New-York Tribune from New York, New York (2024)

GOOD CHILDREN REWARDED. INVITED TO VISIT FOKMKK HOST8. tan TKlnVNK'B CHARITY AmiYXUITI.D Al.IKK HY (ilTSIS AM) With unabated vigor The Fresh-Air (Work stea-lily oat up gals MBPS children have been sent ta the country BSeeoa tlinn lu any nf the previous twelve tho work was in? itialed. The Fresh A.r SaaaafBSSaat, however, bas tnnde one noticeable Innovation this yenr, mid so far tts improvement and SUCCesi the system have marked: Instead ol tab ag tbs children lu eOSB of four ai.d live kaadred, sr Indeed, ll (Treater numbers, tbsp now fol their Mttfa*g petties nf leis number, huh mare but at tbs saiue UlM entails ISSI ti less confusion, fever fer and neelia i bs far ta bot a tbe sttaagsBto and the little theaisalves. To Byes of those unacquainted Wttk tba wi.ri.lnc of this beautiful Charity, and even in tba Ind-' of tho railroad men themselves, this ,1,1 lags teeeU diminish tire magnitude of the Preab-Atr but neverthe leat, its resir'-s baee bsea ia irat-plag tlint, unless some lill tin aisi sans or-curs tn prerent, tho X-rcscnt nieihod will be soatiaued.

one et tbs h. li'tlfs cf the summer WM that which left the Oread central Btatlon Wedaeedaj night at 11:30 o'clock for Bsassajtakr Palls aetghborlog tewn1 ts Korthara Kee fork sRtotalis nf the 1 ral read, tbs ears tor the were reagf fur them by half past 9 o'clock. Tho little ones paeetotu appolnl ncnl were till ob hand In ern STOVided Wltb I luncheon and a change ol et in anticipation the tn 1 "crassy hillsides. Tb" Whela -t Ininei'late ly upon tba-1 Bt-1 1 I fully on before the train atartod many a fdlow was asleep, qaltc as comfortably, In all prob? ability, on tbs sufi the cars, ar- if be ked been upon the bard boot or draw pullet unenl bouse, of the obh-r ya bi girls, bowen I 'i'i- lleep, evinced those procjlvlilel whick cha'. children of every ('la I bj trying lo BBStabto him lites the it ls aarprl can eat.

A-ll ai tbeae children, excepi Ibe als who enl to sad lae abas for Marcy, return bj Invitation to il. si 1 when Ihej visited Issi luninier. The entol lo tbe little bora as I rh and ts it to bs wi at? Me sase of heart ea ito, furrowed faces Without tooling ri" 1 In 1 and how aauek 1 'ed after (bey have nm In OWH homesl Some of thc ta tlve 1 In ope. bari ng when they receive a apodal Invltatli Tb ughout tbe year these lu maay Instances niaintaln a 1 1 ipondence villi i'? I often photographs ai other trinkets. The ebUdrei fro? Hope hap 1.

al tra? Avenue P. af which tbe John B. Devlin has ps is one ol ina eoaneoted with Dr. Howaid Crosb BM te all llpht and toot, so well were some them attired whan Oral visiting Trills, (Lat of the W( reived in regard lo 1 talus of tbe chii Ire-Vs pareats. Tbs oldei 1 paper boxes tnd art 1 th.ii flos sn Ono lit tlc maid ii 1 11 kti 'er father I I mother Is A Und friend, i iwever, baa Riven 1 a thorough she acts at triraulst f.r a bool of Hopi riiaiKil Sd ii Behool 1 I last sdght wot tehool lt came and Ihe and addn of Iho child.

bust and examin? ing pi rab lan of tl Hopkins. Daniel and Ke'h v. and ll IHiiv. ooner. Tin h.

Mi Ihompson. lt. Randall, M. Itaej Mr. li am M.

'i bi Mrs. Lent. Mi Randall. Mrs. Kledel: II.

E. i Vmes Mrs. fiurl-am Wear! 1 ld Prat pepi ens; Elitsl Won leil; Basel, Mrs. 'j- walb Lampbei Prespeet Mr 1 A party nf tea boya 1-ft New-York Wednesday under Ibe auspices of The Url iud for Conn. They were mel ai Riverside, the neatest by ihe Rev.

li M. rliitrtoti. pa-tor nf th" ireh In ik 1. h. 1 lin sears, has chlldn elly al a 1 (nltlitie 'I I WllJ 1." IUCCi Paded 1 another party in two oul the dimmer, all i (he Bt Augustine Chat-I.

Wednesday a letter ni- published fn.m a little plrl to Bent to country. Bera is one from ike nihcr cid ol ti ta I ue Slr: Tho two titi fitly 2 te i leal little coi ii happy and content, aji.rt u-uithy leek In thel ti i Tkey aa I tb us eat lt fifty be Int katti i tl ai iv ai say time al V-. A pretty and Int nt from the lido Day irserj to Quincy, Thursday by way of cn Wren and ie real rai There wan only me boy in thc ps rears. TI" little a weel picture eft the nursery, i ace cai ihe Inscription: "West Day faraery, 20(1 West Foi let New-York city: forwird Mrs. Willi an tide the cl py thought I Hs I uwilj- ba separati i from Mhe children on the eard pinned on I ll prevent rtoalty fri tn fathers ol shim' of this the are romen.

except a i work In fa Shs mothers leave home every day to go to their places if employment and tliet mable comfort from fact that I I ones are well cared for In be Bjaisery, and ala In .1 humoi for home ipon the return of i rhlfail No rhlldien people rho dt-itil; are taken by I of tl inti" loddlei each day al the mus breen half-past 0 and 7 In the morning, and tiedlat 1. iy Of study and pl itel a bath. I ii it of I ho jverage lenen n. They then play, and learn ar.d ti" all iteij Ihruuffh the morn Dinner ls i oap two hours, and a anew al of he -a-, hleh uni lt- for them in the rvenlr.c. They ran all I ordinary ditties ol jhlldhood and cari repent ail (he melodies of Ru( a is morn than theil ittle minds can understand, ai anocence, would unsent to until her I her while she A i lune! iliaPkte.s of el In one rink.

On i. i ustead of milk, ir order that the children mlshl lase hey vere welcomed and entci I Quincy, bi frs. Willin" who la- Jtuated in a Ray. inc of tbeae. wit a brovl piazza li aeluali ely ti men( (rf the htldren.

i 'ie, isl.Ul. this rear. jr and benevolent lad atereste-a ed, its sen: (. children. If.

III fl al i -i tr. C. n. Morton, of I tiwri. them ku ibi ii I dist fie children anion, fruit i the ti Frc, tlr I.

ail enjoying (he post plc teal of Lil i tl parti killi (ia earlv part the vac: I MOT RNOUGB PAESOBS At GBBAi NYSE. Ad saanaot In ih" (hnp-- lg i. i mr sro. They cati" c. wi il iJiid the dt.v.-r of tbs'k to a T.

In thai i When will they i lb artb wind "I t-e lu fat tba prth wtad f. i Hu rea would i I I ti ra aro lifhtv tow i lew-Yorters a lt for tl." sun I DANCER ASH A 1 Ll BOM Tho ballet feiiU af Ia iiJan.i, a-. I i a fab Isa I I I Bl -mup. lg lemo 2.Ono, afa*g. Tho atopeiaeni wi to meet af I aa, eoafl antlally half baal lhaa in ihs "Onad 1 i i pe." Pretty tory Ann taulsy baloo bi Sfi It thia citv.

Har Htnts aro peel BU MSpOStSl e. Marv Aim laved I Mgg man who BSBS dry durlnc the djy and of du: ll i did nut looic kindly aa bet lever, ab payndi sppsaisaa Aifr.i Pbampeoa. aad I le young coupls basptag SSBSBSBp. Maty Ann hil SB (an by which sh'i and bea BJStHSSi IM 'dd IN BBSb (her nightly, bbe ciifaj-ed wit- ibo show as "extra I Clastaa has from Fisnels ItPlnau an adaptation from thc ('eriwin, retitled, A Widow's Honey Tho eoatlBCt fur prodii-thm carly next I i'y," an property of frtnk Kanecr, is in ii" predeead ai tba Mobbs? on Juiv sa, Vf. J.

I'ii: mi ti tr, an actor, tuned lu the cheap teat a aaaa, baeaaae tovalved lu a street Dgkt in Univ rally ptoaa ea Ikaraday will a tree rshlMtlnn at Baarb. I lo-day at 5 o'clock, a rival walker, num. 1 who ls Bt Manhattan Ilea, li, i leaned a rhaHaaaje ta iiienlTri a of sum for a waeel af B5.000 a i The feety.asveatb eeaaaeatlve Breena of a eoaipany ut tba Daatoa will benin on Aupust ut witta a re? vival of Feint ana Tho Balla of Uaale. Thia play aliaady asbl rad a laaeaaatel nu tea weeks at ihat tba weakly averaga i lng nearly wltbdrawai of this locratlve due to rontinrts late toBt by si field witta Madaa Jaaaeaekek and Mr. Maae liiid.

Despite tke popalarity af this drama Iha lein ts limited io two weeks only, a- Bon Itiei will ii" preaaatad in rapid aeeoeaatoa. The T-tianpany will ter lb ne Vi, Allen. Fanny A I ll asa, Kales Dayna, Katu Ryaa, Miriam TTTeaiT. Ott i baal Cbastsr, Ann!" Olarka, John n. Maana, Georgi WI i Davenport, c.

Leslie Alien, Th, (.., Ailli'ir J'alkland. ll. I'. Onager, i'.

Herbart Petter, Beary and li. IL rut, asttof and -ua'u BOUND EOE TER FLOWEBT BING DOM. Tin: tn OF SIXTEEN I IIIN'AMT'X BEST ROME I Bl TO THEM. Chinamen were ihlpped Cte? (his bl le Hun Kruie i-. ii, Hey will transported by ateames n.

Cbiaa, Ka seed pegaa i.i- pla in Parailaa to- ba nnd mat to the band af Phi averj i sagsa, la against say er from dangers eonaeqa hi-, faith, BBBtiaOta Witta of thu Six oa io laiiu bis bones boaa if ba thou i iga land. Fur Sevan! 11 oj. Ali Too Manta san rian.i.sin have been bodies iii "h'-tiui lilli, in Breigioea Cai Oval BOO hinan.eii me there until tte lr baaoa I le-li. Two Anieihan 1 and an ur? ti.I.ruy CblaasMB o.ii the aaakaa Mr. amped 11111111" saab and ji.iiiod iha aaaa tba i i.e..-i bees ns be paeksd la a i i baa, tor if ba bed tba la whoa neild hive Ij.

vii di nd 1" tba ii Pan banes won thea tm tba i ij 1 tin theta pu. k.d ap lo try-goadi geo in marked han Fruin la Mr. I 4 npertataaded the Barb lag. Ile Uild a that each lesly mmrtk Sion, i. at iie- iii" boat weighed SM saaaea, and tbai (iinpaiir gigi Ibe baaSO han Mr.

Ton and USOltalMBS have, a ssl bsgtas in bsa Ai. Denver, (Hy, Whe.iiiii*, and phia. Isaac Seeley, of the htaard from hy which temi the liiex-ierlenced af 'he ballet arc known, and Induced Alfred to accept the BSalttoB er BBpSka ntcht thc two were Baal to of the ronna in the lt learned Ihnt the twain had eloped. TSe of company the lu giaapS, and In dr lire Mary Ann did teetly right." The piar juit the same, snd at? of people nightly. CANAL BOATMEN DISAPPOINTED.

BARI TO JU OMAMOWS NOT BT LAW. Albany, July l.l.-T'he canal boatmen, ni.lwllhstatd log the great advaataga tbsp boped tor ths soibj pblaory rsdaettoa of grain elevator SBerfSS under fhn new law, have had tho most dJetlBSSlBg business BBaeon so far that Hie i.ldcsl one of them reineiiil.ei-s. The cause ls partly due ta their own gleed, and partly to greal "ff rn lbs amount of atovlag year When flr-t wheat BRfrsd a' kl at ihe Bpealng of tbs canals, the clovator bill was before tbs Governor, and canal boatman expeetod Bigaatara to it. They thoroton held off tahin1 the wheat as frelpht, except at the high rate of live eeata a bushel, to UM sups that by a little delay tiny could. In addition to this high nts, have the also Sf tho reduced fees far Stovating.

The railroads carried away practically all tba wheat at four cents. The boatmen are now carrying af two eeata, and asl no advantage of elevator rates Hie elevators put on a charpo for storage, whieb (hey did not before and which (he law does not ever. There also an auxiliary cause In the falbng off of Ibo amount of praln movlnc (his year as enm paied with any nf the three ptevtoaa years. The total frO? 1 June no. by rall snd canal to New ww only this year, while for 1 -7 ll ans for and for ISS5, a tu le- than one half Within three years.

In the matter of the decrease of (jenei-al on (he canals, taken In connection with Me foregelBg flKurcs, the following table ls truly a warril ns: Mar, 2d 849.384 ll I iy, weet Cb. HIS lrtS.OGtl Har. 4tb weah. 84LlHi fane, lat weak. 1 1 805,009 Juna, Sd week 1US.103 Jane, 4tk weeta.

Total. I.1S a failini; ofi tills season in seven weeks of 200,403 ton-, aa pared with the corresponding r.f lasl year, The nala prop of canal commerce the fut ire In the a- .1 thal a' aa aarlj period, ol the lock ayston now in pro WBITE SLATES IN MASSACHUSETTS. THY. STORY OT TWO POLIS- IMMIGRANTS WHO RIOXKD a OOKTBACT TO no KAIJM WORK. SiiiiiiL-licld.

July 18 In the Btatlon bouse here Monday nipht yoong Polander wife, both Inteiiisrent-lnohinL'. x.ither ipoto aor BBdersteod i. but their atory was told Ihroogb an toter preter. Tl cr.uie from roland Mime three months apo, landinc at Castle (iaiden. Hem they wero mai ly a polite luau, who represented himself as agent for a Massachusetts employment bureau, who, the asanrod tba could finnish them einjiloi on MaSBBehUSetts farms.

The totervtow, as is eoatomsry, wat carried on through an loterpcetar, and tbs Pnlaador and wife impelled to liga ths following to ie ears ii." promised employment! consideration of the tarnished ino by-, not over boora' distant, i agree to work for him, or where he placet bm under contract, for three pay mont to be at the end of that titne, excepting what I need for accessary expenses; understand tog further thst if I fall lo fulfil this contract, 1 do not upset my Wages. The said employer also agrees, If I do well, at Hie expiration of my Hmo to give BS Witness, interpreter-." Having Signed this document-, tha man and wife put aboard the cars and virtually sold fer several dollars a head to a fanner living lu Sunderland, Franklin County lbs man waa to recall pay ai glO per mouth, (be woman BB. tall ik pitiful story of bani drudgery for three months, and finally of beltiK cast adrift to beg starve, after bein': paid bal for their com? bined lervlcea. Tbsp walked all the way from (kinder nd to Springfield, begging their living from charitable peoplo, and sleeping In iho fields the three their Journey. A RSEYMAN MURDERED IN THE SOUTH.

l'KCl'LIAIt MISCAHRIAGK OF JUSTICE IN JACK SON', TT.NN*. isman Mintn told a reporter Monday how his Daniel Smith, of I'eapaelt, N. was mol? dered BO, at Jackson. Tenn. Daniel Smith had leen for many year; a travellinir apent In the em? ployment of Homeopathic Medicine 108 1 st.

Ilium.lucys spi-alis of Mr. Smith Bl a faithful and (worthy niau. Laal winier Mr. smith, his wita, travelled threosh sonni of ihe Southern In June, on his way home, Mr. Smith nnd his wife both taken III at They boarded with Mrs.

m. McFarland, wno treated them niih greal kindness. Bat Isaiah Bmlth that a boarder, Mrs. tstovall. was extremely 1 io them ui ihe outsat Bbs seemed to think thal the Smiths were aulfariag from some tofectroua disease, possibly tbs smallpox, in spite of the state? ments of the lihv-hiaris and the piotestatioti- of tho Smiths, Mrs.

Stovali Inalatad thal they tdiouid leave Ibe boase Fit i Mr. Smith sahl tn her: "Madame, plea keep es 00 your tonirue. In a few days wo il i iafa ta travel, and will trouble yon t'i Reginald Stovali, Mrs, Btovall'i cider sun, I Blepped up and said: "Did you call my mother no If yon did. I'll put you In your (nave." Twa dnys after that a (jiiaiiid of words easned between the Stovali boyt and Mr. Bmlth, during which "Hal." stovali nhill Mr.

Smith Jury found Hal" Stovali gullly, and bia brother un accessory. Bul Smith tba1 Hie Jury's ferdtol waa "unlawful killing." whatever thal may mean. But the fad la thal tte Ktuvalls were released the next dav on ball at 13.000 and respectively, and. Mr. tsuiiili "skipped (ho PLANS OE ACTORS AND MANAGERS.

Mr T.ui ihat lv m. raab Mr. "lea aaal ns.i.:t*nt* win Heir tri eada, arba at" bs moth, eos A WILD WEST SH OH 7, If IDI80N SQUARE THK SPMOTATOI IO and lin: ama tki-ii OOWgoTS ti wk a ROI a Mi red itoer, lbs! bsd sharp boral ai i srtotod look In hil ran down fPiftl st a Brnnswli si a m. yeati rday, and seared a aamber of cabmen. They were afraid lhal Ihelr horses would they gol oul the Stol Iii a hurry.

Oas look at ibe wild animal aaa eaoogh to eeovlaoa them that be bad been ral i In lease, and had got loose la the city where be waa to have ben alaagh tared. A crowd of boya rr and veiled at a safe dfelaaee. Borne of tbe ledi said Ihey bsd fellowed brute from ibe weat aide of tbs etty, and be bsd iped from a drove thal was Isaded from a boat si the foot of Weal rot-Met' Then i soo on In Bojaare, and tl ey ail tool len rt In the steer hs roamed on gi pli I utterly regard's the forbidding signs. One man was little leta la toektag, becaoaa be waa aatoep on a bench. Pretty aoon slur lamped oem thai lench, ami theo lbs man pit up and ran Ilks I Itesr.

1 be hov ehSSOd tho atesr seross the aquan lalo I and past Hie Ball's Read Stables. Tba bS tm ned Booth ta Twenty-third sud followed the cross? town ear tracks Pli I sea, whan ks bolted back io Twenty fourth si. Bp thal time the crowd nf boys had Increased to Dearly 300, sad the chorus of yaOi sad hoots made the steer Wilder than Ile nada a nish at the open of the pipe rmi ot the Qepartmenl of Pah lie Works, si fo of im uitii it, and when be wss In the yard John Murphy closed tho gate a laboren In the yard wanted Murphy h. let wild animal again, bul tbe mil i ou're ma 'han the steer if wanl in lUveta agata Oat a mir and Por an ran about the yard, neea paw up dirt and bellow, while the tuen end ea vi rope bis hon I lb iii the i between two trucka in (bi I' ll- ed thai 'he tor branded on his lida. Ths out ru: alarm fm the owner, and in tho aftet i-io i hm McDonald, i I itcbei In I oi iii Eleventh and rwelfth the TUE "CRIS.

1'IANO ri. In a sun to i a) In the II I'lai-li Tenth and 1 md in whick Mn ami others defoi i Ingra ban in tba Bupn tc give eeeui titled to a i th Interest In ti." esta ia Tacker, of which the en? titled I C-00 for n's sad i ii ii prone I twenty yeats wh ff Braasal and BITS OP i.t m. M.w.t. MSTthi api ilnti a of 1861. When Mis died, In I phis, on Oetobei ll.

1S87, Daniel r. i this position, and 649 on tb personal the Ile sued Robert sad Bushrod A I of Mrs. Depau, for an aeeonnt na, ind JasrJi day fet red lb 0 I). Ij. Iii Pl fl gi, o.

lt. Boise and William O. Morgan, composing the Brm of 0. BolM f. Ce io a.

lb.iriii-ii, which tess mada yeaterday. Georgs w. ri. preferred imonnrlna ti. ren paid.

M. 0. Morgan i ii a note on indue. Cleveland i been granted by Jostles in-rrihriTn, in she hnpretne Court, 9lrai Oonangattoa the llllL', Sn. Lafayette-place, for aU i Tba petition algaed i.

i i C. laeubnacher, chairman of tho Iiuaid of lagnham, in tbe Ooart, Cbambera, fr.r a counsel of sl.OOO snd aSO a il i reger, of Erreger SfSlaat ber for an' ree Writs of Justin lagnham, in Mi Bunn ire da ir ni rn Iha pro. eeedlnas the Tai in mara aa Inaoranec com pan lea, an-i ruiuruabio on Um hrbi Moa I 1st. Moll CALI SD Bcrraian I ibbai. Tasia? sri i.i aa Coubt? Cn Before fnirrahara.

Hi'aaooATa'a Froit. io m. CoCBT 11 until Wedin oder, i e. 1. ai i ri a.

tn (ill until JnlT 16. (irv COUBT? 'I DR. HY. BBITI8B 1 IOHI received i tl at be waa i bleb ie- aaht tie. Marqnla i- roo.

Dr. Hld thal on bi aa ba a to and aaal Oreat Britain mid ha I a British bad at ll" Blabs i ind admll I ta i ot tba prlvilegea enjoyed by A Captain lld thal not lp Hr. ld sly i. Con. naili.i,ali/., ile- vcaael.

ii advised tha 0t tilC xnoaary about his Pl SEBAL 09 MBA levy. The funeral ol Mn i i. ry, arba killed by 'I u.i* bel i Lay ai bei home, Bo. riftieth-st. Msny I i.r.

Wero I ii. r. .1 The aaa to Cyan rv. mOHEB PRICES for BUOAM Belli cd ri is I tl ive been i normoai and i. ilnlj In ited thal tba melt the pal I ta 83,000.

whites are Quoted al 7 i and 8 et ntl pi poaa ited 7 1-2 cninr.m aa I th. lib ul supply, cheap rat. can hardly be expi eb I this summer. THE COMING LES A ECLIPSE Iha ben i run seo Bulletin. i total eclipse tbe moon, which ls to happen on the evening of July 22.

lt an almost central ol ir iielille through the sha.ioiv Ho complete coin? cidence ol Ihe planes representing tho appa ie, nrhits nf the sun ami moon when In opposition at this Interesting lunar eclipse, thai In Ibe enjuno tiona lunn' dil ii-lj og ai 1 follow nomonon of 1 11 lu approsen lo 1 and an 1 ronseajui nco 1 ie- 1 July ri and I 7, lertri, it a total eclipse of tho sun can only happen when, ai "'conjunction," tim moon .1 one of her nodes; eben a similar condition prevails al opposition" wa bevi 1 total eclipse for un Icr 1 clrc*mstan. nun, 1 aii'l 1.11 are all In same straight line When thc notlc" is reached a little belora or after tba conjunction or oppo itlon, we may nave a partial solar or partial lunar eclipse, mav I.e. ('u st? at 1 Ihe mi n.mid ppear to ps io the south die di e. snd I tl 1 clip a li visible only In the southern heml phe-re. On An (he 11 IIMon lld be 1 Hy 1.

veiicd, and partial il date will be solely the of 1 bi nmo-il N. ind Swedes. i. tbe moon he node, and the splendid lots! lunar that dale. nearly two noun, will.

be tbe result. --sV Cflfl'i IBKhTn, lr- In lair itemnnrt. Vnru lu pool In I ni ni'. Baeaa 11 fair 'I In poor ina Hplnti In pool in r. lu it? 11.

j.11 .1 ii .....1 'A .11. 1 Upi rill it In po 1 .1 Mpol ,01,, I ntui.s lu 0 .1 11 ill i lull lulf dllll Rt fl I ll.Ill nt-i-. 7 Ill ii ls. 7 vi rtnil at I In 11 li, 1. lin ia "I 1 pr as 'lull at BUM In 1 mt, Joly 13 1 peri 1.a it.ii:.e.1 ire.

nm. a. I'. Lim 1 oaatrifaaal iud 1 Gd (ol lair 11, ABTWaar, Patrntenm Fine imailaaa 17 sitora ASTWsar, Jniv na it) 1 1 1 B-LBS. 1 At tin' wool ba day there good com patt 1 tun purri wiumrawal a A otk a 1- ti prl .1 1 ba 1.

1 adraai Thfl ol day in detail ai 1 I IdS ta st. 1 III ll.l. 1." I.ll!,-, il wot 1 L. an.I 1 lo.1,. Heath 1 1 ..1 River Hal 1 bali 1 hi 1 imiu.,ii is ape ii ipa I BBSS BB I J.niia,.^ ffcaa) stocks SHOWING STRENGTH TEN PI NC TOWARD ll nm EH VA ttl ES. LITTLE CHANGE THE EoAM MABXGT. IA! is THI STOCK EX! INO-B JI LT IK THE BER BEAL Ll st. Actiut Ba i naal Alt'nm: A All intlc A r' H7 Bil Si Vhs Si i. url lin ff A Piata.

imtl ll AP ii' Hill A M.ii'. i Can ol .1 J. WA Central hie ah. (Mea Nt-'i 10-JB- Un IO er! Chla Md A hil" SH CM- BtPprol "i 107 IOU (Ml. A fitts CHtl I' r.r".

BS MAO p. tl aOnr kit Chic Marl ti 113 li I I'la I'i uioeiac tfa 'I loll Kmi VIS HS BB-i 107 f. 137 IBtL'AChle VV, A pill. Clova A Cir 1. Col ll rei Chic AR I iel I.r A A Rle Ot Dab 1:10 ur ci iron A If i Daba so.i I I "im.

ktolii I. Tenn te i. a I ii I Hrrrn orel Bona? mont II a Li (lill mir J. A "A I.I .1 irM I ak? I.enir I eilis Nisi I. aj a Chis Mar li 1 Mi.

li 'anl I.t*.* .1 -V 11. A Kl U. Ma -st hurt. I. Mi, I' -r-i I NY I.

NY CAHtl. t.rr i i.i l.K A ur ort KV I NV? il NI 'V NI NY H.t W. NY i.r.. Nor .1 Ncr erf. Nerta i'acitle- Nor fae Ohio it I Obto in imp.

Or ll N. ( li oration fi Uri.tin* I'ltt MW I Cl. I- tnt Rei? a ltlctiA ll. Illili A WI' a orof. toe.

HU. AlK Iel Htl.A A. aa i U.r-r mi'. pr? fsll'A Ml rt Bl I'M A narai lea Pac Cn lon Pac a abaal. Wah li .1 I.

West P.xv... A). I I Par Ki Amer i c.i. dru.I 71 Phllu Co.I Cam eal I. a.

II oca Cal A I. Ueel Harahan coal. Mar vUiiiir.iiil. ttom I. Co kb I Coal ai.

Ont.ul..Min.... iii (jiiicksiiver pr 67 34', tn 1D7 107 llb I III LU I lot ind 751J 76-y 60s, SJ HA I 'I lill I Ita lu sj in looy ns vis ns mv IQIg sra 22 10., 113 71 I 1 I oh 1, 48 SS lil'a I 1 11-1 MO 2,110 )7 1..:. 1. UKI a 1.181 lon 131S 133 13IS, MJ'j 1HVIH ll "a llO'a 14 l'l's 88-a ms in IIP, Ul'a I' i4 I 14-j I'i 22:, ll U7 I na vj 14 1 117-a KM. BI 83 Si 10V I.I', Si 4 "tlV 11 SJ luS SI 1.1>4 HU s.l-lj ia 91 lils, "ll 117 KS 1 i'o-4 sa -s H-ls, HO 44-a us Ill tH'l TIS WAS i-S li ll'a 14 U7'j 116 Ill I IS HIS' ii." 1.

Hfi 23 ll-a 1 ie 4...3 B4 88-J BS-sj 1 BM SH IS h.I I')--. 1. ins IU Si ill) Sj ll 17 IS hil' YA'4 1, Si 40-b 116 31 17-a 4sV 'Jo BS'? i ia 'i', i. 110 S4U HS 1S8-V Kl'. ill 17? 1 24S ms I 67 Vj 110 1 20s 1 41'-, KO 1 fl I i.i J.Vj los 24 'li 1 I UH O'J 26 -a 29 23 4-s.

ll Si ens 31 '4 98 'J'-' S41 Bl -a 92 I -9 1 il -a OH 1 S3 26 IR 17o 12 i.r ll3S 114S BS I 88 1 Sa ..4 MS JO-j 6.1'. 7.1*4 25'fl 22 a 14 1 26 Cit 71S Mai las 'j "-j 144-1 ltlSj Ul'-; "I 7 li 10s 71 Iii ts S6T, I "4 108 71 i 76 'Ul. 74 74 141 rs iSO 7.:., ll VS 3,1 M-il 78 16 i IO i 144 1: i Iii 1, DOO ion Ll BO lo BOO Bg SDK loo 23.M1 IOU 6.245 156 BOO 910 400 loo lijo j. Vi 92.fl 1 ,.1 1 IO 2.421 .1 H. 'll L2 iu 4,8 IO 88,430 7.820 1,300 876 "so 1,946 1 16,083 200 12,600 10 1 sss lill 4.360 lld 200 ToUl ot Uio uar.

0 vin xi: ex hov l.ooi 1. 107 A SD HA STO'-h-i. Alabama Clean 1 I atnir ll 2.OO0. 1I7--J Mm. Ex 1.11k Gal ll A au loo.

120 60.10S ol oin ni'" 109 Ji.ini, ol lu Bask tate BS.HS Albany a onaol 7a cooa. 6 duh.l-l** A Pat 4s 16,000...81 'a Are De. I 1. Ba 2,000 11" Ail I ll h''." 6.000.4 Sj .1 lat ur I Ba lt I Mt 1.000 Col lo.1,00. 77 lu .1 1 ni oeu 2.000....

C'lius Ohio 161: 4.1 ll f. A id*i thu 11.11 (J.lillCJI Nol) Kit 10,1 00.natl Caa ir -i 1 j. tb B01 I 1.0 (hi li at Pas rea poa 24.ocr.10'. Baal isl i.f,l 1 PaciSe a. Jae braai '1 4.0(H).

H0.4 Canada lanuthera Sd C.000.SB** 1... Col ...1 run Co l.s 6.000.IOU TU lal Ca 1 I Vj Chea cir lo ira 15,000 i'J SIC A "I 3.000.12S lurlll 4.. ''Ul Hay bl luci.tina 26.000.37 16,000.87 7. ii ant 1st West Wt 'i 1 nat 10,000. in1.

20.000.vitts kad ot 5 1st lOO ".104 Si I Ttnst lat '-4 Vl'l Bu .1 lt 5.0011.66 20,000.70 15.00 1 1.000. rj ....71 Dal 2O.0 sa. a. a isl ii 'i li. I J'tl lill lt.

lat i lr.lem. V.k.t (I Ky ,,,11 M.i 10.000 lertWorth un.1 i). 1st 17.ono 1 1,000.... 86 4 p.ertrpts 1.060.Bl IL.tiOis eiit 4a 1952 2.000.102 Kan. lat BOB lien tntatfl 119 ll? lat 15.000.

112 Nut 27.000.BS l.ot.o.BBS Mi; a st rael 1 ct Wu js 104-a J- BiV iiit KW. Munn: "lr. ns 10,1 BO. 6.000. IS 6.000.84-1 I.o A entnoli 1,000.

Met Rlevated lat Ma Ka.) ot .1. 'il 10.1 00.60 lalo Kan A iit-n'1 7 7.000_(I7.-** 20 7-j Mo I. I' 1 6.000 lOSt 1111.1. bi Peal ,11,1 Mil 1. .1 Ut 4.000.110-a Mon wea is.'*, sj Ut- B- 1.000.'."-.'a H.I..viii. .1 1 ll 2 I 14 Wi ll 1st 1 4.000 aol Nor Bal ls 6,. M', 1 ni 1.. 1 1 1 I 'id 606 ii literati il.ill Nt Nor lal 6.OO0 Ner Pac 3,1 cotip 1.HI 1 itaaaloi ls 10.000.;.-,' .1 I-'(I Si I. C.ri*..ia 6001.l's.-*.

1st Una -t -i I Job 1.000.II11J4 N'oi Iii ie Jil IO.1 1' Clil HI 1. N'Y .11... aal 1 il Sharl i.ra Oregon Traaa oa 1000. BBt Ona Ht 1. 6000 Ohio Huntti-rn me.

ne Ore ltivet aoI, runouTi; lat i.Ollo.7i!'l Phlla jii.l it (J la 95.000.SM'* lil. .1 .1:1 1 IMOVIl f.a 87 uicii a irini tr 4. li. Trust raeelptt 1.S00_ 6S-i i-t uraad 1 in 6.000.101 Bt Ara: aad lol Ut o. bH'i 10 OOO.I''.' vi; ttaeelata .11 Ht LA iron Mi 2 1 8,000.

107 la 1 tonal 1,000 1.1 00 Bli" Mine Man Lit. Mell Lv st Yu .1 anti BioaxfJ lat Y23S Sa fcOOO.86 Vi rajtaaaa income 2.000.4-J-v, 64.OO0_43*4 1 1.000...i'J*-. a A Lat 10.000 lol -a rn- 1.0.i..iia-b Colon a ar 1.000.190 liaaraataad l.OOO 1 ,000.. v. lat 10,000 i'2Si SALES AT TBS OOBSOLIDATBD BTOOX AND 1 1 1 1 'I BXCBAl yrs.

Xi mei. uti ai pa lansni 1 1 I* no 111 ii- i au Vat. 1 iee ik i 1.1 VT 7.U. 7 ll 105 JA I I 3.1 "al Ml I 1.40(1 loo 0 700 3(1 chi st I' a (lain Bar it 'J. i a.Mn*Htr*?ni.

avunrn. Iir-11-aclr Uelawurrjx li Iirn We t. I. I (ii. li ok Vallav.

tii. Lon isa Maali I 1. st 1, Mo. Mo Ixati.e* Int. MM) OB.

Mei u. .1 A Bk. Nie A IV No ii' Nor Pacific .1 ha prl. iHilo lil i PacinoMaii. Itn.viioe., Pimi -i i ilntlaiil.

eicn va li i li ot nt. Ot fi I I "is- Ill 1 i)run VS nil.mis Antral. v. ii. Si prof.

West. I a LB. 114 UM IOU HI'. 13IS' li (I Ja' ll I Ms 75 "a its sss HO'. 41 Sa 31'a 20 84 00', to 24 66 67 tj 89 ta I I 91 'j 7-S ii 111'.

7H I 19 ll 10'. SIM 41; -I 7 1.11*1 42 4 54 Vii 31 Ul II I'. I fl I ft-J 'MS. 3 I '4 2 lt, r' ns: 16 53 Sit I 114 07 lu.) 111 Un', ll 10-1 11's BO-aj II '4 4 O'. 1 40 Si' tJ I 24 ta 64 Sal H-Vk 90 a o', I 31 '4 17Sll 24-ttl 6:1 Vii SStjl 114 300 BOS I I I I 12,700 iu 1 lae 14 loo lao 88-al SS ot-ajl 100 1S.1 7-0 100 4'iV 16-4 7 94 3 isa 20 BftV 7Ho Sl-blaWas-J 6 "a '21'ai 1...0 1511 IM TOO r.e., -OH BOO SOS lill) 100 87 6 ns ii 53Sjl 11)0 loO Lt? 600 100 BOS 6,170 50 Towi Yen A BO tai Kile 'Jd con.

HW (1 nen Hay lac ttl Cl ni.ts. J. N' YA 0 ht .1 I HUHI ai Ut. PaclSo Weat shore .11 1 -t 'I I ell 111 amount MJXIX'I Aatorta. Mn I'lor.

Bodia Ban aluna. Beat Bulwer Co.1 ..1 A 1' 1 A Mer. Hollywood. rt. KlMs.lti..

HMilla Mutter 1 reub. r. 1 err. iver inc.

Halon 9.6ft LOO .60 4.46 ,83 10.1 Si Iii 8.95 0 lo As -1. ,10 1 4J 7.19 tj l.OJ 3.4.-. 1.10 .70 1.06 2 ii 1.05 4. Via io VIS 1.16 8.26 6.76 AS ,10 S.B0 1'. 7.19"i l.oi ii.

1.10 i.c? .70 1 3 'io a 70 .24 2.2 fi I te Loo 160 4.28 10.12s* 1.15 2.80 8.50 AS .60 10 3. I'd .46 7.12 Si 11.16 1.10 .70 1.00 8.26 .14 3.78 4 9.63 1.03 KO 4.2.'. 10. 1.18 2. ho 0.50 I I .60 I ...1 .10 3.

BO 7.12-* 1 OS 8.46 Lio .70 1 00 1.300 KIO sat 1,400 600 it 211 200 11.) I) 1.1) TOO ssa 70S 100 150 soo I O' 0 20a 4''0 1.100 "0 loo 600 BOO JTotalaaloa. CI4O6IXQ PRICER Ol' I'lIILAI-EM'IIlA STOCKS. Beadiaa.SO-*.. Nertri 1'4C1U0 1. 11.

i I'noia. 4'JSa 'ii. 11 60 Abk" I -a 'a I A 62 "4 64'-, 60 Went Y. 12 ft. I Ororfin.

'HS 81. I'4JL. l'. itel Rertilina HI Si I-. i 2d tor 6a 78 70 RO BS 77 CLOSXRQ PUCKS OF BOSTON STOCKS.

Boston, July 13.1338. JkC'l. A I. chum ll in. 200 5 di.

37 I Cu Ul 11 lt ills, com lat "a a 11 Alt) I'7 llr.M* M.iiue... Ciirliug .9 1 i'lor. Kaatern 1 RR ii. Petra at. runt Min Kan City uti A Bl asa I.

A h. te 7a. Mea en Itel oan cnnrral 1 1 tot li Hal 190-1 Ifj li's 215 Si 1134 90 120 to 100 HS 120 198 lui cis 40 Sj 129 OM Coionr. tt Cont ll rt I pM. A.11.11../ I mew).

Cl, ll'n't A llCOia I 1 inkiiii-. l'J'l'. 1 Heil Telephoua. boston leaS I Walor BS Cent. 11 in UL 122Bj Weat Knd Land I I.nm rt're 17-a 37 239 12 ii 72 230 20 324a 50 97 17Hi 87 Si 19 Si 73 230 CS 20 Si 99 Vj CI.OSIXO riUCES OF CALIFORNIA STOCKS.

San Francisco, July 13, Yeaterday. To- day. Bulwer. Bi 4 "6 BV84J 2-40 2.40 Uboliar. T6 on at? V.a.

'A-i'i Crown 4.25 Hnnll AC'irrr. 9.80 8 ..71 3.7U 3.60 Mono. 1.60 LBO LSD 1 iiptiir. 3 -iv I--. 4.

Otarra I'niuu v. now Jacket. I Prire 1 'ii'iiinnuw aklttl Nora la N. Bella jlicUoIilo. Si 4,78 4.05 3.30 3.30 LSS 4.40 2.40 3.

ii 3.10 1.40 4.4-9 2. HI 6.00 tl. 60 3.70 ft KO Kx-rtiT. 50 1, 50c CHANGES IN A J3KOADKNLVG- MARKET. July m.

The stock market is broade-ing, by rules the reaction in failles begun res have tn.ul), further ptogtesa to-'Ity. may be well to rem. mber, that, aftei a long 1 01 depression has been occasioned by period during which the railways of tbs country have handled a tonnage i-r mile thnii they ever did before, although they bars In tint, time lion favoring ii bear'' spsoalatioBi by IUinsult1 sliisi iris of r.ite.s 011 very 1 eniriL. their total trullic, and that bat lng 1 to tho fictions awl iiilluirtic to ml, (he usual rule of fluctuations not prove to be without a notable exception. Before ard opened this morning, we wan taxed with making ts false quotation, in calling last even? ing's closing Tire lirst.

quarter of an hour's business tins morning our ..1 si rday's closing quotations. First and prices almost universally were than last night's otlerings, and from tho opening to tbs end there e-tsted a tendency toward a higher runge d' values, which was subjected to less than tho usual ordinary flit! tnations. And -still there is 1 l.ming"?-no climbing on ono and other to Bet stocks, nor is there un indication of tliat fright lo get them iu at any Wklek is us surely in the future as is the sunrise of July I. The loan market reflects little change in Ihe aggregate af outstanding interest There is more or less of the account and more activity in the loan crowd than ti hae been; bul that is easily accounted tor by a more active market, The aggregate of the "fclulrt'' interest seems to be about thc aame as it was ni the ol business July 3. A feature In to-dav market was tbs sharp wooveries in the l.i'ls, alter they sold ex Lake Shore opened nt wes, dividend, against 09 leiuaav.

and sold up to it 1 ir). ami Canada (Southern opened ex 19 7-s, against l-rJ jres lerday, and rose to 50 8-4a50 1-2. Delaware. La. ka wu mia and Wesi in developed except ional Ptr 11 sold up lo I33iil3'2 3-1, The muraiet ong.

lill. DAV I.N THE BOND IL-B-ET. offerings of Government bonds to ths Treasury to-day amounted to ts 12Tal27 1-2 and 4 11-1S. Only 132.000 4s wire ut 127. Tba local market was dull with the iiuuiutiui? nomi? nally as follows: U.S.4 V.

SalSBS 1 107 107 'j mr Os, I l.Mi,-. rng.l.'.' 187 '-M .1. ur, tis. 1 187,1 ".11. ir.

''a. ir. tia 1885 ..110 I Ular. Cal. State bonds were dull; Alni.ainu, elis-, told ut.

11 city Blacks, Men bants 1100 .11 120, I 1,1.1. suieii 160J St loo. CJoin IO0 at ItiO iCi-publio l4u' at 142 uud (25) at 1 1 I in- market for railroad bonds was active, and timi ami generall) higher, rim at is large sad supply is 1 second were dull at uo 1 i uud Kio 1 West. 1 u. Ural aasented, rose 1.1 ,1 Fort Worth and Denver tirsts rose Missouri, kansas mid Texas ii is auld up io 67 the were linn und the consol 7s sold at 05 l-2a07.

The Northern l.ciflo Issues wen- strong at Ueference is made to our fu'l and detailed report of bond transactions nt unlisted securities dealt la al tbs Stock Ex Cotton lill erl ilicates sold iii 1 1,1.., Kingston and Pembroke Iron ni I ami Mount Desert 1-and al 1 2a 12 1-2. Monet wits Inabuadantsupply at 1 l-l percent The Clearing Mouse statement to-day follows: -xchanges, Jloo.rii'il.oVG; bulanccri, $4,405 ih Bub-Treasury to-day was debtor at tho 1043,784. Ths business of tho Sui. li Bsuri for the week ended to-night includes receipt--, ol lt and payments of $17,052,. 073, leaving the general halaaes at 1101,858,.

a 1 1178,050,058 showing aa ap? parent 'in of 114,804,403, bal deducting from Ibe iniynu nts and from the li tor items wlnih only affect the Sub 11. a-lily's tbs OsStSfl Treasury, its Kain BS affecting the baikl ls ami this mcludch Uie receipt of for gold takeu from tie- Assay Office foe sxpcti The day's operations rjwered: ReceiDU, incuts, 18,150,541, wiih bafsaocf of $1 coin aii'l SI 8,843,008 SOSSmWSJ, I.hl-ol.lS nOM WABBDMFKBL Tbs Doited States 1 irai si Washington re. 1 Nat ional hunk narnu tot redompi ion. The euston? "receipts wen 0498,441 and ths Internal revenue receipts were 1383,341, To-day's tVaahinoton Treasury Statement et BmBt cn hun. 1 uii'l deposits in Lank bosspaffs with tha Igttres of the last previons statemeat as fsUswsi Jell lirl-t-neet.

Nut (flit on hand 1:1:1 4' 1746 544 Nctallver on ii rt I M. lol Ufo. 'H tstii Ultu terna i.aud. 17,417.881 las. MM48 In 1 ol ta aver oatataad'g eerUfleataa.

VMSAVl.Ttt 64,793 el I lie IfSt SSS. ftal'aeaa Ixe. for. gu wan dall and heavy at revised quotations as follows: St 88 7-8 aad ti 3-h. for lorin and short, sterling respectively; 5.10 8-8 arel 5J8 7-8 francs: 08 l-l and 08 8-4 for 40 1-4 and 40 l-l for guilders In London Brlttsb bobsola wr' aestfreaad ot un 5-8 lor iDitli money and account liar ail rai nos l-l td.

to 4 2 5 ltd, per ounce Englisk standard. ruilwa rs ttrong, At tbe opening they only partially to ya. t. rday's late le.i:.' and utter improved rulmij nil the time higl than the ooneturenI home quotations. l-rfa French 3 cents wore strong at It.48a8i.40.

RAILROAD CHIC.MiO -SJO B-STatRN ILLINOIS. i- Number nt rr 17 '2 278 wees in ts.y.,'.nj Jain. 1 July 087,550 1.0OC.54* CHICAGO AND WEBTEBI -IC-IOAS. Number of 413 4 4 1 tint In 828,790 827.CIS Jan. 1 io July KUrGSTOH a.m.

PEMBMDEM Number r.f Ul HS bins areal- in i t3 et inf Jan. 1 t.i July 78,800 112.031 IBVUa-B, KW-AL ll A.NY IIICAOO. Ktuaber el BB 477 r.20 6:17 I at reek lo .1 040,210 141,817 830,671 Jan. 1 to July 7.... 828,828 1,000,600 LOfL-iVILLK AMI AijIIVI I.I.R, Number of tulle-? 2.023 LOTS First week In S2.V?,T'63 Jtaa.

1 July 7.... Louisvii.t.i:. KVA.v.sjVii.i.r. and ST. LOUia.

Nuiiib'T if 1 2U 254 treek lu 014,780 Jan. 1 Jul 7 302,020 41.4,8.17 M.W-YUKK. li.I0 AND WESTCUR. af 821 I I week in ol Ito July OUIO lUVl'R. cf 211 Blret in af.

Ja? 1 Ui July 7- 188,908 108,4171 PEORIA. Lii.CATCK AMD 1. VA BS VILLE. et 1 nil SM 2.14 week In SLi.OnO I12.U0I S10.7.i7 Jan. 1 lo July 7....

831,808 WIBOONBIB CI.NTHAL. Number Ht SM 811 ISIS rf Ir. HHS 'il S05.70S Jan. 1 to July 7.... 886,710 1,115,670'JT l.Ml'Ol'.TS Ol' DRY AT Sj? tated ut tlie BS IS7.0S1 mi 1,802,081 8,088,708 2.200,178 (tnoary 1 it (ha 081.710 M5 B-W 800.218 I'hxowu ott 81.008,088 b.j,021,043 EUROPKA.V FINANc IA I.

MAKKKT VOKttOn, July p. for money and tor Bet ead Ureal Western' 'iiortKrur" 1 ertifeati s. CaaadlM Pacific, tCexleaa I ir.l'.n.krr. t'AS lt oininon. 35 carl nra intr.l.

UM-fj ural iLOMatago bou.1*. tiiS: Iten.tllii', SIS. a 3 per c. nt at 83 If teatime! b.r tba aa-. Har silver is niiote.l 42 per ounce.

Money ireof. The rate ot omit la the open market lor both thort and ibreo tiiotitlis'bill-. is uer coUL GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKETS. FEATURES OF NEW-YOLK DEALINO There was only a moderato tiovement. In tot export yesterday.

CaaTS VBSBt aaa dull and 1-2 cont lower, ulth 48,000 bush, ls taken by bhipd-jra. Spot corn also was and waak, with a little Quantity patehaasl for a (jlllnn off in the t-peeula-lvo nctlvlty of only 3.700000 lian ls. tsUei BHBfeSta ibaaSl and more fa? raraWs crop preepeeai mt saaO induce sell. in? at tho start, but the Beat al leag UsjaHstfsa ot Chleago latalnatl some The market clotted easy at about bottom and down eent as follows: July H7 1 2, AiiffUst S7 3-4, 88 3-8, -j, 00 1-2. IKcrmber Ul 5-S and M.iy 3-8 cents.

Option cm ls without important now tiiat. lt has lo-t tho aympathetle ia rived from tie- eenaL Sha iio-ai was Brewed 1 af 1 for Austust at 54 and September ut ns tu Oeaabei at 681-4, 11-4 for Novembea Bl 61 0-8, and 2 cents for De.ember at 601-4 eenie. la better demand and wero Arm In their vi. ws. CjsIi lets a liane, cent, but the aptieoa bmAi lissa Bhsagea.

July clot-td 1-4 cont at 3i A.iit.i-t, was BaeBaased at 31 and (september wns oil 1-8 at, 30 1-4, aad Uctobor 1-4 cent at 30 3-4 ISO af lara, and tho options spain ruled ab ng, aioiiag up I polaita tot July at (6 41. fur August at 10, and 2 points for Septemboi at tn ti and October St -ti I-. The racsipta af srrtiin anl fleur yesterday at tr.Tork, i- Iphia, ss4 BssSss were aa toilears: 88,008 ts.313 en'-, 73.327 toul gBBlS1, I 3.73**) bushels; fleur, peekaajaa. At caieste, SHIwaafeaa and st. Louia the arrlv.ils metal 17,841 corn.

baafeelSi busJj-4 ala; Hour. barieiii. TUn IV flTICAGO. Chlclfro, Ju.y 13 the In valli bull, ai la kia ki pt oa unloading the iiiiliions of ai of ahleh he happened to bo long wien ha wita ins aeeldsni Wi Ueeits, lt lhere ii nw other bau laSaaea a te apt thia aarraaasa of lien by Mggeat hold 1 la tha tha price BBdoabtsdiy Bal titan mau taDiea la at Iha 'I (I 1 teue. To Milistatuiate their news, the MiBBS aent sellleg l-'is.

AiiRust started a'. 80, .1 Bl law as If 1-S. and 7'j 1-4. Un Iho cui'b, liiinr.uUalety afterward. IhS pilce was 7'J 1-8 cents again.

The cunny aeUi? of cern eoatlanea, aad tah de. line. Tho 178 eara, wera little under th" the shipmen ta, 830.000 te the eatUnaU a for Saturday, UM were julderate, and tho buahela, iii. have been larger with plenty lint, availed to offi IB pedinK of dJucour. holden.

Anguat atarted a' anl at 47 Julv 1 UaeotSBt. Oau were in? clined to uiovo alotii; with corn, down. The Uuctuatlona, however, were narrow. They arete ail with 1-4 Tha neeip? ol hoga at tie yai were uudcr ihe expectai Uous, and prices 10 couta Sigher. TUE PRTROLRUM MARKET.

NEWS FROM THE FIELD AMI HAN OF. OP TRICFa. Tito off), lal report of ih-i Ilureau of Uatlea af tier aspatt Btaraaatat peu-oii-u? aud prod ti. ts Iii Juno ls what wxs lal in BaaaSfMMS tho dull business last month. a heavy falllna ott ai 1.inpaled June, 1887, Ul beth value Quantity exported.

Hut the aetivliy shown lu tho market Hus mon'h will ls. reti. in a irs et rau.ti statement Eor IhS al year en t.iikt lana lue hliowluif La a preliy one, allow inn for tho foatlfS and tho ene ta at Kuala to aaeara a lasthsM among Aaaarlaa'a eaatonwm Wo uppeud iiKurea for Btaatta Cor year; Jana. Value 41.1I.-.7. VU B3.55.-i.4i>! 88.800.81i C884.01J PssressB 888MH Yeur envied Juno 30! 1888.

L-S37. Daaaaaaa BL, ifl 1 aaattfaatas laaaked tho hiirhest point yet teteahad 0 Bu tatami Lmi fltaaaaBWi in the early tndlni ibo cu.stom*ry tea IS a re place, larryini; pries tren Ul to 82 1-4 eeate, As tho was abs.irlX'd the a.lvn". 1 Hal to isittiiu t-4 cent af 88 BSBSB bm then there a af which caus-'d i. 1 aa 1..11 nt over 1 aaal. Fal last, price waa 1 cent abate tba of Bawniag, and de waa fully elle to attempt to gaaSB wheu ttie re.

aattBB wilt bul tho bul.i-iii ll.dd and the ot relined will lt IB Tho range of BBSBSS aud ttie lotal dcallnga were fol Iowa: Stock Ev 1.1 nno.>lldatrd, Openlnir 881-4 .831 ta Itt Le Vinal I Balea Olin lletlneil oil In tone, wltf, only bv U10 of veaaela. were adaanceo ccu per galloa to 7 IJ JJ OIL KIM alu. CtTT Tenn July 18 openoil "4:.. lt, ol l.iiiHi barrel.

1.1. 4 leis, 47.U3H 6U.B7J laai-M'si lit i-iuiei. Joly 1'ei uilo.i... lSfS National l.ikti....t.M?, lowo.i. H2S.

MiStroan, flinn IS Neti-Miai iransit QarffaaSSJ al ilos-sl HAS. daaiaaeoa, UUO barrela MvtitK, J)iiv 18 at iimlie.t, 84 Sa: jj, SPllliCS Ol' Tl lil July 13. Tarr-oi dat al HAVAtftaaH. Jnly Milady at WlUtUKJIO8, July atoadr.

New-York Tribune from New York, New York (2024)


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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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