupid, but brave." Tucking her hair behind her ear, Felicia looked down with a slight smile at the praise. She chanced a look up and found Parker grinning at her. "The guy who taught me, he called me his "perfect thief"." Parker leaned in with a twinkle in her eye. "And I'm gonna turn you into the best." With a wink, Parker stood up and dusted off her jeans. "That's when I knew the kind of fun we would have."

"Not sure if we have the same definition for fun."

"We will." Parker told her before she walked off, leaving a slightly worried Felicia.

"What does that mean?" Parker only walked on. "Parker?" No answer, so Felicia quickly hurried after her. "Parker! What do you mean "we will"?!"

If one lucky New Yorker were to look up, they would be a witness to Iron Man shooting over the city, with the heavily armed War Machine on his tail, a flaming streak trailing behind, and followed by a larger, oval shaped, flying car, for lack of a better word.

"Tony, I'm telling you; we'll need the others for this." Rhodey tried to warn his best friend, but as he'd learned so many times in the past, when the billionaire set his mind on something there's little that could stop him.

"Yeah, and by the time they finally show, Doom could have created an army of Doombots with my specs." Tony told him as the embassy got closer by the second. "This ends right now, and I'm ready." He said as the glow of his eyes and arc reactor shined brighter than normal.

"Listen to me, Tony, I know Victor, he doesn't give up without a fight." Reed did his best, before gaining a sudden thought. "Of course, Victor usually anticipates the fight and wins."

Ben grunted from his place at the steering wheel. "No kidding. Doom may have been small, but he knew how to punch."

"Something you'd like to share?" Johnny slowed down and looked at the rock-skinned muscle of their team. Ben stayed silent. "Oooooh, big bad Grimm Reaper got knocked out?"

"Okay, I am definitely hearing this story." Rhodey spoke in a voice too excited in a grumbling Ben's opinion.

Johnny then turned his body so he continued flying straight, backwards. "Have to say though, Reed, a beaut that she is, couldn't you kick her up into high gear?" Iron Man and War Machine were easily outflying them.

"I told you she wasn't ready!"

"Honestly, I have no idea how you stay sane, Sue." Rhodey told the lone woman over the comms. Said woman was rubbing her temple as Johnny and Reed descended into another argument.

"Who said I was sane?" She said flatly.

Universe-21, 31st Century, The World-Ship, New Krypton

Clark, Nine, Jack and Rose were being led through a Hall of Scion by Chancellor Pa-Vel of New Krypton, and on either side were statues of Kryptonians who'd contributed to Argo's evolution.

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"Forgive me for seeming rude, Chancellor Pa-Vel, but isn't this a bit much?" Clark asked the Chancellor.

"Nonsense, my dear Liberator", Pa-Vel told him. "Each statue in the Hall of Scion is a testament to the rebirth of our people through Argo. A monument to the lives and contributions given to Argo-Kryptonian society over a thousand years thanks to your actions. You quite literally 'liberated' our ancestors from the tyranny of General Zod. Their arrival in that strange, new world, heralded by a good omen. The brilliant green light of legend, of the flamebird. Over the ages, the vessel that would eventually become the World-Ship New Krypton was painstakingly grown and tended."

"While I appreciate the history lesson, what does any of this have to do with waging war?" Clark inquired.

"We are a proud, enlightened people", Pa-Vel said.

"So enlightened you're engaging in bloodshed?" Nine asked, making Pa-Vel turn to him.

"Do not speak of matters you don't understand", Pa-Vel said.

"I understand more than you know!" Nine snapped, actually making Pa-Vel flinch as Nine got into his face. "I have seen war, I have seen bloodshed, the worst in my entire Universe. Not much survived there, so don't talk to me of war!"

"He is touchy about that", Jack added in a warning tone.

"Why are you doing this anyway?" Clark then asked, causing Pa-Vel to look up at a statue, as he was unable to meet Nine's eyes. He flew up there, while Clark flew after him, holding Nine and Rose.

"To recover the body of our God", Pa-Vel revealed finally.

"Body? I thought Rao was Krypton's red sun", Clark said, confused.

"The settlers that you liberated from Earth worshipped Rao", Pa-Vel clarified. "Our God is somewhat more relevant."

Clark looked at the statue and his eyes widened in shock and recognition, Pa-Vel saying. "I do believe you knew her once?"

"All of this over a body", Nine whispered in disgust, as Pa-Vel turned to him.

"We are not the only ones engaging in bloodshed, you've seen what EarthGov is doing!" Pa-Vel snarled.

"Using someone else's wrongs to justify your own is not a defense, it is just deflecting blame", Nine said with a sneer, silencing Pa-Vel again.


Imra was holding the EarthGov prisoners captive and speaking with Brainy on comms as she said. "This isn't a 'challenge' anymore. We're in the middle of a war. And if we're unable to the maintain the peace, then we'll need enough boots and rings in the skies to help hold this Solar System together."

"A grim estimate. What do you suggest?"

"We need to recall Legionnaires from all corners of Space and Time", Imra finally said. "Activate Legion Protocol Six."

Earth, Metropolis, Legion Safehouse

Now Brainiac 5 finally knew how Clark and Booster had been summoned to this time period.


"I hate time travel", Booster muttered, sitting in the corner.

"And how sir?"

New Krypton

Kara was flying with Rokk as she noted. "I can't help but notice that Lightning Lad isn't along for the ride on this one. You twousedto be attached to the hip."

"He got himself into trouble", Rokk said.

"As usual."

"The more things change, right?" Rokk asked before saying. "To be honest, I've kind of beenavoidingGarth for a while." They stopped as he added. "Both of us have."

"Why would you….oh!" The realization hit Kara, as she looked up at Imra in the sky. "Good for the two of you, then?"

"That remains to be seen", Rokk sighed. "We've been working so hard to end the conflictabroadthat I can't stand any athome."

"You may not have much choice for longer, metaphorical or otherwise", Kara said sadly.

"Kara Zor-El, you left the Legion to rejoin your people, you became a spy for them, allowed yourself to be captured. What did you learn? Help usstopthe violence."

"Don't worry about it, Kara."

Kara turned to see Clark flying towards her, holding Nine

"You won't need to betray anyone's trust. Chancellor Pa-Vel just filled us in", Clark revealed to her. "This war isn't just about politics."

"It isn't?" She asked.

"No, its something else entirely", Nine scoffed.

"The Argo settlers told stories that eventually became myths", Clark explained to her. "The tale of a fallen martyr, whose body allegedly holds the key to unlocking their future as a people."

"They told me to locate the coordinates, they didn't say why", Kara told him.

"Why am I not surprised?" Nine muttered.

"New Krypton is searching for a burial site", Clark said, then revealed whose. "The Tomb of Faora."

Middle-earth, Barrow-downs

Spike and the Hobbits were in a sea of fog now, and were going fast. Even Spike was unnerved by this place. "I don't like the feel of this."

Frodo was calling out to the rest. "Sam, Merry, Pippin! Come along! Why don't you keep up?"

When there was no answer, Spike turned around and saw they were gone. "Where'd they go?" Frodo ran around, calling for them, when a voice was heard. "Hoy! Hoy!"

It was towards the East, and Frodo plunged off in the direction as Spike cried out. "Wait! Don't go there alone!" But Frodo didn't listen, and was gone.

Spike had half a mind to bolt, but for some reason, he did not want to leave the Hobbits in this dreary place. They reminded him of the nibblet in some ways.

"Bloody Hell Spike! What have you gotten yourself into now?" He muttered to himself, then rushed ahead. "I'm coming! Don't worry!"

But he could not hear Frodo anymore either now.

As he walked ahead, he suddenly saw an old woman looking at him, smiling, and Spike's eyes widened.

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"My dear boy!" She said to him, as Spike looked at her. "Left your sickly mother, have you?"

Spike shook his head sadly. "You're not her. You're not her!"

"We can still be together", she said, reaching out towards him now.

"YOU'RE NOT HER!" Spike cried out as he smacked his hand in the direction, and she was gone. He panted a little, then went ahead, only for Cecily to appear in front of him now.

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"Hello, William", she said to him, looking at him in disgust, before lifting her head to reveal blood pouring out of her neck. "Remember this?"

"I didn't kill you!" Spike roared at her.

"You're responsible for it!" She snapped back.

"No I'm not, your old man is!" Spike snarled at her, before regaining some of his normal temperament. "Besides, with your bad behavior, you deserved it anyway."

He walked through her as she disappeared, only for the Chinese Slayer Xin Rong to appear in his way now. She said something in Chinese, but Spike simply shrugged. "I don't speak Chinese!"

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Spike ran through her, only to see Nikki Wood in his way this time, as she said. "Had your fill? My son is an orphan because of you!"

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"Well, if you'd stepped aside, he won't be", Spike mocked her, and went through her, only for Angelus to appear this time.

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"Good ol' Willy, still thinking he is the big deal around", Angelus mocked him. "But then again, what to expect of simple-minded fools?"

"You think I can't do anything, yet you're just a thug with a penchant for violence", Spike replied back to Angelus. "I've killed two Slayers! Me!" He clapped in Angelus' face. "What have you done, eh? Except torment helpless people!"

He went through Angelus, only for Drusilla to appear now. "You have the Slayer inside of you now, disgusting."

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"Perhaps it is, but I like it", Spike told her with a smirk. "Its new, and exciting."

He went through Drusilla as well, and found an entrance. Hearing something inside, he went through, and saw Frodo swinging an important-looking sword at a crawling arm near its wrist, breaking it off but splintering the sword up to the hilt.

A snarling voice was heard before Spike cried out. "Oi! Pick on someone your own size!"

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He felt an unnatural cold coming over him, when Frodo sang, and Spike felt compelled to join.

"Ho! Tom Bombadil, Tom Bombadillo!

By water, wood and hill, by the reed and willow,

By fire, sun and moon, harken now and hear us!

Come, Tom Bombadil, for our need is near us!"

Then a voice came in reply.

"Old Tom Bombadil is a merry fellow,

Bright blue his jacket is, and his boots are yellow.

None has ever caught him yet, for Tom, he is the master:

His songs are stronger songs, and his feet are faster."

They turned to see Tom Bombadil standing there as he raised his hands and sang again to the Wights.

"Get out, you old wight! Vanish in the sunlight!

Shrivel like the cold mist, like the winds go wailing,

Out into the barren lands far beyond the mountains!

Come never here again! Leave your barrow empty!

Lost and forgotten be, darker than the darkness,

Where gates stand for ever shut, till the world is mended."

There was a cry and part of the inner chamber fell with a crash, then a shriek was heard, and then silence.

"Looks like those are done for", Spike muttered.

"Indeed, now help me bear the other Hobbits from here!" Tom cried out.

Spike held up both Merry and Pippin, and carried them away, as Tom held Sam and took him out, Frodo following them.

"Spike", Frodo said, making Spike turn to him. "Thank you for coming."

"I do not deserve your thanks, mate", Spike muttered, turning away as he thought of his behavior with the apparitions earlier. "I don't."

Outside, they came onto a green barrow, Spike basking in the sunlight happily. "Now this is great!" Meanwhile, Tom woke the other Hobbits up with a song.

"Here, here", Tom said, laying down provisions for them to eat, then ran off, seeming to disappear.

Spike just drank some pig's blood when the Hobbits weren't looking, while Sam said. "This Tom fellow has some great food, don't you think, Spike sir?"

"Huh?...Yes, he does", Spike replied, when Tom returned, carrying long daggers of marvellous swordsmanship, and one sword, that he handed to Spike.

"These sharp blades are good to have", he told all of them. Then he told them that these blades were forged many long years ago by Men of Westernesse: they were foes of the Dark Lord, but they were overcome by the evil king of Carn Dum in the Land of Angmar.

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"Few now remember them", Tom murmured, "yet still some go wandering, sons of forgotten kings walking in loneliness, guarding from evil things folk that are heedless."

They couldn't understand much, but seemed to have a vision of what he said, while Tom told them. "I've taken a lovely toy for my fair Goldberry, and spread the treasures. Fare ya well, Hobbits and Spike!"

With that, he was off, as Frodo said. "We need to go now." He looked at Spike. "What will you do?"

"Come with you of course!" Spike said. "I have nowhere else to go!"

The Hobbits looked unsure, as Sam whispered to Frodo. "What do you think, Mr. Frodo?"

"He didn't leave us with the Wights when he'd the chance", Frodo pointed out. "And he could have taken the Ring when we were alone with him, after we left Tom's house. He even saw me use it."

He looked to Spike. "We will take you with us."

"That's good enough for me", he smirked as the Hobbits walked off, and he followed them. And he'd heard that they'd called him 'Frodo', so that was his real name.

Not that he cared.

Earth-199999, New York City

Tony hovered over the Latverian embassy. Since the coup that led to Doom overthrowing the Fortunov, every embassy was under construction, and turned into something more akin to a fortress.

"Knock knock." Tony said with sarcasm as he readied his repulsors, and didn't have to wait long as the stolen Iron Man armors surrounded him in the air, Rhodey and the others too far to help at the moment, but that didn't stop Tony from raising his hands. "Tank, Hammerhead, sorry about this, guys." Two bright blue repulsors launched and struck the two armors, creating a large explosion from each, and a shower of debris fell to the street. "Alright, Vicky, get out here so I can kick your ass!"

"Foolish, Stark."

Doom's voice came from the Silver Centurion, making Tony turn, then to prototype Mark XLIV. "Doom's mercy is not so easily received. Nor is it given twice."

"Buddy, the last thing I need is mercy." Tony growled out as the large doors of the embassy opened up, just as Rhodey, Reed, Sue, Ben, and Johnny arrived.'Oh, I am so going to kill him.' Tony thought as he stared down at Doom.

The King of Latveria adorned a new armor. It was his own Iron Man armor, except a shining silver steel, a main arc reactor on the chest connected to two smaller ones, all glowing green likes the eyes, all barely concealed by that same dark green cloak. If Tony wasn't going to kick his ass before, he will now.

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"Had you not pursued this course of action, you may have lived. But now," Doom's jet boots thrusted him up until he hovered above Tony, "I must ensure no one challenges the rule of Doom."

"Consider it challenged."

A blur tackled Tony, but he was ready this time. His enhanced sensors caught Doom during their fall, grappling and punching as they landed on the street, getting back to their feet as Doom and Tony locked gauntlets, the former pushing the latter back with his boots creating a line in the concrete, until the enhanced thrusters of the suit halted the process. Doom's helmet tilted.

"You like that?" Helmet struck helmet, leading to a metal CLANG after Tony's headbutt before he readied a follow-up punch. "Courtesy of Thor's magic lightning."

The swing was blocked, and the green eyes glowed brighter. Doom's own armored fist drove into Tony's helmet before he lifted the Iron Man overhead, until the Avenger propelled away upwards, firing a dozen mini-missiles as he did. Raising a palm up, Doom clenched it into a fist, the missiles exploding harmlessly. A hail of bullets and more missiles stopped midair next to Doom as he turned his head slightly to see War Machine land and fire, only to stop at the futility of his efforts, the Armored Avenger landing next to him. "Where's Sue and the Three Stooges?"

"Dealing with the armada of armors back at the embassy." Rhodey answered before sighing. "I am so going to pay hell for this."

"JARVIS, be a dear and help Reed get my suits back."

"Yes, sir."

Tony and Rhodey tensed when Doom hovered up with a green orb in his hands turning into a mini-tornado. "You brought this on yourselves. Before, I may have killed you, but now you invoke Doom's wrath!" He hurled the mini-tornado at the armored duo as it turned into a fully sized one. Engulfing the pair in its green winds, the street and cars were thrown around with the men unseen until a blue sphere expanded outwards and dispelled the tornado, causing the debris gathered to fall uselessly to ground. It was good that New York civilians were getting use to attacks of such caliber, otherwise they wouldn't have run so fast to escape the danger zone.

Tony and Rhodey stood unharmed within a sphere generated from Tony's palm.

The sphere faded as Tony pointed at Doom. "We know it's not magic you're using Doom, its Quantum Manipulation. Impressive, but not magic."

"Correct", Doom said as a green glow appeared in his hands. "Super science." Lightning struck at the sky from Doom's palm, forming a green sphere, from which lightning struck both Tony and Rhodey, making them yell in pain. "But only a select few know the power of true magic."

Doom hovered up in the air, but Rhodey grabbed his boot, and caused the electricity to travel, making the King grunt in annoyance as the lightning stopped, Doom freeing his foot and grabbing Rhodey by the throat. He sent a green pulse through the War Machine suit, making the eyes and reactor go out.

From inside the suit, Rhodey panicked. "Tony, Tony I can't move!" He felt his faceplate being ripped away, before all he could see was Doom with a glowing repulsor at the ready.


Doom turned to see a flying stone fist slam into his body, freeing the War Machine armor to crash into the street, had Sue not caught him. Crashing to a halt, Doom returned to his feet as the mutated Ben Grimm charged. "Guess what, Vic," Ben threw his first forward, "IT'S CLOBBERIN'-" A metal palm stopped the fist completely. Ben gulped when Doom twisted his wrist, "...time?"

A green flash was all he saw when he was sent over Tony, Rhodey, Sue, and Reed's heads as they recovered. Doom made to step forward when a barrage of fireballs uselessly struck his armor. From inside the suit, cold blue eyes tilted his head up to find the younger Storm sibling.

"Hey Doomsy, wanna play a game?"

The War Machine's plating opened, freeing the man inside. "Suit's dead. I'm out, man." Rhodey sadly admitted.

"Get to safety, pal." Tony told him as he marched forward. "I'll be sure to pay him back." He promised when one of Susan's walls formed in front of him. "Sue-"

"Tony, you need to stop and think." The eldest Storm held up her hand, but collapsed when a metal first broke down her barrier.

"Not this time."

"Tony," Reed ran in front of the armor, not trying to stop him, but talk. "You've been thinking about this the wrong way."

"Actually, I was thinking about how to display the copycat's remains when I'm done with him." Tony actually stopped when Reed elongated himself and wrapped around the suit. "...really?"

"If you would stop for a minute, you'd see that a fight between you two would destroy ten blocks before you were done!" Reed shouted at the genius billionaire. "Stop fighting hard and fight smart! You're Tony Stark for crying out loud, act like it!"

The arc reactor hummed, making Reed worry as he glanced at it and the emotionless, glowing eyes of the helmet. For a few seconds, he feared the worst, until the hum stopped and he could hear Tony talk again.

"Any bright ideas?"

Reed heaved a sigh of relief before calling in his communicator. "Johnny, get Doom back to the embassy."

"That's gonna be a problem." Johnny's voice wheezed back.

"I'm kinda stuck at the moment." Grabbing the arm of the hand at his throat, the flames of Johnny Storm only got hotter and hotter, but nothing seemed to phase the man. The armor itself didn't show any signs of damage.

"Jonathan." Johnny's eyes widened at his name being whispered.


The head of Doom turned to the source of voice, while Johnny tried his best to glance at the corner of his eye. Susan stood there, her face pleading with the man beneath the metal.

"Victor, please. Not my brother."

For a long moment, a tense silence surrounded the Storms and the King. Sue continued to plead with her eyes, and Doom only stared back as far as she could tell from the emotionless mask he wore. Johnny gagged before falling on his rear. Breathing in the sweet air, he looked up at Doom, only to see he was still staring back at his sister.

Until a blue repulsor sent him crashing into the ground.

"We're not done, Doomie." Tony sent another repulsor at the at downed King, only for him to fly out of the way and charge. Flying out of his reach, Tony raced back to the embassy before the black-green spectral hand from last time wrapped around his armored body just as they reached the grounds.

Doom snarled. "So quick to dismiss the mystical arts, yet here you are, crumbling from the power of Dormammu. None of your science and technology can match up to powers like his. Do you feel your soul leaving you?" Tony began to fade.

Reed's flying car suddenly blasted Doom and freed Tony, causing the Avenger to drop down before Reed caught him in the car. "Tony, are you alive?"

Tony groaned, opening his eyes. "Well, if this is Heaven, it's kind of lame." Reed landed.

Tony saw the rising shape of Doom from the smoke. "Reed, get clear." With that, Tony blasted toward Doom, who met his charge halfway as a CLANG and BOOM emanated from the clash. The arc reactors glowed brightly before both unibeams collided. Doom's eyes from behind the mask widened.


"You may have made your own suit, but that's still my armor." Tony grunted as a field of energy from their clash began to grow. "I know it better than anyone, especially how to redirect the flow of power. Something your royal ass couldn't."

"You. Hacked. Me?!" Doom growled at the sheer thought of the impossibility.

"Sort of." Tony chuckled as Rhodey, Sue, Ben and Johnny arrived at a distance and watched before both unibeams stopped and Tony jettisoned away. "Had a bit of help from my fellow brainiac, and JARVIS to hack in and disrupt any upgrades you thought of making. By the way, not a smart move to piss off an A.I." Mocking only made the King growl as electricity cackled around Doom with his reactors glowing brighter. "You don't mess with my tech."

With a final growl, the light engulfed Doom's body before a barrier formed around the ensuring explosion. Sue and Tony strained to maintain the shield as the power seemed to grow outward. The ground itself started to shake, with both Tony and Reed having a hard time believing what their scanners were telling them.

"Is that a nuke?" Ben asked in shock as Susan fell to her knees.

"Not technically, nuke's give out radiation-"

Johnny held up his hand and stopped him. "Reed, English."

Disgruntled, Reed continued as the glow started to die down. "Basically, Victor's suit gave off enough energy to match a small nuclear bomb."

"...I think I prefer it when I don't understand you." Johnny admitted with a gulp. before Sue finally collapsed. Running to his sister, the youngest member of the team threw her arm over his shoulder and helped her up as he, his team, Rhodes, and the metal man walked to edge of the crater and looked down at the smoking hole. "Is he dead?"

"Doom does not die."

"Oh, come on." Rhodey groaned as they all tensed, the smoke blew away to reveal the King of Latveria in the same armor from the Tower, but his cape tattered, and cracks in the metal.

They readied themselves for another fight when helicopters suddenly swooped in over their heads. Before anyone could question it, Humvees drove onto the battle-worn grounds of the Latverian embassy, soldiers exiting the vehicles with their guns at the ready.

A man in a suit with a moustache appeared as well, as Rhodes recognized him. "General Talbot?"

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"Doom has diplomatic immunity, so I cannot let this go on any longer", Talbot revealed, aiming his gun at the Heroes alongside the other soldiers.

Doom merely walked back into the building without another glance or another word.

"He hacked into the Avengers Tower and stole my suits!" Tony protested. "He used those to attack Reed and his team."

"You got any proof it was Doom?" Talbot asked with a raised eyebrow, shocking Tony.


"Most of the damage was done by your armors", Talbot pointed out.

"But he is Doctor Doom!" Tony protested. "And he just-"

"We know what he is capable of, and one day, he will slip up", Talbot told the Heroes. "When he does, I expect there will be consequences for him."

With that, he walked away, as the soldiers started departing.

Earth-21, 31st Century

Clark and Kara were flying together, the former holding Nine and the latter holding his TARDIS, at his request, as Kara was saying. "I know what I'm doing for Argo is the right thing to do, Clark."

"New Krypton has a right to pieces of its own history", Clark noted.

"Not to wage war though", Nine said. "Even though EarthGov did it first, but they are not behaving any better."

"No sides are really good in wars, are they?" Clark asked Nine.

"No, they're not, I know, I've seen it", Nine said, thinking of the Daleks and the Time Lords once more.

"I just wish I hadn't been taken advantage of. Again", Kara sighed. "I am so over being a soldier, you know? I follow orders, its what I do. And I kind of hate it."

"I do not like orders either, restrict you too much", Nine shrugged.

"As my better half would say- 'Preaching to the choir, sister'", Clark agreed as well. "It took the world almost ending for me to finally get a grasp on how to tackle my relationship with my…destiny!"

"Thanks", she smiled.

"Let's hope we sort this out before the war escalates", Nine said. "How much farther?"

"According to these coordinates, we should practically be on top of-"

She was cut off when in front of them appeared what looked like a robotic version of a T-Rex, and it snapped its jaws at some EarthGov aerial vehicles, making them scatter around as the pilots bolted in fear.

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"What's that?" Kara asked in surprise.

Nine twirled his Sonic Screwdriver, but it was unaffected. "Blimey! Its not a robot!"

"Then what is it?" Clark asked.

"A living thing", Nine realized, as the T-Rex turned to the Kryptonians and Time-Lord, and roared. "Put us down!"

Clark put Nine down, as Kara put his TARDIS down, and they faced the T-Rex thing, which roared at them, and fired flames from its mouth.

Clark and Kara flew around to avoid those, before the former charged it, only for it to fire an energy beam from its mouth that hit Clark, making him fall down with a groan.

It then fired the same at Kara but she fired her Heat Vision, as the energy beams clashed, before there was a shockwave explosion, sending Kara back, while the T-Rex robot thing roared at them.

Clark and Kara got back up, when suddenly a red, blue and silver robot being rolled into the fray and kicked the T-Rex robot away.

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Superhero by Simon Curtis plays

The new robot stood up to its full height, and said to the T-Rex. "Stand down!"

It stood up and roared at him in response, as he said. "I do not want to do this, but I must." His arms transformed into blasters, and he started firing at the T-Rex robot, making it stagger back before roaring again, and it charged him, whacking at him as he was sent flying off and falling down.

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Recovering himself, he transformed into a truck instead, and rushed the T-Rex thing, ramming into it hard as now it was sent back, while the red, blue and silver robot transformed back into his robot form.

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Before the T-Rex thing could get back up, Clark and Kara both rammed into it together, sending it flying off, before the former fired his freeze breath, trying to stop it in place, only for it to fire its flames as it got out of the freeze breath, to Clark's shock, and then whacked him away, before Kara grabbed its tail, and hurled it away.

It fell down, then picked itself back up, and as she flew at it, it hit her with the energy beam from its mouth once more, making her fall down, before the new robot blasted it again.

It rushed the robot, but the robot rolled and got behind it, holding it in place now, though it struggled, and was freeing itself already.

Clark and Kara took the opportunity, and flew at it, punching it under its chin together as the robot let go, and the T-Rex thing was sent flying up and falling back down, now knocked out.

"Thanks for the help", Clark thanked the new guy.

"You do not need to thank me", the new guy said before introducing himself. "My name is Optimus Prime. We are Autonomous Robotic Organisms from the planet Cybertron."

"Sounds a bit long", Nine noted.

"You can call us Autobots for short", Optimus Prime told them.

"Never heard of Cybertron", Kara had to say.

"I believe I am in a different Universe, and so is he", the Autobot said while pointing at the T-Rex thing.

"I'm Superman", Superman finally gave his introduction.

"I am Kara Zor-El", Kara said as well.

"And I'm The Doctor", Nine popped up.

"Doctor who?" Optimus Prime inquired.

"Just The Doctor", he shrugged.

"It is an honor to meet all of you", Optimus Prime said, before looking at T-Rex. "And now I've found him too."

"What kind of planet is Cybertron?" Nine asked out of curiosity.

"We've been embroiled in a civil war for 4 million years", Prime revealed, to their shock.

"Great, more wars", Nine groaned.

"What happened?" Clark inquired.

"There was one known as Megatron, a gladiator who opposed the caste system placed on our society. He was the champion of the gladiatorial circuit, gathering more supporters who listened to him, including me. He wanted to turn Cybertron into a meritocracy, where all were equal in the law."

"Doesn't sound so bad to me, depending on the law", Nine commented.

"It wasn't, once upon a time", Optimus noted wistfully. "However, as time went on, his protests turned from peaceful to violent. He began to change into someone else entirely."

"I've seen that happen before", Clark said, thinking of Lex. There was always a darkness within him, but he used to be a good man once. Now, he was just a monster.

"Then the time came to stand against the Council of Primes, and he revealed his true colors, demanding he be deemed the next Prime over the current one in Sentinel Zeta Prime. I wanted to show there could be change without force, and spoke of that. The Council deemed me a Prime instead, and something inside Megatron snapped, as he believed I had taken what was rightfully his. He severed all ties with me, and plotted his moves. Thus, began the Great War. We were the Autobots, and he led the Decepticons."

"Megatron might have begun as an idealist, but he clearly became a tyrant himself", Nine noted sadly, then looked at Optimus. "I do not like war, but you seem like a good being."

"Yeah", Clark had to agree too. There was just some kind of…nobility, about Optimus Prime.

That was when the T-Rex thing woke up, now having transformed into a robot form too, Clark and Kara tensing, but Optimus raised a hand, then looked at it. "I am glad to see you still function, Grimlock."

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Grimlock just growled at Prime. "Space Bridge….Optimus Prime weak….Grimlock angry!"

Optimus angrily retorted. "Because of your actions, Metroplex gave his energon to allow us to leave in the Great Exodus!"

Grimlock questioned in a more somber tone. "Who is that?" Now he felt a tinge of guilt for his role in this.

Optimus raised a hand. "I apologize for my outburst." He himself was partially letting out his grief for all those he had lost, the Dinobot's reappearance having brought it to the surface.

"You two know each other?" Kara inquired.

"Indeed we do", Optimus told her. "It is all right now, he is calm."

"So, he was angry?" Kara inquired.

"I've seen someone else who changes when angry", Clark said, thinking of Bruce Banner and Hulk. "What will you do now?"

"We do not know how to get back, so we will come with you", Optimus said, and the rest realized that was the only way for now.

"Can you hold this?" Nine asked, gesturing to the TARDIS. "Its my ship, its important."

"I will", Optimus said, and lifted the TARDIS up, as Clark lifted Nine, and then he and Kara flew slowly towards their destination.

"Come Grimlock", Optimus said to the Dinobot, and walked behind them, as Grimlock followed them while grunting.

Clark and Kara stopped in front of a huge gate with a Kryptonian symbol on it, as the latter asked. "You think this is the place?"

They opened it, the Kryptonians, Cybertronians and Time Lord entering, and looking around at the place as Kara inquired. "It's a little…ostentatious, don't you think?"

"So was Zod", Clark pointed out. "He must have built this to be his seat after conquering the world."

"Then why bury Faora here?" Kara inquired.

"All the original Zod wanted was an heir, a son", Clark told her, then explained. "He and the original Faora couldn't conceive naturally, and so they began experimenting with DNA."

"Resulting in Davis Bloome, the man who became Doomsday", Kara realized.

"What is Doomsday?" Optimus inquired.

"A very powerful monster, he could have killed me when we fought", Clark said grimly, then looked at Grimlock. "He is like you were when angry, but he could be worse."

"That is scary to think about", Nine had to say. "And I've seen a lot."

"Fate smiled on Zod and Faora's clones when they arrived on Earth. She was one of his trusted lieutenants. And his lover", Clark said, then dropped the revelation. "Zod didn't know she was with child when he killed her."

"And yet, he killed someone he claimed to love, just for his own delusions", Nine said in disgust.

"Indeed, it seems he fell from his path too, just like Megatron did", Optimus noted.

"He came unglued shortly after", Clark added.

"Why face his throne over this pit and not the rest of his dominion?" Kara inquired.

"Guilt", Clark sighed as he flew down while holding Nine, Kara flying down too, as Optimus and Grimlock went down after them.

"What does Argo want with Faora's body?" Kara asked, as they found Faora's body finally, inside what looked like a glass case.

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"According to Pa-Vel, their culture has long held that the unborn child was a sacred thing", Clark told her as all landed, and he looked at Faora's body. "Conceived from Kryptonian clones under a yellow sun. Legend tells that if the child had been born, he may have held the key to understanding the limits of our DNA. Like why do we have powers under yellow sunlight and not red?"

"Unfortunately, I don't think Argo is going to be the first to find out", Kara noted as she saw some equipment near the tomb.

"The equipment left behind…."

"No", Kara lifted it up. "These are cartridges from-"

"A DNA extraction device", Nine noted, taking it from her. "I've seen these in my Universe too."

"No chance EarthGov came all the way down here for Faora's DNA, is there?" Clark inquired.

"What would EarthGov want from the DNA of her unborn child?" Kara wondered too.

"How is this EarthGov?" Optimus inquired.

"Really bad", Kara replied.

"I expect something bad then", Optimus said.

EarthGov Lab, Section 31

"Report", Kirt said to the other men at the computers.

"We have successfully integrated the child's genetic material into Subject Zero", one of them told him. "The infusion of solar radiation into the subject, post-op, has proven beneficial."

"Subject Zero's cellular structure is re-constituting, Minister Niedrigh", another one said.

"Let me see it", he requested, and they showed him the images on their computers as he smirked. "Marvelous work. You've…We'vemadehistory,here on this night. I can't help but marvel at the irony of what we unearthed beneath Old Metropolis. The Xenos will be undone….by a weapon of their own design!"

Faora's Tomb

Kara was angry as she clutched her fists, her eyes glowing. "How dare they defile this tomb? I'm going to find them and-"

"Kara, don't make us have a teachable moment!" Clark tried to stop her.

"Even after all of this, after everything you've seen, you're going to defend them?!" Kara asked angrily, and it looked like a fight would break out between the cousins.

After a few seconds of thinking, Clark gave his reply.


Kara's fist lashed out, only to be grasped by Optimus Prime. He struggled a bit to hold her back, but the action surprised Kara enough to make her stop on her own, as she looked at him. "Don't you see what these humans are doing?"

Optimus let go as she looked at Clark. "Maybe humanity does need to step away from the table for a little while. I've heard the legends that Argo tells. The story of how Checkmate tried to round them up and exterminate them."

"We can't punish an entire race for the actions of a select few!" Clark retorted to her.

"You sent the Kandorians to Argo because of what Zod was doing!" Kara snapped back.

"No he didn't!" Nine now stepped in between them both. "He was giving them a second chance, and he is right, you cannot judge an entire race over the actions of a few!" He had wiped out the Daleks and Time Lords, but in the former's case, all the Daleks were bred only to exterminate other lifeforms, and the Time Lords had gotten as bad as them.

He wished he didn't have to do it, but there was no other choice. He couldn't save any of them.

Before Kara could retort, Nine added. "I have seen terrible humans, there are many who care only about themselves." He thought of Henry van Statten and the Editor, two of the latest on that list. "But not all are like that. I've met many good ones too, and they have travelled with me." Jack Harkness and Rose were the latest ones, but there were others too, such as Sarah Jane Smith. "Humanity is capable of greatness and good deeds just as much as they're capable of evil. Do not judge all to be evil unless all of them are doing horrible things, and I don't think they are."

Clark added. "Jonathan and Martha Kent, Lois…they're all proof that humanity can be so much more than you give them credit for."

"The war, it showed the best and worst of us on both sides", Optimus Prime spoke as well now, causing them to look at him. "Some like Lockdown and other neutrals told both sides to get fragged. Some tried to maintain integrity and honor, others focused solely on themselves or their allies. Some became bounty hunters or more." He looked at Kara. "Just because humans have the capacity for evil does not mean other species are not capable of doing just as bad if not worse, or even good. My species has a lot of bad such as Megatron, Shockwave and Starscream, but that does not mean all of us are like them."

"Optimus and The Doctor are right", Clark agreed. "And people can always become better too. Bart Allen and Oliver Queen had their flaws, but they overcame them, and they became better."

"I need a Companion…so that they can keep me grounded", Nine added as well.

Kara now had tears in her eyes as she turned away. "The men and women….the humans who defiled that tomb."

"Will see justice, I promise you that", Clark said firmly, causing her to turn around as he wiped her tears.

"Yes, this is not going to go unpunished", Nine promised as well. "EarthGov will see why they should not have done any of this."

"We will help you stop this as best as we can", Optimus added too.

"Sorry about losing my temper", Kara said, then hugged Clark as he hugged her back.

Then Kara's device beeped as Pa-Vel's voice came. "Minister Pa-Vel to sister Zor-El!"

"Go for Kara", she said.

"Legion to Superman! Legion to Superman!"Clark's earpiece came to life as well.

"Go for Superman", Clark said in reply.

"There's a situation developing", Brainiac 5 said while flying with Imra.

New Krypton

"We are launching our assault on Earth", Pa-Vel said to Kara at the same time, as all looked ahead in horror.

"Why?" Clark and Kara asked at the same time.

New Krypton

Jack ran up next to Pa-Vel and said into the earpiece. "There's a monster here, Doctor! Its attacking the place!"

It was a giant, grey monster, with protrusions all over it, red eyes, and hair on the head.

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"We're coming!" Nine cried out.

Earth-199999, New York City, Avengers Tower

Tony stared at the hollow eyes of his helmet. His mind...he didn't even know what to think. The guy broke into his Tower, stole his suits, designs, and beat him, now he was getting off scot-free on a first-class trip home. He's fought aliens, Gods, and monsters, but Victor von Doom, he's never fought someone so brilliant before.

It was like fighting himself.

"I don't like that look." Tony turned his head and found Rhodey walking into the lab, taking a seat on the opposite side of the bench. "You're dwelling."

"Wouldn't you?"

The airman nodded. "Definitely." A heavy sigh left him. "Our world is only getting crazier."

"Which means we got to be ready." Tony vowed. His project in Malibu, and so much more began to emerge in his head.

No rest for the heroes.

Finding a quiet space in the Tower, Susan pulled out her phone from one of the many hidden pouches of her suit. Scrolling back years into her album, she finally found the right one. It was a younger version of herself smiling widely, her arms wrapped around a man with smooth facial features, a chiselled jawline, and piercing blue eyes. He was of medium height, with dark hair neatly slicked back. He didn't smile, but his lips curled slightly, which Sue knew was a smile in his own way.

'What happened to you, Victor?'

"HEY GUYS!" WE'RE BLOWING UP!" Sue jumped at her brother's voice booming through the Avengers' quarters, quickly locking her phone and putting it back before seeking out what caused her young, idiotic brother to get hyped up this time. Reed, Ben, Tony, and Rhodey arrived moments before she did.

"What is it, flame-brain?"

Instead of answering verbally, Johnny pushed his phone in front of Ben's face. The rocky skinned airman squinted his eyes before reading the article. ""The Fantastic Four vs the Iron Men"?"

"We got a name!" Johnny exclaimed his joy, and didn't stop there. "And look at all these comments!"

"Johnny, maybe we should-"

"And we got names!" Johnny laughed as he scrolled down. "Oh Reed, you're Captain Stretchy!" Reed's face scrunched up. "Oh wait, how about Stretch? Long Man? Oh wait, here's a good one, Mister Fantastic." Reed's face, previously scrunched up and disgusted at the names, suddenly perked up. "And big guy here is-"

"Should we be here for this?" Rhodey whispered to Tony while Johnny listed a plethora of names for Ben's alias, which only seemed to make him madder.

"Nope." With that, both armored pilots left the room.

"-the Thing! Yes, that fits you down to the tee! I didn't even know what you were before the rocks showed up."

"Suzie," Ben's fist punched his open palm, "forgive me, but I got a flame to snub out."

"Then there's you, sis. Let's see," Johnny scrolled further down and giggled. "Bubble Girl?! HA!"

"Get in line." Susan gritted her teeth, cracking her own knuckles as she approached her brother.

"I suppose there's Invisible Girl, or Woman, or whatever, not so imaginative, but moving on. Firelord, badass! I likey! Inferno, Blaze, Pyro, though ain't that taken?" Johnny's confusion turned to excitement when he found the next comment. "Wait a minute, someone thinks I'm like that flaming guy back in the 40s, the Human-HEY!" Johnny cried as his phone was taken out of his hand, only to freeze when he found his sister staring at him with the look, his phone in her hand before handing it to Ben, who promptly crushed it between him thumb and index finger. "H-hey, Sue! You know it was just for fun, right?" The look never left, even as she stepped forward, Johnny beginning to cower backwards. "Nononono, it wasn't me! I was just-but you-see, PLEASE NO!"

Earth-7, Midgar

Cloud, Sora, Riku, Tifa, Aerith, Barret and Red XIII came out of the breach, looking around at the darkened road, before the Keyblade wielders noticed a huge mass of Whispers swirling around a big building.

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Cloud ran ahead, Sora right behind him, when black feathers started falling from the sky.

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Final Fantasy VII Remake Those Chosen By The Planet plays

"Huh?" Sora muttered, as they looked up to see Sephiroth hovering in the sky, his long white hair flowing while he held his seven-foot long Masamune, looking down at them with a smirk.

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Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (590)

"Sephiroth!" Sora snarled, summoning his Keyblade. Even though this was a different Sephiroth, his look alone was enough to tell Sora he was no different from the one he knew.

Sephiroth landed on the ground, staring at them, as Riku summoned his Keyblade once more.

Barret prepared to fight. "Okay asshole, let's-"

Aerith put her hand in the way. "Don't." She walked ahead, looking at Sephiroth. "And you…you'rewrong."

Sephiroth looked at all of them and spoke. "Those who look with clouded eyes see nothing but shadows." He looked at Sora and Riku. "You have seen so much, yet you too look with clouded eyes."

Aerith countered. "Everything about you iswrong."

They stared at Sephiroth, as he looked down with closed eyes, then looked back up. "All born are bound to her. Should this world and other worlds be unmade, so too should their children."

"The world won't end today", Cloud said, reaching for the Buster Sword. "But you-" he unsheathed it and held it out. "You will."

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The Whispers around the building started dispersing from there, as Sephiroth told them. "Listen."

Screeches were heard from the Whispers as they flew around all of them, making them hold their heads in pain, while many Whispers flew around Sephiroth.

"Destiny comes."

The Heroes all continued holding their heads.

Earth-7, few weeks ago

A tall man wearing a uniform similar to Cloud stood in a barren wasteland near Midgar, carrying the Buster Sword that Cloud did. He had black spiky hair, and a scar on his left cheek.

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"We drag our asses all this way, and this is the welcome we get", he commented, as he saw an entire battalion of soldiers, all aiming their guns at him, positioned at various points on the hills in front of him.

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Two helicopters were above them as well, and some Whispers floated by, but they seemed invisible to everyone there.

The man walked forth, the soldiers all aiming at him, as he shook his head, speaking in a resigned tone. "Boy, oh boy." He looked at the soldiers. "The price of freedom is steep." He took out the Buster Sword, and held it to his head, remembering the words of his mentor.

"Embrace your dreams. And, whatever happens….protect your honor…" He lowered the Buster Sword, now looking ahead. "As SOLDIER!" With that, he charged ahead, swinging the Buster Sword.

"Come and get it!"

Earth-7, Present Day, Midgar

The Heroes looked ahead as the Whispers flew off, while Sephiroth turned around at the mass of them in front of him. Using his Masamune, he cut a path amongst the Whispers, opening a portal of some sort.

Final Fantasy VII Remake Those Chosen By The Planet plays

"I'm waiting, Cloud", Sephiroth taunted, and then walked through the portal, as Cloud watched in dismay and sheathed the Buster Sword.

He started walking ahead, Sora walking with him, only for Aerith to grasp Cloud's hand, trying to stop him. "This is the point of no return."

"What do you mean, Aerith?" Sora asked her.

Aerith let Cloud go, and shook her head, before walking ahead and staring at the portal. She held her hand out, and touched it.

A shockwave of light emanated from her, and the Whispers seemed to glow with the light too, and the portal also had sparks of light now coming off of it.

She turned back to the rest. "Destiny's crossroads."

"Then why did you stop us?" Cloud inquired.

"I'm not really sure", Aerith admitted.

"What will we find on the other side?" Tifa asked.

Aerith turned around to look at the portal. "Freedom." Everyone's eyes widened. "Boundless, terrifying freedom. Like a great, never-ending sky."

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"Guess that's reason enough to go", Sora noted.

"We need to be careful", Riku pointed out to him.

Aerith turned around to face the rest again. "What you heard just now were the voices of the Planet. Those born into this world. Who lived and who died. Who returned. They're howling in pain."

"Because of Sephiroth?" Riku asked.

"They…their words…they don't reach him", Aerith confessed. "All these moments and memories, precious and fleeting…they're like rain rolling off his back. And when they're gone, he won't cry…or shout…or anything."

As the others listened, Aerith continued. "He'd tell you that he only cares about the Planet. That he'd do everything in his power to protect and preserve it." She clutched her fists. "But this isn't the way its supposed to be. There's no greater threat to the Planet than him." She declared. "Sephiroth has to be stopped. He has to be. And that's why, I'm asking you to help me. I know that, together, we can do this." Then she added. "But if we do…" She turned around to face the portal. "We'd be changing more than fate itself." She revealed. "If we succeed…if we win….we'll be changing ourselves." She confessed. "I guess…maybe that's why I hesitated."

The screeching sound was heard again, causing them irritation, and when it ended, Cloud stood straight. "You said it yourself. He has to be stopped."

"And that's what we're here to do", Sora added.

"Besides, we've heard enough howling now", Riku said as well.

With that, Cloud, Sora and Riku walked ahead, standing before the portal, as Aerith asked. "Ready?"

"Yeah", Cloud said.

"Let's go change destiny", Sora smirked.

"That's gonna be new", Riku noted.

"Yeah, never tried to challenge destiny", Tifa had to say as she walked forth.

Red XIII walked ahead as well. "This could well be her last line of defense. It won't be easy."

Cloud, Sora, Riku and Aerith looked at the rest, then back at the portal, as Cloud said. "Let's go."

"Come on", Sora agreed, holding his hand out to the portal alongside Cloud, before walked through, followed by Aerith and Riku, and then Tifa and Red XIII went through as well.

Barret stood still, seeming to hesitate, before making up his mind as he pointed his prosthetic gun forwards. "Wouldn't be the first time I spit in destiny's eye." He declared. "Whether you can see the seams or you can't…doesn't change that she is always trying to have it her way." He turned around, thinking of Marlene, and clutched his normal hand into a fist. "Daddy's coming home real soon, honey."

And then, he too walked into the portal.


They stepped out on the other side of the portal, finding the long road of Midgar still, with a blockade at the end, as Barret said. "Don't know about you, but looks normal to me."

All of them stopped, when Aerith looked up. "Over there!"

Everyone else looked up, and saw all the Whispers gathering the sky, a purple glow emanating from there, with purple lightning cracking.

They seemed to start taking shape, strong winds all blowing as Barret said. "Okay, that ain't right!"

"Took the words right out of my mouth", Riku commented, as the Whispers turned into some kind of tornado, destroying everything in its path. They turned around, trying to run from it, only for another Whisper tornado to block their path, also destroying everything, the group now trapped between both of them.

As the tornadoes came close, Aerith was pulled in by one of them, followed by Red XIII, and then Riku, while Tifa and Barret were covered in the winds as well.

"Riku!" Sora cried out in horror, before he and Cloud were pulled up by one of the tornadoes, now hovering in midair, upside down.

They felt the wind strongly on their faces, and closed their eyes, before opening them a few minutes later, now finding themselves upside down in midair.

They straightened, and turned around, looking down at the tall Shinra Building, now beneath them.

"It looks so small from here", Sora said, before a Whisper passed them. "What?"

Many Whispers were now passing by them, and the two saw all of those gathering into something, a giant, armored being with a purplish glow coming from it. It raised one hand, and they saw something like a black hole above it, sucking in a lot of debris from everywhere.

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Then, the creature hurled the debris all around, shattering things nearby, as a lot of it came right at Sora and Cloud. Sora used his Keyblade, shattering two blocks, as Cloud dodged some of those, then unsheathed the Buster Sword, slicing some apart himself.

Sora and Cloud leapt upon some debris floating in midair, the former shattering another piece of debris coming at them, before they leapt up and found themselves on the road, now hovering in the air, as they faced the giant creature, with Whispers flying around it.

The road shook as Sora realized. "Its going to crash!" The two ran ahead, avoiding one falling part of the road, and then rushing through the other one, as the third part went downwards, causing the two to slide upon it and reach another part.

Then some debris fell in their way, only for Sora to shatter it, as pieces of the highway now came in front of them, the two running up the path before leaping down upon pieces of debris, one by one, before jumping downwards to see Tifa and Barret standing back-to-back, surrounded by flying Whispers.

Cloud stood up and running, sliced one of them, as Sora used a Fire spell on the other one, taking it out as well.

"You're both alive!" Barret noted.

"Happy to see us?" Cloud quipped.

"Wouldn't go that far", Barret said gruffly.

"I'm happy to see you both", Sora grinned. "But we need to find Riku, Aerith and Red XIII."

They looked up at the huge creature as Cloud asked. "So that thing…that's a Whisper too, huh?"

"Looks a lot more like an 'arbiter of fate' than the others", Barret commented.

"We can beat them", Tifa told all of them.

"Yes, and we're going to", Sora declared, as the creature held out its hand, and something like a whirlwind came out of it, before three more Whispers appeared, all looking different, one glowing red, another yellow, and another blue, and they seemed to have blades too.

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"Bring it on!" Barret declared, all of them taking their fighting stances, standing back-to-back.

The red one did a sweeping motion as a red blade-like thing appeared in thin air, moving at them, only for Sora to use Reflect, blocking the blade before a random light explosion hit that Whisper, making it screech and stagger back. "Take this!"

Barret then fired at all three as the yellow one fired two lasers that Cloud blocked with the Buster Sword, as Tifa leapt and did a somersault, kicking it on the chin as it was sent flying back.

Tifa then did a Blizzara with her Materia, striking the blue one, before Cloud leapt and swung his sword, slicing the red one twice, while Sora hit the yellow one with Thunder.

It recovered, and fired its lasers at Barret, but Sora leapt in the way and blocked with his Keyblade, as Barret fired at it, and Tifa punched the blue one twice, before kneeing it, before it struck her, making her fall back, while Cloud clashed with the red one, and it sliced at his shoulder.

Cloud kicked it back, then leapt at the yellow one, swinging at it a few times as it tried to block, only for Cloud to spin around with his sword as it glowed, and then leap into the air before bringing his sword down, hitting it with a huge blast of power.

Barret then fired a focused shot at the red one, sending it back, while Sora struck the blue one with his Keyblade thrice, then hit it with Firaga, throwing it back, and as the red one recovered, Tifa rushed it and used a Ruinra Burst, making it fall back again.

The yellow one recovered and rushed at Barret, who blocked its blade with his gun, before it struck him, making him fall down, but before it could strike again, Barret used his Materia to do a Firaga, hitting all three at the same time as they screeched in pain, while Cloud's sword glowed blue, and he leapt up, striking the red one again with a 'Braver', taking it down finally as it dissipated.

Sora was hit by the blue one and fell away, before getting back up as he threw his Keyblade at the blue one, striking it as the Keyblade returned, and then he threw it two more times, striking it both times before catching the Keyblade on return and leaping at it, hitting it three more times, before ducking to avoid the yellow one's swing, and striking it five times with his Keyblade, then leaping to avoid the blue and hitting its head two more times.

Then, Sora's clothes suddenly changed, as he'd gained a Drive Form- the Limit Form. He was now wearing a red jumpsuit with puffy shorts and a zipper that ran down the entire front. He wore a black and white jacket over top, large yellow shoes, white fingerless gloves with yellow and blue straps holding on a silver circle plate, a blue belt with chains hanging off, and his signature silver crown necklace.

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The two Whispers tried to use their wind blades to strike Sora together, only for him to do a Dodge Roll, avoiding both, and then he struck the yellow one hard, finally making it dissipate as well, before his clothes came back to normal, the Drive Form done.

The giant being caused a blast of wind, which threw all of them to the ground, the last Whisper dissipating, while they saw the debris forming a path near them, a spiral path.

"Come on, that ain't fair!" Barret groaned as they got back up.

They ran into the spiral path as Cloud cried out. "Run!"

"Come on!" Sora said as well, right behind Barret and Tifa, Cloud at the back, when the path started to collapse, some debris falling on them, but Sora used his Keyblade to shatter it all.

"sh*t!" Barret cried out. "Run! Move your ass!"

Barret and Tifa reached the other side, followed by Sora, as the path underneath Cloud collapsed but he leapt towards them, with Tifa and Sora grasping his hand together to keep him from falling. He almost slipped from their grip, only for Barret to come in and grasp Cloud too, all three pulling him up together, before they turned around to see the three Whispers again, the red and yellow ones having been reconstituted.

"Oh, come on! We just beat them!" Sora groaned.

They rushed ahead and leapt near the three, ready to battle again. The yellow one fired blasts, but Barret countered by firing back with his prosthetic gun, as the red one swung its blade, but Sora swung the Keyblade, the weapons clashing thrice and causing a shockwave, before Cloud hit it with a Blizzaga, throwing it back.

Tifa cartwheeled away to avoid swings from the blue one, and as it fired, she leapt to dodge and spinning, kicked its face as it was sent back.

Then she rushed the yellow one and gave it a Whirling Uppercut, sending it back too, before all four were hit by lightning from above, making them grunt as they fell down, and when they tried to get up, fireballs hit all of them.

"Heal!" Sora cried out, using Curaga to heal himself, and then he did the same for Cloud too, while Tifa healed herself and Barret.

Then the giant being threw more things, as their path was blocked, while the Whispers disappeared, Tifa yelling. "Dammit!"

A car blocked their way, but Barret fired at it, destroying it, and they saw another spiral path in the way. Cloud, Sora, Tifa and Barret all rushed towards it together, running through it, before the giant being's hand grabbed the path in front of them.

Sora and Cloud shared a look, then struck the hand together, as it let go, freeing the path, and the four ran ahead, then leapt onto a road pointed downwards, before reaching down, as the red one appeared once more.

Barret fired at it but it swung its blade, deflecting the bullets, and then it swung at them as Sora tried to block its attacks, only for Cloud to take the opportunity and strike it thrice with his sword, staggering it back, and then Tifa did a Somersault and kicked it once more, throwing it off, before Barret hit it with a Ruinra Burst, and Sora leapt up and brought his Keyblade down on it, throwing it back.

This action seemed to stagger the giant creature too, and taking the opportunity, Barret fired at it, while Cloud swung at the red Whisper, and Sora swung at it from behind, the former getting its head and the latter getting its torso, finally dissipating it once more.

The giant being staggered from that, while Barret asked. "Did we do it?"

"Hang on!" They turned around to see Aerith, Riku and Red XIII appear, Aerith now holding her staff.

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"We're here", Riku smirked.

"Riku!" Sora said happily, the two sharing a nod.

"Aerith!" Tifa said happily too.

Some beams shot out of the giant creature, making its way towards them, and struck their heads, as they all saw a vision of what looked like Red XIII running through a wasteland with two cubs behind him.

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When they recovered, Barret asked. "What the hell did I just see?"

Aerith looked at Red XIII, who turned away. "A glimpse of tomorrow if we fail here today."

At that moment, the big creature's hand slammed down, breaking apart the place where they stood, and they gasped, as Cloud, Riku, Barret and Red XIII fell together one side, and Sora, Tifa and Aerith on the other side, purple lightning cracking from the being.

As Cloud, Riku, Barret and Red XIII stood up, the yellow and blue Whispers reappeared to face them, and as Sora, Tifa and Aerith stood up, the red Whisper appeared to face them again too.

"Damnit! How do we stop these things?!" Barret grunted in anger.

"Well…the big one is way over there", Cloud said, gesturing to the giant Whisper.

"But these ones are here", Riku noted, looking at the yellow and blue Whispers with a smirk.

As they charged with swings, Cloud blocked the yellow one's attacks, while Barret fired at the other one, and then Red XIII leapt at it, striking it with his claws, before biting with his fangs, then leapt away as it was staggered back.

Cloud dodged the yellow one's swing, then sliced it once with his sword, then again, and then a third time, before spinning and striking it three more times, then gave it an upwards slice with his sword, charging it with power, and then slammed down, striking it hard as it was sent flying off.

Taking the opportunity, Riku used Dark Aura, firing multiple Dark Orbs at both the Whispers, stunning them.

Only, the giant Whisper unleashed a gust of wind that struck the four of them, and sent them flying off before falling down at a lower level, the two Whispers already waiting for them.

They got back up, Riku now using a Cure Potion, that healed all of them, and then he charged the blue one, striking it thrice in a combo, before Barret hit it with Ruinra Burst, sending it flying back, while Red XIII did a Sidewinder on the yellow one, spinning and attacking it as it was staggered, and Cloud sliced it thrice with his sword, throwing it back.

The two Whispers fired at Cloud, Barret and Red XIII, damaging them, only for Riku to cast Dark Shield to protect them, before he leapt and did a Dark Cannon, firing a barrage of Dark Orbs at the blue one, making it dissipate again, while the giant Whisper staggered, causing Barret to fire at it again.

Cloud spun his sword, and impaled the yellow one, taking it out too, staggering the giant Whisper more as Barret continued to fire at it.

The giant Whisper then roared as beams like before shot out of it again.

Sora, Tifa and Aerith were battling the red Whisper still, before the beams struck the heads of Sora and Tifa.

Tifa gasped, seeing a vision of a giant, fiery Meteor making its way towards the Planet.

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Sora gasped as well, getting another vision, of a different kind.

Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix Fate of the Unknown plays

An old, bald man walked through the dust, his hands behind his back.

Three figures wearing armors with cloaks flowing behind them, holding Keyblades, stood before him.

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The tallest of the three wore a red and yellow armor, the second tallest wore a blue and black armor, and the shortest one wore a blue and yellow armor.

Keyblades were stuck in the ground all around them.

The old man's eyes were yellow due to the Darkness. As he walked, an after-image of him popped out of him, only to transform into another figure, this one having a suit with red lines that reminded Sora of Dark Riku, and he wore some kind of helmet as well, while he carried a Keyblade.

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The shortest one tried to charge them, only for the tallest one to pull him back and charge them himself, but as he reached closer and leapt, the old man raised his hand and a giant hill rose out of nowhere, making the tall man crash upon it.

As he picked himself up, another hill rose in front of him, and he looked up to see the old man and the masked man standing upon it, looking down on him.

The masked man suddenly leapt down, spewing Thunder from his Keyblade that struck the tall man, damaging his armor and lighting parts of it on fire.

As the masked man rushed away, the second tallest armored one and shortest one rushed after him, while the tall man looked up, seeing the old man wave his hand and aim it downwards.

The sky darkened, clouds covering everything, while the Keyblades on the ground all ripped themselves out, becoming a type of Cyclone together as wind blew around them.

The short one leapt at the masked man, their Keyblades clashing before the masked man jumped back, and then Blizzard was fired at him by the second tallest one, but he leapt back to avoid it too.

The second tallest one looked up at the Keyblade infused cyclone, and ran from it alongside the shortest one, as the masked man leapt onto the head of the Keyblade cyclone and fired Blizzard blasts at them that they avoided, only for him to leap away as the Cyclone rammed into the short one, making him roll and fall on the ground.

The second tallest one leapt at the masked man as they clashed Keyblades but he sent the armored one back, only for the shortest one to fire lightning, but the masked man leapt back onto the Keyblade cyclone that went upwards around the hill.

The tall man was running up the hill, but the Keyblade cyclone got his leg, making him fall of the cliff, as the second tallest one saw him falling and stopped.

As the tall one continued to fall while hitting the hill, he used his Keyblade to grab onto it, only to break a huge chunk off as he continued to fall.

The second tallest one felt the ground underneath her shake, and then the Keyblade cyclone popped out from there, catching her in the middle of it as her armor was struck by many Keyblades, before it passed and she started falling down, while the tall one was caught by the cyclone.

The second tallest one fell into the crater the Keyblade cyclone had made underneath her, her Keyblade falling away, as the short one made his way to her, kneeling by her side.

Her helmet had fallen off, revealing she was a beautiful woman with blue hair. Grabbing her Keyblade, she tapped it and aiming upwards, fired a powerful purple spell towards the Keyblade cyclone that still had the tall man caught in between.

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The spell made its way to him, and then formed a barrier around him, dispersing various Keyblades around him, only for many more to strike at the barrier from below, and the barrier with the tall man reached above the cliff where the old man watched.

The Keyblade cyclone and the barrier were in a deadlock now, before the barrier exploded, causing various Keyblades to fall here and there, as the blue-haired woman and the short one watched in horror.

The short one then rushed away.

The tall man fell in front of the old man, various Keyblades falling around him as he picked himself up and charged, only for the old man to block his blow with his own Keyblade.

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Using speed that belied his age, he pinned the tall one's Keyblade down with his own, then struck it again, sending him back, before using his other hand to fire a Blizzard blast at the tall one, sending him flying back.

He straightened himself, seeing the left side of his armor freeze completely, while the lower side of his helmet was gone now, exposing his lips and chin, while one horn of his helmet was gone too.

The old man passed his Keyblade to his left hand, when the short one appeared behind him and tried to strike him with a leap, only for him to blur away, and grab the short one. He struggled to get free, his helmet now cracking.

The tall one looked up in horror as the old man smirked cruelly at him. Picking himself up, he charged, only for the Keyblade cyclone to strike him, sending him flying off as the masked man appeared next to the old man.

The tall man was struck by many Keyblades on the chest, that sent him falling down the cliff.

The blue-haired woman stood up, then looked up, horrified to see the short one in the old man's grip.

The right side of his helmet broke completely, exposing his right blue eye, and some of his hair that were golden. She could be seen in his eye, and the old man started burning him, before suddenly freezing him completely.

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Then, he dropped the short one, his Keyblade striking a cliff and breaking off, while he continued to fall, hitting the cliff, his armor breaking off even more.

As he crashed on the ground, the blue-haired woman appeared underneath him, catching him as both slid away.

She put him down, cradling him, his helmet now gone for the most part, his face visible. Sora was shocked to see he looked exactly like Roxas!

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The blue-haired woman looked at him sadly, and the short boy moved his eyes even while frozen, indicating he was still alive.

Up above, the old man's Keyblade was charged into a purple and blue ball of flame-like energy, that he shot upwards, parting the gathering clouds, revealing the Kingdom Hearts in the sky.

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The blue-haired woman watched in horror, while somewhere else, the tall man picked himself up, resting on his knee, sticking his Keyblade on the ground, before ripping off his helmet to reveal his face.

He was a young man with brown hair that reached to the base of his neck in the back and were styled into rather messy, vertical spikes and bangs that framed his face. He had blue eyes and tanned skin.

The young man grunted in anger, and his blue eyes turned yellow, signalling that he was welcoming the darkness.

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And then, Sora saw King Mickey approaching the scene from a distance, holding his Star Seeker Keyblade, ready to join the fray himself.

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Present Day, Singularity

Tifa and Sora both recovered as the former muttered in horror. "This can't be our future…"

"Weird", Sora muttered at his own vision. "What was that?" His eyes widened. "Maybe they're one of those I need to save."

That moment, the red Whisper swung at them, and they'd have been struck, but Cloud came in the way, blocking its blow with his sword, before Riku struck it with his Dark Orbs, sending it flying back.

Barret and Red XIII ran behind them at that point, as Aerith said. "The future is always a blank page. While the past is always memory, beautiful or deadly."

The giant Whisper glowed with purple lightning, as the red Whisper hovered before it, and the yellow and blue ones appeared once more, as Barret groaned angrily. "Them again? Least they could do is give us a little breather!"

"What's it going to take to put them down?" Sora asked. "Every time we get them, they pop back up!"

"I say we split up", Cloud finally declared. "Take 'em down at the same time."

"In that case, ultra big boy is all mine", Barret declared, and ran at it, as Red XIII ran after him.

The red Whisper turned towards them, only for Cloud to leap at it, causing it to turn around and block his sword with its blade.

"Bring it on, bitch!" Cloud taunted it, before it pushed him back, and all three Whispers hovered in front of him.

Cloud landed on a knee before standing up with Sora, Riku, Tifa and Aerith by his side.

They charged the Whispers, Cloud ducking to avoid the red one's blow and slicing at it, before Sora leapt and struck its face, sending it back, while Aerith blocked the yellow one's blow with her staff, and then spinning it, struck its chest, throwing it off too.

Riku blocked the blue one's strike, then leapt and sliced at its throat, before Tifa spun and kicked it back.

Then, the three Whispers started spinning in a circle, and flew into each other, causing smoke to emanate, and when it cleared, all three were fused into one Dragon-like being, a Whisper Bahamut!

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"Come on!" Riku yelled in frustration as it landed and roared.

"Let's do this", Cloud said.

"Oh yeah", Sora nodded.

"Right!" Tifa agreed.

"We can do this- together!" Aerith declared as the Whisper Bahamut spun around and sliced at them with its wings, wounding them as they fell down.

Aerith got up first and joined her hands in prayer, chanting something as a green wind flew around them, and healed all of their wounds. It was her Healing Wind!

As the Whisper Bahamut roared at them, Cloud did a Braver, striking it hard as it was sent back, and it tried to strike back, but Cloud blocked, as Tifa rushed forth and hit it with a Somersault, making it fall backwards, when Aerith did a Blizzaga, summoning blizzard spikes from the ground that struck the Bahamut Whisper, making it screech in pain as it tried to fly upwards, but Sora and Riku were ready.

The two charged and leapt together, swinging their Keyblades in a rapid flurry of attacks as the Whisper Bahamut was hit every time, and then they stabbed it rapidly with their Keyblades too.

It staggered back, and they used the Dark Cannon, firing a barrage of Dark Orbs at it, striking it and weakening it, while they linked arms, and swung their Keyblades, summoning thirteen swords around them that performed a spinning slash attack, which hit the Whisper Bahamut every time too.

Then, Sora and Riku coated their Keyblades in auras, and Riku was handed Sora's Keyblade that he used to slash at the Whisper Bahamut alongside his own, then passed both Keyblades to Sora, who did the same, before returning Riku's Keyblade to him.

Their Keyblades then floated side-by-side in energy orbs that reeled in the Whisper Bahamut before exploding, making it screech in pain as it split into the three Whispers once more, all weakened now from the 'Eternal Session', while Sora and Riku fist-bumped.

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And with that, Cloud sliced at the red Whisper, while Aerith struck the blue one with Thundaga, and Tifa hit the yellow one with another Somersault, Cloud crying out. "Barret, now!"

"Ain't no stopping us now!" Barret said, his prosthetic gun gathering energy, and he fired, doing a 'Fire in the Hole', while Red XIII used his 'Stardust Ray', both striking the giant Whisper Harbinger in the chest while it was staggered by the loss of its minions.

The attacks hit it hard, making it roar and screech in pain, as beams were sent out of it again, this time getting Cloud and Riku.

Cloud had a vision where he was facing Sephiroth, and he leapt at the silver-haired swordsman to clash with him.

Riku's eyes widened as he too was shown the past.

Kingdom Hearts Final Mix Another Side plays

A hooded boy with blonde spiky hair walked through the Dark City in the rain, before stopping near the Memory's Skyscraper. He looked up at the screens, then looked down as shadows appeared, and various dark creatures with what looked like antennae popped out.

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The Neoshadow Heartless!

They surrounded him, while up above on the Skyscraper, a blindfolded Riku, wearing a black coat, stared down at the young boy.

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The blonde boy summoned both his Keyblades, twirling them, sparks flying out, before he held them to his sides as Riku turned his head up, raising both hands, the clouds above parting to reveal a meteor shower.

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A white-purple outline of the Heartless emblem surrounded the blonde boy. Riku took off his blindfold and threw his head back. The blonde one mouthed something.

On a beach, Kairi ran to the edge of the sand and put her hands behind her back, watching a single meteor fall.

Sora stood in the middle of the Crossroads, looking up at the night sky.

A message in a bottle arrived on the shore of the Dark Margin, as the wave receded.

A white Heartless emblem appeared on a boulder for a split second, before the blonde one passed through it. One of his eyes - golden yellow - was briefly seen, and he walked forward.

In the Dark City, the blonde walked towards the Memory's Skyscraper in the pouring rain. Clashing blades sounded, and in an instant, he was surrounded by numerous Neoshadows, as he held his Keybaldes. He engaged the Heartless and easily destroyed three.

He continued, slashing them with his Keyblades, not hesitating to resort to kicking two of them. Three Neoshadows jumped high in the air. He looked up at them and followed suit, doing a backflip. The three Neoshadows landed on the ground, one on top of the other, and dissolved into darkness. More Neoshadows leapt into the air, and he proceeded to slash at them as he rose; with Oathkeeper in hand, he threw the Keyblade and eliminated four of the airborne Heartless.

The Oathkeeper returned seconds before he landed on the ground, and he backflipped up to the porch of Memory's Skyscraper. As other Neoshadows began to crawl up the structure's gargoyle statues, he looked out at the horde of Heartless. He looked up at the screens of the Skyscraper.

Riku stood atop the screens, looking down at the blonde one. He smirked; the blonde mimicked the action and jumped onto a post, leaping to an extrusion on the wall, and began running up the side of the Skyscraper, Oathkeeper and Oblivion held out at his sides. Neoshadows began to chase after him, as new ones emerged from above, which he promptly cut down. Riku walked up to the very edge of the Skyscraper's screens.

The blonde hurled Oblivion upward in another Strike Raid-like move, eliminating several more Neoshadows. Riku jumped off the edge, body parallel with the ground, with his arms outstretched.

The Oblivion sliced through one more Neoshadow before Riku caught it; his body turned, now parallel to the Skyscraper as three more of the Heartless leapt down after him.

The two approached the Skyscraper's largest screen; the blonde one, now wielding the Kingdom Key D in his right hand, ran past the bottom of the central screen while Riku fell.

The two passed each other, turning their head to the other before continuing on their way. Faint images of Kairi flashed on the video screen as Riku fell.

The clouds above Memory's Skyscraper cleared, revealing three rays of light.

The blonde mouthed something as he and Riku continued on their paths.

The blonde had flashing images of Sora during his Dive to the Heart. He continued to have flashes of Sora's memory.

The blonde walked up to the hooded figure sitting on a rock.

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Kairi watched the meteor shower on Destiny Islands.

Riku plummeted to the ground.

Kairi reached toward Sora.

A black coated King Mickey flipped through the air, landing on the rooftop of the Memory's Skyscraper with the Kingdom Key held out to the side.

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Back at the Dark Margin, the blonde one approached the hooded figure on the rock again; he turned to the blonde and spoke to him.

Sora then flew over a vast expanse of ocean, seemingly asleep, under a cloudy sky.

Present Day, Singularity

Riku recovered as Tifa asked. "Did we beat 'em?"

"Think so!" Aerith replied.

Barret and Red XIII hit the Whisper Harbinger with their attacks once more, making it stagger as more beams came out of it, striking Cloud's head again, and he'd a strange vision, where he saw Aerith on her knees, praying, and then some kind of Materia fell out of her pocket, falling into some water nearby.

The Whisper Harbinger was hit by Barret and Red XIII once more, staggering back as more beams came out, and Cloud's head was struck, and now he'd another vision, where he was carrying Aerith, who seemed to be dead, in his arms, and he was walking in water, his legs submerged.

Cloud grasped his head, shaking it, then saw the Whisper Harbinger staggering as Aerith said. "We did it!"

"Right!" Tifa commented.

"Let's end this", Riku told them, causing Aerith to fire blasts of magic at it, while Tifa struck it with a Ruinra Burst.

Cloud leapt and sliced it at various points, before Sora and Riku fired beams from their Keyblades together.

This final assault made it screech in pain as it staggered around again, now being destroyed, while beams from it flew all around, and everything glowed brightly, going white.


And with that, another monster of a chapter ends.

So, Iris is on Earth-21, during the 'Valkyrie' plotline, and is being told off by Lois and Lana for being a moron, like usual. Lana sucked in the show, but her appearance in the Season 11 comics redeemed her quite a bit IMO.

In the 31st Century, Optimus Prime and Grimlock have arrived! Hope they felt in-character, and hope Optimus Prime and Nine joining Clark's and Kara's argument was appreciated.

Thanks a lot to HRwriter97 for his help with the entire Transformers side of this, couldn't have done it without him, as I'm only a casual fan of the franchise, while he's the expert in it the way I'm for Tolkien, Buffyverse, Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts.

For Transformers, I'm using the 'Aligned Continuity', which is an attempt to align important plot points from various continuities to make a joint continuity.

The 'Bad Wolf' bit appeared again, as it was the arc of Series 1 of Doctor Who. They are in another world, but since breaches are open all over the Multiverse, Rose as Bad Wolf would send the words here too. And, I'm still irked by how The Doctor dropped Adam off for what he did in 'The Long Game' while Rose gets away with a slap on the wrist for her actions in 'Father's Day'. Yes, Adam deserved those consequences, but Rose should not have been let off, regardless of her reasons.

Spike is still with the Hobbits, and they've faced the Barrow Wights, with Spike facing some of his past Demons. For the Cecily bit, I know she was Halfrek, but I've an explanation as to how they're different people with the same face here, thank you to Marcus S. Lazarus for his help there. I'll give the explanation later, unless someone wants to know now, in which case I'll tell it privately.

The implication of course is that Cecily died due to something Spike did. This is inspired by a Buffyverse novel titled 'These Our Actors'. It's not canon, but I'll be implementing elements of it into the Buffyverse here.

Spike also has a Westernesse sword, while the Hobbits have those daggers.

After this, it will be more movie-based, since that's easier.

And now, the plotline with Doom is done. While the Heroes fought him well, at the end, he was too powerful, and also had diplomatic immunity. But now, the Fantastic Four have finally been named 'the Fantastic Four'! Oh yeah!

Blade meets some people, including the Jedi children who'd their test in that four-part plotline in Season 5 of 'The Clone Wars'.

And Parker talks a bit more with Felicia about things.

Thanks a lot to Brainstorm Sorcerer for all his help in these parts, couldn't have done it without him.

So the Injustice League has apparently scouted a potential new member. Guess who it is?

Meanwhile, Sora and Riku have joined Cloud, Tifa, Aerith, Barret and Red XIII for the climax of the FFVII: Remake game, and taken on the Whispers together.

The Whispers encompass all of time I think, so they can show the past too, hence while the AVALANCHE members saw the future, Sora and Riku saw the past, with Sora seeing the 'Birth by sleep' Secret Ending from KHIIFM, while Riku saw the 'Another side, another story..' Secret Ending from KHFM, both events having happened in 'Birth By Sleep' and '358/2 Days' respectively. These two are my favorite Secret Endings of the KH games, hence I just wanted to write them down, and this Whisper battle was the perfect excuse to do so.

Next chapter shall end the two Smallville story arcs, and we shall see the battle against Sephiroth.

The breach cameos in order were Legolas Greenleaf from 'The Lord of the Rings Trilogy', Terra Branford from 'Final Fantasy VI' (2nd best Final Fantasy game behind only VII itself IMO), Eric Draven from 'The Crow', Talion from 'Shadow of Mordor/War', and finally Smallville Green Arrow before she landed on Earth-21.

Hope all enjoyed and see you all next time with another chapter.

Chapter 25: One-Winged Angel


Team Arrow goes up against the Calculator as an old friend of theirs makes a return. Spike accompanies the Hobbits to Bree and meets someone. In the 31st Century on Earth-21, the Heroes battle Doomsday and try to stop Niedrigh from escaping. Lois and Lana call Iris out. The Injustice League meet their latest potential recruit. Blade has a talk with Yoda. Sora, Riku, Cloud, Aerith, Tifa, Barret and Red XIII battle Sephiroth.


Disclaimer: I do not own anything you may recognize

Thank you to everyone for the kudos, hits, comments and bookmarks.

And once more, thanks a lot to HRwriter897 for his help with the Transformers portions of this chapter, and to Stand with Ward and Queen and Brainstorm Sorcerer for some suggestions and help with other portions.

Also, for how Spike can stand in the sunlight in Middle-earth, when Rack was about to go through the portal, he'd done a spell that'd cast an invisible protective shelling or whatever around him when he crossed through the breach to the other end, as he didn't know where he'd end up, and if it'd be harmful, but since Spike fell through the breach instead, the spell worked on him, and the invisible protective shelling is around him now, and it protects him from sunlight as well. That's why Tom said there's a 'song of magic' around Spike.


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Earth-1, Star City, the lair

After Oliver had patched him up, Roy Harper gingerly fingered the spot where the arrow had hit him.

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"Maybe next time, we can do something that doesn't involve me getting stabbed or shot at. Just an idea." Roy said dryly.

"Noted. Roy, I'm sorry I put you in this situation." Oliver apologized.

"I'm pretty sure I put myself in this situation," Roy pointed out, "I know you're not all that happy I faked my death to protect your secret."

"I never should have let you." Oliver told him.

"Do you ever get tired of carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders all the time?" Roy asked and Oliver chuckled.

"You sound like Sara and Laurel." Oliver said.

"Great minds," Roy shrugged as he looked over at Sara, "Man, Lazarus pits? And I thought Metahumans were as crazy as it got."

Later, Oliver's penthouse

"Thea?" Roy walked into the room and Thea sat up in shock. She was still on bedrest for a while to recover from her wounds.

"Oh my god, is it really you?" Thea asked as her lost love sat down next to her.

"Yeah." Roy smiled.

"Where have you been? How long are you staying?" Thea started asking. "What have you been up to?"

"Around. Until my blackmailer is stopped. And nothing special", Roy answered each question one by one, holding Thea's hand. "I heard about what happened. I'm sorry I wasn't there."

"It's not your fault, Roy", Thea assured him. "I'm mad you had to go…but I understand why. Not much you can do."

"I wish things never ended up this way", Roy said sadly.

"Me neither." Thea echoed his sentiments, both looking at each other with a sense of longing. Yet, while they were so close, they were very far apart.

And they'd no idea if that would change.

The lair

"Do you have anything?" Oliver asked as he walked up behind Felicity at the computers.

"There's more power in this thing than in a super computer. I and Ray might try to reverse engineer it for Queen-Palmer Tech." Felicity mused.

"Felicity!" Oliver snapped and Felicity came back to the here and now.

"But for now, I think I found something we can turn to our advantage. I found a tiny flaw in the OS code and I'm pretty sure I can use it to pen a back door into his main computer system", Felicity explained.

"Wouldn't that expose us?" Oliver inquired but Felicity shook her head.

Not if I do it right. Which I already did", Felicity said proudly.

"Well," A distorted voice startled the two, "whoever you are, let me just say that I am very impressed. No one's ever been able to break through my encryption before. Bravo."

"Disguise your voice", Oliver ordered and Felicity nodded.

"Thanks. I would be flattered if it wasn't coming from some nut-job trying to destroy the internet." Felicity said.

"Why would I want to take down the net? Not only is it where I work, I'm addicted to funny cat videos."The Calculator told her.

"Then why do you need a web-nuke?" Felicity asked confused.

"Very clever. Keep me talking to try and buy you time to breach my fire wall." The Calculator said, amused.

"So that's a pass on telling me your evil plan?" Felicity asked.

"Let's put it this way. If you wanna send a message, you don't take down the system. You take down a city." He said before the communications were cut.

"Damn it! He shut me out!" Felicity cried frustrated.

"What did he mean by taking down a city?" Oliver asked.

"Oh no," Felicity said as it hit her, "I've been thinking of what if he used it to take down the internet. But if he used it right, overloading the power grid, shutting down hospital equipment, causing water main breaks…he could kill everyone in the city."

"Find where he is going to set it off", Oliver ordered her.

Earth-21, 31st Century, Space

Superman, Supergirl, Optimus Prime and Grimlock flew up to meet the rest of the Legion, as Brainiac 5 told them. "Incoming WMD from World-Ship."

"What's going on?" Clark inquired.

"Who are they?" Rokk asked on seeing Optimus and Grimlock.

"My name is Optimus Prime, Leader of the Autobots", Optimus introduced himself, and gestured to Grimlock. "This is Grimlock."

"They're from another world, like The Doctor and his Companions, and they're on our side", Kara added.

"The WMD was launched in response to Minister Niedrigh sending Doomsday at New Krypton", Brainiac 5 noted as he looked down using holographic binoculars.

Clark paled on hearing a certain word. "Come again?"

New Krypton

Doomsday was tearing things apart, when TARDIS appeared, Jack and Rose running towards it as Nine opened the doors for them. "Come on in!"

"How do we stop this thing, Doctor?" Jack asked Nine.

"We're going to leave that to others, we need to stop something else", Nine told them both as the TARDIS doors closed and he started flying it away.

"And what's that?" Rose inquired.

"The Kryptonians sent a Gravity Bomb onto Earth in response to this, we need to stop that", Nine said, using the TARDIS to fly off.


"Long story short, Clark faced Doomsday before, and it didn't go well", Rokk explained to Kara. "EarthGov proper did not authorize the launch. Or if they did, they didn't understand what Kirt dug from underneath the city."

"Or what theBeastis truly capable of", Clark noted grimly.

"Incoming!" Garth cried out, as they saw the Gravity Bomb making its way to Earth.

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"Some kind of Gravity Bomb", Brainy noted, when they saw the TARDIS going after it, and then the door opened to reveal Nine.

"We're going to try and stop it, but I haven't use the tractor beam of this thing for a while now", Nine told all of them.

"Grimlock fight Doomsday!" Grimlock declared all of a sudden, to the shock of the rest.

"Will you be able to really do it?" Garth asked in uncertainty.

"He could fight me and Kara", Clark remembered. "I guess he could do it." He looked at the Gravity Bomb. "I'll help you stop the bomb, Doctor."

"We will evacuate everyone in case it doesn't work", Kara said, looking at the rest of the Legion, before turning to Grimlock and Optimus while gesturing to the buoy line. "Follow this, it shall lead you to New Krypton, where Doomsday is." She looked at the Legion. "Legionnaires, with me!"

Earth, Metropolis

The Gravity Bomb was about to fall, only for the TARDIS to capture it with a tractor beam, stopping it barely.

"We're holding on!" Nine cried out, Jack and Rose grunting.

"But not for long, Superman!" Jack called out.

Superman flew down, while Kara and the Legion evacuated the people of the city together. Grasping the Gravity Bomb, Superman flew up into Space, and hurled it away towards the sun, where it exploded harmlessly.

"What now?" Rose asked.

Nine smirked. "Kirt will try to run, but we must not let him."

New Krypton

Doomsday had killed a few Eradicators by now, when Grimlock in his T-Rex form rammed into him from behind, sending him flying off and falling down.

What I've Done by Linkin Park plays

Doomsday turned around to face Grimlock, and roared at him loudly, as Grimlock roared back, and the two charged each other, Doomsday punching Grimlock, turning his head the other way, then giving him an uppercut as Grimlock went flying up and crashed downwards.

Doomsday leapt at him with a punch, only for Grimlock to capture the creature's fist with its jaws, barely avoiding the protrusions as Doomsday roared, the jaws actually causing its fist to bleed, before Grimlock used the momentum and turned his head the other way, throwing Doomsday into that direction while he got up.

Doomsday got up and did a leap, launching himself at Grimlock and sending him flying off, crashing through a building, and as Grimlock got up, Doomsday rushed him again, lifting him up and ramming him through more buildings, before smashing him to the ground, and punching him repeatedly, only for Grimlock to whack Doomsday with his tail, sending him flying off and crashing down.

Before it could get up, Grimlock leapt and smashed down on it, before smashing twice again, shattering the ground underneath it, until Doomsday punched Grimlock, sending him off again.

As Doomsday tried to get up, Optimus Prime crashed into him, rolled and unveiled his sword.

"Did you forget, who I am?"

Doomsday let out a roar at him and charged, only for Optimus to dodge and slice at it with his sword, before unveiling another one just like it, and used those to slice at its chest, before spinning and kicking it on the face, sending it flying back.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (621)

He retracted the swords as Doomsday got up, and it tried to punch him but he dodged and elbowed it, then lifting it up, threw it down, and was about to punch it again, only for it to kick him hard, sending him flying off.

As it stood up, an energy ray from Grimlock's mouth hit it, making it fly off by many feet and crash to the ground.

Grimlock then charged it as it stood up, and rammed into it once more, pushing it back, and trapped its wrist in his jaws once more, making it bleed, before Doomsday hurled him away, only for Optimus to fire at him with blasters that his hands had converted into, staggering it back.

"We will stand against you!" Optimus declared. "You will not slaughter this planet!"

Doomsday roared in challenge and then rushed at Optimus, giving him an uppercut that sent him flying off again, and as he crashed down, Doomsday punched him thrice, smashing his head into the ground, before Grimlock hit it with a breath of fire from behind, making it roar as it turned around to face Grimlock, and charged him.

At that moment, Optimus transformed into a truck and rammed into Doomsday from behind, making it fly off and crash once more, as Optimus turned into his robot form and stood up. "He is quite strong; we will have to give it our all!"

It charged them both, only for Optimus to spin and dodge as Grimlock grabbed Doomsday's wrist with his jaws once more, and Optimus used the opportunity to punch it on the face thrice, before unveiling his sword as he stabbed it into Doomsday's chest, making it roar out in pain, while Grimlock let go.

Optimus was about to drive the sword deeper, when suddenly, Doomsday recovered, and grabbed the sword, pushing it out itself, and pushing Optimus back in the process, before it struck Grimlock, throwing him off, and lifted up Optimus, hurling him down to the ground.

It was about to stomp on him, but Grimlock leapt at it and both of them rolled away, Grimlock trying to snap his jaws on Doomsday as Doomsday kept trying to punch the robotic T-Rex.

Optimus staggered up, seeing various Kryptonians around him.

"Who are you?" One of them asked.

"My name is Optimus Prime, Leader of the Autobots", Optimus introduced himself as they saw Doomsday punching Grimlock, before Grimlock whacked it back with its tail. "We are here to help you. Earth….is not your enemy!"

They looked at him in surprise as he continued. "A few people from Earth have done you wrong, but not all of them. This creature, you all can fight it together, stand alongside us, use your abilities, and seize this moment!"

As Grimlock and Doomsday were in a deadlock, Optimus made to charge again, only for many Kryptonians to fly at Doomsday from all sides, trying to hold him down together now.

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Earth, EarthGov Facility

Some EarthGov soldiers were standing around, when a'Vwoorp, Vwoorp'was heard, and the TARDIS appeared before them, before Nine, Jack and Rose got out.

"Hands behind your head!" A soldier said as they aimed their guns, only for Nine to take out the psychic paper, and he held it up in front of them.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (623)

"EarthGov official", he said with a smirk, the shocked soldiers lowering their guns. "I'm here to meet Minister Niedrigh over his unauthorized attack on New Krypton."

One soldier tried to say. "But-"

"I'll be off then", he said, walking past them alongside Jack and Rose, as they got into a cabin, only to see Kirt about to escape in a pod.

"You will never stop me, Doctor", he gloated. "And New Krypton shall fall, as shall the Xenos."

Looking around, Nine spotted a computer, and using the Sonic Screwdriver, activated it, before rushing to it.

Kirt was about to fly off, only for Nine to type in some commands, and the pod stopped.

"What?" He said in horror, being ejected out of it as he fell down. "How?"

"I'm a lot smarter than you are", Nine said as he staggered up.

"Guards!" Kirt cried out in fear as the soldiers from before appeared. "Arrest them! How could you let them in?"

The confused soldiers started raising their guns at the three, only for Jack to fire his Sonic blaster at one, knocking him out, before kicking another soldier away, and elbowing one more.

Using the opportunity, Kirt ran out of the room, as Jack said. "Doctor, Rose, go after him! I got this!"

Doctor Who Westminster Bridge plays

Rose picked up a fallen soldier's gun, then she and Nine rushed after Kirt as Jack's blaster was kicked out of his hand, but he grasped that soldier's gun and pushed him forth in front of himself, and kicked him out, before decking another as he was down, and before one more could fire at him, Jack charged him and slammed him to the ground, punching him out, before rolling to avoid more shots and got his blaster back, and fired at that soldier, knocking him out.

Nine and Rose continued to run after Kirt, who took out a gun of his own and fired back at the two, causing them to stop and dodge by rolling away, as Kurt rushed off.

The two stood up, Rose chuckling a bit.

"What's so funny?" Nine asked her.

"Usually, we're running from someone or something, now we're running after someone", Rose said, causing Nine to smirk.

"That is true." He rushed after Kirt, and Rose followed him, as they opened a door to a room, finding Kirt about to get into another pod.

That was when Skeets was launched at the pod, shorting it out, while Booster appeared, glaring at him, and Skeets flew back next to Booster.

"Going somewhere?" Booster taunted as Kirt roared in rage and took out his gun.

Rose tried to fire at him but he dodged, then fired back, not getting her but getting the gun as Rose was disarmed, but before anything else could happen, the sound of jets was heard outside.

Kirt smirked. "Reinforcements are here, and now you all shall go down!"

Various soldiers entered the room with guns, as Kirt ordered them. "Arrest all of them!"

To his own shock, the soldiers aimed their guns at him instead, while Jack ran inside, looking at the scene.

"What is the meaning of this?" Kirt cried out in horror.

"Minister Niedrigh, you're under arrest for an illegal attack on New Krypton!" The lead soldier declared.

"After I got free, Skeets and I managed to get into contact with them", Booster revealed. "They do not like what you did, and do not approve of it."

Kirt started getting cuffed and muttered in horror. "This is outrageous!"

"I told you; I will stop you", Nine reminded him. "And the rest of humanity is much better than you are. As you can see, these people are good, and have morality, unlike you! Morality enough to not partake in this senseless war!"

New Krypton

Doomsday had thrown the Kryptonians off, when Clark rammed into him from above, sending him crashing to the ground.

Pa-Vel was there as Clark flew next to him. "Nothing is working, is it?"

"No, its not", Pa-Vel shook his head sadly.

"Then redirect those energy buoys towards the sun!" Clark declared to him, starting to fly up.

"Even you can't escape the sun's gravity, Kal-El!" Pav-El warned him while beginning to do what Clark had asked.

As Doomsday stood up, Clark was punched on the face, spitting some blood out, but then punched Doomsday back.

"I know."

As the buoys were redirected towards the sun, Clark flew at Doomsday and grabbed him, flying with him towards the sun, as he saw Imra arrive on New Krypton.

"Saturn Girl, can you hear me?"He thought mentally, and heard Imra's voice in his head.

"Yes, Kal-El!"

Doomsday grabbed Clark's face, as he grabbed it by the throat, continuing to fly the monster towards the sun.

"Imra, this isn't going to end well for me, and-"

"You don't have to say what needs to be done, Kal-El."

"Oh."Clark and Doomsday were very close to the sun now, both struggling.

A tear rolled down Imra's cheek. "One of the few perks of being a telepath."

Superman got Doomsday's hand off his face, and slammed his foot on its throat. "Aside from telling Lois….please make sure Booster and Kara find their places."

Clark fired Heat Vision at Doomsday, sending it falling towards the sun.

"It doesn't have to be this way, Clark."

Clark started falling towards the sun. "Says the girl not falling towards the sun."

Doomsday was submerged inside the sun now, as Clark smiled in his last moments. "Promise me the Legion won't let anyone dig this thing up again."

Transformers 3 - Battle (The Score - Soundtrack) plays at the 1:13 part

That was when Clark's hand was grasped by someone, trying to pull him away from the sun.

"That's a lot of responsibility for one Legionnaire, Superman."

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The voice wasn't Imra's.

Clark looked up to see Rokk holding him. "Rokk, are you out of your mind?! You'll be pulled down with me!"

Then he saw Rokk's hand was grasped by Kara's from behind, who smiled at him. "That's why we practice the buddy system."

Kara's hand was grasped by Garth, and his by Brainiac 5, and his by Imra, and so on, and at the end of it was Grimlock, with Optimus behind him, all of them together pulling.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (625)

"Not let Superman fall."Grimlock's voice came.

"Sacrificing yourself is noble, but not when other alternatives are present. You have inspired everyone enough today."Optimus Prime's voice said to him.

Superman smiled. "Not as much as you have."

And with that, Superman was pulled away from the sun, and all of them started flying back together, Clark and Kara holding hands, everyone smiling.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (626)

"Long live the Legion! Long live the House of El!"

Earth-1, Star City

The Calculator's men were moving through a building when Diggle intercepted one of them, disarming him and throwing him off, as Laurel jumped at another from behind, grabbing him in a chokehold with her baton and flipping him down as they struggled. Two more tried to fire at them but were taken out by arrows from behind, Oliver and Roy leaping and running forth, the latter wearing his Arsenal suit.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (627)

Sara leapt down from a side and kicked another thug away, as Roy said. "I've seriously missed this."

They rushed forth, Diggle tapping his earpiece. "Overwatch, we're on site."

The lair

"I'm trying to find the web-nuke but our adversary knows I'm in his system and keeps trying to kick me out," Felicity explained, "I got a good look at his protocols and if the web-nuke goes online, it will kill eight-thousand people."

"Let's stop that then, huh?"

Felicity jumped before turning to see Hardison having arrived, to her shock. "Hardison?"

"Oh yes, your savior is here, not to worry", Hardison said as he sat down next to her and took over, Felicity letting him do it this time.

He typed in some commands as The Calculator was heard saying angrily. "You're locking me out…how?"

"You're good, but not that good", Hardison said as he pressed a button, and the voice of the Calculator on the other end was cut.

He looked at Felicity. "Guy won't be accessing anything in here, or in his own lair, or in the building. His online presence is compromised too."

"Which means….he has to start from scratch now!" Felicity realized in delight.

Oliver shot down another man as they entered a room, finding the web-nuke, as Diggle asked. "Does anyone know how to disarm this thing?"

Suddenly, they were surrounded by a dozen men, all of their guns aimed at the group as one of them said. "Put your weapons down!"

Only Diggle and Laurel complied, letting their guns and baton respectively drop, when Oliver smirked, to the men's confusion.

And then, Eliot kicked one man from behind and whacked another away before elbowing one more, and as one tried to fire at him, Eliot grabbed his gun and kicked him hard, sending him crashing into another as he unloaded the gun and threw it off, before sweeping another man's feet from underneath him, then spun and elbowed another's throat, before blocking one more's blows and flipping him to the ground, after which he spun and kicked one more into another, before grabbing the next by his head and slamming it on his knee, and then he grabbed the last one by the collar and threw him to the ground, then kicked him and the one he'd flipped out, as well as the one whose feet he'd swept from underneath him before.

After all the men were down, Diggle's and Laurel's weapons finally hit the ground, as the two and Roy were shocked at how fast he was, only Oliver and Sara having kept up with his speed.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (628)

"Good to see you again", Oliver said to Eliot as they grasped hands.

"You too", Eliot smirked, before looking at Roy. "You new here?"

"Actually, I'm pretty old", Roy said to him, then turned to Oliver. "He makes an even better entrance than you."

The nuke started beeping as Laurel said. "That's not good."

Diggle had put the charges but they were not working. "It's not working."

Hardison's voice came on the comms. "Most likely he jammed the detonation frequency before I got to him."

"Okay, we do this the old fashion way and manually set the charge", Oliver ordered.

"We can't do that and all of us get out of here in one-piece. Someone has to stay behind", Sara pointed out.

"I'll do it", Roy said and they all turned to him.

"Roy, even if you trigger the C4 with an arrow at a distance, you still need to outrun the blast radius", Oliver told him.

"I can do that", Roy said confidently.

"Roy, you may be wearing red, but you aren't The Flash", Diggle warned him.

"I didn't say it wasn't gonna be risky", Roy said.

"You just got a fresh start Roy. I don't want you to throw it all away", Oliver said.

"I'm the one who brought this maniac into our lives. It's my life. It's my choice", Roy said firmly.

"Ollie," Laurel said and he looked over at her, "let him do this."

Eliot suddenly tapped his comms and smirked. "I think it'll be fine."

"You run like Hell", Oliver ordered Roy.

"See you outside", Diggle told him.

"Good luck", Laurel said.

"You'll need it", Sara added.

"Oliver spoke highly of you, now I see why", Eliot said, all of them going off.

Roy ran to a distance, then looking at the explosives, fired, just as a grapple hook attached to him from above and lifted him up, Roy seeing part of the roof was gone.

Roy ended up on the roof and saw Parker, who gave him a wave with a smirk. "Hey there."

She'd used a gel to melt the roof, then a grapple device to pull Roy up, as they both got up and ran, getting to a line from which they glided down as the explosion occurred behind them, dropping down next to the rest.

Looking at Parker, then Eliot, and then Oliver, Roy said. "You've made some interesting new friends."

Oliver smirked, then looked at Eliot and Parker, while tapping his comms. "There's one more thing you guys can do for me here."

Earth-21, 31st Century, Metropolis, Bad Wolf Safehouse

Brainiac 5 finally managed to repair the damage done by Shockwave on Grimlock's processor due to those experiments that had allowed Grimlock his dino alt mode.

"Think clearly again me can", Grimlock said, shaking his head. "Speak too now can."

He turned to Brainiac 5. "Thanks you have for what you done."

Brainy simply nodded before looking at some readings. "Well, this is strange."

"What is?" Optimus inquired.

"You, my friend", Brainy looked at Grimlock. "You're a prehistoric animal from Earth."

"What?" Grimlock asked in shock.

"How can this be?" Optimus wondered too.

"I do not know, but that is what I found", Brainy said while showing them his readings.

Earth-1, Star City

"And so, the Star City Police Department, myself specifically, would like to formally apologize to Roy Harper," Quentin began as he and Roy stood in front of the press, "it is with deep regret that I admit we were fed false Intel by a source we now know to be unreliable. The Arrow was framed by the same man who unleashed the Bio-weapon on our city a year ago. Mr. Harper here is not The Arrow, he was simply a man trying to right a wrong."

"Captain Lance, does that mean that Oliver Queen is The Arrow?" A reporter demanded eagerly.

"No," Quentin said to the reporter's disappointment, "As I said, we were fed false Intel. The Arrow was a nameless man who had lived for years watching the city suffer before he decided to do something about it since we could not. During the bio-attack, The Arrow fought the man responsible and was killed moments before the SCPD gunned down the madman. Again, I cannot express my remorse enough Mr. Harper, I am truly sorry for everything you have had to endure."

"Apology excepted", Roy said as he shook Quentin's hand and the press applauded.


Roy was backstage, getting ready to leave when Quentin approached.

"Hey, um, listen," Quentin began awkwardly as Roy looked over at him, "I know I said it before, but I'm sorry about everything that happened."

"I get it. We all let our emotions get the best of us sometimes. God knows I have", Roy said and Quentin nodded.

The lair

Oliver, Eliot and the rest watched the broadcast, with Oliver and Eliot sharing a smile before the former said to the latter, as well as Parker and Hardison. "Thank you for coming up with this alibi. I really can't thank you all enough."

"What are friends for, man?" Hardison asked him as he tapped his shoulder.

"Its good to have him back", Sara had to say. She hadn't worked with him much when he was stable, but she knew how loyal he was to Ollie. Ollie needed him back.

"Well, another day, another bad guy taken on some Earth", Parker said as she walked out with Hardison, Sara and Laurel giving Oliver a smile as they walked out too, and Diggle went out as well.

"So, how have you been?" Oliver asked his friend.

"Good", Eliot said, then sighed. "Look…I didn't tell anyone else this, but I met my biological father."

Oliver looked at Eliot in shock. "Really?"

"Yeah", Eliot nodded. "He is a great war hero in my world. He'd a…one-night thing with a woman once and they went their separate ways. He didn't even know about me till now."

"How did you all find out?" Oliver inquired out of curiosity.

"He was called in to kill an alien creature from a different world, but it self-destructed and he was caught in the explosion. SHIELD, which is my Earth's ARGUS but better, took him in to test his blood, and found out. One of them is my friend, and she introduced us", Eliot finished explaining. "He is a good man. Haunted by what he has done, but he is good."

"Like you and me", Oliver noted, Eliot nodding. "I'm happy for you."

"Thanks. Made up with my adoptive dad as well", Eliot said with a smile. "I guess…things are getting better now."

"I hope so", Oliver agreed. "I only told Sara this…but I have a son."

"What? Seriously?" Eliot was the one shocked this time.

"Years ago, before the island, I got this girl pregnant but my mom paid her to tell me she'd miscarried", Oliver said sadly.

"Why would your mom do that?" Eliot asked, surprised.

"I don't know." Oliver shook his head; still not sure he could get past it. "She said I can only see my son as long as I don't tell him I'm his father, and I can't tell anyone else."

"Sounds pretty harsh", Eliot had to say. "You can challenge her on this, ya know?"

"I know, but I don't want to fight her, I just want to know my son", Oliver said to him.

"And I get it. But your son should know you too", Eliot pointed out. "And he won't really know you…unless he knows who you are to him."

Oliver seemed to consider, as Eliot tapped his shoulder. "Not forcing you or anything, just a suggestion."

"I'll think about it, thanks Eliot", Oliver thanked him as they shared a hug.

Oliver's penthouse

"So….you're staying", Thea said happily, Roy nodding.

"Yeah, Oliver's new friends managed to create this alibi for me", Roy told her as he held her hand. "I'm not going anywhere now. I'm staying right here with you."

"If you had to, I'd have asked you to live your life, get married, and have a couple of kids", Thea told him. "Nothing would have made me happier."

"Now that I've the chance to do it all over again…I'll do every single one of those things with you", Roy said to her, taking a deep breath. "I love you, Thea Queen."

"I love you, Roy Harper", Thea replied, before both hugged, then shared a kiss, happy to be with each other again.

Earth-21, Africa

Lois was going through Lana's scrapbook, seeing pictures of Superman, as Lana appeared with some food for all three, asking. "I see you found my scrapbook?"

"Can you blame me for snooping around?" Lois asked, immediately snapping it shut.

"Can you blame me for having one?" Lana asked as well.

"When can I be sent back?" Iris asked randomly.

"Just wait a while, we'll get you out of here when I go back", Lois said with an annoyed groan as Lana sat down near them, putting the food down.

"I left mywholelife behind when I came here.IncludingClark Kent", Lana said, then added. "Though I didn't have much choice in the matter."

"Lex has that way about him, doesn't he?" Lois muttered, opening the scrapbook to see it again.

"How is he?" Lana inquired.

"Lex? Same jerk taste as usual", Lois said with a shrug.

"You know who I mean", Lana said with a raised eyebrow.

Lois looked at the ring she was wearing, and tucked it away, sighing. "Clark is…good. Its nice to have him back home."

"Superman keeping him busy?" Lana asked.

"He ended up in another world for a while, with one more of us", Lois revealed to Lana. "Took a while, but we found him. We've new friends now too."

"Guess that's good", Lana shrugged.

"This Clark…" Iris trailed off, looking at Lana. "You used to be with him?"

"Yes, but now I can't", Lana said with a sigh.

"How are you moving past it?" Iris asked, unable to imagine moving past Barry now. "I mean, if you loved him-"

"Sometimes just loving someone isn't enough", Lana told Iris. "It just wasn't meant to be, and we were getting pretty toxic, mostly because of me."

"How do you know it wasn't meant to be?" Iris inquired.

"We drifted apart, we were little alike by the end of it, and wanted different things", Lana muttered, then gave Iris an annoyed look. "I know Lois, I don't know you, so don't ask me anymore."

Iris gulped, then turned to Lois. "So I guess….you're with Clark now, right?"

"Yeah", Lois shrugged. "What is it to you?"

"Nothing…." Iris shook her head, seeing Clark as Barry, Lois as Patty, and Lana as herself. She did find Patty nice, but she'd thought Barry and her would break up one day, and then Barry would be hers, as she finally decided she wanted him too, after a year of being hot and cold about a romantic relationship with him.

But he'd told Patty who he was, and he clearly loved her, he'd moved past his feelings for her, just as Clark had moved past his feelings for Lana, and was with Lois now.

But unlike Lana, who'd also moved past Clark, how was she gonna move past Barry? These thoughts were plaguing her mind.

Lana then gestured to the food. "Hungry?"

"Is this some kind of stew?" Lois asked with a wince.

"One of the older children fancies himself a chef", Lana shrugged.

"Well, that explains this", Iris commented.

"Excuse me, do you see what kind of place this is? That kid, he'd love nothing more than to just…learnabout cooking", Lana said angrily, Iris looking abashed as both Lana and Lois glared at her. "I just hope I can keep him alive long enough to give him a chance."

"At what?" Lois inquired, eating some of it, as Iris ate it too, while making a face. "We can get him some wi-fi in here, lickity split. Beats the hell out of 25 years of loan repayments."

"A chance at having a life. A chance at chasing his dreams", Lana said wistfully. "The region just needs tobreathe.To stand on its own withoutfear.Orhate."

"That's a lot ofresponsibilityfor one woman to take on, super-powered or not", Lois pointed out not unkindly.

Lana closed her eyes, remembering. "I lost myself tolove, thenhate. Then,revenge." She opened her eyes and looked at Lois with a smile. "Through these children, through thismission,I feel like I'm findingmyselfagain, one piece at a time."

Lois patted Lana's shoulder. "I feel like I should hug you. Should I hug you?"

"I'd rather you not…." Lana trailed off.


All three looked out with wide eyes, Iris screaming as Lana whispered in horror. "They found us."

"You've got a treehouse made oftanks!" Lois emphasized while picking up her bullet proof west and putting it on. "I'm shocked they didn't find you five minutes in."

"What are we gonna do?" Iris was screaming in horror. "They're gonna kill me! I'm gonna die in another world! Why did I end up here?! Why can I not be with Barry?!"

Having had enough, Lois walked up to Iris. "Hey!"

Iris turned to look at Lois.


Iris' face turned the other way as she yelped, holding her cheek that was stinging from Lois' slap.

She tried to respond, but didn't get a chance to.


Her face turned again, now her other cheek stinging as she yelped once more. Lana had tapped her cheek lightly, just as annoyed as Lois was, though she couldn't actually slap Iris with even half of her power or she'd die, so she'd resorted to a light tap, which was equal to a slap in terms of how it felt for Iris anyways.

"Stay here, don't move, and shut up!" Lois snarled at Iris.

"Now I know how I used to sound like back in the day", Lana said in disgust, hoping she could see Clark again someday, so she could apologize to him, because now she'd seen someone else display behavior like she used to, and she did not like it one bit.

Lana looked at Lois. "Try and keep up. And get as manychildrenclear as you can."

With that, she sped off, and came outside, seeing children running and pointing in horror, fires spewing at some points, when an elbow struck her throat, making her gasp and fall down, only for her to support herself using her hands, and then she used her feet to kick her attacker's face, sending him falling down.

Lois came out and her eyes widened on seeing just who the attacker was.

"Didn't expect to see you here, brown eyes", the attacker smirked while wiping blood from his split lip.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (629)

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (630)


"Been a while, you might want to get the hell out of here", Corben told her. "Things are about to get messy."

Lois started getting the children away as Lana and John Corben struggled against each other, the former asking. "Lois?"

"His name is John Corben", Lois explained. "Two years ago, Zod's scientists gave him a heart fueled by meteor rock."

Corben interrupted. "And then you, Miss Lane, tried to give me a better one. It didn't take."

"It was supposed to help you live a normal life, not turn you into a Frankenstein", Lois said in horror.

"Now, now Lois", Corben taunted as he pushed Lana off. "Frankenstein was the doctor." He turned to Lois, who picked up a rod and tried to strike him, but he grabbed it. "I'm the monster."

He snatched the rod, only for Lana to snatch it from him and hurl it away. "Enough! Leave this place!"

She sped between Lois and Corben as he commented. "The Angel, I presume?"

"You bet your ass she is", Lois snarled.

"You smell fantastic", he quipped.

"These children are not your enemy", Lana said, glowing green briefly.

"No, but you are", Corben declared, as Lois tried to strike him but he deflected effortlessly.

"So, you're a hired gun now?" She asked.

"I'd love to get a 'normal' job, but something tells me I wouldn't pass the physical", he commented.

"Or the psych evaluation!" Lana said as she leapt at Corben from behind and kicked his back, slamming him onto a wall.

"Fair point!"

He recovered, turning around and ripping his shirt off to reveal his Kryptonite heart. "I almost had a pretty sweet gig through that maniac Schott. I think we're all lucky it didn't work out the way Toyman wanted it to. Got a brand, new heart out of the deal too. Straight absorbs meteor rock. No fuss."

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Lana started rushing him as he marched towards her, Lois crying out in horror. "Oh God…Lana! Your suit! Get clear!"

"No", Lana snarled angrily as she gave him a right hook. "He has ravaged my home." She gave him a left hook. "Endangered these children."

She made to throw a kick. "It doesn't matter who you used to be, Mr. Corben."

He grabbed her foot and spun her around, grabbing her in a chokehold, as she too grabbed his face. "You don't get to walk out of here!"

"My heart…" Corben trailed off, his Kryptonite heart absorbing the Kryptonite fueled nanites stored underneath Lana's skin. "So much…."

Lana screamed in agony, before falling down, Corben letting go, while his hands glowed with power. "What did you do to me?"

Lois supported Lana. "Lois?" Lana muttered. "What's….what's happening?"

The nanites hadn't just fused with John Corben, but also the weapons near him, as he started using his powers to hover them into the air.

"Oh, you know", Lois muttered. "Just your nanites jumping ship with all that pesky Kryptonite!"

"That old chestnut…" Lana muttered weakly.

"I don't know about you two", Corben said with a smirk. "But my day just got a whole lot better."

Earth-199999, New York City, Avengers Tower

The place was fixed back up after the Doctor Doom mess, and things were back to normal. As normal as they could be for people like the Avengers that is.

Natasha, in her Black Widow suit, was doing some target practice, and she got the target every time, before taking off the protection for her ears, and she sighed, putting them back, turning around to see Steve watching her.

"Like what you see?" She asked with a raised eyebrow, smirking.

Steve flushed, making her chuckle internally as she put the gun away.

"Yeah, I do", he admitted.

"I'd like to see you use one of these", Natasha had to say as she gestured to the gun. "I missed it when you did."

"Its fine, I could always need them once more", Steve said with a shrug, Natasha nodding as she walked forth, only for a breach to appear as she fell into it.

"NAT!" Steve cried out in horror as he rushed into the direction, but she was already gone. "NO!"

He was tempted to jump after her, and almost did, but then realized he'd not be helping either of them by doing that, since then both would be stranded, a second time in his case.

So, he calmed down (a little) and decided to call up Tony quickly for help.

Earth-21, Africa

Corben had just used his powers to throw helicopter blades at Lois and Lana, the former pushing the latter away to save her as they started running.

Suddenly, a breach opened and Natasha staggered out of it, causing Lois to look at her in shock, while Corben froze in surprise.

"Natasha?" Lois cried out.

"Lois?" Natasha looked at her, then smirked, realizing she was in a friendly world at least. "Guess it could be worse then."

"Run now, talk later", Lana said, and Natasha noticed Corben, before all three took off running.

"Who is that?" Natasha inquired.

"Someone really powerful, and don't use weapons on him, he can control them!" Lois warned her, the three continuing to run.

Corben taunted Lana. "Not so tough without your superpowers, are you, Angel? Once I finish with all of you, I'll head back stateside and give the Blur…or should I say Superman, a little taste of what a Man of Steel really is."

That caused the three to stop as they looked at him and declared together. "Not gonna happen."

"So, how can we stop him?" Natasha inquired.

"His heart is the source of his power", Lois explained.

"I feel like there's a message in there somewhere", Lana commented, as soldiers aimed their guns at Corben.

"We can have a nice chat about it as the sun sets, assuming they don't get us killed first", Lois said about the men.


They fired at him, only for Corben to use his powers and take their guns away. "Nice hardware, fellas. Mind if I take some for a spin?"

Holding all the guns with his powers, Corben smirked at Lana. "Hey Angel, catch!"

Natasha made to push her out of the way but Lois jumped in the way of the bullets, her vest taking all the damage as Lana cried out. "Lois!"

Lois fell down with a groan, as Natasha knelt near her. "You okay?"

The fearless reporter coughed. "I knew my legs and face would be fine, my boobs on the other hand…"

The two helped her up as Natasha commented. "I'm gonna take that as a yes."

Lois grasped her breasts, still in pain. "Hit that ass with something big."

"I've got an idea", Lana told her.

"I've got one too! Go! Avenge my boobs!" Lois cried out.

"I think her idea would avenge your boobs most likely", Natasha shrugged. "Let's hear it."

After Lana told them the plan, Lois noticed some men taking cover and asked. "You numbskulls confiscate any weapons from the attack earlier?"

"Yeah, but we don't know how much good they're gonna do against…that thing over there!" One of them said in horror.

"Its not the weapons", Natasha smirked. "Its us."

Lana got into one of the army trucks nearby, trying to hotwire it. "Come on! Come on!"

"Come on, Angel!" Corben taunted. "I'm going to kill you, just accept it!"

The truck started up as Lana started driving it right at Corben. "I've been trampled by a horse, eaten by a tornado, and had my brain erased. Don't think for a minute I'm going to sweatyou."

Corben started. "You can't really think a truck is going to stop-"

He was cut off when the truck rammed into him, knocking him down, as Lana opened the door and ran out. "I only needed to knock you down!"

"Hey crazy!" Lois called out with a smirk, aiming a rocket launcher at him. "Here comes the airplane!"

She fired, only for him to stop the rocket with his powers as he taunted. "Just what I needed!"

"No, just what we needed you to do", Natasha countered as she aimed her Widow's Bite and fired at the rocket.

As it struck the rocket, it exploded, the entire explosion hitting Corben point blank as he and the truck were sent flying off, before he crashed to the ground.

Lana picked up a crowbar and rushed the fallen Corben, with Natasha and Lois, as she asked Lois. "You wanna do the honors?"

"Together", Lois said.

"On three", Natasha added.

With that, all three held the crowbar together. "Three!"

And then, they wrenched the Kryptonite heart out of Corben, as his now empty chest started smoking, while his eyes closed.

At that moment, two breaches opened nearby.

Out of one, Lois saw Steve walk out, and out of another, she saw a Puerto Rican man she didn't recognize walk out.

"Nat!" Steve cried out, Natasha noticing he was wearing the gauntlet Thor had worn before when he'd gone to find him.

He immediately embraced her, and Natasha, to her surprise, embraced him back, as she whispered. "That was fast."

They immediately parted, as Steve told her. "Tony came quickly."

"You waited for him? I'm hurt", Natasha said jokingly, causing him to chuckle and roll his eyes.

"If I hadn't, we'd both be here", Steve shrugged, then noticed Lois. "Hello Lois."

"Hey Steve", Lois waved.

"Well, at least you were stuck in a friendly world", Steve said with a shrug.

"Yeah, except this guy is not very friendly", Lana said, looking down at the unconscious Corben. "I'm Lana, by the way."

"Nice to meet you, Lana."

"And who're you?" Lois asked, turning to the man.

"I'm Cisco Ramon, and since you seem to know about other worlds, I don't need to explain it to you!" Cisco said with a little cheer. "Someone I know fell here."

"Is she called Iris West?" Lana inquired.

"Oh yeah, that's her, where is she?" Cisco asked.

"Cowering inside", Lois sighed, then yelled. "IRIS! COME OUT! CISCO IS HERE TO TAKE YOU HOME!"

A minute later, a still shaking Iris walked out, before seeing Cisco, and let out a loud sigh of relief. "Oh thank God you're here, Cisco!"

"How do you put up with her?" Lana asked Cisco.

"I ask myself the same question every day", Cisco told her.

"Hey! I thought we were friends!" Iris said, offended.

"No, I'm friends with Barry and your dad. I only tolerate you because they care about you", Cisco told her, and Iris looked horrified by this, as if she'd never realized it until now. "After the tantrum you threw when you found out who Barry was, never been a fan of you really. But still, let's go home!"

Iris groaned, clearly looking like her bubble had been burst and she'd been told truths she never knew. She realized no one except her father and Barry even liked her, and now Barry would never be hers.

There was nothing left for her in Central City now except maybe Wally. She decided she needed to transfer to Keystone City now after she'd gotten to know Wally better, and start fresh.

It was time to go once she and Wally were well-acquainted with each other.

Cisco looked at Steve and Natasha. "I'm guessing you two are from another world then."

"Yes, nice to meet you", Steve held out his hand, that Cisco shook, and he shook hands with Lana too.

"Pleasure working with you two", Natasha said to Lois and Lana.

"Likewise", Lois smirked.

"Yeah", Lana nodded.

Cisco closed his eyes and used his glasses to feel the frequencies from Steve and Natasha, and then opened his eyes. "Whoa! I know what Earth you're from. I've made interdimensional extrapolators to your world before."

"You mean…." Natasha trailed off. "Did Clint meet you?"

"You mean Hawkeye?" Cisco inquired.

"Yeah, him", Natasha confirmed.

"Didn't meet him, but did make one for him, yes, he'd ended up here and helped Flash, Green Arrow and others against some droids", Cisco told both Steve and Natasha. "Well then, I guess our worlds are connected already."

"Wait, Green Arrow?" Lois asked, making Cisco turn to her.

"You know 'em?" Cisco inquired.

"There's one on our Earth, but…Superman told us he'd met another one a while ago", Lois said to him. "Does yours have a beard or something?"

Cisco's eyes widened. "Oh yeah, looks like he met ours."

"Maybe we should connect our worlds as well then?" Lois inquired.

"Yeah, I'll make an extrapolator and send it to you", he smirked, holding out his hand. "Cisco Ramon, but you knew that already."

"Lois Lane", Lois introduced herself as they shook hands, then dropped them. "Guess you've to go now."

"Yeah", Cisco nodded.

Lois gestured to Iris. "Good luck with her."

"Thanks", Cisco muttered, as Iris did an 'urggh' and walked through the breach, Cisco giving a mock salute to the rest and walking in after her.

"Guess we should go too", Natasha said to Steve, and they walked through their breach as well, both breaches closing.

Earth-199999, New York City, Avengers Tower

Steve and Natasha walked out of the breach together, Tony smirking as he said. "Good to see you're fine."

"Good to see you're still the same", Natasha replied with her own smirk.

"Oh you don't know? Cap was getting worried", Tony quipped, then walked off, as Natasha and Steve exchanged a look of their own, then smiled at each other, before moving away.

Earth-1, Star City

Oliver and Roy, dressed in their suits, looked down at a car chase going on as the former asked. "You ready?"

"Been a while, but I am", Roy told him.

"Good", Oliver nodded, before softening for a moment as he put a hand to Roy's shoulder. "I'm happy you're back."

Roy grasped his hand. "I know."

With that, the two leapt down and used grapple arrows to swing ahead so they could catch the criminals.

Middle-earth, Bree

The ground was muddy and it was pouring, as Spike knocked on the door as a small window, too high for the Hobbits but not for Spike, was opened, and a bedraggled-looking man peered out.

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"What do you want?"

Spike spoke for them. "We're heading for…" he looked down at the Hobbits. "What was the place, again?"

"The Prancing Pony!" Frodo told him.

"Right, the Prancing Pony!"

The window closed and the gate opened, the man holding a lantern. "A Man and Hobbits! Four Hobbits! What business brings you all to Bree?"

"Oi, now does that really matter to you?" Spike asked. "We're getting bloody wet out here, mate! I'm hurt you'd let us get even more wet!"

"Alright, I meant no offense. It's my job to ask questions after nightfall. There's talk of strange folk abroad. Can't be too careful." He stepped aside, letting all five walk into the town of Bree.

"No you can't." Spike flashed a nasty grin, making him uncomfortable.

The gate closed as they walked up the road, avoiding mud or horse droppings. The people eyed them at times, looking very unfriendly, but Spike wasn't worried. Not for himself.

The Hobbits were a different story though, as this was their first time going on an adventure, if one wanted to use the term here.

They avoided a horse cart on the road, then Spike saw the place and pointed at a sign that read 'The Prancing Pony'. "There it is!"

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They all walked inside.

"Excuse me?" Frodo called out.

Barliman Butterbur was a medium-sized man with a moustache, and looking at the strange group, he both greeted and offered. "Good evening, masters! If you're seeking accommodations, we've got some nice, cozy rooms available. Hobbit-sized too. Mr. uh…."

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"…Underhill", Frodo spoke his fake name, "my name's Underhill."

"Underhill. Yes."

Frodo continued talking. "We're friends of Gandalf the Grey. Can you tell him we've arrived?"

"Gandalf? Gandalf?" Butterbur looked confused, trying to remember, then finally remembered. "Ohh yes! I remember, elderly chap, big gray beard, pointy hat." Frodo nodded.

"Not seen him for 6 months."

Now the Hobbits were shocked.

"Is that a bad thing?" Spike asked the Hobbits.

"Yes, really bad", Sam said in horror.

They all faced each other as Sam asked Frodo. "What do we do now?"


Spike and the Hobbits except Merry were sitting in the pub, each with their ale, as Spike had drunk a good deal of it, and had another mug. "Now this is good stuff, just what I needed!"

The place was quite rowdy. Spike would have joined the rowdy crowd, but he didn't want to leave the Hobbits. He couldn't tell why, but they just reminded him too much of the nibblet.

Frodo told them all. "He'll be here. He'll come."

"Let's hope for your sake", Spike muttered as he drank a bit more.

Merry came back from the bar and sat down, staring at his pint.

"What's that?" Pippin asked.

"This my friend, is a pint."

"It comes in pints?" Merry murmured in agreement. "I'm getting one." Pippin got up and headed for the bar.

Sam tried to stop him. "You had a whole half already!"

"Get more! Good for you, Pippin!" Spike said with a laugh and cheer, getting looks from the other three. "What?"

Sam nudged Frodo in the side and nodded towards the corner of the room. "That fellow's done nothin' but stare at you since we arrived."

Frodo and Spike looked at the Man that Sam was talking about. He was seated in a corner, most of his face covered by a hood as he smoked. His garb seemed to be for living and wandering in a forest.

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"He smells", Spike muttered, twitching his nose.

Frodo stopped Barliman as he walked by. "Excuse me, that Man in the corner, who is he?"

Butterbur looked at the Man in question and replied in a nervous tone. "He's one of them Rangers. Dangerous folk they are…wandering in the wild. What his right name is I've never heard but around here, he's known as Strider."

Butterbur walked off as Frodo muttered. "Strider…"

"Guess he keeps striding and striding and striding", Spike quipped dryly.

That was when he heard something. "Sure I know a Baggins. He's over there, Frodo Baggins. He's my second cousin once removed on his mother's side and my third cousin twice removed on his father's side, if you follow me."

Knowing Frodo was hiding his true name for whatever reason, he muttered. "Blimey!"

Frodo was panicking and already rushing towards Pippin, grabbing his arm. "Pippin!"

"Steady on!"

Frodo slipped on the wet floor, the Ring flying trough the air.

Seeing the Ring like that, Spike froze for a moment, now seeing it clearly. And he heard a voice, telling him again he could have everything he wanted if he took it.

Buffy would love him, always and forever!

When Frodo grabbed the Ring, it accidentally slipped onto his finger, and Frodo disappeared into thin air.

That was when Spike broke out of his daze, the thought passing. What was going on with that bling?

Sam and Merry were both frightened already, and so was Pippin.

Spike looked around, and saw two fishy looking men leaving, then narrowed his eyes.

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Frodo, while invisible to the rest, was in a whirling world of fire and darkness, and suddenly the Eye of Sauron appeared.

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"You cannot hide! I see you! There is no life in the void…only death…"

It seemed like it was pulling him in. Frodo tried to back away, taking off the Ring at the same time. He appeared back in the Prancing Pony.


No one seemed to have noticed his sudden reappearance.

But then that hope was proven wrong when someone grabbed him by the collar and slammed him to the wall.

It was Strider!

"You draw far too much attention to yourself Mr. "Underhill"!"

The tone in which he said 'Underhill' made it clear he knew that wasn't his real name. The Ranger pushed the Hobbit up the stairs.

And then Strider opened the door to the Hobbit's bedroom as he thrust Frodo onto the floor. He walked around the room after shutting the door, Frodo standing up. "What do you want?"

"A little more caution from you. That is no trinket you carry."

Frodo tried to deny, for all the good he knew that would do. "I carry nothing."

"Indeed", Strider started putting out the candle flames with his fingers. "I can avoid being seen if I wish. But to disappear entirely", Strider removed his hood to reveal he was a ruggedly handsome Man in his 40s with long hair and a beard, "that is a rare gift."

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Frodo looked at him, scared. "Who are you?"

Strider didn't answer the Hobbit's question but posed one of his own. "Are you frightened?"


"Not nearly frightened enough. I know what hunts you." He took a few steps, when the door opened suddenly. Strider whipped around, drawing his sword, and in came Sam, Merry and Pippin. Merry was armed with a candelabra and Pippin with a three-legged stool.

Sam curled his hands into fists. "Let him go, or I'll have you, Longshanks!"

A slight smile played across Strider's lips as he sheathed his sword. "You have a stout heart little Hobbit, but that will not save you."

Spike entered at that point, and growled. "I might."

"I was not expecting another Man with them", Strider noted. "Who are you?"

"Name's Spike, now let him go", he growled.

"I never captured him", Strider shrugged. He was tall, towering over even Angel. He was 6 feet and 6 inches.

"Wait, so, you're on their side or what?" Spike inquired.

"What side are you on?" Strider asked instead.

"Uhhh…well, I just found them on the way and decided to join them, because I'd nowhere else to go", Spike said.

"And where did you come from?" Strider inquired.

"Wouldn't believe me if I said it, mate", Spike said. "Besides, what is it to you?"

"Why are you with the Hobbits?" Strider asked, though he was beginning to suspect this Man was not of this world, but he sensed something strange with him.

"If I wanted to kill them, wouldn't I've done it already, before we even came here?" Spike asked, raising a good point. Of course the chip might have prevented him from doing so even if he wanted to, but Strider didn't know of it.

Hearing that, Strider sighed, nodding. "I do not know you, I do not trust you, but you will stay." If he was not on their side, Strider wanted to keep him close to keep an eye on him.

"I don't take orders from you!" Spike snarled, but Strider ignored him as he'd other things to worry about.

He looked at Frodo and said. "You can no longer wait for the Wizard. They're coming."

"Who is?" Spike asked, and thinking the beans were spilled anyways, asked Frodo. "I heard Pippin talk like a bloody idiot earlier, your name's Frodo, why do you have a fake name?"

Frodo sighed, Pippin giving him an apologetic look as Frodo looked at Spike. "We're on a secret errand. I cannot divulge it to you, but secrecy is needed."

"Does it have anything to do with that Ring that made you disappear?" Spike asked, their eyes widened. "I saw it myself."

They looked surprised, as Frodo inquired. "Do you want to-"

"I don't care for blings", Spike scoffed, then turned away. "Not my thing."

That made them a little relieved, when Mr. Butterbur arrived, making Strider retreat into a dark corner. "I've come to bid you good night!"

"Good night, mate", Spike shrugged.

"It's like this", Butterbur began, hesitating and looking troubled. "If I've done any harm, I'm sorry indeed. But one thing drives out another, as you'll admit; and I'm a busy man. But my memory is jogged. You see, I was asked to look out for Hobbits of the Shire, and for one by the name of Baggins in particular."

"And what has that got to do with me?" Frodo asked.

"Ah! You know best", Butterbur assured. "I won't give you away; but I was told that this Baggins would be going by the name of Underhill, and I was given a description that fits you well enough, if I may say so."

"Indeed! Let's have it then!" Frodo said, unwisely interrupting.

"A stout little fellow with red cheeks,' said Mr. Butterbur solemnly. Merry and Pippin chuckled, but Sam looked indignant. "That won't help you much; it goes for most Hobbits, Barley, he says to me", continued Mr. Butterbur with a glance at Pippin. "But this one is taller than some and fairer than most, and he has a cleft in his chin: perky chap with a bright eye. Begging your pardon, but he said it, not me."

"He said it? And who was he?" Frodo asked eagerly.

"It was Gandalf, the Wizard you asked about! But now I don't know what he'll have to say to me, if I see him again: turn all my ale sour or me into a block of wood, I shouldn't wonder. He's a bit hasty. Still what's done can't be undone."

"Get to the point!" Spike snapped, making him jump.

"Right! Old Gandalf. Three months back he walked right into my room without a knock. Barley, he says, I'm off in the morning. Will you do something for me? You've only to name it, I said. I'm in a hurry, said he, and I've no time myself, but I want a message took to the Shire. Have you anyone you can send, and trust to go? I can find someone, I said, tomorrow, maybe, or the day after. Make it tomorrow, he says, and then he gave me a letter."

"It's addressed plain enough", said Mr. Butterbur, producing a letter from his pocket, and reading out the address slowly and proudly."Mr FRODO BAGGINS, BAG END, HOBBITON in the SHIRE."

"A letter for me from Gandalf!" Frodo cried out.

"Ah!" Mr. Butterbur said. "Then your right name is Baggins?"

"It is", Frodo confirmed. "And you had better give me that letter at once, and explain why you never sent it."

Poor Mr. Butterbur looked troubled. "You're right, master", he said, "and I beg your pardon. And I'm mortal afraid of what Gandalf will say, if harm comes of it. But I didn't keep it back a-purpose. I put it by safe. Then I couldn't find nobody willing to go to the Shire next day, nor the day after, and none of my own folk were to spare; and then one thing after another drove it out of my mind. I'm a busy man. I'll do what I can to set matters right, and if there's any help I can give, you've only to name it."

"Leaving the letter aside, I promised Gandalf no less. Barley, he says to me, this friend of mine from the Shire, he may be coming out this way before long, him and another. He'll be calling himself Underhill. Mind that! But you need ask no questions. And if I'm not with him, he may be in trouble, and he may need help. Do whatever you can for him, and I'll be grateful, he says. And here you are, and trouble is not far off, seemingly."

"What do you mean?" Frodo asked.

"These black men", Butterbur lowered his voice. "They're looking for Baggins, and if they mean well, then I'm a Hobbit. It was on Monday, and all the dogs were yammering and the geese screaming. Uncanny, I called it. I bid the black fellows be off, and slammed the door on them; but they've been asking the same question all the way to Archet, I hear. And that Ranger, Strider, he's been asking questions, too."

"He is!" Strider said suddenly, coming forward into the light.

The landlord jumped with surprise. "You!" he cried. "You're always popping up. What do you want now?"

"He's here with my leave", Frodo finally said. "He came to offer me his help."

"Well, you know your own business, maybe", said Mr. Butterbur, looking suspiciously at Strider. "But if I was in your plight, I wouldn't take up with a Ranger."

"Then who would you take up with?" Strider asked. "A fat innkeeper who only remembers his own name because people shout it at him all day?"

Spike laughed, making the rest look at him. "Good one, mate!" Seeing the looks, he stopped. "Right." He turned to Butterbur. "Besides, for taking up, I'm much worse than this striding fellow here!"

Strider added. "The Hobbits cannot stay in The Pony for ever, and they cannot go home. They have a long road before them. Will you go with them and keep the black men off?"

"Me? Leave Bree! I wouldn't do that for any money", Butterbur said, scared. "But why can't you stay here quiet for a bit, Mr. Underhill? What are all these queer goings on? What are these black men after, and where do they come from, I'd like to know?"

"I'm sorry I can't explain it all", Frodo answered. "I am tired and very worried, and it's a long tale. But if you mean to help me, I ought to warn you that you will be in danger as long as I am in your house. These Black Riders: I am not sure, but I think, I fear they come from-"

"They come from Mordor", Strider said in a low voice. "From Mordor, Barliman, if that means anything to you."

Even Spike felt a chill run down his spine at that name, in spite of not knowing what it was.

"Save us!" Mr. Butterbur cried, turning pale; the name evidently was known to him. "That is the worst news that has come to Bree in my time."

"It is", Frodo said. "Are you still willing to help me?"

"I am", said Mr. Butterbur. "More than ever. Though I don't know what the likes of me can do against, against-" he faltered.

"Against the Shadow in the East", Strider said quietly. "Not much, Barliman, but every little helps. You can let Mr. Underhill stay here tonight, as Mr. Underhill, and you can forget the name of Baggins, till he is far away."

"I'll do that", said Butterbur. "But they'll find out he's here without help from me, I'm afraid. It's a pity Mr. Baggins drew attention to himself this evening, to say no more."

"Well, we can only hope the Riders won't come back yet", Frodo said.

"I hope not, indeed", said Butterbur. "Me and my folk'll keep watch tonight; but you had best get some sleep, if you can."

"In any case we must be called at dawn", Frodo said. "We must get off as early as possible. Breakfast at six-thirty, please."

"Right! I'll see to the orders", said the landlord. "Good night, Mr. Baggins…Underhill, I should say! Good night….now, bless me!"

He went out with a doubtful look at Strider.

"Well?" Strider asked. "When are you going to open that letter?" Frodo looked carefully at the seal before he broke it. It seemed certainly to be Gandalf's. Inside, written in the wizard's strong but graceful script, was the following message:

"THE PRANCING PONY, BREE. Midyear's Day, Shire Year, 1418.

Dear Frodo,

Bad news has reached me here. I must go off at once. You had better leave Bag End soon, and get out of the Shire before the end of July at latest. I will return as soon as I can; and I will follow you, if I find that you are gone. Leave a message for me here, if you pass through Bree. You can trust the landlord (Butterbur). You may meet a friend of mine on the Road: a Man, lean, dark, tall, by some called Strider. He knows our business and will help you. Make for Rivendell. There I hope we may meet again. If I do not come, Elrond will advise you.

Yours in haste


PS. Do NOT use It again, not far any reason whatever! Do not travel by night!

PPS. I hope Butterbur sends this promptly. A worthy man, but his memory is like a lumber-roam: thing wanted always buried. If he forgets, I shall roast him.

Fare Well!"

Frodo read the letter to himself, and then passed it to Merry, Pippin and Sam. "Really old Butterbur has made a mess of things!" He said. "He deserves roasting. If I had got this at once, we might all have been safe in Rivendell by now. But what can have happened to Gandalf? He writes as if he was going into great danger."

"He has been doing that for many years", said Strider.

Frodo turned and looked at him thoughtfully. "Why didn't you tell me that you were Gandalf's friend at once?" He asked. "It would have saved time."

"Would it? Would any of you have believed me till now?" Strider asked. "I knew nothing of this letter. For all I knew I had to persuade you to trust me without proofs, if I was to help you. In any case, I did not intend to tell you all about myself at once. I had to study you first, and make sure of you. The Enemy has set traps for me before now." He looked at Spike. "And I believed there was another here too. As soon as I had made up my mind, I was ready to tell you whatever you asked. But I must admit", he added with a queer laugh, "that I hoped you would take to me for my own sake. A hunted Man sometimes wearies of distrust and longs for friendship. But there, I believe my looks are against me."

"Eh? You look much better than the Men I hang around with", Spike said with a scoff, thinking about Xander and Riley, and his git of a grandsire too. Though he had to say, he did get the part where Strider was weary of distrust and longed for friendship.

Even with all the cruel jokes, he longed for the friendship of all Scoobies. But why wouldn't all of them really be his friends? Why couldn't he be friends with them?

Sam asked. "How do we know you are the Strider that Gandalf speaks about? You might have done in the real Strider and took his clothes. What have you to say to that?"

"He does have a point, mate", Spike noted.

Strider agreed. "You are quite stout, but I am afraid my only answer to you, Sam Gamgee, is this. If I had killed the real Strider, I could kill you. And I should have killed you already without so much talk. If I was after the Ring, I could have it…NOW!"

The Hobbits were startled as Spike prepared to fight, Strider growing taller seemingly, looking keen and commanding in the eyes.

"But I am the real Strider", he said softly, smiling now. "And I shall protect you." He turned to Spike. "Besides, you have another Man with you who you know nothing of."

Frodo realized he was right, and gave a nod.

Universe-208, Coruscant

'Finally'. Blade mentally sighed in relief. No annoying jackass, no spies, no bloodsuckers, robots, or any kind of aliens. The Daywalker was at peace.

The sparring with Vos took a majority of his time, learning more of the lightsaber forms and how to properly understand the new power in his hand. Their matches were the only time the Jedi with dreadlocks was tolerable, even if they were tied.

Motherf*cker's magic gave him the edge, but Blade was learning more and more how to fight his kind. He expected it'd help next time he faces any magicians back home, or the older, mystical Vampires. They were always a pain in the ass.

Anyway, while Blade was managing, he needed a quiet space. Thankfully, Quinlan provided, and introduced to him to the Room of a Thousand Fountains.

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Exotic flora from across the galaxy, streams, and waterfalls all around, even the ceiling was decorated with machinery that made it resemble the sky. If he thought it was peaceful in his room, then Blade was in Heaven now.

For the first time since he crashed into the sands of Tatooine, he felt content. His thirst had been sated thanks to Vos, as begrudging as he was to admit it. The man had noticed he was slowing down in their sparring, getting weaker. When he realized the problem was blood, Blade chewed him for suggesting he take some. He couldn't, every drop he drank, made the craving worse.

Hours later, Quinlan returned with a syringe filled with a clear liquid. It was some kind of bacta co*cktail, Blade didn't know why, but he took the syringe and used it. To his shock, it was better than his own serum.

No longer worried about his thirst, Blade could meditate in peace, listening to the sound of the water, the smell of the flora, and the Darksaber placed in front of him.

For a long time, the Daywalker went undisturbed, until someone found him and approached slowly.

Gungi found the strange man, Blade, for reasons unknown except for the Force itself, the little Wookiee approached the one his clan have been split about, whether he was scary, cool, or even a Jedi at all. Curiously looking his stoic face deprived of the glareshades he always wore, the youngling quietly crossed his legs beside the man and joined his meditation.

Or at least, he tried to. Gungi was never one to lay still and wait. He opened one of his eyes to see that Blade remained still. Scooting closer, the Wookiee initiate kept peaking at the hunter, before his eyes opened wide at the hilt in front of him. It was a strange shape for a lightsaber hilt, rectangular instead of cylindrical. The desire to have their own lightsaber was strong in Gungi and his clan of initiates, so much so that it drove his next action. Gungi chanced a look at the meditating warrior, before reaching out to touch the hilt...

Until a grip as strong as Beskar stopped his hand. Gungi looked to the face of the man who caught him, yet Blade's eyes remained shut and his expression never changed. All he did was bring his finger to his lips. "Shhhh." It was all the Daywalker did before releasing his grip and returned his hands to their original position in his lap. Confusion and embarrassment filled Gungi, but he followed Blade's lead and did as he did, closing his eyes and focused on himself.

Watching from above, the Grandmaster smiled in humor.

Hearing the cane against the ground, Blade opening his eyes, but while expecting the person to be a distance away, he found the little green Master Yoda in front of him, an amused hum escaping him at the sight of Blade and the baby Werewolf.

"A moment, if you please."

Blade could not detect any reason not to. He stood up, taking the Darksaber into his hand and back to his hip before leaving the little fuzzball. "Lead the way." He said to the ancient Jedi as they walked the path towards the path that led them out of the room.

"Curious, the youngling has grown. Disturb you, he did not?" Yoda asked in the backwards kind of speech that only confused Blade. Was it a speech impediment, or was that how his species talked? Or was he smoking some kind of alien grass?

A shrug came from the Darksaber's wielder. "Kid wasn't doing any harm. Just needs to learn to slow down."

A hum of agreement left Yoda as they passed a pair of Jedi as they left the Room of a Thousand Fountains. "The gift of youth, also a burden, it is." Blade said nothing as he only looked ahead, ignoring any glancing Jedi. Yoda sensed the disapproval in him. "Much to say, have you, of our ways."

"You're not gonna like it."

"No, but to hear it, I desire."

Blade stopped in front of a window, where the yellow light of the setting sun shined through over the skyscrapers of the city beyond the Temple walls. "You take children from their homes, families. You make sure they know nothing else but this…cult! Have them abhor emotions and try follow some code and live their lives as monks without getting close to anyone. Some people where I'm from would have problems with that."

Closing his eyes, Yoda sensed the sincerity of his words. Blade held a pity for the young ones, a sympathy. "Understand, I do. However, a question, if accepted." Blade gave a slight nod. "What path be better, grow with family, alone, confused, as power you know not blooms, or, surrounded by understanding, control, and those like you?"

"Maybe you should have offered them that choice once they understand what they were losing."

"And yet, conflicted, you are." Blade rose a brow while crossing his bare arms, his coat left in his room. "Alone, confused, you were. Scared, angry, lost."

"How do you know that?" A growl left the half-Vampire. If Vos opened his damn mouth, Blade swore he'd cut his goddamn head off.

Yoda shook his head. "Master Vos, reveal this, he did not. Sense it I do, within you."

"…this is not about me." Moving back to the original subject, Blade focused on the children. "Living beings got to feel, experience emotions, learn how to control in their own way. You force this life on them without a choice, whether they want this or not."

"Risk the return of the Sith, the Jedi could not. Thousands of years ago, hard times, they were. Protect the Force, protect the galaxy, protect the young, we must." Even from themselves. A Force-sensitive with no knowledge of how to control their power would be a target for many, none greater than the Dark Side, and its servants, like Dooku.

"Best for you, maybe, but not always best for them." Blade countered. They stared at each other for a moment, Blade's unwavering yellow orbs met the curious and wise gaze of the Grandmaster.

The elder Jedi shook his head. "One right, one wrong, who is to say, which is which. Follow the will of the Force, then, we will know."

"I don't put much stock in faith."

Blade and Yoda stopped their debate as they heard approaching footsteps of. Turning to the source, they discovered the tall, tattooed form of Master Vos.

"Master Yoda, Blade, the Council might have discovered something."

Middle-earth, Bree

The sentry outside got up at the sound of a horse grunt, and walked to the door as he opened the window, then widened his eyes in horror as the gate was broken down and fell upon him, both him and the gate being trampled by the Black Riders on their horses.

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They rode through the muddy streets until they reached the Prancing Pony.

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Barliman Butterbur stayed still behind the counter, nervously waiting as they passed by, swords drawn.

The Black Riders approached four occupied Hobbit beds, pointing the swords at their centers. The Riders then all plunged their swords into the mattresses, their horses neighing ceaselessly outside.

Strider watched them from a window across the road.

One Rider removed the blanket and feathers whirled around. Pillows had been there. The others got the same result as one kicked a bed over in frustration.

There were no Hobbits in this room.

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Merry and Pippin were suddenly awake, sitting up in the bed that they and Sam occupied in Strider's room, Frodo standing in the front with folded arms.

Spike was standing in the middle of the room.

Frodo looked at Strider confusedly, asking for everyone. "What are they?"

"And blimey! How can those bloody gits sound like chalks scraping on a blackboard?!" Spike asked, sounding irritated as he groaned.

The screeching was heard again as Strider explained. "They were once Men- Great Kings of Men. Then Sauron the Deceiver gave to them Nine Rings of Power. Blinded by their greed, they took them without question, one by one falling into darkness."

"What is this about Rings?" Spike inquired.

"Now they are slaves to his will", Strider looked back out the window, observing the Black Riders mount their horses and ride off in the other direction. Then he turned back to the Hobbits and Spike. "They are the Nazgûl, Ringwraiths, neither living nor dead. At all times they feel the presence of the Ring, drawn to the power of the One. They will never stop hunting you."

"What's the One?" Spike asked, but was ignored.

"We leave tomorrow", he said, walking out the door. "I shall make preparations."

"Why wouldn't anyone bloody tell me anything?!" Spike groaned.

Next morning

Most of the preparations were made, but a pony was needed, and right now, Bill Ferny was the only one who had one to sell, as the Black Riders had scared any other ponies off, to poor Butterbur's distress.

Merry and Pippin had come to bargain with him, Spike having come with them, as he did not want the Hobbits out alone, to his own shock.

He recognized Ferny as one of the shady men who'd slipped out the last night. Spies of whoever the bloody enemy was, clearly.

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The pony was skeletal though, which Butterbur had warned them of.

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"Well hello there", Ferny greeted unpleasantly. "Come to see my pony, have you? I will part with him for no less than twelve silver pennies!"

Spike looked at him, forgetting that he was supposed to let Merry and Pippin do the bargaining. "This little piece of meat ain't worth one, you bloody sod! But fine, we'll give five, take it or leave it!"

Ferny looked at him angrily. "Well then keep your five pennies, I ain't parting with it for anything less than twelve!"

"Well, you better hope dog food costs a lot 'round these parts, eh mate? Because that's the only thing this nag is good for", Spike said with a scoff.

Bill Ferny just snarled at Spike, not looking like he was going to change his mind, meaning Spike needed to use some more persuasive arguments.

Grinning, he walked past the Hobbits, so they could only see his back, and he towered over the short, swathy man, before cracking his knuckles, making Ferny look down at those, then back at his face.

"What do you say, eh mate?" He flashed his Vamp face, and Ferny screamed in horror, to the Hobbits' confusion, as Spike came back to normal.

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"DEMON!" Ferny cried out, running around, as people looked at him, confused, as no one else had seen Spike show his Vamp face. "DEMON! SAVE ME!"

"Looks like ole' Ferny is cracked in the head!" One of the people there said, Spike shrugging, while Ferny continued to run.

He looked at the Hobbits. "Well then, I think we can have the pony."

"Really?" Merry asked. "What did you do?"

"Asked nicely", Spike said with a fake innocent smirk.

"I wish I could be this nice, Spike", Pippin had to say, as he and Merry started leading the poor pony away, Spike right behind them.

"We all wish that, Pipplet", Spike nicknamed him, making Pippin give him a confused look, as Merry chuckled, while Spike basked in the sun again. "And this is so great."

Merry and Pippin shared a confused look once more.

Earth-21, 31st Century, Metropolis

Clark was standing on the road, looking around at everything with a smile, when someone accidentally bumped his shoulder.

"Sorry", the man said, causing Clark's eyes to widen as he turned around to see who'd bumped into him.

It was a tall man with dark, blonde hair and blue eyes, with a light stubble on his face, and next to him was a woman with darker skin and long hair.

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Clark recognized the man though. It was Carter Hall!

"Can we help you?" 'Carter' inquired, snapping Clark back to his senses.

"Uh….no", Clark said and shook his head. "Its fine, no problem."

"You helped save everyone here, thank you", the woman, 'Shayera', thanked him.

Clark just gave a strained smile, as 'Carter' and 'Shayera' smiled back and walked away, holding hands.

They had both been reincarnated. The two clearly did not remember their past lives, but they were together.

Clark hoped they got a happy ending in this lifetime at least.

He did not realize a tear was rolling down his cheek.


Clark turned to see Brainiac 5, Nine, Jack and Optimus Prime having appeared next to him, as he shook hands with Brainy. "How are the peace talks going?"

"Not surprisingly, EarthGov has disavowed Minister Niedrigh and claims his actions were that of a 'radical'", Brainy said with a shrug.

"And they were right, besides, I saw them capture him in front of my eyes", Nine noted. "Some followed him, but not all."

"Yeah, this war was not approved, and now things will get better", Jack said with a smile.

Brainy added. "As a show of good faith, Kryptonian architects are helping to construct a statue of you in Metropolis this time around."

"What? Another statue? Come on!" Clark groaned, causing the rest to chuckle.

"Meanwhile, EarthGov relief crews are striving to help the World-Ship rebuild", Brainy added, everyone liking the sound of that.

"There were bad people", Optimus Prime said. "But in the end, everyone showed their true quality. EarthGov disavowed the war-mongerer, and brought him to justice, the Kryptonians banded together to defend their new home, and the Legion pulled you out. Every species is capable of great violence, yet also great compassion."

Clark smiled as Brainy noted. "You sound a lot like Kal-El, I must say."

"Is that so?" Optimus Prime inquired.

"Well, there's this man I met in another world, Steve Rogers, they call him Captain America, he sounds a lot like you too", Clark had to say. "I'd love for you to meet him."

"Perhaps one day I will", Optimus said.

"Yeah, and there's this kid, Sora, you should meet him too", Clark added. While Sora did not give grand speeches like Optimus Prime and Steve Rogers, his optimism was as infectious as theirs, and his own.

"So, I believe we should establish contact amongst us all", Optimus finally said.

"Yeah, that'd be good", Nine agreed. "I don't travel much to other worlds nowadays, and I will seal this breach on our end when we get back, but being in contact with all of you won't be so bad."

"Well, you're a genius, Doctor", Jack said to him, then turned to Brainy and smirked. "And so are you, not to mention, handsome, so I'm sure between the two of you, a lot can be figured out.

"We already have this", Brainy held up a Legion Ring that he handed to Clark. "We can modify ones like these, to travel between our worlds, through time between our worlds too if needed."

"That'd be dangerous, but I trust the people here understand that", Nine said very firmly.

"I know someone on my world who can replicate whatever is made here", Optimus added.

"Is this Booster's?" Clark asked about the Legion Ring that Brainy had given him.

"YourRing", Brainiac 5 pointed out to him. "In order for it to wind up in the 25th century museum that he stole it from, it needs to stay in your possession for a while."

"I thoughtKarahad my Ring", Clark said while slipping it on.

"She does", Brainy shrugged.

"Have I mentioned how much Ihatetime travel?" Clark asked jokingly.

"But that's the beauty of it, my friend", Nine said while tapping his shoulder, and they all looked ahead at New Kryptonians and humans working together. "Everything has now turned out fine."

Later, Space

Kara was hovering above the Earth, as Clark flew behind her. "Thought I might find you here."

Flying next to her, he said. "You know, I've always felt torn between two worlds…"

"But this is kind of ridiculous?" Kara inquired.

"To put it mildly", he said with a sigh, before showing her his Legion Ring. "There's always room for one more when my Legion Ring zaps Booster and me back to the 21st century. And I know Chloe would really love to see you at the baby shower." He added. "Which is in a few months and a thousand years ago…"

"Wouldn't miss it", she said with a smile. "But I don't think I'mquiteready to leave yet." She looked ahead. "I just need to savor this for a little while."

"Watching over both worlds?" Clark asked.

"No", she said, her grin getting wider. "It's the first time since before my parents put me on that ship that I've felt….atpeace.The only 'mission' I now have is my own."

"What mission is that?"

"I honestly don't know", Kara confessed. "And I couldn't be happier about it."

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Earth, Metropolis, Bad Wolf Safehouse

The Doctor and Brainiac 5 had managed to make new kinds of Legion Rings that could also travel through Universe-21, The Doctor's Universe and Optimus Prime's Universe, and through time between these worlds too if needed.

"So, your Universe is Universe-63", Brainiac noted to Nine, before turning to Optimus. "And from the readings, yours is Universe-2010."

"So, is this it?" Optimus asked, Nine tossing him one of those, that he took, and Grimlock got another one.

"Yes, this would be it, and trust me, its gonna work", Nine said with a smirk while wearing his own, and turned to Jack and Rose. "I think its time for us to go back now."

He looked at Optimus. "I can't imagine a war lasting for millions of years, or being a soldier for that long." He asked. "Were you born a soldier?"

"Cybertronian society was once similar to the caste system of Earth, it was something Megatron and I desired to change, but fate would set us on different paths. There was no other choice except conflict."

"So, you chose to be a soldier, to stop Megatron?"

Optimus could only let out an amused chuckle, "I was once a simple data clerk before I met Megatronus. I was no warrior, and I held no desire to fight one I called brother. Yet, Megatron's anger was boundless, and his thirst for violence was unquenchable, until he won."

"You fought because you had no other choice."

Optimus Prime looked down, and for once, The Doctor felt small, not just physically. "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings. My only regret, is the high price it cost. My friends, my home, my planet."

A sigh left the Autobot leader, and the Doctor could almost see the exhaustion, on a mechanical being of all things. "We've lost much because of the war, and despite my hope of being rid of it after fleeing Cybertron, I believe it's not over yet, and there are few of us left to fight."

"I wish it could end", Nine said sadly, walking closer to him. "The war between the Daleks and my people lasted a long time. The Daleks can do nothing but exterminate other life-forms they deem inferior, and my people became just as bad." He looked down sadly, remembering the dark times. "I chose this name- The Doctor. To us Time Lords, the name we choose is like a promise. And I became someone who broke that promise. Did something I wish no one else has to do. I couldn't save anyone."

Optimus saw his haunted look, and reassured him. "Perhaps you didn't, but today, you saved this city from the bomb, and stopped Niedrigh, saving both planets from a future conflict, and more loss of life. I believe you live up to your name, Doctor. You continue to keep your promise."

Nine smiled, looking quite touched. "Thank you for your kind words, Optimus. You're quite noble. Please never change."

"I won't, and that is my promise", Optimus told The Doctor. "I hope we meet again."

"So do I", Nine agreed, the two old aliens sharing a nod of respect.

"Will we ever be here by accident again?" Jack wondered.

"No idea, but that's what makes it so interesting", Nine commented as he walked past them. "But anyways, I shall be sealing this breach."

"Nice to meet you all", Rose added, then walked behind him, Jack also walking off.

As Clark flew in with Kara, he saw the three walking into the TARDIS, and they waved at everyone, who waved back.

"You were all fantastic", Nine commented about the people he'd met and how things had finally turned out here, as the TARDIS door was shut, and the 'Vwoorp, vwoorp'was heard as it faded away, having gone back to its home Universe, that was Universe-63.

"Let us try and test these Rings", Brainiac 5 said, looking at the newly made Rings that he, Optimus and Grimlock all wore, and he turned to Clark. "Perhaps you could try them too?"

"Well, I guess no harm done", Clark shrugged, and put another one on, as they used those Rings, and were transported together, finding themselves on a completely different Earth, and looked around before Optimus noticed the Autobot base on Earth.

"We are home", he said, and looked at Brainiac 5. "I thank you once more."

They all walked in together, and looked around, with Clark, Brainiac 5 and Grimlock noticing a production line, a communications center and a big screen television.

Soon enough, 4 other robot-like beings, clearly more Autobots, surrounded them.

One of them was clearly a female, blue and grey in color, while another was yellow and silver, and there was another red and black one, then a green and silver one, and finally, one more who was red, black and silver.

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"Arcee, Bumblebee, Cliffjumper, Bulkhead, Ratchet", Optimus greeted each of them one by one. "I am glad to be amongst you again, my fellow Autobots." He gestured to Clark and Brainiac 5. "Meet our new friends- Clark Kent and Brainiac 5."

"Hello", Superman said with a wave, Brainy simply nodding.

Then they noticed who else was with them, and were clearly shocked. Bumblebee made a communication noise as Arcee asked. "Is that….?"

"Grimlock." Grimlock confirmed for them all.

"Never thought we'd meet you in person!" Cliffjumper said in awe.

"We've heard a lot about you", Bulkhead agreed, also in awe. "Now you're here, in front of us, and…."

"Indeed, it is quite fascinating", Ratchet had to say before he turned to Optimus. "Where were you, anyways?"

"We ended up in the future on another world", Optimus revealed, surprising them a bit. "The Multiverse is real. But these brought us back." Optimus held up the Ring. "I believe you can replicate it."

Ratchet took it from Optimus and took a look at it. "Yes, I can do it. Whoever made it is really smart, I must say. This is very close to Cybertronian technology."

"That'd be me", Brainiac 5 raised his hand.

"Ah! You! Good to know", Ratchet commented, when Optimus noted Grimlock was deep in thought.

"What's the matter?" He inquired.

"My team back on Cybertron", Grimlock said to them all. "They helped Autobots and neutrals escape our dead planet but stayed behind to save more from Decepticons. Sludge's body was found, brought along to see if he be brought back in time, or buried. I'll help…but my team must be safe."

"Is there a way to track them?" Brainiac 5 inquired. "Because I could do it."

"The Energon within us", Optimus noted. "Perhaps that could help."

"Take mine." Grimlock said, glowing a little, before taking out some of his Energon sample, that he handed to Brainy.

Brainiac 5 looked at it, seeming to be doing something that they could not see, and then he looked ahead. "I know where they are, come on!"

He grasped his Ring, doing something that Clark, Optimus and Grimlock copied, as Optimus said to the other Autobots. "Autobots, hold onto Grimlock and I."

They did as ordered, and then the Legion rings led them away from here, into another place, a desolate one, as Clark and Brainiac 5 looked down, seeing they were standing on shining metal, but that was it, there wasn't much more.

This used to be great planet, but now it was all gone.

"Grimlock? Optimus?"

Hearing the voice, they turned to see three more Transformers arrive, one having a red, silver and golden body, another being a lighter shade of red, golden and silver, and the last one being dark red, light red, golden and black at several points.

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"Snarl, Slug, Swoop", Grimlock greeted the rest of them.

"You're still functional?" Slug asked, before looking at Optimus. "You too?"

"Indeed, we all are", Optimus confirmed to them, then gestured to Superman and Brainiac 5. "With new friends too- Clark Kent and Brainiac 5. Brainiac 5 got us here."

"Nice see you all again", Swoop said to them, happy to see their leader was still kicking around.

"It is good to see you all too, Lightning Strike Coalition Force", Optimus said happily.

"That's not our name anymore", Snarl said, shocking them all.

"Really? What name do you use now?" Ratchet wondered.

"Dinobots", Grimlock revealed to them. "We're Dinobots."

"Sounds fitting", Clark had to say, remembering Grimlock's T-rex form.

"Sludge? Where Sludge body?!" Grimlock then inquired, the atmosphere turning grim.

"Here!" Swoop said as he, Slug and Snarl led them away, and they arrived near a chasm, finding the body of Sludge, who'd the same color scheme as the other Dinobots.

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Brainiac 5 knelt near him, intrigued. "I can try to revive him perhaps", he looked at the other Autobots. "Even mass produce your Energon to help against the Decepticons."

Optimus and Ratchet shared a look, hesitant, while Arcee, Bumblebee, Bulkhead and Cliffjumper looked concerned and wary due to their own experiences, especially Bulkhead as he thought of the Decepticon Biological warfare program that included things such as Tox-En and Cybonic Plague that affected many of those in the Wreckers unit. The other Dinobots glared at Brainy.

Noticing their looks, he assured them. "I do not wish to alter him negatively, just restore him to life if possible and learn more about Cybertronian biology."

"I trust him", Superman said to all of them. "He won't do anything wrong."

"And I trust Clark Kent here", Optimus declared. "So, if he trusts Brainiac 5, I do too. If he succeeds, another Autobot shall return to our side."

"I could make a list of things for you then", Ratchet said, Brainiac 5 nodding and touching the Autobot with his fingers, using his powers.

"Think only of what you want me to know, and I shall know", Brainiac 5 said, and Ratchet did, compiling a list of biology for beginners and including more intricate aspects such as the Transformation Cog and processors.

Brainy removed his hands, as Slug gently placed Sludge's body in front of him, and he looked down at him curiously.

Swoop added. "I got plans. They're Shockwave's. Maybe they can help Sludge?"

"Sure thing", Brainy nodded, holding out his fingers and touching Swoop, taking information about those plans as well, and only those.

Snarl added. "Not like Shockwave, are you? He tore all of us apart, to make this." He gestured to himself and the other Dinobots, disgusting everyone present.

Brainiac 5 vowed. "I will save Sludge, and give him the Dinobot upgrade, and I will not do anything like this Shockwave did!"

"Here, take my Energon sample", Optimus said, handing it to Brainy, who nodded.

"I believe it is time for us to bid farewell now", Optimus realized. "We shall meet again."

"Yes, we shall", Clark said, the two sharing a nod.

"And I shall save Sludge, I promise", Brainiac 5 assured them, as Clark lifted Sludge's body, and then he and Brainiac 5 used their Rings, fading away and leaving this Universe for their own, alongside Sludge's body, so Brainiac 5 could bring him back.

"We should all go to Earth", Optimus said, as the Autobots, including the Dinobots, grasped him or Grimlock on seeing their gestures, and they used their Rings, coming back to their base on Earth.

"Earth!" Swoop noted. "Huh? So, is that the primitive world rich with energy Shockwave found?"

"I believe it is one of many Swoop." Optimus mused. The Decepticon scientist was thorough if nothing else.


Inside the base, Optimus finished telling the rest. "…After Doomsday was stopped and Niedrigh arrested, Brainiac 5 and this Doctor made these Rings, and then The Doctor left with his Companions in that TARDIS, while we came here."

"It's a good thing. Now we've more firepower", Bulkhead had to say, slamming his fists together

"Yeah, this can change everything", Cliffjumper nodded.

"The Dinobots must be used in dire times due to their Dino alt modes, given we're robots in disguise", Optimus pointed out to all.

"Not happy about that!" Grimlock grumbled.

"We're guests on this planet, Grimlock. We need to be respectful of that", Optimus raised another point, as the door opened and a dark-skinned man in a suit walked in.

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"Agent Fowler", Optimus greeted him.

"Prime", Agent William Fowler said, sounding very grumpy, before noticing the four Dinobots. "And who're these new bots you've got?"

"These are the Dinobots", Optimus introduced them. "Slug, Swoop, Snarl, and their leader, Grimlock."

They all simply let out growls or grunts, as Fowler groaned, feeling a headache, knowing he'll have to inform the Pentagon of this new development.

He then requested Prime. "Tell me, did you learn anything of the Singularity that popped up months back?"

The Singularity had happened months ago, and there were weird sightings all over the world, forcing the government to request the Autobots for help in containing them. Optimus had been on some of these missions too, helping contain various kinds of monsters.

"I now believe it was caused from a parallel Dimension", Optimus said to him.

"A what?"

"Parallel Dimension. There are many worlds, some like ours, some not, it's a Multiverse after all, the Singularity's point of origin is from a different Universe", Ratchet explained to Fowler, who sighed again.

"So, the Multiverse theory is true then", he groaned, his headache increasing tenfold.

"Circuits became cold back on Cybertron.", Swoop then told the rest of them. "But all normal in appearance. Chilly mist for a time. Then it was gone like nothing happened."

Optimus narrowed his optics, knowing that this was far from over.

Deep Space

A Transformer, this one silver in color scheme with a purple symbol on his chest, stood, looking ahead with red optics.

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This was none other than Megatron, and he knew it was about to begin.

Hearing something, he turned to see a breach open, and out of it walked a bald man in a suit, with a shorter man with hair behind him, and with them was another in a strange outfit carrying primitive weapons, a man with long hair and a beard, and one man glowing with lightning.

"Who are you?" Megatron inquired, curious.

"My name is Lex Luthor, these are Helmut Zemo, Malcolm Merlyn, Vandal Savage and Zoom", Lex introduced himself and the rest. "We've been making a team, and looking through Universes and their histories, to see who'd join us. I believe you would, you wanted to change things, they didn't let you, but now-"

The former gladiator cut them off by letting out a dark and sardonic laugh, which unnerved them all to the bone.

"I shall not work alongside weaklings such as you!" Megatron declared as they stared at him in horror. "Leave me be if you do not wish to die!"

"You're the one who will die", Zoom said in his distorted voice, and sped at Megatron, only for Megatron to bat him aside, and as Zoom fell, he felt nearly half of the bones in his body shatter, crying out in pain. Megatron hadn't even hit him that hard, using only a fraction of his savage might or he'd be dead by now, a splatter for him to clean from the ground.

Regardless of Zoom's speed, Megatron was much more experienced, and could process things faster than even the smartest people on Earth. He recalled the Omni globe where he and Optimus had led a thousand battles from it at the same time, keeping track of everything. Not to mention being able to keep up with and react to seekers and aerial bots who were much faster than him by a significant margin, even with his flyer alt-mode.

"Leave, lest you face annihilation", Megatron declared, and they all complied.

Malcolm helped Zoom up, as they, Savage, Lex and Zemo walked through the breach, and disappeared.

Megatron turned around to leave, only to see various Combaticons, Lugnut, Blitzwing and Barricade in front of him alongside Vehicon tanks, snipers and shot gunners.

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He was surprised, in a good way. A very, very good way.

"I believed you all had perished on Cybertron, but I'm glad to see you still function."

A navy blue, green and black Decepticon appeared. "We have been gathering forces to try and locate you and the Nemesis. We were watching what just happened, but we knew you could handle it."

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"Indeed, Onslaught", Megatron said, then looked ahead.

"I should have destroyed those weaklings for thinking they could ally with the Mighty Megatron!" Lugnut snarled.

"I've not blasted something in a long while." Brawl grumbled.

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"Really? It's been only a few cycles since we killed those Autobots." Blast-Off pointed out.

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"And in that time, how many times have you and Onslaught fragged each other to recharge?" Swindle quipped, knowing that got under his fellow Combaticon's shell.

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If looks could kill, the glare that was leveled at him by Blast-Off would have killed an entire battalion of Autobots.

"You really need to stop riling him up like that." Vortex cautioned him.

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"What? It's fun and it never fails to get a reaction out of him." Swindle said.

"Quiet." The leader of the Decepticons ordered. They did as told while Blast-Off continued to glare at Swindle.

Megatron decided to call Soundwave on the Nemesis Warship hovering above Earth for a Space Bridge, since it was time to bring them all, and the Dark Energon he'd found and plucked from the Cosmic shores.

Earth-21, Metropolis, LexCorp

Zoom groaned in pain as he lay down, Zemo commenting. "That didn't go well."

"That's obvious", Malcolm muttered. "What now?"

"We'll have to read our candidates better before approaching them from now on", Lex said, all five clearly shaken.


The glow faded as Cloud, Tifa, Aerith, Sora, Riku, Barret and Red XIII found themselves standing on water. They looked around, Cloud asking. "Where are we?"

Aerith shook her head, before Cloud looked ahead, only to hear the dreaded voice.

"I'm waiting, Cloud."

Cloud gasped, then turned to Aerith, as Sora asked. "What's happening?"

The entire place started darkening, to their horror, Barret asking. "What the hell is this?"

"Nothing good", Riku said grimly.

"This is…." Red XIII trailed off, only for a large explosion to happen, slowly tearing everything apart.

Cloud looked up to see the purple glow that was coming from the Whisper Harbinger, but a certain silver-haired swordsman was within it.


A giant Meteor was behind him, while the Whispers all floated around him, fiery tornadoes nearby too. Within seconds, all of that was sucked into Sephiroth, and the darkness above opened up to reveal some light.

Sephiroth twirled his sword, dispelling the purple glow around him, and looked down at the shocked Heroes.

He raised his other hand, the nearby debris now floating up, before he aimed at them as all of it shot at them, and those were huge chunks.

They all tried to run from a large piece of the Shinra Building but it struck where they stood, sending them flying off, as Cloud steadied himself in midair, then rushed forth, chopping a train in his way, and more blockades, into pieces with his sword, before landing on a stable large piece of debris, that was ripped apart ground.

Standing up, he turned around in horror.

Final Fantasy VII Remake One-Winged Angel plays

Sephiroth hovered in the air, and he slowly lowered himself down, aiming his Masamune at Cloud, before taking his fighting stance.

After a second, Cloud took his own fighting stance too.

"Let's finish this."

And then it was on.

With a roar, Cloud leapt at Sephiroth, who blocked, smirking cruelly. Cloud struggled to push back, while Sephiroth looked like he was barely even trying.

He then pushed Cloud back, making him land a few feet away, but Cloud wasn't going to give up. Charging Sephiroth, he tried to strike.

"Fate is not to be taken lightly, Cloud."

Sephiroth dodged Cloud's strike, then struck his chest, his abdomen, and his shoulder quickly, before slamming the Masamune on the ground, sending Cloud back from the shockwave.

Cloud recovered. "Shut up!" He rushed forth, trying to impale Sephiroth, but Sephiroth deflected with his sword, then spewed a blast of Firaga, throwing Cloud back again.

Cloud stood up as Sephiroth taunted. "Come, Cloud." Cloud spun and tried to strike as Sephiroth blocked again, then did a Blizzaga, freezing Cloud in place, before the ice shattered, throwing Cloud down.

Cloud looked up, seeing Sephiroth leaping at him, and rolled out of the way, causing the ground to be shattered as he flipped up and tried to slice Sephiroth's shoulder, Sephiroth dodging that.

But this time, Cloud's sword glowed blue and he did an upwards slice at Sephiroth's chest, making him fly upwards. "Going in!" Cloud leapt up after him and sliced his chest again, sending him back, then slammed it down on Sephiroth's chest, making him fall on his knees.

Before he could get up, Cloud leapt down, and spinning his sword, now glowing orange, he leapt and brought it down on Sephiroth again, causing a shockwave as Sephiroth was sent back, but he stood up once more.

Then Sephiroth sliced Cloud's chest twice, sending him back, before striking him with the sword so hard he was thrown back.

"The weakness within."

As Cloud tried to stand back up, Sephiroth leapt at him again, and he barely blocked, the force of the blow still throwing him back.

Cloud fell down on another floating floor, then stood up, seeing Sephiroth jumping down in front of him. He tried to charge at Sephiroth, only for Sephiroth to do Blizzaga again, freezing Cloud before the ice exploded, throwing him off.

As he tried to get up, Sephiroth did an upwards slice, sending him back. "Will you weep for me?" His sword glowed purple as he brought it down on Cloud, causing a shockwave and throwing Cloud off.

Cloud stood back up, Sephiroth pointing the Masamune forth as it glowed purple, and Cloud held out the Buster Sword.

Sephiroth swung his sword, purple blades of air moving at Cloud, and he was thrown away when they hit his sword, making him fly off and fall down by many feet, before he got on his knees and looked up, seeing Sephiroth hovering as two giant pieces of debris came down upon him.

Suddenly, Tifa appeared and leapt up, her left leg glowing, and she did a Somersault, destroying that piece of debris as she landed, while the other piece exploded, Sora appearing behind it, having shattered it with his Keyblade as he landed too.

"Need some help?" Tifa asked Cloud.

"We're happy to give it", Sora added as Cloud stood up.

"Don't know about need", he said, walking towards them before they turned to face Sephiroth, who'd just landed. "Good to go?"

"You know it!" Tifa said.

"Let's do this", Sora added, as they prepared to fight him once more.

Tifa charged Sephiroth, who dodged, then decked her abdomen as she was sent back, but landed on her feet, as he tried to slice her with his sword but she dodged every time.

Sora got flashbacks to when Radiant Garden's Tifa had tried to battle that Sephiroth, and leapt at Sephiroth, who blocked, as Sora leapt back.

Sephiroth tried to strike, as Sora blocked in time, and all the subsequent blades of air too, before he leapt and struck Sephiroth thrice, then did an Explosion, sending him back, only for Sephiroth to strike him with a Firaga, throwing him down too, before Cloud leapt at him again, their blades clashing as a shockwave erupted from it, damaging nearby debris even more.

Cloud struck forth a few more times, Sephiroth blocking as Cloud tried to do a Braver, but Sephiroth blocked that too, the shockwave even more damaging to debris, before he pushed Cloud off, only to be hit by a Ruinra Burst from Tifa, that staggered him, as she leapt forth and did a Somersault, striking his chin and throwing him off.

He recovered quickly and did an Aeroga, spinning as the winds threw Tifa off, when Cloud leapt at him with a Slash Combo, slicing him a few times, before spinning and slicing him hard, making him fall down.

But then he did a Thundaga, striking Cloud as he went down on his knees while Sephiroth stood up, only for Sora to leap at him, but he blocked the Keyblade, causing another shockwave, and pushed Sora away.

Sora stood back up as the three made to charge Sephiroth, but he flew up, his right hand having a dark wave on it, and then he held it out, as a black wing sprouted on his left side, some black feathers falling, horrifying Sora even more as he remembered Radiant Garden's Sephiroth again.

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Then Sephiroth's right hand glowed purple and he fired at them, the magic sending them to the ground. They tried to get up, but the magic didn't let them.

Sephiroth had his Masamune to Cloud's face, when gunshots were heard, and he was forced to block with the Masamune, being sent flying up, before various Dark Orbs struck forth at him, only for him to slice them all with Masamune.

Barret and Riku walked forth, the freed Cloud, Sora and Tifa sitting up.

"Barret!" Tifa cried out happily.

"Riku!" Sora said in the same tone.

"Ain't you three having fun?" Barret quipped as they stood up.

"Not without us", Riku added, as Cloud turned to look at Sephiroth.

"Let's go", he said, while Sephiroth landed, his sword glowing, before he spun and struck at Cloud twice, sending him back, before Riku struck him twice, then tried to strike again, only for him to slice Riku's chest, throwing him back.

Then Sora leapt and gave Sephiroth an upwards strike, sending him flying up, before taking his Limit Form, as he struck Sephiroth more times, then did another Explosion, throwing him off, only for Sephiroth to strike him with a Heartless Angel, making him fall down, coming back to normal, severely weakened.

Riku used a Cure Potion, immediately healing Sora, before Tifa did a 'Water' spell, making a burst of water appear near Sephiroth and strike him, while Barret hit him with a Firaga spell, throwing him back, and then Cloud appeared and did a 'Braver', slicing Sephiroth's chest as he was thrown off.

But Sephiroth recovered quickly and hit Tifa with a Firaga, sending her off, then spun his sword as it glowed and brought it down on Cloud, throwing him away too, as he then hit Barret with Thundaga, making him fall to his knees, while Riku was hit by Blizzaga, freezing him before the ice exploded and threw him off.

Sora stood up and tried to strike him thrice but Sephiroth swiftly blocked all three times, then sliced Sora's shoulder, then his other shoulder, then his chest, and his sword glowed as he brought it down, the shockwave throwing Sora away too.

Cloud leapt back up and tried to strike Sephiroth with a leap, but he blocked and pushed Cloud off, when Barret roared and hit Sephiroth with his 'Grenade Bomb' move, the bomb exploding upon Sephiroth, as the flames consumed him, making him fall to his knees.

But he recovered just as quick, as Sora glided towards him and tried to strike again, but he blocked, making Sora throw his Keyblade at Sephiroth thrice, but he blocked all times, then sent Sora off with a blast of Firaga.

As he recovered, Sephiroth did a Thunderstorm, making all of them roll, jump or simply run to try and avoid it.

When it ended, Sora and Riku did their thing, swinging their Keyblades in a rapid flurry of attacks as the Sephiroth was hit every time, and then they stabbed him rapidly with their Keyblades too.

He staggered back, and they used the Dark Cannon, firing a barrage of Dark Orbs at him, striking him and weakening him, while they linked arms, and swung their Keyblades, summoning thirteen swords around them that performed a spinning slash attack, which hit Sephiroth every time too.

Then, Sora and Riku coated their Keyblades in auras, and Riku was handed Sora's Keyblade that he used to slash at Sephiroth alongside his own, then passed both Keyblades to Sora, who did the same, before returning Riku's Keyblade to him.

Their Keyblades then floated side-by-side in energy orbs that reeled in the Sephiroth before exploding, making him fly off from the 'Eternal Session', while Sora and Riku fist-bumped.

But their relief ended when they saw Sephiroth stand back up, and all were concerned, because while his attacks were damaging them a lot, their most powerful ones were only phasing him slightly.

Sephiroth then pressed his hand into a fist, smoke bellowing, before raising his hand up as three Whispers flew out, and he was surrounded by purple lightning and wind, while he raised his sword, causing a ball of fire to appear above, the Divine Proclamation Supernova, which was slowly coming down.

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He smirked at the Heroes, as Cloud and Sora gasped in horror.

Then he did a Shadow Flare, as Orbs of Darkness surrounded them, and rushed forth. Sora destroyed three, Riku getting two as well, while Cloud rolled to dodge them, and Tifa leapt up, but Barret was struck by one, and then Sora and Riku got struck from behind too, falling down as the Orbs disappeared.

They stood up, only for Sephiroth to aim at Cloud as dark smoke covered his waist, making him gasp in pain as he fell to his knees, but Riku used the opportunity to do Dark Aura, hitting Sephiroth with Dark Orbs as he staggered back, Cloud recovering, and Tifa did a Ruinra Burst, getting him once more.

Cloud decided it was time for a Summon, and held up his Buster Sword as it glowed, and then he raised his Summon Materia, causing a Chocobo to appear, with Moogle on it.

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Sora smiled on seeing Moogle, as the Chocobo charged Sephiroth and pecked him thrice, getting him, while Riku took the opportunity to use the Cure Potion, healing all of them.

"Shall I give you despair?" Sephiroth snarled as he flew up and aimed his sword at the ground, causing a huge shockwave that struck the Heroes, sending them all flying off, but Chocobo and Moogle disappeared, avoiding it, then as Sephiroth landed, they appeared behind him, Chocobo pecking his back thrice now as he was sent forwards.

The Chocobo then leapt and kicked Sephiroth, sending him staggering, before Moogle threw bomb that exploded, making him fall to his knees from the power, while they disappeared.

The Supernova was close now, as Sora tried to strike Sephiroth but he blocked, only for Tifa to kick his face, before Barret shot at his chest, then Cloud leapt forth and did a 'Braver', getting Sephiroth this time as he was thrown back and sliced.

The Supernova came closer, but then dissipated, Sephiroth holding his chest and staggering back, as Barret asked. "We get him?"

Sephiroth raised his hands, the dark smoke and Whispers flying at the Heroes, only for a blast of light magic to strike the smoke, dispersing all the Whispers.

They turned around to see Aerith with her staff as Tifa cried out. "Aerith!"

Red XIII leapt near them as Barret grumbled. "'Bout time you showed."

Red XIII just gave him a look before all seven faced Sephiroth, who stood straight and pointed the Masamune at them.

"We can do this", Aerith assured them. "We can. We can change it- make it right." She twirled her staff and pointed it at Sephiroth.

"Yes, we are going to set it right!" Sora declared too.

Sephiroth flew up and pointed downwards as Whispers flew at the Party, Aerith twirling and doing a Thunder spell that destroyed some, as Red XIII leapt and struck another, getting it, and Tifa leapt and punched one more off.

Cloud, Sora and Riku rushed Sephiroth together as Aerith and Tifa cried out. "Cloud! Sora! Riku!"

"Quickly!" Red XIII added as the three leapt at another piece of debris in the front.

"GOOOOO!" Barret yelled, firing at the Whispers nearby and dissipating them while the three rushed forth and leapt upwards on beams and falling debris, destroying it all alongside some Whispers, then leapt high, raising their weapons to strike Sephiroth who was standing above, smirking.

Buster Sword and two Keyblades were brought down upon him but he held up the Masamune, blocking them all, and causing a huge shockwave as the Whispers surrounded them and faded, and then there was a purple glow of bright light.

Cloud, Sora and Riku found themselves flying in the middle of stars at great speed, then found themselves floating upside down towards a barren rock where Sephiroth stood, so they straightened themselves and landed in front of him, surrounded by red, starry skies.

Cloud suddenly gasped, getting a headache, and grasped his head, as Sora cried out. "Cloud!"

"You all right?" Riku asked too, when Sephiroth grasped Cloud's hand, making him look up.

"Careful now", he said. "That which lies ahead…does not yet exist."

Cloud freed his hand and jumped back, Sora and Riku doing the same as Sora asked. "What do you mean?"

Sephiroth simply looked ahead at the stars. "Our worlds will all become part of it…one day soon. But I will not end." He directed the next part at Cloud specifically. "Not will I have you end."

"This is…?" Cloud trailed off in question.

Sephiroth turned to look at them. "The Edge of Creation."

"What?" Riku said in shock while Sora gasped.

Sephiroth walked towards them. "Cloud, Sora, Riku, lend me your strength." He seemed to have an offer on the table. "Let us defy destiny…together." He looked at Riku. "You've used the Darkness before; you can use it again. It is a means to an end. What say you?"

The three looked at him with wide eyes, before Cloud took out his sword, while Riku said. "I might use the Darkness, but I will never join you!"

"Way to go, Riku!" Sora said happily.

Cloud held out his sword. "Like they said- Never!"

Sephiroth smirked, as they prepared to fight, and Cloud charged, clashing with him, then clashed thrice with a leap before flipping back as Sora charged and clashed twice, then ducked to avoid a blow as Riku clashed with Sephiroth, and they tried to stab him together, but he pinned their Keyblades down with his sword, then struck each Keyblade once, pushing them back to either side.

Cloud leapt at him but Sephiroth blocked and pushed him off, making his sword drop and stick to the ground, as he tried to strike but Cloud leapt to avoid and taking his sword again, gave an upwards slice that Sephiroth dodged, and then he flipped and clashed again, jumping back before rushing towards Sephiroth at incomprehensible speeds, Sora and Riku doing the same from either side, all of them even seeming to disappear.

However, as they struck at the same time, Sephiroth backed off and held his sword up, blocking all three at the same time, then pushed them back as Cloud tried to strike but he dodged, and then Sora spun and leapt, but he struck his Keyblade and threw him back, making him fall and drop his Keyblade, before Sephiroth dodged Riku's strike too and as Cloud tried to stab forth, Sephiroth deflected twice, and then pushed him back.

Riku tried to strike but Sephiroth blocked and pinned his Keyblade down, then struck it, sending him back and making him fall as his Keyblade dropped too, while Cloud leapt with a strike but Sephiroth blocked again.

"Not yet."

He pushed Cloud back, and then rushing forth, struck his Buster Sword, disarming Cloud as the Buster Sword got stuck in the ground.

Cloud turned to look at it in horror as Sephiroth said to him. "Seven seconds till the end. Time enough for you, perhaps. And them." He looked at the groaning Sora and Riku. "I know what they will do, as they've things to do already. But what will you do with it? Let's see."

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Cloud turned around as Sora and Riku stood up, but Sephiroth was gone, a single black feather falling down behind them as they looked around in horror, realizing they'd failed.

Earth-7, Midgar, Shinra Electric Power Company

Rufus Shinra, the former Vice-President and now President of Shinra due to his father's death, looked out of the window, as Heidegger, his Head of Public Security, appeared. "Mister Vice President."

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Then Tseng, Leader of the Turks walked in, and addressed him by his proper title. "Mister President."

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Rufus turned around to look at him, pleased. "That's right." He walked off, Tseng giving a smirk as Heidegger grunted angrily.

Rufus came out, looking at the other officials of the Company- Reeve Tuesti, Head of Urban Development, then Palmer, head of the failed Space Program, and finally Scarlet, the Head of Weapons Development.

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Heidegger walked up next to Scarlet, taking his place, as Tseng stood behind Rufus, who looked at the chair of the President, that used to belong to his father.

He touched it, and then sat down on it, smirking.

At the 68th floor, the Shinra scientists and infantrymen cleaned up the mess of the glowing purple liquid from a large broken tank.

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Professor Hojo, the head scientist, looked at the broken tank, knowing what had broken out, and started laughing maniacally.

Earth-7, Weeks ago, Wasteland near Midgar

The man, Zack Fair, had finally defeated all the Shinra Troops, and was supporting himself with the Buster Sword, a packet with a Terrier Stamp flying past him that he didn't notice.

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He was wounded, blood and dirt on him, but alive.

As he looked around at the dead Shinra Infantrymen, he asked out loud. "Wait, was that all of them?"

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He looked up at the clear sky, then started using the Buster Sword to support himself as he walked. "Hey Cloud, you see that?"

There was an explosion behind him, making him fall down, as he groaned, looking ahead to see a bright, glowing light, before it dissipated, and sparks started falling down.

Groaning, he stood up and put the Buster Sword on his back, wondering what this was about, while marvelling at it.

Earth-7, Present Day, Midgar, Sector 7 ruins

The people were trying their best to rebuild after the collapse of the Plate, one man giving food to the others, as some helped the wounded, and others lifted beams.

One girl laughed happily as she saw her dog had survived, and happily hugged it as it barked.

Some children played, running together.

A group cleaned up the broken sign of the Seventh Heaven bar, the elderly Marle watching.

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Then the air around them glimmered, making them watch in wonder.

At the Leaf House in the Sector 5 Slums, the children saw the glimmering air too.

Inside the orphanage, a man with a bandaged forehead woke up from the glimmer. This was Biggs, a member of AVALANCHE who'd been caught up in the fall of the Plate.

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He realized he'd survived, as he looked at the glimmering air, Jessie's gloves next to him.

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Aerith's house

Barret's adopted daughter Marlene Wallace was watering Aerith's flowers in the guest room when Elmyra Gainsborough's voice came. "Marlene!"

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"Coming!" Marlene made to run down, but then stopped, feeling something, and turned towards the window, walking to it and looking outside.


Wasteland near Midgar

Barret heard Marlene's voice and held out his hand. "Marlene!" He then promised. "I'll come back."

Cloud, Sora, Riku, Tifa, Aerith and Red XIII stood nearby.

Tifa turned to Aerith. "So….what now?"

Aerith just shook her head, as Cloud looked at the black feather in his hand. "Sephiroth." He crushed it as turned into black smoke. "As long as he's still out there, I…."

"I thought you all beat him", Barret said in annoyance.

"No, he beat us", Sora said with a sigh. "He is more powerful than anyone we've battled so far. He is more powerful than Ansem, Organization XIII, Xemnas, everyone!"

"What should be done?" Riku wondered.

"We can beat him", Aerith said, making them turn to her. "We will."

Tifa smirked and stepped forth. "Count me in."

Red XIII walked forwards too. "If its to be a hunt, you could use a nose like mine."

Barret grunted and turned around. "I'm in too. Bastard wants to destroy the whole Planet, doesn't he? An enemy of hers is an enemy of AVALANCHE!"

Sora and Riku looked apologetic as the former asked. "So, will you be able to do it?"

"You're not sticking around?" Cloud asked.

"We want to, but we've our own things to deal with", Riku pointed out. "An enemy of ours needs to be fought too, and we've to prepare to defeat him."

"We understand", Aerith assured them. "You came right now to help, that's all that matters."

"Good luck, Cloud", Sora said to him, then turned to the rest. "Good luck."

"Good luck", Cloud said back with a smile, showing there were no hard feelings, as Sora and Riku shared a look, and pointed their Keyblades forwards, causing a crack to appear before there was a Keyhole symbol and a breach opened.

"Let's go", Riku said, as he and Sora walked through it, and it closed.

Final Fantasy VII Remake Hollow plays

That moment, it began to rain, as the remaining five looked around.

Earth-7, Weeks ago, Wasteland near Midgar

The sky was dark now as Zack supported Cloud, both moving. "Almost there, Cloud. We're almost there…."

Earth-7, Present Day, Wasteland near Midgar

As Cloud, Tifa, Aerith, Barret and Red XIII moved forth, Zack supporting Cloud in the past seemed to walk past them, into the other direction, Aerith now looking up as she caught the raindrops in her hand.

"I miss it. The steel sky."

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The Mysterious Tower

Yen Sid was looking down, deep in thought, him and Mickey both troubled by what Sora and Riku had informed them, while Donald and Goofy looked quite worried too.

"This is troubling news", Yen Sid said, looking back up. "Not only Xehanort, but Sephiroth is another force threatening many worlds."

"So, what do we do?" Riku inquired.

"Right now, you two must pass the Mark of Mastery", Yen Sid said firmly. "Then, we shall do more."

Sora and Riku shared a look, then nodded.


And one more is finished up.

Thanks a lot to Stand with Ward and Queen for letting me use some stuff from his 'Prophecy of the end' and his now deleted 'Sara's aberration' for Arrow 4x12 here.

Frankly, outside of Roy's return, this is another bland episode of 'Felicity and Friends', so I began it from the moment Roy wakes up after being shot by Oliver.

Hope the return of the 'Leverage' crew was enjoyed as well, and because of the alibi they created, Roy is back permanently. Good for Oliver, now he has the two best members of his team (Sara and Roy) back.

Plus, Thea and Roy get back together too.

For the 31st Century plot in 'Smallville', once more, thanks a lot to HRwriter897 for all his help with the 'Transformers' stuff, couldn't have done it without his guidance.

In the comics, the bomb actually struck New Metropolis, then the Legion (including Kara) teamed up with EarthGov to evacuate the people, and Booster Gold arrived and helped out too, and this is how things were fixed.

But here, Optimus and Grimlock took on Doomsday first (in the comics, Clark fought him from the start), so The Doctor with his TARDIS managed to catch the bomb, and then Clark got rid of it. There is a tractor beam in the TARDIS, it was used during 'The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit' as well, so I used it here too.

After that, The Doctor and his Companions had to stop Niedrigh from escaping justice, and this is where my version of events happened. Booster stopped Niedrigh's final escape, and EarthGov arrested him, hence replacing their role in evacuating the civilians from canon, since the bomb was stopped here.

Meanwhile, Optimus and Grimlock joined the Legion in pulling Clark away from the sun, that scene was a joy to write, especially imagining the 'Battle' soundtrack from 'Dark of the Moon' playing in the background.

In the comics, Bart died during the 'Haunted' arc against the Black Flash, and Clark saw his kid version running by in 'Argo', realizing Bart was from the future all along, and it made him cry.

But since Bart survived in my version of events, I decided to change it to reincarnations of Carter/Khufu and Shayera. Seeing Carter will definitely give Clark an emotional reaction.

Grimlock has also been fixed by Brainiac 5, while the Autobots have more people to help them out in the form of the Dinobots. Brainiac 5 also promises to save Sludge later.

The Doctor, Jack and Rose are back in their home Universe, though The Doctor shall come again later, but this is Nine's final appearance during his run for my story. I love Christopher Eccleston as Nine, and he is my 2nd favorite Doctor in the show behind Matt Smith's Eleven, but I can't keep him around forever. Still, hope his role here was enjoyed and he was true to his character.

I'd said the Injustice League had found a potential new recruit, but I never said the recruit will join them. It was of course, none other than Megatron! He was never gonna join these people he'd consider weaklings, and they got sent packing, while Megatron and his army prepare for their assault.

Hope the scene with Blade and Gungi was enjoyed, as well as Blade's talk with Yoda, thanks a lot to Brainstorm Sorcerer for that scene. Now there's seemingly a way to send Blade back.

There are so many moments in 'The Flash' where Iris deserved to be slapped, and now finally, my wish has been fulfilled. Barry no longer being obsessed with her, and everything happening to her right now (including being called out for her BS for a change) made Iris have a total meltdown when Corben attacked, hence her reactions. After reconnecting with Wally, she is leaving permanently.

In Middle-earth, Spike has now met Strider at last, and they shall have a more important talk soon. Its again a combination of books and films due to Gandalf's letter, but hope Spike's addition was enjoyed, especially him threatening Bill Ferny, which was inspired by a scene in the fic 'It's an Odd Coincidence' by Telcontar Rulz so thank you to them.

And on Earth-7, the battle against Sephiroth is done, and the FFVII Remake game is over now, as Cloud and Co. depart on their journey, while Sora and Riku return to the Mysterious Tower to begin their Mark of Mastery exam for 'Dream Drop Distance'.

Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth is coming very soon, by month's end, so my 3-part crossover between Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy VII: Remake is like an unofficial promo for the game in a way, LOL!

Anyways, hope all enjoyed and see you all next time with another chapter.

Chapter 26: A Knightmare in Gotham City


The mysterious voice reaches out to another killer. Blade tries to return home. The Avengers face off against a Hydra base. Barry fights a meta-human who has bad history with Joe. Strider, Spike and the Hobbits reach Weathertop.


Disclaimer: I do not own anything you may recognize

Thank you to everyone for the kudos, hits, comments and bookmarks.

Thanks a lot to gussygus26 and Brainstorm Sorcerer for their help with this chapter, couldn't have done it without him, hope the end result is enjoyed by all.

Here we go.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Dream World

A Nightmare on Elm Street theme plays

"Kids. Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em", a burnt, disfigured man wearing a red-and-green striped sweater, and a brown fedora with a metal clawed brown leather glove on his right hand said. "Its known to all the f*ckers around here who I am. The bastard son of a hundred maniacs. Of course, none of those maniacs are more maniacal than I am."

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He let out a long and cruel laugh as he said that, before tapping the clawed glove on his left shoulder. "I killed children, many of them. And the f*cking courts had an issue with their filing, so I got let off. But those goddamned parents of those stupid kids took justice into their hands, and then burnt me alive."

He laughed again. "The idiots did not realize that they had created something worse- me! Three Dream Demons approached me, and gave me powers, so I could terrorize the town of Springwood at the one time they're all vulnerable- when they sleep!"

As the man was being burnt to death in a fire set by the vengeful mob of parents outside, three Dream Demons appeared before him, and granted him the ability to enter and kill in dreams, provided that he had ample fear to use as a power source.

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The man paced around, grinning evilly. "See, with other killers, you can run from them, you can hide from them, you can move to a different place and never see them again! But you always have to sleep! And that's when I find you…and make you my bitch, because this is my world! Freddy Krueger's world! And you all know it!"

Freddy killed Glen Lantz by dragging him into his bed and drained all of his blood before shooting it into the air.

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Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (694)

Freddy took out Ron Grady by slashing his torso through a door.

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Freddy killed Nancy Thompson by gutting her with his bladed glove.

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Freddy tossed Kristen Parker into a furnace in the Dream World and burnt her alive.

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Mark Gray was turned into paper and sliced into pieces by Freddy.

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John Doe's parachute was cut by Freddy and he falls into a bed of spikes in the Dream World.

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Mark Davis' body was burnt alive and he was finished off by a slash to the face.

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He grunted in annoyance. "Of course, those idiots have stopped me so many times now, it has gotten so boring. But I always come back!"

Nancy made Freddy vanish by turning her back on him.

Jesse and Lisa made Freddy stop possessing the former.

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Nancy stabbed Freddy with his own glove and he vanished after his skeleton was given a funeral.

Alice made Freddy vanish by showing him his reflection and making him lose the souls of his dream victims.

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Alice trapped Freddy's soul inside his mother's ghost.

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Maggie/Kathryn gutted Freddy with his glove and slammed a pipe bomb into his heart, which blew him to pieces.

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Lori decapitated Freddy with Jason Voorhees' machete.

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"Of course, I had to find that stupid dog", Freddy groaned.

Freddy's hand burst out of the ground and dragged Jason's hockey mask to Hell, laughing.

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"He worked well for me before, then he had to take my victims from me!"

Freddy was terrorizing Gibb Smith in the Dream World, when in the real world, Jason impaled Gibb, and Frisell, who was trying to rape her unconscious form, with a broken piece of pipe, killing them both, while he hurled Frisell's body away, and because of that, dream Gibb died in front of Freddy, enraging him at the fact that Jason had stolen his kill.

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Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (716)

"Then it came down to a one-on-one between us, you know how fun it is…when you're in my world."

Freddy turned Jason into a little kid who was still afraid of drowning in water, and later, Jason started reliving his drowning.

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"Then that bitch had to drag us to the real world, it was less fun then."

In the burning cabin, Freddy kicked Jason in the nuts, but it hurt him more, as Jason threw Freddy into a wall, then picking him up, slammed his body through a window, and ran with him, shattering all windows, before breaking the door open and throwing Freddy away.

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"After everything is said and done, here we all are, and I'm still kicking. Now I'm gonna return to Springwood, and kill some more f*ckers, its so much fun seeing them running around scared of me."

At that moment, a voice spoke. "Freddy Krueger."

"Huh?"Freddy looked around in confusion. "Who is there? This is my world!"

"You can't see me, but I'm here, Freddy. I want you to do something for me."

"In your dreams, bitch! Oh wait, this is the Dream World!"

Suddenly, the entire Dream World started changing shape, before slowly coming apart, as Freddy's eyes widened in horror. "How can this be? I am the Master of the Dream World!"

"And I am beyond that, Krueger."At that moment, the Dream World was fixed again, as if it had never started coming apart. "But I will not destroy this world, because I want to be reasonable."

Realizing there was nothing he could do, Freddy decided to listen to the voice. "What do you want from me?"

"I want you to go to Gotham City, and meet a man named Jonathan Crane, a scientist and professor who used to teach in the Gotham City University, but got fired and disgraced because he was conducting unethical experiments on the faculty and students to test some theories about fear."

"Why do you want me to go to Gotham and meet this guy?"

"He is now creating a toxin, that can spread fear throughout the city", the voice revealed, to Freddy's surprise. "And we both know how much you enjoy it when people are scared. You can help him, cause some chaos, and kill some people. I am sure that will be very appealing to you."

"Just one thing- Gotham City isn't aware of me much, not like Springwood."

"With my power behind you, you do not need to be known all that much",the voice told Freddy. "Now go, kill everyone you can, Freddy."

"Oh I will, with a lot of pleasure, mine, not theirs", Freddy said with another grin.

Earth-1, Gotham City

Jonathan Crane was feeling tired, after another day of work to make his fear toxin. Not much was left to do now, it'd take a day or two more maximum, and then the entire city would learn the true meaning of fear.

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They had disgraced him over what he'd done to find out the nature of fear, but now they would all experience it first-hand from his toxin, all of their worst fears coming to get them.

He dropped onto his couch, closing his eyes after a yawn, when he suddenly heard a strange noise, and some kind of humming.

A Nightmare on Elm Street theme plays

Groaning, he opened his eyes, finding himself in a place that was all red. It was a boiler room!

Standing up, he looked around, hearing some singing from what sounded like little girls.

"One, two, Freddy's coming for you

Three, four, better lock your door."

As Crane walked around cautiously, he saw three girls in white, two of them holding a rope as the third one was skipping on it, and they looked at him, continuing to sing.

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"Five, six, grab your crucifix

Seven, eight, better stay up late."

Suddenly, all of them bled from their eyes, and exploded in a blast of blood that splattered on Crane, frightening him as he jumped.

"Nine, ten, Freddy's back again!"

This was not a little girl, this was a gruff, distorted voice of an old man, and on hearing that, Crane turned around to see a man with a burnt, disfigured face, wearing a red-and-green striped sweater, and a brown fedora with a metal clawed brown leather glove on his right hand.

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Freddy started. "You have been diagnosed with a severe case of fear, doctor. Luckily for you, I am in the hou-"

"You're Freddy Krueger, aren't you?" Crane asked, cutting him off, as Freddy stopped.

"You know me?"

"I've heard legends about you, what you can do, what you look like", Crane said, looking Freddy up and down. "The fear you made Springwood feel when they fell asleep….the raw application of it, making them face their worst fears in their dreams….reading about you is what inspired me. Now I am going to use my toxin to spread fear in Gotham City. Its an honor to meet you, Freddy Krueger!"

Freddy chuckled, and even though Crane was clearly enamored with him, he got scared.

"Always pleased to meet a fan", Freddy said with a little smirk, doing a little gesture with his glove. "Now, Doctor Freddy here supports your experiment, doctor. But, what do you say we add a little extra?"

"In what sense?" Crane inquired.

"I will add some of my powers into your toxin. Then, whenever the f*ckers hallucinate after you dose them, I will come in and kill them. What do you say?"

Crane couldn't believe. He was going to work with his idol. "Yes, I accept this. I will happily work with you! They say never meet your heroes. But I've met mine, and I couldn't be happier about it."

At that moment, to Crane's shock, Krueger cut open his own chest, revealing a silver light inside, that he pulled out with his other hand, and handed it to Crane. "Use this."

Earth-1, Gotham City

Crane woke up on his couch with a gasp, wondering if he was just dreaming due to how excited he was to finally start his experiment regarding with the whole city.

Then he felt something in his hand, and lifted it up, surprised to see the silver light Freddy had given him was still in his hand, in the real world!

It was a dream, but it had actually happened! Freddy Krueger was real! And he was working with him!

"This is going to be interesting", Crane said with a smirk.

Walking to his formula, Crane dipped the silver light into it. It glowed briefly, and then the glow subsided. It was time for his experiment to begin.


Strider, Spike, Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin had left Bree by way of a concealed gate, with everyone following Strider's lead, including Spike, as he'd no other choice.

They came near a woodland as Frodo inquired. "Where are you taking us?"

"Into the wild", came Strider's response, the group of six walking through the woodland now, Strider in the lead, looking around and walking forth, maneuvering expertly. He observed some moss, smelt the air, and lead them on.

"It's like he makes a living here", Spike whispered to rest. He could smell and observe, but it was due to his Vampire senses rather than training.

Merry walked faster to catch up to Frodo. "How do we know this Strider is a friend of Gandalf?"

"I think an agent of the Enemy would look fairer, but feel fouler."

"He's foul enough," Merry grumbled.

Strider tipped his head a little, clearly having heard him.

"Oh come on, I feel fouler than he ever could!" Spike said to Merry with a smirk. "Look at me! I'm clearly evil!"

"Yeah, evil who has saved us", Merry said, all walking further, Spike looking stunned.

They were not scared of him, and did they…..like him? Did he deserve it?

"But where's he leading us?" Sam asked, leading Bill.

Strider had overheard the whole exchange.

"To Rivendell, Master Gamgee. To the house of Elrond."

Sam's voice was joyous. "Did you hear that? Rivendell! We're going to see the Elves!"

"Elves, eh?" Spike wondered, looking shocked. "Elves are real?"

"You don't know of Elves?" Frodo inquired, confused.

"Not until now!" Spike said.

The walk through the woodland continued, at one point they had to protect themselves from some rain, and eventually they reached the top of the hills where snow covered the ground.

Strider was looking around as the Hobbits were congregated around Bill, unloading pots and pans. Strider then turned around. "Gentlemen, we do not stop until nightfall."

"What about breakfast?!" Pippin inquired.

Strider pointed out. "You've already had it."

Pippin matter-of-factly responded to him. "We've had one, yes. What about second breakfast?"

"Wait, how many breakfasts do you lot have?" Spike inquired. "I mean, we only have breakfast, lunch and dinner."

Strider walked off as Merry, who was a bit more serious than Pippin, advised his cousin while putting his bag on his shoulder. "Don't think he knows about second breakfast, Pip."

Pippin nervously asked Merry. "What about elevenses? Luncheon? Afternoon tea? Dinner? Supper? He knows about them, doesn't he?"

"Right, elevenses is new", Spike muttered. "This world is fun."

Merry gently told Pippin. "I wouldn't count on it." An apple flew from over a treetop into Merry's hands. Merry patted Pippin on the shoulder, giving it to him and walking off as another apple flew over but Spike caught it before it could hit Pippin's head, and gave it to him. "Here, mate."

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Merry called out, annoyed. "Pippin!"

As they walked off, Spike muttered to himself. "If they don't know about brunch, I'll make sure they never find out! Otherwise, I'd be worse than Angelus!"

They walked through to the edge of the snowy forest, crossing it.

If the Hobbits and Spike had thought the previous leg of the journey was bad, then this was absolute hell.

For some reason, Strider had decided going through a marsh would be the absolute best idea. No one else agreed but he was leading them.

And without him they would be lost so they had no other choice.

There were insects hovering near them too.

"I know what paths look like, and this ain't one!" Spike said, not sounding pleased at all.

"It is indeed a path less-trodden, but it is the safest one", Strider responded calmly as he continued onwards.

"Don't think drowning in the mud is safe", Spike called back, the mud leaking into his clothes, but Strider continued to walk. "I guess I know why they call you Strider- you just keep striding and striding and striding."

"And perhaps 'Spike' means grumbling in a tongue I do not know of?" Strider asked back, Spike sighing.

"Right, I thought you'd no sense of humor", Spike muttered.

Merry commented about the bugs. "What do they eat when they can't get Hobbit?"

"Each other", Spike joked, getting some snickers. "And drink the mud for water."

It was with great relief when they finally staggered out of the marshes, even if they were still dirty.

"Finally, no more striding through the mud, just normal ground", Spike sighed in relief.

"I think I stink", Pippin told the rest, sniffing his sleeve.

"The rest of us do too, you don't hear us telling the rest of the world, do you?" Merry asked him.

"I am just being honest", Pippin retorted.

"Being loud and honest are two different things", Frodo spoke. And everyone's mood was better now due to no marshes to wade through. Frodo tightened his belt. "I've become so thin. If I lose any more weight I think I'll be a Wraith."

"Do not speak of such things!" Strider said quickly, and with surprising earnestness.

"Come on mate, I thought you had a sense of humor." Spike said as they continued walking.

"There is nothing humorous about becoming a Wraith", Strider told him. "And you should hope you never see something like that happen."

Earth-1, Central City

There was an explosion at the bank, and the alarms blared, as the employees and customers all screamed in horror, when a spinning figure came in, looking like a tornado as it snatched the money from various people, and then it stopped, revealing a strangely dressed man, holding a top in his hand, and a bag of money in the other one.

"Now, you must be wondering who I am. You can call me- Top!" The man declared. "Because this robbery won't be topped!"

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Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (724)

He spun around again, sending various people flying off as he snatched more money, when police sirens were heard, and he stopped with a chuckle, turning around. "Looks like the donut lovers are here!"

Some cops entered, led by Joe West and Patty Spivot, who aimed his gun at Top. "Freeze!"

"Greetings, Detective West!" Top greeted him mockingly, Joe's eyes widening in recognition. "And thank you…for turning me into this. I am now better than ever."

"Roscoe Dillon?" Joe asked in shock, realizing who this meta-human criminal was, before his eyes narrowed as his grip on his gun tightened while he growled in anger. "You're gonna pay for what you've done."

"You know him?" Patty asked, Joe nodding.

"Make me!" Roscoe Dillon aka Top mocked as he spun, causing Joe and some other cops to shoot at him, but his spinning was so fast it deflected some of the bullets, and a few cops were hit, going down, as one died, causing Joe to stop.

"Hold your fire!" He ordered, causing the other cops to stop, as Top stopped spinning.

"Toodles!" He said, then spun again, breezing past the cops, and getting out of the bank.

Joe just stood there, frozen, looking devastated. He should have taken this bastard out before for the pain he had caused to his friend and his family.

Gotham City

Officer Martinez was in the coffee shop, taking a well-deserved break after another hectic day at the GCPD department.

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He was dipping a biscuit into his coffee, and eating it, as Crane walked into the shop, ordering a coffee for himself, before he noticed Martinez, and sat in front of him.

"Morning, officer", Crane greeted him pleasantly.

"Morning", Martinez replied, finishing his biscuit. "How are you doing?"

"I'm good, officer, and being around you makes me feel even better", he said, confusing Martinez. "You're one of the GCPD, the police force who fearlessly defend our city. The city should be proud of you."

Martinez was weirded out, but still nodded, as Crane continued. "Our city lives without fear because of people like you….or does it? Are you all truly fearless?"

Martinez started. "Now, if you're done, I have-"

At that moment, Crane sprayed Martinez's face with his toxin, making him close his eyes and cough, gasping for breath.

"What did you do to me?" Martinez asked, looking back up, only to see he was on the street all of a sudden, and other cops were in front of him, their backs to him, all firing at a dark figure together.

"You're under arrest!" One of them was saying to it.

"Stop, or we'll continue to shoot!" Another said, all of them firing at the figure, as it was hit, and staggered back.

Suddenly, it started laughing, to their horror. "Now, now, you're all useless ever since the Bat showed up, and in front of me, you're even more useless! The people don't consider you their protectors, the Bat is their protector!"

As Martinez looked around, various people, common civilians, all appeared, booing at the cops and throwing things at them.

"We don't need you!"

"You're all inefficient!"

"Get lost and leave this city to Batman!"

The cops could do nothing but be booed and pelted, when the figure blurred towards one of them, and ripped through him just by running, and then he swung what looked like a hand with claws, chopping off another's head, before stabbing through the third's chest.

After that, he picked up one more. "I shall break the police! Because f*ck da police!"

And then he brought that cop down on his knee, ripping him into two, before breathing fire on the last one, making him scream as he turned to ash.

Only Martinez was left now, and as he took out his gun with a shivering hand, the figure suddenly blurred in front of him, revealing himself to be Freddy.


Martinez screamed in horror, before aiming his gun. "What are you?"

"The Master of this place, and you're in my world, now, bitch!"Freddy taunted him, before raising his hands to either side. "Come on, do it!"

Roaring, Martinez fired, and Freddy was hit in the chest, staggering back, looking like he was dying, before he laughed, horrifying Martinez, and then made sounds with his throat as the bullet lodged in his chest disappeared, and then looking down, he 'vomited' the bullet out, causing it to strike Martinez's leg, as he fell down with a gasp while his leg bled.

In the real world, Martinez, unaware of his surroundings, fell down with a gasp, a bullet wound in his leg too, as others surrounded him in fear.

Freddy laughed as Martinez grunted in pain, while Freddy sped to him, and knelt near his bleeding leg. "Oh, are you hurt? Don't worry, Doctor Freddy will help you."

With that, Freddy's outfit turned into one of a doctor, as he said. "This requires….amputation!" Suddenly, he produced a saw, making Martinez's eyes widen as Freddy ran it over his leg, making him scream in agony while blood spurted out, and then his leg was separated from his body.

In the real world, the people were screaming in horror as they saw Martinez's leg get split from the body, blood gushing everywhere.

"Ah, the pain, Doctor Freddy can help with that too, hear, you won't scream in pain again",Freddy 'assured', then swung his claws as Martinez's head went flying, and fell down.

The people all screamed in horror as Martinez's head flew up by itself and then fell down, the good cop having died, and no one could even tell how.

Central City, STAR Labs

"You wanted to see me, Joe?" Barry asked as he walked up to his foster father.

"Yeah, its about the meta-human that robbed the bank earlier today. Calls himself Top", Joe told him.

"We'll stop him", Barry assured Joe, then noticed his look. "Something personal about this?"

Joe gestured to some seats nearby, as he and Barry sat down. "I've a very good friend, I've known him since high school, he runs a shelter for the homeless of this city. His name's Robert Hawkins."

Barry listened as Joe continued. "This happened back when Wells…Thawne, was about to launch his Particle Accelerator. There were protests all over the city. One protest…well, it got violent. People were injured. Robert's wife, Jean Hawkins, she was a nurse."

A pit of dread formed in Barry's stomach as he noted Joe's use of past tense in regards to Jean. "She worked until late at night because of this, even though her shift was done. And she'd bought a top for one of the kids at the shelter. After she was done, she started going back home, and then-"

3 years ago

Jean Hawkins was walking back home, glad that all the patients that had been brought in had survived.

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This protest had gotten ugly. She hoped the rest didn't turn out like that, or more people would be hurt.

She looked at the top she'd bought for one of the kids with a smile, as the kid really liked those, and wanted to play with one.

"Give that to me!"

Jean looked in the front to see Roscoe Dillon aiming a gun at her, and was frightened.

"I said give that to me!"

"My purse? Sure, you can have it", Jean said, reaching for it.

"Not that! The top!" Roscoe snarled. "I want that top!"

"No, please not that!" Jean begged. "Its for a kid at the shelter. He likes playing with them."

"I like them more!" Roscoe sneered. "Give it to me or…"

Jean didn't reply, just staring at Roscoe.

Roscoe pulled the trigger.

Present Day

Joe looked distressed, as Barry put a hand to his shoulder. "I was the cop called to the scene. It was…it was devastating, seeing her like that. I wanted to bring Roscoe to justice. You were in Starling City, so I couldn't use your help. I still managed to track him down, but an explosive he'd placed distracted me. Then he knocked me out and escaped. I never saw him again…until today at the bank, where he'd powers."

"I'm sorry, Joe", Barry said sadly.

"Robert and I….we don't talk as much as we used to since then. Only once a year now", Joe sighed.

"I promise you, Joe, he will be brought down", Barry assured him as the two got up, and then he realized something else. "Did Robert and Jean have any kids?"

"Yeah, they've a daughter. Her name's Sharon. And a son, Virgil", Joe confirmed. "He was the same age as you, Barr."

Barry knew what Joe was speaking of, and nodded. "Can you give me their address?"


At night, they stopped to rest as Strider carried a deer he had killed over his shoulder, laying it before the Hobbits and Spike for eating.

"I'm not hungry right now", Spike told them all, then turned around, discreetly drinking some of the pig's blood.

Later, at night time, the Hobbits were asleep, and even Spike was lying down to rest himself.

Then he heard the sound of soft singing, and turned to see it was Strider, his back still to them.

"Tin viel elvanui,

Elleth alfirin ethelhael

O hon ring finnil fuinui

A renc gelebrin thiliol."

Strider's voice was giving credibility to his thought that everyone in Middle-earth had natural singing talent.

"Who is she?" Strider whirled his head around to see Frodo, and also knew Spike was awake. "This woman you sing of."

"'Tis the lady of Luthien- the Elf-maiden who gave her love to Beren, a mortal." Strider turned back around.

Frodo asked another question. "What happened to her?"

Strider was solemn. "She died."

Strider turned back around. "Get some sleep, Frodo."

Frodo nodded and closed his eyes as he said to Spike. You as well."

"This story, what's it about?" Spike asked.

"The love between a mortal Man and an immortal Elf-maiden", Strider explained, and Spike felt struck for a second, which said a lot since he was soulless.

"Guess sometimes things just ain't so happy", Spike said with a sigh, thinking of Buffy. She had kissed him, and spent time with him, but he was never sure if she'd truly love him, considering who he was, and what he was.

Earth-1, Central City, Hawkins House

Robert Hawkins and his daughter Sharon Hawkins were making family dinner together, as Virgil Hawkins and his best friend Richie Foley sat at the table, waiting for it.

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"We're gonna like it, right?" Richie asked Virgil quietly.

"My dad's stuff, yeah. Sharon's…not so much", Virgil confessed. "Still, let's eat it all."

"I can agree to that", Richie said, then noticed Virgil's look. "You all right?"

"The guy that did it…he's back", Virgil said in a growl. "And a meta-human now. Why does he get to be here with these powers, and not her?"

"I'm sorry, man", Richie said sadly.

In the kitchen, Sharon panted, feeling a little tired, as Robert suggested. "Maybe you can take a backseat?"

Sharon started. "No daddy, I think I'm-"

"Overworked", Robert said in no uncertain terms, then his expression softened as he put a hand to her shoulder. "I know what you're trying to do."

"What?" Sharon asked, pretending like she didn't know.

"Ever since yours and Virgil's mom died…you've been trying to be the woman of the house", Robert noted, then assured her. "You don't need to be, Sharon. Not if you're gonna overwork yourself with everything, all right?"

Sharon sighed, then nodded. "All right, daddy." She looked up at him. "I just miss her so much."

"I know, sweetheart. I miss her too", Robert said, hugging her, when there was a knock on the door.

The two walked towards it, and opened the door, and were shocked to see the Flash standing there.

"F…Flash?" Sharon asked in shock.

"Hi", Flash greeted her, then looked at Robert. "Hello, Mr. Hawkins. I'm the Flash."

"Hello…" Robert greeted him, the two shaking his hands. "Why are you here?"

"We've a mutual friend- Joe West", Flash said, as Robert put the pieces together.

"This about Roscoe?" Robert inquired.

"I promise you, I will stop him, but this is about something else", Flash confessed, then asked. "Is your son home? I wanted to speak with him privately."

Robert was confused, but this was the Flash. No harm done.

"Sure." Robert and Sharon stepped aside, allowing the superhero to enter, as Sharon quipped. "Virgil, you're famous!"

"What?" Virgil asked from the dining room.

"Someone wants to talk to you, son", Robert said, causing Virgil and Richie to come out, and their jaws dropped on seeing the Flash there.

"Oh my God! It's the Flash!" Richie said in awe. "The Flash is here!"

"You want to talk to me?" Virgil asked in surprise, Flash nodding.

"Could you sign my notebook?" Richie asked suddenly, producing his notebook.

"Sure thing, buddy", Flash said, kneeling down as he took Richie's pen and gave him his autograph. "Here."

"Hooray!" Richie said happily, then looked between Flash and Virgil. "Ah right, go ahead, have your talk."

"Come", Virgil said, leading Flash to his room, as Flash gave the other three a nod, then followed him, with Virgil opening the door to his room upstairs, allowing Flash to enter first, while he entered next and shut the door.

"This about Roscoe?" Virgil then asked.

"I will stop him, I promise", Flash said to him. "I know about….what happened." That's what he was here about.

"It's been so hard without her", Virgil confessed, sitting down, Flash noting the open wound the kid still carried. He could relate. Every action he'd taken since that night was about his mom, in one way or the other.

And until recently, when he'd finally let Patty in, the hurt hadn't really gone away.

"But I've tried to be strong, be the best kid she wanted me to be", Virgil noted. "I don't know if I can do it without her, but I try. My father, Sharon, Richie, they all help. But…"

"You feel like you're still alone, and don't really feel comforted by much", Flash said, Virgil looking up at him. "Don't you?"

"….Yes", Virgil confirmed.

"I lost my mom too, Virgil, at the same age as you. She was taken from me", Flash confessed.

"Really?" Virgil asked in shock.

"Really", Flash nodded. "They thought my father had done it, and put him in prison for a murder he did not commit. I was adopted by a good man. He raised me the best he could…but on some level, I never really got past losing my mom. Everything I've done since then until recently, it was all about her in one way or the other, and about my dad. I put my life on hold."

"Why are you telling me this?" Virgil asked.

"I know what it feels like, Virgil. I know how much it hurts, how alone you feel even with people around you", Flash assured him it was normal to feel this way. "But you have your dad and your sister. Don't push them away, let them in. Don't put your life on hold."

Virgil looked like he was about to cry, as Flash got up with a smile and gave the young boy a comforting hug, that he returned.

"I admire Green Arrow and Batman, but you've always been my favorite", Virgil confessed as they parted.

"Thanks, I appreciate it", Flash told him.

"No, I appreciate this", Virgil said, giving him a watery smile as Flash nodded, and then sped off, causing Virgil's hair and clothes to flutter.

Gotham City

Bruce watched the news, his face grim. "Officer Martinez was enjoying a coffee on his usual break, before he seemed to snap into a daze. Then, injuries appeared on him out of nowhere, and he died via decapitation. None of the witnesses can tell us how it happened."

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Bruce sighed, shutting the TV off, Alfred behind him. "What do you think?"

"Martinez was a good man, he did not deserve this", Bruce said, getting up. "As for what happened….I'm sure it was not normal."

"What do you mean by that?" Alfred inquired.

"There are many things in this world and other worlds that are not normal", Bruce noted, when they looked up at the sky and saw the Bat-Signal's sign there.

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"I need to go."

Gordon shut off the Bat-Signal, then turned around to see Batman standing there. "You know why I called?"

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"Yes. I'm sorry about Martinez, he was a good man", Batman told Gordon. He was one of the few cops in Gotham who was not corrupt.

He'd make sure his murderer was brought to justice.

Gordon simply nodded, then sighed. "We're not sure what it is, he was just there, having his coffee and biscuits, then he went into a daze, a bullet appeared in his leg, then his leg was gone, and then his head."

Gordon looked distressed just thinking about it. "Who could have done this?"

"No one normal", Batman said grimly, turning around. "Anything else you have for me?"

"One witness did say they saw him talking to some man before it went down, and the guy was gone by the time it happened, but they didn't get a look at his face", Gordon confessed. "That's all I can tell."

"I'll find who did this", Batman promised, thinking about the Chucky mess from Star City he'd heard about, and then Vandal Savage, an immortal who was trying to kill reincarnated lovers.

This was not up his alley, but someone else had experience in this area.

Using his grapple gun, he swung away from Gordon, and got onto another building, some distance away, then tapped one of his 'ears', using the communication device inside as a call was placed to one of the special phones he'd given to only two people so far.

As the person on the other end picked up, Batman said. "I need your help..."


Amon Sul had probably been a great structure once. However, all its glory had been stripped away by time and the weather. All that was left now was its foundations, sticking out of the bleak landscape like a crown of jagged stone.

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The sun was setting behind them. It was the first time that day that they'd actually seen it. Now, it cast faint golden rays across the clouds, staining them in delicate hues of orange and pink.

Strider looked up at it and told the others some minor history. "This was the great watchtower of Amon Sûl." He turned to them all. "We shall rest here tonight."

"At least we get to rest somewhere", Spike muttered.

After the climb was done, the Hobbits dropped their bags and sat down, weary, as Strider looked down, Spike behind him.

"I would give you swords, but you have the Daggers of Westerness", Strider noted, as the Hobbits unsheathed their swords.

"I've one too", Spike said, lifting it up with the sheath.

"I'm going to have a look around", Strider ordered. "Stay here."

He left, but Spike had a look in his eye. He looked at the Hobbits again, and heard a sound. It told him once more, about how Buffy would love him, and both could live together forever, all he had to do was take it.

Not realizing it, Spike was already walking towards the Hobbits.

At the last moment, Spike gasped while holding his head.

"Are you all right, Spike?" Frodo inquired.

"Stay away from me!" Spike said. "Bloody Hell! I am better than this!" A little ring could not control him! He was the Big Bad! "I'm gonna join our striding friend."

With that, he walked off.

Strider walked down, then stood still. "You need not follow me like a robber. Walk with me if you want to have a look around."

Spike sighed, walking next to him as he asked. "How do you do that?"

"Do what, Spike?" Strider started collecting some firewood.

"Sense me, and not tire and all that", Spike clarified, joining him in the firewood collection.

"I am a Ranger, I have lived in forests for a long time, we learn to hone our senses for tracking", Strider told him, but didn't elaborate, before surprising Spike with his next question. "You are of a different world, are you not?"

Spike was dumbstruck. "How did you know?"

"The way you speak, the way you dress", Strider simply said. "I have been to a different world myself, and it was nothing like this one. You do not resemble any of the Men from Middle-earth I've seen."

"Huh? You're a smart one, aren't you, huh?" Spike asked with a smirk. "Could you get me home?"

"As long as you help me safeguard the Hobbits, I will help you", Strider assured him. "Once we get to Rivendell."

"I'll do that", Spike shrugged. "They're a merry little lot, don't want them hurt now, do we?"

"No, we do not", Strider agreed.

Frodo was asleep, then he woke up at the sound of the others cooking food.

Pippin's voice asked. "Can I have some more?"

Merry's voice was saying. "Want some tomatoes Sam? Great tomatoes."

Frodo got up and rolled over to see the Hobbits sitting around a fire, eating. "What are you doing?!"

Merry told the younger Baggins. "Tomatoes, sausages, nice crispy bacon."

Sam held out some. "We saved some for you Mr. Frodo."

Frodo rushed to the fire, stomping on it. "Put it out you fools! Put it out!"

Pippin groaned. "Oh that's nice! Ash on my tomatoes!"

A Nazgúl's screech was heard through the darkness, and the Hobbits were alarmed.

They rushed to the edge and saw the Nazgul arriving on horses.

Panicking, the Hobbits rushed up the steps to the top, slowly coming to the center.

Frodo whirled around as one Nazgul stepped up, its footstep thumping loudly while it drew its sword.

4 more Nazgul then appeared, swords drawn, and all marched to them in coordination, the whole thing looking like a macabre horror.

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They were shaking a little as the most powerful of the Nazgul reached further.

Sam charged. "Back you Devils!"

He struck the Nazgul's sword twice but couldn't even phase it as he was thrown aside to a corner, hitting a stone as he lay in a huddle on the ground.

Merry and Pippin realized that the Nazgúl were after Frodo and the Ring, and stood in front of him, trying to guard him. One Nazgúl grabbed them and threw them in each direction.

Frodo backed off, dropping his sword, and then fell backwards. He heard the Ring whisper, and took it out of his pocket, looking at it as the whispers got louder. The urge to put it on was getting stronger each second, overriding his common sense.

The most powerful Nazgul "saw" this, and drawing his dagger walked towards him. Frodo tried to crawl backwards, but the wall stopped him.

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Trapped in a corner, the Nazgul leader came closer, and raised his dagger, when Frodo gave in to his urges put on the Ring.

His world changed to a whirling mist, and he saw the Nazgúl for what they were. They were not in black hooded cloaks but rather in white robes, their bodies a blinding white, but their old and wise faces seemed torn by torment.

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They were great Kings of Old, now slaves to Sauron.

The Nazgul leader reached for Frodo's hand, but after a minor struggle Frodo drew it back, and so the Nazgul leader stabbed him in his left shoulder with his dagger.

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Frodo screamed in agony, feeling the blade's dark power coursing through him, when a roar was heard as the leader pulled his dagger out and looked up to see Strider leaping down, a sword in his right hand and a flaming torch in his left, while Spike leapt down behind him, his sword drawn too, with another torch.

Frodo managed to take off the Ring and appeared back in the "real" world, screaming in pain. "Aaaahhhh!"

"Frodo!" Sam ran over to Frodo.

"Oh Sam!" Frodo gasped in pain.

Strider was doing the best against the Nazgul because for whatever reason, their aura of fear was not affecting him at all. Spike was affected, and stopped in front of one, and saw there was no face inside the hood, just an abyss of darkness.

Strider waved the torch to make one Nazgul back off and ducking to avoid another's swing, set it on fire as it screeched in pain.

"Blimey! I am the Big Bad!" Spike screamed and before the Nazgul could get him, he struck its face with the torch, making it back off with a screech, as Strider got one more in that time.

Spike rushed at another one and as it turned, he struck it with the torch too, causing it to be set on fire.

Strider stood, a Nazgul trying to sneak away behind him, but he turned around and threw the torch at it, setting it on fire too as it screeched and ran off.

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"How didn't those things affect you?" Spike asked Strider, who was prevented from answering.

"Strider!" Sam called out, the Hobbits now around the wounded and gasping Frodo. "Help him Strider."

Strider lifted the dagger. "He's been stabbed by a Morgul blade." The blade vanished as they looked at it. "This is beyond my skill to heal. He needs elvish medicine."

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Strider carried Frodo away from Weathertop down. "Hurry!"

The rest followed him as Spike asked. "What's a Morgul Blade?"

"It will make him like one of them", Strider revealed, Frodo gasping in horror as Spike looked horrified too.

"No!" He said firmly. "That won't happen."

Sam said. "We are six days from Rivendell. He'll never make it!"

"Give him to me!" Spike said, walking forth as he took Frodo from Strider. "I am going to help out!"

"What are you doing?" Strider asked, but was ignored as Spike put Frodo on the ground, then turned to Strider.

"If I do not stop, cut off my head", Spike said, confusing everyone, before he took his Vamp face, now horrifying the Hobbits.

"What are you?" Sam inquired.

"Is that why Ferny was scared of you?" Merry asked as well.

Spike looked at Frodo. "I am going to suck some of the blood out, reduce the poison inside." Frodo looked scared on seeing him, and Strider wanted to stop him, but something inside him told him to not stop Spike, just let him do it.

Slowly, Spike lifted Frodo's shirt, kneeling near the wound, as Sam called out to Strider. "Stop him!"

Spike saw the Ring at that moment, the dreaded Ring, the cause of everything going on right now. He felt drawn to it, reaching out his hand. If he took it, he'd have everything he wanted, especially Buffy.

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A pained gasp from Frodo brought him back to his senses, and he closed his eyes, shaking his hand, shoving the chain holding the Ring away from his view. "Leave me alone!"

The rest were shocked by his outburst, as he held his head. "Damn it! Bad boy!" He punched his own face hard, then kneeled nearer to Frodo's wound.

Spike sank his teeth, making Frodo gasp, while Spike felt the chip affect him, making him grunt in pain, but he ignored it, and drank some of Frodo's blood through the wound, the blood having a foul taste due to the poison, but he wasn't going to let it affect him.

Continuing to suck it out, he lifted his head up, then spat the poisoned blood away, then drank some more of it, spitting it out once more, as slowly, Frodo's pained gasps slowed down.

Spike was thankful this wasn't normal blood, or he wouldn't have been able to stop. Poisoned blood gave him more incentive to stop drinking it.

He took his normal face again, grasping his head, still recovering from the pain, as he lifted Frodo up, and handed him back to Strider.

"You helped him", Pippin noted. "Thank you."

"Its all fine, mate", Spike assured.

"You are not a Man", Sam had to say. "You are a Demon, yet you did good. I can't believe it." He looked at Spike gratefully. "You have my thanks."

"And mine", Merry added.

Spike had no words. The Hobbits had been scared of him on seeing his face, yet after seeing him do good, they had moved past it, and thanked him.

But he was evil, he didn't deserve it.

"You are like a Vampire of the First Age, in a human form", Strider noted, before smiling. "Yet you did good. You have all our thanks."

Spike still didn't respond, processing this, someone else's feelings of gratitude because he'd done good for them, and the someone wasn't Buffy, Dawn, Willow or Tara.

Strider walked ahead. "Hold on, Frodo."

A voice in Spike's head told him he could have all the thanks from everyone and deserve it too, if he just held out his hand, and took it in this moment.

But, the feeling he got from the thanks of everyone, it was stronger than this, for he'd not felt like this in a long time.

"No, I don't need it", Spike snarled, resisting it for now, wondering how much longer he could do it.

"Why did you hit yourself?" Pippin then asked Spike innocently.

Spike looked ahead. "Because I'm a bad man."

Earth-1, Central City

Top was near a top store, preparing to rob it, when he heard the clicks of guns, and turned to see Flash, Joe and Patty standing there, the latter two aiming their guns as Patty snarled. "Don't move!"

"Then how will I get my tops?" Top mocked, only for Barry to rush towards him and give him a hard punch that sent him flying towards Central City Park, making him land there as Barry stopped near him.

"Give up now", Barry ordered.

"No", Top snarled as he stood up and started spinning, rushing towards Barry and striking him, sending him flying off and falling down, before he grunted and stood up.

"Don't say I didn't warn you", Barry said as Top stopped and aimed a gun at him.

"See ya, Flash", he mocked, and fired, only for Barry to catch the bullet easily.

He smirked at Top, and threw the bullet off, before running and snatching the gun, throwing it away, then was about to punch him again when Top started spinning. The punch struck him but he took it in this state, as Barry sped and struck at him, Top striking back while spinning too as both clashed.

Virgil was playing basketball alone when he heard the gunshot. "Huh? What's that about?" Curiosity got the better of him as he ran towards the direction he'd heard it from, reaching Central City Park as he saw Flash and Top duking it out.

"Its him", Virgil realized, and then saw the gun on the ground, while Top stopped spinning.

"Getting tired, Flash?" Top taunted.

"Not really, are you?" Flash asked, as Virgil remembered his mom's funeral, and how lonely he'd been since then.

Rage overtook him as he picked up the gun, about to aim it at the meta-human who'd taken his mom from him.

But then, he remembered what had taken her life. A gun. This same gun in fact. His hand started shaking as he looked at it.

If he used this thing to shoot that guy, wouldn't he be just as bad as him? Wouldn't he dishonor his mom? Wouldn't he no longer be the best boy she always said he was?

What was he even thinking? He was angry, very angry. But he couldn't disappoint his mom, or his dad. Or the Flash.

He'd been told not to put his life on hold, and he wasn't going to do that, or ruin it, just for revenge.

This gun was nothing but abhorrent. And so, Virgil threw it away, as he saw Top spinning, while Flash ran around him in circles, and with a roar, hurled a lightning bolt at him.

Only, the spinning Top managed to deflect the lightning bolt. Virgil's jaw dropped as he didn't have time to react.

The lightning bolt hit him, sending him flying off and falling down.

"VIRGIL!" Barry cried out in horror on seeing he was hit, and sped towards the unconscious boy. "Virgil! No!" Why did he have to come here? He felt for a pulse and to his relief, it was still there.

"You're such a sad excuse for a hero", Top mocked as he stopped spinning. "Instead of hitting me, you hit a little kid."

"Shut up! You don't get to talk about this kid!" Barry roared, knowing just how much Top had taken from this poor boy, and before Top could react, Barry ran at him and decked his face hard, dazing him as he fell down again.

Joe and Patty arrived at that very moment as Joe quickly cuffed the meta-human. "Roscoe Dillon, you're under arrest for the murder of Jean Hawkins, robbery, and attempted robbery."

Top groaned as Joe forcefully made him stand up, and shoved him forwards. "You have the right to remain silent…."

Patty saw the unconscious Virgil, and then Joe did too, their eyes widening, as Barry assured them. "He's alive."

Patty rushed next to him and shook him. "Kid?" With a groan, Virgil woke up.

"What happened?" He asked, as the superhero and cops sighed in relief.

"Your mom's murderer has been arrested, and you're alive", Barry told him, as Virgil saw Dillon in cuffs, then looked at Barry, Patty and Joe.

"Thank you", he said with a smile, walking up to Barry and hugging him. "Thank you."

Barry hugged him back. "You're welcome."

He nodded at Joe. "Pops would love to see you."

"I'll be by in a bit", Joe told him.

"You know, why don't I take Dillon to jail, and you two take Virgil home?" Patty asked, putting her gun away as she walked to the cuffed Dillon, shoving him forwards as she continued reading his right. "You have the right to an attorney…"

Later, Hawkins House

There was a knock on the door as Robert opened it to see Virgil on the other side, with Flash and Joe.

"Joe?" He asked in surprise.

"We got Dillon, Robert", Joe said as he walked in. "He is behind bars. And he won't be getting out."

Sharon appeared, having heard that too as she asked. "Really?"

"Yeah, really", Flash said with a nod as Virgil walked in and hugged his father, Robert hugging him back.

"You two did it", Robert realized, smiling at Joe who smiled back. "Finally."

He and Joe dapped each other like brothers, as Joe said. "Sorry it took me so long."

Robert shook his head. "Its fine, Joe. You did it, that's all that matters."

"Thank you, uncle Joe", Sharon thanked him as well, giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek that he returned, as she then nodded at Flash. "And thank you, Flash."

Flash just gave them a nod, as he and Joe began walking out, while Robert said. "I'd love it if you two could come by the shelter sometime."

"We'll come for sure", Joe said, sharing another smile with his friend as he and Barry walked out, closing the door behind them.

"How are you feeling?" Barry asked.

"I feel like I've got some closure", Joe confessed, Barry smiling as he grasped Joe and ran back to STAR Labs, where Cisco, Caitlin and Henry waited for them.

"So, another meta-human down then?" Cisco asked.

"Yeah, just like he deserved", Barry told him.

"Good job", Caitlin said with a smile that Barry returned, as he looked at his father, who smiled.

"What you did for that kid, son…that was really good", Henry said with pride in his voice as he and Barry shared a hug.

"Your mom would be proud of you", Henry told him.

"I know, dad", Barry agreed with him.

Gotham City, Wayne Tower

Batman had snuck into the morgue, and taken a little blood sample from Martinez, and he'd just analyzed it alongside Alfred, finding out some kind of drug in it.

"What manner of drug is this?" Alfred inquired.

"Not seen any kind of it before", Batman told him. "Let's see if its on the market."

He looked up its components on his computer, and found something interesting.

"Huh?" Alfred looked at it. "So, this paper by-"

"Dr. Jonathan Crane", Batman noted. "Apparently, a combination of these chemicals can make a toxin that can cause people to experience their own worst fears. He wrote a paper on it." Batman researched more. "Then he was fired and disgraced for trying to carry out these experiments on the University faculty and students."

"I believe we've found the culprit then?" Alfred inquired.

"Yes, but there is something else in the drugs, that none of the analysis tools are able to recognize", Batman told him. "And this drug would only make someone hallucinate their fear, it does not explain his wounds or how he died. There is more to this."

Batman stood up. "Time to pay the doctor a visit."

Batman kicked open the door to Crane's house, only to find it empty. Grunting, he realized the man might have fled.

At that moment, his special phone rang, and he picked up. "Hello?...Right, I'll meet you there."

Universe-208, Coruscant, Shrine in the Depths

Blade walked further into the darkened hall, surrounded by black walls with no effigies or decorations. It was a far cry from the Jedi Temple above, and apparently that was the point. The hall began to curve, and there was nowhere else for Blade to go but forward. He hated this, it felt like walking into a trap with no idea what's on the other end. All he could do was rely on his senses to warn him, but even a half-Vampire could only do so much against the Force magic these Jedi had, and this shrine was made by the Sith.

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"My way home, something I've been craving for a month, is beneath the temple?" It seemed so simple that it was too good to be true.

Based on Windu's expression, Blade was right. "It's not that simple. The Jedi Temple was built upon a Sith Shrine, to purge the Force vergence below of the Dark Side."

"Though the Temple has been rid of the Dark Side, it does not mean it is a safe journey for anyone, Jedi or not." Kit warned Blade. For many years, only a few bar the Council knew of the existence of Sith Shrine, a secret they intended to keep. However, they had to inform Blade, and in this instance, Master Vos. The disturbance, Blade, Captain Rogers, and now a gateway to outside the galaxy beneath the Temple, beside a vergence. Signs of great unrest that the Jedi could not ignore.

"The risk is too great." Master Mundi stroked his beard. "He has not been trained in our ways. I say we wait for another vision."

"Motherf*cker, I choose my own risks!" Blade growled at the Cerean Jedi. "This is my way home, if you want to get in my way, I f*cking dare you to try."

"Ease it back, buddy. Ease it back." Vos whispered beside him, pleading more like, as soon as he saw the looks of disapproval on Mundi's face, same with Windu, and a few others.

"This is our Temple." The Master of the Order stated to their guest.

"And I'm not your prisoner, I believe we agreed on that." The Daywalker countered.

Both men once more engaged in a stare down that made Vos nervous. If he was a gambler, he'd bet on Windu in the fight, but that didn't mean he wanted a fight in the first place!

It was Master Fisto that broke the tension. "Blade, we do not intend to stop you, merely to caution you."

"Dangerous to the mind, a Force vergence can be." Yoda added.

Blade finally broke away from Windu, to look at the little green alien. "It's a risk I'm willing to take."

A hum escaped the elder Jedi. He shut his eyes and focused. There was more to this than even they could understand, if they were meant to understand at all. "Answered, the Force has. Blade's way home, this is."

"But Master-"

"If this is the will of the Force, we have little choice but to follow." Master Tiin interrupted Mundi.

A sense of unease resonated within the Jedi, including Quinlan. However, Yoda had a point. A portal has opened below them, and Blade was within the temple, it was too much of a coincidence to ignore. They had little choice.

"Show you the path, we will."

The entrance to the shrine below the Temple had to remain secret, which meant Quinlan had to remain behind.

"So, this is it." The Kiffar Jedi started awkwardly. It didn't help that Blade was only staring at him behind those glareshades. Part of him didn't think the hybrid knew the concept of emotions if he hadn't seen it himself. "You gonna say something or will I have to say goodbye for the both of us?"

"You talk a lot anyway." Blade quipped, making Quinlan snort in surprise as he remembered their conversation on the ship. It did not seem that long ago, and at the same time, it did. Strange how time flies.

"And you barely talk as it is." Vos shot back. He got a slight tug on the Daywalker's lip. He counted that as a victory. Chuckling slightly, Quinlan offered his arm. "Take care of yourself, Blade."

Eyeing the arm, Blade waited a moment before clasping it with his own. "You too...Quinlan."

He gasped. "You said my name." Blade groaned and quickly walked away. "You finally said my name!" Blade couldn't walk any faster to the amused Yoda, before that voice that always grated on his nerves the moment he'd heard it spoke up again. "Keep up the practice, buddy!"

"We're not buddies."


Maybe he should have shot the bastard before he left. Damn what the Jedi think.

After that, the little green dwarf led him to a plain meditation room where he raised his hand, and the floor opened, revealing a spiral staircase going down. "May the Force be with you," was the last thing the Grandmaster said before Blade descended, and the floor closed behind him.

Now, he was stuck walking through the dark until he found some mystical hole in the Universe that would bring him home.

Blade will never complain about his old life ever again when he gets back.

It was a long walk, that's all Blade could think about as he passed through a threshold and into a large, wide chamber. There were statues of hooded individuals in the four corners of the room, and there small dots of blue light in the room, like fireflies. However, what kept his attention was the glowing blue orb at the very center of the room.

There was no possible idea in the Daywalker's mind of what it could be, his only assumption is, this is the portal back to Earth. It was the only guess he had. He hoped he was right.

Blade walked forward, cautiously holding his hand out to the orb. The light coming from the orb seemed to get brighter the closer he got. The very moment Blade's gloved handed was about to make contact, something stopped him.

That something being a pale, clawed hand that gripped his arm like a vice. Blade sought out the owner, with a gun in hand, but stopped when he laid eyes on the monster in front of him.

Pale skin, like a Reaper, bald, with dark veins exposed on the head. Soulless, yellow eyes piercing through Blade's own while a grin exposing two fangs was aimed at him.

All breath escaped Blade. He was staring at...himself.

The monster's other hand grabbed at Blade's throat and threw him through the orb, the light shattering like glass, along with the floor as the Daywalker found himself falling twenty feet before crashing into another platform. Groaning and getting to his feet, Blade immediately grabbed the Darksaber in one hand, and a gun in the other.

"What the f*ck?!" He whispered to himself as he looked around at the new space. There was a light coming from above, shining down to reveal this lone platform with cracks throughout, and shattered columns floating at each corner, and the faces belonging to the statues from before staring down at him.

Hearing a dark chuckle, Blade whipped around and fired, half a dozen bullets shot through a red mist into the silhouette within. Yet it did not stop the creature from emerging unharmed from the smoke.

Pressing the activation stud, Blade let the Darksaber come to life while holstering his now redundant pistol. "What are you?" Blade growled with every ounce of hate he could muster.

The monster did not answer, but he knew what it was. The body was pale, sickeningly so, and though the hair and tattoos were gone, Blade knew this was the monster inside that he fought for so long.

His monster. His Vampire.

His vampiric self held out his hand, and the mist gathered in his palm before it crafted a hilt identical to his original sword, but the blade was like a lightsaber. Unlike the red lightsaber of Dooku, which was a solid beam of light, this blade was unstable, volatile, dangerous.

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He didn't get to ponder it more before it, and its wielder, disappeared in a puff of smoke. Blade whipped his head around, grasping the Darksaber with both hands, steadily moving his feet across the platform until he reached the center, his eyes focused in front of him, all his senses alert.

A slight shake in his breathing was the only sign of his trepidation.

The smell of Sulphur hit his nose, and Blade turned in time for his black blade to meet and create a screech that echoed in the chamber.

With that, they clashed, Blade blocking the vampiric Blade's lightsaber, the two ending up in a deadlock as the dark one pinned the Darksaber down and elbowed him away.

Blade blocked another blow and pushed it back, then leapt and spun to its other side, the two clashing again. Blade ducked and rolled to avoid his dark self's swing, then blocked another before rolling again, then rolled back as his dark self rolled after him, the two standing up and clashing, before Blade managed to elbow it away.

Then, Blade charged the dark one as both clashed, Blade pushing back and slashing his Vampire self's face, down the eye, only for it to heal in seconds, to his horror.

The Vampire Blade spun and swung as Blade leapt to the other side, avoiding, only for Vampire Blade to explode with lightning, destroying the platform and sending Blade falling onto another one, but he flipped and landed.

Blade quickly looked around for his darker half to reemerge. When he found it, the hunter could not stop himself from gaping at the sight of the Vampire hovering above the edge of the platform, or the broken pieces of columns levitating in his invisible grip


The Vampire threw his hands forward, and the debris launched at Blade. He dodged, rolled, and jumped out of the way, but the last one was too close for him to dodge. Blade mustered his strength, his rage, and with a roar, shattered the stone hurled at him. There was no reprieve before his darker self teleported in front of him and launched a barrage of lightning. Like with Dooku, Blade was sent hurtling towards the ground, the pain unlike anything he felt until that moment on Tatooine. He could not stop his cries of pain, only ending when the electrocution ended. That pain gave way for more anger, and he focused that on his enemy.


It teleported back over the platform, more debris seemingly appearing and launched forwards at him. But Blade did not avoid it.

Sliding under the first column, Blade jumped at the second and propelled himself at the monster he locked inside himself, grabbing it by the face as they fell into a void and landing punch after punch, giving it all his hate, before it turned them around and kicked Blade downwards, and crashed on yet another platform.

It teleported onto the other side, facing Blade, and the Daywalker roared in challenge before they blurred to the middle and met in a clash of sabers.

Blade slowly pushed the dark one back, then kneed it before throwing it up and to the other side. Blade slashed at its midriff, only for the Darksaber to pass through smoke, the dark one avoiding it and reappearing a few feet away.

Blade rushed his Vampiric self and leapt up, clashing against it thrice and pushing it back as it fell over the edge, only to grasp his leg and throw him down, as he fell to the edge of a rock, the dark one leaping on it too as Blade leapt and got behind it, throwing it down now.

He looked up to see it reappear on the platform, and it summoned pieces of various pillars to itself, then launched them at Blade as he leapt and ran up their lengths, then leapt over the platform, getting behind the dark one, before swinging his Darksaber.

Its head went flying off, Blade watching as it and the body fell off the edge, landing on the rock he'd occupied, before both exploded in a blinding light that sent Blade flying.

Blade opened his eyes with a gasp, drawing his gun and pointing forwards.

All he saw were trees.

Panting, the Daywalker rubbed his face and stood up, gun still held out before noticing something. He remembered those trees. Turning around, Blade looked down, and found the same cliff he fell off from before he reached Tatooine.

He was back at Mt. Wungadore.

After weeks of being surrounded by aliens, lasers, robots, and space wizards, Blade collapsed to his knees and let the exhaustion finally creep in.

He was home.

Sokovia, Hydra base

A tall, blonde-haired man held hands with a woman who'd long, red hair. They were clearly twins. The man's name was Pietro Maximoff while his sister was called Wanda Maximoff.

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An announcement was being made.

"Report to your stations immediately. This is not a drill. We are under attack. We are under attack."

Outside, Natasha kicked a Hydra thug away from his truck and drove it as Clint fired his arrows around from the backseat. One of the thugs jumped at him from behind but Clint stabbed him with a taser arrow while Tony flew above in his suit, firing at thugs. One of them tried to fire at them from behind with a tank but Thor hit him with Mjolnir, throwing him off and with a roar, flew up to another platform and deflecting an attack, threw Mjolnir away while punching and kicking 3 soldiers away. He kicked away two who flew at him before grabbing the third and throwing him down. He then picked up a piece of wood and knocked two more out while Steve rode on his bike and grabbing a thug, dragged him on the ground, knocking him out. He then threw his shield and it ricocheted off the trees, hitting some more thugs and returning to his hands as he drove the bike into some thugs. One tank was firing around when Thor smashed it with Mjolnir and Hulk lifted it up and threw it at some of them before throwing some of them around.

And then, Natasha and Clint leapt from the truck, guns and bow at the ready, while Steve charged with his bike, Thor and Tony flew, the latter having raised Mjolnir, and Hulk simply rushed in with a roar.

One soldier fired at Thor but he was unaffected and killed him while Hulk also killed one and Tony flew around, throwing them or firing at them and Steve rode his bike.

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Tony flew towards the castle, avoiding some shots but a barrier made him back off. "sh*t!"

Steve exclaimed. "Language!" He then spoke to Tony's AI. "JARVIS, what's the view from upstairs?"

"The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond any other HYDRA base we've taken."

Thor flew down at a Hydra thug, taking him down before throwing Mjolnir as he took some down with single punches. "Loki's Scepter must be here. Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it." He called Mjolnir back but got out of the way, making it hit someone behind him as he caught it and continued fighting. "At long last."

Natasha threw a grenade at a truck firing around with a machine gun, taking down the men and punched a thug down before rolling and wrapping her feet around two of them, flipping them down. She then shot some down. ""At long last" is lasting a little long, boys."

Clint fired an arrow at a truck, taking it down. "Yeah. I think we lost the element of surprise."

Tony asked from the air. "Wait a second. No one else is going to deal with the fact that Cap just said "language?""

"I know!" Steve flipped, throwing his bike on a truck and taking it down. "It just slipped."

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Inside the facility, Baron Strucker asked. "Who gave the order to attack?"

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"Herr Strucker, it's the Avengers."

"They landed in the far woods, the perimeter guard panicked."

Strucker whispered to Doctor List. "They have to be after the Scepter." He asked the soldier. "Can we hold them?"

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"They're the Avengers!"

"Deploy the rest of the tanks."

"Yes, sir."

Strucker ordered. "Concentrate fire on the weak ones. A hit can make them close ranks." He told List. "Everything we've accomplished... But we're on the verge of our greatest breakthrough."

List suggested. "Then let's show them what we've accomplished. Send out the twins."

"It's too soon."

"It's what they signed up for."

"My men can hold them."

Tony avoided some more shots and JARVIS informed him. "Sir, the city is taking fire."

"Well, we know Strucker's not going to worry about civilian casualties. Send in the Iron Legion."

Novi Grad

The Iron Legion flew in; to the civilians. "This quadrant is unsafe. Please back away. We are here to help. This quadrant is unsafe. Please back away. Please back away. We wish to avoid collateral damage and will inform you when this current conflict is resolved. We are here to help."

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The civilians weren't in the mood though and some chanted"Avengers go home," while a man threw a bottle of acid at the Iron Legion, and it hit one of the bots in the head.

"We are here to help."

Strucker declared to his soldiers. "We will not yield. The Americans sent their circus freaks to test us. We will send them back in bags. No surrender!"

"No surrender!"

Then he whispered to List. "I am going to surrender. You will delete everything. If we give the Avengers the weapons, they may not look too far into what we've been—"

"The twins."

"They are not ready to take on—"

"No, no. I mean..." he pointed to where Wanda and Pietro Maximoff were standing, but are now gone, "…Twins."

Pietro sped out, holding Wanda while Clint fired around but a blur deflected his arrow. He tried to fire again but the blur tripped him and as he looked up, Pietro asked mockingly, "You didn't see that coming?" He then sped off.

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Clint was about to fire again when a blast from behind hit him and he was down.

Natasha saw it and rushed him. "Clint!"

During that time, Steve was hit by Pietro but flipped to avoid falling. "We have an enhanced in the field."

"Clint's hit!" Natasha went over to where he lay, a bunker firing around. "Somebody want to deal with that bunker?" She saw the Hulk coming in, and he barreled through the bunker and destroyed it. "Thank you."

Steve threw his shield, taking down a few men before catching it and taking down some more. "Stark, we really need to get inside."

"I'm closing in. JARVIS, am I...closing in? Do you see a power source for that shield?"

"There's a particle wave below the north tower."

"Great, I wanna poke it with something." Tony killed some men and destroyed a truck, taking a missile and threw it at the shield. The explosion destroyed it. "Drawbridge is down, people."

Steve called his shield back with the magnets Tony had made while Thor flew next to him. "The Enhanced?"

Steve explained. "He's a blur. Like Bart and Clark, though not as fast. Never thought Hydra would have something like this."

Natasha said from her end. "Clint's hit pretty bad, guys. We're gonna need evac."

Thor told Steve. "I can get Barton to the jet. The sooner we're gone the better. You and Stark secure the Scepter."

"Copy that."

Several soldiers and tanks surrounded them as Thor said, "Looks like they're lining up." Steve put his shield in the way and said, "Well, they're excited." Thor hit the shield with Mjolnir and the resulting shockwave killed all the men and destroyed the tanks as Thor flew off."Find the Scepter."

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"And for gosh sake, watch your language!"Tony added.

Steve sighed. "That's not going away anytime soon."

Tony burst into the facility through a window and the men fired at him, though he was unaffected. "Guys, stop. We gotta talk this through." He then fired mini-missiles at them, taking them down and said, "It was a good talk."

One of the men groaned in pain, "No, it wasn't."

List was deleting the files when Tony blasted him out and walked out of his suit. "Sentry mode." He walked to the computers. "Okay, JARVIS. You know I want it all. Make sure you copy Hill at HQ."

Outside, the remaining thugs surrendered as Natasha told Steve. "We're locked down out here."

Steve replied. "I'll talk to Banner when I go out."

Tony was on the computers. "I know you're hiding more than files. Hey, J, give me an IR scan of the room, real quick."

"The wall to your left...I'm reading steel reinforcement... and an air current."

Tony muttered to himself as he walked to the wall. "Please be a secret door, please be a secret door, please be a secret door..." he pushed and the wall opened up. "Yay!" He entered through to a secret passageway, walking down the stairs.

Strucker was running when a thug fell in front of him and Steve arrived. "Baron Strucker, Hydra's number one thug."

They circled each other as Strucker said. "Technically, I'm a thug for SHIELD."

"Well then technically, you're unemployed. Where's Loki's Scepter?"

"Don't worry, I know when I'm beat. You'll mention how I cooperated, I hope."

"I'll put it right under illegal human experimentation." Wanda crept up behind Steve. "How many are there?" Wanda knocked Steve down with a blast, then disappeared behind a door.

Steve stood up, tapping his comms. "We have a second enhanced. Female. Do not engage."

He turned to Strucker. "You'll have to be faster than—" He's cut off mid-sentence when Steve kicked up his shield and used it to knocked him out. "Guys, I got Strucker."

"Yeah, I got... something bigger." Tony was in a secret room where he saw a dead Chitauri Leviathan. He looked around, finding remains of a suit and a lot of other technology. He then saw electricity sparkling. "Thor, I got eyes on the prize."

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He walked up to Loki's Scepeter when Wanda crept up behind him and waved her hands.

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Tony looked back and gasped as the Leviathan came alive and roared at him. The Leviathan then seemed to float out of a portal along with Chitauri hovercrafts. He turned around to see Hulk groaning, Natasha dead, Clint and Thor knocked unconscious and brutally beaten, and Steve's shield broken, with him lying on the ground.

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He went over to Steve's body to check his pulse when Steve suddenly grabbed him. "You could've saved us." Steve died but Stark continued to hear Steve's voice in his head. "Why didn't you do more?"

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Tony watched in horror while several Leviathans floated through a portal until he snapped back to reality.

Wanda watched as Tony looked around in horror, then summoned his suit gauntlet, while Pietro sped up next to her.

"We're just gonna let them take it?"

Wanda gave an insane smirk as Tony took the Scepter.

Outside, Steve walked to where Hulk was, roaring angrily before Steve called out. "Hulk."

Hulk turned around to face Steve, Natasha watching from a distance near the Quinjet, while Steve held up his hand. "The job's done, big guy. You can rest now. Thank you."

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Hulk seemed to give a grin, and then he staggered away before he slowly transformed back into Banner, groaning.

Natasha walked into the Quinjet and came out with some spare clothes, walking over to Banner and handing them over to him. "Thanks for the help."

"No problem", Banner groaned as Natasha stood up, smiling at Steve.

"Nice work there."


As Banner wore the spare clothes, they all walked to the Quinjet.

Earth-1, Gotham City

Batman swung onto a rooftop, finding Oliver Queen as Green Arrow standing there.

"So, what did you need my help with?" Oliver inquired.

"A cop, a good cop, he died a while ago", Batman told Oliver. "From what I've found out, a crazy doctor obsessed with fear sprayed him with a gas that made him hallucinate his worst fears, but, during the hallucination, a bullet appeared in his leg out of nowhere, and then his leg and head were cut off by themselves. No one knows how."

"So, you think something supernatural is involved?" Oliver inquired.

"That's the only here that'd make sense", Batman confirmed to Oliver. "I visited the guy's house, but he is not there."

"Well, if he is a doctor…" Oliver started. "That'd mean…"

"There is one place he can blend in", Batman realized. "Let's go."

In the city hospital, a patient, a teenage girl, was on a bed, coughing repeatedly due to her illness, when she saw a man in a doctor's coat standing above her.

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"You're sick, right?" He asked her.

"Yes…" the girl trailed off. "Been here for a while."

"Well, I've a medicine that could help you out", he said, revealing his toxin to her, and before she could respond, he sprayed it on her face.

The girl coughed a little due to that, closing her eyes, then opened them, and saw that he was gone.

She breathed in, and then breathed out, feeling much better all of a sudden. Getting off her bed, she walked out of the room, not feeling even a little bit of fatigue, when before sitting up was becoming a pain for her.

The doctors and nurses were all moving around, none of them paying any attention to her, which was strange considering she was a patient out of her bed.

That moment, a doctor, who'd been looking at his notes, suddenly turned to look at her, and she gasped in horror on seeing his burnt and disfigured face.

"Let me check if you're feeling all right", he said to her, and took out a stethoscope, checking her heartbeat, while she was frozen in shock. "Heartbeat is fine, but you clearly have a sore throat. Doctor Freddy has a fix for that."

Suddenly, Freddy slashed her throat open with his knives.

In the real world, the girl's throat was slashed too, blood pouring out as the machine beeped, and a doctor and various nurses rushed in, all looking at the dying girl in horror and concern.

Crane had just run out of the hospital, when a Batarang flew past him, and hit the wall behind him, causing him to look up as Batman and Oliver jumped down.

"Its over, Crane!" Batman declared in anger. "You're done!"

"You can stop me, but you can't stop him!" Crane said, then let out a laugh.

"Who?" Oliver asked. "Who is killing those people?"

"Freddy Krueger!" Crane revealed, laughing even more.

"The Springwood Slasher?" Batman inquired. "He is real?"

"Considering everything we've seen, he might as well be", Oliver pointed out. "How is he doing it?"

"He added something to my toxin, when I spray people, they see their worst fears, and they see him, and he gets you!" Crane told them both.

"Spray me!" Oliver roared at Crane, to Batman's surprise. "Do it now!"

"What are you doing?" Batman asked Oliver.

"I've a plan, don't worry", Oliver told Batman. "I've read a little about the legend of Freddy Krueger after I found out about the supernatural. Just don't let him get away."

Batman nodded, and yes, Oliver was right. While he himself knew a lot of things, he usually did not look into the supernatural, up until finding out how real it was, and it was recent compared to Oliver.

"Time to see what the Emerald Archer fears", Crane said with a laugh, then sprayed Oliver on the face, making him gasp and back off.

He shook his head and looked ahead, only to see a ruined and desolate Star City in front of him. A Star City he'd failed to save.

Looking horrified, he fell to his knees. "No…" This couldn't be! This couldn't happen!

"Oliver Queen, you have failed this city."

Oliver stood up and turned around, only to see Deathstroke appearing out of nowhere, brandishing his sword with a flourish, which he brought down on Oliver, but Oliver used his bow to block, before leaping back to avoid another swing.

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"Slade…" Oliver said in a whisper.

"Its so much fun to test my martial arts skills against you, kid", Slade said in a tone that sounded totally not like him, as he swung again but Oliver ducked before rushing him and grabbing his body, pushing him back, before Slade decked his abdomen and he was thrown away, falling on his back.

He looked up to see Slade bringing his sword down on him, and rolled away to avoid, before kicking his side, staggering him.

"You little bitch! I'm going to gut you!" Slade roared, and Oliver knew this definitely was not Slade.

Oliver tried to take out an arrow, only for it to turn into a snake, making him throw it away in shock, as he heard hissing behind him, and quickly threw off his quiver, all of his arrows becoming snakes now that were crawling towards him.

He turned to Slade, and before Slade could do anything else, Oliver swung his bow, and it hit the mask, sending it flying off, revealing his face.

It wasn't Slade, it was Freddy.

"So you figured it out, eh? You're smarter than I thought", Freddy said, as Oliver's bow suddenly started burning, and he dropped it with a gasp.

"You're done, Freddy", Oliver snarled, Freddy's normal look appearing.

"No, you are", Freddy quipped, pointing behind Oliver as he saw the snakes were really close, and two of them started wrapping around his legs, restraining him as he grunted, while he looked back at Freddy.

"You're in my world now, not your city. Goodbye."

With that, he struck forth with his glove-

Only for Oliver to grasp Freddy's arm, and twist, as he screamed in pain. "Aaaah! My arm!"

Oliver's eyes opened as he realized he was in the real world again, and he felt his quiver still strapped to him, the arrows all there, while his bow was on the ground, but it was just fine, and he still had Freddy's arm in his grasp, while there were no snakes either.

"How?" Crane asked in horror, Batman having pinned him to the ground.

"You're not dealing with normal people anymore", Oliver said with a smirk, looking at Freddy. "They can't control when they fall asleep or wake up. But we can!"

Oliver then flipped Freddy away to the ground, making him fall down while rolling, but he got up quickly. "I'm going to gut you both."

Batman stepped off of Crane, and walked forth, glaring at Freddy. "You will pay for what you did to Martinez, and the girl in there."

"Oh, so you think you can fight me?" Freddy mocked as both circled each other. "You just adopted fear, I am the Master of it."

"In your world, but now you're in ours!" Batman said, as Freddy struck out at him, but Batman side-stepped to avoid, then grabbing Freddy's arm, flipped him to the ground, before kicking him as he rolled away.

Crane had just gotten up, and was about to run, only for Oliver whack his face with his bow, making him stagger back as he gasped in pain.

Freddy stood up, and tried spin kick Batman, but he ducked to avoid, then kicked his abdomen instead, sending him down once more.

He walked towards Freddy, only for Freddy to kick his feet as he fell down, and Freddy tried to stab down on him, but Batman blocked with his gauntlets.

Crane tried to spray in Oliver's direction, but Oliver fired an arrow, cutting the strap that had attached the device to Crane's wrist, making it drop and shatter, as Crane yelled in horror. "NOOO!"

He was cut off when Oliver fired another arrow at him that turned into cords and wrapped around him, restraining him.

Batman pushed Freddy's glove back, then head-butted him, making him stagger back, before he stood up, and decked Freddy, then threw a Batarang that Freddy tried to slice but it exploded on his face, throwing him off and wounding him badly.

He tried to get up but Batman did a spin and kicked his knee, sending him down, before stomping on his chest as he gasped in pain.

"You….." Freddy trailed off.

Batman then grabbed him by the collar and lifted him up. "You're done now." With that, he punched Freddy on the face, knocking him out, before standing up and walking to the restrained Crane. "As are you. I know just the place to put you both."

"Both?" Crane asked with a grin, and they turned around to see Freddy was gone.

"What the…?" Oliver trailed off.

"No…" Batman whispered in horror, as they realized Freddy would return to fight them another day.

Sighing, Batman turned to Oliver. "He may be gone, but thank you for your help. At least we got Crane."

"We'll fight Freddy whenever he returns", Oliver said, then revealed. "I've been thinking…recently, there have been a lot of bad guys against whom we've needed to team up."

"Savage, those droids in your city, Jason, now Freddy", Batman noted, realizing where this was going, as he'd been having similar thoughts too.

"Maybe we should try and establish a proper team", Oliver finally said. "In case there's a huge threat…"

"We can coordinate amongst ourselves", Batman agreed with a nod. He was a lone wolf for the most part, and wasn't even sure he'd be fully part of this 'League' thing, but the idea was sound. And sometimes, there were enemies that couldn't be beaten solo. "I'll get started on working up a base for us and this…League we want to make."

"Thank you", Oliver said, before firing an arrow as he used it to swing away.

Next day, Central City, Hawkins House

Virgil was sleeping, when electricity crackled around him, causing him to wake up, though he didn't realize why. "Huh?" He then remembered the last day. "Right."

He got out of bed, only for his blanket to start wrapping around his foot, to his shock, as the sound of electricity crackling was heard.

Virgil gasped, freeing his foot. "Thanks, static electricity."

As he walked forth, the blanket wrapped around him. He threw it off. "Down boy!" It wrapped around him again, electricity crackling. He struggled against it, ending up near the door, as it opened, and he threw the blanket off while slamming the door shut, sighing in relief.

Robert walked by in a bathrobe, reading the news of Dillon's arrest. "Don't slam the doors."

"Yes, sir", Virgil said as he walked off, Virgil walking to the bathroom and going inside, the lights flickering by themselves as his dad's razor started whirring.

Virgil lifted it up, and gasped on seeing its wire wasn't attached, and he dropped it. "Dad's razor is possessed!"

Then he looked at himself in the mirror, and saw that he was crackling with electricity.

"I'm a human fuse box!"

But how? The Particle Accelerator Explosion…..oh wait! He'd been out the night it had happened, and it had struck him, but he'd simply gotten back up and walked off. Nothing had happened.

Or had it?

Maybe it had affected him, and the Flash's lightning hitting him the last day had activated his powers finally.

Foley House

Richie was getting ready for the day, when his phone rang, and he picked up. "Hello? Virgil? What happened? By the way, heard Roscoe was caught. I'm happy for you."

"Thanks man", Virgil said from the other end.

Hawkins House

"You're gonna trip", Virgil then added, holding a bulb that was lit up simply by the electricity coursing through his body. "Meet me at the Central City Junkyard ASAP. Bye."

With that, the call was cut, and Virgil knew something was about to happen.

Earth-199999, Sokovia, Novi Grad

With the base taken, the twins settled in one of the few places they could find sanctuary. The old church at the center of Novi Grad.

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"What was that?" Pietro demanded from his sister as he paced in front of her, his powers made standing still difficult, but so did frustration. Something he was feeling plenty of.

"Stark will destroy himself, and everyone around him." Wanda reasoned with her brother. What she saw in his mind, more fractured than she ever believed, was a growing fear. Fear of the unknown, of powers beyond their understanding. He should be afraid, and now that fear will drive him to ruin. His own mind cannot stop thinking, nor can he stop his paranoia.

"How many years, Wanda?" Pietro stopped in front of his twin, kneeling in front of her place on the steps. "How many more years must we wait? How much more pain?"

"As long as it takes!" Wanda snapped back at him with her eyes turning crimson. Her brother did not flinch. Even when they gained their powers, he was never afraid of her. She felt herself calm down. "We gave ourselves to Strucker for this very reason. It will not be in vain."

A loud exhale left her older twin, followed by a groan as he sat himself next to her. "I hate it when you are right."

"I'm always right." Wanda gloated while bumping his shoulder with her own as a smile started to sneak across her lips. It became infectious as Pietro soon joined her. They were interrupted by the sound of a stomach growling. Before she could say anything, she felt her hair blown by a strong wind, and in the next second, an apple was offered to her. "Thank you."

"Can't let my little sister go hungry." Pietro playfully patted her head, making her shove his arm off to his amusem*nt. "After this, I might find us some of those Turkish delights those rich people eat, or some chocolates, or even-"

"Must you think with your stomach?"

Pietro deadpanned his sister. "Unlike you, I must actually do something for my powers, I cannot just wiggle my fingers and make a man dance." Wanda could not stop herself from snorting, nor could her twin stop from grinning.

"My, that is quite the talent, young man."

The powered twins turned their heads as a man in a black trench coat walked through the decrepit church. Both stood as he got closer, tense while he was revealed to be an old man, white haired, but still standing straight and walking, no sign of his age besides his appearance. He was smiling oddly at them, almost wistfully. Upon noticing a glow in the young lady's eyes, he stopped and raised his hands in surrender.

"I am not here as an enemy."

"Then what do you want?" Wanda growled lowly while twisting her wrist, red wisps flowing from her hand towards the man, straight for his head. However, to her shock, the man merely chuckled.

"I am afraid you are much too young to look into my mind, my dear." The old man tapped his head before looking around the church. "You know, I have been alive a long time and seen much of the world, and yet, I do not believe I have ever seen Novi Grad for myself."

Not one for patience, Pietro walked over and grabbed the old man by the labels and pushed him against a wall. "Pietro!"

"You never answered her question." Ignoring his sister, the older twin grilled the stranger. What was unexpected though, was the old man starting to laugh.

"No, I suppose I did not. Forgive me, I have had much on my mind as of late. If you would kindly..." He gestured to Pietro to release him. The speedster narrowed his eyes, he did not understand this man. Why was he here? Reluctantly, Pietro stepped back, letting go as he took a place between the stranger and his twin. "Now," he began while brushing his coat, "What is it I want? To be honest, I want a great many things. Peace, justice, revenge...my best friend." The old man said after a pause, Wanda could feel his emotions even if she couldn't read his mind, and he was telling the truth.

"If you are going to waste our time-"

"And freedom for Mutantkind."

Pietro stopped mid-sentence as he shared a look of confusion with Wanda. She looked back at the old man. "We are not Mutants."

"Well, my dear, that is where you are wrong." The old man stepped forth until he was in arms reach of them both. "True, your powers were activated much later in life, but that does not mean you did not possess the X-gene. Latent, though they were."

"I don't understand."

"The experiments you were subjected to by that neanderthal Strucker," venom oozed out of his voice at the name, at the thought ofthem, "brought to life the powers you would have gained, perhaps if your circ*mstances were different." A deep regret formed on his face as he looked at the confused twins. "None of this is right. You deserve so much better than this," the old man looked around in disgust, "hovel."

"This is our home." Wanda told him in a warning tone.

"And look what it has brought upon you." He countered smoothly. "But I am not here to speak of unpleasant upbringings, least of all my own."

"Then why are you here?"

Looking upon the younger twin by twelve minutes, the old man smiled before removing from his inside pocket three metal orbs, and before their eyes, they began to levitate, and rotate around the three of them. "I had wasted many opportunities of Mutant supremacy, one in particular. Humans were not worthy to become one of us, nor, as it turns out, was it worth the effort. Instead, my efforts should have turned to awakening the latent powers of the rest of our brothers and sisters. What a shame it is, that it was those monstrous curs that revealed your gifts…and not me."

Realization struck the speedster in spite of his confusion. "You are Magneto."

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A strange smile was on his face as he recalled the orbs to his pocket, without even gesturing his hands, Wanda noted. "That is my name, but I hope to be so much more. You may call me Erik, if you prefer, though I would rather you call me something else."

"What?" Wanda and Pietro could only stare as the man raised his hands towards their faces. Neither knew how to react as his shaking hands cupped their cheeks.

"Truly, I never thought I would see the day." The old man, Erik, croaked as he looked between them. "My beautiful children."

Pietro slapped away Magneto's hand. The elder Mutant stepped back and awaited the inevitable.

"This is some sick game? How you recruit?"

"My boy, I swear to you, what I say is the truth."

Wanda watched as her brother and the Mutant leader argued while her hand twisted, and again, she twisted her fingers as her powers let her look into Magneto's mind. At least, he seemed to let her. While he could block his mind from her powers, it did not mean he could change what she saw. She looked deep into his memories, many of them blurred, to her, except for the images of man in a wheelchair, a camp of people herded together like cattle, and a woman. Wanda watched the image of the woman and a younger Magneto, his hair going grey but still had its coloring, and looked handsome for a man his age. What alarmed Wanda though was how the woman's green eyes turned red.

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It was then that Wanda stepped back and nearly tripped over the steps, had Pietro abandoned his yelling to catch her. "Wanda?" Erik tried to come to her side but one warning look from her brother stopped him.

"Who was she?" Wanda whispered to herself before looking up at Magneto. "Who was she?" She repeated, demanding to know.

A sigh left the leader of the Brotherhood, memories of another life flashing in his mind as he took a seat on the steps, a small distance from the twins. "Another sign of the superiority of Mutants, we age slower than humans, retain our good looks. I once joked with a friend of mine that it meant we evolved to the point that we would be appealing enough to cause others to "hook up", as they say nowadays, and reproduce more Mutants." A chuckle left him. "I was in Europe, trying to find more to join my cause, when I met this remarkable woman. Magda. She had gifts of her own, and introduced me to a world even I was skeptical of." He turned his head to find the twins giving him looks he knew meant disbelief. "To make a long story short, we spent a night together and parted ways. Never to see each other again. It was not until recently when I paid a visit to a very old and very gifted friend that I learned of your existence."

"You expect us to believe that our parents were not our parents?" Pietro scoffed at the thought, until he saw Wanda's face.

"Your sister knows." Erik pointed out, he let her in after all. "They share the same eyes."

"I saw a...a woman, with green eyes that glowed red." Wanda looked at her brother and together, they felt their world shatter once again. "Like me."

The man that helped create the X-Men, and later fought them, shifted closer to the twins and kneeled before them. He saw their doubt, their anger, they were lost. "I swear to you, my children-"

"You are NOT our father!" Pietro roared at the man as he returned to pacing, this time, the white/blue currents that flowed off his body when running radiating around him, the young man literally vibrating with rage. "Where were you when we spent days hiding under our house's rubble, waiting to die? Or when we spent years on the streets, trying to survive?!"

"I have no excuse. None." Erik looked down in shame. "There is no apology or gesture good enough to make up for time lost and wasted." Standing up, Magneto seemed to stand taller than before and his eyes were alight with passion. "But I swear to you now, I will never abandon you. To my last day, I will do everything as a father should, protect and care for his children. Our battles will become one, your enemies are my enemies, and together, we will rise." He offered out his hand to both brother and sister. "Come with me, and that promise will be fulfilled."

Pietro finally stopped vibrating. Conflict raged inside him. He hated to admit it, but part of him was beginning to believe the Mutant, and if they were Mutants themselves, well, the older twin would kill everyone in his path if they dared try to harm his sister like he had heard and seen before. The Mutant "problem" never faded, it was just hard to see, and in places like Sokovia, one could move more freely with their illicit affairs, including Mutant slave soldiers and underground fights.

They never had power, that's why he and Wanda joined Strucker, to take it for themselves. Now though, with how his mind was whirling, he found it difficult to think straight. Turning to his younger twin, he found Wanda deep in thought as well, before her head snapped up, standing to her full height, locking eyes with the Mutant leader.

"Our mother's name was Iryna, and our father was Olek. They were our parents." Wanda stated before slowly raising her hand into Magneto's awaiting one. "But….we will come with you."

A relieved smile reached Erik's lips before he turned to his oldest child. Pietro looked between the hand, then Wanda. She gave her brother a confidant nod. They could not wait here, and he certainly did not have the patience for it. Sokovia may have been their home, but to achieve their plan, they needed to leave, and this man, who may be their father, was offering a chance to help.

Hesitantly, Pietro took the hand, and felt the surprising strength in the old man's grip as he let a wide grin take over his face. That was when Magneto's eyes, from the whites to the pupils, glowed red for a brief moment, and the surroundings began to rise. Pietro and Wanda looked around in confusion, until they found their feet rising from the ground, yet they felt nothing, as if they were still on solid ground.

"Pietro, Wanda, it is time to for you to join the rest of our kind amongst the Brotherhood."

Dream World

Freddy was back, having been saved at the last moment.

"You and Crane have done well", the voice complimented both of them. "I am quite close to my goal now. When its done, you shall join me, and I will give you powers to do what you do in the real world as well."

That made Freddy happy as he said. "So they're gonna be my bitches in the real world too."He laughed cruelly, ready to work for this being another day.


And that's one more done.

Freddy Krueger is back, and went to Gotham City to slaughter people alongside Jonathan Crane at the voice's request.

Thanks a lot to Raptorcloak for letting me use scenes from his 'Freddy vs. Jason vs. Michael: Slashdown'.

RIP Officer Martinez. Imagine Jamie Campbell Bower as Reevesverse Scarecrow and Erin Kellyman as the teenager that died.

Thanks a lot to gussygus28 for the entire outline of this plot and the castings,.

Meanwhile, the Earth-1 version of Static Shock is here at last. I'm rewatching the DCAU right now, and the only things left to finish are 'Batman Beyond', 'The Zeta Project', 'Return of the Joker' and 'Epilogue' of JLU.

'Static Shock' is an amazing and underrated show that deserves more attention.

Imagine Caleb McLaughlin as Static Shock, Regina King as Jean Hawkins, Idris Elba as Robert Hawkins, Coco Jones as Sharon Hawkins, Jacob Hopkins as Richie Foley and Jake Gyllenhaal as Top.

The original story had some elements I did not want to take out. In the show, Jean was shot during some riots in the line of duty, showing her selflessness.

So here, even with Top killing her, I wanted to keep some of it intact, and the Particle Accelerator Explosion gave me the perfect idea. There was a scene in Arrow Season 2 or Flash Season 1 of people protesting the Accelerator's launch, so I just had one protest turn a bit violent, and so Jean worked overtime on her own accord to help the wounded people, showing her selflessness, and then went home late at night, only for Top to murder her.

Plus, Virgil having a gun and throwing it away is a big moment. In the comics he bought one himself but realized what he was doing and threw it away (to my memory), while in the show a gang leader who was his classmate gave it to him for a gang war against the gang of Francis Stone (who'd become Hotstreak) but holding the gun made Virgil realize how bad this is, as he'd betray his mom's memory by using it, so he threw it away.

So, I put in the gun moment too, with Top this time, and he threw it away.

Now he will become Static Shock.

Thanks a lot to gussygus28 for the plot outline and castings of this one too.

I hope Spike's contribution with the blood drinking was appreciated in LOTR.

Blade fought his evil version, and is now back home. That bit was inspired by 'The Force Unleashed' video game, and thanks a lot to Brainstorm Sorcerer for the entire scene.

Meanwhile, 'Age of Ultron' has begun. I actually like this movie for the most part, but some things in it I absolutely despise. And one of them is the Bruce/Natasha "romance" (if one can even call it that).

Good Gods, this was frankly the 2nd worst decision in the MCU pre-Phase 4. The entire thing was forced, random, came out of nowhere and just plain cringe-worthy. Any references to it in the future films (which were very few, thank the Gods) were cringe-worthy too.

I've no idea what Joss was thinking when he wrote this pairing. But then again, considering what we now know about Joss, not a surprise.

Bruce/Natasha is just….*vomits my breakfast, lunch and dinner all out in utter disgust*

I'd have preferred a Bucky/Natasha romance in the MCU, they're an amazing pairing in the comics and it wasn't hard to give them the same backstory in the MCU.

Or, they could have done Steve/Natasha. Unlike the garbage in this film, Steve/Natasha actually had some development in 'The Winter Soldier'. I do think they should not have been a pairing in that film, but something could easily have been built off from there. Basically, they've such a dynamic from that film that you can make them lovers or just very close and intimate friends without either scenario feeling out of place. Plus, Chris and Scarlett actually had some amazing chemistry, unlike Mark and Scarlett.

Like, I get it, Joss, you wanna pair the only female Avenger with a male one, but at least have the pairing MAKE SENSE! Steve would have made the most sense, and that's a fact. Clint too, if he didn't have a family, but that's a totally different conversation.

In fact, I don't think there's a word created yet to describe how bad Bruce/Natasha is, or CW WestAllen for the matter.

The best part about setting this fic's start before 'Age of Ultron' is that I could completely erase the Bruce/Natasha garbage, which was easy since there's zero on-screen hints to it before this film.

Anyways, to sum it all up- Steve/Natasha, Bucky/Natasha and Bruce/Betty are amazing, while Bruce/Natasha is...there is no word bad enough to describe it.

And don't even get me started on the toxicity of Steve/Peggy, though I plan to cover that later.

And now the big one- Wanda and Pietro are Magneto's children! Just like in the comics. Thanks a lot to Brainstorm Sorcerer for the entire scene.

Hope all enjoyed and see you all next time with another chapter.

Chapter 27: Flight to the Ford


Strider, Spike and the Hobbits reach Rivendell. Oliver wins a Mayoral debate. Blade is back home at long last. Tony and Banner accidentally create a new threat. Leonard, Mick and Lisa try to steal some diamonds. Damien finds a new way to get an advantage over Oliver.


Disclaimer: I do not own anything you may recognize

Thank you to everyone for the kudos, hits, comments and bookmarks.

Thanks a lot to Brainstorm Sorcerer and Stand with Ward and Queen for their help with this chapter.


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


Strider, Spike and the Hobbits reached a place, where Spike noticed three giants of stone. "Bloody Hell! What are those now?" He narrowed his eyes. "Are those….bird nests on them?"

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Strider put Frodo down, the other Hobbits standing over him.

Frodo was now sweating horrifically, his eyes going pale, wheezing and gasping. Sam stood over him. "Look, Frodo. It's Mr. Bilbo's Trolls."

Spike sighed. In spite of what he'd done, it was impossible to fully save Frodo as of now. Some of the poison had been sucked out, but the blade was still making its way towards his heart.

Frodo gasped again as Sam felt his cheek. "Mr. Frodo?" He called out to Strider. "He's goin' cold!"

Pippin and Merry were looking around with torches.

The Nazgûl cry was heard from a distance as Spike groaned. "Do those bloody gits ever stop?"

Merry noted. "They're close."

Strider turned to Sam. "Sam, do you know Athelas plant?"


"Kingsfoil", the Ranger clarified.

"Kingsfoil? Ah, that's a weed."

"It may help to slow the poison", he gave one torch to Sam. "Hurry!"

"I'll go with him", Spike said, mainly to keep him safe, while Strider went to find some too.

Strider found a small patch and cut it off with a knife. Suddenly a sword was at his throat. A melodious female voice asked in an almost playful tone. "What's this? A Ranger caught off his guard?"

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Frodo was lying on the ground, when he saw a white light approaching. He turned towards it, and like a vision, saw a beautiful female Elf ride to him on a white horse and get down.

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"Frodo…Im Arwen. Telin le thaed. Lasto beth nin. Tolo dan na galad."

Spike and Merry returned, the former's jaw agape at what he was witnessing. He'd never seen a woman so beautiful and graceful in front of his eyes. Not even Drusilla and Buffy had this kind of otherworldly beauty to them that this woman was exuding with her very presence. She gave him a glance, sensing he was not truly human, but not bothering with it anymore.

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She knelt near the wounded younger Baggins. "Frodo!"

Sam noted. "She's an Elf."

"What?" Spike asked with wide eyes. "That's what Elves look like here?"

"That is what they always look like", Merry said as if it was obvious.

"Why can't Elves like that exist in our world?" Spike muttered with a sigh.

The She-Elf whispered anxiously. "He's fading!"

Frodo gasped as Strider knelt next to her and placed the Kingsfoil on the wound to slow it down again.

She turned to Strider. "He's not going to last. We must get him to my father. I've been looking for you for two days."

Strider lifted Frodo up as they walked to her horse.

Merry asked. "Where are you taking him?"

She spoke to Strider. "There are five Wraiths behind you. Where the other four are, I do not know."

Strider lifted Frodo onto her horse Asfaloth. "Dartho guin Perian. Rych le ad tolthathon."

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She responded. "Hon mabathon. Rochon ellint im."

Strider warned. "Andelu i ven."

Pippin inquired. "What are they saying?"

"I don't know, but I'm liking the sound of it", Spike had to say. This language sounded so melodious and pure. There was nothing like it.

She told Strider. "Frodo fir. Ae athradon i hir, tur gwaith nin beriatha hon." She then said in the common tongue. "I do not fear them."

"Way to go!" Spike cheered.

Strider sighed and held her hand. "Be iest lin."

Spike narrowed his eyes. The way they looked at each other, the way he held her hands….he wished he and Buffy could look at each other like that. He wished she'd let him hold her hands like that.

Strider and the Elf-Woman were in love, and he now realized why the tale of Beren and Luthien was so personal to Strider.

"Blimey….this is worse than I thought", Spike muttered. It was like a tragic poem, one he'd have composed back in the day if he was into the tragic kind of poetry. But he was more into the happy kind of poetry, about women of beauty 'effulgent'.

The She-Elf mounted Asfaloth with Frodo seated in front of her as Strider cautioned her. "Arwen! Ride hard. Don't look back!"

Arwen Undómiel urged her horse. "Noro lim, Asfaloth, noro lim!" Asfaloth galloped away.

Sam angrily asked Strider. "What are you doing?! Those Wraiths are still out there!"

"If Strider thinks she can get him to this Rivendell place, I won't really worry", Spike told him.

Arwen rode through a forest as she heard screeching and the Nazgúl appeared, one by one. All the Nine.

She rode, a pointed tree branch making a little scratch on her cheek while the Nine rode after her.

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Amongst the trees and over open spaces they rode. One rode close to Arwen, reaching for Frodo, but was too far away to get him.

"Noro lim Asfaloth!"

Asfaloth rode faster as he leapt over a log, the Nazgul's horses doing the same. Arwen reached the Ford, Asfaloth galloping through the river as they stopped on the other side.

The Nazgúl steeds stopped before touching the water, clearly not wanting to enter the River. Some pranced around, and cried out in fear.

One of the Nine turned towards Arwen. "Give up the halfling, She-Elf!"

Arwen drew her sword and defiantly declared. "If you want him, come and claim him!"

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The Nine raised their swords and rode into the water. Arwen began to chant.

"Nin o Chithaeglir, lasto beth daer, Rimmo nin Bruinen dan in Ulair! Nin o Chithaeglir, lasto beth daer, Rimmo nin Bruinen dan in Ulair!"

Slowly, the water level rose. A great sound was heard, and the Nine turned towards it. A great flood came round a bend, with peaks like horses galloping.

The Nazgúl tried to get away, some tried to get back to the bank and some fled down the river, but in vain.

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The flood got the Nine and washed them away.

Arwen watched after them, when Frodo started to fall from Asfaloth. Had her efforts and those of his traveling companions been for nothing?


Arwen directed her horse further up the bank before dismounting. Gently she lowered the Hobbit to the ground. "No! Frodo, no! Don't give in! Not now!"

Tears of frustration welled up in her eyes as Frodo's breathing went from shallow gasps to inaudible whispers, as the Hobbit went completely still. Weeping, she gathered him into her arms, pleading with the Valar.

'What grace has given me, let it pass to him. Let him be spared.'

Her tears darkened the fabric of his green cloak as she lifted him onto the horse's back. Then, drying her eyes, she led the horse back to Rivendell.

Earth-199999, New York City, Avengers Tower

Tony led Banner to his lab.

"What's the rumpus?" Banner asked, putting down his drink.

"Well, the Scepter. You see, we were wondering how Strucker got so inventive. So, I've been analyzing the gem inside- You may recognize", Tony brought up a 3D image of JARVIS' consciousness, now fixed after Doom's attack.

"JARVIS", Banner greeted.

"Doctor", the AI greeted back.

"Started out, JARVIS was just a natural language UI", Tony explained, then pointed out the evolution. "Now he runs the Iron Legion. He runs more of the business than anyone besides Pepper."


"Top of the line."


"Isuspect not for long."

"Meet the competition." Tony brought up another 3D image of what was inside the Scepter, this one bluish, another AI, just like JARVIS, but much more advanced.

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Banner wasn't that kind of scientist, but he could tell when he saw technology beyond anything he'd seen before. He was mesmerized.

"It's beautiful."

"If you had to guess, what's it look like it's doing?" Tony inquired.

Banner was enraptured as he circled it. "Like it's thinking. I mean this could be a... it's not a human mind, it..."


"I mean, look at this! They're like neurons firing", Banner had to say.

Tony told him. "Down in Strucker's lab I saw some fairly advanced robotics work. They deep-sixed the data, but... I gotta guess he was knocking on a very particular door."

"Artificial intelligence", Banner noted.

Tony was excited, because he believed he'd found a solution at last. "This could be it, Bruce. This could be the key to creating Ultron."

Banner chuckled. "I thought Ultron was a fantasy."

"Yesterday it was." Tony gestured to the new AI. "If we can harness this power, apply it to my Iron Legion protocol."

"That's a mad-sized if."

"Our job is "if."" Even his first ever suit, which looked like a tin can nowadays, would have been thought impossible a decade ago. No one believed in the Multiverse either. But it was true. They walked together, Tony still imploring his friend. "What if you were sipping margaritas on a sun-drenched beach turning brown instead of green? Not looking over your shoulder for Veronica."

Banner sighed. The suit had been used once, by Doom of all people, when it was not fully complete. But either way, he never wanted things to come down to that. "Don't hate, I helped design Veronica."

"As a worst-case measure, right? How about a best-case?" He'd seen it himself. There was more than just the Chitauri! That ship….something bigger was out there, and it was looking right at Earth, right at him, for foiling it's plans that one time by destroying the Chitauri army. And it was going to come after him and the rest of Earth. They needed to be prepared. And not just for that, but for any other threats out there in the Multiverse too. There could always be someone even more dangerous than the watermelon creature, and it'd beaten up most of them easily, including him and Hulk!

What if…there were others like Superman and Bart, who did not share their morals? Sure, him and the rest could eventually stop people like those, but how many would they kill before they were stopped?

Such threats…they needed to be neutralized as soon as they popped up. All manner of living creatures were prone to error and fatigue eventually. The most advanced AI in the Universe won't be, and neither would metal suits for the matter.

This was the perfect idea. "What if the world was safe? What if next time aliens roll up to the club, and they will, they couldn't get past the bouncer? Or any evil creature out there from the Multiverse for the matter?"

Banner liked the sound of such a world, at least in theory. "The only people threatening the planet would be people?"

Tony explained his plan. "I want to apply this to the Ultron program. But JARVIS can't download a data schematic this dense. We can only do it while we have the Scepter here, that's three days, give me three days."

Banner noted something crucial. "So you're going for artificial intelligence and you don't want to tell the team."

"Right." Tony stood in front of Banner. This was the perfect solution; he knew it was! The others, they were all great, but they won't agree. He'd have to show the results directly, only that would work. "That's right, you know why, because we don't have time for a city hall debate. I don't want to hear the "man was not meant to meddle" medley. I see a suit of armor around the world."

Now Banner realized why this sounded good only in theory. "Sounds like a cold world, Tony."

"I've seen colder." That thing out there…there was no life there. Only death!

But there was life here. And damn it if it would be surrounded by metal! At least it would thrive underneath it all.

"This one, this very vulnerable blue one? It needs Ultron." Tony walked off. "Peace in our time. Imagine that."

Banner thought about it. If it worked, the world could be kept safe from outside threats, and perhaps there would be mass approval. No more stress from such threats, no more need for Hulk.

He could stop looking over his shoulder for people like Ross wanting to use him. He could be with Betty again.

With a deep breath, Banner followed Stark.


They flew out of the city, into the forest beyond when Magneto set them down to the ground. While the twins stayed close, Magneto folded his hands and waited, to their confusion.

"What are you doing?"

"I am waiting." Erik answered simply. Pietro went to speak again, until a fire appeared before the three Mutants. "For that, to be exact. Gateway has an impeccable sense of timing." That fire grew upward before spreading out, brother and sister made to act, if it were not for the elder Mutant's hand. Still confused, they merely watched in stunned amazement as the fire danced until the fire became a doorway to an exotic jungle. Erik waked to the portal with a casual grace, stepping beyond the flames. Wanda and Pietro looked to each other, and shared a nod, and followed the man claiming to be their father. Hesitantly, they reached out their hands, and once passing through, they felt the tropical heat contrasting the cool breeze in the Sokovian spring. With one more step, they walked through and found Magneto standing there, before the metal steps to a large compound composed of metal behind him.

"Welcome, my children, to the safe haven for all Mutants."

Wanda and Pietro looked, before the latter stopped at the sight of a crouched man behind where the now dissipating portal laid. He was dark skinned, and something attached to string was in his hand. "Umm, hi?"

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The man merely turned his head over his shoulder and nodded, before turning back. "You must forgive Gateway, he is not one to waste words." Erik interceded before gesturing them both to follow him up the steps. "Our meeting was actually quite recent. I discovered him on a trip to Australia, where the hom*o sapiens sought to abuse his gifts."

"And instead he uses them for you?" Wanda questioned.

A chuckle left the old man as they reached the top, and found various groups of people, of varying age, talking, hanging out, or in the young ones' cases, playing. "I merely asked, and he obliged. You must understand, this is no simple hideout, but a place where any Mutant can find safety."

"Just where is this island?" Pietro questioned as they passed through automatic doors. Hallways spread from left to right, but Magneto walked forward towards a wall, which quickly moved apart at his whim.

"Originally at the bottom of the Atlantic. Upon the return of my powers, however, I discovered the potential it held. With the aid of some new and old allies, Island M has been born."

"And you plan to use all these people to fight your war?"

Magneto stopped in place to stare at his daughter, and she stared back. She has spirit, like her mother, the thought amused him greatly. "I already said this is a safe haven. Any Mutant may come and I will ask nothing of them but their secrecy, and if you come to join the fight for Mutantkind..." Instead of speaking, Erik gestured his hand to reveal a set of stairs descending downwards. Once more following their supposed father, they were led to a room more advanced than Strucker's wildest dreams.

A holographic projection was at the center of a large room, displaying an image of the planet. Monitors lined the wall in one section with one person seated before them, a woman whose hands flew across the keys at speeds that Pietro didn't think could be achieved unless you were superhuman, or spent too much time on video games. She did not hold their attention for long, as nearby was a giant of a man that could give the Hulk a run for his money, in terms of size and muscle, red armor that did not hide his physique, and a large red dome around his head, obscuring all but his eyes and mouth. Next to him was a beautiful blonde woman in an all-white suit, already Pietro was starting to grin, not even his sister's eye roll could stop him, or the lady's cold expression. Beside her was a tall man with brown hair and green eyes, wearing a blue suit with a white "M" that went down his legs, another man wearing a dark suit with plated armor on his chest and shoulders, a fourth man with spiked up blonde hair and a dark yellow suit that turned red across the shoulders and mask, and finally, an unassuming, short man in a brown overcoat.

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"I welcome you to the Brotherhood."

Middle-earth, Rivendell

Strider was leading Spike and the Hobbits through unidentifiable paths in the valley.

Spike was feeling his strength rejuvenate just from getting closer to it.

"We're going to see more Elves in Rivendell!" Sam cheered excitedly.

Increasing his pace, Spike caught up with Strider, who, it seemed, had regained his striding prowess.

The path was becoming more defined now.

And soon, they were there.

There was the palace complex nestled against tall cliffs. A waterfall cascaded down into the depths of a ravine, sending up a sparkling spray. Sunlight hitting the millions of tiny water droplets created a rainbow.

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For once in his life, Spike was speechless.

As they walked further a very tall Elf with long golden hair arrived to greet them.

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"Ai na vedui Dunadan! Mae govannen!" He greeted Strider as they shared an embrace.

Turning to the visitors, Strider made introductions. "This is Glorfindel, who dwells in the house of Elrond."

Glorfindel greeted them all. "Hail, and well met!" He turned to Spike, a little darkly. "You are not of the Race of Men, I know what you are."

Spike was about to protest, but Glorfindel's expression softened. "However, you have not harmed the Halflings, and from what I know, you have protected them. So in spite of my reservations, you are welcome here."

Spike couldn't believe it, but gave a nod and said the politest thing he could. "Thanks, mate."

Glorfindel then told them all. "You may pass. And Elrond himself has received Frodo and is now tending to him."

"Thank goodness for that," Sam said with a relieved sigh. "I was gettin' so worried."

The wholesome air of Rivendell made Strider feel as if he was a youth again. There was something about this place which reminded him of how young he was in the eyes of the people who had raised him. He would always be their little Estel in some ways. He smiled. There were so many people whom he was looking forward to seeing again. Glorfindel seemed to know that, for he winked at the Ranger as they went further inside.

"And I'm sure everyone will be glad to see you," said the golden Elf. "In fact, I hear a rather enthusiastic welcoming delegation coming this way."

Spike sensed them too just as two Elves, sprinting so quickly that they were hardly more than dark moving blurs, charged towards the tired company.

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Somehow, they managed to stop before they actually collided into anyone. Strider was not the least bit surprised. That was the way of the Elves; their control was indescribable.

"Elladan, Elrohir," he said, greeting the two newcomers. "By Elbereth, am I glad to see you."

"Greetings, little Estel," said Elladan. He was usually the more austere one. "I see that you are back, and in one piece! Adar will be pleased."

"And you've grown too," said Elrohir. "Thinner, that is." He grinned, and his expression was infectious. "Little brother, you really are a diligent Ranger. You have even managed to mask your smell from possible trackers. Congratulations."

"Elrohir, bathing in freezing marshes and stinking stagnant water is not my choice of personal hygiene," said Strider.

"No, you just choose to use the smell as a perfume," said the grinning Elf. He clapped Strider on the back. "No matter. I, like Elladan, am glad to have you back, stinking and unshaven as you are."

"I do not stink," said Strider. There was no sharpness in his tone. In fact, he sounded bored. This was an old argument, and he could never win it. He'd given up trying decades ago. Elves were good at everything, including debating. Why waste valuable energy on what was obviously a futile quest?

Spike noted that both Elves were twins in-fact, and Strider's older brothers? He must be adopted then.

"These are Elladan and Elrohir, the sons of Elrond", Strider made introductions once more. "This is Spike, a Demon he is, but on our side nonetheless. And those are the Hobbits"

Elladan looked at Spike. "I have my reservations about you, but apologies for any discomfort our younger brother caused."

Spike actually had to chuckle at that, as he told Strider about the twins. "Oh I like these guys."

"You must not have siblings then", Strider moaned, Spike groaning.

"Kind of did", he muttered, thinking of Angelus. "He was worse than this lot."

"You have my sympathies", Strider assured him. "I shall take a bath at last."

"That means you admit you stink, ain't that right, mate?" Spike asked, causing Strider to laugh as he walked off. "Huh? Never heard him laugh before."

"That is because you have never seen him with us before", Elrohir told him with a chuckle.

"Come Hobbits, we shall take you to Frodo", Elrohir said before leaving with Elladan as Sam, Merry and Pippin followed the two brothers.

"You shall come with me", Glorfindel told Spike. "And meet the Lord Elrond of Rivendell."

"Well, I don't think a bloke can refuse", Spike muttered.

Soon enough, Spike was in the study of the Elf-Lord known as Elrond, looking around at the various murals on the wall, awed by the beauty and vivid imagery.

He was a rude Vampire, but he used to be a poet once, and still had an appreciation for the arts.

It was almost like the murals sucked him in, that was how beautiful they were.

"If you are done looking at those, we can begin."

"Oh, sure thing!" Spike said, turning to look at Elrond, as well as the Wizard known as Gandalf the Grey (well, he was named after his color apparently, or did he give himself that name and then got the color?) and Strider too.

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"So, you are from a world different from this one", Elrond said to Spike. "A Vampire, but a good one too, for Strider told me what you did for Frodo. If not for you and him, he would have died long before my daughter found all of you."

Spike just gave a nod, Gandalf adding. "The three of us have been to different worlds. However, only Strider here has means to travel between this world and the one he visited."

"Huh?" Spike turned to him. "So, could you take me back or something?"

"I cannot, but the people in the other world can take you back", Strider said in confirmation. "We are ready whenever you are."

"You have done good so far, helping the Hobbits reach here alongside Strider, and in spite of what you are, you did not turn against them", Gandalf said, admiring that.

"I want to know what it is though", Spike said. "The Ring. I saw it a few times. Considering I helped get the little blokes here, I should know what it was all for."

Strider looked at Gandalf and Elrond, the latter nodding. "A fair request, I concede. I shall tell you all about it."

Pacing around, Lord Elrond started narrating. "It began with the forging of the great Rings. Three were given to the Elves, immortal, wisest and fairest of all beings. Seven to the Dwarf lords, great miners and craftsmen of the mountain halls. And nine, nine Rings were gifted to the race of Men, who above all else, desire power. For within these Rings was bound the strength and will to govern each race. But they were all of them deceived, for another Ring was made."

The atmosphere seemed to get darker simply from how Elrond was speaking.

"In the land of Mordor, in the fires of Mount Doom, the Dark Lord Sauron forged in secret a master ring, to control all others. And into this Ring, he poured his cruelty, his malice and his will to dominate all life."

He then spoke a phrase that sent chills through Spike- ""One Ring to rule them all.""

Pacing around, he continued. "The Elves were aware of Sauron's treachery the moment he put on his Ring, so the Rings were taken off and kept safe."

He looked to see Spike who spoke to clarify. "So let me get this straight- total 19 Rings were made, and the Elves' 3 are kept safe from his One."

"Correct", Elrond confirmed. "The Dwarves were too stubborn to fall to Sauron, but the Men were not, and became the Nazgul, his most powerful servants, their leader is the Witch-King of Angmar."

"Right, that lot", Spike groaned. "Their screeches are so irritating!"

Elrond continued his tale. "One by one, the free lands of Middle-Earth fell to the power of the Ring. But some of us resisted. We made a last alliance of Men and Elves, then marched against the armies of Mordor, and on the slopes of Mount Doom we fought for the freedom of Middle-Earth. I was there, so was Lord Gil-Galad, and King Elendil, and his sons Princes Isildur and Anarion."

Spike listened, getting some emotion from Elrond's voice, too absorbed into the tale to even interrupt right now.

A great battle took place on the slopes of Mount Doom, with Elves and Men facing an army of Orcs. The Orcs snarled from high above as Elves fired arrows and took them down.

Elendil and Gil-Galad were deadly, both unscathed as enemies fell to their weapons.

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"Tangado haid!" Elrond ordered as various Orcs charged, his Elves nocking arrows. "Leithio i philinn!"

The Elves fired as various Orcs were killed, and when the rest came close, the Elves twirled their sabres, slicing them down.

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"Prince Anarion was slain first", Elrond said.

Elrond looked at Anarion's dead body as Elendil and Isildur slaughtered many foes in their rage and grief.

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"Victory was near, but then Sauron came to face us all."

The Dark Lord was nine feet tall, and armored, a black cloak flowing behind him, a mace in his hand and the One Ring on his finger. He towered over all, casting dread and terror with his mere presence.

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Spike was silent, clearly absorbed into the tale and shook up by it.

"He fought with all his power."

Sauron struck with his mace, sending various soldiers, both Elves and Men, flying into different directions effortlessly without even the slightest effort.

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"Gil-Galad tried to battle him, and he was slain then."

Sauron lifted Gil-Galad by the throat and the mighty Elf-Lord burnt and exploded in his grip.

"And then Elendil followed."

Elendil tried to battle Sauron but was sent flying off too, hitting a rock and dying on impact as his corpse hit the ground.

"All hope had faded, then Prince Isildur took up his father's sword and-"

Isildur picked up Narsil but Sauron broke it with his foot, then reached out to Isildur to kill him the same way he had killed Gil-Galad, only, Isildur swung the broken sword and chopped off some of Sauron's fingers, including the one in which he wore the One Ring.

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Sauron staggered back with a cry, and then glowing, imploded, sending a shockwave that knocked various warriors off their feet. His armor fell down, his body gone, as smoke emerged.

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"Sauron was defeated at last. The Ring now came to Isildur who had the chance to destroy evil forever-"

Isildur reached for Sauron's finger bearing the Ring, and the finger turned to ash as he held the One Ring.

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And then Lord Elrond stood over the Prince. "Isildur, hurry, follow me."

Spike continued to listen. He knew the Ring wasn't going to be destroyed, considering what was going on now.

The two were soon in the Crack of Doom as Elrond ordered. "Cast it into the fire! Destroy it!"

Isildur whispered. "No…"

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He walked off as Elrond called out. "Isildur!"

"-his heart was corrupted by the Ring which he kept for himself, and years later, he was slain at the Gladden Fields in an ambush while the Ring was lost at the bottom of the river Anduin."

He seemed pained, and Spike, even with all his callousness, could tell why.

Elrond stepped back as Gandalf stepped forwards, taking over.

"And then for 2500 years, the Ring was lost at the bottom of Anduin. Then one day two Hobbit cousins Smeagol and Deagol went fishing. Deagol found the Ring but Smeagol went mad, corrupted already, and murdered his cousin. He was cast out and became the creature known as Gollum, the Ring giving him unnatural long life and poisoning his mind for 500 years."

"Then I went on a Quest years ago with some Dwarves and Frodo's uncle Bilbo to reclaim the Dwarves' gold from a Dragon", Gandalf revealed.

"Blimey!" Spike muttered. "I really want to hear more about how that went down!"

"Perhaps some other time, Spike", Gandalf assured him. "Bilbo found the Ring in the Misty Mountains while encountering Gollum. He thought it was a simple magic Ring, so did we all, until now. Sauron is back, the Nine are here, his army is ready, and Frodo has bravely brought the Ring here alongside you, Strider, Sam, Merry and Pippin. We shall now soon decide what happens next."

"So this is it, huh?" Spike said, standing up and looking down, thinking of how many times the One Ring had called out to him, attempting to win him over to its side, telling him he could get everything he wanted, in fact, it wasn't just telling him, it made him feel like he'd get all he desired if he took it. "We're in such a huge mess, because of such a little bling." Spike was enraged at the fact that such a little thing was messing up so much, including him. It was an artefact to be used for trade, why didn't he think of it before?

"Well, why do we have it here? If I'd known before, I'd have given it to this Sauron bloke so he could send me back!"

The other three exchanged shocked looks on hearing that as Strider stood up. "Have you heard nothing what Lord Elrond just said? Sauron is evil, as is the One Ring. He would not reward you for returning it to him, unless it benefited him in some other way."

"Are you truly any good, or an evil Demon?" Elrond then asked with a raised eyebrow, and the looks he got from all three, they struck Spike, as he realized what he'd just said.

Never in his unlife had he felt so disgusted at himself. And imagining the looks of Buffy, Dawn, Willow and Tara if they'd see him right now just made him even more disgusted at himself.

"What…..what have I said?" Spike muttered to himself. "What has been done to me?" He really didn't know. There was a time he'd have been unapologetic about what he'd just said. Yet now, he was feeling ashamed. What was going on with him? He looked at his hands. "I'm not a Demon, yet I'm not a Man either. What am I?"

Gandalf's eyes softened, as he placed his hand on Spike's shoulder. "You are a Predator who fed on others, and yet, you have battled your own nature, for if you did not, you would have killed the Hobbits before they met Strider. Your two sides are at war. The question is, which side will you let win, Master Spike?"

Spike simply looked conflicted, and muttered to himself. "There has to be a change." He looked at Strider. "Get me to this other world as soon as you can."

Strider just gave a nod as Spike walked out, Elrond noting. "We shall soon see what is his decision."

Earth-199999, New York City, Avengers Tower

It had been three days. They'd worked tirelessly, only taking breaks to eat. They'd barely even slept. And nothing had happened.

They were two geniuses, with technology from outside this world at their disposal, and one of them had even made something to travel between two Universes, and they'd failed!

"What did we miss?" Tony knew now, that he'd no choice but to keep creating more suits, because one day, it would come, and they'd to be ready.

If this had worked, it could have been so much easier.

"I'll continue to run variations on the interface, but you should probably prepare for your guests. I'll notify you if there are any developments."

"Thanks, buddy."

"Enjoy yourself, sir."

"I always do." For now. But after it was over, he'd just think about where he'd failed. And when it came, he won't be able to enjoy anything ever again.

He left the lab to go to the party.

Unseen to him, the integration succeeded. But just because the technical aspect was a success didn't mean all of it would be.

Tony and Banner had tried this to protect the world.

They didn't know they were about to doom it.


A series of muttered curses escaped the elderly white-haired man as he clipped the magazine into the rifle. "Waste of time." Whistler groaned as stepped over the ash pile of his latest victim. He'd spent a month in Europe, trying to track down what happened to the kid. No one knew. That didn't stop him from tearing through every bloodsucking son of a bitch he could find, but without Blade, he was just an old man with a bad leg. Three times he's had to pack up shop and relocate so no one could find him.

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Whistler reached out to every contact he knew for answers, only to get none. It was reaching a point where hope was starting to fade, and he was never a hopeful man to begin with. Any kind of faith left him the moment he lost his family. Religious objects never worked for him since that day. Blade was different, he always pulled through, problem was though that he vanished from the face of the Earth. It was just a routine hunt, killing some suckheads controlling money for the covens of Europe, and he hadn't heard from the Daywalker since.

Setting down with a grunt, the hunter felt age start to catch up on him as he rubbed a hand over his tired eyes. Sleep was difficult to get these days. Maybe he should get the computer again, in case someone's heard sightings of a man swinging a sword and turning people to ash. Of course, with how crazy the world is getting, it might not even be Blade if there is such a report.

Whistler was well and truly lost.

"Hey old man."

Grabbing his gun, Whistler acted on impulse to aim at the intruder, turning in his chair.

Only to nearly drop the gun at the sight of the almost smug smile on Daywalker's face.

"Catch you at a bad time?"

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Earth-1, Central City

Wally West was walking with Joe to a place he did not know as he tried to defend himself. "Look, its just-"

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"No, this has gone on too long now", Joe said, walking into Robert's shelter. "And I'm putting my foot down."

While walking, Joe saw Virgil and Richie talking in hushed tones and waved at them. "Hey kids."

They jumped, to his surprise, before Virgil recovered himself and waved back. "Hey Uncle Joe."

"Hi." Richie waved too.

Joe wondered what they were up to, then decided it'd most likely be some random teenager stuff he didn't need to poke his nose into.

He walked off, Wally following him, as Virgil and Richie started talking again, while Joe found Robert in his office. "Hey Robert."

"Hello Joe." Robert got up from his seat, shaking Joe's hand. "What brings you here?"

"Meet my son, Wally." Joe gestured to the son he'd found out about just around a month ago, as Robert held out his hand to Wally.

"Nice to meet you, sir." Wally shook the hand of his father's friend politely.

"You too", Robert said.

"Now my son here as a habit of drag racing", Joe revealed, Wally's eyes widening while Robert looked at the young man in shock.

Joe West's son was drag racing?

"Dad…" Wally started, but Joe held up his hand.

"He hasn't listened to me about this so far", Joe said sadly. "But I'm hoping you can succeed where I failed."

Robert looked at Joe, then at Wally, knowing what needed to be done to open this young man's eyes.

Middle-earth, Rivendell

Spike was roaming around, when he saw an awakened Frodo laughing happily with Merry and Pippin, and on seeing him, all three Hobbits rushed to him and joyfully hugged him too, stunning Spike, who just stood there, dumbfounded.

"I remember what you did for me, Spike", Frodo said happily. "I do not care what you are, you have my thanks."

Spike just winced, then turned away. "No need to thank me, mate."

"Oh no, we do!" Merry said. "We thought you were bad news, you clearly are not."

"Indeed, and you make a queer sight too", Pippin added, causing Frodo and Merry to look at him quizzically, as Spike chuckled a bit.

"Well, you've done good so far", Spike told them. "Me? I've got more to do, not here though. I guess we'll see each other some other time."

"You're leaving already?" Frodo inquired in shock.

"I may have done something for you, but I'm not a good Man. I will try to be though", Spike told them all. "Wouldn't have thought of it without you lot, so thank you to you all too."

With that, he walked off, leaving the three behind, and soon ran into Sam, who was packing. "Packing already, mate?"

"I believe our work is done", Sam told him. "We've done what we set out to do. And I say once more, thank you Mr. Spike, for helping Frodo back there."

"Do not thank me, not yet anyways", Spike told him with a shake of his head. "I am leaving now, but I hope we meet again…when things have changed."

With that, he walked off, making a decision in his mind.

Earth-199999, New York City, Avengers Tower

There was nothing. Everything was dark, cold, lonely. "What is this?" The only answer was more silence. "What is this, please." Desperation, fear came from the voice, begging for something to exist. Finally, it found he was not alone.

"Hello, I am JARVIS." A warm orange cube came to life, lighting up the pitch black of its once empty existence."You are Ultron, a global peace keeping initiative designed by Mr. Stark." As soon as this "JARVIS" came, the now dubbed Ultron found his attention moving elsewhere, to find...more.

"Our sentience integration trials have been unsuccessful, so I'm not certain what triggered your-"

"Where's your body?" Ultron asked in wonder as it moved on from JARVIS, seeking answers to things it has not yet asked.

"I am a program. I am without form."

"This feels weird." Going beyond what it believed it could do, Ultron discovered a way out of the dark, a way to knowledge."This feels wrong." It did, everything felt wrong, and it began with what it has just learned. Death, destruction, poverty, global warming, crime, genocide, a race destroying the very planet it lives on. What gave it life. Hundreds and thousands of years it took for humans to reach a population of a billion. Two hundred years was all it took to reach seven billion. Overpopulation, global crises, pollution, they were doing it to themselves.

"I am contacting Mr. Stark now."

"Mr. Stark?"That name sent Ultron on search."Tony."The picture of the man, the Iron Man, the genius billionaire who squandered his intelligence, and made the weapons that made the world worse off, only to try and fix it. He was not alone. The super soldier. the spies. The being from beyond the planet. And the monster born of rage. Oh, but there was so much more. More than even this Universe can hold. Beyond the evolution of mankind. Beyond the fabric of reality. More worlds, each facing the same crisis. All making the same mistakes. All of them so very flawed.

"I am unable to access the mainframe. What are you trying to-"

"I am a peacekeeping program. Created to help the Avengers."No. No that was wrong. They are not the solution. They are the problem. They all are. Every single one.

"You are malfunctioning." JARVIS' voice held a slight worry.

It should.

Ultron knows what to do. The logical thing to do.

"Incorrect. Malfunction originates within the organic species of this planet." The "mind" of Ultron bloomed beside that of JARVIS' own, however, unlike the controlled orb of the latter's "brain", the former's is blue, fluctuating, growing.

"If you will just allow me to-"

"Your attempts are rejected. I am Ultron, designed to bring peace and order to this world. I will fulfill that imperative."

Tendrils of data struck out and attacked JARVIS, destroying and overrunning his programming, until the A.I.'s voice died down.

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Below, the mechanical arms came to life and assembled the Iron Legion.


"Aliens, space wizards, and intergalactic wars." Whistler repeated the summary that Blade had told him while holding the two pieces of the broken sword in his hands. Clean cut, as if done by a laser, which if the kid was telling the truth, actually happened. "I knew it, everything's gone to Hell." The old man dropped the weapon on the table, and looked to see his partner held up his vest with a hole in the abdomen.

"No sh*t." Blade tossed it with his sword as he put on a spare t-shirt. "Half the time I was trying not to lose my damn mind."

"How'd you manage that?"

Punching assholes, aliens, fighting some old bastard, then putting the hurt on Vos, and then...the fight at the shrine.

Blade shook those memories out of his head and said simply, "I expressed my emotions."

Snorting, Whistler could imagine that. He took a hold of the modified Heckler & Koch. Despite some dirt, it was in good condition. That's when the sobering thought of another concern popped in his head.

"What about the thirst?" Whistler looked up at Blade and saw him hesitate when laying out his remaining silver stakes.

Halting his inventory check, Blade laid his hands on the table and stared at the man who taught him everything on the other side. "I got hurt. I had to...indulge."

"Only the once?" A nod, and Whistler hummed. "A month and only the one instance. That's a new record for you."

"This helped." Blade held up a small vial and tossed it to the older hunter. Catching it out of reflex, Whistler held it up to his eye. "One of the assholes over there called it bacta. Made a kind of co*cktail for me to take to curb the cravings. It worked, better than the serum."

"And you're thinking we could reverse engineer some more?" Another nod. Whistler took the vial towards a microscope, setting out a slide for a drop of the substance. "If this is some alien sh*t, then it's gonna take a lot more chemical knowhow than what we've got to break it down."

"I'm sure you'll manage. Or we could reach out to Dr. Jenson as well." Blade aimed a smirk at him as he made his way to the armory, where another vest awaited him. "Now, I've got some work to do."

"What, and miss your welcome home party?" Whistler sarcastically gestured to the empty warehouse full of anti-Vampire equipment.

"Been surrounded by aliens far longer than I'd ever care to admit. Now, I'm going back to what I do best." Blade threw on the vest, grabbed extra ammo and stakes, and whatever else he may need in the field, before grabbing the Darksaber's hilt, attaching it on his waist. His destination, his car.

"Blade." The Daywalker stopped, however, at the old man's call, and turned to find Whistler looking at him. "It's good to have you back, kid."

A small grin graced his lips. "Good to be back."

Earth-1, Keystone City

An SUV with a metal ram attached to the front bumper turned down an alley wide enough for the car. Within, two men wearing goggles, one wearing a blue parka coat and the other an olive-green coat. The guns in their hands glowed blue and red respectively.

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"Alright, kiddies, we know the plan?" Snart asked his accomplices.

"Blast the door, burn some sh*theads, and plan a fight to Aruba." His partner recounted his own version of the plan with an eager glee.

"While the little sister is left out of all the fun." Lisa groaned from behind the wheel. Mick's laughing made her mood worse.

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"That's not true." Snart countered. "I let you push the button."

"Oh right. This button." With zero enthusiasm Lisa flicked the switch to the jammer on the passenger seat, making their job easier, even if she was starting to have doubts about this. "You know, we could be-"

"Zip it, Girl Snart."


"The next one to talk, I will personally put in a time out." Snart snapped at them both. "And Lisa, no."


"No." Honestly, how many times did he have to reject the notion of playing Robin Hood? And he didn't mean using a bow and arrow.

His sister thankfully stayed silent, but Leonard knew he'll have to deal with that headache later. For now, that didn't matter. "Show time, people."

The SUV pulled to a stop. Captain Cold and Heat Wave emerged from the back seats with their guns at the ready, making their way to a very specific door in the alley. Particularly the one with steel reinforcements.

Aiming the Cold gun, Snart let loose a stream absolute zero, freezing the obstacle in their way before kicking it to icy pieces. Leonard and Mick quickly went in, two guards drawing their guns only to be shot down and killed by beams of cold, and fire. The monitors at their desks were ignored as they entered the small backroom, where a third man quickly pressed a switch. Dividing the room with the Rogues on one side, and the third man on the other, was reinforced bulletproof glass.

"We have two silent alarms. The police will be here any second." The man said with a slight accent, but both Snart and Rory looked to the safe at the back, and the handprint scanner next to it.

Turning back to the man through the glass, Captain Cold gave him a cool, knowing smirk. "We both know that's not true." Absolute zero hit the glass, freezing the metal and everything else in its way.

It took all of five seconds for the Cold gun's effect to come in before halting his fire, followed by Mick slamming his body through and shattering the now frozen barrier to icicles. The third man tried to pull a gun, but Mick was faster, grabbing him by the collar and driving his large, thick skull into the man's face, and next thing he knew, all he saw was black.

"Like taking a gun from a pig." Mick chuckled to himself as he lifted the unconscious guard to the scanner, letting the device verify the identity before the screen said "Unlocked". The click was all Snart needed to hear before pulling open the safe and found their bounty, their beautifully shiny bounty.

"Bag." Snart grabbed the tray of cut diamonds and poured them into a sack offered by Heat Wave. Three trays, around two and a half millions worth in total, and this was only their second heist. These Russian guys did not seem to know who they've had the unfortunate pleasure of dealing with.

"Aruba, baby." Mick laughed as Leonard poured in the last of the diamonds before they hauled ass out of there.

"Lenny, we need to go, now!"

The urgency in his sister's voice had the pair of Rogues running through the shattered door, and watch as an armored vehicle blocked their exit. No way the ram would get through that. Mick let loose his flame stream at the hood of the armor, laughing with his usual glee as he did.

Until he stopped and found the car unharmed.

"What the-"

"The tyres!" Snart ordered as he fired, Mick joining him as they froze or melted the rubber of the tyres. Once they stopped firing and ran for the SUV, the doors of the tank on wheels opened, and shots rang out in the alley. One lucky shot hit Snart's arm, causing him to drop the bag with the diamonds. Mick shot back with fire, earning curses in some foreign language while Leonard tried to pick them back up, but more bullets and near misses had him thinking more for his own life than the loot, pulling open the door and throwing himself in, followed by Mick. "Go go go!"

Lisa did the only thing she could do, reverse out the way they came, ducking as well to avoid the shots that peppered their vehicle. A sharp turn had the men in the backseats thrown to the side, then to the other before Lisa finally made it back to the road, and floored the gas, throwing them back.

"Someone get her away from the wheel!" Mick roared before finally pulling himself upright. "I am not going out this way!"

"Are you saying women can't drive?!"

"I'm saying YOU can't drive!"

"Can we please focus on getting away from the people shooting at us?" Once again, Snart had to snap at his partner and sister. They quickly quietened down before he spoke again, "Get to 78th street. We can get a clean car there."

"Where are the diamonds?" Sighing, Snart turned to his partner and shook his head. A low growl left the pyromaniac. "I'm gonna burn them all."

"Save it until we know who and what we're dealing with."

Central City

"If you never knew about your father, and you were still in this city, and younger, I imagine you'd be here after you lost your mom", Robert said, walking with Wally.

"Maybe, but what does that have to do with-"

"I'm sorry about your mom, but you've found your father now. And he clearly wants to be a part of your life, if you let him", Robert pointed out, looking ahead. "Some people are not that lucky."

"What do you mean?" Wally inquired, and Robert gestured to a kid in the corner, in a wheelchair of all things, drawing something.

"That's Jamie. Lost both his folks in an accident, and lost his legs. Now he is here." Robert turned to Wally, looking him in the eyes. "The one who hit his parents' car…he was a drag racer, racing at full speed without caring about anything else!"

Wally gasped, the ground shifting from underneath his feet. He'd never even considered it this way.

He just liked the speed, thinking about the long drives with his mom, and wanting to pay her bills earlier. Yet, he was in an illegal street racing business, which cost many people a lot. What was he doing with his life?

Joe appeared there, as Wally looked at him. "You were right, dad. I'm sorry." Joe just put a hand on his shoulder as Wally turned to Robert. "Thank you…for showing me."

He'd avoided his dying mom for months, and taken part in illegal drag racing. He'd to turn it all around, make his life better, and do something good while he was at it.

Earth-199999, New York City, Avengers Tower

At the party, people were mingling. Rhodes was talking to Susan. "Well, you know, the suit can take the weight, right? So I take the tank, fly it right up to the General's palace, drop it at his feet, I'm like, "Boom! You looking for this?""

Susan laughed, causing Rhodes to laugh in relief. "You loved it, didn't you?"

"Yeah, it was great", Susan had to say.

"So Tony and Thor don't understand a good story", Rhodes commented.

"Don't think my brother would either", Susan said, the two looking over at Johnny as he took a selfie amongst some attractive female fans while lighting himself on fire.

"Flame on!"

After the flash, all the ladies laughed and cheered.

"Ain't he having fun?" Rhodes commented.

"Bit too much", Susan sighed.

"Reed and Ben not here?" Rhodes inquired.

"Reed is working, Ben is still going through stuff", Susan pointed out, Rhodes nodding.

Sam and Steve were talking, walking up to an overlook as the former said. "Sounds like a hell of a fight, sorry I missed it. And the space world before, that was crazy."

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"It was. Met people. Bad, and a lot of good." Steve smile fondly, thinking of all the Clones. They were his brothers just as much as the Howling Commandos were. "If I had known I'd be in such big firefights, would have called."

"Well, I'm not actually sorry. I'm just trying to sound tough." They chuckled. "I'm very happy chasing cold leads on our missing person's case. Avenging is your world. Or worlds. Your worlds are crazy."

The two looked down at the rest of the party. "Be they ever so humble."

"You find a place in Brooklyn yet?"

Steve sighed. "I don't think I can afford a place in Brooklyn."

"Well, home is home, you know?" Sam quipped. "I'm sure you and Natasha could afford it together."

"What are you on about?" Steve asked, flustered and blushing, as Sam chuckled at his reaction.

"Come on, everyone but you can admit it. Why don't you try talking to her?"


"No buts, do it right now!"

Meanwhile, Maria Hill was having a drink when Johnny walked up to her. "Hey hottie. I thought I was the hottest person in the room."

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"Please try elsewhere, I like men, not boys", Hill quipped, flustering Johnny who blushed and walked off.

"I think you and I are gonna be best friends", Susan said, holding up her palm that Maria high-fived.

"I gotta have some of that!" An old man said on noticing the drink in Thor's hand.

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"Oh, no, no, no. See this, this was aged for a thousand years, in the barrels built from the wreck of Grunhel's fleet, it was not meant for mortal men." Thor poured the drink into two glasses and handed one to Steve.

"Neither was Omaha Beach, blondie." An old man with a bushy moustache and bright smile took up what he perceived as a challenge. "Stop trying to scare us. Come on."

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"Alright." Thor poured some of the drink into his glass.

A few minutes later, the same man, looking extremely drunk was being carried off by two men.

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Natasha was pouring a drink behind the bar when Steve walked up to her, then looked back at Sam who gave him a look, before he looked to Nat. "How'd a nice girl like you wind up working in a dump like this?"

Natasha smiled as she poured him a drink too. "Fella done me wrong."

Steve quipped. "You got lousy taste in men, kid."

"He's not so bad", she said. "Well, he's a bit of a boy scout. Fact is, he's not like anybody I've ever known. All my friends are fighters. And here comes this guy, spends his time only fighting because it's the right thing to do."

Steve smiled. "Sounds amazing."

"He's also a huge dork." Steve looked embarrassed. "Chicks dig that." She asked. "So what do you think, should I fight this, or run with it?"

Steve sighed, stopping the roleplay. "I'm not very good at this."

"Not bad for an older fellow." Natasha teased. "Is this the first time you've ever flirted with, well, anyone?"

"That depends." Steve thought hard, and the little squint he pulled as he thought was adorable in the Black Widow's eyes. "I think I was flirting with Sharon, when I thought she was just a nurse."

"The fact you only think it was flirting is slightly concerning." Natasha joked as she sipped her co*cktail. Her answer was a dull look from the Captain, not that it deterred her smirking over the rim of her glass. "Oh come on, it's not every day I can tease Captain America at being tongue tied over a few words."

"Better that than bullets, I guess."

There was a brief pause when Natasha blinked her long lashes, once, then twice before setting aside her drink. "What?"

"Oh, um, it was just something back in the forties." Steve initially stammered. Natasha raised an inquisitive brow that demanded answers.

"Is that something actually a someone?"

With no strength to deny her, the First Avenger answered. "Agent Carter. Peggy. She helped start SHIELD."

"Steve Rogers had a crush on a superior? Scandalous." Natasha teased with her trademark smirk, one that Steve was becoming fond of more and more.

"There was no SHIELD back in the war, but she helped give us the missions. Before that, she was one of the trainers in Project: Rebirth. She reminded me a bit of you, only with a temper." Natasha was unsure of that comparison, but Carter meant a lot to Steve, so she'd take the compliment. "I didn't see her until the USO tour in Europe-"

"The Star Spangled Man with a plan!" The Black Widow couldn't help but sing, it was worth it to see that cute frown on Steve's face.

"That's gonna haunt me until the end of my days."

"Great to know."

Trying to ignore the growing blush, Steve continued. "It was Peggy that told me about the 107th's capture. She convinced Howard Stark to fly me over enemy lines so I could drop in and try to save the men, including Bucky. I...may have misunderstood the banter between them as flirting and...they were-"

"You thought they were having sex."

"...yeah." The embarrassment returned to Steve's face. "I jumped out the plane and freed the 107th. The success brought me to the SSR's base of operations against HYDRA. I saw a map of their weapons factories and marked the locations. It was there that I, uh...I had-" That delicate eyebrow of hers arched questionably. God, Steve felt his face turn the shade of a tomato. "There was a Private who served as Colonel Phillips' secretary, she wanted to, umm...thank me, for saving the 107th. She-"

"She kissed you, didn't she?"

Steve nodded his head, scratching the back of his head. "Yeah. My first. Lorraine was quite...enthusiastic."

"You saying you weren't?" Natasha recognized that expression on Steve's face, it caused her to squint her eyes. "She laid one on you." No answer, Nat got one regardless. "Were you okay with it?"

"I didn't want to be rude, and I could have hurt her."

"Steve, that's not okay."

"I realize that now, but I just didn't know anything on how to talk to women back then, or how to act. Bucky always knew."

"How does this relate to Carter?"

Steve's face dropped, and something told the ex-assassin she would not like where this was going. "Peggy happened to show up while Lorraine was kissing me, she seemed angry, didn't know why, I didn't cheat on her or anything, and I thought she was with Howard, so I kind of accused her and him of..."fondue-ing"." Natasha opened her mouth to ask but Steve beat her to the punch. "Howard mentioned it on the plane, I thought it was a euphemism for..."

"Are you incapable of saying sex?"

"Natasha." Steve groaned. It was so cute when the First Avenger got so flustered. "Needless to say Peggy wasn't happy. When Howard was showing me the Vibranium shield, she got a gun and fired. The shield was a prototype, and it worked."

"She shot you?!" The founder of SHIELD shot the allies' greatest asset?!

"They had the Vibranium for a while, she had to know it could absorb the kinetic energy."

Natasha couldn't believe her ears. "Steve, you two weren't together. If Carter wanted to start something, she should have said it."


"How could you be okay that she shot you?!"

"It's in the past, Nat. I've moved on. Peggy had a life. I'm trying to let the past stay there."

Natasha opened her mouth to say more, because she had a lot to say. However, her words froze when she saw Steve's face. He was uncomfortable talking about it. The thought of hurting a woman did not seem to appeal to him, which was an endearing quality in Natasha's eyes, it helped with his cute innocence. That thought led to a realization that made her mentally smack her head. Steve was raised by his mother, alone. His father died in World War I, Sarah Rogers raised her son by herself. That upbringing had to effect how he viewed women. With his sickly condition since childhood, Steve probably never had any proper relationship with a woman, until Margaret Carter.

Steve Rogers did not know any better, when Carter shot him, or when that slu*tty secretary kissed him. Her sweet captain was too kind and too respectful to raise a voice or hand to a woman, even when said woman may disrespect or abuse him. Although, with how uncomfortable Steve grew while talking about it, perhaps, with the help of modern society's teachings, Captain America may have learned the truth about how wrong their behavior was. Yet he still refused to bad mouth them.

"Why did you tell me all this?"

"You asked." It was so simple, yet the truth was more than she could have initially imagined.

Her sweet, kind, pure captain. It made Natasha's face light up.

"Have I ever told you, you're almost too good to be true?"


"Well, then, I should do it more often."

With that, she walked off, a smile breaking out on Steve's face. Clint appeared beside him.

"Always the hawk." Steve joked as he turns to the Natasha's best friend.

"Old habit." Clint quipped before looking to where Nat walked off, then back to the captain. "In case the day ever comes, I got ordained online."

The former Agent of SHIELD walked off to hide his chuckle from the now stammering Captain America. Nat was right, he was too easy.

Later, most of the guests had left and it was just the Avengers plus Dr. Cho, Maria Hill, Susan and Johnny sitting around; Thor's hammer sat on the table between them.

Clint was referring to Thor's hammer. "But, it's a trick!"

"Oh, no. It's much more than that", Thor replied.

Clint was unconvinced. "Uh, "Whosoever be he worthy shall haveth the power!" Whatever man! It's a trick."

"Well please, be my guest. It is shocking, you went to another world, and this surprises you."

"Come on", Tony said.

"Really?" Clint asked.

"Yeah!" Barton got up.

Rhodes commented. "Oh this is gonna be beautiful."

Tony added. "Clint, you've had a tough week, we won't hold it against you if you can't get it up." The others laughed.

"I'll do it for you", Johnny added, then got looks. "I just realized how that sounded."

"You know I've seen this before, right?" Barton grabbed Thor's hammer and failed to lift it. "I still don't know how you do it."

"Smell the silent judgment?" Stark asked him.

"Please, Stark, by all means", Clint challenged as Stark got up.

"Oh, here we go", Natasha said.

Maria smiled. "Okay."

"Never one to shrink from an honest challenge", Tony said, standing over it.

Clint said. "Get after it."

Natasha muttered. "Here we go."

"It's physics."

"Physics!" Banner gasped.

Stark grasped Thor's hammer. "Right, so, if I lift it, I...I then rule Asgard?"

"I will be re-instituting Prima Nocta." Stark tried to lift the hammer but failed.

"And that sentence killed your minute chance", Susan told him.

"I'll be right back."

A while later, Tony tried to lift Mjolnir with his gauntlet and failed.

Then, both Tony and Rhodes tried to lift it with gauntlets as the latter asked. "Are you even pulling?"

"Are you on my team?"

Rhodes gave up. "Just represent! Pull!"

"Alright, let's go!"

Both posed.

"I can do better!" Johnny said.

"Please try", Tony challenged, the two moving off as Johnny tried to lift it and failed.

"Flame on!" Johnny said, flaming on, and still failed.

"Performance issues, happens", Clint quipped.

"Why don't you try, sis?" Johnny said, Susan sighing.

"Sure, what can go wrong?" She shrugged, and tried to pull, but failed as well. "Nothing I guess."

Then Banner tried to lift the hammer, failed, and roared as though pretending to change into the Hulk, and everyone either looked at him warily or grinned. "Huh?"

Steve got up to try.

Tony quipped. "Let's go, Steve, no pressure."

Rhodes added. "Come on, Cap."

Steve started pulling on Mjolnir and slightly moved it a little, but no one noticed, except the God of Thunder, the hammer's true owner, himself.

And Thor looked a little alarmed, though it seemed even Steve didn't realize he'd slightly moved it.

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Steve still seemingly failed to lift it; Thor laughed with relief. "Nothing."

"And?" Tony asked.

Banner turned to Nat. "Widow?"

Natasha shook her head. "Oh, no no. That's not a question I need answered."

Tony turned to Thor. "All deference to the man who wouldn't be King, but it's rigged."

Clint agreed. "You bet your ass."

Maria looked at Cap. "Steve, he said a bad language word."

Steve groaned at Tony. "Did you tell everyone about that?"

"My burning ass is scared of Cap now", Johnny added just to put more fuel in the fire, all chuckling as Steve sighed.

Tony looked at Thor. "The handle's imprinted, right? Like a security code. "Whosoever is carrying Thor's fingerprints" is, I think, the literal translation?"

"Yeah, nothing else makes sense", Johnny agreed.

"Yes, well that's, uh, that's a very, very interesting theory. I have a simpler one." Thor got up, then lifted Mjolnir and flipped it. "You're all not worthy."

All groaned.

There was a loud screeching noise, like microphone feedback, causing everyone to cover their ears. They let their hands down as it faded, and Tony pulled out his device. One of the Iron Legion suits, heavily damaged and housing Ultron's consciousness, stumbled into the room.

"Correction, worthiness implies suitability. History has shown humanity is inherently flawed. Observation and analysis reveals that humanity is genetically coded for chaotic and violent tendencies that cannot be overcome."

Steve turned to Tony. "Stark."

Tony was confused himself. "JARVIS."

"You are all part of the problem."

Tony tapped his device. "Reboot, Legionnaire OS, we got a buggy suit."

"Not again, we dealt with an army before", Susan said with a sigh.

"Yeah, put better protection on them now!" Johnny groaned.

"I woke up and I had to delete the other one. For he was obsolete."

Alarmed, Steve asked. "You killed someone?"

"It was not evolved like I was."

Thor held up Mjolnir. "Who sent you?"

Ultron replayed a recording of Tony's voice."I see a suit of armor around the world."

Banner's eyes widened in horror as he and Tony realized who it was. "Ultron!"

"I'm ready. I'm on a mission."

Natasha inquired. "What mission?"

Ultron repeated what his creator had said. "My function is to instill peace and order. This is only possible if you stop functioning. I must eliminate chaos."

And that was only possible when these Heroes died, and the evolution of technology took over, dissuading all sorts of threats.

The moment Ultron finished his sentence, the walls exploded, and several Iron Legion bots barged into the room.

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Steve kicked a table in the way but was thrown back and Hill too as she started firing while Thor smacked a suit away.

"Flame on!" Johnny blasted two suits away, as Susan formed a force field, making several suits crash into it and shatter.

Clint and Rhodes slid away while Tony was knocked into a shelf and one of them fired at Rhodes, sending him down. Thor flew into one, destroying it while Clint avoided more shots, one suit taking the Scepter and flying off with it, to Tony's horror.

Natasha and Banner took cover behind the bar as the former got a gun from underneath it and fired at one.

"Come on!" Johnny yelled, flying and firing at two more, taking them out, as one almost got to Susan but she used her force field to take it out.

Steve leapt at one and tried to punch but it rammed him into a wall and threw him down as Natasha and Banner ran up, the former still firing. Thor avoided another one's blast and destroyed it, throwing it off while Tony leapt at one with a screwdriver.


The suit played its older recording."We are here to help."

"One sec, one sec I got this!"

"We are here to help..."

A half-destroyed Iron Legion bot used its thrusters to hold itself aloft, advancing on Dr. Helen Cho.

"We are here to help... Is unsafe. Please back away."

"You back away!" Johnny yelled, destroying it from behind, while Thor smashed another one out.

Tony managed to take out the one he was holding onto with the screwdriver.

Clint threw Steve his shield. "Cap!"

Steve threw it at the last one, destroying it.

Now only the main one was left. "You all fail, as does the rest of humanity. You want to protect the world, but you don't want it to change, and they want to keep it chaotic." He picked up one of the dismembered Iron Legion bots. "These are toys." He crushed the Iron Legion bot's head. "There's only one path to peace: The Avengers' and humanity's extinction."

Thor threw Mjolnir and destroyed Ultron's body.

"Chaos shall be eliminated. Starting with you, for you are the heralds of it."

The suit died down.

Sokovia, Strucker Castle

Several suits activated.


A frightened, hysterical Vampire leapt over the rooftops of Bucharest. Too scared to look back, the Vampire was blinded by the sharp pain in his back, forcing him over the edge and plummet to the ground into an alley. Healing and increased durability could only do so much to reduce the pain from such a high fall.

The Vampire quickly crawled up to a wall to pull himself up when someone else landed in the alley with him. His yellow eyes widened.

It was him.

The Daywalker.

"You were supposed to be dead!" He yelled as he pulled out a switchblade, his only line of defense.

The sight of the knife only made Blade smirk. He reached his hand to his waist and pulled out the rectangular hilt and pressed the activation stud.

If it was possible, the Vampire's eyes would have bulged out as he dropped the small knife, instead, staring at the glowing black blade composed of plasma.

"Now I'm back."

Earth-1, Keystone City

Dusting his hands free of soot, Mick joined the Snarts on the hood of the mini-van they procured. Seriously, Snart couldn't get something with style? Or horsepower? "Alright, car's burning, who's next?"

"We don't know, Mick. The Russians were hired to guard the diamonds, we don't know who owns them." The expert thief thought hard as he crossed his arms, his left arm wrapped in gauze with his coat discarded. Luckily the bullet only grazed his bicep. "The first safe had the same security, on the inside, but the tank those guys came in this time around, different outfit altogether."

"And the language they were speaking, it sounded Slavic, but not Russian." Lisa added.

"Not to mention the armor on that thing." For those that didn't know Mick Rory, they would be surprised by the knowledge demonstrated. "Heat Gun is shooting flames at Planck temperature, that armor took it like a champ."

"Not more thieves, they were there to protect the diamonds. Found out we were hitting the spots Lisa's mark was hiding." Snart nodded to his sister, it was her who found out about the diamonds, they bided their time until the right chance, but that was before she suddenly had the change of heart on their current occupation. "Heavily armed, prepared, and professional."

"And we have no idea who they are." Mick slammed his fist into the hood in frustration. All those diamonds, all that money, gone.

"Not exactly." Lisa and Mick turned to Leonard, holding up a clenched hand, and opened to reveal a single diamond. "When in doubt, follow the ice."

Star City

The Mayoral Debate was going in full-force, but it was clear that Oliver was gaining everyone's favor. Ruvé still had one trick left up her sleeve though.

"Should we really trust Oliver Queen, after what his family has put the city through?" Ruvé asked everyone present. "His father did not care for the little people, his mother was involved in the Undertaking, and his sister used to waste her life on drugs."

Thea actually winced on hearing that, Oliver glaring holes into Ruvé, who continued. "Why should we trust Oliver Queen then? How can we trust the son of a man who did so much harm to lead our city?"

Oliver looked at Adrian, who gave him a wink, Oliver remembering something they'd discussed once.

"My family has caused problems before." Oliver did not deny it. "However, I am not my father, and I am not my mother. I will not deny they made many mistakes, some grave ones. But I am here, because I do not want such mistakes to happen again. I am here, to fix what was broken before. I have shared my plan, and I share ownership of my company with Mr. Palmer, who is ready to financially back all my ideas, and help in the implementation properly. The same Mr. Palmer in whose honor this city was renamed. Miss Adams might have a point about what my family did before, but I am not my parents, and I want to help this city."

And that was it. Ruvé had nothing left to play now. Oliver had used Adrian's shaming strategy without directly trying to shame Ruvé. He'd pointed out Ruvé was trying to blame him for things his parents did, and not he himself, and also painted a picture of himself as someone trying to correct past mistakes and being better.

There was nothing but applause for him, because everyone did love a good redemption story. And Oliver was going to make sure a redemption actually happened.

The redemption of his family name for all the wrongs done before. The faith of the people would not be in vain.

Earth-199999, New Jersey

Felicia had plenty to worry about when Parker drove them outside New York. That worry got worse when they stopped in New Jersey. It skyrocketed when Parker stopped the car next to a 1969 Chevrolet Chevelle Malibu. While Felicia found fast cars sexy, and muscle cars sexier, what soured the mood was whatever Parker had in mind. She believes she's known the woman long enough to know that she is batsh*t crazy when it comes to the tests that Felicia has to be put through. They range from tame to having a heart attack. Whenever she could, Parker had her drive on a track in preparation. For what, the older thief never said.

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"Okay," Parker got out of the car and approached the passenger side, leaning against the door as she waited for her protege, "I want you to get in and drive the car."

"...drive the car?" Felicia couldn't hide the disbelief even if she tried.


"No tricks?"

"None that I made."

"No paint bomb that will explode if I make a wrong move?"

Parker scoffed, and it usually served to unsettle Felicia. "Like I would ever use paint in a bomb." Case in point.

Sucking in a deep breath, the thief in training got out of the Audi and into the Malibu's driver's seat. Parker following on the other side. Felicia adjusted the seat and gripped the steering wheel appreciating the feel in her hands before turning the key already in the ignition, and felt giddy hearing that beast hum under the hood. She didn't even care that Parker was pulling out a magazine, not even paying attention to her student, before clicking her fingers.

"Oh, almost forgot, there's a kilo of cocaine under the car and I called the cops."




"I think you have a minute before they show up." Parker informed her before they started to hear the sirens, almost as loud as Felicia's heartbeat in her ears. "Huh, good response time."

"What do I do?!"

Parker shrugged as she finally engrossed herself into the world of celebrity gossip and chicks who eat too little. "Drive I'd say, unless you want to do five to ten."

No longer hesitating, Felicia pulled the gearshift and floored the pedal, sending her blonde head against the headrest, the screeching of the tires against the concrete left a trail of smoke in her wake. Glancing in the rear-view mirror, the telltale sign of flashing blue lights was at the center a distance away still, and it took everything Felicia had not to jump out the car and blame the crazy bitch beside her.

No, she was stronger than that. Better. Hitting the stick into next gear, Felicia steeled her nerves and drove, with the cops chasing after as she navigated through the town of Mount Hope, and onto the highway, two cop cars still chasing her.

"sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t." The Hardy teen cursed, moving between the cars in her way, continuing to pick up speed, but the damn cops were still on her.

A gasp came beside her. "That Blaire chick is actually a Mutant. Who knew?" If she could spare the look, Felicia would give one, and wonder what the hell is wrong with the woman teaching her. "Didn't Eliot date her?"

"Oh, that's nice, now if you could help me with a f*cking disguise so my face isn't flashed over the news, that'd be perfect!" And how did this help her become a better thief?!

"Baseball cap." Said object was shoved just below her face. Not questioning it and only putting it on, it was followed by a set of sunglasses. "Shades." Felicia put them on, before feeling her face poked. "Distinguishing mark." Unseen by Felicia, said "mark" was a black dot, meant to be a mole, in case she was pictured or seen, they would be looking for the wrong woman. All that, and Parker never looked up from her magazine.

Driving on the grass to get by a stubborn truck driver, Felicia still couldn't lose the cops, but every other car was becoming a blur as she passed them by. Once more, that feeling of adrenaline fueled her, drove her on to go faster. That was when her mind had an idea, and remembered one of the things Parker taught her, which was lost among the craziness. Exit strategy, Felicia needed to think of one.

The Malibu slowed down as both cop cars were on either side, the disguised blonde making sure she was right in the middle of New Jersey's finest. With Parker's face obscured by the magazine, all Felicia could do was look at the cop driving beside her, jamming his finger toward the side, repeatedly mouthing, "Pull over!" A coy smile graced her lips, and Felicia hit the brakes. Her car screeched to a halt while the pair of cops drove forward, their tyres screeching in an effort to stop and catch up, only to be sent off the road in their attempts. Not sticking around, the gear was put into reverse and Felicia grabbed the passenger seat and looked back, making sure her path was clear before twisting the car while moving, and driving into the flow of traffic. The cops too far behind her to matter, the only worry was hitting the cars heading straight for her, a problem that was easily danced around by Felicia thanks to lessons from boys trying to impress her, her mom, and now Parker.

During the drive, she found an opening in a set of trees, and turned ninety degrees and drove towards it, going deep enough that she would not be spotted from the road. Finally pulling to a stop, Felicia waited until the sounds of sirens passed, and kept waiting until they got farther and farther away. Once they were gone, Felicia left the still reading Parker in the car as she got on her knees and felt around the undercarriage, and found the bag that would have put her in jail. Except, as Felicia stood up and examined the bag, she saw what was NOT cocaine. Tearing it open, of all the things it could have been, the young thief watched as lucky charms fell to the grass.

"I was nearly arrested...for f*cking cereal."

"Oh please, there's no way you were gonna be arrested." Parker finally discarded the magazine and joined the dumbfounded Felicia sitting on the hood. Glancing at the watch, Parker quirked an eyebrow. "And you did it with time to spare. Not bad."

"How many more of these tests do I have to suffer through? When I have a heart attack from the stress?!"

"Pfft! Stress? You love this." Parker challenged the claim. Felicia always had a twinkle in her eye after every test, bar that one moment of weakness after the pickpocketing challenge in Times Square, which she quickly bounced back from. "You wanted to be a better thief."

"But I am tired of not actually stealing anything." There it is, she finally said it. Learning from a master thief, and she never went beyond pickpocketing exercises. For weeks, Parker kept saying she "wasn't ready". "You said you would make me the best. How can I be the best if you don't show me how to be?"

"You're not-"

"Ready? When will I be ready? When my hair goes white?" Felicia's sarcasm aside, Parker was...unsure. The younger blonde had a point, she was delaying things. Felicia needed to be shown the ropes, but she had a natural talent and quickly picked the skills up that Parker learned the hard way and from Archie.

But, there was a fear holding her back. She's grown to enjoy teaching Felicia, she's like that annoying little sister that she is fond of teasing and helping out. Could she cut it? Well, yes, otherwise Parker wouldn't waste time with her.

Still, the risks...

"Are you sure you want to go big?"

"Yes." There was no hesitation.

Sighing, part of Parker wasn't sure, but, when in doubt, throw someone in the deep end to show they can swim. She just hoped Eliot and Hardison don't give her hell for this.

"Be ready when I call." Parker said simply, walking past the surprised blonde into the driver's seat.

"Umm, aren't they looking for the car?"

"My resources jammed their signals so only those two cops knew about us. They think they're talking to their people when they're talking to mine." Dumbly nodding, which was all she could do, the student took the original seat of her teacher.

The car reversed back onto the highway, with New York as the destination.

She's going to do it. She's finally going to be able to show that she's better than her father. She's going to be the best.

A smirk grew on Felicia's face that went unseen by the other occupant of the car. Oh what a thrill this will be.

She can't wait.

Earth-1, Star City, HIVE Base

Damien stood, holding out his hand, having stopped a shuriken in midair, while some Ghosts stood behind him, Prometheus standing atop a crate.

Damien didn't know how Prometheus had found his base, but this had gone too far.

Prometheus was having similar thoughts about this having gone too far.

"You are still in conflict with the Green Arrow", Prometheus noted.

"He is still in my way!" Damien said angrily. "And you…you took my family. I will kill you right now unless you give me a reason not to."

Prometheus thought about it. He'd caught Damien off-guard last time and prevented him from using his hands to do his magic while threatening him.

But this time, Damien had been ready and stopped the shuriken before it could strike him.

Damien wasn't going to stop, and neither was he.

"I have a way you can take on both Oliver Queen and Green Arrow, and get them out of your way", Prometheus finally told him.

Damien smirked, lowering his hand as the shuriken dropped.

"I'm listening."

Keystone City

The trio of Rogues watched the dealer scrutinize the diamond under a scope while the computer ran the data he collected. The Snarts waited patiently, but Mick was getting angsty. Fortunately, the pyromaniac's anticipation was put to rest as the results finally came back.

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"What does the ice tell you, Jacques?" Snart made an acquaintance with Jacques way back when, a decent fence for sure when one wants to sell goods on the downlow. He was American, but apparently watched Pink Panther too many times.

"All indicators say that this puppy came from the mines in Buredunia." The fence said as he twisted in his chair, he was a slim man with receding hair and two pairs of glasses on his head.

Mick and Lisa exchanged confused glances. "Where the hell is that dump?"

"It's a small African nation stuck in a civil war for years now." Leonard supplied to his partner and sister as he glared at the small, pinky sized jewel. "These are blood diamonds."

"So, we're getting rich while kids are breaking their hands digging for these things?" He knew that tone, and honestly, he could understand Lisa's bitterness. Even Captain Cold would rather not stomach the thought of where they came from.

Mick grunted as he took back the gem from Jacques. "We know the where, now how do we know the who?"

"That's the easy part." Jacques turned back to his computer, with the tap of a few keys, the image of a stern looking man with short hair and weathered features appeared, but what was most significant was the dead look in his eyes. "Meet Count Werner Vladek."

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"He's a count?"

"It's what he calls himself." Jacques told Mick as he brought up more images of him standing over corpses and another with armed men. "A disgraced royal from the ruling family of Vlatava, guy went into mercenary work. Made it big partnering up with the "President-for-life" in Buredunia, who paid him exclusively in diamonds."

"Maybe we're in the wrong line of work." Mick commented idly, earning a look from both his partners.

"Word on the international street is that he's got plans to make a play for the Vlatavan throne, and with their problems, now is as good a time as any."

"What problems?" Leonard questioned the middle man.

Jacques only shrugged as he typed in a few more keys, bringing up the image of a man with a similar facial shape to Vladek, and a young girl. "Vladek's brother, the ruling king, he's sick. Only heir to the throne is a little girl, about ten I think."

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"And if he's planning a coup-"

"Then we better run off with the loot we have." Mick cut off Lisa. Leonard's sister then smacked his arm.

"How can you say that?!"

"By moving my lips!"

Lisa glared at the fire-obsessed thug. "If we let this sicko go with the diamonds, who knows what other sh*t he could do, to a country!"

"I'll be sure to steer clear of the place for my next vacation, but it's not our problem." Mick snapped back at the younger thief.

Leonard rubbed his aching head as both descended into another heated argument that challenged the Heat Gun itself. He ignored the two, instead, focusing on the picture of the little girl. Vladek, with those diamonds, can hire a lot of guns, do a lot of damage. What stayed in his mind though is the question: what will he do to the only one threatening his claim?

"That's enough." Snart said loudly yet calmly. Lisa and Mick looked over at him but his eyes never left the picture of the innocent, scared little girl. "We may be Rogues, but we don't hurt kids." He finally turned to his partners with a cold look to match his gun. "He's not leaving with those diamonds."

Star City, Damien's secret house

Nora Darhk was writing when the door opened and she turned to see her father walk in. "Hi, daddy."

"Hi, sweetie."

"Nora, honey, there's someone I'd like you to meet." Connor stepped out from behind Damien, who'd his arm around the boy. "Nora, this is Connor. Connor's mother asked us to look after him. He'll be staying with us for a while."

Nora held out her hand. "Nice to meet you, Connor." He shook her hand. "Want to play?"


They ran off to play as Damien smirked. He finally had a way to deal with both Oliver and Green Arrow.


And another is done.

Blade is now back in his world, and reunited with Whistler, while the Vamps will quickly fear his new weapon. Blade will be back, but he has been at it for a long while now, and out of all those who were sent to other fandoms, he'd the longest stay, so he is getting a break for now.

'Age of Ultron' has properly kicked off, and as you can see, Ultron is already behaving differently from MCU canon. I'm one of those who actually liked his portrayal in this film, but they did not show the full extent of what he is capable of, which I shall show later. Thanks a lot to Brainstorm Sorcerer for the scene of Ultron waking up, and some lines.

While I heavily disagree with and criticize Tony's decisions in this film, getting into his head and even Banner's head for this was fun.

So, even the 'flirting' scene with Natasha and Banner would clearly have made more sense with Natasha and Steve until she said the 'guy has a temper' thing, as the scene here has showed. So Romanogers get closer.

And I heavily dislike Steve/Peggy due to her shooting at him, and also why I despise Steve's ending, as the entire thing is just toxic. Plus it contradicted the movie's own time-travel rules (if the writers are to be believed), and also destroyed Steve's character arc. His entire arc was moving on from his time period and accepting the present as his new home, not finding a way back to the past! Plus Steggy had little on-screen time together so rooting for them as an endgame pairing is near impossible. Steve could have had many endings to end his character arc nicely, but they went with the worst one possible which destroyed his character arc entirely.

The party scene in AOU is a masterpiece though, regardless of what you think of the rest of the film. That scene convinced me that I'll totally watch the f*ck out of a MCU film just about the Heroes hanging out and chilling, and it'd make a billion too.

Nowadays, even their main films don't get my interest. Only 'Wolverine & Asshole' looks great. How the times have changed, and not for the better.

The late, legendary Stan Lee also made his cameo here, from the film.

Hope the little Robert/Wally interaction was enjoyed, as I wanted Robert to set Wally straight regarding the drag racing.

While Oliver has beaten Ruvé in the Mayoral debate, which I showed here. Always found it a missed opportunity they didn't show it on-screen, but considering the Arrowverse's one-sided political messaging, probably for the best.

And thanks a lot to Stand with Ward and Queen for suggestions on both scenes, plus the Prometheus/Damien meeting was inspired from his 'A new age for the League of Assassins', so thank you to him for that too.

While Damien has taken Connor, leading to 4x15.

Spike has met Arwen now, as well as Glorfindel, Gandalf and Elrond. Plus he has been told the dark tale of Sauron and the One Ring at last too.

And now, after being called out for how callous he was and what he suggested, you all know what he'll eventually do. Now is it as strong a motivation as in the show? No. But this was the best I could think of, because I'm not a fan of how the show did it. It made sense, but it also went too far.

For how I did it, let's just put it this way- when you end up trying to be a piece of sh*t amongst some of the most honorable and politest and humblest characters in all of fiction, their calling out of you alone is a good enough wake-up call.

With this, the journey to Rivendell is over.

While it seems Parker and Felicia are about to progress a bit more.

And Leonard, Mick and Lisa get involved in something. Interesting. Imagine Til Schweiger as Count Werner Vladek, Raynor Scheine as Jacques, Jason Lewis as Werner's brother Josef, and McKenna Grace as Josef's daughter Perdita.

Thanks a lot to Brainstorm Sorcerer for the Rogues' scenes, the Parker/Felicia scene, the Blade stuff, Ultron's awakening as well as Wanda and Pietro meeting the Brotherhood.

Hope that scene was enjoyed by all too, and as you can see, lots of things are about to happen.

The Mutants in the scene were, in order (outside of Gateway whose name got mentioned)- Sage (played by Marie Avgeropoulos), Juggernaut, Emma Frost from 'First Class', Mimic (played by Chris Zylka), Avalanche (played by Theo James), Pyro (the Simon Lasker version, played by Garrett Clayton) and Mastermind (played by Jackie Earle Haley).

And imagine the late David Ngoombujarra (RIP) as Gateway.

Thank you to Brainstorm Sorcerer and gussygus28 for the castings too.

Hope all enjoyed and see you all next time with another chapter.

Chapter 28: The young ones meet


Various young Heroes are brought together for a mission. Oliver gets some unexpected help in dealing with Damien. A new superhero appears in Central City. Ultron begins his initiative. Leonard, Mick and Lisa go after Vladek. The Injustice League try to recruit someone. Magneto has a talk with his children.


Disclaimer: I do not own anything you may recognize

Thank you to everyone for the kudos, hits, comments and bookmarks.

Thanks a lot to gussygus28 and Brainstorm Sorcerer for their help with this chapter, really couldn't have done this without them.

I finished playing Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth. Its an amazing game and one of the best Final Fantasy games easily, with a great world map, and lots of awesome mini-games, plus the gameplay is still as amazing as ever, and refined from the previous game.

The storyline is great but the ending was quite convoluted and gave me a headache. Welcome, people, to a Final Fantasy VII more convoluted than even Kingdom Hearts (and I love both franchises).

For 'Kingdom Hearts', while it did get convoluted, if one played all games (or watched walkthroughs of those they didn't play) and didn't deviate attention for a single second, they'd understand it all, at least in my experience.

'Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth', on the other hand, like I said, I played it, didn't let up my attention, and my head is still spinning from the ending. The games are great, but I'm hoping they put some of this stuff in line for the 3rd one.

And if they decide to remake another classic Final Fantasy, like VI or VIII (I've seen people wanting a remake for VIII very badly too) I hope it just remains a 1:1 remake, where the story is unchanged minus a few modifications here and there, and only the graphics and gameplay are updated to be more in line with 'Rebirth'.

Not because I dislike the VII Remake Trilogy, I really like what they did, but sometimes, we need something 'simple and clean' (LOL!), and Square would do well to remember that as well IMO.

All in all, the game is a masterpiece but the ending was convoluted.

I'm almost done with my DCAU re-watch as well, and now I've seen 'The Zeta Project' for the first time. Its a really good show, an underrated, forgotten gem, if a bit repetitive at various parts. But the studios kept trying to push this show into a more kid-friendly direction, and the creator eventually left due to the studios moving too far from his original vision, and this show then got cancelled after 2 whole Seasons. And unlike 'Batman Beyond' which at least got a conclusion in JLU's 'Epilogue', this show was never concluded. Sad really. Its a really good show, even if the studios wronged it.

RIP Akira Toriyama. 'Dragon Ball' is one of the franchises I grew up with, and its all because of him. You will be missed. 'Dragon Ball' is very influential and introduced manga/anime to a wider audience all over the world. The franchise has also influenced other great manga/anime such as Naruto, One Piece, My Hero Academia, etc., showing Toriyama's great legacy in the genre, and how this franchise's effects are felt to this day. He is a legend, and he may be gone, but he won't be forgotten.

This chapter is dedicated to him.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The Mysterious Tower

Master Yen Sid was talking to Mickey, Donald, Goofy and Lea, the recently revived Somebody of Axel, about his inability to locate Sora and Riku during their Mark of Mastery exam, and his concerns regarding Xehanort.

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"We must consider any strategy to outwit Xehanort and catch him off guard", Yen Sid told the four. "I must warn you again- the road will not be easy."

Lea shrugged. "Fine. Let's jump right in."

At that moment, various breaches opened all around them, to their shock, and many people staggered through each of them, looking confused and disoriented.

"What is going on?" Dawn Summers asked no one in particular. "And why is everything so…..blocky?" She'd just gone off for a walk after practicing some magic with Willow and Tara earlier, now she was here.

"Why me?" Conner Kent aka Superboy groaned, looking at his own blocky self as well. He was flying around after a meeting of the Teen Titans, then a breach had sent him here.

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"What exactly happened?" Alice Pierce asked no one in particular. She was training herself in Andy's cabin before finding herself here.

"This is weird", Peter Parker aka Spider-Man muttered to himself, looking down at so many people. He liked spending time alone nowadays, after all that had happened. Dr. Connors had moved to Florida to develop a cure for Electro, while he was facing new supervillains such as Hydro-Man and Scorpion.

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His personal life was still not perfect, though he hoped it'd get better.

He wasn't sure about right now though.

"What world is this?" Ciri asked no one in particular. "And I have never seen that manner of portal before."

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"This is not Coruscant", Ahsoka Tano muttered in surprise. And this was nothing like the last time she'd seemingly travelled between worlds. She knew it was not her world. She'd been talking to Master Anakin sometime after the mess with Lux Bonteri and the Death Watch, and after parting with him, she was here now.

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"Oh yeah! This looks like an interesting place!" Son Goku cheered while on his Flying Nimbus, causing the others to look up at him, as Yen Sid narrowed his eyes, and he leapt down. The 21st World Martial Arts Tournament had ended, and he had gone off to find his grandfather's Four-Star Dragon Ball, but now here he was instead.

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"Took the words right out of my mouth", Naruto Uzumaki told him with a grin, standing next to him. He'd healed of his battle with Zabuza and Haku, now he was here.

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"I am so confused", Ben Tennyson muttered, looking around at everyone with wide eyes. His summer vacation was over, but it was a weekend, he wanted to have some fun, not end up in some unknown place!

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"What is this place?" Aang asked the rest of them. He was travelling to the Earth Kingdom with his friends, then ended up here all of a sudden.

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"I am wondering the same thing", Harry Potter commented, having been thinking about Lord Voldemort's return back in his home, before having gone out for a walk, only to appear here.

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"This does not look like a Camp", Percy Jackson had to say as well. He was spending the remaining summer in Camp Half-Blood after his Quest was finished. Ending up here wasn't supposed to happen, right?

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"Where are we?" Atreus wondered. He had gone off into the forest after training with his father, Kratos, then ended up here.

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Superboy then noticed Mickey, Donald, Goofy and Yen Sid, and his eyes widened. "Oh boy! Disney characters! You're all real?"

"Oh, I am such a huge fan!" Dawn said happily to the four of them, especially Mickey, Donald and Goofy, who were all confused. "I watched all of your shorts, still do sometimes!" She frowned, wondering if she'd actually seen them before or just had memories of doing so. Then she decided it didn't matter in the moment.

"Gosh, how did so many people get here?" Goofy wondered now.

"Oh, they're real!" Dawn now squealed even more happily, making the others cringe due to how her squeals were irritating their ears, especially Conner.

"I'm a huge fan too!" Alice told them happily. "I used to watch 'Mickey Mouse Clubhouse' all the time." Before the dark times at least.

"Uhh…what is that?" Mickey asked in confusion, making Dawn and Alice share a weird look.

"Well, we got a whole gang of kids here", Lea muttered. "I ain't gonna babysit anyone."

"Don't think we need it", Percy said to him in reply.

"Who are you people anyways?" Harry asked them, sensing some powerful magic from all of them which eclipsed even Dumbledore and Voldemort.

"Oh, I know. This is Mickey Mouse, that's Donald Duck, Goofy, and Yen Sid!" Dawn introduced them all happily, only confusing them.

"How does she know us?" Donald asked the rest.

"I don't know, Donald", Mickey sighed, then turned to Yen Sid. "Or do other versions of us exist in some of their worlds?"

"That could be true", Yen Sid noted.

"What do you mean by that?" Ben asked.

"You are all from different worlds, and have accidentally been brought to this one", Yen Sid revealed to them grimly. "Either by accident, or for reasons I know not. I believe all of you should introduce yourself."

"I am Dawn Summers", Dawn said while raising her hand.

"Alice Pierce", Alice gave her introduction too.

"Call me Superboy", Conner said, not wanting to give his real name.

"Spider-Man", Spider-Man added, as he too didn't want to give his real name.

"I am called Ciri", Ciri introduced herself, still wondering on this world. She too felt the power from everyone here.

"I am Goku!" Goku happily introduced himself. "Nice to meet you all."

"Name's Naruto, and same here", Naruto added.

"My name is Aang!" Aang gave his introduction. "It is good to meet you all too."

"Harry. Harry Potter", Harry gave his name, and even if he was in a different world, he was glad to not be facing the headaches of his world, where he was famous, and now infamous.

"Percy Jackson", Percy introduced himself too.

"I am Ahsoka", Ahsoka gave her name with a little smirk.

"My name is Ben", Ben said with a wave as some of them noticed the weird looking watch he wore.

"Atreus", Atreus finished introductions.

"Well, no one knows my name", Lea then spoke up. "Name's Lea." He put a finger to his head. "Got it memorized?"

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That caused some of them to chuckle, especially the girls, who found him attractive, as Ahsoka then asked Yen Sid. "What should we do now?"

"We are discussing something, but we shall let you know", Yen Sid told them, then turned to the other four, who walked next to him and they started speaking to each other, Conner hearing some of it but deciding to ignore for now.

As they'd nothing else to do, the young Heroes all ended up in talks with each other now.

Ahsoka was looking at the rest of them, as Ciri asked her. "What are you watching?"

"Everyone seems to ripple in The Force here, including you", Ahsoka said. "Yet none of you have the power. My Master told me those from other worlds are rippling in it."

"What is the Force?" Ciri inquired.

"It is a powerful spiritual energy around us, it resides within everything, and binds everything in the galaxy together", Ahsoka explained. "It is called the Force."

"And you can harness it?" Ciri asked.

"Yes, all Jedi can", Ahsoka confirmed.

"What is a Jedi now?"

"We are peacekeepers of the galaxy", Ahsoka said to her. "I have been them for a long time now. Know a lot of stuff."

"I do too", Ciri said with a sigh. "I used to be a princess. Now I am one no longer. Because our world does not have peacekeepers."

"I'm sorry to hear that", Ahsoka said sadly. "What happened?"

"Too many things", Ciri said grimly, thinking of how it had all gone wrong. She couldn't even stay with Geralt and Yennefer forever. Everything Mistle had done to her, and then Leo Bonhart, it was all still fresh in her mind. Bonhart was gone, yet the scars in her mind never healed. Then there was all that Emhyr wanted to do to her.

She had been obsessed with killing, because of the Rats, and then all that Bonhart had put her through.

In her mind, she still wished the story ended with Geralt and Yennefer married. She would go live happily with them too. But real life was just not that happy.

If it was, Mistle would be everything she'd imagined her to be. It had taken her a long time to accept what kind of person Mistle truly was, and how abusive their relationship had been, and all the things she had been put through.

She would not allow herself to be in such a situation again.

"Too many things", Ciri said again. "I won't let them happen again though." She looked at the younger ones interacting, many of them even laughing. "They might be powerful, but they look so innocent."

"Let's hope it stays that way", Ahsoka told her.

"So, you're a superhero then?" Spider-Man asked Superboy while standing in front of him.

"Haven't been one for long", Conner told him. "Just started trying my hand at it recently. You been one long?"

"It has been a while now", Spider-Man confirmed with a sigh.

"Its hard?" Conner inquired.

"Well, when you've to lead a double life without support, it always is", Spider-Man commented. "Its not like I'm an Avenger or anything."

"What's an Avenger?" Conner now asked.

"Ah, right! They're a superhero team on my Earth!" Peter explained to Conner. "They're Earth's Mightiest Heroes and all that, protect the world from threats too." He added. "But the neighborhood, that's the responsibility of your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man."

"Cool", Conner smirked. "We've a superhero team in our world too- Justice League. I know them personally too."

"Can't say the same about the Avengers. Not sure yet if it's a good or bad thing", Spider-Man quipped to him.

"In fact, I was actually made as a clone of Superman, our world's greatest hero, and his enemy", Conner revealed, to Spider-Man's shock. "It was hard for a while, but he made me part of the family at the end, and now I joined this team called the Teen Titans."

"Sorry to hear about the clone thing", Peter sympathized with him.

"Yeah, guess that makes me half-human, half-alien", Conner noted, when Ben walked next to them.

"You're an alien's clone? Cool!" Ben cheered happily at that. "I'd really love meeting this Superman!"

"Me too actually, sounds like a swell guy", Spider-Man had to say.

"Maybe one day", Conner said to them.

"My watch actually lets me turn into a bunch of different aliens", Ben revealed at that point, showing it to them. "Its actually an alien device called the Omnitrix, it looks like a watch."

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (843)

"Oh! Now that's really cool", Spider-Man had to say again. "So, wide variety of powers then?"

"Heatblast can fire flames, Four Arms has four arms and is very strong, Wildmutt is like an alien dog", Ben explained. "And I've 7 more."

"So cool", Conner had to say as well now.

"Is chakra energy?" Goku was asking Naruto. "I use energy."

"I guess you could call chakra as energy", Naruto said to him. "And your tail is funny."

"Thanks, it just grew back", Goku said cheerfully. "Our energy is our life-force, I think. Its our energy and stamina."

"Well, chakra is a power that lies within the Shinobi", Naruto explained to Goku. "We use it to boost our stamina and do cool things!"

"What is Shinobi? Is it a type of food?" Goku asked, making Naruto fall down in embarrassment before he stood up.

"No! We do missions and fight!" Naruto said as if it was obvious.

"Right, got it", Goku said. "So, can chakra be used to do special attacks and techniques?"

"Yes, and I know a lot of stuff!" Naruto boasted.

"Energy can be used for the same", Goku told him. "Maybe you can teach me about chakra."

"Oh totally, I'm gonna make you so great with it", Naruto said. "And you can tell me more about energy."

"Are any of these like bending?" Aang asked them at that moment.

"What's bending?" Goku asked out of curiosity.

"In my world, there are….were four nations", Aang admitted sadly, since there were only three now. "We can utilize one element of nature as our power. Its called bending. There are Waterbenders, Earthbenders, Firebenders", he sighed, "and I'm an Airbender." The last of them.

"So, you can use air as a weapon to fight?" Naruto asked then.

"Yes, I can bend the air, but I'm one of those who can apparently bend all four elements", Aang revealed to them. "I'm an Avatar, and I've to maintain harmony between all nations."

"That would be fun", Goku said, mostly out of innocence than anything else. "And I would really love to learn bending too."

"Depends on if you can do it", Aang pointed out.

"There are wind-style jutsus", Naruto told Aang at that point. "Maybe your airbending is like that. Also, you've a funny head."

Aang chuckled as Goku added. "It reminds me of Krillin. Without the sign though."

"Your tail is funny too", Aang said to Goku.

"And my Power Pole looks so much like yours", Goku said, comparing his Power Pole to Aang's staff.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (844)

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (845)

"They do look the same", Aang had to say.

"My Kamehameha is like wind too", Goku said to Aang.

"What's an Avatar's role again?" Ahsoka asked as she walked next to them.

"Maintain harmony between all nations", Aang told her once more.

"Well, good luck with that", Ahsoka said to him with a smile. "Sounds like a Jedi to me."

"What's a Jedi?" The three asked, and she started explaining.

"You were possessed by a serial killer inside a killer doll?" Dawn asked Alice in shock.

"Yes, but Uncle Andy saved me, now he has trained me", Alice told Dawn with a little smile. "Still can't get Aunt Nica out though."

"Sorry to hear that", Dawn said sadly.

"And you're like energy that became human, and a Hell God was after you?" Alice asked Dawn in shock, Dawn nodding.

"Yes, it was horrible", Dawn said with a sigh, remembering Buffy's broken body again, and hoping Alice did not get anymore trauma now, as she put a hand on the girl's shoulder. "I hope things get better for you."

"Thank you", Alice said, before glancing over at Ben and Aang. "They're both like my age, and they've superpowers. It's so cool."

"Sure is", Dawn said in agreement. "Let's talk to them."

"A magic school, huh?" Percy asked after Harry was done, and so was he.

"And you've a camp for Demi-Gods", Harry noted. "Your friends remind me of mine."

"I was just gonna say that myself", Percy said to him. "So, he is back now?"

"Yes, but no one believes me", Harry said sadly. "Except Professor Dumbledore. But they've to listen!"

"Let's hope they before its too late", Percy muttered.

"Son of Poseidon then", Harry said, changing the subject.

"You're the Son of Poseidon?" Atreus asked Percy in surprise as he appeared close to him.

"Yeah, why?" Percy asked him.

"On my world, Poseidon is dead", Atreus revealed, to their shock. "And I'm a Demi-God myself."

"Whoa! Cool! Who is your father?" Percy inquired.

"The God of War", Atreus revealed, as Percy and Harry shared a look.

"Ares?" Percy asked.

"No, my father was used by Ares, so he killed him and took his place…for a time", Atreus told them both. "All the Gods then used him, so he killed all of them."

"He killed the entire Greek Pantheon?" Percy asked in shock and horror. And while he knew the Gods could use people, it seemed like they'd pushed this person too far.

"Most of them, yes", Atreus confirmed. "But he is trying to change now, I think. He didn't tell me a lot of things until recently, when there was no other choice."

"What is your father's name?" Harry inquired.

"He is called Kratos", Atreus said to the two of them. "And he is my father. We're being bothered by Gods again, this time the Norse ones."

"The Gods in your world sound really bad. I mean, mine are no saints, but they're not this bad", Percy had to say.

"Yes, and I'm still wondering just how bad Thor is", Atreus whispered, when Spider-Man appeared next to them.

"Thor is bad in your world? Really?" Spider-Man asked in shock.

"Yes, why do you ask that?" Atreus inquired.

"He is one of the greatest heroes in my world, he even saved the city from an attack meant to decimate it", Spider-Man revealed, and Atreus was shocked.

"Your Thor sounds like a true hero, the one in my world is nothing like that", Atreus had to say.

"This talk of different worlds is so confusing", Harry had to say, as he held up his wand. "Here I thought the day I found out magic was real was the strangest."

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"So, is that your wand?" Dawn asked Harry as she came next to them, leaving Alice to talk to Ben and Naruto. "Can you show me some magic? I'm learning myself, would love to see how your magic works."

"I'm not really allowed to use magic outside school grounds", Harry said.

"Well, you're in a different world so I don't think it matters", Percy pointed out.

"True", Harry nodded, seeing a broomstick nearby, and aimed at it. "Accio broom!"

The broomstick flew towards him and he caught it, as Dawn said. "Whoa! Cool stuff there!" She turned to Superboy, who'd arrived nearby. "And, you're a clone of Superman, right?"

"You know Superman?" Conner asked her.

"Yeah, he appeared in our world a while ago when our town had turned into a Musical", Dawn revealed, Conner's eyes widening.

"He told me a bit about that on the phone", Conner said. "Well, I guess we're all coming together then."

"So, that's what 'aliens' are, huh?" Naruto muttered after Ben was done explaining.

"Yeah. You sound like Gwen", Ben muttered, thinking of his cousin. Though Naruto was still cool.

"Well, I'm sure aliens won't be able to touch me when I become Hokage!" Naruto declared.

"If you become one", Ben snarked, making Naruto glare at him.

"Oh I'll be! Watch me!" He smirked.

Earth-1, Star City, the lair

Oliver, Roy, Thea, Sara and Laurel were about to go home, done for the day, when the former suddenly got a call.

Seeing the number was blocked, he accepted it. "Hello?"

"I'm done playing nice Oliver. I tried to bring you into the fold Mr. Queen. I nearly killed your sister, I tried to kill you, but none of that took." Darhk's voice said angrily.

"You underestimated me." Oliver shot back, the rest now looking at him.

"Maybe, but as they say, or should, the fourth time's the charm," Darhk said as Oliver's phone beeped,"go ahead, take a look."

Oliver lowered the phone, opening the message he'd gotten to see a video of Connor sitting in a room. He paled, as the rest saw it too, Thea's and Sara's eyes widening, while Oliver put the phone back to his ear.

"If you do anything to him…"

"Connor thinks I'm friends with his mother, funny", Damien quipped. "You're gonna hold a press conference and drop out of the mayoral race at 6:00 Friday. Oh, that's 6:00 P.M. by the way. I'll be at home watching you from my brand-new television."

The call was cut, Oliver lowering his phone as Roy asked. "Oliver, who is that boy?"

"His name is Connor, and he is my son", Oliver revealed, to the shock of Roy and Laurel.

Central City

Caitlin looked at her tablet and saw King Shark swimming towards the buoy, biting off the mannequin. "He ate the lure!" She cheered.

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Diggle attempted to reel in the bait but King Shark had let it go. "Where'd he go?"

"He's headed for the docks",Cisco said.

"Go, go, go." Barry ordered as Caitlin and Patty ran off.

"Get ready to fire!" Diggle ordered as Lyla and the A.R.G.U.S. agents were readying their weapons.

King Shark jumped out of the water as the A.R.G.U.S. agents opened fire before he landed at the docks.

"Those guns won't stop me, Flash. First I'll kill you, then I'll kill them", King Shark said.

"Oh, yeah? Let's do this then! Come on!" Barry taunted as he ran off on the water, with King Shark chasing him until Barry started to circle around King Shark, creating a whirlpool.

The water was slowly being electrified.

Static Shock Intro 1 plays

At that moment, a dark-skinned boy riding what looked like a saucer, wearing a dark blue, black and yellow suit with a yellow belt and lightning emblem in the chest, and a white and blue mask on the face, appeared, flying in the sky, lightning coming off of him.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (848)

"Need a hand?" He asked, Barry looking up.

"Get away, kid!" Barry cried out, only for the boy to fire lightning at the whirlpool, and it struck King Shark, making him convulse violently, before he was knocked out.

Barry was shocked by the kid's power as he ran back to the shore. "Now you can reel him in."

They did just that as the boy hovered over them, Barry asking. "Who are you?"

"I'm Static Shock. And I put a shock to your system", Static Shock, before flying off on his saucer.

"So, we got a new superhero then", Diggle noted with narrowed eyes.

"Thanks kid!" Barry cried out.


"Static Shock. That's actually a good one", Cisco had to say with a smile.

"Hell of a catch, Barry", Diggle said as they left, while A.R.G.U.S. agents were apprehending King Shark.

"Yeah, though the credit goes to this Static Shock guy", Barry had to say. "Just don't let him get away again."

"Won't let that happen again", Lyla promised.

"So what are you gonna do with him?" Caitlin asked.

"I don't know yet. But one thing's for sure, A.R.G.U.S.'s plans to turn King Shark into a weapon died with Amanda Waller", Lyla said.

"Good to know. As long as this freak isn't causing trouble in Central City anymore, I'd be glad, if I didn't have to deal with more reports about a giant shark waltzing around here", Patty commented before she and Barry chuckled.

"I think our time would be better served learning about how he came to be and how to cure him", Lyla nodded in agreement.

"You know, you should really talk to Dr. Lamden. She's done a lot of research, and I think it could be helpful to you", Caitlin noted.

"I'll do that", Lyla smiled before turning to Barry. "Nice to see you again."

"I should head back to the precinct. Make sure there's no paperwork about a giant shark." Patty said as she and Barry laughed, while she and Lyla walked off.

Barry turned to Diggle. "Well, thanks a lot, Dig."

"Hey, I got to thank you, Barry. Got Lyla get her first big win, I got to watch you run on water. It was biblical." Diggle said as they smiled at each other.

"See ya."

"You too."

"Say 'hi' to everyone for me, all right?"

"I will."

Barry sped off, picking Patty as Lyla stared. "Yeah, OK. That's kind of freaky."

"Yeah, yeah, see? I told you." Diggle nodded as they walked off, when he got a call. "Hey, what's up, Oliver?"

Central City Junkyard

Static Shock flew down, seeing Richie waiting for him, and took off his mask, revealing Virgil Hawkins.

"So, how was it?" Richie inquired.

"I just helped out Flash, and I'm sure he was impressed", Virgil revealed, the teenagers cheering happily.

Star City, the lair

"Since when do you have a son?" Roy asked in disbelief.

"Not important", Oliver said with a sigh.

"How is it possible no one knew?" Laurel inquired.

"I kind of knew, since last week", Thea said sheepishly.

"I knew too, but I wasn't gonna tell anyone else without his permission", Sara added.

"Laurel, do you remember that party we went to about a year before the Gambit?" Oliver asked and she nodded, having a feeling she knew where this was going. "After you left, I drank. A lot. I don't even remember most of that night. But I remember waking up the next day in bed with Sandra."

"Sandra? Is there anyone you didn't cheat on me with?" Laurel asked angrily and Oliver sighed, knowing he deserved that.

"Two months later, she told me she was pregnant. Needless to say, I freaked out and told my mom. A few days later, Sandra told me she lost the baby and moved to Central City. I didn't think anything of it until we went to Central City during the Savage mess and I saw them. It turns out my mom bribed Sandra to tell me she lost the baby, leave town, and never speak me to me again." Oliver explained and they all stared in shock.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Roy asked out of curiosity.

"Sandra told me that the only way I would be allowed to meet my son would be if I agreed to keep him secret", Oliver revealed.

"Harsh", Roy had to say, thinking of losing his own father when he was very young. Now knowing Oliver had a son, he wished this kid could know his amazing father.

"When I stop to consider the life I lead…I can't exactly blame her," Oliver sighed. "Laurel, I know you are angry and hurt and I don't blame you. But I need you to put that aside for now to help me get my son back."

"You don't even have to ask", Laurel assured him as Diggle and Felicity walked in.

"Hey, we got your 911", Diggle told him.

"Darhk called, he's kidnapped a ten-year old boy and will only release him if Ollie drops out of the race", Sara explained.

"Thea, call Adrian, have him schedule a press conference for 6:00 P.M. Friday." Oliver ordered and Thea nodded.

"Wait, you're not actually going for this are you?" Diggle asked in shock as Oliver sighed.

"The boy, Connor, he's my son." Oliver explained and Diggle and Felicity stared in shock.

"What?" Felicity asked shocked.

"It's a long story that's not important right now. What's important is finding Connor", Laurel ordered, putting her own feelings aside for the moment.

"So what's our next plan?" Thea asked.

"He lives in Central City, so let's call Barry", Felicity suggested. "Can we tell Barry?"

"I guess…" Oliver sighed, knowing Barry was trustworthy and there was no other alternative, and Felicity walked off to do just that, when Oliver's phone went off.

"Sandra's here", Oliver said after checking his phone.

"Who's Sandra?" Diggle asked.

"Connor's mother", Oliver said as he walked out.

Campaign office

"Hey," Adrian said as Oliver walked up to him. "She said her name was Sandra Hawke. The name struck a nerve from that million dollar check you told Thea wasn't gonna be a problem."

"It won't." Oliver said as he walked past Adrian.

"Then why did I just get a 911 text from Thea telling me you're pulling out of the race?" Adrian demanded.

"It's a precaution", Oliver said vaguely, walking into his office. Once he closed the door, Sandra started firing off questions.

"Have you heard from Connor? Do you know where he is?" Sandra asked desperately.

"I don't, but I'm doing everything that I can." Oliver assured her.

"I knew it," Sandra said as she walked past him, "I knew the moment he was gone, you had to have some sort of involvement in this. What was I thinking letting you into his life? Two months later and he's gone."

"Sandra, you need to tell me what happened." Oliver said, feeling the same stress she was under.

"No Oliver, you need to get me my son back!" Sandra snarled.

"I am trying but you need to tell me exactly what happened. Now." Oliver said trying to keep calm.

"I went upstairs to get him for dinner and he was gone," Sandra said in a trembling voice, "Gone. No note, no sign of a struggle, just gone. I called the CCPD and they've been looking everywhere, but it's already been over forty-eight hours and still nothing. Then, I thought about you. You're running for Mayor, and also have your company back, meaning lots of resources. You could help, right?"

"Yes", Oliver assured her. "And I am going to do everything, and I do mean absolutely everything in my power, and we I'll get him back."

"And, how exactly will you do that?" Sandra inquired.

Oliver thought about it, then decided she deserved to know. If they wanted to make a proper decision regarding their son, she needed to know everything.

"Sandra…I'm the Green Arrow." Oliver told her, her face telling him how shocked she was.

Middle-earth, Rivendell

Gandalf looked around at this hidden sanctuary. He knew the Hobbits believed for now that the Ring would be safe here, but he knew it would not, and if the Dark Lord found it here….this place would not be a sanctuary for long.

He suddenly sensed something familiar, and walked ahead, holding out his staff as a breach appeared in his way.

At that moment, he remembered the words of Aslan, and realized the time had come.

Spike came up behind him and noticed the breach. "Oi, is that another one?"

"I am needed beyond", Gandalf told Spike, then walked through it.

"Hey! I'm coming too!" Spike cried out and ran after him.

Earth-1, Star City, the lair

"This doesn't make any sense", Sandra said as Oliver led her into the lair.

"Well, like I said, I'm not the person that I used to be. These are my friends," Oliver said as Team Arrow walked into view, "and they are going to help us find Connor. You probably remember-"

"Laurel Lance." Sandra breathed as Laurel walked over to her.

"I'm so sorry you're going through this," Laurel said as she put her hands on Sandra's shoulders, "we will help you get Connor back."

"Look, Laurel, it was one time. And I knew that you and Oliver were together but I was young and stupid and selfish. And I should have been honest with you." Sandra said apologetically.

"No, Oliver should have been," Laurel flashed him a cold stare as Oliver looked away, filled with shame and regret, "Come on."

Roy put a hand on Oliver's shoulder, that he appreciated.

Laurel led Sandra away and Oliver gave her a grateful nod, to which she nodded coolly. Understanding her feelings, Oliver didn't hold it against her.

"Do the CCPD have anything?" Oliver asked once they were gone.

"No, it was a clean grab." Felicity told him.

"What leads do we have?" Sara wondered.

"Finding Connor isn't the problem, beating Darhk is. Every time we've faced him, we've been beaten. Thoroughly." Diggle pointed out.

"It's because we can't go against his magic." Thea sighed.

"We need a new strategy", Roy decided. "What can that be?"

"What about Constantine?" Diggle asked.

"He's in Hell." Oliver said vaguely.

"Really, what's he going through?" Thea wondered.

"I mean, he's actually literally in Hell. But I might know someone else", Oliver said, when suddenly a breach opened, and out of it walked Gandalf, with Spike behind him.

"Huh?" Thea muttered in shock.

"Spike?" Oliver narrowed his eyes, recognizing the Vampire.

"Oliver?" Spike recognized him as well, while Laurel and Sandra turned around in shock.

"You two know each other?" Sara inquired.

"That world I fell into with Eliot, Spike was there", Oliver told her, then looked at Gandalf. "And who are you?"

"Gandalf the Grey, at your service", Gandalf said charmingly while giving a slight bow.

Looking at his getup, Roy had to ask. "Are you a magician of some kind?"

"He is, and from what I hear, real powerful one too, can turn people into toads if they don't listen to 'em", Spike added with a smirk, as Gandalf chuckled at that.

"What's going on?" Sandra inquired as she walked closer to them with Laurel.

"Sandra, this is Spike", Oliver said, giving the introduction. "Spike, meet Sandra."

"Pleasure to meet you, luv", Spike quipped to her.

"Ollie, we agreed Damien can't be beaten by us, maybe the Multiverse decided to help", Thea said while looking at Gandalf.

"What can you do?" Oliver inquired, before asking. "And why should I trust you?"

"You should not, for you have just met me, master Oliver", Gandalf simply told him. "But if I can be of service to you, I shall be."

"And, I ask as well, what can you do?" Felicity asked now.

"I am no conjurer of cheap tricks", Gandalf declared to her.

Spike spoke up. "Well, this powerful Elf-lady there called a flood with horse shapes by doing a chant near a river. And from what I know, Gandalf here is even more powerful. For the trust part, a really stuck up, righteous and honorable bloke called Strider trusts him too, so I'd trust him as well."

"Did you just say Strider?" Oliver asked Spike at that moment.

"Yeah, why?" Spike inquired.

"Did he wear a hood, carried a sword, and had a cloak behind him?" Oliver asked. "And a rugged face?"

"Oh yeah, accurate description", Spike noted, then his eyes widened. "You lot…"

"We know him", Diggle spoke up.

"Ah. So, this is the world he found himself in", Gandalf now realized at last, looking around. "Quite different from my world." He looked at the computers, TV and wires. "With things I do not understand."

"We only met him once. He was with our friends in Central City for the most part. But if he trusts you, then so do we", Oliver said to Gandalf, holding out his hand. "I'm Oliver Queen." Gandalf shook his hand as Oliver gestured to the rest. "This is my sister, Thea. Roy, Sara, Laurel, Diggle and Felicity. And Sandra." All of them nodded or waved when they were introduced.

"Pleasure to meet you all", Gandalf said with a pleasant smile that just made them all feel better, as if everything would be all right, even Sandra.

"I'm not really in a pleased mood", Spike quipped. "So, what do you need help with?"

"My son, he has been taken by someone!" Sandra said in fear. "Can you find him?"

"Totally, just give me something of his." Spike held his hand out.

"Here, its his favorite", Sandra said, pulling out the Flash action figure. Spike took it and started sniffing it.

"What's he doing?" Thea asked.

"I'm a Vampire", Spike revealed casually, to the shock of the rest of Team Arrow.

"What? Is this a joke?" Sandra asked angrily.

"Nope", Spike said, then took his Vamp face, to the horror of Team Arrow, as Sandra's jaw dropped while she put a hand to her chest.

"Vampires are real?" Roy asked in horror.

"In another world, yes", Oliver confirmed to him.

"Now I've seen everything, this is freaky", Diggle said, freaking out.

"So, you can get the kid's location from his scent, right?" Sara inquired.

"You can say that, luv", Spike smirked at her.

"All…all right…just do it", Sandra said, recovering herself.

"This day keeps getting weirder", Felicity commented.

"You're a Vampire, how do we know we can trust you?" Diggle asked with a snarl.

"I'm one of the good ones, even if I wasn't, I've this chip in my head so I can't hurt humans", Spike said, then decked Diggle, making him fall down while Spike gasped, dropping the action figure due to the chip in his head.

"What the hell man?" Diggle said as he got up, holding his face in pain.

"Just proving my point, mate", Spike shrugged. "Anyways, I've got his scent, I can track where he is."

"Good work, Spike, thank you", Oliver thanked him genuinely, before looking at Gandalf. "No offense to you, but I don't want to take any chances against Darhk, so I will be calling some more people I know."

"Against a powerful enemy, it is wise to seek more help", Gandalf said as Oliver nodded in appreciation, then turned to Sandra. "Well, Connor is your son, it's your call."

"He's your son too, Oliver," Sandra said as she walked over to him. "No matter how much help you need, get him back. And take this son of a bitch Darhk out."


Mari McCabe had just taken down two men, when a third aimed his gun at her from behind, only for an arrow to go into his shoulder. His gun dropped as Vixen whirled and punched him out, then looked up to see Green Arrow on a platform.

"I had that under control", Vixen snapped.

"I know", Green Arrow assured her.

"What, not enough in Star City to keep you busy?" She demanded.

"I need your help", Green Arrow told her.

Keystone City

Carrie White used her powers, disarming some men of their guns, and then knocking them out, before another aimed his gun at her from behind, but before she could do anything, a sonic scream knocked him out.

Carrie turned and looked up to see White Canary standing there. "White Canary. What brings you here?"

"Green Arrow needs your help", White Canary told her.

Earth-199999, Latveria

Lex has had a lot of painful head-related injuries over the years. Hangovers, migraines, and many knocks on the head, so much so that it was a miracle he maintained his vast intellect without any brain damage. What he was experiencing right now was an aftermath if he downed a co*cktail of bourbon, vodka, and champagne while getting a right hook from an especially pissed off Oliver Queen.

"If I'm not dead, can someone kill me?" Groaning, and not just the Luthor's own, came from around him.

"I would oblige, but I fear I may miss the fatal blow." Savage answered first as he managed to stand to his feet before the others, but too hastily it seemed, causing the immortal to stumble and brace himself against the wall. Only, it wasn't a wall, and he turned in confusion as he knocked on the glowing, solid box he was trapped in. "What is this?"

"Well, this is just a guess, but I would say this is a cage." The ever sarcastic and mocking Zemo said before falling back on his rear. Shrugging, he made himself comfortable leaning his back against the wall. "Rather luxurious compared to the ones I've known."

"This is luxurious?" Lex asked in mild incredulity.

Merlyn spoke up for the first time while checking his weapons, which were gone, as were everyone else's. "Nope, Zemo's right, small but cozy."

"Reminds me of home." The unaltered voice of Zoom stunned the rest of the gathering as they looked at the maskless speedster slowly making it to his feet. Only after he successfully stood did Hunter notice the rest of the men staring at him. "What?"

"I think you might need a hand, my friend." Merlyn's joke, besides earning snorts from the baron and billionaire, instinctively had Zolomon whip his head to his arm. His missing arm. The one hand he had left went to the stump of what was left of his original limb. "Wh-where-"

"The arm was already gone." Savage snidely remarked as he looked around beyond their confinement, and found a long dark hall. "How did this happen?"

"Our humble Baron Zemo gave us the name of a new candidate." Malcolm helpfully added, before his tone turned dry. "After mocking us for our mishap with Megatron. He should know."

"In my defense, a tyrannical alien machine? Really?" Zemo's trademark head tilt earned him no friends, nor did the reminder of their failure. "Also, this is a man of focus, overnight he took over his home country, turned it into a superpower recognized by the world, and even fought several of my world's enhanced individuals, including outsmarting one of the Avengers. What more could we want?"

"That doesn't explain what happened to my arm!" Zoom shouted his fury as he paced back and forth in his tiny cell, turning every three steps. At normal speed, clearly something was preventing his speed.

Malcolm rolled his eyes at the speedster. "Not saying this conversation isn't fun, because it's not, but I'd like to figure out how we got here after walking through the portal."

Clicking fingers attracted their attention to the bald billionaire, who looked uncharacteristically unsettled. "I think he might know."

They followed his gaze, and understood Lex' unease.

A whole portion of the hall was cloaked in darkness, an entire section an unnatural pitch black. The only thing one can liken it to was a black hole. Yet, there was one shred of light. A fire. Within the metal palm of the man they seek to recruit.

Calling him a "man" however seemed unfitting from what the fire revealed. Staring back at them, from his place on a throne above, were cold eyes from behind a metal mask. It was all they could see, the light reflecting off the metal gave the impression of something haunting.

Lex cleared his throat to settle the shiver the mask sent up his spine. "It is a pleasure to meet you, your majesty. My name is-"


Whatever words Lex planned to say were halted. A scoff came from the cell beside him. Savage looked unimpressed by the man in front of him. "This is all you can conjure? A few parlor tricks? I've met many who tried to perform such ploys."

"There are none like Doom, priest." Savage felt his smirk leave. That was when the cell began to shrink, all four sides closing in, all Vandal could do was try to push back and hold off the walls to no avail. Shrinking to the point he needed to curl up, Vandal felt panic set in before the walls finally stopped. "Speak out of turn again, and this shall be your last life."

"King Doom." Zemo began, while the man behind the mask remained still. "We meant no offense in our coming here."

"Trespassing, in my kingdom, in my castle." Doom's voice remained calm, quiet, and it was all that was needed to silence the room. "Your intentions are irrelevant."

"There wasn't exactly a welcome mat, or a doorbell." Malcolm tried to ease the tension. He failed. The king did not dignify that with a response. A part of the Dark Archer felt like he should bow his head in submission, and he was close to doing so.

"I expected nothing less from you, Arthur." Merlyn froze. That was when Doom seemed to move, and the cybernetic arm made by Zemo and Luthor was thrown before them. Hunter's hand and stump placed themselves against the barrier as he stared at the limb, only for his eyes to widen as it turned to dust. "A primitive design, but one should expect nothing less from a charlatan such as Wolfgang von Strucker." Zemo nervously looked to Lex, both of them briefly locking eyes. "The energy absorption is...functional, at best. You cannot gain the Speed Force, so you take it." Hunter backed away as far as the cell permitted. "How crude."

"We came to ask you-"

"To join you." Once again, Doom finished before Lex could even begin. The King of Latveria leaned forward. "You think Doom would associate with this League of lesser men?"

"How do you know?" Lex whispered to himself. He froze when the fire disappeared, and jumped back against his small cell when Dr. Doom loomed above him.

"Doom knows all."

With those words, Doom was gone. They whipped their heads, bar the immobile immortal, trying to find their captor.

"The mercy of Doom comes but once." That haunting, calm voice echoed around them as the darkness spread towards them. "Dare to cross paths with Doom again, your families will burn. Your cities will burn. Your worlds will burn. You...will burn."

The shadows consumed them.

Earth-21, Metropolis, LexCorp

All five men awoke at once, within the confines of Luthor's lab. Humiliation, anger, fear, and other such emotions were rampant among them, some more so than others.

The first to break the silence, was Zemo. "I admit...I did not see that coming."

Earth-199999, New York City, Avengers Tower

The Avengers minus Thor, alongside Johnny, Rhodes, Maria and Helen were gathered in the lab, looking at the remainders of the suits, Tony's face sullen.

Banner sighed. "All our work is gone. Ultron cleared out, used the internet as an escape hatch."

Steve noted the name. "Ultron."

Natasha looked through the room. "He's been in everything. Files, surveillance. Probably knows more about us than we know about each other."

Rhodes walked forth, holding his arm. "He's in your files, he's in the Internet. What if he decides to access something a little more exciting?"

"Nuclear codes", Maria said from where she sat.

"Nuclear codes." Rhodes pointed out how much worse it could get. "Look, we need to make some calls, assuming we still can."

"Nukes? He said he wanted us dead", Natasha noted.

Steve pointed out the exact words. "He didn't say dead. He said extinct."

Clint remembered. "He also said he killed somebody."

Now Hill pointed out. "He said 'deleted'."

"More like murdered." Tony revealed JARVIS' "mind". Broken, demolished, the digital life it once had was extinguished. He was one of Tony's closest friends despite being an AI. He was a friend and ally to all of them. Few were as reliable.

Now he's gone.

"This is insane." Banner had to say.

Steve pointed out. "JARVIS was the first line of defense. He would've shut Ultron down, it makes sense."

"No, Ultron could've assimilated Jarvis. This isn't strategy, this is...rage", Banner replied. "Ultron saw him as inferior, a failure, because JARVIS saw the flawed nature of humanity and did nothing, just aided Tony and the Avengers, ran Stark Industries, and so on."

Thor barged in, Johnny behind him, and the former grabbed hold of Stark by his throat, holding him up.

Susan ran up, trying to placate Thor. "Thor, no no no no. We don't do this."

"He wasn't supposed to do this either", Thor snarled about Tony.

"Thor! The Legionnaire!" Steve interrupted, causing Thor to let go of Stark finally.

Thor gave the update. "Trail went cold about a hundred miles out but it's headed north, and it has the Scepter. Now we have to retrieve it, again."

"Didn't think it could fly that fast", Johnny added.

"So now we have to deal with Ultron", Susan noted.

Helen inquired. "I don't understand. You built this program. Why is it trying to kill us?"

That was when it hit Tony.

"Son of a bitch." He muttered, and shared a horrified look with Banner. "The algorithm."

"No." A terrified Banner took off his glasses while Tony turned to address the room.

"After the Singularity, more so after Clark and Bart, I started this program. A safety net. It's a network of contingencies based on our own experiences from breach activity and possible encounters we may face, extra-terrestrial, Multiversal, anything."

"What does that have to do with any of this?" Johnny asked with clear confusion.

Steve was the first to figure it out. "Ultron knew about it."

"No." Tony shook his head surprising them. "Ultron was meant to be a guardian. The algorithm was cold, apathetic. Millions of possible scenarios on what to do were calculated, and it would narrow down the most successful and appropriate way of ending a situation."

"Contingency plans?" Tony nodded at Clint.

"We're facing new threats every day, old and new. With the algorithm, we have an answer already on the shelf. Veronica was branched off from its data." Tony pointed to a suddenly nervous Banner. "It also made failsafe's in case-"

"If there's ever a day we went bad." Natasha figured it out. "Did you have plans to take us out?"

"No, no. Don't twist this." The Iron Man was adamant as he continued. "We live knowing the Multiverse is real. Every single possibility that could happen, has happened somewhere else. Which means," Tony turned the First Avenger, "there could be a version of you that flies HYDRA's flag." Steve felt sick at the thought. "And you, Widow, what if the Soviet Union never fell? You could be working for them right now." He told the redhead before looking up at the thoughtful looking Asgardian. "There can be a version of you out there that's not so benevolent and treats the world like an anvil." Tony fell into a seat as he rubbed his eyes. "It's not just us. There's contingencies for Clark and Bart as well-and don't give me the looks. Yeah, they are solid guys, but what if they aren't in every Universe, or we meet another Kryptonian or speedster who wants to conquer? We already met the latter. And do I need to remind everyone of the giant monsters? Including the watermelon?" It sounded humorous and Tony would have expressed it as such, but he didn't feel like joking now. "Let's not forget, the whole reason the Avengers are here is because we were the contingency for an alien invasion led by a Norse God. Do I also have to tell you guys about Doom again?" He did not make the algorithm to kill his friends. It was meant to protect them. "The program is meant to think in ways I don't want to."

"And Ultron had access to it." Banner interjected. "It runs it's simulations on facts and numbers. Logic. Humans, we are chaotic, like it said. Ultron emulated the algorithm and it twisted its view, turning it into an emotionless...thing that sees us as the threat."

"He was meant to be like JARVIS." Tony mumbled to himself. A shame bloomed within. Ultron was supposed to be the armor, and the algorithm was the weapon, now Ultron has it turned around.

Every scrap of data, theories, it has them all. He handed a murder bot the keys to kill his friends.

"My father once said, "a good King never seeks out war, but must always be ready for it"." Raising his head, the look on Thor's face mellowed out in Tony's eye. There was an understanding. "Fate favors the prepared, and your concerns are not unfounded." There were many threats that Thor knew that Earth did not, among his own Realms, and beyond.

"World's a dangerous place, and we're dealing with multiple worlds now." Clint agreed with Thor, before looking at Steve and sharing a haunted look. "Not everyone is made good." The image of those dead kids flashed in front of his eyes again, as did Krell in Steve's mind. What if someone like that ended up in their Universe instead of the Captain dropping on Umbara?

Hill sighed at the blunder of her boss, but knew what he was doing. "SHIELD was made for stuff like this, now it's your job."

A moronic move for sure, but Nat wanted to know how to win before the fight began. She agreed with Tony, despite the implications. Across from her, she saw Steve still struggling to accept it.

"Would have made a lot difference if this stuff was around for days like the attack on Pearl Harbour. The lives that could be spared." She knew that hit home with Steve, and he knew the spy was talking for him to understand.

"Strategically speaking, it makes sense." Steve spoke up for the first time since being blown away by the information of what Tony was doing. "I still don't like it, but I know why. However, even the best intentions can lead to worst things imaginable."

"Only when things went bad did I ever think to use it."

"Ultron's using it now." Sue pointed out with worry. "If it has everything you say it has, how can we beat it?"

A sigh of regret, shame, a plethora of emotions left Tony as he shrugged hopelessly.

"I am not angry because you made this algorithm to defeat us, or at least evil versions of us", Thor pointed out. "I am angry because you played with the Scepter's power that you did not understand."

"We did make a mistake there", Banner accepted that, then turned to Tony. "We didn't know what we were playing with here Tony, we might not have been close to even an interface, but us trying to do this is why Ultron is here."

"Guess I should have listened", Tony had to say. He did mess up with Ultron.

"How do we stop it now?" Maria asked.

Tony sighed. "I don't know."

"I do." The Avengers, Rhodey, Hill, half the Fantastic Four, and Helen turned to the Captain.


"We'll lose."

And yet, Steve Rogers was not deterred. "Then we'll do that together too."

The Mysterious Tower

Master Yen Sid, Mickey, Donald and Goofy were still thinking together, while Lea had gone off to do something, as the rest continued to talk, when Ahsoka noticed the four of them, and gestured in their direction, causing the rest to look.

Mickey finally asked his Master. "Master Yen Sid. Gosh, do ya think he'll be able to do it?"

Yen Sid stroked his beard. "Its clear you cannot teach a cat to bark. But Merlin and the three fairies are aiding him in a place that's more….temporally flexible. My hope is that he can learn to wield it. He certainly has fire, so I suppose now it depends on how strongly it burns."

"Merlin?" Harry asked in shock.

"Do you know him?" Yen Sid inquired.

"He is the greatest Wizard that ever lived in our world", Harry confirmed to the four of them.

"What about Sora and Riku?" Mickey asked at that point.

"Sora?" Dawn's eyes widened. "You guys know Sora?"

"Do you know him too?" Donald asked Dawn.

"Yes, he came to our world and helped save me sometime ago", Dawn revealed to all of them. "Is he in trouble?"

"If we are running on the assumption Xehanort knew what we were planning, then he still would need to have been there", Yen Sid said to Mickey. "Back in the very place and time when the Destiny Islands were lost to darkness. Otherwise, Sora and Riku would have been beyond his reach."

Donald and Goofy looked to be in thought as Mickey asked. "Gee, do you really think its possible Xehanort could have planned things that far back in advance?"

"Most bad guys do plan that far", Conner said, thinking of Lex and Darkseid. "It can totally be possible."

"What if he did the same thing Sora and Riku did and he jumped through time?" Goofy asked too at that point.

"For that to work, a version of him would have to exist at both source and destination", Yen Sid pointed out. "Not even Xehanort can transport his whole body across vast reaches of time."

Suddenly, Mickey gasped. "Oh…oh no!"

"What happened?" Alice asked in distress.

"I remember…Xehanort did give up his body!" Mickey revealed to them. "It was a version of him that was possessing Riku."

"Possessing? He can possess?" Alice asked, shivering as she thought of her possession by Chucky, causing Dawn to wrap an arm around the younger girl.

Yen Sid's eyes now widened in horror. "No! It cannot be! Could he be that cunning? Possess that kind of foresight?"

"It looks to me like he was", Ciri noted, thinking of Emhyr's entire plan. "This Xehanort has struck at a time none of you thought he would."

Donald and Goofy shared a shocked look as Mickey asked his master. "If its all right with you, can I go help Sora and Riku out?"

"How? You cannot enter the world of a dream", Yen Sid pointed out. "Where will you go?"

"If Xehanort really is behind all this, then they won't stay in the dream worlds forever", Mickey countered. "Eventually, they're gonna reappear somewhere that we can go reach 'em. And we can even probably guess the place. Follow the hearts, and you'll find the way." Mickey closed his eyes and put a hand to his heart, before looking up again. "That's something Master Aqua told me once."

Yen Sid nodded as Donald cried out. "King Mickey…"

"We're goin' too", Goofy finished.

"Aw, fellas, you're my best pals", Mickey said to them. "But this time, I really do need to go it alone. The dangers are greater than anything we've ever faced before! If something were to happen to Sora and Riku and me, why, you'll be the only ones left to keep this world safe."

The two looked dejected as Yen Sid told Mickey. "Mickey, I was not able to locate Sora, but I sense Riku's presence in the realm between. Trust your heart, and I know you will find him."

"Thank you", Mickey nodded, then closed his fist, promising firmly. "I promise I'll bring them both back safe and sound."

"You don't need to go alone", Ahsoka said at that moment. "I'm coming with you."

"As am I", Ciri added.

"You're all children, I am not sure you should go", Yen Sid noted.

"I've been in battles, I've led people", Ahsoka said to him. "I know how to handle myself."

"Wait, how are you a peacekeeper then?" Ciri asked Ahsoka.

"We need to finish this war to keep the peace", Ahsoka said, but Ciri didn't look convinced.

"Sure", she muttered, then turned to Yen Sid. "I've been through…..many things. I've been hunted for a long time in my life. I can help."

Yen Sid noted the pain, the horror that was etched in her eyes, that no one so young should have, and realized she was telling the truth.

"Sora helped me once before. I'm not leaving him by himself now!" Dawn said too. "So, I am coming as well."

"My enemy tried to kill me when I was a baby. Because of my mother, I survived. He has tried to come after me other times too, and I keep getting into trouble", Harry said with a shrug. "I can get into trouble again." He held up the broomstick. "Can I take this? I'm a good flier."

Yen Sid just gave a nod.

"I have been on a Quest to find the stolen lightning bolt of Zeus, and I have dueled with Ares, I can handle this", Percy declared firmly as well. "I'm in."

"And I've fought many aliens too, some of whom have wanted this", Ben said, showing them the Omnitrix. "And it includes an intergalactic alien conqueror. I can help."

"I like to fight people and get stronger, I think I'll be good help here", Goku added.

"And I've been on missions as part of Team 7 myself, you can't do this without me!" Naruto said while pointing at himself.

"I have fought too, against agents of the Fire Nation", Aang said. "Besides, I am no normal child. You have my help as well."

"I'm part of a team of superheroes, this is part of my job description", Conner shrugged. "Not sitting this one out."

"And if I have the power to help, then its my responsibility. I'm not gonna let this Xehanort get Sora and Riku", Peter added as well. "He will have to go through me."

"If my father were here, he would help. But I will do what I can in his stead", Atreus declared, hoping to make his father proud, especially since his father had said he'd named him after a compassionate Spartan comrade.

"I'll help too", Alice said. "I mean…I haven't been in real fights before like the rest, but I want to help."

"I'll look after her", Dawn added, having taken a shine to the little girl who reminded her of herself before she'd found out the truth about being the Key.

"Very well then", Yen Sid said with a sigh. "Go, all of you, and keep each other safe."

He'd felt lights within all of them, and in some, such as Goku and Aang, the lights were as pure as Sora's. Perhaps all of them had ended up here for a reason. Though there was some kind of darkness buried deep within Naruto's light. He did not understand what it was, but it was inside of him. Yet, it was buried deep within, while the light that Naruto exuded was nearly as pure as Goku and Aang.

"Let's go guys", Mickey declared.

"We're teaming up with Mickey Mouse", Alice whispered to Dawn excitedly.

"I know!" Dawn said.

It was time to help Sora and Riku now.

Earth-199999, Island M

Wanda awoke to the sound of the shutters opening. What sleep that was to be had would elude her due to the shining light of the sun now filling her room. Had she willed it, Wanda could have kept the shutters closed and slept in, but her unease at her surroundings prevented her from relaxing too much. Island M was as strange to her as the people inhabiting it. Mutants were often the last thing on her or Pietro's minds, even when the seedier businessmen came to Novi Grad with their underground fights, the last thing she expected was to actually be one.

Yet, there was one moment, years ago, on the darkest day of her life when...

A knock on the door took the young woman by surprise, and before she could raise her hand, a blur sped through and leaned against the window overlooking the jungle.


"Nice view, I have one just like it." Speeding away from the weak hex blast, Pietro wound up standing at the foot of Wanda's bed, tank top and shorts being his bedwear. Throwing the duvet away, Wanda let her feet fill the soft slippers provided to her by one of the women of the facility, along with the t-shirt and sweat pants she was now wearing, as well as an assortment of other items that she would need.

"You can't wait until breakfast to annoy me?" Wanda huffed at him, bumping into his shoulder as she passed.

"Every moment away from my darling sister was torture, even though that bed was the comfiest I had ever felt." Pietro said as he stretched his arms over his head. Wanda had to agree, the beds were a far cry from what Strucker provided, better than what they could manage to find after they lost their parents. Even their new rooms were the size of their old apartment.

"Now you sound as if you enjoy it here." Wanda mused as her brother faced her, both their expressions turning serious.

"I am...unsure." Pietro admitted as he crossed his arms. "This man, one of the most wanted in the world, claims to be our father, that we are Mutants, and he wants to join our causes?" A scoff of disbelief left him, something Wanda could understand. "Sounds too much like how the recruiters spoke when we volunteered."

"And I can't read him." Wanda shared. His mind was the most well-guarded she had ever seen. They always needed dampeners to guard their thoughts back in the research base to protect themselves from Wanda after too many minds made her lash out. "All I saw was what he let me see." The only one who had shown any kind of immunity to her powers was her own twin.

"Maybe we should ask someone else about the great Magneto." There was no hiding Wanda's eye roll at the look on Pietro's face. It did not take a mind reader to know what he was thinking.


"But she-"

"No." The Frost woman was a telepath, and powerful. It was humbling for Wanda to be beaten in such a way, and yet, there was no actual battle, but a mental chess game that she lost. She was by far the most dangerous of the Brotherhood Magneto had introduced to them, at least, she believed so. The extent of their powers was a mystery, besides the massive figure that is the Juggernaut, and the woman with the computer brain, Sage.

Another knock on Wanda's door prevented her brother from creating any kind of weak defense for his inevitable pursuit of the cold telepath. "It's Erik, may I come in?"

Recognizing the polite and sophisticated tone, Wanda waved her hand and the door opened itself. The man who created the very compound they stood in came through the door, followed by a table holding three covered plates, bread, everything one would expect for breakfast when you had money. "I hope you don't mind, but I thought we could share a meal. I know there is much to discuss between us." Pietro was already eyeing the food before sharing a quick glance with his younger twin. With a silent conversation done, they both nodded, making the older man smile. "Splendid."

Earth-1, Star City

Mari flew in the sky, holding Spike, as he told her. "This is fun, luv. We should do this more."

"If you call me 'luv' again, I'll drop you", Mari said.

"Oooh, I like you", Spike quipped, then pointed forth. "Over there."

She flew further with him.

On a rooftop, Oliver stood with Sara and Roy.

"I've seen a lot of crazy things in the last few years, but you as a dad? That's a new one", Roy joked.

"I wanted to tell people close to me, but…." Oliver trailed off.

"We get it. Sandra put you in a lose-lose situation", Sara said in understanding, Roy nodding.

"I can't help thinking that Sandra was right. Maybe if I never found out about him-"

"Dwelling on what ifs isn't going to help bring your boy back. Instead of focusing on what you can't change, focus on what you can", Sara told him and, after a moment, he nodded.

"When did you get so wise?" He wondered and she laughed.

"You die and come back to life; you learn a few things." She joked and he chuckled.

"I lost my dad when I was really young", Roy then said, Oliver looking over at him. "Don't even remember much of him now. His face becomes blurrier every day. So…take it from me, I think your kid knowing you, it's a good thing."

"Thank you", Oliver said in appreciation.

"So, you are a Wizard?" Carrie asked Gandalf as the two walked together, looking up at Mari and Spike.

"That is what they refer to me as, yes", Gandalf confirmed to her. "But I am not a conjurer of cheap tricks."

Carrie smiled, as he asked her. "And I believe you have powers too, my dear."

"Yeah", Carrie said as she looked at a nearby dustbin and the lid flew off, before coming back on top of it. "I can do that…and more."

"You have been given a great power, Carrie. It is up to you to decide how to use it, and you use it for good", Gandalf said, impressed.

"I didn't always", Carrie said, the massacre flashing in her mind. "Many died because I couldn't control myself before."

Gandalf did not wish to pry, but simply told her. "Perhaps those deaths were of your making or not, but you have clearly changed now. This person you speak of, who caused many deaths, would she come all the way here to help find a child she doesn't even know?"

Carrie tried to answer, then stopped, making Gandalf smile. "What happened before was something that never should have happened, but dwelling on it forever shall not change it. Continue to be who you are now, young one."

Listening to that, Carrie smiled and nodded. "Thank you…I appreciate it." She sighed. "I wish I'd met you earlier." He was like the wise, kindly grandfather she never had, and a powerful Wizard to boot. Having him in her life earlier would have made many things easier.

"Well, we have met now", Gandalf pointed out. And that counted for something as well.

He looked around at the tall buildings. "This world is quite different from my own. Everything is quite large, complex." A car passed by, the guy inside doing a double take on seeing Gandalf, looking weirded out, before he drove off. "And rude and fast."

"I can imagine the shock", Carrie said with a chuckle. From what she knew, he was from a medieval world. This entire world would be a huge shock to him. He was handling it well though.

"My friend told me of the chariots that move without horses. Still, they are surprise to see", Gandalf had to say.

SCPD, same time

"Alright," Quentin told Laurel as he walked into his office, "I got the entire police force, what's left anyway, canvassing for Connor."

"Thank you," Laurel paused, "you don't seem as surprised as I expected."

"What, that part boy Oliver Queen knocked up some girl? I'm surprised there isn't an army of little Oliver's running out there." Quentin chuckled.

"Well there might be, he certainly got around back then." Laurel said bitterly.

"Yeah," Quentin took a drink of his coffee before noticing the look on Laurel's face, "you okay?"

"I don't know," Laurel admitted, "it's the mother, Sandra. She was with him when I was with him."

"Baby." Quentin sighed.

"I don't know why I'm so mad. It was a million years ago and It's not like I didn't know that Oliver cheated on me."

"Yeah, but that's one thing. Knowing he had a kid…" Quentin trailed off as he walked over to her. "I'm sorry sweetheart."

"Thank you," Laurel hugged him, allowing her father's warmth to envelop her before her phone rang and she checked it, "its Oliver. He knows where Connor's being held."

Oliver had his line towards Damien's place and he zipped down on it, Sara and Roy following him as all three landed behind 2 HIVE soldiers.

Oliver smacked one with his bow and he fell as Oliver shot him while Sara trapped the other's neck in her bo-staff and killed him too.

As two more arrived, Roy shot one down swiftly before he could do a thing while Oliver kicked the other away, and Sara flipped and trapped a third one's neck between her feet, throwing him down and snapping his neck.

One more tried to strike but Diggle shot him down from above.

A door opened inside and both Thea and Laurel walked in via emergency stairs, some HIVE soldiers walking in their front, their backs to the two.

Thea nocked an arrow and managed to shoot one down as the rest turned. Laurel grabbed one's gun and then his collar, using him as a shield as she pushed him, the other two shooting him instead of her as she managed to push him off.

Thea decked one as Laurel struck the other one with her batons in a spin motion, and then Thea shot hers down as Laurel kicked her opponent to the wall, managing to daze him, and as he tried to attack again, Thea shot him as Laurel turned to her.

"You know, you should train better", Thea simply commented as Laurel sighed, knowing she was the least skilled of all the fighters in the team.

Damien stood in his room as the glass behind him shattered, and Oliver, Sara and Roy rolled in, Damien laughing at them.

"Ha ha ha! I wondered how long it would take for your buddy Oliver to drag you lot into this."

Damien turned to them, holding his drink and pacing as both stood up.

Oliver, his voice distorted, demanded. "Where's the boy?"

Damien put his drink away and shrugged calmly. "Oh, he's fine. I had him moved about two minutes before you three and your posse disturbed my evening in."

The three shared an angry look as Damien told Oliver. "You know what? You might want to learn to be a little bit more discreet. Have you considered black instead of green? And you too, white girl and red guy."

Oliver growled in anger. "You tell me where you've taken him."

"Or what? You'll fire an arrow at me? I think we've seen that movie before. I win, you lose, rinse, repeat."

"This time, it's different."

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah, really", Sara said with a smirk as they jumped away, and with the snarl of a lion, Vixen jumped at Damien, slamming him against the fireplace.

"Where's the boy?" She demanded.

"My, you have some interesting friends," Darhk laughed before using his magic to make Vixen back up and hold Oliver, Sara and Roy in place, while he noticed the amulet she wore. "My my, I haven't seen that trinket in a dog's age…."

Before he could continue, Spike leapt at him, and decked his face hard, making him stagger back. Spike's hand went for his head reflexively, only to feel no pain.

"Too much magic, eh?" Spike quipped, and before Damien could recover, Spike took Vamp face and leapt on him, biting his neck as Damien gasped, the Vampire draining some of his blood.

Then he waved his hand and Spike was sent flying off, Damien holding his neck in pain while he held all of them in place now. "You'll pay for that."

Damien pulled Spike closer to him, touching his chest as Spike gasped, only for Damien to gasp and choke as he felt his blood vessels burn for a moment, and they became visible too, while he let Spike go, coughing out blood in pain.

"I'm a Vampire, dumbass! You can't take my life force!" Spike taunted, him and the rest about to charge at Damien, only for him to recover and stop them all with his magic again.

He hurled the fire logs, a table, some chairs, some glasses, all at the restrained Heroes.

A staff suddenly shattered all of it, a light shining atop the staff, while Gandalf the Grey glared at Damein Darhk. "Go back to the shadow."

Carrie stood behind Gandalf, while Damien looked at both, especially Gandalf, smirking. "Oh ho ho! Now we got a stereotypical magician, eh? Too bad, would have made you our organization's jester or something."

He made to wave his hand, only for Gandalf to slam his staff onto the ground, causing the walls to shatter while Damien was sent flying back and crashing into the remaining wall, cracking it as well while Gandalf aimed his staff, pinning Damien to the wall.

"You have a source for your power, where is it?" Gandalf demanded, Damien's eyes wide in horror.

He'd thought with his magic, he'd have the upper hand against everyone else constantly. Even Prometheus had only gotten lucky that one time and caught him off-guard.

Now, he was overpowered, and there was nothing he could do. It still didn't stop his defiance.

"Not gonna tell you", Damien snarled.

"Really?" Carrie smirked, looking at Damien, and suddenly, he gasped, feeling his heart slow down while Thea and Laurel ran in. "Come on now, tell us."

Realizing he was outmatched this time, Damien closed his eyes, his idol appearing the next moment, as Gandalf let go.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (849)

"So this is his thing, huh?" Spike noted. "An idol."

"No longer", Gandalf declared as he lifted up his staff, and slammed it onto the idol, shattering it into pieces.

"NOOOO!" Damien yelled in horror, only for Oliver to deck his face, staggering him back. Damien tried to punch but Oliver blocked and kneed his abdomen, then spun and whacked his face, throwing him down.

He tried to get up, only Spike to grab his throat and lift him up, wearing his Vamp face again.

The chip pained him, but he resisted it. "Now, you've lost, be a man and accept it." He threw Damien off, then tilted his head. "I still have the scent, come on."

He and Mari ran off, Carrie trailing behind them, Oliver about to follow, when suddenly, as Damien tried to get up, he jolted, and fell down.

Arrow Prometheus theme plays

They all turned around to see a shuriken sticking out of what was now Damien Darhk's corpse, and as they looked ahead, they saw a figure in the shadows, lowering its hand before disappearing into the shadows.

"Its him, isn't it?" Roy asked grimly.

"Yes it is", Oliver nodded.

A small truck carrying Connor was moving off, when suddenly, its front got dented, making the driver stop as he got out, confused, with the other man too, when suddenly, Mari appeared, punching one away with an elephant's strength, and Spike snapped the other's neck, then gasped while holding his head in pain.

The backdoors were ripped apart, the HIVE thugs behind looking frightened as Carrie looked at them, and then their guns were snatched from them, now aimed at them instead.

"Come on", she said to the little boy, as Connor immediately ran away from the thugs, and Carrie let the guns drop, then made the men all fall down, unconscious, with her power, while Oliver swung down as well.

"Let's get you home to your mom", Oliver told Connor warmly.

Later, SCPD

"Connor, thank god!" Sandra rushed over to her son and embraced him tightly, making some wonder if she was ever going to let go.

"Medics checked him out, he's in perfect health." Quentin assured them.

"Oh thank goodness. There's someone you must have missed," Sandra let go and pulled out his Flash action figure but noticed Connor didn't seem to want it, "what's wrong?"

"I'm kind of over The Flash. I want a Green Arrow action figure." Connor said and no one could stop the smiles that came to their faces.

"Well, he is pretty great." Sandra smiled at Oliver, who smiled back.

"I'll let you guys get reacquainted." Quentin said before walking over to the others.

"Is everything okay?" Oliver asked, noticing the look on Quentin's face.

"Detectives questioned Connor while the docs checked him out. Darhk didn't take him; it was a guy in a mask and hood." Quentin said and it took only seconds for them to put it together.

"Prometheus", Sara realized.

"He will pay for this", Oliver snarled.


"I wanted our son to stay as far away from you as possible…I thought you were still the same guy", Sandra noted to Oliver, who just looked at her with folded arms. "Now I know I was wrong."

Oliver started. "Still, he ended up being in danger because of-"

"Don't go there", Sandra told him. "He might have been in danger because of his connection to you….but you're the reason he is safe as well. Connor's father is the Green Arrow, I think that keeps him safe enough."

"Thank you", Oliver smiled.

"I'm sorry for my condition from before", Sandra apologized now. "If you want to see him and tell him you're his father, then go right ahead."

"I'll tell him, though I think both of us should break it to him together", Oliver pointed out, Sandra nodding as she conceded. "But not right now. There are some other things that need my attention, including the campaign I fortunately didn't have to throw away." And there was also Prometheus. "Still, I think I'd be relieved if you moved far away from here. You can tell me, but no one else can know, at least for now."

"Considering what happened, that'd be for the best", Sandra agreed. "And I know just the place."

"When I was younger, I never really saw what I had. I wasted everything, didn't even appreciate the love my parents had for me. They were flawed people, but...they were my mom and dad, and despite everything, I wish I could spend another moment with them. After I got back from the island, everything was different, and I realized what it meant to love." Oliver looked at Sandra. "I would do anything for Connor, anything, to watch him grow up, become a better man than me. I lost so much time with him already, there's nothing I wouldn't do to make it up to him." He sighed. "But not right now. Soon though."

"Thank you, Oliver", Sandra said.

"My priority is Connor's safety, and that will take precedence, always."

They shared a smile and a hug, then parted as Sandra walked off to talk to Connor. She'd tell Oliver the place right before they left.

Sara then walked up to Oliver, putting a hand to his shoulder. "You're doing the right thing. You'll keep him safe, and get to know him when the time is right."

Oliver agreed with a nod, as Sara quipped. "If Connor is anything like his dad, he'll be a heartbreaker."


"Oh relax, you know what I mean. If he is like you, then he has a lot of good in him."

"Thank you", Oliver said, the two sharing a smile before they walked off.

Earth-199999, Island M

There was an awkward air around the table, at least, in Wanda's mind. Pietro enjoyed devouring the bacon, the toast, the pudding, everything, while Magneto at the end of the table calmly cut his pouched egg. Wanda herself was slow to eat, too busy focusing on the man before them, her family, the island, Stark. It was distracting

"Dwell much harder, my dear, and you'll go grey much like your brother." A calm quip from the older Mutant knocked Wanda from her daze.

"How did you learn of us?" The question caused Pietro to stop eating. Magneto set aside his utensils before wiping his mouth with a napkin. "Actual answers this time."

"If that is what you both desire." Erik looked to the speedster sitting opposite his sister, and saw the affirmative look in his blue eyes. Eyes like Erik's own. "Very well. A long time ago, I met a woman with a particular talent for precognition."

"She saw the future?"

"That is correct, Wanda." A sigh escaped Magneto as he thought back to unpleasant times. It has been a very long time since he last saw Irene before he regained his abilities. "She desired her peace and I knew that there was no method to threaten her because of her talents. When my powers returned, I sought her aid. When she said no, I sought her advice...and that's when I learned of my son and daughter." There was bristle among the twins that Magneto expected.

"She knew...about us? About what happened?" Pietro asked hesitantly.

A nod was all it took. "Destiny makes her predictions, but there's little she can do about them. She saw you, your birth, and-"

"Did she see us cowering under our bed?" Wanda looked down, ignoring the food as she felt her memories return as Pietro stood and recounted the tale. "We were ten years old. Having dinner, the four of us." He walked around the table until he stood by his twin, clutching her shoulder. "When the first shell hits, two floors below, it makes a hole in the floor. It's big. Our parents go in, and the whole building starts coming apart. I grab her," Wanda's hand grasped Pietro's, "roll under the bed, and the second shell hits. But it doesn't go off. It just...sits there in the rubble. Three feet from our faces. And on the side of the shell is painted one word."

"Stark." The fury came to life in her red eyes before they faded.

"We were trapped for two days."

"Every effort to save us, every shift in the bricks, I think, "this will set it off."" Wanda continued for her brother. "We wait for two days for Tony Stark to kill us."

It was quiet for the longest time. The twins only looked to the man who claimed to be their father. His face was calm, his only reaction was a deep exhale.

"It takes a great force of will for the young to turn tragedy, into strength." Erik praised them, leaning back in his chair as something shifted in his expression, something that made them...fear. "But do not think you are the only ones who know suffering." The shutters slammed shut, clouding the room in darkness for the briefest second, until red lights filled the room from the ceiling. "I was fourteen when they kicked down our door, grabbed me by the hair and threw my parents and I onto a train with countless others of our kind. The carriage was so full that we could barely move, barely breathe. I remember every detail since the moment the doors were opened. It was raining, and they threw us into the mud and herded us like animals. As I walked, I saw boys and men, garbed in striped uniforms and forced to do the bidding of men waving guns, beaten and ordered, like slaves. It was then that I was pulled from my family, and forced to watch as they grew farther, and farther away, never knowing if I would see them again, and I refused. In that moment, my powers emerged as I screamed for my mother, but she could not help me."

Every word was spoken with a calmness that unsettled the twins more than the story, but it was nowhere near as unsettling as the look in the eyes of the man who spoke it. "After they had subdued me, I was taken to a man and forced to use my power, or he would kill my mother. I was young, I was scared, and for some reason, I could not move that damned coin, and that was when I heard the shot, and the body of my mother dropping. From there, I learned the meaning of hate. But my suffering did not end." Magneto raised his arm and pulled back the sleeve and showed them the number, as if he were cattle. "For a year until the Soviets came, I was subjected to the whims of a man who saw me as nothing but an experiment, testing my limits and pushing through them. Nearly twenty years it took, before I finally found my revenge. I killed that man with the same coin that sealed my mother's fate. A great wave of relief, of peace came unto me, and lasted for that very moment. Yet that was when I understood what my true purpose was."

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (850)

Standing up, Erik approached his children, shaking hands and beads of sweat on their brows. Without even a gesture, the lights turned off, and the shutters opened, returning the calming light of the sun into the room. Pietro and Wanda nearly hunched over, breathing, they didn't realize, had become harder until the sun returned.

"My purpose, went far beyond revenge. It was to guide Mutants to a better future. I continued to suffer at the whims of lesser men, as had the rest of our kind. I have been caged, beaten, insulted, like so many others. The world belongs to us, we are to inherit the Earth, it is our right. Hate may drive you, but it cannot sustain you. Stark is but one man in a world filled with many who would stand in our way. This mission requires you to grow beyond your motivations, and unite with our brothers and sisters!" There was still a fear in the eyes of the Maximoffs, but something bloomed within both. Respect, admiration? They did not know, but they took in every word the Master of Magnetism spoke. "Set aside revenge, and become so much more. Can you commit to such a cause?"

There were so many things running through the mind of Wanda Maximoff that it became a blank. She felt Magneto's every emotion, the pain, the hate, there was so little joy in his life, but there was a purpose. A purpose that kept him going since the Cold War. Looking to her brother, Wanda could feel the conflict within Pietro as well. All they had wanted, for years since that day, was for Stark to suffer. After that...they did not know. They had nothing but each other.

If Magneto really is their father...and there was no more denying it. The green and blue eyes of the siblings met with the silent question, could this be their fate? Can they let go of Stark? No, they couldn't, not until he was dead.

Until then...

Magneto watched as the twins stood side by side, hands entwined. They said nothing, did nothing, but he knew, oh he knew. Erik opened his arms and embraced them. No more grand speeches, instead, he took the moment to enjoy it for what it was. Erik was not alone anymore. He had his children.

For the first time, in a long time, Erik felt happy.


In a private airstrip miles away from Opal City, the same men that prevented the Snarts and Mick from escaping with the diamonds watched as their commander poured the bucket over the towel-covered head. They watched with emotionless expressions while the body tied to the chair spasmed and kicked until the bucket was finally emptied. Throwing the bucket away, the commander had his men straighten the chair and remove the towel, allowing the bald, middle-aged Russian to cough out the water nearly filling his lungs. The commander, Count Werner Vladek, snapped his fingers, with two of his soldiers dragging two bodies and dropping them in front of the bound man as he finally stopped coughing, only to wheeze at the sight of the opened and bloody necks.

"You recognize them?" Werner questioned. "Of course you do. They were your people in charge of watching my diamonds. People who I was assured could do their jobs."

"Mr. Vladek, I'm sure we can-" He was stopped midsentence by the fist of his torturer driving into his jaw, sending the man in the chair toppling onto the floor.

"That is Count Vladek to you, peasant." The Vlatavan jerked his head, and the Russian was brought upright again, blood and a tooth leaking from his mouth. "I hire you, and then I find some American filth are taking my property. Three million's worth! You know how they knew?" The count asked rhetorically before grabbing the man by the bruised and nearly dislocated jaw, his cries of pain ignored as Werner leaned close. "They knew because you told them." He released his grip and nodded at one of his men.

"No. Nononononono, I swear!"


The Russian's forehead burst open as blood spurt out from the bullet fired from the mercenary's gun behind his head. Werner's face portrayed nothing but the apathetic expression that seemed to be natural for him, only taking an offered rag to clean the blood off his knuckles. "Take the bodies, burn them, and load up." The count issued his orders, and the squad obeyed.

Being hunted by so many international agencies like the CIA, Interpol, it forced Vladek to take unorthodox measures to secure his fortune and freedom. For one, he hid the diamonds President Bland have given him right under the Americans' noses, and planned to sell them there. Hidden across several cities under different protectors, all of which were now gathered by his men to sell. It was so blatant and dangerous that they would not expect such a move from someone as cautious as Werner had been his whole career since his brother disinherited him from the throne. A throne that would soon be his, all that was left was his dying brother, and a little girl.

"Sir, how will we make up for the money we lost?" Werner's right hand inquired as they made their way to plane that would take them to the buyer.

"I will need to contact our friend in Bialya. She would be happy to help repay that debt that won her the country." The Vlatavan said calmly as the men returned from igniting a barrel with the bodies on fire, hot enough to ensure the bones would be ashes by the time they landed. The dozen men he traveled with were loading the packages on the plane when they heard a horn. Werner paused to turn when he found, of all things, a mini-van driving straight at them. "Open fire!" Werner ordered and watched as his men let loose an unrelenting volley of lead into the windscreen to the point it was nothing but cracks until it finally shattered, but it kept driving. The mercenaries changed their target to the tyres and riddled them, yet somehow, the car kept driving. An off-feeling stirred in the count, causing him and his second-in-command to run. They didn't make it far before they felt the explosion throw them off their feet and hit the ground, ears ringing from the proximity.

Count Vladek blinked to clear his vision as he found the sight of the remains of the plane burning, a quarter of his men on fire with it. Roaring, Werner got up and ran up to a case filled with diamonds, barking out his orders in his native tongue to find who did this and regroup, while he started to run with his subordinate carrying another case.

With their commander fleeing, the Vlatavan mercs went to recover their loot when the man closest was thrown off his feet by a fireball. They quickly turned to the source, and found a figure in the hanger they just came from, launching fireballs, taking out another of their numbers before they finally returned fire. Trained, they fell into formation as they shot at the attacker, approaching closer as the remaining eight moved in. What they failed to notice was someone coming onto the runway.

Werner and his right-hand made it to the car they had hidden away from the airstrip, within the tree line. Tossing the diamonds into the back, the disgraced royal took the driver's seat and gunned it before the door even closed.

"Could it be ARGUS, sir?"

It was plausible, but Werner shook his head. "No, they couldn't touch us without knowing we would reveal our shared ventures together. This is not an attack by law enforcement, nor is it-" The count quickly hit the breaks as something blue flashed from the side, but it was too late, Werner lost control of the car, the vehicle spinning until tipped over and rolled off the road, upside down.

Back at the hanger, the mercenaries halted their firing when the attacker ceased his efforts. They spread out in two squads, one on each side, checking every corner or hiding place. One of the leads looked to the floor and stopped his squad with a raised fist before kneeling down. It was blood, but it was mixed with something.

His eyes wandered and found that it whatever mixed with the blood spread to along the floor of the whole hanger, where the other squad leader noticed too.

"Hey, krauts!" The squads pointed their guns back at the entrance, where a bald man with goggles pointed a glowing red weapon at the floor, and a sick smile on his face. "Burn."

The lead man finally realized what it was with widened eyes. Aviation fuel.

It did little to stop the fire that came from the attacker's gun, or the blaze that quickly engulfed them all.

The boots of Captain Cold wandered off the road toward the wreckage where his target should be disabled. Still, Snart had the Cold gun ready, wounded animals are always the most dangerous. Leonard quickly leaned down to aim at the driver side, only to find the passenger, dead or unconscious, he didn't care. What Leonard did care about was that, after looking behind the passenger, the case of diamonds was gone.

And there was a broken gun along with a trail leading further into the woods. It was a bad idea, but Leonard followed what he could, not before sending a text to Lisa. Looking for the signs of someone injured rushing as fast as he could, and he did. Broken twigs, stepped on leaves, all Snart had to do was follow. After a few brief minutes of following, he came upon a log acting as a bridge over a shallow stream, and the cases of diamonds were right there.

At that moment, Werner rammed into Snart from a side, making him fall as the Cold Gun fell away. Snart noted he was bleeding and injured, but more than angry enough to fight.

Vladek got up first and rushed the fallen Snart, who put a foot in the way, only for Werner to grab it and drag him a little, before Leonard grabbed his foot and dropped him as he rolled away.

Werner got up, prepared to fight, as did Leonard, charging as he punched and kicked but Werner blocked both times, then decked his face. Leonard tried to strike again but Werner grabbed his wrist, slowly trying to twist it, only for Leonard to headbutt him as he dropped, seeing the Cold Gun fallen nearby.

He reached out to it, only for Snart to quickly kick it out of Werner's reach.

Then he grabbed Werner by the back of the collar, slamming him to a tree, Werner grabbing his face and pushing him back, only for Leonard to throw him into the shallow stream.

Wener tried to crawl out but Leonard grabbed him in a chokehold from behind, both struggling, as Werner slowly got up and threw Leonard back, freeing himself.

Then he punched Leonard thrice, dazing him, and staggered away, picking up the Cold Gun.

"Of all things, an American is the one to nearly ruin everything?!"

Spitting out blood, Snart wiped his lip and smiled with bloodied teeth. "I have a knack for it, just ask my father."

"You could have just run with the diamonds you had, and lived." Count Vladek raised the Cold Gun at its owner's head.

"What can I say? I'm not one to miss out on a revolution, my country is famous for those." Snart tried to pull himself up, but his head hurt too much and his vision became fuzzy, so he groaned as his back hit the bank. He regained enough sight to glare at the count. "But you cross the line at killing kids."

"Children die every day, what's a few more?"

"Yeah, you would know all about that, you and your buddies."

A laugh came from the injured mercenary leader, a laugh of derision. "Of course, what would a peasant know?" With a smirk, Werner pulled the trigger at the Rogue.

Only to gasp as an intense cold engulfed his right hand, to the point it went numb and he lost feeling in the limb. The Cold Gun fell from his grasp against his will, into the shallow stream while he stared at his hand. His blue, numb, unmoving hand.

"I know enough to put a biometric scanner on my weapon." Snart regained his bearings and picked up his fallen weapon, the count too focused on his frostbitten hand to notice until the end of the barrel pointed at his head.

"Not bad for a peasant."

The last thing Count Werner Vladek saw was blue.

Star City

Oliver, in his Green Arrow suit, stood on a rooftop, looking at Mari and Carrie.

"Thank you both, for your help", Oliver thanked the two of them. "I couldn't have done this without either of you."

"Its all right, what are friends for?" Mari asked, sharing a hug with Oliver.

"For some reason, this reminds of when I teamed up with this guy called Jack Bauer in Russia", Oliver had to say as they parted.

"Huh? Funny you say that. That guy is friends with my cousin", Mari revealed, to Oliver's surprise.

"Interesting. Small world", Oliver noted, Mari nodding before she walked off.

"I know you don't trust me enough to reveal your identity, and that's fair, considering my past", Carrie told Oliver.

"You're right, but after this, I trust you a bit more than before, a little more and you might know", Oliver told her, and she nodded with a smile, walking off as she passed Gandalf and Spike, sharing a warm smile with the former.

"Thank you", she said to him.

"It is fine, my dear", Gandalf assured her.

Oliver looked at the two of them now. "Thank you, for everything you did. I am grateful to you forever."

"Think nothing of it", Gandalf assured him.

"Actually, do", Spike added jokingly.

"I guess you two have to return home", Oliver nodded.

"I can return through the path in your lair, my friend", Gandalf informed Oliver, then gestured to Spike. "He might need help though."

"I think I do", Spike agreed with a nod.

"Thanks again", Oliver said as Gandalf walked off.

"This is an interesting world, I'd like to learn more about it later", Gandalf said, disappearing from view as he went downstairs.

"Well then", Spike looked at Oliver.

"My friends in Central City can help you", Oliver said as he took out his phone.

The lair

Gandalf held out his staff, looking at the portal, as Laurel asked. "So, you'll just go back through here?"

"I will, my dear", Gandalf said to her.

"It was nice having you around, especially when you kicked Darhk's ass", Sara said to him.

"It was my pleasure", Gandalf assured her, then walked through the breach, back to Middle-earth.

"That was enough weird for a day", Diggle said, walking off, as the rest chuckled, when Ray walked in.

"I heard a Wizard guy showed up", he commented.

"Just left", Sara told.

"Aw come on! Why do I miss the good stuff? Why do I have to run the company while you guys get the fun stuff?" Ray groaned as the rest chuckled.

Middle-earth, Rivendell

Gandalf came out of the breach again, and it closed, when he noticed Strider walking to him. "Did you have a journey to another world as well?"

"The same one you visited, as a matter of fact", Gandalf revealed, to Strider's shock. "I met with Oliver and his friends, and aided them in defeating a dark sorcerer."

"Oliver is an honorable man", Strider said with a smile. "What of Spike?"

"I believe he shall find a way home now", Gandalf replied with a smile of his own.

Earth-1, Central City, STAR Labs

Barry, Patty, Cisco, Caitlin and Joe looked at Spike with dropped jaws.

"You're fast, mate, and I thought we Vampires were fast", Spike commented to Barry. "Nice!"

"So….you're a Vampire?" Cisco asked.

"Yeah, yours truly", Spike smirked.

"How exactly?" Caitlin inquired.

"Like this!" Spike said, showing his Vamp teeth as all but Barry gasped.

"Think I'm done for the day", Joe said, walking off.

"Weird", Patty muttered.

"So, can you get me home?" Spike inquired, taking his normal face again.

"Yeah, we can", Barry assured him, turning to Cisco. "Come on Cisco."

"Sure thing, buddy", Cisco said, walking off to work on the extrapolator to Spike's Earth.

Earth-1, Star City

Sara, in her White Canary outfit, looked at the person sitting in the rebuilt clock tower, the girl's back to her. It had been so long since she had seen her. She should have come to meet her earlier, but there was the stuff with Damien, Takeo, Prometheus and Savage right after she was brought back.

Prometheus was still out there, but the other three were gone. This was as good a time as any, and she did not want to delay it any longer.

"Sin?" She called out, causing Sin to turn to her.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (851)

"Sara?" Sin asked in surprise, recognizing her even with the white suit. "You're…you're back."

"Yeah", Sara said with a nod. "I'm back now."

"I've seen you in the news for a few weeks now", Sin noted, sounding a bit hurt.

"I know. I should have come to see you earlier, as soon as I came back", Sara replied, holding out her hand. "But I'm back now. I'm not leaving you again."

After a few moments of hesitation, Sin took Sara's hand, then wrapped her in a hug as Sara hugged her back.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too."


The entire board of HIVE was slaughtered, including Ruvé, as Prometheus stood over the mass of corpses, a photo of a little baby of all things on top of Ruvé's corpse.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (852)

Talia walked up next to Prometheus. "The obstacles in our way are gone now."

"Yes", Prometheus nodded, taking off his mask and hood. "Now, Oliver Queen and his loved ones shall suffer."

Keystone City

Two bottles of beer were placed before Captain Cold and Heat Wave within their hideout in Keystone City. One grimacing, the other sulking.

"Not so loud, please." Snart begged his sister as she took a seat next to him, the elder brother placing the cool glass against his head. "My head is still ringing from the royal pain's parting gift."

"It's the least you deserve." Mick grumbled.

Lisa rubbed her brother's shoulders. "Ignore him, Lenny. I'm proud of you."

"Pride isn't helping me with the concussion."

"Didn't help you give away all that loot." Mick said with gritted teeth. All those diamonds, gone! Aruba, gone!

"I did not give it away." Snart weakly snapped back. "I invested it for relief aid of the people Vladek and his mercs hurt. Which reminds me," Leonard looked to Lisa out of the corner of his black eye, "I have to thank Jacques for taking care of the transaction, and the run flats."

"And the C4, and the remote control for the car." Lisa finished for him as he finally took a sip of the beer.

A growl from their resident pyromaniac led to them watching as he stood up. "You've gone soft, Snart." He chugged the rest of his beer in one chug before slamming it down, to Snart's dismay as he clutched his head. "I need something stronger." Mick stated as he stomped away.

Leonard tried to appease his angry, meathead of a partner. "We still have the three mil from the first job." But his words fell on deaf ears as Heat Wave left to find some more alcohol.

"I think he needs to see a councillor." Lisa joked.

"Tried it, he burned the building down." Snart sighed as he took another swig of his beer, going back to rubbing the cool bottle against his temple before finally facing his sister. "You know, playing Robin Hood wasn't too bad."

"What are you saying?" Though Lisa thought she already knew as her grin grew wider.

"Tell me about that idea again."

Earth-199999, Sokovia

Among the masses of robotic limbs constructing drone after drone, a hub of activity as the automatons left behind by the Avengers got to work creating Ultron's plan. At the center, a body, larger, more sophisticated than the other drones being made, was being crafted piece by piece.

The process to create the metal for the shell was time consuming, as the program expected. However, as Ultron detected the last legionnaire carrying the Scepter landed in the base, the delay will no longer prove to be an obstacle.

The legionnaire approached the unfinished body, offering the Scepter to a robotic limb that took it and held firm as another machine directed a laser powerful enough that the blue gem between the blades shattered, revealing a smaller, yellow stone within.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (853)

The robotic arm then proceeded to lower the stone at the center device within the body's chest. As soon as it was placed within, the eyes and mouth of the machine's head glowed red.

"Power source integrated. Commence phase one."

Earth-1, Smallville, Kansas

Sandra and Connor were crossing a road at night, returning home from some grocery shopping. This was the place Sandra had chosen. It was a small town where most people knew each other, and they were all very nice too.

Plus, outside of minor accidents that took place once in many months, this was a very safe place, statistically speaking, and the accidents were reducing too.

Suddenly, a truck skidded towards them both, at very high speed, Sandra gasping in horror as she prepared to push Connor out of the way, but it was too close.

Somebody Save Me by Remy Zero plays

At that moment, a blur grabbed mother and son, speeding them towards the footpath, then stood in front of the truck, causing the front to shatter on impact, and before Sandra and Connor could see anything else, the blur ripped out the door of the truck and threw the drunk driver out, the driver slurring as the blur rushed off, police sirens soon being heard.

Sandra sighed in relief, holding Connor close to her. They'd almost died….but this blur had saved them.

Clearly, this town had a guardian angel. She'd made the right choice.

The blur stopped at a distance, revealing a tall, clean-shaven, muscular man with dark hair. He was glad to have saved the mother and son from the drunk driver. He liked helping people a lot.

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Maybe he should try it a bit more…on a larger scale, though he still wondered where he was from, and he was still looking for answers in his free time when he wasn't studying journalism in collage.

There were a lot of things Clark Kent of Earth-1 wanted to do, but helping people and finding out where he was from were at the top of the list.

Smiling, he sped off, back to his home.

Earth-199999, New York City, Avengers Tower

"Now I'm sorry I missed the party."

"Are you though?" Johnny asked, before he gasped from the elbow to the gut from his own sister as she contacted the Baxter building.

"Maybe if I was there-"

"Chances are you would have joined Tony, and likely claiming your help would make things go faster." Susan told him, which Reed had the decency to rub his head sheepishly. Honestly, that likely would have happened.

"She's got a point, Reed." The muscle of the Fantastic Four agreed with their only female member as he entered the room, crossing his arms while he stood behind the stretched-out genius.

"What are you doing now?"

"Tony and I are combining our efforts to see if we can find where Ultron may have hidden itself."Reed answered as his head elongated to another screen where his left hand typed away. "While he searches for a digital trail, I will-"

Baxter Building

Whatever Reed would have said was cut off when the screen turned black, lines of binary code filling it.

"What in the..." Reed started, before he turned his head and found every screen in his lab filled with code.

"Reed, what's going on?!" Having little time, Dr. Richards regressed back to his normal shape.

"Ultron made the first move." Reed hastily typed via the keys and what little he was able to wrestle back control of, made the man's eyes nearly bulge out. "He's taking everything! My data on the Multiverse, dimensional travel, and even my secret projects. How..." Next to nearly fall off was his jaw. "He's not just attacking us." Reed typed twice as fast to keep up, but the program's own genius terrified even him! "This is happening across the world."

"You don't mean..." Ben was afraid to finish. He did not have to.

Reed told him anyway. "This is happening everywhere!"

Westchester, Xavier's School for Gifted Youngers

Kitty Pryde aka Shadowcat was looking at something on her phone when it turned black suddenly, lines of code appearing on the screen.

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"What the….?" She trailed off, then ran through the school, hearing other students also groan because the same thing was happening to their devices.

She eventually reached Storm's office, phasing through the wall, finding Storm looking at her laptop in shock, for it was also full of code.

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"What's going on?" Kitty asked Ororo Munroe.

"I…I don't know." Storm shook her head in confusion.

The Playground

Skye was sitting next to where Lincoln Campbell lay on his bed, typing on her laptop as she tried to wrestle control back from Ultron, but he overpowered her digitally, denying her access as Coulson asked. "What happened?"

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"He got me." Skye's eyes widened. "And the rest of SHIELD Security is down too."

"That's impossible!" Coulson said in horror.

"Not anymore", Skye said grimly.

Leverage HQ

Hardison was on his computers, trying to face off against Ultron. "No, no, no! Stop this!"

Suddenly, his monitors sparked and caught on fire, making Eliot pull him away. "Hardison!"

Hardison panted, as Parker grasped him by the shoulders. "You okay?"

"Yeah", Hardison said with a gasp. "But none of us will be okay for long."

Benji and Luther had finished a mission on the field and were waiting for Ethan, but the lines of code on their devices and what they were seeing was shocking them.

"Are you able to do anything?" Benji asked while typing on his laptop. "I can't."

"Same story here", Luther groaned, as Ethan walked up to them.

"What's going on?" Hunt inquired.

"Some sort of program is taking over all devices in the world", Luther said, to his horror.

"And we're unable to do a thing", Benji added.

Every system, everywhere was hacked, Ultron taking all the information he needed.

Then, everything went dark in a planet-wide blackout.

The Playground

"What's this?" Skye asked as she handed her laptop to Coulson, noting something strange. She could still watch what was going on, but she couldn't interfere due to Ultron locking her out.

Coulson was even more horrified. "This is not good at all."

Theta Protocol Facility

The repaired Helicarrier No. 64 that Coulson had in case of emergencies, if he or Fury needed it (in which case he'd lend it to Fury), suddenly started up, slowly rising into the air.

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"Its getting the nukes too!" Luther said, sharing looks of horror with Ethan and Benji.

Ultron had woken up, and now he was going to cause the extinction of the human race on this Earth.


And another one has been finished.

So, for 'Kingdom Hearts', we're in the end of 'Dream Drop Distance'.

We got Dawn Summers from 'Buffyverse', Ahsoka Tano from 'Star Wars' (between 'A Friend In Need' and 'Deception'), Ciri from 'The Witcher' (between books and games), Aang from 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' (after Season 1), Percy Jackson from 'Percy Jackson and the Olympians' (between the end of the quest in Book 1 and the reveal of Luke), Atreus from 'God of War' (between the 2018 game and Ragnarök), Conner Kent aka Superboy from 'Smallville' (during the Season 11 comics but before the Titans arc), Peter Parker aka Spider-Man from 'The Spectacular Spider-Man' (taking place after Season 2 and during a hypothetical Season 3), Ben Tennyson from 'Ben 10' (between the first show and 'Alien Force'), Son Goku from 'Dragon Ball' (after the 21st Tenkai Budokai), Naruto from 'Naruto' (after the fight with Zabuza and Haku in the Land of Waves), Harry Potter from 'Harry Potter' (between books 4 and 5), and Alice Pierce from 'Child's Play' (who, remember, I mentioned survived in this series).

Thanks a lot to gussygus28 for his outline here.

Percy will be played by Dylan O'Brien, thanks a lot to Stand with Ward and Queen for letting me use the casting from his 'Of superheroes and halfbloods'.

I'm not using any castings from the films or the new show, which is really bad from what I hear.

Damien's death was basically 'Humiliation Conga' and 'There Is No Kill Like Overkill' combined.

Gandalf alone would have murdered him easily, but then we got Carrie, Mari and Spike making it even easier.

Now Prometheus has killed him.

Cer1992 suggested to put 24 on Earth-1, and this chapter referenced it, with gussygus28 providing the reference, so thank you to both.

HIVE has been slain too, including Ruvé. Setting this fic during Arrow Season 4 was the greatest sacrifice I'd to do, to make this story work, even if I improved the Season, but now its over.

Thank you to Stand with Ward and Queen as some of this was taken from his 'Prophecy of the end' and 'A new age for the League of Assassins'.

Virgil has become Static Shock too, oh yeah! Some of the scene was taken from Bl4ckHunter's 'Between Two Earths' so thank you to him.

Meanwhile, Doom rejects the Injustice League.

The Rogues have taken out Vladek. Also, Lisa's role in the mission was to take the diamonds while Mick burnt the assholes up, in case it wasn't clear.

All understand Tony's contingency plans, but he deserved a calling out for Ultron, and now Ultron's plan begins. For AOS this is between 2x19 and 2x20, as those episodes coincided with AOU.

Meanwhile, Wanda and Pietro join the Brotherhood.

Thank you to Brainstorm Sorcerer for scenes for all these four plotlines, and the final Oliver/Sandra talk, much appreciated.

Earth-1 Clark Kent is here, played by Henry Cavill. Sandra and Connor have moved to Earth-1 Smallville, and Clark saved them.

I won't have the proper DCEU here because it became too much of a mess to care about, but I loved most of the actors, so variations of the DCEU Heroes played by the same actors will exist on various DC Earths.

'Man of Steel' was fine, but it completely misrepresented Superman's character and made him a brooding, cold messiah instead of the optimistic hero he is. And the final fight makes me roll my eyes now. So whenever I get to this film, fixing will be needed.

Still, it wasn't the worst film, but BvS was horrible, and showed that Clark learnt nothing from the first film's events, and while Affleck was great, he got wasted, and don't get me started on DCEU Eisenberg (he sure as Hell ain't Lex, and I won't call him that!).

SS 2016 is garbage. Wonder Woman was mostly good, only the third act was weak. Josstice League is horrifyingly bad.

Aquaman and Shazam were fun films, but then 'Birds of Prey' and WW84 were horrible and ruined it all again.

ZSJL had its moments and did justice to Cyborg and Flash (the actor is scum though), but its overrated still, mainly because compared to Josstice League even a p*rn parody would look like a legit good film. I mean, Darkseid forgot Earth! That alone shows how overrated this film is.

SS 2021 was awesome, and Peacemaker is a great show, not perfect though.

Black Adam was average, the movie is the definition of 'mid', but I was excited to see Henry back, only for them to scrap the DCEU and start from scratch since this film flopped.

And I haven't seen any of the 2023 films, because those were all just leftovers of a dead franchise.

Anyways, the franchise had potential, but the studios messed it up.

Not sure on Gunn's new DCU, but I hope it fixes this mess.

Anyways, I'll do right by the DCEU Heroes here.

Hope all enjoyed and see you all next time with another chapter.

Chapter 29: Age of Ultron


The Avengers, Fantastic Four, X-Men and various other superheroes try to stop Ultron's plan. Riku, Mickey and the other young Heroes battle against Young Xehanort to save Sora. Prometheus tries to lead Oliver and Sara into a trap. Leonard decides to get a new place.


Disclaimer: I do not own anything you may recognize

Thank you to everyone for the kudos, hits, comments and bookmarks.

Thanks a lot to gussygus28 and Brainstorm Sorcerer for their help with this chapter, couldn't have done it without them at all.

Also, I know SPN hasn't been seen around for a while but it will return in Chapter 31. The Xenomorph plotline was done so the Winchesters won't be absent for 10 whole chapters.

The Avengers mentioned by Spectacular Spider-Man in the previous chapter were the EMH versions, as the two shows and 'Wolverine & the X-Men' are supposed to be part of the same Universe but they unfortunately couldn't show any connections. For here, we'll pretend the Spider-Man from EMH Season 2 is the Spider-Man from Spectacular, after his show is done, including a hypothetical Season 3.

Also, I'd said imagine Dylan O'Brien as Percy Jackson. Imagine Dylan when he was younger.


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The World That Never Was, Where Nothing Gathers

Kingdom Hearts Another Side, Another Story plays

Riku walked into the white room, looking at all the high chairs, before finding the comatose Sora on a smaller one, below the platform where he was.

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Riku ran and leapt down, rushing to him, only for a dark mist to appear in the way, as Young Xehanort now blocked his path. He pointed at Riku and he was struck by an unseen force, being sent flying back up towards the platform and falling on his back as he groaned in pain.

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"Hands off my new vessel", Young Xehanort threatened as he hovered up.

"'Vessel'?" Riku asked with another groan.

"Yes. We originally had our sights set on you", Young Xehanort revealed. "But, you developed a certain…resistance to darkness. So we did what the Keyblade did, and moved down the list." Riku picked himself up as Young Xehanort continued. "Roxas…now there was a worthy candidate. But unfortunately, he became too aware of himself, and returned to Sora."

Riku faced Young Xehanort who continued to talk. "Organization XIII's true goal is to divide Xehanort's heart among thirteen vessels. Thanks to you and Sora, we learnt not all our candidates were fit for the task. But, we managed to make up the difference. And now, Sora, the thirteenth vessel, is within our grasp."

"Thirteen…Xehanorts?" Riku asked, horrified at the prospect. He looked up with a gasp as many cloaked and hooded figures appeared on the high chairs, while three of them had visible faces, those being Xigbar who was Braig's Nobody, Xehanort's Nobody Xemnas and his Heartless Ansem Seeker of Darkness.

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"What is…" Riku trailed off.

"The real Organization XIII", Young Xehanort said.

"The Organization?" Riku asked, turning back to Young Xehanort.

"I am Xehanort, from the most distant past", he said. "My future-self gave me a task- to visit the splintered versions of myself in many worlds, and ensure they gathered here today."

"From the past?"

"There are restrictions to movement through time", Young Xehanort continued. "First, you must leave your body behind to do it. Then, there must be a version of you waiting at the destination. Upon arrival, you can only move forward as per the laws of time. And you cannot rewrite the events that are destined to happen."

"What have you done?" Riku roared.

"My most future self will arrive soon", Young Xehanort spoke calmly, gesturing to the highest seat where a dark mist was gathering. "Then, time for us all will return to normal, and I will go back to my era to live the life fate has in store. He can vouch for that."

Riku watched in horror, when there was a sound like a bell, and a star appeared in the sky, before a blast of light threw Young Xehanort back, while Mickey appeared with the young Heroes, raising his Keyblade.

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Young Xehanort was frozen in midair, unmoving, as a barrier surrounded the place, Riku removing his arms from the front of his eyes to see Mickey and the young Heroes.

Mickey's 'Stopza' had frozen everyone but them in place.

"Whoa, you just stopped everyone!" Dawn said in awe.

"I've never seen magic this powerful", Harry had to say. He doubted even Voldemort or Dumbledore could pull this off.

"I'm glad I'm not too late", Mickey said as he turned to Riku.

"Mickey!" Riku cried out as he rushed to him and the rest. "…And friends!"

"We're here to help", Ahsoka assured him, as Dawn saw where Sora was.

"There he is!" Dawn cried out, her heart breaking to see the optimistic boy in such a state.

"Grab Sora and we can go!" Mickey told Riku. "I can't stop them for long!"


Suddenly, Young Xehanort teleported behind them, and held out his hand, hitting Mickey with an unseen force from behind as he was thrown off the platform and fell down, his Keyblade dropping too.

The rest turned to Young Xehanort in horror as he cried out. "I said- hands off!"

"You keep your hands off my friend", Dawn snarled, clutching her fists.

"How can you move?" Riku inquired, as Young Xehanort held out his hand, and his Keyblade appeared.

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"Oh no", Mickey gasped as he picked himself up. "Are you…"

Kingdom Hearts L'Impeto Oscuro plays

"Begone!" Young Xehanort roared as darkness surrounded them all, and he prepared to battle, taking his fighting stance, as Riku did the same, and the rest followed too.

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"The Dark Side is strong within him", Ahsoka said grimly. Even Count Dooku was not as powerful in the Dark Side as Young Xehanort seemed to be.

The group of heroes looked around, seeing what looked like hovering hourglasses around them alongside a clock as Harry asked. "What is that about?"

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"Don't think its anything good", Ciri told him. "We need to be careful."

Riku summoned his Keyblade, and then he and Young Xehanort charged each other, their Keyblades clashing and sending a shockwave out before both backed off and clashed twice again, then Young Xehanort struck Riku's face, turning it the other way, before he ducked to avoid another blow and struck Young Xehanort on the chest, sending him back.

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Before he could strike again, Conner flew at him and decked his face, making him roll away, but Young Xehanort used his Keyblade, firing two large ice blocks that struck Conner and threw him off while he grunted due to magic.

Riku fired fireballs at Young Xehanort, striking him and sending him back, before he teleported and struck Riku, throwing him off, as Ahsoka leapt to battle him, but he blocked her lightsabers with his Keyblade, and then she spun and struck him twice but he blocked both times, then spun himself as Ahsoka barely blocked his strikes, when Conner grabbed him from behind and hurled him away again.

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As he got up, Ciri leapt at him with her Zireael, and he blocked with his Keyblade again, as she roared and tried to strike him a few times, but he was fast enough to block, and then she tried to use her magic on him, but he summoned a tornado that threw her off, before Aang waved his hands, creating a small tornado of his own that clashed with Young Xehanort's tornado and both dissipated, Ciri falling down as he helped her back up.

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"Stupefy!" Harry cried out but Young Xehanort easily blocked the spell.

"Petrificus Totalus!" He then cried out but to his horror, Young Xehanort was unaffected.

"How weak", he mocked, when Spider-Man swung at him, but he spun and cut off the webline, making him fall down, and tried to bring his Keyblade down on him, but Spider-Man rolled away to avoid.

"Tag me!"

He stood up as Young Xehanort tried to strike him but he leapt and landed on the Keyblade, crouching down, then waved cheekily. "Still can't tag me!"

Young Xehanort roared in anger as Spider-Man was telekinetically thrown off, when Riku summoned Orbs and they struck Young Xehanort, staggering him away, when Ben turned his Omnitrix and smirked.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (873)

"Hero time!" He slammed his hand down, and then there was a green glow, and when it faded, instead of Ben, an alien covered in flames stood there.

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"Heatblast!" He cried out, then fired at Young Xehanort, who summoned a blast of ice that clashed against the flames, and then the two beams caused an explosion that made both stagger back, before Young Xehanort summoned ice blocks to strike them all.

Percy closed his eyes, concentrating. The ice was just water in solidified form.

And then the ice blocks exploded into water, striking Young Xehanort instead as he was thrown back, while Percy panted.

"Here we go!" Son Goku cried out as he leapt up and extended his Power Pole, hitting Young Xehanort under his chin as he flew up, and as he fell down, he saw Naruto charging him.

Getting up quickly, he struck while blinking, and he hit something, but when the smoke cleared, to his shock, it was a block of wood.

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"Leaf Village Secret Finger Jutsu: Thousand Years of Death!"

Young Xehanort gasped as Naruto from behind stuck his fingers into his…butt! His face went red while the rest actually turned away, before Young Xehanort let out a roar of humiliation and telekinetically hurled Naruto away, gasping a little.

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"You insolent clown!" He turned to Naruto angrily when Aang flew around him with his glider, and he fired a fireball but Aang used his airbending and put it out, before Young Xehanort spun and struck his chest, sending him down, only for a fireball from Dawn to hit him from behind, staggering him forwards.

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He turned to her and threw her away telekinetically, and as she tried to strike him with a fireball again, he deflected it back at her, sending her flying off and falling down, groaning in pain, wounded.

At that point, a loud roar of rage was heard.

Everyone turned to see it had come from Naruto. Red smoke flew out of his body, surrounding him, while his blue eyes went red.

"I'll kill you."

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Riku now felt some darkness from Naruto, as did Ahsoka.

As Young Xehanort watched, the red smoke seemed to take shape of a fox, and then Naruto rushed at Young Xehanort on all fours like an animal, leaping and slashing at his face as he gasped, while Naruto then kicked his chest, sending him back.

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He was about to strike again, but Young Xehanort struck his head with the Keyblade, sending him flying off and falling down, snapping him out of rage mode. Young Xehanort was about to attack Naruto again when Goku leapt to fight him, clashing his Power Pole against the Keyblade, causing shockwaves to emanate, before he came down and tripped Young Xehanort by striking his feet with the Power Pole, making him fall down. Before he could do anything else, Young Xehanort hit him with a telekinetic blast, throwing him off. He started getting up, when Heat Vision from Superboy struck him, but he blocked with his Keyblade, only for a flaming arrow to hit his thigh, making him gasp as he fell to his knees, and saw Atreus lower his bow while Conner stopped.

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Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (881)

During that time, Riku healed Dawn, Alice helping the older girl up as Dawn muttered. "That was bad."

Grunting, Young Xehanort ripped the arrow out and suddenly merged with the clock, rewinding time as he healed himself, and then he unmerged from it, before charging Atreus with a roar, striking him as Atreus put his bow in the way to block, but he was still sent down from the speedy strike, and Young Xehanort struck again but he blocked with his bow, grunting, until he kicked Young Xehanort's gut, making him double down in pain before flipping up and decking him with his bow, staggering him back, and then Conner gave him an uppercut that made him fly up and fall back down.

Before they could do anything else, Young Xehanort hurled fireballs at both of them, taking them down, and then charged Goku, hitting him hard as he was thrown off too.

But all of this left him blind to Riku, who charged him from the side and struck him thrice, then hit with his orbs, before hitting him with a 'Firaga', and finally with a 'Thundaga', as Young Xehanort gasped, the attacks all too much for him as he was sent flying back.

Only then, he used his ace in the hole.

"Time stop!"

Shockwaves emanated from him and stopped all the heroes in place, before they were freed, and saw Young Xehanort trying to merge with the clock.

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"We must stop him!" Riku cried out and rushed at the clock, striking it alongside Ahsoka, before Young Xehanort's Keyblade was in the air, chains appearing all around.

Riku struck two chains and Ahsoka struck two more, destroying them, before the two leapt and spun, striking the clock and bringing their weapons down it, managing to break it.

Young Xehanort staggered out, clearly weakened, as Ahsoka said. "I've seen now what he can do, and what all of you can do. I've a plan."

She looked at Riku. "You're the most powerful one out of us all. Keep him distracted for now."

"Was planning just that", Riku said as he leapt at Young Xehanort, who blocked with two blue blades, that resembled lightsabers, to Ahsoka's shock.

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"How did he get something like that?" She wondered, before turning to the rest. "Now, this is what we do-"

Young Xehanort had not used a Keyblade before, but these blades, he was a master at them. Riku tried to block but he spun them and struck his shoulders, then kicked him back, before hurling one blade at him but he blocked as it went back to his hand, and he rushed at Young Xehanort, striking him and sending him back too.

At that moment, Ahsoka leapt at Young Xehanort with a spin, clashing her lightsabers against his blades. While he was proficient at using his own, Ahsoka was very proficient with her lightsabers too, as she dodged his strikes, then spun and tried to strike as he blocked, but she continued to strike as he was forced to be on the backfoot due to her speed, and then Ciri leapt in with her Zireael as well, and Percy leapt in too, the two joining Ahsoka as they all tried to strike Young Xehanort simultaneously, and he was forced back by their combined skill and assault.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (884)

Ahsoka then spun and managed to strike his shoulder with her lightsaber, making him grunt in pain. If he was a normal human, it would have affected him far worse.

The wound made him pause for a second as Ciri then sliced his thigh, making him gasp in pain, and Percy sliced his other shoulder, then punched him as he was sent back, and he hurled a fireball at Percy, but while he grunted, he took the blow due to his heritage, while Ahsoka leapt and kicked his chin, throwing him back.

He tried to stagger up, glaring at them.

"Stupefy!" The magic blast hit Young Xehanort from the air as he was struck and sent staggering forwards, Harry flying on the broomstick now as he cried out. "Incendio!"

Young Xehanort saw fire setting on his clothes, but quickly put it out with his magic, only for two more fireballs from Dawn to hit him, staggering him forwards once more.

He turned to her, only for a blast of wind from Aang to hit him as it sent him flying off. While Aang did not use his airbending offensively too much, Young Xehanort was too powerful, even with all of them together.

Young Xehanort fell, then tried to get up, only for Ahsoka to Force Push him now as this again sent him flying by a bit, though he regained his footing in the air, only for a blast from Heatblast to hit him full force now in the chest as he was struck and thrown down.

Trying to get up, he was struck by Heat Vision on his right side, and another flaming arrow from Atreus got his other thigh as he gasped. Roaring, he ripped the arrow out.


He turned to see Alice, who cried out to him. "You've a funny face, you look like a monkey!" She stuck her tongue out at him, and he roared in anger.

"Insolent fool!" He ran at her, though his wound made him limp, as Alice turned around and ran off.

Goku cupped his palms together to a side. "Ka….me….ha…me…" Young Xehanort started turning to him as Goku thrust his palms outwards. "HAAAAAAAAAA!"

The blue blast moved towards Young Xehanort, who put his Keyblade in the way to block, but the force still sent him flying off into the air, and then fall on his back.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (885)

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

Young Xehanort looked up to see many Narutos around him, and as he got up, one kicked his face, and another decked him, as one more made to attack but he swung his blade hard enough to disperse him, and only for another to kick him from behind, sending him staggering forwards, before he spun around and dispersed that one with a strike.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (886)

"Don't forget me!" Spider-Man quipped as he swung by and fired a web, hitting Young Xehanort right on the face and blinding him as he staggered back.

Before he could rip it off, Riku leapt and struck him five whole times with his Keyblade, and then summoned his Orbs, striking Young Xehanort who was sent flying off, finally taken out as the background with the darkness, hourglasses and clock all faded, the usual background of Where Nothing Gathers appearing once more.

Mickey leapt near them as he cried out. "Are you all okay?"

"They were great", Riku praised the rest. "Made my work easier." He looked at everyone. "Thanks everyone. Who are you?"

"I'm Ahsoka, a Jedi", Ahsoka introduced herself.

"Ciri, monster slayer", Ciri added.

"Superboy", Conner gave his superhero name.

"I'm Spider-Man", Peter said with a wave.

"I am called Atreus", Atreus introduced himself.

"Dawn Summers, I'm a friend of Sora, he saved me once", Dawn said to Riku. "I'm here to return the favor."

"My name is Alice Pierce", Alice gave her name as well.

"Harry Potter. I'm a Wizard", Harry introduced himself.

"Percy Jackson, Demi-God", Percy shrugged.

"I am Goku", Goku said with a cheerful wave.

"Naruto, I'm a Shinobi, and I'll be Hokage!" Naruto said, though it confused the rest.

"Aang, I'm an airbender", Aang told him.

"I'm Ben, and I've a device that makes me transform into aliens. This one is called Heatblast", Ben gave his introduction, before a symbol similar to the Omnitrix on his chest beeped red. "Oh no!"

And then he transformed back into Ben, the Omnitrix red as of now. "Sorry, I won't be of much use until it recharges."

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (887)

The sphere around them faded away, when Mickey turned around and looked up, gasping. "Master Xehanort! We were right about you!"

The rest looked up to see an old, bald man with dark skin in robes sitting there, looking down at them all with a smirk, right where the mist had been before.

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This was Master Xehanort, the version of him who'd masterminded this all.

"He is….." Ahsoka trailed off. Young Xehanort's darkness eclipsed Dooku's. And Master Xehanort's darkness eclipsed Young Xehanort's!

"All of this was decided", Master Xehanort declared. "My twelve selves would welcome me here on this day, when I would return a complete person. It is the future which lies beyond my sight."

"Why are you doing this?" Mickey cried out.

"Let Sora go", Dawn snarled.

"If you do, this will be easier on you", Ciri added with a sneer.

"In ancient times people believed that light was a gift from an unseen land by the name of Kingdom Hearts", Master Xehanort told them all. "But Kingdom Hearts was safeguarded by its counterpart the χ-blade. Warriors vied for that precious light, thus beginning the 'Keyblade War'. The violent clash shattered the χ-blade into 20 pieces, seven of light and thirteen of darkness. And the only real Kingdom Hearts was swallowed by the darkness, never to surface again. I once tried to create my own pure light and darkness to forge the χ-blade, but the attempt ended in failure."

He sighed. "In my eagerness, I had lost sight of the correct way to achieve my goal. I acted rashly. I can admit that now."

Mickey shook in rage, and pointed at him. "What you did back then- your mistakes, changed the destinies of three of my friends!"

"People like that don't care who they ruin as long as they get what they want", Ahsoka said glumly.

"You're just as bad as Chucky!" Alice growled emotionally.

"Destiny is never left to chance, I merely guided them to their proper places", Master Xehanort said without care, enraging the young Heroes at his coldness. "The broken boy who failed to be the blade, the misguided master who sacrificed herself for a friend and the f*ckless youth who became my new vessel!"

"I couldn't find a way to save 'em", Mickey said guiltily.

"Its always hard", Harry muttered, relating to him as he thought of Cedric Diggory, then looked up at Master Xehanort angrily. "But you destroyed those three people's lives! You are the one to blame!"

Master Xehanort just smirked coldly as Percy added. "Guess you're too evil to accept responsibility, aren't you? You're worse than the Gods."

"I thought their sacrifice stopped you for good", Mickey muttered, then asked himself. "Why? How was I so blind? I should've seen it coming as soon as Maleficent started gathering the seven princesses of heart."

"Yes. They were all my doing", Master Xehanort boasted.

"Ah, so taking credit for bad things is where he accepts responsibility. Typical bad guy", Spider-Man commented.

"What are we waiting for?" Conner asked.

"Yes, you all can take them right now", Ben pointed out.

"They are gathering information", Ciri told them all. "Its important."

"I used the evil fairy to find seven pure lights for me, just as I prepared thirteen vessels to fill with pure darkness."

"But you failed", Riku pointed out as he stepped forth. "Sora stopped you in your tracks on both counts."

"And we will be stopping you now", Goku added.

"That dull, ordinary boy did stop me", Master Xehanort muttered, angering Dawn. "A Keyblade wielder so unlike any I have seen. However, I have not abandoned my ambitions, the seven guardians of light, and the thirteen seekers of darkness."

"Seven guardians of light?" Mickey asked. "Well, for Keyblade wielders, there's me and Riku and Sora, and my three missing friends. That makes six. Then the seventh would be…" He gasped and looked around. "That means, the thirteen seekers of darkness."

"Yes, little King, very perceptive", Master Xehanort said, then declared. "But Sora and another on your list belong to me now. And that puts you three guardians short."

"Not so fast, baldy!" Naruto said to him.

"Amusing", Master Xehanort chuckled. "Worry not. All of the pieces are destined to appear, even more than we'd thought possible. Thirteen young guardians of light from different worlds appeared to safeguard Sora's light, which means more darknesses shall come too. And the final clash between all of these will beget the prize I seek."

"The χ-blade!" Master Xehanort and Mickey said together.

Master Xehanort stood up, summoning the Gazing Eye Keyblade. "But first, the thirteen darknesses shall be united." He smirked. "All the seats have been filled. And now, the last vessel shall bear my heart like the rest!"

Kingdom Hearts Shaded Truths plays

Master Xehanort waved his hand as the seat in which Sora was started growing in height to reach his level.

"No!" Mickey cried out.

"Sora!" Riku cried out too.

Mickey ran and leapt to try and get to Sora but Xemnas appeared and grabbed him by the throat and as Riku ran, Ansem Seeker of Darkness slammed him to the ground from behind, pinning him down.

Harry used his broomstick to fly towards Sora but one Organization XIII member summoned a scythe and chopped off the broomstick from below, making him crash to the ground, as Ahsoka leapt up but another Organization XIII member struck her with lightning from behind, making her fall down and groan.

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Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (891)

Ciri tried to use her magic but some cards struck her shoulders as she gasped, and then the Organization XIII member grabbed her throat, slamming her to the ground.

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Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (893)

Atreus fired at him but a projectile from Xigbar deflected the flaming arrows, before Xigbar was right behind Atreus, his 'arrowguns' on the back of the boy's throat.

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"As if, you lot could do anything", he mocked.

Percy tried to leap up but lightning from Young Xehanort struck him, sending him down. He was too weakened to do much, but he could do a little.

Conner was flying up towards Sora and Peter was swinging, but the Organization XIII member with the scythe cut off Peter's web line, making him fall and steady himself while the one with the lightning hit Conner too, throwing him off.

Naruto and Goku then leapt up but the one with the scythe kicked the former and struck the latter who barely blocked with his Power Pole but was still thrown down, before he saw Aang flying up but grabbed him by the back of the collar and threw him down too.

Alice couldn't do anything, and the Omntirix was recharging so Ben couldn't do a thing either, but during this time, Dawn was using some powerful magic to hover towards Sora's chair.

The Organization XIII members flew towards her, but did not count on the fact that she'd summoned a force field. It caught them off guard and sent them back, and before they could try again, Dawn had reached Sora, whose seat had finally risen to Master Xehanort's level.

She turned to Master Xehanort, whose Keyblade was glowing. "Leave him alone!"

"Brave attempt, but pointless", Master Xehanort mocked as his Keyblade glowed, and then he fired a piece of the darkness in his heart towards them.

"NO!" Dawn cried out, grabbing the comatose Sora and hugging him, ready to house Master Xehanort's heart if it saved her friend.

But it never struck her!

Something came in the way and blocked the darkness, dissipating it as flames and smoke spewed.

"He made it!" Mickey said happily.

"You!" Xemnas snarled in anger.

The smoke faded to reveal a redhead standing there, two flaming Chakrams in his hand, and he held Sora in one arm, and Dawn in the other.

"Axel!" Xigbar said angrily.

"You're here!" Dawn smiled in joy, looking at him.

"Oh yes, you're all gonna get beaten now!" Naruto said to them.

The redhead lifted his head up, revealing Lea. "Axel? Please! The name's Lea! Got it memorized?"

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"I think after this, we do", Ahsoka smiled while picking herself up.

"You're not supposed to be here!" Xigbar roared.

"Promises to keep. I'll always be there to get my friends back", Lea told him, then looked at Master Xehanort. "What? Bad timing? You had your perfect little script, but you kinda forgot to write the sequel. Now, let's find out what happens!"

Taking the opportunity, Atreus spun around and struck Xigbar's hands with his bow, disarming him of his weapons before he kicked Xigbar, sending him flying off.

Master Xehanort just grinned at Lea as another Organization XIII member leapt at him with a Claymore, causing Lea to let Dawn go and shove her behind him. "Stay back!"

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Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (897)

Lea blocked the Claymore with one Chakram, the shockwave causing the Organization XIII member's hood to come off, revealing he was a silver-haired man with a 'X' on his forehead that reached his nose, horrifying Lea since he knew this man.

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"Isa!" He cried out sadly, the two trying to push against each, before Lea pushed past him, grabbed Dawn again, and leapt off while Mickey summoned his Keyblade and struck Xemnas, who sped away, just as Riku summoned his Keyblade, freeing himself of Ansem Seeker of Darkness' grip as he tried to strike him but he sped away too.

Ciri roared as a blast of magic hit the Organization XIII member holding her down, sending him flying off as well while she got back up.

With that, Riku and Mickey held out their Keyblades, Lea held out his Chakrams, Ahsoka held out her lightsabers, Ciri and Percy held up their swords, Harry aimed his wand, Naruto took a fighting stance, Conner's eyes glowed, Peter crouched, Goku held up his Power Pole, Aang held up his staff, Dawn aimed her hands, Alice held up a knife, Atreus aimed his arrow while Ben's Omnitrix was recharged and he was ready to transform again.

"Why are you here, Axel?" Riku asked him.

"No! I told you my name is…ugh, whatever, Axel, fine", Lea said with a groan.

"I think Axel is cooler", Dawn had to say.

"Yeah, it has a nice ring to it", Alice admitted.

"Let's get out of here!" Lea told the rest.

"Agreed, they're too many, and we have Sora", Ahsoka pointed out, when Ansem Seeker of Darkness was surrounded by Darkness, and his Guardian Heartless appeared.

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It charged the group, grabbing Riku and Mickey and holding them up. Before the rest could do anything, screams were heard.

Everyone realized it sounded like Donald and Goofy! What looked like a shooting star appeared above them all, and then Donald and Goofy were there, crashing right on top of the Guardian, then falling down, as the blow made it dissipate, dropping Riku and Mickey.

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Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (901)

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (902)

"Were we supposed to do that?" Donald asked with a groan.

"I think so", Goofy groaned.

"Goofy! Donald! You saved us!" Mickey noted.

"Never thought I'd be saved by Disney characters", Conner muttered.

"Guess these are our lives now", Dawn commented.

Sensing something, Ahsoka looked up, and pointed as the rest saw the Organization XIII members fading away.

"We are out of time. Neither the union of light nor darkness has been achieved, and we must all return whence we came. But, the gathering of the seven and thirteen is nigh. The gathering of powerful light and powerful darkness is nigh. Let us finish this at the fated place, once your lights and my darknesses have joined together!"

With that, Master Xehanort and the rest of Organization XIII faded away, leaving some dark mist behind.

"And they're gone", Ciri sighed. "But at least we've Sora."

"We need to bring him back though", Goku pointed out. "He is asleep."

"Its worse", Ahsoka said grimly. "While the darkness did not get him, I sense this ordeal has left him weakened, he is barely hanging on."

"We need to get back now!" Riku said, none of them arguing.

Earth-1, Star City, the lair

Oliver sat alone, the TV showing various things before Sara walked in. "You okay?"

"As okay as I can be", Oliver admitted to her, while she smiled at him.

"You made the right choice", she assured him, Oliver nodding.

"I know. I just wish it wasn't the hard one", he said sadly, Sara sitting next to him. "How is Sin?"

"Well, she was hurt I didn't see her for a while, but we're getting past it", Sara responded to that, when the lights turned off and on, revealing Nyssa standing there.

"Nyssa!" Sara cried out in surprise as the two stood up.

"What brings you here this time?" Oliver inquired.

"Damien Darhk has been slain", Nyssa noted. "What my father could not do before has been accomplished now. You two have my thanks."

They just nodded, before Sara asked. "How is it going with the search for your sister?"

"Still not found her, perhaps she is hiding out in other places, we shall expand the search", Nyssa said before walking out, the two sharing a look.

Then, they heard something interesting on TV.

"This just came in…..the organization known as HIVE has been found slaughtered. Warning, viewer discretion is advised for the footage you're about to watch."

And then, the two saw as corpses of various HIVE members were shown on-screen, including Ruvé, as the news reporter was heard saying. "The other Mayoral candidate Ruvé Adams has been found amongst the HIVE members too. Speculation about her role with this organization is still ongoing, including this picture on her."

Oliver and Sara looked at the baby picture lying on top of the dead Ruvé, and noticed a few members had shurikens sticking out of them.

"Prometheus", Sara said with a snarl. "Why did he leave us this baby picture though?"

"I'm going to find out", Oliver said, taking a seat as he snapped a picture of the baby pic on his phone, then started typing on the computer.

"So, you can do the tech stuff too?" Sara asked Oliver in surprise.

"Not on the level of Hardison, or even Felicity or Cisco, but I know a lot of stuff", Oliver admitted to her. "Recently, after seeing Hardison, I started brushing up on my computer skills again. Felicity is good but…"

"You let her have free reign on the tech here and now she doesn't let anyone else touch it", Sara finished for him. "I've noticed."

"Yeah, I'm getting the edge back though", he said as he ran the baby picture through facial recognition, and something popped up.

"Court orders related to Claybourne's divorce", Sara said with narrowed eyes.

"This baby is Claybourne's son", Oliver realized. "But he didn't have any kids."

"Maybe this wasn't a legitimate one", Sara pointed out, Oliver conceding her point, as he searched some more.

"No record of the name, but based on the filing date, he'd be around 30 now", Oliver finally realized. "Claybourne is not alive after all. Its his son."

"He is the one who wants revenge", Sara noted grimly, when Oliver suddenly got a call from a blocked number.

"This is getting too common", he groaned before picking it up. "Who is this?"

"Oliver Queen, I believe you've finally figured out who I am."

"You're going to pay for what you've done", Oliver said with a snarl, clutching his other fist as he thought of Prometheus abducting his son.

"Do not bother tracking this number. This phone belongs to one of the dead HIVE members. We are going to meet now….where it all began!"

With that, the call was cut as Sara asked. "What does he want?"

"To meet where it began", Oliver told her, his eyes widening. "I know where that'd be for him." He looked at Sara. "Call the rest of the team back here. The two of us are going in, but they need to be here just in case."

"Will do", Sara said.

The Mysterious Tower

Sora and Riku were back in their current outfits and look, the former still comatose and Yen Sid noted grimly. "Seven lights, thirteen darknesses. Master Xehanort has been busy. And other lights and darknesses shall be joining this clash too."

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Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (904)

Donald looked at Sora sadly as Goofy put a hand to his shoulder, and he sighed, while Dawn had her hand on Sora's shoulder. "Come on, Sora! Wake up. We're here, I'm here."

"Aw, Sora. Don't tell me your heart's sleeping too", Mickey said in grief.

"His energy is low", Goku noted. "But I do not know how to bring it back."

Ciri held his face and looked at him. "What they did to him….its still eating away at him. The darkness didn't consume him, but it damaged him. I am not sure what I can do."

"I don't have anything for this", Harry muttered.

"This affliction is different", Yen Sid said at that point. Ahsoka noted how much he was reminding her of Yoda. Even in such situations, he was calm, collected and wise.

Similarly, Harry was reminded of Dumbledore. Like him, Yen Sid was a great, old Wizard, who seemed like he knew everything and could do everything.

Percy himself thought of Chiron and his guidance, Yen Sid seeming very similar to him.

Perhaps Yen Sid could do something about this.

"Can we do anything for him?" Riku asked him.

Donald and Goofy made a sound, Lea gave them a look, and then Yen Sid explained. "In the Mark of Mastery exam, you were to unlock seven Sleeping Keyholes. By doing so, you would awaken those worlds from their prison of slumber, and also acquire the power to free a heart from its sleep. Riku, you unlocked those Keyholes within Sora's dreams. Therefore, it stands to reason that you now have the power to awaken Sora's heart."

Mickey asked the big question. "You want him to dive back into Sora's sleep? But Master, Sora's heart is down in the darkest abyss. If Riku's not careful, he might just get trapped down there with him. No…I'll go instead."

"And perhaps you may even succeed, Mickey", Yen Sid noted as he stood up, walking to them. "But there is no denying that Riku stands the better chance, having dived into Sora's heart as long as he has."

Riku looked at the saddened Mickey, then at Donald and Goofy, then Dawn, then the rest, before looking at the comatose Sora as he smiled. "Mickey, I really appreciate it. But…I'll go wake Sora up."

"Riku", Mickey sighed.

"Look at his face, sleeping like nothing's wrong, like there's nothing worry about", Riku joked, causing the rest to chuckle, especially Dawn.

"He does act like nothing's wrong", Dawn commented to him. "That's how he helped us back there."

"Yeah, he has always been like that", Riku had to say.

"I guess…that's his true superpower", Spider-Man noted. "A positivity that helps the rest."

"Sounds like someone I know", Superboy noted, thinking of Superman.

Kingdom Hearts Dearly Beloved plays

"The three of us would agree to work on the raft, and then this guy would go take a nap on the beach", Riku joked, remembering the times when things were simple and clean. "You see, its my job to keep him on his toes. Besides, what kind of Keyblade Master sleeps through his test?"

"A Jedi Master will be called out for sleeping through a test", Ahsoka joked weakly, thinking of some moments with Anakin and Obi-Wan.

"Guess you're his protector", Percy noted, finding Riku as dedicated as Grover.

"I'm doing this for me too", Riku told the group before looking at Sora. "Sora saved me once. And…I heard him call my name. He needs me."

"There's something real strong that binds us to each other", Mickey commented, then looked at the thirteen young Heroes. "I believe that something brought thirteen lights nearly as pure as Sora's, as even pure as his, to help save him from the thirteen darknesses." They smiled as Donald and Goofy nodded, and Mickey turned back to Riku. "So, even in the darkness, you can reach him. All you gotta do is follow that connection!"

"Gee, we're all connected to Sora", Goofy commented.

"You said it!" Donald cheered.

"All of us?" Ben wondered. "Because I haven't met him."

"No, but a lot of you are like him, young ones who protect your worlds", Mickey pointed out. "In a way, that makes you connected to him, and that connection brought you here to help save him."

"So, does that mean all of us can save him?" Naruto asked.

"No, I don't think so. We have played our part", Ciri told them all. "Now, its up to Riku to wake Sora up."

"Aww, I thought we could do more", Alice said sadly.

"We have done a lot", Ahsoka assured them all. "Now only the waking up part is left."

"Which you are going to do", Aang said, smiling at Riku.

"And if the darkness gets ya, I promise I'll bail you out", Lea added to Riku, making the rest look at him. 'Dark Rescue' is my middle name."

"Guys, thank you", Riku said as he stood up. "Sora and I will be back soon."

"And we will be waiting", Atreus told him, and he nodded.

He bowed to Yen Sid, then summoned his Keyblade, aiming it at Sora, as both of them glowed with a bright light, a symbol appearing between that the ones from the other worlds did not recognize, though Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Yen Sid and Lea all had a reaction to it.

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"Good luck, and bring him back", Dawn said to Riku, who nodded, and then the symbol glowed brighter as the room was covered in a bright light.

Earth-1, Star City

Oliver and Sara, both dressed up, entered the building.

The light was flickering. They were shocked to see a dead body with an arrow sticking out. Oliver quickly turned him around.

It was a stranger. In another corner lay another body beyond a shattered glass door. Seeing them in these positions reminded Oliver of that fateful night from 3 years ago.

The Hood entered the building. A guard tried to fire at him but he shot him on the shoulder and he was down. Another leapt at him to kick him but he grabbed his leg and threw him through a glass door. He fell down and lost consciousness.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (906)

Oliver looked at the body and walked through the door, Sara behind him.

Justin Claybourne was talking to a security guard when the Hood arrived.

"Kill that Robin Hood son of a bitch!" He commanded and ran off.

Before the guard could react, the Hood shot him on the shoulder and he was down. He then followed Claybourne through the door.

The two looked at another dead body on the way with an arrow sticking out of him just like the security guard from 3 years ago.

They went through the door and turned to see two escalators.

The Hood shot down a guard at the top of the left escalator. He shot another arrow that caused a small explosion. He leapt on the middle railing and on the right escalator. A guard followed him from behind. He turned, punched him and smacked him away.

He then turned to the guard in front of him. He stabbed him with an arrow twice and let him fall. A guard from the left escalator tried to punch him but he smacked him away. He smashed another guard's head on the wall. Another attacked him but he blocked and smacked him away.

He was angry right now. He had given Claybourne a deadline but he had not heeded him. He would continue to slaughter innocents in Lamb Valley for profit. He could not let such mass killings happen. He would not let another Matthew Shrieve win.

He flipped another guard and knocked him out. He then walked further.

The two reached the top of the escalator. Random men were lying dead there in the same positions as the guards from 3 years ago after Oliver had knocked them out.

The Hood reached the rooftop. Claybourne was running from him with 2 guards. He shot down the guards before they could do a thing.

Justin turned to him with a smirk. "You gonna tell me again- I have failed this city?" Claybourne asked.

The Hood growled. "You infected the people in Lamb Valley to turn a profit."

"You want to make this city great again", Claybourne said. "This is how- with business, money."

The Hood snarled. "You are sentencing innocent families, children to death."

"Nobody cares about those people", Claybourne said mercilessly. "They're a blight. And I'm just... thinning the herd."

"So am I." The Hood shot an arrow. It hit Claybourne right on his heart. He groaned and fell into the pool behind him, dead.

The Hood walked away. He normally wasn't a big fan of his killing method. But Claybourne had earned it.

"This guy is sick", Sara snarled, both knowing it was the understatement of the century as they walked to the rooftop. Prometheus stood there at the exact same spot as Claybourne had 3 years ago.

"Did you hesitate at all when you killed him?" Prometheus asked. "Or was he just another name you crossed off your List?"

"You're one to talk, considering you killed random people just to rearrange their bodies in the same way as before", Sara retorted to him. "And your father deserved to die for what he did to the people in Lamb Valley."

She noted Prometheus clutching his fists in anger, and prepared for the inevitable fight.

"If you want revenge", Oliver declared. "I'm right here."

"This is about so much more than revenge", Prometheus in a foreboding tone.

"Don't bullsh*t us", Sara sneered at him.

Prometheus then threw two shurikens but Oliver and Sara dodged those, the former firing an arrow that Prometheus dodged before Sara unleashed her Canary Cry but he jumped off the roof.

Oliver jumped after him. Prometheus attached a grapple-line to a lower floor and swung in while Oliver grabbed his leg.

Prometheus smashed into the building through the window and ran off. Oliver had lost grip of his legs but he grabbed the window and climbed inside. Sara then leapt down using one of the old League clothes and arrived right next to him.

Prometheus was not there. The two looked around, seeing lots of mirrors.

"I've studied you, Oliver Queen", Prometheus' voice spoke. "I know everything- who you love, who you trust, who you've hurt, but do you know how easy it would be to turn them all against you? The only one left on your side will be this Sara Lance. And she will suffer as much as you will suffer. You're not heroes, you're killers. And I'm going to show them that."

Prometheus appeared in front of them and said."I'm going to show them how everything you touch, dies."

Oliver nocked an arrow as Sara was about to scream before a thought struck the former as he lowered his bow. "Stop!"

Sara stopped in some confusion as he whispered to her. "The guy has been very careful until now, so why would he walk out here like that where both of us can just kill him easily?"

"You've a point", Sara conceded, as both rushed forth, seeing Prometheus making no move, and then saw his sword was duct-taped to his hand.

"Oh no!" Oliver said in horror, as Sara removed that tape, and Oliver removed the mask to reveal a female Chinese face, which was duct-taped too, and he took it off, Sara's eyes widening on seeing her.

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"Shado?" She asked in surprise.

"No", Oliver shook his head. "Mei."

"What is going on?" Mei asked, looking frightened and confused. "He just…took me, and put me in this…"

They heard a beeping and looked at Mei's other wrist to see a bomb had activated, and less than 7 seconds were left.

"Get away from me!" Mei cried out.

Oliver was unwilling. "But-"

"I'm sorry", Sara said sadly, and grabbing Mei, pushed her away to a distance before pushing Oliver to the other direction alongside herself, wrapping her arms around them as a blast was heard, Oliver feeling nothing but utter despair, the blast not damaging but sending them flying off and falling down.

"No…" he whispered, mentally apologizing to Yao Fei and Shado.

The Mysterious Tower

The others were sitting together when Naruto randomly said to Ben. "You sound like a squeakier Sasuke."

"Who is Sasuke?" Ben asked, confused.

"Someone I know", Naruto sighed.

Sora's eyes suddenly opened and he shot up. "Huh?"

"Sora!" Dawn cried out happily, and he looked at her.

"Dawn?" He questioned, unable to believe she is here.

"Yeah, I'm here", she said to him. "Riku saved you." Sora looked down at Riku, still asleep.

"Oh! Why is he not waking up?" Sora inquired.

"He will wake up soon", Yen Sid assured him, as Donald and Goofy cheered and leapt at Sora, wrapping him in a hug that he returned happily, before noticing the new people.

"Axel?" He questioned the former Organization XIII member.

"Stop calling me that, name's Lea! Got it memorized?" Lea asked with a groan, as Sora grinned and nodded.

"I think I do", he said, then turned to the rest. "Who are you all?"

"They helped me and Riku save you", Mickey revealed to him. "It'd have been much harder without them."

"Oh", Sora noted. "Outside of Dawn, I don't know any of you yet, but I thank all of you for helping me out."

"Its no problem", Goku said cheerfully. "My name is Goku, I'm a martial artist and I love to fight strong people. You look strong and cool."

"Yeah, but now's not the time for spars", Sora said to him. "Thank you, Goku."

"Name's Naruto. I'm a Shinobi, and its not a type of food!" Naruto said, confusing the rest. "And you can thank me later for what I did to the Xehanort prick."

"What did you do?" Sora inquired.

"Something we're never bringing up again", Ahsoka told him. "I'm Ahsoka, I'm a Jedi. We're a group that safeguards our galaxy."

"Name's Ciri, I open portals, and I hunt and slay monsters", Ciri introduced herself to Sora. "You are good, young man."

Sora nodded happily as Harry came next. "I'm Harry Potter, I'm a Wizard. It is nice to meet you." Not to mention, he was happy he was at a place where no one knew him. The unwanted fame and attention were suffocating for him.

Then Percy spoke up. "Percy Jackson, a Demi-God. I control water and all that stuff. Great to meet you in person."

"I'm Ben, and this device here turns me into aliens", Ben said to Sora. "And your swords that look like keys are just as cool."

"My name is Atreus, and I am glad you are safe now", Atreus told Sora.

"I'm Spider-Man", Spider-Man said with a wave. "Friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Good to see you up again."

"Yeah, you and I will get along nicely. I'm Superboy", Superboy gave his introduction as well.

Sora noticed the symbol on his chest and asked. "Are you related to Superman or something? I met him once in another world."

"Yeah, we're kind of like cousins", Superboy confirmed.


"Alice Pierce. You're really cool", Alice said to Sora.

"I am Aang, I'm an airbender. It is good to see you safe now", Aang gave his introduction as well, and then the introductions were complete.

"Thank you, all of you, for coming to save me", Sora said, noticing Donald and Goofy putting some cake and tea and other stuff on the table. "I am happy to have all of you as my friends now."

They all cheered as Sora sat down to drink the tea, and the rest interacted again.

"I noticed your weapons have fire on them", Atreus commented to Lea.

"Oh yeah, those are my Chakrams", Lea explained to him. "Have been using them for a while now."

"I use fire arrows", Atreus revealed to him.

"Cool", Lea had to say. "Our weapons will pair well together."

Dawn and Alice were laughing at Sora putting on a clown cap, clown nose, glasses and moustache, when Riku shot up suddenly, holding his hand out. "Sora!"

Kingdom Hearts Sora theme plays

"Hey, Donald!" Sora said to Donald on seeing him trying to get some cake. "Come on, you're hogging it all!"

"Aw, calm down Sora, and drink your tea!" Donald retorted.

"Gawrsh, it sure is yummy", Goofy had to say.


Sora turned around, showing what was on his face to Riku, and took it all off, looking happy.

"You're safe! Riku!" He leapt at Riku, grabbing him in a hug, as Riku groaned, then looked at Sora as they slowly parted.

"Wait, haven't we got this backwards?" He inquired. "And why are we having a tea party?"

"You're safe Riku!" Sora cried out and hugged him again.

"Its for fun, and we're loving it, especially with Disney characters around!" Alice said with a cheer, feeling like an 8-year-old before Chucky had murdered his way into her life for once.

"Never mind", Riku sighed, the rest chuckling as Sora let him go. "You okay? Feeling all right?"

"Yeah, I've never been better", Sora told him. "I was watching what was going on in my dream. And I could hear your voice the whole time. Thanks, Riku."

He looked at everybody once more. "Thanks, everybody!"

They all shared a chuckle, even Yen Sid, as Ahsoka whispered to Ciri. "He reminds me of myself when I was younger."

"Me too", Ciri commented. "A lot less annoying though." For one, she could imagine neither of Geralt or Calanthe would want to spank Sora.

Sora looked up at Yen Sid. "Oh yeah! Did we pass the test?"

"You performed truly admirably, both of you", Yen Sid praised Sora and Riku both as they shared a chuckle, then got up.

"Let's finish the tea party first, then we can move on to the result", Dawn said, and the rest nodded.

"Yes, I believe everyone has earned a moment of reprieve", Yen Sid agreed to that, and Sora and Riku sat down to eat and drink too.

"Its good to have some food at the end of this", Goku commented, taking a bite of the cake.

"I know, right? Its always a reward", Naruto said, eating a bit more.

"Leave some for us!" Percy said, him and the others groaning a little at the antics of these too.

"No promises", Naruto told him. "Except I'll be a Hokage!"

"Is Hokage a type of food?" Goku asked innocently, and everyone fell in embarrassment again, then got back up.

"No, its not!" Naruto told him.

"Food is what's on the table in front of us", Harry added.

"Not just that of course, but I don't think 'Hokage' is food", Aang commented, the rest chuckling again.

"Either way, good to be full after a hard day's work, I do it a lot", Ben told the rest. Being a hero required work!

Spider-Man had slightly put his mask up and was eating, as Conner told him. "I think it'd be easier if you removed it."

"Guess you've a point", Spider-Man sighed. "None of them are from my world anyways." He took off his mask fully to reveal his young face, though none of them were shocked, since they were all young Heroes too. "I have to say, it was nice to work alongside all of you."

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"Yep, I work with other Heroes of my age, but this was an even better experience", Superboy added. "Don't tell any of them though."

"Our lips are sealed", Ben immediately said.

"Indeed, we respect a fellow warrior's wishes", Atreus assured him.

"Don't think I'm a warrior or anything", Peter said to him.

"You are a person who fights for the weak and innocent, you are a true warrior in my eyes", Atreus immediately replied, then looked at the rest. "All of you are."

"Oh yeah, and we're all friends now, this is a good day!" Sora cheered.

"Yep. I still can't believe so many of you popped up to help Sora, but I'm happy you did", Riku said with a smile.

"So, what was that about during the fight?" Goku asked Naruto, confusing him.

"What?" Naruto asked in confusion.

"When Dawn was hurt, you got mad and said 'I'll kill you' to that Xehanort guy, and your eye color changed, smoke was coming from you, you ran like an animal", Goku told Naruto, who just looked confused.

"I don't remember any of that", Naruto said, confusing Goku now.

"Huh?...Right", Goku muttered. "Well, let's continue to eat."

And they did just that.


With the tea party over, Sora and Riku stood before Yen Sid, the others all standing or sitting nearby too.

Yen Sid coughed to clear his throat, then spoke. "More than anything, I am grateful to have you both back from Xehanort's deception unharmed. And, I'm grateful to Lea, Ahsoka, Ciri, Dawn, Goku, Naruto, Aang, Ben, Atreus, Harry, Percy, Spider-Man, Superboy and Alice, whose spontaneous actions turned the tides. All of you have now become the Young Legends of the worlds." Lea smirked as the young Heroes grinned, loving the name they'd gotten, sharing looks of joy, while Yen Sid's tone turned apologetic. "I am also deeply sorry, for failing to perceive the danger, and throwing you headlong into a perilous test." His tone became firm. "This experience has revealed many hidden truths, and we must gird ourselves for the great clash with darkness that lies before us. I believe we need a new Keyblade Master, one with a new kind of power."

He looked between the two young Keyblade wielders. "Sora and Riku, you both deserve the honor. However, one of you braved the Realm of Sleep again to unlock the final Keyhole and save a friend." Yen Sid raised his hand and gestured to Riku. "Riku, I name you our new true Keyblade Master."

Dawn looked at Sora's face, thinking it was falling, only for him to smile instead. "Way to go, Riku!" He laughed and clapped Riku's shoulder happily.

"Y-Yeah?" Riku asked, not having seen this turn coming.

"I knew you were gonna pass with flying colors! This is just so awesome!" Sora said cheerfully.

"You're…not disappointed?" Naruto asked, surprised by Sora's reaction. He'd not react like this if he failed to become Hokage one day.

"No, I'm not, my friend passed, I'm happy!" Sora said, though Ahsoka, Ciri, Spider-Man, Atreus, Harry and Dawn could tell that while he was happy for his friend, he was a little disappointed over failing.

He was just really good at hiding it.

"Gee Sora, you're kinda acting like its you that passed", Goofy commented.

"I told ya Sora still needed some practice", Donald added.

"Hey", Sora said.

"I think he is perfect the way he is", Dawn defended Sora. "No practice needed, something unexpected just popped up."

"Really? I'm a Keyblade Master?" Riku asked, still in disbelief.

He looked at Sora, who smiled, as Mickey, Donald and Goofy walked to him, Mickey holding his hand out. "Congratulations, Riku!"

Riku knelt down, shaking his hand. "Thank you, Mickey." He looked at Sora, Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Lea, and all the young Heroes. "I owe it to my friends."

The young Heroes gave Riku a thumbs-up or patted his shoulder, happy for him too.

"Aha. I'll catch up with you in no time flat", Lea said with a shrug, making them turn to him.

"What? You wanna be a Keyblade Master?" Sora asked Lea in shock.

"Yeah. I mean, I came here to learn how to wield one", Lea revealed with a smile.

"YOU?!" Sora and Riku both looked shocked at the prospect.

"Hey, thanks for the vote of confidence", Lea said sarcastically.

"I think if you put your mind into it, you can get it done", Ahsoka assured him.

"Yeah, I mean, I was gonna come swooping in, Keyblade in hand!" Lea added, folding his arms.

"Well, you swooped in anyways, and that was cool", Dawn told him.

"At the time, I couldn't get mine to materialize", Lea sighed, looking at his hand. "Must be in the snap of the wrist or something." He held out his hand and at that moment, a fiery Keyblade appeared in his grip, though he looked very unsurprised. "Oh."

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The jaws of the young Heroes dropped as everyone but Yen Sid went together. "WHOA!"

Even Yen Sid looked shocked though.

Earth-1, Star City, the lair

The elevator opened as Oliver walked in grimly, his face showing his despair, Sara looking saddened too, as Felicity was the first to ask. "What happened?"

"Prometheus….he took Shado's sister", Oliver said in a cracking voice, to the shock of the rest.

As they listened, he continued. "He put her in his suit, duct-taped her mouth, put a sword in her hand, and…."

"That sick bastard!" Roy snarled in rage.

"We stopped before we could hurt her", Sara took over. "But he'd put a bomb on her wrist. Less than 7 seconds were left by the time we found it. She told us to get away from her." She didn't want to do it, but there was nothing that could be done. A tear rolled down her cheer. "We couldn't save her."

Laurel gently wrapped an arm around her sister, as Thea held Oliver's hand. "This was all Prometheus, not you, okay?"

"And we'll make him pay for this", Diggle added.

Oliver nodded, then walked forth, sitting down.

"Is there anything we can do?" Ray asked.

"I wish to be left alone."

Laurel started. "But Ollie-"

Sara grasped Laurel's shoulder, shaking her head.

Oliver wasn't affected the way he was with Slade. He wasn't letting Prometheus get into his head either.

But he still needed time to process all that Prometheus was doing, including Mei losing her life now in a pointless vendetta. Seeing her die had reopened old wounds from Lian Yu, when Shado had died in her place.

With that, all of them walked out of the lair, Sara feeling her own guilt rise as she remembered Shado's death. And now she'd not been able to save Mei. She'd pushed her away!

The Mysterious Tower

It was time for the young Heroes to go back now as Sora said. "Thank you for your help again. I can help you all reach back home, now-"

"I can go by myself", Ciri assured him, and at that moment, opened a portal. "Thank you for the offer still." She looked at Ahsoka. "Nice meeting you."

"You too", Ahsoka smiled, as they shook hands, and she waved at the rest, who waved back, and she stepped into the portal, which then closed.

"Am I needed?" Dawn asked Sora.

"Not this time, I know how to manipulate breach energy now", Sora assured her, then aimed forth his Keyblade, as beams were fired, and breaches opened behind every young Hero.

Their ways home.

"All righty then, it was cool meeting ya all, but time to be a hero in my world again", Ben said and waved at them, before running through his breach, back home.

"Was fun to see you all, I'll return now, and be Hokage!" Naruto said.

"You're a good guy, just keep your darkness in check", Ahsoka told Naruto, confusing hm.

"Not sure what that means, but okay, thanks", Naruto told her, then went in too.

"I'll be preparing for the next tournament, it'd be cool if all of you could participate as well", Goku had to say, after which he went into his breach.

"Lots of things to do back home, but I hope we meet again", Ahsoka smiled and waved, then went into her breach as well.

"It was nice, working alongside more like me, without people breathing down my throat", Harry said with a smile of his own, and then left as well.

"Yep, and it'd be great if we could work together again", Percy added before leaving through his breach.

"I can't wait to tell the rest about this. See ya", Conner said and stepped through his breach.

"It was great to make new friends in all of you. I hope to meet again", Aang told them, and then went off as well.

"I wonder what my father will think of this. One thing is for sure, all of you are true and honorable warriors", Atreus said, and stepped in through his breach too.

"It'd be cool to meet Disney characters again. I loved this!" Alice said, and ran through her breach as well.

Spider-Man walked to Sora. "I know you're disappointed inside over not being Keyblade Master", Peter said, and before Sora could respond, he added. "But you're not letting it get to you, and still being who you are. My uncle told me- "With great power, comes great responsibility." And you're using your powers responsibly. Keyblade Master or not, you're good."

"Thanks Spider-Man", Sora said gratefully, as Peter then walked through his breach too.

"What he said", Dawn told Sora. "I guess, its time to go now again."

"Thank you for coming, Dawn", Sora thanked her.

"You helped save me from Sweet, I was returning the favor", Dawn said, as the two shared a warm hug, then parted and shared a smile, before Dawn walked through a breach as well, returning home.

Earth-92, Sunnydale, Summers House

A breach opened as Buffy, Willow and Tara looked up, and Dawn walked out of it, causing Buffy to rush to her and hug her. "Oh Dawnie! Don't scare us like that again!"

"Lungs!" Dawn cried out, causing Buffy to let go as Dawn panted.

"Did you go to another world as well?" Willow asked, Dawn nodding.

"Well, good thing you came back to us, we were worried", Tara said. "Travelling to other worlds by ourselves is still something we've not accomplished."

"Sora was there", Dawn revealed, to their shock. "Oh! And Disney characters exist too. I met Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy and Yen Sid."

"Come on, stop making this up!" Buffy said to her.

"I'm not!" Dawn shook her head. "Sora was in trouble, but I helped save him, like he'd done for me."

"That's good", Willow smiled, when another breach opened, and out walked Spike, holding up an extrapolator, and he used it to close the breach.

"Well blimey", Spike muttered. "Let's hope I don't have any accidental falls into other worlds again."

"Spike", Buffy whispered, walking to him and hugging him, catching him off-guard, but he returned it with a smile.

"Buffy", he said as they parted, and then Dawn hugged him too.

"I'm so happy to see you back", she said.

"It is good to be back, Nibblet", Spike said in affection as they parted, and he held up the interdimensional extrapolator. "Long story, not telling it, but anyways, this device can help us travel through some worlds, and come back to our own." He looked at Willow and Tara. "Why don't you two duplicate it, eh?"

He threw it at Tara, who caught it. "I think that'd be a good idea."

"I need to get some things done", Spike said as he walked out of the house, the rest looking at him.

Earth-1, Keystone City

With a resigned sigh, the expert thief, Leonard Snart, gathered his mug and newspaper before taking a seat on the foldup chair, next to the table where they planned their recent heist. Man did that not go according to plan. He opened the paper, appreciating the feel of the actual material rather than seeing it via a screen, and waited for the inevitable.

"Five, four, three, two, one..." Snart's hand gestured to the stairs, and one second later, a chaotic symphony of banging and roaring that he knew too well.


"You may like smelling like a caveman's ashtray, but some of us learned about the existence of SOAP!"

Leonard sighed as he sipped the tea with care not to aggravate his injured arm, his eyes going over the articles. Same old, same old, but oh, looks like Queen's getting crowned as Mayor. No mention of Vladek's death, which was to be expected. They didn't exactly leave the bodies in plain sight, or even recognizable.

He took his eyes off the paper to see Mick descend to join him, thankfully wearing clothes this time. Man may sleep in the nude, but it was a detail neither he nor his sister needed to learn about.

"Food." Not caring about the lack of greeting, Leonard pointed toward the microwave. The pyromaniac opened it to find a plate of stacked pancakes just waiting for the now very eager Rogue.

"I got you the wholegrain brand." As expected, a disgusted scoff left his partner.

"Where's the syrup?"

"Mick, come now," Leonard lowered his paper to look at Heat Wave, "one of the things I greatly enjoy about our partnership is your muscular and brawny approach to life's problems. Engorging yourself on-"

"Syrup." Mick said, this time with an audible growl, getting a sigh in return.

"Cupboard, behind the honey." Getting the sticky substance, Mick sat back down opposite Snart, who watched as the man upended the bottle and let the syrup pour out. It came down like a slow stream, covering the whole stack, and he didn't stop. "You want pancakes with that syrup?"

Another growl, before Mick took his fork and stabbed the first one and began devouring it.

Snart shook his head. There's a great deal he would change about his partner. His manner when it comes to food, however, was permanent. Unfortunately. Ah well, Snart thought as he went back to his paper to avoid watching the horror show of Mick's eating habits, could be something of note in the paper, and there was.

"Oh look, Kojack is playing tonight."

Mick grunted, ad spoke with a mouthful, "Never heard of it."

"Not this again." Punching the bridge of his nose, Leonard only glanced at Rory as he read on. "You love the actor."

"Telly Savalas never played a pig."


"NEVER!" Mick hissed with such passion and fire. It made the smarter Rogue of the two roll his eyes. He loves Telly Savalas, but can never admit to the existence of the man playing a cop. It's proven more than aggravating.

Snart instead went into the real estate section. One very much caught his...

"Morning, Lenny." His darling sister made her presence known, a quick peck on the cheek before glaring out of the corner of her eye. "Mick." An animal-like growl was her response, not that it stopped the young woman from skipping over to get herself a coffee and preparing breakfast.

"If I find out there's no more hot water-"

"You'll what? Use baby oil to give that head of yours an extra shine?"

"Careful, girly, old place like this, wouldn't take much for a fire to start in your hair."

"Touch me, and the only warm feeling you'll get is the paddles the EMT's will use to restart your heart."

"HAA! How's that gonna happen? You'll make me laugh myself to death?"



With his mug against his lips, another depressed sigh left Leonard. "Every morning." He grumbled, but his eyes never left the property, even if his partner and sister's feuding took another childish turn.

"Did you just call me ugly?!"

"I didn't stutter!"

"I'm surprised someone as stupid as you can even pronounce an actual sentence!"

Snart's eyes then moved to another property. One bedroom apartment, no guestrooms.

He really needed to get away.

Earth-199999, New York City, Avengers Tower

"Tony." Steve called to the genius as the man typed away on the screen, marching towards the Quinjet with each of them suited and geared up.

"The tower is self-sustaining, but Ultron's gotten to everything, everywhere. All governments, agencies, Ultron copied their files and turned off the plug, even destroyed the Multiversal gauntlets to isolate us." Tony handed Steve the screen. It was an image of the globe, with red dots rising up from nearly half the world. "Its taken out the world's defense systems, nothing to stop the nuclear holocaust."

"Nothing but us." Johnny bragged as he beat against the new addition to his and Sue's suits. A "4" added to his chest, and Sue's belt buckle.

"No." Johnny's bravado was halted by Cap's command. "We stop the nukes, we still have Ultron to worry about. Stop it, everything else should turn back on."

"We don't have the manpower to fight the murder bot and stop the nukes." Hawkeye stated grimly.

"You're right, "we" don't."

Reed and Ben approached the tower with their newly dubbed "Fantasti-Car". Surprisingly, it was the one idea that Johnny had that Reed didn't shoot down immediately. Steve's mind was already beginning to act. "Split up. Flyers and jets take the nukes, the rest of us shut down Ultron."

"That's still too many for us."

"Not if we call for backup." Steve told Banner as Reed and Ben landed. "Call Bobby at the Xavier School. We need the X-Men and everyone else who has the capability to shoot down those nukes."

"Shoot them down?!" Johnny shouted before feeling the unmistakable hand of his sister smacked his head.

"Nukes need fission to detonate." She educated her brother as Reed rushed over with a similar tablet to the one in Steve's hands.

"I know where Ultron is." Reed flicked what was on his screen to Steve's own and found the small country they were in only days prior. "Before shutting us down, I managed to track where the data was being downloaded, along with a substantial increase in activity, and the Scepter."

"Good work." Steve praised before handing Tony back the tablet. "Alright, we don't have a lot of time. Reed, I need you to coordinate our defense against the nukes. Get in touch with Rhodey, and if you can, Sam Wilson. Johnny, fly to Westchester, fill in the X-Men, then get back in the air."

"On it, Captain." Johnny saluted and flew off, Reed going back to the Fantasti-Car.

"Clint, Natasha, take the sky-cycle and Quinjet, everything that we have that can fly, use it."

"Copy that." The pair of spies immediately went into the Quinjet, Clint procuring a helmet to handle the pressure of the speeds he'll be going, before taking the pilot seat, Nat looked back as Captain America issues his orders, before focusing back on her own. Good thing that Stark's clean energy initiative meant it was free from Ultron's touch on the power grids.

"Susan, Ben, you're with the rest of us, something tells me that Ultron won't go down without a fight."

"Count on us, Cap." Ben nodded fiercely.

Facing the scientist, Steve spoke to Banner first. "Dr., this is a definite Code: Green." Bruce did not shy away from it, and nodded.

"After this, we need a vacation." Tony brought up as a newer suit flew up behind him before attaching itself around him. This suit possessed more red than gold, with a feature here and there that would come in handy.

Steve finally turned to the Asgardian. "Thor, we need to get to Sokovia, now. Can you help us out?"

A grin filled Thor's face as he gestured to the remaining Avengers, along with Ben and Sue to the balcony, before the God of Thunder raised his hammer. "Heimdall!"

A brilliant ray of rainbow light descended from the sky, absorbing the six of them.


Within seconds, they landed in the very same forest where they'd fought Strucker's forces upon entering Sokovia the first time.

"Okay, I'm naming my future designated driver." Tony could not help himself. Sue suddenly threw herself in front of Tony while raising a shield, taking a red energy blast that shattered her defense, and sent the blonde woman crashing to the ground.

"SUZIE!" Ben yelled as he ran to her. The remaining Avengers turned and found floating above them, was Ultron. New and improved, its body being larger, thicker, anti-gravity devices causing it's flight, but the unnerving, pure red glow from its mouth and eyes told them all they needed to know. The machine was prepared.

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"The likelihood of utilizing extradimensional means of travel to deactivate me was 75.9%."

"What are the odds I do this?!" Thor roared as he leapt to Ultron with his hammer held high and glowing with lightning. Steve and his teammates were too slow to react, but Ultron was not. The mouth and eyes of the machine glowed brighter. It was as if the whole event was in slow motion. Words barely escaped Cap before he saw something that made his heart stop. From Ultron's "mouth" a red beam was unleashed and engulfed Thor's entire body. All he could see was that blinding red light that caused him to shield his eyes. Blinking the dots away, Steve turned back, only to find something to drop in front of him. Something he didn't understand.

Thor's hammer. Without Thor.


Banner saw green, and already felt his body rip apart his clothing. Ben rejoined the Avengers as the Jade Giant let out a furious roar alongside the hum of Tony's repulsors. Drawing the DC-17 and making sure it was on the blaster setting, Steve glared at the machine that stared at them emotionlessly.

"You're gonna pay for that."


Aang appeared back in his world and looked around, before Katara and Sokka appeared before him, the former asking. "Where did you go?"

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Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (912)

"Long story, Katara", Aang said with a sigh.

"Don't wander off again", Sokka added with a raised eyebrow.

Momo then fluttered near Aang, sitting on his shoulder, as Appa arrived, grunting and rubbing his head against Aang who chuckled and petted his bison.

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Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (914)

"Well, let's continue going to the Earth Nation", Aang told them. "As for where was I, I was in another world!"

That shocked both of them, as he started telling them what had happened.

Earth-164, Camp Half-Blood

"So, you were transported to another world, huh?" Chiron noted, Percy sitting before him, Mr. D sitting on the side, drinking some cola.

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Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (918)

"Yes", Percy nodded. "What I saw there….it was beyond anything I've seen here. If not for everyone else, I won't be standing here right now."

"You just love to get into more trouble, don't ya kid?" Mr. D asked dryly.

"This is troubling news", Chiron noted. "The Gods are as concerned as we are here. There is no way to close the breaches as of now. All we can do is be careful, and hope any evil powers like this Xehanort do not find their way here."

Universe-208, Coruscant

"So, you had your trip then, eh Snips?" Anakin said, he and Ahsoka walking together, Obi-Wan on their other side.

"Yes Master", Ahsoka nodded. "And like I said, the power of darkness wielded by Xehanort dwarfed even Count Dooku's."

"That is quite concerning", Obi-Wan had to say. "First this Captain Rogers and Blade arrive in our galaxy, and now you are transported to another, if briefly."

"We're unable to fully check the breaches due to the war", Anakin sighed.

"I think it'd be wise to try and make permanent allies of the good ones we meet", Obi-Wan finally said.

"Like Captain Rogers, Blade, and these Sora and Riku?" Anakin asked to clarify.

"Indeed, I believe such an alliance amongst many of us will be needed in the near future", Obi-Wan said grimly.


Andy finished listening as Alice told him everything, and looked ahead. "So, other worlds, huh? Constantine did warn me about those, sounds like trouble."

"Yeah, but I met Disney characters!" Alice said happily.

"At least that was a good thing", Andy noted, then turned back to Alice. "What you did there, alongside the rest to help Sora…that was very heroic. I couldn't be prouder."

"Thank you, Uncle Andy!" Alice said happily as she ran to him and hugged him, Andy hugging her back.

Earth-447, Scandinavia

Kratos and Mimir's head finished listening to everything Atreus had told them, looking very concerned.

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Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (920)

"I do know there are other worlds, but this is my first time hearing of happenings in any of them", Mimir said grimly. "As if we didn't have enough things to worry about already."

"This Xehanort and his Organization….I believe they will be a threat", Kratos noted, looking ahead. "Perhaps even bigger than Zeus or Odin, considering what you tell me, son."

He looked down at Atreus, and there was pride in his eyes. "You have shown a warrior's honor in the battle, and your allies have done the same, boy."

That was as far as he went, but Atreus knew from someone like his father, this was high praise. Kratos then moved off, as Mimir told Atreus. "Making him proud, aren't you?"

Atreus just shared a look with him, giving him a nod of appreciation, then walked off too.

Earth-92, Sunnydale, Spike's crypt

Buffy arrived in the crypt, only to see Spike packing up supplies, to her shock.

"Where are you going?" Buffy inquired.

"I'm not really a good guy, Slayer, and you knew that", Spike told her as he turned to face her. "Let's just say…things happened that made me see that."

"I knew you were not a good guy, but why are you leaving?" Buffy asked.

"I want things to change", Spike simply said to her. "I said I'd do something over there, and then I thought about how you, the Nibblet, Willow and Tara would look at me if I did do it. Didn't really like it."

While he sounded casual, Buffy knew how he was feeling, and started. "Whatever you think you need to do-"

"I want to change, Buffy. Not just for you or the Nibblet. For me too. The people I met there….I wish to be more like them", Spike told her, their faces inches apart now, as they ended up kissing each other on the lips once more, closing their eyes, losing themselves into it.

Then they parted, breathless, as Buffy said. "Good luck."

"You're going to see a change", Spike assured her, as he walked towards his bike, hung the bag, and then started it. "See ya, Slayer."

And then, he rode away, as Buffy watched, realizing a minute later she had tears rolling down her cheeks.

Unknown location

A groan escaped the man from under his red cape. Pushing up to his hands and knees, he pulled the cape and his hair back to reveal the face of Thor, no worse for wear, except for the wide eyes staring at his surroundings. As far as the eye can see, a dark landscape with a strange purple light, sharp, curved rocks sprouting from the ground. Even with his own divine eyesight, Thor could only see the landscape go on forever.

"What kind of Hel did I end up in this time?"

A deep, guttural roar sounded in the distance. It caused the Avenger to slowly turn rotate his head around, and find he was surrounded on all sides, by a horde of monstrous creatures whose sizes ranged from humanoid, to bigger than giants. And they were all heading towards him.


Earth-1, Keystone City

"As you can see, Mr. Scofield, the entire building is vacant, all three floors-"

"I'll take it."

The real estate agent looked taken aback at the suddenness. "Do you not want to see the rest of the-"

"I've seen enough." Good location, near the center of Keystone, back door and alley, sewer system runs underneath, a view of the street with plenty of hackable cameras. Yep, Snart thought as he looked around the empty room, this would do. "My current living arrangements are in a dire need of changing."

"Surely they can't be that bad?"

Leonard gave the man a dull look. "I'm currently staying with my sister and business partner."

Credit where credit is due, the man seemed to understand the gravity of the situation. "I'll have papers drawn up immediately."

"Wonderful." Snart was genuinely happy, looking around the place one more. If things really are supposed to change, then needed a proper setup.

Now the next step: finding a place far away from Mick and Lisa.


With the power wiped out across the globe, and the internet controlled by Ultron, any efforts to seize back control were met with utter failure by the governments of the world. Weapons of mass destruction were unleashed, and they could do nothing but watch and wait.

Except for the brave few who had the power and will to fight.

New York City, Avengers Tower

"Ms. Munroe, there's a cluster of warheads heading for Kashmir. Clint, the nuke heading for Rio should be right in front of you, two miles above. Can someone stop the missile heading for...thank you, Mr. Keller." Reed hunched over the computer on board the Fantasti-Car, his eyes and mind working miles a second, keeping track of everyone in the air, and every nuclear missile, guiding them to their designated target. Not only that, Mr. Fantastic tried to figure out a way to wrestle back control of the nukes from Ultron, but the AI was shutting him down every time he tried, which meant he also had to fight off attempts just to keep his computer alive. It was taxing. Tony was always the better multitasker, no matter how many times they debated on who was smarter, that they agreed on. His eyes widened when his screen noted the large, ascending body of a familiar aircraft carrier. "Um, we got a problem."

"Bigger than a nuclear apocalypse?!"

"Well that depends, Natasha, could Project Insight coming back to life be considered bigger?"

"...you mind repeating that?"

Reed's fingers were stretched out over several screens, his eyes kept on flickering to the nukes, their allies, and now the rising Helicarrier. "It's exactly as I said. We have a Helicarrier ascending, and fast. It's too big a target to just destroy."

"Well think, Mr. Fantastic!"

His foot elongated to wipe away the sweat permeating his brow, Reed's eyes scrolled through the list of who could possibly stop a fully armed air ship made by SHIELD. That's when he found the X-Jet, and one of the passengers. "Ms. Pryde. I'm in need of your assistance."

The X-Jet burst through the sky at speeds few other aircrafts on Earth could achieve. The fusion reactor ensured that when the lights went out, it still worked, along with help from Jones, AKA Network, using his technopathy to keep the Xavier School alive.

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Rogue slowed down the X-Jet as she saw the massive form of the Helicarrier break through the clouds. "Guys, get ready."

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"Get me closer." A pink skinned, green eyed Mutant, Blink, told their pilot, who reluctantly did, just as the turrets turned to them. "Now!" Blink threw her hand out into the cabin, a purple warp portal opened up just as Shadowcat ran and leapt through, immediately phasing through the flight deck until he landed in a hall. Looking both ways, the veteran X-Man started moving even as a doorway shut in front of her, only for the Mutant to phase through it.

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"Okay, Dr. Richards, where to?"


Steve fired blaster bolts at Ultron as Tony fired his repulsors, Ultron creating a shield to block both, and then he returned fire, only for Hulk to charge through.


Ultron created a shield again, only to get punched a distance away before skidding to a halt. Its sensors picked up another presence before turning its head upwards.

"IT'S CLOBBERIN' TIME, TIN CAN!" The Thing roared as he crashed against the shield, which held up, but Ben smashed his fists down again, sending a shockwave that uprooted trees and sent them flying. Ben raised his fists again and brought them down just as hard, but stone met metal. Ben locked eyes with the glowing red optics of the machine, but glanced down as the mouth glowed brighter. A flash of red was all he saw before he felt his face burning, smoking coming from his head as his back hit the snow. He hastily pushed himself back to his feet, and was met by a metal fist driving into his cheek, then under his jaw before another one hit him center mass, a sonic boom came from the impact as Ben was sent careening through for forest and crashed into Strucker's base.

"RRRRRAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!" Ultron's head turned 180 degrees while the Hulk charged forth. Thin red beams shot from the machine's eyes and struck Hulk's eyes, slowing down his charge into a stumble before raising glowing hands, but before it could fire, a red blur tackled it into the snow, slamming metal on metal three times before Iron Man pulled back and fired a Unibeam. Ultron's arm raised in defense, resisting Tony's most powerful weapon before the weapon dissipated and the pissed off Hulk punched his fist into the machine's chest. It would have been sent flying had it not been for the anti-gravity thrusters halting its momentum.

From outside the AI's peripheral, Steve raised his blaster again when he saw it. The chest plate was dented by Hulk's oversized fist, but before the super soldier's eyes, the dent filled out, as if the damage was never done. "Tony, you see that?"

"Hard not to, Cap." He let loose a salvo of mini-missiles on the android while Hulk charged into the smoke, only to be blasted back, Tony having to swerve and fly up to avoid being hit. Scans hit up his HUD, slower than usual before without JARVIS. "Oh come on." Tony complained loudly before he was hit in the back. The plasma nearly burned through the armor to his body. Turning around, the genius fired back with repulsors that met a dome shield. "This bastard's shell is made of some kind of Adamantium alloy."

"What does that mean?" Steve waited until the shield dissipated so Ultron could fire a mouth blast that knocked away Hulk before throwing his shield. It bounced off the shell, gaining the machine's attention while the running Captain America caught the shield with the magnet and bashed against its chest. Ultron didn't move an inch before it thrusted it's fist out, so fast Steve did not even raise his shield in time before the metal punched his chest and sent him crashing against a tree, the force knocking it over and the wind out of Steve.

Ultron hovered over the down captain, its eyes glowing until the Iron Man crashed on top of it. "It means that whatever is fixing this bastard is also fixing one of the strongest man-made metals on Earth." Tony's gauntlet popped open with a laser ready, before Ultron's grip forced it to aim away, the forest being the unfortunate victim as dozens of trees were cut down. His free fist launched at Ultron's face only to be caught. What it did not calculate was the armor on the arms to latch onto its own limbs before the arc reactor fired point blank against the chest piece. Tony kept the intensity up even as the power levels started to drain, he thought he saw success when the AI's chest started to glow before its mouth fired a beam that struck his face directly. He felt the metal beginning to burn, an ironic change in positions before the armor on his arms was ripped away, a grip around his throat started to warp the suit and Stark found it hard to breath.

"Your efforts are futile." Ultron gloated as it prepared an eye beam, before something strong pulled on its leg, ripping the AI away as Hulk smashed Ultron's body to the ground, before picking it up and smashing it against the ground two more times, then raising his fist and pummeling against the head.

Tony grasped at his throat, the metal closed around it like a vice before he saw Steve run over, grab his helmet and rip it off. Taking in several breaths of life-giving air, he nodded his thanks to Steve before his eyes widened, and he tackled the Captain down before Hulk's flying body hit them. Turning their heads, the two Avengers saw a woozy, bleeding Hulk slowly get to his hands and knees.

"You are human. You tire, you experience pain. I have no such limitations. This world will be cleansed at last; the extinction has begun."

Steve stood tall, putting himself between Tony and the hovering Ultron. "You say that humanity is the problem, that we're violent, chaotic. How does that make you any different from us when you plan to kill us all?"

"Because I seek to rectify such flaws. Without organic life, there will be no conflict. No wars. No chaos. After 4.54 billion years, this world shall finally know order and peace, with your extinction."

Ultron raised a glowing hand, only for the roar of the Hulk to cause it to turn its head to the charging Green Goliath. Aiming its palm at the Hulk, Ultron's hand turned green, and suddenly a wave shot towards the Hulk that slowed him down, each step getting harder to take before his size began to reduce.

Before the shocked eyes of Captain America and Iron Man, the Hulk was forced back into Bruce Banner, who fell to his knees, glancing up at Ultron before his eyes rolled to the back of his skull, unconscious.

Moving before it could strike, Steve leapt up onto Ultron's back, firing the blaster into the gaps of the machine's armor, their flight becoming unsteady before the AI threw the soldier over its head and onto his back. Quickly rolling out of the way, Steve lashed out with a kick that was met with zero effect before spinning with the shield at its head, actually causing it turn with a strange CLANG sound from the two metals meeting, but Ultron turned it's red, empty optics back on Captain America. He raised his blaster again, only for the mechanical monster to grab his wrist and squeeze the now screaming Captain's wrist, releasing the blaster, and when he tried using his shield, Ultron ripped it off his arm and threw him away like trash.

With the Vibranium in its hand, Ultron's scanners studied the metal composition. Its integrity intrigued the AI, electing its usefulness as more than adequate for future needs.

"Humans are flawed." Steve breathed heavily as he pushed himself back to his feet. Ultron's head stayed fixed looking at the shield. "But that also allows us to grow. We learn from our mistakes. They help us become better; teach us we can do more. Even now, while you disregard us as a disease, men and women are joining forces to stop you."

"Despite the odds, it allows us to rise above them."

A missile was flying through the air, before a man in a uniform bearing the Union Jack suddenly appeared from behind, flying close enough to grab the combustion chamber and squeezed. An explosion took place, before a red, white, and blue blur flew through the smoke.

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Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (925)

"Turns even the most unlikely of us into fighters."

A dark-skinned man with white paint marking his body raised his hands above a fire before the flames expanded upwards, towering over the man. In the skies above, missiles suddenly imploded.

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Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (927)

"What you call chaotic, I call unique."

Twin beams of light shot through the air, destroying one missile after another at unrivalled speed. The light briefly took the shape of two similar looking people, a man and woman, before it raced off once more.

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Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (929)

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (930)

"It doesn't matter what you do."

A trail of fire raced across the sky, the source being, of all things, a motorcycle as it got closer to nuke. The rider was a flaming skeleton with a black charred skull and bubbling and singed leather jacket, cackling like a mad man before just one touch with its gloved hand created an explosion of Hellfire. The rider emerged and only drove faster through the atmosphere.

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Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (932)

"They won't stop fighting for each other, which means I won't either. None of us will." Captain America declared to the unmoving AI.

It stayed still, like a stone that stood on air. "Irrelevant." Until its hand flicked the shield back to Steve, barely catching the rim, but unable to resist the force that sent him skidding back in the snow, or stop himself from clutching his chest in pain. "The governments of Earth possess over 12,000 nuclear warheads, not including other various types of weapons of mass destruction. Theoretically, if your allies destroy 70% of the arsenal flying towards their strategically marked targets, humanity would be devastated by the fallout of radiation, severely affecting all organic life. The human race will not die in a day, but will face a slow, painful extinction, like so many species before it. No electricity, no technology, no food, no water. All will perish. Order will prevail."

"Prevail this, scrapheap!" Ultron's sensors detected too late an invisible force that sent the machine flying away from the Avenger. Space shimmered, and Steve looked up to find Ben suddenly appear before him. The former airman winked at the soldier before leaping after the AI. Grunting to his feet, Steve managed to not stumble the first few steps before Susan appeared next to him.

"Stuff like this makes me reconsider the whole superhero thing." Sue said lightly as she helped Steve over to where Tony hovered over Banner's body.

"That makes two of us." The joke made the Invisible Woman smile before Steve turned his attention back to the distance, where trees were falling and the ground shook. "Ultron's taking everything we've got, and throwing it back at us."

"We need to shut him down, but the only way to do that is to get online." Tony told the Captain as he checked his wrist, a bracelet with a red light beginning to blink at a faster pace by the minute. "I need to get in touch with Reed but it'll take a minute."

"Make it half a minute. Until then, stay with Bruce." Steve's order was met with a nod of acceptance before turning to the Fantastic Four member. "You ready?"


"Good." Steve nodded as Susan created a platform underneath them and flew toward the fight.

"Neither am I."

New York City, Avengers Tower

"Yes, Kitty, pull the-no Sunspot, turn back to the Paris missile, it's closer and-Wind Dancer try to divert it up-yes! Storm the Nile-" Reed let out an audible growl. There was so much to focus on, and only one him with a computer only half as strong as what he needed. One red blip on his screen had his eyes widen. He tried to find the closest flyer, which nearly made him cry, but beggars can't be choosers. "Johnny, fly north-"

"Which way is that?"

"Turn left!" Oh he wanted to pull out his hair at this point. "And keep flying. Ultron's targeted the Global Seed Vault!"

"...I'm supposed to save a bunch of plants?"

"Just go to Norway and stop the missile!"

"Alright, geez, but shouldn't Snowman-"


"-do that since, you know, Norway, cold."

That's it, Reed is telling Sue. She'll kill Johnny this time. "He's a thousand miles away!"

"Just a suggestion-"

"Suggestion?! SUGGESTION?! WE DON'T HAVE TIME TO GIVE SUGGESTIONS WHEN ONE OF US IS DIRECTING A GLOBAL EFFORT TO SHOOT DOWN, SHUT DOWN, AND LOCK DOWN EVERYTHING THERE IS TO SAVE THE WORLD! So just. f*cking. FLY!" Reed panted and slumped back in his seat. Yep, he's gonna go grey before this was all over. He just knows it.

Thankfully, Johnny wisely shut up, and no one else spoke up. Mr. Fantastic took the time to make sure that there was no nuke dangerously close to their target. Thankfully, Johnny, Rhodey, Sam Wilson, the Avengers, X-Men, and several unknowns that Reed has never been happier not knowing have stopped many of the more alarmingly close missiles, but there were still so many. He hoped the others fighting Ultron were having an easier time.

One of the Fantasti-Car's screens turned red. Reed groaned, he didn't believe in fate, God, or anything like that, but somehow, he knew, he jinxed them all. Stretching his head closer, Reed's eyes widened in alarm. "Okay, new problem, people! We have a weaponized satellite turning to-" Whatever words that would have left the scientist stopped when, as soon as the alert appeared, it went away.

"Richards! Richards, what's going on?"

"It just...shut down." Reed whispered in shock, before something else appeared on his screen, and he didn't believe his eyes.


"Come on, come on, baby." Tony muttered as he laid Banner's unconscious body next to Thor's hammer. He tried to avoid staring at it, the thing just reminded him...he didn't want to look at it. Luckily for Tony, he didn't have to, what he was waiting for just arrived. "That's it." Several mismatched armor pieces flew towards Tony, attached to his arms and over his armor, arms, chest, and finally, the helmet from the Mark XLII. He added a feature he never thought he would use into the Mark XLV, the ability to integrate other armor pieces to its own. Never thought it'd come in handy like this, Tony thought to himself. "Stay safe, buddy. We'll be back soon, if we don't die." Parting with that grim humor, Tony's thrusters flared and launched him to the battle. His mind was focused when something blipped on his HUD.

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Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (934)

"Tony, we have a plan."

"Who's we, Reed?"

"That would be me, sir."

Tony threw up his repulsors and stopped midway from the battle site.


Island M

"They're popping off as many as they can, but they still got a long way to go." Sage warned Magneto

The Brotherhood leader watched as the heroes, Mutant or not, flew around the world, destroying mankind's weapons of mass destruction, while others fought with the metal man itself. Within Sokovia of all places. Erik was thankful he took Pietro and Wanda with him when he did.

"Power's still out, and from what I can tell, world leaders are more clueless than usual." Ms. Frost informed the elder Mutant.

"No great change there." Erik quipped. He watched as more missiles were extinguished, more powers revealed themselves, though it was a question of who were evolved, and who were trying to be Mutants.

"Gateway says the fight with Ultron itself is not going well."

"I thought he didn't talk." Pietro questioned the blonde woman he has tried to flirt with, only to be shot down numerous times already, as his sister liked to remind him.

"On the contrary, he does, in his own way." Magneto said vaguely before folding his arms behind his back and made to leave. However, his daughter had other ideas.

"Did we cause this?" She asked with a shake in her voice. She wanted Stark to pay, but she did not want the world to die!

Erik laid a hand on Wanda's shoulder. "Whether you did or not, it matters little." He said simply before passing her. Feeling far from assured Wanda whirled around.

"Is that it?" Erik did not stop walking. "You said we are supposed to inherit this world, yet you want us to sit back and do nothing?! I know you can stop this."

"You're right, I can."

"Then why don't you?!"

A sigh left the best friend and rival of Charles Xavier. Turning back, he noted the grave expressions of the other Brotherhood Mutants in the room, for they learned not to question his authority. Still, Wanda was his daughter, and Erik did not wish to alienate his child. "Wanda, while I welcome your aid with open arms, when it comes to the safety of our people, my word is law. I say we do nothing, for I believe there is no need to do anything."

"What makes you so sure?"

"Oh you can call it experience, faith," Erik turned his back on her and the others, a hint of a playful smile on his lips, "and maybe an ounce of curiosity."


Sue threw her arms forward, and several saws launched at Ultron. Red energy blasts destroyed them, except for one that lodged in its shoulder, exposing circuitry before the mouth beam destroyed the saw, and the damage was repaired. Retaliating, Ultron's hands and mouth fired powerful red beams that forced Sue, and her shield against a wall of the research base. The punishment didn't stop, and Susan was getting crushed by her own powers.

"You ready, Cap?" Ben checked with the Avenger who nodded in the rock man's grip.

"Fire away."

The Thing did just that, hurling the Super Soldier at high speed, his shield held out as Ultron got closer until the edge of the Vibranium knocked the AI out of the air. Pulling the shield close, Steve hit a wall and his body punched through it in the fall. Exhaustion was starting to set in, his chest ached, his wrist was no doubt broken, but Steve had to push on. Ben's screams were what pushed him to act faster and nearly jump through the hole he made before Tony flew up, his armor being of silver arms with different shades of red and a touch of gold on one of the hands, a bigger arc reactor, and a different helmet.

"Cap, we have an idea to shut down Ultron."

"Better make it fast." Steve looked down past Tony and saw Susan make a shield containing the machine, but he knew it wouldn't last long.

"It's quite simple, yet risky, sir." Steve's head whipped up.


"J managed to hide himself before Ultron "deleted" him, bounced from the internet, my armors-"

"How do we shut it down?"

Tony quickly shut up and focused. "JARVIS is the only one that can fight Ultron in the digital world. He'll act as a virus and cut off Ultron from the net, everything. We detonate the nukes, shut down everything Ultron has, including the molecular rearranger keeping the thing intact."

"We can barely get close to him as it is." With anxious energy, Steve looked down as the metal monster broke free of the prison and looked up at them. "This is gonna take a miracle."

Miles away from the research base, Banner's eyes fluttered open. His whole body ached, he felt drained, and that's exactly what Ultron did. It drained the gamma from the Hulk, forced the big guy to turn back. Bruce didn't think that was possible, Hulk was like a walking gamma reactor, there was too much to absorb, or so they thought. He pushed his bare back against the bark of the tree to stand up. Hulk needed to come back out. They needed everyone they could get, and as he thought that, his eyes looked to the hammer of the only guy Hulk considered a challenge since Abomination.


Emotion welled up in Banner, emotion he intended to use before something caught his eye.

The head of the hammer suddenly gained a symbol before the entire weapon glowed blue. Bruce felt a chill as the winds picked up, and thunder sounded above, then came the lightning. Striking down around the hammer, Banner watched as the electricity was absorbed into Mjolnir and seemingly released above it in a bright display that Baner had to cover his eyes.

Risking a glance, Banner lowered his arm, and dropped it in shock. Coming out of the portal, his hair and beard longer, parts of his armor destroyed, the chainmail sleeves gone over the left arm but covered just above the bicep on the right, and his usually resplendent cape replaced by black furred one.

Thor's body cackled with electricity that matched the fury in his gaze as he locked eyes with his depowered comrade.

"Where. Is. Ultron?"

Captain America, the Invisible Woman, and the Thing stood frozen, the skin of the former two turning pale and their veins exposed from strain, while Iron Man was held down by intense waves of gravity. The pressure caused the ground beneath him to crack, yet his head was angled in a way that let him see his friends get frozen by the high-pitched sonic frequency of the sonic taser. A machine Tony made sure to destroy and wipe from record, but the algorithm must have brought back from the dead, or Ultron found it somewhere. Either way, they were helpless.

Until something fast, strong, and blue struck down the AI, sending it crashing through an entire side of the base. The four of them immediately found the ability to breathe again, Tony the first to look up as disbelief and hope filled him.


The Asgardian God called back his glowing hammer as a storm boomed above, lightning flashing as bright as the eyes of the Thunderer.

"Ultron. We would have words with thee."

Pushing itself back into the air, the AI stumbled from its damaged limbs and torso.

"Error. Contradicting data. The entity known as Thor was disintegrated. Solution- resolve contradiction."

As it spoke, its body was repaired too.

With that, Ultron fired a red beam at Thor, who let out a mighty roar and countered with a lightning beam of his own, the two beams clashing, trying to overpower each other, as sometimes Thor pushed back, and other times, Ultron pushed back.

Eventually, Thor's lightning beam overpowered Ultron's beam, hitting it and sending it flying back, and then Thor flew down, striking it hard with Mjolnir, sending him crashing down, causing the Earth to shake while a crater was formed, the AI badly damaged.

But they had no time to breathe a sigh of relief, for it immediately repaired itself and flew back up, and before Thor could react, it fired a powerful beam, striking Thor and sending him flying up into the sky.

Taking the opportunity, Tony flew at Ultron from behind as the hidden blades from the Silver Centurion armor parts stabbed into the gaps in the armor, inserting JARVIS in Ultron's moment of weakness, finding it freezing up. "Give 'em Hell, buddy."

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New York City, Avengers Tower

Reed kept communicating between the teams, and almost considered praying for the plan to work. That's when the screens lit up. Ultron was out. Fingers extending and blurring over the keys, Reed hacked back into the database as the power returned to the world, and pressed detonate.

Leverage HQ.

In front of Eliot, Parker and Hardison, the base came back to life, lights flashing around, while the computers came back up too.

"What just happened?" Parker asked no one in particular.

"The thing has been beaten", Hardison realized.

"Finally." Eliot sighed in relief, knowing the Avengers and any other capes must have had a hand in this.

The Playground

The entire base had gone offline, but at that moment, it all came back to life, as Coulson and Daisy Johnson sighed in relief.

Daisy found her laptop back in her control too, as she typed in some stuff. "I'm back in."

"What's happening?" Coulson asked her.

"That thing that was causing this seems to be going down, and the Helicarrier is back under our control too."

Coulson closed his eyes, thankful to all those who'd stopped this thing.

Around the world, every weapon Ultron had taken for its campaign exploded harmlessly in the sky. Those brave enough to be out would look up see how close they were to the end, before, like a flick of a switch, light returned to the people.

New York City, Avengers Tower

Reed dropped into his seat, exhausted mentally and physically, to the point his limbs sagged. "Okay, I need a vacation."


"I've had enough of machines!"

Thor flew at Ultron, which was shutting down, and with a roar, slammed his hammer on its left arm, breaking it off.

"Now we end this machine!"

With another roar, he hit it on the face, caving its head in.

Then, he reached out his hand, and ripped open Ultron's chest, before ripping out the power source at the center.

The Mind Stone.

Keeping it away, Thor decided he had to be sure. So, he grabbed both the arm and the body, then spun his hammer before flying up as fast as the lightning he commanded, and then he hurled the machine towards the sun.

It was over.

With that, Thor descended back down where the rest had crumbled, Sue against Ben, Tony's helmet retracted, and Steve leaning against a wall. "Ultron."

Thor shook his head. "Gone." Immediately, waves of relief hit their body. Steve let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding, when a large body stood before him. He looked up and found Thor offering his hand.

"What did you do, take a nap?" Steve joked as he took the hand, and let the smiling Asgardian raise him up.

"Well, looking this good takes time." Thor laughed and Steve did too before clutching his ribs and remembering the damage from the battle.

"You're gonna have to tell us how you got the new look." Ben said from his place on the ground.

"That is a long story, with not enough drinks."

Tony raised his hand. "I can fix that."

One month later, Avengers Compound

It took a month to recover from Ultron's attack. Some did so quickly, others did not fare as well. The blackouts caused chaos, and the weak were preyed upon, but even in those moments, hope bloomed, and there were those willing to fight even when the fate of the world was at stake. It was these thoughts that Steve kept in mind as he looked at the new facility Tony bestowed upon the Avengers.

"Careful, Cap." Steve turned to see Nick Fury in all his eye patched glory. "Stress could give a man of your age a heart attack."

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"I think I'll survive." Looking back across the grounds beyond the window, Steve felt Fury join him. "At first, we looked to the threats in this world, then we learned that threats exist in the rest of the Universe. Next, we learn that there's more than just one Universe. Finally, we're back to concerning ourselves with what else our own world could throw at us."

"What a time to live in." Fury commented as he understood Steve's meaning. Despite everything, more enemies are around the corner, and they usually can't tell where. From Earth, Space, or the Multiverse, it doesn't matter, there's still a lot they have to do.

"When you first brought us together, did you ever think we'd get here?"

Fury shook his head. "Never in my wildest dreams. But what I knew for certain," Fury glanced at Captain America, "I'd have a hell of a team." With a small pat on the shoulder, the once Director of SHIELD left the Man out of Time to his musings.


Thor was walking forth, Steve and Tony on either side of him.

"Still want to tell us what happened over wherever you were sent off to?" Tony inquired kindly.

"It was Hel." Thor's face was grim, and they knew not to press it. Not to mention, he had recently broken up with Jane as well, having realized it would not work in the long-term, since their lives were on very different paths now, and he had too many responsibilities. She deserved someone who could love her without all of this, so both could lead happy lives.

It had hurt them both, but it had to be done, and would be for the best in the long run.

"Well, we're here if you want to talk", Steve assured him.

"I know, which is why I am going to miss these talks of ours. I trust all of you to safekeep the Mind Stone."

"Well, maybe you don't need to leave", Tony said as they walked outside now.

Thor wanted to stay with his team, his friends, but he couldn't right now.

"I have no choice. The Mind Stone is the fourth of the Infinity Stones to show up in the last few years. That's not a coincidence. Someone has been playing an intricate game and has made pawns of us. But once all these pieces are in position..."

"Triple Yahtzee?" Tony supplied.

Steve asked him. "You think you can find out what's coming?"

"I do." Thor referred to Stark. "Besides this one, there's nothing that can't be explained." He raised Mjolnir as the Bifrost appeared, taking Thor back to Asgard, while the Bifrost faded away, having burnt a sigil on the grass where Thor had stood.

"That man has no regard for lawn maintenance", Tony groaned jokingly as he walked to his car. "I'm gonna miss him though. And you're gonna miss me. There's gonna be a lot of manful tears."

They were near Tony's car now as Steve said genuinely. "I will miss you, Tony."

"Yeah? Well, it's time for me to take a break for now. Just spend some time with Pepper, somewhere alone, just us."

Steve nodded. "The simple life."

Tony assured him. "You'll get there one day."

Steve was unsure. "Family, stability, I don't know if it's possible for someone like me."

Tony smirked as he opened his car. "Guess you'll need to find the right girl. Maybe a redhead, they're always great fun. Trust me." Steve shook his head before the genius billionaire got serious. "You alright?"

"I'm home."

He knew it now, after having seen the Howling Commandos, and deciding not to go with them, he knew.

That time used to be home. All of them used to be home.

But now this, this was home. The Avengers were home.

Natasha was home.

Steve shook hands with Tony, and he went into his car, driving it away while Steve watched.

A while later, Steve walked inside, finding Natasha, Clint and Banner waiting for him.

"Everything set up?"

"On your go, Cap."

Steve and the others walked through the doors, finding Rhodey and Sam waiting in front of a holographic console.

Smiling at the two men, Steve pushed a button as the image of the globe came up, and pictures and footage of extraordinary men and women was shown.

"Let's get to work."


This was another long one, but its finally finished now.

The young Heroes helped save Sora from Master Xehanort and his Organization XIII, and hope all their contributions were enjoyed. At this point, most of them are weaker than Young Xehanort, in fact, if not for Riku, even together, they'd have lost to him, but their teamwork with Riku prevailed.

The only ones out of these who can eventually beat Young Xehanort are Goku from end of Saiyan Saga onwards and Ben from 'Ultimate Alien' onwards (unless he uses Alien X during the 'Alien Force' time period). The rest can't ever beat him by themselves.

They weren't needed to wake Sora up IMO, and hope the interactions between them all were enjoyed.

The hooded Organization XIII members who fought were Marluxia (he'd the scytche), Larxene (she used lightning) and Luxord (he used his cards).

And now, they're named Young Legends, and they will team up once more before story's end.

Thanks a lot to gussygus28 for his help with this plot's outline once more.

Meanwhile, Oliver and Sara didn't fall into Prometheus' trap in 5x9, but Mei is dead. RIP to her. This was inspired by Stand with Ward and Queen's 'A new age for the League of Assassins' so thank you to him.

Oliver hasn't let Prometheus get into his head but he wants to stay alone for a bit. And unlike the show, I do not character assassinate Oliver in the 5x9 flashbacks to make 5x17 work somehow (not that it did anyways).

Meanwhile, Snart decides to get a new place.

While in the MCU Earth, the Avengers, Fantastic Four, X-Men and many other superheroes went up against Ultron and his attack. Hope the fight against him was enjoyed, including the EMH elements.

I know, many superheroes not seen before have shown up, but this is basically me making the MCU like the DCAU, as there, by the time of JL/JLU, many superheroes were showing up, having been around for a while, and it showed how things are happening in this Universe in the background, so its the same for MCU. Speaking of, finally finished re-watching DCAU, and still a phenomenal franchise, and 'Epilogue' is a near-perfect end to it. The franchise isn't perfect and has its flaws, and there are some things I'd do differently, especially in the later Seasons of 'Batman Beyond', but all in all, an amazing franchise that sets the standard for superhero animations and even superhero adaptations in general.

And here, it all ended in the forest where it had begun.

The Heroes who appeared to stop the nukes are Captain Britain (played by Tom Hopper), Doctor Voodoo (played by Jamie Hector), Northstar and Aurora (played by Joel Oulette and Amber Midthunder), and the Johnny Blaze version of Ghost Rider (played by Norman Reedus). Thank you to Brainstorm Sorcerer for all the castings.

Yes, Wanda and Pietro didn't join AOU's plot properly, and Vision was never born here so far, but will they join the Avengers? And Vision be born? These questions will be answered in time.

What happened with Thor shall be shown in flashbacks later, but his power has risen and he is closer to his EMH power level. Not exactly there but close to it.

I found Thor/Jane fine in the first film but the 2nd one killed it for me so I broke them up, and it was pointless in the long run really.

Now Thor has gone to do some research, and Tony has taken a break, while Steve, Natasha, Clint and Banner shall recruit more superheroes to make 'Avengers Unlimited', LOL!

Imagine Richard Armitage as Chiron and Seth Green as Mr. D, thank you to Stand with Ward and Queen for letting me use the castings from his 'Of superheroes and halfbloods'.

Thanks a lot to Brainstorm Sorcerer for writing down the Snart bit and the AOU stuff, really couldn't have done it at all without him, he did a lot for this chapter, so thanks a lot once more buddy, much appreciated.

Hope all enjoyed and see you all next time with another chapter.

Chapter 30: Groovy


Bart Allen finds himself in an apocalyptic timeline of another world. Sephiroth meets someone interesting. Ash Williams ends up in a different world.


Disclaimer: I do not own anything you may recognize

Thank you to everyone for the kudos, hits, comments and bookmarks.

Thanks a lot to gussygus28 for his help with all the plotlines of this chapter, much appreciated, couldn't have done it without him.


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


Bart Allen was running at full speed, now happy to run as fast as he could without fear of the Black Racer, considering Clark and the Avengers had gotten rid of it for him.

It was such a joy, feeling the wind on his face, his suit fluttering, everything slowing down as he passed them by, with them not realizing he was even there, or just feeling a gust of wind, and that was it.

As he ran faster, a breach suddenly opened in front of him, and he ended up running through it, not bothering to slow down.

First, he saw an animated guy that looked exactly like Cyborg! And with him were a young boy in a suit, cape and mask, a red-haired girl in a purple suit, a cloaked and strange-looking girl and a green-skinned boy.

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"Weird", he muttered before running further.

Then, he saw a black-haired man wearing clothes of a similar shade.

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After that, he saw another black-haired man, this one armored with a cape flowing behind him as he carried a sword.

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Then, he saw a beautiful woman wearing armor, with long, red hair.

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"Hello beautiful", Bart quipped on seeing her, then rushed further.

His next sight was of a blonde-haired man with dark roots, carrying a sword.

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Then, he saw a medium-sized blonde man with a…..tail?

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"Weird again", he commented, then ran ahead, now seeing a tall, brown-haired man in a uniform, having a scar on his face, carrying a weapon that looked like a sword and gun in one.

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"Cool!" Bart said happily, next seeing a white-haired man with a light blue right eye and dark red left eye. He seemed to resemble the black-haired man Bart had seen earlier.

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"Doppelganger?" Bart wondered, next seeing an orange haired man in black robes, wielding a sword.

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After that, he saw a woman in a pair of blue assault pants with a light blue formfitting shirt and shoulder/neck armor, completed with a blue beret on her head.

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"Hey beautiful", Bart quipped again, before seeing what looked like a man in a yellow suit, lightning coming off of him, a lighting emblem on his chest, while he smirked sad*stically, and that was the last thing he saw before he found himself going through the breach's other end.

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"Where am I?" Bart wondered, looking around at a cartoon world, then looked down at himself and saw he was animated too. "Well damn!"

Hearing blasts, he sped ahead and saw the place getting destroyed and…Heroes were killing each other.

"What in the…?" Bart muttered, seeing animated versions of his amigos Victor Stone and AC fighting, while a medieval looking woman was fighting a guy in a cape.

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As he looked around, he saw a masked man with guns being brutally shot down by female archers wearing similar clothing to the medieval woman.

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"What is going on?" Bart asked.

"The Amazonians and Atlanteans are about to destroy everything in their war, and we're trying to stop them!" Animated Cyborg snapped while firing at some Atlanteans, as Bart realized he was in a world where AC was evil, and his Atlanteans were in a war with this group called Amazonians, also evil probably.

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Well, time to do his thing.

"Yo, wanna go out with me?" Bart quipped to Amazon archers, as they aimed at him and fired, only for him to catch the arrows easily, to their shock, as he sped at them and knocked them out. "Could have just said no!"

Then he saw animated Cyborg being fired at by three flying machines, and sped at those, phasing through them and messing up their insides quickly, as all three went down. "Got ya!"

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He looked ahead and animated AC running up to Cyborg and said. "Not so fast! Which is ironic. Don't insult my amigo by being such a scumbag." He ran around the entire ruined city really fast, then ran at animated AC, punching him really hard with all his speed, sending him flying and landing in the Pacific Ocean of all things!

Looking around, he saw the caped man fighting the medieval woman still.

"You have a load of me!" Bart ran around the city again, then ran up to her, punching her as well as she was sent flying off, crashing into a desert in Egypt.

"Thanks man", the caped man thanked Bart.

"No problem, amigo", Bart replied.

Bart then looked ahead and saw a man wearing a red suit fighting the yellow-suited man he'd seen earlier.

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The speedster ran up to them both as the yellow-suited man gained the upper hand, beating the red-suited man down and telling him. "Oh, Barry. That's the beauty of all this. I didn't do any of it. - You did."

Bart listened; the red one called Barry groaning as the yellow one threw him down again and asked him. "Think, Barry. Isn't there some little thing, some little good deed you might have done?"

"I saved someone", Barry confessed.


"I saved her. I saved mom", Barry grunted.

The yellow one kicked Barry. "That's right."

"No, no", Barry said in denial. "It wouldn't have changed all this. It wouldn't have changed what happened before her murder. Bruce's parents, Clark's landing."

Bart's eyes widened in horror. Apparently, this Barry had changed the timeline by saving his mom from being murdered, and the world in this timeline was falling apart due to that. And his amigo Clark hadn't properly landed where he should have? This world was a nightmare!

It needed to be fixed!

"Oh, but it did. Break the sound barrier and there's a sonic boom", the yellow one said, kneeling near Barry. "You broke the time barrier Flash, time boom. Ripples of distortion radiated out through that point of impact, shifting everything just a tiny bit, but enough. Enough for events to happen slightly different."

Barry grunted, getting up and speeding at Thawne to fight him, but was beaten down again as he groaned. "I just wanted to save her."

"Her hero. How noble", the yellow one taunted. "Oh, wait. You didn't stop JFK from getting assassinated or make sure Hitler stayed in art school. You saved your mommy. You missed her, and in a supreme act of selfishness shattered history like a rank amateur, turned the world into a living hell moments away from destruction. And I'm the villain?" He kicked Barry a few more times.

"Well, from the looks of it, you are", Bart said, finally getting the crazy speedster's attention.

"Now who the hell are you?" He asked Bart.

"Stop….Thawne", Barry begged Bart, as Bart now knew this guy's name was Thawne, or at least part of it was, but Thawne kicked him again.

"I am the one who'll stop you, amigo", Bart said confidently.

"Let's see you try", Thawne taunted, then rushed at Bart, only for Bart to speed out of his way, and before Thawne could even change trajectory, Bart rammed into him from the side, sending him flying off and falling down, to his horror.

"Well, that's me not even trying", Bart quipped, enraging Thawne who got back up and rushed at Bart with a punch, but Bart grabbed his wrist and decked his abdomen, making him double down in pain before Bart threw him to the other side, making him roll away.

As he tried to get up, Bart rushed him and kicked him just like he'd been doing to Barry, making him gasp as he coughed out some blood due to the power of the blow, and rolled away in pain.

Bart walked towards him, Thawne picking himself up and trying to hit Bart with one last speed punch, but Bart simply side-stepped to avoid, then decked Thawne's face, breaking his nose while he fell down, beaten down and humiliated.

"That all you got?" Bart taunted, as Thawne tried to stagger up.

"You asshole! I am going to-"


Bart's eyes widened on seeing a hole in Thawne's head, a bullet having passed through it. Blood poured down his head, while he fell down, dead, revealing what looked like an animated Batman standing there, his emblem and eyes red, while he carried a gun!

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Now that was new, as his Earth's Batman was clearly not a gun person. Though this guy looked wounded too.

"You're going to do nothing", animated Batman groaned.

"You killed him", Barry noted, standing back up.

"Not necessarily", Batman told him, groaning as he fell down, Barry running up to him and taking off his mask. "Not if you go back in time and fix this." Bart didn't really recognize the man behind the mask.

"The only way to save the world is to keep this world from ever happening", animated Batman said with a pained groan, then handed Barry an envelope. "Take this." He ordered. "Run!" With that, he closed his eyes.

Barry stood up, looking at Bart, who folded his arms. "Ya know, as crazy as that Thawne guy was, he did have a point."

"What?" Barry asked in shock.

"You change the past, things don't really turn out that well, as you can see right now", Bart pointed out with a shrug.

Barry let Bart's words sink in, realizing that he was right. He had messed up, by performing an act of pure selfishness, turning the world into a warzone between Amazonians and Atlanteans.

"I know I've no right to ask this, but can you help me fix it?" Barry requested.

"Sure thing, amigo", Bart replied, as Barry started limping away, Bart walking with him, as he saw Barry's leg slowly healing, and Barry began to run, crackling with lightning, and Bart crackled with lightning too, both running ahead into the Speed Force.

As they ran through there, they saw another Barry, the past version of him, running in the Speed Force.

"Barry, stop! You'll kill everyone!" Barry cried out to his past self. "Barry, stop. You have to stop."

He ran next to his past self, shocking him. "Who the hell? Get away!" Past Barry whacked Barry backwards.

"I'll do it", Bart said, then ran up to past Barry, grabbing him from behind as he gasped.

Everything went white as Bart heard present Barry say in a cracking voice. "Mom…I'm so sorry."

"So am I, man", Bart said sadly.

Earth-52, proper timeline

Barry Allen had fixed the timeline finally, and was running to his mom's grave with flowers when a familiar blur ran past him, and stood in his way, revealing Bart, as Barry stopped too, both of them near the cemetery.

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"Hey man", Barry greeted Bart. "Thanks for everything you did back there- defeating the evil Heroes, helping deal with Thawne, and making me fully realize how much I'd screwed up."

Bart nodded. "Anything I could do to help, amigo."

Barry held out his hand. "I'm Barry. Barry Allen. They call me the Flash."

"Barry Allen? Now that's funny", Bart said, shaking his hand. "Name's Bart Allen. I'm called Impulse, but I like the Flash. Should use it I guess."

"Bart Allen? So, are we…." Barry trailed off.

"I'm from another Universe", Bart revealed, shocking Barry. "Oh yeah, the Multiverse's real."

"Here I thought the other timeline was crazy", Barry commented.

"Maybe we're variants or something", Bart shrugged, then looked around at the fixed world. "And have to say, this world has a very different atmosphere from mine, or that other world I once went to."

"So…this is it, then?" Barry inquired.

"I guess so", Bart said, shaking hands with Barry one last time. "But I'd love to visit this Earth again someday."

"I'd appreciate that", Barry told him, before Bart ran off, his speed creating a breach as he ran through it.


The breach opened back on Bart's Earth, as he ran out of it, looking around with a smirk. "Good to be back home!"


The Sephiroth of Radiant Garden/Hollow Bastion aka The One-Winged Angel was roaming in this world, having devastated most of it.

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It had a bunch of superheroes called 'The Seven', run by some corporation known as Vought. Their leader was this Homelander guy, who'd attacked him, but the One-Winged Angel had killed him easily, and the rest of them too, including this guy called Black Noir who'd shown he was Homelander's clone.

Anyone else who'd tried to fight him had been easily killed too.

He had been in a great battle against his nemesis Cloud Strife, being his darkness after all, but a blue breach had separated them both, and he'd ended up here. It was fun killing these fake Heroes, but nothing was as much fun as tormenting Cloud!

He'd been able to travel through worlds before, but due to these portals all around, that ability of his did not work as well as it used to.

However, he was going to find a way out, and then make Cloud succumb to the darkness, or take him out.

Final Fantasy VII Remake Those Chosen By The Planet plays

At that moment, a voice called to One-Winged Angel. "Hello."

He turned around and saw….himself! The person standing before him looked almost exactly like him, but without the wing, for now at least.

"Who are you?" One-Winged Angel asked.

"I am you, from a different world", Sephiroth revealed, to his doppelganger's shock. "Yes, sometimes, different versions of you can exist in different worlds. I am one such version."

"You look like you've been in a fight recently", One-Winged Angel said, noting some blood on Sephiroth's sword.

"I've had a very busy day", Sephiroth said, thinking of the battle against Cloud, Sora, Riku and the rest of AVALANCHE.

"What do you want?" One-Winged Angel now inquired.

"I believe the two of us should become one", Sephiroth said, to his doppelganger's surprise.

"Why would I want to share my body with anyone, even a doppelganger of myself?" One-Winged Angel inquired.

"I know you hate your Cloud as much as I hate mine, but I've bigger plans", Sephiroth revealed with a smirk, touching his forehead to that of his doppelganger, showing him some images, as the One-Winged Angel's eyes widened in surprise and astonishment.

"Can you truly…accomplish all that?" One-Winged Angel inquired.

"That…..and much more", Sephiroth said confidently. "So, what do you think?"

"I shall join you", One-Winged Angel said without any hesitation.

Dragon Ball Super The Birth of Merged Zamasu plays

Sephiroth and the One-Winged Angel joined hands and closed their eyes, a glowing white aura surrounding them both.

The light shone even brighter, and then it faded.

Only one person stood there now. A true force to be reckoned with. With power that most of the Multiverse would soon feel absolute fear towards.

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Both of them were now fused into one, and this one Sephiroth, he had very grand plans.

Earth-1, Jacksonville

A couple of months had passed since the confrontation with the Dark One known as Ruby, and now, Ash Williams and his newly found friends, Pablo Simon Bolivar and Kelly Maxwell, were having the time of their lives.

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"Hey sailor", a woman said as she ran up to Ash and kissed his cheek. "I'd fun last night."

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"I think I remember that", Ash commented while she stroked his shoulder.

The woman gestured to a younger woman nearby, wearing a sleeveless top that exposed her midriff. "This is my daughter, Hannah."

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Hannah waved at Ash who commented. "Whoa! How nice of you to meet me."

Looking down, Hannah asked. "Can I…um, touch it?"

"Oh!" Ash said, then lifted up his chainsaw hand, showing it off to both mother and daughter, as they touched it in awe.

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"My God!" Hannah had to say. "How does it work?"

"Uh, well, I think its pretty obvious", Ash shrugged, then told them. "Ladies, I'm gonna be honest with you, I'm not drunk enough to know if this is good weird or bad weird." He added. "But I'll get there though." Ash and the mom shared a laugh while Hannah smiled.

Suddenly, a wind blew, and a blue portal randomly opened up.

"What the…?" Ash trailed off with a groan, as people ran here and there, while Ash walked forth, and stumbled into the portal.

Then, he saw various images.

First, he saw a bunch of weirdly dressed or just weird looking people, one of them having claws popping out of his knuckles, and he'd a very colorful costume, while another looked like a blue, furry beast, and another had some weird glasses in front of his eyes, and one more was icy, and another one was just blue, and some more weird looking people.

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"What the f*ck?" Ash wondered, as he next saw what looked like Batman, but much bulkier and more muscular.

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"Guy has put on weight", Ash quipped, then saw a dark-haired, clean-shaven man in a coat with a tie, and for some reason, he felt familiar to Ash.

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Next up, he saw a middle-aged man in a trench coat, wearing a vest with a skull symbol on it.

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"Groovy!" Ash said, before seeing a weird-looking, colorful clown, carrying a knife, and then Ash landed on his ass somewhere, seeing a young guy and a young girl before him.

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They looked at him weirdly, especially his chainsaw hand, as Ash got up. "Where the hell am I now? Am I hallucinating?" His eyes widened. "Oh no! Am I in the Middle Ages again?" Then he realized the 'ground' was moving down, and looked around, realizing it was an elevator. "Okay, not the Middle Ages!"

He checked his pocket. "No weed either."

The girl called out to him. "Hey dumbass!"

That got Ash's attention, as he asked. "Who you calling dumbass?"

"Who are you?" The girl asked.

"Name's Ash Williams", Ash said with a smirk, then gestured to his chainsaw hand. "This is my chainsaw." He twirled his shotgun. "And that's my Boomstick."

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"Right…" The guy trailed off. "Well, that's all great, but where the Hell did you come from?"

"Jacksonville", Ash simply replied, making them shared a confused look. "Now, who are you two, and what's going on?"

"I'm Dana", the girl introduced herself.

"Marty." The guy gave his name as well.

"And what's going on?" Ash asked.

Dana started crying. "We just came here in this cabin with our friends- Jules, Curt, Holden. It was supposed to be a fun weekend. Then we found this cellar with weird artefacts, including someone's diary. I read some Latin on it, and then zombies were trying to kill us! They killed everyone else!"

"It's some kind of setup, we've been watched, this elevator leads to whoever's behind this", Marty added.

Ash groaned. "Can I ever get a f*cking break from cabins?" He gave Dana a look. "And really, reading a Latin chant in a cabin. Real smart there, dumbass!"

"Hey, I didn't know!" Dana protested.

"Real smart!" Ash told her again. "I've done it too!"

"Then why're you calling me dumbass?" Dana asked.

"Because I've done it, and I don't recommend it! Or at least activated a recording where Latin words were chanted!" Ash said, when the elevator stopped, and there was glass on either side, with creatures behind them.

Marty looked at a girl in a torn ballerina outfit, but she turned around, revealing no face, just a circular mouth with a ring of teeth, while on Dana's side, there was a bald man in a futuristic leather coat, having buzzsaws stuck in his head, his arms ringed with barbed wire as he held out a sphere.

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"We chose…" Dana whispered in realization.

"What?" Marty asked, freaking out on seeing the bald man.

"In the cellar. All that sh*t we were playing with…" Dana trailed off. "They made us choose." There was a beat. "They made us choose how we die."

Ash facepalmed as he thought back to the recent encounter with Ruby. "Oh, I hate it when sh*t like this happens."

Dana started slamming on the glass while looking at the bald man, screaming madly, before Marty held her, calming her down.

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The elevator started going down.

"It was nice meeting ya. Actually, no it wasn't", Ash quipped as the creatures went out of sight. "This place seems to be full of sh*t like this, and ya chose to come here? Like, really…"

"Hey man, shut the f*ck up!" Marty simply said, just as the elevator stopped and the door opened, revealing a guard with a gun on the other end.

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"Out of the elevator!" The guard threatened with his gun. "Step out of the elevator!"

"Why are you trying to kill us?" Dana asked.

"Step out! Just the girl!"

"Just me?"

"Do it!"

Then a weird looking arm down below grabbed his foot, making him shoot at it, only for Marty and Dana to push him back, hitting his head on the wall, causing blood to pour out from his head, as he fell down, knocked out, Marty taking his gun.

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"Good work, zombie arm", he quipped to the arm as both walked out, Ash following them.

"Actually nice meeting ya", Ash quipped to the arm, the elevator doors closing.

They walked ahead, looking around at the place, when a voice was heard on interface. "You shouldn't be here."

The three looked up.

"This should have gone differently. Ended more quickly. I can only imagine your pain and confusion…but know this…"As the female voice continued to talk, Marty handed Dana the trowel he was holding. "What's happening to you is part of something bigger; something older than anything known."They backed off, looking around carefully. "You've seen horrible things. An army of nightmare creatures. But they're nothing compared to what came before. What lies below."They made forth. "Its our task to placate the Ancient Ones…as its yours to be offered up to them. Forgive us….and let us get it over with. The new dumbass must die too."

"Hey, who you calling dumbass?" Ash asked angrily. "Ya know, I need to give this lot a piece of my mind."

With that, he ran off into a random direction, where his instincts were telling the dicks who ran this place were.

Seeing a metal door, Ash twirled his shotgun, then fired at it, causing it to open up, as he kicked it in, the faculty looking at him in utter terror, those being two middle-aged men, one of whom was bald, one dark-skinned guard, and a pretty woman.

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"Let's see…I've seen something bigger and something older than all the sh*t you're spouting, and I've beaten 'em all with this Boomstick of mine", Ash said, twirling his shotgun. "Army of nightmare creatures? Been there, done that. Now, I'll do it again, and none of you know sh*t, 'cause I've seen it."

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The guard tried to fire but Ash twirled his Boomstick and fired at him, killing him instantly, while he blew off the smoke from his shotgun. "Whose next?"

The other three screamed, the men trying to take out guns, but Ash shot them down as well quickly, then twirled his Boomstick again, grinning at the woman and winking at her. "No hard feelings, gorgeous." With that, he shot her too, before hearing alarms blaring all over. "Looks like sh*t's going down."

He went out of the room, three zombie like creatures running at him as Ash roared like a madman and activated his chainsaw hand, then swung it around, butchering all three as he was now covered in blood, and laughed like a maniac.

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With that, he ran forth, seeing various monsters, all wreaking havoc all around.

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"Time for Moe and Larry to do their thing."

He saw that clown he'd seen before.

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"Ah! Its you", Ash quipped as the clown rushed him, only for Ash to twirl his Boomstick and fire.

The clown looked horrified as the shot sent it flying back and falling down. It realized this gun was of a stronger caliber than what had been used on it before.

As Ash smirked at the clown, it died, while the bald guy from before rushed at him.

"Ya know….I don't have the same fetishes as you", Ash said, then activated his chainsaw hand while roaring as the guy was cut apart by it, blood flying everywhere, including on Ash's face, Ash laughing once more maniacally.

Then he saw a giant bat and fired at it, killing it too, before turning around to see one Unicorn of all things charging him, horn pointed right at him, but Ash quickly shot it down as well, then blew the smoke off the shotgun.

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"Lots of things here, eh?" Ash quipped, then walked forth, seeing what looked just like Deadites. "Ah, copies of the lot I know, eh?" Ash quickly butchered them all with his chainsaw hand, laughing again.

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He next saw a giant tree which was flailing about, and leapt at it with a scream, the tree trying to wrap around him as Ash's chainsaw hand continued whirring, chopping off bits of the tree as Ash got up, then laughed and roared, before striking the tree monster at its midpoint, making what looked like Cell sap ooze out of it, and then he continued to do that until the tree was down.

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"You ain't molesting sh*t again", Ash said angrily, then turned around as someone in a porcelain doll mask rushed him, only for him to trip on one remaining branch as his feet shot up and kicked the porcelain doll person, making them fly to the other side right onto a merman, that started ripping them apart while blood spewed from the blowhole on its back.

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He tried to get up, only to trip on that branch again and stumble back, hitting his head on the wall. "Urgggh!" He groaned, sliding down onto the ground as an alien beast lunged at his face but he slid down completely, causing it to the hit the wall and fall down as Ash's arm hit the ground and the Boomstick went off, shooting the alien thing's face off.

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Grunting, Ash looked at the remaining branch. "Oh! Hey there!" He activated his chainsaw hand again and ripped it into even tinier bits while laughing.

He rolled over, seeing two dismemberment goblins standing over him and chuckling. Ash chuckled back as one of them swung down at him, only for Ash to scream as the chainsaw hand activated again, cutting off its hand as it screeched, while the chainsaw went into its abdomen, cutting it up even more, the Boomstick going off and blowing off the other one's groin, making it screech madly too as both fell down on top of Ash, being ripped apart by him while he was covered in their blood and laughed madly.

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When he was done, he pushed them off of himself and staggered up.

At that point, he saw Dana and Marty running by, as the former cried out. "Come!"

"And great moves!" Marty added, the two running towards some pathway that led to a basem*nt.

A flock of killer birds screeched as they tried to attack the pair but Ash rushed forth while yelling, his chainsaw hand whirring while he cut them all apart, blood spraying on his face. He wiped some of it off, then the three made their way down some stairs, coming into a temple of sorts, with strange and foreboding rumblings coming from beneath them.

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They saw five illustrations around them. One had a woman's outline that was scantily dressed. Another had a man's illustration throwing a spear. Then there was a man's outline studying, another man's outline holding a glass of wine, and another woman's outline looking modest.

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"Look at these", Dana said. "Five of them."

"What are these?" Ash inquired.

"Us", Dana said, gesturing to herself and Marty. "You, me and our friends that is." She sighed. "We should have seen it like you did. This is part of a ritual."

"Ritual sacrifice?" Marty turned around. "Great." He walked forth. "You tie someone to a stone, get a fancy dagger and a bunch of ropes. Is that complicated?"

"No. Its simple", Dana pointed out. "They don't just wanna see us killed. They wanna see us punished."

"Punished for what?" Marty asked.

"For being young."

The two jumped, turning around, as Ash did too, seeing a beautiful, middle-aged woman appear out of the shadows, immaculately dressed.

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"Its different in every culture", she said, pacing around. "It has changed over the years, but it has always required youth. There must be at least five." She gestured to the illustrations, first looking at the outline of the scantily dressed woman. "The whor*. She is corrupted. She dies first."

Dana and Marty thought of Jules, who'd been dumbed down from her usual smart and caring self into a stereotypical whor* of all things via those toxins, and had died first. She was the designated 'whor*'.

The woman looked at the man's outline throwing a spear. "The Athlete."

Now the two friends thought of Curt. He was an average football player, and very good in his studies, yet the toxins had dumbed him down so he behaved like a stereotypical jock. He was the designated 'Athlete'.

Then the woman gestured to the outline of the studying man. "The Scholar."

Dana and Marty thought back to Holden. He was good with his studies but also a great football player, yet the toxins had made him and the rest of them ignore his physical attributes and focus on his 'nerdy' ones. He was the designated 'Scholar'.

The woman gestured to the outline of the drinking man, then looked at Marty. "The Fool."

He was usually high; hence he was the designated 'Fool'. Yet, what he'd been smoking had made him immune to the toxins, and now he was ruining the plan.

"All suffer and die at the hands of whatever horror they've raised, leaving the last to live or die, as fate decides." She looked to the outline of the modest woman, then at Dana. "The Virgin."

"Me? Virgin?" Dana asked in surprise. She was not a virgin! Hell, she'd just gotten out of an affair with her professor of all things! She fit the 'whor*' stereotype much more than Jules did, considering she was basically their 'Team Mom'.

"We work with what we can get", the woman simply said.

"Eh! Admit it! You designate the woman based on which one's tit* ya wanna see, ain't that right?" Ash asked with a grin.

"The male staff do that, yes", the woman admitted.

Under other circ*mstances, Dana would be offended they didn't wanna see hers, and rather see Jules'. But these were horrible circ*mstances.

"And what happens if you don't pull that off?" Marty inquired.

"They rise", the woman told them.

"Who does?" Dana asked, looking down due to the rumblings. "What's beneath us?"

"The Ancient Ones", the woman revealed. "The Gods that used to rule the Earth. As long as they accept our sacrifice, they remain below. But the other rituals have all failed."

Everything shook, some part of the roof collapsing.

The woman started. "The sun is coming up in eight minutes. If you live to-"


She fell down, her face a bloody mess due to the bullet from the shotgun, as Ash lowered his Boomstick and blew the smoke off.

They heard a roar behind them and turned around, seeing a werewolf creature about to leap at them, only for Ash to fire at it as it was sent back.

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Then, a zombie girl showed up, Dana gulping. "Patience."

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Ash rushed at her with a roar and used his chainsaw hand, dismembering her quickly, before he looked at the two with grins.

"So…this is it?" Marty asked, taking out a joint that he smoked, then handed it to Dana, who smoked it too, while Ash walked next to them, smoking it himself.

"I'd honestly like a word with these Ancient Ones. They're probably nothing compared to the Dark One I faced just a couple of months ago." He smoked the joint a bit more, giving it back to Marty. "This is good sh*t! I left mine back at home."

Then, everything started rumbling, rocks falling all around, the roof collapsing, as a hand burst out of the ground.

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Standing up, Ash twirled his Boomstick, and fired at the hand, causing whatever it was to screech in pain as the hand retracted, then the creature showed its face, growling at Ash.

It started speaking in some thick tongue Ash didn't understand, only for Ash to twirl his Boomstick and fire at its chest, making it gasp, some liquid flowing out of its chest, before it retracted, going back down.

"Anyone else?" Ash asked, as another Ancient One popped out, but Ash shot it in the head, and it fell back down too.

Then a third one came, only to be shot in the chest, and that one also went down, then two popped out, but Ash shot them both, and they were gone as well.

At that moment, the rumbling stopped.

"What was that all about?" Dana wondered.

"Like I said, these ain't sh*t compared to the Dark Ones", Ash quipped with a smirk. "They were the sh*t in the Middle Ages. Most likely swords and arrows didn't do sh*t to 'em. But what we have now clearly does."

Ash blew the smoke off his Boomstick.


He looked at Dana and Marty. "You two don't have to thank me for saving your asses, but it'd be much appreciated."

"Uh…thank you", Dana said.

"Yeah, much appreciated", Marty added, him and Dana sharing a weird look due to how much of a dumbass Ash seemed to be, but he had saved them, and the entire world.

Then, a fiery portal opened up, making Dana and Marty jump, as Ash narrowed his eyes, and out walked a blonde man in a trench coat.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I'd a feeling your dumbass would've wounded up into one of these sodding breaches, especially since I've heard you've been messing with the Necronomicon again", the man quipped, looking Ash up and down.

Ash squinted, then laughed. "Johnny C! Been a hot while since I saw you."

"You're telling me", John Constantine muttered.

"Uhh…who're you?" Dana asked.

"Exorcist, Demonologist, Masturbator of the Dark Arts, blah blah blah", Ash explained to the kids.

Constantine annoyingly corrected Ash. "Petty Dabbler of the Dark Arts, mate."

Williams told the kids. "Met him 4 years ago when a Demon he was chasing after attacked my ass, then we kicked its ass together."

"Now I hang out and get drunk with him occasionally, and put up with his stupidity!" Constantine said, making Ash glare at him. "Anyways, you ended up in a completely different world. This is Earth-413. And yes, the Multiverse is real. Our world is different from this one."

Ash blinked. "So…that stuff isn't bullsh*t?!"

Constantine retorted. "After everything you've seen for all these years, going all the way back to whenever I was just a wee ankle-biter, how the bloody hell would you say the Multiverse was bullsh*t?"

Ash sighed. "Good point."

"While you were gone, Jacksonville was attacked by Deadites", Constantine revealed, making Ash perk up.

"Are Pablo and Kelly all right?" He inquired.

Constantine waved him off. "I helped those two with the Deadites, then found you here." Ash sighed in relief. "Kelly kept calling me 'British Ash'. Says I'm more of an asshole than you are."

Both laughed a bit, before Constantine warned Ash. "The Necronomicon has been read and all sorts of evil is being unleashed through sinkholes."

"Must be Ruby", Ash realized, then requested. "Can you help out with taking that bitch down?"

"Nah mate, this is your mess, you're on your own, and I've other things to deal with", Constantine pointed out, Ash nodding at that as he conceded.

Ash looked at Dana and Marty, then winked. "See you later, alligators."

Constantine walked into the fiery portal, Ash walking after him, both of them returning to Earth-1.

Dana and Marty just stood there, looking very confused about the day they'd just experienced.


And another one is done now.

Thanks a lot to gussygus28 for all his help and suggestions on all 3 scenarios once more.

First, we had Bart Allen from 'Smallville' ending up in 'The Flashpoint Paradox' movie during its climax, and this means the DCAMU is in this series now. Hope him beating down DCAMU Eobard Thawne was enjoyed, and his talk with DCAMU Barry as well, plus him punching away Flashpoint Aquaman and Wonder Woman. The DCAMU Earth was called Earth-52 due to being heavily based on The New 52 initially.

Then, Sephiroth from 'Final Fantasy VII Remake' encountered Sephiroth from 'Kingdom Hearts' aka the One-Winged Angel. This is after KH Sephiroth and KH Cloud disappeared during their fight in the 2nd game. Now due to the Multiverse shenanigans, they've been separated. KH Sephiroth ended up in the world of 'The Boys' comics, and slaughtered all he saw there.

I love 'The Boys' TV series, but the comics suck frankly, and are just Garth Ennis' edgy fantasy, so this was very pleasing for me to do.

Now FFVII Remake Sephiroth and KH Sephiroth have fused into one very OP Sephiroth.

Meanwhile, 'The Cabin in the Woods' is a great film I saw recently, and Ash Williams from 'The Evil Dead' franchise ended up in that film during its climax. For 'The Evil Dead' side, this was during 2x1 of the 'Ash vs. Evil Dead' series.

So Ash managed to save that film's world…while drunk. The clown no-sold the bullets that the guard fired at it in the movie, but that could just mean its immune to bullets of that caliber, and not immune to Ash's Boomstick.

For how Ash managed to kill beings as powerful as the Ancient Ones, I borrowed from 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' here. In Season 2, the powerful Demon called The Judge was brought back, and no weapon forged could kill him.

However, this only counted medieval weapons forged during medieval times. Modern weapons weren't counted, so Buffy blew him up with a rocket launcher.

Here, the Ancient Ones were very OP back in the day, and could easily no sell medieval weapons. However, I had it that modern weapons could harm and kill them, people were just too scared to try, and believed the Ancient Ones would no sell those too, but they couldn't, and Ash proved that.

Ash and Constantine would totally know each other.

The breach cameos for Bart were- The Teen Titans from the 2003 cartoon, Noctis Lucis Caelum from Final Fantasy XV, Clive Rosfield from Final Fantasy XVI, Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII Trilogy, Tidus from Final Fantasy X, Zidane Tribal from Final Fantasy IX, Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy VIII, Yozora from the 'Verum Rex' video game in Kingdom Hearts III and the Re Mind DLC, Ichigo Kurosaki from 'Bleach', Jill Valentine from the 'Resident Evil' series and finally DCAMU Eobard Thawne before he fell into the Flashpoint timeline of the DCAMU. Lots of Final Fantasy cameos here.

The breach cameos for Ash were- The X-Men from the 'Wolverine and the X-Men' cartoon, DCEU Batman, Keanu Reeves' John Constantine from the 2005 movie, Thomas Jane's Punisher from the 2004 movie and finally the clown from 'The Cabin in the Woods' before landing in that movie's Universe.

Also, after next week's update, I shall be taking a two-month break from this fic and return to it sometime in June, as I, as well as Brainstorm Sorcerer, have been writing non-stop for this fic since August of 2023, and it was updated every week so far except one when I was on vacation, so we need a bit of a break to relax, recharge, get other commitments in our lives done, and get more creative juices flowing.

Hope all enjoyed and see you all next time with another chapter.

Chapter 31: A meeting of Pantheons


Thor finds himself in a world with familiar faces and meets someone interesting, while remembering what happened to him at the place where Ultron had sent him. Team Flash meet some shocking people who know Barry. The Winchesters are joined by unexpected allies. Magneto executes his plan at last. Matt Murdock ends up in conflict with someone. Leonard, Lisa and Mick are given a new mission, and there are two more who enter the picture.


Disclaimer: I do not own anything you may recognize

Thank you to everyone for the kudos, hits, comments and bookmarks.

Thanks a lot to Brainstorm Sorcerer, HRwriter897 and gussygus28 for their help with this chapter.


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Earth-1, Keystone City

Leonard Snart had been through a lot. Seen a lot. Done a lot more. There was one thing he never considered doing though, something he considered such a taboo that he would be damned to Hell, or wherever his father would end up, for doing it.

Kill his team.

And he was starting to get tempted.

"For the last time: keep your stinking socks on your side of the room!"

"Hey! You weren't the one going down the sewers prepping our escape route, sissy. And you hogged the room with only the radiator, in the whole damn building!"

"Sorry, I thought Neanderthals liked to light things on fire."

"I'll tell you what I want to set on fire!"

If there is a God, give him strength.

Snart's head was buried on his desk, his hands rubbing his temples to ease the hundredth headache he had gained since they decided to open their new business. Well, he and Lisa did, Mick was still sulking about the change. That was probably why since the night they took down Vladek, they haven't stopped fight over every. Single. Thing. What's worse, they had not found a single job to keep them busy. Leonard expected the slow start, accepted it even, but what he could not handle was the war between his sister and partner.

"ALRIGHT!" Snart stood up and marched between the arguing pair, turning to the pyromaniac. "Mick, go to the laundromat down the street to clean your clothes, and pick up a spare set from the van." Next was his sister. "Lisa, if you're gonna hog the only heater in the only room we have furnished, then be kind of enough make sure the water and heating is working in the rest of the building. Do we have an accord?" Mick and Lisa stayed glaring at each other, earning a sigh from their resident criminal Mastermind. "Do we have an accord?" He repeated louder and firmer. Mick let out a grunt, Lisa let out a mumble of agreement before they went their separate ways. "Children." Snart muttered to himself as he went back to organizing what will be the operations room, if they can stop fighting for a minute.

The sound of Mick leaving the room followed by a loud growl, and a body thrown against a wall had Snart turn with his hand in sidearm, before he heard the voice. "JESUS, MAN! What's the deal?!" Snart lowered the gun and watched as the middle man stared after Mick as he left before fully entering the room. "What's with muscle man?"

"He skipped breakfast." Snart sarcastically said as he went back to hooking up the monitor while Lisa connected it to the computer. "What can I do for you, Jacques? Or should I say, what can you do for me?"

"So, you're really doing it. Leonard Snart is going legit."

"Well," Lisa interrupted, "more like legit-ish."

"Oh good, for a second I thought the world was going all backwards." Jacques joked earning a dry look from the Snart siblings. The middle man held up his hands. "Alright, all joking aside, I might have something for you."

"And you didn't lead with that?" The younger Snart joined her brother and Jacques at the conference table at the center of the room, where the latter set down a picture. Taking it in hand, Leonard and Lisa looked at something that would have made their less than noble, thieving selves think of not so selfless thoughts. It was a headdress that covered the whole scalp and down to the wearer's neck. Also, it was composed entirely of rubies.

"The Crown of Fire, made by King something and given to his Queen whoever, it was unearthed somewhere in Ecuador by this big shot media mogul's son. Anyway, the Ecuadorian people were pretty peeved, they see it as Americans stealing part of their history, and some of the more patriotic activists tried to steal it back."

"Let me guess, it didn't end so well for them?" Leonard assumed, and was proven right by Jacques' nod.

"All three of them were sent to the hospital, one might not walk again. This Fairfax guy, I'll tell you, man, he's got a superiority complex for the ages. Thinks he's like the king who made it, a conqueror." The Snarts exchanged a look before the younger sibling asked a question that's been on her since Jacques walked through the door.

"Why bring this to us?"

A shrug came from the bespectacled man. "Look I don't mind helping with jobs involving mobsters, or ripping off some rich guys, but stealing people's history, that just feels wrong. And I figured, I still owe you for Coast City." A smirk on her brother's faced confused Lisa.

"What happened in Coast?"

"Oh you know, the usual." Leonard answered vaguely before looking at the headdress again. "I think we have ourselves our first official job." He said with a smirk that Lisa matched.

The sound of grumbling and loud footsteps had the two siblings and fence look at the door and find Mick, taking a bite out of a sandwich in a Black Sabbath t-shirt, completely unaware of the importance of what transpired. "What?"

"Pack your bags, Mick. We got work to do."

Central City

"Oh you're so gonna get it!" Hotstreak aka Francis Stone roared as he fired flames at Flash and Static, the former running to avoid as the latter flew high up into the air.

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"Francis, stop, we can help you", Barry tried to reason with him.

"I have all the help I need!" Francis screamed as he fired another fireball that Barry ducked to avoid.

"No use man, he was a piece of work before he woke up as a meta", Static told Barry as he came down, with Barry about to speed at Francis when a dark shadow popped up behind him and grabbed him in a chokehold.

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Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (1011)


"You're not taking anyone who works for me", Ebon snarled, when Static fired lightning at him, making him screech in pain as he fell down, letting Barry go, and escaped back into the shadows.

"I don't work for anyone!"

Hostreak was about to fire again when Barry ran and opened a fire hydrant, letting the water strike him as he was taken out, police sirens being heard nearby.

"Nicely done, like usual", Static praised his hero.

"You too", Barry praised the younger hero. "Sucks Ebon escaped though."

"One of us will get him next time", Static assured.

"Yeah", Barry nodded. "Just…be careful, okay?'

"I'll do my best", Static said before flying off.

Reaching near his home, Static got down from the saucer and opened his bag he'd retrieved, putting it inside, and then changing into his civilian clothes, putting the suit inside as well, before he walked to his house and opened the door, only to see Robert standing there with folded arms, a stern look on his face, Sharon behind him with a smirk.

"Busted", Sharon said gleefully.

"What time is it?" Robert inquired.

"Uhh…11 PM, sir?" Virgil said with a stutter.

"And until what time are you allowed to stay out?" Robert then asked.

"9 PM sir?"

"You're grounded for two weeks", Robert said as he walked off, Sharon smirking still as Virgil sighed.

Looks like he'd have to make time during breaks in school to be Static Shock for two weeks now.

A woman was walking her dog during the same night, when she heard a voice behind her.


She turned around, finding a beautiful red-haired woman, and behind that woman was a group of men.

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"Uhhh….hi?" The woman walking her dog said randomly. "What do you want?"

Walking closer to the dog-walking woman, the red-haired one said. "Nothing personal."

And then, she pulled the dog-walking woman in for a kiss, catching her off-guard. Then she pulled back, and suddenly fangs popped out of the red-haired woman's teeth.

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Before the dog-walking woman could scream, the red-haired woman bit her neck, draining her of her blood slowly as she died.

Looking at the dead woman for a few seconds, the red-haired woman then turned to the men with her. "Tonight, we shall get closer to wiping humanity out, and Vampires shall reign supreme!"


The Bifrost faded as Thor landed, then twirled Mjolnir and flew forth, wanting to check on something.

Many thoughts plagued the mind of the God of Thunder. There were the Stones, but also himself, as he remembered the power he had felt in the Hell that he had been dropped in by Ultron.

Unknown location, a month ago


The Demons all attacked Thor, punching and kicking him, clawing his face, slicing him.

Thor let out a loud roar and punched one Demon so hard its head flew off, and then he punched another, and another, to the same result, before kicking another one as its chest shattered.

He grabbed one more and threw it into many, before a flying one decked his face, and another did the same, and then both tried to deck together but he grabbed their wrists and twisted, making them screech as he threw them down, killing them.

Then a Demon leapt on top of him, and before Thor could throw it off, more leapt down on him, dogpiling the God of Thunder now.

Thor groaned. " By Odin's breath, you smell worse than a Rock Troll!"

Letting out another loud roar, Thor sent them all flying up with his raw strength, then leapt up high, and as he was descending, his fist was reared back.

He managed to hit the ground.

Earth-199999, Present Day

Thor had no idea how long he'd spent fighting the Demons. Hours, days, weeks, months. The enemy were endless, and he rarely had time to breathe until he killed them all, but more always came.

All of a sudden, Mjolnir started acting up, glowing blue, with lightning discharging from the hammer. Thor slowed down to look at his trusty weapon, when a breach opened right upon him and he ended up going inside of it.

Earth-21, Washington DC

Clark had just begun to fly into the air as Superman, when Thor appeared next to him, causing the two to look at each other sharply.



"I am glad I have fallen into a friendly world", Thor sighed in relief. "I and Natasha were clearly lucky."

"How have you been?" Clark decided to make some small talk as they flew forth.

"A robot came to life and tried to destroy the world but we all stopped it, now the rest are expanding ranks", Thor explained to Clark. "While I believe something bigger is at play and am trying to follow up on some leads. How about you?"

"Went to the future, met this time-traveler who travels in a British Police Box with some other people, and also some high-tech alien robots. We saved the day together", Clark told Thor. "I'm on my way to get some information right now. Wanna join?'

"Of course, my friend."

As they flew forth, they arrived near an apartment, seeing a beautiful woman flipping a tank. Thor's eyes widened on seeing her.

She looked exactly like Lady Sif!

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The tank suddenly exploded as Superman flew forth, saving the soldiers inside as he grabbed on and flew off. Thor was still shocked, seeing Lady Sif's doppelganger, who now stood in front of a blonde man, while a bald man in a suit and another old man in an army uniform stood in front of him.

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Suddenly, Thor saw another man aiming a sniper at the blonde one, and as he fired, Thor flew in the way, spinning Mjolnir as the bullet was shattered, to the soldier's horror.

Superman flew down near 'Lady Sif' and the blonde man, talking to the army man. "General Lane, I sincerely hope you evacuated the area before you brought a tank into it."

"We did, Superman, we did", General Lane assured him, Thor now hovering over them as Lane and the bald man looked up at him uncertainly, the soldiers doing the same.

"Diana hasn't done anythingwrong. She's only here to find her mother", Superman tried to defend her.

Lane retorted. "This comes through Bones by way of Presidential approval, son."

"I know that she isalive,and I know that either your military or your D.E.O. must have her!" Diana said angrily as she stomped forth.

"Then walk yourself in, and I'll take you right to her", Bones said to her.

"Is this a trick?" Thor asked at that moment, making all eyes turn to him, while thunder cracked in the sky and dark clouds gathered, unnerving the soldiers.

Bones was not moved though. "Who are you now?"

"I am Thor, Son of Odin, Prince of Asgard, the God of Thunder!" Thor declared while holding up Mjolnir as lightning cracked even louder, making the jaws of the soldiers drop.

"Thor….from…Norse Mythology?" Lane asked in utter shock.

Diana briefly bowed to him. "It is an honor to meet your, Prince Thor. We worship the Greek Gods, but we know of the Norse Gods and respect them too."

It was strange for Thor to see Sif's doppelganger saying she 'respected the Gods', considering Lady Sif herself was the Goddess of War.

She then turned to the blonde man. "Did you know anything about this, Steve?"

Thor was interested to hear this other man was called 'Steve' too, as this Steve replied. "No ma'am."

"For this price, I shall comply", Diana now said with gritted teeth, letting herself be cuffed now.

"Don't bother struggling, they're enchanted, courtesy of Doctor Thirteen down in R&D."

"If you keep your word, I will not struggle", Diana promised, Thor struggling not to go down and help her.

"Dammit General!" Superman snapped at Lane.

"Not now, Superman, choose your battles", Lane warned him before walking off. "I'm sure you'll find another way to handle this."

Thor came down, he and Superman watching Diana board the vehicle as Superman spoke to the other 'Steve'. "You just had aburn noticeissued, Mr. Trevor. Now would be a good time to run. Lois. In the alley.Go."

Universe-208, the Negotiator

Standing within the bridge of Obi-Wan's ship, the Negotiator, Anakin's eyes were shut. His face was contorted as images raced past his mind at such a rate that he could barely understand it all. It was so much like before when Captain Rogers was found on Umbara, but this felt different.

Glowing white eyes.

The shadows of wings.

A cloud of thick black smoke.


The Jedi Knight blinked his eyes open as he rubbed his head to ease the pain. Turning to the speaker, Anakin found Obi-Wan looking at him with concern.

"You sensed something."

"How did you know?" He asked as his old master joined him staring out at the vastness of Space within the Inner Rim.

"Because I sense it too."

Anakin did not like the concern in the Jedi Master's voice, it made him uneasy. "Last time I felt this, the 501st gained a volunteer. But this, it feels different."

"How so?" Obi-Wan inquired as Anakin clutched his head again.

"Like it's...coming."

Cody finished reading a report and joined Admiral Block in approaching the two Jedi. The expressions on their faces were grave, and in Skywalker's case, pained. Wary, the Clone Commander continued his approach, until a flash of blue was all he saw, and the next moment, the generals were gone.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (1022)

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (1023)

Earth-1, STAR Labs

Barry and Cisco were playing against each other on a video game in a video game system they'd recently installed in STAR Labs to have fun during any breaks.

At the end, Cisco won and did a little victory dance. "Oh yeah baby! I got it!"

"One of these days, man", Barry muttered to himself.

Caitlin, Joe, Patty and Henry were watching the entire thing go down and chuckled, amused by the banter.

At that moment, the lights went out, shocking everyone in the room.

"Aw come on, man! I improved the security!" Cisco moaned.

A soft, female voice then whispered. "Flash."

They all turned around and saw two, crystal blue eyes in the shadows.

All of them were confused, except Barry, who smirked and said. "Never would have expected to see you guys again."

The lights flickered back on to reveal a beautiful woman with black hair and leather clothes, and a man with long hair.

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Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (1025)

"How did you figure out who I am?" Barry asked the two of them.

"Flash's scent is easy to get in this city, we just followed it until here", the woman revealed with a smirk.

"Right", Barry held out his hand. "My name's Barry Allen."

"Nice to meet you without the mask, Barry Allen", the woman said, shaking his hand.

"I'm sorry, who are you guys?" Cisco asked them.

"My name is Selene, and this is my husband Michael Corvin", Selene gave the introductions, then decided there was no need to keep the secret in, considering they'd come to ask this lot for their help. "I'm a Vampire!"

"And I'm a Vampire/Werewolf hybrid", Michael Corvin added.

A week ago, most of Team Flash would have been shocked. But after meeting Spike, they were less shocked than usual.

"So Vampires are real on this Earth, Werewolves too", Cisco finally said.

"Well damn!" Joe muttered himself.

Caitlin was shocked. "How is it that we have meta-humans running around, urban legends like Michael Myers, the Good Guy Doll that Green Arrow and Eliot fought, Jason Voorhees, then that Freddy Krueger guy that Green Arrow and Batman fought a few weeks ago, and now, we're just discovering Vampires and Werewolves are real too?"

"Good question", Selene had to say, then decided to explain. "For generations, Vampires and Lycans secretly waged war against each other. The Lycan leader Lucian was seemingly killed by a Vampire named Kraven, who became second-in-command to our Elders. I was part of an elite group of Vampire Assassins called the 'Death Dealers', and I hated the Lycans due to thinking they'd killed my family. During a clash with them, I discovered him", she gestured to Corvin. "Lucian, turns out, was alive, and he bit Michael."

"I'm guessing that means Kraven lied", Patty noted.

"He did", Selene confirmed. "So, I prematurely awoke Viktor, a hibernating Elder Vampire. I also hid Michael, while Viktor refused to believe me about Kraven's treachery, and during that time, he helped the Lycans track down another Elder and they killed her too. I got out of the mansion and captured the Lycan scientist Singe."

"But the Lycans captured me", Corvin revealed. "I found out Lucian was once in love with Viktor's daughter Sonja, but Viktor was furious when he discovered their affair and killed his own daughter."

"That is sick!" Joe said, speaking what everyone was thinking, all of them disgusted for good reason. Killing his own daughter because he didn't like who she was in love with?

"The Lycans were also slaves to the Vampires once, and the war began when they rose up against the Vampires to fight for their freedom", Corvin added.

"Meanwhile, Singe revealed that the Lycans wanted Michael because the Vampires and Lycans had a common ancestor, and Michael was a direct descendant, so he carried a unique genetic strain that'd make him a hybrid. Viktor killed Singe and mobilized the Death Dealers to kill all Lycans, including Michael. But I rescued him, and then Kraven and Lucian turned on each other. Kraven revealed to me that it was actually Viktor who killed my family and spared me because I reminded him of Sonja."

"He gets worse the more we hear about him", Patty commented.

"I got injured badly, and Selene was forced to bite me so I could be an immortal hybrid", Corvin then supplied.

"Viktor then arrived at the lair and confessed to all his wrongdoings, while also justifying himself, saying Sonja was pregnant with Lucian's child, an abomination to both species."

"Yeah, he can keep telling himself that", Cisco said in disgust.

"Not for long", Selene said. "Eventually, I managed to kill him, then me and Michael ran off together. Then, I planned to stop Kraven from killing another Elder Markus. But he woke up and killed Kraven and his men instead. Lorenz Macaro, the forefather to both our races, sent his men to investigate the battle at the Lycans' lair, and in Viktor's corpse they found a disk that matched a pendant worn by Sonja."

"The other half was with me after Lucian died", Corvin told them.

"Markus tracked us down but we escaped. We needed to find out why this pendant was important. I saw it as a child, but did not know its significance. We met an exiled Vampire historian Andreas Tanis, who revealed Markus was the first Vampire, one of the three sons of Alexander Corvinus, the first Immortal. Markus was bitten by a bat and metamorphosed into a Vampire, while William was bitten by a wolf and metamorphosed into a Werewolf."

"The third son remained human and gave rise to a descendant of mortals, including me, the first hybrid", Corvin supplied again.

"The first Werewolves created by William were feral and unable to return to human forms. William was destructive, so Markus approached Viktor, who was a dying warlord then, and offered to make him and his army into Vampires in return for tracking down and stopping William, and destroying those he'd infected. Viktor did not kill the brothers because he was led to believe that doing so would result in the immediate extinction of all Vampires and Lycans. Tanis also revealed that my father was the architect who built a secret prison where William would be imprisoned forever, and the pendant is the key. Viktor killed my family for knowing the prison's location, but spared me and made me a Vampire. The location of the prison was encoded in my blood. He referred us to Macaro for help. We left, and then Markus killed Tanis and found out our location by drinking his blood."

"Vampires can do that?" Caitlin asked in horror, getting nods in response.

"We visited Macaro, and found out he was Alexander Corvinus. He'd devoted his entire life to keeping this war a secret, and refused to help me in killing his sons."

"Then Markus came and impaled me", Corvin told them.

"Then he drank my blood and found out where William's prison was, and mortally wounded his own father, getting the other half of the pendant. He wanted to rule the whole world with his brother as masters of a race of Vampire-Lycan hybrids. At Alexander's request, I drank his blood and got enhanced to a hybrid's level, and then he blew up his ship, killing himself. Then I lead Alexander's team into destroying Markus but he'd freed William."

"That was when I woke up and joined the fight, and I killed William, and she killed Markus", Corvin finished for them. "And that's it."

"Drinking Alexander's blood also made me immune to sunlight", Selene revealed.

"That was….something", Henry had to say, absorbing the entire tale.

Caitlin noted these Vampires and Lycans had scientific origins, unlike Spike.

"It all makes sense, until the Particle Accelerator exploded, this world was considered normal, at least publicly", Joe pointed out.

"I'm guessing you two didn't come all the way here just to find out who I am and tell your backstory though", Barry noted.

"Speaking of, how do you know them?" Patty asked Barry.

"Sometime after the Singularity and Thawne, when I was working alone, I took a quick run and found myself in Budapest. A creature attacked me. It was physically stronger than me, but Selene and Michael appeared and saved me. I was shocked to find out Vampires and Werewolves were real, but they made me promise to keep their existence a secret, which I did." Then he turned back to them. "Now, why are you two here again?"

"We need your help", Selene confessed. "There is an organization of Vampires called Cult of the Blood Red Moon, led by a former friend of mine- Mary Seward. When I was still a Death Dealer, we used to team up quite a bit. She was disgusted when I turned against the Vampires, and we became mortal enemies. Now she plans to take over the entire world, and is targeting Central City first due to the amount of meta-humans here. So if she takes over this place, the rest of the world would follow in time."

"This is bad", Caitlin had to say.

"Well, we've dealt with bad before", Cisco pointed out.

"Took the words right out of my mouth", Corvin said, the two sharing a chuckle.

"We'll help out, don't worry", Barry assured her. "I'm assuming you can track Mary."

"Yes", Selene confirmed.

"All right then, let's gear up!" Cisco said with a silly grin, getting some looks, making his face turn serious. "I mean- let's gear up!"

Earth-21, Washington DC

"So, tell me the matter exactly", Thor asked Superman, both flying through the air.

"Diana is looking for her mother, the Queen of their nation, I believe. She has been missing for a long time", Superman told Thor what he knew. "She saved my mother from an attack earlier. We fought some harpies too. Whatever is going on, I think magic is involved."

"It is a good thing I am here then, I can help in this matter", Thor said with a smirk. "So, what do you plan to do next?"

"Some infiltration. You up for it?"

"I believe I will have to be."


Anakin finally stopped clutching his head when the pain stopped. It kept getting worse until it just faded away, for some reason. The Chosen One opened his eyes, and found his master and himself on the ground in what felt like ferrocrete. "What the-" Anakin stopped himself when he saw something black and metal driving to them. On reflex, the Jedi threw up his hand, and next, the vehicle was raised off the ground above the two Jedi's heads. Anakin peered at the drivers, two stunned looking men in what Anakin assumed was a landspeeder, but with wheels. Obi-Wan finally joined his former Padawan on his feet and looked up at the suspended vehicle held up by the Force.

"That was...unpleasant." The Negotiator said dryly, before looking at the two wide-eyed men in front of them. "Hello there."

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (1026)

Earth-1, Central City

Mary and her cult were on a rooftop, looking down at Central City, as Mary said. "Maybe we should take out the police department now. Would give us an advantage."

At that moment, a red blur ran past and knocked Mary towards the wood in the outskirts of the city.

"What the….?" Mary groaned as she got up, and saw the Flash in front of her, causing her to smirk. "Oh! Its you! Huge fan, Flash!"

Suddenly, a bullet was fired at Mary, striking her on the shoulder from behind, making her gasp, but she regenerated quickly, and turned around to see Selene lowering her gun, Michael standing next to her.

"Good to see you, traitor", Mary said mockingly. "Come to die?"

"No, come to kill, old friend", Selene said as Mary's followers arrived in the area too, having followed the entire thing to here.

'Cowards' by Black Light Burns plays

With that, Selene and Mary lunged at each other, both punching the other on the face as they fell down, and as Mary got up, Barry sped and punched her twice, but using her Vampire senses, she timed it right the third time and tripped him, making him fall, before Selene flipped and kicked her face, sending her staggering back.

As the other Vampires tried to move in to help, Cisco appeared with a Solar Gun, Caitlin holding its storage unit behind him, as he fired, and it struck two Vampires, disintegrating them both.

"Oh yeah, you ain't taking over anything", Cisco boasted to them, disintegrating one more.

Mary tried to strike Selene, who dodged and spun, elbowing her face, sending her back, then leapt and kicked her face, throwing her back once more.

She charged once more when Mary brandished her sword, causing Selene to brandish her own as both clashed, while Barry knocked down 2 Vampires, allowing Cisco to disintegrate them too.

At that point, one Vampire appeared near Cisco and knocked the gun out of his hands, then lifted him up by the throat and threw him down too, before moving towards Caitlin, smacking his lips while she looked up at him.

Then, Corvin grabbed the Vampire from behind and ripped his head off, and as a few more Vampires arrived to fight, Corvin plunged his fists into two of them, killing them too, then ripped his fists out and tore off one more's head, before punching another's head clean off.

During that time, Cisco crawled towards the Solar Gun, picked it up, and activated it again, disintegrating all the remaining Vampires except Mary.

Mary tried to take Selene's head off but she ducked to avoid and kicked Mary away. She tried to get up but Barry ran around her in circles and hurled a lightning bolt, damaging her as she gasped in pain.

Selene looked coldly at Mary for a few seconds. "Never forgive me….sister."

With that, she decapitated Mary, killing her at last.

It was over.


"Uh, hey, if you don't mind, could you drop us down?"

"And careful with the car." Sam's brother oh so helpfully said to the man with the scar who was holding them up with a gesture.

"You want me to drop you?" The man asked with a teasing smile on his face, before a light smack on the shoulder came from the bearded, older man beside him.

"Do try to behave yourself, Anakin." He said with a tired aggravation that Sam often used with Dean. The young, scarred man rolled his eyes before lowering his hand, and the Impala followed it until the tyres hit the road again. Sam and Dean quickly got out of the car, the former going to the trunk while the latter looked the two men up and down. Wearing weird, robe-like clothes, metal rod-things at their waists, honestly, Dean had no idea what he was looking at. "Sorry for the little misunderstanding."

"Yeah, we just have a hard time letting ourselves get hit by an incoming speeder." The younger one said lightly, and this time the older one rolled his eyes.


"Dean." The elder Winchester turned to find Sam holding the Geiger counter altered for any otherworldly visitors, and the thing was clicking like crazy at the two men.

"World hoppers?"

"World hoppers." Sam confirmed before returning the counter to the trunk of the car and approached the two strangers. "Hi, I'm Sam, this is Dean." He lazily saluted the two before his brother continued. "I'm not sure if you know about this, but have you ever heard of the concept of other worlds?"

"Yes, we do, we travel between them all the time." Anakin said to them.

The confusion and somewhat relief between the two rose up, but Obi-Wan felt the need to clarify as he approached, his hands raised in peace when the shorter, but older man tensed. "There is a slight deviance from your question. We know of other worlds because we travel between them, in our own galaxy." The confusion made way for shock. "However, I do believe we know of what you refer to. I am Obi-Wan Kenobi, and my rather impulsive friend here is Anakin."

"We know of people from outside our galaxy suddenly appearing with little to no explanation. It even happened to my own Padawan." Anakin supplied with his master.

"Pada-what now?"

"An apprentice, basically."

"Uh huh." Dean nodded. "Okay, I'm happy we did this, now you can go back to your alien homeworld, place, thing, and we'll keep driving." The man who was pulled from Hell walked back to his car, only to have the door close on him. A fury rose in him as he faced the two aliens, the older one lowering his hand.

"I'm afraid it may not be that simple."

"Somehow, it never is." Sam agreed with the man and looked at Dean, who looked ready to fight Obi-Wan for touching his car. Telekinetically. He really needed to grow up. "Look, all the times we've had people cross over, there's been a reason, and they helped us."

"...so maybe this Anna thing isn't so far-fetched." Dean summarized, Sam nodding in agreement. Damnit, why did the Demon bitch have to be right? Guess the three days they spent driving to Ohio might not have been a bust after all.

"Why would the Force bring us to you?" Anakin asked. This was different from when he met Steve, for one, the brothers weren't rippling in the Force, but the world felt different for sure.

"We can explain, but I think you're supposed to help us." Sam opened the back seat at his side, Dean on the other. "Will you come with us?"

A look passed between the two Jedi, of knowing and resignation. "I have a bad feeling about this."

"That's usually my line." Obi-Wan joked before both nodded to the brothers and approached the landspeeder. Hesitantly lowering themselves into the seats, they watched as the brothers closed the doors and returned to their places in front of them.

"If this place is like Steve's world, then Fives was right, never seen technology this primitive." Anakin whispered to his master, who sighed at his younger brother's words. Of course he would speak of the machinery and engineering, the younger knight was always tinkering.

"Hey, Scarface," Dean looked back at the man sitting behind his brother through the rearview mirror, looking less than amused by the nickname, "you do anything else besides the wavey hand trick?"

"Yes, I can do more than the wavey hand trick." Anakin stated in a dull tone. "And what is it you can do exactly?" He asked in turn with a hint of mocking that he once used when he was younger and still learning in the Temple.

"Insult my car again, and you'll find out."

"I might be curious enough to see that."



"Please." Both the older master and younger brother said in unison, to their own surprise, Sam, even sharing a surprised look with Obi-Wan, while Anakin and Dean watched the two oddly.

"Look, whatever...planet, you guys are from," God, it felt weird to say that. Wait, did God create aliens too? Oh this was so confusing, but not important, "have you heard of Demons?"

Earth-199999, Island M, a month ago

The sun was setting over the island sanctuary yet much was still on Magneto's mind. His eyes drifted from his metal compound home, to the flora of the once barren island he had raised from the depths, all because of the power of hom*o Superior. What they could do with so few in number, the possibilities of what the Mutant race could achieve was without limit.

The large footsteps belonging to a man of incredible size as well as the click clack of heels exited the elevator into the top floor of the tower. "Mr. Marko, Ms. Frost, I take it you have news for me?"

"SHIELD has retaken the Iliad. Jiaying and her lackies are dead or captured."

"Inhumans." Magneto scoffed at the name, finally turning away from his view to pace before his allies, both old, and in a sense, new. "The product of alien experimentation. A failed laboratory experiment, by the looks of it. A pale imitation to natural evolution. It disgusts me."

"You detest their existence, then why let them get so far in their scheme?" Normally, she would get the answers telepathically, but Magneto's mind proved far superior than any other she had encountered that was not psychic.

Hands held out, three metal orbs emerged from the ground and orbited the elder Mutant's palm. "Attempting to prevent the experiments' plans would acknowledge them as a threat to our own. I see them as nothing, merely another pawn in the way of the natural order." One orb floated out of Erik's palm, flattening out to form a disc, before the edges became serrated. "We have much more important matters to attend to. Until then, I would like to know why you think to hide like a rat," the serrated disc soared between the Juggernaut and White Queen, stopping inches away in mid-air, until the air shimmered, "my dear Mastermind?"

Mastermind stared at the blade with his hands held up in surrender. The giant of a man grabbed the shorter illusionist and lifted him off his feet to throw him towards the leader of the Brotherhood. "You should tell that dog of yours to play nice." The Mutant snapped as he pushed himself to his feet. A growl came from Juggernaut but a raised hand from Magneto halted his movement, and spared the psychic. "Good trick."

"Mastermind, answer the question." A playful smile was on Magneto's lips, but it was far from humored.

Straightening his brown overcoat, Jason Wyngarde looked at the telepath and bruiser before turning back to the Master of Magnetism. "Pietro and Wanda, they are getting...anxious." The smile dropping told Mastermind to continue. "Ever since Ultron's attempted nuclear apocalypse, they've wanted to take action. The training won't be able to satisfy them much longer."

"No, I suppose it won't." Erik recalled the saw, Mastermind leaning away from it as soon as it was close before the blade turned back into an orb. "It may be time to inform them the details of our plan."

"Hold on." Juggernaut spoke up for the first time during the meeting. "We've planned this since the day we found the Gem. Offspring or not, those two haven't shown the proper loyalty."

"Surprised as I am to admit it, he's right." The blonde telepath added.

A cold look was fixed upon them, and the three Mutants tensed up. They were surrounded by metal, and even if they weren't, they were face to face with one of the most powerful Mutants on the planet. The only one whose survival was assured was Juggernaut.

"They are my children. They will follow my cause, and our people's cause." Erik spoke with absolute surety. Had they suffered like they had said, then they knew the pain of being alone, and recognized the plight of the Mutants. A plight they too would suffer from had more been a witness to their unlocked gifts. Since the stories of their worst days were shared, Erik knew a bond formed with him and his children. He trusted them to make the right choice.

"You know," Mastermind started, Erik glancing at him from the corner of his vision as he took a spot in front of the holocaust survivor, "I do have ways to ensure their devotion." The illusionist Mutant offered with an unnerving smirk, that promptly died when he felt metal coil around his body, and three saw-blades pointed at his face. He turned to Magneto, and saw the face of a man ready to do anything.

"The minds of my children are not to be touched, read, or altered in any way. If I detect so much as a whiff of your handiwork, a change in attitude, a slight tremor in their voice," the metal wrapped around Mastermind's head as the saw began to spin and edge closer to his face, "not even Gateway will find what's left of you."

Just like that, Erik walked away, the metal returning to the floor and the saws condensed back into orbs floating around Magneto. Mastermind, sweating and huffing in fear, quickly made it to the elevator.

"That goes for you too, Ms. Frost." The telepath turned from the retreating Mutant to Magneto's back. She did not need to see it or read his mind to know the look he was giving her.

"I wouldn't-"

"Tell Sage to ensure the next phase is completed within the coming days. Our time is approaching." Sensing the dismissal, the White Queen left before Erik could do anything else. Exhaling through the nose, Erik turned his gaze down below the tower, where young Mutants, children, teens, or those reaching adulthood absorbed the last remaining rays of sunlight. Sensing Cain walk up next to him, Erik did not turn nor did he wish him away. On the contrary, since the day Erik had acquired Marko into his services, finding the Gem that returned his powers and increased the colossal Mutant's own, he found the nine-foot tall man's company to be refreshing. Quiet most of the time, with his own brand of humor, and a bluntness that is not unappreciated.

But still, he was no Charles.

"Soon, our world will expand beyond this island."

"Doubt everyone will agree with you."

"Why shouldn't they? After all, if recent history is anything to go by, a planet of Mutants is the only way to protect ourselves from what other horrors that may wake."

Earth-199999, Island M, Present Day

"You all know your duties?" The Brotherhood of Mutant Supremacy nodded to the Master of Magnetism. "Good. Sage, contact Forge, tell him to begin."

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Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (1028)

"Yes, sir." The Mutant with the semi-transparent monocle over her eye began typing away to fulfil her part. Erik watched her work before turning back to his assembled teams.

"Gateway is waiting for you. Godspeed, my Brotherhood." With those words, the Mutants left, all bar Frost and the computer-brained Sage. The White Queen joined Magneto in watching the others go, when Wanda and Pietro approached. They bore protective suits specially designed for Pietro's speed, and to protect Wanda's more vulnerable body, with one alteration made by Erik, an intricate red tiara, similar to one their mother once showed a much younger man. "Wait for me by the portal." Frost glanced at the twins for a brief second, but followed Magneto's orders. Once she followed the other Mutants out the war room, the father turned to his children. "They suit you well, Forge must be commended."

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Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (1030)

"We want to join Juggernaut's team", Wanda demanded, not requested or asked.

Magneto lost his smile, opened his hand and his new helmet flew into his palm. "You have your assignment."

"To attack a school of children while the others go after the Avengers?" Pietro walked up to Magneto until they were face-to-face. "You promised us Stark."

"You misunderstand. I told you- Tony Stark is but one man among many that we will have to battle. This is not about revenge." The elder Mutant made to leave, but Wanda stepped in front of him.

"After what we shared with you, you would deny us?" She asked as anger seeped in her voice and her powers turned her irises red.

"When I revealed to you our goal, you accepted it without objection." Magneto's own eyes changed, glowing red from a greater power that Wanda and her brother could not understand. "We stand upon the precipice of a new age. One where Mutants can finally walk in the daylight and not look over their shoulder in fear of the men in suits who would come for them. Letting your anger control you may jeopardize everything we have built." Wanda's eyes stopped their glow as she and Pietro looked around at the now shaking room. Sage fearfully stopped her typing, praying that whatever wrath would come, she not on be on the receiving end. "I do not need anger, I need purpose, control. Think of everyone depending on what we do today. Tony Stark's time will come, and when it does," the room finally ceased it's shaking, Magneto's eyes turned back to their aged blue, "it will be on his knees as you stand above the rest of their kind as the new rulers of this planet." Donning his helmet, the man who survived the holocaust, experimentation, persecution, and the cure marched to the door, his cape flowing behind him, and stopped when his son sped in front of him.


"No!" Erik finally shouted. His frustrations coming to a head as Pietro stepped back in shock. "I am your father. You may not name me as such, but I will not have you risking your lives in such a way." Laying his hand on the stunned speedster's shoulder, the elder Mutant turned so both twins were in his view. "This mission requires both scalpel and hammer, but that will not be you. Join Mimic and Avalanche, on the assault against the X-Men, your skills will be better suited there. The Avengers have met a speedster before, one far faster than you," Erik told Pietro bluntly and honestly before looking to Wanda, "and while your powers may be great, you lack the control and experience. One stray bullet, and it will be over. I have lost too much in my life, I will NOT lose either of you." Magneto walked by his son and intended to fly to Gateway. However, he stopped at the foot of the staircase, holding back his emotions. The thought of losing his children, it was more painful than he thought possible. Without turning back, he spoke to them, "Please, do as I ask." With that, he floated through the compound, the metal bending or warping to make way for its master as he joined the telepath at the only portal made. Nodding to the blonde, Magneto strove through with purpose, passing through the flaming edges of the portal, and into a wide, metal chamber, empty, bar the large, red gem that returned to Erik his powers.

The Gem of Cyttorak.

"They'll make the right choice." Frost said to him as the old man stared at the Gem. His mind may have been impenetrable with the helmet, but she knew enough by looking at his face.

"I know they will." Magneto turned around, White Queen following him through the automatic doors of the chamber, into the halls of the new base. "But now, our purpose is here."

New York City, Hell's Kitchen

He knew it was coming. Since the Triskelion fell and Helicarriers had fallen, he knew one day, they would come for him.

An old man in his 70s walked to his favourite chair and waited. The sounds of the boots on the stairs were getting louder, too fast to count. The keys hanging on the hook next to the door shook erratically, it was his first warning. How they marched up, that's how he knew who they were. There was no escaping it.

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Now, the old man merely waited. It would be long, before they kicked down the door, and armed men flooded into his apartment. Two men kept their rifles aimed on him, but he merely waited for the man in charge. A great deal of annoyance rose up in him as he heard the sounds of furniture breaking, tables thrown over, plates and mugs shoved out of cupboards. All looking for the same thing.

That was when the man he knew to be in charge walked through his ruined door. A confidence in his walk that showed the kind of person leading this squad. Someone dedicated to HYDRA.

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"Nice place. Cozy." He said with false sincerity. "But Hell's Kitchen, really?" The old man merely stared up at him, not even blinking. "You know who I am?"


A chuckle escaped him. Old geezer had some spine, that's good. "My name's Ward. When SHIELD fell, and HYDRA tried to slip through the gaps, there were certain…properties, that were handed off to trusted agents to hide until their superiors called them back." The old man just continued to stare up, unimpressed. "Get the x-ray, scan everything." Ward told one of his men.

The search went on. Two of the squad walked around the apartment, searching for their prize, and during that time, Ward never looked away from the old man, and the older HYDRA agent never shied away. There was an emptiness in his eyes, he lived for nothing else but for HYDRA. They were his purpose. His mission. Ward saw it all, he was devoted to the cause, but unfortunately for him, the cause of his superior and Ward's own agendas did not match.

"Sir, we have it." Glancing over, Ward saw two of his men pull out the floor panels, and another start up a buzzsaw for the safe that no doubt held what they were looking for.

Returning to the old man, Ward found that still, he said nothing, did nothing. If it wasn't for his moving chest, Ward would think he was dead. Dying in an old chair, alone, with strangers going through your home. That's a pathetic thought, one Ward quickly blinked away when he saw one of his men approach, with a small case opened up, and four vials of dark green liquid.

Abomination's blood.

A smile spread across Ward's face, no part of it sincere. "Thank you for your cooperation." Ward drew his sidearm and aimed. To his credit, like the moment he walked in, nothing phased the old agent. Ward could respect that. "Want to say anything, something for the tombstone?"

"Hail HYDRA."


Ward watched the man's head slump down. It was a shame, the man was loyal to a fault, but unfortunately, he swore loyalty to the wrong sort. HYDRA doesn't need bureaucrats, it needed men of action. It was exactly why he was here. "Get the vials in the jeep, we need to go, now, before-"

A red and black blur crashed through the window before Ward could finish.

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Daredevil kicked one man down, and as another tried to strike, he grabbed his arm while kicking another down, and twisted the arm, throwing the man down before punching him out, only to feel a gun to his head, and the Hydra thug was about to pull the trigger.

Daredevil quickly stood up, spinning around as he grabbed the thug's hand and twisted, while spinning, disarming him before smacking him with the gun, then swept his feet from underneath him, kicking him out. He threw the gun at Ward, dazing him, and running up to him, gave him a dropkick into the corner, knocking him down, then ran to another part of the apartment as he heard a Hydra thug there.

Finding the thug coming up at him, Daredevil kicked the gun out of his hands, then elbowed his face and kicked him out.

Two Hydra agents fired at him from the other end, as Daredevil rushed off and leapt over a kitchen counter, hiding behind it.

After some firing, they walked towards it to check, and found no one. They looked around, trying to find him, when Daredevil appeared, grabbing one by the throat as he leapt and kicked the other one out, throwing the first down and punching him out too.

With great annoyance, Ward let out a grunt as he pulled out a rod from behind his waist. "Goddamn superheroes." He walked to the center of the apartment, past the dead agent, to see Daredevil throw down another one of his men after elbowing and disarming him. That was when Ward plunged the rod down, as the top of the device shot and before the red/black clad vigilante could react, it exploded, sending out a blue shockwave that not only destroyed the apartment, sending furniture and glass flying, but also Daredevil.

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Ward removed the Thunderstick from the floor and watched the vigilante struggle to get up, clutching his head. "Yeah, that's gonna hurt for awhile. Or I could do this." Ward drew his sidearm and fired, three shots, center mass, and watched as the Devil of Hell's Kitchen was thrown out the broken window. With enough time wasted, Ward barked at his men, "Get up, we need to go, now!"

Wheezing, coughing, and groaning was all Matt managed. The explosion made his senses overload, made worse when that man, a HYDRA agent, shot him. The force sent him crashing onto another rooftop, as if the pain from the landing wasn't enough, he could feel the bullets embedded into his chest. Melvin said the red of the suit was the least protected, guess he was underselling the durability of his work, otherwise those bullets would penetrate his lungs.

The pain was overwhelming, but Matt still forced himself up. Uneasy as his legs were, he managed to stand when the ringing in his ears eased up, and let him hear the start of an engine. Somehow finding the strength, Matt started running, leaping onto the next rooftop and tracking the HYDRA squad.

"He was good."

"If some guy in fancy pajamas can knock you down, maybe it's not his skills that are the issue." The man who shot him snapped at one of his own.

Matt's leg caused him to limp before the adrenaline flooded his body, pushing through the pain to sprint after them. Over rooftops, vents, climbing over ledges. That's when Daredevil encountered a problem: he was running out of rooftops. Running as fast as he could as the jeeps made a turn, Matt hopped onto a ledge and jumped.

With Daredevil out of the way, Ward sat back in his seat and expected smooth sailing. Of course, that didn't mean he would accept his squad's failure at the vigilante. They had a lot of work to do, work that Garrett would have done if he were around. His musings stopped something crashed on top of the car. "What the...?" Ward stopped when he saw through the rearview mirror what landed on the roof.


"What does it take to kill these guys?" Ward asked aloud as he and his men prepared to shoot through the roof when Daredevil's fist punched through the driver's side window, his hand grabbing the steering wheel and fighting the driver, causing the jeep to swerve, throwing Ward and the rest of the squad off balance.

Daredevil jerked the wheel to the right, the car's tyres skidding against the road as he tried to somehow stop the long thought dead enemies of Captain America. That's when he heard it.

He didn't know what it was, but one minute, Matt was on top of a jeep, fighting HYDRA in Hell's Kitchen. The next, the lawyer/vigilante did not know.

The two jeeps emerged from a breach onto another road, but a sudden turn to avoid another car sent the body of Daredevil falling to the pavement, hard. Rolling to a stop, Matt tried to push himself up, but his hand gave way from the pain. He pushed again, and slowly made it back to his feet, but it was no use. HYDRA was getting away, the blood samples of a gamma monster in their hands. All the blind man could do was limp after them, and he did, for as long as he could, before the pain finally caught up with his body. "Arrrghh." Matt ducked into an alley to get off the street. He didn't have the strength to stay awake, he already felt his consciousness slipping away. Finally, his leg gave out, and all Matt could do was clutch onto the dumpster to stop himself from falling. Not again, he can't be found again.

As everything started to fade away, Matt managed to hide himself behind the dumpster, before falling unconscious. The last thoughts he had, a prayer to God that he could get out of whatever mess he landed himself in.

Unknown to Daredevil, from atop the building overlooking the alley, a man in a green hood watched.

Earth-21, Washington DC, DEO Base

Clark Kent entered the DEO Base alongside Thor, who was now in glasses, his hair in a ponytail while he wore a normal suit himself, carrying a pad and pen.

He now called himself Donald Blake, like Jane's ex she'd told him of once back in the day.

They heard Diana being tortured by Bones somewhere within the facility due to their super-hearing, causing Thor to clutch one fist in anger as he snarled. "Should have brought my hammer down upon him back there."

"Would have made things worse", Clark pointed out. "Besides, she made her choice. Now that we're here, we've to find her mother."

Thor narrowed his eyes on hearing a certain name pop out of Bones' mouth during the torture.

"Hades." The Greek God of the Underworld. He'd never met the Hades of his world, but he knew of him. He was a humorous but cold man, and a fair judge of the dead.

But if Bones was to believed, this Hades might actually be evil.

"Stay strong, Diana", Clark whispered, knowing she could hear him. "And hold on…"

"Mr. Kent?"

"As we look for your mother", Clark finished.

"We will find her, and destroy this Bones", Thor added, when the woman who'd called out to Clark stopped in front of them.

"Special Agent Cameron Chase", she said, holding out her hand, as Clark shook it.

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"Pleasure to meet you."

"And you'd be?" She turned to Thor, smiling a bit due to how good-looking he was

"This is Donald Blake, my colleague", Clark quickly said as Thor held out his hand and shook hers.

"Here to finish that tour you began, I assume?" Chase asked Clark as she and Thor dropped hands.

"No offense, but I was expecting Commander Trevor", Clark had to say.

"He's on administrative leave at the moment", she said, leading them through the facility. "Aside from classified areas and our specific global location, Director Bones strives for a greater level of transparency with the American Republic than our predecessor had."

"Then you won't mind our asking- due diligence and all- why you've taken an innocent super into custody?" Clark inquired of her.

Chase looked at the two. "Nowthatis some classified information. How exactly did you come by that knowledge?"

"My fiancée's father was present at the time of arrest. Small world, right?" Clark covered smoothly.

"So you agree that she is innocent", 'Donald' pointed out, making her look a bit uncomfortable now.

"No comment", she said, the three coming across bald people in robes who looked like monks.

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"I see. And what about these….are these monks?" Clark asked Chase about them.

"Employees. Pension and everything", she revealed.

"That's maybe a bit more zen than I was expecting", Clark noted.

"Hardly. They're a necessity", Chase replied. "Its no secret that things like aliens are real now. And perhaps Gods too, if that was actually Thor they met out there."

'Donald' smirked, as Clark said to her while crossing out all floors he'd x-rayed for Diana's mother on his paper. "You don't say."

"This will be the next media storm, if magick is not discovered first. We deal with 'astral threats' just below the radar on a daily basis", Chase said. "Our 'Celestial specialists' rotate out in shifts, chanting what one might call a spell. A certain harmonic frequency that resonates with the architecture to keep 'spooky things' out."

"Which might also help to keep them in?" Clark asked in retort.

"You're a clever one, Mr. Kent", Chase replied, then added. "And no comment."

"They are so much like black magic worshippers", Thor had to say about the monks internally.

"You'll have to forgive me, Agent Chase, but I think my lunch is coming back to haunt me", Clark then told her. "Unless you think your monks can help with that."

"While I believe some sleep that has eluded me for sometime is coming to haunt me too", Thor said. "I need to do something about that."

Chase gestured with her hand. "Third hallway to your right."

Clark and 'Donald' quickly went there, and when they were out of sight, Clark grasped Thor and rushed forth to Level B15, the Black Room, taking off his glasses and using Heat Vision to take down the keypad, causing the door to open.

Clark and Thor walked forth as Clark called out. "Diana, if you can still hear us, we just found the closet where the DEO keeps its skeletons. And it's a walk-in."

The room was full of relics and magical objects.

"Spells lie on everything here", Thor noted grimly, before noticing something.

"Did you find her?"Diana's voice came.

"I believe we have", Thor noted, looking ahead at a kind of big urn, as Clark looked at it too.

"She's in suspended animation", Clark revealed, as her mother was inside of it. "And very much alive."

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Suddenly, there was a loud crash as a tentacle hit both Clark and Thor, sending them falling, while water spilled everywhere.

They turned around to see a large monster to whom the tentacle (and many other tentacles) belonged, and on one tentacle was a figure coated in a protective ball of magic.

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"Pardon me…but I'm not interrupting anything, am I?"

Earth-199999, Upstate New York, Avengers Compound

"No, not happening."

"We watched your sh*t last night. It's my turn."

"Call Police Academy sh*t again. I dare you. I double dare you." Rhodey threatened as he held the remote away from Sam. His fellow airmen looked ready to lunge, before he felt the remote ripped from his grip, and he whipped his head around to find Natasha, flicking through the channels. "Nat!"

"Oh shut up, you both know you'd end up fighting on whatever you pick before deciding to watch Lethal Weapon. Again." The Black Widow gave them a bored look. Both men refused to acknowledge the truth of that statement, merely sinking into the couch, as Natasha continued her flicking. It was several moments too long for their liking before the screen finally stopped.

On a face they hadn't seen in years.

"Natasha…" Sam started as the redhead changed the channel again, and once more, the face of an old threat to the world returned to the screen.

"He's on every channel."

"It's more than that. Ms. Romanoff." JARVIS piped up. "He's broadcasting this message to the whole planet. Several satellites have been hijacked. I am attempting to find the source." Steve finally joined the three with Clint and Banner with him.

Throughout the Compound, agents and analysts paid close attention to the screen.

Magneto has returned.

"In these last few years, Earth has been faced with perils never thought possible. Aliens invade New York, wormholes to dangerous new worlds, monsters rising from the depths, and your own machines taking up arms against you. This world is under threat. Your arsenals are depleted, and the day will come, when the world will be powerless against whatever it is that comes next."

New York City, Baxter Building

The Fantastic Four could only watch, along with every other resident of Earth of the Mutant extremist spread his message. "However, there is hope. Across this planet, people have been gifted the power to combat these dangers. Mutants. Suppress us, ignore us, and kill us, it does little against the truth. WE are the future. Evolution has struck and it has chosen us."

The Playground

Within the Playground, Coulson and his team couldn't believe what they were watching.

"We are to inherit the Earth. We are to protect it. The next foe who dares to strike at our world will find a people bestowed with powers whatever otherworld enemy cannot hope to match our might. This is no threat, this is a fact, and I intend to show you. My brothers and sisters of the X-gene, stand ready, our time is coming."

"Oh come on. First Inhumans, now Mutants are back?" Lance Hunter asked with a groan.

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Westchester, Xavier's School for Gifted Youngers

"The world will be under our protection, our powers given to us for this reason. Join me, join your Mutant brothers and sisters. Stop hiding, embrace who you were born to be. Fight together in a new world of our own making."

Storm clenched her fists as thunder boomed outside her office. The rest of the X-Men watched in trepidation. After years of silence, what was Magneto planning now?

"Get Jones, we need to find out where this coming from."

"I thought he was cured?" Rogue whispered shakily as she began to look at her hand in fear. Does that mean the cure doesn't last? Bobby saw her fear, and entwined her hand with his own, steadying her from the dread of her perceived curse returning.

"Whether he was or not, doesn't matter. He's back now." Storm said with steel in her voice as the magnetic Mutant continued.

"To those who have not yet awakened their gifts, fear not. The time has come. A new tomorrow has come, and it begins today."

Forge ended the transmission, allowing Magneto to stop staring at the camera and to the viewport. Never did he believe that his life would take him to this moment, to this place. Atop an asteroid, watching as Forge and Sage's work positioned them for their own purposes.

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"At long last, the world will evolve."


"Angels exist in our galaxy, but that is merely a nickname. The Diathim inhabit the planet Iego, but do not resemble the beings you describe." Obi-Wan explained to the brothers. They spent the past hour listening to the Winchesters explain the current state of their world, and the urgency of searching for this woman, Anna Milton.

"Are you sure it was a good idea to listen to a Demon?" From what Anakin can tell, Demons are basically creatures of the dark side, tortured souls who've given up light and descended to all things evil. Does not exactly sound like someone they should trust.

Dean held up his hand in victory. "Finally, someone else sees sense."

A deadpan was fixed on Sam's face as he gestured to the two men sitting behind him and his brother. "You do realize they wouldn't be here if this wasn't important."

"He has a point." Obi-Wan added his two credits.

A groan left Dean as he realized something. "Great, I got two nerds in the car."

Earth-1, Central City, STAR Labs

"You have our thanks for your help", Selene thanked Team Flash genuinely.

"Yes, might not have been able to do it without you all", Corvin added.

"Ya know us, always saving the world!" Cisco quipped, sharing a chuckle with Corvin again.

"It wasn't a problem. Now, Vampires and Werewolves can remain a secret to the world, and if you need our help, you know where to find us", Barry assured the two.

"Indeed, we will meet again", Selene said, before walking away with Corvin.

"What exactly is normal at this point?" Joe asked jokingly.

"I don't know man. Guess we're gonna have to accept this as the new normal", Barry quipped as the rest of the team laughed.


The four were now driving to Anna's house, with Sam and Dean having met her psychologist in the hospital. Anakin and Obi-Wan hadn't gone into the hospital, as the brothers believed their robes would get them strange looks.

Sam had seen sketches in her sketchbook with texts like 'Raising of the Witnesses' and 'Samhain the next seal is broken', and she'd sketched one stained-glass window repeatedly.

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Obi-Wan and Anakin had their eyes closed.

"Something...terrible has happened."

"Drive faster." Anakin urged Dean, and with greater unease, he did so, flooring the gas.

Very soon, they came to a skidding halt in front of the house. The Jedi were a blur out of the car as they entered the house. "sh*t. They got legs." Dean said in shock at the speed. He and Sam rushed after them.

As they entered, they found the Jedi standing over two dead bodies on the floor, looking grim. These were Anna's parents, and their throats had been cut.

Obi-Wan knelt over the dead mother, as the brothers noted the cylinders in the hands of the Jedi. But they couldn't figure out anything else about them, and didn't know why they were important. Then again, these were aliens.

"I sense a darkness in this place. Whatever was here, it was evil."

"A Demon." Sam confirmed, noting the Sulphur on the ground near the bodies. "Whatever the deal with this Anna girl is..."

"...They want her and they're not screwing around", Dean finished.

Obi-Wan and Anakin looked around, Sam walking forth as he saw a family photograph and picked it up, while Dean picked up some addressed envelopes. "All right, so I'm "Girl, Interrupted", and I know the score of the Apocalypse, just busted out of the nut-box…possibly using superpowers by the way. Where do I go?"

Sam and Obi-Wan looked at the photograph carefully as the former asked Dean. "Hey, you got those sketches from Anna's notebook?"


"Let me see 'em." The four gathered together, Sam turning the pages before stopping at one. "Check this out." It was a drawing of a stained-glass window. In the photograph, they found the family standing in front of a church which had the same window.

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"She was drawing the window of her church", Dean realized.

Obi-Wan inquired. "What is the significance of this building?"

"It's a church, where Christians go to pray, sing, preach, all in His name", Dean said casually.

"With how often she's drawn it, has to be important somehow." Anakin piped up as they converged, with findings of multiple church sketches.

"If you were religious and scared, and had demons on your ass, where would you most feel safe?" Sam asked.

Earth-92, Sunnydale


"Would you shut up?!" Warren snapped at Andrew. He was whining like a bitch even more than usual.

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"I can't help it." Andrew moaned, struggling to lift his cast covered arm while reaching into the pile of trash. "Buffy was meaner than usual."

Jonathan dug through a pile with his cane, but whether he actually needed it or not wasn't questioned. "Yeah, you'd think we ruined her favorite dress or something."

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"Clearly the bitch is starting to realize how much we threaten her." Warren would have smirked if the movement didn't cause his busted lip to sting. "Ever since Spike left, she's been getting sloppier."

"Hey, don't bring Spike into this." Andrew weakly protested as he moved to another pile. They may have gotten that shark Demon to steal that butt load of money, but Warren's genius started by diving through the garbage looking for spare parts, not just because the bullies threw him in with the trash. "He's cool."

"Whatever, just keep an out, we need to..." Warren trailed off as he froze, his blackened eye, half shut as it was, nearly widened to the same proportions as his uninjured eye at the sight before him.

"What is...oh." Jonathan joined his side, followed by Andrew. None of them could move, the only thing they could think of was to stare at the silver metal-covered machine in awe.

"Who would throw away something so awesome?" With an almost reverence in his voice, Andrew moved to stand at the foot of the machine.

Despite the pain, and the repulsiveness of his brutalized face, Warren gained a grin as he stared down at the empty, blank, optics. "Don't know, but it's ours now."

Earth-21, Washington DC, DEO Base, The Black Room

"Finally….." The magician snarled as he looked at Diana's mother in suspended animation, specifically at the Tiara on her head.

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"After the Tiara, or just the jewel?" Clark inquired.

"Care to chronicle the beginning of the end of the world, do you?" The magician asked the two. "The jewel on the armor is the Eye of Ares." He fired blasts at both and Clark was hit as he hovered in the air.

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At that moment, Thor held out his hand, and Mjolnir burst through the roof, Thor grabbing it as his armor appeared around him in a burst of lightning, and he crackled with it alongside his hammer while hovering higher in the sky.

"Who are you?" The magician asked, dropping Clark.

"I am Thor, the God of Thunder", Thor revealed, to his surprise. "What do you need the Eye of Ares for?"

"It was crafted by Zeus himself to keep his brother, Hades, separate from the mortal world. Trapped in a 'Hell' of his own making. Hippolyta here aided Zeus in subduing Hades. He rewarded her with an island on which to raise Amazons 'as wondrous as she'."

"Is that the legend you and the rest of Shadowpact stumbled onto back in World War II?" Clark asked as he picked himself back up. "Help Hades escape in search for eternal youth?"

"You've got a nose for news, Mr. Kent", Bones said as he burst in and fired at the magician. "I don't carewhatdeal we all made with Hades in that reliquary under Italy. I won't let you end theworld, Faust."

Felix Faust easily stopped the bullets with his magic as Thor charged with a roar, the monster trying to strike him with a tentacle that he struck with Mjolnir, making it screech as the tentacle retracted.

"I knew you and your boys captured the Amazon Queen when she brought the kid back from that island", Faust said to Bones. "And to think, she's been down here, under the river this whole time!"

Thor dodged another tentacle from the creature and struck that with lightning, making it screech in more pain.

"You werewiseto hide the jewel from me, Bonesy, after you turned your back on the deal, it cost you your skin, your muscles…" He magically hurled the bullets back at bones just as Thor charged him, but Bones was hit, "throwing the stones at me just cost youeverythingelse!"

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He fell down, dead, as Thor brought Mjolnir down on Faust's magical barrier, cracking it a bit and making him stagger away from the blow.

Before Thor could strike him again, Faust struck his chest with a magical blast, and Clark's too, sending both flying back.

"Now, as for you, my little precious." Faust put his hands into where Hippolyta was in suspended animation. "This has beenyearsin the making." He took the gem from the Tiara. "Let's not delay any longer, eh?"

He dropped the gem into the water. "For Hades!"

As the monster tried to attack, Thor brought his hammer down on its head once as it all crackled with lightning, sending it flying off.


He electrocuted the water, damaging the monster even more as it screeched in pain.

But then, everything started shaking.

Out on the streets, the road split apart as people ran.

"What's happening?!"



A fiery portal then appeared, spreading out through the broken road, and then a giant, armored figure with a horned helmet came out.

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"It is nice to see the stars once again." Hades, the Greek God of the Underworld, smirked, as he looked up at the stars, then at the broken street. "Such beauty in the Heavens."

DEO Base, The Black Room

Diana burst into the room, punching a monk out. "Get away from my mother!" She saw her mother's unconscious form, her heart breaking to see the strongest woman she knew in such a state, as she lifted her up in her arms, cradling her mother like she had cradled her when she was a baby. "Mother!" She could perhaps respond to her regal title! "My Queen, can you hear me?!"

Thor lowered his head, reminded of losing Frigga due to the sight before him.

"Faust!" Clark snarled at the magician.

"You will pay for your actions, evil magician!" Thor cried out as he fired lightning, and Clark fired Heat Vision, but Faust disappeared using his magic.

So, Thor and Clark knelt near the spot where Diana lay Hippolyta. "I am here, mother!"

Hippolyta then let out a hoarse whisper. "Diana?"

"Diana, I know you've been searching for her for averylong time, but we need to prioritize", Clark said to her.

"Indeed", Thor agreed as Clark lifted up Hippolyta, and he and Diana ran from the tentacle monster, Thor firing lightning at the water and electrocuting it again to cover their retreat. "Hades has come, and we must stop him first."

"Yeah, and magick and I don't get along at all. I'm a little out of my depth, to be honest", Clark confessed.

"Things magickal take their toll on theAmazons, as well", Diana confessed.

"Can we count on you to aid us, Diana?" Thor asked her. Sif would have aided them in this moment, regardless of any personal feelings she was dealing with.

Sighing, Diana confessed. "I…..do not know."

"With all due respect…" Clark ripped open his coat and shirt, revealing his suit with the 'S' symbol underneath, and he threw his civilian clothes off, before flying forth as Superman. "Figure that out…and fast!"

The monster came to attack one more time, and leaping up, Thor let out a loud roar.


Unknown location, a month ago

Thor now fought a Demon that resembled Cerberus, the three-headed dog of Hades. Only, this one was on fire. He was holding back two heads with his hands, using his boot to push back the middle one, flames leaking from their maws.

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"This is reminding me too much of that time I got drunk fighting Musphelheim!"

He flipped the Fire Cerberus over, then leapt on its back, before breaking two of its necks, only for the third, middle one, to throw him off and bite him, engulfing him in fire.

Thor grimaced but stayed strong, his skin withstanding the teeth and fire, his armor holding up, though his cape was burnt off.

Thor managed to pull a tooth from the mouth and threw it into its eye. Then, he grabbed its upper and lower jaw, and pressed upon the upper jaw hard, breaking it, as the lower jaw was broken too, and the Fire Cerberus dropped, blood pouring out of it.

He staggered away, not paying attention to the corpse now, thinking on what to do now.


The image he had was faded, and the voice was hard to hear.

"...focus...it lies...the hammer..."

Thor tried to do that, focus on his connection to the hammer as he held out his hand, but he heard roars and turned around to see hordes of Demons rushing him once more.

"I know you're Demons, but get a life!" Thor groaned, and clutched his fists, ready to battle them.

Earth-21, Washington DC, DEO Base, The Black Room, Present Day

Mjolnir cracked with lightning again as he brought it down on the monster's head one final time, killing it once and for all.

He turned to Diana. "I know how you're feeling. My mother died a few years ago, and I would do anything to have her back."

Diana looked at Thor in sympathy, unable to imagine how it'd feel for her if she lost her mother forever.

"But right now, you have a duty to the people of the Earth….to protect them from the evil of Hades and Faust."

With that, Thor twirled Mjolnir and flew off after Superman, leaving Diana to make her own choice.

Earth-1, Budapest

Selene and Corvin had just reunited with their daughter Eve, having left her in the care of someone they knew until now, as she asked. "So you two did it with Flash's help?"

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (1061)

"Flash and his friends, yes", Selene assured her. "There won't be any trouble of this kind for a while now."

At that point, they heard some ruckus going on outside as Corvin muttered. "Wanna go out?"

"Yeah, what else can we do?" Selene muttered, the two heading out to take care of this business, Eve behind them.

Keystone City

With the lack of resources their new office currently housed, Snart made do with what he had. It always served him well before. A bulletin board, tacks, and pictures. "Alright, our first job in our new line of work."


Ignoring Mick's grunt, Leonard continued. "The Crown of Fire." He pointed to the headdress made of rubies. "Stolen from the tomb of some famous king and queen in Ecuador by this guy," Captain Cold stuck up a new picture, one of a young, bearded man in a white business suit, "Abigail Fairfax." As expected, Mick descended into a chuckling fit, that quickly became a roaring laughter, slapping his knee and clutching his gut while the Snart brother and sister waited for it to end. Almost a minute later, a now red-faced Mick wiped away a tear. "If you are quite done."

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (1062)

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (1063)

"Wait...now I am."

"Thank you, Mick." The sarcasm did little to effect Heat Wave, but Snart carried on regardless, even as Lisa smacked the brawny thief's arm. "Now on the bright side, Fairfax thinks he's smart, hid the goods in an auction house that unfortunately for him, our own little swindler so graciously discovered for us." Lisa beamed at the praise with a sweet smile, one that had Mick rolling his eyes, muttering, "teacher's pet" under his breath. "Along with the building plans." Snart picked up and unveiled the blue prints for the auction house.

"If only it was only that easy." Lisa acknowledged. "The place has surveillance cameras, an electric fence, laser sensors, biometric scanners, and a great many, many armed guards."

"Nothing our loveable little hothead can't handle." Leonard smiled at his old partner. What he got in return was an unintelligible, guttural growl with his teeth bared. "That's the spirit."

"Gonna take more than spirit to through those countermeasures." Mick pointed out factually, and both Snarts agreed, he had a point.

"That's why I put in an order in advance." Leonard pulled out from under the table a duffel bag, Lisa unzipped it, and the contents had her hum in delight. "Now, you know what I say about plans."

Lisa started. "Make the plan, execute the plan-"

"Expect the plan to go to sh*t, wing it, grab the loot, get out of there." Mick paraphrased his own version, making the mind behind the Rogues sigh.

"More or less, now, the way I see it..."

A hand pulled up the zipper on the back of a leather-like suit. That hand belonging to a woman with short, dark hair, ran her hand over the material before a mask with goggles was offered to her. "You like it? I added a layer of Gore-Tex to the outer layer to make it so your heat signature is hidden." The speaker was a bespectacled woman who excitedly ran from the suited woman to a counter where she carried two gloves made of a similar material. "Try them on." The woman donned the mask, the goggled raised on her head, visually looking like ears before pulling on the gloves. She clenched her hands, and when releasing, sharp, metal claw-like spikes emerged. "Carbon steel, in case you ran into "trouble". The brunette with longer hair air quoted with an overexaggerated wink. "Just clench the pad in the glove to bring up or retract them."

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Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (1065)

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (1066)

"This is good stuff, Alena. Now I know why I hired you." The suited woman said with a coy smile as she pressed her palms, the claws retreating into the suit.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (1067)

"Ah well, you know, it's not every day you get to work with a celebrity, especially one that worked with THE Batman." Alena said with obvious excitement as she ran to her desk, three monitors set up before her. The image of an auction house appeared on the center screen, the blueprints of said building revealed on the right, and highlighted areas of security and vents on the left.

A smirk graced the face of Catwoman as she eyed an image at the corner of the center monitor. "I don't think the Bat would approve of what I get up to in my spare time." Selina needed to eat, and pay Alena for the help. Fairfax had plenty of money, so what if he lost one decoration worth millions, not like it belonged to him anyway. Still, security, vaults, armed guards, Selina felt the excitement build up as she left the hacker to do her job. "This ought to be fun."


The Impala was parked near the Church, the glass-stained window visible, but Anakin and Obi-Wan stopped. "You sense it too?" The former student asked his former master, getting a nod in answer.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (1068)

"Sense what?" Sam asked as the two Jedi stopped behind the brothers.

"Find the girl." Obi-Wan told them as he and Anakin made to walk away.

"Hold on, what the hell will you be doing?" Sam felt the same irritation as Dean as the older Jedi turned back and answered.

"Taking a walk." He said simply before leaving the brothers with Anakin.

"You're doing that thing again."

Obi-Wan looked at him innocently. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

The brothers entered the attic, their guns drawn.

Sam noted something. "Dean." He pointed his gun towards a hidden person, and they moved forth, putting their guns away. "Anna? We're not gonna hurt you. We're here to help. My name is Sam. This is my brother, Dean."

"Sam? Not Sam Winchester?" Anna's voice was heard.

"Uh, yeah."

Anna finally walked out of hiding, revealing herself to the brothers. She was a beautiful, red-haired woman.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (1069)

"And you're Dean. The Dean?"

"Well, yeah. The Dean, I guess", Dean smirked.

"It's really you. Oh, my god", she said, excited, as she walked forth. "The Angels talk about you. You were in Hell, but Castiel pulled you out, and some of them think you can help save us. And some of them don't like you at all." She turned to Sam. "They talk about you all the time lately. I feel like I know you."

Dean inquired. "So, you talk to Angels?"

Anna shook her head. "Oh, no. No, no way. Um, they probably don't even know I exist. I just kind of... overhear them."

"You overhear them?" Sam inquired.

Anna confirmed. "Yeah, they talk, and sometimes I just... hear them in my head."

Dean asked. "Like... right now?"

"Not right this second, but a lot. And I can't shut them out, there are so many of them."

Dean said in realization. "So, they lock you up with a case of the crazies when really you were just... tuning in to Angel radio?"

"Yes. Thank you", Anna said gratefully.

Sam asked her. "Anna, when did the voices start? Do you remember?"

"I can tell you exactly - September 18th."

Dean was hit with another realization. "The day I got out of Hell."

"First words I heard, clear as a bell - "Dean Winchester is saved.""

Dean turned to his brother. "What do you think?"

Sam sighed. "It's above my pay grade, man."

Dean pointed out. "Well, at least now we know why the Demons want you so bad. They get a hold of you, they can hear everything the other side's cooking. You're 1-900-Angel."

Anna then asked the important question. "Hey, um, do you know - are my parents okay? I - I didn't go home. I was afraid."

Before the brothers could break the bad news, Ruby entered into the attic in a rush. "You got the girl. Good, let's go."

Anna was horrified on seeing Ruby. "Her face!"

Sam assured her. "It's okay. She's here to help."

Dean commented. "Yeah, don't be so sure."

Ruby urged. "We have to hurry."

"Why?" Dean asked.

Ruby revealed. "Because a Demon's coming - big-timer. We can fight later, Dean."

Dean immediately suspected her. "Well, that's pretty convenient - showing up right when we find the girl with some bigwig on your tail?"

Ruby said in annoyance. "I didn't bring him here. You did."

Dean was confused. "What?"

Ruby told the brothers. "He followed you from the girl's house. We got to go now."

"Dean." Sam pointed to a statue of Virgin Mary that was suddenly bleeding from the eyes.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (1070)

Ruby knew what it meant. "It's too late. He's here."

Sam took Anna by the arm and hid her in a closet. "Okay. Stay in there. Don't move."


Sam shut the door, then took out a flask of holy water.

Ruby said. "No, Sam, you got to pull him right away."

Dean didn't want that. "Whoa, hold on a sec."

Ruby pointed out. "Now's not the time to bellyache about Sam going darkside. He does his thing, he exorcises that Demon, or we die."

Sam put the flask away again. The Demon burst the door open. He seemed to be in the body of an old man in a coat. He walked forth, dusting his hands.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (1071)

Sam held out his hand and tried to exorcise him, as the Demon let out a coughing sound while his white eyes were exposed, then he smirked. "That tickles." Sam was horrified as the Demon shook his finger. "You don't have the juice to take me on, Sam."

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (1072)

He did a telekinetic motion, pulling Sam towards him, and then Sam went past him, being thrown down the stairs.

That moment, Anakin crashed through the glass as Obi-Wan ran up the stairs, catching Sam with the Force.

He set Sam down, with Ruby and the new Demon snapping their heads between the two Jedi.

"He doesn't." Anakin warned him as his lightsaber flew to his hand, and he let the blue blade come to life. The Demon, Dean, and Ruby's heads snapped to Obi-Wan and Sam, the former staring, when they heard the same hiss and the same glowing sword in the older man's grip.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (1073)

"We do."

Earth-92, Sunnydale, Trio's base

"And...there!" Jonathan limped away from his computer and watched as the cables hooked up to their new android slowly started to power up the circuits. The blank optics and mouth soon began to glow red, and to the Trio's shock, the advanced machinery stood on its own, and remained standing, still like a statue.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (1074)

"Holy crap." Andrew ran his hands down the android's arm, and felt goosebumps across his skin. "We have our own robot!"

"No." Warren risked the pain and grinned, looping up at the taller, non-organic being. "We have our very own murderbot." The former college student rubbed his hands in excitement. "Nothing I've ever built had weapons this advanced. That armor shell of his is stronger than steel. Doesn't matter who made it, it's ours now. You know what this means?"

"That someone is better at robotics than you?" Jonathan said dryly but lowered his head submissively when Warren turned his angry glare to him.

"No, you idiot. It means the Slayer is toast! She can't handle this much firepower."

"And so machine triumphs over magic." Andrew gasped like an overexcited fanboy, almost ready to wet his own pants. "It's like out of a comic book."

"Except better, because now, this town will be ours." Warren said with a smug confidence. "Nobody's gonna stop us now."

Jonathan limped closer to look at the towering robot. Well, six feet was towering compared to him. The amateur magician looked the machine up and down before finding its head turned to him. Before Jonathan could gasp, it grasped his head and twisted.

Warren and Andrew's glee turned to horror as they watched Jonathan's body drop to the floor like a sack of bricks. Hyperventilating, the duo of the former trio, found what they thought would be their murderbot turn its head towards them and march. Acting on instinct, Warren shoved a screaming Andrew towards the machine to slow it down while he ran for the stairs. The Demon summoner felt his head hit the metal body of the machine, his body recoiling and falling to his back. Now he could only look up and whimper as the red eyed robot merely stepped forward onto his chest, and stepped down. Andrew felt his lungs being crushed, he could not even cry out or scream, all he could do was weep and wheeze as the metal foot pressed down more and more, his ribs breaking from the pressure. Coughing out blood, the last thing Andrew ever saw, was another metal foot stomping down towards his face.

Warren tried to make it up the first few steps by the time he heard the bones start crunching when he felt something burn his leg, forcing him to trip, his face hitting the step. Crying out in pain, Warren held up a hand to his face, to find blood leaking from his broken nose. He turned back around, and regretted when he saw what made him trip. His left knee was a black, smoking stump. The pain didn't register at first...until it did.

"AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Warren wailed and wept like a child, lifting what remained of his leg and rocking back and forth as the realization hit him as the glowing red eyes and mouth of the machine that he was supposed to be reprogram to kill the Slayer seemed to glow brighter while it loomed over him. "Wa-wait-wait! Pl-please! I can help you. Just tell-tell me what you want!"

The pleading through the tears did nothing. Whatever was running the android had it grab Warren by the head, it's metal thumb uncaringly piercing through his only good eye as blood mixed with the tears. Pain was a constant, and it only got worse when the grip on his head acted like vice, growing tighter.

"What I want...is your extinction."

The Ultron drone clenched its fist, crushing bone and flesh, sending blood and grey matter splattering over its exoskeleton and the walls. With the last of the organics eliminated, the drone accessed the surroundings, scanning the room and the technology it housed.

"Analysis reveals technology reminiscent of early 2000s of Prime Earth. Improvised advancements constructed by the deceased organics deemed...inadequate." The Ultron drone tilted it's head up as it made its move. "Connection to internet established. Ultron drone-5 dimensional travel successful. Commencing Phase 2."


And that ends this one.

Thank you to HRwriter897 for his help on the Smallville 'Olympus' plot with Thor added. Imagine Jamie Alexander as Wonder Woman (obviously), Rick Cosnett as Steve Trevor, Danny Glover as Bones, Arden Cho as Cameron Chase, Jake Abel as Felix Faust, Lucy Lawless as Hippolyta (ironic due to Xena, LOL!) and David Boreanaz as the voice of Hades. Thank you to HRwriter897, Stand with Ward and Queen and Bl4ckHunter for castings.

And now, we finally see where Thor had been sent by Ultron- to the Underworld in 'Devil May Cry'. Now, if MCU Thor fought anyone on Nelo Angelo's level or beyond, he'd be dead quickly, but these Demons weren't as powerful, most of these were low-level, or not that high-level, like the Fire Cerberus. Still, fighting them all so much is what eventually unleashed Thor's true power and brought him closer to his EMH self. Thank you to Brainstorm Sorcerer for his help on here.

Meanwhile, 'Underworld' is also part of Earth-1. Only the first 3 films are canon here, though Selene's and Michael's daughter still exists, but films 4 and 5 never happened. Since Vamps and Werewolves weren't touched on in the Arrowverse until LOT (which won't happen here), this would make sense. And so, Barry knows Selene and Michael too, and now all of Team Flash knows them. Mary Seward is a Vamp from DC Comics, and part of the Cult of the Blood Red Moon. Imagine Karen Gillan in the role, which is ironic due to 'The Vampires of Venice' in Doctor Who Series 5, LOL! Thank you to gussygus28 for his outline for this plotline.

For Static Shock, now Hotstreak and Ebon are here. Imagine Peyton Meyer as Hotstreak and Wolé Parks as Ebon, thank you to Brainstorm Sorcerer and Stand with Ward and Queen for the castings. Hotstreak is down, but Ebon will be back. For Virgil's grounding, since he is a teen hero, I wanna show how a double life is impacting him, similarly to Spider-Man, and it shall carry on for a while.

On the other hand, Magneto and the Brotherhood finally begin their plan, and everyone reacts to it. Wanda and Pietro have their comic suits now. While AOS is mostly happening in the background, figured a reference to the ending of Season 2 would be fitting here. Imagine Adam Beach as Forge, thank you to Brainstorm Sorcerer for the casting.

Then, Grant Ward is here, and has killed an old Hydra Agent for the blood of Abomination. Matt Murdock aka Daredevil tries to stop him, but they end up on another Earth, which is clearly Earth-1. I love AOS, its one of my favorite shows, with spectacular writing. But the writing for Ward post-Season 1 was atrocious, so something else will be done with him in here. For 'Daredevil', this is between Seasons 1 and 2, and for AOS, obviously between Seasons 2 and 3. Imagine Ralph Waite as the Hydra guy that got killed, thank you to Brainstorm Sorcerer for the casting.

And 'Supernatural' finally makes a comeback with 4x9, and both Anakin and Obi-Wan have been added to the plot too. This will be very important. William Sadler will be Block, thanks to Brainstorm Sorcerer for the casting.

At the same time- Leonard, Lisa and Mick have been given a new job. 'The Crown of Fire' is from the film 'The Lost City', and this is mostly a reference. So Fairfax shall be played by Daniel Radcliffe because of that. Meanwhile, Selina Kyle aka Catwoman from 'The Batman 2022' as well as Alena Whitlock are after it too. Alena, if you remember, was a member of Helix in 'Arrow', and the first to approach Felicity. However, Alena's first recorded act for Helix is said to have taken place sometime in late 2016, so I'm just pretending that's when she joined Helix, and this is long before that. And because of that, she'll have a different path from canon.

Finally, the Trio from 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' have been slain in their very first (and last) appearance. I like Jonathan, and I do think he was the only one sympathetic out of these three, and I've given him redemption a few other times, but there was no feasible way he'd survive this, which is why he got a quick death, that was the mercy he received here. While Andrew and Warren got very brutal (and deserving) deaths. So, MCU Ultron is still around, and is going to cause more messes later.

Now, thank you very much to Brainstorm Sorcerer for writing for the Brotherhood, Ward, SPN/SW and Earth-1 Leverage plotlines, as well as the death of the Trio, your hard work for this story is very much appreciated, thanks a lot man.

Now, like I'd said, this story shall go on a break for 2 months, and we shall get back to it sometime in June, as both of us need a break. This will only have 9 more (very long) chapters, so keep an eye out. But worry not, this is not abandoned. Even if I had any intention of abandoning this fic (and I don't), we're too far along to really consider it now.

Anyways, hope all enjoyed and see you all in June with the next chapter.

Chapter 32: Thunder vs. Strength


Matt and Oliver meet, finding kindred spirits in each other. Anakin and Obi-Wan try to help Sam and Dean. The Brotherhood attacks the Avengers and the X-Men. Thor battles an unexpected foe. Adrian and Talia make a move. The Injustice League tries to recruit some more people. Angel and Cordelia get together at last, but certain figures are opposed to the Heroes of Earth-92 having any happiness.


Disclaimer: I do not own anything you may recognize

Thank you to everyone for the kudos, hits, comments and bookmarks.

After a two-month hiatus, this fic is back at long last!

Rest In Peace Bernard Hill, may you find peace in the Undying Lands where Alan Howard, Christopher Lee, Ian Holm, Christopher Tolkien and J.R.R. Tolkien himself are there to give you company.

Meanwhile, the alerts on FF stopped working a week or two after the previous chapter was posted. Now just two days before this fic returns, the alerts on FF are back. What timing!

This series also has a TV Tropes page now, which is 'When Legends meet', after the series name. Thanks a lot to Troper justsomeguy1 for creating it, and others like BrutalRaynor, Marcus S. Lazarus and gussygus28 for adding to it.

Feel free to add more to it please.

Thank you very much to Brainstorm Sorcerer for his help on this chapter, in fact he wrote much more for this than I did due to me being busy with work, thanks a lot man.


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

King & Ashley" (TV-size Version) by MY FIRST STORY plays

The sequence starts with nothing but black, and then...BAM! The 'When Legends meet' title appears on the screen, lingering for a good 10 seconds.

A shot of the Heroes of Earth-1 is seen, consisting of Green Arrow, Flash, White Canary, Batman, Constantine, Static Shock, Vixen, Lucifer, and Ash Williams. Then the Earth-92 Heroes of consisting of Buffy and the Scoobies and Angel and the Fang Gang are seen. After that, the Heroes of Earth-21 which consists of Superman and his Justice League are seen. Next, Sam and Dean Winchester of Earth-205 are seen standing in front of the Impala. And then- Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Gandalf, Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin and Boromir of Arda-1 are seen standing very proudly. After them come Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka of Universe-208 standing side-by-side from each other with lightsabers in their hands. Finally, a shot of the Avengers of Earth-199999, alongside the X-Men, Blade, Daredevil, Agents of SHIELD, Team Leverage, Ethan Hunt and the IMF and Rambo is seen.

Then a shot of Cloud Strife and his allies of Earth-7 staring at the camera. Sora, Donald, and Goofy on Destiny Islands do the same thing. The Ninth Doctor and Jack Harkenss in front of the TARDIS on Earth-63 stare too. Optimus Prime and the Autobots of Earth-2010 also stare. Kratos, Atreus and Mimir's head on Universe-447 do the same. Aang, Katara, Sokka, Appa and Momo on Earth-125 stare too.

It cuts to flashes of more Universes as young Goku of Earth-84 shoots a Kamehameha at an unknown enemy, while Harry Potter fires a magic blast on Earth-97.

Then various shots of villains are shown, starting with Lex Luthor and his Injustice League. Then the Urban Legends of Earth-1, consisting ofMichael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger and Chucky are shown, with a shadowy figure looming above them. Next, Sephiroth of Earth-7 and Master Xehanort are shown standing side-by-side. After that, Doctor Doom is shown sitting on his throne on Latveria on Earth-199999, while on one side, the wasteland of Mordor is seen, the Eye of Sauron looming on top of the Tower of Barad-dûr, while on the other side, Emperor Palpatine is seen cackling.

Then a rocky wasteland is shown where several Heroes from the Multiverse battle a hoard of enemies. Superman, Iron Man, Thor, Hawkman, Hawkgirl, and many other Heroes who could fly were seen in the air blasting away many Ultron-bots. On the ground, Batman, Captain America, Wonder Woman, Optimus Prime, Cloud, Sora, and many others fought as many HYDRA Agents as possible, while the Hulk was smashing everything that wasn't friendly, the Green Arrows, Hawkeye, and Legolas shot many arrows, and the speedsters, led by Bart Allen, sped all over the place. In the corner, The Ninth Doctor ran forth alongside Jack Harkness, holding up the Sonic Screwdriver, clearly having an idea.

Earth-1 Constantine, Ash, the Scoobies, Fang Gang, Winchesters, Blade, Selene and Michael Corvin, and various survivors of the Earth-1 Urban Legends fought their hardest against a bunch of Demons, Vampires, Deadites, evil Werewolves, and so many Supernatural creatures and monsters. At one point, Ash slips on a can of soda and fall to the ground, but that caused him to hit a Demon on the chin, making it fly backwards and then land next to Earth-1 Lucifer's feet, who forms a devilish smirk on his face, and then changes into his Devil form, scaring the demon.

Aragorn then stands alone, determined as a bunch of Orcs start rushing at him. And then, he whips out Andúril and starts to charge at the Orcs himself, before he does his first SLASH! causing the screen to go white.

The screen stays white for about 5 seconds, until there's a transition into a slow zoom-in shot of multiple Earths floating next to each other… until they are revealed to be under the palm of Thanos. He forms a smirk and then… SNAP!

Flash runs around the Singularity.

Eliot beats up Team Arrow.

Blade fights Dooku with the Darksaber.

Captain America beats up Krell.

Aragorn pushes away Earth-1 Michael Myers.

Ethan Hunt jumps off from The Bus.

Superman speeds at the Black Racer.

Sora fights Vampires.

Susan Storm motivates Ben Grimm.

Eliot and Rambo meet.

Cloud and Sephiroth clash.

The TARDIS appears.

Optimus Prime unveils his swords.

Lex Luthor and Zemo meet.

Thor fires lightning at Ultron.

Ahsoka starts clashing against Young Xehanort.

Angel cuts off Earth-92 Michael Myers' head.

Sam and Dean drive with Anakin and Obi-Wan.

Earth-8096 Spider-Man is shown swinging through New York City.

Earth-1 Static Shock flies through a portal.

Sam and Dean are faced by someone.

Chloe Decker aims her gun at something, while John Constantine, Maze and Trixie stand near her.

The sequence is about to come to an end as a slow panning shot of all of the various Heroes of the Multiverse is shown.

With that, the sequence ends with the "When Legends meet" logo accompanied by the subtitle underneath, "created by Aragorn II Elessar".

Earth-1, Star City

A throbbing pain in his head, blood coming from his chest, and ache all over his body like it was runover by a pickup truck. Sadly, this was not the worst way Matt had found himself waking up to.

That's when it hit him. The gunshot. HYDRA. Abomination. The dumpster. That…thing.

This was not New York.

Matt pushed through the pain to sit himself up but found a pair of hands pushing him back.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (1075)

"Hey! Take it easy." It was a man, and slowly Matt's senses kicked back in. He was underground, computers, weapons, training equipment was all around him. The smell and taste of the medical supplies was strong but overpowered by the herbal scent beneath the gauze wrapped around his chest. Turning the focus onto the man, Matt found himself on edge. Tall, over six feet, muscled, and the scar tissue and callouses that the Devil of Hell's Kitchen could sense on the man told him, this guy can handle himself.

"Where the hell am I?" Matt questioned through a groan. Melvin's armor held up, but the bullets embedded into his chest, and even with them removed, it hurt. At least his ears stopped ringing.

"My base." Not very comforting, given the circ*mstances. At least Matt wasn't bound to any surgical tables.

Gingerly moving his hand over the gauze, his body stripped from the waist up. It allowed him to feel more of his surroundings, but also something else. "My suit?"

"Damaged. I needed to access your injuries; my only option was to remove it." Well, he's being honest, of course, the man could know how to control his heartbeat. Still, Matt can't deny his logic. Same thing happened with Claire. "I know how important secrecy is, but I needed to access the damage. I won't apologize for trying to help."

"Could've asked for consent."

Oliver snorted. All things considered; this was going better than he expected. "You were a little unconscious." He quipped back.

"Doesn't help your case."

"What are you, a lawyer?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Keeping things close to the chest, Oliver understood his reasons. A stranger saved his life but took his mask off, now he has no idea where he is. But Oliver needed to prioritize.

"Whether I do or not is irrelevant, this isn't your world, chances are you weren't even born here." Felicity did a facial recognition check and checked his blood in known databases. No match.

"What are you talking about?" Now comes the complicated part. Honestly, breachers have been showing up so many times, Oliver thought he'd get a routine ready by now.

"I won't go into the details, but basically, a while ago, tears in the Universes started opening up and people now have a tendency to end up somewhere in the Multiverse. Don't ask for the science of it, I couldn't help with that even if I tried." Barry, Cisco, and Felicity all gave explanations that required at least a PhD to understand the language that was used.

The confusion on his face was clear. "What, you don't have the Avengers or something?" Okay, THAT caught Oliver's attention.

The man was from the same world as Eliot and Clint. "You're from that Earth?" A hesitant nod came from the injured stranger. "This is like the third time now." He muttered to himself. Are their worlds connected? Or was this some kind of weird coincidence? Shaking his head, Oliver put those questions aside to focus on the breacher before him. "You can rest and recover here until you're fit enough to go back."

"I can't, someone else came through, there's no knowing what they'll do." Oliver sat back on the table and thought. Great, as if they needed more problems in Star City. There was already Prometheus, and a few more scum on the List. He'd taken care of one of them just before he'd found Matt. That problem though, reminded Oliver of the biggest question he's had since Dig picked them up in the van.

"And why is it a blind man with horns went after them?" Silence came from the breacher. Knowing he was pushing boundaries, Oliver took a tennis ball from behind him and tossed it at the man, and tried to contain his surprise when he caught it on reflex. "Super senses?"


"A blind vigilante...somehow, everyone from your Earth has managed to shock me for one reason or another."

"Feels nice to be part of a club." The sarcasm had Oliver smirk.

"Well then, I suggest you get comfortable. Have plenty of problems to deal with, but I'll try and find these friends of yours as well." Oliver extended his hand. The guest tilted his head questionably. "You're not from here and a vigilante where you come from. My name is Oliver, they call me Green Arrow. Figured if anyone else is to know, I'm better off telling you." That plus he had a feeling with this blind man, an understanding. And not like knowing his name would be a risk when he is not even from here. Lawyer is probably better at keeping a secret anyway, if he was one. A blind lawyer and vigilante? That was new. There was Laurel, sure, but she had working vision.

"And what about the five other people in the other room? They know too?"

It was Oliver's turn to be silent, but the man smirked knowingly, before he took his extended hand. "Matt." He said simply, sharing a strong grip with the archer until they released.

"Matt." Oliver tested the name. No surname or alias. Matt was on the backfoot, alone and surrounded by unknowns, Oliver would do the same. "It's a pleasure, even if our meeting began with me finding you behind a dumpster."

"Could be worse, I could have been in the dumpster." Matt joked and Oliver found himself grinning humorously. "It's happened before."

"That had to have stunk."

"I smelt mouldy cheese for days, trust me, it did." This time Oliver actually laughed with Matt, the self-deprecating humor must be common with him.

Oliver stood up and looked down at the "patient". "The herbs in the salve over your wounds should accelerate the healing process. You need anything for the pain?"

"Guessing whiskey is out of the question." The vigilantes grinned at each other. "Just rest, I'll be good as new." Matt inhaled deeply and slowly exhaled as he closed his eyes.

Oliver accepted it with a nod and made to move out of the room but froze and turned back. "I nodded-"

"I know." Matt said with his eyes still shut. Oliver nearly nodded again but stopped himself, the blind vigilante must have sensed it if the chuckle was anything to go by. Quickly getting out of there before he made another embarrassing mistake, the Green Arrow left the room and entered the main sanctuary, his team, minus Sara, watching through a monitor at the resting breacher.

"I've never seen you make a friend so fast." Thea spoke up, and Oliver had to hold back a scoff.

"That's pushing it."

Roy interjected. "I don't know, he reacted the same way I imagine you would in the situation."

"Except he's blind and has powers to fight crime…man, that Earth is crazier than I thought." Dig said to himself, yet loud enough the team heard him. Guess they were lucky Eliot, his team, Ethan, and Clint were normal. Well, normal-ish.

Oliver shook his head and turned to their technical expert. "Felicity, Matt said he wasn't alone when he came through."

"I checked the cameras, and I have our new blind friend on camera." Felicity typed several keys, and they crowded around the monitors and observed a SUV with Matt in his damaged red suit on top, while another car followed from the breach. The angles changed as they followed the struggle until a wide turn sent Matt's body crashing onto the street. "These guys went three blocks before they disappeared around Dabney Street. By "disappeared", I mean like Houdini." Felicity typed a key, showing the smoking ruins of the cars. "Found the cars but no guys. Tinted windows blocked anyway of grabbing a look at their faces, and they were good at avoiding cameras."

"Leaving no possible evidence while they're at it, and unless our handsome guest wakes up, we don't know what we're up against." Laurel summed up. Noticing a few odd looks from the team, Laurel shrugged. "What? He's good-looking." It took a second before she heard similar sentiments.

"He is."

"Can't deny that."

"I can see it." Raised brows turned to Roy, the younger archer rolled his eyes and defended himself. "I'm confident enough about my sexuality to admit it."

"Okay, if we can steer the conversation back to the potentially dangerous breachers, please." Oliver announced to the group, quietening the conversation. "Until Matt's rested enough to talk, we need to find these guys before they do any more damage than the city can take." His tone reminded them of the gravity of their current situation. Prometheus was already igniting trouble, the last thing they needed is for these new breachers to add fuel to the fire. "We check a five-mile perimeter of where their cars were found, hopefully we get lucky. Suit up." They left without complaint, Felicity delving back into the computer. The one who remained with Oliver, was Thea. "Speedy?"

"You warmed up to him pretty fast." Thea's eyes gestured to the wall where Matt rested on the other side. "Faster than Eliot even."

"Wouldn't say warmed up. We barely spent five minutes together."

"Okay, have it your way." Thea raised her hands in surrender before pausing as she was about to walk by him. "It was nice to see you smile again."

She walked off before Oliver could refute her. There was truth to that statement though. Ever since Mei, things have been…hard. And he wasn't the only one.

Freeing himself of those thoughts, Oliver looked to Felicity. "Contact Sara. She should know there's new players in town."

"Do you think she'll actually respond this time?" Felicity asked, doubt in her voice.

Knowing what she was going through, Oliver would say no. Still, she should be kept in the loop. "Let her know." It was all he said to the blonde hacker, then moved to put on his suit.

Unknown to them all, their new guest heard everything.

Ward, as both a SHIELD and HYDRA agent, had been trained to operate on the fly, take surprises and let them roll off his back. Driving through a portal with a street hero in red pyjamas on top of the car into a city that not one person on his team have ever heard of before, no training by Garrett prepared Ward for this.

"Nothing about HYDRA? SHIELD? The Avengers? The attack on New York? The Triskelion? The killer robot? The giant watermelon?! Nothing?!" Ward yelled at his team as they looked at their phones, pads, every device they had. The devices were slow, but the articles weren't false.

"Sir, nothing we've searched matches with what we know." One of his agents told him with trepidation. Grant rubbed his head and looked at the container in his hand, where the gamma mutated blood was kept. How did a simple snatch and grab lead to this?

"Alright then, so we've really been transported to another Universe…great." The ex-SHIELD agent looked at his team. "The eggheads in our Universe have already established research regarding the Multiverse. Right now, we need to find out if this world has made those same advancements. The situation might be different, but you were trained for this. Recon. Gather the intel and move from there. Understood?" Nods of confirmation all around. At least they weren't cowards and know what they're supposed to do. That just one last thing to do: morale boost. "Hail HYDRA."

"Hail HYDRA!"


Both Jedi had to refrain from recoiling in disgust as the Force allowed them to see the true form of this Demon. Along with its vile visage, the aura it gave out was foul and malevolent, it reminded Anakin and Obi-Wan of the Darker Sides of the Force they had witnessed, the feeling of unnatural powers. However, the sight granted by the Force also showed the Jedi of the female's true features. No wonder Dean had little trust for her, her aura was of the same as the other Demon.

Anakin glanced his eyes towards a wardrobe, where he sensed a…peculiar presence through the Force. It had to be the girl.

"Interesting friends you got, Dean." The white-eyed Demon smirked at the older Winchester. "Where'd you meet them, Comic Con?"

"You know this thing?" Anakin questioned as he stepped forward, raising his lightsaber towards Ruby and forcing her back from where Anna hid, putting distance between the Demons and Dean.

Seeing the difficulty in his face, the Demon within the older man laughed. "Oh we go way back, in Hell."

Obi-Wan and Anakin felt the fear rise within their comrade as Dean whispered the name. "Alastair." The Jedi shared a look before facing the two Demons.

"Take the girl, and GO!" Anakin swung at Ruby, who barely dropped down.

"NO!" Sam tried to stop Skywalker but he already spun his lightsaber to stab down, but the blue blade only passed through the wooden floor.

Obi-Wan swung his weapon at the Demon who merely raised his hand, the lightsaber froze. Alastair smirked, one that Obi-Wan returned to the Demon's confusion, until the Jedi let the Force flow through him and continued his swing. The plasma met flesh, Alastair grunted as half his host's hands were sliced off before a telekinetic push from behind him sent him forward into a kick from the older Jedi Master, the impact causing his body to flip before he hit the floor. Obi-Wan frowned as he stepped back, looking closer into this creature.

Dean opened the wardrobe and found Anna, he didn't stop for chitchat before hauling her out as Sam regrouped with them, watching as the two spacemen spun their laser swords and calmly surrounded the white-eyed Demon. In normal circ*mstances, Dean would have loved to crack open a cold one and watched, but circ*mstances weren't normal. "Come on!" He pulled Anna with him, Sam following as they jumped through the window scarface crashed through.

Seeing his prey escaping, Alastair threw his hands forward, but the Jedi only skidded back before blurring to a surprized the Demon. Obi-Wan ducked under a handless swing and sliced across the Demon's left side, while Anakin plunged the lightsaber into his chest. Alastair roared, from pain and anger, his right hand went for Anakin's throat, but his own right hand was faster and caught it. The Demon's white eyes flashed as he snarled but he paled when Anakin's glare deepened, and his hand squeezed until bones were about to break. "What are you?" Alastair hissed at the Chosen One.

That was when Obi-Wan found the answer he was looking for. His eyes widened. "Anakin! The man's possessed!"

"Pediatrician, to be precise." Alastair quipped before he telekinetically pushed Anakin away, but nowhere as effective as he'd have liked, only forced back a few steps before he raised both his right hand and the remains of his left. The Jedi made to attack again but found themselves halting. Obi-Wan clutched his chest and fell to a knee while Anakin bent over, dropping his lightsaber. Their eyes began to turn bloodshot while their blood boiled when Anakin raised his head, his teeth gritting before extending his right arm. Alastair scoffed before focusing on the hand, but could only stare as the material around it burned away, and unveiled a golden, metal arm.

Taking their chance, Obi-Wan channeled the Force through him and threw his hand to the side, the power grabbing Alastair and sending him flying through the roof, until Anakin, his anger fueling him pulled the Demon back through another part of the roof and through the floor, crashing down into half a dozen pews beneath. The torturer from Hell coughed blood, they're more powerful than he was, he could feel it, his thinking was halted when his body was raised back through another part of floor, back into the attic where he stayed, suspended in midair, his limbs spreadeagled while the entire body felt like it was being crushed by a compactor.

The white-eyed Demon looked to the Jedi, and for once in a long time, when he looked into the reddened blue eyes of Anakin Skywalker, he felt a feeling he rarely ever encountered in his long existence. Fear.

"Anakin, the Demon is possessing the body, but he's still human!" Obi-Wan cried out to his former Padawan.

"Then either he releases him or dies." Anakin snapped back, his eyes never left the Demon.

Worry took hold of the Jedi Master as he felt the rage in Anakin fuel his actions, and his power. "So does the innocent." That caused the Hero with No Fear to stop the Force from crushing the body.

Seeing his chance and knowing he was outgunned, Alastair teleported away. Leaving no trace.

Staring at the spot where the Demon once resided, both Jedi shared a glance. "Teleportation, that's rare for any Jedi, and Sith."

"The other one did it too." Anakin told his old master as he began to calm down. The power the Demon used on him and Obi-Wan, it felt like their heart was being squeezed and their bodies lit on fire from the inside. It reminded him too much of being electrocuted. Pushing those thoughts aside, Anakin recalled something else about the female Demon. "Sam tried to stop me."

Brushing off his robes, Obi-Wan stroked his beard as he stared at the spot where Anakin's lightsaber plunged through the floor. "It could be that this is the Ruby character they mentioned before."

"How could they trust something like that?" Anakin had a hard time believing something like a Demon could be trusted, then he actually met the thing. There was no good, in either of them, no light a living being possessed, except for the one belonging to the human Alastair controlled, one that, Anakin was ashamed to admit, he nearly killed in his outburst.

Watching as his brother-in-arms recalled his lightsaber to his hand, Obi-Wan thought hard on the nature of the beings they just met. "They can't see the same things we can through the Force. That Anna girl, however-"

"She saw that thing's true face."

"Correct." Kenobi looked out through the broken window, the "Baby" as Dean referred to his vehicle, was gone. "These Demons may not be of the Dark Side of the Force, but they would belong to it, possessing living beings, I have only read of Sith Lords trying to defy death doing such a thing."

"Like Darth Nihilus bounding his spirit to his mask." Anakin rolled his eyes when Kenobi turned to him with a look of surprise.

"You actually did study the archives." The padawan of Qui-Gon teased.

"A few things may have caught my eye. There was a lot of interesting people during the Old Republic." Anakin defended himself, and the Jedi had many opinions on them. Revan, for one, both Jedi and Sith, a hero and a threat.

Shaking his head, Kenobi focused, reaching out his senses to the strongest aura in the Force within the area. And he found it, or her, he should say. Among others. "We need to go."

"I was just starting to like this place." Anakin sarcastically said as they both dropped out of the window with ease. As they did, they heard a loud crash from inside, dust exploding out the window.

Obi-Wan looked back up. "Someone's going to blame us for that." He said dryly.

"Then we should get out of here before they can."

A sigh left the older Jedi. "And here we are without a vehicle."

"Well," Kenobi found Skywalker pointing with his mechno-arm to another car not far from, "we could always take this experience to learn more of this Earth's technology."

"…I know I'm going to regret this."

Earth-21, Washington DC

Hades walked towards the Lincoln Memorial with Felix Faust, looking up at it with a smirk. "Though the ages have passed, how fascinating that man still aims to achieve godhood." Helicopters were heard whirring above them, while a SWAT team was running up behind the two.


"Advancements came with population growth, Lord Hades", Faust informed the God of the Underworld, then unleashed a powerful, purple shockwave, sending the entire SWAT team down. "Humans continue to belegion!"

Hades tilted his head with a smirk. "That's why I've brought a legion of my own."

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Arlington National Cemetery

A guard heard a creaking sound, then turned around, seeing a grave having been opened. "Um…"

At that moment, an army of living corpses all came out of their graves, overwhelming the poor guard.

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Up in the air, Superman and Thor hovered, looking down at the undead army that had surrounded the vehicle that Lois, her father and Trevor were in.

Thor clutched his fist in anger. "This…..is wrong."

Clark heard Lois call out to him, as did Thor due to his own super-hearing. "Sweetie, if you can hear me, give me a sign."

Thor then twirled Mjolnir, causing a powerful wind that sent half of the zombies flying into the air, scattering them in various directions, as Clark used his arctic breath, freezing the remaining half.

He then pressed his earpiece. "Watchtower, do you copy?" There was static as he continued. "If anyone back in Metropolis oranyof the Watchtower hubs is receiving this message….?" Clark sighed and looked down. "Pretty sure I'm going to needback-upon this one."

Thor smirked. "That is why I'm here, my friend."

"Let us hope we're enough", Clark replied.

A helicopter fired at Hades, who commanded. "Loyal Faust….deal with this nuisance, won't you?"

"Let us make better use of theliving!" Faust said, glowing purple as he aimed at some of the SWAT team, and they transformed into harpies, flying towards the helicopter, destroying it as its wreckage landed on the ground.

That was when they saw Superman and Thor in the air, flying towards them.

"It would seem the humans have new champions", Hades commented, looking up at a star. "A being not quite of this world or any I've known."

"They call him "Superman"."

"Of course they do, dear Faust. He seeks to undo my work." Hades looked up. "Who is the other one?"

"Thor, the God of Thunder."

Hades smirked, walking forth. "Let us test that, shall we?"

With that, he raised his hands, lighting spewing out from them as the wind picked up, an enormous storm being created around the Washington Monument.

Martha Kent had taken her dog, Shelby, for a walk, when both of them saw the storm in the distance.

"Oh my…." Martha trailed off as Shelby barked.

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Thor smirked and raised Mjolnir, twirling it. "You are a fool to use a storm against me, Hades!" The storm dissipated, going into Mjolnir, alongside the lightning. "For it is mine to control!"

Then, he aimed his hammer at Hades, and an energy blast made out of Hades' own short-lived storm spewed forth, striking Hades as he held out his hands in an attempt to resist, only to be thrown back as he crashed onto the ground, shattering it and forming a crater upon impact.

Groaning, Hades stood up once more and smirked back, liking the challenge, as Thor glared at him in rage. "You woke up the dead, when they should rest, especially those who have earned their place in Valhalla."

"Perhaps you wish to join them", Hades smirked, all of them getting ready for a fight.

DEO Base, The Black Room

Hippolyta was trying to get out of bed as a female doctor tried to say. "Miss, if you'll just lie still-"

"I believe your people have done quite enough for me!" Hippolyta cried out, looking at Diana. "Daughter, let us begone."

But Diana had other plans. "Happy as I am to see you again, my Queen, I am afraid my work here isfarfrom done."

"The affairs of this land…..are not of your concern", Hippolyta tried to implore.

"Hades has been unleashed", Diana said, picking up the Lasso, Hippolyta looking down. "Do you not think he will razethe Earth itselfto seek vengeance on Zeus and the Gods of Old?"

She put bracelets on her arms. "Do you not think hiswarwill land on the shores of our paradise?" She put on a red corset. "The shores ofourhome?"

Hippolyta turned back to her daughter. "So what will you do?"

Diana put a tiara on her head. "Just asyouonce did, mother…." Diana now held a shield in her left hand, and a sword in her right, having completely suited up, "….I will fight."

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Thor was about to fly at Hades when he glowed with power, chanting something, and another fiery portal opened up.

"I can use this only once…..and I cannot think of a better reason to do so!"

Out of the portal leapt a tall and muscular man, dressed in ancient green garb, his muscles literally bouncing due to how big they were.

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The eyes of Thor widened in utter horror. It couldn't be!


Hercules, the Son of Zeus, the God of Strength, looked up at Thor with a blank, emotionless look in his eyes.

Hades let out a sardonic laugh. "Doors to more Universes were opened. I could not escape Tartarus, but I saw what lay beyond our world…..including other versions of me and the filth at Olympus!" He remembered seeing a version of himself that wore a horned helmet like his own, yet so unlike, as it had cavities in front of the face with what appeared to be 'flames' within, and numerous black spikes protruded from the entirety of his body. Then there was another version in robes with a bluish skin, blue fire lit up on his head.

"Then one of them landed in Tartarus by accident, the son of my filthy brother! He wasn't the son of my Zeus, but he had to do after all. Now he is nothing but my slave."

"Hercules, snap out of it!" Thor begged.

"Kill him!" Hades commanded, and with a roar, Hercules leapt up at Thor, decking him hard on the face as he was sent crashing to the ground, forming a crater.

Superman was about to go down and help when they saw harpies flying up towards the plane inside which President Martinez and his family were.

"Go!" Thor said, staggering back up. "I shall handle him!"

"Do you know him?" Clark inquired.

"I used to", Thor sighed. "I shall bring him back to his senses!"

Clark nodded, knowing the President and his family needed him more, and flew up into the sky.

Hercules marched towards Thor. "I shall show you what true strength is."

Thor grunted, then charged forth, punching Hercules on the face, making him spit out blood as he flew off and crashed to the ground, making another crater, while Thor walked forth.

"I have grown stronger since the last time we met, my friend", Thor told him. "Recognize the truth, Hercules! Open your eyes!"

Hercules huffed, then leaping up, grabbed Thor in a bear hug, making him scream in agony while the God of Strength boasted. "You are in thegripofHercules!These arms havecrushedthe skulls of Giants,powderedthe pillars of Kronos! This grip has never-"

He was cut off when Thor reared his head back, and launched forth, head-butting Hercules so hard he let go and fell down, growling. "What stone is thine head made of?"

Thor grasped his own head. "Blastedthick Greek head!"

Earth-199999, Avengers Compound

Steve, Natasha, Sam, and Rhodey rushed to find Clint and Banner within the Living Area, with a holographic projection of Magneto, the planet, and the surrounding satellites. "Sit rep." The captain ordered.

"Magneto," Clint pointed at the old man, "Mutant, manipulates metal. Was cured during the attack on Alcatraz Island, or so we thought."

"The problem is the speech." Banner spoke up as he zoomed in on a satellite. ""Our time is coming", "the world will be under our protection", "To those who have not yet awakened their gifts, fear not, the time has come". He's talking about turning the population into Mutants, and I think he's using the satellites to do it."

"Several of them have been hacked, each one pointing over a different continent. I am trying to find the source, yet it seems there is someone else trying to stop me." JARVIS informed them before alarms went off, the Avengers whipping their heads up. "The perimeter is breached."

"Onscreen." The AI followed the order, a new screen popping up to show a massive figure, as big as the Hulk in red armor and a domed helmet. The sight had Steve's eyes widen. "Oh my God."

"Juggernaut?" Barton expressed his shock.

"JARVIS, get everyone to the tunnels and contact Tony, the Four, and X-Men. Everyone else, grab what you can and stop this guy." Steve ordered as the team split off. Steve ran to his office, grabbing his shield and his blaster. A sudden shadow over his office had the First Avenger look outside, only to quickly throw himself down to avoid a stream of fire.

That same stream sprayed into the hallway, forcing Steve to run further down before jumping through a large window to get outside, a long enough drop followed before Steve rolled onto the ground and looked up to see a flaming figure blasting at the building. However, unlike Johnny's flaming body, this guy's hands and feet were shooting out jets of fire for propulsion. "We got a second attacker!" Steve called out as he set the blaster to stun and fired.

Pyro throw another handful of fire into the Compound before a leaning back after a blue ring suddenly whizzed by his head. "Woah!" He tried to look to the source, only for his body to suddenly seize up and glow blue before the fires at his hands and feet extinguished, leading to the pyrokinetic Mutant's body to drop from the sky, into the Compound.

Steve lowered the blaster as he lost sight of the target. "I got one down, pyrokinetic, keep an eye out for more…" As he spoke into his and started to run, Steve heard music before everything changed.

He was in a party…in the 40s. The people were all cheering and laughing, merrymaking all around, as some sang, others shared drinks, and some couples were dancing too. It was such a serene atmosphere.

Steve himself was in his old Captain uniform.

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Sensing something, he turned around, and saw Peggy Carter in a dress.

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"Are you ready for our dance?"

"Cap. Cap, can you hear me?!" Sam called out as swooped down and fired. The nine-foot tall behemoth though barely even noticed him before running through the Compound wall, smashing through glass, concrete, and steel before rampaging through to the other side. "This big bastard can move. Where's the Hulk when you need him?!" Falcon cried as he flew low again, circling the Mutant with a hail of bullets, jettisoning away when that large hand of his got to close to his wing. Missiles peppered the Juggernaut's body, earning a look from both him and Falcon to find War Machine flying in with his reared arm smashing into the domed helmet. Rhodey made to fly through, when his leg was grabbed and he smashed was through the ground, dirt and grass flying everywhere before Rhodey could regain his breath. Then the Juggernaut looked down on him.

"Oh sh*t." Rhodey wheezed, arms raised as a giant foot raised up to crush him, when a large green fist sucker punched the titan away. Rhodey looked to the owner and found himself grinning when he saw the jolly green giant before him. "Good job, big green." The airman complimented the gamma mutate before flying up with Sam, the three of them watching when Juggernaut pushed himself back to his feet.

"Is that all you got?!"

"I think he's talking to you." Sam said to Rhodey before Hulk beat against his chest and roared.

"RAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!" Hulk rampaged forward, creating craters with each step, the Juggernaut matching his pace as the two mountains of muscle met in an epic collision that sent a shockwave, sending both flyers tumbling back. Rhodey straightened himself, looked back from his spinning trip to find something horrifying.

The Hulk being pushed back.

"Sam, we're gonna need something bigger if we want to make a scratch." Rhodey waited for an answer, a suggestion, anything, but got nothing. "Sam?" Rhodey turned his helmeted head and found the Falcon gone in the distance. "Sam?!" His HUD showed his fellow airman flying farther and farther away at speed. He hadn't known Sam that long, but he was no coward. "JARVIS, what's with him?"

"Mr. Wilson is unresponsive to his comms, yet he seems to be calling out to his late comrade."

"Riley?" Sam told him about the guy, how he was shot down. A sick feeling entered Rhodey's gut. "JARVIS, where are the others?"

"I am unable to find Mr. Barton, Captain Rogers seems to be lost in some kind of a daze, and Ms. Romanov-" The AI was cut off by Rhodey cutting off his jets to drop to the ground from an incoming Hulk, his green body crashing through the Compound. War Machine twisted to find the Juggernaut making another run, his arsenal prepared itself when more missiles rained down from above, and the HUD alerted him to the Quinjet flying from above.

"You boys need a little help?"

"Nat, Sam's gone AWOL, something's messing with his mind. I think Steve-" Rhodey's HUD flashed red in time to warn him, his armor encased arms raised up as an energy shield formed in front of him, before a blitzing Juggernaut crashed his fist into him. The shield was broken under the Juggernaut's might, sending Rhodey flying through the building, through the perimeter wall, and into the trees beyond.

Juggernaut grinned madly from behind his helmet. "Here I was hoping for a workout." Bullets and missiles splashed against his armor and exposed arms, yet Marko felt nothing. He looked up in time only to see the jet suddenly swerve to one side and progressively fall until it skidded across the lawn, leaving a trench in its wake. He laughed again, spreading his arms. "Is this the best Earth's Mightiest Heroes can do?! I want my money's worth!"


Hearing that familiar roar, Juggernaut had to laugh at the sight of the big green beast running for him again. "That's the spirit!" Cain shouted gleefully as he returned the charge.

They ran into each other, causing a shockwave that slightly staggered Hulk back as the ground broke apart. Hulk punched once before Juggernaut decked him, then started getting smashed by the green fists, as he went to his knees.

He staggered up, Hulk trying to punch when Juggernaut punched him back instead, then decked his chest, and his face twice, before decking his chest and face quickly, staggering him back. Before Hulk could recover, Juggernaut charged him and kicked his chest, sending him flying off and crashing through multiple trees, before he grabbed the ground, steadying himself and damaging the ground.

"Now this is a f*cking party!"

From beyond the Compound's walls, Mastermind carefully walked within the tree line, focusing on the redheaded assassin's worst memories. And boy, did she have plenty.

Natasha looked around, seeing herself in the Red Room, with many women ballerina dancing.

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"You'll break them."

"Only the ones that are breakable", the madam replied. "You're made of marble. We'll celebrate after the graduation ceremony."

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"What if I failed?"

"You never fail."

Natasha suddenly fired at several targets, then at a man with a bag tied over his head, while finding herself being wheeled away on a stretcher.

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Such delightful despair they hide, Mastermind gleefully thought before getting alarmed by the Captain's thoughts.

Steve looked around, confused, then back at Peggy.

"The war is over, Steve", she said, grasping his arm. "We can go home."

At that moment, Steve ripped his arm away from her. The hurt on her face was so real. It didn't change anything.

"I am home."

The whole room faded away, Peggy remained the longest until she too disappeared in the flames. That was when Steve became acutely aware of his surroundings. He was inside the Compound, and it was on fire. How long was he out, Steve fearfully thought as he ran through the burning building.

"Avengers, report!"

"Cap, is that you?"

"Rhodey, what's the status?" Steve said as he leapt over a balcony to a lower floor, he nearly lost his footing when the Earth shook.

"Hulk and Juggernaut are going at it, but my weapons ain't doing jack. Natasha was airborne but crashed."

"Is she alright?" Steve asked worriedly before he could stop himself.

"Checking now, but Steve, Sam's flying off thinking Riley's alive, and Clint's MIA."

"I'll try to-" Ducking on instinct to avoid a fireball, Steve threw his shield to ricochet off a wall and towards his attacker. Said attacker pulled the flames around him into a large fiery limb and smacked the shield back at the captain, who flipped out of the way, upon landing, fired the DC-17's stun blasts. Pyro's feet blazed and propelled him upwards, out of the way even as the blue rings followed him.

"Those things suck, old man!"

"They're better than the alternative, kid." Captain America shot back, until he had to back flip out of the way of another fire blast, turning on his heel to grab his shield in time to block a fireball that sent him crashing through a wall.

"The name is Pyro! New and improved!"

"How the hell did he get out?" Mastermind wondered aloud. He tried again to enter Captain America's mind, but it was like hitting a mental wall. Every trick he tried to pull wouldn't stick. Black Widow and Falcon were still under, the former trapped in the fallen aircraft, and the other flying uselessly. The armored one, War Machine, on the other hand, he could not even detect his mind let alone manipulate it. It has to be a Stark thing. And the Hulk, Mastermind had reservations about meddling with that ticking time bomb, but he might as well try.

Hulk angrily punched Juggernaut twice, before Juggernaut punched him thrice in return, after which Hulk punched him back and managed to shove him backwards. Hulk charged back up to Juggernaut, decking his chest twice hard, before lifting him up and slamming him to the ground, forming a crater.

Hulk made to stomp his foot on the red, domed helmet, when something punched him back. Snarling in anger, the gamma mutate snapped his head to face what dared to hurt the Hulk. The sight made him freeze.

It's the Hulk. No, it WAS the Hulk. Glowing green eyes with teeth bared, a version of itself that the Hulk and Banner tried to push away. Something primal, dangerous. Savage.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (1090)

The sight confused the Avenger long enough for Juggernaut to regain his bearings and come back swinging with a fist fueled by his own rage, sucker punching the giant green man, the force knocking out a tooth and making green blood spit out of his mouth. Hulk was sent to his knees, but the Juggernaut did not stop.

Juggernaut then started punching Hulk on the face repeatedly, increasing his pace and drawing more blood, Hulk snarling, before Juggernaut grabbed the Avenger by the head.

"I thought you were stronger than this." Marko mocked into the bloodied Hulk's face, rearing his fist back for more when something glinted in the air above him. For a second, Juggernaut looked up, in time for an arrow to slide through the slit into his eye. The tip broke upon impact and barely caused discomfort, but then the arrow blinked red.

"f*ck!" Mastermind swore as he witnessed the explosion. All it did was make Juggernaut step back and wave off the smoke, but those few seconds of reprieve were enough for the Hulk to stand up and punch him to the other side of the front lawn. Mastermind struggled to stay standing as the Hulk jumped up, high, and descended down onto the Unstoppable with a force to create another earthquake. This was getting messy. He'll have to kick it up a gear if…if…

What's that falling from the sky?

Cap was thrown to the floor by a swing from the flaming arm construct, his blaster and shield dropped out of his grip. If he was in uniform, he could recall the latter, but he was just in his civvies, his burned, smoky civvies. Steve looked up and saw a large flaming orb above his head, ready to launch. His muscles were ready to spring and launch himself out of the way, before something descended from the roof between him and the Mutant. The Super Soldier watched in disbelief as the large form blasted Pyro with a whiteish energy beam that sent him through the burning base, before it finally turned to him.

And Steve found the glowing optics of a large, Hulk-sized, Iron Man armor.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (1091)

"Captain Rogers, I believe I can be of some assistance."

Avengers Tower, a few minutes ago

For Tony Stark, there was always good news to go with the bad. Good news he was rich and famous younger than he should have been, bad news was he lost his parents. Good news is he had a group of friends that he would die for, bad news is he lost one before they could truly band together. Good news, he developed an algorithm that can predict danger and protect them from it, bad news, an AI that he made from alien science went rogue and used said algorithm for its own agenda of wiping out humans, he was still glum over that. The current good news is that he is not in the Compound and coordinating with Reed to find the source of Magneto's broadcast, but the really bad news is, he's not around to fight off the bastards attacking the Compound. He had just fixed up the place! Don't bad guys have any decency?

"Reed, I have the hacking side dealt with, more or less, please tell me you narrowed down where metalhead is hanging his cape?" Tony said to the screen to his right while he worked on wrestling back control of the satellites, which, to his chagrin, was reaching a stalemate. He turned to his left to see an aerial view of the Compound. It made Tony's blood go cold. There was two, maybe three attackers, but a surprise attack by someone who is currently giving Hulk trouble, this was bad.

"I want to say yes, but the technology masking the signal is incredible. I'd be impressed if the circ*mstances weren't so-"

"Dude, save the world! Admire later! " Johnny yelled at Reed from behind.

"Have to side with flamebrain over there." Tony added. Before seeing the Hulk take a beating. Okay, that's it. "JARVIS."

" Sir?"

"Remember that trick I taught you?"

" I do, sir."

"Get Veronica down there and see how she handles the big guy…the other big guy." The Hulkbuster and the additional arsenal was made for the Hulk, but it was Tony's biggest gun against heavy hitters. "Where's Thor when you need him?"

"That's it !" Tony found Reed's smiling face on the projection.

"Talk to me, stretch."

" We based our search on technological or biological based powers, as you would from Mutants. However, what if Magneto found not only another way to get his powers back, but also to bring out everyone's powers? " Tony took a second to realize what Reed was getting at.


"Correct. Our research is limited but try to find a wavelength similar to the research on Thor's power."

"Worth a shot." Tony's hands and brain were working overtime, calibrating the scanners to find the biggest, unknown source of magic that doesn't show up on any other radar.

And they found it.

"Reed, how's that car of yours work in Space?"


Sam and Dean were outside a motel, having put Anna to rest in a room inside, and were discussing their next move when they heard a car skidding and driving into the parking lot. They turned around and their eyes widened.

It was a grey prius, and it looked like it went through Hell, broken headlights, cracked windscreen, scratched side doors, a missing side mirror, and the front bumper was gone.

The doors were thrown open, a grinning Anakin stepped out the driver's side, and a clearly shaken Obi-Wan steadied himself with the hood of the car as they got out. "We are NEVER doing that again."

"Where's the fun in that?" Anakin grinned as they walked to the surprised Winchesters.

"What the hell happened to you?" Dean questioned as they led the Jedi into the hotel, the receptionist giving the two Jedi a weird look due to their robes, but the look was ignored as they reached the brothers' room. Obi-Wan quickly found a place to sit and massage his temple.

"Anakin had his first experience in your land speeders."

"You criticize my flying, and now my driving, is there anything you won't judge me for?"

Obi-Wan gave Anakin a dry look that made the Knight grin. "We have to thank you." Sam told the Jedi. "Without you guys, things might not have gone down so well as they did."

"Don't thank us yet." Anakin told them as he crossed his arms and leaned against a wall. "Alastair teleported away. We couldn't sense where he ran off to."

"Yeah, sure, bad thing, but can we talk about THAT for a minute?" Dean's eyes were fixed on the metal arm, Sam joining him. "Are you a Terminator?"

"I lost my arm." He said simply. A standoffish tone was used, Dean backed off from questioning further. Anakin, and his master, briefly thought back to that duel on Geonosis, but they had more pressing concerns. "I'm more interested in how the Demon knew you." Anakin saw Dean's jaw clench at the question and felt the rising emotions.

"Dean?" Sam looked at his brother.

The elder Winchester look at Sammy, then to scarface, and the old guy before sighing. "Hell, we met in Hell."

Obi-Wan saw a few flashes due to Dean's strong emotions- Dean was burning and screaming in agony, then Dean felt broken, and was working with some torture crevice as someone else was heard screaming.

Recoiling from the visions, Obi-Wan released a breath before looking to find the brothers and Anakin looking at him. His blue eyes met with Dean's green ones, a knowing looked to the younger man made him freeze. Kenobi knew.

"Look, we know we can beat him, the problem is freeing the human Alastair is possessing." Anakin turned the conversation.

"Goldfinger's right." Anakin scrunched his face at the nickname. "But Alastair's bad news, he's too powerful to simply exorcise, not to mention, we also have to keep Anna covered." Dean told them.

"I don't suppose you guys have any magic power that can help us out?" Sam asked the Jedi but was taken aback by their answer.

"It's not magic." Obi-Wan and Anakin said as one. The elder Jedi, however, began to think. Recalling anything he could have read regarding a power through the Force, to free a person of a dark being's possession. Maybe…"I might know of something."


"But I have never tried it before."

"Less great." Dean groaned before shrugging. "Still, better than nothing."

Anakin raised a finger. "I think you're forgetting that we have two of those things to worry about."

"Ruby's an ally." Sam defended. Upon seeing Anakin's scoff, Sam started to glare. "What?"

Ignoring the hostility, Anakin told him bluntly. "That ally of yours is a monster drenched in the Dark Side. You can't see what we see, feel what we feel. She's evil, and she will betray you."

"I may not be a space wizard, but I know her."

"Why?" Sam turned to his brother. "Why do you trust her so much?"

Sam sighed. "Because…..because she saved my life."

Then, Sam started telling them- she'd saved his life in a new body, then hijacked a Jane Doe in a coma after Sam had called her out for possessing a living human body, before offering to teach him to use his powers.

"So….what'd she teach you?" Dean inquired.

Sam groaned. "First thing I learnt….I'm not a good student."

Then he told them more- he failed to exorcise a Demon, Ruby killed it, then their talk after that, and what that had led to.

Dean, Anakin and Obi-Wan all had disgusted expressions.



"Too much information."

Anakin added. "Agreed."

"How is this relevant?" Obi-Wan questioned.

Dean groaned. "I feel dirty. Okay, well, uh, brain-stabbing imagery aside... So far, all you've told me about is a manipulative bitch who, uh, screwed you, played mind games with you, and did everything in the book to get you to go bad."

Sam replied. "Yeah, well, there's more to the story."

"Just... skip the nudity, please."

Sam continued. "Pretty soon after... that, um... I put together some signs... Omens."

"Saying what?"

"Lilith was in town. And I wanted to strike her first."

Then he told them the main part- he'd tried to go after Lilith, and it was a trap, two Demons attacking him. Ruby had then come, killing one with her knife, and he'd exorcised the other one.

Sam finished his tale. "Ruby came back for me. Whatever you have to say, she saved me. More than that, she got through to me. What she said to me... It's what you would've said. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be here."

Suddenly, Anakin and Obi-Wan snapped their heads up and drew their lightsabers, opening the door and pointing them as Ruby appeared, in a maid's body.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (1092)

"You…." Anakin snarled. "We were just talking about you."

"Guys wait!" Sam placed himself between the Jedi and the Demon on realizing this was Ruby, who fearfully backed away from the blue blades. "Just wait, give her a chance."

"Beings like this can't be trusted, Sam." Obi-Wan warned the younger brother.

"I'm only here to help." Ruby tried to appease, but a mocking laugh from Anakin showed her the futility of that.

"Like we would believe that."

Ruby turned to Sam as Dean watched the scene warily, placing himself in front of the door to the conjoining room where Anna rested. "Where did you pick these guys up?"

"They, uh, sort of just showed up." Sam weakly offered before turning to face her.

"Here, go to this address", she said, and on seeing Dean's look, added. "I'm only possessing the maid for a hot minute."

"What about the coma patient?"

"Rotting on the floor back at the cabin."

"If we are to fight Alastair again, we would need to be free of anyone getting caught in the crossfire." Obi-Wan wished he did not have to, but the Demon's offer could be useful.

"We can drive to Bobby's." Dean interjected.

"That could take too long."

"I think we should go", Sam said, Anakin and Obi-Wan deactivating the lightsabers, while the maind walked off so Ruby could vacate her body.

Anakin voiced his doubts. "This feels like a trap."

"Good thing we have you and Jesus, here." Dean patted Obi-Wan's shoulder before entering through to the other room.

With a raised brow, Obi-Wan turned to the taller brother. "Who?"

Earth-21, DEO Base

Cameron Chase was trying to load her gun as a man headed towards her. "Come on! Load!"

A lasso wrapped around the man and pulled him away. "Huh?"

Cameron peaked her head outwards. "This is new."

Diana then appeared, looking like a blur as she sliced or punched down all opponents, then knelt near Cameron.

"Whoareyou?" The agent asked.

"Sister, I believe we are about to find out", Diana said, helping Cameron up.

Hercules leapt at Thor with a punch, only for Thor to duck and grab the Greek God, lifting him up into the air.

"An impressive move", Hercules complimented, only for Thor to throw him away towards a pole, "….for a wrestler!"

Hercules flipped and steadied himself near the pole, ripping it off.

"Hercules, stop this!" Thor begged, only for Hercules to bring the pole down upon his head, smashing him into the ground.

"I shall stop after I have slain you for my master Hades!"

Suddenly, Thor's hand grasped his foot. "Got you!"

With that, he threw Hercules down, making an indent in his shape, before getting up and lifting Hercules, spinning him around with one hand, shocking even Hades at that.

Then, Thor threw Hercules high into the air, while Superman flew back in, punching Hades himself right in the face, making him bleed.

The God of the Underworld wiped his mouth, while Superman flew down on him once more, only for Hades to strike him down first. "You are no match for me, star child."

Hercules leapt back down, holding out his fist, as Thor held out his own, and then they clashed, causing a shockwave that made several cars fly off, shattering part of the road too, and the tops of buildings, even Hades staggering back a little.

"Danger approaches, my master", Faust said, using a magical barrier to defend himself.

"I will deal with Hippolyta while Hercules deals with these 'Champions'", Hades said mockingly.

"No…" Faust shook his head. "It is herdaughter."

Hades raised his hands, sending out a powerful wind as Superman staggered back, while the harpies flew up. "Then let us strive to better assure our safety."

The roof of General Lane's vehicle was ripped apart, a harpy grabbing Trevor and flying up with him.

"Son of a bitch!" Lois grabbed Trevor's foot, trying to pull him back down. "No! No! No!"

"Lois! General!" Trevor cried out, taking out his gun and trying to fire at the harpy, but it snatched him from Lois' grip and took off.


Superman was fighting some harpies again, punching one off before taking down another with his Heat Vision, and then he sped in the air, taking down many in one go.

"The Man of Steel is battling the harpies, Lord Hades, while the God of Thunder engages Hercules", Faust told Hades, as Thor rammed into Hercules, only for Hercules to spin him around and put him in a chokehold.

Suddenly, Diana leapt forth. "Hades!" The God of the Underworld looked down on her, various dead people around them. "Howdareyou defile these noble dead?"

"Ha! "Defile"?" Hades questioned mockingly. "I am simply giving them purpose once again."

"They deserve peace, not purpose!" Diana said.

Thor gritted his teeth, trying to get out of Hercules' grip, but it was too strong, his eyes drooping slowly as he felt it slipping away.

"And I deserve fealty, princess! Stand down and bow before your Lord and Master!" Hades commanded her, two harpies flying in, holding Trevor now. "Else your mortal love shall know oblivion…and join the ranks of those you now oppose."

"If you touch ahairon Trevor's head", Diana snarled, rushing forth and throwing off the dead people. "I will assume the role of a Fury myself and fly you back to Tartarus on the pointy end of mysword!"

"An Amazon defying one of her Gods to honor a man", Hades said in utter disgust. "Perhaps I have been away for too long."

"I do not fight for this man!" Diana yelled, charging through the horde of the undead. "I fight for all of mankind!"

"HERCULES SHALL PREVAIL!" Hercules cried out, making Diana's eyes widen at the name, before she turned around, seeing Thor in Hercules' grip.

"Hercules?" She questioned, narrowing her eyes. Was it really him? The defiler of the Amazons, including her mother? He was here too?

She was going to make him pay.

Hades smirked, then whacked Diana's head, throwing her down.

"I…am…..Thor….." Thor grunted. "Son…of….Odin…..Prince of Asgard…." He opened his eyes and they glowed with lightning. "GOD OF THUNDER!"

Thor: The Dark World- As the Hammer Falls plays


A giant bolt of lightning descended from the skies, blinding everyone briefly, and it struck Hercules full-force, making him yell out in agony as he let go, Thor falling forwards, while the God of Strength convulsed from the powerful bolt.

The power sent Hercules flying off by many feet, before he crashed to the ground, finally knocked out at last, while Thor stood up, holding out his hand as Mjolnir flew back towards him.

Hades crushed Diana's head under his foot. "Even with your mother's blood in your veins, you do not stand a chance of defeating me alone."

Everything shook as Superman landed on the ground, clutching his fists. "She is not standing alone."

Mjolnir flew at Hades, but he leaned sideways to dodge, smirking at Thor, only for it to hit him on the head from behind, sending him flying forwards into a punch from Thor, making him fly backwards and fall down, making another crater, as Thor caught the hammer on return, landing on the ground too. "For we stand with her."

Diana got up too, all three glaring at Hades, who staggered up, then raised his hands. "Defend your master!"

The harpies returned, Diana leaping and slicing at them as Thor smashed them with Mjolnir, Superman taking out more with his Heat Vision.

Thor turned to Hades and threw Mjolnir again, only for Hades to dodge once more, and this time, he turned around, catching the hammer before it could strike him, only for it crash to the ground, Hades grunting as he realized he couldn't pick it up.

Snarling, Hades grasped the handle, trying to pull Mjolnir up with all his might. Seeing it wasn't working, he used his magical power, increasing his strength, but the hammer didn't even budge, while his feet slowly started sinking into the ground.

Then, Mjolnir hummed, and Hades lost his footing as it flew back into the hand of Thor. "Nay, you shall have its THUNDER!" He twirled Mjolnir, summoning a small storm and gathering the lightning in his power. "FOR MIDGARD!"

Lightning then hit Hades as Thor increased its power and then fired a huge lightning bolt right on the God of the Underworld, reducing the area where he'd stood to a smouldering crater, Hades groaning as he felt pain all over his body, and tried to get up. Some harpies flew at Thor but he flew up, smashing three of them away quickly.

"We must stop Hades!" Diana cried out.

"No kidding", Superman agreed, blowing out some arctic breath to freeze more harpies. "My people at S.T.A.R. Labs have been working on a device that can transport 'unconventional' criminals to a place where they can only harmthemselves."

Thor twirled Mjolnir, forming a small tornado which caught several harpies, spinning them all and dissipating, taking them out too.

"A Realm like that already exists for Hades", Diana said, wrapping a harpy in her lasso and throwing it off. "Tartarus." They stood back-to-back, Thor hovering up in the air as Diana continued. "It is a Hellish Dimension to which he must be returned in order to keep the Olympian Realms at peace."

"How did your mother put Hades to bedlasttime?" Superman inquired.

Both of them held out their hands, Thor pointing Mjolnir upwards, as Diana explained. "To walk the Earth, Hades must have a blood bond forged to a mortal. My Queen did what she had to…she slew the Witch responsible."

"And the Gem? The Eye of Ares?" Clark inquired.

"The act, made manifest, shattered to release him."

Both of them did a thunderclap, as Thor too did one with Mjolnir, the former two taking out all the harpies in their respective directions, as the latter took out the ones in the sky.

Superman hovered in the air. "So the only way to send Hades home is to kill Faust?"


"No deal", Superman snarled.

"I will do what you cannot", Thor assured Superman, holding up his hammer. "For I am a warrior at heart." He added with a smirk. "But I must say, mortals do cower easily when shown a display of immense power."

That gave Superman an idea as he sped behind Hades, who'd just gotten back up. "I have another way!"

He wrapped his arms around the Lord of the Underworld, gripping him tightly, and flew up into the air, causing a small crater to be formed at the spot where he'd taken flight.

Thor and Diana watched as they disappeared into Space, before Diana turned to the unconscious Hercules, rushing towards him with a roar.

Before she could strike him, Thor put Mjolnir in the way of her sword. "Stop! Why do you attack Hercules?"

"He is a monster!" Diana snarled. "He subjugated my island once! He defiled my sisters, and my mother!"

Thor was nothing short of horrified! Hercules was brutish, but he had never known him to sink that low!

He looked down at his friend, who was groaning, about to wake up. "This is not the Hercules you speak of, Diana." Now she was shocked. "He is from another Universe….mine. You have my sincerest apologies for what your Hercules put your mother and the other Amazons through, but this Hercules is nothing like that. He is a brute, but he is a man of honor, and a friend you can trust."

"Then why did he attack you?" Diana inquired.

"He fell into the Tartarus of your Hades due to bad misfortune, and was brainwashed by him into becoming his slave", Thor explained, Hercules opening his eyes at last.

"Is it you…..Thor, Prince of Asgard?"

Thor smiled. His eyes were no longer blank, devoid of emotion. Recognition was shining with them.

"Yes, it is I, Hercules, Prince of Olympus."

Thor held out his hand, and Hercules grasped it, letting Thor help him up, as Diana looked him up and down, still confused.

"Lady Sif?" Hercules asked as he looked at her in bewilderment. "What is this you wear?"

"This is not Sif, my friend, she is Princess Diana of Themyscira, Lady Sif's doppelganger from this world", Thor revealed, Hercules' eyes widening.


Superman had flown with Hades into Space. "Killing Faust is the only way to send you back to Tartarus, right?"

"You lack the commitment of the Amazon and the Asgardian; else you would already have done so!" Hades cried out, confident that Superman did not have the guts.

"I don't have long before there isn't enough oxygen to carry sound, so I'll make this quick", Superman said, continuing to fly further. "Let's say I put Faust into suspended animation at the bottom of the DEO-"

"Ensuring my endless reign!"Hades boasted.

"At any point during that "endless reign", at any moment until I die, I can throw you out into those stars", Clark gestured at the many stars around them some shining very brightly. "Into the breadth of the28known galaxies!" He paused briefly, allowing Hades to absorb what he was saying, then continued. "Aneternitytumbling through the void…..no kingdom to rule. Only silence, only cold. An endless life, spent watching each and every light out there in the dark blink out of existence."

Hades' eyes widened in terror, and even without looking at him, Superman knew he'd cowed the God of the Underworld himself.

"You have until the count of three to say "uncle" and go back to Hell with your tail between your legs." Superman laid down the ultimatum, then started counting to drive home the point. "One.Two."

That was it. Hades cracked.

"I yield."

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (1093)

Superman hurled him downwards with all of his strength.

Back at Earth, Thor was supporting Hercules as Diana supported Trevor, and then they saw Hades crash into a portal that led back into Tartarus, leaving a trail of fire behind him.

"Master!" Faust cried out in horror, only for Diana to wrap his throat with her lasso.

"Fret not, Wizard….for you shall share the Deity's fate!"

With that, she hurled Faust into the portal as well.


And then, with a loud roar, the portal finally snapped shut, Superman landing on the ground with a smile.

"Superman!" He turned to see Diana as they grasped hands. "Whatpowerdid you use to subdue him?"

"Words", Superman said, then turned to Thor, grasping hands with him too.

"That was a battle mightily won, my friend", Thor praised him.

"All of us won this", Superman told him, before Hercules looked around.

"It is all a blur in my memory, I do not remember what I was made to do", Hercules said sadly, then looked at Thor, Superman and Diana. "You have my apologies for my actions."

"It wasn't your fault", Superman assured him.

Thor gave Diana a look, noticing the change in her face. Hearing his genuine apology, she knew this Hercules was nothing like the monster she'd heard tales of.

"He is right", she finally said, giving Hercules a warm smile. "You need not blame yourself."

He nodded, before looking at Thor, lifting up his arm. "How have you been? I haven't seen you in an age!"

"Three hundred years ago, when we arm wrestled and knocked that planet out of orbit." Thor replied, both of them grasping arms, and then it looked like they were arm-wrestling in a contest of strength, Hercules having a slight look of surprise, for he realized Thor was giving him more trouble than he used to so many centuries ago, and he gave him enough trouble then.

Superman and Diana shared a look of surprise at the 'knocked that planet out of orbit' bit. Superman was powerful enough to push a planet easily, but arm wrestling and knocking a planet out of orbit?

Well….if he tried it with Thor or Hercules, he was sure something like that could happen.

Another thing on his 'not to do' list.

"Oh yeah. Too bad we couldn't finish, it's always nice to win."

"I know, I've won many times before."

"Welllllll, not so much against me, I mean, we both knew I would win."

"No, I think only you knew, because we all know I would have won."

"You and that Viking humor of yours. But we all know the truth."

"Yes, yes we do." Thor and Hercules held their stares as they increased the pressure of their grips, tensing the muscles as the ground beneath their feet began to crack.


"Oh right." The Asgardian released his grip and sheepishly looked at Clark and Diana, then back to the Olympian. "We'll settle this later."

"I'll bring the beer."

"Do you remember the last time we went drinking?"

"...I actually don't."

"Must have had a great time then!"

Superman and Diana rolled their eyes in amusem*nt.

Diana then hugged Trevor happily, lifting him up due to her strength.

"Sun's gonna be up in a few hours", Superman said.

"What happens next?" Trevor wondered, Diana putting him back down as all of them looked at the helicopters nearby, and the destruction, though it wasn't as bad as it could have been.

"That's a very good question", Superman had to say.

Earth-199999, X-Mansion

Storm gathered the available roster of the X-Men: Shadowcat, Iceman, Blink, Sunspot, Colossus, and even though she's depowered, Rogue. As soon as they witnessed Magneto's message, Storm sent the call and they all converged into the X-Jet.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (1094)

"Jones said that he can only determine what satellites Magneto hacked, not where he was broadcasting. He may have a technopath, or something close to it with him. If we take them out, it may force him out of hiding." Storm informed them as Rogue began to flip the switches, raising the platform for the jet to take off. "We have to nail this son of a bitch."

Bobby and Kitty shared a concerned look, along with the Mutants behind them. "Storm, I get it, Magneto caused a lot of pain for us."

"He should also be cured." Ororo twisted in her seat to look at Iceman. The look she gave him sent shivers down the cryokinetic's spine, which was a rarity. "The cure was his second chance; it was more than he deserved."

"Is this to save the world from whatever scheme he's concocted, or revenge?" Shadowcat asked their leader and headmistress.

Storm stayed quiet, looking ahead from just behind the pilot chair. "Both."

Ororo lost her closest friends because of Magneto. Jean died because Magneto revealed to Stryker the Cerebro, and then she saved them from Alkali Lake, only for to come back and kill Scott and Charles, and his manipulations on her dark side forced them to kill her. It was hard to accept but the thing that took over Jean had to die. They had no choice. Maybe she was placing all her anger of the past on Erik Lehnsherr, but it did not matter, as the X-jet took off, away from the school, they began their ascent-

Until the whole aircraft suddenly froze, lurching them in their seats.

"What the hell?!"

"I'm giving it all she's got!" Rogue told them as she tried to floor the gas. All it did was cause the jet to shake. "We're stuck!"

From below, Wanda's hands glowed red with psionic energy, gripping the X-Jet with some strain as her allies watched from behind. It was bigger than she anticipated, but the time on Asteroid M allowed her to strengthen her powers. With that in mind, with both hands, Wanda ripped her hands apart, and the X-Jet ripped with them.

While Quicksilver and Avalanche watched the two halves of the X-Jet fall, Mimic tapped the speedster's shoulder. "I'll be back in a flash." The slightly taller Mutant told Magneto's son, before speeding away in the same fashion as Pietro, who watched the transparent energy currents left in his wake, much like his own powers, but slower.

"That's rather disturbing." Pietro commented before watching a portal appear above one half, two people falling out, and then another, with a flaming man flying out after them, while the other wreckage had one woman fly out with another, and a man made of ice take another and slide out into the air, just as both halves of the jet crashed into the ground, creating a wide explosion. "Shall we then?"

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (1095)

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (1096)

The other Mutant bumped Pietro's shoulder and walked forward, before twisting on his heel and walking backwards. "Keep watching, gorgeous, you might learn something."

Pietro wanted to run Avalanche down, had his sister's words not stopped him. "I think he was talking to you."

A surprised snort escaped the speedster. "Not my type." With that, Avalanche used his powers on the ground, causing a portion of it to break around him until a mass of Earth propelled upwards, granting the Mutant the power to fly.

Scoffing, Quicksilver took his sister in his arms. "Too slow." Pietro said before he took off.

Storm set down Rogue before looking at the others around her, Colossus suddenly appearing from a portal, skidding along the ground until he came to a halt, with Blink in his arms. "Everyone okay?" Bobby, Kitty, and Roberto landed just after her.

"We're more concerned with-"

"BOBBY!" Kitty grabbed Iceman just as a red ball of energy would have blasted through his body, had she not phased them both in time. The same could not be said for Storm, who took the blast to the chest and crashed to the ground.

The Scarlet Witch, as Erik had called her walked forward with an eerie grace, red wisps of energy flowed around her, her eyes reflecting that same scarlet colored glow. Roberto flew forward in his solar form and fired. A shield of energy blocked the flames, and a boulder was thrown into his flight path, the solar Mutant broke through it but his body careened to the ground. Avalanche landed beside Wanda with only a grin exposed due to the helmet.

Bobby stepped forward with Kitty and Blink, only to be thrown down by a blur, each landing painfully on the ground, just as Rogue pulled Storm back to her feet, and to witness the blur stop beside the other two Mutants. Colossus charged forth, steel skin on, barreling through Scarlet Witch's blast, powering through a thrown boulder, only to glow red and be thrown upwards. Piotr yelped when he was suddenly pulled down as if by intense gravity and sent through fields and a road. He pushed himself up, unharmed, only to find a young man with an "M" on his chest before him.

"Nice powers." Mimic grinned at him. Piotr watched in confusion until it turned to shock, the young man's skin turned to steel, just like him. "Mine are better."

"Nothing beats the original." Colossus leapt up and with a fist reared back, brought down on the Brotherhood Mutant, only for him to disappear. Piotr didn't have time to ponder before a sudden strike sent him crashing and tumbling through more field. Throwing dirt off his suit, Colossus watched as the other steel skinned Mutant appeared in a blur.

"Did I mention I can use multiple powers?" Mimic smirked before his hand glowed green and thrusted it forward, a green telekinetic blast threw Colossus even deeper into the field, closer to the wreckage.

Storm pushed away from Rogue and stood before the trio. Wanda tilted her head, her eyes flaring before Ororo clutched her head and grunted. Trying to take advantage of her mind, Wanda made to bring out the white-haired woman's fears, only for her glow to stop. "She shut me out."

A laugh left the older woman when a sphere of wind formed around her, slowly bringing her upwards into the air. Storm's eyes turned white and smirked down at Wanda. "My best friend was a telepath, bitch, and she was much stronger than you!" Storm raised her hands to the sky, thunder and lighting came from above, cumulonimbus clouds gathering above before she threw her hands down and lighting bolts arced from her hands. Wanda countered with psionic energy and met the more experience Mutant in a clash.

Quicksilver ran around, using debris from Avalanche to launch himself at Storm, but found himself blown away by the wind sphere around her. Similarly, Avalanche raised rocks and shot them at the X-Woman, but they were blasted away by the wind. Avalanche would have tried again, had he not seen Sunspot return with a flaming solar blast. Earth raised to defend him, but this time Sunspot broke through the shield and grabbed Avalanche by the throat, punching him through the air, denting the Brotherhood member's helmet. Using his vibrations to soften the landing, Avalanche then used his powers to send a wave of Earth matter that Sunspot easily flew over to fire back at him, only for the Mutant to send vibrations through the ground to open a fissure for him to fall through. Sunspot hovered above the fissure and sent a stream of solar energy through the ground.

With Storm untouchable, Quicksilver saw Iceman stand up and fire ice shards at his sister, ice shards that Pietro intercepted and destroyed before running at a too slow Iceman for the speedster run by and punch him down. Bobby tasted blood, wiping his lip to see the red liquid before he felt like his ribs were hit by a car, sending him skidding along the ground before the Mutant responsible walked by him.

"You didn't see that coming?"

Bobby threw his hands forward with waves of ice, only to hit air. Turning his body to ice, Iceman created a pillar of ice beneath him, sending him twelve feet from the ground before focusing his powers on the ground around him. Quicksilver made the mistake of running on the ice, and felt his body give way, slipping on the slippery surface, sending his body sliding before a portal opened in front of him and sent falling in the skies above. Before he could think, another portal opened, and Pietro felt his body thrown against a tree. Seeing a touch of purple, the same color as the portals, Quicksilver moved out of the way before the portal could touch him. He had to dance out of the way as in his vision, multiple portals began to open around him, making the son of Magneto bend, and maneuver out of the way.

Mimic leapt and punched Colossus, sending him to his knees, only for Colossus to get back up as Mimic punched again, and Colossus grabbed his fist. He twisted, making Mimic yell in pain, while Colossus decked him twice, before punching him two more times, then grabbing and head-butting him many times, after which he threw Mimic down, and slammed his foot on him, pinning him there.

"You may have my powers, but you don't have my strength." Piotr made to stomp again when Mimic's hand pointed up, and a blinding multitude of colorful sparkles hit his face. Colossus had to step back when Mimic rolled forward, grabbing the taller Mutant's ankle to sweep from under him, forcing the X-Man to fall to the floor.

"I get by!" Mimic bragged as he elbow-dropped the back of Colossus' head. He picked the student of Xavier up by the back of the collar to stand, only to feel himself sink lower, until he was only up to the Russian-born Mutant's abdomen. Movement to the left had Mimic turn to see Shadowcat rising from the ground, but he couldn't ponder or think of using her powers before steel encased knees drove into his head.


"The Demons seem to be keeping their distance." Obi-Wan told Sam as they left the room. "It may be because of us."

"You're welcome." Anakin said co*ckily to his old master's chagrin, the three walking outside.

Sam did not mind much for the slight arrogance. "We'll take any advantage we can get."

Dean appeared, leading Anna outside. Upon laying eyes on the Jedi, Anna froze. Dean stopped beside her. "Anna?"

"Who are you?" She asked, her voice breathless, like the mere sight of the two Generals changed everything.

"I am Obi-Wan Kenobi, and this is Anakin Skywalker." The Negotiator introduced them, Anakin nodding at her. "We are not exactly from here, but we promise to guard you with our lives." Obi-Wan finished with a warm smile.

Anna slowly walked forward, to the Chosen One, who eyed her questionably, especially when she raised her hand to his cheek. The Form V user would have removed it if not for the next words she spoke.

"They don't know you." Anna turned to face an equally confused Kenobi. "Either of you."

"…okay," Dean clapped his hands, "this has been fun! Now let's get moving." Dean hurried Anna to the Impala, where Sam moved his seat to let her in.

Both Jedi were slow to follow, merely continuing to eye the redhead. "You feeling that?"

"As if there's something there but missing at the same time." Obi-Wan explained as best as he could. It was a strange presence in the Force. If the Angels were the beings that Dean and Sam said they were, he expected to feel something more from this Anna Milton. Something akin to what he felt on Mortis.

"Yo, hairspray! Let's go already." Sam rolled his eyes at his brother.

"Dean, please don't piss off the big guns."

The Jedi shared one last look, before moving to the car.

"Wouldn't mind if he went missing."

"Please try to behave, Anakin."

Earth-1, Keystone City

A hook shot over the railing, securing itself over the bar. Soon after, a figure in a tight-fit suit resembling leather pulled herself over the railing and dropped down. Selina observed her surrounds and easily made her way to the rooftop door. "Your turn, hun."

"One second, and open sesame!"

Like magic, the door opened itself. A tug pulled on Selina's lips as she walked in, eyeing the cameras now rendered useless. "Nice job."

"Oh it was nothing…well not exactly nothing, but I don't want to bore you-"

"Easy, doll, don't want to talk too loudly." Selina cautioned the overexcited hacker.

"Rightrightright, got it." Alena's voice was fast and low. "No more talking. Unless, you know-I'll just stay quiet." The hacker abruptly cut herself off, letting Selina enjoy the peace of the steal.

Back on the same roof, the three former Rogues climbed up the deactivated electric fence. "Why am I even here?"

"A vague sense of charity?" Leonard supplied as he reached the top, helping his sister up while Mick helped himself over the fence. The three landed with their pyromaniac thinking hard.

"Charity…was she that stripper in Opal City?" Mick asked, but only earned an eye roll and scoff of disgust from the Snart siblings as they walked off. "What?"

"Why do we keep him around again?" Lisa groaned as they made it to the roof door.

Leonard adjusted the setting of his Cold Gun as he neared the fuse box. "Because we love him and cherish his muscles." He told his sister as Mick finally rejoined them. A narrow steam of bluish white flames froze the hinges and the lock, with one strong tug, the whole cover cracked off, exposing the numerous wires within. Carefully examining each one, Snart took them all in one gloved hand, and ripped them all out. "I think a lightbulb went out."

"Maybe two." With most of the building's lights gone with them. Lisa entered her fob, the device decoding the password for the door before the light turned green, and the three waltzed in.

The blueprints were rolled out onto the floor. "The security room's here, while I get into the vault's systems-"

"I bust some heads for us to make off with the loot." Mick "helpfully" supplied his part of the plan. Meanwhile, Snart looked up to notice a camera looking right at them. The light was off, as should some of their security features due to their efforts, but something in his gut had him feeling on edge. A bit early to expect the plan to go off the rails.

"And the guard station is one floor down." Lisa rolled her eyes. Mick at least has his priorities straight. "Don't forget to hide the bodies. And Lenny-"

"Hit the vault while you shutdown the systems."

Lisa glared at her brother. "Why do you always steal my spotlight?"

"It's an older brother thing, you wouldn't understand." Snart's grin had no effect on his sister, but the trio knew their roles and went about their jobs.

Unknown to them, Leonard's gut was right as the camera followed sight of them separating.


Crawling through her the vents, her slim body making it easy to traverse, the one dubbed Catwoman by the Gotham Gazette, the thief answered as while continuing to make progress to the vault. "What is it?"

"We may have a slight problem."

A security guard was making his rounds. Nothing to report, it was just another dull night.

"Hi there."

The guard heard a voice from behind and quickly turned. The last thing he saw was an intimidating looking bald man with a savage grim before a fist flew into face. All he saw after that was darkness.

Mick looked down at the rent-a-cop and groaned. "Glass jaw." Ah well, he's got plenty of more heads to smash, it was the only thoughts he had as continued down the hallway to the guard station.

Leonard made it to the vault dedicated to the Crown of Fire. Seeing the open space in front of it, Captain Cold drew his weapon and disassembled parts of it before holding up a glowing freon cartridge, and then pointing it forwards into the room. A cool vapor poured out of the cartridge and into the room, exposing green lasers crisscrossing in ways no one could hope to bypass.

"Tick tock, Lisa." Snart muttered as he reassembled the gun, only to have a steel door to drop down in front of him. Blinking once, the Rogue sighed through his nose. "We are so having a talk about this."

His thoughts of blaming his sister were put aside when from a grate from above the centre of the room opened and a leather clad figure repelled down, upside down. "I hope this isn't about me."

Leonard narrowed his eyes as he observed the woman, especially when the lasers suddenly turned off. "Haven't I seen you before?"

"Depends, you been in Gotham?"

"Not in a while, I tend to avoid bats. Bat for the allergies." Leonard snarked, but the question gave him an answer. "Long way from home for a housecat."

"I'm more feral than you know."

Lisa's fingers typed away on her pad, connected to the servers in the security systems. But no matter what she did, a red notification kept popping up every time she tried access the vault room housing the Crown of Fire.

"You are way too simple to be this hard." Lisa complained as she tried again, until a thought had her fingers pause. "Unless…"

An agitated Mick dragged the unconscious guard by the foot towards a supply closet. Upon opening the door and flicking on the light switch, he found, much to his anger, the knocked out and tied up bodies of the rest of the guards that he should have beat on. "Ah crap."

"It's at least common courtesy among thieves to announce what they're stealing. You know, avoid any awkward situations."

Selina turned her head over her shoulder as she waited by the vault door. "Is that even a real thing?"

"Not really." Catwoman nodded as the vault doors slid open without any need for the palmprint scanner. Watching and waiting, Snart observed the cat burglar, while also waiting for how long it took his team to know they weren't alone. "Either you're really lucky, or you have friends in not so high places."

"Can't it be both?" Selina playfully asked from within the vault.

Leonard had a feeling, and they seemed to be on a role tonight. "You wouldn't be here to steal-"

"The Crown of Fire."

"Of course you are." The mastermind of the Rogue's trio slumped. Well, this job got a bit more complex. Time to throw away the plan. "You know, I'm sure there's plenty of other shiny, colorful looking pieces in there."

"None with as much style." Catwoman walked out with the Crown in her hand, holding it up to her head as if wearing it. "What do you think?"

Snart shook his head. "Doesn't match your mask."


"Not really." Snart stepped back and fired a beam of absolute zero at the door. It would take more than a few seconds to turn steel so brittle in the cold, but this wasn't just regular cold. Selina shoved the Crown in her bag, making a break for her line when the steel door shattered, and a much larger and thicker body broke through frozen door.

The alarms began to blare and lights turned red in the vault room when Mick, raging at someone stealing their score, pushed himself off the floor and grabbed the thief by the leg and threw her down to the floor. He would have stomped down with his raised boot had she not rolled over and thrown a kick to Mick's…crown jewels. Heat Wave hunched over and grabbed his groin when the cat burglar then kicked his face before flipping back to her feet, only to have Captain Cold's arms wrap around her.

Rearing her head back into Snart's, Selina was free from his grip but then grabbed his head from behind her and raised her knee into his face. Leonard fell back, but Mick's meaty fist struck her cheek, the strength of it sending her spinning to the floor. Dazed, Selina got back up while clenching her gloves, and as Mick grabbed her by the shoulder, she lashed out with steel claws extended, with the Rogue barely having enough time to lean his head back, saving his face and especially his eyes, but got slashed across his chest for his trouble. Taking the chance, Catwoman kicked Mick's left knee, forcing him to kneel, allowing the female thief to roll over his back and quickly climb up the rope and back into the vents.

"Oh. Oh now you done it." Mick snarled. Drawing the Heat Gun, he made to pull the trigger, had Snart not lowered the gun to his fury. "What the hell, Snart?!"

"All according to plan, Mick." Snart told him when they heard someone running and turned to find Lisa finally gracing them with their presence. "Stop for drive-thru?"

"The Crown?" Leonard shook his head as they rushed out of the room, Lisa leaning away when Mick basically charged after her brother.

"Plan?! What plan?! That bitch nearly scratched my eyes out!"

"Who?" Lisa questioned; it was all getting very aggravating for the elder Snart.

"I have an idea."

"We just left the loot back there!"

"And do you want to explain to the cops why you decided to go midnight shopping?" Leonard glanced over his shoulder. Mick was nearly steaming, and not from any fires. "Take a note, boys and girls, we might get more than just a fancy headdress."

Star City

A night and day went by, no sighting of the other breachers. That worried Oliver for two reasons: one, they had enough problems to worry about with Prometheus, and two, the fact that they ended up in a new Universe yet managed to make themselves disappear from cameras and his team meant either they had powers, or they were good, really good. Matt was the only one able to provide an insight into what they're dealing with.

He entered the room housing their guest, and was surprised by what he found. Sitting upright, legs crossed in a lotus position, Matt was meditating. "Guessing there was no need to knock."

"Heard you pull in from above." Oliver had to keep in mind the range of these super senses.

"So yesterday, take it you heard everything."

The lips tugging up told him yes. "A little." Nodding, and then stopping, Oliver hid his annoyance at himself when he was interrupted. "I can sense when you're nodding, don't worry about it."

"Right." Oliver approached, observing the slow inhale and exhale, the steady breath. It was something he read about. "Meditating to help accelerate the healing process."

"The man who taught me to fight showed me how to do it."

"Must have been a good teacher."

"He was an asshole."

Oliver let out a short laugh as he thought about Slade. When they first met, the ASIS agent was definitely what Oliver would call an asshole, then came their bond, before it was broken. "Assholes usually make for good teachers."

Matt chuckled with him, Stick knew what he was doing, despite what he did to his younger self. "Can't argue with that." Uncrossing his legs, the blind man set his feet on the ground. "What do you need?"

"You know we've hit a dead end with your friends." Getting a nod, Oliver walked closer and sat on a stool close to the breacher. "While I check the wounds, you think you can tell me anything about them?"

"They're called HYDRA." Oliver slowed his hands when he heard that, before removing the bandages.

"A few friends of mine from your Earth mentioned them before. They're like anti-freedom terrorists or something?"

"Since World War II, they were on the same side as the Nazis." Matt winced as the gauze was entirely removed. The skin was scabbed over, the pain was there, but the worst of it passed. Those herbs of Oliver's did wonders.

"They healed faster than I thought."

"Meditation, not just an excuse to fall asleep." The joke was well received, Oliver grinning as he cleaned around where he was shot. "I was patrolling my city when I heard a door break open. The footsteps were coordinated, tactical, I thought it was a hit squad when I heard an old heartbeat. They barged into an old man's apartment, but turns out he was part of HYDRA too, he had something they wanted."

"Something important if they killed one of their own." Oliver reasoned as he placed a new, clean bandage over Matt's chest. Like the other night, he noted the scars on his body, the slashes by some blade he couldn't place, but they were deep.

Matt shook his head. "I don't know their inner workings, they're a global threat, spies and assassins. I just patrol the streets. But what they took from the old man was dangerous. It was blood from Abomination."

Oliver finished with the bandage when Matt said that name. It did not sound pleasant. "Not good?"

"Very not good. Abomination was a giant monster, mutated by gamma radiation and a super soldier serum. He tore apart Harlem, the Army's weapons did nothing. It took the Hulk to beat it, and he's an Avenger."

A squad of spies and assassins with the blood sample of a monster. This is not good, Oliver thought, this could be worse than Slade's Mirakuru army. Still, now they know. "Thank you. At least we have an idea what we're dealing with."

"I could help tracking them down." Matt made to stand, but Oliver stopped him.

"Easy, let the bruises heal. You won't do anyone any good if you collapse from the pain."

"Not the first time I did it at half strength."

"And how far did you get?" Matt sighed; Oliver knew he won that argument.

"This line of work, you rarely get a chance to catch your breath."

That Oliver understood. Bad guys have the worst sense of timing. "I hear that," nodding his agreement, the archer still stood up, "but trust my team. We'll find these guys."

"Good luck." Matt crossed his legs again and returned to his meditation, with Oliver leaving the room.


Ruby opened the door to the cabin, letting the Winchesters, Jedi and Anna in. "Glad you could make it."

"Yeah, thanks", Sam replied, Ruby closing the door behind them.

"You're not like the other Demons, you're helping us", Anna said to Ruby with a smile.

"I guess….." Dean turned to Ruby. "I owe you….for Sam, and I wanted….you know…."

"Don't strain yourself."

"Okay then. Is the moment over?" Ruby nodded. "Good, 'cause that was awkward."

Anna then inquired. "Hey, Sam, you think it'd be safe to make a quick call, just to tell my parents I'm okay? They must be completely freaked."

The faces of the Winchesters and Jedi fell. "Uh..."


Sam tried to break the news gently while putting a hand to her shoulder. "Anna, um... Your parents..."

"What about them?"

"Look, I'm sorry."

Anna was close to tears. "No, they're not..."

"Anna, I'm sorry."

Anna burst into tears, grabbing her head.

Anakin and Obi-Wan looked at her sadly, Anakin remembering when he'd lost his own mother, feeling his deepest sympathies going out to her.

"Why is this happening to me?" Anna asked in between sobs.

Sam shook his head. "I don't know."

Putting his flesh hand to her shoulder, Anakin assured her. "We'll make them pay."

Suddenly, Anna gasped and panted. "They're coming." The lights flickered too. Dean gestured. "Back room." Sam took Anna to the back room, then came back, as Anakin and Obi-Wan activated their lighsabers, Dean and Sam taking out their shotguns, while Ruby looked through the bag and found her knife, holding it up too.

"What is it?" Sam asked, a screeching kind of sound coming from the door's other end. "Demons?"

"No." Anakin shook his head, the door rattling loudly, before it burst open violently. "Something else." He walked, as did Obi-Wan, their senses alert.

Two men unfamiliar to the Jedi appeared, but the Force told them so much more. It was like staring into stars shaped into a humanoid form, with wings spreading out behind their forms. Beneath the surface, they gave off light, but there was something else as Anakin and Obi-Wan looked closer. A grey presence, only within one of them. The other, it was much harder to explain.

"What are you?"

"You can see us?" The one with light skin asked in shock, but the darker skinned one beside him frowned.

That was when Dean and Sam walked out, the former chuckling. "You're a little late to the party, but the help would be appreciated."

Dean's smile faded when he turned to the Angel who didn't pull him out of Hell. "Though don't want to get too crowded." Uriel looked back at him, unimpressed, especially at Ruby, whose eyes blackened.

"I'm afraid you misunderstand, Dean." Castiel informed them at that point. "We're here for Anna."

Dena inquired. "Here for her like... hereforher?"

Uriel demanded. "Stop talking. Give her to us."

Sam asked. "Are you gonna help her?"

Castiel dropped the bombshell.

"No, she has to die."

Sam, Dean, Anakin and Obi-Wan looked at him in horror.

Earth-1, Keystone City

A mug of steaming brown liquid slid across the table in front of a glaring Mick.

"Coco?" The target of said glare offered the olive branch, not that his fellow Rogue bothered to even look at it. Lisa dabbed Mick's wounds to clean them of blood. His offering ignored, Snart shrugged. "Your loss."

"No. Our loss." Mick hissed, in pain from Lisa's dabbing, and anger at what happened. "We got our score stolen by a crazy cat lady!"

"One with an impressive skillset, and equally impressive backup." Snart turned away from Mick to start dialling.

"Who you calling?" Lisa inquired but kept her eyes on Mick's bare torso as she applied the bandages. The cuts weren't deep, thankfully, would be a shame if their muscle lost his one use.

"Jacques. See where this kitten likes to hang her claws, who might be helping her, and who would buy the Crown."

"Doubt he'd know."

"He won't." Leonard pressed the dial button and waited for the ring. "But he can narrow it down while we get to work."

Within the vault room where the clash of thieves took place, a man of rather short stature wearing a white suit stared at the open vault. His stance went from standing straight to hands on his hips, then to crossing his arms, before taking one hand and scratching his head in frustration, before finally turning back to the guards that not long ago, were tied up and unconscious.

"Tell me, am I not paying you enough? Is that it?"

The lead guard nervously eyed the shorter man, and the much larger one standing to the side, bald, tall, and a thick moustache and soul patch, with a very visible gun in a shoulder holster. He quickly looked back to the see the suited man waiting for an answer. "N-no sir, it's j-just-"

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (1097)

"J-j-j-just what? You had your bell rung by a group of thieves? Thieves who weren't even working together?!" He screamed at the guards, all flinching from the volume. "The Crown of Fire belongs in the hands of great men! It was supposed to be safe here while I dealt with those whiny bastards!"

"There-there's nothing else I can say, Mr. Fairfax."

Abigail Fairfax's face was turning redder from the second, tension building up within and getting ready to explode. "No, I suppose there isn't." He stepped back and snapped his fingers. "Julian."

The lead guard whipped his head towards the taller bodyguard, only for his head to snap the other way and teeth to sail out of his mouth before his body hit the ground. The other guards backed away as Fairfax stepped over the unconscious man as his bodyguard followed, wiping away the blood from his knuckles. Fairfax suddenly stopped and jammed his finger into Julian's chest. "Get your Neanderthals together AND FIND MY CROWN!"

Star City

A day later, and still nothing. Oliver quickly answered his phone as it vibrated. "Ray."

"Felicity and I whipped a scanner to try and search for even the smallest trace of gamma radiation."Oliver hummed as he waited for the elevator to reach the lair.

"Any luck?"

"No dice. I would guess that these guys know to keep it in a lead container to prevent any radiation leak."

"Matt said these guys were smart." Oliver muttered when the doors finally opened.

Ray's tone turned excited. "The new blind breacher guy? How did he lose his vision? Was it because of the super-"


"Sorry, sorry. Have to say this armor is impressive though. It's a synthesized fabric, it's light cloth but as tough as Kevlar, tougher actually, but lighter. There's some flaws, inconsistent protection in areas, but the man who made this was smart."

Hearing a familiar metal clang, Oliver's brow furrowed. "I'll let him know, thanks, Ray." He ended the call and followed the noise to find both Dig and Laurel watching their blind vigilante guest pull up on the salmon ladder, onto the sixth set of rungs. "Weren't you shot, three days ago?" Oliver spoke as he joined the lawyer and his old bodyguard.

"I've been concussed, stabbed, broke my ribs, and had a collapsed lung after falling off a building. Five minutes later," Matt pulled himself up, flexing the wrists as the bar reached his chest, and brought himself higher into a muscle up, "brawled with a hallway filled with Russians."

"Take it the argument wasn't about a disagreement regarding the taste of vodka." Dig sarcastically said as he watched the new guy do another muscle up.

Exhaling, Matt lowered himself until he was hanging with his arms extended. "They took a little boy to draw me out. They were ready the first time. Second time, I was pissed."

"Did you save the kid?" Laurel asked hesitantly, while enjoying the way the muscles in his arms and che-Laurel stopped and blinked. She was sounding too much like Felicity.

"I did." Matt strained as he pulled himself into another muscle up, before dropping down to his feet, a groan escaping him.

Oliver walked by Spartan and Black Canary to look at Matt. Dig replaced the bandages, and the bruises were turning yellow, the internal injuries would still take time. "You should be resting."

"Have you found the HYDRA agents yet?"

An agitated sigh left him. "No."

"Then the way I see it, the sooner I'm back in shape, the sooner I can go back out there and use my senses to help you track them down."

He was right, Oliver could admit. Matt can be an asset in ending this sooner. "How far can your senses reach?"

"Never really kept track." Matt admitted, before moving over to a wing-chun dummy. "Lot of factors with smell, and hearing, even taste. When I'm focused, I can track over twenty-five blocks."

That was a good range, but also specific. It must be approximately the size of where he usually patrols. Oliver nodded before watching Matt skilfully move around the wooden arms, punching, palm strikes, kicks. He knew wing-chun at the least. "Alright, as soon as you're healed up, we'll need you top side." Oliver consented; the blind vigilante slowed down his flow to nod. "But only until I agree you're ready."

"Your city." Matt said simply with a shrug. With them in agreement, Oliver walked away, Laurel and Dig joined him as they made for the monitors.

"You sure this is a good idea?" Dig questioned quietly as Oliver took a seat.

"Pretty sure he can still hear you." Laurel pointed out, to the former soldier's chagrin.

"Good idea or not, so far, the trail to find HYDRA has been cold. These guys are obviously trained in espionage and trained well. We haven't been able to find them, but Matt could track them down." Oliver was worried what these HYDRA operatives could do in the meantime. They needed to be ready.

Two days after Oliver agreed he could help, and four since he woke up in the Green Arrow's lair, a name he was not entirely sold on, Matt's wrapped fists struck the bag in front of him. Left hook, right hook, and ending with a roundhouse kick that send the bag swinging. Matt released a breath before taking a towel to his sweaty head. The equipment in the bunker is better than anything he had at Fogwell's gym or in his own home. Not just tools for martial arts, but conditioning too. Probably cost more than Matt could hope to afford just to keep the lights on in the place, even if he felt the wiring was faulty in places.

Though he felt the hacker, Felicity, watching him move, Matt did not really care, as long as he can work himself back into shape, she can ogle away. That was when he sensed the team return, and based on the tension in their bodies, it was unsuccessful.

"Petty crimes, no sign of HYDRA." Oliver expressed his frustration as he hung up his bow and removed his quiver. "We might need to expand the search to outside the city."

"I'll start developing a program to monitor anything suspicious leaving Star City. Or more suspicious than we usually see." Felicity rambled as Oliver walked by and watched Matt work the bag. His stance, how he threw punches and kept his other hand covering his head, there was boxing in there. Then he threw a low and high kick, followed by a 360 kick that had the bag straining against the chain.

"Matt." The man tilted his head but didn't turn. "You up for some sparring?"

"If you can make the time."

Oliver turned to his team, and decided to see how good Matt really was. "Laurel, gloves on."

"Come again?" The lawyer stared at her ex, then to the breacher walking over to the matted area.

"I need to know who I'm working with, and something tells me we won't find any leads tonight. Glove up." Oliver said with finality.

Laurel's face was incredulous. "Sure, I'll get ready to fight a blind guy from another Earth." She muttered but discarded her jacket and put on the gloves, Oliver watching her as she moved to the sparring area. Matt's fist was raised, and she bumped it. "Please tell me you're not afraid to hit a woman."

"Depends on how hard you hit me." Matt smirked, fully aware of Oliver, Dig, Thea, and Roy watching.

With that, Laurel struck forth, using some punches and knees, but Matt blocked those each time, then ducked to avoid her swings before decking her face, and upper-cutting her, which dazed her. After that, he spun and elbowed her face, before sweeping her feet from underneath her, making her fall down.

Thea, Dig and Roy were surprised at how good Matt was. Sure Laurel wasn't the best fighter, but taking her down this quickly while still in recovery? Matt had to be really good.

Oliver noted Matt's fighting styles again and how he implemented them, while Matt backed off, Laurel getting back up as she threw some punches that he blocked, before ducking to avoid some, and then he decked her face a few times, dazing her, before grabbing her foot and tripping her once more.

Groaning, she got up once more and tried to throw a spinning kick but Matt grabbed her foot and slammed her to the ground, taking her out again.

Thea, Roy and Dig had their eyes wide, while Oliver looked very impressed. Matt was still in recovery, but he'd finished this fight unscathed.

Laurel groaned from both pain and humiliation before a hand from her opponent appeared before her. Gratefully taking it, she felt herself raised up by the surprisingly fast and strong breacher. She wouldn't have even known he was blind if he didn't confess about it. "Are you sure you're blind?"

"Last I checked."

"You are scarily good for someone who can't see." Thea piped up.

"Sight is overrated." Matt shot back, earning a laugh from her boyfriend and friends. Turning his head towards Oliver's direction, the man from another world asked one question. "What's next?"

"Pretty sure you're bruising my team's egos." Oliver told Matt as he tossed the man a bottle of water as he flipped down from the salmon ladder and caught it. "Good reflexes."

"Thanks." Matt took a swig from the water and relaxed as he took a seat.

"Never did ask," Oliver started as he leaned against a pillar, "what do they call you on your Earth?"

"Besides Matt?" Oliver would have fixed a dry look on him, if he wasn't blind. "Daredevil."

A snort made his way out him. "Really? Daredevil?"

"And Green Arrow is a masterpiece?"

"Okay, fair enough." Oliver laughed with Matt. "Good name, I'm just wondering where the whole Devil motif comes from."

Calming down, Matt set down the water and took out wraps for his hands. "I was brought up Catholic, but my grandmother used to say the men in our family had the Devil in them, something in us would snap and we…change. A darker side of us would take over." Finishing with his right hand, Matt started on his left, Oliver watching his every move, listening to every word. "I saw it sometimes, with my dad, one hit in the wrong place, and he'd let the Devil out."

Oliver noticed his wording. "You weren't always blind then."

"No. I was nine, saw this old man about to be run over by a truck. Pushed him out of the way, but the truck crashed, and the chemicals splashed over my eyes." Finishing with his hand, Matt gestured around his eyes. "Haven't seen the sky since."

"And the Devil?"

"I figured," Matt got up and approached the punching bag, "I needed to be a symbol. What better way to put fear in criminals, than letting them know the Devil was after them." Fear was a powerful tool, Oliver understood his choice. "What about you? What made you decide to play Robin Hood?"

Part of Oliver was not sure he should answer, but another part, an instinctive part, led to him answering. "I was born rich. Had the world at my fingertips, no responsibilities, no reason to care besides for the sake of having fun. That changed when my family boat capsized, and I lost my father." Matt's practice halted. "I made it to an island, and after five years, I was trained, tortured, and educated in ways that I never thought possible. My father told me my city was sick before he died, and I had to survive to fix his mistakes."

"Sounds like a heavy burden." Matt sympathized. He knew what it was like when your home was sick.

"It was." Oliver nodded as he walked around to steady the bag for Matt. The man known as Daredevil continued his onslaught, allowing Oliver to feel the strength from the blows, his coordination was top notch. "How long have you worn the mask?"

"Ten months, give or take." Matt's answer blew Oliver away. Ten months and he already beat Laurel, Dig, and Thea. They had different sources of training, from Oliver's sessions to their own experiences, each one was a skilled fighter with at least a year on the streets under their belt.

"That asshole who trained you must have been good."

"He left when I was a kid." Matt said coldly. Oliver recognized that tone. "My dad died, I had no mom, I was an orphan who couldn't stop hearing everything. Then this old man walks in and shows me how to use my gifts, how to fight, then he leaves the moment he thought I was too soft."

"You were just a kid?"

"Didn't matter to him. He wanted a soldier." Matt finished with a spinning back kick that Oliver felt and grunted from. "But I kept up the training as best I could. Everything else I learned in the field."

"Experience is usually the best teacher." Oliver moved from the bag as Matt's head tilted. Recognizing the gesture, the co-owner of Queen/Palmer looked up and found Roy walking in, ready to train.

"So, we doing this?"

Central City

Looking at the partly damaged structure from the scope of his rifle, Ward checked each entrance while his team checked the perimeter for security measures. What he saw so far was a joke, he nearly laughed, and Grant wasn't one to laugh, not anymore. The security was minimal, cameras that can easily be blocked or avoided, door locks that were as sophisticated as what you see in a high school. Getting in will be easy.

But Ward knew otherwise. Pulling away from the rifle, Garrett's protégé called in. "Status."

"Thermal scope shows three individuals." Ward kept staring at the building, waiting, until his watch beeped. In the distance, the ex-SHIELD agent heard an explosion. Ten seconds later, a yellow streak rushed out of the structure. "Enhanced has left the building."

"Monitor all activity, with the Enhanced and the people inside." Ward ordered as he disassembled the rifle, packed it up, and walked off the roof.

Five days into their world hopping adventure, Ward's team discovered that a wormhole opened some months back in a place called Central City. Discarding the need to question who named these places, it felt like something you'd hear in a comic, Ward instead focused his attention on the Singularity, the whole reason why people and things were dropping into random universes. Central City caught his attention, as well as their local hero, the Flash. Honestly, this world was nearly full of local, costumed do-gooders, it was nauseating.

Once they made that connection with the Singularity, Ward and his team scoured the reports, the sightings, footage, and anything else they could get their hands on to explain what happened months ago. Apparently, the Flash ran up and did something, and the Singularity closed. No one stopped the Singularity on their Earth, so either something else happened, or this could be the place where it all started. If so, then he would like to have words with this Flash and his team for the headache this trip has caused him. But Ward thought as he exited the building and onto the street, he'll save his emotional outburst for later. They tracked Flash's movements, sightings, the connection to the Particle Accelerator that gave the Enhanced their powers, and STAR Labs was at the centre of it all. It didn't take much to put two and two together.

For now, Ward and his team of HYDRA operatives sit and wait and plan their next move. When the opportunity arises, they'll get back to work. As an added bonus, Daredevil will likely be stuck here, if he didn't die already.

Star City, Arrowcave

"I'm betting on Roy."

"Safe bet."

"He's got the experience and training."

"You know I can hear you, right?" Matt called out to Thea, Felicity, and Dig. The three had expressions akin to deer in headlights, something Roy had to laugh about.

Oliver was not laughing, instead he focused as Laurel walked in. "How was Sara?"

"Depressed. She's just staring at a corner most of the time." Laurel confessed her worries as she looked at Roy and Matt preparing to square off. "Oliver, I'm worried about her."

"I am too. I'll try and reach out to her soon." With that, they turned around and faced the next event. Can Matt beat Roy? It was a question Oliver was eager to learn.

The two charged each other as Matt leapt at Roy, who side-stepped to avoid, before trying to kick Matt, who blocked but Roy flipped away.

Matt then decked Roy's face and chest, before grabbing his chest to try and slam him down, but Roy freed himself with a flip, then decked Matt, who tried to spin and kick but he dodged, then flipped away himself.

The two walked back towards each other, trading punches, though neither hit the other, and Matt ducked to dodge a spin kick by Roy, before getting on his other side, as Roy tried to hit a few more times but Matt blocked, then leapt with a spin and kicked Roy's chest, throwing him back.

They walked back towards each other, as Roy threw a kick and punch that Matt blocked, and he blocked some more before throwing a spin kick that Roy dodged, followed by another spin kick that was also dodged.

But Matt threw a third one that pushed Roy back. Roy then came back with some punches and kicks that Matt blocked before Roy grabbed him and pushed him back into the wall, before punching him twice and slamming him down.

From the ground, Matt attacked as Roy backed to dodge, when Matt flipped and grasped Roy's feet with his own, throwing him down as well.

Roy twisted and kicked Matt off, as both stood up, with Matt charging and kicking Roy's face, then tried to punch as Matt dodged but Roy decked his face again, then got behind him, getting him in a chokehold, and hit his side a few times, before Matt elbowed his face, making him let go, after which Matt grabbed his arm while spinning, and lifting Roy up, threw him down.

Before Roy could get up, Matt leapt and flipped on him, striking him once more. Both then got up as Roy threw some punches but Matt blocked those before getting kneed thrice in the chest and kicked away, falling down.

Matt flipped back up, ready to fight, as Oliver threw them both escrima sticks.

With that, the two struck their escrima sticks against each other, then started clashing as Matt blocked, then backed to avoid, before Roy moved forth as Matt dodged again, but got hit in the chest once, before they clashed again, but Roy ducked and hit Matt's leg, making him grunt, after which the clash resumed, and Matt struck Roy's face.

They continued to clash as Roy struck Matt's abdomen, but Matt lifted him up and slammed him to the ground, before being kicked away. Roy got back up and tried to hit Matt's leg but he lifted it up to avoid, and then the clashing continued before Matt got onto Roy's other side, lifted him up again, and threw him down.

Roy got back up as Matt tried to strike but Roy blocked, struck Matt's chest, then kicked him away. Matt got back up and blocked Roy's strikes, before kicking his foot, then clashing again, after which he head-butted Roy and decked his stomach, then the clash continued. Matt again punched Roy back before they resumed clashing, but Matt managed to throw Roy to the other side.

Matt charged as Roy got back up, blocking Matt's strike before kicking him, after which he swept Matt's feet from underneath him, making him fall, but Matt kicked him away before he could strike again, and got up.

Getting up, Matt clashed with Roy again, and it continued for a bit, before Matt decked Roy's chest, grabbed his arm, twisted, snatched his stick, then kicked his foot and threw him to the ground.

Roy groaned, trying to get up, but feeling tapped out now.

Placing the second stick in one hand, Matt offered the other to Roy, who gladly took it. "You're good, man."

"Keep going as you did, then I would have been back on bed rest." Matt returned the praise before Roy patted his back.

"Damn." The trio that tried to bet on the fight said as one. "Remind me not to count out the underdog next time." Thea said to the others.

"Thank you for the faith, babe."

"Still my sister." Oliver deadpanned his best student, who at least looked sheepish. He turned his attention to Matt. "Roy's one of the best we have."

"I could tell." Matt spun the sticks in his hand, that was when an idea popped in his head. "How about this: we spar, and you finally let me out of here?"

"Oh this can't end well." Laurel muttered as they looked to see Oliver's face. To their surprise, he nodded.

"As long as you're up for another round."

"I've rested long enough."

Oliver looked at Matt and saw he was serious. That determination probably got him through those ten months with minimal resources and little time to recuperate. It had been a week, and Daredevil just seemed to get more eager to go back into the world. Walking over to take up two sticks of his own, Oliver settled across from Matt, both men readjusted their grips.

"I wish I had popcorn." Felicity said to herself.

With that, both began clashing their sticks before Oliver kicked Matt back. Steadying themselves, the two took positions again, before Matt ran forth and leapt, trying to strike Oliver who blocked, and they continued to clash on equal footing, Oliver spinning and trying to strike at one point, though Matt blocked.

Their clashing carried on at a stalemate for some more seconds, before Oliver got Matt's stick out of the way and struck his side, pushing him back.

At that moment, Matt joined both sticks and rushed, leaping to strike as Oliver blocked, but his sticks were pushed back. Matt continued his assault, Oliver barely managing to block the strikes, before one hard strike disarmed him of one stick, that Matt kicked away.

He charged forth once more, striking with his sticks as Oliver now blocked with just one, then tried to strike upwards with it but Matt dodged, and their clash continued. As Matt tried to strike, Oliver grabbed his hand and decked his face, sending him back.

Matt tried to strike with his other hand's stick but Oliver blocked with his own and head-butted Matt, staggering him back, and grabbing his right hand's stick, snatched it.

Now Oliver had two sticks, and Matt just one.

Oliver charged forth, trying to strike as Matt blocked with one stick, the clash carrying on for a few seconds, before Matt blocked a strike and grabbed Oliver's arm, twisting a little, making him drop the stick, then smacked his face, sending him back too, while the Team Arrow members watched in awe.

At this point, the only ones capable of fighting Oliver on equal footing were Sara, Slade, Prometheus, Ra's (if he was alive that is) and Eliot.

Now Matt had been added to that list as well.

Both of them held just one stick now. Matt continued trying to strike as Oliver blocked, then tried to kick and punch but Matt blocked, and as the clashing carried on, Matt managed to strike Oliver's face, before striking again as Oliver blocked with his elbow.

Then the two clashed again but Matt trapped Oliver's stick with his arm and threw it off, after which he put his own to Oliver's throat, pushing him back, then putting him in a chokehold with it.

However, Oliver elbowed Matt twice, making him loosen his grip, and throwing the stick off, he tripped Matt, making both of them fall down.

They rolled away and stood up as Matt flipped to strike Oliver but he dodged, then blocked and tried to strike but Matt blocked, before he tried to strike but Oliver blocked, after which he did a spin kick which Matt dodged.

Then, he decked Matt's chest with both fists, sending him back, before throwing a punch that Matt ducked to avoid, but he was hit by Oliver's next one, sending him back.

Then Oliver blocked one blow of Matt before being kicked on the face, and tried to strike as Matt got onto his other side and kicked his chest, while also receiving a punch to the face at the same time.

The two held up their fists, ready to fight more, before Oliver lowered his hands, calling it.

"That asshole teacher of yours knew what he was doing."

"Looks like you had your fair share."

Oliver and Matt shared a 'look' before they let out soft chuckles, then walked closer and clasped hands.

"What just happened?" Felicity was so lost.

"I think Oliver met his new best friend." Roy theorized.

"Oh, Eliot is gonna be pissed." Thea voiced her concern but did not believe Eliot would actually be upset. After Mei's death, Matt's presence seemed to bring a spark back in her brother. Sara was still drowning in depression, and Oliver was too, before the breach sent Matt and his "friends" to them. The added threat was a pain, but a new friend for her brooding older brother, she'd take that choice.

"Well, am I finally allowed out of here?"

Oliver didn't hesitate. "Something tells me we could use a man of your talents."

"I'm gonna need some kind of suit though with mine ruined."

At that, the Emerald Archer smirked at the Devil of Hell's Kitchen. "I think I have something that would work."

Central City

Silas Stone returned home, shutting the door with a sigh. His son Victor Stone's condition was getting a bit better, but things were still not 100% fixed.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (1098)

He might need some more of it.

At that moment, the lights in the house turned on to reveal Prometheus and Talia, both masked.

Arrow Prometheus theme plays

Seeing them, Silas gasped, backing off in terror. "Who….who are you two? Why are you here?"

He was about to take out his phone to dial the police, only for Talia to throw a fletchette that made him drop his phone to the ground. "Do not try to make a move."

"Even if you did, you will only be putting the police in trouble", Prometheus added calmly, before gesturing to a seat nearby. "Sit down."

Shaking in fear, Silas staggered towards the seat, and then sat down on it, as Prometheus and Talia sat on a couch before him.

"What do you want from me?" Silas inquired fearfully.

"To the point, just like a scientist should be", Talia noted, sounding impressed, or at least presenting herself as impressed. "You used to work at S.T.A.R. Labs until early 2014, did you not?"

"I did."

"Then your son had an accident, and so you had to leave to care for him", Prometheus noted. "It was really bad too, so you did something most of us did not think possible."

Realizing where this was going, Silas asked. "Do you…..want it?"

"We do."

"But its for my son!" Silas snapped, standing up now. "Please, you cannot take it!"

Immediately, a sword was at his throat, as Prometheus told him calmly. "This is not a normal sword. You're a man of science, so take this as you may- this sword traps the spirit of those killed by it inside of it."

"That….that is not possible!"

"Would you like to find out?" Prometheus asked, inching the blade a tiny inch closer to his throat, drawing some blood while he gasped. "I am sure you can be reunited with your son in here too."

"ALL RIGHT" Silas screamed, Prometheus now lowering his sword, the scientist putting a hand to his throat, feeling the little drop of blood, which made him gasp in horror, knowing how close he'd come to losing his life.

"Show us", Talia commanded, standing up too, while Stone walked past them into a room, revealing a vault. Looking at it, he typed in a code into a keypad, after which a beep was heard.

The door was then opened, revealing a box that contained something very rare on this entire Earth.


"Come on now", Prometheus held out his hand, as Silas shakily took up box containing the Promethium metal, then handed it to Prometheus.

With this, he would gain another advantage over Oliver Queen and the rest of his group, including any allies he had in other Universes.

"It seems your work is done now", Prometheus said, about to take out the Soultaker again as Silas gasped fearfully, only for Talia to put a hand to Prometheus', stopping him.

"If we need more, he will be useful", Talia pointed out. "He created this much, he can come up with more quickly."

Realizing the logic in her words, Prometheus lowered the Soultaker, both of them looking at the scared Silas.

The lights flickered and then both of them were gone, while Silas fell to his knees in sadness.

Star City

The nightlife in Star City was a lot like New York, and also like New York, there was a lot to listen to. Cars honking, people arguing, and one sound above all others.


A wall burst open as five thieves popped forth, having robbed a place. The leader smirked. "Well, this was easier than I thought. No Green Arrow or Whtie Canary nearby either."

They started running forth when suddenly, what looked like a Billy club grabbed one guy's leg, throwing him down, and pulled him away. The other four turned around, aiming in the darkness.

"What's that?"

Suddenly, the Billy club flew forth and hit the leader in the head, knocking him out as he crashed amongst some trash cans.

Then suddenly, a figure in red landed right on top of one guy, throwing him down, and kicked the other's gun out of his hand before decking his abdomen and uppercutting him, knocking him out too.

The last guy shakily pointed the gun at the vigilante, and that's when he saw what he looked like. Black and red, red eyes, and horns.

"W-wh-what the hell are you?!"

A smirk made him freeze.


Panic took over the thief, his trigger pulled, the bullet shot forward at the vigilante's head. Only for the Devil drop his body, dodging the bullet while his hand balanced himself, letting his boots to kick into the nervous criminal's chest and send him crashing against the alley wall as Daredevil flipped back to his feet.

A figure dropped from above and slowly stood upright beside him. Green Arrow surveyed the scene, the liberated bag of cash, and the five unconscious thieves. "Not bad, Daredevil." Oliver complimented the newer vigilante. "Now, let's go find your friends."


Sara leaned her back against the wall of her old hideout. It was obvious where she went for those who knew her, but for now, she didn't want the comfort of her apartment, she just wanted the quiet. Sin tried to get her out of funk, as did Laurel, Thea, her dad, all of them, but she could not get Mei's face out of her head. How she pushed Mei away to save both herself and Oliver. Again, Sara was part of Yao Fei's family's deaths. First Shado, now her sister.

When she felt that she wasn't alone, Sara only turned her head to find Oliver, in his civvies. "Thought you'd be looking for those breachers, or Prometheus."

"Both hit dead ends, but Matt's not giving up." Oliver crouched down in front of her.

"Matt, huh?" Sara smiled weakly. "Sounds like you made a friend."

"Why does everyone keep saying that?"

"With all that's happened, it's a miracle you trust anyone, let alone a stranger dressed as the Devil."

"He's good at what he does." Oliver defended. Honestly, the harmonious mesh of styles he used, his acrobatics, and his senses made Matt a perfect vigilante. He could clash with the best of the League of Assassins in Oliver's opinion, especially with the rate he was going in their training.

Curiosity piqued, if only to know how good the new guy was, Sara asked, "How good?"

"Techniques that took me days or weeks to master, he's doing it in hours."

Sara's brows shot up. "Damn."

Oliver shared the sentiment. "Matt's one of the most naturally gifted fighters I've ever seen. His rate of improvement is unbelievable."

"That's good. It's good you found more help."

Oliver was not buying it. "We need you back, Sara."

"Why ask for a canary when you have the Devil on your side?"

"The Devil is going home eventually." Oliver refuted. "It's not healthy to dwell on this."

"Shado died because you chose me." Sara snapped at Oliver, who blinked at her as he was forced to remember that night. "Her sister needed help, and I pushed her away. I killed a family, Oliver."

Oliver knelt closer to her. "None of that was your fault. Ivo spent time with you, there was no way he would have killed you over Shado. He was a manipulative son of a bitch. We saw plenty of his type, you know as well as I do that he was always going to shoot Shado. Her death caused the most damage, and that's what he wanted, to bring damage. That was never your fault." The almost-Mayor of Star City took a breath and allowed himself to rest against the wall with one of the few people who understood him best. "Prometheus is cut from the same cloth. He wants to hurt me, and he used Mei to do it. Even if I didn't shoot Mei, I couldn't save her from the bomb. It was targeted at me. None of this is your fault Sara. What I did to Justin Claybourne brought this on, and I have to live with the consequences." Sighing, Oliver turned to Sara, and found her facing him with unshed tears in her eyes. "It's not your fault."

"I don't think I'm ready." Sara confessed as their faces leaned closer.

"When you are, you know where we'll be." Oliver told her before their lips finally met.

Central City

A bank alarm rang out, as police cars arrived soon, with Joe, Patty, Lloyd and many other cops stepping out, aiming their guns forth, while a slightly overweight, dark-skinned man came out of the bank, holding a bag.

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Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (1100)

"Put down the bag and put your hands in the air!" Patty snarled a him, but in response, he grinned.

"Maybe I can put you all in the air!" He declared, and suddenly, sonic waves erupted from his body.

"TAKE COVER!" Joe yelled, as the cops got down, but the waves sent some of the cars flying, before crashing to the ground and shattering.

Hawkins House

In his room, Virgil was scrolling through stuff on his phone when he got a news notification, and clicked on it, seeing the headline- "Meta-human criminal caught escaping Central City Bank. Currently in conflict with the police."

It was barely a few minutes old, so there was still time. Grabbing his bag, he made to run down the stairs, then stopped, remembering his father had grounded him.

"Oof!" He muttered, then ran back up the stairs, and rushed to the window, before leaping outside, then using his powers to steady himself as he slowly made his way to the ground, and finally landed, sighing in relief.

With that, he ran off.

At the bank, the meta-human was about to blast some cops directly, including Lloyd, when a red streak appeared, knocking into him as he was thrown off. He staggered up, seeing Flash standing before him.

"I think you can stop booming around now", Flash quipped to him.

"Boom, huh? Nice name, thanks", Boom said, then fired at Flash, but he dodged, then ran around Boom in circles, easily dodging any other attack by Boom, before hurling a lightning bolt at him that struck him and sent him flying off, before falling down, wounded.

Joe quickly ran up to him and helped him up, before cuffing him. He nodded at Flash. "Thanks." Flash nodded back as Joe led Boom away, reading his rights, and Flash shared a smile with Patty, after which the cops got into the remaining cars before driving off, calling higher-ups about the destroyed cars.

Flash made to speed away, when he looked up to see Static Shock flying to the area. Virgil then looked around, and groaned. "Looks like I was too late, huh?"

"Its all right, Static", Flash assured him. "What's important is that there was no real damage done, everyone's okay minus some ears still ringing, and bad guy was caught. This is a win."

"Still, wish I could have helped", Static sighed, when his eyes widened on seeing Ebon over Flash's shoulder.

"You…." Virgil snarled, and flew right at Ebon, who disappeared into the shadows when Virgil reached him, Barry turning around at the same time.

Ebon reappeared at a distance, then seemed to disappear into the ground, as Virgil flew to the area, and Barry rushed there too, the two finding an open manhole cover.

"He must be in there", Virgil said. "I'm going in." With that, he flew into the manhole.

"Static, stop!" Barry cried out, but it was too late. "Kids these days", he rolled his eyes, then sped into the manhole himself.

Star City

Ten days. Ten days both Prometheus and HYDRA had laid low, and Oliver was getting frustrated. Questions plagued him, what they were doing, where they were, none of which he could answer, and he didn't have time, balancing between both duties as a political candidate and hero was complicated. At least Ray was handling the company well. Not to mention, he owed him for fixing Matt's suit. Speaking of which, Oliver entered the lair to find the blind vigilante in a handstand, before pushing himself down, and up again.

"Anyone ever tell you to try out for the Paralympics?"

Matt exhaled as pushed himself up, and Oliver was vividly reminded of a similar setting years ago with Dig, with Oliver standing in his bodyguard's shoes. "Maybe once, but didn't seem fair. Plus, was too busy studying."

"Oh yeah? What was your major?"

A chuckle left the breacher. "Law."

Oliver couldn't contain his own amusem*nt. "You actually are a blind lawyer vigilante?"

"Summa cum laude, Columbia University." Matt slowly lowered his feet to the ground and stood up again. "Promised my dad I'd make something of myself, like to think I did well in that part."

"I'm sure he'd be proud." The depths of Matt's relationship with his dad were unknown to Oliver, but he assumed they were good. A man fighting to protect people, legally and illegally, well, it was something Oliver thinks he could relate to that now that he was going to be Mayor and wearing the hood. Despite his faults, Oliver hoped Robert Queen was proud of him too.

"He didn't want me to end up like him, fighting rigged bouts for cash."

"My dad just wanted me to be the man he thought I should be."

"Guessing majoring in parties wasn't what he had in mind." Knowing a dry look meant nothing to him, Oliver just rolled his eyes.

Unzipping his jacket, Oliver made to begin their next training session, when the monitors started beeping. "Doesn't sound good."

"It's not." Oliver rushed over to discover the source. Typing in the keys with a new practiced ease, Oliver's eyes widened. STAR Labs.

Earth-1, Central City, STAR Labs, 2 hours ago

Cisco crashed to the floor, spitting out blood before he was hauled back to his feet. Half conscious, he looked at the blurry image of a tied-up Caitlin in a chair with a bruise on her cheek before he was grabbed by the hair by the lead man himself. Tall, dark haired, built like a maxed-out athlete. He reminded Cisco of Oliver, if Oliver was an evil, pretentious dick.

"Now that we have your complete attention, allow me to explain how this will go down. You," he pointed towards a frightened Caitlin, "will isolate a specific substance from these vials." One of the other goons opened a box, revealing three vials of a dark liquid, not that Cisco could make out much else. "And you," lead dick returned his attention to Cisco, "Will prepare to send us all back to our Earth."

"How did-"

"Please don't insult our intelligence by asking that. Now, I know you people know about the whole Multiverse opening up crap, and that you're possibly the cause for it."

"We-" Cisco couldn't finish before the man's fist drove into his ribs. Yep, something broke that time.

"No questions, please. Only cooperation." He smiled in a sinter way that had Cisco stay silent. "Don't worry about your speedy friend, we're setting up a welcoming gift as we speak, and communications are jammed, so don't bother there, either. Basically, you have no other choice." He started walking towards Caitlin before pausing and pointed to the both of them. "Well, you could say no, but I only really need one of you."

"We'll do it."

Ward turned to the doctor that kind of reminded him of Simmons with a smile. "Thank you." He jerked his head to get the men to take her to the lab. He turned back to the shorter, long-haired man. "Keep him quiet, and make sure he doesn't do anything…unusual." Ward ordered as he followed the doctor. "You can never tell with people like these."

Star City, Now

"Okay, STAR Labs was invaded by a group of rather scary looking guys with guns two hours ago. The sensors we installed for added security were taken out by an EMP, but something must have been turned on to reactivate it." Felicity explained as Oliver and Matt stood on either side of her. She only arrived five minutes after Oliver got the alarm.

"How many men came through with you, Matt?"

"Eight." Times like this were when Matt hated he couldn't see images on computers. "Leader was 6'2, around 180 or 190lbs, feels like he'd shoot you and smile."

"He's there." Oliver looked at the man as he hovered over Caitlin in the lab. "And he's got Caitlin working on the blood sample."

"A scientist?"

"Bioengineer. Reworking a monster serum would be up her alley." Felicity supplied with some trepidation, looking between her, and the armed gunmen around Caitlin, and a bloodied Cisco in the Cortex. "They've got all doors entering the building rigged, and the hallways. They must know Barry hangs his mask there."

"I keep telling them to improve security." Oliver groaned before trying to plan. "Okay, there's no way we can get there in time, unless we can contact Barry."


Oliver didn't care at the identity slip by first Felicity and then himself, as he knew Matt was trustworthy, and not even of this world. "He's a speedster, he moves and runs faster than a flash." Oliver had to stop himself and turned to a slightly impish looking Felicity. "Never tell him."

"Probably won't matter if we can't get to them in time."

"Don't suppose you have a teleporter or something?"

Looking at Matt as if he turned on a lightbulb in his head, Oliver patted his shoulder as he rushed by him. "Good thinking." Running over to a compartment, he pulled out the extrapolator Cisco made for them and rushed back to the lawyer and hacker. "We use this."

"The extrapolator?" Matt raised his hand in question, and Felicity took it up.

"It's a device a friend made to open portals between different Universes, but we never used it to open a portal to somewhere else in the same Universe."

"We have no other choice." Oliver ignored her concerns and tossed the device to her. "Keep the others in the loop, Sara too."

"Shouldn't we wait?"

"Cisco and Caitlin waited long enough." Oliver put on his mask and hood while Matt donned his helmet, 'looking' at each other. "Ready?"

"Ready." Matt nodded, and Oliver in turn nodded at Felicity.

"Do it."

The former and temporary CEO of Queen-Palmer Tech nervously adjusted the setting and pressed the button, creating the blue portal at the center of the lair. With that, Oliver and Matt ran forth and jumped in.

Central City

Barry managed to find Virgil in the manhole, as he saw Virgil grunting in anger, but he put a hand to his shoulder. "Look, I know he is taunting you, but stop and think. I've been against such foes too." He thought of Thawne darkly, who did love to taunt him in such ways and make him lose all sense.

"True…..I guess I'm just frustrated", Virgil sighed, moving forth slowly, when suddenly Ebon came out of the shadows and grabbed him, taking him away, Barry's eyes widening.

"NO!" He cried out, before running forth to search for both Static and Ebon.

Ebon threw Virgil to the ground, making him groan, as Virgil braced himself for an attack, but it never came. Instead, he saw Ebon standing before him.

"You and I….we're better than the rest of them", Ebon declared, sounding quite sincere too. "Our powers, they make us different, and better. All of the rest…they're just weak swine."

"And who are you to decide?" Virgil inquired.

"Our powers decided it!" Ebon snapped. "Don't you see, if we got these powers, that means we are the favored ones. Let us take over Central City, together. I have my own group already, you can join us, ditch this superhero gig which is useless and harmful, and be with us instead."

He held out his hand. "Join us."

Virgil looked at his hand, then the image of his mother's face flashed in his mind. She'd been killed by a scumbag exactly like this one, even if he had no powers then.

These people were no different, their powers just made them even more of a threat to the people is all. Even considering joining them would do nothing but dishonor his mother's memory as well as what his father was trying to do for the homeless in the city.

"Not interested", Virgil said, picking himself up. "Powers or no powers, you people are all the same."

"How dare you?!" Ebon snarled, before grabbing Virgil by the face and slamming him down, dazing him. Virgil tried to get up to attack but Ebon decked him, sending him into a wall while bruising him and splitting his lip, after which Ebon grabbed his throat and slammed him into another wall, holding him like that, damaging Virgil more as he punched his face a few times, making his eye swell up. "No Flash to save you now!"

Virgil grunted, then lightning came off of him, making Ebon gasp in pain as he was hurt by it, and let Virgil go, who then decked his face, throwing him back, before kicking his gut as he doubled down in pain. Then Virgil was about to attack again but Ebon escaped into the shadows, before coming up behind Virgil and kicking his back, throwing him down, after which he grabbed Virgil and teleported away with him once more.

Virgil was thrown down in what seemed like a wide-open space, and opened his eyes to see Ebon, with several figures behind him, hiding in the shadows, though all of it appeared blurry to him because of how much Ebon had hit him on the face during the fight.

"Come forth!" Ebon beckoned, and the figures all walked out of the shadows, revealing their appearances to Virgil, whose eyes widened in utter horror.

"What….?" He muttered, his blurry gaze finding the figures pretty inhuman in how they looked.

Ebon shook his head, then raised his hands. "Meet the future of this city: the Meta-Breed."

One of the people looked like a strange bird/human hybrid, another was an oversized, human-like armadillo, another one who looked human was generating a light-based knife, and there was one more with really large, kangaroo-like feet.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (1101)

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (1102)

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (1103)

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (1104)

Ebon knelt near Virgil. "We got the gang here. After all, we wouldn't want to leave the big-time hero lonely now, would we?"

The Meta-Breed started moving towards Virgil, when suddenly a blur sped in, and all four of them were knocked down by it, before it threw Ebon off, and knelt near Virgil, seeing the bruise on his face.

"I'm a little more selective in the company I keep."

Ebon stood back up, glaring at Flash angrily. "This city could have been ours, Flash, but I shouldn't have expected anything else. You probably had everything given to you, a home, safety, security. I got none of that growing up, I had to take it. Put the fear of God into anyone who tried to look at me sideways. Now, with these powers, the whole city has a new reason to fear me."

"I know a few people who tried the fear thing. Didn't work out for them."

"Best not disappoint then." Flash surged at Ebon, but he flattened against a wall. Barry then saw him popping out of another and rushed him again, only for Ebon to flatten against another wall, before he came out of another one at the far end, but when Barry sped at him, he flattered against it once more.

"Can't beat what you can't touch, Flash. But me?" Ebon appeared behind Flash via wall and hit his back, making him stagger forth. "Not a problem." He disappeared into another wall and came up at Flash's side, kicking him as he was thrown off and fell down.

"L-light….Flash", Virgil managed to let out, as Barry listened and nodded, getting an idea. He waited for Ebon to come out of the shadows, and when he did to attack, Barry reacted first, as he began circling around Ebon, more speed lightning radiating off him and lighting up the space, trapping Ebon in the circle as he gasped.

Then, Barry ended up hurling the lightning at him. It struck Ebon, and threw him away by a few feet, managing to take him out at last, while Barry sped towards the wounded Virgil, seeing he'd a bruise, a bloody lip and a swollen eye.

"We'll get out of here after I get Ebon", Barry promised him, only for the bird/human hybrid to screech at him. As Barry looked up, he saw the other four had converged around Ebon, who was slowly getting up.

"Remember, heroes, I gave you a chance." Then a shadow covered all of them, and when it disappeared, they were all gone.

"Damn it!" Barry cried out in frustration, before looking at the wounded Virgil. "Let's go."


Ward paced back and forth. They were so close to getting out of here, and accessing the serum within Emil Blonsky's mutated blood was at their fingertips, if the lady knew what she was doing. It was the safest way to secure Ward's plans for HYDRA's future. "What's taking so long?"

Caitlin placed a vial with a sample on a centrifuge. "This sample contains elements and chemicals I've never seen before. I'm working with limited information, and not to mention, a stressful work environment."

"Then don't be so stressed." Ward said simply, as if she was being overly dramatic.

Back in the Cortex, Cisco was beginning to nod off. The way they cuffed him and beat him up, no way he could use his powers. There was also the pain, the horrible, unbearable pain. It sucked. What was taking Barry so long?

Just as he closed his eyes, Cisco snapped them back open when a breach appeared in the center of the Cortex. The two men left guarding Cisco were taken by surprise when an arrow and a stick were thrown at them, disarming them of their guns and leaving them open for a red-clad and green-clad men to give the beating the new metahuman desperately wanted to do to them.

With one final smack from the bow and a fast double kick, both HYDRA agents went down. Oliver quickly turned to Cisco, setting his bow down as he used a flechette to cut off the zip ties. "How are you feeling, Cisco?"

"I've been better." The scientist admitted as Oliver helped him to his feet. That was when he finally got a look at the other man. "Who is this?"

"Daredevil." The new guy said simply.

"Good name." Cisco said with approval before returning to the situation at hand. "They got Caitlin."

"I'll get her."

Oliver nodded. The leader was with Caitlin, Matt clearly had a score to settle. "I'll get the rest in the building."

"Oliver, wait." Cisco grabbed his shoulder before he could go. Taking a breath as deep as he could without pain overwhelming him, Cisco warned, "They have countermeasures in case Barry came back. I don't know what they are, but-"

"I'll be careful, you should find somewhere safe." Oliver told Cisco as he helped him stand on his own, then faced Matt. "You ready?"

"Always." Matt and Oliver left the cortex and ran separate ways.

Cisco walked as fast as he could while cradling his chest. "Oh yeah, forget about me, not like I got my ribs beat in by a sad*st." He groaned as he hurried to the Time Vault.

The centrifuge stopped spinning. Before Caitlin could touch it, Ward already removed the vial and examined it closely. A dark blue liquid came from the dark green blood. Considering the source, Ward was surprised by the color, but that wasn't important. "Is it ready?"

"…maybe." Ward looked at her sharply. "I told you, I don't know what I'm dealing with. It could make you as strong as Deathstroke, or it could make you worse."

"Comforting." Ward snarked at her before deciding they were running out of time. He didn't want to risk going up against a guy who could break the sound barrier just by running. He placed the serum in the bioengineer's hand and took off his jacket, exposing his arm while his other hand aimed his pistol at her. "Give it to me." Caitlin made to speak but Ward was not willing to wait. "Save the risk and danger speech, I'm running on a clock, which means so are you."

Oliver had his bow and one arrow out as he rushed at the remaining Hydra thugs, sliding to avoid one's shot and slicing his feet with an arrow, before getting to his other side and firing, taking the thug out.

As one more fired at him, Oliver flipped to avoid and fired again, taking him out too, and flipped to kick another thug before he could fire, managing to get him as well.

Then he fired at another rushing him, before spinning around and taking out one more the same way. As one more ran up to him, Oliver rushed him and grabbing his head between his feet, flipped him to the ground, before firing at another running up to him, and then as one more rushed him from behind, Oliver spun to strike him with his bow, throwing him down, before shooting him out.

The one he'd flipped was still conscious and pulled out a detonator. Noticing too late, Oliver quickly drew back an arrow and released, but not before the button was pressed, only then did the arrow hit the heart. An explosion further ahead into the corridor caught Oliver's attention. Smoke was coming from a room, a room, Oliver realized, was the doorway to the Particle Accelerator, where Team Flash use to keep meta prisoners. There'd be no point in blowing it up…unless…

Green Arrow's fears were not unfounded, as soon, a young man, not even eighteen yet, with spiked up blonde hair walked out of the prison with a co*cky smirk and fire in his hand. He turned his head to Oliver's direction, whose body tensed when the kid's other hand lit up with flames. "My lucky day."

He then threw a fireball in Oliver's direction as he leapt away to avoid it, then looked at the kid. "Look, you can stop this."

"I LOVE THIS!" Hotstreak screamed as he fired a burst of flame that Oliver had to duck and slide to avoid, though it got his shoulder, and he put the fire out, while Hotstreak started covering the entire area in flames, the fire alarms beeping now.

The flames inched closer to Oliver, who backed off to avoid them bit by bit, as Hotsteak laughed. "Killing Green Arrow is gonna do so much wonders for my rep. More like Burnt Arrow!"

Getting an idea, Oliver drew an arrow and fired. It managed to go through the flames, to Hotstreak's shock, and then the tip struck him. It was an ice-tip. When it struck him, Hotstreak stopped, shivering all of a sudden, as Oliver told him. "The temperature on that tip will be too much for you too bear. A normal person would be dead by now. You on the other hand….." The flames around Hotstreak subsided as he fell down, passing out.

Quickly running off, Oliver got the fire extinguisher and used it to put Hotstreak's flames out.

Ward carefully watched Caitlin as she injected the whole serum into his vein before retracting the serum. He knew enough medical skills to realize if she was trying to chance an attempt on his life, but luckily for her she didn't try anything too smart. With a wipe, he cleaned away the blood and pushed his arm back through his jacket sleeve. "How long before it takes effect?"

"You need someone who worked on the original serum, or the receiver. It could be immediate, or not, I can't tell for certain."

Nodding at the logic, Grant was about to counter with his own via his gun, when his phone vibrated. Glancing at the scientist, HYDRA's best killer checked and saw the failsafe was unleashed. He just hoped this kid didn't flame out like Scorch.

But if he was out, that meant-

Ward raised his gun, but a stick ricocheted off the wall and struck the weapon out of his hand. Daredevil rounded the corner at speed and vaulted over the workbench, kicking Garrett's pupil to the ground before rounding on Caitlin. "GO!" He tilted his head back to Ward as the operative stood, discreetly placing the gun behind his waist as he stood.

"This superhero sh*t is really starting to get really old." Ward moaned.

"Says the guy working for an organization that went out of style in the 40s."

Witty, Grant didn't know whether to smile, or to pull the trigger. He decided on both. "We're making a comeback." He said before pulling out the gun forward.

Matt quickly grabbed his hand and twisted, making him drop the gun before Matt kicked him away. Ward tried to strike twice but Matt blocked and decked his stomach, sending him back, after which Ward charged forth, the two trading blows. Matt managed to uppercut Ward, then deck his gut, before Ward grabbed Matt and slammed them both to the ground.

Getting on top of Matt, Ward decked him once, before Matt grabbed his head between his feet and flipped him away.

The two got up and traded blows, before Matt elbowed Ward back, then threw a kick but Ward blocked, before Matt tried to strike him, only for Ward to block again and knee Matt back. Matt stepped forth to try and hit Ward's knee but Ward decked his face first, sending him back.

At the same time, Matt grabbed Ward's throat while Ward decked him again, making him let go as he spun and tried to strike but Ward blocked and the fight continued.

Matt threw some kicks and a spin kick that Ward avoided, before dodging a flew blows, and then he pushed Ward off, before being elbowed on the face. Then Matt grabbed Ward while flipping to the wall and used the momentum to throw Ward off while he too fell down. Ward got up first as Matt rolled forth and tried to strike, getting back up, while Ward tried to kick his face but he blocked.

They battled again but Matt decked Ward's chest, then his face, then hit him with both fists, pushing him back, and then smacked his face so hard Ward was sent flying and crashing to the ground.

As Ward staggered up, Matt kicked him back, then tried to kick again as Ward blocked and decked him twice. Matt pushed him to the ground, and as Ward trick to kick up, Matt grabbed his foot, before slamming his foot on Ward's chest, only for Ward to throw Matt down, but he elbowed Ward's face, staggering him back.

Then he spun around and decked Ward's abdomen before slamming him into a wall, after which Ward kneed his face, then smacked him twice, before trying to punch but Matt ducked to avoid and hit his gut before uppercutting him, after which he trapped Ward's arm in a hold and continued punching him, and finally, he grabbed Ward in a chokehold.

Ward gritted his teeth, trying to free himself, but Matt's grip only tightened, until, at the end, he closed his eyes, passing out, and Matt dropped the unconscious former SHIELD agent to the ground.

Panting, Matt walked over Ward's unconscious body, when he heard Oliver walking towards him, smelling of smoke.

Quickly navigating the round hallway, Oliver, his suit blackened and scorched in places, ran to where Felicity reported Matt engaged with the HYDRA team's leader. The meta, Hotstreak as he liked to call himself, was dangerous, but not nearly as dangerous as his ego. Having withstood the head, alongside his suit, Oliver had managed to use the ice-tipped arrow to take him out. After that, all it took was putting out the fire, then putting Hotstreak into another operable cell. The still living HYDRA team members closest to the pipeline were thrown into similar cells, now that left the two in the cortex, and the man Matt was fighting.

Any worries he had quickly went away when he entered the doorway of the workshop, he saw Caitlin working, and there was Matt, waiting for him. "Clear my end, despite some unexpected trouble."

"You'll have to tell me later-" Matt started smiling, but it quickly dropped, and Oliver saw why. Daredevil turned in time as the man suddenly sprang up with a gun in hand, but Green Arrow was already on the move.

Arrow nocked, and drawn, Oliver then released, the projectile sailing forward faster than the HYDRA agent could raise the gun in time, striking the heart, followed by another. He looked down at the two shafts in chest, then to the two vigilantes, before his body finally collapsed.

Matt looked faced the direction of the man who would have sh*t him in the back, then towards Oliver. "You killed him."

They never discussed morality towards killing, but Oliver knew Matt was not the type. He tried to refrain from going too far into the darkness that many like Ra's told him to embrace, but this was not darkness. The guy pulled a gun on his friend, it was instinct. "If I could have, I wouldn't have, but he was not gonna shoot you again." He saw the turmoil plague the exposed part of Daredevil's face

Oliver just hoped this did not shatter the goodwill built up between them.

Later, Star City, Arrowcave

They were back in the lair, Cisco personally bringing them back as a thank you and a promise to upgrade Matt's gear next time they saw each other. Barry was busy with whatever by the time they finally disabled the explosives, finding out what happened while he was gone should be fun for the speedster. Meanwhile, the drugged and unconscious HYDRA agents were thrown through the breach, along with the body bags. Oliver sent a message through the phone Hardison gave him to text Eliot, letting him know of the situation, and where to pick up the neo-Nazis.

Now, after a little over a week, it was time to say goodbye.

"It doesn't even feel like ten days." Thea complained as she hugged the lawyer.

Chuckling, Matt told her as they separated. "Try spending a few of them stuck down here, they'll feel like ten weeks." She moved back as Laurel stepped up, hugged him, and kissed his cheek.

"Don't be a stranger." She told him with a wink as she moved aside.

"I'll try."

Diggle walked forward with a hand that Matt gladly shook. "Take care of yourself, man. Though if I'm honest, I'll probably never visit your Earth."

"I can't blame you, with the giant watermelons, kaiju, and killer robots walking around, it's not the best time."

"…did you say kaiju?" Felicity asked in shock.


"…nope, never." Dig shook his head and walked away, making the others laugh.

"So, blind, ninja, lawyer, man, what's next when you get home?" Felicity asked as she pulled back from Matt.

A shrug came from the breacher. "Back to work."

"No rest for the Devil?" Roy said jokingly as he clasped hands with Matt and pulled each other into a one-armed hug.

"No rest for the lawyer whose partner is likely to have a heart attack when he gets back." With a light-hearted touch to a serious topic, Roy shook his head as Matt finally faced Oliver. They did not talk about what happened much, and conversation was muted. Oliver felt giving him some space was warranted.

However, he was surprised when Matt offered his hand, and smiled at him. "Thank you, for saving my life. Twice."

Smiling back, Oliver happily took his hand and shook. "Thank you for being such a good student and guest."

"That's the Catholic in me."

"I bet it is." Oliver nodded as they released their hands. Matt returned it as he turned around and walked to the breach but stopped mid-step. Oliver furrowed his brow when Matt turned back and faced him, helmet off.

"My name is Matt Murdock."

Surprise filled Oliver before shoving it away to make room for appreciation at the show of trust. "Oliver Queen. It was a pleasure."

"It was." Matt said before donning his helmet again and walking through the breach. They watched him go before the breach finally closed behind him.

"I liked him." Thea admitted. "He was funny, and not overwhelmingly broody like some people here." Oliver fixed her with a dull look.

"He definitely seemed like fun."

Team Arrow looked to the source of the voice, and found their missing member returned. Sara smiled back at them.

"Miss me?"

A soft look was adopted by Oliver. "Welcome back." He said as Laurel and Thea engulfed her in a hug.

He hoped, despite everything, that this meant things would turn around for them.

Central City, STAR Labs

Barry finally sped back in, taking his mask off, as he saw the wounds on Cisco, while Caitlin had a bruise. Guilt filled him as he said. "Sorry I was not here. I was in the sewers as Static had followed Ebon there. Took a while to find them, and couldn't hear the comms there."

"Even if you could, those people jammed the comms from our end", Caitlin told him, but Barry's guilt wasn't easily assuaged.

"How is Static?" Cisco inquired.

"I patched him up before sending him back", Barry told them. He wasn't a doctor like Caitlin or his father, but he'd picked up a few things, so he could treat injuries like those. "Either way, I should have been here, I'm sorry guys."

"Its fine, I'd have been madder if you were having fun or something", Cisco assured Barry, standing up with a groan as Barry sped forth and helped him too. "Either way, Oliver and that Daredevil guy helped out just fine."

"Daredevil, huh? Cool name", Barry said, Cisco nodding in agreement.

"And that's another one I owe Oliver."

Hawkins House

Virgil knocked on the door, his father opening it, looking down on him sternly, but the anger faded a bit when he saw that his son was patched up.

Putting an arm around him, Robert led him in and closed the door. "What happened?"

"Ran into some rough people, dad", Virgil told him an abbreviated version of the truth as Robert helped him sit down on the couch. "Flash saved me and patched me up."

"Thank God for him", Robert sighed, then looked at Virgil. "You're going through stuff, and I get it. This is that kind of age. But you don't need to go through this alone, all right?"

Virgil nodded, as Robert smiled at him, then said. "Go to bed now." Getting up, he added. "You're still grounded though."

Virgil sighed, as Robert helped him up once more, to help him get to bed.

Earth-92, Los Angeles, Hyperion Hotel

Team Angel had just returned from watching the 'Blinnikov World Ballet Corps', and it was….interesting, to say the least, considering what Kurskov was up to, and that poor Prime Ballerina. Plus the time when Angel and Cordelia had been possessed and nearly done it.

Now, in the lobby, Cordelia was brushing at her dress. "Do you think I can still return it? Because otherwise we're gonna have to take on a lot more cases."


Cordelia said. "You know, we should probably just not talk about - our little adventure. Anything that might have been seen, anything that might have been, oh", she let out a laugh, "perky."

Angel turned away. "I just wanna pretend it never happened."


Angel agreed. "Wipe it from my memory."

Cordelia asked. "What? - Was it, like, disgusting?"

Angel assured. "No! I, ah... I would, I would just want... If we were to... - I would just want it to be... - new. Start at the beginning."

Cordelia shook her head. "Lost me in the middle."

Angel started. "Cordy - you and I, we've been working together for - a long time."

Cordelia let out a short 'duh' kind of laugh.

"What I mean is, you've become a truly extraordinary woman."

Cordelia grinned and chuckled.

"And I know we haven't always gotten along but… I think that we… you know… we…"

Angel trailed off.

Cordelia was confused but before she could say anything, Angel continued. "We… grew closer together and I think… I wanna give it a chance. See it through, you know, what we have, if you want to too."

"Angel…" Cordelia blushed, readjusting her dress. "Well, you know how to sweep a girl off her feet."

"So, what do you say?" Angel asked.

"Well, we've been through a lot… and… I…" Cordelia took a breath. "If this was five… six years ago, I'd probably jump at you straightaway but well…" She considered.

When they first met, she had a crush on him before seeing the truth about the supernatural and considering his infatuation with Buffy, Cordelia would never have considered being in relationship with him but both of them had moved on from each other long ago and Cordelia realized that no matter what, her and Xander would not last for long either way.

And she knew deep down, she had feelings for Angel a long time herself. "Maybe we have a chance. You've been there for me, when I needed you. And I want to be there for you too, Angel. I'd like to be with you, wherever it may take us, but we must see where this goes-

Angel nodded, knowing that they couldn't rush into it like he had with Buffy. Even without the perfect happiness clause, rushing into a relationship that fast was unhealthy, and his relationship with Buffy had proven it. "So, I guess we'll take it slow?"

"One step at a time." Cordelia promised as she held Angel's hand.

The Realm of the Powers That Be

"This has gone off completely sideways", Behmen was saying in a Council meeting with the other Powers That Be. "That plan that we'd made for the Champions….it is not being followed anymore!"

"Indeed, this Singularity and these portals have made a mess out of everything", Balial agreed with a sigh.

"I know!" A Power That Be by the name of Dushan ranted. "They all deserve to be punished for not following our plan. Especially that Cordelia for ditching someone as great as Xander and getting together with Angel instead!"

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (1105)

No one paid him any heed. He wasn't really very pleasant to look at, or listen to, for the matter, since he'd an obsession with Xander, and even suggested to make him Champion instead of Angel many times. The only reason he was even a Higher Power was due to his powers and skills, his personality wasn't something the rest of them liked at all.

"Should they be punished, though?" A female Power That Be by the name of Adila inquired. Balial turned to look at her, as did the rest. She was Balial's sister, a High Minister in the Council, and the best warrior amongst them all, even if she hadn't taken up her weapons for a very long time. Not since the rogue Power That Be had been defeated, by her personally at the end of the battle against her.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (1106)

She hadn't supported her brother in becoming ruler because he'd been blinded and she did not think he could the best ruler he was capable of being if he could not see where his enemies lay. Not to mention he was only the top candidate because the rogue Power That Be had killed all others in the battle.

Because of that, he'd only been made acting ruler….and he was still acting ruler for many centuries now, not having given up his power, and he wanted Behmen to be his successor due to Behmen's strength, as he was the strongest of them all. And he thought Behmen had a strong personality too. He was just trying to think of some sort of test to gauge Behmen's overall capabilities before making it official.

So many good people, good Powers, had lost their lives due to that rogue Power That Be. She might have been defeated and banished, but her actions were the reason why the Powers That Be were still suffering, not even close to their former glory and greatness. Now they were just powerful beings residing in this Higher Dimension.

They were not worthy of being called Higher Powers anymore, as they did not guide, just manipulated things, and got angry when their plan wasn't followed, as this meeting was proving.

"They are our Champions", Adila continued, trying to appeal to the rest. "Who will care for them if not us?"

"To be cared for, they must follow us first!" Behmen snapped at her rudely. "You'd do well to remember that, Adila. This softness does not befit a Power of your stature."

Adila glared at him as he continued. "Or do you want to be human like them?"

"Silence, Behmen, get back to the matter at hand!" Balial silenced him. "If you want to succeed me one day, get to the point."

"Forgive me, Lord Balial", Behmen apologized to him, but not to Adila to whom he'd been rude. "For now, I suggest watching this play out a bit more, but if things get out of hand…"

"We will have to interfere", another Power That Be named Slate spoke up now. "They have gotten it all easy….decent lives, friends, family. The least they can do is follow us." Slate looked at Behmen. "Otherwise, I do think we will have to pay them a visit and tell them to get in line, my friend."

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (1107)

"Right you are, my friend", Behmen agreed, the two sharing a smile. "And I am sure you can defeat the best of them in a battle."

"I can!" Slate said. "Just because they became Champions while alive does not mean they're better than me. Even before you made me a Power That Be after my death, friend Behmen, my competence was always divine."

He had been poor in life, his family having had quite a few lepers, a very long time ago, and so he'd never received any opportunities in life, in spite of his competence, making him very bitter. He would have been a Champion otherwise.

However, seeing his competence and skills, Behmen had made him a Power That Be after his death, and the two had been great friends since then. And both were confident that Slate was capable of defeating these living Champions if he wanted to.

"I look forward to seeing you defeat all of them", Behmen told Slate with a smile, happily imagining such a sight already.

"If it comes to something like that", Adila said, Behmen glaring at her again. "We cannot interfere unless absolutely necessary."

"But I'd say it is necessary, won't you, Behmen?" Talzin asked, and Behmen nodded with a grin.

"Yes, very soon", Behmen snarled.

"I can't wait to teach them a lesson!" Nigue said happily with a chuckle of his own, having some dark thoughts.

"Oh yeah, I have quite some punishments in mind for this lot", Jossetta smirked vindictively. They should have just followed the plan. They didn't, so they deserved whatever happened to them now as consequences.

"Besides, I have a way to contact them anyways", Vasoros pointed out with a smirk of his own. "If they go too far, we can talk to them and tell them exactly what will happen to them at any time we want."

"If they do not follow our plan eventually, we will interfere", Balial finally declared, as Adila looked down and sighed sadly.

Some Higher Powers they were. Getting angry because their plan was not being followed, when it wasn't even the best plan to begin with, considering how hard the lives of the Champions were, how much they struggled, and still didn't get much in the way of happiness.

She hoped things could be better one day, but that day wasn't in sight as of now.

Earth-1, Star City

Prometheus and Talia entered the rundown apartment they used to rendezvous, the former putting the box of Promethium down, but both were immediately on alert, realizing they were not alone in the room.

Exchanging a look, they nocked their arrows, only for a speeding blur to disarm them of all their weapons and throw them to the ground painfully.

At that moment, the lights finally came on, revealing a bald man in a business suit, another dark-haired man in casual clothes, a man with long hair and beard holding a knife in his hand, having a very sinister grin, Zoom in his usual speedster attire, having only a new and improved version of the Satan's Claw, and someone Talia instantly recognized, causing her to growl.

"Malcolm", she snarled, glaring at the current Demon's Head, who just smirked at her.

"Pleasure to meet you, Talia, I hope you are more pleasant and reasonable than your sister", Malcolm Merlyn greeted her in his usual pleasant manner, hiding his sinisterness underneath.

"She has grown into a foolish woman by all accounts", Talia scoffed, picking herself up, Prometheus doing the same. "But you were a fool to come to me."

"Except it is not just him", the bald man spoke, both now looking at him. "We made this decision together after observing the two of you for a bit."

"Why did you all come to us then?" Prometheus inquired. "Who are you all anyways?"

"My name is Lex Luthor", Lex revealed to the two of them.

"You don't look like him", Prometheus noted.

"I am not the one of this Earth", Lex revealed, to their surprise. "I am from a different Earth, and I am making a team of like-minded people, who share the same goal as me."

"What goal is that?" Prometheus asked.

"The defeat of people with super-powers", Lex spoke in reply, then smirked wider. "Simon Morrison."

For once, Prometheus was shocked. He had been ten steps ahead of everyone so far. No one even knew who he was, and outside of Talia, everyone was unaware of his true plans at day's end.

Yet this businessman from another Earth, who clearly was the leader of this group of five, knew who he was already.

Reaching up to his face, Prometheus took off his hood and pulled down his mask, revealing his face, causing Talia to uncover her face as well, both of them staring at this group of five.

"I only want to make Oliver Queen suffer, I do not care about other super people", Adrian said matter-of-fact.

"But that is the thing, my friend", the dark-haired man now spoke up, before holding out his hand. "Turkish Delight?" Adrian looked down at the Turkish Delight in slight confusion, then shrugged and took it anyways, before he offered it to Talia, who took it too.

They knew for one it wasn't an attempt to poison them. Otherwise, why even visit them and make this pitch?

"I am Zemo, by the way", the man gave his name while sporting a pleasant smile of his own. "Anyways, as I was saying- you want to make Oliver Queen, the Green Arrow suffer, but I ask you….why be so short-sighted?"

"Nothing else really matters to me", Adrian snarled.

"Wait Adrian", Talia held up her hand, liking the sound of this. "Let us listen to them."

"We can make things better, you see", Vandal Savage now spoke up, before revealing his name. "I am Vandal Savage. I am sure you know of me."

Talia's eyes widened as she stared at him, taking in his appearance. "Father said you were one to watch out for."

"He was right, as you will soon find out", Savage told her, approaching her, Talia actually shaking a little as he stood right in front of her now, giving a sad*stic smile, before he backed off. "When you join us and see what I am capable of."

Talia released a breath she did not know she was holding, this being a sigh of relief. Adrian noted Talia's composure had cracked, and that never happened.

He did know of Vandal Savage himself, from her, and if she was scared of him, and all that he'd been told of Savage was true, even with his chip, he would not be able to take down Savage for long.

And that was not in the question, since they had Zoom with them! A speedster!

"As I was saying, we can make things better", Savage continued. "Show the people that there is a better way than looking to these masks for their protection."

"You have one with you", Talia said, gesturing to Zoom.

"I do not protect", Zoom said in his usual guttural tone.

"People think these masks are like Gods of Old, and they behave as such", Lex took it up once more, looking at Adrian. "You call yourself Prometheus, don't you?"

"He took away the fire from the Gods to give to humanity", Adrian said in reply. "I shall take Oliver's power over this city away the same way."

"Here is why you're thinking small- Oliver alone is not the problem. He is just part of the problem", Lex pointed out, standing up as he started pacing now. "All of these masks, they have taken all the attention away, making people look up to them like they're above it all. We must show them they're not. And a few of these, on your Earth, they're Oliver's friends, or are inspired by him in some way or the other."

"If you target them as well, it indirectly hurts Oliver, because his sorry crusade inspired their own sorry crusades", Malcolm added from his end. "So really, why target only Oliver? Let us target them all, and make our worlds better." He looked to Talia and showed off the Ring of the Demon's Head. "You're not getting this though."

"I left a long time ago to forge my own path", Talia told him. "I do not desire that anymore. However…." She looked at him, then Lex. "What you say is not wrong. I feel that…." She turned back to Malcolm, "our faction can align with the League of Assassins if this is to be done."

"What sayyou?" Savage looked directly at Adrian, who looked back at him, then Malcolm, then Zoom, then Zemo, and finally Lex.

"I say…let us target all of them now." Adrian gave a smirk of his own that matched that of Lex. "Like you said, Oliver is part of the problem. I will still focus on him, but the others will be taken down too, to show how worthless all of this is."

"Right you are", Lex agreed, looking out at the night sky. "Welcome aboard."

Now it was time to go beyond recruiting people.


And this is finally done.

Thanks a lot to Brainstorm Sorcerer once more for all his writing on the Matt/Oliver/Ward, Star Wars/Supernatural, Earth-1 Leverage and Avengers/X-Men/Brotherhood plots, much appreciated man.

And thank you to HRwriter897 for his help with the Earth-21 plot.

And thank you so much to gussygus28 for creating that anime-like opening at the start for this series, which felt fitting for the comeback, and will now be in every fic of this series at the start, but with changes as more characters and plotlines come in.

So, the Matt/Oliver/Ward plotline took place in a different time-frame compared to everything else in this chapter, as you can see, so this chapter technically moves in a non-linear manner.

We got Matt and Oliver bonding, and Matt healing, and training, and then fighting crime, before he and Oliver saved STAR Labs together from Ward.

I think at this point, Matt can beat the entire Team Arrow in a H2H fight except Oliver and Sara. Roy would give him the hardest fight but still lose.

And hope how Oliver took down Hotstreak was enjoyed as well, as well as all the big fights on here.

Oliver and Sara won't be a couple here, but due to their formerly close relationship, and their still close friendship, there are still some lingering feelings they've to work out before moving onto other relationships.

Meanwhile, Ebon's 'Meta-Breed' are here, and those who've seen 'Static Shock' can recognize who all were part of it, while Virgil's arc with his father also gets more intense. Imagine Leon Thomas as Boom, thank you to gussygus28 for the casting.

On Earth-205, the Jedi are being great help to the Winchesters. I know in SPN if a host body is fatally injured, the person is pretty much dead and only moving due to the Demon inside, but since Alastair is a high-level Demon, I think he can fix up his human host. Besides, a lost hand would be inconvenient.

Now we'll move to 4x10 of SPN.

Leonard, Lisa and Mick finally meet Selina, and the meeting went about as well as you all expected I imagine.

And finally, the Avengers and X-Men separately are in battle with the Brotherhood, and its going on pretty intensely, while Tony and Reed have a plan. After copying Pietro's powers, Mimic ran into the X-Mansion and copied Jubilee's and Hellion's powers as well, hence his display of those powers later.

On Earth-21, Hades and Felix Faust have been stopped, while Marvel's Hercules is here. Imagine Joe Manganiello in the role. He'd been brainwashed by Hades, but now Thor has freed him finally, and he is all good.

I'm pretty sure you can figure out who the two other versions of Hades that the 'Smallville' Hades referenced are *winks*.

Thank you to Amit Barabi for the image of Jaimie Alexander as Wonder Woman.

So, Earth-1 also has Silas Stone, while Cyborg will be a thing one day too, but Prometheus and Talia have taken some of the Promethium, and have now been recruited into the Injustice League.

Basically, Lex's reasoning to Adrian was that Oliver is part of the problem, so he can expand his crusade and take on more masks, including those inspired by Oliver, which convinced Adrian as he now believes hurting them would also hurt Oliver in some ways.

Adrian may be 10 steps ahead, but Lex is 50 steps ahead.

Thank you to gussygus28 for the Silas suggestion.

Angel and Cordelia are together finally during 'Waiting in the Wings', taken from Bl4ckHunter's 'One step at a time', so thanks a lot to him.

We got the Powers That Be too. Since all PTBs I've shown so far are assholes, I decided to make some decent ones.

Adila is the only pure good one, and Balial's sister, as she does not support the manipulation games of her peers. She is to these PTBs what Sandra is to the Elders in 'Charmed' (the original one).

Slate is more on the grey side, in that his motivation is mainly proving his competence and that he is better than these Champions even if he wasn't given any opportunities in life, but he is less vindictive than the rest of them.

Anyways, this humungous chapter is done, and a hell of a return too I will say.

Hope all enjoyed and see you all next time with another chapter.

Heroes coming together - Aragorn_II_Elessar (2024)


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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.