Republican and Herald from Pottsville, Pennsylvania (2024)

Engaged to Wed nil 4 Lovely Many Wavs PRINTED PATTERN AM LANDERS Ground Chuck Is Spread To Stretch Food Budget Answers Your Problems He's Back On the Beam world in the SHENANDOAH EVENING HERALD SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 1965. Programs V't tsp. salt l'i tsp. sugar li tsp. crushed red pepper Vt tsp.

each oregano leave and basil Yt tsp. garlic powder 1 lb. spaghetti, cooked Romano cheese Mix together first 3 ingredients; let stand 5 minutes to soften. Saut4 3 min, in oil. Add ground chuck and cook until It Is no longer pink.

Stir in next 6 ingredients. Cover and simmer 1 hr. Add red pepper, oregano, basil and garlic powder. Serve on spaghetti and sprinkle generously with cheese. This serves 6 nicely.

I1ERBKD KIDNEY RAGOUT 1 tsp. salt 2 lb. veal, lamb, or beef kidneys 3 tbsp. butter, margarine or bacon fat 3 c. (16 oz.) canned tomatoes 1 tbsp.

celery flakes 1 tbsp. sweet pepper flakef 3 tbsp. instant minced onion 2 tsp. salt 1 tsp. each oregano leaves and basil leaves tsp.

black pepper 4 oz. can whole mushrooms Rub salt over kidneys and let stand 2 hrs. to remove some of strong flavor from kidneys. Remove membrane and white others will take a cue from your letter. Dear Ann Landers: My daughter has gone off to school again in tears.

Sally is eight years old and very sensitive. Her sister, who is ill, refused to walk with her again this morning because she had made plans to walk with a girl friend. I've tried every way I know to get the 11-year-old to be nice to her younger sister, but it's hopeless. She resents Sally nnd doesn't want to be bothered with her. When I see children in the neighborhood who watch after their younger brothers and sisters I know that some parents have done a better job than I have.

Any help you can give me will be deeply appreciated. SAD MOM Dear Mom: If the older girl can be made to feci that her younger sister loves her, and looks up to her, the battle is won. It's difficult to be mean to someone who loves and admires us. The older girl should be given "grown-up prvileges" (later bedtime, etc.) as a symbol of her seniority. Explain that grown-up privileges carry with them responsibilities.

Make her feel honored to be an older sister and tell her you hope she will live up to her sister's high By ALICE DENH0FF IF, like us, you're still on the thrift trail after walking the luxury road last month, here are some good recipes. As a matter of fact, they are for dishes so good, no one would ever know you're on a tight budget-binge. OPEN-FACED HOT MEAT BUNS 1 tbsp. mixed vegetable flakes 1 tbsp. instant minced onion 2 tbsp.

water 1 lb. ground chuck tsp. salt J2 tsp. oregano Yt tsp. black pepper 1 tbsp.

catsup 1 egg beaten c. grated Parmesan cheese 5 hamburger buns, split Mix together first 3 ingredients. Let stand 5 min. to soften. Dook meat, vegetable lakes-lud-pnlon mixture until meat is no longer pink.

Add remaining ingredients except buns. Mix well and spread on halved split buns. Bake at 375" F. 15 min. or until done.

Serves 5 with 2 halves each. SWEET AND HOT SPAGHETTI 3 tbsp. instant minced onion 3 tbsp. sweet pepper flakes c. water 2 tbsp.

olive or salad oil lb. ground chuck lb. sweet Italian sausage lb. hot Italian sausage 2'i c. (1 oz.) canned tomatoes 2 cans (7 ozs.

each) tomato paste Individual Horoscope fla-nfl TVIWlfrin CViRQt uLdlL It V-IIC0L Benefits Family Health opinion of her. Dear Ann Landers: I've been going with (or should I say "staying home an eligible bachelor for three years. He lived in the apartment below mine, and we sort of fell into the habit of having dinner together every evening at my place. Now I'm not so sure I did the smart thing. He telephones me when he feels like it and this week he has felt like it only (twice.

Furthermore he's the jealous type and says he will never see me Again if I go out with anyone else. Last night I asked him bluntly when he planned to marry me. He replied, "If there's anything I can't stand it's a pushy woman." Ann, 1 am 29 years old and I believe I've been very patient. I love this guy and don't want to lose him. I know he doesn't take out anyone but me.

I need some help. AGING FAST Dear The answer to this one is so old I'm going to have to shave it to tell it. Tell vour friend if he wants to be Exclusively His, a mar riage license costs less than a dinner these days. In the meantime, go out with others and tell him to call you when he gets the urge to merge, that is. SEPT.

24 TO OCT. 23 (Libra) Avoid a tendency toward lethargy since your planetary influ ences promise big achieve' ment. Lax habits always tempt and normally the well-developed Libran does not submit: be Steadfast now. OCT. 24 to NOV.

22 (Scorpio) Take each task in turn, not dallying overlong on some, be ing too hasty with others. You may run into some odd situa tions. Study them well before acting. NOV. 23 to DEC.

21 (Sagittarius) Make a list of "must-do" items before you embark on day's splendid activity program. You may have essentials mixed with the unimportant: There will not be time for both. DEC. 22 to JAN. 20 (Capricorn) Obligations you may not like will be responsibilities anyway.

So? Make the cheerful best of them. However, avoid hasty decisions which you and others could regret. JAN. 21 to FEB. 19 (Aquarius) If your only contribution to this day is to keep it from getting out of hand and from omit ting things that must be handled, you can be proud of your-l self.

And do all with a Smile! FEB. 20 to MARCH 20 (Pisces) Under present Neptune influences, your creative urges are strong, may impel you to do something unusual and outstanding. Make the most of this fine period. YOU BORN TODAY: Your keyword is AMBITION. Litf discourages you especially if you have the confidence of family, co-workers, superiors.1 Normally practical, you are able to take advantage of op portunity sometimes see it coming before others do.

Avoid useless, unhaoov friction in re lationships. The next few weeks require patience with others and with the efforts they are trying to put 22. Abraham's birthplace 23. Secure 26. A roll 'of money: si.

28. Perform 29. Terrible 30. Belgium river 32. At the present time 34.

Foreign Office: abbr. Vuterdty't Aniwer 35. Of the country 36. Eat away 37. Bog 41.

A rake 42. Burrowing animal 44. Fortify 45. Epoch iciiHaAiala 5.ESE. eHIISIIAIU UENchjaaoBEi gfioyEHACOBQ if.

Dolores Marie Dopkin Mr. and Mrs Pierce J. Dopkin. of 4713 Lorine street. Phila- detohia.

formerly of Shenan doah, announce the engagement of their daughter Dolores Marie to Charles A. Pizaeno. III. son of Mr. and Mrs.

Charles A. Pizagno, of Philadelphia. Miss Dopkin, a former student of Shenandoah Catholic Hieh School, was graduated from Saint Hubert's Catholic Hieh School for Girls in June of 1963. She is presently em-nloved at the First Pennsyl vania Banking and Trust Com pany of Philadelphia. Her fiance, an alumnus of West Philadelphia Catholic High School for Boys, is presently a senior at La Salle Col-leee in Philadelphia.

He ex pects to receive a Bachelor of Arts degree in Chemistry this June, after which he will pursue a career in Industrial Re search in Organic Chemistry. Saturday, July 31, is the date set for the wedding. Bardot's Wig Fools 2,000 Teenagers By HARRISON CARROLL HOLLYWOOD Those 2,000 teenagers who met singer Trini Lopez at the Mexico City air port really would have flipped if they had known who else was there. Wearing a black wig and dressed like a young fan, Brig-itte Bardot also was on hand to greet Trini. The singing star's manager, Bullets Durgom, got Brigitte through the gates.

When Trim recognized her, he did the biggest double take of his life. La Bardot is in Mexico City to do the movie, Viva Maria." She loves Trini's records and is expected to be ringside for some of his shows at the Terrazza Casino. FRIENDS of Gloria de Haven couldn't be happier to hear that she and her ex-husband, auto mobile dealer Dick Fincher, got re-married in Miami on their anniversary. The pair, divorced for some time, are parents of two Their new altar trip cancell ed out Gloria's planned trip to Hollywood to do a TV show. IT'S TRUE, admits Inger Stevens, that she's not dating anybody else except Warner producer director Allen Baron, but she denies they are en gaged.

"Allen and I have been see ing each other for several months," she says, "but I'm not wearing a ring. You know me, I take my time." Actually, time is what Inger has least of. Between that TV special on Sweden and "The Farmer's Daughter" series, she's working about 18 hours a day. However, she and Baron did manage to get to La Scala again for dinner. HENRY FONDA'S favorite girl friend, Shirlee Adams, will quit her airline hostess job and move to Europe in March.

She expects to spend most of her time in Spain. What will that do to her friendship with Henry? Don't know. He's in Germany now making a pic- ture. He could be doing others overseas. TERRIFYING experience for blind pianist George Shearing and his wife, Trixie.

As Tnxie was driving George back to San Francisco from the Music the ater in Burlingame, a car came careening toward them. Trixie almost had to take the ditch to avoid a collision. She was told later it was a bandit flee ing police cars after a robbery. VIRGINIA ARNESS, exwife of actor Jim Amess, is in good health now and writing on four books. She has almost completed a story to be titled: "That Was the Marriage That Was." WHAT'S THIS I hear about Dorothy Provine not being able to get Richard Chamberlain tip to do the Watusi at the Whisky a GoGo? They just watched the other wigglers.

Same spot, Jill St. John had five escorts. None was a date, though, she insisted. Bit of drama at the Daisy Club when Jill was later introduced to Miguel Aleman, ly ELEANOR ROSS EVEN with a good house- keeping job throughout the place, there is one task that is often overlooked cleaning out the bathroom medicine cabinet, We let it go on and on, piling up pill-boxes, jars and medicine bottles. There are all sorts of little cosmetic containers load- every shelf, can Be Harmful This is a bad practice, since obviously some prescriptions lose their efficacy after a cer tain, time, especially many of the antibiotics.

So, get busy, if this impor tant household and family nealtn task bas Been neglected for a time, and give the medi- cine chest a good going-over and cleaning. Fill the bathroom lavatory basin with good, hot, thick suds. Remove every last item from the cabinet. If thel shelves are removable, take them out. Give them a thorough washing.

If the shelves are permanently installed, wash them on both sides; and along the edges. Hot Water Rinse Use a clean sponge or cloth with hot water to rinse the interior of the cabinet. Wipe the cabinet Walls and shelves dry. Now, before you start piling all the stuff back in the cabinet, discard any item not in current use. Containers to be retained By FRANCES DRAKE For Monday, February 1, 1965 MARCH 21 to APRIL 20 (Aries) Do not be too eager to "be going or you may make fool ish errors, trip over something you would see if you did not rush.

Yet, avoid needless delays. Follow that old middle course! APRIL 21 to MAY 21 (Taurus) Here is a day suited to your especial skills and artistry. However, work matters, home issues, good relationships demand more than usual care. MAY 22 to JUNE 21 (Gemini) Streamline wherever it will accelerate progress. Where anything is a matter of principle, stand by, stand for, stand up to! A so-so day, waiting your clever management.

JUNE 22 to JULY 23 (Cancer) Rugged ambition is day'sj need, and the fortitude not to; break your stride hesitatingly when obstacles, new problems appear. Use that bright mind of yours. JULY 24 to AUGUST 23 (Leo) STOP to note where you are going. Handling your own or, others' affairs may present new or increased problems. Be ready for changes.

Don't make unnecessary ones, but accept those which are desirable. AUGUST 24 to SEPT. 23 (Virgo) Have faith in your objectives, confidence in your method pro viding that you have deliberat ed and made sure WHAT those objectives and methods should be. Avoid strife. Today's Recipe FRENCH DRESSING 3 tablespoons vinegar 3 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon salad oil 1 to 2 thin slices onion 1 clove garlic, optional 14 teaspoon salt Shake together in jar and re frigerate until ready to toss over greens.

Dear Ann Landers: You saved our marriage. I was actually packing my suitcase when the mailman delivered your letter. Your advice was as follows, "It would be foolish to leave your husband. It sounds as' if the man needs to see a doctor. By all means insist that he gets a physical checkup." I showed Howard your letter and he agreed to see our family doctor.

I guess he was shock ed that I had written to you. Also he was surprised you answered. He said he didn't think you'd bother. Well, Ann, the doctor gave Howard a series of tests and found out Jhat he was dangerously anemic and had a low grade infection. No wonder the guy was tired and irritable all the time and had no interest me or anything else.

Now, four weeks later, Howard is like a new man. The shots and pills have done wonders for him. It's almost like being on a honeymoon again and I want to say thank you, thank ON THE BEAM Dear Beam: People who are not well physically are difficult to live with. It's tough to be cheerful and pleasant when the pep-o-meter registers zero. Irritation and chronic fatigue can be symptoms of illness and should be investigated.

I hope' Your Look in the section in which your birthday comes and find what your outlook is, according to the stars, For Sunday, January 31, 1965 MARCH 21 to APRIL 20 (Aries) If vou haoDen to get a late start, pick up your pace as you go along. Your mental tunc-tions and eagerness of comprehension should be stimulated now. APRIL 21 to MAY 21 (Taurus; -Venus. ausDicious. encour- ages artistic pursuits, romance, domestic interests.

Dav spells action, determination, aggres-j siveness; Plan wisely. MAY 22 to JUNE 21 fGeminh Favorable in part, but day requires more ettort, steady ap- nhcatiort of vour sKiiis ana knowledge. Cooperation with neht forces vital, as is strengtn of conviction. JUNE 22 to JULY 23 (Cancer) You can make a bright new place for yourself with a little more diligence and a gracious demeanor. Use a practical arena for trying out ideas before Duttine them into effect.

JULY 24 to AUGUST 23 (Leo) Personal development must accomDanv all other endeavors. The well-rounded Leoite can stride ahead with distinction now. Take setbacks in stride, seeking better ways to push forward promptly. A.UG. 24 to SEPT.

23 (Virgo) If vou let things slide, you will become upset when re sults are not as desired. Read the signals and rules early, and keep your activity even, uiro overaeeressiveness. SEPT. 24 to OCT. 23 (Libra) Steb uo endeavors to meet competition that is working overtime.

The extra try will be worth it. Look out for op- oosites that attract" but really don't mix well. OCT. 24 to NOV. 22 (Scorpio) Handle routine with alacrity.

Don't be distracted by non essentials. Maneuver in decisive manner. MOV. 23 to DEC. 21 (Sagittarius) Jupiter influences now sug- ppst that vou eet a tight hold on reins and direct with fitness, also willingness to be taught a now trir-U nr method.

nvc n. tn JAN. 20 (Capricorn) Separate fact from fiction precisely; waste no time oegm-ning duties, and where useless extras would distract, be strict about deleting them. Keep day JAN. 21 to FEB.

19 (Aquarius) Others are observing, some following you. Your best foot forward! Stress vital points, but no exaggerating or cutting mrncR tnn short. FEB. 20 to MARCH 20 (Pisces) Your zeal and ambition snouia hrina fine cains and a large share of happiness, but do not overtax yoursel. Meet new situations with logic.

YOU BORN TODAY, are endowed with a fine imagination and great practicality. Your mind sees into the future, often with amazing accuracy, because you are always tailing in knowledge and observing. When you act, it comes with precision and a quality of adaptability that is outstanding. You can conquer or revolution-ire with skill and lasting ef fect. Don't capsize your own boat by overstriving or overcrowding.

The measured step is steadier, less hectic than sporadic rushing, and brings substantial credits. Television SATURDAY NIGHT 6:00 28 Divorce Court 8 Call of the Outdoors 3 It's Academic 6:30 22 Wrestling 16 TV Bandstand 8 News, Weather, Sports 3 Montage 6:45 10 News, Weather, Sports 7:00 28-Car 54 10 Sea Hunt 8 Littlest Hobo 3 News, Weather 7:15 3 News 7:30 28 8 3-Flipper 22 10 Jackie Gleason 16 6 King Family 8:00 28 8 3 Kentucky Jones 8:30 28 8 3 Mr. Magoo 22 10 Gilligan's Island 16 6 Lawrence Welk 9:00 28 8 3 Movie "Houdini." Tony Curtis. 22 10 The Entertainers 9:30 16 6 Hollywood Palace 10:00 22 10 Gunsmoke 10:30 16-FDR 6 Detectives 11:00 All Channels News 11:15 28 Movie "Valley of the Kings." Robert Taylor. 10 Movies "The Fat Man." J.

Scott Smart. "For Whom the Bell Tolls." Gary Cooper. 6 Thriller Movies "Battle of the Worlds." Claude Rains. "The Mad Ghoul." George Zucco. 3 Johnny Carson 11:30 16 Movie "Geronimo." Preston Foster.

8 Movie "A Lady Take a Chance." Jean Arthur. 11:35 22 Movie "House on Telegraph Hill." Richard Basehart. SUNDAY MORNING 6:25 6:30 6:55 7:00 7:10 7:30 7:40 7:45 8:00 3 News 3 Farm and Garden 10 News 10 Sunday School 3 Let's Discuss It 6 The Way 10 The Persuaded 3 Mr. Wizard 6 Christian Answers 6 This is the Life 10 Love to Learn 3 Hercules, Sunny and Snoopy 6 Living Word 10 Cartoons 'N' Stuff 6 Davey and Goliath 6 Light Time 28 This Is The Life 8:15 8:30 8:45 9:00 22 In The Public Interest 16 American Way 6 Ask a Rabbi 3 Pete's Gang 22 Mass For Shut-Ins 28 Oral Roberts 16 Fisher Family 10 Tottle 6 Christopher Program 6 Stories Retold 8 News and Weather 28 Southern Baptist Hour 22 10 Lamp Unto My Feet 16 Christopher Program 8 Faith for Today 6 Funny Company 3 Bertie The Bunyip 16 Social Security to Action 28 Casper 22 10 Look Up and Live 16 6 Beany and Cecil 9:15 9:30 9:45 9:55 10:00 10:15 10:30 11:00 8 Southern Baptist Hour 28 Popeye Theatre 22 10 Camera Three 16 6 Bullwinkfe 8 Christopher Program 3 Faith of Israel 8 Davey and Goliath 22 Film Feature 16 6 Discovery '65 8 This Is the Life 11:15 11:30 bridal Salon Bridals from $40 to $200 Special Elton Service Select any gown in any Bridal Magazine and we'll get it for you! Bridal Consultant on hand to assist you, without obligation. Free Gift for the Bride.

Phone 455-2001 For Evening App'm't At Your Convenience. 130 West Broad Street HAZLETON 3 Report to the People 11:55 8-News AFTERNOON 12:00 28-Movle "Valley of the Kings." Robert Taylor. 10 News 6 News, Sports, Weather 12:30 22 10 Face the Nation 1:00 22 Surfside 6 16 Science All-Stars 10 Movie "His Majesty O'Keefe." Burt Lancaster. 1:30 16-Varsity 3 Southern Baptist Hour 2:00 28 Profiles In Courage 16 Pro Basketball Royals vs. 76ers.

8 Movie "Montana." Errol Flynn. 6 Movie "Destination Unknown." William Gargan. 3 Portraits "A Portrait of Eddie Cantor." George Jessel discusses events in the life of Eddie Cantor. 2:30 22 10 CBS Sports Spectacular Track and field highlights, bowl ing, and the Colorado River As. sault.

3:00 28 Suspicion 3 Sunday 3:30 6 Science All Stars 4:00 28 8 3 NBC Sports in Action A snake hunt and the Governor's trophy race, which was filmed last December during Nassau (Bahamas) speed week. 22 10 Alumni Fun 6-World of Golf 4:30 10 Repertoire Workshop 5:00 28 Sunday Serenade 22 10 Jack Benny 16 6 American Sportsman Curt Gowdy hosts this first of four filmed treks with well known sportsmen going after prize catches. 8 3 Wild Kingdom 5:30 28 3 College Bowl 22 10 Amateur Hour 5:50 8 News EVENING 6:00 28 Movie "Big Jack." Wallace Beery. 22 10 20th Century 16 Polka Party 8 3 Meet the Press 6:30 22 10 World War I 16-12 O'clock High 8 3 Profiles In Courage 7:00 22 10 Lassie 6 Question for the Doctor 7:30 28 8 3 Disney's World 22 10 Favorite Martian 16 6 Wagon Train 8:00 22 10-Ed Sullivan 8:30 28 8 3 Branded 16-6 Broadside 9:00 28 8 3 Bonanza 22 10 For the People The series dramatizes the per-i sonal and professional life of Assistant District Attorney David Roster, who has dedicated himself to a war against crime. 16 6 Movie "One, Two, Three" James Cagney.

10:00 28 8 3 Rogues 22 10 Candid Camera 10:30 22 10-What's My Line? 11:00 All Channels News 11:15 28 Movie "Duel in the Sun." Jennifer Jones. 10 Movies "Phantom of the Rue Morgue." Karl Maiden. i "Rose of Washington Tyrone Power. 8 Hawaiian Eye 6 Movies "Aprtf Love." Pat Boone. "The Sea Devils." Yvonne De-Carlo 3 Saint Roger Moore stars as Simon Templar, the adventurous world traveler, in this hour film series based on the character created by novelist Leslie Charteris.

11:30 16-Movie "The Last Outpost." Cary Grant. 11:35 22 Movie "Border Incident." Ricardo Montalban. Two Town Students Entertain at School Debbie O'Neal and Rose Marie Gillespie, Shenandoah re sidents, students of the David Blight Dance Studio, were among the entertainers who performed at the regular pro gram at the Luzerne County In dustrial School, last night. The program featured music by a Hazleton area quintet, sev eral instrumental and vocal solos, and a vocal trio of Hazleton State General Hospital stu dent nurses. 4582 SIZES 6- Look closely! Pineapples look like petals so dainty set off by mesh scallops.

One lacy 12-inch square makes a lovely doilv or mat- join 3 for a scarf, more for an heirloom cloth. Pattern 530 rrnrhpf Hirprfinnc Thirty-five cents coins for this pattern add 15 cents for each pattern for Istclass mailing and special handling. Send to Laura Wheeler, Shenandoah Herald 351, Needlecraft P.O. Box 161, Old Chelsea Sta- tion, Mew YorK, N. 1.

luun.i print Fattern Number, Name, Address, Zip. 1965 Needlecraft Catalog 200 designs, 3 free patterns! MORE to crochet, knit, sew, embroider. 25c. "Decorate with Needlecraft" fabulous, new book packed with 25 patterns for top dec- orator accessories shown in 5 idea-filled rooms. Applique co ordinates, pillows, wall hangings, more.

50c. Send for superb Quilt Book 16 complete patterns, 50c. SoA FaCOr I OCVV IUI LaOICI by juu44 WkctCU SHOW YOUR DAUGHTER the picture above see her eyes sparkle at the thought of Easter parading in this princess pair. Choose cotton, linen-look rayon. Printed Pattern 4582: Girls' Sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, 14.

Size 10 dress 2y yds. jacket. -14- Thirty-five cents in coins for this pattern add 15 cents for each pattern for first-class mail ing and special handling. Send to Anne Adams, care of Shenandoah Herald 356, Pattern 243 West 17th New York 11, N. Y.

Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS with ZONE, SIZE and STYLE NUMBER. COMPLETE FASHION RE PORT in our new Spring-Summer Pattern Catalog plus coupon for ONE FREE PATTERN! Everything you need for the life you lead 350 design ideas! Send 50c now, No other country compares with the U. S. in the weekly newspaper field. The weeklies in this nation reign supreme in number size and quality.

There are about 8,300 weeklies, vary ing in size from a few hundred tto 15,000 subscribers. They have a combined circulation of over 21,000,000 and an estimated 1 I tubes; cut into 4-in. slices. Saute" 5 min. in butter or fat.

Add next 6 ingredients. Cover and simmer 30 min. Add rest of ingredients. Cook 10 min. Serve over boilsd rice or mashed potatoes.

Sanraa ft. should bo well wiped. If medi cines are thrown away, make notes of prescription numbers, name of doctor, etc. Those things not frequently used should be placed on the top shelf. Out Of Reach Certainly, every medicine or proprietary item that might dangerous if taken indiscrimin ately by a child should be placed out of the reach of little hands.

Razor 1 ad es, of course, aKmilj't Via trartf 4w n1uial tainer. Throw away every empty jai ciuu uuurc no matter how pretty or useful it may seem. If it is empty, it has no place in the medicine chest. With space at such a premium, onlv the essentials should be on the shelves. Now that the weeding-out Job is done, all the containers being; retained should be wiped well before replacing in the cabinet.

For the final touch, wipe the outside of the cabinet and the mirror with a sudsy sponge or cloth. Rinse and wipe dry, mane 11 onuie Pnlish th mifmi- Mthhtni v. luuumc with a dry cloth. Doesn't the cabinet look nica now, bright and shining on the outside? Doesn't it make you feel good that interior contents are neatly arranged and every item that is potentially danger ous is out of harm's way? 3 e. shredded white cabbage 1 c.

shredded red cabbage 2 tsp. sugar Yt C. mayonnaise 1 tbsp, vinegar Chill tangerines before pre paring. Peel; remove white membrane. Pull sections apart Cut off each center section membrane with scissors; remove (seeds.

Pile tangerine sections on toD of cabbage (both kinds mixed). Combine sugar, ihayonnaise and vinegar; spoon on top of tangerine sections. Before serving, toss lightly. This serves 6. Now for a festive dessert GRAPEFRCIT ALASKA 3 Florida grapefruit Sugar tsp.

salt 3 egg whites 6 tbsp, sugar Vt tsp. vanilla 1 pint vanilla ice cream Cut grapefruit in halves; remove core. Cut around each section, loosening fruit from membrane. Sprinkle lightly with sugar; chill When ready to serve, pre-heat oven to very hot Add salt to egg whites and beat very stiff; gradually add sugar and beat until very stiff. Add vanilla; reserve.

Remove grapefruit halves from refrigerator; place spoon ful of ice cream in the center of each half. Cover with meringue. Place in pre-heated oven until lightly browned, about 1 min. Serves 6 Crown Of Pork Roasted And Stuffed For Feast DAILY CROSSWORD By ALICE 0ENH0FF IT'S golden citrus time, so why not make the utmost use of the tangy grapefruit, the sweet oranges and the tangerines in a variety of recipes, as well as eating these healthful wonders fresh at as many meals as possible and as snacks. From a Florida friend of ours, a fine hostess, comes a trio of her special recipes.

The first is for a dish to serve at a festive dinner party. CROWN ROAST OF PORK 1 crown pork roast about 16 ribs 6 slices day-old bread, cubed 1 small onion, chopped 1 tsp. each marjoram and salt 3 tbsp. frozen Florida orange juice concentrate, thawed, undiluted 1 apple, chopped Place seasoned pork in shallow pan. Roast 40 min.

per pound at 325 F. If meat thermometer Is used, roast pork until reading reaches ISa F. Remove 3 tbsp. fat from roasting pan; place in skillet Toss the bread cubes, onion, marjoram and salt in skillet until cubes are slightly toasted. Remove from heat; toss in undiluted orange juice concentrate and chopped apple.

Place stuffing in crown of perk during last 30 min. of roasting. Baste with pork fat, if desired. If desired, garnish with orange wedges and parsley. Serves 6 to 8.

TANGERINE SLAW 4 tangerines ACROSS i.Frances Burnett heroine 5. Flutter 8. Culture medium 10. Below: naut. 11.

Fail to win 12. A season-big 13. Fourscore 15. Swiss canton 17. Hebrew letter 18.

Not flippant 21. Burden 24. Extinct bird: N.Z. 25. Bedding material in a barn 27.

Hen 31. Cooling device 33. Girl's nam 34. Liberty 38. Music note 39.

Belonging to us 40. LesecoM 43. Location of Vatican City 46. Top covering of a building 47. Jewish month 48.

Moro 49. Singer: Home 50. Command to a dog DOWN 1. Noticeable 2. Eager 3.

Impetuous 4. Rugged mountain crest 5 Fart of "to be" 6. A wing 7. Fashion 8. Pitchers 13.

Epic v': poetry 14. Sweet potato 16. Pronoun 19. Steal 20. Animal's claw yA I2 11 2S 31 35 36 13 VAS 6 Vv 26 521 28 29 30 37 WW, I I iH I I 4-3o I readership of 80,000,000..

Republican and Herald from Pottsville, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

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Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.