The School Was Closed.........strike.(because Of /in Spite Of/because/although) (2024)

English High School


Answer 1


The school was closed because of strike.


Related Questions

The text claims that people who fled the Great Plains to California did eventually receive some help from the federal government. Identify the evidence in the text that supports that idea


Hello. You did not enter the text to which this question refers, which makes it impossible for it to be answered. However, when searching for your question, I was able to find a question exactly like yours, which showed that the text in question is entitled "The Dust Bowl and the Government Rescue." If this is the case with your question, I hope the answer below can help you.


The text shows that the government built shelters where people could live and work. Although work in these places was little and difficult, people lived better than what they were living on the great plains.


The article refers to the problems caused by the Dust Bowl, a sandstorm that hit the Great Planices of the USA and lasted for about 10 years. This sandstorm destroyed all the work of the farmers who lived in that region, causing them to face countless socioeconomic problems, being forced to flee that region and try to live in another place. The article shows how this was a period of great suffering for farmers.

To alleviate this suffering, the federal government built about twelve shelters in California, where these farmers could work and live. These shelters offered very poor work and paid very low wages, but allowed people to live a little better.

These shelters serve as textual evidence for the claim that the federal government has provided some help to affected farmers, since textual evidence is a sentence, or more than one, that has the capacity to justify a claim.

"The would-be black savant was confronted by the paradox that the
knowledge his people needed was a twice-told tale to his white neighbors,
while the knowledge which would teach the white world was Greek to his
own flesh and blood. The innate love of harmony and beauty that set the
ruder souls of his people a-dancing and a-singing raised but confusion and
doubt in the soul of the black artist; for the beauty revealed to him was the
soul-beauty of a race which his larger audience despised, and he could not
articulate the message of another people." This quote from the last
paragraph of this excerpt can be seen as an explanation of the need for the
Harlem Renaissance. Which of the following would be the best
A The art that Black people created seemed to only be understood by Black people
B Even though White audiences despised Black expressions of art, Black people still
needed to create it
C The love of harmony and beauty were driving forces for Black art to be created
D All of the above


the art that black people created seemed to only be understood by black people

do not always show the same points of view
reveal a single truth and usually agree with one another
only exist in multicultural poems
are themes that are specific to a culture or group of people


Hello. Your question is incomplete and this makes it impossible for it to be answered. However, when searching for the information you provided, I was able to find a question with the same information, which asked you to indicate what the universal themes presented in the poem "Exile" by J* Alvarez and "I Am Not One of Those Who Left the Land" by Anna Akhmatova . If that's your case, I hope the answer below can help you.


The two poems present universal themes that do not always show the same points of view.


"Exile" by J* Alvarez and "I Am Not One of Those Who Left the Land" by Anna Akhmatova are two poems that portray the lives and choices of people living in countries with oppressive and violent governments. Although this is a universal theme that many readers can identify with, both poets show two different points of view on what to do in a situation like this.

In "Exile" we are introduced to a family that is fleeing the pressure of the government of the Dominican Republic, to live the freedom offered in the USA. This family decided to look for a healthier way of life for its members, to leave the country and go in search of a life of security and freedom. However, in "I Am Not One of Those Who Left the Land" the poet shows how to abandon the country that is under an oppressive government is incorrect. This poem shows how to leave the country, is to give victory to the enemies, and the best thing to do is to stay in the country and fight the oppression that is being established.


Yup do not always show the same points of view Or A.


Can some please help me write a loving good morning text



Okay, how about this

The sun outside's as radiant as you, and I look forward to this day just because of you! Have a great morning!


Rise and Shine! Good Morning to you! How did you sleep today? Hopefully you had a good night's rest. What are you up to?

Which sentence contains a dangling modifier?
1.Arguing their case, the prosecutors made several valid points.

2.Sniffing the scent, the rose smelled lovely.

3. Wiping his brow, Andy continued digging the hole.

4. Wearing a blue suit, the businesswoman began her presentatio​


Answer: Arguing their case, the prosecutors made several valid points.

Explanation: I hope this helps you

What word means "giving rights to"?
I do not want an answer in a file.



To bestow legal or official authority to. privilege. entitle


A character sketch is NOT literally a drawing of a picture, but rather a creation of an image for the reader to see through your descriptive words. You do NOT want to tell a story, but simply describe a person and their life. Things to include in this description might be details about what they look like, specifics about what they do and where they live, details about their past history, information about their friends and family, clarity on what they like to do and where they spend their time. Think about their likes and dislikes, hobbies they may have and what their desires and goals may be. Finally, let the reader know about a specific conflict in this character’s life; in other words, what is a problem or obstacle they are facing right now. CAN SOMEONE HELP ME OUT WITH THIS ASSIGNMENT!!


Nathan has short curly brown hair. Big ears, a warm smile. Hates pants cuz there to hot even in winter. Never leaves home without his head phones. Cuz he dreams of becomeing a radio dj in the future. So he has his own website to play all of the newest and upcoming artists. He is a little chubby, he insecure about his torsos so he always wears baggy shirts with a oversized jacket. Hes a home body, his safe space is his room. He has 1 close friend that hes known since 7th grade. Family includes 2 sisters and divorce parents. Stressed about studying for the SAT. Still doesnt have is drivers license as a junior in high school.

The characters in "The Pursuit of Happiness" reflect the theme of the poem by pursuing happiness so they can benefit
their children.
the United States.
the Important Person.​

Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.

Ava is writing a research paper about the habits of domesticated animals. What steps should Ava take to avoid plagiarism?

First, Ava should check with her instructor to determine the preferred (blank 1) for the assignment. She should be sure to give credit to her sources by including (blank 2) in her paper. Then, Ava should be sure to include a(n) (blank 3)
at the end of her paper.

Blank 1 choices:
- format for academic citations
- plagiarism checker to use
- perspectives to include

Blank 2 choices:
- summaries
- multiple viewpoints
- in-text citations

Blank 3 choices:
- reference page
- author's note
- style guide


Perspectives to include


the first blank is not "perspectives to include" cause i got that wrong but the second one is "in-text citations" and the last blank is "reference page". hope this helped <3


i just took the test

As shines the moon in clouded skies. She in her poor attire was seen. What type of speech used metaphor or personification or simile



I guess it is personalification


It's a simile.


The author is comparing how "she" is seen beyond her poor attire, just like how the moon shines through the clouds that supposedly cover it. This is not a metaphor because there's a word that indicates comparison, which is "as."

A narrative's plot is defined as. Plz hurry will mark brainlyest



In a narrative or creative writing, a plot is the sequence of events that make up a story, whether it's told, written, filmed, or sung. The plot is the story, and more specifically, how the story develops, unfolds, and moves in time.


hope this helps you

I want to know what rivers flow through
Africa, and I want to see the directions
they flow. What text feature could I look



The nile river flows through africa , you should check into more detail about the nile river and they way its directed or headed or where it empties out , you should also search stuff up on how the nile river is helpful and how it is important

(Grammar) Choose the answer that shows correct punctuation for each sentence.

The event that interests me most is the writing of the Declaration of Independence I wish I could hear more about the person who wrote it

The event that interests me most is the writing of the Declaration of Independence: I wish I could hear more about the person who wrote it.

The event that interests me most is the writing of the Declaration of Independence; I wish I could hear more about the person who wrote it.

The event that interests me most is the writing of the Declaration of Independence, I
wish I could hear more about the person who wrote it?



The event that interests me most is the writing of the Declaration of Independence; I wish I could hear more about the person who wrote it.


because after te word independence the author could choose to end the sentence and chose to do two seperate sentence, but instead chooses to continue, making semicolon the correct puncuation

use page numbers an quotations to write a three- to five- sentence paragraph about the resolution from your novel or short story. Remember to include the title and author or the novel or short story. MY STORY IS THE OUTSIDERS !! (70 points)



Novel/Short Story Rising and Falling Action Worksheet DIRECTIONS Use ... Title of short story or novel: The Outsiders Author: S. E Henton Part 1: The Climax of the ... the climax of your novel or short story in a three- to five-sentence paragraph. ... 3 pages. 05_05_The Turning Point.rtf. University of Belgran


A man dropped a glass vase and it broke into many pieces.




A. Gravity





Which of the following text titles would most likely be a memoir?

How I Wrote The Gettysburg Address
The Life and Times of Abraham Lincoln
The Influence of Abraham Lincoln’s Life on America
Honest Abe: How Abraham Lincoln Changed Politics




How I Wrote The Gettysburg Address

Is the right answer.




Have an amazing day

click on the box to choose the part of speech of the all caps word.

The branches SWAYED in the breeze.





Swayed is a verb it is an action

“She was a firework lighting up the world around her.” is an example of what type of figurative language?




Three memorization techniques


flash cards
putting it into a song
recite out loud over and over like a script


Acronym -> RDV -> Rep, DT & VCB


Repetition, Dates & Vocabulary.

for Benefit 1: You need to be familiar with every word you come across

for Benefit 2: Remember to write date and time no matter what you do.

for Benefit 3: Use flashcards to remember; Say it, Write it and Learn it!

Which piece of evidence best conveys Murphy’s point of view?


머피히스 포인트 공원은 RV 캠핑, 라크사이드 패러디스입니다

Прочтите отрывок и выберите лучший ответ.
Мистер Аттерсон, адвокат, был человеком с суровым лицом, никогда не освещавшимся улыбкой; холодный, скудный и смущенный в разговоре; отсталые настроения; тощий, длинный, пыльный, унылый и все же какой-то милый. На дружеских встречах и когда ему приходилось пить вино, в его глазах светилось что-то в высшей степени человеческое; что-то действительно такое, чего никогда не было в его речи, но что говорилось не только в этих безмолвных символах послеобеденного лица, но чаще и громче в его жизни. Он был строг с собой; пил джин, когда был один, чтобы утолить вкус винтажа; и хотя ему нравился театр, он не переступал порога одного уже двадцать лет. Но у него была одобренная терпимость к другим; иногда удивляясь, почти с завистью, сильному давлению духов, вовлеченных в свои злодеяния; и в любой крайности склонен скорее помочь, чем порицать. «Я склоняюсь к ереси Каина», - причудливо говорил он: «Я позволил своему брату пойти к дьяволу по-своему». В этом персонаже ему часто выпадало счастье быть последним уважаемым знакомым и последним хорошим влиянием в жизни падающих мужчин. И для таких, пока они ходили по его покоям, он никогда не замечал ни малейшего изменения в своем поведении.

Несомненно, мистеру Аттерсону это далось легко; поскольку он был в лучшем случае сдержан, и даже его дружба, казалось, основывалась на подобной общности добродушия. Признак скромного человека - принять готовый дружеский круг из рук возможностей; и это был путь адвоката. Его друзьями были его собственные кровные или те, кого он знал дольше всего; его привязанности, как и плющ, были порождением времени, они не подразумевали никакой способности объекта. Отсюда, без сомнения, связь, которая связала его с мистером Ричардом Энфилдом, его дальним родственником, хорошо известным в городе человеком. Для многих было непонятно, что эти двое могли видеть друг в друге или какие темы они могли найти общего. Те, кто встречал их во время воскресных прогулок, рассказывали, что они ничего не говорили, выглядели необычайно скучно и с явным облегчением приветствовали появление друга. Тем не менее эти двое мужчин очень дорожили этими экскурсиями, считали их главной жемчужиной каждой недели и не только откладывали поводы для удовольствия, но даже сопротивлялись вызовам бизнеса, чтобы наслаждаться ими непрерывно.

Этот отрывок описывает дружбу мистера Аттерсона и мистера Энфилда как
странно, но долго.
коротко, но интенсивно.
скалистый, но хорошо продуманный.
неглубоко, но важно.



The pumpkin sat at the grocery store for many days. Each time someone passed by, the pumpkin hoped it would get picked up and taken home. The pumpkin wanted to go home with someone and be a part of a Halloween celebration. It sat in the grocery aisle day after day in hope. One day, a man picked it up, put it in the shopping cart, and took it home.

What is the setting of this story?
a pumpkin patch in the morning
a shopping cart in the afternoon
a grocery store around Halloween
a Halloween party at night


c sat in a grocery store day after day

Read the excerpt from Barrio Boy by Ernesto Galarza
The Americans never drew an eagle on their flag. The red and the white were the same as on ours but why
they liked blue better than green was just one of those peculiar things about Americans.
This excerpt is textual evidence that the author feels
O lonely and homesick for his village and friends in Mexico.
curious and confused about an unfamiliar country.
Oscared and upset to be starting a new life.
O scornful and embarrassed of his native homeland.


I’d go with “Lonely and homesick for his village and friends in Mexico”

Pick either "The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street" or "Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed". write an essay comparing and contrasting how the written version and the performed version are different and similar and talking about the effect on the audience. Please help me



From the beginning of the story, wind and mist are representative of the uncanny and the unknown on Mars. When he first disembarks onto the planet, Harry Bittering is immediately struck by the wind sweeping across the plains, reflecting that “the wind blew as if to flake away their identities

hope this helpful

Read the following example
1) The Taj Mahal is considered to be a fantastic piece of art. 2) Agarwal explains that "Calmonument as
magnificent as the Taj needed the right surroundings to show it up to good effect". 3) If it were simply another
building, the surrounding wouldn't matter. 4) Since they spent time making sure the gardens were as nice as
the rest of the piece, we can assume that the Taj Mahal was always meant to be art.
Which sentence from the above passage contains textual evidence?
Sentence 1
Sentence 2
Sentence 3
Sentence 4



I think sentence (4) Since they spent time making sure the gardens were as nice as the rest of the piece, we can assume that the Taj Mahal was always meant to be art.




No additional punctuation needed.


There are only two options being listed in the sentence so no punctuation is needed.


No puncation because It right just the way it is it will sound different with a comma or a semicolon or a colon

Which of the following best describes the theme of Dickinson's "Success"?
A person cannot truly understand the sweetness of victory as long as he is the victor.
You never get what you want because, if you did, it wouldn't seem so good.
The grass is always greener on the other side.
Success is just as sweet to the successful as it is to the unsuccessful.



the third one, i think



A person cannot truly understand the sweetness of victory as long as he is the victor.


I got it right

WILL MARK BRAINLIEST TO THE CORRECT ANSWER !!! Which of these statements is objective? Twilight was the worst book series ever written, There are 12 million penguins in Antarctica. I think dipping fries into Wendy's frostys is underrated. English is the BEST subject in school.​



O There are 12 million penguins in Antarctica


The others are opinions while the second option is objective fact.


the answer is b.


objective:(of a person or their judgment) not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.

Which of these resources would be MOST helpful for finding information about beekeepers for a school report?
es )
a book of poems about bees
a thesaurus entry about bees
a newspaper article about a beekeeper
a dictionary entry for the word beekeeper


C- newspaper article about a beekeeper

I think it’s

What is an example of something Mawi has accomplished in his life?

Graduated from Stanford University
Flew a plane
Wrote eight books
Learned to speak Japanese



Wrote 8 books. :)


Please give brainly if this helps, gl!

The School Was Closed.........strike.(because Of /in Spite Of/because/although) (2024)


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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.