The Lincoln Star from Lincoln, Nebraska (2024)

THE LINCOLN DAILY STAR. WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 26, 1906. skylight and falling sixteen feet to the tiled floor beneath, Miss- Lillian Ackley received a number of painful wounds yesterday evening, but was not seriously. Injured. She is a chambermaid at the Capital hotel, where the accident occurred, and she had been walking about on the roof with woman friend when she accidentally stepped on the glass.

plate. She fell through the skylight between the cafe and the office and was picked up immediately by employes, carried to her room and a physician called. One leg was badly cut by the glass and a number of severe bruises were received on her body. Erie Munk has appealed to the supreme court to reverse the decision of the Lancaster county district court, which confirmed the action of the state board of health in cancelling his doctor's licence in Nebraska, Three charges were brought against Munk and the board of health found him guilty under them. He was accused of performing an illegal operation on Laura Orender, in Lancaster county, in February, 1904; an illegal operation on Maggie Dailey, in Boone county during April of the same year; a criminal assault on Nellie Thompson of Madison county in December of the same year.

It is alleged that Miss Thompson was less than 18 years of age. The interior of the rooming house managed by Miss Della West, at 1331 street, was damaged considerably by fire last evening, shortly after o'clock. The origin of the flames is unknown, although they started in the closet directly over the furnace In the basem*nt. The entire lower floor seemed to be in flames when the fire department reached the scene, but it was subdued In a few momenta with chemicals. During the fire one of the water mains broke and a fire engine was placed in service to prevent damage from the attendant loss of water pressure.

At the same time a valve in the network of tubes near the Mockett station blew off, and the department's only source of water pressure was from the old Fairbanks pump. It is understood the new pump was in use when fire broke out, and that it raised the water pressure In the mains in less than two minutes from forty to more than one hundred pounds. Landy Clark sells coal. IN HOTEL LOBBIES J. M.

McKey, of St. Paul, Is a guest at the Lincoln. Charles Weegard, of the Norfolk public schools, is a guest at the Capital hotel. Ada C. Leonard and Florence Judd, teachers in the Verdon schools, registered today at the Capital hotel.

J. E. Pearson, member of the class of 1899 of the state university, is in the city visiting friends, He Is located in Dallas, Texas. Senator-elect Burns this morning entertained a number of friends with a short discourse in the lobby of the Lindell hotel. "Tam looking for a few, corporation cormorants." he declared.

"If I And them mean to a few specimens and send them to the Journal office. Just then a friend from Fremont stepped up and grabbed the of the veteran legislator. "Joe." he exclaimed." do you remember the time you sent Ross Hammond to Council Bluffs Joseph smiled. "I remember." continued the speaker, "Ross was interested in a bill, He printed a sensational article about Joe's committee. Joe sent the sergeant-at-arms out with a warrant to bring Ross in.

The reformer from Fremont dashed to the hotel. got his griped and hiked for the train. He visited friends In Council Bluffs for several days." At the Lindell: J. E. Delzell, LexIngton; W.

R. Fowler, Nebraska, City; B. F. Matthews, Plattsmouth; J. M.

Matson. Fremont; M. T. Harrison, Dunbar; Mrs. Mary E.

Gardner, Ottumwa, Miss Gertrude H. Gardner, Hastings; E. A. Garlicks, North Platte; Miss Lilliam Neal, Miss Louise Tynon, Miss Mary Tynon, Peru; Marwin LivIngston, Nebraska City: Miss Mary Strickland, Miss Georgia Swearingen, Fremont: Miss Luella Blackstone, Tekamah: Mrs. Clara Dunham, Stuart: Miss Effie Carlson, Valentine: Miss Annie V.

Jennings, Kearney: Mrs. J. Nichols, Miss. Florence N. Johnston, Miss Ada Gould, Miss Lila MeAndrew, Ainsworth.

At the Capital. C. Weegand, Norfolk: Ada C. Leonard, Miss Florence Judd, Verdon; H. H.

Reimund, Alliance: Mrs. M. Warriner, Mrs. L. E.

Chilwood, H. Franklin; C. A. Fulmer, Beatrice; Miss Alice Weeth, Miss Bertha Bishop, Gretna; Miss Anna S. McGowan, Catherine, Rising City: Miss KitMiss Miss Rosseau, Hastings; Mr.

tie Lee, Mrs. J. 0. Lyne, Culbertson; H. F.

and Harper, Oakdale: C. E. Ward, Neligh, Beck, H. J. Wickland, G.

A. WILC. F. Peru: E. K.

Hurst, W. S. Evans, Hams, Auburn; S. N. Clark, Weeping Water: Softly, Grant; H.

F. Carson, North A. Platte. At the Lincoln: Josephine Foley, Miss Catherine Wilse, IndiPalmyra; A. J.

Mason, Genoa; R. W. anola: Sutton; L. M. Meeker, Exeter: Rose, Gilbert Johnson: J.

Gilbert, Arthur J. A. Petrea, Pawnee; C. Lexington: J. A.

True, P. L. Cady, R. A. Penige, Hall, Miss Grace fa*gney, Miss BethE.

Fremont; Mrs. A. W. Roseman, ards, Cornell, Lyons; Miss Fremont: Miss Minnie Esabel Pelton, Stanton; Miss Carrie Kellner, Kingston, Pender: Miss Miss Laura Onard, Fullerton. At the Windsor: Miss Minnie Boggs, Mary Goodrich, Miss Fannie Miss Hales, Miss Frances Philipps, Table Rick; Miss Dollie E.

Fenderson, Miss Diextra, David, City: T. E. Gertrude J. A. McLean, South Omaha: Bosewell, Miss Emma Leffer, Albert Mares, Dwight; Mrs.

A. K. Ord. Fairbury: J. Britell, Columbus; W.

J. Seeley, H. M. E. Nothomb, Bee; La Emerson: Brainard; L.

A. Broskover, Matouek, Bruno. Special Rates via the Burlington Homeseekers is round, trip rate January and 15th, Colonists one way rates January 1st and 15th. Grand Island return $3.30. Tickets on sale January 14th and 16th: limit January 18th, Salt Lake and return sale dates January 14th to 16th, limit January 30th.

G. W. BONNELL, C. P. 13th and streets, Lincoln, Neb.

ABOUT PEOPLE IN NEBRASKA. Miss Maude Glover, stenographer Ir: the office of County Attorney Caldwell, has returned from a Christmas vacation spent at Barneston. Judge P. James Cosgrave received word last night of the death of. his father, Michael Cosgrave, at Denver.

Michael Cosgrave died last night at 8 o'clock, at the age of 64 years, from complications arising from rheumatism. He was a former citizen of Lincoln, having lived here eight years, up to 1888, when he removed to Fillmore county, Nebraska. He returned to Lincoln in 1898. residing here two years, and afterwards moving to Denver. He possesed a sturdy constitution and robust health, and never had been seriously Ill until about ten months ago, when he became the victim of a siege of rheumatism.

He had a large acquaintance of friends in this citi who will grieve sincerely for the loss of a true friend. Judge P. J. Cosgrave left Lincoln this afternoon for Denver, where the funeral and burial will take place. Dr.

W. Wilson, of Denver, is in the city visiting the family of his son, Owsley Wilson, in Grandvlew, for a day or two. Dr. Wilson is now 73 years of age, but is still actively engaged in the practice of medicine. A year ago he was chosen commanding officer of the largest G.

A. R. post in Denver and has upwards of twenty been a member of the board of years trustees of Trinity M. E. chruch.

He 19 somewhat of a pioneer in Denver, having gone there thirty years ago. Mrs. J. M. Shively and daughter have gone, to Fremont to spend a week or ten days with friends.

Castle, Roper Matthews, undertakers PERSONAL. Mrs. D. O. Spencer and son, George, are visiting Mrs.

R. E. Losey, 1805 0 street, W. Brown has returned from Sioux City, where he spent Christmas with his mother. Miss Burnice Beach has returned from Oklahoma City, where she spent several months.

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hamilton are spending the Christmas holidays with relatives at Sioux City, Ia.

Frederick Kinney of this city is in Chicago, where he attended the golden wedding anniversary of his parents last night. Mrs. G. W. Brown, left last night for Cleveland, where she will attend the National Federation of Commercial Teachers' associations, of which she is an active member.

In Society Mra. Jennie H. Wilkin, of Chicago. announces the marriage of her daughter, Mable Iolata, to Charles Evans Wackerhagen. The wedding took place December 19 at -the bride's home in Chicago.

The groom will be remembered by many residents of Lincoln as his early boyhood days were spent here. While in the city he was in the employ of the Barnes Real Estate company. He is now engaged in the real estate busIness in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs.

Wackerhagen will be at home to friends in Chicago after January 15 at 91 North Kedzie avenue. Mrs. R. H. Stewart, accompanied by her daughter Grace, left today for an extended stay at Hot Springs, Ark.

marriage of Miss Florence P. Rice, of Kansas City, to Bertom M. Emmerson. of this city, is announced. Miss Katherine Thomas, of Omaha, is visiting her mother, Mrs.

E. W. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs.

George Stelner and little son, of Salt Lake City, are visiting relatives in Lincoln. Miss Lols Burruss is the guest of Mrs. William Hayward at a house party in Nebraska City. Mrs. Dobbs is visiting her mother, Mrs.

Henkle and daughter, Mrs. Helms, Mrs. George Phelps left Saturday for Chicago to join Mr. Phelps for a few days, after which they will visit Mrs. Phelps' mother, Mrs.

Clevidence, in Mt. Morris, Ill. Miss Ada Castor, who has been studying in New York. spent Christmas with relatives in Wilbur and will visit in Lincoln before returning east. The marriage of Miss May Sloan to John D.

E. Baugh was celebrated Saturday evening at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Maggie Sloan. The bride was attired in a pretty gown of white wool with silk trimmings. Her going -away gown was a grey jacket suit with hat and waist to match.

The bride and groom will spend their honeymoon at Missouri Valley, Ia. Rev. Lewis Gregory and Mrs. Gregory gave a Christmas breakfast to all relatives in the city at their home, 1230 street, yesterday, One of the prominent events of Christmas day the marriage of Miss Caroline Buchner to John W. Burnett, which took place at 3 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, Mr.

and Mrs. J. M. Buehner. The Rev.

John Boyle officiated. The little ring bearer, Miriam Votaw, was the only attendant. The ring was the one worn by the bride's grandmother. Only a small company of friends and relatives were present for the wedding. but a large number were present for the reception which followed from 3:30 until 5:30.

The decorations were Artistically arranged and in harmony with the season. The parlors where the ceremony took place was appointed in green and white. In the dining room Christmas greens were effectively, arranged, brightened with brilliant shades of red. Miss Ada Gates and Miss Georgia Brownson presided over the refreshments. Miss Daisy Masterman, Miss Etha Gates and Miss Edith Myers assisted in directing the guests.

The bride has lived in Lincoln several years, having come to this city from Ravenna. Mr. and Mrs. Burnett will reside hear Saltillo, The out of town guests. at the wedding were J.

Foster, Ault, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert D. Buehner, Missouri Valley, Robert Buehner, Trinidad, Col. Mr.

and Mrs. Arthur Morrill, of Stromsburg, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hutchins. the, Mr.

and Mrs. W. J. Bryan entertained all relatives in the city at Fairview over Sunday, 88 several had planned to spend Christmas elsewhere. Mrs.

Draper Smith, of Omaha, is the guest of Mrs. H. M. Bushnell. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS.

PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles In 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 50c. Xmas gifts, trunks and bags, Wirick's. College View.

Prof. August Anderson has gone to attend a convention in Chicago. Peter Mathiesen has returned from teaching. a term of school at McCloskey, N. D.

Mrs. J. W. Collie, of Boulder, is visiting her daughter, Miss Ethel Collie. Prof.

0. W. Nickel, principai of the Rulo, public schools, is visiting his parents in the village. Ben Peterson and family, of Buffalo, are visiting at the home of J. F.

Nelson. S. H. Daniels just came down from Omaha and is spending a few days at his home in the vilage. David Riffel, of Carrier, is visIting his brother, A.

F. Riffel. The. A. Welshaar is visiting at Minatare, Neb.

His place in the bank is filled by Eugene Stansbury. Misses Annina and Martha Jensen, of Dannebrog, are visiting relatives in College View. Miss Mertle Wheeler has returned from a short visit to Fremont, Neb. Twenty-five friends of M. E.

Ellis gave him a very pleasant surprise Sunday evening. John Neufeld is visiting at the home of his father-in-law, Frank Fast, of College View. Miss Warner, of Iroquois, S. is visiting her brother, Roger War. ner.

Miss Emma Anderson, Hastings, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Harry Dilman. Prof. M. E.

Kern has gone to Boulder, to attend a young people's convention. A. L. Leer, of Lincoln, N. is visIting his friend, Otto Black, of the village.

Miss Francis Kern, of Bedford, and Mrs. Samuel Dever, of Clearmont, are visiting their brother, A. G. Kern, of the village. The Nebraska Sanitarium and Benevolent association held a meeting yesterday afternoon.

Dr. W. A. George, president of the association, presided. Littue busines was done aside from appointing a nominating committee, as follows: N.

M. Blue, Clem Stump, E. A. Jenkins, E. A.

Blodgett, S. B. Harris. The thirty-first annual meeting of the Nebraska Conference of SeventhDay Adventists was held in the church yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The president, A.

T. Robinson, presided. The conference was organized with 125 delegates in attendance. Committees were appointed as follows: Committee on plans Jas. Cochran, C.

C. Lewis, Dr. W. A. George, H.

A. Hebbard, K. C. Russell, M. E.

Ellis, Chas. Thompson. Committee on nominations- M. W. Blue, Clem Stump, E.

A. Jenkins, E. A. Blodgett, Soren Nelson, S. B.

Harris, J. W. Brant. Committee on credentials. and 11- censes- 8-E.

T. Russell, Lewis Johnson, E. A. Curtis, L. E.

Johnson, A. T. Robinson. Committee on constitution- James Cochran, Chas. Thompson, C.

H. Miller. -Milford Soldiers' Home. (Special to The Star.) Milford, Dec. Mr.

Gabriel and wife were called to Crete to see their youngest son, who is quite sick at that place. Mrs. Mitchell, of Lincoln, is visiting her husband in the home during the holidays. John Dunn was taken to the hospital the first of the week quite weak and feeble. Mr.

Persinger spent Christmas with his family in Lincoln. John Hallehan was called to Lincoln last Friday by the death of a daughter. Tom Smith the misfortune to sprain his ankle Sunday. Comrade Simons, of Red Cloud, has returned to the home after an absence of nine months. He is the largest man at the home, weighing 360 pounds.

A number of the "boys" received Christmas boxes from home. One man received a pound of chewing gum. Christmas day was an ideal one, and at the home it was enjoyed by the members. The dinner was good enough for "kings." It consisted of young turkey, cranberry sauce, celery, sweet potatoes, mince pie, oranges, bananas and many other good things. Colonel Presson, the commander, was ever on the alert to see that the boys got everything desired.

He set up the cigars after dinner. Then came music by the phonograph. Mr. Me Veigh spent Christmas in Lincoln. Mr.

Simons has gone to Omaha to stay during the holidays. Alpha Tau Omega Congress. Birmingham, Dec. The twentieth biennial congress of the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity began here today with an attendance representing almost every state in the union. The fortieth anniversary of the founding of the organization will be especially celebrated at this convention.

Special Sale on Christmas Candy and Cigars HARLEY DRUG CO. 1101 0 Street WE DELIVER TO ANY PART OF THE CITY. WILL ASK PERMISSION TO ACCEPT WHITTEN'S PASS Cone, Wahoo, Says He Will Consult the Minority Members of the Legislature. Coats We have about 25 Fur Coats left that we are going to sell at actual cost and will discontinue the line. If your kind is here this is your opportunity.

Lincoln CLOTHING CO. Cor. Tenth and Streets COMING EVENTS. Tonight at the Oliver, "The County Chairman." with Theodore Babco*ck and an excellent cast. The Nebraska, State.

Teacher's association will hold its first open session tonight at St. Paul's church. Dr. Iyenaga, of Japan, will speak on "The East and the West." Section meetings on various phases of education tomorrow. Lodges.

Fern camp. R. N. of will meet at 8 p. m.

in G. A. R. hall. Churches.

The ladies of the Third division of the Vine, street Congregational church will with Mrs. F. H. Barnes tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. The Tabitha society of the Swedish Lutheran church will meet with Mrs.

Cergstron, Twenty and streets, tomorrow afternoon at 2:30. The Ladles Aid society of the East Side Christian church will meet with Mrs. Doward at the parsonage, Twenty-seventh and streets, tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. A farewell reception will given to the Rev. H.

B. Smith and Mrs. Smith at the realdence of H. J. W.

Seamark, 217 North Seventeenth street, from 8 to 10 o'clock tomorrow evening. Members of the chorus and friends are urged to attend. HERE IN LINCOL.N, Walton G. Roberta, undertaker. Xmas gifts, tollet cases, 1036 0.

Now is the time to buy diamonds. Chas. W. Fleming, Jeweler, 1811 0 st. Ludwig's annual--any business suit In the house for $25.00.

Dress up and do it now. Blind Boone Concert at Grace M. E. I church, 27 and street, December 27. Admission 25 cents.

The official bond of State Auditor Searle for $50,000 has been filed with the governor. Deputy Secretary of State Wait has also filed his bond for $10,000. "There needs a long time to know the world's bur 211 advertiser has a better opportunity than anyone else to observe it and to learn what it responds to. Attorney W. J.

Courtright of Fremont was caller at the office of the attorney general this morning. Among other things, he wag interested Th reading decision of the supreme court in the suit against the alleged grain trust. The members of the force at the A street pumping station organized Into a prairie fire fighting force yesterday atfernoon. and engaged in a battle with a fire which had been set on the praire near that place by Rock Island passenger train No, 37. T'he blaze was overcome before it had spread enough to do any damage to nearby property.

Notices of the annual meeting of the Nebraska Speed association have been sent out by C. Buck, president, and C. B. Swan, circuit secretary, The meeting will be held at the Lindell hetel at 8 o'clock p. Thursday, Januarg 10, and will be for the purpose of electing officers and for arranging a circult for 1907.

The circuit towns are Auburn, Wymore, Beatrice, Fremont, Tekamah, Wayne, Randolph, Hastings and Lincoln. Attorney L. W. Billingsley made application for the pardon of Charles D. McMillan of Red Cloud today before Governor Mickey.

He presented lengthy petition signed by friends of McMillan. The governor paroled MeMillan some time ago to a harnessmaker at Benedict, but he returned voluntarily to the penitentiary, fearing, he told the governor, that the sure roundings at Benedict might lead him Into trouble again. McMillan has served three years of a sentence of eight. years for the crime of manslaughter. John R.

Davis was this morning awarded a decree of divorce from Nellie Davis, with extreme cruelty urged as the grounds for action. He charged that his wife is possessed of a most ungovernable temper, and that she has been In the habit of striking him repeatedly, They were married in Council Bluffs, in October, 1902. One child, Dorothy, has been born to them. In her answer, Mrs. Davis entered general denial to the charges and was represented only by counsel the hearing before Judge Frost this morning.

The custody of the child was given the mother. George and John Vincent were given Christmas gifts of freedom by Governor Mickey, and they have been released from the county jail where they were serving sentences for pety larceny. Sheriff Ress believes th two to be the head of a gang of six men who have been in the habit of making forages on the neighboring farms for months. A great quantity of hay was found in the possession of the Vincents when search of the premises was made, this hay, it is charged, belonging to other people. Crashing through the glass in the Old Line Bankers Life Assets Over $1,500,000.00 Lincoln, Nebraska.

The Christmas gift of the Commerclal club of Lincoln to the legislators of the state, in the shape of honorary membership, has already been acknowledged by some of the recipients of these courtesies. The membership cards have every appearance of being annual passes on the railroads, and the members were more than surprised when these cards dropped out of Christmas day letters. Trenmer Cone, of Wahoo, has acknowledged the recelpt of his "pass" in the following letter: "Hon. W. S.

Whitten, Secretary Lincoln Commercial Club, Lincoln Neb.My Dear Sir: In my mail this beautiful Christmas morning I find a letter from your club. On opening it there fell therefrom a small linen envolope that contained a "pasteboard," that in size, looks and general appearances might have been railroad pass. Having just experienced in my home some of the antics of Santa Claus, I imagined that perhaps here was another of Santa's mysterious ways presenting to the children of men something their hearts delight in. I could picture in my mind's eye that here was the great opportunity of my ife; that I can lay this whole matter before the house; can show that body. that scheming men do not hesitate to enter into conspiracy with even the patron saint of children to accomplish designs.

Thereby I would be able to get my name and picture in the papers. Upon closer Investigation, I found it to be a ticket of admission to the society of your club. (My annual pass not having yet arrived, you can easily understand how I could make such a mistake.) I thank your club for this compliment and congratulate them upon their enterprise. However, I shall lay this before several of the leaders of the fusion forces and others prominent in the house, and if in their judgment they shall think I am justifled in accepting this compliment, you will certainly see me often in your club rooms. Respectfully yours, "TRENMOR CONE." At the Theatre "The Maid and the Mummy." "The Maid and the Mummy" was written on the supposition that it was going to be a comic opera, There were maids enough, and some shapely ones, too, with dazzling gowns and voices that fairly ravished the dulled ears of the listeners.

And there were mummies enough- most of the jokes could be rightly called by such a name. The story of this "musical comedy" is thrown around a mummy which a renowned professor at a female semInary is seeking to endow with life by means of his newly discovered elixir. A stranded playwright palms off a "property" mummy on the learned gentleman, who administers his lifefluid with some surprising results. That the "Maid and the Mummy" fell on unappreciative ears yesterday afternoon and evening is not the fault of the performers, all of whom honestly tried to make the best of a bad bargain. Richard Carle, you who have written so many good plays and have given so much enjoyment to Lincoln people, get busy and restore yourself in the hearts of Lincoln folk by a newer and a really good thing.

"The County Chairman." According to the Omaha papers, "The County Chairman" is just as good this year as it ever was. The Bee says: "The comedy is as delightful as ever, while the 'heart' interest element hasn't lessened at all. It is a quaint bunch of personages George Ade picked up in his dear old state of Indiana for exploitation on the stage, and the picture of life and love and politics in a rural community in Hoosierdom is most enjoyable. Theodore Babco*ck is still doing Hon. Jim Hackler, the great big, good-natured country lawyer and political boss.

He is "full of. wise saws and ancient and his earnestness goes out over the footlights and into the audience, where the people follow him as closely as ever did the voters of Jefferson county. There's a tenderness in him, too, and his scene with Mrs. Rigby is one of the most successful in the whole course of the play. The others in the company are largely those who were seen here when the plece was still new to Omaha and who have been enacting the roles ever since.

Thomas J. Grady is one of the new ones, having the quaint darkey role of Sassafras Livingston and playing it with genuine unction. The women in the company are uniformly good." ANNOUNCEMENTS. Tonight At the Oliver. George Ade's greatest success, "The County Chairman" presented by one of the largest and best compantes, will be at the Oliver Theatre on tonight, Thursday matinee and night, and theatre-goers can whet-up their appetites for a brilliant feast.

The present season's production of "The County Chairman" will be made on an elaborate scale. surpassing nearly all of the road attractions, an exceptionally fine company, the one that enjoyed the long and splendid New York run, is being hauled around 80 AS to give the production the same magnificent atmosphere as marked it run in the largest cities of the north. Prices: Matinee 75, 50 and 25 centsNight $1.00, 75, 50 and 25 cents. Francis Wilson. Francis Wilson in his latest comedy success, "The Mountain will be the potent attraction at the Oliver theatre on Friday night.

The play is said to be one of the cleverest and most amusing the popular comedian has ever had. It achieved a most remarkable success on its presentation at the Criterion theatre, New York. last season, and was pronounced one of the greatest comedy hits of the year. It affords Mr. Wilson splendid opoprtunities and the complications ani situations of the merry plece create no end of laughter.

Prices $1.50, 1.00, 75 and 50 cents. In New York." The announcing of the attraction at the Oliver theatre on Saturday matinee and evening, means much to local theatregoers as it is none other than the famous comedy drama, "Lost in New Yorks," which is now in its 16th year of popularity, and it is sate to say that the present season will nd it more entertaining than ever. The scenery provided for this season's tour is all new and said to be the finest ever given this production. Prices--Matinee 25' and 10 cents. Night 50, 30, 20 and 10 cents.

Murray and Mack, Murray and Mack in their new fun incubator, "Around the Town," will be the Kensington Clothes Fort the Men Who Care It is not a hobby for men to dress well, nor is he art. exception whose clothes mirror the dictates of fashion. The ordinary man harbors the thought of always looking his best. His clothes, his appearance, reflect his character. The extravagant dresser is unusual- he is extravagant in the sense that he pays lavishly to satisfy his tastes.

He loses sight of the fact that it is the little things about clothing that count. Little differences in cloth and little improvements in lining and trimming make the "KENSINGTON" SUITS and O'COATS unmatchable values at the prices. Little fine touches of tailoring, a collar that fits around the neck, a shoulder that is made to fit shoulder, make the unequalled "KENSINGTON" styles. Taken all together these little things are all important to the good dresser. Suits and O'Coats $15.00 and up- different grades of materials -but only one grade of style, and that the Visitors to Lincoln this week will be carefully fitted here at a price that means a saving to them.

Magee Deemer 1109 0 Street Holiday Goods One-Third off We have had one of the busiest holiday seasons in our history. Stocks were never so complete, goods never so novel and beautiful, prices never so low, choosing 1 never so easy. At present, we are left with many odds and ends and broken lots on our hands. Each year we make a point of selling all our holiday goods that we may start each season with a brand new stock. To make what remains move lively, We Have Reduced Every Price In Our Holiday Line 33 Per Cent Nothing has been reserved.

Scores of desirable gifts remain. There's nothing cheap about the goods except the prices. This is price concession that should transfer every article here from us to you before New Years. Buying is bound to be brisk, so come early, for The dat Cutter. Drug attraction at the Oliver theatre on Monday night.

It is not necessary to dwell on the merits of these two clever comedians, as they are too well known to the threatre-going public and this city. Their vehicle of merriment is overflowing with new and original musical numbers, beautiful wardrobe, elaborate scenery, in fact a thorough equipment necessary for 8 first class production. The cast includes Miss. Gertrude Rutledge, last two seasonse Prima Donna with Henry W. Savage Opera Gus Pixley, last two seasons principal comedian with Babes in Toyland, Bobby Herrington, last two seasons playing Geo.

M. Cohans role in Running for office, and others. Prices $1.00, 76, 50 and 25 cents. Rabbinical Association Elects. Nashville, Dec.

26. The Southern Rabbinical association last night elected the following officers; President- -Rabbi Isidore Lewenthal. Vice president Rabbi Henry Barnstein, Houston, Tex. Secretary Rabbi Moses Bergman, New Orleans. Treasurer- Rabbi.

M. Mewfield, Birmingham, Ala. Executive committee Rabbis Max Heller, New Orleans, chairman; David Marks, Atlanta, and B. C. Ehrenreich, Montgomery, association was addressed this morning by Dr.

J. H. Kirkland, chancellor of Vanderbilt university. Dropped Dead in Church. Denison, Dee.

-The Rev. T. K. Crowley, of St. Patrick's church, while putting on his vestments to celebrate high mass, dropped dead yesterday.

He had been a priest here for fifteen years. He was state chaplain of the Grand Army of the Republic. CASTORIA Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of Cha The Lincoln Candy Kitchen 1337 St. Lincoln -ALL KINDS OFDELICIOUS CANDIES MERCHANDISE STOCK. No.

872- A general merchandise stock and building located in a splendid town in store building 34x50 feet, 2 story and addition 1 story 16x50; poultry house on lot- 12x20. Price of building will sell goods at Worth investigating. Address 409 F. Ml. Lincoln.

Neb. Prescriptions By Mail The growth of our Mail Order Department has been phenomenal. This fact is due to our promptness; the careful and satisfactory manner in which we fill orders. We first make sure we have. just what our correspondent asks for, then ahead.

Just as careful attention is given to a prescription received through the mails as if you were here in our store waiting for it. If it is one to be refilled, send the date and number on your box or bottle and the doctor's name. We will do the rest. Phone orders a specialty. Rector's Twelfth and 0 Who Will Buy Nice 5-room house; easy ing distance and excellent focation.

This place will be offered on a small payment plan; balance monthly. Do not pay rent; buy a home. GEO. W. HOLMES Both: phones.

129 So. 11th St. NOTICE Don't fall to get my prices before purchasing elsewhere FRED GARDNER JEWELER 10th and 0 Sts. Lincoln FEMALE BEANS WOMEN great monthly Ergot, Taney, Pennyroyal: Dot a single in a. failure; daya: longest, 0200 most obstinate cases relieved BARLEY DRUG CO, DRUGGISTS, Mel.

The Lincoln Star from Lincoln, Nebraska (2024)


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Name: Roderick King

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Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.