The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

-THE PLAIN DEALER, MONDAY, APRIL 17, 1989 'I am not hope, says HONOLULU (AP) Imelda Marcos, faced with the prospect of standing trial alone on racketeering charges, describes her life these days as a "comic tragedy." But she remains optimistic that "someone will decide what's right and we will go home." In. some respects, the former Philippines first lady's problems would rival the plot of any soap opera: Her husband is serious ill; her children are scattered across the world; her assets are frozen; loyal employees face deportation; her mother-in-law lies for nearly a year; she cannot go home. "The problems just overlap, one after another," Mrs. Marcos said in a recent interview. "But now, Ferdinand is alive.

I am not in jail. So, there is hope. Mrs. Marcos said those who might accuse her of creating her in SO Imelda own problems do not understand her cultural background, her husband or the country he ruled for 20 years. "I grew up around everything American: American food, American music USA, red, white and blue.

The way learned the song it was 'God Bless the We were your only colony," she said. U.S. rule, which began during the Spanish-American War of 1898, continued until 1946. She disagrees vehemently with the U.S. government's version of the Marcoses' exile to Hawaii in 1986 and the subsequent charges of stealing more than $100 million from the Philippine government and stashing it in the United States.

Marcos, who has been in a hospital since Jan. 15 but recently was removed from the intensive care Exxon cleanup plan scrutinized by U.S., Alaska VALDEZ, Alaska (AP) State and federal officials yesterday examined Exxon's plan to clean hundreds of miles of shoreline and an environmentally risky steam-cleaning method was tested on rocks blackened by America's worst oil spill. Oil from the 10.1 million-gallon spill, mostly in the form of tar balls and mousse-like foam, threatened Homer and other ports on fish-rich Cook Inlet. Boats from Kodiak, the nation's No. 1 fishing port, were forced to avoid part of a herring grounds closed late Saturday due to oil nearby.

State wildlife biologist Dave Prokopowich said he believed no potentially tainted fish were taken in the closed area, at the northern tip of the Kodiak Islands. "They (fishermen) seemed to have stayed away from those areas where they feared there might be contamination," Prokopowich said. With winds mainly from the south, there was no sign of oil advancing toward Kodiak and rich crab waters nearby, said Coast Guard Lt. Jim Madden. Homer residents complained of delays in placing log booms they have built to protect their town.

Exxon officials say the booms are being stockpiled at nearby Port Graham to make them easier to deploy when the oil strikes. "People here in Homer are being jerked around," said Lee McCabe, a resident who was building booms. "If the fishermen in this town fished like Exxon deploys boom, you'd never see a fish on the dock." Exxon-paid workers tested cleanup methods on blackened rocks at Block Island, including high-pressure, hot-water sprayers. The company has about 200 of the sprayers, but they have not been used previously with salt water. Cold-water techniques, even those using high pressure, have little impact on microorganisms and small marine life.

But the jets of high-pressure steam upend rocks, strip away sand and gravel and kill beach life. Scientists say it takes up to two years for life to return to the sterilized shore. Adm. Paul Yost, the Coast Guard commandant sent by President Bush to hasten the operations, said he believed the steam method is the only one that can cleanse the sound's shoreline. 'If the fishermen in this town fished like Exxon deploys boom, you'd never see a fish on the Lee McCabe, Homer resident Yost said Saturday that it might take three weeks to get Exxon's cleanup plan completely under way.

"It appears to be a piece of work that's well thought out, scientifically and operationally, and I'm very encouraged," Yost said, adding that he. and his advisers would meet today with Exxon officials in Valdez. They planned to comment on specifics of the plan afterward. "I wish it was two or three weeks ago," said Dennis Kelso, Alaska's environmental chief. Kelso, who has accused Exxon of dragging its feet after the wreck of the tanker Exxon Valdez on March 24, indicated he would scrutinize the plan over the weekend and brief Gov.

Steve Cowper on it before discussing it in public. Exxon spokesman Don Cornett said the company would not discuss its plan until after Yost had fully reviewed it. Efforts to contain the oil at sea have been largely ineffective. Exxon, the Coast Guard and the oil pipeline consortium Alyeska all have been accused of moving too slowly in the face of a staggering logistical task. Elsewhere Saturday, state wildlife and environmental officials in a Coast Guard helicopter searched the coast of remote Katmai National Park, but were unable to confirm National Park Service reports of oil on shore, said Coast Guard Lt.

Jim Madden. Even if no oil washes up, rangers fear the tainted carcasses of sea mammals and birds killed by the spill will be eaten by bears foraging on the beach. radio reported. The hangings brought the number of executions to 388 since Jan. 21.

Drug smugglers hanged NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) Nine drug smugglers were hanged Saturday in three Iranian cities, Tehran You May Be Judged By The Company You Keep! IMPRESS CADILLAC STYLE BRAND NEW '89 Brougham FROM mo. SPECIAL Smart Buys Smart Lease Bring Your $2000 Certificate from Cadillac Division of G.M. For Smart Buy At. Time of Purchase. Offer Ends 6 of MSRP down upon delivery, cash or trade, tax, plates, 1st month and security deposit.

Term is 48 mo. payment. 60,000 free miles. Lessee has option to buy at lease end. Excess mileage 8 cents per mile, plus excess wear tear.

service body refinishing. free estimates 9 am to 5 pm. pun. Goodureuch GM Genuine feeling Gia with Parts OM SERVICE QUALITY PARTS GM Keep that great MOTORS CORPORATION CRE CRESTMONT NT: 26000 Chagrin Blvd at 1-271 831-5300 there's Marcos unit, has been found by a doctor to be unable to travel to New York to appear in court. A court conference on the case is scheduled 1 for today, when a trial date might be set for Mrs.

Marcos. She doesn't expect to stand trial until after her husband either dies or recovers. "My duty is to him, that I am by his side when he needs me," she said. "I really believe I'm here because of Marcos. I just came in for the ride, the marriage ride." Mrs.

Marcos said she was amazed by those who say she lives extravagantly. Her hillside home overlooks Honolulu and the Pacific Ocean and she travels in a black limousine. But she also frequents discount stores and says she often eats Chinese takeout food. "The people below the hill may AP IMELDA MARCOS: "I just came in for the ride, the marriage ride." think it's a mansion, but I came from a palace," she said. "It's a step down for me.

It's a lot less." Mentally Ill of Cuyahoga County, 247-4592. Record lottery pot to be split four ways CHICAGO (AP) There was no port, while others called from as $69 million man or woman in Illi- far away as Europe to find out nois yesterday, but there were how to get a piece of the action. four winners who will have to be Losers, who were bucking odds content with $17.25 million or so of 13 million to 1, said they were apiece as their share of the disappointed but took the loss in world's biggest lottery jackpot. stride. None of the winners had "I just got one ticket because stepped forward by midday yes- win if with you're one," going said to Lonny win, Taylor, you'll Sharon terday, Sharp said two of them a systems engineer from Chicago.

but Lottery Director bought their tickets in the Chi- "I didn't win, but it didn't bother area, one in west-central Illi- me at all." nois cago and one in southern Illinois. The jackpot, bolstered by a "For all of you who said it's week of record sales, beat the old easier to be struck by lightning world record of $61.98 million set than to win the Lotto, four people in October in California. That pot were struck last night and they was split among three winning struck gold," Sharp said at a news tickets, one bought by an individconference. ual and the other two bought by The four winning buyers be groups of co-workers. they individuals, couples or With the splitting of Saturday's groups will each receive at $69 million jackpot, the largest least $17.25 million before taxes, single lottery winner remains paid out over the next 20 years, Sheelah Ryan of Winter Springs, she said.

The total may rise after who walked away with $55.16 final sales figures are tallied million in the Florida lottery in today, she said. September. Hopeful players from around Florida's Lotto jackpot is on the the country descended on Illinois rise again, to an estimated $37 last week, buying record numbers million in next Saturday's drawof tickets that enabled Lottery ing, its second highest level after officials to pad the prize. Some Ryan's winnings, because nobody rerouted flights and stood in long won this weekend's $23 million lines at O'Hare International Air- prize. MENTAL ILLNESS For information and support groups on schizophrenia and manic depression, call the Northeast Ohio Alliance for the Mentally 333-6662, or the Alliance for the Only New Jersey and Illinois require four full years of high school gym classes, and New Jersey Gov.

Thomas H. Kean has proposed eliminating the mandate. Other Army posts affected by the directive are Fort Jackson, S.C.; Fort Leonard Wood, Fort Knox, Fort Benning, Fort Sill, Fort Bliss, Texas, and Fort McClelland, Ala. The directive was issued by Lt. Gen.

John Crosby from Fort Monroe, Va. Col. Margarete DiBenedetto, a physician whose recommendations led to the directive, said research shows stress fractures affected as many as of the recruits at some posts, although most posts showed fracture rates ranging between and "No matter what study or which post, in the third week and again in the fifth or sixth weeks two peaks there was an increase in stress fractures," she said. She said even a sick call by recruits is too costly. DiBenedetto said research within the last year shows that reducing running and jumping in the third Army week lessened associated injuries.

The studies also showed better. physical conditioning and faster" running times for a group whose workouts were reduced in the third mi week, compared with a control group. Under the new policy, male recruits in special cases may be required to run, but no more than two miles with at least three days rest in between workouts. Female recruits are barred from any running in the third week. Instead, recruits will perform aerobic exercises, such as swimming or bicycling.

And should it be called "boot camp" anymore, with new soldiers required to wear Army-approved running shoes when they run? "Years ago, they used to wear combat boots from the time they arrived until the time they Anderson said. But running shoes have made some difference in the number of foot injuries the Army is treating, he said. Anderson said the drill sergeants were not soured by the reduction in pushing young recruits, but DiBenedetto said there was a backlash to her recommendation. "With the good old macho Army concept, there is a lot of opposition to this," she said. housing.

In the HUD budget under Drugs review priations by House and subcommittees, Senate federal modernization funds that would normally be used are scheduled to said it was mostly outsiders, not be cut by more than $600 million tenants, who were the main source next year. of the problem. Leaders in the deficit-conscious (Townsend said he did not like Congress have expressed skeptithe idea of fences, armed guards or cism that there will be enough other security measures that would money to go around for a host of make projects look more like pris- new housing proposals. ons than places to live. He said he "I'm going to help Secretary would like to see law enforcement Kemp all I can, but I don't know authorities give the projects more how he'll do it," said Sen.

Barbara attention. A. Mikulski, D- who chairs the (The federal government should Appropriations subcommittee that also concentrate on economic handles the HUD budget. "Presidevelopment, such as shopping dent Bush's budget underfunds the areas, to give people a reason to HUD programs for maintaining stay in the estates, Townsend said. security in public housing projects.

need to make it a neighbor- That's the money we need to get hood again," he said.) drugs out of public housing." There is little money to pay for Modernization costs in public the most ambitious of Kemp's housing projects nationwide have plans, including a proposal to push been estimated at between $10 for tenant management of public billion and $20 billion. 1 Woman wins award for reaction to drug CHICAGO (AP) A jury awarded abortion, the Cook County jury $9.5 million to a woman who was decided Friday. The drug caused left severely brain-damaged after her heart to stop, which cut off oxyan abortion at Illinois Masonic gen to her brain, her lawyer said. Medical Center. The court assessed the damages Shelby Moran, 50, who now lives among the hospital; Dr.

John J. in a suburban nursing home, had Barton, chief of obstetrics and gynthe abortion in January 1978. ecology, and Upjohn maker of The mother of five and former the drug. manager of the Oak Lawn Elks She was given the drug while Club had brain damage as a result about four months' pregnant after of a reaction to a drug used in the an unsuccessful tubal ligation. SPRING CLEARANCE SALE Save now at our expense during our Spring Cleaning Sale.

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The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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