Japan Student Services Organization(JASSO)Scholarship | Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (2024)

Table of Contents
1. What is the JASSO Scholarship? 2. Types of JASSO Scholarships: Grant-Type and Loan-Type 3. Scholarship Details (for 2024 Semester) (1) Grant-Type Scholarship/給付奨学金 (2) Loan-Type Scholarship/貸与奨学金 4. Application Schedule (Same for both Grant-Type and Loan-Type)/申請スケジュール(給付・貸与共通) ※Information below is for 2024 spring Semester. 5. Application Method/申請手順 (Information below is for 2024 spring Semester.) STEP 1 Watch the video explaining the application(Please visit scholarship guide for the detail of JASSO Grant-Type / Loan-Type Scholarship.)/申込説明動画の視聴 【視聴期間】3/18~ STEP 2 Get application document set/申請書類セットの受取 Location: Entrance to the Student Office 〔Those who wish to receive Scholarship Guide by post should follow the steps below. (only domestic mail is acceptable※Shipping schedule: Sometimes after late March onward)/申請書類セット郵送希望者 [ Mailing address/送付先] STEP 3 Spring 2024 Application Preliminary Registration(Web registration first round)(出願事前登録) STEP 4 Fill out preparation sheet (included in scholarship guide).(スカラネット入力下書き用紙作成) Step 5: Submit the following application documents to the University by the submission deadline (書類提出) STEP 6 Receive a user ID and password for entering the JASSO website (Scholarnet) from the University. Web registration (second time)(識別番号配布) STEP 7 Enter information on the JASSO website (Scholarnet) (Web registration second round)(スカラネット入力) Step 8: Mail the My Number Submission(Send it to JASSO directly) (マイナンバー提出) ※This form shouldn't be submitted to the university. Step 9: Result notification(採用の可否) About Campus Terminal Step 10: Distribution of recruitment-related documents/採用関連書類の配布 STEP 11 JASSO System: New Registration for "Scholarnet Personal/スカラネットPS新規登録 About Scholarnet Personal References
  1. HOME
  2. Scholarships / Tuition Fees
  3. Scholarships for Domestic Students
  4. Japan Student Services Organization(JASSO)Scholarship
  1. Scholarships / Tuition Fees
  2. Scholarships for Domestic Students

Japan Student Services Organization(JASSO)Scholarship | Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (1)

1. What is the JASSO Scholarship?

The JASSO Scholarship is a scholarship provided by the Japanese government as a means to offer support to excellent domestic students in need of financial assistance either in the form of a loan or grant.

2. Types of JASSO Scholarships: Grant-Type and Loan-Type


Does not need to be paid back.


Must be paid back after graduation.

  • First-Class: No interest (pay back the principal amount only)
  • Second-Class: Interest-bearing (pay back the principal amount plus interest)

3. Scholarship Details (for 2024 Semester)

(1) Grant-Type Scholarship/給付奨学金

  • Scholarship that materialized from the Japanese government’s New System for Higher Education Aid.

  • Scholarship recipients will receive: (Does not need to be paid back)

    • Monthly stipend

    • Tuition reduction (up to 700,000 yen / year)

      • Students selected for the JASSO Grant-Type Scholarship will also be selected for the APU Domestic Student Tuition Reduction Scholarship (Separate application required)
        If the JASSO Tuition Reduction amount is less than half of the tuition fee, APU will increase the tuition reduction amount to half of the APU tuition amount.

        JASSO Tuition Reduction + Domestic Student Tuition Reduction = half of the tuition amount

      • You must first pay the tuition fees in full the semester you apply. The university will refund the reduction amount later (Spring Semester Applicants: in mid-October / Fall Semester Applicants: in mid-February). You will receive a tuition invoice that reflects the tuition reduction amount from the following semester.

    • Admissions Fee (Only for students who will receive this scholarship beginning from the month they enroll.)

  • Scholarship Amount
    There are four categories according to recipients’ income and assets. Your category will be decided by JASSO.

    Category Admissions Fee
    JASSO Tuition Reduction
    Amount (per year) *
    Stipend (per month)
    Not commuting from
    parents’ home
    Commuting from
    parents’ home
    First Category 200,000 yen 700,000 yen 775,800 yen 38,300 yen
    Second Category 133,400 yen 466,700 yen 50,600 yen 25,600 yen
    Third Category 66,700 yen 233,400 yen 25,300 yen 12,800 yen
    fourth Category 65,000 yen 175,000 yan 19,000 yan 9,600 yan

    ※The application of APU's "Domestic Student Tuition Fee Reduction and Exemption System" for applicants in 4th Category, which will be newly established from the 2024 academic year, has not yet been determined. Please refer to the "Tuition Fee Reduction and Exemption System for Domestic Students" page for the latest information.

    • *

      As mentioned above, if the JASSO Tuition Reduction amount is less than half the tuition fee, APU will increase the tuition reduction amount to half of the APU tuition amount if you apply for the APU Domestic Student Tuition Reduction Scholarship. Click here for details.

    • *

      For the first few months after being selected, All JASSO scholarship recipients will receive the monthly stipend amount for those “commuting from parents’ home.” You will need to submit documentation that proves you are not commuting from your parents’ home for JASSO to reassess your commuting status. You will begin receiving the “not commuting from parents’ home” amount if JASSO certifies you as a student not commuting from your parents’ home based on the documents you submitted. (The assessment takes approximately 3 to 4 months). Students whose status is changed to “not commuting from parents’ home” will receive a payment from JASSO for the difference in the two amounts for the length of time you received the “commuting from parents’ home” stipend amount.

  • Eligibility Requirements / Selection Criteria

  • Information

(2) Loan-Type Scholarship/貸与奨学金

  • Unlike the Grant-Type Scholarship, Loan-Type Scholarship recipients are obligated to pay back the scholarship money.
    Scholarship recipients ought to pay back the money themselves. The money that former recipients return after graduation will be immediately used as funds for the next batch of scholarship recipients. Before you apply, please think about how necessary it is for you to receive this scholarship in light of your financial situation, life plan, and how much you will need to return after graduation.

  • Types of Loan-Type Scholarships

    • First-Class: No interest
    • Second-Class: Interest-bearing
  • Scholarships you can receive simultaneously:

    • You can receive both the First-Class and Second-Class Loan-Type Scholarships at the same time.

    • Receiving both the Grant-Type and Loan-Type Scholarship

      • First-Class Loan-Type Scholarship
        You can receive both the Grant-Type and First-Class Loan-Type Scholarships, however, the Loan-Type Scholarship amount will be adjusted according to your Grant-Type Scholarship category. Click here for details.
      • Second-Class Loan-Type Scholarship
        You can simultaneously receive both the Grant-Type and Second-Class Loan-Type Scholarships. There are no restrictions.
  • Scholarship Amount (per month)

    First-Class Loan-Type Scholarship (No interest)

    • You can choose the loan amount yourself.

    • You can only select the maximum loan amount if you satisfy the JASSO financial aid criteria.

      Maximum amount Other amounts you can choose
      Not commuting from
      parents’ home
      64,000 yen 54,000 yen / 50,000 yen / 40,000 yen / 30,000 yen / 20,000 yen
      Commuting from
      parents’ home
      54,000 yen 40,000 yen / 30,000 yen / 20,000 yen

      If you receive both the Grant-Type and First-Class Loan-Type Scholarships:
      The loan amount will change from the month you start receiving both of these scholarships as follows.

      Category of Grant-Type
      First-Class Loan-Type Scholarship amount
      Not commuting from parents’ home Commuting from parents’ home
      First-Category 0 yen (Loan-Type gets suspended) 0 yen (Loan-Type gets suspended)
      Second-Category 0 yen (Loan-Type gets suspended) 0 yen (Loan-Type gets suspended)
      Third-Category 19,200 yen (fixed) 21,700 yen
      fourth-Category 30,400 yen (fixed) 29,800 yen

    Second-Class Loan-Type Scholarship (Interest-bearing)

    • You can choose the loan amount yourself.

    • You can select your loan amount within the parameters of the amounts listed below regardless of whether you commute from your parents’ home or not.

      Amount 20,000 yen - 120,000 yen
      (You can choose the amount in units of 10,000 yen)
  • Eligibility Requirements / Selection Criteria

  • Information

4. Application Schedule (Same for both Grant-Type and Loan-Type)/申請スケジュール(給付・貸与共通)
※Information below is for 2024 spring Semester.

Watch the video explaining the application
Required for all applicants March 18~
Get application document set
Location: Entrance to the Student Office Mar. 20 - Apr. 19
Application Preliminary Registration
Web registration (first round)
※Through APU survey
April 2 - April 18
Submit the application form
Student Office during office hour
※Not available by postal mail
April 2 - April 19
user ID and password for entering
the JASSO website (Scholarnet)
Will be issued after submitting the application form Student office
Fill in Scholarnet(web)
Web registration (secound time)
※JASSO System: Scholarnet
complete regitration by 4/23 → First transfer on June 11
complete regitration by 5/25 → First transfer on July 11
Submit the My Number Submission form
(by JASSO deadline)
Within 1 week after compleiton of Scholarnet registration Submitted by April 30 → First transfer on June 11
Submitted by May 31 → First transfer on July 11
Notification of result
Campus Terminal Early of the month of first payment
Distribution of recruitment-related documents
Distributed at the Student Office counter End of the month of first payment
*First payment might be late if screening by JASSO takes time

5. Application Method/申請手順
(Information below is for 2024 spring Semester.)

STEP 1 Watch the video explaining the application(Please visit scholarship guide for the detail of JASSO Grant-Type / Loan-Type Scholarship.)/申込説明動画の視聴


Watch the video explaining the application:JASSO定期採用:申込説明動画※video is available only in Japanese.
Scholarship guide:Grant-type(給付)Loan-type(貸与)

STEP 2 Get application document set/申請書類セットの受取

Location: Entrance to the Student Office

Items to be distributed: Application document set (Scholarship Guide (Grant-type(給付)Loan-type(貸与) (same contents as STEP① above), My Number Submission Form Set, etc.)

〔Those who wish to receive Scholarship Guide by post should follow the steps below. (only domestic mail is acceptable※Shipping schedule: Sometimes after late March onward)/申請書類セット郵送希望者

  • Write your student ID number or examination number for new students, name, and the name of scholarship you would like to apply for (Grant-Type or Loan-Type) on a piece of paper. (You can write this information on the outside of the envelope instead of writing it on a piece of paper.)/「学籍番号」※2024春新入生は受験番号・「学生氏名」・「資料請求する奨学金種別 給付/貸与」をメモ用紙に記入。
  • Send unused Letter Pack to University's address below.Please be sure to fill in your address in the “お届け先/ To” as we will use this Letter Pack to send you the documents./返送先記載済の返送用レターパック(未使用)をスチューデントオフィスへ送付

[ Mailing address/送付先]

3677-78, Beppu City-uthikamado, Oita 874-0011, Japan/〒874-0011 大分県別府市内竃3677-78
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Student Office, JASSO Domestic Section./立命館アジア太平洋大学 スチューデント・オフィス JASSO国内係

STEP 3 Spring 2024 Application Preliminary Registration(Web registration first round)(出願事前登録)

Through APU survey:Application Preliminary Registration ※Please use this system with Microsoft Edge.

※For new : Please check New Student Orientation website for login information.

You are unable to submit RISING-FDC on the web site during 4:30am (Japan time) every day, and 7:30pm on Wednesday to 5:30am on Thursday (Japan time) every week.

STEP 4 Fill out preparation sheet (included in scholarship guide).(スカラネット入力下書き用紙作成)

Please use the sample form to prepare your application.


Step 5: Submit the following application documents to the University by the submission deadline (書類提出)

(Incomplete applications and applications submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.)

※We always check your documents at the time of submission. Please allow plenty of time for your visit.The last day of the application period will be very crowded.
※If the documents to be submitted are not in Japanese, a Japanese translation is required.

Grant-Type Necessary Documents(給付奨学金)

Document name/書類名 Submitted by/提出者 How to get the document/
JASSO Domestic Scholarship Checklist for documents submission/
JASSO国内奨学金 提出書類チェック表
All applicants/全員 Download
Confirmation Form/給付奨学金確認書 All applicants/全員 Enclosed in Application Forms/
Completion Screen of Web registration (first round)/
出願事前登録 登録完了メール画面
All applicants/全員 Web registration (first round)/出願事前登録
The original of filled out ”スカラネット入力下書き用紙(Preparation Sheet for Scholarnet)”/
※If you need your own copy of the application form for Scholarnet regitration, please prepare it by yourself before submission.
All applicants/全員 Enclosed in Application Forms/
Certificate (Kazei Shomeisho) or Certificate of Tax Exemption Copy(Hikazei Shomeisho) for your father, mother/
All applicants/全員 Local government/
Domestic Student Tuition Reduction Scholarship Application Form/国内学生授業料減免申請書
※For more information on this program, please check Domestic Student Tuition Reduction and Exemption Program./※国内学生授業料減免制度HP
All applicants/全員 Download
Printout of the “給付奨学金シミュレーション(保護者向け)(Kyufu Shogakukin Simulation (for parents/legal guardians))” results on the JASSO website/
All applicants/全員 JASSO
Study Plan(You only need to submit one study plan even if you are also applying for the JASSO Loan-Type Scholarship or Domestic Student Tuition Reduction)/
All applicants/全員 Download
Form for the change of the way of commuting 通学形態変更届(様式35)※RA of AP House is not eligible for the status of student not commuting from your parents'house※APハウスRAは自宅外通学支給対象外 All applicants who are not commuting from parents'house/
AP House 1・2
AP House 5
Other than -AP Houses residence
Certificate of commuting(not from parents'house)
* See the chart on the Form for the change of the way of commuting
All applicants who are not commuting from parents'house nor AP House/
Real estate management company/
Either ① or ②(Copy)*On/以下いずれか1つ(コピー)※通知表など①②以外は受付不可
①Sealed Official Transcript which has grade average for 3 years from the high school*It is different from trasncript/評定平均(1~3年)がわかる高校の成績調査書
②Document that shows you have passed the “Certificate for Students Achieving the Proficiency Level of Upper Secondary School Graduates” (Kotogakko)/ 高等学校卒業程度認定試験合格通知等
2023 fall Semester Enrollees/
2024 spring Semester Enrollees
①High shool, etc/出身校
submit the copy of family register.(copy)/
※When the documents are submitted, the reason for having one person as a financial supporter will be confirmed./書類提出時、生計維持者1名とする理由の確認を行います。
Applicants who meet the criteria of having one person as a financial supporter. Please refer to P12~13 of the Scholarship Guide for the detail./奨学金案内P12~13を確認の上、生計維持者1名とする理由に該当する方 Local government/
Copy of both sides of your residence card or a document that shows your residential status and period of stay./
※Applicants with student visa are not applicable./ 在留資格:留学は申請不可
Applicants whose nationality is not Japanese/
either one(copy) 以下いずれか1つ(コピー)
Jido (Satooya) Itaku Shomeisho (Certificate of Entrustment to a Foster Family); or Sochi Kaijo Kettei Tsuchisho (Notice of Cancellation of the Measure)/
Applicants who resided in a child care institution or foster family’s home until they turned/
①Document instead of My Number/マイナンバーに代わる提出書類
②Income Calculation Form for financial supporters living overseas/海外居住者のための収入基準額算出ツール兼申告書
③Documents regarding income of applicant and financial supporters/生計維持者や学生本人の収入に関する書類
④Certificate of your family members/世帯構成の証明書類
Applicants whose applicant and financial supporters living overseas between January, 2022 and December, 2022
①~③ All applicants above
④Only if applicable Instruction JASSO Official
※JASSO official&See Grant-Type Scholarship Application Instruction p.18
④Local government/
Transcript from the university (specialized training college or junior college) you previously attended./
Applicants who transfer to APU in 2024/
Previous schools, etc/

Grant-Type Necessary Documents (貸与奨学金)

Document name/書類名 Submitted by/提出者 How to get the document/
JASSO Domestic Scholarship Checklist for documents submission/
JASSO国内奨学金 提出書類チェック表
All applicants/全員 Download
Confirmation Form/Consent Form for the Handling of Personal Credit Information/
All applicants/全員 Enclosed in Application Forms/
Completion Screen of Web registration (first round)/
出願事前登録 登録完了メール画面
All applicants/全員 Web registration (first round)/出願事前登録
The original of filled out ”スカラネット入力下書き用紙(Preparation Sheet for Scholarnet)”/
※If you need your own copy of the application form for Scholarnet regitration, please prepare it by yourself before submission.
All applicants/全員 Enclosed in Application Forms/
Study Plan(You only need to submit one study plan even if you are also applying for the JASSO Loan-Type Scholarship)/
All applicants/全員 Download
Either ① or ②(Copy)*On/
①Sealed Official Transcript which has grade average for 3 years from the high school*It is different from trasncript/
②Document that shows you have passed the “Certificate for Students Achieving the Proficiency Level of Upper Secondary School Graduates” (Kotogakko)/
2023 fall Semester Enrollees/
2024 spring Semester Enrollees
①High shool, etc/
submit the copy of family register.(copy)/
※When the documents are submitted, the reason for having one person as a financial supporter will be confirmed./書類提出時、生計維持者1名とする理由の確認を行います。
Applicants who meet the criteria of having one person as a financial supporter. Please refer to P13~14 of the Scholarship Guide for the detail./奨学金案内P13~14を確認の上、生計維持者1名とする理由に該当する方 Local government/
Copy of both sides of your residence card or a document that shows your residential status and period of stay./
※Applicants with student visa are not applicable./ 在留資格:留学は申請不可
Applicants whose nationality is not Japanese/
either one(copy) 以下いずれか1つ(コピー)
Jido (Satooya) Itaku Shomeisho (Certificate of Entrustment to a Foster Family); or Sochi Kaijo Kettei Tsuchisho (Notice of Cancellation of the Measure)/
Applicants who resided in a child care institution or foster family’s home until they turned/
①Document instead of My Number/マイナンバーに代わる提出書類
②Income Calculation Form for financial supporters living overseas/海外居住者のための収入基準額算出ツール兼申告書
③Documents regarding income of financial supporters/生計維持者の収入に関する書類
④Certificate of your family members/世帯構成の証明書類
Applicants whose financial supporters living overseas between January, 2022 and December, 2022
①~③ All applicants above
④Only if applicable Instruction JASSO Official
④Local government/
Transcript from the university (specialized training college or junior college) you previously attended./
Applicants who transfer to APU in 2024/
Previous schools, etc/

STEP 6 Receive a user ID and password for entering the JASSO website (Scholarnet) from the University. Web registration (second time)(識別番号配布)

After submitting all the application documents without any correction, you receive user ID and password at Student Office. This ID and password can be used for Scholarnet registraion only for this time of recruitment. You will need another ID and password to login Scholarnet Personal after recruitment.

STEP 7 Enter information on the JASSO website (Scholarnet) (Web registration second round)(スカラネット入力)

Top - Scholarnet (jasso.go.jp)
For detailed information on how to operate the website, please refer to page 23 to 26 of the Guide to Grant-type Scholarship and page 37 to 40 of the Guide to Loan-type Scholarship.
*The JASSO system is only available in Japanese. If you do not know how to operate the system, please come to the Student Office.

The image above is the sample provided by JASSO. The actual one can be different.

You need to take other procedures or re-enter information if you enter wrong information on Scholarnet.
Please make sure that you enter correct information.

Login to Scholarnet using your ID and password and enter the required information.
[Loan-Type Applicants]If there is an error in the input information, correction procedures (e.g., correction with a personal seal) will occur after hiring.
In case of personal guarantee: For joint guarantor/guarantor address, enter the address on the certificate of seal impression (residence certificate).

Step 8: Mail the My Number Submission(Send it to JASSO directly) (マイナンバー提出) ※This form shouldn't be submitted to the university.

Use the JASSO special emvelope to send the form by registered mail (kani kakitome).
Please note that late submission to JASSO will delay the selection process.

If the documents are not submitted to JASSO or if the submitted documents are incomplete, JASSO will contact the scholarship recipient by mail or by phone from the dedicated My Number submission call center.
Please note that if the deficiencies are not resolved by the deadline, the scholarship will be rejected.

Contact number regarding My Number:0570-001-320

Step 9: Result notification(採用の可否) About Campus Terminal

You will be notified of your acceptance or non-acceptance via an "Action Required" message on Campus Terminal.
The notice can be later when screening by JASSO takes time

We can not answer to the inquiries regarding the result on the phone.

Step 10: Distribution of recruitment-related documents/採用関連書類の配布

As soon as JASSO sends the scholarship certificate and other information to the University, you will be notified via an "Action Required" message on Campus Terminal.

* Distribution documents will be available at the Student Office counter.

After receiving the documents, scholarship recipients are required to prepare and submit the pledge of repayment (返還誓約書) and other attached documents to the Student Office by the submission deadline.

Details will be provided after selection.

STEP 11 JASSO System: New Registration for "Scholarnet Personal/スカラネットPS新規登録 About Scholarnet Personal

【New registration deadline: within one week of receipt of employment-related documents】
JASSO System:Scholarnet Personal
All new registrations for Scholarnet Personal are required after recruitment.
Scholarnet Personal is used for post-recruitment procedures.
Failure to follow procedures due to non-registration will result in suspension of transfers, etc.
※This system is different from the system in STEP ⑦ above.
※The identification numbers distributed in STEP 6 above will not be used.

【Points to remember】

  • Information regarding scholarship will be announced through Campus Terminal.
    Failure to follow procedures due to forgetting to check announcement will result in suspension of transfers, etc.
  • APU's JASSO Domestic Scholarship Instagram is available.
    Please follow us as a reminder not to forget important procedures.

Student Office JASSO (Domestic)

Email: djasso@apu.ac.jp

URL https://www.apu.ac.jp/studentsupport/scholarship_tuition/domestic/

Japan Student Services Organization(JASSO)Scholarship | Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (2024)


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