The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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6 THE SPRINGIELD SUNDAY UNION AND REPUBLICAN SPRINGIELD MASS: MAY 3 1931 NEWS AND COMMENT INTEREST TO PEOPLE VERMONT 1 i I THREE VERMONT COLLEGES RECEIVE $10000 BEQUESTS Pail of Money Left In Ellis Will Given Out Despite ailure of Stipulated Mer ger ACTION MADE POSSIBLE BY LEGISLATIVE BILL $30000 Voluntarily Relin quished By Columbia Goes to Norwich Middlebury and State Unversity rom Our Special Co respondent Burlington Vt May 2 Each of three Vermont colleges the Univer sity ot Vermont Middlebury college and Norwich university has received $10000 that it had no reason to ex pect George Ellis a fiative Ver Vftionter and a resident of New York in his will a bequest of $100000 for the state of Vermont on condition that it bring about a mer ger of the three collegiate institutions 'mentioned within a period of five years This gift was declined because the time has passed when a union of the colleges was feasible Iacb in tstitution receives more applications for entrance than it can accept and the offer was given no consideration 'is its impracticability was generally recognized It was learned that rather than five years for $100000 Columbia University preferred to take $70000 now Therefore Dean Roberts ofNorwich university who represented Northfield in theVermont House of Representatives Introduced a bill whereby the sunn of $30000 volun tarily relinquished by Columbia should be equally divided among the three Vermont colleges nagned in the will This bill became a law and each of these institutions has received $10000 of the Ellis money without carrying any educational merger into effect In earlier days attempts were made from time to time to consolidate the University of Vermont and Middle bury college and later efforts' were made to Include Norwich in the pro posed union ollowing the passage of the land grant college act introduced in Congress by Justin Morrill then a Vermont congressman and later a Senator Gov John Gregory Smith a tread 11 ate of the University of Ver mont in calling the attention of the General Assembly to the fact that funds had been provided by the na tional government for a college of agriculture and the mechanic art suggested that in connection with the organization of this new college the three Vermont institutions of higher learning be merged and united with xihe land grant college Acting upon Gov Smith's advice the Legislature passed au enabling act under which the University of Vermont Middlebury college andNorwich university might unite un wler the name of the Vermont State university and associated colleges and receive the money value of 150 000 acres of government land the value of which wasesti mated at $187500 A group of eminent Vermonters Justin Morrill of Stafford John crsrnrv Smith of St Albans Hiland Hail of Bennington rederick Hol brook of Brattleboro Peter Wash Hum of Woodstock Pliny White of Coventry Paul Dillingham of Water bury Davis Rich of Shoreham andC A Thomas of Brandon were named as trustees if the proposed corporationcame into existence If all or any two of the institutions should unite the location was to be left to three famous Americans Benjamin Curtis of Boston a lawyer and jurist Edwin DMorgan of New York governor and United States senator and John A Andrew of Boston Mass distinguished Civil war governor All ought Merger Although the three colleges wereWeak following the depletion caused by the war and were greatly need of funds they could not bring them selves to risk the loss of their in dividual existence and their cherished traditions and the proposed union was not effected The funds available were jiot sufficient to seem a location etect and equip college buildings and mo possible selection of a site induced 'any community to guarantee addi tional funds sufficient to establish a land grant college inally in 1865 the University of agreed to the formation of a nrnoration to be known as the Unl versify of Vermont and State Agri cultural college The new college was united with the university and James Angell then editor of the Provi dence (R I) Journal and a former professor at Brown university be came the president of the ne winstitu tion Atter a few years of efficient service he was called to a larger field president of the University of "Minh I san Each college now has Its group of valuable buildings its endowment funds and its body of loyal alumni Doubtless if a union could have been effected at an earlier period one col legiate institution would serve the state satisfactorily but apparently the time has passed when an amalgama tion is possible Each college draws students from other states as well as from Vermont each is doing good work and each seems to be able to maintain itself better than at any nrovious period of its history Prob ably no sum at all likely to be offered would induce the three colleges to abandon their separate existence but in any event it would have to be very much greater than $100000 to gain even a hearing ive Bequests Made Rev Dr Stephen Barnes of Es sex Junction who died recently left the sum of $5000 available after the diath of his wife $1000 to be given to each rtf five institutions the Universi ty of Vermont Grinnell college at Grinnel la liafayette college at Easton Pa university at Nash 'vilie Twin and Hartford Theological 'seminary at Hartford Ct the income to be used as a loan or a gift to de fray expenses of students in attend ance unon the A conferences at Silver Bay or Northfield Mass The 10 recipients of the $1000 schol arships offered to Vermont boys by Middlebury college for 1931 are an nounced as follows: Bock South Newbury Newbury High school rancis Cady Bellows alls Bel lows alls High school Lloyd Dunn HardwickHarc'a 'ck Hardwick academy: I orbush Springfield Mount Hermon school and Springfield High School Harwood Rupert Granville (N Y) High school Nash St Albans St Albans High school and Bellows alls free acad emy 'Robert Rutland Rutland High school Wesley A Tur ner Swanton Swanton High school and Montpelier seminary Rayiribnd Whitney Salisbury Brandon High school and Vel mont academy A Yasinski air Haven air Haven Htghcho'ol There were 19 applicants David MacGregor professor of political and mental science al Mid dlebury college from 1870 to 1880 died in New York recently He was a grad uate of Yale The Sketch Book of Middlebury college recently issued describes the history and activities of the institution and contains approxi mately 100 illustrations including pic tures of the colleye buildings campus scenes and athletic views At a recent meeting of Pomona grange held at Essex Center a reso lution was adopted requesting Gov Wilson to call a conference of the leaders of the various creamery asso ciations and others associated with the dairy industry in an effort to bring about better conditions Treat dairy industry the source of most of the profits received by the farmers of the state is suffering from ruinously low prices caused by cut throat competition in metropolitan markets and thus far the leaders of the opposing factions seem to contin ue fighting and lose money rather than settle their difficulties by concil iatory methods Appropriation Expended The state department of agriculture has expended the special appropria tion of $100000 for area testing of cattle made available by the Legisla ture of 1931 under which tests have been made in 26 towns and work must cease until the new fiscal year begins on July 1 when state and na tional funds will be available Rams this week have lessened the danger from forest fires State Com missioner of orestry Merrill has reported recent fires at Berlin Bethel Bolton Cabot Hartland Poultney and Readsboro Several of these fires were caused by careless smokers Gov Wilson will attend a luncheon meeting of New England governors to be held at Boston on Thursday the 7th( to hear the com mittee report on the New England railroad situation The commencement dav sneaker at Norwich university on June 15 will be Judge Harold Wells of the court of errors and appeals of New Jersey Judge Wells formerly was associated in the practice of law with Joseph Tumulty President secre tary Rev John Mark pastor of the Unitarian church of Arlington Mass will preach the baccalaureate sermon on Sunday June 14 Prof lint of Norwich university director of university's bureau of municipal affairs reports from a study of town reports and town meetings that Bellows alls voted to retain the town manager sys tem Brattleboro voted to abandon it and Hardwick refused to adopt it Marshfield Strafford and Whitingham considered the possibility of municipal aid in inducing a physician 'to locate in town The fifth interscholastic oratorical contest to choose represen tative at the semifinal contest at Springfield Mass the 15th was held at Burlington recently and was won byt Miss Madeline Chase of Brattle boro daughter of Judge Harrie Chase of the United States circuit court In 1928 the contest was won by Miss Roberta Powers daughter of Chief Justice George Powers of the Vermont supreme court A Gathering The annual meeting of the state Young Mens Christian association was held at Burlington Tuesday A budget of $3063099 was adopted It was voted to continue a summer pro gram with the Vermont national guard Plans are to be made for the completion of the Dad Clark Memorial fund to be used for a memorial li brary Officers of the state commit tee were elected as follows: Chair man emeritus Prof George Perkins of Burlington chairman Dean Hills vice chairman Will Smith of Brattleboro recording secretary Wal ter McGovern treasurer of Burlington Several stand ing committees were reelected The following were elected as mem bers of the advisory committee for one year Rt Rev Booth of Bur lington bishop of the Episcopal dio cese ot Vermont Carrigan of Alburg chan man of the committee on management of the Railroad A at Alberg Clarence Dempsey of Montpelier commissioner of edu cation Prof Dykhuizen 40f Bur lington chairman of the advisory committee of the University of Ver mont Christian association Rev razier of Burlington secretary of the Vermont Congregational confer ence George rench of Rut land vice president of the Rutland railroad Herbert Johnson of Mont pelier adjutant general of the Ver mont national guard Rev Lip sky of St Johnsbury district superin tendent of the Methodist Episcopal church red Martin president of the Bennington Charles Maw of Island Pond president of the board of directors of the Railroad A Rev Paul Judson Morris of Burlington secretary of the Bap tist state convention Rev Ernest Robbins of Burlington secretary of the Vermont Council of Beligious Ed ucation Chester Way president of the Burlington A and A Wilder of Woodstock chairman of the Windsor county A The Burlington A will be gin a campaign next October for the completion of a fund for a new build ing The old building was burned three years ago William Knowles Cooper for many years secretary of the Washington (D C) A was the principal speaker at the annual meeting of the Burlington association Work is in progress in the trout rearing pools of the Chittenden Coun ty ish and Game club at Burling ton and it is expected that 150000 native trout fry will be placed in them very soon There are 14 ot these pools Last fall this club placed 66 150 native trout fingerlings in brooks in the towns of Bolton Huntington Jericho Richmond Hinesburg Un derhill Westport and Williston The club also planted 10150 brown trout fingerlings Last year this club planted in the waters of the county 9000000 pike fry and 8500000 perch fry The Warner farm day held at the home of rank Warner' at Ver gennes has come to be considered an imnprtant event in Addison county This year the principal speaker was Walter Husband of St Johnsbury assistant secretary of labor at Wash ington BUILD SHORT AVE STATION Raleigh (AP) Seven stu dents of North Carolina State collegehave completed a short wave station which uses the call letters of W4ATC Of 18 contacts made the station has successfully talked with 14 ST JOHNSBURY ACADEMY COIMENCEMENT PLANS Dedication of uller Hall to Be eature of Exercises This Year rom Our Special Correspondent St Johnsbury Vtp May Princi pal Harold Hollister1 has announced the program for the commencement week at St Johnsbury academy wMch will have a special interest this year because of the dedication of uller hail "The annual musical recital ri day night June 5 will open the pro gram with1 the dedication of uller hall scheduled tor the next evening The address of the occasion will be delivered by George Avery Neeld pas tor of North Congregational church The donor of the building Henry uller of New York city will pre sent the keys which will be accepted by Perley Hazen president of the board ot trustees The baccalaureate sermon Sunday evening will be given by Rev James' McIntosh pastor of South Congregational' church Monday June 8 is to be a full day with the last chapel at 10 in th forenoon class day exercises at 4 and the reception in the evenlng'Commencement exercises be held Tuesday morning with the address by Dr John Thomas of Mendon former president of Middle bury college Penn State and Rutgers The salutatory will be delivered by Lynnwood Whitehill and the valedic tory by Louise Remick The alumni dinner follows the commencement ex ercises with a track meet in the aft ernoon and the annual alumni dance in the evening Among those attending the annual dinner of the Boston alumni of St Johnsbury academy at the Hotel Westmintcr tonight were Principal Hollister and Perley Hazen Mr Hollister took down with him a col lection ot lantern slides showing the new acadamy bulding as well as the activities ot tne scnooi Carl Dwenell of Orleans has the contract for two new residences on Western avenue which will be occu pietd by Harry Day and family and Harry Stanton and family Mr and Mrs Lawrence Leach have returned from a winter spent at their lorida home at Oneco a town in Manatee county between the cities of Bradenton and Sarasota Henry Crowley has returned for the season to take charge of the manage ment of the St Jonnsbury Country club having been the professional at the links at ort Pierce la through the winter His assistant George Thorpe of New Salem Mass was with the Palm Beach Country club through the winter Since the resignation of Rev Turner as pastor of the Baptist church at Passumpsic an arrangement has been made by which this church will have as its regular pastor Rev John Smith the new pastor of the Bap tist church of St Johnsbury The new arrangement goes into effect to morrow when Mr Smith will have charge of the services at the Pas sumpslc church alter officiating at tlie morning service of the St Johns bury church Mr and Mrs Charles Walter an nounce the engagement of their youngest daughter Alice Amelia Wal ter to Prof MacDonald ulton of Oconto Wis Both are graduates of mown university Tne wedding will take place in the late summer Prof ulton takes up in the tall his new duties as professor of biology in ranklin and Marshall college at Lan caster Pa The annual conference of the Con gregational churches in Caledonia will be held with tne church at Peacham wecinesaay June 3 Nearly 300 white and red pinee have been planted in this village during the week the stock being obtained from the state nurseries The acad emy boys and girls led off in the good work by planting one afternoon 2000 trees on the steep slope back of the academy buildings Officials of several civic associations the Chamber of Commerce Rotary and clubs planted 500 trees on the cement high way a mile below the village and an other 500 trees on the Knowlton property by the roadside just below the village ot St Johnsbury Center Sponsored by the club the municipal forest boasts' more than 20000 trees(and the new plantings will greatly add' in the years to come to the resources of the community If lightning does not strike twice in the same place certainly fire does for the Brunswick Springs hotel at Brunswick was recently burneduto the ground for the second time just as its owner jonn Hutcnins ot Nortn Stratford was getting ready to open this hostelry for the season This was the second hotel to be burned on this same site within a year and it is doubtful jf it ever jj ill be rebuilt again as the insurance on the property does not cover the loss of $75000 The new 50 room hotel at the site of the famous mineral springs where six different mineral waters spout into the same pool was com pleted except for interior decorating and paperhanging These had already been purchased and were soon to be installed Bradley 'Cutler of Spring field for many years manager of the Hotel Rogers at Lebanon hgd planned to take charge of the 1 new hotel and had already made some bookingsfor the summer The insur ance was carried as a builders' risk The cause of the fire is unknown The Lyndonville Rotary club has' elected its versatile secretary Charles Walter to represent it officially at the spring conclave of the Rotary dis trict at rtutiana tne ntn ana turn The funeral was held at Thetford yesterday afternoon of Rev Edward Leeds Gulick a retired Congregation al minister who died at histhome at Brookline Mass on Tuesday He was born of missionary parents in Hono lulu tn 1862 and was graduated from St Johnsbury academy in the class of 1879 rom here he went to Dart mouth college and after his gradua tion in 1883 spent a year in the Har vard graduate school and finished his professional training in Union Theo logical seminary He had pastorates at Groton Mass and Wfest Lebanon and was for 11 years head of the English department of the famous Lawrenceville school in New Jersey Though successful both as a preach er and teacher his fame in the Con nectlcut valley rests with his estab lishing with his wife the famous chain of Aloha summer camps the largest being the one on Lake Morey at air lee His brother and sister in law Dr and Mts Luther Gulick had a small summer camp for their own daughters on the Thames river ii Connecticut and soon other girls came to this camp This was in 1888 and it is believed that Dr and Mrs Gulick had established the first summet camn for girls and started a move ment which is now nation wide Camp Gulick was continued with some in terruptions until 1910 when they es tablished what arc known today as the Luther Gulick camps It was the success of these pioneer camps that led Mrs Edward Gulick to start in 1905 the first summer campn upper Connecticut valley et Lake Morey where they went for the rummer after spending the school year at the Lawrenceville school The name Camp Aloha harks back to Hawaii where Mr Gulick was born and coun cilors from Camp Aloha have gone torth and established nearly a dozen camps While Mrs Gulik was the real leader of the Aloha camp and several of their' offshoots Mr Gulick spent the summers at the camp and fre quently gave inspiring lectures at the xarlous camps under the Aloha man agement The recent session of the Legisla ture created the office of deputy insur ance commissioner to be operated un der the direction of the commissioner of hanking Robert Clark The latter hap just appointed to fill this office Car! Spencer of St Johns bury and he will take up his new duties at Montpelier on June li Mr Spencer was born in the village of East Burke educated at St Johnsbury academy and is a graduate of the Columbia university law He started as clerkv of the Merchants National bank in St Johnsbury and after three years here went to Barre where he was cashier for three years of the National bank of Barre He returned to St Johnsbury in 1888 to become chief accountant for and airbanks A Co A year later he was elected treasurer of the scale corpor ation a position he held until 1895 when he removed to Des Moines Ja Here he represented the New England stockholders of a national bank which was afterwards merged with another bank After some years of office ex perience in the Insurance business he was appointed examiner In the in surance department of the state of Iowa ive years of official work brought continued promotions and when the Iowa National ire Insur ance company was organized in 1916 he was elected secretary of that com pany In 1921 he was elected one of the directors and vice president of the company In 1929 the stock control of this company was acquired by Chicago and St Louis interests who selected their own officers and Mr Spencer decided to return to his native state declining several offers to re main in the middle west Affiliated with the Republican party Mr Spen cer is a member of the Congregational church a Mason and a Shriner Be sides a wife he has one son Robert dean of engineering in the University of Delaware and one daughter Kath leen Spencer Rea whose husband is assistant master mechanic ot the Bethlehem Steel company RUTLAND NOTES SYSTEM AT STATE PRISON ARM Plant at Windsor Among Largest of the Sort in New England rom Our Special Correspondent Rutljid Vt May 2 One of the largest state farms in New England is operated in connection with the Vermont state prison at Windsor the actual farming and development of this project being in charge of arm Superintendent Albert Ward James McDermott is warden of the prison There are more than 1500 acres in the 425 under tillage and 50 for hog pasture About 215 acres are now being planted 55 to oats 25 to barley 15 to green feed 55 to ensilage corn 10 to sweet corn 30 to potatoes and 10 to garden truck More than 7000 bu shels of potatoes were raised last year In the farm's maple orchard about 2800 buckets were hung but only about 400 gallons of syrup made owing to the short season Seven farms have been added to the main farm within the last few years The work is all done by convict labor about 40 men being employed in farm work at present Not a key la turned on these men day or night and their supervision consists of a They sleep in a roomy well ventilated dormitorv adjacent to the living quarters of the superintendent and his family They rave a clubroom in the basem*nt where they may read smoke and play cards and as Ward says "they eat out ot the same pot as we Harry Ward son of the farm super intendent is in charge of the stock bams and these buildings are a revelation in cleanliness' Mrs Harry Ward acts as secretary to the super intendent and has her hands full in keeping track of the figures incident to this work Mrs Albert Ward is the matron and has charge of feeding and caring for the men Although the food is good and plentiful the actual cash outlay per man is only 19 cents a day Practically the entire output of the farm gees to feed the staff and 425 Inmates of the prison The farm has 175 head of registered tuberculin tested Holstein cattle At the present time 60 cows are being milked producing 2500 pounds of milk a day More than 1200 pounds of but ter are made each month About 1200 chicks are produced each year and the poultry flock yielded 10000 eggs last month Plans are in preparation to raise 800 turkeys this season this venture to be carried on at one of the remote ends of the ranch One ntire building is' used for the breeding and raising of prize hogs The equipment includes two tractors four heavy teams and three yokes of oxen The residents of the peaceful vil lage of Orwell have an exciting topic for village gossip this week and the mystery has not been solved Glen Phelps was awakened about 1 Tuesday morning by a high powered motor car On looking out of the win dow he saw a large car stop by his driveway all of thf lights being turned out as the car came to a stop The car was again started and as it passed the home of Dennis Leonard three shots were fired The car disappeared at a high rate of speed but returned after a short time Again it was stopped by the Phelps home turned around and as it reached the Leonard home three more shots were fired What the shots meant is not known Some believe that a large bootlegging ring operating on Lake Champlain has selected Orwell as a starting off place and that the shots were intend ed as signals Judge Allen Sturtevant in county eourt Tuesday directed a verdict in favor of Atty Lindley Squires in a suit brought against him by Miss Marie Bullock of Wallingford charg ing that he was unlawfully withhold ing $800 which he had collected in her behalf from Charles Howe of this city Judge Sturtevant also directed verdicts In favor of the Phoenix Mu tual and Westchester ire Insurance companies defendants in two assump sit actions brought by Louis Pedone of air Haven Counsel for the com panies moved for a directed verdict on the ground that a clause in the poli cies provided that if the companies were not notified in writing of fore closure proceedings brought on the operty the policies would be void The huge automobile building at the Rutland fairgrounds built only a few years ago burned Tuesday 1 4 STI AAA ITlvr 11111(5 W1L11 IVBw iH aLAfUL flvVUU covered by insurance The building wan occupied by a miniature golf course the largest' of its kind in Vermont and valued at $15000 The 'fire was discovered at 4 in the morn ing and the building was a mass of flames when the Are department reached the scene The firemen di rected their efforts toward saving the other buildings and the house across the street Clouds of burning embers scattered over a large area The danger was so great that Chief Alfred Koltonski summoned help' from West Rutland artd Proctor Several buildings caught fire but the flames were quickly extinguished and aside from charred paint and glass broken by the beat no other damage resulted The a frame with a cement floor was iso oy loo xeet in dimensions The northbound sleeper from Boston bound for Montreal was halted at the fair ground crossing as several lines of hose had been strung across the track Many passengers aroused and joined the spectators The cause of the fire is unknown It may have started from the heating plant or from a carelessly thrown cigaret Hutchins 40 an electrician employed by rthe Central Vermont Public Service corporation was elec trocuted while at work on a pole near the scene ot the fire and died about six hours later The flames burned in two a line carrying 2200 volts and while Hutchina was trying to repair the broken line he received a shock which knocked him to the ground about 30 feet Physicians and power employes trained In first aid work worked over the man He was a wid ower and is survived by a seven year old son are expected soon In the Investigations of the Rutland railroad mail car explosion mystery separate investigations having been conducted by the railroad company and United States postoffice inspectors The fire broke out at 717 last riday night when William A Goddard ot thie city a mail clerk tossed a sack of parcel post matter onto the floor of the mall car An explosion followed and the flames spread so rapidly that Goddard and Baggageman James Pillon barelv had time to escape rrom the car atter Goddard had stopped the train by pulling the emergency cord The mail car which was immediately in the rear of the engine was uncoupled from the train and taken at top speed to the nearest sidetrack about a mile distant where it was uncoupled from the engine It was a wooden car and was completely destroyed Thirty five sacks of second class and parcel post mail and seven sacks of first class mail were burned It was at first thought that an incendiary bomb had been placed in one of the sacks but the findings of the postal omciais wm not be known until the report is released from Washington? Plans are nearly completed for the entertainment of more than 350 Ro tarianz of the 37th district at the an nual convention to be held at thia city May 11 and 12 Dr Clarence Ball is in charge of the plans The first session Monday morning jit the high school auditorium will be fea tured by addresses of officials At the noon luncheon James Gheen of Al bany will be the speaker Three assemblies will be held in the afternoon rom 4 to 6 the delegateswill play golf at the Rutland Country elub Dr Leslie Pidgeon of Mon treal past president ot the Rotary International and Howard iSelby di rector of Rotary International will speak at the banquet which will be followed by a dance Tuesday elec tion of the district governor will be held This will be followed by re ports discussions and an address In the afternoon a medal handicap tournament will be neid at the coun try club open to all Rotarians of the district Automobile trips bridge and golf will provide entertainment for the Rosary Anns The heavy rain of Sunday night and Monday which brought to an end an extended dry period removed the great danger of forest fires In this section of the state which has threat ened thousands of ares of timberland during the last few weeks Large tracts throughout the state have been burned over and much valuable stand ing timber lost States Atty Jack A Crowley ot thus city is investigating the poisoning of five dogs in the village of Castleton the animals belonging to Walter Root Martin Cassidy Harold Brown Sher idan Brown and Harry Brown It was learned that late last riday night some unknown person walked through Main street in Castleton spreading poisoned meat along the way placing it especially in the yards of persons who owned dogs About a dozen other dogs became violently ill but prompt medical attention saved their lives It is learned that about a month ago several dog owners found in their yards pieces of meat filled with steel phonograph needl The stomach ot one poisoned dog has been sent to the state laboratory at Burlington to learn the nature of the poison used Miss Laurette A Brislin daughter of former Mayor and Mrs Henry rtrisnn ot uok street oecame tne bride of Atty Thomas O'Brien of Brandon Monday morning the cere mony being performed at Mount St Joseph convent chapel by Rev Brown The maid of honor was Miss Margaret Kelley of this city and and Paul O'Brien of air Haven a brother of the bridegroom wais best man Mr and Mrs are to make their home in Rutland Kenneth MacMurtry a Brandon Boy Scout who started recently on a hitch hiking adventure across the country reached Long Beach Cal at noon on the 14th day after he left home He was given rides by tourists traveling salesmen actors and others varying in length from a few miles to 400 miles He kept his people in formed as to his whereabouts Gov and Mrs Stanley Wilson ot Chelsea and George Thompson chairman of the state highway com mission and Mrs Thompson have ac cepted invitations to attend the open ing night of the American Legion style show at the Rutland armory on May 6 It will be a three dav event Nicholas iory of this city re ceived a deep cut on the head and many bruises and William Abraham was slightly injured when the auto mobile In which they were riding driven by Harland Howard struck soft gravel on Sherburne mountain and was thrown into the ditch Mr Howard and Samuel rank escaped in jury The official opening of Camp Sun rise Boy Scout recreation center at Benson has been set fo June 27 The season will continue until August 27 the last two weeks to be devoted to Girl Scouts Mrs Theobald 'Joyal 34 of Brandon is recovering at the Rutland hospital from the effects of gunshot wounds and the amputation ot her right arm near the shoulder Her 15 year old son Roland took a shotgun from its rack in the kitchen ot the Joyal farm home and began handling it in he pointed the weapon at his mother who shouted The boy pulled the trigger as she snolffi thinVincr fho vim The charge at a distance of six feet muuniea tne arm so badly that am putation was necessary Mrs Joyal has six children Dr lidward Quinn of Castleton has been appointed receiver of the Bomoseen Country club inc at Lake Bomoseen by Cchancellor Alien Sturtevant The corporation has for several iducted a recreational center at the lake including Neshobe beach a golf course country club and other property Last board of directors of the Rutland Railroad company weie reelected at the annual meeting a few days ago The directors are Patrick Crowley George Baker Harold Vanderbilt and Seward Webb of New York rancis Maxwell Rockville Ct Edward Buckland and Pelley of New Haven Ct Edward Milligan of Hart ford Ct James Richards of Bos ton L' rench of Rutland: rank Partridge ot Proctor and Guy Bailey of Burlington Bids for the contract for the addi tions and alterations to the building of Rutland council Knights of Co lumbus on Merchants row will be opened on May 6 Ti new building which will be a Cathoh community center will cost' approximately $50000 Officers the trail of persons who early Saturday ed to set fire to the Pifko store build ing at West Rutland Clews found by "firemen indicated that the fire was of incendiary origin Kerosene had been poured on the wooden structure Robert Stafford Rutland High school senior son of Atty and Mrs Bert Stafford is one of 10 Vermont boys who will receive $1000 scholar ships to Middlebury college The I boys were picked by a scholarship committee consisting of President Paul Moody Redfield Proctor Dean Burt A Hazeltine and Prof Raymond White Selections were made oh I the basis of school record personal references from school principals and other citizens scholastic apitude gen eral intelligence examination and per sonal interview The scholarships are distributed over the four year course The other scholarship winners are Brock of South Newbury rancis I Cady of Bellows alls Lloyd I Dunn of Hardwick I ormush of Springfield Harwood of Ru I pert Najh of St Albans Wesley I A Turner of Swanton Raymond 1 Whitney of Salisbury and A I Wasinskl of air Haven Nineteen applicants were examined rank Delong of West Cornwall was badly burned about the face and hands a few days ago when he braved i the flames of his burning barns and succeeded in saving 19 cows Three i horses and four calves were burned I Hay a truck automobile and farm 1 machinery were lost The fire orig inated from a gasoline engine used to operate a milking machine The municipal swimming pool on North Main street will be opened June 15 The pool was opened for the first lime last summer and was patronized by 27000 persons Many inquiries are being received by the Rutland Chamber of Com merce for general information' about the Long Trail over the Green moun tains Th ese letters come from all parts of the East from persons who expeat to spend from a few days to a month in the mountains An automobile driven by eonard Appell of Litchfield avenue was badly damaged last Saturday night when it struck the end of an iron bridge over Mill river in Clarendon The driver was blinded by the lights of an ap proaching car which was far over on the left side ot the road Appel was not injured The car was owned by Noble Harrington Jr was elected high priest at the annual meeting of Davenport chapter Royal Arch Ma sons the other officers being King Howard scribe Pitts treasurer II Hillard secretary Curtis captain of the host Stewart: principal sojourner Kingsley Royal Arch captain Crossman master of third veil McKirryher master of second veil Durfey master of first veil Khoury Angelo reeman of Proctor was found not guilty of negligent driving I of a motor vehicle by a county court jury which returned a verdict in his favor in ja damage suit brought by Edward Walsh of this city Charles Noyes of this city will reconstruct the Montgomery Ward and company store building on Mer 1 row damaged in the $250000 fire of April 14 It is hoped to have the building ready for occupancy by the middle of the summer Badlam is the owner Of the property Leo osburg 30 ot Cleveland avenue is in a serious condition at the Rutland hospital suffering from a broken back and a right thigh He had partly sawed a large limb and was standing at the foot of the tree trying to pull the limb down with a rope Tt gave way sud denly pinning mm to the ground Mr and Mrs John carries or tms city were awarded $4250 in county court this week in their suits against Miss Mary Carpenter of Bur lington for injuries sustained in an automobile accident Mrs Roy Davis of this city was recently awarded $500' damages against Miss Carpenter for injuries sustained in the same acci dent Rev William Knapp a graduate of Rutland High school and son of the late Mr and Mrs Knap of this city has recently been installed as pastor of the Pilgrim Congregational church His first pastorate was at Winchester where ne served from 1923 to 1930 ARM BUREAU ACTIVE IN CHESHIRE COUNTY Distributes Information About Best Methods of Planting Crops rom Our Special Correspondent Hinsdale May" 2' Letters have been sent tef farmers throughout the county bv Leon unkhouse county farm bureau agent containing many suggestions relative to'the most approved methods of plantiwg alfalfa barley oats and other crops ertili zation of pastures is also explained armers are urged to produce at least two tons of some legume hay per cow in addition to improving pastures and 1 planning for an early hay cutting pro gram David Gegan is the watchman at the new forest fire outlook station on Hyland hill in Westmoreland Mr Gegan has been stationed at Mt Monad nock for the past two years A tele phone has been installed in the new lookout and the watchman can Com municate with the fire warden in the region wher a fire is discovered The watchman has the names and tele phone numbers of all fire wardens in ths vicinity Meteorological instruments are being installed at the tower daily rec ords of weather conditions and rain fall will be kept for the state forestry department At a forestry field day meeting at the Yale forest last Saturday ap proximately 47000 white pine trans plants were distributed among 50 4 club members These trees obtained from the state are distributed to for estry club members for planting free of charge The only fee the members being required to pay is for transpor tation and handling The trees were distributed following a demonstration of thq proper method of planting un der the supervision of Barra ciough extension forester of the state The morning was devoted to forestry judging practice There were classes in thinning pruning weeding and planting Owners of more than 500 head of sheep in six Cheshire and two Sulli van county towns attended a meeting On the farm ot Arthur Wells at Walpole Saturday afternoon arranged by County Agent unkhouser under the auspices of the New Hamp shire Sheep association A discussion of various subjects relating to sheep raising and demonstrations and shearing featured the program The speakers were Prof Terrill head of the animal husbandry depart ment ot the University of New Hamp shire and Prof Ritzman secre tary of the Sheep Breeders' associa tion Prof Ritzman expressed the belief that a sjnall farm flock of sheep would rvrvA nrofitahle flnimuiv if not most New Hampshire farms He urged that growers take advantage 01 tne excel lent local market by dressing and sell ing direct to the consumer as tar a possible The first ot a series of spring high way meetings required by state law at which officials ot the state highway department meet with town officials including selectmen road agents apd patrolmen to discuss highway prob lems was held at Keene On Monday Nearly 150 attended Charles Rix ford deputy commissioner advised road agents to obtain estimates as to the costs ot certain types of work and secure approval before going ahead with construction Representative George Duncan of Jaffrey author of many highway laws passed by New Hampshire legislatures explained various legal angles of highway legis lation He said that 79 towns and cities out of 234 would receive some state aid this year some of them for the fiist time BELLOWS NEW POSTOICE OCCUPIED Now in Permanent Location After Having Been in 26 I Different Places Since I 1801 Bellows alls Vt May 2 The past week has seen the Bellows alls post office moved to its permanent quarters in the new government building just completed on Bridge street after 1 roaming around the village in at least 26 different locations since its estab I lishment in 1801 The first postmaster was Dr Wil liam Page who was then as con I structing engineer building the canal I for boating purposes the office being in the office of the for Rendering Connecticut River Nav I icrable by Bellows a small I building in the rear of the present enton clothing store In 1805 it was moved into the Morgan tavern on Rockingham street when Quartos 1 Morgan was appointed In 1810 upon Mr death it was moved into the Hall Green store a small building located wlpjre Union block now stands by a clerk of that firm named Jabez Hills who was appointed In 1830 Dr John Wells as postmaster moved it to a small frame building on Bridge street just east of the present Howard block and later into his drug store standing where the Corner fruit store now is In 1843 William Williams was ap pointed and kept it in the old "Stage standinr where the nresent Hotel Windham is moving it from a small building then standing where the National bank of Bellows alls now is where it had been kept by Postmaster John Moore who be sides being a druggist edited the Bel lows alls Gazette 'and was appointed postmaster in 1841 In November 1843 John Moore being appointed a second time re turned it to his printing office build ing and it was continued there while under Postmaster Andrew Watkyns from 1846 to 1S49 when Mr Moore was a third time appointed In 1851 Dr Samuel Nichols was appointed and returned it to the location of 1830 in the Dr Wells biildmg In 1854 Hiram Atkns (later of Montpelier) was appointed and as ed itor of the Bellows alls Argus kept the office in that printing office in a small building standing then about the centre of where Union block now stands Albert Burke had previ ously been postmaster seven montns In 1S60 Gray was made post master and moved the office into the brick building now standing on the east side of the square occupied by the Star restaurant Albert Swain was appointed in 1861 and from then until now the office has moved into various building's at different times frequently the building itself moved to different locations in the business part I of the village It remained longest in the town building which was destroy ed in May 1925 Different postmasters since Mr Swain have been: Col Russell Hyde appointed ISISi'Q Morgan in 1S78 George Guild 1886 Barney Can I non Jr 1890 Alfred Dow 1894 Barney Cannon Jr 2d appointment I 1898 died office September 13 1906 1 The present incumbent Blak ley was appointed in 1906 served two I terms of four years when he was re I placed by Gray for eight years Mr Blakley was reappointed in 1924 and again in 1928 Upon expiration of his present term ebruary' 17 1932 I he will have served more years than I any previous postmaster except Ja bez Hills who held the office from 1810 to 1830 'Rotary night the annual night" for the Rotary club was held Monday' evening in the club rooms and was attend ed by 33 couples Several former mem bers of the local club joined with the present members and made this night a real celebration At 7 a seven course dinner was served The decorations were elaborate and were arranged by Mrs letcher The whole room was transformed into a Japanese gar den effect Mr Smith of Windsor well known in this section for his fine de livery of rench Canadian dialect stories amused the gathering with several of his best orations Music during the dinner and tor the danc ing which followed was by Danny Graham and his orchestra Many spe cialty acts were put on by the boys and Rotarians and their guests were given some real entertainment Danc ing followed the dinner until 11' rancis Cady valedictorian for this year's graduates at the Bellows alls High school has been awarded a scholarship of $1000 from Middle bury collece where he will go in Sep tember The young student went to Middlebury Tuesday of last week to take examinations In result of nis work in the exams and interviews with members of the judging commit tee he was named one of the 10 Ver mont boys to receive this honor Cady is the son of Mr and Mrs Harold Cady of 48 Laurel avenue and his ac tivities in high school are varied showing ha has the basis' for a well rounded career He won his letters in track laat year is a member of the glee club and the class debating team took part in both senior pity and belongs to the Latin club? Miss Leila Delaphane director of the Green Mountain camp for girls addressed the ellowship group ot ths United church Sunday evening on tba subject 'She suggested the unwritten diary' as the best kind' This is the memory which calls tn mind the good times of the past and the things that seemed like unsur mountable problems have become al most effaced Contracts for erecting the new Times building on the site of the old engine house on the isiana were let Monday When 5 riday arrived the limit set by Architect Harold Owen of Concord for receiving bids it was found that 22 had filed bids for the building seven for tne electrical equipment five for the sprinkler system and seven for the heating and plumbing Monday the contract for erecting the building wan let to the Loucke Clarke corpora tion of Wallingford Ct the contract for electrical power aqd lighting to the 'Mower Strong' company of Windsor the contract for a sprinkler system to Viking Sprinkler company ot Boston the contract for heating and plumbing to the George Allbee company of Bellows alls Mr Loucke whose firm is to have charge of the job was in town Monday He hopes to begin building early in May and expects to complete the job in about three months He says the only outside help he will send to the job is a foreman All the others will be employed from Bellows alls and vicinity provided skilled workmen are available Mr firm built the Vermont building on the grounds of the Eastern States exposition in Springfield Mass two or three years ago The home demonstration meetings of the Windham County arm bureau started again5rere riday afternoon in the Woman's clubrooms Mrs I Edwin as chairman of the home eco nomics committee of the Woman'a club had charge of this first reorgan ization meeting The meetings ham lapsed for several months since Misa Ruth Gurney resigned her position aa agent to go to Walpole Mass Miss Elizabeth Ricker of St Johnsbury who is completing her course in Simmons college is the new agent Mr and Mrs Perley sailed Sunday from Boston aboard the Baltic of the White Star line for Liverpool Eng as the start of a tour of Europe of several duration The Chamber of Commerce last week presented to the Rockingham Public library a gavel the same as was presented to the governors ot Vermont and New Hampshire' made from the old oak pins in the Tucker toll bridge Recently Mrs Emily Moore Arnott of Manchester pre sented the library with $150 with which to buy a new showcase for rare volumes and other articles of inter est The Tucker toll gavel will be placed in the new case as soon as it arrives Some time ago Mrs Arnott presented the institution with $2000 to be used for the purchase of rare books Calvert Allen son of Mr and Mrs Charles Allen returned to his home here Wednesday after an absence of two years which has been spent in Seattle Wash He returned in the same car in which he made the trip two years ago and is on a month's leave of absence The church school convention of the South Windsor nd Windham counties will be held at the congregational and Baptist churches of Bellows alls Tuesday May 5 The morning and early afternoon conference is a tonow up of the original conference of the northeast which was held in Toronto a year ago A basket lunch will be served at noon and at 630 a youth's banquet will be servad) in the vestry of the Congregational church at which Rev Norman Moss of Ludlow will be toastmaster Some of the speakers are Rev Dr Arthur owler of Lawrence Mass Rev Alexander Henderson of LowellJ Mass Rev Augustine Jones of Spring i field Mass and Lester White in structor of Bible at Mount Hermon school On Thursday and riday May 14 and 15 merchants of Bellows will join their second exposition at the armory Last year this was huge success and both public and merchants were well pleased The exposition will be open afternoon and evening and entertainment will provided at all times GERMAN ARMERS ARE INVITED BY CANADIANS Berlin Canada eager to populate' and develop her vast tracts of land is throwing open her doors to German' farmers German farmers possessing $1009 are beinq invited to come to Canada the usual barrier against immigration being lifted in their fax or The Canadian government has no tified the German shipping companies that from now on all German farmers possessing the required money may enter Canada especially the provinces ot New Brunswick and Nova Scotia Hundreds of German farmers dis satisfied with conditions here are tak ing advantage of Canada's offer DISARMAMENT MIND I IS ESSENTIAL TO PEACE London "To secure world peace there must be first produced a disarm ament of the mind Material disarma ment alone will not bring peace This is the opinion of Angus Rob erts president of the British National Association ot School leachers Addressing the association's annual conference Roberts laid particular em phasis on 'They are passing through a period of adoles cence and their views on war are in teresting and in many cases surpris ing he said 'Have you he asked "that the babies born during the war are in the postprimary school of today? That the younger members of our pro fession were schoolboys in He declared that there is still such a thing as the glamor of war WAR TROPHY GOES BACK TO RANCE Berlin April 30 A rench fire brig 1 ade's standard which was taken home by a German soldier during the war has been returned after 17 years When the firemen of Sery les Mez ieres in northern rance returned to their fire station after the war they found that their standard was gone They were sad and all attempts iot recover their highly cherished stand ard were in vain In 1914 a German soldier believing the standard to be that of a rench regiment took it home with him as a war trophy When he diedl a short time ago the flag was sold by the widow to a man in Leipzig who in turn offered it back to the rench fire brigade for $10 the he had paid The firemen gladly accepted the offer and the return of the loet etand ard was marked byfa festival In which the whole town participated Icebergs contain no salt because they are formed of glacier ice which was originally snow.

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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