The Lancaster Examiner from Lancaster, Pennsylvania (2024)

LANCASTER EXAMINER AND HERALD. The Mirage. A writer from the Arkan- Fixed Fact. Addiss Daguerrean Gallery, Centre Square, over Hubleys Grocery, is daily affording some of our Citilens whether old or young, singly or in groups, a pekfact likeness, in ail particulars. This is why his rooms are full on fair days, and it accounts for those who are crowded out by engagements, Forwarding and Transportation.

Rail Road Company. HIS COMPANY having now fully eq nipped their Road, hereby inform the publie that they are prepared to forward all kinds of Trodue Merchandise, Live Stock, to and from Philadt-I phia and Baltimore, or any intermediate point with promptness and despatch and upon the most reasons-ble terms. Strasbusg, Dec 8 tf-1 Genuine Jon. J. Levys ME RICAN Circular Pointed COMMERCIAL PENS A supply of these ex cellent Pena just received and for sale at the Book Store of the subscriber- AlsoLemans Swan Quill Pens for writing on parchment paper.

Albata Pens, Gillotts Pens, fee. Also, a large lot of Foolscap and Letter Papers. English Blue Laid Foolscap, Lawyers Brief Papers. Blank Deeds on Parchment and Parchment Paper, Common and Judgment Bonds, and a general assortment of Justices Blanks, kept constantly on hand at No. 12, North Queen street.

JOHN BEAR. Lancaster, March 23 3t-16 E. MATLACKS Boys1 Clothing Establishment. (f! No 306 Market F'seet Philadelphia. -Jlj.

rFHE subscriber would respectfully in-1 Tjte the attention of his friends and the public I generally, to his stock of BOYS CLOTHING, Now on hand, believing they will flnd they can save I much time, trouble, and money by purchasing their BOYS CLOTHING ready made. Having enlarged his Store, and greatly increased his facilities for accommodating his customers, the undersigned flatters himself that he will be able to suit the taste of those who may favor him with their custom, and to furnish the article at prices that cannot faU to please. r. A large assortment of FASHIONABLE DOODb always on hand, which will be madeup to order both for Men and Boys, at short notice, and in good style Drugs, Paints, Varnish and Dye Stuffs, PURE WHITE LEAD, Pure Ground Paints all colors. 1000 Boxes WINDOW GLASS sll sizes and qualities Glue Sand Paper, Bronzes, Gold Leaf, with a general assortment of Fresh Drugs and Medl cines for sale low at ALFRED WILTBERGERS Drug and Paint Store, No.

169 N. Philadelphia Aug. 25.1852. May 26-ly-2 LEATHER! LEATHER! FRITZ, WILLIAMS HENDRY, Store No. 29 North Third street, Fhila Morocco Manufacturers, Curriers, Importers, Commission and General Leather Business, JfAnd Retail.

Manufactory 16 MAR A RET I A SI RLIlT. (July 7 ly-32 IRWIN, SHTJLTZ FEIPER, From the N. Y. Tribune, sas region says that looking forward in the I distance, one could swear that a beautiful lake. Tired Of Lite AliectlDg' Scene, surrounded by tall trees, would soon be reach- On Monday evening, officer Kelley discovered, where we could enenmp under refreshing el a beautiful girl, about 16 years of age, on shades, and bathe in pure water an illusion, the pier foot of Charlton street, and from her calling again in preference to going elsewhere.

His however, which was dissipated, as mile aft. movements, he was of the belief that she in- "'T' mile showed an interminable waste, with no tended to commit suicide by throwing herself 1 Ca" ud They may friendly tree to rest the eye npon nothing into the dock. He accordingly addressed her but the droves of buffalo and an occasional an-1 in a kind manner, and induced her to go with telope, to break in upon the monotony of the I him to the Station house, where, in answer to scenery. We should like to see a mirage in questions propounded by Capt Turnbill, she the desert. It must be pleasant when one is stated that, in an evil hour, she left a good very thirsty, to see a lake of water, though it home, kind parents, and brothers, and sisters, be only a cloudy one, looming up in the dis who live in Twenty-ninth street, and took up tance.

it must be terribly unpleasant to her abode in a disreputable house, where she be aecteveu thereby, to hang ones hopes of a remained a length of time her whereabouts On the loth inst by the Rev J. J. Strine, Mr. Christian Snavei.y, of West Lampeter, to Miss Ann Burkholder, of Conestoga. uujies or a reinameu a leugin ui nine ner wuereiiuouis i hothnnnt M.

Gish, both of Mount DR. J. McCALLA, Dln- 1 TIST, would respectfully Particular attention paid to furnishing BOYS for i Tyrrim pq. rp ol tr rt BOARDING SOHOOLSthe circulars and regulations nUDDSALL Hoot, Shoe, Hat, Lap of many of which can be Been at the Store. 1 TT Palm and Leghorn Hats.

Bonnet, and Artlficia --Hats. Bonnet, and Artificial HnNar Mns8Fa.M,x MUSSELMAN SPENCER DEALERS in Lumber, Coal, PlLster, Salt, Fish. Flour, Grain and country produce Kail road Depot. Strasburg. Lancaster county.

Pa The undersigned respectfully announce to their friends and the public, that they have engaged in the above business and are now prepared at all times to furnish anything in their line with promptness and despatch and at prices to suit the times. All orders addressed to them or their Agent, will bo punctually attended to. The highest price will be paid in CA8H OR TRADE for Flour, Grain, and Country produce. Having careful and experienced employees, they are warranted in saying that satisfaction will be given. MUSSELMAN SPENCER.

Solomon Cramer, Agent. Strasburg Dc 8 tf-1 announce to his numerous friends and patrons, that he has removed his office from No. 8 to No. 4, East King street, Lancaster, second house from Centre Square, where he is prepared to perform all operations coming within the province of Dental Surgery. on the most approved principles.

Lancaster. March 23 3m-10 Warehouse. No 101 Arch street, four doors below Webbs Union Hotel, PHILADELPHIA Wm C. Irwin Wakter F. Shultze 1 Mil Peifr.

1IOH ELL imOTIIERS, February 23 6m-12 Manufacturers of Paper Hangings, WORLDS PAIR 4 Se" rpHE First and only PRIZE MEDAL A the attention of consumersalld the for Harness at the WorlnFatrin Londoner 11. Trade to their extensive stock of PAPER HANG- London awarded to LACEY PHILLIPS INGS, of their own manufacture and importation, embracing every variety of goods, in their line. Their being the most extensive in the country, they are enabled to offer unequalled induce ments to purchasers march 23 3m-16 whp of this city an honor they wonover the competition of the whole world. Messrs. L.

P. have now and keep constantly on hand, at their establishment, 12 and 14 South Fifth street, the largest stock at READY MADE HARNESS SADDLES, of any house in the United States, at A LAs A fciAS i A LAs I I greatly reduced prices. They are now manufacturing WHOLESALE and Retail at greatly their harness and Saddles with such perfect system -runs vr To 1 that they are enabled to sell a superior article of 'ey-erything in their line at a less price than any other reduced prices. THOS. M.

KERR, No. 409 AMUEL IHLING Respectfully in- forms his friends and the public in general, that he has commenced the TIN AND SHEET IRON BUSINESS all its branches, at the old and well known stand of his father, (Wm. ihling.) a few doors west of the Farmers Bank, and directly opposite the New Court House, East King Lancaster, where can be found at all times a large assortment of Tin ware, made of the best materials, in the most perfect manner, and at reduced prices He feels assured that he can sell as cheap as the cheapest and warrant his work Roofing made of Tin, Sheet Iron. Galvanized Iron. Spouting made of the best Tin, and put up in the most durable manner.

Also, some firstrate barrel and half-barrel Copper Kettles hand. Repairing carefully attended to, and done atthe shortest notice AU orders thankful-Iy received and promptly attended to. A share of public patronage is solicited. feb 23-tf-12 Market Street, fourth door above Eleventh north side, Philadelphia, has just received and offers for sale, a large and superior lot of New Crop Green and Black Teas, also. Strong Rio Prime Laguira and Old Government Java Coffee, Honey Syrup.

New Orleans aud Sugar House Molasses, Refined and Brown Sugars. New Mackerel, Liverpool Oroundand Fine Salt, Oils, Burn-, ing Fluid, Old Monougahela Whiskey, Pure Wine Brandies, N. B. Goods sent to any of the Depots without charge. THOS.

M. KERR, mar 23 3m-16l Successor to Woodside Kerr. house in the country. They never use but the best quality of Leather, and the best material of every description, and no pains or expense are spared to reach perfection in every article. They invite purchasers to examine the stock and theirestablishment before making purchases.

They invite attention to the following list of prices: Fly-nets from 50 cents to $2 50, Linen Horse Covers from cents to $2 60. Extra Fancy Plaid, to 350. Plain serviceable single harness, from $14 to $18. Fancy 25 to 30. Plain double 35 to 50 ac good drink on a lake in the clouds-to find the being unknown to any of her relatives.

who Groff, to Ll.zabeth A kfndof tmliticM Pr' neajJy distracted a 9adden and "'Y8 On the 16th of February last, by Henry H. Knrtz, 1 irage aas deluded a great terious disappearance She, however, dared pjSq John Mast t0 Miss Anna Flout, both of many patriotic people who hang about Wash- not inform them where she was and what Minheim twp, ington these days. Visions of snug berths in course of life she was pursuing, but resolved I On the Kith by the same, Joseph Walk, to the Departments the shadows of Rat slices I iu her own mind that they should not know of I Miss Maria McCaully, both of Manheim twp. from public stalls nice Collectorships with 1 her degradation. One evening, however, she I On the 15th John B.

Erb, Adam from a modest number of hundred dollars up I called in to see one of her married sisters, but to generous thousands annexed capital ap- was discarded and denied admittance to the poiutmcnts out of which they were not to be house. She then fully determined upon taking ousted tor four years at least all these have her life, and was on the pier for that purpose loomed up, coming so near at times as if they I when rescued by Officer Kelley and conducted could be reached the next moment, when sud-1 to the Police Station. She appeared wild, la-denly into the presence would bound some bored under much excitement, and was evi-ukase from Secretary Marcy or herb of rival dently partly insane. office seekers, formidable as buffalos, breaking While she was in a private room at IT u. the spell and obscuring the bright vision by tion House awaiting the arrival of her fother, Mentzer, to Miss Louisa Hahting, both of Hin-more substantial cloud of dust.

Without a who had been informed of his daughters res- OnTwondav evening last 14th inst bv Rev TbUi Stphf ithrm W-ln PeTlsht in thu deSCrt CU TurnubulI who bad received a tele- AKeycs, Emanuel H. Gast, to Miss Ann Char-iumr patched lips will never taste the water graphic despatch from two men living in Bos- LorrK Simpson, both of this city, which the promises of candidates before elec-1 ton to the effect that their truant daughters,) 1 in Marietta, on the lGth inst, by Rev. J. tion caused to loom as large as life and seem who were minutely described in the despatch, I Crist, Edwin J. Rinehart, Esq of Port Deposit, immediately at hand.

had receutly absented themselves from home Md to Miss Elizabeth C. Kline, of Mariettas and left for this city, and invoked his aid in I Ga the 15th by Rev. J. S. Cook, Wa Extraordinary Outrage The St Loufe I homes, entered the Sta- of LokTam t0 Mlsa Makoaret koNG of Republican relates the particulars of an infa girls in question, whom he found Un thfl 1G(h iuat-f by Re7.

j. Menges, Mr. tuous outrage which occurred in Clark county, I ill a aous5 prostitution Mercer street. 1 Thomas Green, of Wilmington, to Miss Missouri, at a recent quarterly conference of I unfortunate girls, who exhibited but Barbara Hogendobler, of Columbia Just the morning exercises iIttle penitence at their conduct, were, shown On the 15th of February, by Rev. J.

Kohler, Dr. Trabue came up to Rev I ho same room where the other girl was Geo Schnup, to HETrv Scheaffer, both of Earl H. Kelly, presented a pistol, and, laving his A conversation ensued between the hand upon him, said, You are my nrisoner whlcl1 one who premeditated su-cross your hands, I am the marshal of Mis I exPrPLs.sed sincere repentance for her past souri Kelly was charged with being an es- others, who seemed more caped convict from the Penitentiary of Iowa assumed airs in their deportment and, in spite of the representation that he was were anything but commendable. 1 At last, however, after freely conversing together, the two became penitent and yielded to their feelings, which found relief in a flood of tears, and wnile the trio were engaged in forming good resolutions relative to their future conduct, the father of the girl living in this city arrived, and on meeting his lovely but erring daughter, a scene not easily described and one which would have brought tears to the eyes of the most hardened in crime and misfortune, ensued between them. After a protracted interview between father and daughter the latter not consenting on any conditions to return home was taken to the Magdalen, an institution where females desirous of reforming and becoming weaned from their depraved course of life, repair.

The Boston girls were detained by Capt. Turnbnll at the request of their parents, until sent for. Ere this they are on their way home. preaching in Clark county at the time alleged. Dr.

Trabue persisted in taking him away. After Kellys hands were tied and his legs I chained, Trabue said, This man has stolen a horse, and Ill take him to justice. lie was taken out of the house, notwithstanding the remonstrances of his triends, placed upon a horse, I and secured by a chain being passed under the horse and fastened on each foot with a heavy padlock. The pretended marshal and his assistants proceeded as rapidly as possible to Fort Madison, Iowa, where the penitentiary is located, I and presented their victim to the keeper. He at once declared that he was not the man sought for one Charles II.

Kelly, who had escaped from the penitentiary and that he bore I no resemblance to him. lie was of course discharged but he must have all the meekness of a true Christian if he permitted the In Drumore on the 1st Isaac Bolden, in the 82nd year of her age. On the 1 Ith inst Mrs Fanny 92 years, 1 month and 8 days On Suuday oveuing, the 12th at her residence in Millerstown, this county, Mrs. Catharine Haines, widow of the late Samuel Haines deceased, in the 60th year of her age. On tho 11th at his residence, in Manheim O.

II. CII IMDEKMTS COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. Located Ho. 127 Baltimore Baltimore Hid, fptHE ostensible object of this Institu- I ness andoomfort, as well as for real xalue ana'wear X. tion is to place in ths reach of individuals proper april BetwelmTarketTnd Ohesnntst.

Fancy 65 to 70. Riding Saddles 6 to 18. LACEY PHILLIPS saddles and Harness are knowledged to surpass all others for elegance, light taoilities for and practical Hummella Essence Coffee. THE subscriber cautions the public and retailers particularly, against an article man-ufactured and sold by one afiuzust Rumtnrll, purport ing to be the genuine HUMM ELLS ESSENCE COFFEE. The original and only genuine article is manufactured solely by SAMUEL BOHLER and sold by the undersigned, who is the agent for Lancaster county, and of whom retailers can procure their supplies at the proprietors prices.

WILLIAM G. BAKER, Druggist, Centre Square, Lancaster. Jan 12, 1863. ltf-6 SILK SHAWLS EMBROIDERIES. JV.

DEPUY has the pleasure to an- nounce to his numerous customers in LAN-CASTER COUNTY, that he has now open at his beautiful specimen and well lighted Store, No. 41 North street. PHILADELPHIA, asplendid assortment of 'NEW SPRING GOODS, comprising SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING! 17RBEN Sign of the Striped 2J COAT, No. 42. North Queen street, east side, near Orange Lancaster, have now finished the -most extensive assortment of Spring and Summer Clothing in Lancaster oomposed of every description of NEW GOOS.

selected with the greatest care, and made in the latest style of taste and fashion. Among which may be found and warranted to prove the same as represented at the time of purchase, the following, viz NEW STYLE DRESS AND FROCIC COATS, Black and Blue Cloth Dres and Frock Coats, Brown and Olive Fanoy Black and Fancy Drab D. Ete Froeks and Sacks. CasBimere Cashmarette 1 HabitCloth Milan Italian Tweed Erminette Summer Cloth 1 Croton Cloth Gingham, Linen and Cotton Coats of every description. PANTALOONS.

VESTS. Blaok Doeskin, Figured Silk, Fancy Cassimere, Black Satin, Union Cassimere, Cassimero. Black Satinett, Drab Cashmarette, Tweed and Jean, Italian Cloth, Erminette. Merino, Linen and Cotton. Marseilles.

Also, constantly on band a complete assortment of White and Figured Shirts, Collars, Bosoni, Cravats, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Stocks, Gloves, Hosiery aod Umbrellas. BOYS CLOTHING! ERBEN have by far the largest assortment of Boys and Youths Frock, Sack and Monkey Coats, Pants and Vests of all sizes, and at very low prices. These articles are made with neatness and care, and are far superior to those ordinarily offered A full assortment of Uncut Cloths. Cassimeres and Vestings on hand, which will be made up to order, at short notice, in the most fashionable manoer, and at a reasonable price. it will be observed that every article of Clothing sold by the subscribers is of their own make, and as particular attention is given to having it well sewed, it may therefore be relied upon as being good durable work.

A large number of the best workmen are constantly employed at this establishment, in every branch of the business, so that persons finding their own Cloth and Trimmings, or f'loth only may depend upon having garments made promptly, andln a style which cannot fail lo give entire satisfaction as to taste and durability of workmanship. ILT5 Every attention will be paid to gratify the patrons of this establishment, so that every taste may be suited. The subscribers desire particularly to express thoir sincere thanks to the citizens of Lancaster city and county, for the late very liberal aud gratifying increase of patronage bestowed on them, and hope by a very strict attention to business, to merit its continuance. ERBEN CO. JOHN A.

ERBEN. 1 WAIHINOTON B. ERBEN. tSUniteI States Clothing Store. Sign of the Striped Coat.

No. 42, North Queen street, east side, near Orange. Lancaster march 23-tf-16 now keepiDg a confectionery at Sixth and Market streets, tor obtaining goods under false pretences. For this offence he was sentenced to a few months imprisonment, but was pardoned out by Governor Porter. Spring remarked to the lawyer who conducted the case for the prosecution, that he convicted him, but it would be as much as Governor Porters place was worth, to keep him there and his pardon shows that this must have had some influence, however small.

It is a singular fact, that upon the prison record opposite Spring's conviction, a gallows was drawn at the time, with a man hanging from it, and underneath, this sentence Justice icill one day overtake the guilty- After Spring had got rid of this trouble, he re-opened a tavern near Fairmount but the mixing of liquor with his base passions, soon forced him to relinquish a business unsuited to him, and destructive of the peace of the neighborhood. The next place we hear of Arthur Spnng is in the city of New York, and it seems that his removal to new scenes and new- associations were not productive of much benefit to his tem-per and morals but a short time elapsed before we heard ol bim in the Criminal Court, charged with the murder of his wife. He escaped the noose of the gallows, not because he was believed innocent by the people of that city or the jury, but from the fact that his son, the same boy, that now publishes his guilt, was so young, and he being the only one who could testily to the outrage, that his evidence was re-iected. In October, subsequent to Springs trial for the killing ot his wife, he was charged, trieirconvicted of Grand larceny, and sentenced to Sing Sing prison, for the term of eight years. He served 9even years of his term, and then received a pardon from the Governor, through the interference of this same son, and once more cast loose upon society.

Spring and his son remained in New "i ork untd some five weeks back, when he made his appearance in our city once more, and took lodgings at the boarding house of Maguire, in Market street, near Schuylkill Front, where he remained until arrested on the charge of committing one of the most bloody and revolting murders to be found on the criminal calender of our country. Having thus briefly, but we believe truthfully, given a history of Arthur Spring, we will now proceed to relate all the lacts connected with the murdered women, that we have been able to obtain from reliable sources. We stated above that Mrs. Lynofc and Mrs. Shaw came from the same district in Ireland, in which Arthur Spring was born.

Mrs. Shaw was married quite young, the town of Dingle, to Dr. Leavett, with whom she lived fourteen years, she fortunately never had any children. Her husband died on the th of January, 1852. Ellen Lynch was born on the 4th of March, 1822, and married John Dowd, in Dingle, 18-43.

Dowd died in 1849, and his widow c.iine to this country soon after. On her passage, she had the ship fever. Lynch met with her on her arrival, and having known her in the old country, when a child, and being extremely fond of her, made proposals of marriage, which were accept ed, and they were subsequently married, in the Church of St. Philip de Neri, Southwark, and commenced a short time afterwards, keeping house in Federal street. It seems that Spring, after his release from prison in New York, called at Lynch's residence, to see Mrs.

Shaw, and during that visit received money and clothes from her, he being very poor, and badly in need of these ariicles. Mrs. Harrington introduced Spring to Lynch, at his house in Federal street, and he was subsequently told that his company was not desired, that he did not like his looks, that he was a convict, and he would beat him if he did not cease his visits. Lynch also gave his wife instructions not to let Spring in the house, unless he (Lynch) was present. The last time Lynch saw Spring, was on the evening previous to his leaving for New York, when he was asked by Spring if he was going away.

He said, if his health permitted he should, and Mrs. Shaw also informed Spring that he intended to go to New York that Lynch had just been paid off that he had $SO, and would be gone for some time. Mrff. Lynch at one time resided in the family of Mr. Durand, druggist, corner of Sixth and Chesnut street.

Mrs. Shaw is represented as having been an excellent, good-hearted woman, her only fault being a desire for liquor. Lynch is a good swordsman, and has served three years in the London police, in divisions N. Officer Goldy, who was sent on by Mr. Reed to Washington, for the purpose of ascertaining the character of young Spring, has returned, but the full particulars of the result of that visit will not, of course, be made public until the trial, which it is supposed will be commenced to-morrow.

We have understood, from a gentleman who resides in Washington, and was at one time connected with the Police Department of that city, that he often met with, or saw young Spring on the avenue, and in other parts of the city, and that he never knew or beard anything to his disparagement. He saidjyoung Spring was pointed out to him as the son of Spring, who had been tried for the murder of his wife, and it was this fact, which had induced him to pay some little attention to his movements. Rich Figured Silks. Changeable Silks Plain Silks. Black Silks, Mantilla Silks.

Chene Silks. obtaining a thorough Mercantile Education. Nothing indeed has been omitted thst is calculated to produce the desired result. The Rooms of the College are well fitted up, conveniently arranged, and located in the most desirable portion of the city. Connected thereto is a Commercial Library, and this, in connection with familiar Leotures on Commercial Law and Mercantile Science, is a matter of the highest importance to all who desire to become Accountants of the first order, and occupy stations of profit and re ponsibility.

A young man can here obtain a more correct knowledge of general business matters in a few weeks than can be acquired in as nyiny years in aDy one Counting-House. Thecourse of study Double Entry Book-keepiug. and its adaptation to various departments of Commerce and Trade. Mercantile Calculations taught according to the most improved methods. Practical Penmanship, combining rapidity of execution with beauty of construction.

Lectures on Mercantile Law, upon various important Mercantile subjects, beside many other points necessary for a book-keeper or business man to understand. The time necessary for an industrious Student to complete the course varies from 5 to 8 weeks. There being no vacation, applicants can enter at any time and attend both day and evening. Examinations are held at stated periods, and Diplomas awarded to those who graduate. For terms, write and have a Circular forwarded by mail, march 23 ly-16 pretended marshal and his posse to escape from exemplary damages for the wrongs done him.

Plaid Silks. Striped Silks. India Silks. Turc Satins. Watered Silks.

Lining Silks, etc, PARIS EMBROIDERIES, Comprising Heriton Lace Goods, Muslin and Lace Collars, Sleeves. Chemisettes, Embroidered Cambric Handkerchiefs, Worked Dress Muslins, Edgings. Insertings. FANCY DRESS GOODS, Comprising every variety in the newest styles. BEAUTIFUL SHAWLS-Canton, Crape, Broche.

Thibet. Cashmere and other Shawls Ladies and Gents Kid Gloves. Handkerchiefs, Cravats, Ribbons, Laces, etc. The whole stock will be offered at the LOWEST PRICES at which goods of equal quality can be bought in America, and shown with pleasure to ail who may favor us with a call. J.

V. DEPUY, March 9-3m-I4 No. 41, North Eighth Street. township, this county, Mr. John years, 6 months and 6 days.

On the 28th Leah A Gardner, daughter of John and Leah Gardner, of Conestoga township, this county, aged 11 years, 10 months and 22 days. On Sunday morning, the 20th inst Mrs. Elizabeth, wifo of William Freeman, in the 28th year of her age. At Linden Hall, Penns Valley, Penna (at the residence of her father Col Andrew Gregg.) on the 2d inst Mrs. Martha Mitchell, wife of John B.

Mitchell, M. of Boalsburg Pa. RESPONSIBLE AGEATS WASTED, ROOK. Six Days in a Grave. An account was given a short time ago of two men and a boy having been buried six days and six nights in I TO sell a new and complete statisti- I ZtHEAP WINDOW SHADE Depot and CAL GAZKTEER OF THE UNITED STATES.

I Manufactory of G. L. MILLER S. V. ho ifillfiril FiaViaw A nthn of tba ll Root nf I nnvnur A anil Sofinnrl afropf a PHI I.

A I I4T A by Richard S. Fisher, M. Author of the Book of corner Arch and Second streets. PHILADELPHIA. Maryland Farms Mill for Sale.

TVTO. 1, A FARM of 2U0 Acres and Al upwards, 16 or 17 miles from Baltimore, good road, with large timber, a SMALL HOUSE, Sta-ble, handsomely situated, rolling, and clear of stones, healthy, and iu a good neighborhood. JbAft near stores, post office, places of worship, will be sold entire, or in three Lots, at 15 sdollars per acre, one third cash, and balance in 1 and 2 years, No. 2, A FARM of 256 Acres, 17 or 18 miles from Baltimore. 50 in wood, and 120 in good productive Meadow and Bottom Land, with a neverfailing stream of water passing through it, on which is a good Mill seat.

The improvements are a newly repaired DWELLING, Stable, Milk House and Spring atthe door; Barn, a young Apple Orchard of 100 trees in bearing, good fence, and may be divided into two or three good farms. Price, $30 per acre, and no less $1500 cashand balance on time to suit purchasers. No. 3, A FARM of 260 Acres, about three miles from Baltimore, good road, with all the necessary buildings in good order, as wellasgood.fence?. Lime Kiln and best of Limestone in abundance, situated at the head oi Dulaneys limestone valley, land rolling, and in a high state of cultivation.

Persons wanting large and productive Farms, would do well by looking at the above. Price, $50 per acre, and no less. $15oo cagb, and balance on time to suit purchaser. No. 4, A FARM of 48 Acres, Wood Lot, the property of the late J.

H. Jenkins, deceasad. and situated near Fallston. Harford about 20 miles from Baltimore, in a business part of tbe country, where all kinds of mechanism, is carried on. and places of worship, schools, post office, c-and in like manner the former places.

Terms made known on application to the undersigned. No. 5, A Lot of about 25 Acres of Land, on the Little Falls of Gunpowder, Philadelphia pike. 16 miles from Baltimore; improvements. a STONE DWELLING, about 40 by 20 feet, meat house, well of good water at the door, and a small tenement on the premises.

a fair Apple Orchard, together with a COUNTRV MILL, with two pair of burrf-, one for corn, and the other for wheat, dam new. and has a good run of custom. A store has been kept in said mill for years to advantage ducks and fish in season price $5000. one third cash, and balance in one and two years. This property formerly sold at $8000.

100 more Farms, for sale. Address Hsney R.Fbll, Texas post office, Baltimore county. or to the subscriber, at Fork Meeting post office. Baltimore county, post paid, otherwise noanswer will be given. ISHMAEL DAY.

Jan, 12-tf-61 Property Agent. The Great It is expected that Franconi'a great hippodrome will go into of the Seine Inferieure, and then rescued. A a marl pit at Ecrettcville, in the department operation on the first of May next, the first of May next, the first thing of the kind that has been introduced into the United States. Two hundred and fifty horses will be daily em ployed, and there Mill be about an eaual number of artists and employees. The Steamship Washington, to leave Southampton the 30ib relation of the affair derived from the sufferers, is now given in a Rouen paper.

During the whole of that time they were without food, without water, and without light, aud almost without clothes and they were in such aeon-fined place that, with the exception of the boy, they could not stand upright. Boitard, the The Deaf asd Dumb From the annual report of the Board of Directors ot the Pennsylvania Insti. tution for the deaf and dumb, Tor the year 1852, we learn that the Institution is in a more flourishing condition than it has ever been heretofore. The number of pupils is larger than at any former period. During the year 1852, thirty-three pupils sixteen boys and seventeen girls were admitted, and twenty-five--eleven boys and fourteen girls were dismissed, and one girl died.

There remained in the Institution on the 31st day of December, 1S52, seventy-eight boys and sixty-five girls total one hundred and forty-three. Ol this number ninety-seven are supported by the State. By a rule of the Instintion, deaf and dumb children are not received under ten years of age. The annual charge is one hundred and sixty dollars, for which sum everything necessary is provided, including the usual clothing of the Institution, boarding, lodging, washing, tuition, stationery, and medical attendance; or one hundred and thirty dollars per annum in case the clothing is furnished by the parents or friends of the pupil. Applicants for the bounty of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, must be between the ages of ten and twenty years, and before they can be admitted satisfactory evidence must be furnished from respectable persons in the neighborhood of the pecuniary inability ot the parents, and of the good nature and intellect of the child, and its lreedom from any constitutional malady that might incap.tciate it for instruction.

The number of pupils on the State fund is limited. New pupils can only be admitted when vacancies occur. The term allowed is six years. Late Isteelioesc from California. The two weeks later California intelligence, brought by the steamer Uncle Sam, which arrived at New York on Tuesday morning, is of far more cheering character than anything previously received from the Pacific side for some months.

The weather had become settled and pleasant, the roads were in a passable condition, and supplies of provisions had g-me forth from San Francisco in all directions. The hungiy had been led, the naked clothed, and the sick cared for. The markets remained in about the same condition as per last accounts, with the exception of flour, which had again slightly declined in price. No better evidence is wanting that the miners are in a most flout ishing condition, than the announcement that two steamers sailed from the empire city of the Pacific on the 15th and 16th with over three millions, seven hundred thousand dollars' worth of gold, destined lor the Atlantic States. Not satisfied with mere gold, the treasure-seekers have turned their attention to diamonds.

It is asserted that one of these precious brilliants, larger than that of the Crown diamond ol England, which is valued at ten millions, has been picked up near Columbia, in Toulumne county. What next? Jess Lisd's Domestic Difficulties. A New York correspondent says The success of Madame Sontag in concert and opeta has induced Jenny Lind to determine upon again visiting the United States. The unhappiness of her domestic relations may have had some influence upon her in coming to this tlecis on; but that she will again visit our shores, should her life be spared, is a fact beyond dispute. 1 alluded above to the domestic difficulties ol Jenny Lind.

These, I am informed, upon the most reliable authority, exist, and are still becoming ol the most serious and unpleasant nature. Shortly after the honeymoon, some trilling misunderstanding occurred between her and Mr. Goldschmidt, (her husband) which lias been daily increasing until her sufferings are now too intolerable to be endured. His petty acts of selfishness, and his determination to iule her as with a rod of iron, have caused her the greatest unhappiness, and a separation has, I am distinctly informed, been agreed upon. The well known generosity of Jenny is one of the main causes of the difficulty, her husband being opposed to the giving away ol anything.

But then, it may be, that the high temper which Jenny displays at times, has also effect its in rendering her home unhappy. Certain it is, such a state of things exist, and what 1 have written above you will find corroborated to the very letter. The Easters Penitestiart. The annual report of the Inspectors of the Eastern Penitentiary, just issued, furnishes some interesting statistics On the first ot January, 1S52, there were 310 prisoners, during the year, 126 were received and 153 discharged, leaving on the first of the present year 283 prisoners, viz: 219 white males, 12 white females, 48 colored males and 4 colored females Of those discharged by expiration of sentence 56 were white males, 0 white females; 28 colored males and 3 colored females. Those discharged by pardon were 40 white males, 2 white females, 2 colored males and 1 colored female; and 14 prisoners were removed by order ol court, 13 to the Montgomery county prison, aud 1 to the alms-house, an imbecile old man who was deemed'an unfit subject for penitentiary discipline.

All the inmates were employed except 15, some ot whom are insane and others too infirm to work. Ol the whole number 220 may be considered as productive laborers, or those from whom the income of the prison is derived. The expenditures for the support of the convicts were $17,875 75, and the product of the convict's labor is set down at 04, leaving a balance ot only $1,545 71. The salaries, however, amount to $14,856 68 The physician reports that there has never, during the history of the institution, been so great an exemption from disease as during the past year. In February, the small-pox appeared among the inmates in a mys.

terious manner, and one death occurred from it; the only other death was an old colored man, who had spent twenty-three years of his life in various prisons, including two in the penitentiary his death was caused by consumption. The Moral Instructor in his rejiort, adverts to the hopes of pardon enter taineil by almost every prisoner as interfering with his attempts to produce penitence and reformation through proper religious counsel some being so perfectly absorbed with that one great idea as to be unwilling to converse on any other subject. Ol the persons sentenced, 43 were for larceny, 10 lor burglary, 19 for passing or making counterfeit notes, and coin; horse stealing, arson, arson, arson and burglary, bigamy, manslaughter, and murder in the second degree, 9. The term ol sen tences range from 6 months to 14 years; 91 were for 3 years and under; 26 between three and seven years; of those above, 1 was for 7 years, 6 months; for 7 years. 11 months; 2 for 8 years; 1 for 10 years; 1 for 11 years, 9 menths; 2 for 12 years, and 1 for 14 years.

REVIEW OF THE MARKET o. instant, will bring seventy four persons con- eldest man, declares that during the whole Every variety ef SHADES, Wholesale and Retail, such as Scroll, Flower. Gothic. Viguette, Oil and Dry Landscapes, are to be had at the lowest prices for quality of work. Orders for Gilt.

Plain Store, Lettered and other Shades executed at short notice. Merchants and others are invited to giveus atrial. We will try to please. Brasses, Trimmings, always on hand. Remember S.

W. corner Second and Arch Streets, Philadelphia. Feb lfl-6m-0 STRAW GOODS. TT7'E respectfully call the attention of MERCHANTS and MILLINERS to our large and desirable assortment of BONNETS of our own importation and manufacture. Also, Palm Leaf, Canada, Leghorn, Panama and Braid HATS, which we are determined to sell at very low prices.

Dealers will find it to their advantage to examine our stock, before making their purchases. S. R. WILLIAMS, March 9-m-14 No. 3, Bank Philadelphia.

the World, the Gazetteer of Maryland. a Statistical Account of America, etc. Also, literary editor of Coltons American Atlas, and editor of the American Railway Guide. The most full and complete of any work of the kind ever offered to the Aineri can People, eminently practical in its arrangement, and to the Commercial Man. the Farmer, Mechanic and Artist, an indispensable companion.

Agents wanted in every State and County in the Union. FuU particulars will be given by addressing. Post Paid. w. Raymond Stearns, 5 Fowlers Buildings, No.

102 Nassau N. Y'ork. march 23 5t-16 Girard College Tor Orphans. NOTICE is hereby given by tbe L)iree- of the Girard College for Orphans, that they are prepared to bind out Seventy-nine Children, who have been pupils in the said College, and who are all between the ages of 14 and 16 years, as Apprentices to suitable persons in this Commonwealth, in either of the occupations of Agriculture, Navigation, Arts. Me-chanicaljTrades.

or Manufactures. The term of such apprenticeship shall expire when the apprentice shall attain the age of 21 years, or soon-er upon the decease of the master The master of such apprentice will be required to find and provide him, during the term of apprenticeship, with sufficient meat, drink, apparel, wai-hing and lodging at his own place of residence and at the con elusion of the term of apprenticeship, to furnish him with at least two complete suite of clothes, one of which shall be new. The master and apprentice are to be subject in their Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, ELLMAKER RICHARDS, West King street, LANCASTER have constantly on hand and for sale, a large assortment of every article in their line of business, to which we invite the attention of Country Merchants, Physicians and Consumers generally. Our stock consists in part of Calomel, Dovers Powder, Opium, Morphia, Jalap. Rhubarb, Ipecac, Ext.

Belladonna, Iodine, Gentian, Castor Oil, Hogosciamus. lies, 4 Sweet Extracts for flavoring Jel Seneka Perfumery. jgSole Agents for Sands Smith fe Stratters New York Varnishes. bo. ELLMAKER RICHARDS, m'h 23 -tf-1 6 eat ing street, Lancaster.

HOUSEHOLD MARKETS. Lancaster, March 19. 1S53 Butter Sold at IS, 19 a 20 cents per pound. Egos 16 a 1S cents a dozen. Lard 9 a 10 cents per lb.

Aipl.ebutter 7 a oc per pint. Soup Beans 6 conts a quart. Diued Fruit Apples, Cherries, Peaches, Pears, bring about cents a quart. Onions 10c per half peck. Apples Briug from 6 to 10 cents per half peck, accoiding to quality.

Potatoes By tho half peck, 6a 8 cents, and 50 to 62 cents per bushel. Poultry Chickens, 20 to 31c a pair, as to size Turkeys, from 50c and upwards; Geese, 50 to 62c Ducks, 25c a pair. Turnips 3 to 6 cents per half peck. Corn 62cents per bushel, in the ears. Oats For bags of three bushels, $1.18, nected with the hippodrome, among whom are Franconi and Mons.

and Mad Cherenie, who are distinguished in their line of business at London and Paris. The celebrated Car of Roses, or Bacchus, will also soon arrive by the ship Sea Duck, from Havre. Thirteen artists are on board the packet ship Northumberland, with ostriches and elephants, and are daily expect ed to arrive at this port. The hippodrome is located on the Fifth avenue, at its junction with Broadway, on the west side of Mndison Square, and between 23d and 24th streets. The ground has for many years been occupied by the American Institute, at the time of the annual fair for the Cattle show, and the Madison Cottage (one of the old landmarks) is being demolished to clear the ground.

The hippodrome is in the form of a large amphitheatre, 350 by 200 feet, and will scat from 12.000 to 15,000 persons. The surrounding wall and the seats are nearly completed. The interior will he laid out in the centre as a garden in four sections, with foun tains, flowers and shrubbery, and be covered by a decorated tent. The buildings are said to be more complete, capacious, and better arranged than any of the kind yet constructed The style of entertainment will be entirely time he did not sleep more than two hours but his two companions, and especially the youngest, Blcpt more. They slept back to back.

They felt no hanger, and Boitard says that even if they had had provisions, they would not have touched them but they experienced great thirst. On the fourth day they found a little water thick with marl, by digging into the bottom of the pit. It was this water, probably, which preserved their strength. At first they heard the noise of the pickaxes and spades above them but during the last three days there breathing was so loud as to prevent it from reaching them, and this circ*mstance natural ly increased their agony of mind they also feared that the miners were digging in a wrong direction. One of them had about fifty chemi cal matches and a small piece of candle but though, they often tried, they could not, for want of air, cause the candlo to burn.

During the latter part of the time they became so exhausted as to be unconscious of their position but they remember that the boy once cried as if in a dream, There is the rope, Boitard Let us ascend Only one of them, Briard, was able to shed tears; and when he did so, the boy consoled him by telling him that they were sure to be rescued. The CABINET WARE EMPORIUM. 136 South Second PHILADELPHIA. 3 63 W. J.

ALLEN respectfully in form tbeir friends and customers that they have removed from 137 Walnut street, to No 136 SOUTH SECOND STREET, where they have on hand a large and splendid assortment of SUPERIOR FURNITURE of every description, to which they invite the attention of purchasers. March 9-3m-14 LARGE assortment of Fishing TACKLE, for sale at ELLMAKER RICHARDS Drug and Chemical Store, West King st Lancaster. Qrmo Qtadc Tatt tt'P a I relations to each other to the ActR of Assembly in force jA1vU1jxN oEEDS, oOAPS, XOILET VA in this Commonwealth, in regard to apprentices and TER, for sale at ELLMAKER RICHARDS March 23-tf-16J West King street, Lancaster, in regard to apprentices their masters. Every apprentice will be furnished by the Directors aforesaid, at the time of binding, with a suitable outfit. Persons who are desirous to receive any of said Children as Apprentices, will make written application, directed to HENRY W.

ARKV. Secretary of the Girard College. Box 275. Philadelphia Post Office, statiugname. business and residence.

march 23-6t-16 AN A ST It 11 A 1 A KET wholesale, Tuesday, March 223 oclock p. m. Flo-r, superfine, per 4.80 extra, 5 12 Whixe Wheat, per bushel, 1.05 Red Corn, old per bushel, Oats, YE, Whiskey, in iu bbls Clover Seed, per bush Timothy do do Flax do do STRAW GOODS. I take this opportunity to notify my customers aud the trade in general that 1 have instore a choice assortment of STRAW BON NETS, such as Blonds. Tripolis.

Pearls. French Gimps Gossamers; CHILDFEN HATS, BONNETS, STRAW TRIMMINGS AND MILLINERY GOODS, such as Crapes and Tarlton Linings; FRENCH and AMER1 CAN BUCKRAM FRAMES. CROWNS. TIPS. to which I invite your attention.

Having made arrange ments with the principal Importers and Manufacturers. so that i will be enabled to receive the newest styles of goods, I feelconfident that I can sell my goods Ati LOW as any person in the trade. WM. G. CALVER, March 9-3m No.

59. N. Second Philadelphia. NOTICE. To the heirs or legatees of MARY MAYERS late of Martic township, dcd.

Un motion ofBenjamln Herr, the Court grant a rule on the heirs and legatees of the estate of Mary Mayers, late of Martic township, Widow, to come into Court on the 3rd Monday of April, 1853, at 10 o'clock A. to accept or refuse the real estate of said at the appriasem*nt. EfTfffJAttest, D. MAY, Clk. O.

C. mar 23-3t-16 Philadelphia News insert 3t once a week. new in this country quite a different thing 1 moment a breath of air reached them they I.a.., I in I from the fainted, but after a while recovered. The first thing Boitard said, on being rescued, was, Give men pinch of snuff! and he took it with intense delight. Gaignaui.

DECLINED GOING WEST. A CARD TO THE PUBLIC. Still remaining at tbe OLD STAND, next door to John N. Lanes Mammoth Granite Buiinings, East King street. Lancaster.

Pa. Having come to the conclusion not to go West. I would respectfully return my thanks to my friends and patrons as well as to the public generally, for the liberal patronage bestowed ou my establishment since the commencement. It is the solicitation offriends, which has induced me once more toenterinto the CABINET MAKING BUSINESS, in all its various branches, and I am determined to surpass all my former exertions. I intend for tbe future to adhere to my old system, but one quality, one price and no abatement, and while my will be cash, 1 iutend to sell cheaper than over.

I wish to be distinctly understoodtbat in quality, my work shall be second to no establishment in the city, i do not assert this boastingly, but desire my friends toAve me a call, confident that a careful comparison will carry conviction to the minds of the most incredulous. No pains or expense will be spared to render mj work sat isfactory to all who wish to iavor mo with a call. Also The Blind making buiuess will be carried on in all its various branches. 1 have just returned from the city with new patterns and styles. Walnut Blinds will be made to order.

I will also carry on the Undertaking in all its branches; Mattresses, Cushions. Carpets and Oil-cloth will be made and attended to promptly. The rules to be as follows 1. My terms are Cash. 2.

I will endeavor to treat all my customers with equal respect. 1 3. To allow no article to leave my premises which may not in the strictest sense of the word, be considered perfect therefore, any person either a judge or not, may rely upon receiving everything good. It will be my aim to suit the tastes of all therefore if any person wishes to purchase a piece of Furniture, Blinds, Mattress, Cushion or Curtains, they can bo suited in every respect, by leaving their order at the resideuce of the undersigned, in East King street, or at his shop in Vine street, near South Queen. The undersigned, thankful for past favors, hopes by strict attention to business, to merit a share of past favors.

N. B. A Furniture Car for sale or hire. Old Furniture made new. C.

ANNE, sept 26-tf-44 Agent for Christiana Anne. circus. The Reman car will figure conspicuously, with race by female charioteers steeple chases, flat races, by female jockeys; ostriches rode at the rate of twenty miles an hour; Arabs in the desert, chased by Gon-gaves ostriches hunted by Bedouins, stag hunts, The hippodrome and Crystal Palace will be rival attractions. JV. V.

Jour. Commerce. Cedar Hill Female Seminary, On the Central Railroad, near Mount Joy.Lan. Pa. PIMIE Thirty Second Semi-annual Ses- JL sion of this Institution will close on the 31st inst.

The usual examination will be held on the 29th and 30th, to which the friends of the Institution, aud others interested in female education are respectfully invited. The Thirty-third Session, owing to works undertaken for enlarging and improving the Seminary premises, will be postponed to commence on the 12th of May next. Parents and Guardians purposing to place pu pils at Cedar Hill, are requested to make early application, also to have tbeir daughters in attendance on the day of the opening of the session. N. B.

Circulars and Catalogues of the past year will be forwarded on application to the subscriber. N. DODGE. march 23-6t-16 Principal and Proprietor. LANCASTER STOCK MARKET.

Reported by J. F. Shroder Co Bankers. Tuesday, March 22, 1853. Parval.

Bid. Asked Lancaster Bank, Farmers, Lancaster Columbia BOLDIN PRICE, DEALERS IN OIL, CANDLES, SOAP, 3l North Wharvrs, Third Store above Arch Stret PHILADELPHIA. gfThe two men (brutes who were re, cently convicted in Alleghany county, N. Y. of placing obstructions on the track of the Erie Railroad, it was proved on trial, had no Estate of peter weaver.

in the Court of Common Pleas for the county of Lancaster. Whereas, David Landis. Assignee of Peter Weaver, did, on the I6th day of March, 1863, file in the office of the Prothonotary of the said Court, his Account of the said Estate Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in the said Estate, that the said Court have appointed the 2tthdayof April, 1853. for tbe confirmation thereof, unless exceptions be filed. Attest, JOHN K.

RKED, Prothonotary. Proth'ys office, March 23 4t-16 CONSTANTLY ON HAND Elephant, Miners and Greasing Oil. Sperm, Adamantine. Mould and Dip Candles. Bank, Straits, Shore, Tanners, Sperm, Lard.

hale, Solar, Seduction and Desertion. A cruel case of seduction and desertion has just come under our notice. Some time last summer or fall, a man calling himself Harly Hadly, took up his I for the purpose of robbing the passengers in I Manheim Plank Road residence in one of the towns of this coun the eeneral melee. I YJdo'T street Turnpike ty, and figured conspicuously among the young In marriage, prefer the person before wealth, virtue before beauty, and the mind before the body; then you have a wife, a friend and a companion. people, making himself particularly agreeable to the young ladies.

Fixing his attention upon the daughter of a respectable farmer, he marked her as his victim. Under promise of marriage he effected her ruin, and left the town, ill-will towards the Railroad company, their object being to throw the train from the track Lancr Savings Institution Lancaster Gas Conestoga tHeam Mills Manor Litiz Middletown Now Holland James Morte 6 per ct. Conestoga Steam Mills 6 loan Coupon Bonds The Philadelphia Bulletin of Thursday relates the following incident The Romance of Real Life. John Asp-den, whose sudden death on Monday, was noticed in our colums, is to be buried this afternoon from Swanson street, Southwark. Mr.

Aspden was one of the English claimants of the immense estate left by Mathias Aspden. Before the case was decided by the Supreme Court in favor of the American heirs, the latter proposed to the deceased to compromise the matter and offered to pay him the sum of $250,000 to relinquish his claim; this he refused to do, and the decision of the Court cut him off without a farthing. On Monday morning the estate was divided between the heirs at law, and almost in the same moment, John Aspden fell dead, at a tavern in Carters Alley, of disease of the heart, supposed to have been induced by disappointment and mortification At the time of his death his pockets contained a solitary cent his entire fortune Today, the man who might have been the posses-ser of a quarter of a million of dollars, will be borne to his grave from an obscure part of the District of Southwark. Truth is quite as strange as fiction. NOTICE Whereas, Letters of Ad- ministration on the Estate of JOSEPH S.

BOYD, late of Drumore township. Lancaster deceased, have 0 been granted to the undersigned. All person indebted 7 iHK bummer bCSSlOn 01 this Institu- A. A mam 4a mnlra inmaillata nil w. Frclldoun Hoarding; Srliool, FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS.

to make immediate Yellow, ilrown, Castile aud Fancy Soap CRYSTALLINE AND PRICES PAX, ENT CANDLES. Philadelphia, March 9 ly14 to said estate are requested payment, and ail those having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement to the undersigned, at the mansion of said deceased. SAMUEL BOYD, march 23 6t16 Administrator. G. W.

Burton. Robt.S. Rxkd (Late of the J5rm of Scull Thompson.) I1URTOX HEED, Wholesale Grocers N. Corner of Front and Arch Streets, Phila. T7'ILL always keep on Land a well selected stock of Groceries, suitable for Lan- CAUTION.

My wife, Lydia Boyer, having left, my bed aod board without any just cause, all persons are cautioned against furnishing her with any thing on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting. JOHN R. BOYER, march 23 3t-16 Karl twp. caster county trade. March 9,1853.

6m8-14 Through to San Francisco. VIA ABPIXWALL AND PAN AM 4. NEW YORK and SAN FRANCISCO Steam Ship Line, composed of the following new side-Wheel, double engine steam-ships, vie WINFIELD SCOTT. 2100 tons. Edw'd Dunn.

Com dr. CORTES, 1S0O Thos B. Cropper, assuring the confiding victim of his art. that he was about to take up his residence at Cleveland, Ohio, and would shortly return and marry her. Overburdened with shame, and exposure becoming inevitab.e, tho young lady left her home, traveled on foot five miles, and took the cars for Buffalo.

She there fell in with the Sisters of Charity, who dissuaded her from a further pursuit of her perfidious lover, and provided for her wants. Iu despair she returned to this city, determined to conceal her shame and the knowledge of her whereabouts from her parents. She found a female friend, who repaited with her to Mr. McKay, Overseer of the Poor, who assisted her to a refuge, where she will remain until her situation will permit her to provide for herself. Of the whereabouts of the perfidious wretch who has thus trifled with the affections of a hitherto respectable girl, and brought misery and sorrow around a hitherto peaceful fireside, we have no knowledge.

We regret that we have not a description of his personal appearance, to give the western press, that they might be instrumental in his identification, and assist in holding him up to the scorn of the world. Rochester Union. H. C. JOHNSTON.

W. HOLLOWAY. J. COWDEN. Jolinston, Holloway Cowden, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS AND CHEMISTS, Market Street, above Eleventh Girard Row PHILADELPHIA.

DEALERS in Drugs, Chemicals, Per- fumery. Paints. Oils, Window Glass. We call the attention of Physicians and Country Merchants particularly, to our stock of DRUGS and CHEMICALS, selected with the greatest care, which we offer at the lowest market price, and best terms. Philadelphia, March 8 3m-14 'rhe JUyoming Seminary Destroyed by Dire.

Three Hundred Pupils Suddenly Turned Out of Shelter. 1 tion will commence on the first Second day (Monday) of Fifth month next, and continue twenty weeks. The usual branches of a thorough English education will be taught. Scientific Lectures will be delivered during the term, illustrated by appropriate apparatus. Terms $50 per session.

For further particulars address the principal at F.rcildoun P. Uhestercoun-ty. Pa. SMEDLEY DARLINGTON, Principal. 3d month 23d 6t-16 VOUXG LADIES INSTITUTE, STRASBURG, LANCASTER CO PA.

UNDER the immediate superintendence of MISS I. WORK. Graduate of the emale Seminary. Steubenville, Ohio. j0Tbe Summer Session of the Seminary will commence on the first Monday of May next.

1853. Terms per Session of Five Months Boarding, including iigbts $45.00 TuitioD, English Branches 10 00 Music, with use ef Instruments 16 00 Drawing i 6.00 Flower Painting 10,00 French 10.00 Washing at 30 cents per dozen. Books and Stationery furnished to pupils at Cost prices. IE7Tbe course of instruction is thorough, embracing all tbe branches usually taught in similar Insti tutions. The services of an able and efficient Teacher have been secured.

Particular attention paid to the moral and religious training of the pupils. The government is mild but firm. The location of the borough is healthy, surrounded by beautiful scenery, is easy of access, having a daily line of to and from Lancaster, and a line of Cars, making several trips daily, to aud from Leamon Place, on the Philadelphia and Columbia Railroad. For further particulars, please address MISS I. WORK, Principal.

REFERENCES. Rev. D. McCarter. Jas.

Mclhail, John Steele, Samuel Keneagy. M. John Musselman, Eeq George S. Wbiteliill. Strasburg.

Rev. W. R. Work. Pottstown.

Rev S. McNair. Marsfield. N. Jersey Rev.

C. C. Beatty, D. Steubenville. O.

Rev. W. T. Adams. Hayes-ville, O.

Those marked thus () have had daughters in this Institution. march 16-tf-15 IN THE MATTER of the intended ap- plication of JOHN WIDDOES, to the Court of Quarter Sessions, at April term. 1853, for License to keep a tavern in Sadsbury township it being a new stand. We, the undersigned citizens of Sadsbury township, where said inn or tavern is proposed to be kept, do certify that the said inn or tavern is necessary to accom-date the public and entertain strangers and travelers, and that we are we. 1 acquainted with the said John Widdoes, who is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and conveniences for the accommodation of strangers and travelers Samuel Sellers.

Jos. McClure, A. Young, John Boon. Geo. W.

Inrln, Jac. Oatman, Borland. Jones, J. W. Moom.

S. H. Hindman, Jac. K. Smoker, John Smoker, Jasn.ivingston, Chas.

Williums. mar 23 3t-16 loan per ct. Lancaster city 6 per ct. Coupon Bonds Lancaster city 5 per ct Coupon Bonds Stocks arc all dull, and present appearances do not show much chance for improvement till after April. A small lot of 50 Shares Conestoga Steam Mills changed hands at an advance.

PHILADELPHIA, Monday Evening. Cloverseed Is in steady demand, and further sales of prime were made at $6 75 per 64 lbs. Elour 1000 barrels Flour sold at $4 87 per barrel for straight brauds, and 5 50 for extra. Rye Flour is held at 3 87, and Corn Meal at $3 per barrel, but no sales of either have been reported. Grain There is no Wheat arriving, and the millers hold off in anticipation of lower prices.

We quote Red at $1 10 a $1 11, and White at $1 16 a 1 17 per bushel. Rye is scarce and worth 80 a 82 cents, at which it is taken on arrival. Corn Is in good demand, and 3 a 4000 bushels Southern Yellow, about all afloat, sold at 60 cents, and a cargo of White at 58 cents. Oats In Oats no further transactions have been reported We quote at 44 cents. Whiskey The demand is limited.

Sales of bar. rels at 23 cents, and bhds. at 22 cents Cattle Market The offeringsof beefcattle for the week were about 1200 head. Beeves areseiling from $6 50 to 8 50 per 100 lbs Hogs There were about 800 in market and sold from $7 to $7 50. Cows There were about 150 in market, and sold from $8 to 35 8hkkp and Lamb5; The former from $2 to 4 the latter from $1 50 to $3, according to quality.

BALTIMORE, MARKET, March 21. Flour Sales to-day of Howard Street Flour at Sales of City ills at $1, (train. 8ales of Red Wheat at 102al06 and white do at lOSall'2 cts Sales of prime White Corn at 52c. We quote at 50a52e. Sales of Yellow at principally at 55a5G.

Oats 34a36c. Beef Cattle. There were offered at the scales today 7C0 head of Beef Cattle. Prices ranged from $3 00 to $4 50 on the hoof, and averaging $3 75 gross net $6a9. Hous.

Stales at the scales to-day of live hogs at $7a7 50. Whiskey at 23c. On the Pacific side. 1500 tons. RicH'o Adams, Comr On the Atlantic side.

7The UNION will leave New York, from Pier No. 4. North River, ou Tuesday, April 5th, at 3 P. precisely, And will land her passengers on th Wharf, at Aspinwall. at Navy Bay.

where they take the Panama Railroad to Gorgona. aud from thence by mules, or on foot, to Panama, at which place one of the above splendid steamers, will be in readiness, to receivethem. and proceed immediat'dy toSAN RAN-CISCO. stopping only at Acapulco for supplies of frc--h provisions and fuel. The whole espensc between Navy Bay and Panama will be between and $20, dependant upon whether passengers walk or ride from Gorgona.

and weight of baggage. These Steamships were built in New York within a year, and are expressly for the trade, have large and comfortable accommodation and ventilated in a superior manner. and commanded by men of long experience. The fare is unsurpassed and steerage passengers are provided with hair mettraes and bedding. Each Steamer carries an experienced Physician.

are hereby cautioned that Tickets for this Line are sold only at 26 Broadway, New York. DAVIS, BROOKS Agents March 16, 1853 Great Spring and Summer Medicine Dr. JOHN BULLS SARSAPARILLA. SF.VEN REASONS FOR USING 11 THIS GREAT 1ILOOD 1st. Because it is highly plearant and agreeable to take, 2d.

Because it is composed of purely vegetable substances. having for its basis the genuine Sarsaparilla, Yellow Dock. Burdock and Dandelion. 3d. Because its ingredients are so admirably combined.

and so scientifically proportioned, that it acts like a charm in all impurities of the blood, or habit of tbe system BCW 4th. Because it is nature's own prescription, and acts in perfect harmony with her established laws. oth. Because every person who has used it once, will be pleased and will never use any other. 6th.

Because it acts upon the vital organs, arousing the liver to immediate action, equalizing tbe circulation. and displacing all rorbid secretions. th. Because it cleanses tbe blood of all Impurities, and as a ''female medicine it has no equal on earth. PHYSICIANS RECOMMEND BULLS SARSAPARILLA.

Dr. Bull Dear Sir We believe your Sarsaparilla to be the best article ever manufactured tor the cure of Scrofula. Piles, dancers, Old Sores and Ulcers, and many other cutaneous and glandular affections, having used it with entire success iu many caes. M. PYLES.

M. Resident Physician at the Louisville Marine Hospital. L. P. YANDELL, M.

Prof, of Chemistry in the Louisville Medical College. Suicide of Mk. Snsder. This gentleman, I RHEUMATISM. OF THE skv erest character who committed self-destruction, on Friday For the last three years I hive been affiicted with nigut, at the bt.

Charles House, was of Rheumatism of the severest character. 1 was at times iu the greatest agonies of pain. I tried every remedy I could procure, but found no permanent relief until 1 used Bull's Sarsapari la. which performed a permanent cure. 1SHAM ERIDGES.

Uniontown. Ky. Caution Ask for the Original DR. JOHN BULLS SARSAPARILLA, Jrom Kentucky and have no other. Agency for the state of Pennsylvania is at DR.

SWAYNE'S Laboratory, No. 4. North 7th st, above Market. Philadelphia. For sale by JOHN LONG fc Druggists, No 5, North Queen street, sole agent for the city and county of Lancaster.

mar 16-6iu-15 the firm of Snyder Turner, of Galena, en gaged in large lead mining operations there. The particulars of the dreadful act were in the highest degree tragical anl determined. He was on his way to this city on business, in company with his lady. On Thursday he made an attempt on his life with his razor, which was, however, frustrated by Mrs. Snyder, who took the razor from him.

On Friday night, however, he was unhappily successful in his desperate design. Having obtained another IN THE MATTER of the intended ap plication of HENRY S. SHENK, to the Court of Quarter Sessions, at April term, 1853, for license to keep a tavern in Rapho township, it being an old stand. We, the undersigned citizens of Rapho where said inn or tavern is proposed to be kept, do certify, that the said inn or tavern is necessary to accommodate the public aud entertain strangers and travelers, and that we are well acquainted with the said Henry S. Sheuk, who is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and that he is well provided with bouse room and conveniences for the accommodation of strangers and travelers.

Isaac ZeameT, Benjamin Bretz, Jacob Stauffer. John Miler, Samuel Binkley, Samuel Lytle. Elias Hamaker. Abraham Hershey, Setn Brubacher. Abm Cassel, Abm Doner, John Hamilton, Martin Bushong.

March 23 t-16 Wilkesbahre, March 15. Last nght, a fire broke out in the Wyoming Seminary, at Kingston, about one mile from this place, which entirely destroyed the buildings of the institution, suddenly turning three hundred pupils out of shelter. The fire originated in the attic, at the south end of the building, and everything was de stroyed except part of the instruments. The library which was a valuable collection, pre-'sented to the institution by the Hon. Ziba Bennett, of this place, was also totally de stroyed.

The north wing of the building was only recently added to the structure at the ex pense of Wm. Sweetland, a wealthy citizen of Wyoming Valley. The whole loss is estimated at $21,000, upon which there was an insurance of only $7,500 The pupils were in most instances unable to save either their hooks or clothing, such was the rapid progress of the flames. Within a Sew years, the Bev. Dr.

Peck had added to the library many valuable works which were also destroyed. The Institution was under the charge of the Rev. R. Nelson School Books, Paper, Subscribers offer to Country M- Merchants. Teachers and School Committees, one of the best assorted stocks of School Books and Stationery to be found in the City, which they are able to offer at first prices.

COUNTRY MERCHANTS will find all the leading School Books, Writing and Wrapping Papers, Curtain Papers, Blasting Papers, and all ordinary Stationery, Blank Books, Pens, Ink, on the most favorable terms SCHOOL COMMITTEES, TEACHERS and others purchasing in quantifies for Schools.are invited to call and examine our stock. We have had considerable experience in supplying School Districts, and being Publishers of a number of extensively used School Books, our facilities for getting such stock are unsurpassed. Amongst our Publications will be found tbe following Comly's Spelling Book, revised edition Primer; Young Orator; Gummere's Surveying, the standard Treatise on this Scicuce; Bonnycastle's Mensuration; Anderson's Davenport's History of the United States, used in tho Public Schools of New York and Philadelphia Gummere's Progressive Spelling Book; Comly's Grammar; Latin Dictionary; The Book of Commerce. URIAH HUNT SON, m'h 2-3ml 44 North Fourth Street, Philad'nri FURNITURE! FURNITURE! At No. 157 South Second St.t above Spruce, east side, Philadelphia.

The subscriber would most razor, he crept quietly from bed where his wife was lying asleep, and first raising tbe window, leaned out as lar as he could, so as to insure his falling forward. In that position he gashed his throat, by which the arteries were severed, and he fell on the sidewalk, (from the third story,) mangling himself in a fearful manner, apart from the horrible and fatal IN THE MATTER of the intended ap- plication ef UOTLEIB E. SENER. to the Court of Quarter Sessions, at April term, 1853. for license to keep a tavern in Washington borough, it being an old stand.

We. the undersigned citizens of Washington borough, where said inn or tavern is proposed to be kept, do certify, that the said inn or tavern is necessary to accommodate the public and entertain strangers and travellers, and that we are well acquainted with the said Gotleib E. Sener, who is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and that he is well provided with house room and conveniences for tbe accommodation of strangers and travellers. John Sbertzer.jS Lindemuth, John House, Manning, II Bitner, Johu Charles, John Dean, David Miller, Edw House, Jog Ross, Nathaniel Urban. David McFadden, A Bitner.

march 23-3t-16 R. R. HAPPY EFFECTS UPON A IYEW MARRIED COUPLE. JONATHAN K. MILLER, a Pedlar, aged 2G, on the 1st ot April left his home in the uortheru part of New York, in apparent good health on his wedding tour, in company with his young bride On Ilia return home he was suddenly attacked with Inflammatory Rheumatism; the attack came on while riding in the cars.

vere and painful were hissuifvrings that tears of pity wet tbe cheeks of mauy kind aud sympathizing travelling companions. At Utica. N. the cars were changed, and a passenger knowing the virtues of Rad-way's Ready Relief, purchased a bottle at Dr. Warners drug store; he immediately applied the Relief to the sufferer he used up the whole bottle, and upon arriving at Syracuse, the pain was so much relieved that he was enabled to walk to his carriage without and so severe and painful were hissuiferings that tears 1 1 1 lu walK ms carrmK8 wll AST WEEK of Dubufes Painting OF ADAM AND EVE at the Mechanics Insti tute Brilliantly illuminated every evening.

SINGLE ADMITTANCE REDUCED TO 12j CENTS The Agent respectfully informs the citizens of Lan caster, that the Exhibition will positively close on Sat urday night, March 20. march 23-lt respectfullyinform the readers of the Lancaster Herald, and Uho public in general, that he has on hand a constant uupply of Elegant. Fashionable and well-made FUR NITURE, at reasonable prices. Beiug a Practical echanic. and having all my goods manufactured under my superintendence.

purchasers can rely on getting such articles as represented. AThosc who are about going to Housekeeping would do well to call. JOHN A. BAUER. S.2ndst.

7All orders thankfully received and promptly attended to (March 2-ly-13 MORTIMORES rheumatic COMPOUND and BLOOD PURIFIER. Rheumatism can now be thoroughly cured by tbo us-e of MORT1MOR ES RHEUMATIC COMPOUND AND BLOOD PURIFIER, which has created the reputation of beingthe sole and reliable remedy for thir dire complaint. Physicians rarely undertake to eradicate Rheumatism aud its effects from the system, as it ha heretofore been considered an extraordinary matter to ei-fectacure. MORTIMORE COMPOL has thus far never been known to fail, and has received the endorsem*nt of most of the Faculty who have wituesMd its miraculous effects. Testimony of the mo'-t undoubted character will be cheerfully submitted to the inspection of all who may be sufficiently interested tocallonthe proprietors.

at their Central Office, No. 1, Barclay Astor House. New York or T.W DYOTT SONS, Sole Agents. 132. 2nd st Phila.

Chns A. Heiuit-h, ole agent for Lancaster. V. V. ALEXANDER oct 6-ly-45 Proprietors.

NY THE GREAT SPUIXGUEMEDT. THE thousands who have procured and used MORT1MORFS CELEBRATED BITTER CORDIAL AND BLOOD PURIFIER, say tnnt di-ea cannot remainlong in the system after commencing Jts use. It operates like a charm, being a fin -ioie, corrects the tones of the stomach, strenetnens the digestive organs, stimulates the liver to healthy action, sufficient to throw off the impure and tions. imparts puritv. richness and vitality to tne blood, circulates it freely throughout the system, thereby neutralizing aud impure deposits renews and strengthens the nervous system, re-tores toe constitution in all its strength aud vigor, and imparts a glow of health and beauty ot complexion.

Eminent Protessora and Pliysiciana of the first stan-medical profession use and prescribe it as thenost effective ALTERATIVE AND BLOOD PU-RlVlEB ever known while vast multitudes who had inn? suffered from diseases or complaints brought on bv Sedentary Habits, Exposure, indigestion, Torpid State of the Liver, or irapiuritics of the Blood, now look upon this Cordial as Mysterious aud Magical iu its healiug properties and restoring powers. jtis perfectly safe to be used many state ol health, even by the most delicate female or child. P. W. DYOTT SONS, sole Agents.

132 North Second street, Phi la lc i a V. ALEXANDER. Proprietors, Yoik. CHARLES A. HEINITSH, solo Agent October 6, 1852-lyl for Lancaster: wound on the throat, and covering the ground around him with gore.

The body was brought in and interred in Keokuk, on Saturday. The cause for this terrible act, as given in Keokuk, was that he had been laboring under intense mental excitement for some time, arising from losses he had sustained in California, from the uOCUing away Of some valuable property in the asi-istnnee. He has since reported him Kell cured, destructive freshets of 1851. He had been I In all cases of Inflammatory Rheumatism, Radways possessed of large means there, but the re- Relief wiu instantly stop the pain. Let those who verses, it is believed, unsettled his intellect soRLNESS-whether in the bones, flesh, joints.

A contradiction IS given to this belief, howev- or muscles, whether iu the head or feet, wherever it er, in the statements of his friends in this city, is Radways Relief will in a few moments, remove They say that be left San Francisco before the evL7 om the Jm- flood, and that they have not known him to be rAUSS-I'ersons who have beonsall- in pecuniary difficulties there, or subsequently moreover, at the time of his decease, he was known to be in possession of valuable and extensive land property in Galena. St, Louis Intelligencer vated with mercury, and fuel its effects still in their system, whose bones ache with pain, whoso flesh is covered with sores, are assured a speedy relief, of thoir pains, and a complete eradication of the poisouous deposits, by the use of Kadways Ready Relief and. Renovating Resolvent Croups, Spasms, Cholera, Dysentery, Diarrhos. Sick GREAT ATTRACTION A GRAND EXHIBITION of Trinop trie Views will take place in FULTON HALL. Lancaster.

ON THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, embracing the following splendid and interesting scenes The Great Mosque of Omar, three series; The Ship Columbus in the Bay of Biscay, storm and total loss; Mount Vesuvius by day and night, in eruption; Splendid Winter and Summer View of Kendall Mill; The Great Crystal Palace, or World's Fair, London; The Tower of London Place ot Execution of Queen Anne Boleyn, the famous Sir Thomas Moore, The (Treat Drumuioud Light will be shown after the exhibition. Further particulars will be given in small bills. Admittance 25 cents. children and schools half-pric e. mar 23 IN THE MATTER of the intended application of JOHN STYER.

to the Court of Quarter Sessions, at April term, 1853, tor license to keep a tavern in New Holland, Earl township, it being an I old stand We. the undersigned citizens of Earl township, where said inn or tavern is proposed to be kept, do certify, that the saidinnortavernisnecessarytoaccommodate the public and entertain strangers and travelers, and that we are well acquainted with the said John I Styer, who is of good repute for honesty and temperance. and that he is well provided with house-room and conveniences for of strangers Solomon Diffenderfer, Wm Smith, Adam Diller. James Darrow, Wendel IIoll, Jacob Richards, Brimmer, Lewis Kiohwine, Philip Brubaker. John Pier-sol, Samuel E.

Weaver, Peter Shirk mar 23-3t-16 One of the best examples we have seen of the hollow hearted character of the profes eions of economy and retrenchment put forth hy the Democratic party is the raising the sal aries of the Heads of Departments and the Foreign Ministers, to take effect as soon as Mr, Pierce went into power. Will the people note this inconsistency Arctic Expeditions. The various expedi tions that have been fitted out within the last five years, for the discovery of Sir John Franklin, have cost an aggregate of 758 466 Nearly eight years have elapsed without tidings from the missing voyager. No less than fifteen expeditions in all, consisting of thirty vessels, besides boats, have oeen engaged in the pursuit, and the effort is still continued. Family Jars Women's Rights.

The fob ly of connubial quarrelling was strikingly il lustrated in Lowell the other day. The better half of a Mr. Evans got angry with him, and sought satisfaction by cutting off the head of his portrait. The indignant husband fiew to the law for satisfaction on his part, and protection for the future, aud the result was, that Mrs. Evans was fined for cutting np her tantrums as aforesaid, and Mr.

Evans had to pay the fine! Headache, and Chill Fever. R. R. Relief is to be taken internally aud applied externally. Trice of R.

R. Resolvent. $1 per bottle. do. Relief, 25 and 60 cents.

For sale by ZAH.M JACKSON, Dec. l-3t North Queen street, Lancaster. Artificial Production of Fih. The French Government is continuing to act on the admirable discovery of Gehin and Remy, fish ermen of the Vosges, for artificially fecundating the eggs of fish. It has, in particular, caused it to be practised on a grand scale at Ilunigen and the fish produced by it there are, on arriving at a certain degree of maturity to be sent into different rivers and canals.

In the southern Departments, also the same system has been practised with extraordinary success. It consists in collecting the spawn of the female fish, instead of allowing them to de-posit it in the beds of rivers, and in applying it to the milt of males, instead of leaving the males to do it themselves. The eggs tjius prepared are preserved until they become hatched: The consequence is, thatmany thousand fish are produced from each female's spawn, whereas only very few indeed are obtained when the fish are left to effect the fecundation themselves, owing to the eggs being devoured by other fish, washed away, or injured by dirt. Rivers, streams, canals lakes and ponds can thus be made to teem with fish and a new branch of commerce is thereby ere ated, while an abundant supply of wholesome food is obtained. The expense of applying the system of Reny and Gehin is very trifling in deed.

These men have been recompensed by the Government for the great services they have been the means of rendering to the public. Their plan is applicable to all sorts of fish, that spawn in rivers. Execution of the Murderers of Colo" nel Craig Corporal illiam Hayes and prl vate John Condon, soldiers of the United States army, tried and convicted for desertion and the murder of Lieutenant Colonel Craig, in California, were hung at San Diego in that State on the 31st of January last, the pro ceedings and sentenece of the court martin having been confirmed by the President of the United States. The execution was superinten ded and carried into effect by Lieutenant Co lonel J. B.

Magruder, commanding the military post of the mission of San Diegro. The prisoners made short addresses, confessing their crimes with penitence, warning all oth ers against their example and took a last farewell of their comrades. Nearly one hundred chiefs, captains, and principal men of the sur rounding tribes of Indians, some of whom had assisted in the arrest of the prisoners, were present. Colonel Magruder says that the men died with a spirit worthy of a better cause. gsA Smart Boy The Salem Gazette Mass.

relates an anecdote of an Irish boy, ten years old, who attends one of the intermediate schools, and whose mother is poor and a wid ow. He wanted a geography, and not being able to obtain one, went to bed with a heavy heart. Early in the morning waked, and finding that the deepest snow ot the season had fallen, he got up and ran round among the neighbors, volunteering to clear a path on their premises, until he had obtained enough to buy his book, which he procured, and at 9 oclock was in his seat at school, with the book in his hand. AT THE OLD STAND. ELI HOLDERS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Clock, Time-Piece, Watch ai Jewelry KST AB LISHM ENT JU his Old Stand J'o.

238 Alarket St. (between 7th and 8 th, south aide,) PHILA DSZLP HI A MY FIUENDS, Old Customers, and the public must know that 1 am at all times prepared to furnish Watches. Jewelry. Fan cy Articles. Supkrioh Gold Pens of all kinds, with Gold ami Silver Holders, in variety, at the very lowcs Cash Prices together with the best supply of superior CLOCKS AND TIME-PIECES, ever offered at this establishment, being a practical Time-Piece and Watch Ma ker, with au experience of nearly 20 year 10 years at his present locationis at all times prepared to furnish, by WHOLESALE RETAIL, warranted Time Keepers of the very best quality, comprising Eighft-Day and Thirty-Hour Clocks and Time-Pieces, of plain and highly ornamental designs, of all styles, and adapted for Counting Uouses, Parlors.

Halls- Churches, factories. Steamboats, Rail Cars. ifcc. Also, Alarm Clocks, a most desirable article for Sound Sleeipers, and for all whose business requires them to be up in tbe morning early. Clocks, Time-rieces.

Watches and Jewelry of every description Repaired with great care and warranted Dealers supplied with Clocks and Clock Trimmings. Barnums motto is my motto, We Study to Please. April 21 ly-22 NOTICE. ALL persons claiming interest on Loans to Lancaster county, are requested to call at the Commissioners Office, at Lancaster, on MONDAY NEXT, the 28th and receive it By order of the Commissioners. P.

G. EBERMAN, March 23-lt-16 Clerk. WHITE HALL ACADEMY, THREE MILES WEST OF HARRISBURG. PHE FIFTH Session of this Institu- tion will commence on MONDAY, tbe Second ol May next Barents and Guardians are requested ttrj inquire into the merits of this Institution before sending their sons or wards elsewhere. The situation is retired, pleasant, healthful, and convenient of access The course of Instruction will embrace the different branches of a thorough English Education, together with the Latin, Greek, French.

German, Spanish and Portuguese Languages, and Vocal and Instrumental Music. The Principal will be assisted by four well qualified Teachers, viz two in the English branches, one in Penmanship and one iu Music and Modern Languages. TERMS Boarding. Washing, and Tuition in tbe English Branches and Vocal Music, per Session, 5 mom, $50 00 Ancient or Modern Languages, each 5-00 Instrumental Music, 10 00 jfttf'For Circulars and other information, address D. DENLINGER, Harrisburg.

Pa. march 9 2m-14 STRASBURG ACADEMY. THE STRASBURG Academy will open its next Session on the First Monday of May. 1863. under the supervision of the undersigned who will by that time have the entire building refitted and newly furnished, with such other improvements as will add greatly to the comfort of tbe Students, and to their mental, moral and physical progress.

Parents are invited to come and examined the system of instruction and government pursued in the Academy after the commencment of its next sessiou. Terms per Session of 5 Months $60, payable, one half iu advauce, and the remainder at the end of the session. For references, and particulars, address ESSE OREN, M. Principal, feb2 -3m-9 Strasburg, Pa. JVew unrivalled Steam Starch.

IT HAS been fully tested and is found superior to any article of tbe kind heretofore in use. It starches white, gives a better gloss, and more stiffness than any other kind of starch. It is therefore confidently recommended to laundresses and families as a superior, and at the same time cheaper article than any other heretofore in use. This article cau also be used for making all kinds of puddings. This new article is manufactured at the Steam mill of STOLL CO in the City of Lancaster.

Pa. NEW SUPERLATIVE FLOUR. Superior to any other, and cannot be beaten in any way. It was a-warded the first premium of the Pennsylvania State Fair, held at Lancaster, iu 1852. The flour will be found the cheapest that can be sned for household purposes, saviug twenty and making the most superior Bread.

STOLL Sc CO. January 12, 1853. tf-6 WINES AND LIQUORS. Thel subscriber respectfully informs his friends and tho public in general, that he has commenced a new Wine and Liquor Store, in North Queeu street. Lancaster, a few doors above Kramphs new Row, and directly opposite Sebners Hotel, formerly Emanuel Van Kanuan's.

where he begs leave to invite tbe attention of Innkeepcrsand the public in general, to calland ex amine his stock, which comprises a full assortment such as Brandies, Foreign and Domcstie Gins, ines. and every variety of fancy and choice Liquors. He flatters himself to equal any Liquor Establishment in Lancaster or Philadelphia, both in quality and price And will be very thankful for a share of public patron age. Please call aud examine before purchasing else where H. SHANK DR.

McALLISTER, recently of Co- lumbia has located iu this city, and offers bis services to its citizens as a hom*oepathio Physician. 5Until some better arrangements can be made he will visit Columbia, every afternoon. To those friends in Columbia and vicinity to whom I am indebted tor many acts of kindness and sympathy, I return my best thanks while all things else fade away aud perish with the using, these friendships of the heart endure, I have spent the past year in your midst with the sick, and 1 think I may safely refer to it as one of the most successful of my life at least I can refer to its triumphant results as a noble vindication of that great medical law. similia simulbus against the vile aspirations and foul-mouthed slanders of its willing enemies. AU we ask for it to control the entire medical field is population and intelligence.

tfOffice and residence, North Duke st. Lancaster. December 291852. 3m-4 IN THE MATTER of the intended appli- cation for a transfer to JOHN KOLP of LEVI G. CLARKS license, granted at January Term of the Court of Quarter Sessions, of Lancaster county, to keep a tavern in Safe Harbor, Conestoga township, it being an old stand, We, the undersigned citizens of Conestoga township, where said inn or tavern is proposed to be kept, do certify, that the said inn or tavern is necessary to accommodate the public and entertain strangers and travelers, and that we are well acquainted with the said John Kolp, who is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and that he Is well provided with house room and conveniences for the accommodation of strangers and travelers.

Levi G. Glark, John Daily, John Heiny, John Sawyer. Reuben Sourbeer, John Good, John Good, II Cately, Benj May, Daniel Contner, Jonas Sourbeer, Jacob Sourbeer. march 23-3t-76 JOHN B. LIVINGSTON, Attorney at Law.

Office with Nathaniel EUmakcr, North Duke street, Lancaster, Pa. (H-h 9-t(-i0 TO EET. rpVO commodious two-story Stone DWELLING HOUSES, in the Tillage of Paradise. Also, A GOOD COACH-MAKER OR WAGON-MAKER SHOP, with or without Dwelling. Apply to A.K.

W1TMER, March 23-4t-l(l Faradise. Determined Attempt at Suicide. A young and well dressed man attempted to des troy himself yesterday morning, about ten or half past ten o'clock, on the Steamer Prairie State, lying at the wharf between Morgan and i (From commercial.) Green streets, to be repainted. His first ef- t1: of many mo is frequently attribnt-tort was to cut his throat with the large blade ed to some lucky hit, or fortunate occurrence of cir-of a pen knife, which inflicted a wound about I c*mstances. This in a flattering view to thoBe who an inch in length, but as far as we could see, 0 of ten erroneoas for ustry vena th' i- j- Perseverance are the real causes of success.

An was not a fatal one Finding that failed IU instance of this laet is presented in the career of Mr. this, and not having the courage to repeat the william h.knoepfel,No. yy William street, who act, he jumped from the Steamer into the riv- from a commencement as a clerk has been able, by er, from which he was picked out in a fearful- anJ uutumg industry, to establish a it business and accumulate friends, customers, and capi- ly exhausted state, at the Stern Of the Spar- 1 tal. lie is now in the foremost rnuk of those who hawk. He was removed to the coffee house started in the pursuit of fortune with him.

His prekept by Mr. Connelly, at the corner of Mor- sent large store for the sale of cloths, vestings, and gan street and the levee, who eve informa- wiuI.f,'tly b7 the addition of ri.inAiti.A i- nt building adjoining, No. 101. when his premises and tion at the police office, to which he was shortly business iacililies Will compare favorably with any in removed, and where his throat wa9 sewed Up, the street. Being widely known as one of the fairest and proper attention promptly bestowed by in bis line; be wilt doubtless soon reach tbe SAMUEL H.

PRICE, Attorney at Law. Office with JOHN L. THOMPSON. Prosecuting Attorney, East King st a few doors above Swopes tavern. Lancaster, jan 26 1853 D.

W. PATTERSON, Attorney at Law. West King Lancaster. ALSO :Comn.i.smn--r.u ueeJs; and to take Depositions for the States ct Omoaua goal for which we are all striviog. Delaware, jan 26 1853 IN THE MATTER of the intended appli- cation of JACOB BUSSER, to the Court of I Quarter Sessions, at April term, 1853, for License to I keep a tavern iu Brownstown, West Earl it I being an old stand.

We, the undetsigned citizens of West Earl township, I where said inn or tavern is proposed to be kept, do oer- tify that the said inn or tavern is necessary to accommodate the public and entertain strangers and travelers, and that we are well acquainted with the said I Jacob good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and conveniences for the accommodation ot strangers and travelers. John Graver, Abm Brubaker, Samuel Sperard. Jaoob Bear, Gideon Likens, Reuben Getz, Samuel Koffrtth, Isaac flair. Fraukford, Eml. Carpenter, John De.

1 ehong, Abm Koffroth. march 233t-16 WM. DAILY A SON, bnporten and Dealert tn 1 X5UiH. FRENCH SWISS WaTCTIEB, I JEWELRY. BILVCR-WARR.

PtTiTEl WARE. AND FaHCY ARTICLE. Are constantly receiving the latest styles of the above Goods, which axe offered at wholesale or retail, at No. 216 Market Street, above Sixth, near Decatur Street, Philadelphia. Dissolution of Partnership.

THE partnership heretofore existing under the firm of DIFFENBACH ft KENEAGY. consisting of Adam F. DiffVnbach Samuel Keneagy, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All those who know themselves indebted to the above Firm are requested to make payment on or before th 1st day of April next, to Adam F. who has purchased the Books and Accounts of said Firm.

ADAM F. DIFFENBACH, SAMUEL KENEAGY. Strasburg, March 1, 1853. Continuation of Business. THE undersigned would respectfully announce that he will continue tbe FOUNDRY A MACHINIST BUSINESS in all their various branches in the borough of Strasburg.

Thankful for past favors, he respectfully solicits a continuation of the patronage bestowed upon the late firm of Diffenbach Keneagy. ADAM I1 DIFFENBACH An Association of Banks for the suppression of Counterfeiting has just been formed in Massachusetts. The organization is de signed to embrace all banks willing to co-operate with them and contribute to their funds, the State paying one-half the amounts disbursed by the banks of Massachusetts, when its share does not exceed twenty-five hundred dollars. VTThe West Chester Record states thatao-tive preparations are making to commence the building season in that borough. A very large number of buildings are going up this season, many of which have already been contracted for.

The generality of these buildings are to be of a large class, constructed in a beautiful style. Dr. Coleman, of the Board of Health, and Capt. John Couzins. He was well dressed in a suit of black, with a black satin scarf, but when we saw him he was unable to speak though perfectly conscious.

He had not the strength to walk or stand without support, and appeared to be suffering from the wound in the throat. As nobody knew him, he was asked his name, and essayed to give it, but nothing save an incoherent gurgling followed, which sounded like Forse or Fox. Some one standing by asked him if it was Fox, to which he nodded in the affirmative. We mentoin this with the hope that it may lead to his identity. He was removed to the Hospital.

Louis Intelligencer. XftTAfiUSHED IK 1815. Warranted to be what they a HOMEOPATHY. Dr. J.

Mains McAllister, Homeopathic Practitioner Office and h' Oiange fatrcct. Lancaster, a tew doors ea.t ff Nolill Queen street. Office hours, from 6 to 9 A. at from 5 to 10 P. M.

lan 5. lSld-dm 3 A CARD. DR. S. P.

ZIEGLEIi, Physician and Accoucheur Residence Lat Orange street opposite the Presbyterian Church, Laucaa. ly-51 Aptrl 21 tf-1 Remarkable Cure of Dyspepsia, by using the Oxygenated Bitters with the advise of a dial tinguihhed and well known Physician. Middletown, December 4, 1852. Dr. Geo.

B. Green Dear Sir It affords me great pleasure to be able to testify to the wonderful virtue of your Oxygenated Bitters. I was in Salem iu the month of June, 1845, having just returned from sea. and owing to the intense heat. I was slightly sun-struck, which redu ced me so much that I was unable to attend to my business for several months, and during that time 1 was 'By afflicted with Dyspepsia, weak stomach, and in digestion, and have taken every medicine that has been recommended to me, without any effect.

1 gave up ail hopes of ever recovering. 1 then went to Windsor, Vt, and was there recommended by Dr. E. Phelps, to give your Oxygenated Bitters one trial as he had used them with good success in a number of cases. I have used only four bottles of your medicine, and to my utter astonishment it has entirely cured me.

do sincerely recommend your medicine to all afflicted with Dyspepsia, and believe they will find it a most valuable remedy. Very respectfully yours. JAMES H. HOLMES. REED.

BATES AUSTIN, Wholesale Druggists, No. 26 Merchants Row, Boston, General Agents. Price, $1 per bottle six bottles for $5. For sale by JOHN F. LONG, April 1420 No.

5 North Queen St. Lancaster. Dec 8 JAMES I JONES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Mo. 4 Law Buildings, 5th below Chestnut CAltD. The Subscriber will at- tend to Conveyancing in its various Iltiop Pot-ng of Books of Account.

SeUlmeiPs. Audit Trau-ie riber or pyist. Collections. Office in KratupUs Row. a share of th public patronage is tied, feb 2-tf-9 JAS WH1TEH1LL.

PHILADELPHIA. IN THE MATTER of the intended application of CHRISTIAN BUCHER, to the Court of Quarter Sessions, at April term, 1853, tor license to keep a tavern in East Donegal township- it being an old stand Wx, the undersigned citizens of East Donegal where said inn or tavern is proposed to be kept, do certify, that tbe said inn or tavern is necessary to accommodate the publie and entertain strangers and travellers, and that we are well acquainted with tbe said Christian Bucher, who is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and that he is well provided with house room and conveniences for the accommodation of strangers and travellers. Abm Scbock, John Musset, Henry Mnsser, Daniel Brose, John Zigler, Jacob Brandt, David Horn, Geo 8 Reitzel, Samuel Book, Michael Strohm, John Alleman. Jacob Scholl. mar 23 Dissolution of Partnership.

THE partnership heretofore existing between Dr Charles Green, David Hostetter and Robert W. Addis, under the name of Dr. Green A Co. has been this day dissolved. AU persons having demands against said firm, present them to Dr.

Charles Green for settlement, and all persons being indebted to said firm will make payment to bim. CHARLES GREEN A CO. Lancaster, March 22, 1853 St-16 The business of manufacturing BITTERS will be conedoted as heretofore, at the Old Staad, in West King street, Lancaster, by Dr. CHARLES GREEN. The Spiritual Rapping Bank Case, in Chicago, in which Seth Paine, the owner, loaned money and redeemed bank bills, through mediums employed, and a Board of Directors, has been on trial to determine whether Faine was insane or not.

The jury decided that he had been partially insane, but was now caps ble of managing bis property. The Ailanthus Tree. Congress has solemnly proscribed this tree in an especial act. To the item in the Civil and Diplomatic Bill, providing for setting out the public grounds in Washington with trees, is this condition That no more ailanthus trees shall be chased or plan in the public grounds. WM.

F. POTTS, IMPORTER JiJ'D DEALER A IKON STEEL, No. 461, Market street, below 13th North side, PHILADELPHIA. oct 20 Jy-4 VT ew Map of Lancaster County, 4 Containing all the latest corrections uidmij rove ments, and handsomely mounted aud co.orod. For 6al MV RKAY -S i'OF North 4ucc fit.

The Lancaster Examiner from Lancaster, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.