The Semi-Weekly New Era from Lancaster, Pennsylvania (2024)


5 Two Real Estate Offices Robbed of Cash and Postage Stamps. The offices of Widmyer Prangley and Z. Rhoads, at No. 6 West King street, were robbed Tuesday night. The offices communicate, and after one is entered there is nothing to prevent a person walking into the other office.

The first named firm was robbed of between $30 and $40 and some postage stamps, taken from a drawer, and Mr. Rhoads lost about $25 and a few stamps, also taken from a drawer, evidently by somebody acquainted with the premises. There is good reason for believing that the thief was concealed under a stairway when the offices were closed on Tuesday evening, and that he easily escaped by unlocking a rear door, the key of which was in the lock, and walking away. As the money drawers were open it was easy to get the cash. No clues were left behind.

Pennsylvania R. R. Schedule in effect May 27, JlHMb Irntna Leave LAA CASTEH am follow For Philadelphia, 2:23, 4:54, 5:35, 6:40. 7:45, 6:38. 10:10, 10:30 a.

1:00, 3:55. 4:25, 4:47, 5 56. 6 50, 7:15 and p. week-dais; 2 '23, 4:54, 5:3., 7:48, 7:00, 10:30 a. 3.55, 4:25, 4:50, 5.56.

7:15 and p. Sundays. For Buffalo, via Emporium Junction, a. m. and 10.

u5 p. daily. Through Pullman Sleeping Car. For Harrisburg, 1 :34, 6:25, 9:45, 10:20, 10:35 a. 1:40, 2:10, 5:20, 6:5, 7:20, 10.05 and 10.23 p.

m. Sundays, 1:34. 6:31. 9:48, 10:20, 10:35 a. 1:40, 10:05 and 10:23 p.

m. For Altoona and Pittsburg, 1:34, 6:25, 9:40, 10:35 a. 1:40 and 10:23 p. m. week-da js.

Sundajs, 1:34, 6:30, 9:4 8, 10:35 a. 1:40 and JO 23 p. in. For New Holland Branch, 5:20 and 10:50 a. ni.

and 3:12 'p. week-days; 5:20 a. Sundays. For Columbia, 6:37, 9-45, 10:41 a. 1:52, 7:25 p.

weekdays. Sundays, 6:38 and 9:48 a. m. and 5:30 p. m.

For York, via Columbia, 6:37 and 10:41 a. 1:52, 5:20 and 7:25 p. week-days; 6:38 a. m. and 5:30 p.

m. Sundays. For Lebanon, 6.25, 10:35 a. 2:10 and 7:20 p. week-days.

Leave Lancaster (King street) for Quarryville and intermediate stations, a. 4.20 and 6:50 p. weekdays. W. W.

ATTERBURY, J. R. WOOD, Gen. Manager. Pass.

Traffic Man, GEORGE W. BOYD. General Tassenger Agent. Four Ladies Injured by a Collision With a West Belt Car. A trolley accident of quite a serious character, due to a collision with a team, occurred abouT nine oclock on Tuesday evening at the corner of Columbia avenue and Ruby street.

The car, in charge of Conductor Himel-wright and Motorman PeKrs, was run-ning slow, in order to allow a passenger to alight at the crossing at the Nevin fountain, which is not far from Ruby street. The intention of those in the team was to turn from WestOrange street into Ruby street, but whether the lady driving became confused, or pulled the wrong rein, is uncertain, but the team was turned upon the track right in front of the car, and an accident was unavoidable. A wheel of the carriage was knocked off and the ladies thrown into the street. Mrs. C.

W. Kautz, whose husband has a grocery store only a short distance from the scene of the accident, was rendered unconscious, and remained in that condition' for some time after being removed to her home, where a physician attended her. She is injured internally, but how badly cannot at present be determined. Mrs. Elizabeth Robinson "was also seriously Injured, nor can the extent of her injuries be yet determined.

Both of the other ladies escaped with bruises, a Miss Wayne being quite severely bruised, and Mrs. John S. Anderson given a severe nervous shock. tary, W. J.

Caldwell; Treasurer, Jacob Moore, On Tuesday the following teachers were appointed: Inter course Secondary Evanna Diem; Intercourse Primary, Miss Annie L. Quigley; Hatville, Miss Elizabeth Snyder; Hickory Groye, Miss Elsie Diem; Weavertown, Miss Alma Leaman; Kauffmans, Miss Irene Beam; Gor-donville Secondary, Miss Jennie Deit-er; Centerville, Charles Slack; Hollow, John Pleam; Beilers, J. H. Kreider; Gordonville Primary, John Weaver. The term Is seven and one-half months.

Schools open August 27. West Lampeter Township. The School Directors of -West Lampeter met on Tuesday and organized by -electing Martin K. Rowe, President; David H. Huber, Secretary, and Emlen B.

Mylin, Treasurer. The school term was fixed at 7 Yz months, and the salary paid is $55 per month. A tax of one and one-half mills was levied. Teachers were elected as follows: Lampeter, Miss Anna Ludwig; Rockvale, Miss Martin; Temperance Home, George Herr; Wheatland, Sylvester Findlay; Willow Grove, Marguerite Herr: Willow Street, ella Webb; Mylin, Isaac Herr; Highland, Kate Leaman. Christiana Borough.

The Christiana Borough School Board met on Tuesday for reorganization. The resignation -of Maurice Brinton, as director, was presented, and William L. Jackson was elected in his stead. The following officers were then elected: President, William L. Jackson; Secretary, Horace King; Treasurer, Dr.

T. S. Irwin. The examinations for borough teachers were held on Tuesday, but only two names were announced, those of James D. Arnold, Principal of the High School, and Miss Ollie Bruce, of the primary department.

All the other schools are vacant. Sadsbury The school board of Sadsbury township met on Tuesday and organized as follows: President, Thomas Williams; Secretary, Barkley Simmons; Treasurer, George B. Baker. No appointments to the schools were announced, and will not be until next Friday. PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILWAY COMPANY.

NOTICE TO STONE MASONS, CARPENTERS AM) CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals be received by the Commissioners of Lancaster County, at the Commissioners: Office of said county in the Court House, at Lancaster city. until twelve oclock, noon, oi MONDAY, JUNE 25, 1906, for work and materials required in repairing th bridge crossing the Pequea qreek, be tween Strasburg and West Lampete townships, on the road leading from Lampeter Square to New Providence. Bridge Number Twelve. (No.

12.) Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the Commissioners, at Lancaster, Pa. Each proposal must be accompanied by a check for ten per cent, of the amount bid. The Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. By order'of the Board Of Commission, ers of Lancaster County. M.

G. SCHAEFFER. --Controller of Lancaster County. my26 4twS Wilmington and Columbia Division. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT MAY 14, 1905.

Sunday, a.m. p.m. 7:14 3:34 7:20 3:17 9:40 4:40 Noon. NORTH. a.m.

m. p.m. Le. Lan.Pr.St 7:18 12:43 6:23 Le. Columbia.

7:00 12:25 6:10 8:25 1:51 8:00 9:06 Phila 10:50 2:31 8:11 4:3510:15 i AKRON BOROUGH NOTES. Noon. SOUTH. a.m. a.m.

p.m.) a.m. p.m. Le. 4:30 10:30 4:35 4:00 1:51 m. Le.

7:08 12:20 6:00 7:07 12:30 6:38 2:20 8:00 2:03 7:48 Le. Ar. Columbia. 9:15 Ar. Lancaster 9:00 9:05 5:25 10:50 7:54 Sunday.

7:25 4:20 8:09 3:15 9:30 6:20 9:16 6:06 4) LANCASTER, OXFORD AND SOUTHERN RAILROAD. On and after APRIL 16, 1906. trains Leave. Arrive. Quarryville 9 :30 a mOxford 1 1 :00 a in Quarry ville 1 :40 tnOxford 3:05 pm Quarry ville 6 :40 mOxford 8:05 pm Quarryville 9:30 a mP.

Bottom 1 1 :20 a in Quarry ville 6 :40 mP. Bottom. Oxford 6:50 a mQuarryville 8:20 a ni Oxford ...12:00 ma Quarryville 1:25 ni 3:50 mQuarryville 5:20 ni Bottom.ll :20 a ni 6:35 pm P. Bottom. 8:00 pm P.

Bottom. 6 :50 a mQuarryville 8 :20 a P. Bottom. 2:30 mQuarryville 5:20 P. Bottom.

6:50 a mOxford 8:40 am P. Bottom. 2:30 mOxford 4:30 pm Steam Ferry Boat at Peach Bottom. Freight and Adams Express to all points. F.

D. NAITMAN, General Manager. NOTICE TO BRIDGE BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received by the Commissioners of Lancaster County, at the Commissioners Office of said county in the Court House, at Lancaster city, until twelve oclock, noon, of MONDAY. JUNE 25, 1906, for work and materials required for the repairing the bridge crossing the west branch of the Octoraro creek at Spruce Grove, between Little Britain and Colerain town, ships, in the county of Lancaster, on the road leading from Oak Hil) to Mt.

Vernon. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the Commissioners, at Lancaster, Pa. Each proposal must be accompanied by a check for ten per cent, of the amount bid. The Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the Board of Commissioners of Lancaster County.

M. G. SCHAEFFER, Controller of Lancaster County. my26 4twS A MIXED RESULT IN OREGON. High School Graduates Elected Teach- ers General and Personal Affairs.

Arkon, June 7. Miss Edith Weidler, a graduate of the Akron High School, class of 1906, has been appointed teacher of the primary school, and Miss Anna Huber, also a pupil of the Akron High School, was appointed teacher of a school in Penn township. Professor I. F. Seiverling attended the examinations held at New Holland and Ephrata.

Mr. Phares D. Getz was examined at Ephrata on Monday and made a creditable showing. The Auditors examined the financial account of the School Board on Monday evening, and found everything correct. Mr.

P. W. Weidman and Dr. A. V.

Walters met the Township Supervisors in reference to the new trolley road. Everybody is anxiously watching the outcome of the plan, and hope for its success. Mr- Chas, Molin, of Norristown, is spending a Peeks vacation with liis parents, and Mrs. Chas. F.

Mohn. Harry Shirker is filling a position as an operator at Reading during the week. Mr. Jacob Gensemei; entertained the people of Talmage, on 'Sunday, witfi music. Mr.

Henry Molin is erecting a frame house on Tenth street, and Mr. Norris Reigel iValsobuilding one on the Kil-hefner lots. The management of the Sehoeneck base ball club has signed Irvin Minnich as catcher. Mr. Horace Mellinger and Mr.

Albert Mellinger, accompanied the Stevens band to Lancaster, on Monday, where they took part- in- the Gilmore Day parade. Mr. and Kurtz, 6f Meadow Valley, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Phares Brown.

J. W. Enck visited his parents at Newtown, on Saturday. CONESTOGA ITEMS. To Farmers and Dairymen.

Why sell your whole Milk, when you can sell your cream and retain the milk for a le feeding of hogs, chickens and calves'? You also retain a cheap, direct and valuable fertilizer for the farm. For xiarticuiars write to Kiips Condensed Al ik Co. Jqs. S. Strickler, Democrats Win Governor, but Republicans Get Senator and Congressmen.

A Portland, Oregon, despatch says George E. Chamberlain, been reflected Governor of Oregon by a majority of not less than 1,000, and, perhapr. as- much as 2,500, over Dr. James Withycombe, 'Jonathan Bourne, Republican, has received the popular nomination for United States Senator by probably a little over 5,000 majority. 7 W.

R. Ellis, Republican, has beien chosen Congressman in- the Second District by a large majority over J. H. Graham.Democratj and W. C.

Hawley, Republican, has a safe lead over Galloway, in the First District. Woman suffrage was defeated by a large majority. The Liquor Dealers Association had made a determined fight to lessen jtb restrictions of local option now; in force. An amendment proposed by this organization was defeated by a big majority. i NOTICE TO STONE MASONS, CARPENTERS AM) CONTRACTORS.

Sealed proposals will be received by the Commissioners of Lancaster County, at the Commissioners Office of said county in. the Court House, at Lancaster city. until twelve oclock, ot MONDAY, JUNE 25, 1906, for work and materials required for the repairing of the bridge crossing the Pequea Creek, between Strasburg and West Lampeter townships, on the road leading from Strasburg to Willow Street. Bridge No. Eleven.

(No. 11.) Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the Commissioners, at Lancaster, Pa. Each proposal must be accompanied by a check for ten per cent, of the amount bid The Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the Board of Commissioners of Lancaster County. M.

G. SCHAEFFER, Controller of Lancaster County. my26 4twS town, Central High School, A. S. Longenecker, principal; Miss Susan P.

Rohrer, Grammar, Susie C. Beck; Intermediate, E. Rice; Seconday Primary, Anna Uay Hoover; First Primary, Bessie C. Johnstin; Lincoln Grammar, Harry C. Brackbill, principal: M.

Edith Cooper, assistant; Lincoln Primary, Laura A. Beck, principal; Mary P. Schock, assistant; Franklin, Miss Carman, principal; Iva H. Zieglei assistant; Fairview, William Simons; Donegal, Elsie Grove, principal; Carrie S. Hershey, assistant; Washington, Charles Kreider, principal of Grammar School; A.

Katie Witmer, principal of Primary; Union, Andrew M. Martin, principal; Annie Kraybill, assistant; Rock Point, David B. Kraybill; Mt. Pleasant Grammar, C. J.

Palmer; Primary, Emily Longenecker. Akron Borough. The Akron Borough School Board met in regular session on Tuesday evening, for the purpose of organizing for the coming year. The new members of the Board are: Elias Wolf, who succeeds himself, and W. P.

Albright, who succeeds John Kline. The following officers were elected: President, Ci F. Steiner; Secretary, C. B. Zwaxly; Treasurer, S.

N. Wolf. The remaining members are: Dr. J. S.

Kreiter, Elias Wolf and W. P. Albright. The following teachers were unanimously elected: Principal of High School, I. F.

Seiv-erling, salary, $70 per month; Grammar, Chas. D. Zell, $45; Secondary, vacant, to be supplied, as Mr. Lincoln 'Kline was no applicant, $40; Primary, Olive G. Albright, $40.

The vacancy existing will befilled at an adjourned meeting to be held Friday evening. The School Board has decided to have the regular monthly meeting on the first Saturday, of each month at one oclock. The school term opens on the 27th of August, for eight months. The tax rate is eight mills. Penn Township.

The Penn Township School Board met on Tuesday afternoon at Bussers Hotel for organization and election of teachers. The following are the officers: President, John B. Shenk; Secretary, Ephraim G. Hershey; Treasurer, Martin E. Gross.

The tax rate was fixed at 2 mills; the term seven months and the salary $47 per month for number one in practice of teaching. The following teachers were elected: K. Milter; Sun Hill, Ellen Herr; Airy Dale, B. F. Greider; East Park, Barbara Kreider; West Park, Blanche Dalton; Doe Run, S.

J. Zimmerman; Lime Rock, Rebecca Diehm; Chiques, Edna Edwards; Elstonville, James Kieffer; Airy Hill, Hiram W. Diehm Gingrich; White Oak, Florence Kosten-bader; Pleasant View, Effie Fogel-sanger; Locust Grove, Anna Huber. Mt. Joy Township.

The Mt, Joy township School. Board organized on MondayTby electing' Amos R. Herr, President; Elmer W. Strickler, Secretary; Samuel E. Miller, Treasurer.

The other members of the Board are A. M. Gepper, Jno. M. Gibble, A.

B. Eslile-man. The tax rate was fixed at 3 mills salary $50 per month for first grade, and the term seven months, beginning September 3. Teachers were elected as follows: Florin grammar, Elsie M. Eng-slow; Florin primary, Sue H.

Brandt; Grandview, Dorothy B. Groff; Oakdale, Clayton Frey; Rockville, Wayne Kuhns; Joint, Irvin Kraybill; Fairview, Eli N. Hershey; Woodland, Samuel. H. Hershey; Belleair, E.

H. Singer; Wheatland, Abner Risser; Mt. Pleasant, Lillie Risser; Cherry Hill, Amo3 S. Hotten-stein Milton Grove seeoiidary, Chas. Bowers; Milton Grove primary, Mabel Grosli; Sunnyside, Emma C.

Ginder; Northwestern, Anna K. Slioop. Lititz Borough. The Lititz Borough School Board organized on Tuesday evening by electing H. Buch, President; J.

G-Hershey, Secretary, and H. S. Meis-key. Treasurer. The other members of the Board are J.

B. Fasnacht, W. Grube and J. F. Stoner.

The following appointments were made by the Board: Principal, G. Herman Goetz; Assistant, Miss Mary H. 'Stoner; A Grammar, Miss Barbara Mylin; Grammar, Miss -Jennie Dietrich; Intermediate, Mrs. Elizabeth Sahm; A Secondary, Miss Alice Stormfeltz; B. Secondary, Miss Laura Buch; Third Primary, Miss Charlotte Duchman; Second Primary, Miss Caroline Tshudy; First.

Primary, Miss Mary Tshudy. Providence. Township. The School Board of Providence township met on Monday. The new members of the Board are W.

W. McFalls and William Brooks. Martin Royer was elected President; C. S. Rowe, Treasurer, and A.

H. Helm, Secretary. H. Gamber is the other member of the Board. The following teachers were appointed: New Providence, ortly one teacher to be appointed, vacant as yet; Fairview, William Paes; Hickory Grove, vacant; Clearfield, At T.

Winters; Rising Sun, 'Martha B.ruce; Mt. Airy, Mary Kreider; Pleasant Valley, Kate Helm; Harmony, Hariy Brubaker. i Strasburg Borough. The Strasburg Borough School, Board met for organization on Monday evening. The members are G.

W. Hensel, W. C. Beam, L. J.Bair, Abram Denlinger, Dr.

Geo. E. Day, J. M. Rowe, M.

A. Shissler, Amos Herr and Cyrus Ilersli. Mr. G. W.

Hensel was elected President, W. C. Beam, Secretary, and Amos C. Herr, Treasurer, Miss Sadie Linville was re-elected to the grammar, Miss Rachel high; Mias Cora Ingram, secondary and Miss Gertrude C. Clark, primary, The cnly position not filled was that of Principal 6f the schools.

Leaco*ck Township. The Leaco*ck Township School Board, composed of Messrs. Jacob B. Leaman, W. J.

Smoker, Jacob MOore, John M. Beam and David Hershey, met at Intercourse on Monday and organized as follows: President, Jacob B. Leaman; Secre No. 7, June 1906. GEALBACH.

Harriet A. Musselman, trustee of Mary M. Musselman, under the last will of Harriet Uealbaugh, deceased. No. S.

June 1906. GROFF. Franklin Winger, trustee appointed by Orphans Court under the will of Michael G. Groff, deceased. No.

67. August 1903. HERTZLER. Joseph Y. Hertzler and Sarah Hertzler.

administrators of Samuel Hertzler, deceased No. 9, June 1906. HERR. John D. Herr, executor of David (S Herr, deceased.

No. 10. June 1906. HOLLINGER. John Yerger, II.

F. Hol- linger and Fannie Hollinger. executors of Levi Hollinger. deceased. No.

11, June 1906. HOOPES. Jesse Wood, trustee of Thomas S. Hoopes. under th.

wills of Mary Hoopes and Amelia M. Hoopes, deceased. No. 12, June 1906. HERSHEY.

Sarah H. Hershey, administratrix of Christian H. Hershey. No. 13, June 1906.

HARNISH. John L. Harnish and Harry L. Harnish, executors of David Harnish. deceased.

No. 2, October 1905. HURST. Wm, K. Hurst, and Isaaa Newton Hurst, executors of Mathias S.

Hurst, deceased. No. IS, June 1906. HORST. John B.

Reist, executor ol Abram Horst, deceased. No. 16, June 1906. HOOVER. A.

E. Burkholder, executor of John S. Hoover, deceased. No. 32, August 1905.

IBACH. Ellen Ibacli, executrix ol Byron J. Ibach, deceased. No. 43, September 1905.

ICEMRER. Henry C. Baker, administrator of George Kemrexu deceased. No. 36, March 1905.

KOSER. John S. Miller, executor ol Lizzie S. Koser, deceased. No.

17, June 1906. KAUFFMAN. R. M. Kauffman, administrator of Christian M.

Kauffman, deceased. No. 2, August 1905. KREADY. John Kready, Samuel Kready and B.

B. Kready, administrators of Susan Kreadv, deceased. No. 38, June 1906. KOSER.

Frederick Y. Koser and Rebecca Lefever, executors -of Re-becca Koser, deceased, No. 19, June 1906. LEDERER. Katharine Kiefer, executrix of Frank H.

Kiefer, who was executor of Mary- JosephiLederer, deceased. No. 30, November 1904. LEFEVER. George C.

Lefever ane Harry S. Lefever, executors of Henry M. Lefever, deceased. No. 34.

August 1905. LEHMAN. Lavina Lehman and Abner Martin, executors of Peter II. Lehman, deceased. No.

20, June 1906. LESSLEY. Judith Good, administratrix of Annie Lessley, deceased. No. 2, April 1905.

LXNTNER. Benjamin F. Groff, executo of Catharine Lintner, decease) No. 21. June 1906.

LOCHER. Lila Reno Locher and David R. Locher, administrators ot Charles H. Locher, deceased (first and partial account). No.

30, February 1905. Tuesday, June 19, 1906. MILLER. John M. Miller, executor of Emanuel E.

Miller. deceased. No. 22, June 1906. MILLER.

Israel A. Miller, administrator of Moses Miller, deceased. No. 14. June 1906.

MUSSER. Jacob H. Musser and John G. Nissley, executors of Martin S. Musser, deceased.

No. 23, June 1906. MANN. Annie M. Mann and Hershey 1.

Mann, administrators of. Levi H. Mann, deceased. No. 23, March 3 905.

MILLER. Emeline'S. Miller, admint-stratrix, c. t. of Hiram K.

Mir-ler, deceased. No, 21, November T-, 1902. McINTYRE. Susanna Sheaffer, executrix of. Mary Mclntvre, No.

24, June 1906. MARTIN. Isaac G. Martin and Amos Martin, testamentary trustees under the will of Isaac Martin. de ceased.

May 1903. MARTIN. braham M. Weber and Samuel Rutt, executors of Isatus Martin, deceased. No.

28, May 1903. McGRADY. 'First iand-fihal account Ol Horace Detwileiv-administrator of James deceased. No. 36.

March Margaret R. McMicliaei. administratrix of Thomas L. Mc-Michael, deceased. No.

26, -MILLER. George W. Miller, administrator of Adam Miller, deceased, No. 26, December 1905. NISSLEY Kate Nissley, administratrix of Henry B.

Nissley. deceased. No. 1, January 1906. ODOUGHERTY.

Joseph T. Breneman, executor of Paul G. ODougherty, deceased. No. 25, June 1906.

PRANGE. Rey F. P. Mayser, executor of Mary Prange, deceased. No.

26. June 1906. REAGER. A. B.

Hollinger, administra- tor of Frank Reager, deceased. No. 10, October 1905. RETZER. B.

S. Patterson, execu-tor of James Retzer, deceased No. 34, April 1905. ROYER. Jacob Royer, administrator of William Royer, deceased.

No 13. October 1905. SIIEIRK. Harry H. Landis, administra.

tor as 'trustee to sell real estate of Israel S. Sheirk, deceased. No. 24. August 1905.

SCIIUPP. John Schupp, administrator of Maggie Schupp, deceased. No. 1, February 1906. SHICKLEY.

E. V. Johns, administrator of Peter Shickiey, deceased. No. 25.

March 1906. STAUFFER. John H. Stauffer, administrator of Annie R. Stauffer, deceased.

No. 31, May 1906. SPRECHER. Emily B. Spreeher.

Annlo M. Spreeher and Roland H. Brubaker. trustees of Caroline J. Franklin, under the will of George D.

Spreeher, deceased. No. 27. June 1906. SPRECHER.

Emily B. Spreeher. Annie M. Spreeher and Roland H. Brubaker, executors of George D.

Spreeher, deceased. No. 27, June 3 906. SHENK. Annie K.

Sbeiik and John B. Shenk, administrators of Amos 1). Shenk. deceased. No.

40, August 1905. SHEAFFER. Susanna Sheaffer, administratrix of Nathaniel F. Sheaffer, deceased. No.

28. June 1906. SMITH. John B. Roth, Samuel T.

Davis and Chas. R. Kline, executors of Eliza E. Smith, deceased. March 1905, SCHOTT.

Frank G. Schott and John W. Moser, administrators of J. Adolt Schott, deceased. No.

21, Matcn 1906. SHEAFFER. Jos. R. Burkholder, administrator of Emma R.

Sheaffer, deceased. No. 65, September 1904. TAMMANY. Bridget Hagen and James Tammany, executors of Bridget Tammany, deceased.

No. 29, Jun VOGEL Christian S. Vogel, trustee to sell the real estate of George G. Vogel, deceased. No.

54, September 1905. WRIGHT. C. Reese Eaby, administrator. d.b.n.

c. t. of William Wright, deceased. No. 30, June 1906.

WIEGAND. Henry J. Draude and George Kneeht, t. of John George Wiegand, deceased. No.

31, June 1906. WITMER. John K. Witmer and Amos K. Witmer, administrators jt Mary Witmer, deceased.

No. 32, June 1906. WEINHOLD. Solomon H. Weinhold, administrator of Peter II.

Weinhold, deceased. No. 6, August 1904. WOLF. Annie M.

Wolf, Wm. L. Mar. shall and S. Grant Johnson, administrators, c.

t. of Henry Wolf, No. 33, February 1903. WIGGINS. B.

M. Wiggins, administrator of Clayton Wiggins, deceased. No. 2. August 1904.

WEINHOLD. Jacob C. Weinhold. ex. ecutor of Mary Weinhold, deceased, No.

33, June 1906. SAMUEL H. BOYD, Register and Clerk of Orphans' Court iny26 4twS JOHN M. MILLER Notary( Public, Surveyor and Conveyancer, Box 59, Landisville, Pa. All sorts of legal conveyances -neatly and accurately performed.

Special attention given to clerking of sales. LANCASTER. FA. mr31 tfwSW The School Board of Salisbury township met at White Horse on Monday. After the new members, James P.

Marsh and Jacob Mentzer, were sworn in.tbe Board organized by electing the following officers: President, D. H. JDenlinger; Secretary, A. A. Haines; Treasurer, J.

A. Warner. The following teachers were elected for the coming school term: Gap Primary, Mary Ec Livingston; Gap. Secondary, M. Agnes Marsh; Harmony, Erma Skiles; Salisbury, Elizabeth Pass-more; Bethania, Esther Byerly; Rose-neath, Anna Hershey; LimevilleJUary Hague; Beuna Vista, John Oberholtz-er; Waterloo, Leila Oberholtzer; White Minnie Sherts; Buyers-town, Elizabeth Bingaman; Milwood, Catharine Wenger; Buchland, Ella Buchanan; Pine Grove, Leonard Martin; Reed; Pleasant View, Florence Mentzer; Centre, Minnie Reel; Spring Garden, Catharine Warner; Springville, Annie Sherts; Mount Pleasant, Pearl Sollen-berger; Mount Airy, vacant.

Conoy Township. The Conoy School Board has reorganized as follows: Jacob H. Meckley, President; Ephraim Brinser, Secretary; B. F. Hoffman, Treasurer.

The new members of the Board are Amos Hiestan'd, E. R. Hoover, and Tillman S. Kraybill is the sixth member of the Board; Simon H. Engle, who served as director for thirty-three years, and Jacob Ebersole went out of office.

The following are the teachers: Conoy Township Central High School, H. S. Brinser; Bainbridge Grammar, C. E. Goss; Bainbridge Secondary, E.

A. Riegle; B-E Primary, Elizabeth J. Sellers; Wickersham Grammar, Aubrie Gondie; Primary, Mame Engle; Ebersoles, Garneld Shearer; Stevens, Wendell G. Baker; Falmouth, Iva Hemperly; Lincoln, Dorothy Goss. Martic Township.

The Board of Directors of the Mar- tic schools is as follows: L. K. Am bler, William H. Wentz, George K. Garrett, John H.

Miles, Andrew Martin and George Winters. They have appointed the following teachers: Bonview, vacant; Cedar. Grove, Grace Keller; Crystal Brook, Kate McKel-vey; Indian Rock, Lottie Eshbach; Marticville, Florella Duffy and Howard Winters; Mount Nebo. John Krei-der; Rawlins ville, Roxey Heiney; Red Hill, Emma King; Sunnyside, Lorella Miles; West View, Charles Alexander. East Hempfield The East Hempfield Township School Board organized on Tuesday as follows: President, Jacob L.

Brubaker; Secretary, John M. Swarr; Treasurer, H. S. Hershey. The' other members of the Board are B.

F. Charles, S. N. Mumma and C. H.

Ha-becker. The school term will be seven months, commencing with the first Monday in September. The following teachers were elected: Fair-view, Katharine Kauffman; Sunny-side, Anna R. Eaby; Oak Grove, Florence Miller; Redstone Hall, Katharine Charles; Petersburg Secondary.Daisy Greiner; Petersburg Primary, Elizabeth G. Forney; Getz Grove, Etta B.

Miller; Villa Dale, Walter Pool; Rohrerstown Secondary, Benjamin Heller; Rohrerstown Primary, Alice Butzer; Centreville ITies-tand Harnish; Centreville Primary, Ada M. Habecker; Lake Mill, Laura Miller; Independence, Clara Diller; Salunga, Hannah M. Phipps; Landis-ville High; H. L. Fenstermacher; Lan-disville Intermediate, vacant; Landis-ville Primary, Minnie Herr Huber.

West Hempfield Township. The School Board of West Hemp field township met on Monday and organized by the election of the following officers:" President, J. C. Shellen-berger; Secretary, A. B.

Hershey; Treasurer, J. Sterline, Jr. The other members of the Board are Joseph Miller, Harvey H. Nolt and A. H.

Greider. The school term, which will open' the second Monday in September, will be seven months, and the salaries are for No. 1, one minus, $47; two -plus, $42.50, and beginners, $40 per month. Teachers were chosen as follows: Airy Vale, Catharine Wirth; Iron ville Secondary, Sara Lutz; Iron-ville Primary, Annie Haerter; Kay-lors, Nellie Montgomery; Kinderhook Secondary, Mary B. Resh; Kinderhook Primary, Elizabeth Snyder; Norwood, Daisy Deen; Silver Spring Mary Aungst; Silver Spring Primary, Edith Fridy; Retreat, Catharine Collins; Sterline, Laura C.

Martin; Mussers, "Benjamin B. Herr; Fair-view, Daniel Aungst; Maple Grove, vacant. East Donegal Township. The School Board of East Donegal township met in Maytown yesterday There was but one new face in the Board, Joseph Miller having been elected to fill the vacancy caused by the removal of F. H.

Becker to Lancaster. M. R. Hoffman, who hag been President of the School Board for a number of years, was re-elected, as was also Amos Ziegler, Secretary; Abram Grove was elected Treasurer. The other members of the Board are: Joseph Miller, Amos F.

Eby and Eli L. Nissly. The tax rate was fixed at 2. mills, an increase of 14 mill, made necessary by the expenses incurred during the smallpox epidemic. The school term was fixed at seven months and the salaries are to remain the same as last year.

The school term will begin Monday, September 3. The following teachers were elected: May- Des islit a Gounge. Mam, wit du a Gounge? Ocli! Scliwetz net so dumc Ich hap ka dsite zu gounga und sq macha zu fiel yacht. Yah abe des 1st de Bausman Stall-liche Gounge. Sie macha ka yacht, shoo a de mooka aweek un de kinner kenna sich ferweilar de gonza tag.

Yah, well. Pap don kauf ama mindwega. Ich denks dade meina allder Bookel, gude madia. And they lived happy ever alter. D.

H. Bausman, BAUSMAN, PA On Millersvllle Street Car Line. Ind. Phone at House and Factory, At Hotel Realty. Saturday.

10 a. m. Heir to Fifty Millions Suicide. Pittsburg society and business circles were startled Tuesday morning by the announcement of the suicide of Thomas OConnor Jones, a young millionaire, one of the principal partners and the assistant general manager, of he Jones Laughlin Steel Company. Mr.

Jones ended his life in his suite of apartments in the exclusive Hotel Schenley Tuesday morning at 4 oclock. He shot himself through the right temple with a revolver which his relatives believe Was smuggled into his room for him. Heir to a fortune estimated at himself a millionaire many times, known throughout the country as one of the greatest steel experts, Jones, who was just entering his 36th year, seemed to have a bright future. The family can advance o-y one reason for- his taking his life, Fo several months he had been ill with nervous disorder. Recently Jones had trouble with his eyes, and believed that, he going blind.

He also thought at times that his disease would drive him Insane. These worries, his relatives believe, caused him to take his life. A. Gansman, The Manufacturer of. 1 A Flourishing G.

A. R. Post General and Personal Affairs. Conestoga Centre, June 5. At a regular muster of Captain George Hess Post, No.

571, G. A. two recruits were mustered in. The Post is in a flourishing condition. Commander B.

Landis, and Mathias Peters, alternate of the Post, vice.B. F. Hpo-key, delegate-elect, have gone to Altoona to attend the encampment held there this week. The Sunday-school of the M. E.

Church' held Childrens Day services Sunday evening. The church was prettily decorated with ferns and flowers, and a fine programme was rendered, under the. leadership of the efficient Superintendent, George Pries. The music was of a high character, and the church was filled to overflowing. Jacob F.

Brinser, of Philadelphia, formerly of this place, was the guest of his brother-in-law, J. Zercher, on Sunday. 7. J. Arthur Hookey and bride left for their future home, Lee.Massachusetts.

Mr, Hookey is general1 manager for tooth-pick company at that place, the same having been recently established for a company of New York capitalists, who elected him to the position for valuable services rendered in the past. Phares Foutz lost a valuable horse last week. The animal was apparently Well in the evening when last seen, but the next morning when Mr. Foutz went to the stable he was surprised fo find his horse dead. Jacob Buck-Waiter also lost a valuable horse last evening.

The Sunday-school of the Green Hill U. B. Church will hold their annual Childrens Day service next Sunday evening. Suits. Auditing Notice, Orphans Court.

JUNE TERM, 1006. To all legatees, creditors and other persons interested: Notice is hereby given that the following accounts have been filed in the office ot the Register of Wills, in and for the County of Lancaster, and that the same will be presented to the Orphans Court of said county for confirmation and for distribution of the balances therein shown, to the creditors, legatees, next of kin, heirs and others legally entitled thereto, on the dates hereinafter designated, at ten oclock in the forenoon, for which purpose said accounts will be called for audit and distribution by said Court, in the order named, at such times, in the Orphans Court room, on the third floor of the Court House, in the city of Lancaster, Pa. 1 Monday, June 18, 1)00. ALBRIGHT. Margaret Albright, executrix of Reuben O. ceased. No. 54, January 1904. BEAR.

E. V. Johns, administrator of Harvey G. Bear, deceased. No.

3s, November 1904. BOHN. B. Frank Kready, of Austin Bohn, deceaseo. 1, June 1906.

BRICKER. Emma H. Bricker and Hon. Chas. I.

Landis, executors Owea P. -Bricker, deceased. No. 2, June 1906. BRUBAKER.

Amelia H. Brubaker, a. ministrator of David E.Brubaker, deceased. No. 15, January 1905.

BRACiKBILL. Josiah A. Brackbill, executor of Magdalena Brackbill, deceased. No. 12, August BOWMAN.

Magdalena Bowman, ao. ministratrix of Henry G. Bow-' man, deceased. -No. 3, June 1906, BROWN.

John Pennypacker, administrator, d. b. n. c. t.

of Lew Brown, deceased. No. 76, April 1904. BEAR. John F.

Ruth, executov of Elias Bear, deceased. No. 11. August 1905. BENDER.

Aldus Brackbill and Jonas K. executors of Christiana Bender, deceased. No. June 1905. CONRAD.

George F. Weidler, ad- ministrator of Mary Conrad, deceased. No. 29, December 1905. CHRISTIE.

William C. Whiteside, executor of William J. Christie, deceased. No. 40, April 1904.

COLLINS. First and final account ot Wm. H. Moore, trustee of Elizabeth Collins Young, deceased, in the estate of James Collins, deceased. No.

81, May 1906. DIFFENDERFER. Henry G. Flory, executor of B. F.

Diffenderrer, deceased. No. 42, June 19oa. DENLINGER. Abram R.

Denlinger. surviving executor of Jacob B. Denlinger, deceased. No. 27.

December 1905. DUBREE. Joseph K. Dubree, administrator of Alice H. Dubree, deceased.

No. 37, October 1905. ECKMAN. J. F.

Andrews, executor of John H. Eckman, deceased. No. 5. June 1906.

ESHLEMAN. Isaac K. Eshleman and Cyrus K. Eshleman, administrators of David Eshleman. deceased.

No. 4, October 1903. EBERSOLE. John M. Miller and S.

B. Ebersole, administrators of Peter C. Ebersole, deceased. No. 7, tober 1905.

ERB. The People's Trust Company, trustee of Susanna No. 4. January 1905. FLEISHMAN.

J. L. Mowery, administrator of Frederick Fleishman, deceased. No. 6, June 1906.

FRITSCH. George Goebel, administrator of Elizabeth Fritsch, deceased. No. 17. October 1903.

-GERBER. Henry N. Eby, surviving executor of Jacob C. Gerber, deceased. No.

50, April 1903. GRUBER. Amos G. Keener, executor of Henry S. Gruber, deceased.

We extend to you a cordial Invitation to visit our store, whether you wish to purchase or not, just to get posted and see for yourself how much you can save by buying direct from the manufacturer. Although cloth, trimmings and labor have much advanced In prices, we still sell these goods at the old prices. $8.00, $9.00, $10.00 and $12.00 for well-made and trimmed Plain Suits. A Remarkable HorsebacK Journey. A St.

Petersburg despatch says: Captain Byieff, who left the front in Manchuria shortly after the peace treaty was signed, arrived in St. Petersburg on Tuesday. He rode the entire distance, about 8,700 miles, in eight months and four days. His horse, which was of English breed, was in good condition when the journey was The captains orderly, who was his sole companion, had a Mongolian mount. A.

Gansman, RIGHT ON THE CORNER OF INortH Queen and Orange Germany Is Shivering. Frosts are reported throughout the middle of Germany, In the lower levels two degrees below freezing point were registered, and in the mountainous six degrees below. The fruits and vegetables were badly injured. The cold weather in Germany for a week past has been almost unexampled for June, causing discomfort and sickness. LANCASTER.

PA. A Trip to Reading. The Lancaster County Historical Society having accepted the invitation of-the sister Society of Berks county to join the latter in an outing on June 12, all the members of the local So. ciety who intend to go should at once notify Miss Martha B. Clark.of No.

227 East Orange street, of their purpose, so that the necessary trolley accom. modations may be secured. ESTATE OK MATl.D TOLLIXGER, late of Fulton towriKhip, deceased. Letters testamentary on said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all Terb0ns indebted thereto are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement to the undersigned, residing at Peters Creek, R. F.

D. No. 2. LEWIS KIRK, Executor. W.

T. Brown, Attorney. je2 6tw Red Men Will -Go to Allentown. The Great Council of the Order ot Red Men will meet in Allentown next week, hnd Canassatego Tribe, No. 203, of this city, will attend.

They expect to make the trip from the city by trolley and the round trip fare will be $2. The tribe will be be accompanied by Burgers Fourth Regiment Band. To Discontinue Postoffice. After June 30 Lobata postoffice, near Bainbridge, will be discontinued, and the people of that place will be served by Bainbridge..

The Semi-Weekly New Era from Lancaster, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Jonah Leffler

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