Martinsville Bulletin from Martinsville, Virginia (2024)

Dogs (Cont. From Page 1-A) continued. "When she's on the ground anybody can pet her. "I know a lot of it is real bad but it's the way they're brought up. They have certain areas they protect like the house and truck.

I think they're getting a bad deal." Stoneman's friend, Johnny Turner, has a half-breed pit pull, a puppy of Stoneman's dog. He said the dogs have to be taught to be vicious. "All of 'ems not vicious," he said. "You can make them mean. They make good pets.

They'll look after their masters. I feei like you can train them to be mean." Turner said be saw an organized pit bull fight in Florida, which almost always ends in death for one, and sometimes both, of the dogs. "We went to one and I don't want. to go to another one. It's awful." Bacteria AUSTIN, Texas (UPI) A salmonella bacteria bas been found in a popular Mexican folk remedy rattlesnake meat capsules used to treat AIDS, cancer and tuberculosis, the Texas Health Department has warned.

Dennis Baker, director of the agency's Food and Drugs Division, said the state found the Salmonella arizona bacteria in capsules from stores in Houston and Lubbock. It began testing the capsules after evidence of the bacteria was found in capsules Woman PLATTE CITY, Mo. (UPI) -A stockbroker's assistant accused of killing her newborn daughter while on board an airplane in' Kansas City is free on $10,000 bond on a charge. of second degree, murder. Julie Killeen, 22, of San Francisco was released on bond after her arraignment Wednesday before Platte County Associate cuit Judge Ward Stuckey.

'A pre liminary bearing was set for Aug. 20. Killeen is accused of killing her, newborn daughter, born June 80 in the bathroom of, an Eastern Airlines plane at Kansas City ternational Airport. in The baby Embryos BOSTON (UPI) Human embryas made from donated eggs can be trozen and then thawed to increase the chances of a successful pregnancy for Infertile women, researchers say, NOTICE The hours in the Wed. July Sportswear Outlet ad were incorrect.

The rect hours are: Mon. thru Sat. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Martinsville Bulletin, Thursday, July 9, 1987-Page -WEATHERNATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE FORECAST TO 8 AM EDT 7-10-87 60 70 60 70 1 0 At SNOW RAIN 12 SHOWERS FRONTS: Warm 1 Cold a Static Occluded to Map shows minimum temperatures. At least of any shaded area is forecast receive precipitation indicated UPI 4 ForecastsLocal State.

Mostly 1 sunny, bot and humid to- Partly cloudy, bot and humid day with a S0 percent chance of with mainly afternoon and nightmainly afternoon thunder- time? thundershowers through showers and a high 92 to 90. Part- Friday, Highs 90 to 95 and lows 70 ty cloudy tonight with a 30 per- to 75. cent chance of thundershowers and a low 70 to 75. Partly Extended hot and humid Friday with a 30 Saturday through Monpoon percent chance of mainly 'after day: Partly sunny hot. with 90 to 95.

Sunset thundershowers today and a high scattered afternoon and evening 8:43 p.m.; thunderstorms through the sunrise Friday 6:08 a.m.; sunset period. Flighs in the 90s and lows Friday 8:43 p.m. in the 70s. 1 YesterdaySummary Warm, humid air clung to the an bour. Southeast today, while Midwest "It's been a bot summer al thunderstorms that burled tor ready and electric demand out nadoes of in their Iowa banks and in pushed Indiana rivers" been bigh," an- Edison and spokesman said.

Nebraska produced more rain. Thunderstorms reached from Temperatures soared Wednes: Wisconsin to the central Plains day to 100 degrees to Rocky early today. Mount, N.C.; 95 to Washington, Two tornadoes were reported D.C., and a T. record at Cape in Iowa Wednesday afternoon; one northwest of Pella the Humid readings in the about other northeast of same range were expected today, Thunderstorms in northern D- said Ruch Crowther of the Na- linois downed power lines in tonal Weather Service. Byron and downed trees 'in Dir-' be in the low to'" mid on, where a home was damaged the south central "and Hightning.

Soutbeast regions," be said. Rain soaked Baton Rouge, La; of the rest of the country so thoroughly that two cemetercast of the Rockies will A have les were forced to delay, burials temperatures to the and entomb bodies temporarily." In' Michigan, Detroit Edison "I've been bere four years and Co. said demand for electric this is the first summer: that power Wednesday hit the highest we've bad to use the mausoleums level of the year and one of the because of rain," said Ben highest ever kilowatts Newburn of Roselawn cemetery. Rain GaugePrecip for 24 bours ending 6 a.m. today: 0 Precio this month: 2.61 Total precip to date this year: 13.31 Total this date last year: 11.09 Total precip July 1900: 4.11 Total precip 1966: 2.95 NATIONAL Prec.

Readings A Albuquerque 4 OFFICIAL CITY Atlanta High Low 60 Rainfall 0 Boston LAST YEAR ver Chicago High 98 Low 3 67 Rainfall 0 Los Angeles 3 Miami OTHER LOCAL READINGS Nashville PHILPOTT DAM New Orleans Rich 91 Low 68 Rainfall 0 New York if STUART Omaha Rich 13 Low 69 Rainfall 0 Scatti Washington 4 4P S-10 PICK 3 3.9% A.P.R. $500 or $1000 BACK CASH Bob "Your White's Chevyland Hometown 303 West Church St. Martinsville, Va. 632-9831 7-A Some areas have enacted ordinances, both breed-specific and not. Los Angeles has an ordinance allowing the city to impound dogs that bite and then, after a bearing, destroy them.

The dogs which attacked Roy Crews were imounded for several months and then destroyed, but only because the dog's owner gave permission for them to be killed. While Virginia law permits dogs which have attacked farm animals to be destroyed, there is no such provision for dogs which attack people. That omission in the law, among other things, still angers Crews. Sitting in the living room of his home off Chatham Road, he recalled the events of three years ago. A plastic brace holds his hand up.

"I've got no use for my band they tore everything out of my arm." Crews said the attack by the two dogs in his backyard caught him off guard, and lasted about five discovered red sold in Los Angeles. The capsules, which contain dried rattlesnake meat and are manufactured in Mexico, are used primarily by Hispanics to treat AIDS, cancer, blood disorders, skin ailments and tuberculosis, said Baker. "We have begun testing sam- 3 ples of the product obtained from farmacias (pharmacies) and berberjas (herb shops) in several cities to determine where tainted capsules may be for sale," said Baker. arraigned on charge later was dumped in a bathroom at Miami International Airport, authorities said. Killeen was returned to Missouri to face a second-degree murder charge after she waived extradition from Florida, where she was being beld in the Dade County Jall.

She flew back to Kansas City International Airport with two Platte County sheriff's a ties, Sheriff Tom Thomas sald. Killeen, had waived extradition, during a bearing Tuesday in Miami. Platte. County has Jurisdiction because the plane was on the ground at Kansas City airport when Killeen gave birth. The airport is north of downtown Kan- 4 frozen, Doctors in Belgium reported Wednesday in The New England Journal of Medicine that they bad successtully.

used the procedure co seven infertile women and two had given birth. to healthy Resident (Cont. From Page 1-A) from checks cashed tr April and May. The amounts of those checks were not given on the arrest report. Hopkins was arrested on minutes before a man beating the was told he could not leaglly shoot dogs with a belt got them off of the dogs even if they came into his him.

yard "stalking" family members. "He told me he stayed in Viet- Crews filled a $5 million lawsuit nam two years and he's never against the county as well as the seen anybody as bloody as I was." dogs' owners for negligence. He Besides his left arm, Crews had later settled out of court with the bites on his chest, shoulder, back, county for an undisclosed amount, leg and other arm. He underwent and all legal action has been "A series of skin graphs, and resolved. surgery for nerve blockages.

He Mildred Crews, Roy's wife, said was delirious for days on pain some type of law protecting people killers and had to be watched so from pit bulls is needed. that he didn't hurt himself. "The main thing is something Crews said he still has needs to be done before more peonightmares about the attack. ple are maimed and killed," she "You just don't have no protec- said. "I can't believe that anybody tion," he said.

"It (dog laws) ain't would want something that vicious worth a damn as far as I'm con- around." cerned." "They won't never do it," Crews The Crews live in a section of the said. "It's too many people that county which has a leash law, as love dogs. But if they went through all of the city does. He said that what I did at Winston-Salem they numerous complaints over 8 wouldn't go through it for $20 milsix-month period to the county lion." animal control officer that the Crews vows be won't wait for a dogs were running loose and dog warden next time. threatening him and his family did "I've got no use for any of them no good because the officers said (vicious dogs).

I'd kill one in a they couldn't catch the dogs. He minute." 1. 4:. in folk remedy Three cases of Salmonella bours of taking capsule conarizona have been reported to the taminated with the Texas Health Department during Baker said the capsules, which the past six months. Health of-: are not an approved drug in the ficials are investigating two cases, United States, can cause death if involving adult Hispanic males, to they are contaminated and if a determine possible links to the person's immune system is weak.

rattlesnake copsules, said Baker, "They don't work, and chances are, the salmonella tainted cap-: "Most often, the tainted cap- sules will make you ill," be said. sules will affect persons who are While the Salmonella arizona already ill or who have weakened is commonly found in immune systems," he said. rattlesnakes, Baker said it is. "Symptoms are like those of the usually safe to eat fried or cooked flu stomach pain, vomiting; rattlesnake, meat because high fever, diarrhea and chills within 72 temperatures kill the bacteria. of killing newborn sas City in Platte County.

landed in Miami and left the child The woman told police the 6- in the airport bathroom; pound girl was stillborn when she authorities said. delivered ber while the plane was The baby also had some bruises stopped at the airport and that she and was wrapped in a disposable left the infant in a bathroom trash cover from pillow similar to one 4 bin at the Miami airport the night used on commercial airlines, of June 30 or early July 1. Peters said. The Dade County medical ex- Police In Miami located Killeen aminer, sald the infant was born, after interviewing passengers and alive and died of asphyxiation. An.

crew on Eastern Airlines Flight autopsy found blue fluid in the in-: fant's stomach, lungs and In-: Passengers and a flight attentestines. The fluid was consistent dant told police they. had seen with the toilet bowl cleaner used" blood; on the woman's clothing, by commercial police and, when questioned, the woman 'said told in attendint she was sufInside Killeen ber apparently until hid the infant fering, from stomach flu, sweater the plane autborities said. 4 thawed then born children. planted in their wombs, but the The use of.

frozen and then report is apparently the first inthawed embryos has volving donated eggs. reported before for women whose "As tar as I know, that's the first own eggs were removed, fertilized report in the literature," said Dr. in the laboratory and then im- Daniel Navot, a visiting scientist, Morgan Ford Road In southern through a rear window. Henry -Dennis County, -Michael Marshall Turner, 2, Bender of Wimmer of 1158 Yorkshire Road, was anTire in Collinsville told Henry rested Tuesday in Martinaville on more County deputies Wednesday that a Patrick County warrant charg. than $850 worth of tires and ing him with driving after being wheels were stolen in a break declared a habitual offender.

the store. -Matthew Walter Brim, 30, of Eight tires and eight wheels Fleidale, was arrested Tuesday were taken after burglars broke in Henry County and charged with SALE! Our Lowest Price 4 Ever! A 3 1 vi Tandy 1000 SX 6 4. Save Now on the Best-Selling PC Compatible Made in America IL Save $200 Lie 6.. $79900 999.00 Reg. 4 Low As $37 Per 1000 SX.

Now off! A troc PC- sticks, or light pen. Also included at no extra The Tandy 1000 SX comes with charge is MS-DOS 3.2 and CW-RASIC, and our RAM. expandable to 640K on the main exclusive Desk software, featuring six and has two bealt-in disk drives applications on one disk Text Processing, With the SA's five card slots, it's easy to expand. Analysis, Electronic Filing. Adapters are bust ha, so it's easy to connect Telecommunications and Elromonochrome or color monitor, a printer, joy.

tronic Mail. 125-1051 A Radio COMPUTER Shack CENTERS Check Your Phone Book for the Rado Mack Store or Dealer Nearest You PACES MALE A MOO COMPEREA CENTERS AND STORES AND DEALERS 647-8424 J. 4 St a de driving after being declared a babitual offender. -Andrew Wayne Haley, 1, Rt. Bassett, was arrested Wednesday night in charged with drunken driving and reckless driving.

Teenager drowns A 16-year-old RI. 4, Martinsvile, youth drowned Wednesday while swimming ha the James River dear Natural Bridge Station In Rockbridge County, The youth, Lawrence Everett Baker bad been on an outing with fellow from the D.C.E. Youth School, state tacttty be had been attending ba Hanover County. He was the son of Lawrence Everett Baker and Regena Cassandra Morris Baker. The victim was with three other students and three counselors co a outing at Camp New Elope De Glasgow.

The youth's father said his had been canoeing all day when the group sopped to pitch camp. His thee want around 2:45 p.m. la the river and apparently developed cramps. The body was recovered at 8:20 p.m. by rescue squad crew members from Glasgow, Buena Vista and PRICE ELECTRIC Lighting 647-8424 303 41.

Martinsville Bulletin from Martinsville, Virginia (2024)


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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

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