Martinsville Bulletin from Martinsville, Virginia (2024)

The a Stroller Comes this letter from R. Clyde Brown Fleidale: talked with Mrs. Peon of the Penn Store Community about tine snake like thing she killed I still bave to assume that it was a glass lizard. Perhaps this assumption is partly based on the surmise: that if it wasn't anything else, then it had to be, a glass, There are three varieties of glass: lizards, also called, joint snakes and glass snakes, in the United States. But this one could only be the -Eastern Slender Tailed Lizard, which does reach a length of.

30 to 40 inches. I also examined several of the worm-like things under a binocular scope at -45 power and decided they were the residue of the frag. mentation of the lizard 86 A result of the intense heat Mrs. Penn subjected it to. They were, however, 3 remarkably wormlike." CAUGHT ON THE FLY Jim Taylor, a :10 year old youngster.

who lives at 1023 Jefferson Circle called us Saturday morning to say that he has four kittens to give away. And the party who calls for them won't be bothered with finding a name. Jim has already. named them, or someone in the family has. A black one is called "Snowball.

There is a gray one dubbed "Rascals." The other two are striped. One, is called "Stripes" and the other one "Boots." Jim says the family wants to part. with the 8-weeksold pets because it is felt that a big black mother, cat is all the household needs. He can be the 'household needs. He can be reached at 632-6122.

A reader reports seeing a "fine looking beagle dog in the Jefferson Davis Court area of Chatmoss. The dog is believed to be running with a pack in that area. has been noticed sev. eral times since last Sunday. If anyone is missing a dog of solid reddish brown color, this may be his pet.

Mrs. A. H. Johnson of. Third Avenue in Collinsville expresses her appreciation to the nurses, purses', Candystripers 'and the staff on the Second and in the Intensive Care Unit at Martinsville General Hospital.

She adds: would also like to thank the fine team of doctors who helped bring about my recovery and thy friends 'and neighbors whose kindness helped to brighten my recent in the hospital." ODDS AND ENDS DEPART MENT Mrs. Lewis Riddle of Elizabeth Drive In Ridgeway 7 reports that her family's pet. Pekinese dog, "Toby," has been missing since 3 Thursday morning. The female dog is. blond and 5 months told.

It was not wearing collar or tags. Mrs. Riddle may be contacted at 956-3245 .1. DonDa Gall Light, 13-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Billy. Light of Ridgeway, derwent surgery Friday in the Medical College of Virginia Hospital in Richmond. She da would appreciate cards and letters addressed to 9 at. the hospital Mrs. G.

S. Blankenship of 313 Union Street found a pair of women's shoes near The Saturday. The owner must go by Mrs. Blankenship's house to identify them. She has no telephone Mrs.

Ruth Helen Draughn of 916 Chalmers Street recently "underwent surgery In Norfolk General Hospital. She would appreciate cards from friends addressed to A-Room 616. We rode up to the Spencer Community Fair for an alltoo brief visit about 4 p.m. Saturday. Not many people were there but others were on their We- talked -briefly to -Howard C.

Bradshaw, who had been to the Patrick County Fair at Stuart. He said the fair there was a good one with a wide variety of exhibits. "But, of 'course, we always have a good one here," he said with the pride that habitually marks the Spencer Community, We also talked to Lafe, P. Prillaman and a few of the candidates for, office this 'fall. But politics wasn't mentioned seriously.

Most people seemed to be more concerned on: what effect the current to. have. on: the weather in this area. Mr. Prillaman 'said he was a bit worried lest we have- somehigh.

winds and heavy, rain. Danny Greene, chairman of the Membership Committee of the Touchdown Club at Martinsville High. School," tells us the organization now has 173 members for this season, Others are invited to Join the cost of $3. The club hopes (See Page' 2A Col. Circulation Report Friday 15,763 Year Ago 15.510 Increase 253 MARTINSVILLE BULLETIN MARTINSVILLE BULLETIN VOL.

78, NO. 221 MARTINSVILLE, VIRGINIA, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1967 Doria Hits N.C., Aims At Virginia NORFOLK, Va. (AP) Hurricane who turned killer as her course became: more er- 4 ratic, continued her fickle. ways Saturday, night" but "finally hit land for the first time on the de North: Carolina coast just south of the Virginia line. At 8 p.

the Norfolk Weather 'Bureau located the center of the 75-mile-per-hour storm about 35 miles southeast of Norfolk and over: Sound in North Carolina. The storm was expected to hit the; area around Elizabeth City, N. around midnight. The bureau called for immediate evacuation of low-lying sections a in the Hampton; Roads area, warning of tides expected to run 3 to 6. feet above normal.

It also warned of moderate flooding along the Virginia coast and as far, south as Oregon Inlet and on the Albemarle Sound in North Carolina with tides 2. to 3. feet. above normal. One woman was dead and two children were missing as Doria pounded the coasts of New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland before continuing her off-shore path leading to southeasterr.

Virginia and northeastern North Carolina. 4 Meanwhile, two sister storms moved toward other areas of North America. Hurricane Beulah with winds of 115 m.p.h. in the Gulf of Mexico was aimed at Decision Due Monday Judge To Rule On Question Of Release RICHMOND Va. (AP) U.S.

District Judge Robert H. Merhige Jr. ordered Virginia authorities Saturday to bring Black Power, advocate H. Rap Brown into his court at noon Monday for a habeas corpus hearing. At" that.

time, is, expected Merhige will decide whether Brown shall be released under bond from -state custody pending the outcome of his legal fight to avoid extradition to Maryland. Brown, chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), is wanted by Maryland officials on charges of inciting to riot and arson in Cambridge. Gov. Mills E. Godwin Jr.

of Virginia has signed an extradition order for Brown's return, but his attorneys have won 1 temporary stay of its execution. Monday's hearing was or dered after Merhige, heard opposing counsel for an hour. and 40 minutes Saturday. U.S. marshals, building guards, city police and a postal: irispector provided a heavy, guard at the Post Office Building which houses Merhige's court.

Brown, confined at the State Prison Farm in Powhatan County 20 miles west of Richmond since his transfer Friday night from the Richmond city jail, to avoid any more sporadic picketing and rock throwing such as occurred early Friday, did not appear at the hearing. Yucatah, while Hurricane Chloe was 525 miles south southeast of Newfoundland and headed north with 105 m.p.h." winds. was the first time since '1961, said the Miami Weather Bureau, that multiple hurricanes had headed toward: land at the same time." Even as Doria, inched past this port: city, chief forecaster of the Norfolk Weather Bureau warned of a dangerous flooding in the Norfolk Ports Newport News-Hampton complex: embracing some 700,000 persons. Sachse said the 3-to-6-feetabove-normal water would be "a very high tide rarely experienced in this area." As the storm moved more to the southwest, all but one of the more than 30 Red Cross shelters were closed along the Middle Atlantic coast after they had served as a refuge for hundreds Friday night. The shelter remained open at the National Aeronautic and Space Administration facility at Wallops Island, where 300 persons were being housed and fed by the Red Cross until the threat, of tidal flooding passed.

But preparations were under way to open shelters and other relief facilities in Norfolk and farther south in Virginia and North Carolina: 8 GOP. committee until his nom- ville branch of the Virginia here Oct. 5. GOP Lists Conflict Of Interest, Annual Sessions As Major Issues By Staff Writer the state's legal staff and the of the community college CUMMINS ination in July, said increasing Polytechnic Institute stay out cal General Assmebly seat open- torneys would allow the state to He added that leaving them Republican candidates for 1o- staffs Not Commonwealth's At- tem." ed -their campaign do its own legal work and save out. would foster greater growth ters here Saturday.

and listed money. of the schools and lead to giving conflict of Interest legislation, None of the candidates made the four year 3 degree A annual sessions of the General any comment on the recent fir- granting status. Assembly and better education ing by Gov. Mills E. Godwin Stone and Brim concurred in as major campaign issues.

of State Highway Commissioner Arey's views. Wallace Brim of Claudville Richard S. Holland, who has Dr. "Arey, who has served and Martinsville City. Council.

been the center of a conflict of on the Danville City Council 10 man E. E. (Tee) Stone, seeking interest controversy since Feb- years, said attention should be seats in the House of Delegates, ruary. given to mental health in. Virand Danville City Councilman Dr.

Arey, calling the state ginia. Dr. D. L. Arey, seeking a Sen- of Virginia big business, said He said, "It's my understandate, seat, were, on hand at the he favors annual sessions of the ing that salaries are lower here West Main Street headquarters.

state legislature. than in neighboring states and Dr. Arey and Stone would Dr. 'Arey also called for the ratio of psychiatrists to pahave to resign their Council "constitutional convention to re- tients is unfavorable." seats under state law if elect- vamp the Virginia. constitution Dr.

Arey called a state proed to the General Assembly. which went into effect in 1902." gram, aimed at placing mental Listing major issues for. the He said the document needs up- hygiene centers across the state campaign, Dr. Arey said, "There grading. a step in the right direction.

should be' a strong conflict of Stone cited "the need for more Robert. Dell, Stone's campaign interest legislation." and better education." manager, GOP committeeman Stone, elaborating on what he Dr. Arey, speaking on the Frank Gravely and Otis M. Dyer, termed one of the main issues, community college system, said former Henry County supervisor called for a staff of attorneys: "I have studied the community and GOP candidate for the House rather than attorneys in the Gen- college movement since its in- of, Delegates were present. eral Assembly" to work for the ception and I think it's excellent, Gravely said M.

Caldwell Butstate. but I should like to see the Pat. ler, GOP- Minority- Leader in Brim, a Patrick County far- rick Branch of the Uni- the State. Senate, will speak at mer and head of the- -county versity of Virginia and the Dan- a "Kickoff to Victory" dinner ICAN HE ARTE ONE GOP CANDIDATES BRIM AND STONE SIGN IN The Weather MOSTLY CLOUDY (Details On Page FIFTEEN CENTS: U.S. To Deploy Thin Anti Missile System ali! ir' in: Alt: I al.

2 1. 1P Statt: STRANGE ASSOCIATION Little: 12-year-old. Bon-: bowl, curled up like snake, When: he gets tired, nie Sue VanDuyne of 514 Forest Street is quite a pet he heads for the gold fish bowl where he naps. As charmer. In her arms she holds "Rover," her pet gui- for "Rover," well, both pets get along, considering nea pig, which she has the picture is "Mickey," any ordinary cat though.

FOOTBALL SCORES Colorado 27 Baylor ECC 27 Wm. Mary N.C. State 13 UNC Air Force- Okla. State SMU 20 Texas 17 Duke 31 Wake 13 South Carolina 34 Iowa State Furman 15 Miss. College 6 i.

Hampden-Sydney 14 Maryville 10 West Va. 27 Richmond 6 Ferrum 80 Shenandoah 6. (Other Scores, Page 5-C) Reagan Refuses Primary Entry SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) California Gov. Ronald.

Reagan will ask that his name be removed if it is proposed for New Hampshire's 1968 Republican presidential primary ballot, a A governor's aide said Saturday. Paul Beck, Reagan's press secretary," reported that the governor sent letter to his backers in New Hampshire. other al things, The asked the people, there not to push him for the presidency. and told them he would -take his name off the ballot if they put it on," Beck, said in Los Angeles. Population Up CAP) Canada's population increased to 000 by last June the Dominion Bureau of Statistics announced on the basis of its annual estimate.

Largest provincial percentage increase were 3.9 reported in British Columbia and 2.7 in Ontario. Red Chinese. Attack Considered WASHINGTON (AP) Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara has informed key Pentagon and: congressiopal officials of President Johnson's historic decision to deploy a "thin" "antimissile to guard against nuclear attack by' Red China, it was learned Saturday. McNamara gave the word at a.

secret Pentagonmeeting: on Friday, sources said. He swore all those present to remain silent until a formal announcement is made. The announcement may come Monday in a speech McNamara is making to an editors group in. San Francisco. But some authorities suggested there is a possibility that.

Johnson may order the announcement delayed. However, Rep. Charles E. gave a tipoff that it is coming in a speech. prepared for the Reserve at Jacksonville Naval: Air Station, 7 Bennett said the Defense Department "appears to have finally broken the logjam which has held up.

the much needed development of an antiballistic missile system." Bennett, a senior member of the House Armed Services committee, said "It has just been revealed recently that funds have been spent on hardware items for the deployment of an ABM system from the $167.9 million Congress provided for this but which the Defense) Department has heretofore refused to "This is an apparent indication that our nation is nally' about to embark on the full- development of an 9 ABM system," Bennett said, adding: expect Secretary McNamara will soon make a statement on this subject. Sources said the decision is to deploy a screen of missile- killing. Nike batteries at a cost 'of from $3 billion to possibly $6 lion. Construction, would take ant estimated five years. Such a system could "be the base for a thicker defense later on, with 'additional batteries of long-range Spartan.

and "shortrange Sprint missiles installed to protect some 25 major U.S. cities. This would cost about $10 billion. PH Registration Extended 11 Days Registration period for the fall semester of the evening division of Henry College has been extended through Sept. 22, Dr.

Sherman S. Dutton, director, announced Saturday. Previously, registrations were scheduled to close Sept. 11. Dutton said the extension is being granted to avoid disappointing those tho have expressed interest in.

attending courses, but failed to note that the tion period moved -up -this -year. A limited number of vacancies exist in the following classes, according to R. Revie, director of evening programs: Tuesdays--Philosophy, College Algebra, Civil War History and Economics. Wednesdays Public School Administration, Literature for -Adolescents, Intermediate Accounting. Thursdays: Russian History.

City Shooting In Serious Condition A 39-year-old Martinsville man 1 was in- City Jail Saturday after be allegedly shot another man two times Friday, night: with .22 caliber Arrested was John Wesley Goodman of 1401 Memorial Boule vard. Detective R. 0. Emerson and Captain R. Stowe said Goodman shot Lester Hanks of 104 Overton Street in his front, yard after Goodman had 4 thrown several boxes into Hanks yard.

Police said the incident was telephoned by Hanks' wife, Joyce Hanks, about midnight Friday. Hanks was in serious condi- had three years. To the right in their varied origins. Mickey, however, doesn't take cat. "Mickey" isn't to Rover's using his gold fish bowl.

17 He's laying in a gold fish Thant Says Hanoi Aid Increases UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) Secretary-General Thant Saturday bolstered a new. Vietnam peace appeal with a report that Hanoi's Communist allies had agreed to 7 send- more military aid to North Vietnam, including air crews, pilots, gunners 'and engineers. Thant told 'a news conference that, he still felt that the key to Vietnam peace is a' halt of U.S. bombing of North Vietnam, that negotiations would follow within three or four weeks and that the risk was worth without waiting any commitments from Hanoi.

His reference to possible increased aid to North Vietnam THREE MEN QUESTIONED IN THEFT CASE Rockingham County. Sheriff's office said it questioned for' about an hour three Negroes Friday afternoon in connectionwith -the Sept. 7 theft -of $8.720 from Cooper and Ratcliff's River Hill supermarket. The men, all from Charlotte, N. were released." An unidentified man at Moore's Grocery in Stonville called the deputies after two Negroes reportedly tried to get him away from His.

cash register. The men, including a third person in a 1964 blue, Chrysler, were picked up later on Route 770 near Stoneville. Sheriff Axom said the men were in their 20s or 30s. Two: employes of the super- market here went to the sheriff's office -but 7 said- they couldn't identify, the men as those involved in the theft here. The method of the larceny is similar.

to. others throughoutNorth Carolina. The grocery owner at first identified two of the men as being in his grocery, store but told Sheriff Axom he couldn't swear by the identification. The men involved in the theft here were described as being about 19 or 20. years old.

also has long hair. Those questioned Saturday did not have long- hair, accordingto Sheriff Axom. appeared. to carry the implication that the "escalation might reach dangerous proportions unless quick. action is taken to end the fighting.

Thant noted -that the reported military agreements between Hanoi and its allies were unconfirmed but he said there were definite indications that North Vietnam is receiving increasing aid, both military and economic, from friendly countries. He declined to eay which countries were supplying the The main point stressed by the secretary-general was that the end of the bombing must -be the first step toward peace. He said. he did not feel- any -new-initiatives on his part would be of any use until this happens, but Nine Killed In Two Crashes By "THE ASSOCIATED A three-vehicle crash in Rockbridge County and a single-car accident in Alexandria claimed nine lives Friday night. Five persons were when two cars and a tractor-trailer collided five miles south of Lexington on U.S.

11. Four died in the Alexandria- mishap on U.S. 1 near the Arlington County line. LEXINGTON-Victims- of the Rockbridge County collision were Elizabeth 'Ann Rinker, 24, Thomas Franklin Rinker, 27, Thomas Franklin Rinker 5. and Carol Elain Rinker, 2, all- of of Sterling, and Mildred the Loudoun a County community Poole, 49, of Herndon.

ALEXANDRIA i Killed in A the Alexandria crash were James Bates, 35, Nancy C. Franklin, Clyde Donald Franklin, 36, and Norma' Franklin, all of. Alexandria. County Home Entered Henry County Sheriff's Deputy Earl Steele investigated a breaking and entering Saturday night at the home of Bachael Wade at 19. Stultz Road.

Entrance to the house was gained by kitchen window. It was not known: if anything was taken. he said he was ready to resume his efforts" if conditions change. Thant discounted: reports that recent statements by North Vietnamese, officials indicated any softening of their position: He said he was convinced 'Hanoi would not agree in advance to match any U.S. moves, such As a bombing halt, but that they would be ready to talk if: the bombing stops.

"If Hanoi is asked to do something as. the price for an unconditional halt to the bombing, Hanoi will not pay the" price," he- said. Wallace, Reagan Given Support PETERSBURG (AP) The Virginia Conservative party voted Saturday in support of a Wallace Reagan ticket on the ballot in the presidential election next year, two men will accept the A party spokesman said. neither former Alabama Gov. George Wallace, who was a Democrat at the time he served, nor Republican Gov.

Ronald Reagan of California had asked for the endorsem*nt. Six or seven persons at the state convention opposed closting -the nominations, but there was no opposition to the endorsment. tion Saturday at Martinsville General Hospital with one gunshot wound in his right shoulder and another in the lower, right side of his back. Hanks -told police Goodman had thrown the boxes into his yard. When Hanks went out to throw them back into Goodman's yard, Goodman, allegedly approached Hanks with the rifle.Hanks reportedly, told Goodman not.

to be shooting the gun -his- way- -when Goodman: aimed at him. Hanks ran, but Goodman fired several shots until Hanks fell, according to police. Goodman was charged by city I police with felonious assault,.

Martinsville Bulletin from Martinsville, Virginia (2024)


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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.