A Feast for Flames - Chapter 5 - XoxoDiablo - 原神 (2024)

Chapter Text

“Oooh, a dessert? What is it?” Furina fluttered her lashes up at Peruere. Ah, that woman always knew the most straight way to get to her heart!

“There are two,” Peruere began. “One is La lettre a Focalors from Lumine.”

Furina was practically drooling. “A-and the second?”

In response, Peruere gestured. Down? Furina’s eyes traveled down Peruere’s form

Down her plump breasts.

Down her even bigger belly.

Down to her hips, which were thankfully divested of trousers. Of course, Arlecchino would wear dark underwear, though these ones had likely been bought at a thinner part in her life.

Down to her plump thighs, and lower–

Oh, no? The hand directed her to look a bit up?

Arlecchino’s hips.

Her hips.

“I’ve noticed that you have been… interested for some time now. Honestly… I’ve been feeling it as much as you have. I didn’t want to impose. I didn’t want to encourage you to make a mistake, Furina–”

Furina looked back and forth between Arlecchino’s panties and Arlecchino’s face. “This is – You’re the second dessert?”

Oh, how blessed. Peruere blushed. And nodded.

“B-but I… Didn’t think you’d want to do anything like that with… Um, since I’m…”

Furina squirmed. She just wanted to cuddle in bed. That was all she could really expect from someone, even someone who claimed her as a beloved. To do anything else would be … too weird… For them, that is! And maybe unpleasant for herself as well?. She could tend to her own needs, since they were so idiosyncratic and…

“Furina,” Peruere started, and she rose from her prone position. With some difficulty, which Furina found absolutely adorable. “Are you telling me that you’d rather not have sex? If I’ve overstepped, then I apologize, but I could feel you throbbing –”

“Y-yeah, well, umm, my body is weird, and it betrays me, and I’m not so sure that is what I want. Now. Or… maybe ever.” Furina slumped her shoulders and pouted. The pout was just something to do with her face. She didn’t want her body getting too full of itself and deciding to cry, which would be far more embarrassing here.

“Understood,” Peruere returned. So calm. So composed. In fact, that composure just made Furina feel like she’d messed up more. Of course she was a mess about a topic like this, and of course Arlecchino would be able to handle it with grace and tact. “I’m sorry for suggesting the second dessert then. The first one is still on the table.”

“What?” Furina couldn’t believe that Arlecchino could just accept this. While that cake did sound tasty… Things couldn’t be left unresolved like this! “No, it’s… It’s fine. I actually want, um, dessert! The second one! Quite a lot, in fact. I just, don’t really want anything in return. If that’s okay?” Furina couldn’t look at Peruere, even though she wanted to. She probably had her shirt off by now, and she wanted to see her boobs, and…

That was the problem. Furina wanted sex. She shouldn’t, she should just be content, but she couldn’t be. She did want it, and that carnal desire for the female form made her feel like she was somehow making a mockery of herself. It sickened her.

“It’s okay to do things and get nothing in return,” Peruere told her, as she moved a hand to her cheek. Furina leaned into the touch, hoping it would dispel some of the building negativity in her heart. Or at least give her the strength to bare those feelings. “But speaking personally, I do not want our first time together to be a solo… finale. So I’ll wait, until you are comfortable, even if that is forever.”

“W-wha? But… No. I-I mean, you say that you’ve felt me being hard, but I’ve also felt … Um… You’re extremely…hot. Uh–!” Furina flustered. “Y-you’re just as aroused, aren’t you? Why should you have to hold back because I’m being weird about this?”

Peruere drew Furina’s hand against her own, and then piled them up. She touched idly at the back of Furina’s hand, thinking.

“I’m deciding,” she began, “To also be weird about it. I can make some assertions about why you might feel this way, but I’m not going to argue your feelings, Furina. If you say that you want it, then that is what I will believe. If you say that you don’t want it, then that is what I will believe as well. I will love you regardless. I’m… Uninterested in releasing without you alongside me, doing the same.” Her hands squeezed around Furina’s. “Your heart has been beaten enough. I won’t let this be another scar on it.”

f*ck. The Knave was going to make her cry, and this time, it was for caring about her. Even though the relationship was new, and hot, Furina was already messing it up. Of course…

“I think, uh, maybe, I could do it?” Furina lied.

Arlecchino lifted an eyebrow at her. “Really?” She asked. There wasn’t sarcasm there, but…

“Um, yeah? Actually, it turns out that you’re so hot, and you’re about to leave, so I want to make sure–”

Her head was being pulled in for a hug against Arlecchino’s chest, which was wonderful, but she didn’t get smothered in cleavage. Instead, Arlecchino was just…petting the back of her head gently. Comfort. Sensual, surely, but not sexual.

Where did the difference lay?

Furina’s tears began to flow. It couldn’t be helped. She was going to make it weird. Arlecchino didn’t deserve it to be as weird as it was for, what, one night together? Bah, but…she couldn’t stop...

“I just… I tried so hard for so long… to be something that I’m not… And I got really good at it! But it was still just… empty… And now I can just be a normal girl, but I can’t even… I can’t even do that right. I could never have done that right, from the beginning, it was just that I was… untouchable before…so it didn’t matter…”

Arlecchino didn’t have a response for her. She caressed her, which was a little nice. Really, there wasn’t anything Arlecchino could do for her here. But… It did feel nice to say the words out loud.

She wasn’t a normal girl, and she hadn’t ever been a normal girl, and everything was messed up from the start. Even though Focalors might have created her special and used her in her grand plan, Furina was just a disfigured creature from the start, and nothing would ever change that.

Peruere held a trembling Furina against her chest. Mostly naked. The mood had lost all sexuality, though. In reality, she couldn’t relate to these feelings at all.

Men had never been attractive to her. She was only interested in girls. Girl, actually. It wasn’t Clervie, either. Those kinds of feelings hadn’t developed in her yet. By the time she had the capacity, ‘Mother’ was playing her games and she was crafting Peruere into her ‘King’.

That title always seemed appropriate. It followed that when she took ‘Mother’s position, she would become ‘Father’. She would never be the kind of person Crucabena was, but she wouldn’t change her entire gender out of spite. No. The aspects of her that were ‘Father’ were always there.

“Furina,” Peruere said. She drew her seared hands along the back of Furina’s head, down her neck, across her shoulders. “I don’t understand. But I want to.”

Apparently, those were the wrong words to say because Furina glared up from her chest with tears in her eyes. “How could you understand? You’re not… You’re more… I–” Furina choked up.

“I… I don’t even know what to call you. I don’t know if it matters.” Furina said that last word so spitefully, but that didn’t bother Arlecchino. If she was one of her children, then she would be due for a lecture, but she was not.

Instead, Furina was her beloved.

“If you were a child of the Hearth, then you would call me ‘Father.’ If you wanted to refer to me in a professional setting, then you would call me Arlecchino, or the Knave.” Another inherently gendered title. “If you knew me when I was a teenager and wished to defer, then you might call me Crucabena’s ‘King.’ But since you are my beloved, then you should call me Peruere.” She tried to keep her expression neutral and the blush off her cheeks, but it crept in anyway. “...Perrie is also acceptable.”

“I– I know that. Perrie.” Furina pouted at her, upset that her scathing tone was being ignored. Peruere understood that tantrums weren’t always a sign of one’s true feelings. “I mean… All of those names. They’re boy names. Should… Should I be referring to you as a boy?”

“If it makes you happy to do so.” Peruere refrained from shrugging.

Furina made another frustrated noise. “So, when I say, ‘I’m with her’ or, ‘she’s my beloved’, that doesn’t bother you? You wouldn’t rather me say ‘I’m with him’?”

What a novel idea. It would lead to more confusion rather than clarity, but that was usually an advantage. She could clarify the confusion if needed, and otherwise, it would act as a smokescreen. But that wasn’t really what Furina was asking her.

“You can refer to me in either way; it doesn’t change who I am. Reference does not define identity, though it can go hand in hand.” Peruere wrinkled her nose. “Though I would appreciate it if you would not call me ‘princess.’ Prince, from earlier, was perfectly acceptable, though…”

Furina laughed, but it sounded a bit hollow. There were tears mixed in too. “So… You really don’t understand. You really are different, I knew it…”

Peruere’s hands squeezed along Furina’s shoulders. Her finger tips, applied gently, danced down across her back. “Yes. I am different from you. But how I see myself should not define how you see yourself.”

“It shouldn’t, sure, but how do I make sure it doesn’t?” Furina fussed at her top. “I hate… This feeling… Of not being at ease in my own body…”

There wasn’t anything Peruere could say to that. It was purely Furina’s feelings. She just held her.

Furina let herself be held. Peruere didn’t rush her. There was no reclaiming the initiative, it seemed, but… There were no other goals for the day either.

So maybe… She could push a little further. For Peruere. And maybe herself, if she could bear it.

“Hey, Perrie,” Furina began. “How do you see me?”

“You are Lady Furina, savior o–”

“You know what I mean! Since… You’ve felt my body, um, reacting to your’s…Am I … Still a girl to you?”

Peruere adjusted herself and looked down at Furina with a furrowed brow.

“... Using that kind of terminology, I’d rather refer to you as a young lady. But I know what you are asking, Lady Furina. I’ve never seen you as anything other than a woman.”

“Even though I, uh, got tense against you? A few times at this point…”

Peruere shrugged. “...It’s actually very convenient that your body is so lively and honest. Otherwise, I’d have to guess if you were as engaged in our activities as I am. Like this, I don’t have to wonder.” She shuffled a bit. Did she… want to touch Furina? But she didn’t…

…Had Furina already pushed her that far away?

Furina was liable to cry again, but the noise that escaped her was a stifled laugh. “R-really? It’s ‘convenient’?!”

“I like knowing at a glance that you’re aroused,” Peruere pointed out. “Or… A feel, as has been the case. Frequently.”

Furina giggled more. “B-but, girls can’t have–”

Peruere moved her finger over Furina’s lips. “Shh. Don’t complete that thought. If what you think is true, then there is no way that I could be ‘Father’, or ‘King,’ or even ‘the Knave.’ Some of these titles are more important than others, but they are all part of what I am.” She removed her finger. “You are what you have always been. A lovely young lady.”

Furina stifled her tears. “I… I’m not sure. I’m sure that I’ve… Played my role correctly. Without my permission, no one would even know, but I’m still… Scared. I still feel like a fake.”

Peruere squeezed Furina’s shoulders. “I’ve entrusted you with my name. Please, entrust me with this secret of your’s. I won’t use it against you, if I even could.”

“‘If you could’...? What do you mean?”

Peruere frowned. “I suspect,” she hedged, “that your particular configuration is more, ah, ‘popular’ than you think.” She shifted her gaze to peer at Furina out of the corner of her eyes. “I’m saying that revealing such a thing publicly wouldn’t be as devastating for your reputation as you suspect. That’s inconsequential, since you don’t wish for it to be revealed, of course..”

“But… Why would… H-huh?” Furina was truly flabbergasted. How could anyone possibly prefer her like this?

“I think instead,” Peruere said. “That you may have grown used to feeling cursed, and this is a fabricated extension of that very real experience.”

“W-what do you mean?” Furina boggled vacantly. Her mind reeled. It didn’t make sense. People should fall neatly into two buckets, and anything outside of that was an inconvenience for everyone involved. Even if it meant Furina wouldn’t have to be as miserable, it just … didn’t make sense that Peruere would rather her be as she is…

“Fontaine has enough wherewithal to… Adjust such things. You, for 500 years, were at the head of Fontaine. Are you saying that in that time, you never had the time to figure out how to adjust yourself?” Peruere pointed out.

“Um, well, there were other things to attend to–”

“True, but you found ways to adjust other parts of yourself, didn’t you?” Peruere walked her fingers along Furina’s shoulder - like a little spider! - towards the front of her chest. She patted at the space between the young lady’s admittedly modest breasts.

“Umm– Well… H-how do you know that Focalors didn’t just… Make me like that?”

“Did she?” Peruere asked.

“...no, I had the Institute figure it out…” Furina mumbled.

“And how interesting that it managed to bypass your stasis.”

Furina blushed further. “It… took longer than it should, but yes, we figured out how to get the effects to be permanent…They’ve actually increased since then…”

“Do you resent it? Do you wish that it had happened some other way?”

“Of course! I wish that I was … just a normal girl…”

Peruere buried her head against Furina’s. “Good news. You are.”

Furina fell silent for a little bit.

“...just because my feelings are a little bit resolved doesn’t mean that we’re going to have sex, okay?”

“Mm-hmm,” Peruere agreed.

“I think my tummy’s a bit too bloated to move around that much anyway…”

“I’d take it as a challenge if you could move easily,” Peruere teased.

“B-but you should probably still eat the food. Before it gets cold.” Furina sucked her teeth. That stutter was out of place. Darn body, betraying her again…

“I’ll just eat it cold in a bit, I’m enjoying cuddling.”

“N-not in a bit! It’s… very important to eat your food when it’s hot! A-and… It’s important to not let your girlfriend eat alone! And I…” Furina braced herself. Rejection, here we come. Either from Peruere, or from herself.

“I want my dessert…”

She waited for that steadily burning fire below her navel to suddenly be doused as she admitted it. But it just kept merrily burning away, asking her to finally deal with her urges. Finally view herself as she was. Let off just a fraction of steam, and given how willing Peruere was, something a bit more dense than mere vapor. Her body insisted!

Peruere smirked. “You know how I feel about solo adventures…Unless you mean the cake?”

Furina pulled away and got her knees underneath her. “I… I know. A-and let me make it clear, I might have to stop.” But her body certainly wasn’t saying no. “And you have to listen to me if I say so!” Furina’s body told her that no, she wouldn’t be in control here at all, if she had her way… ”But, um… Maybe we could try… If it’s alright with you…”

Peruere got on her knees as well. “Of course. Whatever you say goes, Lady Furina…”

“Now lay down. Face up. I need some place warm to sit…”

Furina followed Peruere’s instructions, almost automatically. A residual effect from earlier, maybe?

She wasn’t completely empty headed. But what was on her mind had nothing to do with obedience or defiance.

She had never had sex before. Alive for over 500 years, and still a virgin. Well, what was she to do? Take someone to bed as the archon? Well… She might’ve considered it if her body wasn’t the wrong type. Though, by what Peruere said now…

There was virtually no difference between herself as she was and herself as a ‘perfect’ female. Just one little appendage, and unless she was dating a liar, Arlecchino liked that appendage where it was!

She knew of the process, but as she laid face up on the bed, with Peruere throwing a chunky thigh over her face as she got into her own position, Furina wasn’t sure if she was old enough for this kind of activity…

“You won’t be able to breathe easily. Please be sure to tap my leg twice if you need me to get up. It’s alright if you get a little rough; who knows how lost in pleasure I’ll be when I’m eating for you…”

Furina never expected to hear those words, and that gentle tone come out of the Knave’s mouth. “L-lost in pleasure, huh? I thought you didn’t like these foods, h-huh?” The little merry campfire in her loins flared painfully hot at that sequence of words. It was obvious too: her poor boy shorts were probably already strained and stained.

Arlecchino stopped and looked down at her. Inevitable, really, since she was halfway to straddling Furina’s face. “I do think the food is less than tasty. However, if I’m going to be grinding on your face and swelling myself fatter while doing so… Yes, I do expect I’ll be feeling plenty of pleasure to offset my particular tastes.”

Furina giggled frantically. Ouch, ouch, ouch, her poor bits. Painfully horny…

“It looks like you’re having a bit of a problem there.” Arlecchino idly commented, maintaining a hold that was likely far from comfortable. Guess there still was considerable muscle underneath all that pudge…

“I’m, uh… I’m really… iiinterested... This position is pretty, umm… Amazing…”

“You’d rather just look at this cake instead of eat it?” Arlecchino didn’t seem to be in any hurry, even though… If Furina did look directly at that delicious dessert she was about to be served…

“A-aren’t you co*cky… If that’s a cake you’re serving me, then it looks like… The icing is already melting~. You’re dying for me to have a taste, aren’t you?” Was it a faux pas to return a question with a question when you were about to have sex with the woman you were quibbling with? Contemplations for another time. Furina wiped a bit of drool from the corner of her mouth.

Peruere decided that enough teasing was enough, and the young woman’s face was promptly sandwiched between two generous thighs and smothered into Peruere’s panties. Black. No lace. Surprisingly small…Or, rather, they were just pulled hopelessly tight. If Furina licked them wet enough, they might just rip to pieces in front of her face…

Peruere was warm. Furina expected some sort of sweat, but it seemed Peruere’s body wasn’t like that. Even with how much meat she was carrying around, there wasn’t any moisture to her outsides, even if the path to her insides was already soaked and making an imprint in those tight panties.

Furina might’ve commented on how wonderful Peruere’s body was but, given that the same body had just come down on her face and was now obscuring everything in thick, pale cheeks… She couldn’t do anything, except press her face forward. Try to lick. Miss. Grind her face upwards…

Despite the fact that what she sensed was basically nothing but the fluffy warmth and heavy weight of an oversized ass applied to her face… and cheeks… and even her ears were muffled in thick thighs… Furina stayed focused. Well, naturally. There was a beautiful woman using her face as a personal seat. She had actually never felt so ‘on’ as she did at this moment. So much so that she was sure she’d leak or just outright explode.

Despite how she squirmed her hips or wiggled, the proper stimulation to satisfy herself simply wasn’t there. The dregs of static that flew up from her hips were too inconsistent and sparse. That or… Whatever feeling was building inside of her hadn’t been allowed to bloom yet. This was entirely out of her wheelhouse, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to get that much more experience…

Which is why it came as a pleasant surprise to her when lightning crackled up her spine, all leading to… Or rather, coming from? The tip of her girlhood. “Eh~!” Buried between Peruere’s legs like she was, Furina could only squeak from the feeling running through her core and down her legs.Good? Bad? Bad because it was good? Vice versa? It made her make noises and she wasn’t really meaning to make those noises. She hurriedly tapped a panicked rhythm against Arlecchino’s thigh.

The Harbinger graciously hefted her generous behind off of Furina’s face so she could pant.

“Do you want me to refrain?” Arlecchino asked from above, her head slightly tilted.

“Not… Necessarily… Um, actually, when it’s you touching me then… I think it might be okay. It might be … reallyreallyreallygood… actually…” Ah, this was embarrassing. How was a girl who was once a god meant to come to grips with the fact that her body, like anyone else’s, was designed to feel pleasure from certain areas…

“Please don’t lie to me,” Peruere told her. From this position, having an honest comment like that was downright ridiculous. “I don’t want this to be a struggle for you. I can just stop.”

Furina’s eyes moved from Peruere’s face, to between her legs. She could talk back, but… Peruere was a woman of action. So Furina had to take action against her! She moved her nose up and nuzzled directly against Father’s growing wetness and took a long lick instead of assuring her with platitudes.

When The Knave’s legs didn’t immediately collapse, which was very rude of her, Furina thought, the ex-archon simply seized her lover’s girthy hips and drew her down to the bed and deeper into her own oral embrace.

… The position of being mounted on top of a woman was one that filled Furina with dread. But having Peruere on top was… fantastic. In the truest sense of the word! It felt like weakness to only want her body to be observed in certain ways, in certain postures, but… That was what being ‘herself’ meant, wasn’t it?

She didn’t have to be versatile. She didn’t have to fill every role perfectly. She could just relax and–

“A-aaahhh–” Another groan was muffled by how imminently Arlecchino’s core filled the space in front of Furina’s face. Her fingers curled around soft, fat cheeks and she drove her tongue forward into the Knave’s still-clothed slickness. That tingling in her crotch sometimes felt more like a knife being driven into her - but in a good way?

These feelings were entirely unexplored for her, and now that she had the time and a partner to do it with… more research was required. Immediately!!


Furina’s reactions were so cute. Peruere wouldn’t vocalize it. Her absolute inexperience was self-evident. She had no idea how to please her own body, let alone someone else’s.


That said, her blind effort, taken independently, was… quite titillating. Peruere aligned her hips to a better position and pressed down, dragging heat into Furina’s face. The timing was slightly off - if Furina’s tongue was out already, then that would have been delightful, but it wasn’t, and by the time that she was trying to pierce through her panties, the positioning had changed.

What a delightful frustration to face.

Peruere leaned to the side, no prompting from Furina necessary. She heard strangled gasps of air underneath her and felt the hot pants of Furina’s breath beneath her and she waited. For a time. Then she snatched up a bag of food.

“Since you’re d-digging in, I’ll follow suit.” Arlecchino couldn’t keep it together fully. That lapse in control was thrilling. Not anger, or regret, just adoring pleasure from a woman who saved her family and her country…She was quick to reclaim her throne, cutting off whatever air Furina was sucking down.

Arlecchino shoved fried pieces of gruel into her mouth, sure to gulp them down as noisily as she could. Even threw in a groan or two, uncaring if it sounded like appreciation or disgust. And if she altered how much she supported herself carefully, Furina would be able to feel her weight slightly more with each bite…

Peruere shuddered. Furina finally figured out the timing. Or maybe this more relaxed position for her thighs was just giving her easier access. Either way, ecstasy spiked up through her core even as her throat shoved greasy calories down her throat. “F-Furina…” She panted, one hand

reaching behind herself to steady the ex-archon’s head as she bucked downwards.

Eyes shut, breathing labored, Peruere forgot about the food and just rode Furina into the bed. She could see how ‘fascinated’ the young lady underneath her was, but she couldn’t spare a thought for that right now. The fire inside of her was burning too hot, and she needed this…

Furina felt Peruere twitch and writhe against her tongue and most of her face. Was this what it felt like for the Harbinger to … ?

It was thrilling… And she regretted not having made a move on any women earlier, if this delightful taste was a universal constant. Then again, maybe the taste was only good because she loved Arlecchino?

Ah. That was a dangerous thought.

Luckily, Peruere was recovering. “V-very well done, Lady Furina,” she murmured as she struggled forward and off of Furina’s face. “Admittedly, I expected it to take you a bit longer to get used to the timing, but it’s only right for me to return the favor now.”

Furina placed a hand around the back of Peruere’s panties and held tight, not quite preventing her from moving. Clothes couldn’t hold such a strong woman back. Or… Such a heavy woman. “Actually… I… would rather you ride me.”

Arlecchino looked over her shoulder with a quirked eyebrow. “Again?” Her voice… Was she teasing her?!

“N-no, not my face, but… You know…” Furina gestured downwards! “My, ah, appendage that you seemed so fond of earlier!!”

Arlecchino corrected her sloppy positioning and sat up straight, facing away from Furina. Or rather, displaying those round, panty-straining cheeks for her to oogle. “I’m fond of many of your appendages. Your hands, your legs, your soft tummy…” This woman was going to be the death of her! Not just because of her teasing but because she was sitting up and straddling a stomach that was quite stuffed, and not at all soft! Or at least, there was a great deal of firmness beneath the softness. “Perrie! Please…”

Peruere smiled. Furina felt warm hands glide most of her boy shorts off, with one particularly poignant hangup along the way that made her shudder.

Arlecchino hefted herself up and turned about, not moving quite in line with Furina’s newly revealed freedom, and rested once again on the archon’s lower belly. She was dripping wet and it left a lovely slippery feeling on Furina’s skin that made her twitch just a bit. That twitch just barely reached a wonderfully soft curve that must be…

“Ah, uh—” Furina raised a finger.

“Shh. Don’t say a thing. I know just what you want to see…” Peruere looked down at Furina with loftiness in her eyes as she hefted a rather full stomach up. Furina felt her eyes glued to the excess chub. It practically oozed out of Arlecchino’s hands and wobbled merrily back into place from the fall.

Furina swallowed. That was appealing, it was just … The sight prior to this squishy belly was driving her a bit more insane.

“Or do I?” Arlecchino reached her hand out to tap Furina’s chin up. “You look like you’re hesitating. Miss Furina?” Surely, she was imagining the sound of slowly growing frustration in the Knave’s voice. Her name was a cautionary advisory. Don’t lie, here…

“Wuh – Uh – No! Or yes? Y-you know that I’m up for - ah - anything… You’ve got in mind…” Even though that was obviously not true, given all of the trials Perrie had to cut through to get here. Oh, Furina just shouldn’t have said anything.

“Miss Furina, I don’t want this to be a one sided affair where only I am satis–”

Oooh, just… shush! Shush and turn back around, I was enjoying the view!!” Furina felt like she was going to explode, and not just in a little temper tantrum. This woman would be the death of her, but… If she really was just trying to set boundaries then…

“I like … Looking at your butt. And yes, it makes me feel a little bit… too interested. I feel like a wretched animal when I’m just oogling you but I still want to do it! That’s the truth! Let me look, please!!”

Furina winced and turned away. That was a bit more than she really wanted to say, but the deed was done. She couldn’t put the toothpaste back in the tube. Way to blow her first, and probably last, intimate encounter with the Knave…

That is, until she felt a hot, soaked weight press down onto the part of her body which hadn’t become quite so downcast as her mind. She opened eyes she hadn’t known she was clenching shut to see… Two huge cheeks, nearly bare, the remaining scrap of panties pulled up tight between them by Arlecchino’s hand. The Knave was staring at her. She could feel her. Intimately. But they weren’t unified yet, not with the panties still in the way…


Arlecchino curled her finger, self-inflicting the tear. “Oops,” she murmured. “Some more clothes for dear Chiori to fix. I wonder how I’ll explain this one …”

Which meant… The thin, already-wet bit of cloth between Furina and Peruere was now, legally, trash. Not clothes. They were naked. Together. And the Knave felt so hot, heavy, inviting… She reached forward to seize those huge cheeks. Praise Lumine for being such a good cook, she wanted the Knave so badly–

“You aren’t going to pick up the piece of scrap in your bed? Such lack of legal decency. I suppose it falls on me to hold you accountable for your crimes … Lady Furina…”

Peruere was used to the heat of the pyro element. She was used to the heat of her curse, coursing through her veins, burning her alive while also sustaining her. The heat of feeling Furina’s affection pulse inside of her was different from either of the heats she was familiar with. It burned in the deepest pit of her stomach. Incessant. Vibrant. It felt like there was something living within her…

The archon rested on her arm now, Peruere’s other arm draping over her bare navel. Even with all the food she’d consumed, letting Furina taste her body thoroughly had left her lower belly pudged out even further. The fact that this extra softness wasn’t food and wasn’t in her stomach made it incredibly endearing to her.

Yet despite Peruere trying to prepare the archon for hours of interactivity with one another, Furina had passed out almost immediately after giving Perrie her ‘dessert.’ So much for stamina. Still, it pleased Arlecchino to see Furina so stress free. She could watch her sleep for hours, but… Maybe she should make use of the time…

Just as Peruere was trying to extract her arm from underneath Furina, the ex-archon’s eyes flicked awake.

“I thought you’d be sleeping afterwards,” Furina pouted, a hand reaching up to touch Arlecchino’s cheek.

“I don’t do that often. I’m sorry for waking you–” Arlecchino pressed a kiss to Furina’s forehead and mentally resolved herself. She would remain here, even if it was somewhat a waste of time. It was important to Furina.

“Oh, don’t worry about that~ Actually, I was trying to let you have a break. I got to take it easy last time, and someone made sure I had plenty of … How did you say it? Stamina enhancing foods?” Furina smiled at Peruere, and it wasn’t her usual adorable grin.

“Miss Furina, it’s really not necessary for you to–” Peruere faltered in her speech as Furina moved from outside her thighs to inside them, and deeper inside. She was determined, too. “--ugghhh~ U-um,” Arlecchino flushed. Her mind scrambled to find the next part of that sentence.

Furina moved on top of her, gentle, but steady. The ex-archon’s hands moved to her squishy pouch and pressed in. That warmth resting inside Peruere spread out across her insides. Then Furina pulled her chubby belly aside, flattening Peruere’s navel into a thin line across her hefty tummy– and Furina pushed her hips forward and spread that warm feeling all over Peruere’s insides…

“Nnnhhh~…” Dangerous. Peruere couldn’t think straight. It felt good, but she wasn’t sure that feeling good was meant to be in her destiny and –

“Wow, you’re pretty sensitive, aren’t you~ Perrie~”

Another hiccup in following the previous train of thought. Furina talking straight into her ear dissolved any other thoughts, and it was matched with another push between her legs. Arlecchino moved her hands to cup Furina’s pert rump, squeezing encouragement into her smaller frame.

“Hard to think, huh~? Well, you don’t need to anymore. Just like I didn’t earlier, when you gave me all this - ahaha~ - energy…~” Furina’s teeth nipped into her neck and Arlecchino hissed out a breath.

“Since you don’t need to sleep, that means I can wait until I’m completely empty to give you another break… Riiight~?”

Furina hadn’t gotten so far ahead of herself that she didn’t wait for Peruere’s answer. For her own sake, Peruere delayed giving one so fast. Her little archon … When had she become so confident? And it was a question that deserved serious consideration–

Furina’s tongue slid along her neck and Perrie blurted out her answer.

Furina left the Knave lying on her back and panting for breath. Even with the rest of the bags of food shoved sloppily into Arlecchino’s mouth over the course of their intimacy, her lower belly bulged with a far heftier meal than her stomach.

“Phew….” Furina wiped the sweat from her brow. “I think… I’m completely beat!” She collapsed to Peruere’s side, and the woman only groaned from all the wondrous ‘dessert’ stuffed inside of her body.

“Sooo~? What do you think, Perrie? Regrets, concerns, take backs~?” Furina snuggled closer to the other’s blimped-out belly. “I wouldn’t accept the last one, but I wouldn’t mind hearing you groan a bit more~...”

The Knave was silent, which Furina no longer feared. She’d become privy to the fact that the Knave wasn’t silent when she was thinking, it was when she couldn’t think that she quieted down.

“N-no complaints,” Arlecchino whimpered. That sound nearly stirred Furina to action once more! Who knew that this was all she had to do to render the Knave all but comatose…

Maybe they could have been doing this far earlier, too…

“I think,” Furina started. “I enjoyed that quite a lot!”

Peruere huffed out a laugh. “G-glad you’ve enjoyed rearranging my insides dear. If you weren’t having fun then…. Ouuggghhh~…” Peruere trailed off.

A burst of smugness blossomed in Furina’s chest. She wondered if the Traveler had managed to accomplish such an act as silencing Peruere. Granted, that would be with food and not with…

“So… Any chance that there’ll be a baby over this?”

Paimon sneezed.

“Bless you” Lumine commented idly, mantling up onto a mountain. It was good stress relief, and she hadn’t fully worked through her feelings for Peruere, or Peruere’s feelings for her.

“Tanks,” Paimon sniffled. She whipped out one of the handkerchiefs Lumine bestowed upon her days prior. Looks like they were useful after all! “Paimon doesn’t feel sick so…Someone must be talking about Paimon.”

Lumine hummed. To be thought of by another … Admittedly, she wished she could have spent more time with ‘Father’, but sometimes people just had to part.

“Are you being tragically wistful again?” Paimon’s tone was less than amused or sympathetic.

“Nooo…” Lumine grumped. “...okay, maybe a little bit, but it’s not with tragic undertones. Just… Dunno. Things feel unsettled!”

“Traveler, look, Paimon’s not dumb, she knows you have like. At least one girlfriend in every nation. Or boyfriend… Or, uh. Both.”

Lumine looked towards Paimon with a particular kind of wrath in her eye. “Ms. Hina is a beautiful woman, but you can’t define our relationship with a label like ‘boyfriend’ or ‘girlfriend’, or even ‘both’ Paimon.”

The little fairy sighed and nodded reluctantly. “Yeah yeah, Paimon’s heard it before… Unfortunately… So… Before we head to Natlan, maybe we’ll stop by Inazuma and get some fresh lavender melon…?”

The perk returned to Lumine’s step near instantly. “Oooh, not a bad idea! You’re really living up to your reputation as Teyvat’s best guide!”

Paimon chuckled a little bit. Even though Lumine thought she had a one track mind towards food, Paimon knew that Lumine was just as single minded when it came to certain aspects of adventuring.

Specifically, the kind of adventuring that happened inside rather than outside. But, well… They were a pair, nigh-eternally locked in step with one another.

Paimon hoped this adventure would never end… even if Lumine’s preferences and predilections weren’t the easiest to keep up with. That just gave her a constant challenge to strive against!

“Hey Paimon, what country would sell the nicest collars? I want a little present for when I visit Gorou–”

“...Traveler? A collar? What for? Y-you know Gorou isn’t like… A real dog, right…?”


Maybe some challenges truly were insurmountable…

A Feast for Flames - Chapter 5 - XoxoDiablo - 原神 (2024)


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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Author information

Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.