The Perry County Democrat from Bloomfield, Pennsylvania (2024)


Wm. Baldwin, pastor. Bloomfield Sunday School at 9.30 a. Baccalaureate service for C. L.

I. Preacher, Dr. Baldwin. PINE GROVE. May 21.

Good morning. Strawberry short cake is getting ripe. The local Cemetery Association held its annual meeting the third Saturday in May for the year on Saturday evening at the home of the president, H. R. Clouser, near Newport.

Mrs. Alma Miller has secured employment at the Mechanicsburg Naval Depot. On Saturday the writer and son Robert and grandson, William Campbell, journeyed over to the Red Hill cemetery, helping to put it in a A-l condition for Memorial Day, the former caretaker, George Wright, being inducted into the service. While the cemetery is incorporated, we found many lots and graves that were and have been neglected for years, being covered with weeds and briars. The writer's step-grandfather, Rev.

Will- iam Johnston, a surgeon in the Civil War, is buried there. The church will celebrate its 102d anniversary beginning June 17. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hummel and daughter, of Matamoras, spent Sunday at the home of Boyd Seaman and family, they being fellow workmen the Tap and Dye Works at Mill-ersburg.

Ralph Miller, a pupil of the local school, took the eighth grade examination at Newport on Saturday. A violent windstorm struck this place on Wednesday evening and blew a large oak tree down at the church, missing the building by a few feet. The local school closed another successful term on Wednesday with Mrs. Vera Makibbin, of Bloomfield, teacher. Through the courtesy of the teacher and patrons of the school the pupils were treated to a feast of cakes, pretzels, potato chips and sandwiches, fifteen pounds of hot dogs and other edibles being consumed.

Despite reports, to the contrary, she will be at the helm again, the coming term, with vacancies at Baileys and Mahanoy. THE MODERN THEATRE New Bloomfield, Pa. Twenty-nix years of continuous operation under the same management. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MAY 25 AND 26. "MEET ME IN ST.

LOUIS" In Technicolor, with Judy Garland, Margaret O'Brien, Tom Drake, Marjorie Main. Also, Fox News, One show only on Friday, beginning at 7.30 p. m. Continuous showing Saturday from 6.30 p. m.

Admission, 17 and 33 cents, plus tax. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY MAY 30 AND 31. "A TREE GROWS IN BROOKLYN with James Dunn, Dorothy McQuire, James Dunn, Dorothy McGuire, Blondell. One show only on Wednesday and Thursday, beginning 7.30. NEWPORT THEATRE THURSDAY, MAY 24.

Double feature program. "NAVAJO TRADL with Johnny Mack Brown, Raymond Hattori, Jennifer Hale. "BORDERTOWN TRAH," with Smiley Burnette, Sunset Carson, Weldon Hayburn. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. MAY 25 AND 26.

"MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS" with Judy Garland, Margaret O'Brine, Mary Astor, Tom Drake. Leon Ames. In Technicolor. Short Subjects Added.

TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, MAY 29 AND 30. "A TREE GROWS IN BROOKLYN" with Dorothy McGuire, Joan Blondell, James Dunn. Short Subjects Added. Taita Theatre Landisburg, Pa. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MAY 25 AND 26.

"THE BIG SHOW OFF" with Dale Evans, Arthur Lake, Lionel Stander, George Meeker, Paul Hurst and Marjorie Manners. Also, News, This is America and U. S. Marines on Review. Friday, one show at 8 p.

m. Saturday, first show, 7.15 pjn. COMING: "To Have and Have Not" "Objective Burma" "Hotel Berlin" Live Stock Bought and Sold Live Stock of all kinds bought and highest prices paid. FRESH COWS and SPRINGERS I also have Fresh Cows and Springers for sale all the time. Give me a call.

GEORGE M. GRAHAM. Poplar Grove, Meck's Corner, New Bloomfield, Pa. Phone 29R14. E-Y-E-S RIGHT! for Everyone Fitting you with glasses to improve your vision, and also your appearance is our specialty.

EASY TERMS Send your broken glasses to be repaired to Dr. Egolf, 1630 Regina Street, Harrisburg, Pa. Be sure to send part of broken lense you want replaced. 3 Perm Avenue, NEWPORT, PA. Saturdays and Sundays Only Office Hours, 1 to 5 p.

m. ROBINSON FURLER Roofing, Spouting, Painting and Electrical Work, LOYSVHXE, PA. THEATRE DUNCANNON, PA. Photophone The Moglo Voice ol the ncreen. MONDAY AND TUESDAY, MAY 28 AND 29.

(Double Feature Program.) "GOIN TO TOWN" with Lum Abner, Herbert Robinson, Florence Lake, and "GIRL RUSH" with Wally Brown, Alan Carney, and Frances Langford. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, MAY 30 AND 31. "MINISTRY OF FEAR" with Ray Milland, Marjorie Reynolds, Carl Esmond. COMING ATTRACTIONS: "Frenchman's Creek" "Arizona" Russel McNaughton, of the Navy, is visiting his wife, in Centre town ship. Mr.

and Mrs. Lester S. Hench, of Cisna Run. visited Bloomfield on Friday. Mr.

and Mrs. Harry Fuller, of Ick esburg, were visitors to this place on Thursday. Miss Sally Rothrock and roommate, Loraine Wasserot, of State College, spent the week-end here. A. G.

Henry, wife and Mrs. Mary Rodgers and Mrs. Sheaffer, of near Loysville, were in this place on business, Tuesday. Martin Zeiders, of the Navy, has been visiting his wife in Harrisburg, and parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Harry Zeiders, here. Mr. and Mrs. Craig and daughter Janet, Duncannon, were Sunday guests of the Gordon Weldon family, Meck's Corner. Mervih Hall and family, near here, had as over week-end visitors Mr.

and Mrs. Ed. Henry and daughter Cleo, Harrisburg. Mr. and Mrs.

Banks Casner and children, Donna, Joan, Glenn and Alton, of near Loysville, spent Saturday evening in this place. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn R. Shaffer, daughter, Miss Lena, and son Dean, near Center Church, spent a few hours in Bloomfield on Friday.

William Franklin Shughart, Chief Engineer of a PT Squadron, spent a week-end leave with his wife here and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Shughart, Loysville.

Mrs. Chester Snyder, Bethlehem, and son, Kenneth Snyder, Ph. M. 3c, Naval Hospital, Jacksonville, spent the week-end as guests of her son. Rev.

Roy C. Snyder, and family, at the Evangelical and Reformed parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. L.

E. Cupp, of 109 W. High street, had as their guests over the week-end, their daughter, Mrs. Milton L. Weston and daughter An-netje, of New York City; Mrs.

Mar-jorie Herrman, of New Cumberland, and Miss Mary Bond, of York. Mrs. Harold OTell and Wentzel O'Dell and little Miss Kathryn Gut-shall, of New Germantown, spent a short time in Bloomfield, Monday. O'Dell's store was among the build-j ings destroyed in the big fire in New Germantown Monday last week, and unfortunately the fire insurance policy on the O'Dell property had just expired. CARSON LONG COMMENCEMENT.

The One Hundred Eighth Annual Commencement Exercises of Carson Long Institute will be held May 26 29. Program includes: Saturday, May 26, 2.00 p. Junior High School Commencement, gymnasium, 7.00 p. Declamation Contest, Presbyterian Church. Sunday, May 27, 10.30 a.

Baccalaureate address, Presbyterian church; 4.00 p. Dress Parade, athletic field; 7.00 p. Greek- Roman Debate, Presbyterian church. Monday, May 28, 10.00 a. First Senior program, The Maples Lawn; 11.00 a.

Second Senior program, The Maples Lawn; 1.45 p. Class Day, certificates and awards, The Maples Lawn; 3.15 p. Blue Ribbon winners, The Maples Lawn; 4.00 Exhibition Drill, athletic Field 8.00 p. Senior-Junior Promenade and Reception, gymnasium. Tuesday, May 29, 10.00 a.

Com mencement, Centennial lawn. 1- Re I eased from German Prison Camp Sgt. George H. Hockenberry, hus band of Mrs. Geraldine V.

Hocken berry, West Fairview, and son of Mrs. Mary Hockenberry, Duncannon. Sergeant Hockenberry, of West Fairview and Duncannon, was a prisoner for more than a year. He was taken captive in March, 1944, when his plane was shot down while on a combat mission over Holland. In a cablegram to his mother, he said he was well and would be home soon.

He served as radio operator- gunner on a Flying Fortress and had earned a Distinguished Flying Cross, an Air Medal and two Oak Leaf clusters. Staff Sgt. Ray E. Otto, husband of Mrs. June K.

Otto, Marysville. Sergeant Otto, of Marysville, be came a prisoner several months ago and was released late in April. Pfc. Grant Morrow, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Earl Morrow, Landisburg. Private Morrow was liberated from Stalag 7-A, the Moosberg camp near Munich, in which he was interned most of the time since he was taken captive last July 12. He also had been fighting with a tank destroyer unit of the Fifth Army in Italy. Among the soldiers recently lib erated from a German prison camp is Pfc Wayne M. Jones, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Charles E. Jones, of New port. He has been a prisoner smce November 19, when he was captured while with an infantry unit in Ger many. Wounded in the Pacific.

Pfc. Leonard D. Groff son of Allen Groff, Route 1, New MEMORIAL SERVICES AT DELLYTLLE. Memorial services will be held at the Lutheran and Reformed churches at Dellville, May 27, at 2.30 p. County Superintendent of Schools Ralph C.

Swan, of New Bloomfield will be the speaker. Music will be furnished by the Duncannon Reform ed church choir, followed by services in the cemetery. Wm. -E. Barrick, Secreatry, Cemetery Association MEMORIAL SERVICES AT NEW BUFFALO Annual Memorial services will be held in Hill U.

B. Church, New Buffalo, Sunday, May 27th, at 10.45 a. immediately after the close of Sabbath School session. Mr. M.

K. Johnson will deliver the Memorial address. Rev. J. J.

Funk, of Wilklns-burg, will be present and have part in the service. Electric lights have been installed in Hill U. B. Church and the interior was redecorated recently. A re opening service will be held Sunday evening.

May 27th. at 7.45. There will be a number of speakers includ ing Rev. J. J.

Funk and Rev. H. P. Light; accordion solo, several duets and several special features that will not be revealed until after the open ing service. Come ouk to these services, renew old acquaintances and make new ones and enjoy a few hours in the house of God.

E. E. Finicle. Young's U. B.

Sunday School Shermansdale, will hold their Child ren's Day service, June 3. Their program is entitled "Hearers of His Word." All are invited to attend. Lone a President In 1877 Diaz first became president of Mexico; reelected in 1884, and continued in office until 1911. a is to a to The following students will be graduated from Bloomfield Borough High School on May 28, 1945. Exercises will be held in the Presbyterian Church at 8 p.

Muriel Mae Bentzel, Colleen Louise Black, George Lewis Boyer, Sara Mae Bretz, Audrey Louise Clark, Allison Jean Gantt, Charles Edward Good, Betty Jane Hummel, Wilma Jean-nette Hummel, Max Ard Kretzing, Fae Elizabeth Lightner, James Mc-Clure Loy, Anna Mildred Minich, Harold Warren Morrison, Eva Pauline Owen, Frederick Dunbar Purdy, Foster Junior Rapp, Walter Lee Robb, Robert Raymond Shearer, Jeanne Louise Snyder, Arlene Donna Spotts, John Joseph Stone, Anna Ruby Stoops, Esther May McNaugh-ton, Lois Jane Welcomer. The four honor students in order are as follows: Walter L. Robb, Frederick D. Purdy, Arlene D. Spotts, Jeanne L.

Snyder. Class Officers: President, Harold Morrison; vice president, James Loy; secretary, Fred Purdy; treasurer, Charles Good. A. R. HOLDS MEMORIAL SERVICES.

The Perry County Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, met Saturday afternoon at the Louise Beard Memorial, Newport. Mrs. Dewey L. Gelnett, Regent, presided. Certificates were presented to the senior girls of Perry County High Schools who were winners in the Good Citizenship Pilgrimage Contest, namely: Miss Grace Snyder, Newport; Miss Irene Spotts, New Bloomfield; Miss Alice Crum, Ickesburg; Miss Lucille Hepner, Liverpool; Miss Arlene Myers, Landisburg.

Pennsylvania's Pilgrim this year is Miss Frances CNeil, of McKeesport High School, McKeesport. She will receive a $100 War Bond. Mrs. Amos Gelnett sang several selections and a trio composed of Mrs. Edith Barton, Mrs.

Anna Stultz and Mrs. Amos Gelnett sang the selection entitled God of Love, God of Peace," by Baker. Miss Annie Smith, who conducted the Memorial Services, paid a lovely tribute to the memory of those who have given their lives in the present war and also to departed officers and members of the Chapter. SOLDIER HURT IN FRANCE, WILL VISIT PARENTS. Pfc.

Harry R. Sanders, son of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest R. Sanders, Marys-ville, recently prominently mentioned in a National magazine for remarkable improvement from a spinal injury at the Newton D.

Baker Hospital, Martinsburg, W. will arrive home today. Pfc. Sanders was badly injured at Saint Lo, France, August 8 when a shell exploded near him. He has been patient at the Baker Hospital, which specializes in treatment of spinal cases, the greater part of the time since.

While his condition has improved considerably, he is not yet able to walk, as was mentioned in the magazine article. This article said that expected to begin work as a radio mechanic on his discharge from Army service. He served with the Third Armored Division, and had been overseas almost a year when in jured. His wife, the former Miss Deloir Baer, and their daughter, Barbara Jo, are living at Landisburg. MEMORIAL DAY SERVICES.

The Rev. Carl C. Helt, minister of the Hughesville Methodist Church, will be the Memorial Day speaker at the service at the cemetery this year. He has very kindly consented to re turn to New Bloomfield for this special occasion. All community organizations are invited to participate and join the parade which forms at the Square at 9 a.

m. The High School Band and Glee Club, directed by Miss Hood, will have special music for the occasion. The Boy Scouts, under the leadership of Scoutmaster Charles Matlack, will supply the colors and color guard. The Rev. Dr.

Baldwin will represent the ministers of town in the program. The program for the day has been arranged and sponsored by the New Bloomfield Fire Com pany. DECORATED MARYSVTLLE FLIER FREED IN GERMANY. Sgt. Joseph K.

Kocher, most highly-decorated Marysville soldier in the present war, is on the way home following his release from a German prison camp, he has writ ten his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kocher. Sgt. Kocher, gunner on a Flying Fortress, was first reported missing after a bombing raid over Schwein furt, Germany, October 14, 1943.

His plane was first in formation and was struck by anti-aircraft fire, and the crew bailed out. He holds the Silver Star which was awarded after he went to relief of another gunner although wound ed himself. This decoration is in ad dition to the Distinguished Flying Cross, the Air Medal with three Oak Leaf Clusters and the Purple Heart HISTORICAL SOCIETY MEETING, The annual business meeting of the Historical Society of Perry County will be held at the Beard Memorial, Newport, Monday evening May 28, at 7.30 An inter esting program is announced Invocation by the Rev. J. E.

A Bucke, of the Newport Methodist church. Dr. Ruth O. Crouse, a medical missionary recently returned from five years' service in Arabia, will speak of her experiences in the Orient. Miss Ruth Spangler will sing sev eral numbers that have been popular during this World War.

A good attendance is expected and a cordial invitation is extended to the public. Sandwiches and coffee will be served during the social hour. Edith B. Barton, Secretary. Ramsey S.

Black, State Treasurer, reported that direct relief payments made to needy residents of Perry county during the week ending May 18, show an increase of $2.80 over those of the previous week. Payments for the week totalled $53.80, which was $33.60 more than those of the comparable week last year. Payments by the Bureau of Assistance Disbursem*nts in the State Treasury Department follow: Current week, $153.80, 33 checks; previous week, $151.00, 33 checks. WILLS PROBATED. will of Christiana Fleisher, The late of Newport, was probated Saturday in the Register and Recorder's office.

The will of Annie M. Harrold, late of Marysville, was probated Monday. She directs that everything be sold and all debts paid when the balance shall be divided among her heirs. of to p. Bowers Roth.

Miss Zella C. Roth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. W.

Roth, Carlisle, formerly of near Blain, and T. Sgt. Kenneth E. Bowers, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Harry Bowers, Carlisle, were married in the First Church of the Brethren, Carlisle, May 14, at 7.30 p. by Rev. Cletus Myers, Ander-sonburg. Miss Elizabeth Minerva Adams, niece of the bride, lighted the candles and "Miss Elizabeth Royer gave several vocal selections, accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Mary Berger, both of Carlisle.

The wedding party entered the church to the strains of the Lohengrin bridal chorus and the bride was given in marriage by her brother, Mr. David E. Roth, Loysville. Mr. John Bowers, Carlisle, brother of the groom, was best man and Miss Helen Roth, sister of the bride was bridesmaid.

The bride was beautifully gowned in white satin with princess design and sweetheart neck line, with finger tip veil. Her bouquet was white snapdragons, rose carnations and iris. The bridesmaid wore blue marquisette over satin and her bouquet was pink roses, carnations and snapdragons. The ushers were Lester Bowers, Mark and Roy Roth, Carlisle, brothers of the bride and groom and Harold Roth, Loysville, nephew of the bride. Following the ceremony which was performed before a well filled house, reception was given by Mr.

and Mrs. Carl Adams at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Roth. The groom returned to the States May 1st, from three years service in the South Pacific and will be home until June 1st, when he will be reassigned to a camp in North Carolina.

The bride a graduate of the Carlisle High School and was employed at Wen-gert's Clothing Store, Carlisle. She will accompany her husband ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED. Mrs. Mary E. Kinch, of Tressler Town, Loysville, announces the engagement of her daughter Loraine Rev.

Paul Whitmoyer, son of Mr. Charles Earl Whitmoyer, of Colonial Park, Harrisburg. Miss Kinch is a graduate of Tressler High School and at present is a student nurse at the Polyclinic Hospital, Harrisburg. Rev. Whitmoyer is graduate of Lower Paxton High School, Harrisburg; Pennsylvania State College and the Lutheran Theological Seminary, Gettysburg.

At present Rev. Whitmoyer is substituting in parish work, but will soon have a Lutheran parish of his own. THEY APPRECIATE THE HELP. In appreciation for your co-operation, we wish to thank the Blain, New Bloomfield and Newport Fire Companies for your splendid services rendered during the fire which destroyed our home, storeroom and stock in New Germantown last Monday 'morning. We wish also to thank our friends and neighbors who risked their lives help save as much of our furniture as possible, and to everyone that helped in any way to clean up the debris caused by the fire.

Words cannot express our thanks to those who gave us food, offered us shelter and made room to house the furniture we were able to save. We are at a loss to know how to express our thanks and appreciation for the money and gifts received the form of donations, and to Mr. Wilbur Smith and Mr. Alvin Collins who worked so faithfully in canvass ing the community collecting same. We hope the future will provide us with an opportunity to at least repay you all for your kindness.


George W. Eckerd, of New Bloomfield, has been assigned to Moore General Hospital as Special Services Athletic ana Kecreaiion Officer. In active duty since March, 1941, Captain Eckerd was formerly thea ter officer at the Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland, then was trans ferred to Camp Santa Anita, at Ar cadia, where he was Special Services Officer during six months maneuvers in the Mohave desert. His next transfer, in January, 1944, was to the ASFTC Ordnance camp at Flora, where he was Special Services and Public Relations Officer. He came to Moore from Washington and Lee University, where he attend ed the school of Personnel Services.

Manager of the Perry Theater in New Bloomfield, Captain Eckerd is also a member of the firm of G. Eckerd Sons. Mrs. Eckerd and their daughter Susan, have come with him and are residing at the Monte Vista Inn. Captain Eckerd was a member of the class of 1933 at Pennsylvania State College.

CHANGE OF MEETING TIME. The Selective Service Board at New Bloomfield has from almost its beginning held its regular meetings on Wednesday afternoons, when any and all persons might be heard. However, as our next two holidays fall on Wednesday our meeting dates will be advanced to Thursday for May 30th and July 4th. H. H.

Hain, Chairman. Delightful Birthday Party. Mr. Charles Smith, Landisburg, R. D.

No. 1, gave a delightful party Sunday evening, May 20, in celebration of his wife's fortieth birthday anniversary. Mrs. Smith received many nice gifts. Delicious refreshments were enjoyed by the guests who all wish Mrs.

Smith many more happy birthdays. One Who Was Present. MANNSVDL.LE. 21. Misses Betty Jury and Turnbaugh, of Harrisburg, May Emma were home over the week-end.

Miss Gladys Britcher, Mechanicsburg, was also home over the week-end. William Kell, Carlisle, spent the week with his sister, Mrs. David Radle. Card of Thanks. We desire in this way to thank every person who helped in any way to save our house and furniture and also the storeroom during the big fire in New Germantown on Monday morning and also those who helped to get the furniture back in the house.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Briner and family. SAVDL.LE. May 22.

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Weibley spent Saturday and Sunday with his cousin, Floyd Weibley and wife, York. Their daughters, Flo Louise and Beverly Ann, were guests of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.

David Sheaffer, Ickesburg. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rudy and family, Erly, were Sunday guests of his sister, Mrs. Glenn Smith.

of N. B. at of St Oliver W. Shull. Oliver W.

Shull, Marysville, a Pennsylvania Railroad conductor, died Thursday morning in a Harrisburg hospital. He was 55 years old and was a member of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen and the Marysville Church of God. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Edythe Shull; two daughters, Mrs. Annie Yohn, Wila, and Mrs.

Marie Orris. Ickesburg; three sisters, Miss Marian Shull and Mrs. Myrtle Knudson, Newport, and Mrs. Carrie Pipp, of Altoona; one brother, Frank Shull. Altoona.

Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at the Deckard funeral home, Marysville, and burial was in Chestnut Grove cemetery. Rodney W. Taylor. Rodney W. Taylor, 48, died May 13, at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Washington, where he had been a patient for ten years.

He was a veteran of World War I. Surviving are five brothers, Charles and Frank, of Millerstown; Norman, Shermansdale; Max, Buffalo, N. and Ernest, of Lancaster; three sisters, Mrs. Bertha Nankivell, of Millerstown; Mrs. A.

A. Levine and M'ss Arlene Taylor, of Mt. Vernon, Y. Funeral services and burial were at Millerstown Wednesday of last week. George M.

Walker. George McClellan Walker, 83, died Tuesday last week at his home in Howe township. He. was born in Franklin county, the son of Samuel and Martha (Scott) Walker. His wife, Mrs.

Carrie Kistler Walker survives, as do three daughters, Miss Alice J. Walker and Mrs. E. H. Noll, home, and Mrs.

Charles Burd, of Newport, R. two sons, Roy Newport R. and Earl Markels-ville. Mr. Walker was a member of the Walnut Grove Methodist church.

Funeral services were on Friday, with burial in Newport cemetery. Mrs Elizabeth C. Lehman. Mrs. Elizabeth C.

Lehman, 69, died May 10 at her home in Tuscarora township after several weeks of illness. She is survived by one son, Albert Lehman; one daughter, Mrs. L. S. Campbell; one brother, Nevin Kerr, and two sisters, Mrs.

Alice Dillman and Miss Zella Kerr, all of Millerstown, R. D. Funeral services were held on Sunday in the Marsh Run Methodist church, of which she was a member. Burial in Eshcol cemetery. Sylvester L.

Snyder. Sylvester Luther Snyder, a former resident of Duncannon, died early Sunday morning at his home in Harrisburg. He was 72 years old. Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Minnie Arter and Mrs.

Ida Groff, and one brother, J. G. -Snyder, all Harrisburg. Funeral services were held this morning and burial was in Union cemetery, Duncannon. Charles Henry Myers.

Charles Henry Myers, of Summer-dale, died Monday in a Harrisburg hospital. He was 45 years old and was employed at the Central Iron and Steel Corporation. He is survived by his wife, Margaret, a son, Seaman First Class Roy Myers, South Pacific, and a daughter, Mrs. John McBride, of Bloomfield. Funeral services will be held on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the residence.

Ira Meade Meminger. Ira Meade Meminger .65, died at his home in Newport, Sunday. Surviving is his widow, Mrs. Lena Wright -Meminger. He was a mem ber of the Newport Masonic lodge and the Newport Presbyterian church He had been a clothing merchant in Newport for more than 35 years.

Funeral services will be held today at 2 o'clock at the Myers funeral home, Rev. George B. Gensemer, of ficiating. Miss Helen E. Rice.

Miss Helen E. Rice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Homer V. Rice, New port R.

died Sunday night at her home after an illness oi is montns She was 41 years old. In addition to her parents. Miss Rice is survived by one brother, George Rice, Warren, Ohio, and one sister, Mrs. Russell Horting, of New Dort. Private funeral services will be held this Wednesday at 2.30 p.

from the Kell funeral home, Newport. The Rev. Raymond C. Zechman, pastor of the Newport Evangelical and Re formed church, of which Miss Rice was a member, will officiate. Burial will be in the Newport cemetery.

RURAL YOUTH ELECT. Joseph Bistline, temporary chair man of the Perry Rural Youth Club conducted the business session of the monthly meeting held in the Blain High School auditorium on May 15 Candidates for office were presented by the nominating committee. Those elected were: President, Joseph Bistline, Landis burg; vice president, Marion Lyons Landisburg; secretary-treasurer, John McKeehan, Blain; song leader, Ro- maine Rider, Landisburg; game leader, Connie Black, Millerstown and reporter, John A. Hall, Millers town. The new president appointed the following to serve on committees Social committee, Romaine Rider Gaythail Bistline, Max McMillen Irene Johnson, Harold Stydinger, John Achenbach, Charles Gamber, John A.

Hall and Claude Bower, chairman. Program committee, Bill Martin, Helen Hench, Shirley Gut-shall and Jean Bower, chairman. The next meeting will be held in the Shermanatta Grange hall, near Duncannon, June 19. Mr. Lang, of State College, will be present.

FOR SALE Cows, bull, hay rake, mower, 2 riding cultivators, walking plows, 3- section lever spring harrow, smoothing harrow. Call at Meals farm, two miles northeast of Wertzville, Cumberland county, off Route 944. Call evenings after 5 o'clock. PUBLIC SALE. Saturday, June 9.

Miss Sarah Pryor, in Blain borough, will sell household goods, including living-room suite, two modern bedroom suites, bureau, gate-leg table, drop-leaf table, enameled oil and wood range, electric refrigerator, ice re frigerator, two sinks, radio, full- length mirrors, hams, bacon, sausage, lard, etc; everything will be sold as she has sold her property. Sale at 12 o'clock. Harry C. Henry, auctioneer. FOR RENT Charles R.

and Katie N. White property, situate in Spring township, Perry county, along hard surface road. Inquire of S. E. Trout-man, New Bloomfield, Pa.

at D. of be p. of a New Bloomfield, May 23, 1945. TOWN AND COUNTY. Wentzels Markets Wheat, shelled corn, western oats, 95c.

Dr. R. R- Stoner is on vacation and will return to his omce in mi place, June 1st. The Sandy Hollow Church of God will hold its Children's Day service on June 17th at 7.30 p. m.

The West End Republican Club will meet Monday evening," Juneth, with Mrs. C. W. Miller, Kistler. Mrs.

Martha Smith underwent an operation for appendicitis at the Polyclinic Hospital, Harrisburg, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Foose, near Loysville, announce the birth of a daughter. May 11.

Mrs. Foose was Miss Helen Dum, Elliottsburg. Two hundred and seventy-one pupils from the schools of Perry county participated in the eighth grade examinations, Saturday. A great variety of beautiful ornamental shade trees are for sale and may be seen at the West end of Main street. New Bloomfield.

Ralph Tress-ler. Fay Smith, 12, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith, New Germantown, underwent an operation for appendicitis in the Carlisle Hospital, Tuesday. Ex-Sheriff and Mrs.

Lawrence G. Mohler, this place, have received -word from their son. Elwood Mohler, seaman second class, that he has arrived in the South Pacific. The W. C.

T. TJ. will meet in the Lutheran church on Sunday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. All the members are asked to make a special effort to attend this meeting. "Meet Me in St.

Louis' will be shown at Motionette Theatre, this place, Friday and Saturday of this week." One show Friday night will start at 7.30. Note change of tune. The faculty and pupils of the New Bloomfield High School, who rented Fry's skating rink, Sterrett's Gap, for the evening last Wednesday, enjoyed the time in skating and with a picnic supper. Sunday, May 27 at 2 p. the Memorial Services and Cemetery Association meeting will be held at Centre Union Church in Buck's Valley.

Rev. J. E. A. Bucke will speak, on "Coming Back Home." The Laurel Grove school, Herman Heston.

teacher, closed on Friday. Pupils having perfect attendance are Laura Pike and George Thebes. All the schools of Centre township have closed for the term. The Eighth Grade Examination, conducted Saturday by the High School faculty, for the schools of Bloomfield Borough, Centre and Carroll townships, was participated in by forty-four contestants. The residence in Waynesboro of the late Harry E.

D. Gray, found dead a few weeks ago at Newport, was sold last week to John Welty, at public auction for $17,000. Mr" Gray was a former resident of Ickesburg. Jesse Bitner. brakeman on the P.

R. Middle Division, who suffered a right knee injury in the Harrisburg yards February 14 and underwent an operation at the Harrisburg Hospital three weeks ago, returned home Tuesday. Fifty-six pupils from the schools of Landisburg borough. Spring and Tyrone townships and the Tressler Orphans Home, took the Eighth Grade examination at Landisburg, Saturday, which was given by the Landisburg High School factulty. Senator George N.

Wade will be the principal speaker at-the dedication of the Carroll Township Honor Roll, at Shermansdale. Sunday. May 27 at 2 p. m. The Honor Roll is sponsored by the township supervisors and the Community Picnic Association.

Airy View School, Mrs. Helen Cas-sett, teacher, closed Monday, May 14, with a picnic in the woods. Three pupils, Robert Parkinson, Alva Joan Campbell and Joyce Coller had perfect attendance records. The school bought $190 worth of War Stamps during the year. Sonny Lesh.

aged 6. grandson of George Brandt. Loysville, and pupil of the Loysville primary school, suffered a bad fracture of the right elbow yesterday morning while wrestling at school. Dr. E.

C. Kistler, Blain, took him to the Carlisle Hos pital where the fracture was ad justed. The Newport High School Com mencement exercises to be held this Thursday evening. May 24, at 8 o'clock, will include as the Senior contribution, the presentation of the famous witches scene from Shakes neare's "Macbeth. Mrs.

Alberta C. Pollard, of this place.head of the English department, has arranged and, is directing the dramatization. W. Warren Seibert, son of Mrs Allie Seibert, of York, formerly of Bloomfield, who for some years has been residing in Flushing. N.

has bought a home in Bayside, N. Y. In a letter to this office directing change of his address, he writes: It is a quite interesting house, having been built for the late Ned Way- burn, well-known dance Mrs. Harold Greany entertained at a birthday lawn party Friday afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock, in honor of her son Mike, 3. Those present were Jimmy Tressler, Sammy Eby, Barbara and Frances Mae Shope, Billy Morrow.

Johnny Mac and Jimmy Long, Pauline Rice, Kenneth Thebes, Brenda and Joyce Wilt and Mike Greany. Games and refreshments were enjoyed by all. He was the recipient of lovely gifts. The United Youth Fellowship of Landisburg are erecting an Honor Roll Plaque on the lawn of the Bank of Landisburg which will be dedicated on Memorial Day, May 30, at 7.30 p. m.

Speaker, District Attorney H. B. Crytzer, New Bloomfield. Music will be furnished by a community band and the Glee Club of the Landisburg High SchooL The Honor Roll is for the 161 men and women in the service from Landisburg and surrounding community. Mr.

George M. German, Mr. J. Lau Snyder and Rev. Glenn W.

Foulke attended a dinner meeting of the Ickesburg Lions Club, Thursday evening. May 10. Rev. Foulke spoke briefly to the club on the work of the American Red Cross Home Ser vice, and extended appreciation for the successful completion of the recent Red Cross Drive in Saville township, which was sponsored by the Lions Club of Ickesburg. Saville township attained 120 of its quota.

D. a he Methodist Rev. Kenneth Ray Rose, pastor. Bloomfield Church School at 9.30 a. morning worship, 10.30; Youth Fellowship, 6.30 p.

m. Walnut Grove Church School at 1.30 p. worship, 2.30 m. Mount Gilead Church School at 9.30 a. m.

Lutheran Rev. Donald L. Rhoads, pastor. Bloomfield Sunday School at 9.30 a. morning worship at 10.30.

High School Baccalaureate service, 7.30 p. m. Mannsville Morning worship at Sunday School, 10. Markelsville Sunday School at 9. Newport Evangelical Charge Rev L.

A. Fuhrman, pastor. Milford Worship at 9.30 a. Sunday School, 10.30 a. C.

E. at 7.30 p. m. Newport Sunday School at 9.30 a. worship, 10.30 a.

m. Liverpool Sunday School at 9.15 a. worship, 7.30 p. m. Evangelical and Reformed Rev Roy C.

Snyder, pastor. Bloomfield Sunday School at 9.30 a. church service, 10.30 a. m. Duncannon Sunday School, 9.30 a.

church service, 7.30 p. m. A meeting of the Superintendents of all the Duncannon Sunday Schools and prospective teachers for the Daily Vacation Church School on Thursday, May 24, at 8 p. in the Methodist church. Markelsville Church service, 9.30 a.

Sunday School, 10.30 a. m. Landisburg Circuit, Church of God Rev. Paul G. Martin, pastor.

Landisburg Sunday School, 9.30. Worship, 10.30. Oak Grove Sunday School, 10.30 a. worship, 9.30 a. m.

Kennedy's Valley Sunday School at 9.30 a. m. Sheaffer's Valley Sunday School at 9.30 a. m. Sandy Hollow Sunday School at 9.30 United Brethren Perry Circuit.

Rev. Harry L. Fehl, pastor. bhermansdale Sunday School at 9.30 a. worship, 10.30 a.

m. Young's Worship at 9.30 a. Sunday School, 10.30 a. m. Reiber's Sunday School at 10.30.

Worship, 7.30 p. m. Dellville Sunday School at 9.30 m. Snyder's Sunday School at 9.30. Bloomfield Sunday School at 9.30.

Mt. Vernon Mission Station Rev. John E. Negley, pastor. Sunday School at 1.30 p.

Mrs. Anna Deitz, superintendent: an old-fashioned hymn sing, in charge of the Menon- lte Gospel Team. Come out and bring your favorite hymn along, and near tnem sing it. In the evening there will be a group of young people with us from Shady Grove to brine specials in song. If you like to hear some good old-fashioned sineine.

come to Mt. Vernon next Sunday. Church of the Nazarene. Blain. Rev.

Laura B. Albright, pastor. Pray-ermeeting, Wednesday at 7.30 p. Sunday School, 9.30 a. morning worship, 10.30 o'clock; Young Peo ple service, 7 p.

evenine wor ship, 7.30 o'clock. Pleasant Valley Brethren in Christ Sunday School, 9.30 a. m. Worship, 10.30 a. m.

Young People's Meeting, 7 p. m. Worship, 7.45 p. m. Tuesday evening prayer service.7.30.

NOTICE TO BIDDERS. The School Board of Saville town ship will meet June 4, at 8 p. in the High School at Ickesburg to let contracts for furnishing wood to the schools in the township; also to let contracts for cleaning toilets and mowing school grounds." Sealed bids will be received for furnishing 50 tons of anthrafcite coal to be deliver ed in the bins of the schools in the township. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Charles R.

Waddell, Secretary. NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Bloomfield Borough School Board will receive sealed bids for bituminous coal for heating purposes for the 1945 and 1946 school term. Bidders to submit specifications as to kind and quality of coal. Bids to be in the hands of Secretary before 7.30 p.

5th, 1945. The Board reserves the right to reject any or an bids. Gantt, Secretary. ATHLETES FOOT GERM Kill it for 35c Requires a PENETRATING mobile liquid, such as full strength alcohol. Powders, salves and mild solutions do not penetrate sufficiently.

Te-ol is the only solution, we know of made with 90 alcohol. Feel it PENE TRATE. REACHES MORE GERMS. Many druggists are now supplied. Small shipment just received at H.

Earl Book's Drug Store. FOR SALE HOGS AND PIGS All Kinds and Sizes. Address, L. E. BINGER, Blain, Pa, E.

C. REISINGER New Bloomfield, Pa. ROOFING SPOUTING PLUMBING HEATING AND SHEET METAL SHOP Telephone Bloomfield 4R2, Millerstowii dR3 FOX Equipped with RCA High Fidelity WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, MAY 23 AND 24. "NAUGHTY MARIETTA" with Jeanette MacDonald, Nelson Eddy and Frank Morgan. FRD3AY AND SATURDAY, MAY 25 AND 26.

"THIRTY SECONDS OVER TOKYO" with Van Johnston, Robert Walker Phyllis Thaxter, Spencer Tracy. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, June 7, 8 and 9, "A SONG TO REMEMBER" with Paul Muni, Merle Oberon, Cornel Wilde, in technicolor. WALNUT GROVE. May 21. J.

K. Lupfer and family had as guests Mr. and Mrs. Penrose Sennett and Mr. E.

J. Huggins, of Harrisburg, Sunday; Mr. John Vance, Eshcol, Friday afternoon. Mrs. May Lupfer spent Saturday with Mrs.

Abe Knisley, Newport R. 2. Mrs. J. K.

Lupfer and daughter, Miss Helen, spent a short time Sun day with the Frank Smith family, Elliottsburg R. D. 1. The latter's son, Wayne Smith, was a dinner and af ternoon guest of Marlin Gutshall, Markelsville. NOTICE TO BIDDERS.

Sealed bids for furnishing wood and cleaning grounds of the schools S. W. Madison township will be received until June 1, 1945. Bids to in hands of Secretary before 7.30 m. on the above date.

Annabel M. Morrison, Secretary. NOTICE TO BIDDERS. The School Board of Tyrone town ship will meet June 2, 1945, to let contracts for furnishing wood to the schools of said township for the 1945-46 term of school; also to let contracts for conveying pupils to the Landisburg High and Elliottsburg schools. Bids must be in the hands the secretary by June 2, 1945.

C. S. Cooper, Secretary, Greenpark, Pa. Dr. Crouse Farm for Sale Dr.

Ruth O. Crouse has authorized me to sell her farm, located at Losh's Run, five miles north of Duncannon. Contains About Eighty Acres, as follows: 55 acres tillable and in production, 10 acres pasture and 15 acres woodland. Large farm house and large barn, implement building, etc. Wants to dispose of it at once.

H. H. HAIN, 102 N. Carlisle Street, New Bloomfield, Pa. United Phone.

14R11. FOR SALE Black Mare, five years old, sound, broken on near side under checks; also, a farm of 98 acres, good productive farm with plenty of fruit and good water; lVz miles from Duncannon on Route 1. John B. George, Duncannon, R. 1.

WANTED All-around Carpenter, general work, rough and finished Steady work. For further particu lars, write or call Luther D. Gross man, Superintendent, Tressler Or phans' Home, Loysville, Pa. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that I will not be responsible for any bills or debts incurred by Mrs.

Freda M. Hench. Pfc. Ralph J. Hench, 425 Amb.

A.P.O. 887, Care of Postmaster, New York, N. Y. FOR SALE House and Lot, one acre, good barn, two garages, and large woodshed, buildings all in good condition. D.

C. McAlister, Sher mansdale, Pa. 5-4-tf. FOR SALE CHICKEN EQUIP ment. Electric incubator and all metal batteries.

Phone 32R3, New Bloomfield, or call at Cupp's Shop, New Bloomfield, Pa. FOR SALE Enameled Kitchen Range, buff color, in good condition Reason for selling, stove not needed Hugh Clark, Loysville, R. 1. 2t FOR SALE: Baled Wheat Straw at my farm near Cold Storage Plant Centre township, two miles north of Bloomfield. H.

O. Sowers, New Bloomfield, Pa. 5-2-3t. FOR SALE McCormick-Deering Tractor Plow, 14-inch bottom, heavy duty. Dean Thomas, Blain, Pa.

FOR SALE 6 -room Frame House 5 acres, tillable land; old barn; ad jacent Sherman's Creek, near Hydro Electric Plant, Loysville. Priced for quick sale, $1500. Apply Floyd Kit- ner at Hydro-Electric Plant, Loys ville. FOR SALE Small Farm of 74 acres, about 50 acres cleared, at Oak Grove, three miles south of Landis burg; also, a garage on the Wag goner's Gap road, near Oak Grove for sale or rent. C.

Cloyd Hull, Lan disburg, Pa. 4-25-6t. WANTED Pillow shams, sheet shams, splashers worked in red, old hardwood furniture, desks, bureaus stands, corner-cupboards, Dutch cup boards, chairs, lamps, small kettles brass or copper; old squirrel rifles with maple stocks, old pictures, col ored glassware and Chinaware, old dolls, penny banks that jump or work, or what have you old? Write, give location. GROVE'S, 63l2 West King Street, Shippensburg, Pa. 4 CALVES WANTED We will pay the highest market prices for calves delivered to our residence in Centre township.

Anyone having calves to sell should call 236, New Bloomfield, and we will come for them. Bring calves Mondaj We will pay 75 cents for delivering calves from nearby points and $1.00 for delivery from any considerable distance. Those having calves for sale in western Perry county should notify John Clouse, Loysville, R. those in the vicinity of Ickesburg, Millerstown, Liverpool, and the eastern section of the county, should notify C. L.

Swartz, Ickesburg, phone 11R2. WM. G. ZEIGLER SON, Phone 236. New Bloomfield.

Pa. a..

The Perry County Democrat from Bloomfield, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Lidia Grady

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